martes, 24 de marzo de 2020

Mendez Alamo Ana Isabel ★(Es Tu Prima Hermana)★ Ref: MA-1950 |•••► #Venezuela 🏆🇻🇪★ #Genealogía #Genealogy

Padre: Mendez Nuñez Eugenio
Madre: Alamo Borges Belen Isabel

(Es Tu Prima Hermana)is your first cousin.-(Es Tu Prima Hermana de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Ana Isabel Mendez Alamo is your first cousin.-


(Linea Materna)
Ana Isabel Mendez Alamo is your first cousin. of
→(1) Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo
→(2)  Morella Álamo Borges (your mother) 
→(3) Belén Álamo Borges (her sister) 
→(4) Ana Isabel Mendez Alamo (her daughter)

Ana Isabel Mendez Alamo (Méndez Álamo)
Gender: Female
Birth: October 16, 1950
Immediate Family:
Daughter of Eugenio Antonio Méndez Núñez and Belén Álamo Borges
Wife of Maurice Reyna
Mother of Manuela Reyna Mendez and Rodrigo Reyna Mendez
Sister of Eugenio Antonio Méndez Álamo and Gustavo Méndez Álamo
Added by: María Isabel Méndez Nuñez on June 19, 2007
Joined On: December 23, 2015
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Showing 7 people

Maurice Reyna

Manuela Reyna Mendez

Rodrigo Reyna Mendez

Belén Álamo Borges

Eugenio Antonio Méndez Núñez

Eugenio Antonio Méndez Álamo

Gustavo Méndez Álamo


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✺- 2000→Enero
1 de enero:
No se manifiestan los fallos «catastróficos» del Y2K (efecto 2000) que se habían predicho en las computadoras de todo el mundo para esta fecha→
→En la provincia canadiense de Quebec se registra un terremoto de 5.2 que causa daños menores→
→10 de enero: la empresa estadounidense AOL (America On-Line) anuncia un acuerdo para comprar la empresa Time Warner por 162 000 millones de dólares→
→13 de enero:
El papa Juan Pablo II acepta la renuncia de José María Setién, obispo de San Sebastián (España)→
→En Río de Janeiro, Brasil la cantante mexicana Gloria Trevi es detenida junto con su corista Mary Boquitas y su productor Sergio Andrade acusados de rapto, secuestro y violación de menores→
→14 de enero:
Un tribunal de las Naciones Unidas sentencia a cinco croatas católicos a más de 25 años de prisión por la matanza de más de 100 musulmanes en

✺- 2010→Enero

Vista del Burj Khalifa, el rascacielos más alto del mundo en Dubái→
Vista del Palacio Nacional de Haití destruido tras el terremoto de enero→
→1 de enero:
El joven jugador de ajedrez noruego Magnus Carlsen se convierte en el número uno del mundo más joven de la Historia, al conseguir este puesto a la edad de diecinueve años y un mes→
→España asume la Presidencia del Consejo de la Unión Europea, sucediendo a Suecia.9​
Comienza el segundo Año Santo Jacobeo del III milenio, convocado en mayo de 2009.10​
Comienza el segundo Año Santo en Caravaca de la Cruz concedido por la Santa Sede a perpetuidad con carácter de cada 7 años→
→Se cumple 10 años del temido efecto 2000 (Y2K), cuyo malestar tuvo al mundo en vilo, en especial a los programas informáticos que se iban a resetear a 1980,que después no representó un problema mayúsculo para

✺- 2020→Enero
1 de enero: Fallece David Stern, ex-comisionario de la NBA→
Incendios en Australia a inicios de 2020→
→2 de enero:
Los incendios forestales australianos de 2019, o "Verano negro", que han matado hasta 500 millones de animales hasta ahora, continúan en el nuevo año cuando la Royal Australian Navy (RAN) y la Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) se despliegan en Nueva Gales del Sur para ayudar en los esfuerzos de evacuación masiva.6​7​
Venezuela realiza el apagón analógico.8​
Se efectúa el fin del Acuerdo de Cotonú→
→En la Ciudad de México, entra en vigor la prohibición de bolsas de plásticos de un solo uso, luego de aprobarse en el Congreso de la Unión dicha demarcación, en mayo de 2019.9​
La especie de pez Psephurus gladius se declara extinta.10​
3 de enero:

Manifestaciones en Irán por la muerte de Qasem Soleimani→
→El general iraní Qasem Soleimani

✺- 2024 (MMXXIV) es el año actual. Es un año bisiesto que comienza en lunes en el calendario gregoriano. Es el vigésimo cuarto año del Siglo XXI y del tercer milenio. Es el cuarto año de la tercera década del siglo xxi y el quinto del decenio de los 2020.

El año 2024 es:

El Año del Dragón, según el horóscopo chino.
El Año Internacional de los Camélidos, según la ONU.1​
El Año de la Acción Anticipatoria en Centroamérica, según la FAO.2​
El Año de Felipe Carrillo Puerto, según el Gobierno de México.3​
1 de enero:
(1)Un terremoto de 7,6 sacude la Península de Noto en la Prefectura de Ishikawa, en Japón, desencadenando un tsunami con olas de hasta más de 6 metros que causaron grandes daños y la muerte de 247 personas, así como casi 1.300 personas heridas.4​5​6​
Duration: 7 minutos y 47 segundos.7:47Subtítulos disponibles.CC
Fue estrenado el 18 de noviembre de 1928 y marco el debut en pantalla del mundialmente conocido personaje de Mickey Mouse, personaje que sería clave para Disney, en su consolidación como estudio de animación.

(2)2 de febrero: En Chile, en las comunas de Viña del Mar, Valparaiso y otras se produce un voraz incendio forestal que consume grandes áreas de bosques, urbanizadas e industriales, el jardín botánico nacional de la ciudad de Viña es consumido en un 99% y se registraron 132 fallecidos y 40 000 damnificados. Se cataloga como la peor tragedia en el país desde el 27F.
4 de febrero:

(3)8 de marzo: El expresidente de Honduras Juan Orlando Hernández es declarado culpable de cargos de narcotráfico en una corte federal de Nueva York, Estados Unidos.

(4)3 de abril: En Taiwán, se registra un terremoto de 7,4, dejando un saldo de 19 muertos y 1.145 personas heridas.

(5)28 de julio: En Venezuela, se realizarán las elecciones presidenciales para el período 2025-2031.El presidente Nicolás Maduro buscará la reelección para un tercer mandato.
(6)11 de agosto: Clausura de los Juegos Olímpicos de 2024 en París, Francia.


(7)Se celebrarán las próximas elecciones generales en Uruguay.
En Chile se realizarán las próximas elecciones municipales y de gobernadores regionales.

(8)5 de noviembre: en Estados Unidos, se celebrarán las Elecciones presidenciales.


1.ª 30 31
(9)8 de diciembre: La catedral de Notre-Dame de París reabrirá al público tras la finalización de las restauraciones del incendio de 2019.114​


(10)Se espera que el papa Francisco haga un viaje a su país natal, Argentina, al cual regresaría tras más de una década, después de su elección como pontífice.115​


Juegos Olímpicos de París 2024.
Juegos Paralímpicos de París 2024.
Tenis profesional
Abierto de Australia 2024: del 14 al 28 de enero.
Torneo de Roland Garros 2024: del 20 de mayo al 9 de junio.
Campeonato de Wimbledon 2024: del 1 al 14 de julio.
Abierto de Estados Unidos 2024: del 26 de agosto al 8 de septiembre.→


Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.



Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.


