martes, 19 de marzo de 2024

Ermessenda D' Ampurias, Comtesse de Carcassone ★Bisabuela n°25M★ Ref: EA-0812 |•••► #FRANCIA 🇫🇷🏆 #Genealogía #Genealogy

 25 ° Bisabuela/ Great Grandmother de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Ermessenda D' Ampurias, Comtesse de Carcassone is your 25th great grandmother.



(Linea Materna)


Ermessenda D' Ampurias, Comtesse de Carcassone is your 25th great grandmother.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Morella Álamo Borges

your mother → Belén Eloina Borges Ustáriz

her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna

her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesús Uztáriz y Monserrate

her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra

his mother → Teniente Coronel Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina

her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza

his mother → Isabel Manuela Josefa Hurtado de Mendoza y Rojas Manrique

her mother → Juana de Rojas Manrique de Mendoza

her mother → Constanza de Mendoza Mate de Luna

her mother → Fernando Mathé de Luna

her father → Juan Fernández De Mendoza Y Manuel

his father → Sancha Manuel

his mother → Sancho Manuel de Villena Castañeda, señor del Infantado y Carrión de los Céspedes

her father → Manuel de Castilla, señor de Escalona

his father → Saint Ferdinand III, king of Castile & León

his father → Alfonso IX, king of Leon and Galicia

his father → Urraca de Portugal, reina consorte de León

his mother → Afonso I, "the Conqueror", king of Portugal

her father → Henrique de Borgonha, conde de Portugal

his father → Sibylle de Barcelone, duchesse consort de Bourgogne

his mother → Berenguer Ramon I el Corbat, XVII comte de Barcelona

her father → Ramon Borrell I, XVI comte de Barcelona

his father → Borrell II, XIV comte de Barcelona

his father → Sunyer I, XIII comte de Barcelona

his father → Guifré I el Pilós, XI comte de Barcelona

his father → Ermessenda D' Ampurias, Comtesse de Carcassone

his motherConsistency CheckShow short path | Share this path

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Ermessenda D' Ampurias, Comtesse de Carcassone is your 22nd great uncle's grandmother.

Ermessenda D' Ampurias (De Carcassonne), Comtesse de Carcassone MP

Gender: Female

Birth: circa 812

Carcassonne, Aude, Occitanie, France

Death: 908 (91-101)

Immediate Family:

Daughter of Ermengaud, I Comte D´Albi and Berthe Aldeberge

Wife of Sunifred I, IV comte d'Urgell

Mother of Guifré I el Pilós, XI comte de Barcelona; Sesenanda; Sunifred, abbé d'Arles; Ermessenda; Riculf, bisbe d'Elna and 2 others

Sister of Garsinde Gracinda D' Ampurias, Countess D´Albi and Armengol, D' Ampurias, Comte D´Albi

Added by: Gregory Lee Rice on August 24, 2007

Managed by: Victar and 81 others

Curated by: Victar



Esposa de Sunifredo de Urgel

Wife of Sunifred of Urgel

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Immediate Family

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Showing 12 of 14 people

Sunifred I, IV comte d'Urgell


Guifré I el Pilós, XI comte de...




Sunifred, abbé d'Arles




Riculf, bisbe d'Elna


Radulf I, comte de Besalú


Miró I el Vell, comte de Rosselló


Ermengaud, I Comte D´Albi


Berthe Aldeberge


Garsinde Gracinda D' Ampurias, C...


Armengol, D' Ampurias, Comte D´...



Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.



✺- 812→Imperio Carolingio

Tratado de Aquisgrán. El emperador bizantino Miguel I reconoce a Carlomagno emperador de Occidente a cambio de recibir Venecia, Istria y Dalmacia→

→Venecia se rebela en octubre a Carlomagno y reclama tierra griega a los Bizantinos→

→Segunda batalla de Roncesvalles entre francos y vascones→


España y los Bizantinos hacen la paz después de un año de guerra→

→La que se podría llamar Primer Liga Lombarda formada por Venecia, Istria y Dalmacia se enfrenta a Bizancio y Carlomagno que se alían en su contra. La Liga Lombarda es derrotada e Istria es nuevamente bizantina mientras que Dalmacia es dividida en dos. La alianza imperial no se rompería hasta el año 1100 durante las cruzadas.

