martes, 10 de diciembre de 2019

Bethóc ingen Maíl Coluim meic Cináeda ★ Ref: DC-287 |•••► #ESCOCIA #Genealogia #Genealogy

22° Bisabuela/ Great Grandmother de:
Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo

 (Linea Materna)
Bethóc ingen Maíl Coluim meic Cináeda is your 22nd great→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Morella Álamo Borges
your mother → Belén Borges Ustáriz
her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna
her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesus Uztáriz y Monserrate
her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra
his mother → Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina, Teniente Coronel
her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza
his mother → Isabel Manuela Josefa Hurtado de Mendoza y Rojas Manrique
her mother → Juana de Rojas Manrique de Mendoza
her mother → Constanza de Mendoza Mate de Luna
her mother → Mayor de Mendoza Manzanedo
her mother → Juan Fernández De Mendoza Y Manuel
her father → Sancha Manuel
his mother → Sancho Manuel de Villena Castañeda, señor del Infantado y Carrión de los Céspedes
her father → Manuel de Castilla, señor de Escalona
his father → Ferdinand "the Saint", king of Castile and León
his father → Berenguela I la Grande, reina de Castilla
his mother → Eleanor of England, Queen consort of Castile
her mother → Henry II "Curtmantle", king of England
her father → Empress Matilda
his mother → Matilda of Scotland
her mother → Malcolm III, 'Canmore', King of Scots
her father → Duncan I, King of Scots
his father → Bethóc ingen Maíl Coluim meic Cináeda
his motherConsistency CheckShow short path | Share this path
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Bethóc ingen Maíl Coluim meic Cináeda is your 19th great aunt's second great grandmother.

Bethóc ingen Maíl Coluim meic Cináeda  MP
Gender: Female
Birth: 984
Atholl, Perthshire, Scotland
Death: circa 1045 (56-66)
Atholl, Perth, Scotland
Place of Burial: Scotland, United Kingdom
Immediate Family:
Daughter of Malcolm II "The Destroyer", King of Scots" and NN
Wife of Crínán of Dunkeld
Mother of Duncan I, King of Scots and Maldred mac Crínán, Earl of Dunbar
Sister of Donada ingen Maíl Coluim meic Cináeda, Princess of Scots and NN ingen Maíl Coluim meic Cináeda
Added by: Randy Edwards on March 8, 2007
Managed by: James Fred Patin, Jr. and 440 others
Curated by: Sharon Lee Doubell
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Padres: Malcolm II de Escocia (Maíl Coluim mac Cináed) y su esposa.
Cónyuge: Crínán de Dunkeld, Mormaer de Atholl
1. Duncan I, rey de Escocia
2. Maldred de Allerdale
Fuentes y recursos
Tierras medievales
Wikipedia, inglés
Tierras medievales
Bethóc era la esposa de Crínán: CRINAN "el Thane", hijo de --- (muerto en la batalla 1045). Abtano de Dule. Laico abad de Dunkeld. Mayordomo de las islas occidentales. Mormaer de Atholl. Fue asesinado luchando contra el rey Macbeth. m ([1000]) BETHOC , hija de MALCOLM II Rey de Escocia y su esposa ---.

La "Genealogía del rey Guillermo el Lyon" data de 1175 nombres

"Betoch filii Malcolmi" como padre de "Malcolmi filii Dunecani" [131].

La crónica de los escoceses y pictos data de 1177 nombres

"Cran Abbatis de Dunkelden y Bethok filia Malcolm mac Kynnet" como padres del Rey Duncan [132].

La crónica de Juan de Fordun registra que el rey Malcolm II tuvo

"una hija única ... Beatrice que se casó con Crynyne Abthane de Dul y Steward of the Isles ... en algunos anales, por un error del escritor ... abad de Dul" [133].

Dama de Atholl. (Tierras de Cawley)

Crinan y Bethoc tuvieron dos hijos:

i) DUNCAN ([1001] -matado en la batalla en Bothganowan / Pitgaveny, cerca de Elgin, o en Burghead el 14 de agosto de 1040, en la Isla de Iona). Su paternidad es confirmada por los Anales del Ulster, que registran la muerte de "Donnchad, hijo de Crínán, rey de Escocia" en 1040 [209]. La Crónica de John de Fordun nombra a "Duncan" como hijo de "Crynyne Abthane de Dul y Steward of the Isles" y su esposa [210]. Tuvo éxito en 1018 como Rey de Strathclyde. Sucedió a su abuelo materno en 1034 como DUNCAN I Rey de Escocia. (Tierras de Cawley)

ii) MALDRED (asesinado en batalla [1045]). Su parentesco es confirmado por Simeón de Durham, quien registra el matrimonio de "Maldred, el hijo de Crinan" [211]. Señor de Allerdale. Regente de Strathclyde 1034/35. (Tierras de Cawley)

Consulte la    página del Proyecto Medieval Scotland Geni y venga y chatee en la Discusión si desea agregar o desacreditar aspectos de la descripción anterior. Vamos a hacerlo bien juntos. [Sharon 2012]

Bethóc ingen Maíl Coluim meic Cináeda era la hija mayor del rey Máel Coluim mac Cináeda, rey de Escocia, que no tenía hijos conocidos.

El reclamo hereditario más fuerte de sucesión al trono escocés, por lo tanto, pasó por Bethóc. Aproximadamente 1000, la princesa Bethóc se casó con Crínán, abad de Dunkeld. El primer hijo de este matrimonio fue Donnchad I, quien ascendió al trono de Escocia en 1034. Los primeros escritores han afirmado que Máel Coluim también designó a Donnchad como su sucesor bajo las reglas del tanisterio porque había otros posibles reclamantes al trono.

Su hermana Olith estaba casada con Jarl Sigurd, el Stout de Orkney, y la otra hermana Donada con Findláech, el Mormaer de Moireabh.

No debe confundirse con Bethóc ingen Domnaill Bain meic Donnchada.

Anderson, Marjorie Ogilvy. Reyes y reinado a principios de Escocia, 1973

Ella ganó el título de Heredera de Scone. Como resultado de su matrimonio, Bethoc de Escocia fue nombrada Dama de Atholl.


Bethoc (Beatriz) Princesa de Escocia * -9942 [Padres] nació alrededor de 984 en Atholl, Perthshire, Escocia. Se casó con Crinan de Mormaer * -9941 alrededor de 1010 en Atholl, Perthshire, Escocia. El matrimonio terminó en divorcio.

Tuvieron los siguientes hijos:

Mi hija Mormaer Princess of Scotland + -9943 nació alrededor de 1011 en Atholl, Perthshire, Escocia. M ii Duncan Rey de Escocia * -9932 M iii Maldred Conde de Dunbar Rey de Cumbria * -9899
Fuentes / Notas:

Nigel Tranter también tiene un libro bastante bueno sobre el tema, "Macbeth the King" y lo encontré mucho más legible que el de Dorothy Dunnett. Tranter piensa que Thorfinn y Macbeth son medio hermanos, hijos de la hija de Malcolm II de Escocia, Dovada (creo). Y Duncan es su primo, hijo de
La otra hija de Malcolm II, Bethoc. < >

Bethóc ingen Maíl Coluim meic Cináeda era la hija mayor del rey Máel Coluim mac Cináeda, rey de Escocia, que no tenía hijos conocidos.

El reclamo hereditario más fuerte de sucesión al trono escocés, por lo tanto, pasó por Bethóc. Aproximadamente 1000, la princesa Bethóc se casó con Crínán, abad de Dunkeld. El primer hijo de este matrimonio fue Donnchad I, quien ascendió al trono de Escocia en 1034. Los primeros escritores han afirmado que Máel Coluim también designó a Donnchad como su sucesor bajo las reglas del tanisterio porque había otros posibles reclamantes al trono.

Es posible que Bethóc se haya casado previamente con Jarl Sigurd, el Stout de Orkney, y con Findláech, el Mormaer de Moireabh.

No debe confundirse con Bethóc ingen Domnaill Bain meic Donnchada.

Anderson, Marjorie Ogilvy. Reyes y reinado a principios de Escocia, 1973 Wikipedia, inglés


Nombre: Bethoc Princesa de Escocia, 0984 - WFT Est 1054, <- 48="" 57-="">, [10] Nacimiento: 0984 en Of Atholl; Perthshire Bautizo de Escocia: a ? Matrimonio:? a ? a Crinan Grimus Mormaer, 975 - 1045 [11] Muerte: WFT Est 1054 en Escocia Entierro:? a ? Sexo: F


Bethoc mac Máel Coluim de ALBANY

Referencias: [MRL], [AR7], [CP], [Moncreiffe]


Bethoc de Escocia nació alrededor del año 984 en Atholl, Perthshire, Escocia.2 Ella es la hija de Malcolm II de Alba, rey de Escocia. Se casó con Crinan, Mormaer de Atholl, hijo de Duncan, Mormaer de Atholl, alrededor del año 1000 en un matrimonio de Atholl, Perthshire, Escocia.2,3 Y posteriormente se retrata como usurpando el trono escocés. 3 Con un hijo mayor (DUNCAN I 'The Gracious.3' Aunque, de hecho, tenía un derecho genuino sobre él bajo el sistema prevaleciente de sucesión alterna por diferentes líneas que descienden de un común ancestro) .3 Más famoso por Shakespeare.3 Su nombre de casada se convirtió en O'Neill. También era conocida como Beatriz de Escocia.1 Obtuvo el título de Heredera de Scone. Como resultado de su matrimonio, Bethoc de Escocia fue nombrada Dama de Atholl.1 En 1034, la figura histórica que asesinó al hijo mayor de CRINAN, DUNCAN I (reinó) .3 En 1045 y murió en la batalla contra MACBETH (reinó 1040-1057.

-------------------- --------------------

Bethoc av Skottland, eller Bethóc ingen Maíl Coluim meic Cináeda, var den eldste datteren til kong Máel Coluim mac Cináeda (Malcolm II av Skottland) som ikke hadde noen sønner.

Det sterkeste arvelige krav til å etterfølge som skottenes konge gikk derfor via Bethóc. Omtrent rundt år 1000 giftet prinsesse Bethóc seg med Crínán av Dunkeld, lekmannsabbed og muligens mormaer. Den første sønnen av dette ekteskapet ble Donnchad mac Crínáin (Duncan I av Skottland) som overtok den skotske tronen i 1034. tanisteri ettersom det var andre mulige krav til tronen. Det er mulig en Bethóc tidligere hadde vært gift med jarl Sigurd Lodvesson (kalt den digre eller staute) av Orknøyene, og med Findláech, mormaer av Moireabh. Bethóc må ikke forveksles med Bethóc ingen Domnaill Bain meic Donnchada, en más tiempo con Donald III y Skottland.


Anderson, Marjorie Ogilvy: Reyes y reinado a principios de Escocia, 1973


Fuente: 1) Alison Weir, la familia real de Gran Bretaña: una genealogía completa (Londres, Reino Unido: The Bodley Head, 1999), página 177. En lo sucesivo citado como la familia real de Gran Bretaña.

2) Richard Glanville-Brown, en línea , Richard Glanville-Brown (RR 2, Milton, Ontario, Canadá), descargado el 17 de agosto de 2005.

3) Alison Weir, la familia real de Gran Bretaña, página 178.


Nombre: Bethoc ingen Mail Coluim meic Cinaeda. Título: Heredera del reino en Scone.

Fuente: El libro, 'La historia de Oxford de la monarquía británica'


Bethoc de Escocia nació alrededor del año 984 en Atholl, Perthshire, Escocia. Es hija de Malcolm II de Alba, rey de Escocia. Se casó con Crinan de Atholl, Mormaer de Atholl, hijo de Duncan de Atholl, Mormaer de Atholl, hacia 1010 en Atholl, Perthshire, Escocia.

Bethoc de Escocia también se conocía como Beatriz de Escocia. Ella ganó el título de Heredera de Scone. Como resultado de su matrimonio, Bethoc de Escocia fue nombrada Dama de Atholl.