Linea Genetica N°1 FAMILIA |•••► MENDEZ

PADRE: Mendez Nuñez Eugenio
MADRE: Alamo Borges Belen Isabel

PADRE: Mendez Guzman Eugenio
MADRE: Nuñez Valarino Isabel

PADRE: Mendez Mendoza Eugenio
MADRE: Guzman Guzman Lastenia

4.- 1857 MENDEZ Y MENDOZA EUGENIO |•••► Pais:Venezuela
PADRE: Mendez Díaz Juan de Dios
MADRE: Mendoza Gonzalez Concepción

PADRE: Méndez Goitía, Procer Juan de Dios
MADRE: Díaz y Rivero o Bustamante Magdalena

PADRE: Méndez de la Barta Felipe
MADRE: Goitía de la Fuente Josefa

PADRE: Méndez



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Reyna Mendez Manuela ★ Ref: RM-371 |•••► #VENEZUELA 🏆🇻🇪★ #Genealogía #Genealogy

Padre: Reyna Paez Maurice
Madre: Mendez Alamo Ana Isabel

Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Manuela Reyna Mendez is your first cousin once removed.

 (Linea Materna)
Manuela Reyna Mendez is your first cousin once removed.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Morella Álamo Borges
your mother → Belén Álamo Borges
her sister → Ana Isabel Mendez Alamo
her daughter → Manuela Reyna Mendez
her daughterConsistency CheckShare this pathConfirm this relationship with DNA
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Manuela Reyna Mendez
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Gender: Female
Birth: February 14, 1976
Immediate Family:
Daughter of Maurice Reyna and Ana Isabel Mendez Alamo
Sister of Rodrigo Reyna Mendez
Added by: Carlos Juan Urdaneta Alamo on July 5, 2012
Managed by: Carlos Juan Urdaneta Alamo and Carlos Penzini
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Maurice Reyna

Ana Isabel Mendez Alamo

Rodrigo Reyna Mendez



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Maurice FitzRobert FitzHarding Lord Berkeley ★ Ref: LB -368 |•••► #REINO UNIDO 🏆🇬🇧 #Genealogía #Genealogy


24 ° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de:
Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo

(Linea Paterna)
Maurice FitzRobert FitzHarding, Lord Berkeley is your 24th great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna
your father → Carlos Urdaneta Carrillo
his father → Enrique Urdaneta Maya, Dr.
his father → Josefa Alcira Maya de la Torre y Rodríguez
his mother → Vicenta Rodríguez Uzcátegui
her mother → María Celsa Uzcátegui Rincón
her mother → Sancho Antonio de Uzcátegui Briceño
her father → Catalina Briceño y Soto
his mother → María Ventura de Soto y Rendón
her mother → Joseph de Soto Rodriguez
her father → Sebastián de Soto Rondón
his father → Pedro de Soto Rondón
his father → Juan de Soto Maldonado
his father → Martín de Soto Maldonado
his father → Catalina Arias Maldonado
his mother → Isabel de Bobadilla y Daza
her mother → Constanza Daza Osorio
her mother → Juan Daza
her father → Juan Rodríguez de Aza
his father → Alice de Clifford
his mother → Isabel de Berkeley
her mother → Maurice de Berkeley, 2nd Lord of Berkeley
her father → Thomas de Berkeley, 1st Baron Berkeley
his father → Sir Maurice "The Resolute" de Berkeley
his father → Thomas Fizharding de Berkeley
his father → Maurice FitzRobert FitzHarding, Lord Berkeley
his fatherConsistency CheckShow short path | Share this path
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Sir Maurice "The Make Peace" de Berkeley (FitzRobert FitzHarding), lord of Berkeley  MP
Gender: Male
Birth: circa 1120
Bristol, Gloucestershire, England (United Kingdom)
Death: June 16, 1190 (65-74)
Berkeley Castle, Berkeley, Gloucestershire, England
Place of Burial: Thornbury, Berkeley Castle, Gloucestershire, England (United Kingdom)
Immediate Family:
Son of Robert FitzHarding, "the Devout" and Eva FitzEstmond, Prioress and Founder of The Maudlins of Bristol
Husband of Alice de Berkeley
Father of Maud Giffard; Lord Robert Fizharding de Berkley; Robert FitzRobert FitzHarding, of Beverstone; Maurice de Berkeley; William de Berkeley and 4 others
Brother of Lord Robert Fizharding de Were; Nicholas FitzRobert FitzHarding; Thomas FitzRobert FitzHarding; Alice FitzRobert FitzHarding; Henry FitzRobert FitzHarding and 5 others
Added by: Scott David Hibbard on May 19, 2007
Managed by: Margaret (C) and 70 others
Curated by: Janet Palo-Jackson
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In 1153, Maurice completed Berkeley Castle, by the Severn Estuary, at the command of Henry II, and ever since it has been the home of the Berkeley family.

