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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta LORD. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, 25 de marzo de 2024

Childebrand I, Lord of Perracy ★Bisabuelo n°30M★ Ref: CI-0678 |•••► #BELGICA 🏆 🇧🇪 #Genealogía #Genealogy

 30 ° Bisabuelo/is your 30th great grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Childebrand I, Lord of Perracy and Bougy is your 30th great grandfather.





(Linea Materna)


Childebrand I, Lord of Perracy and Bougy is your 30th great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Morella Álamo Borges

your mother → Belén Eloina Borges Ustáriz

her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna

her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesús Uztáriz y Monserrate

her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra

his mother → Teniente Coronel Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina

her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza

his mother → Isabel Manuela Josefa Hurtado de Mendoza y Rojas Manrique

her mother → Juana de Rojas Manrique de Mendoza

her mother → Constanza de Mendoza Mate de Luna

her mother → Fernando Mathé de Luna

her father → Juan Fernández De Mendoza Y Manuel

his father → Sancha Manuel

his mother → Sancho Manuel de Villena Castañeda, señor del Infantado y Carrión de los Céspedes

her father → Manuel de Castilla, señor de Escalona

his father → Elizabeth of Swabia

his mother → Philip of Swabia, King of Germany

her father → Beatrice of Burgundy

his mother → Reginald III, Count of Burgundy

her father → Stephen I "the Rash" count of Mâcon & Burgundy

his father → William I "the Great" count of Burgundy

his father → Reginald I Burgundy, count palatine of Burgundy

his father → Otto Guillaume I, comte de Bourgogne et de Mâcon

his father → Gerberga, Countess of Macon

his mother → Lambert d'Autun De Dijon, Comte de Chalon

her father → Robert Vicomte d'Autun

his father → Garnier of Sens, count of Troyes

his father → Richard de Chaunois, comte de Troyes

his father → Thierry I "the Chamberlain", count of Autun

his father → Childebrand III, count of Autun

his father → Nibelung I de Perracy, count of Autun

his father → Childebrand I, Lord of Perracy and Bougy

his father


Childebrand MP

Gender: Male

Birth: circa 678

Herstal, (Present Liege Province), Austrasia (within present Belgium), Frankish Kingdom

Death: October 22, 751 (68-77)

Autun, (Present Saone-et-Loire, Bourgogne, Frankish Kingdom (within present France)

Immediate Family:

Husband of Rolande Autun

Father of Nibelung I de Perracy, count of Autun

Added by: Bertha Broadfoot of Laon, Queen of the Franks on June 12, 2007

Managed by: Margaret (C) and 135 others

Curated by: Sharon Doubell



CHILDEBRAND (-después de 751, tal vez después de 762). Childebrand es descrito como "germanus" de Charles "Martel" por el Continuador de Fredegar, en la parte que el propio Childebrand patrocinó. Hay tres posibilidades para el parentesco preciso de Childebrand: (1) era el hijo ilegítimo de Pépin "le Gros" con una amante desconocida; (2) fue el segundo hijo de Pépin con su segunda [esposa] Chalpais; o (3) era hijo de Chalpais de un matrimonio anterior. Settipani analiza en detalle los argumentos a favor de cada uno de estos tres casos[184]. Cada caso tiene su defensor, pero no parece haber forma de decidir cuál es el más probable, sobre todo dada la incierta interpretación de términos de relación como "germanus" en las fuentes contemporáneas. Conde en Borgoña, Duque en Provenza 737/39. Una carta fechada en abril de 754 registra una reclamación de "Fulchardus advocatus... Nivelongo comiti" antes de "Theoderico comiti" relativo a la propiedad "in pago Augustidunense en villa Balgiaco... de villa Patriciaco" concedida a "Hildebranno" por "Karolus"[185]. Historiador, fue autor de parte de las continuaciones de la crónica de Federico escrita durante el reinado del rey Pépin (751-768). m ---. Se desconoce el nombre de la esposa de Childebrand. Childebrand y su esposa tuvieron un hijo:

a) NIBELUNGOS ([705/20]-antes de 786). El Continuador de Federico nombra a Nibelungo como hijo de Childebrand, especificando que asumió el trabajo de su padre en la crónica después de la muerte de este último. Un rango aproximado de fechas de nacimiento de [705/20] se asigna a Nibelungo con el único propósito de reducir los posibles rangos de fechas de nacimiento de sus supuestos descendientes.