Hijos de Bethoc de Escocia y Crinan de Atholl, Mormaer de Atholl

* Duncan I 'the Gracious', Rey de Escocia b. c 1001, d. 14 agosto 1040
* Maldred, señor de Allerdale b. c 1015, d. 1045
Citas [S11] Alison Weir, la familia real de Gran Bretaña: una genealogía completa (Londres, Reino Unido: The Bodley Head, 1999), página 177. En lo sucesivo, citado como la familia real de Gran Bretaña. [S125] Richard Glanville-Brown, en línea , Richard Glanville-Brown (RR 2, Milton, Ontario, Canadá), descargado el 17 de agosto de 2005. [S11] Alison Weir, Familia Real de Gran Bretaña, página 178. http : //

Artículo de Wikipedia:
Bethóc ingen Maíl Coluim meic Cináeda
Padres: Malcolm II de Escocia (Maíl Coluim mac Cináed) y su esposa Cónyuge: Crínán de Dunkeld, Mormaer de Atholl Hijos: 1. Duncan I, Rey de Escocia 2. Maldred de Allerdale

Heredera de Scone
Notas 1 - Antepasado de los reyes y reinas de Escocia posteriores. 2 - Como Malcolm II no tuvo problemas masculinos, la sucesión pasó a la Casa de Dunkeld a través del matrimonio de su hija Bethoc con Crinian, el abad de Dunkeld. La dinastía duró hasta 1290. Sus miembros eran algo menos propensos que sus antepasados ​​a la muerte violenta y temprana.

Fuentes [S265] Colquoun_Cunningham.ged, Jamie Vans

De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Saltar a: navegación, búsqueda

Para otras personas llamadas Bethóc, vea Bethóc (desambiguación).


Esposa Crínán, abad de Dunkeld


Duncan I, rey de Alba

Maldred de Allerdale
Casa Casa de Alpin (por nacimiento) Casa de Dunkeld (por matrimonio)

Padre Malcolm II, Rey de Alba.

Bethóc ingen Maíl Coluim meic Cináeda era la hija mayor de Máel Coluim mac Cináeda, Rey de Escocia, que no tenía hijos conocidos.

La princesa Bethóc se casó con Crínán, abad de Dunkeld. El primer hijo de este matrimonio fue Donnchad I, quien ascendió al trono de Escocia en 1034. Los primeros escritores han afirmado que Máel Coluim también designó a Donnchad como su sucesor bajo las reglas del tanisterio porque había otros posibles reclamantes al trono.

En este período, el trono escocés todavía pasaba en forma matrilineal picto-gaélica, de hermano a hermano, de tío a sobrino y de primo a primo. La adhesión de Duncan I es, por lo tanto, notable por ser el comienzo de la transición al sistema evolutivo anglo-normando de primogenitura.

Fuentes [editar] Anderson, Marjorie Ogilvy. Reyes y reinado a principios de Escocia, 1973

Bethóc ingen Maíl Coluim meic Cináeda era la hija mayor de Máel Coluim mac Cináeda, Rey de Escocia, que no tenía hijos conocidos.

La princesa Bethóc se casó con Crínán, abad de Dunkeld. El primer hijo de este matrimonio fue Donnchad I, quien ascendió al trono de Escocia en 1034. Los primeros escritores han afirmado que Máel Coluim también designó a Donnchad como su sucesor bajo las reglas del tanisterio porque había otros posibles reclamantes al trono.

En este período, el trono escocés todavía pasaba en forma matrilineal picto-gaélica, de hermano a hermano, de tío a sobrino y de primo a primo. La adhesión de Duncan I es, por lo tanto, notable por ser el comienzo de la transición al sistema evolutivo anglo-normando de primogenitura. óc
Bethóc ingen Maíl Coluim meic Cináeda
Padres: Malcolm II de Escocia (Maíl Coluim mac Cináed) y su esposa Cónyuge: Crínán de Dunkeld, Mormaer de Atholl Hijos: 1. Duncan I, Rey de Escocia 2. Maldred de Allerdale Fuentes y recursos

Wikipedia: Tierras medievales, Tierras medievales inglesas

Bethóc era la esposa de Crínán: CRINAN "el Thane", hijo de --- (muerto en la batalla 1045). Abtano de Dule. Laico abad de Dunkeld. Mayordomo de las islas occidentales. Mormaer de Atholl. Fue asesinado luchando contra el rey Macbeth. m ([1000]) BETHOC, hija de MALCOLM II Rey de Escocia y su esposa ---.

La "Genealogía del rey Guillermo el Lyon" data de 1175 nombres

"Betoch filii Malcolmi" como padre de "Malcolmi filii Dunecani" [131].

La crónica de los escoceses y pictos data de 1177 nombres

"Cran Abbatis de Dunkelden y Bethok filia Malcolm mac Kynnet" como padres del Rey Duncan [132].

La crónica de Juan de Fordun registra que el rey Malcolm II tuvo

"una hija única ... Beatrice que se casó con Crynyne Abthane de Dul y Steward of the Isles ... en algunos anales, por un error del escritor ... abad de Dul" [133].

Dama de Atholl. (Tierras de Cawley)

Crinan y Bethoc tuvieron dos hijos:

i) DUNCAN ([1001] -matado en la batalla en Bothganowan / Pitgaveny, cerca de Elgin, o en Burghead el 14 de agosto de 1040, en la Isla de Iona). Su paternidad es confirmada por los Anales del Ulster, que registran la muerte de "Donnchad, hijo de Crínán, rey de Escocia" en 1040 [209]. La Crónica de John de Fordun nombra a "Duncan" como hijo de "Crynyne Abthane de Dul y Steward of the Isles" y su esposa [210]. Tuvo éxito en 1018 como Rey de Strathclyde. Sucedió a su abuelo materno en 1034 como DUNCAN I Rey de Escocia. (Tierras de Cawley)

ii) MALDRED (asesinado en batalla [1045]). Su parentesco es confirmado por Simeón de Durham, quien registra el matrimonio de "Maldred, el hijo de Crinan" [211]. Señor de Allerdale. Regente de Strathclyde 1034/35. (Tierras de Cawley)

Consulte la página del Proyecto Medieval Scotland Geni y venga y chatee en la Discusión si desea agregar o desacreditar aspectos de la descripción anterior. Vamos a hacerlo bien juntos. [Sharon 2012]

Bethóc ingen Maíl Coluim meic Cináeda era la hija mayor del rey Máel Coluim mac Cináeda, rey de Escocia, que no tenía hijos conocidos.

El reclamo hereditario más fuerte de sucesión al trono escocés, por lo tanto, pasó por Bethóc. Aproximadamente 1000, la princesa Bethóc se casó con Crínán, abad de Dunkeld. El primer hijo de este matrimonio fue Donnchad I, quien ascendió al trono de Escocia en 1034. Los primeros escritores han afirmado que Máel Coluim también designó a Donnchad como su sucesor bajo las reglas del tanisterio porque había otros posibles reclamantes al trono.

Su hermana Olith estaba casada con Jarl Sigurd, el Stout de Orkney, y la otra hermana Donada con Findláech, el Mormaer de Moireabh.

No debe confundirse con Bethóc ingen Domnaill Bain meic Donnchada.

Anderson, Marjorie Ogilvy. Reyes y reinado a principios de Escocia, 1973

Ella ganó el título de Heredera de Scone. Como resultado de su matrimonio, Bethoc de Escocia fue nombrada Dama de Atholl.

Bethoc (Beatriz) Princesa de Escocia * -9942 [Padres] nació alrededor de 984 en Atholl, Perthshire, Escocia. Se casó con Crinan de Mormaer * -9941 alrededor de 1010 en Atholl, Perthshire, Escocia. El matrimonio terminó en divorcio.

Tuvieron los siguientes hijos:

Mi hija Mormaer Princess of Scotland + -9943 nació alrededor de 1011 en Atholl, Perthshire, Escocia. M ii Duncan Rey de Escocia * -9932 M iii Maldred Conde de Dunbar Rey de Cumbria * -9899 Fuentes / Notas:

Nigel Tranter también tiene un libro bastante bueno sobre el tema, "Macbeth the King" y lo encontré mucho más legible que el de Dorothy Dunnett. Tranter piensa que Thorfinn y Macbeth son medio hermanos, hijos de la hija de Malcolm II de Escocia, Dovada (creo). Y Duncan es su primo, hijo de la otra hija de Malcolm II, Bethoc. < >

Bethóc ingen Maíl Coluim meic Cináeda era la hija mayor del rey Máel Coluim mac Cináeda, rey de Escocia, que no tenía hijos conocidos.

El reclamo hereditario más fuerte de sucesión al trono escocés, por lo tanto, pasó por Bethóc. Aproximadamente 1000, la princesa Bethóc se casó con Crínán, abad de Dunkeld. El primer hijo de este matrimonio fue Donnchad I, quien ascendió al trono de Escocia en 1034. Los primeros escritores han afirmado que Máel Coluim también designó a Donnchad como su sucesor bajo las reglas del tanisterio porque había otros posibles reclamantes al trono.

Es posible que Bethóc se haya casado previamente con Jarl Sigurd, el Stout de Orkney, y con Findláech, el Mormaer de Moireabh.

No debe confundirse con Bethóc ingen Domnaill Bain meic Donnchada.

Anderson, Marjorie Ogilvy. Kings and Kingship in Early Scotland, 1973 Wikipedia, inglés

Nombre: Bethoc Princesa de Escocia, 0984 - WFT Est 1054, <- 48="" 57-="">, [10] Nacimiento: 0984 en Of Atholl; Perthshire Bautizo de Escocia: a ? Matrimonio:? a ? a Crinan Grimus Mormaer, 975 - 1045 [11] Muerte: WFT Est 1054 en Escocia Entierro:? a ? Sexo: F --------------------


Bethoc mac Máel Coluim de ALBANY

Referencias: [MRL], [AR7], [CP], [Moncreiffe] --------------------

Bethoc de Escocia nació alrededor del año 984 en Atholl, Perthshire, Escocia.2 Ella es la hija de Malcolm II de Alba, rey de Escocia. Se casó con Crinan, Mormaer de Atholl, hijo de Duncan, Mormaer de Atholl, alrededor del año 1000 en un matrimonio de Atholl, Perthshire, Escocia.2,3 Y posteriormente se la retrata como usurpando el trono escocés.3 Con un hijo mayor (DUNCAN I ' The Gracious.3 'Aunque, de hecho, tenía un derecho genuino sobre él bajo el sistema prevaleciente de sucesión alterna en ese entonces por diferentes líneas que descendían de un antepasado común) .3 Más famoso por Shakespeare.3 Su nombre de casada se convirtió en O'Neill. También era conocida como Beatriz de Escocia.1 Obtuvo el título de Heredera de Scone. Como resultado de su matrimonio, Bethoc de Escocia fue nombrada Dama de Atholl.1 En 1034, la figura histórica que asesinó al hijo mayor de CRINAN, DUNCAN I (reinó).

Bethoc av Skottland, eller Bethóc ingen Maíl Coluim meic Cináeda, var den eldste datteren til kong Máel Coluim mac Cináeda (Malcolm II av Skottland) som ikke hadde noen sønner.

Det sterkeste arvelige krav til å etterfølge som skottenes konge gikk derfor via Bethóc. Omtrent rundt år 1000 giftet prinsesse Bethóc seg med Crínán av Dunkeld, lekmannsabbed og muligens mormaer. Den første sønnen av dette ekteskapet ble Donnchad mac Crínáin (Duncan I av Skottland) som overtok den skotske tronen i 1034. tanisteri ettersom det var andre mulige krav til tronen. Det er mulig en Bethóc tidligere hadde vært gift med jarl Sigurd Lodvesson (kalt den digre eller staute) av Orknøyene, og med Findláech, mormaer av Moireabh. Bethóc må ikke forveksles med Bethóc ingen Domnaill Bain meic Donnchada, en más tiempo con Donald III y Skottland.


Anderson, Marjorie Ogilvy: Reyes y reinado a principios de Escocia, 1973

Fuente: 1) Alison Weir, la familia real de Gran Bretaña: una genealogía completa (Londres, Reino Unido: The Bodley Head, 1999), página 177. En lo sucesivo citado como la familia real de Gran Bretaña.

