lunes, 9 de diciembre de 2019

Berengar Ii Of Ivrea, King Of Italy ♛ Ref: 183067 |•••► #italia #Genealogia #Genealogy

29 ° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de:
Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo

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(Linea Paterna)
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Berengar II of Ivrea, king of Italy is your 29th great grandfathde→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→   Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna
tu padre → Elena Cecilia Lecuna Escobar 
his mother →  María Elena de la Concepción Escobar Llamosas
her mother → Cecilia Cayetana de la Merced Llamosas Vaamonde de Escobar
her mother →  Cipriano Fernando de Las Llamosas y García
her father → José Lorenzo de las Llamozas Silva
his father →  Joseph Julián Llamozas Ranero
his father →  Manuel Llamosas y Requecens
his father → Isabel de Requesens 
his mother →  Luis de Requeséns y Zúñiga, Virrey de Holanda
her father →  Juan de Zúñiga Avellaneda y Velasco
his father → Pedro de Zúñiga y Avellaneda, II conde de Miranda del Castañar
his father →  Diego López de Zúñiga y Guzmán, I conde de Miranda del Castañar
his father → D. Pedro López de Zúñiga y García de Leyva, I Conde de Ledesma, Conde de Plasencia
his father → Dª. Juana García de Leyva, Señora de Hacinas, Quintanilla y Villavaquerín
his mother →  Juan Martínez de Leyva, III
su padre → Isabella Plantagenet 
su madre → Edward III, rey de Inglaterra 
su padre → Eduardo II, rey de Inglaterra 
su padre → Leonor de Castilla, reina consorte de Inglaterra 
su madre → Fernando "el Santo", rey de Castilla y León 
her father →  Berenguela I la Grande, reina de Castilla
his mother →  Alfonso VIII el Noble, rey de Castilla
her father → Sancho III el Deseado, rey de Castilla
su padre → Alfonso VII el emperador, rey de Castilla y León 
su padre → Raymond de Borgoña, conde de Galicia 
su padre → Guillermo el Grande, conde de Borgoña 
su padre → Reginald I "Comte de Bourgogne" Ivrea, conde palatino de Borgoña 
su padre → Otto Guillermo I, conde de Borgoña y Macon 
su padre → Adalberto II, rey de Italia 
su padre → Berengar II de Ivrea, rey de Italia 
su padre muestra camino corto | comparte este camino

Berengar II de Ivrea, rey de Italia MP 
Italiano: Berengario II de Ivrea, rey de Italia, francés: Bérenger II de Ivrea, rey de Italia, latín: Berengario de Ivrea, rey de Italia
Género: masculino
Nacimiento: alrededor de 900 
Turín, Piamonte, Cerdeña  
Muerte: 4 de agosto de 966 (62-70) 
Bamberg, Alta Franconia, Baviera, Alemania 
Lugar de entierro: Francia
Familia inmediata:
Hijo de Adelbert I, Margrave de Ivrea y Gisla del Friuli 
Marido de Willa 
Padre de Adalberto II, rey de Italia; Guido, marqués de Ivrea; Gisla d'Ivrea; Conrad de Ivrea, Conon; Gilberga d'Ivrea y 2 personas más 
Hermano de Bertha Anscarica, abadesa de Módena
Medio hermano de Anscario II de Ivrea, Marqués de Camarín y Adalberto Acto II de Ivrea, conde de Pombia 
Agregado por: Sherry Cadenhead Klein el 3 de marzo de 2007
Gestionado por:   Ric Dickinson y otros 347
Comisariada por: Günther Kipp
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Berengar II de Italia

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"Berengar II" vuelve a dirigir aquí. Ver también Berengar II de Neustria .
Berengar II
Otto 1 manuscrito Mediolanense c 1200.jpg
Berengar se inclina ante el rey Otto, Manuscriptum Mediolanense , c. 1200
Rey de italia
Reinado 950-961
Predecesor Lotario II
Sucesor Otto I
Margrave de Ivrea
Reinado 923-966
Predecesor Adalberto I
Sucesor Adalberto II
Nacido do. 900
Murió 4 de agosto de 966 Castillo de
Marcha del Nordgau ,
Reino de Alemania
Esposa Willa de Toscana
Problema Adalberto de Italia
Chico de Ivrea
Conrad de Ivrea
Rozala de Italia
Casa Anscaridos
Padre Adalberto I de Ivrea
Madre Gisela de Friuli
Berengario II (c 900 -. 4 de agosto de 966) fue el rey de Italia desde 950 hasta su deposición en 961. Era un descendiente de los Anscarid y Unruoching dinastías, y lleva el nombre de su abuelo materno, Berengario I . Sucedió a su padre como Margrave de Ivrea alrededor de 923 (de donde a menudo se le conoce como Berengar de Ivrea ), y después de 940 lideró la oposición aristocrática a los reyes Hugh y Lothair II . En 950 sucedió a este último y tuvo a su hijo, Adalberto coronado como su co-gobernante. En 952 reconoció la soberanía de Otto I de Alemania., pero luego se unió a una revuelta contra él. En 960 invadió los Estados Pontificios , y al año siguiente su reino fue conquistado por Otto. Berengar permaneció en libertad hasta su rendición en 964. Murió encarcelado en Alemania dos años después.

1 Gobernante Ivrea (923–50)
2 Italia dominante (950–61)
3 Perder el control y la muerte (961-966)
4 notas
5 enlaces externos
Gobernante Ivrea (923–50)
Berengar era hijo de Margrave Adalbert I de Ivrea y su esposa Gisela de Friuli , hija del rey Unruoching Berengar I de Italia . Sucedió a su padre como margrave hacia 923 y se casó con Willa , hija del margrave bosónido Boso de Toscana y sobrina del rey Hugo de Italia . La cronista Liutprand de Cremona , criada en la corte de Berengar en Pavía , da varios relatos particularmente vívidos de su personaje. [1]

Alrededor de 940 Berengar encabezó una revuelta de nobles italianos contra el gobierno de su tío. Para evadir un asalto de los secuaces de Hugh, él, advertido por el joven hijo del rey Lothair , tuvo que huir a la corte del rey Otto I de Alemania . Otto evitó tomar partido; sin embargo, en 945 Berengar pudo regresar a Italia con tropas contratadas, acogido por la nobleza local. Hugh fue derrotado y retirado a Arles , y Lothair le sucedió nominalmente. Desde el momento del exitoso levantamiento de Berengar, todo el poder real y el patrocinio en el Reino de Italia se concentraron en sus manos, con el hijo de Hugh, Lothair, como rey titular. El breve reinado de Lothair terminó con su temprana muerte en 950, presumiblemente envenenado.

Italia gobernante (950–61)
Berengar asumió el título real con su hijo Adalbert como co-gobernante. Intentó legitimar su realeza obligando a la viuda de Lothair, Adelaida , la hija, nuera respectiva y viuda de los últimos tres reyes italianos, a casarse con Adalbert. Sin embargo, la joven se negó ferozmente, después de lo cual Berengar la encarceló en el castillo de Garda , supuestamente maltratada por la esposa de Berengar, Willa. Con la ayuda del conde Adalbert Atto de Canossa, ella logró huir y suplicó la protección del rey Otto de Alemania. Otto, viudo desde 946, aprovechó la oportunidad para ganar la Corona de Hierro de Lombardía.: Las solicitudes de intervención de Adelaide resultaron en su invasión 951 de Italia. Berengar tuvo que atrincherarse en San Marino , mientras que Otto recibió el homenaje de la nobleza italiana, se casó con Adelaide y asumió el título de Rey de los Lombardos . Posteriormente regresó a Alemania , nombrando a su yerno Conrad, el regente italiano rojo en Pavía.

Berengar, de la agencia de Conrad, apareció en el Reichstag 952 en Augsburgo y rindió homenaje a Otto. Él y su hijo Adalberto siguieron siendo reyes italianos como vasallos de Otto, aunque tuvieron que cederle el territorio de la antigua Marcha de Friuli , que el rey alemán confiscó a su hermano menor, el duque Enrique I de Baviera, como la Marcha Imperial de Verona . Cuando Otto tuvo que lidiar con la revuelta de su hijo, el duque Liudolf de Suabia en 953, Berengar atacó la marcha veronesa y también asedió el castillo Canossa del conde Adalbert Atto .

Perder el control y la muerte (961-966)
En 960, Berengar invadió los Estados Pontificios bajo el Papa Juan XII , en cuya apelación finalmente el Rey Otto, con el objetivo de su coronación como Sacro Emperador Romano , nuevamente marchó contra Italia. Las tropas de Berengar lo abandonaron y Otto en Navidad de 961 había tomado Pavia por defecto y declaró a Berengar depuesto. Se dirigió a Roma , donde fue coronado emperador el 2 de febrero de 962. Luego se volvió una vez más contra Berengar, que fue asediado en San Leo .

Mientras tanto, el papa Juan había entrado en negociaciones con el hijo de Berengar, Adalberto, lo que en 963 hizo que Otto se mudara a Roma, donde depuso al papa y eligió al papa León VIII . Al año siguiente, Berengar finalmente se rindió a las fuerzas de Otto, fue capturado y encarcelado en Bamberg en Alemania, donde murió en agosto de 966. [2] Su esposa Willa pasó el resto de su vida en un convento de monjas alemán.
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Inglés (predeterminado) editar | historia
Berengar II - Wikipedia -Alemán
Berenger II - Wikipedia - Francés
Berengar II de Ivrea

Berengar II de Ivrea
Berengar II (ca. 900 - Bamberg, 6 de julio de 966) fue marqués de Ivrea de 928 a 950 y rey ​​de Italia de 950 a 961.

Berengar de Ivrea (c. 900 - murió el 6 de julio de 966), a veces también conocido como Berengar II de Italia, fue margrave de Ivrea y usurpador rey de Italia. Era de ascendencia lombarda.
Era hijo de Adalberto I de Ivrea y Gisela de Friuli. Sus abuelos maternos fueron Berengar I de Italia y Bertila de Spoleto.

Berengar II de Italia
Berengar de Ivrea (antes de 913-966), a veces también conocido como Berengar II de Italia, fue margrave de Ivrea y usurpador rey de Italia. Era de ascendencia lombarda.

Era hijo de Adalberto I de Ivrea y Gisela de Friuli. Sus abuelos maternos fueron Berengar I de Italia y Bertila de Spoleto.