This is one of England's oldest families who have given their name to numerous locations all over the world, from Berkeley Square in London to Berkeley Hundred in Virginia and Berkeley University in California. This ancient castle has been preserved and gradually transformed from a savage Norman fortress into a truly stately home with a wealth of treasures, paintings by English and Dutch masters, tapestries, furniture of an interesting diversity, silver and porcelain. Highlights of the castle are the massive Norman Keep with the Dungeon and the cell where King Edward II was murdered in 1327, the Picture Gallery, the Dining Room, the medieval Buttery and Kitchens, the Historic Great Hall and the magnificent State Apartments.


Maurice Fitzrobert Lord of BERKELEY (1120-1190) [Pedigree]

Son of Robert FITZHARDING (1096-1170) and Eva FITZESTMOND (1100-1170)

b. ABT 1120, Bristol, Gloucester, Eng.
d. 16 Jun 1190
Married Alice de BERKELEY (1133-)


1. Thomas "The Observer" de BERKELEY Lord of Berkeley (1170-1243) m. Joan de SOMERY (1191-1276).

1. "Ancestral roots of certain American colonists who came

to America before 1700",
Frederick Lewis Weis, 1992, seventh edition.
The earlier editions were called: "Ancestral roots of
sixty colonists who came to New England 1623-1650"
2. "Genealogical Server,",

Cliff Manis.

Born: ABT 1120, Bristol, Gloucestershire, England

Died: 16 Jun 1189, Brentford, Middlesex, England

Father: Robert FITZHARDING


Married: Alice De BERKELEY 1153, Bristol, Gloucestershire, England


1. Thomas De BERKELEY


3. Robert "The Rebellious" De BERKELEY

4. Maurice De BERKELEY

5. William De BERKELEY

6. Henry De BERKELEY

7. Richard De BERKELEY

Maurice I de BERKELEY Lord Berkeley was born 1116 in Bristol, Gloucestershire, England. He died 7 16 Jun 1190 in Berkeley, Gloucestershire, England. Maurice married Alice de BERKELEY on Nov 1153 in Bristol, Gloucestershire, England.

Alice de BERKELEY was born 1135 in Berkeley, Gloucestershire, England. She died after 16 Jun 1189. Alice married Maurice I de BERKELEY Lord Berkeley on Nov 1153 in Bristol, Gloucestershire, England.

They had the following children:

F i Maud de BERKELEY was born 1163.
M ii Robert de BERKELEY Lord Berkeley was born 1165 and died 13 May 1220.
M iii Thomas I de BERKELEY Lord Berkeley was born 1170 and died 29 Nov 1243.
M iv Maurice de BERKELEY 1 was born 1172 in Berkeley, Gloucestershire, England.
M v William de BERKELEY 1 was born 1174 in Berkeley, Gloucestershire, England.
M vi Henry de BERKELEY 1 was born 1176 in Berkeley, Gloucestershire, England.
M vii Richard de BERKELEY 1 was born 1178 in Berkeley, Gloucestershire, England.

