Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Bisabuela n°19. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Bisabuela n°19. Mostrar todas las entradas

sábado, 15 de abril de 2023

Fernández de Castilla Nuña ★Bisabuela n°19★ Ref: FC-0865 |•••► #ESPAÑA 🏆🇪🇸★ #Genealogía #Genealogy

 19° Bisabuela/ Great Grandmother de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Nuña Fernández de Castilla is your 19th great grandmother.



 (Linea Materna)


Nuña Fernández de Castilla is your 19th great grandmother.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Morella Álamo Borges

your mother → Belén Eloina Borges Ustáriz

her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna

her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesús Uztáriz y Monserrate

her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra

his mother → Teniente Coronel Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina

her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza

his mother → Andrés Manuel Ortiz de Urbina y Landaeta, I Marqués de Torrecasa

her father → Manuel Ortiz de Urbina y Márquez de Cañizares

his father → Manuel de Ortiz de Urbina y Suárez

his father → Juan Ortíz de Urbina y Eguíluz

his father → Martín Ortíz de Urbina

his father → Pedro Ortiz de Urbina

his father → Ortún Díaz de Urbina

his father → Diego López

his father → Diego I el Blanco López, III señor de Vizcaya

his father → Lope Díaz Íñiguez, II señor de Vizcaya, IV Conde de Viscaya

his father → Toda Fortúnez

his mother → Fortún Sánchez, señor de Nájera

her father → Sancho López

his father → Nuña Fernández de Castilla

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Nuña Fernández de Castilla 

Gender: Female

Birth: circa 900

Immediate Family:

Daughter of Gonzalo Núñez, II Juez de Castilla and Munia (Ximena) Núñez

Wife of Lope Fortúnez

Mother of Fortún López; Nuño López and Sancho López

Added by: Jorge A. González Moreno on November 12, 2008

Managed by: David Prins, Juan Carlos Griffin Albarracin and Miren Eskarne Fuldain Isasi-Isasmendi

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Lope Fortúnez


Fortún López


Nuño López


Sancho López


Gonzalo Núñez, II Juez de Cast...


Munia (Ximena) Núñez



Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.



✺- 865→En Rusia, el zar Boris I de Bulgaria se convierte al cristianismo→

→9 de agosto: cerca de Miranda de Ebro (España) se libra la batalla de la Morcuera, en la que Muhammad I de Córdoba vence a Rodrigo de Castilla→

→Muere el semi-legendario rey Ragnar Lodbrok a manos del rey a Ælla de Reino de Northumbria

→Muere el semi-legendario rey Ragnar Lodbrok a manos del rey a Ælla de Reino de Northumbria

✺- 870→Inicio del reinado de Aditua I, rey de Tanjore India (hasta 907)→

→Inicio del califato de Ahmad al-Mutamid (hasta 892)→

→Tratado de Mersen, reparto de Lotaringia entre Carlos el Calvo y Luis el Germánico→

→El califato abbasí arrebata Malta al Imperio bizantino→

→Fundación de Reikiavik.

→ Nace: García I, primer rey de León

✺- 875→Coronación imperial de Carlos el Calvo→

→Fundación de la ciudad española de Badajoz.

✺- 880→En la actual Francia, Niza es quemada por los sarracenos→

→En la actual España, Omar Ben Hafsun inicia una rebelión contra el Emirato de Córdoba→

→En Montserrat (Cataluña, España) sucede la aparición de la Virgen de Montserrat→

→19 de noviembre (14/10/4 del año Gangyo): en Hagiwara (zona este de la Prefectura de Shimane, Japón) se registra un terremoto de 7 grados de la escala sismológica de Richter y una magnitud de 6,3 a 6,5.

✺- 885→Esteban V sucede a San Adriano III como papa→

→Ataque de los vikingos a París.

→ Nace: Arnulfo de Baviera, Duque de Baviera, se dice que nació en 890.

→ Fallece: 17 de septiembre - Adriano III, papa.

✺- 890→Se confirma la soberanía de la Gran Moravia de Svatopluk I en Bohemia.

✺- 895→León VI el Sabio pide ayuda a los magiares para combatir a los búlgaros

→ Nace: Athelstan de Inglaterra.

→ Nace: Ce Ácatl Topiltzin Quetzalcóatl, gobernante de Tollan-Xicocotitlan

✺- 900→Fulk El Venerable, arzobispo de Reims, asesinado por el conde Baldwin II de Flandes.

→ Febrero: el papa Benedicto IV reemplaza al papa Juan IX.

→ Fallece: Domnall II - Rey de los pictos.

✺- 905→España - Es entronizado Sancho Garcés I como rey de Navarra→

→Egipto - Reconquista abbassí y fin del domini tuluní.

→ Nace: Constantino VII, emperador de Bizancio.

✺- 910→12 de junio: Batalla de Augsburgo, los húngaros derrotan al ejército franco oriental bajo el rey Luis IV de Alemania (el Niño), utilizando la famosa táctica de retirada fingida de los guerreros nómadas. El conde Gausbert, el verdadero comandante del ejército franco oriental (porque Luis IV tiene solo 16 años en este momento), muere en el combate→

→22 de junio: Batalla de Rednitz, los húngaros derrotan al ejército franco oriental cerca del río Rednitz, matando a su líder Gebhard, duque de Lotaringia (Lorena). Después de la batalla, Luis IV de Alemania, junto con los ducados francos orientales Franconia, Lotaringia, Baviera y Sajonia, acuerda rendir homenaje al estado húngaro→

→El rey Alfonso III de Asturias se ve obligado a abdicar del trono y divide el reino entre sus tres hijos. El hijo mayor, García I, se convierte en rey de León. El segundo hijo, Ordoño II, rey en Galicia, mientras que el tercero, Fruela II, recibe a Asturias con Oviedo como su capital→

→5 de agosto: Batalla de Tettenhall, el rey Eduardo el Viejo ataca a los reyes Eowils y Halfdan de Norse York. Los tres monarcas vikingos son asesinados en la batalla (una crónica menciona a un tercer hermano) y el ejército vikingo es derrotado decisivamente por las fuerzas aliadas de Mercia y Wessex. Los co-reyes son sucedidos por Ragnall ua Ímair→

→Guillermo I de Aquitania dona tierras en Borgoña para la construcción de un monasterio benedictino dedicado a los santos Pedro y Pablo. La Abadía de Cluny, se convierte en la más grande de Occidente. En la carta fundacional, Guillermo renuncia a todos los derechos sobre el monasterio y nombra a Bernón de Baume como el primer abad de Cluny. Coloca el monasterio directamente bajo el control de la Sede Papal→

→Gabriel I de Alejandría se convierte en papa de la Iglesia Ortodoxa Copta en Alejandría.

✺- 915→Italia - Berenguer I es coronado emperador→

→Batalla de Garigliano→

→ Nace: Alhakén II, segundo califa omeya del Califato de Córdoba.

✺- 920→Nace: 10 de septiembre: Luis IV, rey francés→

→Nace: Presuntamente, nacimiento de Al Uqlidisi en Damasco (Siria)→

→Nace: Dunash ben Labrat, poeta, escoliasta y gramático judío de Al-Ándalus→

→Nace: Nathamuni, yogui y escritor indio (f. 990).

