20ª Bisabuela de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo
(Linea Materna)
Urraca de Castilla, reina consorte de Navarra is your 20th great grandmother.
You→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→ Morella Álamo Borges
your mother → Belén Borges Ustáriz
her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna
her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesus Uztáriz y Monserrate
her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra
his mother → Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina, Teniente Coronel
her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza
his mother → Isabel Manuela Josefa Hurtado de Mendoza y Rojas Manrique
her mother → Juana de Rojas Manrique de Mendoza
her mother → Constanza de Mendoza Mate de Luna
her mother → Fernando Mathé de Luna
her father → Estefanía Rodríguez de Ceballos, señora de Vado de las Estacas y Villalba
his mother → Ruy / Rodrigo González de Ceballos
her father → Gonzalo Díaz de Ceballos y Ordóñez
his father → María Ordóñez de Aza
his mother → Diego Ordóñez de Aza, Señor de Villamayor
her father → Ordoño Garciez de Aza
his father → García Ordóñez, conde de Nájera
his father → Ordoño Ordóñez, infante de León
his father → Cristina de León
his mother → Bermudo II el Gotoso, rey de León
her father → Urraca de Castilla, reina consorte de Navarra
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Urraca Fernández de Castilla, reina consorte de Navarra MP
Spanish: Da. Aragonta (Gontroda) Peláez, reina consorte de Navarra
Gender: Female
Birth: estimated between 900 and 952
Death: circa 1007
Immediate Family:
Daughter of Fernán González, conde de Castilla and Sancha Sánchez de Navarra, reina consorte de León
Wife of Ordoño III, rey de León; Ordoño IV el Malo, rey de León and Sancho II Abarca, rey de Navarra
Mother of Bermudo II el Gotoso, rey de León; Ordoño, Infante de León; Teresa de León, Monja de San Julian; García Ordoñez; García II el Temblón, rey de Navarra and 5 others
Sister of Elvira Garcia Fernandez; Gonzalo Fernández de Lara, Conde de Lara, Bureva y Aza; García I 'el de las Manos Blancas' Fernández, conde de Castilla; Muniadona Fernández, condesa de Castilla; Pedro de Palencia, señor de Aça and 3 others
Half sister of Pedro Fernández de Castilla and Toda Fernandez de Castile
Added by: Alvaro Enrique Betancourt on June 16, 2007
Managed by: Guillermo Eduardo Ferrero Montilla and 131 others
Urraca Fernández (¿? – 1007) fue infanta de Castilla, reina consorte de León en dos ocasiones (951–956) y (958–960) y reina consorte de Navarra en (970–994). Era hija de Fernán González y Sancha Sánchez de Navarra.
Siguiendo la política de matrimonios de conveniencia de su padre Fernán González se casó con:
* El 941 se casa en primeras nupcias con Ordoño III hijo de Ramiro II; de este matrimonio nacieron:
o Bermudo, rey de León.[1]
o El infante Ordoño de León, fallecido joven
o La infanta Teresa de León, monja
* El 958 se casa en segundas nupcias con Ordoño IV de León, usurpador del trono leonés. Mediante este enlace el rey pretende legitimar su poder. De este matrimonio nacieron hijos de los cuales se conoce el nombre de uno de ellos:
o García Ordóñez[2]
* El 962 se casa en terceras nupcias con Sancho Garcés II de Navarra. De este matrimonio nacerían:
o El infante García Sánchez II de Navarra (994–1000), rey de Navarra y conde de Aragón
o El infante Ramiro de Navarra (¿?–992)
o El infante Gonzalo de Navarra (¿?–997)
o Abda (Urraca) de Navarra «la Vascona», entregada a Almanzor, y que antes de ingresar en un convento le dio un hijo, Abderramán Sanchuelo.
Urraca Fernández (died 1007), infanta of Fernán González of Castile, was the queen consort of two Kings of León and one King of Navarre between 951 and 994. She acted as regent for her son Gonzalo, who had been given the County of Aragon, and later was co-regent of the Kingdom of Navarre, along with her daughter-in-law Jimena Fernández and the bishops of Navarre, of her grandson Sancho III.
[source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urraca_Fern%C3%A1ndez]
Urraca Fernández (died 1007), infanta of Fernán González of Castile, was the queen consort of two Kings of León and one King of Navarre between 951 and 994. She acted as regent for her son Gonzalo, who had been given the County of Aragon, and later was co-regent of the Kingdom of Navarre, along with her daughter-in-law Jimena Fernández and the bishops of Navarre, of her grandson Sancho III.