Se cuenta la siguiente historia de Carlos y de los orígenes de su nombre: en 686, Pipino II y su esposa Plectrude estaban hablando juntos en una habitación cuando fueron invadidos por un mensajero, trayendo noticias de que la amante del alcalde, Alpaida, había dado a luz a un hijo en Herstal. decidió no anunciar la noticia directamente. En cambio, dijo: "Viva el rey, es un carl" ('hombre'). Pippin, igualmente cauteloso con su esposa, despidió al mensajero de la siguiente manera: "Un carl, ¿verdad? Entonces que se llame así". Así se hizo, y, según la leyenda, el niño fue llamado "Carl". Alpaida también le dio a Pippin otro hijo, Childebrand.

Mapa: Los reinos francos en el momento de la muerte de Pipino de Heristal. Hay que tener en cuenta que Aquitania (amarillo) estaba fuera de la autoridad de Arnulfing y Neustria y Borgoña (rosa) se unieron en oposición a un mayor dominio de Arnulfing en los cargos más altos. Solo Austrasia (verde) apoyó a un alcalde de Arnulfing, primero Theudoald y luego Charles. Hay que tener en cuenta que los ducados alemanes al este del Rin estaban de facto fuera de la soberanía franca en este momento.

Childebrando I era conde de Borgoña. Se casó con UNKNOWN antes de 720. Fue duque de Provenza desde 731.

Ver "Mis líneas"

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del compilador: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA

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Fue duque de Borgoña, conde de Autun y señor de Perracy (733) y de Bougy. Recibió la propiedad de Perracy en 733 de su (¿medio?) hermano, Carlos Martel.


CHILDEBRAND (-after 751, maybe after 762). Childebrand is described as "germanus" of Charles "Martel" by the Continuator of Fredegar, in the part which Childebrand himself sponsored[183]. There are three possibilities for the precise parentage of Childebrand: (1) he was the illegitimate son of Pépin "le Gros" by an unknown mistress; (2) he was Pépin’s second son by his second [wife] Chalpais; or (3) he was the son of Chalpais by an earlier marriage. Settipani discusses in detail the arguments in favour of each of these three cases[184]. Each case has its defender, but there appears no way of deciding which is the most likely, especially given the uncertain interpretation of relationship terms such as "germanus" in contemporary sources. Count in Burgundy, Duke in Provence 737/39. A charter dated Apr 754 records a claim by “Fulchardus advocatus...Nivelongo comiti” before “Theoderico comiti” relating to property “in pago Augustidunense in villa villa Patriciaco” granted to “Hildebranno” by “Karolus”[185]. Historian, he was the author of part of the continuations of the chronicle of Fredegar written during the reign of King Pépin (751-768).] m ---. The name of Childebrand’s wife is not known. Childebrand & his wife had one child:

a) NIBELUNG ([705/20]-before 786). The Continuator of Fredegar names Nibelung as son of Childebrand, specifying that he assumed his father's work on the chronicle after the latter died[186]. An approximate birth date range of [705/20] is assigned to Nibelung for the purposes only of narrowing the possible birth date ranges of his supposed descendants.


The following tale is told of Charles and of the origins of his name: in 686, Pippin II and his wife Plectrude were talking together in a room when they were intruded upon by a messenger, bringing news that the Mayor's mistress, Alpaida, had given birth to a son at Herstal.The messenger, fearful of arousing the wrath of Plectrude, decided not to announce the news directly. Instead, he said: "Long live the king, it is a carl" ('man'). Pippin, equally cautious of his wife, dismissed the messenger as follows: "A carl, is it? Then let him be called that." This was done, and, so legend claims, the child was named "Carl". Alpaida also bore Pippin another son, Childebrand.

Map: The Frankish kingdoms at the time of the death of Pepin of Heristal. Note that Aquitaine (yellow) was outside of Arnulfing authority and Neustria and Burgundy (pink) were united in opposition to further Arnulfing dominance of the highest offices. Only Austrasia (green) supported an Arnulfing mayor, first Theudoald then Charles. Note that the German duchies to the east of the Rhine were de facto outside of Frankish suzerainty at this time.

Childebrand I was Count in Bourgogne. He married UNKNOWN before 720. He was Duke at Provence from 731.

See "My Lines"

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from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA

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He was Duke of Burgundy, Count of Autun, and Seigneur de Perracy (733) and de Bougy. He received the estate of Perracy in 733 from his (half?) brother, Charles Martel.

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Rolande Autun


Nibelung I de Perracy, count of ...



Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.



✺- 678→Agatón sucede a Dono como papa.


K'inich Ahkal Mo' Naab III, gobernante maya.