✺- 925→García Sánchez I accede al trono de Navarra→

→Alfonso Froilaz accede al trono de León, originándose una guerra civil→

→Alfonso IV de León accede al trono de León tras la guerra civil→

→Sancho Ordóñez accede en Santiago de Compostela al trono de Galicia.

→ Fallece: Fruela II, rey de Asturias entre 910 y 925 y rey de León entre 924 y 925.

→ Fallece: Sancho Garcés I, rey de Pamplona entre 905 y 925.

✺- 930→Creación del Alþingi en Islandia, la Asamblea Nacional más antigua aún operativa→

→Erik el Sanguinario destrona a Harald I de Noruega, terminando así la primera edad vikinga→

→Fundación del Monasterio de Cluny, sede de la Orden de Cluny, orden religiosa del mismo nombre→

→Abderramán III conquista Badajoz, gobernada por el oficial rebelde Ibn Marwan→

→Los cármatas saquean La Meca y se llevan la piedra sagrada de la Kaaba, que no devolverán hasta 20 años después→

→Finaliza la tercera época de soberanía china sobre Annam (norte de Vietnam)→

→En España, la ciudad de Burgos se convirtió en capital del condado de Castilla.

✺- 935→Incursión musulmana en Génova. Los guerreros andaluces ocupan y saquean la ciudad.


Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.


viernes, 7 de abril de 2023

Sancha Gómez De Saldaña Reina Consorte De León ♔★Bisabuela n°19★ Ref: QL-0960 |•••► #ESPAÑA 🏆🇪🇸★ #Genealogía #Genealogy

 19° Bisabuela/ Great Grandmother de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Sancha Gómez, Reina consorte de León is your 19th great grandmother.



 (Linea Materna)


Sancha Gómez, Reina consorte de León is your 19th great grandmother.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Morella Álamo Borges

your mother → Belén Eloina Borges Ustáriz

her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna

her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesús Uztáriz y Monserrate

her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra

his mother → Teniente Coronel Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina

her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza

his mother → Isabel Manuela Josefa Hurtado de Mendoza y Rojas Manrique

her mother → Juana de Rojas Manrique de Mendoza

her mother → Constanza de Mendoza Mate de Luna

her mother → Fernando Mathé de Luna

her father → Estefanía Rodríguez de Ceballos, señora de Vado de las Estacas y Villalba

his mother → Ruy / Rodrigo González de Ceballos

her father → Gonzalo Díaz de Ceballos y Ordóñez

his father → María Ordóñez de Aza

his mother → Diego Ordóñez de Aza, Señor de Villamayor

her father → Ordoño Garciez de Aza

his father → García Ordóñez, conde de Nájera

his father → Ordoño Ordóñez, infante de León

his father → Ordoño el Ciego Ramírez de León, Infante de León

his father → Sancha Gómez, Reina consorte de León

his mother


Sancha Gómez de Saldaña, Reina consorte de León MP

Spanish: Da. Sancha Gómez de Saldaña, Reina consorte de León

Gender: Female

Birth: circa 960


Death: 1035

Navarre, Pamplona, Basque

Immediate Family:

Daughter of Gómez Díaz, Conde de Saldaña y Liébana and Muniadona Fernández, condesa de Castilla

Wife of Ramiro III Flavio, rey de León

Mother of Ordoño el Ciego Ramírez de León, Infante de León

Sister of Diego Gómez de Saldaña; Urraca Gómez; García Gómez, Conde de Carrión, Saldaña y Liébana; Velasco Gómez; Sancho Gómez, Conde de Ceión and 2 others

Added by: Paul Douglas Van Dillen on April 24, 2008

Managed by: Pablo Romero (Curador) and 17 others

Curated by: Victar

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Showing 12 of 12 people

Ramiro III Flavio, rey de León


Ordoño el Ciego Ramírez de Le...


Gómez Díaz, Conde de Saldaña ...


Muniadona Fernández, condesa de...


Diego Gómez de Saldaña


Urraca Gómez


García Gómez, Conde de Carrió...


Velasco Gómez


Sancho Gómez, Conde de Ceión


Munio Gómez


Munio Gómez


Don Sancho "el Velloso" de Cabrera




Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.



✺- 960→1 de enero:1​ en la Dinastía Zhou Posterior de China (Era de las Cinco Dinastías), llegan noticias de una alianza entre Liao y Han Posterior para invadir las tierras norteñas. El general Zhao Kuangyin es enviado para proteger la frontera. En el camino, las tropas deciden coronarle como Emperador, pues el trono estaba siendo ocupado por un infante de 7 años debido a la súbita muerte del emperador anterior. Según algunos relatos, Zhao aceptó solo por la insistencia de sus soldados→

→4 de febrero:2​ Fundación de la Dinastía Song, la cual unificará y gobernará toda China por 300 años. Zhao Kuangyin usurpa al trono de Zhou Posterior y se convierte en el Emperador Taizu de Song→

→21 de septiembre: Dunstán recibe el palio como arzobispo de Canterbury del papa Juan XII y se convierte en asesor jefe del nuevo rey de Inglaterra, Edgar el Pacífico. Reforma los monasterios e impone las reglas de San Benedicto: pobreza, castidad y obediencia para los monjes. Intenta imponer el celibato en el clero secular, sin éxito alguno. Insistió activamente que la tribu de los danos se debían integrar con los ingleses. También funda en este año la iglesia de San Dunstán en Sussex Oriental→

→8 de noviembre: Batalla de Andrassos (Montes Tauro, actual Turquía) entre el Imperio Romano Oriental y el Emirato Hamdánido. Los árabes, liderados por Sayf al-Dawla, sufren una derrota aplastante ante el general León Focas "El Joven" →

→El duque Ricardo I de Normandía se casa con Emma de Francia→

→Sancho I de León recupera el trono del Reino de León→

→El gran príncipe Sviatoslav I de Kiev realiza una campaña contra los jázaros→

→Miecislao I se convierte en príncipe de Polonia, tras la muerte de su padre. (fecha aproximada)

El reino de Aksum es destruido por invasores Beta Israel liderados por la reina Gudit→

→El palacio interno (dairi) del Palacio Heian en Kioto sufre un gran incendio, aunque luego es reconstruido.

✺- 965→1 de octubre - Juan XIII nombrado papa

✺- 970→4 de abril: inicia la construcción de la Mezquita de al-Azhar en El Cairo.

Mayo: la ciudad israelí de Ramla es tomada por los fatimíes.

23 de mayo: Pandulfo I de Benevento negocia la paz entre el Imperio Romano de Oriente (Bizancio) y el Sacro Imperio Romano Germánico. Tras esto, Otón I del Sacro Imperio acepta la soberanía de la Italia bizantina en el sur de la península.

Octubre: los fatimíes ocupan Damasco.

La Meca y Medina son capturadas por el Califato fatimí.

Vladimiro I de Kiev se convierte en Príncipe de Nóvgorod.

