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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta FARAON DE EGIPTO. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, 24 de octubre de 2023

Maaibre Sheshi Pharaoh of Egypt ★Bisabuelo n°88M★ Ref: FE--1815 |•••► #EGIPTO 🏆 🇪🇬 #Genealogía #Genealogy

88 ° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Maaibre Sheshi, Pharaoh of Egypt is your 88th great grandfather.



(Linea Materna)


Maaibre Sheshi, Pharaoh of Egypt is your 88th great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Morella Álamo Borges

your mother → Belén Eloina Borges Ustáriz

her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna

her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesús Uztáriz y Monserrate

her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra

his mother → Teniente Coronel Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina

her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza

his mother → Andrés Manuel Ortiz de Urbina y Landaeta, I Marqués de Torrecasa

her father → Manuel Ortiz de Urbina y Márquez de Cañizares

his father → Manuel de Ortiz de Urbina y Suárez

his father → Juan Ortíz de Urbina y Eguíluz

his father → Martín Ortíz de Urbina

his father → Pedro Ortiz de Urbina

his father → Ortún Díaz de Urbina

his father → Diego López

his father → Diego I el Blanco López, III señor de Vizcaya

his father → Lope Díaz Íñiguez, II señor de Vizcaya, IV Conde de Viscaya

his father → Toda Fortúnez

his mother → Fortún Sánchez, señor de Nájera

her father → Sancho López

his father → Lope Fortúnez

his father → Oria (Aurea) Bint Ibn Musa Banu Qasi

his mother → Lope ibn Musa

her father → Musa Ibn Musa lbn Qasaw, Walí de Tudela, Huesca y Zaragoza

his father → Muza Ibn Fortún ibn Qasi, valì de Zaragoza, Arnedo y de Tudela

his father → 'A'isha ibn Abdul Aziz

his mother → 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn Musa al-Bekir, valí de al-Andalus

her father → Amîna binte Marwân I bin al-Hakam

his mother → Marwân I bin al-Hakam al-Qurayshi

her father → al-Hakam bin Abu al-ʻAs ibn Abi al-'As

his father → Abu al-'As ibn Umayyah

his father → Ummayah Ibn 'Abd Shams

his father → Abdu Asy-Syams bin Imaam ‘Abd al-Manāf ibn Abd Manaf, founder of Banu 'Abd Shams

his father → 'Ātikah binte Murrah bin Hilāl, Aylan Zauja-e-Imaam ‘Abd al-Manāf

his mother → Murrah bin Hilāl bin Faalij

her father → Hilāl bin Faalij

his father → Faalij bin Dhakwān (Zakwaan)

his father → Dhakwān (Zakwaan) bin Saleem

his father → Saleem Banu al-Hawazin bin Qays

his father → Banu al-Hawāzin ibn Qays

his father → Qays bin 'Ailaan

his father → Ailaan (Gheelaan) bin Imaam Mudhir

his father → Rabab (Hanfa) binte Haydah

his mother → Haydah bin Imaam Ma'ad

her father → Imaam Ma'ad bin Imaam 'Adnaan

his father → Imaam 'Adnaan bin Imaam 'Udd

his father → Add, G-61 [Versi 1]

his father → Humaisi / Umaisi

his father → Salaman

his father → 'Aws

his father → Buz

his father → Qamwal

his father → Ubay

his father → 'Awwam

his father → Nashid

his father → Haza

his father → Bildas, G-50 [Versi 1]

his father → Yadlaf

his father → Tabikh, G-48 [Versi 1]

his father → Jahim

his father → Nahish

his father → Makhi

his father → 'Aydh

his father → 'Abqar

his father → 'Ubayd

his father → ad-Da'a

his father → Isma'il (Hamdan), G-40 [Versi 1]

his father → Sanbir

his father → Yathribi (al-Tamh)

his father → Yahzan (al-Qasur)

his father → Yalhan (al-'Anud)

his father → Ar'awa (al-Da'da')

his father → Mahmud ('Ayfa 'Aydh)

his father → Dayshan (al-Za'id)

his father → 'Isaar

his father → Afnaad

his father → Aihaam

his father → Maqsar (Hisn)

his father → Naahith (al-Nizal)

his father → Zarih (al-Qumayr)

his father → Shamma / Shuma

his father → Mizza / Mazzi

his father → Adwa .

his father → 'Aram .