Desde el momento de la exitosa sublevación de los nobles por parte de Berengar en 945, todo el poder real y el patrocinio en el Reino de Italia se concentraron en sus manos. Por lo tanto, el poder del rey en Italia era nominal y, tras el levantamiento, Berengar se convirtió en el rey efectivo de Italia al retirarse a Provenza de Hugo de Arles, quien dejó a su joven hijo Lothar como rey titular. El breve reinado de Lotario terminó con su muerte en 950.

Berengar, por su parte, intentó legitimar su gobierno en Lombardía obligando a la viuda de Lothar, Adelaida, la respectiva hija, nuera y viuda de los últimos tres reyes de Italia, a casarse con su hijo Adalbert. En cambio, suplicó la protección de Otto, rey de Alemania, con quien se casó. Berengar aprovechó la oportunidad y se declaró rey, con su hijo como co-rey. Las solicitudes de intervención de Adelaide dieron como resultado la invasión de Otto en 951. Otto recibió el homenaje de la nobleza italiana y asumió el título de Rey de los Lombardos. Forzó a Berengar a rendirle homenaje (952) y se casó con Adelaide.

Berengar y su hijo Adalbert siguieron siendo reyes como vasallos de Otto. Después de 960, atacaron al Papa Juan XII, en cuyo llamamiento Otto marchó a Roma y fue coronado emperador (962). Las negociaciones posteriores de John con Berengar hicieron que Otto destituyera al papa y capturara y encarcelara a Berengar en Alemania (963).

Su consorte era Willa, la hija de Boso, conde de Arles y Aviñón y margrave de la Toscana; maltrató a Adelaide cuando Berengar la mantuvo cautiva durante varios meses en 951. El cronista Liutprand de Cremona, criado en su corte en Pavia, da varios relatos particularmente vívidos del carácter de Willa. La mantuvieron cautiva en un convento de monjas alemán.

Ocupación: Rey de Italia 950-961 Padre: Adelbert de Ivrea (- 928) Madre: Gisela de Italia

Nacido: alrededor de 900 Ivrea, Italia 1) Muerte: 966-08-06 Barnberg, Alemania 1)

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Familia con Willa de Arles (910-966) Niños: Rosalie de Italia (955-1003)

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Fuentes

1) Directorio de datos genealógicos reales, Hull, Inglaterra
Berengar II de Italia De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre Saltar a navegación, buscar "Berengar II" redirige aquí. Para el margrave de Neustria, vea Berengar II de Neustria.

Berengar de Ivrea (antes de 913 - murió el 6 de julio de 966), a veces también conocido como Berengar II de Italia, fue margrave de Ivrea y usurpador rey de Italia. Era de ascendencia lombarda.

Era hijo de Adalberto I de Ivrea y Gisela de Friuli. Sus abuelos maternos fueron Berengar I de Italia y Bertila de Spoleto.

Desde el momento de la exitosa sublevación de los nobles por parte de Berengar en 945, todo el poder real y el patrocinio en el Reino de Italia se concentraron en sus manos. Por lo tanto, el poder del rey en Italia era nominal y, tras el levantamiento, Berengar se convirtió en el rey efectivo de Italia al retirarse a Provenza de Hugo de Arles, quien dejó a su joven hijo Lothar como rey titular. El breve reinado de Lotario terminó con su muerte en 950.

Berengar, for his part, then attempted to legitimize his rule in Lombardy by forcing Lothar's widow Adelaide, the respective daughter, daughter-in-law, and widow of the last three kings of Italy, into marriage with his son Adalbert. Instead she entreated the protection of Otto, King of Germany, whom she married. Berengar then seized the opportunity and declared himself king, with his son as co-king. Adelaide's requests for intervention resulted in Otto's invasion in 951. Otto received the homage of the Italian nobility and assumed the title of a King of the Lombards. He forced Berengar to pay him homage (952) and married Adelaide himself.

Berengar y su hijo Adalbert siguieron siendo reyes como vasallos de Otto. Después de 960, atacaron al Papa Juan XII, en cuyo llamamiento Otto marchó a Roma y fue coronado emperador (962). Las negociaciones posteriores de John con Berengar hicieron que Otto destituyera al papa y capturara y encarcelara a Berengar en Alemania (963).

Su consorte era Willa, la hija de Boso, conde de Arles y Aviñón y margrave de la Toscana; maltrató a Adelaide cuando Berengar la mantuvo cautiva durante varios meses en 951. El cronista Liutprand de Cremona, criado en su corte en Pavia, ofrece varios relatos particularmente vívidos del carácter de Willa. [1] La mantuvieron cautiva en un convento de monjas alemán.


1. ^ Antapodosis ("Libro de retribuciones") III.1; IV.11-12; V.32.
Berengar de Ivrea (antes de 913-966), a veces también conocido como Berengar II de Italia, fue margrave de Ivrea y usurpador rey de Italia. Era de ascendencia lombarda. Era hijo de Adalberto I de Ivrea y Gisela de Friuli. Sus abuelos maternos fueron Berengar I de Italia y Bertila de Spoleto. Desde el momento de la exitosa sublevación de los nobles por parte de Berengar en 945, todo el poder real y el patrocinio en el Reino de Italia se concentraron en sus manos. Por lo tanto, el poder del rey en Italia era nominal y, tras el levantamiento, Berengar se convirtió en el rey efectivo de Italia al retirarse a Provenza de Hugo de Arles, quien dejó a su joven hijo Lothar como rey titular. El breve reinado de Lothair terminó con su muerte en 950. Berengar, por su parte, intentó legitimar su gobierno en Lombardía obligando a Adelaide, la viuda de Lothar. la respectiva hija, nuera y viuda de los últimos tres reyes de Italia, en matrimonio con su hijo Adalbert. En cambio, suplicó la protección de Otto, rey de Alemania, con quien se casó. Berengar aprovechó la oportunidad y se declaró rey, con su hijo como co-rey. Las solicitudes de intervención de Adelaide dieron como resultado la invasión de Otto en 951. Otto recibió el homenaje de la nobleza italiana y asumió el título de Rey de los Lombardos. Forzó a Berengar a rendirle homenaje (952) y se casó con Adelaide. Berengar y su hijo Adalbert siguieron siendo reyes como vasallos de Otto. Después de 960, atacaron al Papa Juan XII, en cuyo llamamiento Otto marchó a Roma y fue coronado emperador (962). Las negociaciones posteriores de John con Berengar hicieron que Otto destituyera al papa y capturara y encarcelara a Berengar en Alemania (963). Su consorte era Willa, la hija de Boso, conde de Arles y Aviñón y margrave de la Toscana; maltrató a Adelaide cuando Berengar la mantuvo cautiva durante varios meses en 951. El cronista Liutprand de Cremona, criado en su corte en Pavia, ofrece varios relatos particularmente vívidos del carácter de Willa. [1] La mantuvieron cautiva en un convento de monjas alemán.

De en Berenger II de Italia

La familia de Bérenger II de ITALIA y Willa d'ARLES [133836] ITALIA (d '), Bérenger II (Adalberto II y Ermengarde de IVREE [133791]), rey de Italia

casado alrededor de 936
ARLES (d '), Willa (Boson & ..) 1) Adalbert, virrey de Italia, se casó con 955 Gerberge de Mâcon

Bibliografía: La sangre de Carlomagno

Berengar II d'Ivrea, Rey de Italia M, # 3913, b. circa 900, d. 6 de agosto de 966 Última edición = 10 de mayo de 2003

Berengar II d'Ivrea, rey de Italia nació alrededor del año 900. Era hijo de Abelbreta d'Ivrea y Gisella (?). Se casó con Willa di Toscana, hija de Boson di Toscana, Marchese di Toscana y Willa II di Borgogna, antes de 936. Murió el 6 de agosto de 966. Berengar II d'Ivrea, rey de Italia ganó el título de rey Berengar II de Italia en 950. Fue depuesto como rey de Italia en 963.
Hijos de Berengar II d'Ivrea, Rey de Italia y Willa di Toscana -1. Urraca d'Ivrea + -2. Adalberto, rey de Italia d. c 9721 -2. Rozela d'Ivrea + b. BT 950-960, d. 25 ene 1003


Berenger I de Fuili, Emperador de Italia M, # 113576, d. 924 Última edición = 10 de septiembre de 2005

Berenger I of Fuili, Emperor of Italy was the son of Eberhard of Fuili, Markgraf of Fuili and Gisela d'Aquitaine. He died in 924.1 Berenger I of Fuili, Emperor of Italy gained the title of King Berengar of Italy in 888. (2) He gained the title of Emperor Berengar I of Italy in 915.
Children of Berenger I of Fuili, Emperor of Italy -1. Gisella (?)+ -2. Rosela of Italy d. 1003 (2)

Forrás / Source:

Link: Link:
Berengar of Ivrea (c. 900 - died July 6, 966), sometimes also referred to as Berengar II of Italy, was margrave of Ivrea, and usurper King of Italy. He was of Lombard descent.
He was a son of Adalbert I of Ivrea and Gisela of Friuli. His maternal grandparents were Berengar I of Italy and Bertila of Spoleto.

From the time of Berengar's successful uprising of the nobles in 945, all real power and patronage in the Kingdom of Italy was concentrated in his hands. Thus, the king's power in Italy was nominal and, following the uprising, Berengar became the effective King of Italy upon the withdrawal to Provence of Hugh of Arles, who left his young son Lothar as titular king. Lothair's brief reign ended upon his death in 950.

His consort was Willa, the daughter of Boso, count of Arles and Avignon and margrave of Tuscany; she mistreated Adelaide when Berengar held her captive for several months in 951. The chronicler Liutprand of Cremona, raised at his court at Pavia, gives several particularly vivid accounts of Willa's character.[1] She was held captive in a German nunnery. son Adalbert

From Wikipedia:
Berengar of Ivrea (c. 900 - died July 6, 966), sometimes also referred to as Berengar II of Italy, was margrave of Ivrea, and usurper King of Italy. He was of Lombard descent.

He was a son of Adalbert I of Ivrea and Gisela of Friuli, and maternal grandson of Berengar I of Italy.

From the time of Berengar's successful uprising of the nobles in 945, all real power and patronage in the Kingdom of Italy was concentrated in his hands. Thus, the king's power in Italy was nominal and Berengar became the effective King of Italy upon the withdrawal to Provence of Hugh of Arles, who left his young son Lothar as titular king. Lothair's brief reign ended upon his death in 950.