11 de abril: Dono, papa católico.

Aisha: una de las esposas de Mahoma.

✺- 688→688 (DCLXXXVIII) fue un año bisiesto comenzado en miércoles del calendario juliano, en vigor en aquella fecha.


11 de mayo: comienza el XV Concilio de Toledo.

Comienza el reinado de Ine de Wessex.


Jianzhen, religioso budista chino.

Marwan II, califa omeya.


Wamba, rey visigodo entre 672 y 680.

✺- 698→Los árabes conquistan Cartago a los bizantinos, resultando destruida definitivamente.

Muza se convierte en el gobernador del Norte de África, conquistada por el Califato Omeya.

El rey visigodo Égica asocia a su hijo Witiza al trono.

Tiberio III depone a Leoncio y se hace con el poder en el Imperio bizantino.

El Sínodo de Aquilea pone fin al Cisma de los Tres Capítulos, retornando los obispados del Patriarcado de Aquilea a la comunión con Roma.

Wilibrodo, arzobispo de Utrecht (695-696) funda el monasterio de Echternach, en Luxemburgo.


Abu Hanifa, jurista musulmán.

Wang Wei, poeta chino.

Wang Changling, poeta y funcionario chino.


Eadberto, obispo de Lindisfarne.

✺- 708→708 (DCCVIII) fue un año bisiesto comenzado en domingo del calendario juliano, en vigor en aquella fecha.


15 de enero: se consagra papa a Sisinio.

25 de marzo: se consagra papa a Constantino I.


4 de febrero: Sisinio, papa.

✺- 718→Acontecimientos

España: Don Pelayo se rebela contra la autoridad musulmana. La rebelión acabará por considerarse como el origen del Reino de Asturias.


Constantino V, emperador bizantino.


Egilona, última reina visigoda de Hispania.

✺- 728→728 (DCCXXVIII) fue un año bisiesto comenzado en jueves del calendario juliano, en vigor en aquella fecha.


Liutprando, rey de los lombardos, ocupa el Exarcado de Rávena. Avanza sobre Roma a través de la Via Cassia, y se reúne en la ciudad de Sutri con el papa Gregorio II, cerca de la frontera del ducado de Roma. Liutprano firma la donación de Sutri, en donde cede partes de Latium al papado; siendo la primera expansión de territorio papal en Italia. Fundación histórica de los Estados Papales.


Abu 'Ubaida, arabista de Bagdad.

Du Huangchang, canciller de la dinastía Tang.


Domnall mac Cellaig, rey de Connacht (Irlanda).

Dúnchad mac Murchado, rey de Leinster (Irlanda).

Gien, monje budista japonés.

Hasan de Basora, teólogo árabe.

Ine, rey de Wessex (fecha aproximada).

Jarir ibn Atiyah, poeta y satírico árabe.

Princesa Takata de Japón.

✺- 738→En la actual Honduras, la poderosa ciudad-estado maya Xukpi (actual Copán) es derrotada por una ciudad-estado rival, Quiriguá (en la actual Guatemala). Es depuesto el líder xukpi Uaxaclajuun Ub'aah K'awiil (Dieciocho Conejo) y sacrificado.

En Italia, el religioso inglés Bonifacio visita Roma y avanza con el establecimiento de obispados en Baviera (Alemania).

En Roma, Felice Cornicola (líder de Venecia) es designado cónsul romano y magister militum (patrón de soldados).


Gudrod Halfdansson, príncipe vikingo.


3 de mayo: Uaxaclajuun Ub'aah K'awiil, líder maya.

21 de junio: Leufredo, monje francés canonizado por la Iglesia Católica.

24 de diciembre: Maslama ibn Abd al-Malik, príncipe y general umayyad.

En la ficción de H. P. Lovecraft, Abd Al Azred, erudito y científico kafir musulmán, es asesinado en el mercado de la ciudad de Damasco (Siria). Su tratado sobre religión, el Al-Azif, es publicado poco tiempo después.

✺- 748→748 (DCCXLVIII) fue un año bisiesto comenzado en lunes del calendario juliano, en vigor en aquella fecha.


Los abbasíes con Abu Muslim al mando, expulsan a las tropas califales del Jorasán.

El mayordomo de palacio franco Pipino el Breve derrota a su hermanastro Grifón cuando pretendía hacerse con el Ducado de Baviera e instala como vasallo al joven heredero legítimo Tasilón III.

Un gran terremoto sacude Oriente Próximo.

Saqueo de la ciudad de Baalbek.


Carlomagno (fecha discutida).


Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.


domingo, 24 de julio de 2022

Nigel d'Oilly, 2nd Lord Hooknorton ★Bisabuelo n°27★ Ref: LH-1048 |•••► #FRANCIA 🇫🇷🏆 #Genealogía #Genealogy

 27 ° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Nigel d'Oilly, 2nd Lord Hooknorton is your 27th great grandfather.



(Linea Paterna) (Linea Materna)


Nigel d'Oilly, 2nd Lord Hooknorton is your 27th great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Dr. Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna

your father → Elena Cecilia Lecuna Escobar

his mother → Vicente de Jesus Lecuna Salboch, Dr.

her father → Ramón Lecuna Sucre

his father → Josefa Margarita de Sucre y Márquez de Valenzuela

his mother → Vicente de Sucre y García de Urbaneja, Cnel.

her father → Coronel Antonio Mauricio Jacinto Tadeo Rosalio Sucre Pardo y Trelles

his father → Carlos Francisco Francois Sucre y Pardo, Sargento Mayor

his father → Charles Adrien de Sucre y D´Ives

his father → Adrianne D'Ives y D'Argenteau

his mother → Jacqueline D'Argenteau

her mother → Conrad d'Argenteau, seigneur de Ligny

her father → Renaud VII d'Argenteau, seigneur de Bossut

his father → Marie de Hamal, dame de Trazegnies

his mother → Sibylle de Ligne

her mother → Michel I, baron de Ligne

her father → Jean II, baron de Ligne

his father → Bertha von Schleiden

his mother → Johann von Schleiden

her father → Konrad III, Herr von Schleiden

his father → Johanna von Heinsberg-Valkenburg

his mother → Philippa van Gelre

her mother → Philippa de Dammartin

her mother → Simon II de Dammartin, Comte d'Aumale

her father → Aubry II, count of Dammartin

his father → Joan Bassett of Huntington

his mother → Edith Basset

her mother → Robert II d'Oilly, Baron Of Hook Norton

her father → Nigel d'Oilly, 2nd Lord Hooknorton

his fatherConsistency CheckShow short path | Share this path

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Nigel d'Oilly, 2nd Lord Hooknorton is your 19th great grandfather's partner's husband's father.


  → Morella Álamo Borges

your mother → show 21 relatives → Robert II d'Oilly, Baron Of Hook Norton

her husband → Nigel d'Oilly, 2nd Lord Hooknorton

his fatherConsistency CheckShare this path

Nigel d'Oilly (Oyley), Constable of Oxford Castle MP

Gender: Male

Birth: 1048

Ouilly-le-Vicomte, Calvados, Lower Normandy, France

Death: September 1115 (66-67)

Hook Norton, Oxfordshire, England, UK

Immediate Family:

Son of Gilbert d'Oilly, Sire de Oilleia la Ribaude and Frances Barney

Husband of Agnes d'Oilly

Father of Robert II d'Oilly, Baron Of Hook Norton; Fulk d'oilly; Roger D' Oyly; Nigell D' Oilly and Margery D'Oilly

Brother of Robert D'Oyley de Liseaux, High Sheriff of Oxfordshire; Wido d'Oilly; Foulk d'Oyly; Ralph d'Oyly; Richard d'Oyly and 1 other 

Added by: James Frederick Pultz on January 20, 2008

Managed by: Erica Howton and 34 others

Curated by: Hatte Anne Blejer

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NIGEL de Oilly [III] of Hook Norton, Oxfordshire

Nigel D'Oyly From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nigel D'Oyly was an 11th-12th century nobleman of England and, in 1120, the Lord of Oxford Castle, and briefly the Lord of Wallingford Castle.


He was son of Walter D'Oyly and younger brother of Robert D'Oyly, follower of William the Conqueror and founder of Oxford Castle.

At some point between 1086 and 1094 Nigel was granted possession of two mills on the west side of Grandpont by Abbot Columbanus of Oxford, however by 1109 the mills were recorded as having been reconfirmed to the abbey.[1] He married Agnes, and left two sons, Robert D'Oyly the younger, the eldest son, who succeeded as Lord High Constable and Baron of Hocknorton and Fulk, buried at Eynesham in 1126. In 1120, King Henry I of England caused Edith Forne, his concubine, to marry Robert.[1] As a marriage portion, he gave her the Manor of Cleydon, Buckinghamshire.