She was first married by her father to Ordoño III of León in 951. Fernán's support of Sancho the Fat cost her her husband's affection and she was repudiated in 956. By him she had two, and possibly three children:
Ordoño, who died young
Theresa, who became a nun
(perhaps) Bermudo II of León, whose maternity is subject to scholarly debate
In 958, after Ordoño's death, she was remarried to Ordoño IV. He died in 960.
Her third and most important marriage was contracted in 970 to Sancho II of Pamplona. Both Sancho and Urraca were grandchildren of Sancho I of Pamplona, because Urraca's mother was Sancho I's daughter Sancha. With Sancho, she had several children:
García Sánchez II of Pamplona
Ramiro (died 992)
Gonzalo, who ruled the County of Aragon with Urraca as regent
Abda (Urraca) the Basque, given to Almanzor before entering a convent
Urraca Fernández
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Urraca Fernández (died 1007), infanta of Fernán González of Castile, was the queen consort of two Kings of León and one King of Navarre between 951 and 994. She acted as regent for her son Gonzalo, who had been given the County of Aragon, and later was co-regent of the Kingdom of Navarre, along with her daughter-in-law Jimena Fernández and the bishops of Navarre, of her grandson Sancho III.
She was first married by her father to Ordoño III of León in 951. Fernán's support of Sancho the Fat cost her her husband's affection and she was repudiated in 956. By him she had two, and possibly three children:
Ordoño, who died young
Theresa, who became a nun
(perhaps) Bermudo II of León, whose maternity is subject to scholarly debate
In 958, after Ordoño's death, she was remarried to Ordoño IV. He died in 960.
Her third and most important marriage was contracted in 970 to Sancho II of Pamplona. Both Sancho and Urraca were grandchildren of Sancho I of Pamplona, because Urraca's mother was Sancho I's daughter Sancha. With Sancho, she had several children:
García Sánchez II of Pamplona
Ramiro (died 992)
Gonzalo, who ruled the County of Aragon with Urraca as regent
Abda (Urraca) the Basque, given to Almanzor before entering a convent
Urraca Fernández de Castilla
Father Fernán, conde de Castilla b. circa 910, d. June 970
Mother Urraca Garcés de Navarra b. circa 944?
Charts Descendants of Charlemage
Urraca Fernández de Castilla was the daughter of Fernán, conde de Castilla and Urraca Garcés de Navarra. Urraca Fernández de Castilla was a witness where Ordoño III Ramírez "el Bueno", rey de León husband of, correcting Bishop Pelayo's facts, Urraca Fernández, daughter of Fernán González, count of Castile (931-970).1 Urraca Fernández de Castilla was wife of, correcting Bishop Pelayo's facts, Ordoño III of León.1 She married Ordoño III Ramírez "el Bueno", rey de León, son of Ramiro II "el Feroz Guerrero", rey de León and Adosinda Gutiérrez; Her 1st.2 Urraca Fernández de Castilla married rey de León Ordoño IV Alfonsez "el Malo", son of rey de León Alfonso IV Ordoñez "el Monje" and Oneca Sánchez de Navarra; Her 2nd. Urraca Fernández de Castilla married Sancho II "Abarca", rey de Pamplona y conde de Aragón, son of García II Sánchez, rey de Navarra and Andregota Galíndez, condesa de Aragón; His 2nd. Her 3rd.3 Urraca Fernández de Castilla was buried in the Church of Saint Mary, Oviedo, Asturias, Iberian peninsula. Reburied to avoid destruction of her tomb by the army of Almanzor. She was laid to rest with her father-in-law, King Ramiro II, and her husband (correcting Bishop Pelayo), King Ordono III, in the third coffin.1
Family 1
Ordoño III Ramírez "el Bueno", rey de León b. circa 926, d. 955
Bermudo II Ordoñez "el Gotoso", rey de Galicia y de León+ b. c 953, d. Sep 999
Family 2
rey de León Ordoño IV Alfonsez "el Malo" b. circa 926, d. 962
Family 3
Sancho II "Abarca", rey de Pamplona y conde de Aragón b. circa 935, d. December 994
García III "el Temblón", rey de Navarra+ b. c 962?, d. b 8 Dec 9993
[S1074] Bishop Pelayo "the Fabulist" of Oviedo, "CRL", 79.
[S1074] Bishop Pelayo "the Fabulist" of Oviedo, "CRL", 79 - correcting Bishop Pelayo.
[S882] Armerías ilustres, online http://members.xoom.com/chema, Corona de Navarra.
Urraca Fernández (died 1007), infanta of Fernán González of Castile, was the queen consort of two Kings of León and one King of Navarre between 951 and 994. She acted as regent for her son Gonzalo, who had been given the County of Aragon, and later was co-regent of the Kingdom of Navarre, along with her daughter-in-law Jimena Fernández and the bishops of Navarre, of her grandson Sancho III.