Berengar, for his part, then attempted to legitimize his rule in Lombardy by forcing Lothar's widow Adelaide, the respective daughter, daughter-in-law, and widow of the last three kings of Italy, into marriage with his son Adalbert. Instead she entreated the protection of Otto, King of Germany. Berengar then seized the opportunity and declared himself king, with his son as co-king. Adelaide's requests for intervention resulted in Otto's invasion in 951. Otto received the homage of the Italian nobility and assumed the title of a King of the Lombards. He forced Berengar to pay him homage (952) and married Adelaide himself.

Berengar and his son Adalbert remained kings as Otto's vassals. After 960, they attacked Pope John XII, on whose appeal Otto marched into Rome and was crowned emperor (962). John's subsequent negotiations with Berengar caused Otto to depose the pope and capture and imprison Berengar in Germany (963).

His consort was Willa, the daughter of Boso, count of Arles and Avignon and margrave of Tuscany; she mistreated Adelaide when Berengar held her captive for several months in 951. The chronicler Liutprand of Cremona, raised at his court at Pavia, gives several particularly vivid accounts of Willa's character.

Berengar of Ivrea (c. 900 - died July 6, 966), sometimes also referred to as Berengar II of Italy, was margrave of Ivrea, and usurper King of Italy. He was of Lombard descent.
He was a son of Adalbert I of Ivrea and Gisela of Friuli, and maternal grandson of Berengar I of Italy.

From the time of Berengar's successful uprising of the nobles in 945, all real power and patronage in the Kingdom of Italy was concentrated in his hands. Thus, the king's power in Italy was nominal and Berengar became the effective King of Italy upon the withdrawal to Provence of Hugh of Arles, who left his young son Lothar as titular king. Lothair's brief reign ended upon his death in 950.

Berengar, for his part, then attempted to legitimize his rule in Lombardy by forcing Lothar's widow Adelaide, the respective daughter, daughter-in-law, and widow of the last three kings of Italy, into marriage with his son Adalbert. Instead she entreated the protection of Otto, King of Germany. Berengar then seized the opportunity and declared himself king, with his son as co-king. Adelaide's requests for intervention resulted in Otto's invasion in 951. Otto received the homage of the Italian nobility and assumed the title of a King of the Lombards. He forced Berengar to pay him homage (952) and married Adelaide himself.

Berengar and his son Adalbert remained kings as Otto's vassals. After 960, they attacked Pope John XII, on whose appeal Otto marched into Rome and was crowned emperor (962). John's subsequent negotiations with Berengar caused Otto to depose the pope and capture and imprison Berengar in Germany (963).

His consort was Willa, the daughter of Boso, count of Arles and Avignon and margrave of Tuscany; she mistreated Adelaide when Berengar held her captive for several months in 951. The chronicler Liutprand of Cremona, raised at his court at Pavia, gives several particularly vivid accounts of Willa's character.[1] She was held captive in a German nunnery.

 Notes 1.^ Antapodosis ("Book of Retributions") III.1; IV.11-12; V.32. Regnal titles Preceded by Lothar II King of Italy 950–963 Succeeded by Otto I

 External links FMG on Berengar II, the Margrave of Ivrea Retrieved from "" Categories: 966 deaths | House of Ivrea | Margraves of Ivrea | Italian monarchs | 10th-century rulers in Europe

Berengar of Ivrea (c. 900 - died July 6, 966), sometimes also referred to as Berengar II of Italy, was margrave of Ivrea, and usurper King of Italy. He was of Lombard descent. He was a son of Adalbert I of Ivrea and Gisela of Friuli, and maternal grandson of Berengar I of Italy. From the time of Berengar's successful uprising of the nobles in 945, all real power and patronage in the Kingdom of Italy was concentrated in his hands. Thus, the king's power in Italy was nominal and Berengar became the effective King of Italy upon the withdrawal to Provence of Hugh of Arles, who left his young son Lothar as titular king. Lothair's brief reign ended upon his death in 950. Berengar, for his part, then attempted to legitimize his rule in Lombardy by forcing Lothar's widow Adelaide, the respective daughter, daughter-in-law, and widow of the last three kings of Italy, into marriage with his son Adalbert. Instead she entreated the protection of Otto, King of Germany. Berengar then seized the opportunity and declared himself king, with his son as co-king. Adelaide's requests for intervention resulted in Otto's invasion in 951. Otto received the homage of the Italian nobility and assumed the title of a King of the Lombards. He forced Berengar to pay him homage (952) and married Adelaide himself. Berengar and his son Adalbert remained kings as Otto's vassals. After 960, they attacked Pope John XII, on whose appeal Otto marched into Rome and was crowned emperor (962). John's subsequent negotiations with Berengar caused Otto to depose the pope and capture and imprison Berengar in Germany (963). His consort was Willa, the daughter of Boso, count of Arles and Avignon and margrave of Tuscany; she mistreated Adelaide when Berengar held her captive for several months in 951. The chronicler Liutprand of Cremona, raised at his court at Pavia, gives several particularly vivid accounts of Willa's character.[1] She was held captive in a German nunnery.
Wikipedia: Berengar II. (* ca. 900; † 6. August 966 in Bamberg) war Markgraf von Ivrea (925-964) und König von Italien (950-961) (und damit einer der Nationalkönige). Leben [Bearbeiten]
Berengar war der Sohn des Markgrafen Adalbert I. von Ivrea und von Gisela, Tochter des Unruochingers Berengar I., und damit ein Nachkomme Karls des Großen. 925 wurde er als Nachfolger seines Vaters Markgraf von Ivrea.

Er lehnte sich gegen König Hugo I. von Italien auf, dessen Nichte Willa, die Tochter von Boso, Markgraf von Tuscien, er geheiratet hatte, musste aber 940 zum ostfränkischen König Otto I. fliehen. 945 kehrte er mit einem kleinen Heer zurück und wurde von den Städten und Baronen des Landes als Befreier begrüßt.

Nach der Abdankung Hugos im Jahr 946 erhielt zwar dessen 18-jähriger Sohn Lothar II. den Königstitel, aber Berengar II. herrschte an seiner Stelle, bis Lothar 950 plötzlich starb und die lombardischen Herrscher Berengar II. und seinen Sohn Adelbert zu Königen wählten. Als Lothars junge Witwe Adelheid sich weigerte, Adelbert zu heiraten, sperrte Berengar II. sie 951 in einen Turm des Schlosses Garda. Sie entkam, rief Otto I. um Hilfe an. Dieser zog nach Italien, besiegte Berengar II., heiratete Adelheid selbst und ließ sich ohne Krönung zum König der Langobarden erklären. Berengar hatte sich in die Gebirgsfestung San Marino zurückgezogen. Der wieder über die Alpen abziehende Otto ließ seinen Schwiegersohn Konrad den Roten in Italien zurück. Der brachte Berengar durch Verhandlungen dazu, 952 als Vasall Ottos I. zum Augsburger Reichstag zu kommen. Darauf erhielten er und sein Sohn das Königreich Italien unter Abgabe der Markgrafschaft Verona und des Herzogtums Friaul an das Herzogtum Bayern als königliches Lehen.

Während des Aufstands von Ottos Sohn Liudolf 953/54 war die ottonische Herrschaft geschwächt, was Berengar II. dazu nutzte, die abgetrennten Gebiete zurückzuerobern. Dabei ging er auch gegen den Papst und mehrere norditalienische Adlige vor. Als Berengar den Markgrafen Azzo in Canossa belagerte, schickte Otto ein Heer unter seinem zwischenzeitig wieder in die Huld aufgenommenen Liudolf. Dieser drängte den König 957 zurück in seine Festung San Giulio, von wo er bald darauf von seinen eignen Leuten ausgeliefert, aber von Liudolf entlassen wurde. Nach Liudolfs Tod am 6. September 957 übernahm Berengar wieder die Herrschaft in Italien. Als Papst Johannes XII. und die italienischen Adligen Otto erneut um Hilfe anriefen, begab der König sich 961 selbst auf einen Italienzug. Als dieser anrückte, weigerten sich Berengars Truppen zu kämpfen. Im August 961 eroberte Otto nach kurzem Kampf Pavia und erklärte Berengar für abgesetzt. Dieser floh und verschanzte sich auf seiner Festung San Leo im Gebiet von Montefeltro, bis er sich 964 schließlich ergab. Otto I. schickte den Gefangenen nach Bamberg, wo er 966 starb. Seine Gemahlin Willa ging in ein Kloster, seine Söhne starben in der Verbannung. Weblinks [Bearbeiten]


Royal Titles: King of Italy
Berengar of Ivrea (before 913-966), sometimes also referred to as Berengar II of Italy, was margrave of Ivrea, and usurper King of Italy. He was of Lombard descent.
He was a son of Adalbert I of Ivrea and Gisela of Friuli. His maternal grandparents were Berengar I of Italy and Bertila of Spoleto.

From the time of Berengar's successful uprising of the nobles in 945, all real power and patronage in the Kingdom of Italy was concentrated in his hands. Thus, the king's power in Italy was nominal and, following the uprising, Berengar became the effective King of Italy upon the withdrawal to Provence of Hugh of Arles, who left his young son Lothar as titular king. Lothair's brief reign ended upon his death in 950.

Berengar, for his part, then attempted to legitimize his rule in Lombardy by forcing Lothar's widow Adelaide, the respective daughter, daughter-in-law, and widow of the last three kings of Italy, into marriage with his son Adalbert. Instead she entreated the protection of Otto, King of Germany, whom she married. Berengar then seized the opportunity and declared himself king, with his son as co-king. Adelaide's requests for intervention resulted in Otto's invasion in 951, where Berengar was forced to pay homage to the German king (952). Otto, a widower, subsequently married Adelaide himself. Berengar was deposed by Otto, and Northern Italy came under direct control of the German kingdom.

Berengar continued in his position as a vassal of the Empire. Later (from 960) Berengar and his son Adalbert attacked Pope John XII, on whose appeal Otto marched into Rome and was crowned emperor (962). John's subsequent negotiations with Berengar caused Otto to depose the pope and capture and imprison Berengar in Germany (963).

His consort was Willa, the daughter of Boso, count of Arles and Avignon and margrave of Tuscany; she mistreated Adelaide when Berengar held her captive for several months in 951. The chronicler Liutprand of Cremona, raised at his court at Pavia, gives several particularly vivid accounts of Willa's character.[1] She was held captive in a German nunnery.