→ Fallece:  11 de enero: Estauracio, emperador bizantino

✺- 822→España: Abderramán II. Nuevo Emir de Al-Ándalus

→18 de enero: Fundación del monasterio de Tobiellas en Las Bardulias

✺- 832→Pipino I de Aquitania y Luis el Germánico se rebelan contra Ludovico Pío, emperador de los francos y padre de ambos→

→Legendario origen de la bandera de Escocia, que apareció a Angus II (Óengus II) de Fortriu la noche de la víspera de la batalla entre la coalición formada por los pictos y los escotos contra los anglos→

→Clondalkin (Irlanda) es saqueada por los vikingos→

→Sicardo de Benevento sucede a su padre Sico I, fallecido, como príncipe de Benevento

En Asia

Heraclea Cybistra, Turquía es saqueada por los Árabes.

→ Nace: Björn fue rey de Suecia según la saga Hervarar.

→ Nace: Sancho Garcés de Sobrarbe, rey semi legendario de Sobrarbe.

→ Nace: Svåse el Finés, caudillo vikingo de Dovre

✺- 842→Ramiro I accede al trono de Asturias→

→14 de febrero: Juramentos de Estrasburgo→

→Laín Calvo y Nuño Rasura comienza a ejercer su oficio de Jueces de Castilla, según cita Fray Justo Pérez de Urbel.

→ Nace: Alfonso II, rey de Asturias

→ Nace: 5 de enero - Al-Mutasim, califa abbasida

✺- 852→Expansión del Reino de Pamplona con el ataque a Estella→

→Muhammad I, nuevo emir independiente de Córdoba→

→Musa ben Qasi es proclamado gobernador de Tudela y, poco después, de Zaragoza, capital de la Marca Superior→

→García Íñiguez de Pamplona, segundo miembro de la dinastía Arista-Iñiguez, sube al trono del reino de Pamplona

Tropas musulmanas guiadas por Abd al-Karim ben Mugith atacan y destruyen Barcelona, entonces bajo el poder del conde Alerán→

→Zamora es fundada

El obispo Altfrid de Hildesheim funda la Abadía de Essen→

→El nombre del conde Rodrigo de Castilla aparece por primera en la carta de fundación de San Martín de Ferrán con esta fórmula: "hecha la escritura en el día IV de las nonas de julio de la era 890, reinando Rodrigo, conde en Castilla"

→ Nace: Íñigo Arista, primer rey de Pamplona.

→ Nace: Abderramán II, cuarto emir omeya de Córdoba (822 - 852

✺- 862→Galicia - Alfonso III, rey de Galicia en vida de su padre. Rebeliones y levantamientos contra Alfonso de los condes Hermenegildo y posteriormente Froila Bermúdez, en Lugo→

→El príncipe Rastislav invita a Cirilo y Metodio a predicar el cristianismo en lengua eslava en la Gran Moravia→

→Balduino I, primer conde hereditario de Flandes→

→Lotario II obtuvo el apoyo de su hermano el emperador Luis II el Joven, mediante la cesión de tierras y obtuvo el consentimiento del clero local para divorciarse de Teutberga y casarse con Waldrada→

→Los varegos, comerciantes y guerreros vikingos de origen sueco establecen una red comercial en Europa oriental. Luego de lograr apaciguar a las tribus eslavas locales, su líder, Rúrik, funda la dinastía Rúrika, primera dinastía de la Rus de Kiev, el Estado padre de las actuales naciones de Rusia, Bielorrusia y Ucrania

✺- 872→872 (DCCCLXXII) fue un año bisiesto comenzado en martes del calendario juliano, en vigor en aquella fecha→


22 de junio: en Wasit (Irak) se registra un terremoto que deja un saldo de 20 000 víctimas. (Posiblemente se trate del mismo terremoto que se registró como sucedido el 18 de noviembre del 871)→

→Juan VIII sucede a Adriano II como papa→

→Unificación de Noruega


Eduardo el Viejo, rey de Inglaterra→


14 de diciembre - Adriano II, papa→

→Bernardo II de Tolosa, conde de Tolosa

✺- 882→Marino I sucede a Juan VIII como papa.