En el Reino de Pamplona (actual España), es entronizado Sancho Garcés II, primero en usar el título de rey de Navarra (en el 987)→

→García Fernández es nombrado conde de Castilla→

→Sviatoslav I de Kiev se alía con los pechenegos y búlgaros contra el Imperio bizantino, pero sus tropas son emboscadas y derrotadas en la Batalla de Arcadiópolis→

→Bardas Focas inicia una revuelta contra la Dinastía macedónica y se proclama Emperador en Kayseri. Su rebelión es aplastada a finales de año y Bardas es desterrado a la Isla de Quíos, donde pasará los siguientes 7 años.6

Erico el Victorioso se convierte en el primer rey de Suecia.


✺- 975→La catedral de Maguncia fue comenzada por Willigis→

→Coronación del Rey Eduardo el Mártir en Inglaterra.

✺- 980→El rey Miecislao I establece el cristianismo como religión oficial de Polonia.

✺- 985→Al-Mansur saquea Barcelona el 6 de julio, tras 8 días de asedio→

→Erik el Rojo coloniza Groenlandia→

→Juan XV sucede a Juan XIV como papa.

✺- 990→En Suecia, Svend Forkbeard, rey vikingo danés funda la aldea de Lund→

→1 de enero: Rus de Kiev adopta el calendario juliano.

✺- 995→En la actual España, Sancho García es nombrado conde de Castilla.

→ En la actual España, Almanzor destruye la fortaleza y su iglesia de Santa María del Castillo de Saldaña durante una de sus campañas militares.

→ En el año 992, el Viernes Santo había coincidido con la fecha de la Anunciación de María, y se corrió el rumor de que en ese día había nacido el Anticristo, y por lo tanto el fin del mundo sucedería antes de los tres años

✺- 1000→1 de enero: según un mito historiográfico, en esta fecha amplios sectores de la población europea creyeron que este día sucedería el fin del mundo (apocalipsis milenarista) al cumplirse los mil años del nacimiento de Jesucristo, por lo cual se produjeron disturbios y hubo masivas peregrinaciones hacia Jerusalén para poder morir en Tierra Santa. Actualmente se sabe que no sucedieron tales hechos, cuyo relato se remonta al Renacimiento, siendo popularizado por los historiadores del siglo xix.

11 de marzo: en Polonia se celebra el Congreso de Gniezno, uno de los eventos más relevantes de la historia de ese país→

→29 de julio: en las Peñas de Cervera de Burgos, el caudillo musulmán Almanzor vence a la coalición cristiana (navarros, leoneses y castellanos) al mando de Sancho García y de García Gómez, en la batalla de Cervera→

→9 u 11 de septiembre: Batalla de Svolder. Expansión danés en el norte de Noruega→

→25 de diciembre: El Reino de Hungría se forma a partir del antiguo Principado de Hungría con la coronación de Esteban I→

→Los siguientes eventos son solo aproximaciones:

En Noruega, se funda la ciudad de Oslo (fecha tradicional; el aniversario N° 1000 se celebró en el año 2000)→

→Escandinavia, Islandia y Hungría son convertidas al cristianismo→

→En Noruega, los hermanastros Eiríkr Hákonarson y Sveinn Hákonarson son nombrados corregentes→

→Leif Erikson llega a América, llamándola Vinland, Helluland y Markland→

→En China se inventa la pólvora→

→En la actual Bangladés (al este de la India) se funda la ciudad de Daca (actual capital del país)→

→Ferdousí (935-1020) escribe Shāhnāmé (El libro de los reyes). Este cuenta la historia y mitología de Irán desde la creación del mundo hasta el siglo VII→

→El mercado árabe de esclavos comienza a ser un factor importante en la formación de los reinos sajelianos, una franja de mil km de ancho entre el océano Atlántico y el mar Rojo→

→En la región andina comienza un retroceso de las culturas Wari y Tiwanaku, mientras se desarrollan las de Chachapoyas y los chimúes→

→La migración túrquica llega a Europa Occidental, con mucha de su población convertida al islam→

→En Mesoamérica, termina el Período Clásico de los mayas con el abandono de las grandes ciudades del Petén como Palenque y Tikal. Chichén Itzá y Uxmal comienzan su actividad constructora. Mitla, principal ciudad zapoteca, Cholula y Tula florecen.

✺- 1005→Kazán, fundación de la ciudad→

→Malcolm II sucede a Kenneth III como rey de Escocia→

→Pomerania se subleva contra la iglesia→

→Schaffhausen empieza a acuñar sus propias monedas.

✺- 1010→Europa

Destrucción de Medina Azahara, a las afueras de Córdoba→

→Restauración de Hisham II en el Califato Omeya de Córdoba, sucediendo a Muhammad II al-Mahdi→

→Fundación de la ciudad de Yaroslavl→


Se establece en Vietnam la Dinastía Lý y la capital se desplaza a Hanói→

→El poeta persa Ferdousí termina de escribir Shahnameh→


El explorador vikingo Thorfinn Karlsefni funda un asentamiento en Norteamérica (fecha aproximada)→


La superficie del río Nilo se congela.1​

✺- 1015→Agosto: Canuto II de Dinamarca invade Inglaterra→

→Los Berserkers son prohibidos en Noruega→

→Olaf Haraldsson se convierte en rey de Noruega→

→Sviatopolk sucede a Vladimir como príncipe de Kiev.

✺- 1020→febrero-marzo:1​ en el Califato fatimí (Egipto), los nativos de Fustat se enfrentan a una coalición turco-berebere. Los esclavos negros prenden fuego la ciudad por tres días. Este evento es parte de una serie de rebeliones que debilitan severamente la autoridad de los fatimís→

→15 de abril: un terremoto devasta Roma durante las festividades del Viernes Santo. Una agrupación de judíos es acusada como causante del desastre, por lo que son condenados a muerte por el papa Benedicto VIII.2​

15 de junio: las fuerzas del Imperio romano de Oriente dirigidas por Basilio Boioanes toman Troia (Italia)→

→17 de junio: el papa Benedicto VIII se reúne con Enrique II del Sacro Imperio en Bamberg y le pide ayuda para recuperar el control del sur de Italia.3​

1 de septiembre: Mahmud de Gazni envía a su hijo para conquistar Ġawr, que cae al cabo de una semana.4​

Roberto II de Francia funda la ciudad de Saint-Germain-en-Laye→

→Hovhannes-Smbat III asciende al trono de la Armenia Bagrátida→

→Inicia la construcción del Castillo de Habsburgo.

✺- 1025→Se funda el Monasterio de Montserrat, que hoy alberga unos 4000 monjes→

→Constantino VIII es nombrado emperador del Imperio bizantino→

→Miecislao II, es nombrado rey de Polonia.

✺- 1030→Fundación de Tartu en Estonia→

→Fundación de Kaunas en Lituania→

→Georgia y emir de Tiflis se enfrentan a Shaddadids→

→Fin del Califato

✺- 1035→Nace el Reino de Aragón, por la unión de los condados de Aragón, Sobrarbe y Ribagorza en la figura de Ramiro I→

→Comienzo del reinado de Fernando I de León

División del reino de Pamplona


Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.


lunes, 16 de enero de 2023

van Cuijk van Neuenahr Kunigunde ★Bisabuela n°19★ Ref: VC-1260 |•••► #HOLANDA 🏆 🇳🇱 #Genealogía #Genealogy Ⓟ

19° Bisabuela/ Great Grandmother de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Kunigunde van Cuijk van Neuenahr is your 19th great grandmother.