Berengar of Ivrea (before 913-966), sometimes also referred to as Berengar II of Italy, was margrave of Ivrea, and usurper King of Italy. He was of Lombard descent.

He was a son of Adalbert I of Ivrea and Gisela of Friuli. His maternal grandparents were Berengar I of Italy and Bertila of Spoleto.

From the time of Berengar's successful uprising of the nobles in 945, all real power and patronage in the Kingdom of Italy was concentrated in his hands. Thus, the king's power in Italy was nominal and, following the uprising, Berengar became the effective King of Italy upon the withdrawal to Provence of Hugh of Arles, who left his young son Lothar as titular king. Lothair's brief reign ended upon his death in 950.

Berengar, for his part, then attempted to legitimize his rule in Lombardy by forcing Lothar's widow Adelaide, the respective daughter, daughter-in-law, and widow of the last three kings of Italy, into marriage with his son Adalbert. Instead she entreated the protection of Otto, King of Germany, whom she married. Berengar then seized the opportunity and declared himself king, with his son as co-king. Adelaide's requests for intervention resulted in Otto's invasion in 951. Otto received the homage of the Italian nobility and assumed the title of a King of the Lombards. He forced Berengar to pay him homage (952) and married Adelaide himself.

Berengar and his son Adalbert remained kings as Otto's vassals. After 960, they attacked Pope John XII, on whose appeal Otto marched into Rome and was crowned emperor (962). John's subsequent negotiations with Berengar caused Otto to depose the pope and capture and imprison Berengar in Germany (963).

His consort was Willa, the daughter of Boso, count of Arles and Avignon and margrave of Tuscany; she mistreated Adelaide when Berengar held her captive for several months in 951. The chronicler Liutprand of Cremona, raised at his court at Pavia, gives several particularly vivid accounts of Willa's character.[1] She was held captive in a German nunnery.

Father: Adelbert di Ivrea Mother: Gisele de Friuli
Aliases: Berenger of Ivrea II

Title: BET 950 AND 961 in King of Italy, Rome, Roma, Italy Title: Marquis of Ivrea, Torino, Piedmont, Italy Alt. Birth: ABT 900 in Lombardy, Italy Alt. Death: 6 AUG 961 in Bamberg, Oberfranken, Bavaria, Schwaben, Germany Spouses & Children Willa de Medici (Wife) Marriage: 936 in Milan, Milano, Lombardy, Italy Children:

1. DescendantsAdalbert I di Lombardy 2. DescendantsRosele Lombardy 3. DescendantsGerberga d'Ivree 4. DescendantsUrracca Lombardy
Berengar of Ivrea (before 913-966), sometimes also referred to as Berengar II of Italy, was margrave of Ivrea, and usurper King of Italy. He was of Lombard descent.

He was a son of Adalbert I of Ivrea and Gisela of Friuli. His maternal grandparents were Berengar I of Italy and Bertila of Spoleto.

From the time of Berengar's successful uprising of the nobles in 945, all real power and patronage in the Kingdom of Italy was concentrated in his hands. Thus, the king's power in Italy was nominal and, following the uprising, Berengar became the effective King of Italy upon the withdrawal to Provence of Hugh of Arles, who left his young son Lothar as titular king. Lothair's brief reign ended upon his death in 950.

Berengar, for his part, then attempted to legitimize his rule in Lombardy by forcing Lothar's widow Adelaide, the respective daughter, daughter-in-law, and widow of the last three kings of Italy, into marriage with his son Adalbert. Instead she entreated the protection of Otto, King of Germany, whom she married. Berengar then seized the opportunity and declared himself king, with his son as co-king. Adelaide's requests for intervention resulted in Otto's invasion in 951. Otto received the homage of the Italian nobility and assumed the title of a King of the Lombards. He forced Berengar to pay him homage (952) and married Adelaide himself.

Berengar and his son Adalbert remained kings as Otto's vassals. After 960, they attacked Pope John XII, on whose appeal Otto marched into Rome and was crowned emperor (962). John's subsequent negotiations with Berengar caused Otto to depose the pope and capture and imprison Berengar in Germany (963).

Berengar of Ivrea (before 913-966), sometimes also referred to as Berengar II of Italy, was margrave of Ivrea, and usurper King of Italy. He was of Lombard descent.
He was a son of Adalbert I of Ivrea and Gisela of Friuli. His maternal grandparents were Berengar I of Italy and Bertila of Spoleto.

From the time of Berengar's successful uprising of the nobles in 945, all real power and patronage in the Kingdom of Italy was concentrated in his hands. Thus, the king's power in Italy was nominal and, following the uprising, Berengar became the effective King of Italy upon the withdrawal to Provence of Hugh of Arles, who left his young son Lothar as titular king. Lothair's brief reign ended upon his death in 950.

Berengar, for his part, then attempted to legitimize his rule in Lombardy by forcing Lothar's widow Adelaide, the respective daughter, daughter-in-law, and widow of the last three kings of Italy, into marriage with his son Adalbert. Instead she entreated the protection of Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor, whom she married. Berengar then seized the opportunity and declared himself king, with his son as co-king. Adelaide's requests for intervention resulted in Otto I's invasion in 951, where Berengar was forced to pay homage to the Emperor (952). Otto, a widower, subsequently married Adelaide himself. Berengar was deposed by Otto, and Northern Italy came under direct control of the Holy Roman Empire.

Berengar continued in his position as a vassal of the Empire. Later (from 960) Berengar and his son Adalbert attacked Pope John XII, on whose appeal Otto marched into Rome and was crowned emperor (962). John's subsequent negotiations with Berengar caused Otto to depose the pope and capture and imprison Berengar in Germany (963).

His consort was Willa, the daughter of Boso, count of Arles and Avignon and margrave of Tuscany; she mistreated Adelaide when Berengar held her captive for several months in 951. The chronicler Liutprand of Cremona, raised at his court at Pavia, gives several particularly vivid accounts of Willa's character.[1] She was held captive in a German nunnery.

Berengar of Ivrea (before 913-966), sometimes also referred to as Berengar II of Italy, was margrave of Ivrea, and usurper King of Italy. He was of Lombard descent.
He was a son of Adalbert I of Ivrea and Gisela of Friuli. His maternal grandparents were Berengar I of Italy and Bertila of Spoleto.

From the time of Berengar's successful uprising of the nobles in 945, all real power and patronage in the Kingdom of Italy was concentrated in his hands. Thus, the king's power in Italy was nominal and, following the uprising, Berengar became the effective King of Italy upon the withdrawal to Provence of Hugh of Arles, who left his young son Lothar as titular king. Lothair's brief reign ended upon his death in 950.

Berengar, for his part, then attempted to legitimize his rule in Lombardy by forcing Lothar's widow Adelaide, the respective daughter, daughter-in-law, and widow of the last three kings of Italy, into marriage with his son Adalbert. Instead she entreated the protection of Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor, whom she married. Berengar then seized the opportunity and declared himself king, with his son as co-king. Adelaide's requests for intervention resulted in Otto I's invasion in 951, where Berengar was forced to pay homage to the Emperor (952). Otto, a widower, subsequently married Adelaide himself. Berengar was deposed by Otto, and Northern Italy came under direct control of the Holy Roman Empire.

Berengar continued in his position as a vassal of the Empire. Later (from 960) Berengar and his son Adalbert attacked Pope John XII, on whose appeal Otto marched into Rome and was crowned emperor (962). John's subsequent negotiations with Berengar caused Otto to depose the pope and capture and imprison Berengar in Germany (963).

His consort was Willa, the daughter of Boso, count of Arles and Avignon and margrave of Tuscany; she mistreated Adelaide when Berengar held her captive for several months in 951. The chronicler Liutprand of Cremona, raised at his court at Pavia, gives several particularly vivid accounts of Willa's character.[1] She was held captive in a German nunnery.

Berengar II of Italy From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Berengar of Ivrea (before 913-966), sometimes also referred to as Berengar II of Italy, was margrave of Ivrea, and usurper King of Italy. He was of Lombard descent. He was a son of Adalbert I of Ivrea and Gisela of Friuli. His maternal grandparents were Berengar I of Italy and Bertila of Spoleto. From the time of Berengar's successful uprising of the nobles in 945, all real power and patronage in the Kingdom of Italy was concentrated in his hands. Thus, the king's power in Italy was nominal and, following the uprising, Berengar became the effective King of Italy upon the withdrawal to Provence of Hugh of Arles, who left his young son Lothar as titular king. Lothair's brief reign ended upon his death in 950. Berengar, for his part, then attempted to legitimize his rule in Lombardy by forcing Lothar's widow Adelaide, the respective daughter, daughter-in-law, and widow of the last three kings of Italy, into marriage with his son Adalbert. Instead she entreated the protection of Otto, King of Germany, whom she married. Berengar then seized the opportunity and declared himself king, with his son as co-king. Adelaide's requests for intervention resulted in Otto's invasion in 951. Otto received the homage of the Italian nobility and assumed the title of a King of the Lombards. He forced Berengar to pay him homage (952) and married Adelaide himself. Berengar and his son Adalbert remained kings as Otto's vassals. After 960, they attacked Pope John XII, on whose appeal Otto marched into Rome and was crowned emperor (962). John's subsequent negotiations with Berengar caused Otto to depose the pope and capture and imprison Berengar in Germany (963). His consort was Willa, the daughter of Boso, count of Arles and Avignon and margrave of Tuscany; she mistreated Adelaide when Berengar held her captive for several months in 951. The chronicler Liutprand of Cremona, raised at his court at Pavia, gives several particularly vivid accounts of Willa's character.[1] She was held captive in a German nunnery. Berengar II d'Ivrea, King of Italy M, #3913, b. circa 900, d. 6 August 966
Last Edited=10 May 2003

Berengar II d'Ivrea, King of Italy was born circa 900. He was the son of Abelbreta d'Ivrea and Gisella (?). He married Willa di Toscana, daughter of Boson di Toscana, Marchese di Toscana and Willa II di Borgogna, before 936. He died on 6 August 966. Berengar II d'Ivrea, King of Italy gained the title of King Berengar II of Italy in 950. He was deposed as King of Italy in 963.
Children of Berengar II d'Ivrea, King of Italy and Willa di Toscana Urraca d'Ivrea+ Adalbert, King of Italy1 d. c 972 Rozela d'Ivrea+ b. bt 950 - 960, d. 25 Jan 1003

Citations [S38] John Morby, Dynasties of the World: a chronological and genealogical handbook (Oxford, Oxfordshire, U.K.: Oxford University Press, 1989), page 98. Hereinafter cited as Dynasties of the World.