Munio Núñez conde de Castilla repuebla y fortifica Castrogeriz.

Oleg de Nóvgorod toma Kiev en nombre de Igor, hijo de Riúrik, y la convierte en su capital, formando la Rus de Kiev, reemplazando la cristianización del jaganato de Rus de 19 años.

Primera batalla de Cellorigo.


16 de diciembre - papa Juan VIII

✺- 892→892 (DCCCXCII) fue un año bisiesto comenzado en sábado del calendario juliano, en vigor en aquella fecha→


Galicia - Ordoño II, rey de Galicia con 30 000 gallegos, ataca Évora (Crónica de Al-Nasir)→

→Los magiares llegan al oeste del Dnieper por haber sido expulsados de su anterior territorio por los pechenegos

✺- 902→Los musulmanes terminan la conquista de Sicilia.

Batalla del Holme→


13 de diciembre - Æthelwold de Wessex


Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.


Ramón Berenguer IV de Provenza (1158) ★Bisabuelo n°24P★ Ref: RB-1158 |•••► #ESPAÑA 🏆🇪🇸★ #Genealogía #Genealogy

 Raymond Bérenger IV, comte de Provence is Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo 24th great grandfather.



(Linea Paterna)


Raymond Bérenger IV, comte de Provenof→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente de la Cruz Urdaneta Alamo is→ 24th great grandfather.

Dr Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna

  → Elena Cecilia Lecuna Escobar

his mother → María Elena de la Concepción Escobar Llamosas

her mother → Cecilia Cayetana de la Merced Llamosas Vaamonde de Escobar

her mother → Cipriano Fernando de Las Llamosas y García

her father → José Lorenzo Llamosas Silva

his father → Joseph Julián Llamosas Ranero

his father → Manuel Llamosas y Requecens

his father → Isabel de Requesens

his mother → Luis de Requeséns y Zúñiga, Virrey de Holanda

her father → D. Estefania de Requesens, III Condesa de Palamós

his mother → Hipòlita Roís de Liori i de Montcada

her mother → Beatriz de Montcada i de Vilaragut

her mother → Pedro de Montcada i de Luna, Señor de Villamarchante

her father → Ot (Othon) de Montcada i Maça de Liçana, VII Señor de Aytona

his father → Elvira Maça de Liçana, Señora de Villamarchante

his mother → Pere Maça de Bergua i Cornell, Señor de Villamarchante

her father → Isabel Cornell de Cardona i d'Aragó

his mother → Beatriu de Cardona

her mother → Beatriz de Aragón

her mother → Peter IV the Ceremonious, King of Aragon

her father → Alfonso IV el Benigno, rey de Aragón

his father → Blanca de Nápoles, reina consorte de Aragón

his mother → Charles II "the Lame", King of Naples

her father → Beatrice di Provenza, regina consorte di Sicilia

his mother → Raymond Bérenger IV, comte de Provence

her father


Ramón Berenguer de Provenza  MP 

Spanish: Conde Ramón Berenguer

Gender: Male

Birth: circa 1198 

Death: August 19, 1245 (42-51)

Aix-en-Provence, Bouches-du-Rhone, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France 

Place of Burial: Église Saint-Jean-de-Malte, Aix-en-Provence, Bouches-du-Rhone, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France

Immediate Family:

Son of Alphonse II Bérenger, comte de Provence and Garsende de Sabran, comtesse de Forcalquier

Husband of Béatrice de Savoie, comtesse consort de Provence

Father of Marguerite de Provence, reine consort de France; Eleanor of Provence, Queen Consort of England; Sanchia of Provence, Queen of the Romans; Beatrice di Provenza, regina consorte di Sicilia and Raymond de Provence

Brother of Gersende de Provence, Infanta d'Aragon 

Added by: Sally Gene Cole on April 8, 2007

Managed by: Ric Dickinson, Geni Curator and 335 others

Curated by: Will Chapman (Vol. Curator)

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Raymond Bérenger IV, comte de Provence in GenealogieOnline Family Tree Index