his father → Massa .

his father → Ishmael .

his father → Hagar .

his mother → Salitis, Pharoah of Lower Egypt (Hykos)

her father → Yakubher Dinast. 15, Pharaoh of Egypt

his father → Maaibre Sheshi, Pharaoh of Egypt

his father


Maaibre Sheshi, Pharaoh of Egypt MP

Gender: Male

Birth: estimated between 1815 BCE and 1785 BCE 

Immediate Family:

Son of Walid, Desert prince

Husband of daughter of Nehesy of / de Nehesy

Father of Yakubher Dinast. 15, Pharaoh of Egypt

Added by: Ricardo Alejandro Seminario León on December 15, 2007

Managed by: Csudinka Csudutov and 7 others

Curated by: Erin Ishimoticha

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daughter of Nehesy of / de Nehesy


Yakubher Dinast. 15, Pharaoh of ...


Walid, Desert prince



Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.



Salitis Pharoah of Lower Egypt (Hykos) ★Bisabuelo n°86M★ Ref: FE--1650 |•••► #EGIPTO 🏆 🇪🇬 #Genealogía #Genealogy


 86 ° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Salitis, Pharoah of Lower Egypt (Hykos) is your 86th great grandfather.



(Linea Materna)


Salitis, Pharoah of Lower Egypt (Hykos) is your 86th great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Morella Álamo Borges

your mother → Belén Eloina Borges Ustáriz

her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna

her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesús Uztáriz y Monserrate

her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra

his mother → Teniente Coronel Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina

her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza

his mother → Andrés Manuel Ortiz de Urbina y Landaeta, I Marqués de Torrecasa

her father → Manuel Ortiz de Urbina y Márquez de Cañizares

his father → Manuel de Ortiz de Urbina y Suárez

his father → Juan Ortíz de Urbina y Eguíluz

his father → Martín Ortíz de Urbina

his father → Pedro Ortiz de Urbina

his father → Ortún Díaz de Urbina

his father → Diego López

his father → Diego I el Blanco López, III señor de Vizcaya

his father → Lope Díaz Íñiguez, II señor de Vizcaya, IV Conde de Viscaya

his father → Toda Fortúnez

his mother → Fortún Sánchez, señor de Nájera

her father → Sancho López

his father → Lope Fortúnez

his father → Oria (Aurea) Bint Ibn Musa Banu Qasi

his mother → Lope ibn Musa

her father → Musa Ibn Musa lbn Qasaw, Walí de Tudela, Huesca y Zaragoza

his father → Muza Ibn Fortún ibn Qasi, valì de Zaragoza, Arnedo y de Tudela

his father → 'A'isha ibn Abdul Aziz

his mother → 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn Musa al-Bekir, valí de al-Andalus

her father → Amîna binte Marwân I bin al-Hakam

his mother → Marwân I bin al-Hakam al-Qurayshi

her father → al-Hakam bin Abu al-ʻAs ibn Abi al-'As

his father → Abu al-'As ibn Umayyah

his father → Ummayah Ibn 'Abd Shams

his father → Abdu Asy-Syams bin Imaam ‘Abd al-Manāf ibn Abd Manaf, founder of Banu 'Abd Shams

his father → 'Ātikah binte Murrah bin Hilāl, Aylan Zauja-e-Imaam ‘Abd al-Manāf

his mother → Murrah bin Hilāl bin Faalij

her father → Hilāl bin Faalij

his father → Faalij bin Dhakwān (Zakwaan)

his father → Dhakwān (Zakwaan) bin Saleem

his father → Saleem Banu al-Hawazin bin Qays

his father → Banu al-Hawāzin ibn Qays

his father → Qays bin 'Ailaan

his father → Ailaan (Gheelaan) bin Imaam Mudhir

his father → Rabab (Hanfa) binte Haydah

his mother → Haydah bin Imaam Ma'ad

her father → Imaam Ma'ad bin Imaam 'Adnaan

his father → Imaam 'Adnaan bin Imaam 'Udd

his father → Add, G-61 [Versi 1]

his father → Humaisi / Umaisi

his father → Salaman

his father → 'Aws

his father → Buz

his father → Qamwal

his father → Ubay

his father → 'Awwam

his father → Nashid

his father → Haza

his father → Bildas, G-50 [Versi 1]

his father → Yadlaf

his father → Tabikh, G-48 [Versi 1]