Berengar of Ivrea (before 913-966), sometimes also referred to as Berengar II of Italy, was margrave of Ivrea, and usurper King of Italy. He was of Lombard descent.
He was a son of Adalbert I of Ivrea and Gisela of Friuli. His maternal grandparents were Berengar I of Italy and Bertila of Spoleto.

From the time of Berengar's successful uprising of the nobles in 945, all real power and patronage in the Kingdom of Italy was concentrated in his hands. Thus, the king's power in Italy was nominal and, following the uprising, Berengar became the effective King of Italy upon the withdrawal to Provence of Hugh of Arles, who left his young son Lothar as titular king. Lothair's brief reign ended upon his death in 950.

Berengar, for his part, then attempted to legitimize his rule in Lombardy by forcing Lothar's widow Adelaide, the respective daughter, daughter-in-law, and widow of the last three kings of Italy, into marriage with his son Adalbert. Instead she entreated the protection of Otto, King of Germany, whom she married. Berengar then seized the opportunity and declared himself king, with his son as co-king. Adelaide's requests for intervention resulted in Otto's invasion in 951. Otto received the homage of the Italian nobility and assumed the title of a King of the Lombards. He forced Berengar to pay him homage (952) and married Adelaide himself.

Berengar and his son Adalbert remained kings as Otto's vassals. After 960, they attacked Pope John XII, on whose appeal Otto marched into Rome and was crowned emperor (962). John's subsequent negotiations with Berengar caused Otto to depose the pope and capture and imprison Berengar in Germany (963).

Berengario II di Ivrea Berengario II (ca. 900 – Bamberga, 6 luglio 966) fu marchese d'Ivrea dal 928 al 950 e re d'Italia dal 950 al 961. --------------------- Berengar of Ivrea (c. 900 - died July 6, 966), sometimes also referred to as Berengar II of Italy, was margrave of Ivrea, and usurper King of Italy. He was of Lombard descent.
He was a son of Adalbert I of Ivrea and Gisela of Friuli. His maternal grandparents were Berengar I of Italy and Bertila of Spoleto. -------------------- Berengar II of Italy

Berengar of Ivrea (before 913-966), sometimes also referred to as Berengar II of Italy, was margrave of Ivrea, and usurper King of Italy. He was of Lombard descent.

He was a son of Adalbert I of Ivrea and Gisela of Friuli. His maternal grandparents were Berengar I of Italy and Bertila of Spoleto.

From the time of Berengar's successful uprising of the nobles in 945, all real power and patronage in the Kingdom of Italy was concentrated in his hands. Thus, the king's power in Italy was nominal and, following the uprising, Berengar became the effective King of Italy upon the withdrawal to Provence of Hugh of Arles, who left his young son Lothar as titular king. Lothair's brief reign ended upon his death in 950.

Berengar, for his part, then attempted to legitimize his rule in Lombardy by forcing Lothar's widow Adelaide, the respective daughter, daughter-in-law, and widow of the last three kings of Italy, into marriage with his son Adalbert. Instead she entreated the protection of Otto, King of Germany, whom she married. Berengar then seized the opportunity and declared himself king, with his son as co-king. Adelaide's requests for intervention resulted in Otto's invasion in 951. Otto received the homage of the Italian nobility and assumed the title of a King of the Lombards. He forced Berengar to pay him homage (952) and married Adelaide himself.

Berengar and his son Adalbert remained kings as Otto's vassals. After 960, they attacked Pope John XII, on whose appeal Otto marched into Rome and was crowned emperor (962). John's subsequent negotiations with Berengar caused Otto to depose the pope and capture and imprison Berengar in Germany (963).

His consort was Willa, the daughter of Boso, count of Arles and Avignon and margrave of Tuscany; she mistreated Adelaide when Berengar held her captive for several months in 951. The chronicler Liutprand of Cremona, raised at his court at Pavia, gives several particularly vivid accounts of Willa's character. She was held captive in a German nunnery.

Yrke: Kung av Italien 950-961 Far: Adelbert av Ivrea (- 928) Mor: Gisela av Italien

Född: omkring 900 Ivrea, Italien 1) Död: 966-08-06 Barnberg, Tyskland 1)

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Familj med Willa av Arles (910 - 966) Barn: Rosalie av Italien (955 - 1003)

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Källor

1) Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, Hull, England

Berengar II of Italy From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search "Berengar II" redirects here. For the margrave of Neustria, see Berengar II of Neustria.
Berengar of Ivrea (before 913 - died July 6, 966), sometimes also referred to as Berengar II of Italy, was margrave of Ivrea, and usurper King of Italy. He was of Lombard descent.

He was a son of Adalbert I of Ivrea and Gisela of Friuli. His maternal grandparents were Berengar I of Italy and Bertila of Spoleto.

From the time of Berengar's successful uprising of the nobles in 945, all real power and patronage in the Kingdom of Italy was concentrated in his hands. Thus, the king's power in Italy was nominal and, following the uprising, Berengar became the effective King of Italy upon the withdrawal to Provence of Hugh of Arles, who left his young son Lothar as titular king. Lothair's brief reign ended upon his death in 950.

Berengar, for his part, then attempted to legitimize his rule in Lombardy by forcing Lothar's widow Adelaide, the respective daughter, daughter-in-law, and widow of the last three kings of Italy, into marriage with his son Adalbert. Instead she entreated the protection of Otto, King of Germany, whom she married. Berengar then seized the opportunity and declared himself king, with his son as co-king. Adelaide's requests for intervention resulted in Otto's invasion in 951. Otto received the homage of the Italian nobility and assumed the title of a King of the Lombards. He forced Berengar to pay him homage (952) and married Adelaide himself.

Berengar and his son Adalbert remained kings as Otto's vassals. After 960, they attacked Pope John XII, on whose appeal Otto marched into Rome and was crowned emperor (962). John's subsequent negotiations with Berengar caused Otto to depose the pope and capture and imprison Berengar in Germany (963).

His consort was Willa, the daughter of Boso, count of Arles and Avignon and margrave of Tuscany; she mistreated Adelaide when Berengar held her captive for several months in 951. The chronicler Liutprand of Cremona, raised at his court at Pavia, gives several particularly vivid accounts of Willa's character.[1] She was held captive in a German nunnery.


1. ^ Antapodosis ("Book of Retributions") III.1; IV.11-12; V.32.
Berengar of Ivrea (before 913-966), sometimes also referred to as Berengar II of Italy, was margrave of Ivrea, and usurper King of Italy. He was of Lombard descent. He was a son of Adalbert I of Ivrea and Gisela of Friuli. His maternal grandparents were Berengar I of Italy and Bertila of Spoleto. From the time of Berengar's successful uprising of the nobles in 945, all real power and patronage in the Kingdom of Italy was concentrated in his hands. Thus, the king's power in Italy was nominal and, following the uprising, Berengar became the effective King of Italy upon the withdrawal to Provence of Hugh of Arles, who left his young son Lothar as titular king. Lothair's brief reign ended upon his death in 950. Berengar, for his part, then attempted to legitimize his rule in Lombardy by forcing Lothar's widow Adelaide, the respective daughter, daughter-in-law, and widow of the last three kings of Italy, into marriage with his son Adalbert. Instead she entreated the protection of Otto, King of Germany, whom she married. Berengar then seized the opportunity and declared himself king, with his son as co-king. Adelaide's requests for intervention resulted in Otto's invasion in 951. Otto received the homage of the Italian nobility and assumed the title of a King of the Lombards. He forced Berengar to pay him homage (952) and married Adelaide himself. Berengar and his son Adalbert remained kings as Otto's vassals. After 960, they attacked Pope John XII, on whose appeal Otto marched into Rome and was crowned emperor (962). John's subsequent negotiations with Berengar caused Otto to depose the pope and capture and imprison Berengar in Germany (963). His consort was Willa, the daughter of Boso, count of Arles and Avignon and margrave of Tuscany; she mistreated Adelaide when Berengar held her captive for several months in 951. The chronicler Liutprand of Cremona, raised at his court at Pavia, gives several particularly vivid accounts of Willa's character.[1] She was held captive in a German nunnery.

From at --------------------

The family of Bérenger II d'ITALIE and Willa d'ARLES [133836] ITALIE (d'), Bérenger II (Adalbert II & Ermengarde d'IVRÉE [133791]), roi d'Italie

•married about 936 ARLES (d'), Willa (Boson & ..) 1) Adalbert, vice-roi d'Italie, married about 955 Gerberge de MÂCON

Bibliographie : Le Sang de Charlemagne

Berengar II d'Ivrea, King of Italy M, #3913, b. circa 900, d. 6 August 966 Last Edited=10 May 2003

Berengar II d'Ivrea, King of Italy was born circa 900. He was the son of Abelbreta d'Ivrea and Gisella (?). He married Willa di Toscana, daughter of Boson di Toscana, Marchese di Toscana and Willa II di Borgogna, before 936. He died on 6 August 966. Berengar II d'Ivrea, King of Italy gained the title of King Berengar II of Italy in 950. He was deposed as King of Italy in 963.
Children of Berengar II d'Ivrea, King of Italy and Willa di Toscana -1. Urraca d'Ivrea+ -2. Adalbert, King of Italy d. c 9721 -2. Rozela d'Ivrea+ b. bt 950 - 960, d. 25 Jan 1003

Forrás / Source:

Berenger I of Fuili, Emperor of Italy M, #113576, d. 924 Last Edited=10 Sep 2005

Berenger I of Fuili, Emperor of Italy was the son of Eberhard of Fuili, Markgraf of Fuili and Gisela d'Aquitaine. He died in 924.1 Berenger I of Fuili, Emperor of Italy gained the title of King Berengar of Italy in 888. (2) He gained the title of Emperor Berengar I of Italy in 915.
Children of Berenger I of Fuili, Emperor of Italy -1. Gisella (?)+ -2. Rosela of Italy d. 1003 (2)

Forrás / Source:

Link: Link: -------------------- -------------------- Berengar of Ivrea (c. 900 - died July 6, 966), sometimes also referred to as Berengar II of Italy, was margrave of Ivrea, and usurper King of Italy. He was of Lombard descent.

He was a son of Adalbert I of Ivrea and Gisela of Friuli. His maternal grandparents were Berengar I of Italy and Bertila of Spoleto.