Raymond Bérenger IV, comte de Provence in GenealogieOnline Family Tree Index

Raymond Bérenger IV, comte de Provence in GenealogieOnline Family Tree Index

Raymond Bérenger IV, comte de Provence in GenealogieOnline Family Tree Index

Raymond Bérenger IV, comte de Provence in GenealogieOnline Family Tree Index

Raymond Bérenger IV, comte de Provence in GenealogieOnline Family Tree Index

Raymond Bérenger IV, comte de Provence in GenealogieOnline Family Tree Index

Raymond Bérenger IV, comte de Provence in GenealogieOnline Family Tree Index

Raymond Bérenger IV, comte de Provence in GenealogieOnline Family Tree Index

Raymond Bérenger IV, comte de Provence in GenealogieOnline Family Tree Index


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Attention homonymy with Ramon Berenguer IV "the Saint" count of Barcelona,_Count_of_Provence [23 languages]

Ramon Berenguer V (French: Raimond-Bérenger; 1198 – 19 August 1245) was a member of the House of Barcelona who ruled as count of Provence and Forcalquier. He was the first count of Provence to live in the county in more than one hundred years. During the minority of a previous count, the regency was exercised by Ramon Berenguer IV de Barcelona, who is sometimes counted among the counts of Provence. .. ...

RAYMOND BERENGER de Provence, son of ALPHONSE II Comte de Provence [Aragon-Barcelona] & his wife Gersende de Sabran Ctss de Forcalquier ([1198]-Aix 19 Aug 1245, bur Aix-en-Provence, église de Saint Jean de Jérusalem). “Garsendis uxor quondam Ildefonsi comitis Provinciæ” donated her rights “in comitatu Forcalqueriensi”, granted by “Guillelmo quondam comite Forcalqueriensi avo meo”, to “Raymundo Berengario filio meo” with “filiæ meæ sororis tuæ Garsendis” as substitute should he die, with the consent of “patre meo Raines de Castelar”, by charter dated 30 Nov 1209[422]. He succeeded his father in 1209 as RAYMOND BERENGER IV Comte de Provence et de Forcalquier. Under his testament dated 20 Jun 1238, he designated his fourth daughter as his heir[423]. The testament of “R. Berengarius…comes et marchio Provincie et comes Forcalquerii”, dated 20 Jun 1238, names “Margaritam filiam nostrum…reginam Francie…Elionors filiam nostrum…reginam Anglie…Sanciam filiam nostram” and appoints “Beatricem filiam nostrum heredem generalem”[424]. The Annales Sancti Victoris Massilienses record the death "1245 XIV Kal Sep" of "Raimundus Berengarius comes Provincie" at Aix[425]. The Obituaire of Forcalquier St Mary records the death "XIV Kal Sep" of "Raymundus Berengarii…comes Provincie et Forcalquerii"[426]. The Thalamus de Montpellier records the death Aug 1244 of "R. Berenguier coms de Proensa" at Aix[427].

m (Betrothed 5 Jun 1219, Dec 1220) BEATRIX de Savoie, daughter of THOMAS I Comte de Savoie & his wife Marguerite [Beatrix] de Genève ([1205][428]-Dec 1266 or 4 Jan 1267). .. ... ....

Comte Raymond Bérenger IV & his wife had five children:

MARGUERITE de Provence (St Maime near Forcalquier Spring 1221-Paris, Abbaye de St Marcel 21 Dec 1295, bur église de l'Abbaye royale de Saint-Denis). .. ...

m (Cathedral of St Etienne, Sens, Yonne 27 May 1234) LOUIS IX King of France, ..

ELEONORE de Provence (Aix-en-Provence [1223]-Amesbury Abbey, Wiltshire 24/25 Jun 1291, bur Amesbury Abbey).

m (Betrothed 22 Jun 1235, Canterbury 14 Jan 1236) HENRY III King of England, ..

SANCHA de Provence (Aix-en-Provence [1225]-Berkhamstead Castle, Buckinghamshire 5 or 9 Nov 1261, bur Hayles Abbey, Gloucestershire).

Betrothed (contract before Jun 1240, annulled Jun 1240) to GUIGUES Dauphin de Viennois Comte d'Albon ..