Maurice the eldest son of Robert Fitz-Harding succeeded his Father, and was the first to take up his residence in the castle of Berkeley. He added to the fortifications of the castle by digging a ditch or moat on the northern side, it being already sufficiently defended on other sides by watercourses and low marshy ground; in doing this he encroached a little on the soil of the churchyard, which with the church had been given by his father to St. Augustine's. So tenacious however were the monks of their property and privileges, and so forgetful of former benefits, that they pursued the lord Maurice with ecclesiastical censures and threats of excommunication until he was forced to compound for his sacrilegious act by a large grant of rents, tithes and rights of pasturage. Maurice never forgot this ungrateful conduct, and though he had shown his good will to the abbey by a gift of lands in Hinton and Alkington, when he first succeeded to the Barony, he never afterwards looked with any favour upon them. He however founded two monastic establishments in Berkeley, viz. the Hospital of the master and brethren of Lorrenge, now called Lorridge farm, and the Hospital of the Holy Trinity at Longbridge, at the north end of Berkeley adjoining the road to Wanswell. Maurice died in 1189, and was buried in the parish church of Brentford, to which he had been a great benefactor.

Maurice I, "the make peace" fitz Robert, Lord of Berkeley, was seldom written of as lord of Berkeley. He was also called Maurice de Berkeley.

Maurice married Alice de Berkeley, daughter of Roger de Berkeley, in 1153 at or 1154, Bristol, Gloucestershire.

Maurice received, on the same date as his father, confirmation of the grant of Berkeley from King Henry II in 1155. He enlarged the Castle of Berkeley, which thence became the chief seat of, and gave the name to, the family. He received again confirmation of the grant of Berkeley, this time from Queen Eleanor, regent to her son Richard I, on 30 October 1189.

Maurice was justice Itinerant in Gloucestershire, England, in 1190.

See "My Lines"

( )

from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA

( )

ID: I30704
Name: Maurice "Make Peace" Fitz Robert Fitz Harding [Lord Berkeley]
Surname: Fitz Harding
Given Name: Maurice "Make Peace" Fitz Robert
Suffix: [Lord Berkeley]
Sex: M
Birth: ABT 1120 in Bristol, Gloucester, England
Death: 16 Jun 1190 in Berkeley Castle, Gloucester, England
Burial: 1190 Brentford, Middlesex, England
_UID: CBB09AA7CC89D24085216DCA999D52DB6317
Change Date: 18 Jan 2002 at 00:00:00
Father: Robert "Devout" Fitz Harding [Lord Berkeley b: ABT 1095/1096 in Berkeley, Gloucester, England c: in (Abt 75-1170/1)

Mother: Eve Fitz Estmond [Prioress] b: ABT 1099 in Bristol, Gloucester, England

Marriage 1 Alice Berkeley b: ABT 1135 in Berkeley, Gloucester, England

* Married: 1153/1154 in Bristol, Gloucester, England
* Sealing Spouse: 10 May 1961 in SLAKE

1. Maud Fitzharding Berkeley b: ABT 1160 in Brimsfield, Gloucester, England
2. Alice Berkeley b: 1161 in Berkeley, Gloucester, England
3. Robert "Rebellious" Berkeley [Lord Berkeley] b: 1165 (55-1220) in Berkeley, Gloucester, England c: in (Abt 55-1220)
4. Maurice Berkeley b: 1169 in Berkeley Castle, Berkeley, Gloucester, England
5. William Berkeley b: 1170 in Berkeley Castle, Berkeley, Gloucester, England
6. Thomas Berkeley b: 1170 in Berkeley, Gloucester, England c: in (Abt 73-1243)
7. Henry Berkeley b: 1172 in Berkeley Castle, Berkeley, Gloucester, England
8. Richard Berkeley b: 1174 in Berkeley Castle, Berkeley, Gloucester, England

1. Title: #680
2. Title: #681
3. Title: #669
Maurice was called "The Peace Maker." In 1190 he was the Justice Itinerant in Gloucestershire. He became the owner of Berkeley Castle and enlarged it.