From the time of Berengar's successful uprising of the nobles in 945, all real power and patronage in the Kingdom of Italy was concentrated in his hands. Thus, the king's power in Italy was nominal and, following the uprising, Berengar became the effective King of Italy upon the withdrawal to Provence of Hugh of Arles, who left his young son Lothar as titular king. Lothair's brief reign ended upon his death in 950.

His consort was Willa, the daughter of Boso, count of Arles and Avignon and margrave of Tuscany; she mistreated Adelaide when Berengar held her captive for several months in 951. The chronicler Liutprand of Cremona, raised at his court at Pavia, gives several particularly vivid accounts of Willa's character.[1] She was held captive in a German nunnery. son Adalbert -------------------- From Wikipedia:

Berengar of Ivrea (c. 900 - died July 6, 966), sometimes also referred to as Berengar II of Italy, was margrave of Ivrea, and usurper King of Italy. He was of Lombard descent.

He was a son of Adalbert I of Ivrea and Gisela of Friuli, and maternal grandson of Berengar I of Italy.

From the time of Berengar's successful uprising of the nobles in 945, all real power and patronage in the Kingdom of Italy was concentrated in his hands. Thus, the king's power in Italy was nominal and Berengar became the effective King of Italy upon the withdrawal to Provence of Hugh of Arles, who left his young son Lothar as titular king. Lothair's brief reign ended upon his death in 950.

Berengar, for his part, then attempted to legitimize his rule in Lombardy by forcing Lothar's widow Adelaide, the respective daughter, daughter-in-law, and widow of the last three kings of Italy, into marriage with his son Adalbert. Instead she entreated the protection of Otto, King of Germany. Berengar then seized the opportunity and declared himself king, with his son as co-king. Adelaide's requests for intervention resulted in Otto's invasion in 951. Otto received the homage of the Italian nobility and assumed the title of a King of the Lombards. He forced Berengar to pay him homage (952) and married Adelaide himself.

Berengar and his son Adalbert remained kings as Otto's vassals. After 960, they attacked Pope John XII, on whose appeal Otto marched into Rome and was crowned emperor (962). John's subsequent negotiations with Berengar caused Otto to depose the pope and capture and imprison Berengar in Germany (963).

His consort was Willa, the daughter of Boso, count of Arles and Avignon and margrave of Tuscany; she mistreated Adelaide when Berengar held her captive for several months in 951. The chronicler Liutprand of Cremona, raised at his court at Pavia, gives several particularly vivid accounts of Willa's character. -------------------- Berengar of Ivrea (c. 900 - died July 6, 966), sometimes also referred to as Berengar II of Italy, was margrave of Ivrea, and usurper King of Italy. He was of Lombard descent.

He was a son of Adalbert I of Ivrea and Gisela of Friuli, and maternal grandson of Berengar I of Italy.

From the time of Berengar's successful uprising of the nobles in 945, all real power and patronage in the Kingdom of Italy was concentrated in his hands. Thus, the king's power in Italy was nominal and Berengar became the effective King of Italy upon the withdrawal to Provence of Hugh of Arles, who left his young son Lothar as titular king. Lothair's brief reign ended upon his death in 950.

Berengar, for his part, then attempted to legitimize his rule in Lombardy by forcing Lothar's widow Adelaide, the respective daughter, daughter-in-law, and widow of the last three kings of Italy, into marriage with his son Adalbert. Instead she entreated the protection of Otto, King of Germany. Berengar then seized the opportunity and declared himself king, with his son as co-king. Adelaide's requests for intervention resulted in Otto's invasion in 951. Otto received the homage of the Italian nobility and assumed the title of a King of the Lombards. He forced Berengar to pay him homage (952) and married Adelaide himself.

Berengar and his son Adalbert remained kings as Otto's vassals. After 960, they attacked Pope John XII, on whose appeal Otto marched into Rome and was crowned emperor (962). John's subsequent negotiations with Berengar caused Otto to depose the pope and capture and imprison Berengar in Germany (963).

His consort was Willa, the daughter of Boso, count of Arles and Avignon and margrave of Tuscany; she mistreated Adelaide when Berengar held her captive for several months in 951. The chronicler Liutprand of Cremona, raised at his court at Pavia, gives several particularly vivid accounts of Willa's character.[1] She was held captive in a German nunnery.

 Notes 1.^ Antapodosis ("Book of Retributions") III.1; IV.11-12; V.32. Regnal titles Preceded by Lothar II King of Italy 950–963 Succeeded by Otto I

 External links FMG on Berengar II, the Margrave of Ivrea Retrieved from "" Categories: 966 deaths | House of Ivrea | Margraves of Ivrea | Italian monarchs | 10th-century rulers in Europe -------------------- Berengar of Ivrea (c. 900 - died July 6, 966), sometimes also referred to as Berengar II of Italy, was margrave of Ivrea, and usurper King of Italy. He was of Lombard descent. He was a son of Adalbert I of Ivrea and Gisela of Friuli, and maternal grandson of Berengar I of Italy. From the time of Berengar's successful uprising of the nobles in 945, all real power and patronage in the Kingdom of Italy was concentrated in his hands. Thus, the king's power in Italy was nominal and Berengar became the effective King of Italy upon the withdrawal to Provence of Hugh of Arles, who left his young son Lothar as titular king. Lothair's brief reign ended upon his death in 950. Berengar, for his part, then attempted to legitimize his rule in Lombardy by forcing Lothar's widow Adelaide, the respective daughter, daughter-in-law, and widow of the last three kings of Italy, into marriage with his son Adalbert. Instead she entreated the protection of Otto, King of Germany. Berengar then seized the opportunity and declared himself king, with his son as co-king. Adelaide's requests for intervention resulted in Otto's invasion in 951. Otto received the homage of the Italian nobility and assumed the title of a King of the Lombards. He forced Berengar to pay him homage (952) and married Adelaide himself. Berengar and his son Adalbert remained kings as Otto's vassals. After 960, they attacked Pope John XII, on whose appeal Otto marched into Rome and was crowned emperor (962). John's subsequent negotiations with Berengar caused Otto to depose the pope and capture and imprison Berengar in Germany (963). His consort was Willa, the daughter of Boso, count of Arles and Avignon and margrave of Tuscany; she mistreated Adelaide when Berengar held her captive for several months in 951. The chronicler Liutprand of Cremona, raised at his court at Pavia, gives several particularly vivid accounts of Willa's character.[1] She was held captive in a German nunnery. -------------------- Wikipedia: Berengar II. (* ca. 900; † 6. August 966 in Bamberg) war Markgraf von Ivrea (925-964) und König von Italien (950-961) (und damit einer der Nationalkönige). Leben [Bearbeiten]

Berengar war der Sohn des Markgrafen Adalbert I. von Ivrea und von Gisela, Tochter des Unruochingers Berengar I., und damit ein Nachkomme Karls des Großen. 925 wurde er als Nachfolger seines Vaters Markgraf von Ivrea.

Er lehnte sich gegen König Hugo I. von Italien auf, dessen Nichte Willa, die Tochter von Boso, Markgraf von Tuscien, er geheiratet hatte, musste aber 940 zum ostfränkischen König Otto I. fliehen. 945 kehrte er mit einem kleinen Heer zurück und wurde von den Städten und Baronen des Landes als Befreier begrüßt.

Nach der Abdankung Hugos im Jahr 946 erhielt zwar dessen 18-jähriger Sohn Lothar II. den Königstitel, aber Berengar II. herrschte an seiner Stelle, bis Lothar 950 plötzlich starb und die lombardischen Herrscher Berengar II. und seinen Sohn Adelbert zu Königen wählten. Als Lothars junge Witwe Adelheid sich weigerte, Adelbert zu heiraten, sperrte Berengar II. sie 951 in einen Turm des Schlosses Garda. Sie entkam, rief Otto I. um Hilfe an. Dieser zog nach Italien, besiegte Berengar II., heiratete Adelheid selbst und ließ sich ohne Krönung zum König der Langobarden erklären. Berengar hatte sich in die Gebirgsfestung San Marino zurückgezogen. Der wieder über die Alpen abziehende Otto ließ seinen Schwiegersohn Konrad den Roten in Italien zurück. Der brachte Berengar durch Verhandlungen dazu, 952 als Vasall Ottos I. zum Augsburger Reichstag zu kommen. Darauf erhielten er und sein Sohn das Königreich Italien unter Abgabe der Markgrafschaft Verona und des Herzogtums Friaul an das Herzogtum Bayern als königliches Lehen.

Während des Aufstands von Ottos Sohn Liudolf 953/54 war die ottonische Herrschaft geschwächt, was Berengar II. dazu nutzte, die abgetrennten Gebiete zurückzuerobern. Dabei ging er auch gegen den Papst und mehrere norditalienische Adlige vor. Als Berengar den Markgrafen Azzo in Canossa belagerte, schickte Otto ein Heer unter seinem zwischenzeitig wieder in die Huld aufgenommenen Liudolf. Dieser drängte den König 957 zurück in seine Festung San Giulio, von wo er bald darauf von seinen eignen Leuten ausgeliefert, aber von Liudolf entlassen wurde. Nach Liudolfs Tod am 6. September 957 übernahm Berengar wieder die Herrschaft in Italien. Als Papst Johannes XII. und die italienischen Adligen Otto erneut um Hilfe anriefen, begab der König sich 961 selbst auf einen Italienzug. Als dieser anrückte, weigerten sich Berengars Truppen zu kämpfen. Im August 961 eroberte Otto nach kurzem Kampf Pavia und erklärte Berengar für abgesetzt. Dieser floh und verschanzte sich auf seiner Festung San Leo im Gebiet von Montefeltro, bis er sich 964 schließlich ergab. Otto I. schickte den Gefangenen nach Bamberg, wo er 966 starb. Seine Gemahlin Willa ging in ein Kloster, seine Söhne starben in der Verbannung. Weblinks [Bearbeiten]

* -------------------- Royal Titles: King of Italy -------------------- Berengar of Ivrea (before 913-966), sometimes also referred to as Berengar II of Italy, was margrave of Ivrea, and usurper King of Italy. He was of Lombard descent.

He was a son of Adalbert I of Ivrea and Gisela of Friuli. His maternal grandparents were Berengar I of Italy and Bertila of Spoleto.

From the time of Berengar's successful uprising of the nobles in 945, all real power and patronage in the Kingdom of Italy was concentrated in his hands. Thus, the king's power in Italy was nominal and, following the uprising, Berengar became the effective King of Italy upon the withdrawal to Provence of Hugh of Arles, who left his young son Lothar as titular king. Lothair's brief reign ended upon his death in 950.