Victoria County History of Oxford Volume IV by Alan Crossley, 1969

History of Norfolk

The baronetage of England

From Medlands:

NIGEL de Oilly [III] of Hook Norton, Oxfordshire (-[after 1103/06]). William II King of England confirmed that land held by “Wido de Oileio” from Robert Bishop of Lincoln had been returned to "Nigello fratri suo" for his life, by charter dated to [1093/1100], witnessed by "…N. Oili"[1735]. "…Nigel de Oilli…" witnessed the charter dated to [1094/98] under which William II King of England confirmed the donation to the abbey of Sainte-Marie de la Sauve Majeure by Hugues de Montgommery[1736]. The Chronicle of Abingdon records a donation by "Nigellus de Oilli…uxoris meæ Agnetis…Roberti filii mei" of "terram de Abbefelda"[1737]. "…Nigelli [de Oilli]…" witnessed the charter dated to [1103/06] [marked "A forgery" in the compilation] under which Henry I King of England confirmed the status of Durham abbey[1738]. Henry I King of England confirmed property ot Eynsham abbey by charter dated 25 Dec 1109, including the donation of "decimam unam hidam terre" by "Nigellus de Oleio"[1739]. m AGNES, daughter of ---. The Chronicle of Abingdon records a donation by "Nigellus de Oilli…uxoris meæ Agnetis…Roberti filii mei" of "terram de Abbefelda"[1740]. Nigel [III] & his wife had [three] children:

a) ROBERT de Oilly [II] (-1142). The Chronicle of Abingdon records a donation by "Nigellus de Oilli…uxoris meæ Agnetis…Roberti filii mei" of "terram de Abbefelda"[1741]. - see below.

b) FULK de Oilly (-after 25 Dec 1139). "Robertus de Oilio" donated property to Eynsham abbey by charter dated to [1130/35], witnessed by "Roberto filio Reg[is] et Edida uxore mea et Fulcone fratre meo…"[1742]. "…Rob[erto] de Oilli et fulco[e] fr[atr]e suo…" witnessed the charter dated 25 Dec 1139 which King Stephen granted for Salisbury Cathedral[1743].

c) HENRY (-after [1150/55]). "…Henricus filius Nigelli…" witnessed the charter dated to [1150/55] under which "Philippus de Kime" confirmed the donations by "patris mei" of the churches of Bullington and Langton by Wragby[1744]. It is not certain that Henry was the son of Nigel de Oilly. However, the same charter was witnessed by "Rogerus de Oli" (parentage not yet ascertained, see below), which indicates a connection between the donor and the Oilly family.


Arthur Jackson 21 Jan 2010


elder brother -'Oyly Robert D'Oyly (also spelt Robert D'Oyley de Liseaux, Robert Doyley, Robert de Oiley, Robert d'Oilly, Robert D'Oyley and Roberti De Oilgi) was a Norman nobleman who accompanied William the Conqueror on the Norman Conquest, his invasion of England. He died in 1091.

Robert was the son of Walter D'Oyly and elder brother to Nigel D'Oyly. D'Oyly is a Norman French name, from the place name Ouilly of the Calvados département in Normandy. He married Ealdgyth, the daughter of Wigod, the Saxon lord of Wallingford. After Wigod's death, William appointed Robert the lord of Wallingford, and ordered him to fortify Wallingford Castle between 1067 and 1071. It is believed he may have become the third High Sheriff of Berkshire around this time. He was made Baron Hocknorton.[1]

D'Oyly was a sworn brother-in-arms of Roger d'Ivry. The Domesday Book records that by 1086 D'Oyly and d'Ivry held a number of manors either partitioned between the two of them or administered in common.

His brother Nigel's son was Robert Doyley, the founder of Osney Priory, Oxford. He was also an ancestor of Henry D'Oyly, one of the major feudal barons of the Magna Carta.

With his wife Ealdgyth he had a daughter and heiress Maud who first married Miles Crispin (d. 1107), Lord of Wallingford, and afterwards Brien FitzCount, lord of Burgavennu (the faithful ally of the Empress Matilda), but leaving no issue, was succeeded by Nigel D'Oyly, her uncle, who was constable to William Rufus and Baron of Hocknorton. Robert and Ealdgyth were buried in the Abbey in Abingdon.

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Showing 12 of 14 people

Agnes d'Oilly


Robert II d'Oilly, Baron Of Hook...


Fulk d'oilly


Roger D' Oyly


Nigell D' Oilly


Margery D'Oilly


Gilbert d'Oilly, Sire de Oilleia...


Frances Barney


Robert D'Oyley de Liseaux, High ...


Wido d'Oilly


Foulk d'Oyly


Ralph d'Oyly



Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.
