Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Bisabuela n°26M. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Bisabuela n°26M. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, 24 de marzo de 2024

Wandelmode de Troyes ★Bisabuela n°26M★ Ref: WT-0852 |•••► #FRANCIA 🇫🇷🏆 #Genealogía #Genealogy

 26 ° Bisabuela/ Great Grandmother de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Wandelmode de Troyes is your 26th great grandmother.


(Linea Materna)
Wandelmode de Troyes is your 26th great grandmother.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Morella Álamo Borges
your mother → Belén Eloina Borges Ustáriz
her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna
her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesús Uztáriz y Monserrate
her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra
his mother → Teniente Coronel Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina
her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza
his mother → Isabel Manuela Josefa Hurtado de Mendoza y Rojas Manrique
her mother → Juana de Rojas Manrique de Mendoza
her mother → Constanza de Mendoza Mate de Luna
her mother → Fernando Mathé de Luna
her father → Juan Fernández De Mendoza Y Manuel
his father → Sancha Manuel
his mother → Sancho Manuel de Villena Castañeda, señor del Infantado y Carrión de los Céspedes
her father → Manuel de Castilla, señor de Escalona
his father → Elizabeth of Swabia
his mother → Philip of Swabia, King of Germany
her father → Beatrice of Burgundy
his mother → Reginald III, Count of Burgundy
her father → Stephen I "the Rash" count of Mâcon & Burgundy
his father → William I "the Great" count of Burgundy
his father → Reginald I Burgundy, count palatine of Burgundy
his father → Otto Guillaume I, comte de Bourgogne et de Mâcon
his father → Gerberga, Countess of Macon
his mother → Lambert d'Autun De Dijon, Comte de Chalon
her father → Robert Vicomte d'Autun
his father → Garnier of Sens, count of Troyes
his father → Wandelmode de Troyes
his motherConsistency CheckShow short path | Share this path
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Wandelmode de Troyes is your 21st great grandmother's husband's father's wife's grandmother.
Wandelmode de Troyes 
Gender: Female
Birth: circa 852
Death: circa 880 (19-36)
Immediate Family:
Daughter of Eudes I, comte de Troyes and Wandilmode von Worms
Wife of Richard de Chaunois, comte de Troyes
Mother of Garnier of Sens, count of Troyes
Sister of Robert I, comte de Troyes and Eudes II, comte de Troyes

Added by: Adriana Magalhães Almeida on October 17, 2008
Managed by: Adriana Magalhães Almeida and 7 others
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Wandelmode was the daughter of Eudes de Troyes I (comte de Troyes) and Wandilmode de Worms. The date and place of her birth have not been found. She had two marriages/partners. Her first husband was Richard d'Autunois (comte d'Amiens, comte de Troyes). They were married, but the date and place have not been found. They had no known children. Her second husband was Adalelme de Poitiers (comte de Troyes). They were married, but the date and place have not been found. They had no known children.

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Richard de Chaunois, comte de Tr...

Garnier of Sens, count of Troyes

Wandilmode von Worms

Eudes I, comte de Troyes

Robert I, comte de Troyes

Eudes II, comte de Troyes


Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.



✺- 852→Expansión del Reino de Pamplona con el ataque a Estella→
→Muhammad I, nuevo emir independiente de Córdoba→
→Musa ben Qasi es proclamado gobernador de Tudela y, poco después, de Zaragoza, capital de la Marca Superior→
→García Íñiguez de Pamplona, segundo miembro de la dinastía Arista-Iñiguez, sube al trono del reino de Pamplona
Tropas musulmanas guiadas por Abd al-Karim ben Mugith atacan y destruyen Barcelona, entonces bajo el poder del conde Alerán→
→Zamora es fundada
El obispo Altfrid de Hildesheim funda la Abadía de Essen→
→El nombre del conde Rodrigo de Castilla aparece por primera en la carta de fundación de San Martín de Ferrán con esta fórmula: "hecha la escritura en el día IV de las nonas de julio de la era 890, reinando Rodrigo, conde en Castilla"
→ Nace: Íñigo Arista, primer rey de Pamplona.
→ Nace: Abderramán II, cuarto emir omeya de Córdoba (822 - 852

✺- 862→Galicia - Alfonso III, rey de Galicia en vida de su padre. Rebeliones y levantamientos contra Alfonso de los condes Hermenegildo y posteriormente Froila Bermúdez, en Lugo→
→El príncipe Rastislav invita a Cirilo y Metodio a predicar el cristianismo en lengua eslava en la Gran Moravia→
→Balduino I, primer conde hereditario de Flandes→
→Lotario II obtuvo el apoyo de su hermano el emperador Luis II el Joven, mediante la cesión de tierras y obtuvo el consentimiento del clero local para divorciarse de Teutberga y casarse con Waldrada→
→Los varegos, comerciantes y guerreros vikingos de origen sueco establecen una red comercial en Europa oriental. Luego de lograr apaciguar a las tribus eslavas locales, su líder, Rúrik, funda la dinastía Rúrika, primera dinastía de la Rus de Kiev, el Estado padre de las actuales naciones de Rusia, Bielorrusia y Ucrania