Betrothed (Aug 1241) to RAYMOND VII Comte de Toulouse, ..

m (Contract 17 Jul 1242, Westminster 22 Nov 1243) as his second wife, RICHARD Earl of Cornwall, son of JOHN King of England ..

RAYMOND de Provence (-young).

BEATRICE de Provence ([1232/34]-Naples 23 Sep 1267, bur Naples, Cathedral of San Gennaro, transferred 1277 to Aix-en-Provence, Church of St Jean de Jerusalem). .. ... ....

m (Aix-en-Provence 31 Jan 1246) as his first wife, CHARLES de France Comte d'Anjou et de Maine, .. CHARLES I King of Sicily ..

Ramon Berenguer IV (1195 – 19 August 1245), Count of Provence and Forcalquier, was the son of Alfonso II of Provence and Garsenda of Sabran, heiress of Forcalquier. After his father's death (1209), Ramon was imprisoned in the castle of Monzón, in Aragon until he was able to escape in 1219 and claim his inheritance. He was a powerful and energetic ruler who added Forcalquier to his domain.

On 5 June 1219, Ramon married Beatrice of Savoy, daughter of Thomas I of Savoy. She was a shrewd and politically astute woman, whose beauty was likened by Matthew Paris to that of a second Niobe. Along with two stillborn sons (1220 & 1225), Ramon and Beatrice had four daughters, all of whom married kings.

Marguerite of Provence (1221–1295), wife of Louis IX of France

Eleanor of Provence (1223–1291), wife of Henry III of England

Sanchia of Provence (1228–1261), wife of Richard, Earl of Cornwall

Beatrice of Provence (1234–1267), wife of Charles I of Sicily

Ramon Berenguer IV died in Aix-en-Provence.

Raymond Bberenger V Provence & Forcalquier

Ramon Berenguer IV (1195 – 19 August 1245), Count of Provence and Forcalquier, was the son of Alfonso II of Provence and Garsenda of Sabran, heiress of Forcalquier. After his father's death (1209), Ramon was imprisoned in the castle of Monzón, in Aragon until he was able to escape in 1219 and claim his inheritance. He was a powerful and energetic ruler who added Forcalquier to his domain. Giovanni Villani in his Nuova Cronica had this to say about Raymond:

Count Raymond was a lord of gentle lineage, and kin to them of the house of Aragon, and to the family of the count of Toulouse, By inheritance Provence, this side of the Rhone, was his; a wise and courteous lord was he, and of noble state and virtuous, and in his time did honourable deeds, and to his court came all gentle persons of Provence and of France and of Catalonia, by reason of his courtesy and noble estate, and he made many Provençal coblas and canzoni of great worth.

On 5 June 1219, Ramon married Beatrice of Savoy, daughter of Thomas I of Savoy. She was a shrewd and politically astute woman, whose beauty was likened by Matthew Paris to that of a second Niobe. Along with two stillborn sons (1220 & 1225), Ramon and Beatrice had four daughters, all of whom married kings.

1. Marguerite of Provence (1221–1295), wife of Louis IX of France

2. Eleanor of Provence (1223–1291), wife of Henry III of England

3. Sanchia of Provence (1228–1261), wife of Richard, Earl of Cornwall

4. Beatrice of Provence (1234–1267), wife of Charles I of Sicily

Ramon Berenguer IV died in Aix-en-Provence. At least two planhs (Occitan funeral laments) of uncertain authorship (one possibly by Aimeric de Peguilhan and one falsely attributed to Rigaut de Berbezilh) were written in his honour.


"Ancestral Roots..." (Balt., 1992) 111-29 states he b. 1198.

Weis' "Ancestral Roots. . ." (101:28), (104:28), (111:29), (133:27).

Stuart's "Royalty For Commoners" (54:26) & (164:27).

By Ramon's time Provence had been at peace for two and a half centuries. There were few lands that had enjoyed peace and prosperity with so little interruption. Since the end of the tenth century Provence had grown more in population and wealth than any other part of Europe. Few men in history have been more successful in finding powerful and influential mates for their daughters than Ramon. His four daughters married two sets of brothers - all of them kings! Margaret married King Louis IX of France; ELEANOR married KING HENRY III OF ENGLAND; Sanchia married HENRY's brother, Richard of Cornwall, who was recognized for a

time as the German Emporer; and Beatrice, the youngest and his appointed heir, married Louis' brother, Charles of Anjou, who at one time or another held the titles King of Sicily and King of Jerusalem and was

briefly master of most of Italy and Greece. He was almost able to make an independent state of Burgundy.