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Kunigunde van Cuijk van Neuenahr is your 19th great grandmother.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Dr. Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna

your father → Elena Cecilia Lecuna Escobar

his mother → Vicente de Jesus Lecuna Salboch, Dr.

her father → Ramón Lecuna Sucre

his father → Josefa Margarita Sucre y Márquez de Valenzuela

his mother → Coronel Vicente Vitto Luis Ramón de Sucre y García de Urbaneja

her father → Coronel Antonio Mauricio Jacinto Tadeo Rosalio Sucre Pardo y Trelles

his father → Carlos Francisco Francois Sucre y Pardo, Sargento Mayor

his father → Charles Adrien de Sucre y D´Ives

his father → Adrianne D'Ives y D'Argenteau

his mother → Jacqueline D'Argenteau

her mother → Conrad d'Argenteau, seigneur de Ligny

her father → Renaud VII d'Argenteau, seigneur de Bossut

his father → Marie de Hamal, dame de Trazegnies

his mother → Sibylle de Ligne

her mother → Michel I, baron de Ligne

her father → Jean II, baron de Ligne

his father → Bertha von Schleiden

his mother → Elisabeth von Virneburg

her mother → Ruprecht III, Graf von Virneburg

her father → Kunigunde van Cuijk van Neuenahr

his mother


Kunigunde van Cuijk van Neuenahr (van Cuijk)  

Gender: Female

Birth: circa 1260

Grave, Grave, NB, Netherlands 

Death: 1329 (64-74) 

Immediate Family:

Daughter of Jan (I) van Cuijk, heer van Cuijk and Jutta von Nassau-Ginnich van Cuijk, Gravin

Wife of Robert II von Virneburg

Mother of Mechthild von Virneburg; Cunigunde van Arkel; Ruprecht III, Graf von Virneburg; Elisabeth, gräfin von Virneburg and Heinrich von Virneburg

Sister of Otto van Cuyck, heer van Mierlo en Zeelem; Hendrik van Cuijk, heer van Mierop; Heer Willem van Cuijk; Mechteld van Cuijk; Johan (Jan II) van Cuijk, Graaf and 4 others 

Added by: Duane Alden Goode on August 20, 2008

Managed by: Rasheed Hassan Ali and 10 others

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Kunigunde van Cuijk van Neuenahr in GenealogieOnline Family Tree Index

Kunigunde van Cuijk van Neuenahr in GenealogieOnline Family Tree Index


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M : Graaf Rupert II Van Virneburg, Geboren/Born Ongev/About 1250, Gest./Died Voor/Before 1308 =>Codes==CDNr.LWNr.MuNr.SvSNr.AvdW.Ks.82==

Zoon van / Son of : Graaf Hendrik I Van Virneburg & Ponzetta Von Oberstein

Relat(ie/ed) Ongev/About 1280

F : Kunigonde Van Kuyc, Gest./Died Ongev/About 1329 =>Codes==CDNr.LWNr.MuNr.SvSNr.AvdW.Ks.83==

Dochter van / Daughter of : Heer Jan I {v.Kuijk} Van Kuyc & Gravin Jutta Van Nassau Kinderen/Children ; 1: Graaf Robert III Van Virneburg 2: Kunigonde Van Virneburg (* ~1280 ,+ 1328 )

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Showing 12 of 17 people

Robert II von Virneburg


Mechthild von Virneburg


Cunigunde van Arkel


Ruprecht III, Graf von Virneburg


Elisabeth, gräfin von Virneburg


Heinrich von Virneburg


Jutta von Nassau-Ginnich van Cui...


Jan (I) van Cuijk, heer van Cuijk


Otto van Cuyck, heer van Mierlo ...


Hendrik van Cuijk, heer van Mierop


Heer Willem van Cuijk


Mechteld van Cuijk



Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.



martes, 3 de enero de 2023

Agnes von Isenburg-Limburg (1258) ★Bisabuela n°19★ Ref: Av-1258 |•••► #ALEMANIA 🏆🇩🇪★ #Genealogía #Genealogy

 19° Bisabuela/ Great Grandmother de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Agnes von Isenburg-Limburg is your 19th great grandmother.



(Linea Paterna) 


Agnes von Isenburg-Limburg is your 19th great grandmother.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Dr. Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna

your father → Elena Cecilia Lecuna Escobar

his mother → Vicente de Jesus Lecuna Salboch, Dr.

her father → Ramón Lecuna Sucre

his father → Josefa Margarita Sucre y Márquez de Valenzuela

his mother → Coronel Vicente Vitto Luis Ramón de Sucre y García de Urbaneja

her father → Coronel Antonio Mauricio Jacinto Tadeo Rosalio Sucre Pardo y Trelles

his father → Carlos Francisco Francois Sucre y Pardo, Sargento Mayor

his father → Charles Adrien de Sucre y D´Ives

his father → Adrianne D'Ives y D'Argenteau

his mother → Jacqueline D'Argenteau

her mother → Conrad d'Argenteau, seigneur de Ligny

her father → Renaud VII d'Argenteau, seigneur de Bossut

his father → Marie de Hamal, dame de Trazegnies

his mother → Sibylle de Ligne

her mother → Michel I, baron de Ligne

her father → Jean II, baron de Ligne

his father → Bertha von Schleiden

his mother → Elisabeth von Virneburg

her mother → Agnes von Runkel-Westerburg

her mother → Agnes von Isenburg-Limburg

her mother

jueves, 18 de agosto de 2022

Duchess Of Lorraine Gertrude ★Bisabuela n°19★ Ref: RG-1055 |•••► #BELGICA 🏆 🇧🇪 #Genealogía #Genealogy

 19° Bisabuela/ Great Grandmother de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Gertrude, duchess of Lorraine is your 19th great grandmother.



 (Linea Materna)


Gertrude, duchess of Lorraine is your 19th great grandmother.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Morella Álamo Borges

your mother → Belén Eloina Alamo

her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna

her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesús Uztáriz y Monserrate

her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra

his mother → Teniente Coronel Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina

her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza

his mother → Isabel Manuela Josefa Hurtado de Mendoza y Rojas Manrique

her mother → Juana de Rojas Manrique de Mendoza

her mother → Constanza de Mendoza Mate de Luna

her mother → Mayor de Mendoza Manzanedo

her mother → Juan Fernández De Mendoza Y Manuel

her father → Sancha Manuel

his mother → Sancho Manuel de Villena Castañeda, señor del Infantado y Carrión de los Céspedes

her father → Manuel de Castilla, señor de Escalona

his father → Elizabeth of Swabia

his mother → Philipp von Schwaben, King of Germany

her father → Beatrice of Burgundy

his mother → Agatha of Lorraine

her mother → Adélaïde de Brabant

her mother → Gertrude, duchess of Lorraine

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Gertrude MP 

Dutch: Gertrudis

Gender: Female

Birth: circa 1055

Leuven, Flemish Brabant, Flanders, Belgium

Death: before October 06, 1111

Tournai, Hainaut, Belgium

Immediate Family:

Daughter of Robert I, Count of Flanders and Gertrude of Saxony, Countess of Flanders

Wife of Gebhard, Graf von Süpplingenburg; Theodoric II "the Valiant", duke of Lorraine and Count Henry III of Leuven and Brussel

Mother of Gisele von Saarbrücken; Theoderic, count of Flanders; Henry - Heinrich d' Alsace - von Lothringen bishop of Toul; Baudoin Sire de Wavrin de St. Venant; Ermengarde de Lorraine and 2 others

Sister of Ogive De Frasnes (ter Esschen); Baldwin Flanders; Adela of Flanders; Robert II le Hiérosolymitain; Filips van Vlaanderen 'van Loo' and 1 other

Half sister of Adele van Holland, Countess of Holland; Pieter van Holland; Floris van Holland; Bertha of Holland and Dirk V Count of Holland and Count of Maasland, Kinhem & Texla 

Added by: Patrick Étienne François BERNARD on July 18, 2008

Managed by: Ric Dickinson and 97 others

Curated by: Jason Scott Wills

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Gertrudis van Vlaanderen (1080-1117) was een dochter van Robrecht de Fries, graaf van Vlaanderen, en van Geertruida van Saksen. Zij werd de echtgenote van Hendrik III van Leuven. In een eigentijdse genealogie worden Hendrik III vier (naamloze) dochters toegeschreven. Twee van hen werden historiografisch geïdentificeerd met: Adelheid, gehuwd met hertog Simon I van Lotharingen, Gertrudis, mogelijk gehuwd met Lambert, graaf van Montaigu en Clermont. Weduwe geworden hertrouwt Gertrudis in 1096 met hertog Diederik van Opper-Lotharingen († 1115) en werd zij de moeder van Diederik van de Elzas.

Gertrude first married Henry III, Count of Louvain, and bore him 4 children. Later she married our ancestor Thierry II, Duke of Lorraine, and bore him 5 children, including our ancestor Thierry of Flanders.

See,_Count_of_Flanders for more information.

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Showing 12 of 28 people

Count Henry III of Leuven and Br...


Adélaïde de Brabant


Gertrude, of Louvain


Theodoric II "the Valiant", duke...


Gisele von Saarbrücken


Theoderic, count of Flanders


Henry - Heinrich d' Alsace - von...


Baudoin Sire de Wavrin de St. Ve...


Ermengarde de Lorraine


Gebhard, Graf von Süpplingenburg


Robert I, Count of Flanders


Gertrude of Saxony, Countess of ...



Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.


Ancestros de Gertrude, duchess of Lorraine

1. Gertrude, duchess of Lorraine b. circa 1055, Leuven, Flemish Brabant, Flanders, Belgium; d. before October 6, 1111, Tournai, Hainaut, Belgium
2. Robert I, Count of Flanders b. between 1029 and 1032, Kasteel van Wijnendale, Wijnendale, West Vlaanderen, Vlaams Gewest, Belgium; d. October 13, 1093, Kasteel Wijnendale, Torhout, West-Vlaanderen, Vlaanderen, Belgium
3. Baldwin V, count of Flanders b. August 19, 1012, Bihorel, Seine-Maritime, Normandy, France; d. September 1, 1067, Lille, Nord, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
4. Baldwin IV the Bearded, count of Flanders b. January 8, 980, Ghent, Flandres, Belgium; d. May 30, 1035, Gent, Oost-Vlaanderen, Vlaams Gewest, Belgium
5. Arnulf II the Young, count of Flanders b. December 961, Vlaanderen (Flanders), Belgium; d. March 30, 987, La Chapelle-Saint-Laurent, Deux-Sèvres, Poitou-Charentes, France
6. Baldwin III, count of Flanders b. 940, Vlaanderen, Belgium; d. November 1, 962, Abbey of St. Bertin, Saint-Omer, Vlaanderen, France
7. Arnulf I the Great, count of Flanders b. December 12, 889, Ghent, East Flanders, Flanders, Belgium; d. March 27, 965, Ghent, East Flanders, Flanders, Belgium
8. Baldwin II "the Bald", count of Flanders b. circa 865, Flanders, Belgium; d. September 10, 918, Blandijnberg, Ghent, East Flanders, Flanders, Belgium
9. Baldwin I "Iron-Arm", 1st margrave of Flanders b. between circa 837 and 840; d. 879, Arras
9. Judith, countess of Flanders b. October 844, Orléans, Loiret, Centre-Val de Loire, France; d. after 870, Auxerre, Yonne, Bourgogne Franche-Comté, France
10. Charles II "the Bald", Western Emperor b. June 13, 823, Frankfurt, Darmstadt, Hesse, Germany; d. October 6, 877, Mont Cenis, Brides-les-Bains, Savoie, Rhone-Alpes, France
11. Louis I, The Pious b. April 16, 778, Casseneuil, Lot-et-Garonne, Aquitaine, Carolingian Empire (within present France); d. June 20, 840, Ingelheim, (Present Rheinhessen), Austrasia (Present Hesse), Carolingian Empire (within present Germany)
12. Charlemagne b. circa April 2, 747, Unknown, Likely in present Belgium (Herstal) or Germany; d. January 28, 814, Aachen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
13. Pépin III, King of the Franks b. circa 715, Jupille-sur-Meuse, Liège, Liege, Walloon Region, Belgium; d. September 24, 768, Saint-Denis, Seine-Saint-Denis, Île-de-France, France
14. Charles Martel b. August 23, 676, Herstal, Liege, Walloon Region, Belgium; d. October 22, 741, Quierzy, Aisne, Nord-Pas-de-Calais-Picardie, France
15. Pépin ll "the Fat" d'Héristal, Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia b. circa 640, Herstal, Liège, Walloon Region, Belgium; d. December 16, 714, Jupille-sur-Meuse, modern Belgium
16. Ansegisel de Metz b. circa 610; d. circa 662, Andens Monastery, Siegburg, Cologne, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
17. Saint Arnoul, Bishop of Metz b. circa August 13, 582, Nancy, Lorraine, Frankish Kingdom; d. July 18, 640, Remiremont Church of the Apostles, Metz, Austrasia, Lorraine, France
17. Saint Dode of Metz b. circa 583; d. circa 611

miércoles, 17 de agosto de 2022

Hedwige of Lorraine ★Bisabuela n°19★ Ref: AR-1025 |•••► #BELGICA 🏆 🇧🇪 #Genealogía #Genealogy

 19° Bisabuela/ Great Grandmother de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Hedwige of Lorraine is your 19th great grandmother.