✺- 872→872 (DCCCLXXII) fue un año bisiesto comenzado en martes del calendario juliano, en vigor en aquella fecha→
22 de junio: en Wasit (Irak) se registra un terremoto que deja un saldo de 20 000 víctimas. (Posiblemente se trate del mismo terremoto que se registró como sucedido el 18 de noviembre del 871)→
→Juan VIII sucede a Adriano II como papa→
→Unificación de Noruega
Eduardo el Viejo, rey de Inglaterra→
14 de diciembre - Adriano II, papa→
→Bernardo II de Tolosa, conde de Tolosa


Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.


miércoles, 16 de agosto de 2023

Amîna binte Marwân I bin al-Hakam ★Bisabuela n°26M★ Ref: Ab-0664 |•••► #ARABIA SAUDITA 🇸🇦 #Genealogía #Genealogy

 26 ° Bisabuela/ Great Grandmother de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Amîna binte Marwân I bin al-Hakam is your 26th great grandmother.



(Linea Materna)


Amîna binte Marwân I bin al-Hakam is your 26th great grandmother.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Morella Álamo Borges

your mother → Belén Eloina Borges Ustáriz

her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna

her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesús Uztáriz y Monserrate

her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra

his mother → Teniente Coronel Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina

her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza

his mother → Andrés Manuel Ortiz de Urbina y Landaeta, I Marqués de Torrecasa

her father → Manuel Ortiz de Urbina y Márquez de Cañizares

his father → Manuel de Ortiz de Urbina y Suárez

his father → Juan Ortíz de Urbina y Eguíluz

his father → Martín Ortíz de Urbina

his father → Pedro Ortiz de Urbina

his father → Ortún Díaz de Urbina

his father → Diego López

his father → Diego I el Blanco López, III señor de Vizcaya

his father → Lope Díaz Íñiguez, II señor de Vizcaya, IV Conde de Viscaya

his father → Toda Fortúnez

his mother → Fortún Sánchez, señor de Nájera

her father → Sancho López

his father → Lope Fortúnez

his father → Oria (Aurea) Bint Ibn Musa Banu Qasi

his mother → Lope ibn Musa

her father → Musa Ibn Musa lbn Qasaw, Walí de Tudela, Huesca y Zaragoza

his father → Muza Ibn Fortún ibn Qasi, valì de Zaragoza, Arnedo y de Tudela

his father → 'A'isha ibn Abdul Aziz

his mother → 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn Musa al-Bekir, valí de al-Andalus

her father → Amîna binte Marwân I bin al-Hakam

his motherConsistency CheckShow short path | Share this path

Shortest in-law relationship

Amîna binte Marwân I bin al-Hakam is your 18th great grandmother's husband's fifth great grandmother.


  → Morella Álamo Borges

your mother → show 25 relatives → 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn Musa al-Bekir, valí de al-Andalus

her father → Amîna binte Marwân I bin al-Hakam

his motherConsistency CheckShare this path


Amîna Bint Zauja-e-Musa bin Nusair al-Bekir (Marwân I bin al-Hakam) 

Gender: Female

Birth: circa 664

Medina, Saudi Arabia

Death: Egypt

Place of Burial: Egypt

Immediate Family:

Daughter of Marwân I ibn al-Hakam al-Qurayshi and A'isha binte Mu`awiyah bin al-Mughirah

Wife of Musa ibn Nusair al-Bekir

Mother of Uthman bin Musa al-Bekir; 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn Musa al-Bekir, valí de al-Andalus and 'Abdullah bin Musa bin Nusair al-Bekir, valí de Ifriqiya

Sister of 'Abd al-Malik I bin Marwân I bin al-Hakam and 'Abd al-'Aziz bin Marwân I bin al-Hakam

Half sister of Umm bint Marwan and Muhammad bin Marwân I bin al-Hakam

Added by: Cristóbal Donoso Amenábar on July 19, 2008

Managed by: David John Bilodeau and 26 others

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Showing 12 of 14 people

Musa ibn Nusair al-Bekir


Uthman bin Musa al-Bekir


'Abd al-'Aziz ibn Musa al-Bekir,...


'Abdullah bin Musa bin Nusair al...


A'isha binte Mu`awiyah bin al-Mu...


Marwân I ibn al-Hakam al-Qurayshi


'Abd al-Malik I bin Marwân I bi...


'Abd al-'Aziz bin Marwân I bin ...


Aisha bint 'Uthman ibn 'Affan


Umm bint Marwan

half sister

Almina bint 'Alqama al-Kinaniyya


Ruqayyah binte Umar al-Farooq



Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.