Ramon bequeathed to Beatrice an administrative machine to be rivaled only by those created by the Normans in England and Sicily.

Europaische Stammtafeln ii, 190:

References: [GENSERV],[AR7],[Weis1],[PRES.GED]

After his father's death in 1209, Ramón Berenguer IV, Count of Provence and Forcalquier, was imprisoned in the castle of Monzón, in Aragon, until he was able to escape in 1219 and claim his inheritance. He was a powerful and energetic ruler who added Forcalquier to his domain.

Giovanni Villani in his Nuova Cronica had this to say about Raymond: "Count Raymond was a lord of gentle lineage, and kin to them of the house of Aragon, and to the family of the count of Toulouse. By inheritance Provence, this side of the Rhone, was his; a wise and courteous lord was he, and of noble state and virtuous, and in his time did honorable deeds, and to his court came all gentle persons of Provence and of France and of Catalonia, by reason of his courtesy and noble estate, and he made many Provençal coblas and canzoni of great worth."

See,_Count_of_Provence for more information.

Ramon Berenguer IV (1195 – 19 August 1245), Count of Provence and Forcalquier, was the son of Alfonso II of Provence and Garsenda of Sabran, heiress of Forcalquier. After his father's death (1209), Ramon was imprisoned in the castle of Monzón, in Aragon until he was able to escape in 1219 and claim his inheritance. He was a powerful and energetic ruler who added Forcalquier to his domain. Giovanni Villani in his Nuova Cronica had this to say about Raymond:

Count Raymond was a lord of gentle lineage, and kin to them of the house of Aragon, and to the family of the count of Toulouse, By inheritance Provence, this side of the Rhone, was his; a wise and courteous lord was he, and of noble state and virtuous, and in his time did honourable deeds, and to his court came all gentle persons of Provence and of France and of Catalonia, by reason of his courtesy and noble estate, and he made many Provençal coblas and canzoni of great worth.[1]

On 5 June 1219, Ramon married Beatrice of Savoy, daughter of Thomas I of Savoy. She was a shrewd and politically astute woman, whose beauty was likened by Matthew Paris to that of a second Niobe. Along with two stillborn sons (1220 & 1225), Ramon and Beatrice had four daughters, all of whom married kings.


Ramón IV BÉRENGAR Comte de Provence Born: 1198, Aix-En-Provence, Bouches-Du-Rhone, France Married: 5 Jun 1219, Dez, France Died: 19 Aug 1245, Aix-En-Provence, Bouches-Du-Rhone, France

Ancestral File Number: 8XJ8-D1.

General Notes: Count of Provence and Forcalquier 4th Count Of Provence. Acceded 1209. The Last & Most Illustrious Of The Royal Provencal Counts. His Poetry Entitles Him To A Distinguished Rank Among The Troubadour Poets. Relatively Impoverished; Could Provide Little Dowry For His Daughters.

Relationship to compiler: 22nd great grandfather

Marriage Information: Ramón married Beatrice DE SAVOIE Contessa di Savoia, daughter of Tommaso (Thomas) DE SAVOIE Count of Savoy, Aosta and Moriana and Beatrix (Marguerite) DE GENÈVE, on 5 Jun 1219 in Dez, France. (Beatrice DE SAVOIE Contessa di Savoia was born in 1206 in Chambèry, Savoie, France and died in Dec 1266 in Aragón, Spain .)