 (Linea Materna)


Hedwige of Lorraine is your 19th great grandmother.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Morella Álamo Borges

your mother → Belén Eloina Alamo

her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna

her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesús Uztáriz y Monserrate

her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra

his mother → Teniente Coronel Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina

her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza

his mother → Isabel Manuela Josefa Hurtado de Mendoza y Rojas Manrique

her mother → Juana de Rojas Manrique de Mendoza

her mother → Constanza de Mendoza Mate de Luna

her mother → Mayor de Mendoza Manzanedo

her mother → Juan Fernández De Mendoza Y Manuel

her father → Sancha Manuel

his mother → Sancho Manuel de Villena Castañeda, señor del Infantado y Carrión de los Céspedes

her father → Manuel de Castilla, señor de Escalona

his father → Elizabeth of Swabia

his mother → Philipp von Schwaben, King of Germany

her father → Beatrice of Burgundy

his mother → Reginald III, Count of Burgundy

her father → Béatrice Clémence de Lorraine, Countess of Burgundy

his mother → Hedwige of Lorraine

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Hedwige of Lorraine (Alsace) MP 

Spanish: Hedwiga de Namur, French: Hadwide de Namur

Gender: Female

Birth: circa 1025

Nomurcum (Present Namur), Lomacensis (within the present Walloon Region), Herzogtum Niederlothringen (within present Belgium), Heiliges Römisches Reich

Death: January 28, 1067 (37-46)

Namur, Grafschaft Namur (within the present Walloon Region), Herzogtum Niederlothringen (within present Belgium), Heiliges Römisches Reich

Immediate Family:

Daughter of Albert II, Comte de Namur and Regilinde of Lorraine

Wife of Gérard IV, duke of Upper Lorraine

Mother of Theodoric II "the Valiant", duke of Lorraine; Gérard V de Lorraine, comte de Vaudémont; Béatrice Clémence de Lorraine, Countess of Burgundy and Gisela d'Alsace

Sister of Heinrich II von Durbuy la Roche; Albert III de Namur, Count of Namur and Ermengard IV van Namen 

Added by: Virginia Lea Sooy on March 12, 2007

Managed by: Ric Dickinson and 103 others

Curated by: Ben M. Angel, still catching up

lunes, 15 de agosto de 2022

von Blankenheim Mathilde ★Bisabuela n°19★ Ref: vD-280 |•••► #ALEMANIA 🏆🇩🇪★ #Genealogía #Genealogy

 Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Mathilde von Blankenheim is your 19th great grandmother.- (19° Bisabuela )



(Linea Paterna) 


Mathilde von Blankenheim is your 19th great grandmother.

You→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→   Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna 

your father →  Elena Cecilia Lecuna Escobar 

his mother →  Vicente Lecuna Salboch, Dr. 

her father → Ramón Lecuna Sucre 

his father →  Josefa Margarita de Sucre y Márquez de Valenzuela 

his mother → Coronel Vicente Vitto Luis Ramón de Sucre y García de Urbaneja 

her father →  Coronel Antonio Mauricio Sucre Pardo y Trelles 

his father → Carlos Francisco Sucre y Pardo, Sargento Mayor 

his father →  Charles Adrien de Sucre y D´Ives 

his father →  Adrianne D'Ives y D'Argenteau 

his mother → Jacqueline D'Argenteau 

her mother →  Conrad d'Argenteau, seigneur de Ligny 

her father →  Renaud VII d'Argenteau, seigneur de Bossut 

his father → Renaud VI d'Argenteau 

his father →  Jacques, seigneur d'Argenteau 

his father →  Marguerite de Walcourt, dame de Rochefort 

his mother → Jean III de Walcourt, seigneur de Rochefort 

her father →  Jean II de Walcourt, seigneur de Rochefort 

his father → Jean I de Walcourt, seigneur de Rochefort 

his father →  Thierry V de Walcourt, seigneur de Rochefort 

his father →  Mathilde von Blankenheim 

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Mathilde von Blankenheim  

Gender: Female

Birth: circa 1280 


Death: circa 1317 (29-45)

Immediate Family:

Daughter of Gerhard V, Herr von Blankenheim and Ermgarde de Durbuy 

Wife of Thierry de Walcourt, IV 

Mother of Thierry V de Walcourt, seigneur de Rochefort 

Sister of Katharina von Blankenheim; Friedrich II, Herr von Blankenheim; Johanette von Blankenheim; Gerhard VI, Graf von Blankenheim and Katharina 

Added by: Justin Howery Swanstrom on May 11, 2009

Managed by: Alex Moes

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Thierry de Walcourt, IV


Thierry V de Walcourt, seigneur ...


Gerhard V, Herr von Blankenheim


Ermgarde de Durbuy


Katharina von Blankenheim


Friedrich II, Herr von Blankenheim


Johanette von Blankenheim


Gerhard VI, Graf von Blankenheim






Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.