2) Richard Glanville-Brown, en línea , Richard Glanville-Brown (RR 2, Milton, Ontario, Canadá), descargado el 17 de agosto de 2005.

3) Alison Weir, la familia real de Gran Bretaña, página 178.

Nombre: Bethoc ingen Mail Coluim meic Cinaeda. Título: Heredera del reino en Scone.

Fuente: El libro, 'La historia de Oxford de la monarquía británica'

Bethoc de Escocia nació alrededor del año 984 en Atholl, Perthshire, Escocia. Es hija de Malcolm II de Alba, rey de Escocia. Se casó con Crinan de Atholl, Mormaer de Atholl, hijo de Duncan de Atholl, Mormaer de Atholl, hacia 1010 en Atholl, Perthshire, Escocia.

Bethoc de Escocia también se conocía como Beatriz de Escocia. Ella ganó el título de Heredera de Scone. Como resultado de su matrimonio, Bethoc de Escocia fue nombrada Dama de Atholl.

Hijos de Bethoc de Escocia y Crinan de Atholl, Mormaer de Atholl

Duncan I 'the Gracious', Rey de Escocia b. c 1001, d. 14 agosto 1040
Maldred, señor de Allerdale b. c 1015, d. 1045
Citas [S11] Alison Weir, la familia real de Gran Bretaña: una genealogía completa (Londres, Reino Unido: The Bodley Head, 1999), página 177. En lo sucesivo, citado como la familia real de Gran Bretaña. [S125] Richard Glanville-Brown, en línea , Richard Glanville-Brown (RR 2, Milton, Ontario, Canadá), descargado el 17 de agosto de 2005. [S11] Alison Weir, Familia Real de Gran Bretaña, página 178. http : // -------------------- Artículo de Wikipedia: -------------------- Bethóc ingen Maíl Coluim meic Cináeda

Padres: Malcolm II de Escocia (Maíl Coluim mac Cináed) y su esposa Cónyuge: Crínán de Dunkeld, Mormaer de Atholl Hijos: 1. Duncan I, Rey de Escocia 2. Maldred de Allerdale ----------- --------- Heredera de Scone --------------------

Notas 1 - Antepasado de los reyes y reinas de Escocia posteriores. 2 - Como Malcolm II no tuvo problemas masculinos, la sucesión pasó a la Casa de Dunkeld a través del matrimonio de su hija Bethoc con Crinian, el abad de Dunkeld. La dinastía duró hasta 1290. Sus miembros eran algo menos propensos que sus antepasados ​​a la muerte violenta y temprana.

Fuentes [S265] Colquoun_Cunningham.ged, Jamie Vans -------------------- De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

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Para otras personas llamadas Bethóc, vea Bethóc (desambiguación).


Esposa Crínán, abad de Dunkeld


Duncan I, rey de Alba

Maldred de Allerdale House House of Alpin (por nacimiento) House of Dunkeld (por matrimonio)

Padre Malcolm II, Rey de Alba.

Bethóc ingen Maíl Coluim meic Cináeda era la hija mayor de Máel Coluim mac Cináeda, Rey de Escocia, que no tenía hijos conocidos.

La princesa Bethóc se casó con Crínán, abad de Dunkeld. El primer hijo de este matrimonio fue Donnchad I, quien ascendió al trono de Escocia en 1034. Los primeros escritores han afirmado que Máel Coluim también designó a Donnchad como su sucesor bajo las reglas del tanisterio porque había otros posibles reclamantes al trono.

En este período, el trono escocés todavía pasaba en forma matrilineal picto-gaélica, de hermano a hermano, de tío a sobrino y de primo a primo. La adhesión de Duncan I es, por lo tanto, notable por ser el comienzo de la transición al sistema evolutivo anglo-normando de primogenitura.

Fuentes [editar] Anderson, Marjorie Ogilvy. Reyes y reinado a principios de Escocia, 1973

Bethóc ingen Maíl Coluim meic Cináeda era la hija mayor de Máel Coluim mac Cináeda, Rey de Escocia, que no tenía hijos conocidos.

La princesa Bethóc se casó con Crínán, abad de Dunkeld. El primer hijo de este matrimonio fue Donnchad I, quien ascendió al trono de Escocia en 1034. Los primeros escritores han afirmado que Máel Coluim también designó a Donnchad como su sucesor bajo las reglas del tanisterio porque había otros posibles reclamantes al trono.

En este período, el trono escocés todavía pasaba en forma matrilineal picto-gaélica, de hermano a hermano, tío a sobrino y primo a primo. La adhesión de Duncan I es, por lo tanto, notable por ser el comienzo de la transición al sistema evolutivo anglo-normando de primogenitura. -------------------- óc

Hija de Malcolm II "El Destructor", Rey de Escocia y Ælfgifu 'Edith' Sigurdsdóttir, Dama de Atholl
Mensaje privado de Fern Peters [enviar mensaje privado] y mensaje privado de Gunnar Regnell [enviar mensaje privado] MacAlpin-33 creado el 11 de diciembre de 2012 | Última modificación 22 jun 2016 Esta página ha sido visitada 7.745 veces.

Categorías: Casa de Alpin.

[citación necesitada] para marido extra y niños sobra

insignias Esta persona era miembro de la realeza, nobleza o aristocracia en las Islas Británicas. Si está interesado en este perfil, vea nuestro Proyecto 742-1499 de Royals y Aristócratas de las Islas Británicas. Se desconoce el nombre de la madre de Bethóc.


[ocultar] 1 Biografía 1.1 Tierras medievales 1.1.1 Número 1.2 Wikipedia, inglés 2 Fuentes / Notas 3 Agradecimientos 4 Biografía 5 Fuentes 6 Biografía 7 Fuentes 8 Biografía 9 Fuentes 9.1 Notas al pie 9.2 Agradecimientos 10 Biografía 11 Fuentes Biografía

Bethóc ingen Maíl Coluim Bethóc ingen Maíl Coluim meic Cináeda

Padres: Malcolm II de Escocia y su esposa. Cónyuge: Crínán de Dunkeld, Mormaer de Atholl Hijos: 1. Duncan I, rey de Escocia 2. Maldred de Allerdale 3. ¿hija (s)? Tierras medievales Bethóc era la esposa de Crínán: CRINAN "el Thane" (asesinado en la batalla 1045). La fuente primaria que confirma su parentesco aún no ha sido identificada. Abtano de Dule. Laico abad de Dunkeld. Mayordomo de las islas occidentales. Mormaer de Atholl. Fue asesinado luchando contra el rey Macbeth. Los Anales del Ulster registran que "Abad Crónán de Dún Caillen" fue asesinado en 1045 en "una batalla entre los propios escoceses" [204]. Los Anales de Tigernach registran que "Abad Crínan de Dunkeld" fue asesinado en 1045 en "una batalla entre los hombres de Escocia en un camino" [205].

m ([1000]) BETHOC, hija de MALCOLM II Rey de Escocia y su esposa ---. La "Genealogía del rey Guillermo el Lyon" data de 1175 nombres "Betoch filii Malcolmi" como padre de "Malcolmi filii Dunecani" [206]. La Crónica de los escoceses y pictos data de 1177 nombres "Cran Abbatis de Dunkelden et Bethok filia Malcolm mac Kynnet" como padres del rey Duncan [207]. La Crónica de John de Fordun registra que el Rey Malcolm II tuvo "una hija única ... Beatrice que se casó con Crynyne Abthane de Dul y Steward of the Isles ... en algunos anales, por un error del escritor ... abad de Dul" [208].


Crinan y Bethoc tuvieron dos hijos:

i) DUNCAN ([1001] -matado en la batalla en Bothganowan / Pitgaveny, cerca de Elgin, o en Burghead el 14 de agosto de 1040, en la Isla de Iona). Su paternidad es confirmada por los Anales del Ulster, que registran la muerte de "Donnchad, hijo de Crínán, rey de Escocia" en 1040 [209]. La Crónica de John de Fordun nombra a "Duncan" como hijo de "Crynyne Abthane de Dul y Steward of the Isles" y su esposa [210]. Tuvo éxito en 1018 como Rey de Strathclyde. Sucedió a su abuelo materno en 1034 como DUNCAN I Rey de Escocia.

ii) MALDRED (asesinado en batalla [1045]). Su parentesco es confirmado por Simeón de Durham, quien registra el matrimonio de "Maldred, el hijo de Crinan" [211]. Señor de Allerdale. Regente de Strathclyde 1034/35.

Wikipedia, inglés

Bethóc ingen Maíl Coluim meic Cináeda era la hija mayor del rey Máel Coluim mac Cináeda, rey de Escocia, que no tenía hijos conocidos.

El reclamo hereditario más fuerte de sucesión al trono escocés, por lo tanto, pasó por Bethóc. Aproximadamente 1000, la princesa Bethóc se casó con Crínán, abad de Dunkeld. El primer hijo de este matrimonio fue Donnchad I, quien ascendió al trono de Escocia en 1034. Los primeros escritores han afirmado que Máel Coluim también designó a Donnchad como su sucesor bajo las reglas del tanisterio porque había otros posibles reclamantes al trono.

Su hermana Olith estaba casada con Jarl Sigurd, el Stout de Orkney, y la otra hermana Donada con Findláech, el Mormaer de Moireabh.

No debe confundirse con Bethóc ingen Domnaill Bain meic Donnchada.

Ella ganó el título de Heredera de Scone. Como resultado de su matrimonio, Bethoc de Escocia fue nombrada Dama de Atholl.

Es posible que Bethóc se haya casado previamente con Jarl Sigurd, el Stout de Orkney, y con Findláech, el Mormaer de Moireabh. No debe confundirse con Bethóc ingen Domnaill Bain meic Donnchada.

Fuentes / Notas

Nigel Tranter también tiene un libro bastante bueno sobre el tema, "Macbeth the King" y es mucho más legible que el de Dorothy Dunnett. Tranter piensa que Thorfinn y Macbeth son medio hermanos, posiblemente hijos de la hija de Malcolm II de Escocia, Dovada. Duncan es su primo hijo de la otra hija de Malcolm II, Bethoc. < >

Es posible que Bethóc se haya casado previamente con Jarl Sigurd, el Stout de Orkney, y con Findláech, el Mormaer de Moireabh.

Bethoc av Skottland, eller Bethóc ingen Maíl Coluim meic Cináeda, var den eldste datteren til kong Máel Coluim mac Cináeda (Malcolm II av Skottland) som ikke hadde noen sønner. Det sterkeste arvelige krav til å etterfølge som skottenes konge gikk derfor via Bethóc. Omtrent rundt år 1000 giftet prinsesse Bethóc seg med Crínán av Dunkeld, lekmannsabbed og muligens mormaer. Den første sønnen av dette ekteskapet ble Donnchad mac Crínáin (Duncan I av Skottland) som overtok den skotske tronen i 1034. Tidlige skribenter har også forfektet en Máel Coluim mac Cináeda (Malcolm II av Skottland) se han tenido en cuenta las características de Donnchal somnüger tanisteri ettersom det var andre mulige krav til tronen. Det er mulig en Bethóc tidligere hadde vært gift med jarl Sigurd Lodvesson (kalt den digre eller staute) av Orknøyene, og med Findláech, Mormaer Av Moireabh. Bethóc må ikke forveksles med Bethóc ingen Domnaill Bain meic Donnchada, en más tiempo con Donald III y Skottland. Litteratur

Anderson, Marjorie Ogilvy: Reyes y reinado a principios de Escocia, 1973

1) Alison Weir, la familia real de Gran Bretaña: una genealogía completa (Londres, Reino Unido: The Bodley Head, 1999), páginas 177-178.

2) Richard Glanville-Brown, en línea , Richard Glanville-Brown (RR 2, Milton, Ontario, Canadá), descargado el 17 de agosto de 2005.