Berengar, for his part, then attempted to legitimize his rule in Lombardy by forcing Lothar's widow Adelaide, the respective daughter, daughter-in-law, and widow of the last three kings of Italy, into marriage with his son Adalbert. Instead she entreated the protection of Otto, King of Germany, whom she married. Berengar then seized the opportunity and declared himself king, with his son as co-king. Adelaide's requests for intervention resulted in Otto's invasion in 951, where Berengar was forced to pay homage to the German king (952). Otto, a widower, subsequently married Adelaide himself. Berengar was deposed by Otto, and Northern Italy came under direct control of the German kingdom.

Berengar continued in his position as a vassal of the Empire. Later (from 960) Berengar and his son Adalbert attacked Pope John XII, on whose appeal Otto marched into Rome and was crowned emperor (962). John's subsequent negotiations with Berengar caused Otto to depose the pope and capture and imprison Berengar in Germany (963).

His consort was Willa, the daughter of Boso, count of Arles and Avignon and margrave of Tuscany; she mistreated Adelaide when Berengar held her captive for several months in 951. The chronicler Liutprand of Cremona, raised at his court at Pavia, gives several particularly vivid accounts of Willa's character.[1] She was held captive in a German nunnery.

Berengar of Ivrea (before 913-966), sometimes also referred to as Berengar II of Italy, was margrave of Ivrea, and usurper King of Italy. He was of Lombard descent.

He was a son of Adalbert I of Ivrea and Gisela of Friuli. His maternal grandparents were Berengar I of Italy and Bertila of Spoleto.

From the time of Berengar's successful uprising of the nobles in 945, all real power and patronage in the Kingdom of Italy was concentrated in his hands. Thus, the king's power in Italy was nominal and, following the uprising, Berengar became the effective King of Italy upon the withdrawal to Provence of Hugh of Arles, who left his young son Lothar as titular king. Lothair's brief reign ended upon his death in 950.

Berengar, for his part, then attempted to legitimize his rule in Lombardy by forcing Lothar's widow Adelaide, the respective daughter, daughter-in-law, and widow of the last three kings of Italy, into marriage with his son Adalbert. Instead she entreated the protection of Otto, King of Germany, whom she married. Berengar then seized the opportunity and declared himself king, with his son as co-king. Adelaide's requests for intervention resulted in Otto's invasion in 951. Otto received the homage of the Italian nobility and assumed the title of a King of the Lombards. He forced Berengar to pay him homage (952) and married Adelaide himself.

Berengar and his son Adalbert remained kings as Otto's vassals. After 960, they attacked Pope John XII, on whose appeal Otto marched into Rome and was crowned emperor (962). John's subsequent negotiations with Berengar caused Otto to depose the pope and capture and imprison Berengar in Germany (963).

His consort was Willa, the daughter of Boso, count of Arles and Avignon and margrave of Tuscany; she mistreated Adelaide when Berengar held her captive for several months in 951. The chronicler Liutprand of Cremona, raised at his court at Pavia, gives several particularly vivid accounts of Willa's character.[1] She was held captive in a German nunnery. -------------------- Father: Adelbert di Ivrea Mother: Gisele de Friuli

Aliases: Berenger of Ivrea II

Title: BET 950 AND 961 in King of Italy, Rome, Roma, Italy Title: Marquis of Ivrea, Torino, Piedmont, Italy Alt. Birth: ABT 900 in Lombardy, Italy Alt. Death: 6 AUG 961 in Bamberg, Oberfranken, Bavaria, Schwaben, Germany Spouses & Children Willa de Medici (Wife) Marriage: 936 in Milan, Milano, Lombardy, Italy Children:

1. DescendantsAdalbert I di Lombardy 2. DescendantsRosele Lombardy 3. DescendantsGerberga d'Ivree 4. DescendantsUrracca Lombardy
Berengar of Ivrea (before 913-966), sometimes also referred to as Berengar II of Italy, was margrave of Ivrea, and usurper King of Italy. He was of Lombard descent.

He was a son of Adalbert I of Ivrea and Gisela of Friuli. His maternal grandparents were Berengar I of Italy and Bertila of Spoleto.

From the time of Berengar's successful uprising of the nobles in 945, all real power and patronage in the Kingdom of Italy was concentrated in his hands. Thus, the king's power in Italy was nominal and, following the uprising, Berengar became the effective King of Italy upon the withdrawal to Provence of Hugh of Arles, who left his young son Lothar as titular king. Lothair's brief reign ended upon his death in 950.

Berengar, for his part, then attempted to legitimize his rule in Lombardy by forcing Lothar's widow Adelaide, the respective daughter, daughter-in-law, and widow of the last three kings of Italy, into marriage with his son Adalbert. Instead she entreated the protection of Otto, King of Germany, whom she married. Berengar then seized the opportunity and declared himself king, with his son as co-king. Adelaide's requests for intervention resulted in Otto's invasion in 951. Otto received the homage of the Italian nobility and assumed the title of a King of the Lombards. He forced Berengar to pay him homage (952) and married Adelaide himself.

Berengar and his son Adalbert remained kings as Otto's vassals. After 960, they attacked Pope John XII, on whose appeal Otto marched into Rome and was crowned emperor (962). John's subsequent negotiations with Berengar caused Otto to depose the pope and capture and imprison Berengar in Germany (963). -------------------- Berengar of Ivrea (before 913-966), sometimes also referred to as Berengar II of Italy, was margrave of Ivrea, and usurper King of Italy. He was of Lombard descent.

He was a son of Adalbert I of Ivrea and Gisela of Friuli. His maternal grandparents were Berengar I of Italy and Bertila of Spoleto.

From the time of Berengar's successful uprising of the nobles in 945, all real power and patronage in the Kingdom of Italy was concentrated in his hands. Thus, the king's power in Italy was nominal and, following the uprising, Berengar became the effective King of Italy upon the withdrawal to Provence of Hugh of Arles, who left his young son Lothar as titular king. Lothair's brief reign ended upon his death in 950.

Berengar, for his part, then attempted to legitimize his rule in Lombardy by forcing Lothar's widow Adelaide, the respective daughter, daughter-in-law, and widow of the last three kings of Italy, into marriage with his son Adalbert. Instead she entreated the protection of Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor, whom she married. Berengar then seized the opportunity and declared himself king, with his son as co-king. Adelaide's requests for intervention resulted in Otto I's invasion in 951, where Berengar was forced to pay homage to the Emperor (952). Otto, a widower, subsequently married Adelaide himself. Berengar was deposed by Otto, and Northern Italy came under direct control of the Holy Roman Empire.

Berengar continued in his position as a vassal of the Empire. Later (from 960) Berengar and his son Adalbert attacked Pope John XII, on whose appeal Otto marched into Rome and was crowned emperor (962). John's subsequent negotiations with Berengar caused Otto to depose the pope and capture and imprison Berengar in Germany (963).

His consort was Willa, the daughter of Boso, count of Arles and Avignon and margrave of Tuscany; she mistreated Adelaide when Berengar held her captive for several months in 951. The chronicler Liutprand of Cremona, raised at his court at Pavia, gives several particularly vivid accounts of Willa's character.[1] She was held captive in a German nunnery. -------------------- Berengar of Ivrea (before 913-966), sometimes also referred to as Berengar II of Italy, was margrave of Ivrea, and usurper King of Italy. He was of Lombard descent.

He was a son of Adalbert I of Ivrea and Gisela of Friuli. His maternal grandparents were Berengar I of Italy and Bertila of Spoleto.

From the time of Berengar's successful uprising of the nobles in 945, all real power and patronage in the Kingdom of Italy was concentrated in his hands. Thus, the king's power in Italy was nominal and, following the uprising, Berengar became the effective King of Italy upon the withdrawal to Provence of Hugh of Arles, who left his young son Lothar as titular king. Lothair's brief reign ended upon his death in 950.

Berengar, for his part, then attempted to legitimize his rule in Lombardy by forcing Lothar's widow Adelaide, the respective daughter, daughter-in-law, and widow of the last three kings of Italy, into marriage with his son Adalbert. Instead she entreated the protection of Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor, whom she married. Berengar then seized the opportunity and declared himself king, with his son as co-king. Adelaide's requests for intervention resulted in Otto I's invasion in 951, where Berengar was forced to pay homage to the Emperor (952). Otto, a widower, subsequently married Adelaide himself. Berengar was deposed by Otto, and Northern Italy came under direct control of the Holy Roman Empire.

Berengar continued in his position as a vassal of the Empire. Later (from 960) Berengar and his son Adalbert attacked Pope John XII, on whose appeal Otto marched into Rome and was crowned emperor (962). John's subsequent negotiations with Berengar caused Otto to depose the pope and capture and imprison Berengar in Germany (963).

His consort was Willa, the daughter of Boso, count of Arles and Avignon and margrave of Tuscany; she mistreated Adelaide when Berengar held her captive for several months in 951. The chronicler Liutprand of Cremona, raised at his court at Pavia, gives several particularly vivid accounts of Willa's character.[1] She was held captive in a German nunnery. --------------------

Berengar II of Italy From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Berengar of Ivrea (before 913-966), sometimes also referred to as Berengar II of Italy, was margrave of Ivrea, and usurper King of Italy. He was of Lombard descent. He was a son of Adalbert I of Ivrea and Gisela of Friuli. His maternal grandparents were Berengar I of Italy and Bertila of Spoleto. From the time of Berengar's successful uprising of the nobles in 945, all real power and patronage in the Kingdom of Italy was concentrated in his hands. Thus, the king's power in Italy was nominal and, following the uprising, Berengar became the effective King of Italy upon the withdrawal to Provence of Hugh of Arles, who left his young son Lothar as titular king. Lothair's brief reign ended upon his death in 950. Berengar, for his part, then attempted to legitimize his rule in Lombardy by forcing Lothar's widow Adelaide, the respective daughter, daughter-in-law, and widow of the last three kings of Italy, into marriage with his son Adalbert. Instead she entreated the protection of Otto, King of Germany, whom she married. Berengar then seized the opportunity and declared himself king, with his son as co-king. Adelaide's requests for intervention resulted in Otto's invasion in 951. Otto received the homage of the Italian nobility and assumed the title of a King of the Lombards. He forced Berengar to pay him homage (952) and married Adelaide himself. Berengar and his son Adalbert remained kings as Otto's vassals. After 960, they attacked Pope John XII, on whose appeal Otto marched into Rome and was crowned emperor (962). John's subsequent negotiations with Berengar caused Otto to depose the pope and capture and imprison Berengar in Germany (963). His consort was Willa, the daughter of Boso, count of Arles and Avignon and margrave of Tuscany; she mistreated Adelaide when Berengar held her captive for several months in 951. The chronicler Liutprand of Cremona, raised at his court at Pavia, gives several particularly vivid accounts of Willa's character.[1] She was held captive in a German nunnery. -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- Berengar II d'Ivrea, King of Italy M, #3913, b. circa 900, d. 6 August 966

Last Edited=10 May 2003

Berengar II d'Ivrea, King of Italy was born circa 900. He was the son of Abelbreta d'Ivrea and Gisella (?). He married Willa di Toscana, daughter of Boson di Toscana, Marchese di Toscana and Willa II di Borgogna, before 936. He died on 6 August 966. Berengar II d'Ivrea, King of Italy gained the title of King Berengar II of Italy in 950. He was deposed as King of Italy in 963.
Children of Berengar II d'Ivrea, King of Italy and Willa di Toscana Urraca d'Ivrea+ Adalbert, King of Italy1 d. c 972 Rozela d'Ivrea+ b. bt 950 - 960, d. 25 Jan 1003

Citations [S38] John Morby, Dynasties of the World: a chronological and genealogical handbook (Oxford, Oxfordshire, U.K.: Oxford University Press, 1989), page 98. Hereinafter cited as Dynasties of the World.