She was first married by her father to Ordoño III of León in 951. Fernán's support of Sancho the Fat cost her her husband's affection and she was repudiated in 956. By him she had two, and possibly three children:
* Ordoño, who died young
* Theresa, who became a nun
* (perhaps) Bermudo II of León, whose maternity is subject to scholarly debate
In 958, after Ordoño's death, she was remarried to Ordoño IV. He died in 960.
Her third and most important marriage was contracted in 970 to Sancho II of Pamplona. Both Sancho and Urraca were grandchildren of Sancho I of Pamplona, because Urraca's mother was Sancho I's daughter Sancha. With Sancho, she had several children:
* García Sánchez II of Pamplona
* Ramiro (died 992)
* Gonzalo, who ruled the County of Aragon with Urraca as regent
* Abda (Urraca) the Basque, given to Almanzor before entering a convent
Urraca Fernández (died 1007), infanta of Fernán González of Castile, was the queen consort of two Kings of León and one King of Navarre between 951 and 994. She acted as regent for her son Gonzalo, who had been given the County of Aragon, and later was co-regent of the Kingdom of Navarre, along with her daughter-in-law Jimena Fernández and the bishops of Navarre, of her grandson Sancho III.
She was first married by her father to Ordoño III of León in 951. Fernán's support of Sancho the Fat cost her her husband's affection and she was repudiated in 956. By him she had two, and possibly three children:
Ordoño, who died young
Theresa, who became a nun
(perhaps) Bermudo II of León, whose maternity is subject to scholarly debate
In 958, after Ordoño's death, she was remarried to Ordoño IV. He died in 960.
Her third and most important marriage was contracted in 970 to Sancho II of Pamplona. Both Sancho and Urraca were grandchildren of Sancho I of Pamplona, because Urraca's mother was Sancho I's daughter Sancha. With Sancho, she had several children:
García Sánchez II of Pamplona
Ramiro (died 992)
Gonzalo, who ruled the County of Aragon with Urraca as regent
Abda (Urraca) the Basque, given to Almanzor before entering a convent
Urraca Salvadorez de Castilla1
b. circa 981, d. 20 May 1025
Father Salvadore Pedro, conde de Castilla1 b. after 962
Urraca Salvadorez de Castilla was born circa 981. She was the daughter of Salvadore Pedro, conde de Castilla.1 Urraca Salvadorez de Castilla married Sancho I "el de los Buenos Fueros", conde de Castilla, son of García I "el de las Manos Blancas", conde de Castilla and Aba Raimúndez de Ribagorza, in 994; 1st cousins.1,2 Urraca Salvadorez de Castilla died on 20 May 1025.1
Sancho I "el de los Buenos Fueros", conde de Castilla b. circa 965, d. 5 February 1017
Munia Mayor Sánchez de Castilla+ b. 995, d. a 13 Jul 10663
Sancha Sánchez de Castilla+ b. c 1005, d. 26 Jun 1026
García, conde de Castilla b. c 1008?, d. 13 May 10291
[S187] Royal Genealogy Database, online http://www.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/
[S204] Roderick W. Stuart, RfC, 285-34.
[S204] Roderick W. Stuart, RfC, 285-33.
Siguiendo la política de matrimonios de conveniencia de su padre Fernán González, en 941 se casa en primeras nupcias con Ordoño III de León, hijo de Ramiro II de León. Contrajo un segundo matrimonio en 958 con Ordoño IV, rey de León. Casó por tercera vez en 962 con Sancho Garcés II de Pamplona.
Urraca Fernández (died 1007), was queen consort of two Kings of León and one King of Navarre between 951 and 994. She acted as regent for her son Gonzalo, who had been given the County of Aragon, and later was co-regent of the Kingdom of Navarre, along with her daughter-in-law Jimena Fernández and the bishops of Navarre, of her grandson Sancho III.
Family[edit] She was infanta of Castile and daughter of Count Fernán González and queen Sancha Sánchez of Pamplona.
She was first married by her father to Ordoño III of León in 951. Fernán's support of Sancho the Fat cost her her husband's affection and she was repudiated in 956. By him she had two, and possibly three children:
Ordoño, who died young Theresa, who became a nun (perhaps) Bermudo II of León, whose maternity is subject to scholarly debate[1] In 958, after Ordoño's death, she was remarried to Ordoño IV. He died in 960.