1. Mathilde von Blankenheim b. 1280, Germany; d. circa 1317

2. Gerhard VI, Herr von Blankenheim b. circa 1250; d. July 10, 1309
3. Friedrich, Herr von Blankenheim b. circa 1215; d. 1275
4. Gerhard IV, Herr von Blankenheim b. circa 1180; d. 1225
5. Gerhard III, Herr von Blankenheim b. circa 1155; d. 1197
6. Gerhard II, Herr von Blankenheim b. circa 1125, Blankenheim, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland (Germany); d. 1166
7. Jutta
4. Jutta von Hengebach d. 1252
5. Eberhard II, count of Hengebach b. circa 1155, Eifel,, Heimbach, Cologne, NRW, Germany; d. 1217
6. Walther von Hengebach b. circa 1120, Heimbach, Germany; d. circa 1172, Heimbach, Germany
7. Petrissa van Saffenberg b. circa 1088, Germany; d. 1147, Heimbach, Germany
8. Count Hermann von Salm b. circa 1040, Luxembourg; d. September 28, 1088, Metz, Moselle, Lorraine, France
9. Giselbert of Luxembourg, Count of Salm & Longwy, Count of Luxembourg b. 997, Luxembourg; d. October 14, 1059, Luxembourg
10. Frederick I, count of Moselgau b. 965, Moselgau, France; d. October 6, 1019, Chateau Salm, Luxembourg
10. Ermentrude, Gräfin von Gleiberg b. circa 965, Gleiberg Castle, Schwaben, Bayern, Germany; d. February 21, 1019, Luxembourg
9. wife of Giselbert b. circa 1002, Lorraine, France; d. between 1045 and 1058
8. Sophia von Salm, Countess von Salm b. circa 1047, Chateau de Salm, Luxemburg; d. after 1088, Germany
9. Meginhard IV von Formbach, Vogt von Niederaltaich b. circa 1015, Formbach, Germany; d. February 27, 1066, Winzenburg, Germany
10. Thiemo I von Formbach, Graf im Schweinachgau b. circa 980, Schweinachgau, Germany; d. March 19, 1049, Schweinachgau, Germany
10. unknown daughter of Brun b. Germany; d. Germany
9. Mathilda Formbach von Winzenburg, Gravin von Windberg b. circa 1032, Reinhausen, Gleichen, Lower Saxony, Germany; d. 1122, Winzenburg, Lower Saxony, Germany
10. Graf Elli II von Rheinhausen-Gleichen, Graf von Leinegau b. circa 1010, Germany; d. circa 1055
10. NN von Reinhausen b. circa 1010
6. Patrissa von Daun b. 1120, Jülich, Grafschaft Jülich, (Deutschland), (EU) (EU); d. 1180, Heimbach, Germany
5. Jutta Von Jülich b. circa 1157, Jülich, County of Jülich, Germany (HRR); d. circa 1218
6. Wilhelm I, count of Jülich b. circa 1123, Duren, Nordrhein-Westfalen,, Jülich, Cologne, NRW, Germany; d. 1176, Duren, Nordrhein-Westfalen,, Jülich, Cologne, NRW, Germany
7. Gerhard IV, count of Jülich b. circa 1090, Julich, Rhineland, Prussia; d. between circa March 5, 1143 and 1147, Jülich, Duren, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
8. Gerhard III, Graf im Jülichgau b. Jülich, Germany; d. 1128, Jülich, Duren, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
9. Gerhard II, Graf im Jülichgau b. circa 1045, Jülich, Germany; d. circa 1114, Jülich, Germany
10. Eberhard II, Graf im Jülichgau b. circa 990, Jülich, Germany; d. 1061, Jülich, Germany
10. N.N. N.N. b. Germany; d. Jülich, Germany
8. Ida b. Germany; d. Jülich, Germany
7. Agnes van Loon b. circa 1100, Germany; d. Jülich, Germany
8. Arnold I, Count of Looz b. circa 1050, Looz, Limbourg, Liege, Belgium, 1050/60; d. circa 1125, Loon, Belgium, after 1125
9. Emmo II, Count of Looz b. 1025, Borgloon, Flemish Region, Belgium; d. January 16, 1078, Borgloon, Flemish Region, Belgium
10. Giselbert, Count of Looz b. 985, Borgloon, Flemish Region, Belgium; d. circa 1046, Loon, Belgium, 1044/46
10. Luitgard Emma van Namen b. circa 1002; d. circa 1050
9. Suanehildis of Holland b. circa 1020, Rieneck, Main-Spessart, Bayern, Germany; d. February 5, 1078
10. Dirk III, graaf van Masaland, Kinhem en Texla b. 982, Gand, Flandre Orientale, Belgium; d. May 27, 1039, Friesland, Netherlands
10. Otelindis of the Nordmark b. circa 992, Schweinfurt, Niederfranken, Bayern, Germany; d. March 31, 1044, Quedlinburg, Harz, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany
8. possible daughter Swanhilde ? de Metz b. circa 1050, France; d. September 4, 1133, Flanders, France
9. Folmar VI de Metz, comte de Metz b. circa 1020, Metz, Moselle, Lorraine; d. 1075, Homburg
10. Gottfried I de Metz, Graf (im Bliesgau? von Metz?) b. circa 985, France; d. 1053, Metz, France
10. Judith b. circa 1003, Metz,Moselle, France; d. Metz, France
9. Svanehilde (Swanhilde) I NN, comtesse de Metz b. 1010, Metz, Moselle, Lorraine, France
6. Ermengarde von Arenberg b. 1112; d. circa 1170
7. Arnold von Arenberg b. 1082; d. 1135
3. Mechtild von Blieskastel b. circa 1220, Germany; d. after June 1258
4. Heinrich von Blieskastel, I, Graf von Blieskastel b. 1180; d. before circa December 13, 1237
5. Folmar / Volmar von Blieskastel, II, Graf von Blieskastel b. circa 1145; d. after circa 1223
6. Folmar / Volmar von Blieskastel, I, graf von Blieskastel b. circa 1115, Blieskastel, Germany; d. after circa 1179
7. Gottfried, I (IV), Graf von Blieskastel b. circa 1105; d. after circa 1135
8. Gottfried von Metz, III, Graf im Bliesgau b. circa 1055, Blieskastel, Bayern (present Germany); d. circa 1122, Blieskastel, Bayern (present Germany)
9. Folmar VI de Metz, comte de Metz b. circa 1020, Metz, Moselle, Lorraine; d. 1075, Homburg
10. Gottfried I de Metz, Graf (im Bliesgau? von Metz?) b. circa 985, France; d. 1053, Metz, France
10. Judith b. circa 1003, Metz,Moselle, France; d. Metz, France
9. Svanehilde (Swanhilde) I NN, comtesse de Metz b. 1010, Metz, Moselle, Lorraine, France
8. Mathilde de Luxembourg b. circa 1068, Luxembourg; d. circa 1110, Blieskastel, Germany
9. Conrad I, Count of Luxembourg b. circa 1029, Trier, Rhineland, Germany; d. August 8, 1086, Italy
10. Giselbert of Luxembourg, Count of Salm & Longwy, Count of Luxembourg b. 997, Luxembourg; d. October 14, 1059, Luxembourg
10. wife of Giselbert b. circa 1002, Lorraine, France; d. between 1045 and 1058
9. Ermesinde I de Longwy, Duchess of Aquitaine b. 1028, Meurthe-et-Moselle, Grand Est, France; d. 1068, Rome, Lazio, Italy
6. Clémence de Metz b. circa 1115; d. circa 1179
7. Folmar von Metz, VIII, Graf von Metz b. circa 1090, Metz, Moselle, Grand Est, France; d. 1145, Homburg, SL, Germany
8. Folmar VII de Metz, comte de Metz b. circa 1060, Metz, Moselle, Lorraine, France; d. June 25, 1111, Monastery Rixheim, Germany
9. Folmar VI de Metz, comte de Metz b. circa 1020, Metz, Moselle, Lorraine; d. 1075, Homburg
10. Gottfried I de Metz, Graf (im Bliesgau? von Metz?) b. circa 985, France; d. 1053, Metz, France
10. Judith b. circa 1003, Metz,Moselle, France; d. Metz, France
9. Svanehilde (Swanhilde) I NN, comtesse de Metz b. 1010, Metz, Moselle, Lorraine, France
8. NN
7. Mechtilde von Dagsburg - Moha b. circa 1089, Rheims, Champagne-Ardenne, France; d. circa 1157, Metz, Moselle, Grand Est, France
8. Albert II Graf von Moha von Dagsburg b. circa 1045, Alsace,, Eguisheim, Haut-Rhin, Grand Est, France; d. August 24, 1098, Dagsburg,, Germany