3) La historia de Oxford de la monarquía británica,

4) Árboles genealógicos de ascendencia Agradecimientos

Esta página ha sido editada de acuerdo con los estándares de estilo adoptados en enero de 2014. Las descripciones de gedcom importados para este perfil se encuentran en la pestaña Cambios. Biography


AW Lakey Entradas: 41959 Actualizado: 2009-01-05 21:33:15 UTC (lunes) Contacto: Kenneth

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• Identificación: I10895 • Nombre: Bethoc 1 • Sexo: F • Nacimiento: ABT 984 en Atholl, Perthshire, Escocia • Muerte: DESCONOCIDO en Escocia • Número de referencia: 10895 • Nota: Beatrix Alpine

28a bisabuela de Bertha Alice Boyce Lakey y Laura Eleanor Boyce Philp 28a bisabuela de Frances Emily Hogan Pipe; Eulelia Mable Hogan) Bentrop 34a bisabuela de Richard Scott Lakey; Christina Ann Lakey Dick; John Brian Pipe; Christian Matthew Pipe

La hija mayor de Malcolm, Bethoc, se casó con Crinan the Thane, abad laico de Dunkeld (Ancestro de los Leckies), la Princesa Bethoc y Crinan the Thane (Crinan MacDuncan) fueron los padres del Rey Duncan I de Albany, (asesinado 10lotO) y Maldred, gobernante de Cumbria, quien se casó Algitha, hija de Uchtred, conde de Northumberland y Elgiva, hija de Ethelred II, rey de Inglaterra.

Padre: Malcolm ALPINE b: ABT 965 en Escocia

Matrimonio 1 Crinan MAC DUNCAN b: ABT 975 en Atholl, Perthshire, Escocia Niños 1.Tiene niños Duncan DUNKELD b: 1013 en Atholl, Escocia 2.Tiene niños Maldred DUNKELD b: 1010 en Escocia 3.Tiene niños desconocidos DUNKELD b: ABT 1012 en Escocia

Fuentes: 1.Título: Línea de sangre del Santo Grial por Lawrence Gardner


Bethoc Beatrice nació en 0980. Bethoc Beatrice MacKenneth macAlpin ... [1]

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↑ Información de primera mano tal como la recuerda Gunnar Regnell, sábado 28 de febrero de 2015. Reemplace esta cita si hay otra fuente. Ver también:

Agrega fuentes aquí. Biografía

Bethoc fue asesinado en Iona Escocia en 1034. [2] Ese era su padre


Family Search Pedigree Research 1999 Farquharson Genealogía

Notas al pie

↑ Información de primera mano tal como la recuerda Gunnar Regnell, sábado 28 de febrero de 2015. Reemplace esta cita si hay otra fuente. ↑ Ingresado por Beth Babcock. Expresiones de gratitud

Gracias a Beth Babcock por comenzar este perfil. Haga clic en la pestaña Cambios para ver los detalles de las contribuciones de Beth y otros.



↑ Información de primera mano tal como la recuerda Gunnar Regnell, sábado 28 de febrero de 2015. Reemplace esta cita si hay otra fuente. ↑ Ingresado por Beth Babcock. Árbol genealógico de Ainsworth

English (default) edit | history
Bethóc ingen Maíl Coluim meic Cináeda

Parents: Malcolm II of Scotland (Maíl Coluim mac Cináed) and his wife
Spouse: Crínán of Dunkeld, Mormaer of Atholl
1. Duncan I, King of Scotland
2. Maldred of Allerdale
Sources and Resources
Medieval Lands
Wikipedia, English
Medieval Lands
Bethóc was the wife of Crínán: CRINAN "the Thane", son of --- (-killed in battle 1045). Abthane of Dule. Lay abbot of Dunkeld. Steward of the Western Isles. Mormaer of Atholl. He was killed fighting King Macbeth. m ([1000]) BETHOC, daughter of MALCOLM II King of Scotland & his wife ---.

The "Genealogy of King William the Lyon" dated 1175 names

"Betoch filii Malcolmi" as parent of "Malcolmi filii Dunecani"[131].

The Chronicle of the Scots and Picts dated 1177 names

"Cran Abbatis de Dunkelden et Bethok filia Malcolm mac Kynnet" as parents of King Duncan[132].

The Chronicle of John of Fordun records that King Malcolm II had

"an only daughter…Beatrice who married Crynyne Abthane of Dul and Steward of the Isles…in some annals, by a blunder of the writer…abbot of Dul"[133].

Lady of Atholl. (Cawley's Medlands)

Crinan & Bethoc had two children:

i) DUNCAN ([1001]-killed in battle either Bothganowan/Pitgaveny, near Elgin, or Burghead 14 Aug 1040, bur Isle of Iona). His parentage is confirmed by the Annals of Ulster which record the death of "Donnchad son of Crínán, king of Scotland" in 1040[209]. The Chronicle of John of Fordun names "Duncan" as son of "Crynyne Abthane of Dul and Steward of the Isles" and his wife[210]. He succeeded in 1018 as King of Strathclyde. He succeeded his maternal grandfather in 1034 as DUNCAN I King of Scotland. (Cawley’s Medlands)

ii) MALDRED (-killed in battle [1045]). His parentage is confirmed by Simeon of Durham who records the marriage of "Maldred the son of Crinan"[211]. Lord of Allerdale. Regent of Strathclyde 1034/35. (Cawley’s Medlands)

Please see the    Medieval Scotland Geni Project Page & come & chat on the Discussion if you want to add to or debunk aspects of the description above. Let's get it right together. [Sharon 2012]

Bethóc ingen Maíl Coluim meic Cináeda was the eldest daughter of King Máel Coluim mac Cináeda, King of Scots, who had no known sons.

The strongest hereditary claim of succession to the Scottish throne therefore passed through Bethóc. Approximately 1000, Princess Bethóc married Crínán, Abbot of Dunkeld. The first son of this marriage was Donnchad I, who ascended to the throne of Scotland in 1034. Early writers have asserted that Máel Coluim also designated Donnchad as his successor under the rules of tanistry because there were other possible claimants to the throne.

Her sister Olith was married to Jarl Sigurd the Stout of Orkney, and the other sister Donada to Findláech, the Mormaer of Moireabh.

She is not to be confused with Bethóc ingen Domnaill Bain meic Donnchada.

Anderson, Marjorie Ogilvy. Kings and Kingship in Early Scotland, 1973

She gained the title of Heiress of Scone. As a result of her marriage, Bethoc of Scotland was styled as Lady of Atholl.


Bethoc (Beatrix) Princess of Scotland *-9942 [Parents] was born about 984 in of Atholl,Perthshire,Scotland. She married Crinan de Mormaer *-9941 about 1010 in of,Atholl,Perthshire,Scotland. The marriage ended in divorce.

They had the following children:

F i Daughter Mormaer Princess of Scotland +-9943 was born about 1011 in of Atholl,Perthshire,Scotland. M ii Duncan King of Scotland *-9932 M iii Maldred Earl of Dunbar King of Cumbria *-9899

Nigel Tranter has a pretty good book on the subject as well, "Macbeth the King" and I found it far more readable than Dorothy Dunnett's. Tranter thinks that Thorfinn and Macbeth are halfbrothers, sons of Malcolm II of Scotland 's daughter Dovada (I think). And Duncan is their cousin - son of
Malcolm II's other daughter Bethoc.

Bethóc ingen Maíl Coluim meic Cináeda was the eldest daughter of King Máel Coluim mac Cináeda, King of Scots, who had no known sons.

The strongest hereditary claim of succession to the Scottish throne therefore passed through Bethóc. Approximately 1000, Princess Bethóc married Crínán, Abbot of Dunkeld. The first son of this marriage was Donnchad I, who ascended to the throne of Scotland in 1034. Early writers have asserted that Máel Coluim also designated Donnchad as his successor under the rules of tanistry because there were other possible claimants to the throne.

It is possible that Bethóc had previously been married to Jarl Sigurd the Stout of Orkney, and to Findláech, the Mormaer of Moireabh.

She is not to be confused with Bethóc ingen Domnaill Bain meic Donnchada.

Anderson, Marjorie Ogilvy. Kings and Kingship in Early Scotland, 1973 Wikipedia, English


Name: Bethoc Princess of Scotland, 0984 - WFT Est 1054, <- 48="" 57-=""> , [10] Birth: 0984 at Of Atholl; Perthshire; Scotland Christening: ? at ? Marriage: ? at ? to Crinan Grimus Mormaer, 975 - 1045 [11] Death: WFT Est 1054 at Scotland Burial: ? at ? Sex: F


Bethoc mac Máel Coluim of ALBANY

References: [MRL],[AR7],[CP],[Moncreiffe]


Bethoc of Scotland was born circa 984 at Atholl, Perthshire, Scotland.2 She is the daughter of Malcolm II of Alba, King of Scotland. She married Crinan, Mormaer of Atholl, son of Duncan, Mormaer of Atholl, circa 1000 in a Atholl, Perthshire, Scotland marriage.2,3 And subsequently is portrayed as having usurped the Scottish throne.3 With an elder son (DUNCAN I ‘The Gracious.3' Though in fact he had a genuine right to it under the then prevalent system of alternate succession by different lines descending from a common ancestor).3 Most famously by Shakespeare.3 Her married name became O'Neill. She was also known as Beatrix of Scotland.1 She gained the title of Heiress of Scone. As a result of her marriage, Bethoc of Scotland was styled as Lady of Atholl.1 In 1034 the historic figure who murdered CRINAN's elder son DUNCAN I (reigned ).3 In 1045 and was killed in battle against MACBETH (reigned 1040–57.

-------------------- --------------------

Bethoc av Skottland, eller Bethóc ingen Maíl Coluim meic Cináeda, var den eldste datteren til kong Máel Coluim mac Cináeda (Malcolm II av Skottland) som ikke hadde noen sønner.

Det sterkeste arvelige krav til å etterfølge som skottenes konge gikk derfor via Bethóc. Omtrent rundt år 1000 giftet prinsesse Bethóc seg med Crínán av Dunkeld, lekmannsabbed og muligens mormaer. Den første sønnen av dette ekteskapet ble Donnchad mac Crínáin (Duncan I av Skottland) som overtok den skotske tronen i 1034. Tidlige skribenter har også forfektet at Máel Coluim mac Cináeda (Malcolm II av Skottland) selv hadde utsett Donnchad som sin etterfølger under reglene om tanisteri ettersom det var andre mulige krav til tronen. Det er mulig at Bethóc tidligere hadde vært gift med jarl Sigurd Lodvesson (kalt den digre eller staute) av Orknøyene, og med Findláech, mormaer av Moireabh. Bethóc må ikke forveksles med Bethóc ingen Domnaill Bain meic Donnchada, en datter av Donald III av Skottland.


Anderson, Marjorie Ogilvy: Kings and Kingship in Early Scotland, 1973


Source: 1) Alison Weir, Britain's Royal Family: A Complete Genealogy (London, U.K.: The Bodley Head, 1999), page 177. Hereinafter cited as Britain's Royal Family.

2) Richard Glanville-Brown, online , Richard Glanville-Brown (RR 2, Milton, Ontario, Canada), downloaded 17 August 2005.

3) Alison Weir, Britain's Royal Family, page 178.


Name: Bethoc ingen Mail Coluim meic Cinaeda. Title: Heiress of kingdom at Scone.

Source: The book, 'The Oxford History of the British Monarchy'


Bethoc of Scotland was born circa 984 at Atholl, Perthshire, Scotland. She is the daughter of Malcolm II of Alba, King of Scotland. She married Crinan of Atholl, Mormaer of Atholl, son of Duncan of Atholl, Mormaer of Atholl, circa 1010 in Atholl, Perthshire, Scotland.

Bethoc of Scotland was also known as Beatrix of Scotland. She gained the title of Heiress of Scone. As a result of her marriage, Bethoc of Scotland was styled as Lady of Atholl.

Children of Bethoc of Scotland and Crinan of Atholl, Mormaer of Atholl

* Duncan I 'the Gracious', King of Scotland b. c 1001, d. 14 Aug 1040
* Maldred, Lord of Allerdale b. c 1015, d. 1045
Citations [S11] Alison Weir, Britain's Royal Family: A Complete Genealogy (London, U.K.: The Bodley Head, 1999), page 177. Hereinafter cited as Britain's Royal Family. [S125] Richard Glanville-Brown, online , Richard Glanville-Brown (RR 2, Milton, Ontario, Canada), downloaded 17 August 2005. [S11] Alison Weir, Britain's Royal Family, page 178.