Marriage Notes: Of, Chambery, Savoie, France

Ramon Berenguer IV, Count of Provence From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Ramon Berenguer IV

Count of Provence Reign 1209-1245 Predecessor Alfonso II Successor Beatrice Count of Forcalquier Reign 1217 or 1220-1245 Predecessor Garsenda Successor Beatrice

Born 1198 Unknown Died 19 August 1245 (aged 47) Aix-en-Provence Burial Église Saint-Jean-de-Malte Spouse Beatrice of Savoy Issue Marguerite, Queen of France Eleanor, Queen of England Sanchia, Queen of Germany Beatrice, Queen of Sicily House Barcelona Father Alfonso II, Count of Provence Mother Garsenda, Countess of Forcalquier Religion Roman Catholicism Ramon Berenguer IV or V (1198 - 19 August 1245), Count of Provence and Forcalquier , was the son of Alfonso II of Provence and Garsenda de Sabran , heiress of Forcalquier . He was the first Count of Provence to live in the county in more than one hundred years. Career After his father's death (1209), Ramon's mother sent him to the Templar castle of Monzón , in Aragon. He was accompanied by his cousin King Jaume I of Aragon whose life was also under threat. He left Monzon around 1217 to claim his inheritance, which included the county of Forcalquier--inherited from his mother. He and his wife were known for their support of troubadors , always having some around the court. He was known for his generosity, though his income did not always keep up. He wrote laws prohibiting nobles from performing menial work, such as farming or heavy labor. Ramon had many border disputes with his neighbors, the Counts of Toulouse . In 1226, Ramon began to reassert his right to rule in Marseille . The citizens there initially sought the help of Ramon's father-in-law Thomas, Count of Savoy in his role as imperial vicar . However, they later sought the help of Raymond VII, Count of Toulouse. In 1228, Ramon supported his father-in-law in a double-sided conflict against Turin and Guigues VI of Viennois . This small war was one of many rounds intended to more firmly establish control over trade from Italy into France, and Provence included several key routes. While the Albigensian Crusade worked in his favor against Toulouse, Ramon was concerned that its resolution in the Treaty of Paris left him in a precarious position. Raymond turned his troops from fighting France to attempting to claim lands from Provence. When Blanche of Castile sent her knight to both Toulouse and Provence in 1233, Ramon entertained him lavishly, and the knight left well impressed by both the count and his eldest daughter, Margaret . Soon after, Blanche negotiated the marriage between Margaret and her son, Louis , with a dowry of ten thousand silver marks. Ramon had to get contributions from allies for a portion, and had to pledge several of his castles to cover the rest. Ramon and Beatrice travelled with their daughter to Lyon in 1234 to sign the marriage treaty, and then Margaret was escorted to her wedding in Sens by her uncles from Savoy, William and Thomas. Shortly after, William began negotiating on Ramon's behalf with Henry III of England to marry his daughter Eleanor. Henry sent his own knight to Provence early in 1235, and again Ramon and his family entertained him lavishly. Henry wrote to William on June 22 that he was very interested, and sent a delegation to negotiate the marriage in October. Henry was seeking a dowry of up to twenty thousand silver marks to help offset the dowry he had just paid for his sister, Isabella. However, he had drafted seven different versions of the marriage contract, with different amounts for the dowry, the lowest being zero. Ramon shrewdly negotiated for that option, offering as consolation a promise to leave her ten thousand marks when he died. In 1238, Ramon joined his brother-in-law, Amadeus IV at the court of Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor in Turin. Frederick was gathering forces to assert more control in Italy. Raymond VII of Toulouse was also summoned, and all expected to work together in the war. In January 1244, Pope Innocent IV decreed that no one but the pope could excommunicate Ramon. In 1245, Ramon sent representatives to the First Council of Lyon , to discuss crusades and the excommunication of Frederick. Ramon died in August 1245 in Aix-en-Provence , leaving the county to his youngest daughter, Beatrice. Marriage and children On 5 June 1219, Ramon married Beatrice of Savoy , daughter of Thomas, Count of Savoy . She was a shrewd and politically astute woman, whose beauty was likened by Matthew Paris to that of a second Niobe . The wedding also provided the 21-year-old Ramon with a powerful father-in-law to aid him in establishing his authority and protecting his interests.[8] They had four daughters who reached adulthood, all of whom married kings . stillborn son (1220) Margaret of Provence (1221-1295), wife of Louis IX, King of France Eleanor of Provence (1223-1291), wife of Henry III, King of England stillborn son (1225) Sanchia of Provence (1228-1261), wife of Richard, King of the Romans , brother of the King of England Beatrice of Provence (1229-1267),[9] wife of Charles I, King of Sicily His daughters were all educated and literate. Death and legacy Ramon Berenguer IV died in Aix-en-Provence . At least two planhs (Occitan funeral laments) of uncertain authorship (one possibly by Aimeric de Peguilhan and one falsely attributed to Rigaut de Berbezilh ) were written in his honour. Giovanni Villani in his Nuova Cronica had this to say about Raymond: Count Raymond was a lord of gentle lineage, and kin to them of the house of Aragon, and to the family of the count of Toulouse, By inheritance Provence, this side of the Rhone, was his; a wise and courteous lord was he, and of noble state and virtuous, and in his time did honourable deeds, and to his court came all gentle persons of Provence and of France and of Catalonia, by reason of his courtesy and noble estate, and he made many Provençal coblas and canzoni of great worth.