Occupation: King of Italy
Berengar of Ivrea (before 913-966), sometimes also referred to as Berengar II of Italy, was margrave of Ivrea, and usurper King of Italy. He was of Lombard descent.
He was a son of Adalbert I of Ivrea and Gisela of Friuli. His maternal grandparents were Berengar I of Italy and Bertila of Spoleto.

From the time of Berengar's successful uprising of the nobles in 945, all real power and patronage in the Kingdom of Italy was concentrated in his hands. Thus, the king's power in Italy was nominal and, following the uprising, Berengar became the effective King of Italy upon the withdrawal to Provence of Hugh of Arles, who left his young son Lothar as titular king. Lothair's brief reign ended upon his death in 950.

Berengar, for his part, then attempted to legitimize his rule in Lombardy by forcing Lothar's widow Adelaide, the respective daughter, daughter-in-law, and widow of the last three kings of Italy, into marriage with his son Adalbert. Instead she entreated the protection of Otto, King of Germany, whom she married. Berengar then seized the opportunity and declared himself king, with his son as co-king. Adelaide's requests for intervention resulted in Otto's invasion in 951. Otto received the homage of the Italian nobility and assumed the title of a King of the Lombards. He forced Berengar to pay him homage (952) and married Adelaide himself.

Berengar and his son Adalbert remained kings as Otto's vassals. After 960, they attacked Pope John XII, on whose appeal Otto marched into Rome and was crowned emperor (962). John's subsequent negotiations with Berengar caused Otto to depose the pope and capture and imprison Berengar in Germany (963).

His consort was Willa, the daughter of Boso, count of Arles and Avignon and margrave of Tuscany; she mistreated Adelaide when Berengar held her captive for several months in 951. The chronicler Liutprand of Cremona, raised at his court at Pavia, gives several particularly vivid accounts of Willa's character.[1] She was held captive in a German nunnery.

Berengar II d'Ivrea, King of Italy gained the title of King Berengar II of Italy in 950. He was deposed as King of Italy in 963.

Also called BERENGARIO, MARCHESE D'IVREA E DI GISLA, grandson of Berengar I and king of Italy from 950 to 952.

Berengar was important in the career of the German king and Holy Roman emperor Otto I the Great. For several months in 951 he held captive Adelaide, the daughter and widow of kings of Italy; she escaped and married Otto, who assumed the title of king of the Lombards and made Berengar his vassal. Later (from 960) Berengar and his son Adalbert attacked Pope John XII, on whose appeal Otto marched into Rome and was crowned emperor (962). John's subsequent negotiations with Berengar caused Otto to depose the pope and imprison Berengar in Germany (963).

Forced to do homage to German King Otto I in 952. Died in captivity.

Alternate spelling: Berengarius

References: [Weis1],[ES],[PlantagenetA],[WallopFH],[Paget1], [AR7]

Konge av Italia 950 - 961.
Berengar II (c. 900 – 4 August 966[1]) was the King of Italy from 950 until his deposition in 961. He was a scion of the Anscarid and Unruoching dynasties, and was named after his maternal grandfather, Berengar I. He succeeded his father as Margrave of Ivrea around 923 (whence he is often known as Berengar of Ivrea), and after 940 led the aristocratic opposition to Kings Hugh and Lothair II. In 950 he succeeded the latter and had his son, Adalbert crowned as his co-ruler. In 952 he recognised the suzerainty of Otto I of Germany, but he later joined a revolt against him. In 960 he invaded the Papal States, and the next year his kingdom was conquered by Otto. Berengar remained at large until his surrender in 964. He died imprisoned in Germany two years later.

"Berengar II" redirects here. See also Berengar II of Neustria. Berengar II Otto I Manuscriptum Mediolanense c 1200.jpg Berengar bows to King Otto, Manuscriptum Mediolanense, c. 1200 King of Italy Reign 950-961 Predecessor Lothair II Successor Otto I Margrave of Ivrea Reign 923-966 Predecessor Adalbert I Successor Adalbert II Spouse Willa of Tuscany Issue Adalbert of Italy Guy of Ivrea Conrad of Ivrea Rozala of Italy House Anscarids Father Adalbert I of Ivrea Mother Gisela of Friuli Born c. 900 Died 4 August 966 Bamberg Castle, March of the Nordgau, Kingdom of Germany Berengar II (c. 900 – 4 August 966[1]) was the King of Italy from 950 until his deposition in 961. He was a scion of the Anscarid and Unruoching dynasties, and was named after his maternal grandfather, Berengar I. He succeeded his father as Margrave of Ivrea around 923 (whence he is often known as Berengar of Ivrea), and after 940 led the aristocratic opposition to Kings Hugh and Lothair II. In 950 he succeeded the latter and had his son, Adalbert crowned as his co-ruler. In 952 he recognised the suzerainty of Otto I of Germany, but he later joined a revolt against him. In 960 he invaded the Papal States, and the next year his kingdom was conquered by Otto. Berengar remained at large until his surrender in 964. He died imprisoned in Germany two years later.
Contents [hide] 1 Ruling Ivrea (923–50) 2 Ruling Italy (950–61) 3 Loss of control (961–64) 4 Notes 5 External links Ruling Ivrea (923–50) Berengar was a son of Margrave Adalbert I of Ivrea and his wife Gisela of Friuli, daughter of the Unruoching king Berengar I of Italy. He succeeded his father as margrave about 923 and married Willa, daughter of the Bosonid margrave Boso of Tuscany and niece of King Hugh of Italy. The chronicler Liutprand of Cremona, raised at Berengar's court at Pavia, gives several particularly vivid accounts of her character.[2]

About 940 Berengar led a revolt of Italian nobles against the rule of his uncle. To evade an assault by Hugh's liensmen, he, forewarned by the king's young son Lothair, had to flee to the court of King Otto I of Germany. Otto avoided taking sides, nevertheless in 945 Berengar could return to Italy with hired troops, welcomed by the local nobility. Hugh was defeated and retired to Arles, he was nominally succeeded by Lothair. From the time of Berengar's successful uprising, all real power and patronage in the Kingdom of Italy was concentrated in his hands with Hugh's son Lothair as titular king. Lothair's brief reign ended upon his early death in 950, presumably poisoned.

Ruling Italy (950–61) Berengar then assumed the royal title with his son Adalbert as co-ruler. He attempted to legitimize his kingship by forcing Lothair's widow Adelaide, the respective daughter, daughter-in-law, and widow of the last three Italian kings, into marriage with Adalbert. However, the young woman fiercely refused, whereafter Berengar had her imprisoned at Garda Castle, allegedly mistreated by Berengar's wife Willa. With the help of Count Adalbert Atto of Canossa she managed to flee and entreated the protection of King Otto of Germany. Otto, himself a widower since 946, took the occasion to gain the Iron Crown of Lombardy: Adelaide's requests for intervention resulted in his 951 invasion of Italy. Berengar had to entrench himself at San Marino, while Otto received the homage of the Italian nobility, married Adelaide himself, and assumed the title of a King of the Lombards. He afterwards returned to Germany, appointing his son-in-law Conrad the Red Italian regent at Pavia.

Berengar by Conrad's agency appeared at the 952 Reichstag in Augsburg and paid homage to Otto. He and his son Adalbert remained Italian kings as Otto's vassals, though they had to cede the territory of the former March of Friuli to him, which the German king enfeoffed to his younger brother Duke Henry I of Bavaria as the Imperial March of Verona. When Otto had to deal with the revolt of his son, Duke Liudolf of Swabia in 953, Berengar attacked the Veronese march and also laid siege to Count Adalbert Atto's Canossa Castle.

Loss of control (961–64) In 960, Berengar invaded the Papal States under Pope John XII, on whose appeal finally King Otto, aiming at his coronation as Holy Roman Emperor, again marched against Italy. Berengar's troops deserted him and Otto by Christmas 961 had taken Pavia by default and declared Berengar deposed. He proceeded to Rome, where he was crowned emperor on 2 February 962. He then once more turned against Berengar, who was besieged at San Leo.

Meanwhile Pope John had entered on negotiations with Berengar's son Adalbert, which in 963 caused Otto to move into Rome, where he deposed the pope and had Pope Leo VIII elected. The next year, Berengar finally surrendered to Otto's forces, he was captured and imprisoned at Bamberg in Germany, where he died in 966. His wife Willa spent the rest of her life in a German nunnery.

Courtesy of fantastically full family tree cf.:
Hughes of Gwerclas 1/2/3/4:

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Showing 12 of 14 people


Adalbert II, king of Italy

Guido, marchese d'Ivrea

Gisla d'Ivrea

Conrad of Ivrea, Conon

Gilberga d'Ivrea

Rozala d'Italie, reine consort d...

Urraca d'Ivrea

Gisla del Friuli

Adelbert I, Margrave of Ivrea

Bertha Anscarica, abbess of Modena

Ermengarde of Tuscany


Indice de Personas