Wikipedia article:
Bethóc ingen Maíl Coluim meic Cináeda
Parents: Malcolm II of Scotland (Maíl Coluim mac Cináed) and his wife Spouse: Crínán of Dunkeld, Mormaer of Atholl Children: 1. Duncan I, King of Scotland 2. Maldred of Allerdale

Heiress of Scone
Notes 1 - Ancestor of later Kings and Queens of Scotland. 2 - Since Malcolm II had no male issue, the succession passed to the House of Dunkeld through the marriage of his daughter Bethoc to Crinian, lay Abbot of Dunkeld. The dynasty lasted until 1290. Its members were somewhat less prone than their ancestors to violent and early death.

Sources [S265] Colquoun_Cunningham.ged, Jamie Vans

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For other people named Bethóc, see Bethóc (disambiguation).


Spouse Crínán, Abbot of Dunkeld


Duncan I, King of Alba

Maldred of Allerdale
House House of Alpin (by birth) House of Dunkeld (by marriage)

Father Malcolm II, King of Alba

Bethóc ingen Maíl Coluim meic Cináeda was the eldest daughter of Máel Coluim mac Cináeda, King of Scots, who had no known sons.

Princess Bethóc married Crínán, Abbot of Dunkeld. The first son of this marriage was Donnchad I, who ascended to the throne of Scotland in 1034. Early writers have asserted that Máel Coluim also designated Donnchad as his successor under the rules of tanistry because there were other possible claimants to the throne.

In this period, the Scottish throne still passed in Picto-Gaelic matrilineal fashion, from brother to brother, uncle to nephew, and cousin to cousin. Duncan I's accession is thus noteworthy for being the beginning the transition to the evolving Anglo-Norman system of primogeniture.

Sources[edit] Anderson, Marjorie Ogilvy. Kings and Kingship in Early Scotland, 1973

Bethóc ingen Maíl Coluim meic Cináeda was the eldest daughter of Máel Coluim mac Cináeda, King of Scots, who had no known sons.

Princess Bethóc married Crínán, Abbot of Dunkeld. The first son of this marriage was Donnchad I, who ascended to the throne of Scotland in 1034. Early writers have asserted that Máel Coluim also designated Donnchad as his successor under the rules of tanistry because there were other possible claimants to the throne.

In this period, the Scottish throne still passed in Picto-Gaelic matrilineal fashion, from brother to brother, uncle to nephew, and cousin to cousin. Duncan I's accession is thus noteworthy for being the beginning the transition to the evolving Anglo-Norman system of primogeniture.óc
Bethóc ingen Maíl Coluim meic Cináeda
Parents: Malcolm II of Scotland (Maíl Coluim mac Cináed) and his wife Spouse: Crínán of Dunkeld, Mormaer of Atholl Children: 1. Duncan I, King of Scotland 2. Maldred of Allerdale Sources and Resources

Medieval Lands Wikipedia, English Medieval Lands

Bethóc was the wife of Crínán: CRINAN "the Thane", son of --- (-killed in battle 1045). Abthane of Dule. Lay abbot of Dunkeld. Steward of the Western Isles. Mormaer of Atholl. He was killed fighting King Macbeth. m ([1000]) BETHOC, daughter of MALCOLM II King of Scotland & his wife ---.

The "Genealogy of King William the Lyon" dated 1175 names

"Betoch filii Malcolmi" as parent of "Malcolmi filii Dunecani"[131].

The Chronicle of the Scots and Picts dated 1177 names

"Cran Abbatis de Dunkelden et Bethok filia Malcolm mac Kynnet" as parents of King Duncan[132].

The Chronicle of John of Fordun records that King Malcolm II had

"an only daughter…Beatrice who married Crynyne Abthane of Dul and Steward of the Isles…in some annals, by a blunder of the writer…abbot of Dul"[133].

Lady of Atholl. (Cawley's Medlands)

Crinan & Bethoc had two children:

i) DUNCAN ([1001]-killed in battle either Bothganowan/Pitgaveny, near Elgin, or Burghead 14 Aug 1040, bur Isle of Iona). His parentage is confirmed by the Annals of Ulster which record the death of "Donnchad son of Crínán, king of Scotland" in 1040[209]. The Chronicle of John of Fordun names "Duncan" as son of "Crynyne Abthane of Dul and Steward of the Isles" and his wife[210]. He succeeded in 1018 as King of Strathclyde. He succeeded his maternal grandfather in 1034 as DUNCAN I King of Scotland. (Cawley’s Medlands)

ii) MALDRED (-killed in battle [1045]). His parentage is confirmed by Simeon of Durham who records the marriage of "Maldred the son of Crinan"[211]. Lord of Allerdale. Regent of Strathclyde 1034/35. (Cawley’s Medlands)

Please see the Medieval Scotland Geni Project Page & come & chat on the Discussion if you want to add to or debunk aspects of the description above. Let's get it right together. [Sharon 2012]

Bethóc ingen Maíl Coluim meic Cináeda was the eldest daughter of King Máel Coluim mac Cináeda, King of Scots, who had no known sons.

The strongest hereditary claim of succession to the Scottish throne therefore passed through Bethóc. Approximately 1000, Princess Bethóc married Crínán, Abbot of Dunkeld. The first son of this marriage was Donnchad I, who ascended to the throne of Scotland in 1034. Early writers have asserted that Máel Coluim also designated Donnchad as his successor under the rules of tanistry because there were other possible claimants to the throne.

Her sister Olith was married to Jarl Sigurd the Stout of Orkney, and the other sister Donada to Findláech, the Mormaer of Moireabh.

She is not to be confused with Bethóc ingen Domnaill Bain meic Donnchada.

Anderson, Marjorie Ogilvy. Kings and Kingship in Early Scotland, 1973

She gained the title of Heiress of Scone. As a result of her marriage, Bethoc of Scotland was styled as Lady of Atholl.

Bethoc (Beatrix) Princess of Scotland *-9942 [Parents] was born about 984 in of Atholl,Perthshire,Scotland. She married Crinan de Mormaer *-9941 about 1010 in of,Atholl,Perthshire,Scotland. The marriage ended in divorce.

They had the following children:

F i Daughter Mormaer Princess of Scotland +-9943 was born about 1011 in of Atholl,Perthshire,Scotland. M ii Duncan King of Scotland *-9932 M iii Maldred Earl of Dunbar King of Cumbria *-9899 Sources/Notes:

Nigel Tranter has a pretty good book on the subject as well, "Macbeth the King" and I found it far more readable than Dorothy Dunnett's. Tranter thinks that Thorfinn and Macbeth are halfbrothers, sons of Malcolm II of Scotland 's daughter Dovada (I think). And Duncan is their cousin - son of Malcolm II's other daughter Bethoc.

Bethóc ingen Maíl Coluim meic Cináeda was the eldest daughter of King Máel Coluim mac Cináeda, King of Scots, who had no known sons.

The strongest hereditary claim of succession to the Scottish throne therefore passed through Bethóc. Approximately 1000, Princess Bethóc married Crínán, Abbot of Dunkeld. The first son of this marriage was Donnchad I, who ascended to the throne of Scotland in 1034. Early writers have asserted that Máel Coluim also designated Donnchad as his successor under the rules of tanistry because there were other possible claimants to the throne.

It is possible that Bethóc had previously been married to Jarl Sigurd the Stout of Orkney, and to Findláech, the Mormaer of Moireabh.

She is not to be confused with Bethóc ingen Domnaill Bain meic Donnchada.

Anderson, Marjorie Ogilvy. Kings and Kingship in Early Scotland, 1973 Wikipedia, English

Name: Bethoc Princess of Scotland, 0984 - WFT Est 1054, <- 48="" 57-=""> , [10] Birth: 0984 at Of Atholl; Perthshire; Scotland Christening: ? at ? Marriage: ? at ? to Crinan Grimus Mormaer, 975 - 1045 [11] Death: WFT Est 1054 at Scotland Burial: ? at ? Sex: F --------------------


Bethoc mac Máel Coluim of ALBANY

References: [MRL],[AR7],[CP],[Moncreiffe] --------------------

Bethoc of Scotland was born circa 984 at Atholl, Perthshire, Scotland.2 She is the daughter of Malcolm II of Alba, King of Scotland. She married Crinan, Mormaer of Atholl, son of Duncan, Mormaer of Atholl, circa 1000 in a Atholl, Perthshire, Scotland marriage.2,3 And subsequently is portrayed as having usurped the Scottish throne.3 With an elder son (DUNCAN I ‘The Gracious.3' Though in fact he had a genuine right to it under the then prevalent system of alternate succession by different lines descending from a common ancestor).3 Most famously by Shakespeare.3 Her married name became O'Neill. She was also known as Beatrix of Scotland.1 She gained the title of Heiress of Scone. As a result of her marriage, Bethoc of Scotland was styled as Lady of Atholl.1 In 1034 the historic figure who murdered CRINAN's elder son DUNCAN I (reigned ).3 In 1045 and was killed in battle against MACBETH (reigned 1040–57.

Bethoc av Skottland, eller Bethóc ingen Maíl Coluim meic Cináeda, var den eldste datteren til kong Máel Coluim mac Cináeda (Malcolm II av Skottland) som ikke hadde noen sønner.

Det sterkeste arvelige krav til å etterfølge som skottenes konge gikk derfor via Bethóc. Omtrent rundt år 1000 giftet prinsesse Bethóc seg med Crínán av Dunkeld, lekmannsabbed og muligens mormaer. Den første sønnen av dette ekteskapet ble Donnchad mac Crínáin (Duncan I av Skottland) som overtok den skotske tronen i 1034. Tidlige skribenter har også forfektet at Máel Coluim mac Cináeda (Malcolm II av Skottland) selv hadde utsett Donnchad som sin etterfølger under reglene om tanisteri ettersom det var andre mulige krav til tronen. Det er mulig at Bethóc tidligere hadde vært gift med jarl Sigurd Lodvesson (kalt den digre eller staute) av Orknøyene, og med Findláech, mormaer av Moireabh. Bethóc må ikke forveksles med Bethóc ingen Domnaill Bain meic Donnchada, en datter av Donald III av Skottland.


Anderson, Marjorie Ogilvy: Kings and Kingship in Early Scotland, 1973

Source: 1) Alison Weir, Britain's Royal Family: A Complete Genealogy (London, U.K.: The Bodley Head, 1999), page 177. Hereinafter cited as Britain's Royal Family.

2) Richard Glanville-Brown, online , Richard Glanville-Brown (RR 2, Milton, Ontario, Canada), downloaded 17 August 2005.

3) Alison Weir, Britain's Royal Family, page 178.

Name: Bethoc ingen Mail Coluim meic Cinaeda. Title: Heiress of kingdom at Scone.

Source: The book, 'The Oxford History of the British Monarchy'

Bethoc of Scotland was born circa 984 at Atholl, Perthshire, Scotland. She is the daughter of Malcolm II of Alba, King of Scotland. She married Crinan of Atholl, Mormaer of Atholl, son of Duncan of Atholl, Mormaer of Atholl, circa 1010 in Atholl, Perthshire, Scotland.

Bethoc of Scotland was also known as Beatrix of Scotland. She gained the title of Heiress of Scone. As a result of her marriage, Bethoc of Scotland was styled as Lady of Atholl.