In 1153, Maurice completed Berkeley Castle, by the Severn Estuary, at the command of Henry II, and ever since it has been the home of the Berkeley family.
This is one of England's oldest families who have given their name to numerous locations all over the world, from Berkeley Square in London to Berkeley Hundred in Virginia and Berkeley University in California. This ancient castle has been preserved and gradually transformed from a savage Norman fortress into a truly stately home with a wealth of treasures, paintings by English and Dutch masters, tapestries, furniture of an interesting diversity, silver and porcelain. Highlights of the castle are the massive Norman Keep with the Dungeon and the cell where King Edward II was murdered in 1327, the Picture Gallery, the Dining Room, the medieval Buttery and Kitchens, the Historic Great Hall and the magnificent State Apartments.


Maurice Fitzrobert Lord of BERKELEY (1120-1190) [Pedigree]

Son of Robert FITZHARDING (1096-1170) and Eva FITZESTMOND (1100-1170)

b. ABT 1120, Bristol, Gloucester, Eng. d. 16 Jun 1190 Married Alice de BERKELEY (1133-)


1. Thomas "The Observer" de BERKELEY Lord of Berkeley (1170-1243) m. Joan de SOMERY (1191-1276). Sources:

1. "Ancestral roots of certain American colonists who came

to America before 1700", Frederick Lewis Weis, 1992, seventh edition. The earlier editions were called: "Ancestral roots of sixty colonists who came to New England 1623-1650" 2. "Genealogical Server,",

Cliff Manis.


Born: ABT 1120, Bristol, Gloucestershire, England

Died: 16 Jun 1189, Brentford, Middlesex, England

Father: Robert FITZHARDING


Married: Alice De BERKELEY 1153, Bristol, Gloucestershire, England


1. Thomas De BERKELEY


3. Robert "The Rebellious" De BERKELEY

4. Maurice De BERKELEY

5. William De BERKELEY

6. Henry De BERKELEY

7. Richard De BERKELEY

Maurice I de BERKELEY Lord Berkeley was born 1116 in Bristol, Gloucestershire, England. He died 7 16 Jun 1190 in Berkeley, Gloucestershire, England. Maurice married Alice de BERKELEY on Nov 1153 in Bristol, Gloucestershire, England.

Alice de BERKELEY was born 1135 in Berkeley, Gloucestershire, England. She died after 16 Jun 1189. Alice married Maurice I de BERKELEY Lord Berkeley on Nov 1153 in Bristol, Gloucestershire, England.

They had the following children:

F i Maud de BERKELEY was born 1163. M ii Robert de BERKELEY Lord Berkeley was born 1165 and died 13 May 1220. M iii Thomas I de BERKELEY Lord Berkeley was born 1170 and died 29 Nov 1243. M iv Maurice de BERKELEY 1 was born 1172 in Berkeley, Gloucestershire, England. M v William de BERKELEY 1 was born 1174 in Berkeley, Gloucestershire, England. M vi Henry de BERKELEY 1 was born 1176 in Berkeley, Gloucestershire, England. M vii Richard de BERKELEY 1 was born 1178 in Berkeley, Gloucestershire, England. ------------------------------------------------------------

Maurice the eldest son of Robert Fitz-Harding succeeded his Father, and was the first to take up his residence in the castle of Berkeley. He added to the fortifications of the castle by digging a ditch or moat on the northern side, it being already sufficiently defended on other sides by watercourses and low marshy ground; in doing this he encroached a little on the soil of the churchyard, which with the church had been given by his father to St. Augustine's. So tenacious however were the monks of their property and privileges, and so forgetful of former benefits, that they pursued the lord Maurice with ecclesiastical censures and threats of excommunication until he was forced to compound for his sacrilegious act by a large grant of rents, tithes and rights of pasturage. Maurice never forgot this ungrateful conduct, and though he had shown his good will to the abbey by a gift of lands in Hinton and Alkington, when he first succeeded to the Barony, he never afterwards looked with any favour upon them. He however founded two monastic establishments in Berkeley, viz. the Hospital of the master and brethren of Lorrenge, now called Lorridge farm, and the Hospital of the Holy Trinity at Longbridge, at the north end of Berkeley adjoining the road to Wanswell. Maurice died in 1189, and was buried in the parish church of Brentford, to which he had been a great benefactor.