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Marguerite de Provence, reine co...


Eleanor of Provence, Queen Conso...


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Beatrice di Provenza, regina con...


Raymond de Provence


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Garsende de Sabran, comtesse de ...


Gersende de Provence, Infanta d'...




Ramón Berenguer IV de Provenza

Ramón Berenguer IV de Provenza (1158 - Murviel, Montpellier 1181), Pedro de Aragón hasta 1173, gobernó el Condado de Provenza al servicio de Alfonso II de Aragón, su hermano mayor, entre ese año y su muerte.1

Segundogénito de Ramón Berenguer IV de Barcelona y Petronila de Aragón, en el testamento de su padre se menciona a Ramón Berenguer bajo el nombre de «Pedro». Se establece asimismo que, si muriere Alfonso II sin descendencia, su hermano le sucediese en el reino de Aragón.2

En las adveraciones testamentarias de 1162 oídas a su padre en su lecho de muerte, Ramón Berenguer IV de Barcelona, se le declaraba heredero del condado de Cerdaña, la señoría de Carcasona y los derechos sobre Narbona, pero en realidad no llegó a gobernar nunca estos territorios. En 1168 el consejo de regencia establecido durante la minoría de edad de Alfonso II de Aragón encomendó, tras la muerte en 1166 de Ramón Berenguer III de Provenza, el gobierno sobre el condado de Cerdeña a su hermano Sancho de Aragón.3 De ahí que aparezca en ocasiones como Pedro I de Cerdaña entre 1162 y 1168, aunque en este periodo Pedro de Aragón tenía entre cuatro y ocho años.

Desde 1166, gracias al trabajo diplomático y bélico del consejo regencia de Alfonso II, que combatió las aspiraciones del Condado de Tolosa, el rey de Aragón fue reconocido por los señores de Millars (Millars), Rodez (Hugo) y otros de la zona como su señor y conde de Provenza (título que alterna en la documentación con duque de Provenza y marqués de Provenza desde 1166 o quizá algo antes). Se infeudaron, asimismo, al rey de Aragón los magnates Bernardo de Aton, vizconde de Nimes, Raimundo Trencavel, vizconde de Beziers y de Carcasona y seguidamente su hijo, Roger Trencavel, a la muerte en 1167 de su progenitor.1

En 1173 su hermano Alfonso II alcanza la mayoría de edad a los dieciséis años al casarse con Sancha de Castilla. En ese año le confió a su hermano Pedro, un año menor, el condado de Provenza, que rigió con el nombre de Ramón Berenguer «para gobernarle bajo sus órdenes, a su servicio y bajo su fidelidad, devolviéndoselo siempre y cuando fuese para ello requerido [...] con el poder y autoridad, cuando se hallase personalmente en el país, de mandar absolutamente como señor».1 En 1176 participó con su hermano Sancho en la conquista de Niza.

Fue asesinado el 5 de abril de 1181 por los hombres de Ademar de Murviel en la guerra que enfrentaba a los señores del Languedoc y la Corona de Aragón con el conde de Tolosa.

A su muerte, Alfonso II puso en manos de su hermano Sancho de Aragón, conde de Cerdaña, el condado de Provenza.


Alfonso II de Aragón Conde de Provenza

(en nombre del rey de Aragón, su hermano)

1173 - 1181 Sucesor:

Sancho I de Cerdaña



Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.