Children of Bethoc of Scotland and Crinan of Atholl, Mormaer of Atholl

Duncan I 'the Gracious', King of Scotland b. c 1001, d. 14 Aug 1040
Maldred, Lord of Allerdale b. c 1015, d. 1045
Citations [S11] Alison Weir, Britain's Royal Family: A Complete Genealogy (London, U.K.: The Bodley Head, 1999), page 177. Hereinafter cited as Britain's Royal Family. [S125] Richard Glanville-Brown, online , Richard Glanville-Brown (RR 2, Milton, Ontario, Canada), downloaded 17 August 2005. [S11] Alison Weir, Britain's Royal Family, page 178. -------------------- Wikipedia article: -------------------- Bethóc ingen Maíl Coluim meic Cináeda

Parents: Malcolm II of Scotland (Maíl Coluim mac Cináed) and his wife Spouse: Crínán of Dunkeld, Mormaer of Atholl Children: 1. Duncan I, King of Scotland 2. Maldred of Allerdale -------------------- Heiress of Scone --------------------

Notes 1 - Ancestor of later Kings and Queens of Scotland. 2 - Since Malcolm II had no male issue, the succession passed to the House of Dunkeld through the marriage of his daughter Bethoc to Crinian, lay Abbot of Dunkeld. The dynasty lasted until 1290. Its members were somewhat less prone than their ancestors to violent and early death.

Sources [S265] Colquoun_Cunningham.ged, Jamie Vans -------------------- From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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For other people named Bethóc, see Bethóc (disambiguation).


Spouse Crínán, Abbot of Dunkeld


Duncan I, King of Alba

Maldred of Allerdale House House of Alpin (by birth) House of Dunkeld (by marriage)

Father Malcolm II, King of Alba

Bethóc ingen Maíl Coluim meic Cináeda was the eldest daughter of Máel Coluim mac Cináeda, King of Scots, who had no known sons.

Princess Bethóc married Crínán, Abbot of Dunkeld. The first son of this marriage was Donnchad I, who ascended to the throne of Scotland in 1034. Early writers have asserted that Máel Coluim also designated Donnchad as his successor under the rules of tanistry because there were other possible claimants to the throne.

In this period, the Scottish throne still passed in Picto-Gaelic matrilineal fashion, from brother to brother, uncle to nephew, and cousin to cousin. Duncan I's accession is thus noteworthy for being the beginning the transition to the evolving Anglo-Norman system of primogeniture.

Sources[edit] Anderson, Marjorie Ogilvy. Kings and Kingship in Early Scotland, 1973

Bethóc ingen Maíl Coluim meic Cináeda was the eldest daughter of Máel Coluim mac Cináeda, King of Scots, who had no known sons.

Princess Bethóc married Crínán, Abbot of Dunkeld. The first son of this marriage was Donnchad I, who ascended to the throne of Scotland in 1034. Early writers have asserted that Máel Coluim also designated Donnchad as his successor under the rules of tanistry because there were other possible claimants to the throne.

In this period, the Scottish throne still passed in Picto-Gaelic matrilineal fashion, from brother to brother, uncle to nephew, and cousin to cousin. Duncan I's accession is thus noteworthy for being the beginning the transition to the evolving Anglo-Norman system of primogeniture. --------------------óc

Daughter of Malcolm II "The Destroyer", King of Scots and Ælfgifu 'Edith' Sigurdsdóttir, Lady of Atholl
Bethóc of Scotland formerly MacAlpin Born 0984 in Perthshire, Scotlandmap Daughter of Mael Coluim (MacAlpin) of Scotland and Aelgifu (Ossory) of Scotland Sister of Donalda (MacAlpin) of Scotland and Anleta (MacAlpin) of Scotland Wife of Crínán (Dunkeld) of Scotland — married 1000 [location unknown] Wife of Sigurd Lodvesson — married about 1002 [location unknown] Mother of Gospatric Northumberland, Maldred (Dunkeld) of Scotland, Wulfflaed Atholl, Duncan (Dunkeld) of Scotland and Uknown Dunkeld Died 15 Sep 1049 in Dunkeld, Perthshire, Englandmap Profile managers: Katherine Patterson private message [send private message], Adam McQuery private message [send private message], Ted Williams private message [send private message], Wendy Hampton private message [send private message], Steve Parsons private message [send private message], Fern Peters private message [send private message], and Gunnar Regnell private message [send private message] MacAlpin-33 created 11 Dec 2012 | Last modified 22 Jun 2016 This page has been accessed 7,745 times.

Categories: House of Alpin.

[citation needed] for spare husband and surplus kids

badges This person was a member of royalty, nobility or aristocracy in the British Isles. If you are interested in this profile, see our British Isles Royals and Aristocrats 742-1499 Project. The name of Bethóc's mother is not known.


[hide] 1 Biography 1.1 Medieval Lands 1.1.1 Issue 1.2 Wikipedia, English 2 Sources/Notes 3 Acknowledgements 4 Biography 5 Sources 6 Biography 7 Sources 8 Biography 9 Sources 9.1 Footnotes 9.2 Acknowledgments 10 Biography 11 Sources Biography

Bethóc ingen Maíl Coluim Bethóc ingen Maíl Coluim meic Cináeda

Parents: Malcolm II of Scotland and his wife. Spouse: Crínán of Dunkeld, Mormaer of Atholl Children: 1. Duncan I, King of Scotland 2. Maldred of Allerdale 3. daughter(s)? Medieval Lands Bethóc was the wife of Crínán: CRINAN "the Thane" (-killed in battle 1045). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. Abthane of Dule. Lay abbot of Dunkeld. Steward of the Western Isles. Mormaer of Atholl. He was killed fighting King Macbeth. The Annals of Ulster record that "Crónán abbot of Dún Caillen" was killed in 1045 in "a battle between the Scots themselves"[204]. The Annals of Tigernach record that “Crínan abbot of Dunkeld” was killed in 1045 in “a battle between the men of Scotland on one road”[205].

m ([1000]) BETHOC, daughter of MALCOLM II King of Scotland & his wife ---. The "Genealogy of King William the Lyon" dated 1175 names "Betoch filii Malcolmi" as parent of "Malcolmi filii Dunecani"[206]. The Chronicle of the Scots and Picts dated 1177 names "Cran Abbatis de Dunkelden et Bethok filia Malcolm mac Kynnet" as parents of King Duncan[207]. The Chronicle of John of Fordun records that King Malcolm II had "an only daughter…Beatrice who married Crynyne Abthane of Dul and Steward of the Isles…in some annals, by a blunder of the writer…abbot of Dul"[208].


Crinan & Bethoc had two children:

i) DUNCAN ([1001]-killed in battle either Bothganowan/Pitgaveny, near Elgin, or Burghead 14 Aug 1040, bur Isle of Iona). His parentage is confirmed by the Annals of Ulster which record the death of "Donnchad son of Crínán, king of Scotland" in 1040[209]. The Chronicle of John of Fordun names "Duncan" as son of "Crynyne Abthane of Dul and Steward of the Isles" and his wife[210]. He succeeded in 1018 as King of Strathclyde. He succeeded his maternal grandfather in 1034 as DUNCAN I King of Scotland.

ii) MALDRED (-killed in battle [1045]). His parentage is confirmed by Simeon of Durham who records the marriage of "Maldred the son of Crinan"[211]. Lord of Allerdale. Regent of Strathclyde 1034/35.

Wikipedia, English

Bethóc ingen Maíl Coluim meic Cináeda was the eldest daughter of King Máel Coluim mac Cináeda, King of Scots, who had no known sons.

The strongest hereditary claim of succession to the Scottish throne therefore passed through Bethóc. Approximately 1000, Princess Bethóc married Crínán, Abbot of Dunkeld. The first son of this marriage was Donnchad I, who ascended to the throne of Scotland in 1034. Early writers have asserted that Máel Coluim also designated Donnchad as his successor under the rules of tanistry because there were other possible claimants to the throne.

Her sister Olith was married to Jarl Sigurd the Stout of Orkney, and the other sister Donada to Findláech, the Mormaer of Moireabh.

She is not to be confused with Bethóc ingen Domnaill Bain meic Donnchada.

She gained the title of Heiress of Scone. As a result of her marriage, Bethoc of Scotland was styled as Lady of Atholl.

It is possible that Bethóc had previously been married to Jarl Sigurd the Stout of Orkney, and to Findláech, the Mormaer of Moireabh. She is not to be confused with Bethóc ingen Domnaill Bain meic Donnchada.


Nigel Tranter has a pretty good book on the subject as well, "Macbeth the King" and it is far more readable than Dorothy Dunnett's. Tranter thinks that Thorfinn and Macbeth are halfbrothers, possibly sons of Malcolm II of Scotland 's daughter Dovada. Duncan is their cousin son of Malcolm II's other daughter Bethoc.

It is possible that Bethóc had previously been married to Jarl Sigurd the Stout of Orkney, and to Findláech, the Mormaer of Moireabh.

Bethoc av Skottland, eller Bethóc ingen Maíl Coluim meic Cináeda, var den eldste datteren til kong Máel Coluim mac Cináeda (Malcolm II av Skottland) som ikke hadde noen sønner. Det sterkeste arvelige krav til å etterfølge som skottenes konge gikk derfor via Bethóc. Omtrent rundt år 1000 giftet prinsesse Bethóc seg med Crínán av Dunkeld, lekmannsabbed og muligens mormaer. Den første sønnen av dette ekteskapet ble Donnchad mac Crínáin (Duncan I av Skottland) som overtok den skotske tronen i 1034. Tidlige skribenter har også forfektet at Máel Coluim mac Cináeda (Malcolm II av Skottland) selv hadde utsett Donnchad som sin etterfølger under reglene om tanisteri ettersom det var andre mulige krav til tronen. Det er mulig at Bethóc tidligere hadde vært gift med jarl Sigurd Lodvesson (kalt den digre eller staute) av Orknøyene, og med Findláech, mormaer av Moireabh. Bethóc må ikke forveksles med Bethóc ingen Domnaill Bain meic Donnchada, en datter av Donald III av Skottland. Litteratur

Anderson, Marjorie Ogilvy: Kings and Kingship in Early Scotland, 1973

1) Alison Weir, Britain's Royal Family: A Complete Genealogy (London, U.K.: The Bodley Head, 1999), page 177-178.

2) Richard Glanville-Brown, online , Richard Glanville-Brown (RR 2, Milton, Ontario, Canada), downloaded 17 August 2005.

3) The Oxford History of the British Monarchy ,

4) Ancestry family trees Acknowledgements

This page has been edited according to Style Standards adopted January 2014. Descriptions of imported gedcoms for this profile are under the Changes tab. Biography


A W Lakey Entries: 41959 Updated: 2009-01-05 21:33:15 UTC (Mon) Contact: Kenneth

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•ID: I10895 •Name: Bethoc 1 •Sex: F •Birth: ABT 984 in Atholl, Perthshire, Scotland •Death: UNKNOWN in Scotland •Reference Number: 10895 •Note: Beatrix Alpine

28th great-grandmother of Bertha Alice Boyce Lakey & Laura Eleanor Boyce Philp 28th great-grandmother of Frances Emily Hogan Pipe; Eulelia Mable Hogan) Bentrop 34th great-grandmother of Richard Scott Lakey; Christina Ann Lakey Dick; John Brian Pipe; Christian Matthew Pipe

Malcolm's elder daughter Bethoc married Crinan the Thane lay abbot of Dunkeld (Ancestor of the Leckies) Princess Bethoc and Crinan the Thane (Crinan MacDuncan) were the parents of King Duncan I of Albany, (killed 10lotO) and Maldred, ruler of Cumbria who married Algitha, daughter of Uchtred, Earl of Northumberland and Elgiva, daughter of Ethelred II, King of England.

Father: Malcolm ALPINE b: ABT 965 in Scotland

Marriage 1 Crinan MAC DUNCAN b: ABT 975 in Atholl, Perthshire, ScotlandChildren1.Has Children Duncan DUNKELD b: 1013 in Atholl, Scotland 2.Has Children Maldred DUNKELD b: 1010 in Scotland 3.Has Children Unknown DUNKELD b: ABT 1012 in Scotland

Sources: 1.Title: Bloodline of The Holy Grail by Lawrence Gardner


Bethoc Beatrice was born in 0980. Bethoc Beatrice MacKenneth macAlpin ... [1]

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↑ First-hand information as remembered by Gunnar Regnell, Saturday, February 28, 2015. Replace this citation if there is another source. See also:

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Bethoc was murdered in Iona Scotland in 1034.[2] That was her father


Family Search Pedigree Research 1999 Farquharson Genealogy


↑ First-hand information as remembered by Gunnar Regnell, Saturday, February 28, 2015. Replace this citation if there is another source. ↑ Entered by Beth Babcock. Acknowledgments

Thanks to Beth Babcock for starting this profile. Click the Changes tab for the details of contributions by Beth and others.