Maurice I, "the make peace" fitz Robert, Lord of Berkeley, was seldom written of as lord of Berkeley. He was also called Maurice de Berkeley.

Maurice married Alice de Berkeley, daughter of Roger de Berkeley, in 1153 at or 1154, Bristol, Gloucestershire.

Maurice received, on the same date as his father, confirmation of the grant of Berkeley from King Henry II in 1155. He enlarged the Castle of Berkeley, which thence became the chief seat of, and gave the name to, the family. He received again confirmation of the grant of Berkeley, this time from Queen Eleanor, regent to her son Richard I, on 30 October 1189.

Maurice was justice Itinerant in Gloucestershire, England, in 1190.

See "My Lines"

( )

from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA

( ) --------------------

ID: I30704 Name: Maurice "Make Peace" Fitz Robert Fitz Harding [Lord Berkeley] Surname: Fitz Harding Given Name: Maurice "Make Peace" Fitz Robert Suffix: [Lord Berkeley] Sex: M Birth: ABT 1120 in Bristol, Gloucester, England Death: 16 Jun 1190 in Berkeley Castle, Gloucester, England Burial: 1190 Brentford, Middlesex, England _UID: CBB09AA7CC89D24085216DCA999D52DB6317 Change Date: 18 Jan 2002 at 00:00:00 Father: Robert "Devout" Fitz Harding [Lord Berkeley b: ABT 1095/1096 in Berkeley, Gloucester, England c: in (Abt 75-1170/1)

Mother: Eve Fitz Estmond [Prioress] b: ABT 1099 in Bristol, Gloucester, England

Marriage 1 Alice Berkeley b: ABT 1135 in Berkeley, Gloucester, England

Married: 1153/1154 in Bristol, Gloucester, England
Sealing Spouse: 10 May 1961 in SLAKE

1. Maud Fitzharding Berkeley b: ABT 1160 in Brimsfield, Gloucester, England 2. Alice Berkeley b: 1161 in Berkeley, Gloucester, England 3. Robert "Rebellious" Berkeley [Lord Berkeley] b: 1165 (55-1220) in Berkeley, Gloucester, England c: in (Abt 55-1220) 4. Maurice Berkeley b: 1169 in Berkeley Castle, Berkeley, Gloucester, England 5. William Berkeley b: 1170 in Berkeley Castle, Berkeley, Gloucester, England 6. Thomas Berkeley b: 1170 in Berkeley, Gloucester, England c: in (Abt 73-1243) 7. Henry Berkeley b: 1172 in Berkeley Castle, Berkeley, Gloucester, England 8. Richard Berkeley b: 1174 in Berkeley Castle, Berkeley, Gloucester, England Sources:

1. Title: #680 2. Title: #681 3. Title: #669

Maurice was called "The Peace Maker." In 1190 he was the Justice Itinerant in Gloucestershire. He became the owner of Berkeley Castle and enlarged it.
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Showing 12 of 22 people

Alice de Berkeley

Maud Giffard

Lord Robert Fizharding de Berkley

Robert FitzRobert FitzHarding, o...

Maurice de Berkeley

William de Berkeley

Thomas Fizharding de Berkeley

Henry de Berkeley

Richard de Berkeley

Alice Berkeley

Eva FitzEstmond, Prioress and Fo...

Robert FitzHarding, "the Devout"



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