Her third and most important marriage was contracted in 962 to Sancho II of Pamplona. Both Sancho and Urraca were grandchildren of Sancho I of Pamplona. With Sancho, she had several children:
García Sánchez II of Pamplona Ramiro (died 992) Gonzalo, who ruled the County of Aragon with Urraca as regent Urraca Sanchez, nicknamed "the Basque", adopted the Arabic name Abda after being given to Almanzor Ruler of Al-Andalus by her father Sancho II of Pamplona. Urraca and Almanzor had a single son, named Abd al-Rahman Sanchuelo that became chief minister of Hisham II, Caliph of Córdoba. Notes[edit] Jump up ^ Alfonso Ceballos-Escalera (p. 159 de su obra Reyes de León: Ordoño III (951–956), Sancho I (956–966), Ordoño IV (958–959), Ramiro III (966–985), Vermudo II (982–999), editorial La Olmeda, Burgos, 2000 ISBN 84-89915-11-3)
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Immediate Family
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Showing 12 of 39 people
Sancho II Abarca, rey de Navarra
García II el Temblón, rey de N...
Ramiro Sánchez de Navarra
Gonzalo Sánchez de Navarra
Fernando Sánchez de Navarra
Mayor Sánchez de Navarra
Jimena Sánchez de Navarra
Ordoño IV el Malo, rey de León
García Ordoñez
Ordoño III, rey de León
Bermudo II el Gotoso, rey de León
Ordoño, Infante de León
Urraca Fernández
994 951 970
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Para otras personas del mismo nombre, véase Urraca.
Urraca Fernández
Urraca Fernández, grabado del Códice Vigilano
Información personal
Nacimiento Siglo Xjuliano Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Fallecimiento 1007 Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Lugar de sepultura colegiata de San Cosme y San Damián (España) Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Religión Catolicismo Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Padres Fernán González Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Sancha de Pamplona Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Ordoño III de León
Ordoño IV de León
Sancho Garcés II de Pamplona Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Bermudo II de León
García Sánchez II de Pamplona Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
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Monarca de Navarra Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
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Urraca Fernández
Reina consorte de León y de Pamplona
Reina de Pamplona
Consorte de Sancho Garcés II
970 - 994
Predecesor Teresa Ramírez
Sucesor Jimena Fernández
Reina de León
Consorte de Ordoño III
951 - 956
Predecesor Urraca Sánchez
Sucesor Teresa Ansúrez
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Información personal
Otros títulos Reina consorte de León (951-956 y 958-960)
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Urraca Fernández (m. 1007) fue una noble castellana que se convirtió en reina consorte de León en dos ocasiones (951-956) y (958-960) y reina consorte de Pamplona en (970-994). Era hija del conde Fernán González y de Sancha de Pamplona.
Matrimonios y descendencia
Siguiendo la política de matrimonios de conveniencia de su padre Fernán González, en 941 se casa en primeras nupcias con Ordoño III de León,[a] hijo de Ramiro II de León. De este matrimonio nacieron:
Bermudo II de León, rey de León.[4]
Contrajo un segundo matrimonio en 958 con Ordoño IV, rey de León. Mediante este enlace el rey pretende legitimar su poder. De este matrimonio nacieron dos hijos de los cuales se conoce el nombre de uno de ellos:[5][6]
García, fue entregado como rehén por su padre al califa Alhakén II cuando Ordoño IV viajó a Córdoba a firmar un tratado de amistad.
Casó por tercera vez en 962 con Sancho Garcés II de Pamplona, naciendo de este matrimonio:
García Sánchez (994-1000),[7][8] rey de Pamplona y conde de Aragón, casado con Jimena Fernández.
Ramiro de Pamplona (m. 992).[8]
Gonzalo de Pamplona (m. 997). Su hermano, el rey García Sánchez, primero puso a su madre Urraca al frente del condado de Aragón y después a su hermano Gonzalo quien con el título de regulus gobernó el condado con una «pequeña corte condal de caballeros de la tierra.»[8]
Urraca de Pamplona la Vascona, entregada en 982 a Almanzor, adoptó el nombre árabe de «Abda». Antes de ingresar en un convento le dio un hijo, Abderramán, llamado «Sanchuelo» por su parecido con su abuelo Sancho.[9][7]
Después de su fallecimiento, el cadáver de la reina Urraca fue sepultado en la colegiata de Covarrubias. En unas piedras pintadas de rojo y azul, bajo las siglas D.O.M. y las armas reales, aparece la siguiente inscripción esculpida en letras latinas en el siglo XVII:
Sus restos reposan en un sepulcro de piedra, colocado en el presbiterio de la colegiata. El sepulcro aparece cubierto con una tapa a dos vertientes y con el escudo de Castilla y León en los frentes del sepulcro.[10]