↑ First-hand information as remembered by Gunnar Regnell, Saturday, February 28, 2015. Replace this citation if there is another source. ↑ Entered by Beth Babcock. Ainsworth Family Tree

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Crínán of Dunkeld

Duncan I, King of Scots

Maldred mac Crínán, Earl of Du...


Malcolm II "The Destroyer", King...

Donada ingen Maíl Coluim meic C...

NN ingen Maíl Coluim meic Cináeda




Constantine I king of the Picts and Scots ♛ Ref: DC-285 |•••► #Escocia #Genealogia #Genealogy

27 ° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de:
Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo

 (Linea Materna)
Constantine I, king of the Picts and Scots is your 27th great→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Morella Álamo Borges
your mother → Belén Borges Ustáriz
her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna
her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesus Uztáriz y Monserrate
her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra
his mother → Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina, Teniente Coronel
her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza
his mother → Isabel Manuela Josefa Hurtado de Mendoza y Rojas Manrique
her mother → Juana de Rojas Manrique de Mendoza
her mother → Constanza de Mendoza Mate de Luna
her mother → Mayor de Mendoza Manzanedo
her mother → Juan Fernández De Mendoza Y Manuel
her father → Sancha Manuel
his mother → Sancho Manuel de Villena Castañeda, señor del Infantado y Carrión de los Céspedes
her father → Manuel de Castilla, señor de Escalona
his father → Ferdinand "the Saint", king of Castile and León
his father → Berenguela I la Grande, reina de Castilla
his mother → Eleanor of England, Queen consort of Castile
her mother → Henry II "Curtmantle", king of England
her father → Empress Matilda
his mother → Matilda of Scotland
her mother → Malcolm III, 'Canmore', King of Scots
her father → Duncan I, King of Scots
his father → Bethóc ingen Maíl Coluim meic Cináeda
his mother → Malcolm II "The Destroyer", King of Scots"
her father → Kenneth II, king of Scots
his father → Malcolm I, king of Scots
his father → Donald II "the Madman", King of Scots
his father → Constantine I, king of the Picts and Scots
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Causantín mac Cináeda MP
Gender: Male
Birth: circa 836
Iona, Fife, Argyleshire, Scotland
Death: 877 (36-45)
Battle of Inverdovat, Inverdovat, Forgan Parish, Fife, Fifeshire, Scotland (Died in battle against the Norse.)
Place of Burial: Saint Orans Chapel Cemetery, Isle of Iona, Argyll and Bute, Scotland, UK
Immediate Family:
Son of Kenneth I Mac Alpine, king of the Picts
Husband of Sabhdh Ingen Griogair
Father of Donald II "the Madman", King of Scots
Brother of N.N. ingen Cináed; Áed, King of Scots and Máel Muire ingen Cináed
Added by: Randy Edwards on March 8, 2007
Managed by: James Fred Patin, Jr. and 343 others
Curated by: Anne M Berge
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Constantine spent most of his reign fighting to consolidate and expand upon the Kingdom of Scotland created when Kenneth I had brought together the crowns of the Scots and the Picts to form the beginnings of what became known as Alba. To the south he battled against the King of Strathclyde. This culminated when he arranged the death of the King of Strathclyde in 872. He replaced him with his own brother in law, Rhun: effectively making Strathclyde a subordinate kingdom to Alba.

King of Picts Scots. King of Alba between 862 and 877. Beheaded in battle by Vikings.

Constantine I, King of Alba
Constantine I, King of Alba was born in 836.1 He was the son of Kenneth I 'the Hardy', King of Alba. He died in 877 at Inverdorat, the Black Cove, Angus, Scotland, killed in action against the Danes.2 He was buried at Isle of Iona, Argyllshire, Scotland.2 He was also known as Causantín mac Cináeda.3 He gained the title of King Constantine of the Picts and Scots. He succeeded to the title of King Constantine I of Alba in 863.4 Most of his reign was spent in beating off Viking assults or attempting to extend his authority southwards. Although he ordered the murder of King Artgal (his brother in law and the refugee ruler of Strathclyde) in 871, sometimes he bought peace with his enemies by paying tribute. King of the Scots and Picts for 14 years and was killed in a battle with the Danes at Inverdovat. He has an extensive biographical entry in the Dictionary of National Biography.5
Child of Constantine I, King of Alba 1.Donald II, King of Alba+ d. 900

Citations 1.[S2299] John Warburg, "re: Kings of Scotland," e-mail message to Darryl Roger Lundy, 28 May 2007. Hereinafter cited as "re: Kings of Scotland." 2.[S11] Alison Weir, Britain's Royal Families: The Complete Genealogy (London, U.K.: The Bodley Head, 1999), page 168. Hereinafter cited as Britain's Royal Families. 3.[S130] Wikipedia, online http;// Hereinafter cited as Wikipedia. 4.[S11] Alison Weir, Britain's Royal Families, page 167. 5.[S18] Matthew H.C.G., editor, Dictionary of National Biography on CD-ROM (Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press, 1995), reference "Constantine I, -879". Hereinafter cited as Dictionary of National Biography

Reigned 862-877
Notes ◦Donald was his only son.

Causantín or Constantín mac Cináeda (in Modern Gaelic, Còiseam mac Choinnich; died 877) was a king of the Picts. He is often known as Constantine I, in reference to his place in modern lists of kings of Scots, though contemporary sources described Causantín only as a Pictish king. A son of Cináed mac Ailpín ("Kenneth MacAlpin"), he succeeded his uncle Domnall mac Ailpín as Pictish king following the latter's death on 13 April 862. It is likely that Causantín's (Constantine I) reign witnessed increased activity by Vikings, based in Ireland, in Northumbria and in northern Britain. He died fighting one such invasion.

This is an excerpt from the article Constantine I, King of Scots from the Wikipedia free encyclopedia. A list of authors is available at Wikipedia

Sources 1.[S327] Lakey - Genealogy, Gilbert Marlow Lakey, (

2.[S370] Kings & Queens, Neil Grant, (pub 2003 by HarperCollinsPublishers Hammersmith London W6 8JB), p8 (Reliability: 3)

3.[S410] Pedigrees of the Scottish Clans, John D McLaughlin, (, Genelaig Albanensium - (Pedigree of the Kings of Scotland) (Reliability: 3)

Causantín or Constantín mac Cináeda was a king of the Picts. He is often known as Constantine I, in reference to his place in modern lists of kings of Scots, though contemporary sources described Causantín only as a Pictish king. A son of Cináed mac Ailpín ("Kenneth MacAlpin"), he succeeded his uncle Domnall mac Ailpín as Pictish king following the latter's death on 13 April 862. It is likely that Causantín's (Constantine I) reign witnessed increased activity by Vikings, based in Ireland, in Northumbria and in northern Britain. He died fighting one such invasion.

In 875, the Chronicle and the Annals of Ulster again report a Viking army in Pictland. A battle, fought near Dollar, was a heavy defeat for the Picts; the Annals of Ulster say that "a great slaughter of the Picts resulted". In 877, shortly after building a new church for the Culdees at St Andrews, Causantín was captured and executed (or perhaps killed in battle) after defending against Viking raiders. Although there is agreement on the time and general manner of his death, it is not clear where this happened. Some believe he was beheaded on a Fife beach, following a battle at Fife Ness, near Crail. William Forbes Skene reads the Chronicle as placing Causantín's death at Inverdovat (by Newport-on-Tay), which appears to match the Prophecy of Berchán. The account in the Chronicle of Melrose names the place as the "Black Cave," and John of Fordun calls it the "Black Den". Causantín was buried on Iona.

Causantín's son Domnall and his descendants represented the main line of the kings of Alba and later Scotland.áeda
Constantine spent most of his reign fighting to consolidate and expand upon the Kingdom of Scotland created when Kenneth I had brought together the crowns of the Scots and the Picts to form the beginnings of what became known as Alba. To the south he battled against the King of Strathclyde. This culminated when he arranged the death of the King of Strathclyde in 872. He replaced him with his own brother in law, Rhun: effectively making Strathclyde a subordinate kingdom to Alba.
King of Picts Scots. King of Alba between 862 and 877. Beheaded in battle by Vikings. -------------------- Constantine I, King of Alba

Constantine I, King of Alba was born in 836.1 He was the son of Kenneth I 'the Hardy', King of Alba. He died in 877 at Inverdorat, the Black Cove, Angus, Scotland, killed in action against the Danes.2 He was buried at Isle of Iona, Argyllshire, Scotland.2 He was also known as Causantín mac Cináeda.3 He gained the title of King Constantine of the Picts and Scots. He succeeded to the title of King Constantine I of Alba in 863.4 Most of his reign was spent in beating off Viking assults or attempting to extend his authority southwards. Although he ordered the murder of King Artgal (his brother in law and the refugee ruler of Strathclyde) in 871, sometimes he bought peace with his enemies by paying tribute. King of the Scots and Picts for 14 years and was killed in a battle with the Danes at Inverdovat. He has an extensive biographical entry in the Dictionary of National Biography.5 Child of Constantine I, King of Alba 1.Donald II, King of Alba+ d. 900

Citations 1.[S2299] John Warburg, "re: Kings of Scotland," e-mail message to Darryl Roger Lundy, 28 May 2007. Hereinafter cited as "re: Kings of Scotland." 2.[S11] Alison Weir, Britain's Royal Families: The Complete Genealogy (London, U.K.: The Bodley Head, 1999), page 168. Hereinafter cited as Britain's Royal Families. 3.[S130] Wikipedia, online http;// Hereinafter cited as Wikipedia. 4.[S11] Alison Weir, Britain's Royal Families, page 167. 5.[S18] Matthew H.C.G., editor, Dictionary of National Biography on CD-ROM (Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press, 1995), reference "Constantine I, -879". Hereinafter cited as Dictionary of National Biography -------------------- Reigned 862-877

Notes ◦Donald was his only son.

Causantín or Constantín mac Cináeda (in Modern Gaelic, Còiseam mac Choinnich; died 877) was a king of the Picts. He is often known as Constantine I, in reference to his place in modern lists of kings of Scots, though contemporary sources described Causantín only as a Pictish king. A son of Cináed mac Ailpín ("Kenneth MacAlpin"), he succeeded his uncle Domnall mac Ailpín as Pictish king following the latter's death on 13 April 862. It is likely that Causantín's (Constantine I) reign witnessed increased activity by Vikings, based in Ireland, in Northumbria and in northern Britain. He died fighting one such invasion.

This is an excerpt from the article Constantine I, King of Scots from the Wikipedia free encyclopedia. A list of authors is available at Wikipedia

Sources 1.[S327] Lakey - Genealogy, Gilbert Marlow Lakey, (

2.[S370] Kings & Queens, Neil Grant, (pub 2003 by HarperCollinsPublishers Hammersmith London W6 8JB), p8 (Reliability: 3)

3.[S410] Pedigrees of the Scottish Clans, John D McLaughlin, (, Genelaig Albanensium - (Pedigree of the Kings of Scotland) (Reliability: 3)

Causantín or Constantín mac Cináeda was a king of the Picts. He is often known as Constantine I, in reference to his place in modern lists of kings of Scots, though contemporary sources described Causantín only as a Pictish king. A son of Cináed mac Ailpín ("Kenneth MacAlpin"), he succeeded his uncle Domnall mac Ailpín as Pictish king following the latter's death on 13 April 862. It is likely that Causantín's (Constantine I) reign witnessed increased activity by Vikings, based in Ireland, in Northumbria and in northern Britain. He died fighting one such invasion.