his father → Jahim

his father → Nahish

his father → Makhi

his father → 'Aydh

his father → 'Abqar

his father → 'Ubayd

his father → ad-Da'a

his father → Isma'il (Hamdan), G-40 [Versi 1]

his father → Sanbir

his father → Yathribi (al-Tamh)

his father → Yahzan (al-Qasur)

his father → Yalhan (al-'Anud)

his father → Ar'awa (al-Da'da')

his father → Mahmud ('Ayfa 'Aydh)

his father → Dayshan (al-Za'id)

his father → 'Isaar

his father → Afnaad

his father → Aihaam

his father → Maqsar (Hisn)

his father → Naahith (al-Nizal)

his father → Zarih (al-Qumayr)

his father → Shamma / Shuma

his father → Mizza / Mazzi

his father → Adwa .

his father → 'Aram .

his father → Massa .

his father → Ishmael .

his father → Hagar .

his mother → Salitis, Pharoah of Lower Egypt (Hykos)

her father


Salitis fue un gobernante hicso, ca. 1650 - 1631 a. C.,1​ y según Flavio Josefo fue el fundador de la dinastía XV de Egipto, también denominada de los Grandes hicsos.

Flavio Josefo, copiando a Manetón, lo denominó Salitis:

Durante el reinado de Tutimeos, por una causa que ignoro, nos golpeó Dios e, inesperadamente, unos hombres de estirpe desconocida, procedentes de oriente, con osadía invadieron nuestro país, al que sometieron mediante la fuerza, sin dificultad ni combate...

proclamaron rey a uno de los suyos, cuyo nombre era Salitis...

Flavio Josefo: Contra Apión, I, 14,2​

Julio Africano escribió: «El primero de estos reyes, Saites, reinó 19 años y de él recibe su nombre el nomo saita».

Soberano del Bajo Egipto, mantuvo como vasallos tanto a los últimos dirigentes de la dinastía XIII, como a los primeros jefes tebanos de la dinastía XVII de Egipto. Se alió con varios gobernantes de los reinos independientes que surgieron en Kush (Nubia).

Es identificado por von Beckerath con Sejaenra, con Sharek por Borchardt, y con Samuqenu por Ryholt, nombres hallados en escritura jeroglífica en los escarabeos hicsos.


Salitis / Shalik MP

Gender: Male

Birth: estimated between 2036 BCE and 2036 BCE 

Immediate Family:

Son of Yakubher Dinast. 15, Pharaoh of Egypt and Wife of Yakubher

Husband of Wife of King Salitis / Shalik

Father of Sakir-Har, Pharaoh of Egypt and Hagar .

Brother of Khyan, Pharaoh of Egypt

Added by: Erin Ishimoticha on May 24, 2012

Managed by: Erin Ishimoticha

Curated by: Erin Ishimoticha

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The Hyksos (The Shepherd Kings) (1730 – 1580) B.C. invaded Egypt.and conquered the Pharaoh Dynasty.

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Wife of King Salitis / Shalik


Sakir-Har, Pharaoh of Egypt


Hagar .


Yakubher Dinast. 15, Pharaoh of ...


Wife of Yakubher


Khyan, Pharaoh of Egypt



Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.


martes, 17 de octubre de 2023

Yakubher Dinast 15 Pharaoh of Egypt ★Bisabuelo n°87M★ Ref: Y1--1680 |•••► #EGIPTO 🏆 🇪🇬 #Genealogía #Genealogy

 87 ° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Yakubher Dinast 15, Pharaoh of Egypt is your 87th great grandfather.- (87 ° Bisabuelo )



(Linea Materna)


Yakubher Dinast 15, Pharaoh of Egypt is your 87th great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Morella Álamo Borges

your mother → Belén Eloina Borges Ustáriz

her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna

her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesús Uztáriz y Monserrate

her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra

his mother → Teniente Coronel Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina

her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza

his mother → Andrés Manuel Ortiz de Urbina y Landaeta, I Marqués de Torrecasa

her father → Manuel Ortiz de Urbina y Márquez de Cañizares

his father → Manuel de Ortiz de Urbina y Suárez

his father → Juan Ortíz de Urbina y Eguíluz

his father → Martín Ortíz de Urbina

his father → Pedro Ortiz de Urbina

his father → Ortún Díaz de Urbina

his father → Diego López

his father → Diego I el Blanco López, III señor de Vizcaya

his father → Lope Díaz Íñiguez, II señor de Vizcaya, IV Conde de Viscaya

his father → Toda Fortúnez

his mother → Fortún Sánchez, señor de Nájera

her father → Sancho López

his father → Lope Fortúnez

his father → Oria (Aurea) Bint Ibn Musa Banu Qasi

his mother → Lope ibn Musa

her father → Musa Ibn Musa lbn Qasaw, Walí de Tudela, Huesca y Zaragoza

his father → Muza Ibn Fortún ibn Qasi, valì de Zaragoza, Arnedo y de Tudela

his father → 'A'isha ibn Abdul Aziz

his mother → 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn Musa al-Bekir, valí de al-Andalus

her father → Amîna binte Marwân I bin al-Hakam

his mother → Marwân I bin al-Hakam al-Qurayshi

her father → al-Hakam bin Abu al-ʻAs ibn Abi al-'As

his father → Abu al-'As ibn Umayyah

his father → Ummayah Ibn 'Abd Shams

his father → Abdu Asy-Syams bin Imaam ‘Abd al-Manāf ibn Abd Manaf, founder of Banu 'Abd Shams

his father → 'Ātikah binte Murrah bin Hilāl, Aylan Zauja-e-Imaam ‘Abd al-Manāf

his mother → Murrah bin Hilāl bin Faalij

her father → Hilāl bin Faalij

his father → Faalij bin Dhakwān (Zakwaan)

his father → Dhakwān (Zakwaan) bin Saleem

his father → Saleem Banu al-Hawazin bin Qays

his father → Banu al-Hawāzin ibn Qays

his father → Qays bin 'Ailaan

his father → Ailaan (Gheelaan) bin Imaam Mudhir

his father → Rabab (Hanfa) binte Haydah

his mother → Haydah bin Imaam Ma'ad

her father → Imaam Ma'ad bin Imaam 'Adnaan

his father → Imaam 'Adnaan bin Imaam 'Udd

his father → Add, G-61 [Versi 1]

his father → Humaisi / Umaisi

his father → Salaman

his father → 'Aws

his father → Buz

his father → Qamwal

his father → Ubay

his father → 'Awwam

his father → Nashid

his father → Haza

his father → Bildas, G-50 [Versi 1]

his father → Yadlaf

his father → Tabikh, G-48 [Versi 1]

his father → Jahim

his father → Nahish

his father → Makhi

his father → 'Aydh

his father → 'Abqar

his father → 'Ubayd

his father → ad-Da'a

his father → Isma'il (Hamdan), G-40 [Versi 1]

his father → Sanbir

his father → Yathribi (al-Tamh)

his father → Yahzan (al-Qasur)

his father → Yalhan (al-'Anud)

his father → Ar'awa (al-Da'da')

his father → Mahmud ('Ayfa 'Aydh)

his father → Dayshan (al-Za'id)

his father → 'Isaar

his father → Afnaad

his father → Aihaam

his father → Maqsar (Hisn)

his father → Naahith (al-Nizal)

his father → Zarih (al-Qumayr)

his father → Shamma / Shuma

his father → Mizza / Mazzi

his father → Adwa .

his father → 'Aram .

his father → Massa .

his father → Ishmael .

his father → Hagar .

his mother → Salitis, Pharoah of Lower Egypt (Hykos)

her father → Yakubher Dinast. 15, Pharaoh of Egypt

his father


Yakubher Dinast. 15, Pharaoh of Egypt MP

Gender: Male

Birth: estimated between 2190 BCE and 2190 BCE 

Death: -1650

Immediate Family:

Son of Maaibre Sheshi, Pharaoh of Egypt and daughter of Nehesy of / de Nehesy

Husband of Wife of Yakubher

Father of Salitis, Pharoah of Lower Egypt (Hykos) and Khyan, Pharaoh of Egypt

Added by: Ricardo Alejandro Seminario León on December 15, 2007

Managed by: Csudinka Csudutov and 6 others

Curated by: Erin Ishimoticha

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Share some things about Yakubher Dinast. 15, Pharaoh of Egypt.

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Wife of Yakubher


Salitis, Pharoah of Lower Egypt ...


Khyan, Pharaoh of Egypt


Maaibre Sheshi, Pharaoh of Egypt


daughter of Nehesy of / de Nehesy




Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.