In 875, the Chronicle and the Annals of Ulster again report a Viking army in Pictland. A battle, fought near Dollar, was a heavy defeat for the Picts; the Annals of Ulster say that "a great slaughter of the Picts resulted". In 877, shortly after building a new church for the Culdees at St Andrews, Causantín was captured and executed (or perhaps killed in battle) after defending against Viking raiders. Although there is agreement on the time and general manner of his death, it is not clear where this happened. Some believe he was beheaded on a Fife beach, following a battle at Fife Ness, near Crail. William Forbes Skene reads the Chronicle as placing Causantín's death at Inverdovat (by Newport-on-Tay), which appears to match the Prophecy of Berchán. The account in the Chronicle of Melrose names the place as the "Black Cave," and John of Fordun calls it the "Black Den". Causantín was buried on Iona.

Causantín's son Domnall and his descendants represented the main line of the kings of Alba and later Scotland. --------------------áeda

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Constantine I, (died c. 877, Inverdovat, Scot.) king of Scotland or Alba, the united kingdom of the Picts and Scots (862–877), who succeeded his uncle Donald I.
Constantine’s reign was occupied with conflicts with the Norsemen. Olaf the White, the Danish king of Dublin, laid waste the country of the Picts and Britons year after year; in the south the Danish leader Halfdan devastated Northumberland and Galloway. Constantine was probably slain at a battle at Inverdovat in Fife, at the hands of another band of northern marauders. His heir was his brother Aed, who was killed by the Scots after a year and was succeeded by a nephew, Eochaid.

Cite: Constantine I. (2016). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved from Find A Grave Memorial# 8615422

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Sabhdh Ingen Griogair

Donald II "the Madman", King of ...

Kenneth I Mac Alpine, king of th...

N.N. ingen Cináed

Áed, King of Scots

Máel Muire ingen Cináed


Donald II the Madman King of Scots ♛ Ref: DC-284 |•••► #Escocia #Genealogia #Genealogy

26 ° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de:
Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo

 (Linea Materna)
Donald II "the Madman", King of Scots is your 26th great→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Morella Álamo Borges
your mother → Belén Borges Ustáriz
her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna
her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesus Uztáriz y Monserrate
her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra
his mother → Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina, Teniente Coronel
her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza
his mother → Isabel Manuela Josefa Hurtado de Mendoza y Rojas Manrique
her mother → Juana de Rojas Manrique de Mendoza
her mother → Constanza de Mendoza Mate de Luna
her mother → Mayor de Mendoza Manzanedo
her mother → Juan Fernández De Mendoza Y Manuel
her father → Sancha Manuel
his mother → Sancho Manuel de Villena Castañeda, señor del Infantado y Carrión de los Céspedes
her father → Manuel de Castilla, señor de Escalona
his father → Ferdinand "the Saint", king of Castile and León
his father → Berenguela I la Grande, reina de Castilla
his mother → Eleanor of England, Queen consort of Castile
her mother → Henry II "Curtmantle", king of England
her father → Empress Matilda
his mother → Matilda of Scotland
her mother → Malcolm III, 'Canmore', King of Scots
her father → Duncan I, King of Scots
his father → Bethóc ingen Maíl Coluim meic Cináeda
his mother → Malcolm II "The Destroyer", King of Scots"
her father → Kenneth II, king of Scots
his father → Malcolm I, king of Scots
his father → Donald II "the Madman", King of Scots
his fatherConsistency CheckShow short path | Share this path
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Domnall mac Causantín, Rí na h'Alba MP
Gender: Male
Birth: circa 862
Forres, Morayshire, Scotland
Death: 900 (33-43)
Laurencekirk, Kincardineshire, England (Killed in battle by the Danes at Dunnotter)
Place of Burial: Saint Oran's Chapel, Argyllshire, Scotland
Immediate Family:
Son of Constantine I, king of the Picts and Scots and Sabhdh Ingen Griogair
Husband of Sigurda Mac Causantin
Father of Malcolm I, king of Scots and Nn Mac Donald
Added by: Randy Edwards on March 8, 2007
Managed by: James Fred Patin, Jr. and 350 others
Curated by: Anne M Berge
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Name: King Donald II of Scotland
Father: King Constantine I
Mother: unknown
Relation to Elizabeth II: 31st great-grandfather
House of: MacAlpin
Ascended to the throne: 889
Married: unknown
Children: Malcolm I
Died: 900, killed at Dunnottar, Aberdeen
Buried at: Isle of Iona
Succeeded by: his cousin Constantine
Donald (Domnall mac Causantín) was the son of Constantine. He succeeded Eochaid and Giric and annexed Srathclyde, establishling himself as King of the Scots. He had some success against the Vikings in the West, but the North was dominated by Viking Sigurd the Mighty based in Orkney.

Donald was killed in 900, possibly murdered, at Donnattar near Stonehaven, Aberdeenshire. He was buried on Iona

Donald II, King of Alba
Donald II, King of Alba was the son of Constantine I, King of Alba. He died in 900 at Dunfother, Scotland, killed in action.1 He was buried at Isle of Iona, Argyllshire, Scotland.1 He was also known as Domnall mac Causantín.2 He succeeded to the title of King Donald II of Alba in 889.1 Succeeded the joint rule of Giric and Eochaid. Succeeded by Constantine II.
Child of Donald II, King of Alba 1.Malcolm I, King of Alba+ b. c 897, d. 954

Citations 1.[S11] Alison Weir, Britain's Royal Families: The Complete Genealogy (London, U.K.: The Bodley Head, 1999), page 169. Hereinafter cited as Britain's Royal Families. 2.[S130] Wikipedia, online http;// Hereinafter cited as Wikipedia.

King of Scotland 899/00. Dun-fother. Killed in battle.
Notes ◦Other parishes in Scotland may boast themselves the birthplace of greater men than can Fordoun, but no district in Scotland has seen the death of so many Sovereigns.

Donald, King of Alban (889 - 900) was killed in a battle between the Danes and the Scots. "Over Fotherdun upon the brink of the waves he lies, In the east, in his broad, gory bed" says St Berchan. Dr Skene identifies this with the parish of Fordoun, although referring to Dun Fother or Dunnottar as the locality. The Kingdom of Alban extended from the Forth to the Spey. (
Sources 1.[S327] Lakey - Genealogy, Gilbert Marlow Lakey, (

2.[S370] Kings & Queens, Neil Grant, (pub 2003 by HarperCollinsPublishers Hammersmith London W6 8JB), p8 (Reliability: 3)

3.[S410] Pedigrees of the Scottish Clans, John D McLaughlin, (, Genelaig Albanensium - (Pedigree of the Kings of Scotland) (Reliability: 3)

Domnall mac Causantín, anglicized as Donald II, was King of the Picts or King of Scotland (Alba) in the late 9th century. He was the son of Constantine I (Causantín mac Cináeda). Donald is given the epithet Dásachtach, "the Madman", by the Prophecy of Berchán.

The change from king of the Picts to king of Alba is seen as indicating a step towards the kingdom of the Scots, but historians, while divided as to when this change should be placed, do not generally attribute it to Donald in view of his epithet. The consensus view is that the key changes occurred in the reign of Constantine II (Causantín mac Áeda), but the reign of Giric has also been proposed.

The Chronicle of the Kings of Alba has Donald succeeded by his cousin Constantine II. Donald's son Malcolm (Máel Coluim mac Domnall) was later king as Malcolm I. The Prophecy of Berchán appears to suggest that another king reigned for a short while between Donald II and Constantine II, saying "half a day will he take sovereignty". Possible confirmation of this exists in the Chronicon Scotorum, where the death of "Ead, king of the Picts" in battle against the Uí Ímair is reported in 904. This, however, is thought to be an error, referring perhaps to Ædwulf, the ruler of Bernicia, whose death is reported in 913 by the other Irish annals.
Name: King Donald II of Scotland Father: King Constantine I Mother: unknown Relation to Elizabeth II: 31st great-grandfather House of: MacAlpin Ascended to the throne: 889 Married: unknown Children: Malcolm I Died: 900, killed at Dunnottar, Aberdeen Buried at: Isle of Iona Succeeded by: his cousin Constantine Donald (Domnall mac Causantín) was the son of Constantine. He succeeded Eochaid and Giric and annexed Srathclyde, establishling himself as King of the Scots. He had some success against the Vikings in the West, but the North was dominated by Viking Sigurd the Mighty based in Orkney.
Donald was killed in 900, possibly murdered, at Donnattar near Stonehaven, Aberdeenshire. He was buried on Iona

Donald II, King of Alba
Donald II, King of Alba was the son of Constantine I, King of Alba. He died in 900 at Dunfother, Scotland, killed in action.1 He was buried at Isle of Iona, Argyllshire, Scotland.1 He was also known as Domnall mac Causantín.2 He succeeded to the title of King Donald II of Alba in 889.1 Succeeded the joint rule of Giric and Eochaid. Succeeded by Constantine II. Child of Donald II, King of Alba 1.Malcolm I, King of Alba+ b. c 897, d. 954

Citations 1.[S11] Alison Weir, Britain's Royal Families: The Complete Genealogy (London, U.K.: The Bodley Head, 1999), page 169. Hereinafter cited as Britain's Royal Families. 2.[S130] Wikipedia, online http;// Hereinafter cited as Wikipedia.

King of Scotland 899/00. Dun-fother. Killed in battle.
Notes ◦Other parishes in Scotland may boast themselves the birthplace of greater men than can Fordoun, but no district in Scotland has seen the death of so many Sovereigns.

Donald, King of Alban (889 - 900) was killed in a battle between the Danes and the Scots. "Over Fotherdun upon the brink of the waves he lies, In the east, in his broad, gory bed" says St Berchan. Dr Skene identifies this with the parish of Fordoun, although referring to Dun Fother or Dunnottar as the locality. The Kingdom of Alban extended from the Forth to the Spey. ( Sources 1.[S327] Lakey - Genealogy, Gilbert Marlow Lakey, (

2.[S370] Kings & Queens, Neil Grant, (pub 2003 by HarperCollinsPublishers Hammersmith London W6 8JB), p8 (Reliability: 3)

3.[S410] Pedigrees of the Scottish Clans, John D McLaughlin, (, Genelaig Albanensium - (Pedigree of the Kings of Scotland) (Reliability: 3)

Domnall mac Causantín, anglicized as Donald II, was King of the Picts or King of Scotland (Alba) in the late 9th century. He was the son of Constantine I (Causantín mac Cináeda). Donald is given the epithet Dásachtach, "the Madman", by the Prophecy of Berchán.

The change from king of the Picts to king of Alba is seen as indicating a step towards the kingdom of the Scots, but historians, while divided as to when this change should be placed, do not generally attribute it to Donald in view of his epithet. The consensus view is that the key changes occurred in the reign of Constantine II (Causantín mac Áeda), but the reign of Giric has also been proposed.

The Chronicle of the Kings of Alba has Donald succeeded by his cousin Constantine II. Donald's son Malcolm (Máel Coluim mac Domnall) was later king as Malcolm I. The Prophecy of Berchán appears to suggest that another king reigned for a short while between Donald II and Constantine II, saying "half a day will he take sovereignty". Possible confirmation of this exists in the Chronicon Scotorum, where the death of "Ead, king of the Picts" in battle against the Uí Ímair is reported in 904. This, however, is thought to be an error, referring perhaps to Ædwulf, the ruler of Bernicia, whose death is reported in 913 by the other Irish annals.
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Name: King Donald II of Scotland Father: King Constantine I Mother: unknown Relation to Elizabeth II: 31st great-grandfather House of: MacAlpin Ascended to the throne: 889 Married: unknown Children: Malcolm I Died: 900, killed at Dunnottar, Aberdeen Buried at: Isle of Iona Succeeded by: his cousin Constantine
Donald (Domnall mac Causantín) was the son of Constantine. He succeeded Eochaid and Giric and annexed Srathclyde, establishling himself as King of the Scots. He had some success against the Vikings in the West, but the North was dominated by Viking Sigurd the Mighty based in Orkney.

Donald was killed in 900, possibly murdered, at Donnattar near Stonehaven, Aberdeenshire. He was buried on Iona.

son of Alpin king of Dal Riata, and brother of Kenneth I
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Sigurda Mac Causantin

Malcolm I, king of Scots

Nn Mac Donald

Sabhdh Ingen Griogair

Constantine I, king of the Picts...