9. Albert I von Dagsburg b. circa 1025; d. June 28, 1063
10. Hugo IX (990~1049) Graf von Dagsburg b. April 990, Dagsbourg (Present Dabo), Nortgowe, Herzogtum Alamannia (within present Lorraine), Heiliges Römisches Reich (within present France); d. circa 1049, Dagsbourg (Present Dabo), Nortgowe, Herzogtum Alamannia (within present Lorraine), Heiliges Römisches Reich (within present France)
10. Mathilde - Mechtild von Egisheim b. 994, Dagsbourg, Moselle, France; d. circa November 18, 1049, Dagsbourg, Moselle, France
8. Helwig von Egisheim und Dachsburg
9. Heinrich I, count of Egisheim b. circa 1018, Eguisheim, Haut-Rhin, France; d. circa June 28, 1065, Eguisheim, Haut-Rhin, Alsace, France
10. Hugo IX (990~1049) Graf von Dagsburg b. April 990, Dagsbourg (Present Dabo), Nortgowe, Herzogtum Alamannia (within present Lorraine), Heiliges Römisches Reich (within present France); d. circa 1049, Dagsbourg (Present Dabo), Nortgowe, Herzogtum Alamannia (within present Lorraine), Heiliges Römisches Reich (within present France)
10. Mathilde - Mechtild von Egisheim b. 994, Dagsbourg, Moselle, France; d. circa November 18, 1049, Dagsbourg, Moselle, France
9. Mathilde von Moha b. circa 1011, Eguisheim, Haut-Rhin, France; d. 1059
10. Albrecht von Moha, Herr von Moha b. circa 1002, Moha, 61072, Huy, Belgique (Belgium); d. circa 1040, Moha, Région Walonne, Belgium
5. Jutta von Saarbrücken b. 1177, Saarbrücken, Germany; d. circa 1226, Bliescastel, Germany
6. Simon von Saarbrücken, I b. 1119, Saarbrücken, Saarland, Germany; d. June 23, 1182, Saarbrücken, Saarland, Germany
7. Friedrich I, Graf von Saarbrücken b. 1095, Sponheim, Rheinland-Pfalz; d. 1135, Leiningen, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
8. Siegbert I, Graf im Saargau b. circa 1060, Saarbrucken,Rheinland,,Prussia; d. circa 1105, Saarbrucken,Rheinland,Preußen,
7. Gisele von Saarbrücken b. 1090, Alsace-Lorraine, France; d. 1160, Saarbrücken
8. Theodoric II "the Valiant", duke of Lorraine b. March 6, 1044, between 1044 and 1055, Herzogtum Lotharingen, Heiliges Römisches Reich (within present France); d. January 23, 1115, Châtenois, Bas-Rhin, Bas-Rhin, Alsace, France
9. Gérard IV, duke of Upper Lorraine b. circa 1020, Lorraine, Grand Est, France; d. April 14, 1070, Remiremont, Vosges, Grand Est, France
10. Gerhard von Bouzonville, graf von Metz b. circa 985, Probably Metz, Metzgau, Herzogtum Oberlotharingen, Ostenfrankenreich; d. 1045, Bouzonville, Nitagau, Herzogtum Oberlotharingen, Heiliges Römisches Reich
10. Gisele, countess of Alsace b. circa 985, Duchy of Lothringia; d. 1045, Bouzonville, Moselle, Duchy of Lothringia
9. Hedwige of Lorraine b. circa 1025, Nomurcum (Present Namur), Lomacensis (within the present Walloon Region), Herzogtum Niederlothringen (within present Belgium), Heiliges Römisches Reich; d. January 28, 1067, Namur, Grafschaft Namur (within the present Walloon Region), Herzogtum Niederlothringen (within present Belgium), Heiliges Römisches Reich
10. Albert II, Comte de Namur b. circa 997, Namur, Walloon Region, Belgium; d. November 15, 1037, Namur, Walloon Region, Belgium
10. Regilinde of Lorraine b. circa 994, Verdun, Meuse, Lorraine, France; d. November 15, 1064, Namur, Namur, Walloon Region, Belgium
8. Gertrude, duchess of Lorraine b. circa 1055, Leuven, Flemish Brabant, Flanders, Belgium; d. before October 6, 1111, Tournai, Hainaut, Belgium
9. Robert I, Count of Flanders b. between 1029 and 1032, Kasteel van Wijnendale, Wijnendale, West Vlaanderen, Vlaams Gewest, Belgium; d. October 13, 1093, Kasteel Wijnendale, Torhout, West-Vlaanderen, Vlaanderen, Belgium
10. Baldwin V, count of Flanders b. August 19, 1012, Bihorel, Seine-Maritime, Normandy, France; d. September 1, 1067, Lille, Nord, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
10. Adela of France, countess of Flanders b. March 5, 1009, Toulouse, Haute-Garonne, Midi-Pyrénées, France; d. January 8, 1079, Mesen, West-Vlaanderen, Vlaams Gewest, Belgium
9. Gertrude of Saxony, Countess of Flanders b. 1028, Schweinfurt, Unterfranken, BY, Germany; d. August 4, 1113, Veurne, West-Vlaanderen, Vlaanderen, Belgium
10. Bernard II, duke of Saxony b. between circa 990 and circa 995, Namur, Namur, Wallonie, Belgium; d. June 29, 1059, Lüneburg, Niedersachsen, Germany
10. Eilika of Schweinfurt b. circa 1000, Schweinfurt, Lower Franconia, Bavaria, Germany; d. June 29, 1059, Schweinfurt, Lower Franconia, Bavaria, Germany
6. Mathilde von Sponheim b. 1117, Sponheim, Germany; d. circa December 20, 1181, Fontevrault, Maine-Et-Loire, France
7. Meginhard, Graf von Sponheim b. 1093, Sponheim, Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland (Germany); d. February 28, 1155, Sponheim, Germany
8. Stephan II, Graf von Sponheim b. 1065, Burgsponheim, Bad Kreuznach, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany; d. February 25, 1117
9. Stephan I von Sponheim, Graf von Sponheim b. circa 1020, Nellenburg, Konstanz , Baden, Germany; d. circa 1080
10. Eberhard I, Graf von Sponheim b. circa 978, Spondheim, Rhineland, Germany; d. between 1044 and 1065, Sponheim, Germany
10. Hedwig, Countess Von Nellenburg b. circa 978, Sponheim, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany; d. Sponheim, Rüdesheim, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
9. Sophia I von Sponheim b. circa 1047, Hamm, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany; d. 1118, Burgsponheim, Bad Kreuznach, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
10. Graf Berthold I im Bidgau, Vogt zu Prüm b. circa 1030; d. 1083
10. Matilda NN b. Reinhausen
8. Sophia II von Sponheim b. circa 1070; d. circa 1128
7. Mechthild von Mörsberg-Nellenburg b. circa 1105, Kyburg, Pfäffikon, Zurich, Switzerland; d. March 12, 1179, Neresheim, Württemberg, Germany (HRR)
8. Adalbert II, Graf von Mörsburg b. 1065, Kyburg, Pfäffikon District, Zurich, Switzerland; d. August 28, 1125
9. Adalbert von Morsberg b. 1040, Burgelm, Switzerland; d. 1070
9. daughter(Adelaide?) of Eberhard V von Morsberg b. circa 1030; d. 1086
10. Count Eberhard "the Blessed" von Nullenburg, V b. circa 1010, Nellenburg, Bregenz, Vorarlberg, Austria; d. circa April 1, 1079, Germany
9. Eberhard VII von Nellenburg b. circa 1035; d. June 9, 1075, Homburg an der Unstrut
10. Eberhard VI-I "the Blessed" Der selige van Nellenburg, graf von Zwaben b. circa 1010, Schloß Nellenburg, Swabia , (now Stockach), (now Germany); d. between March 26, 1078 and March 1080, Schaffhausen (Schweiz)
10. Ita von Nellenburg b. 1015; d. February 26, 1106
8. Mathilde de Mousson b. 1080, Bar-Le-Duc Argone Loraine, Bar Le Duc, Meuse, Grand Est, France; d. November 10, 1110, Mörsberg, Kingdom of Germany
9. Thierry I de Mousson, comte de Bar b. circa 1045, Of Bar-Le-Duc, Meuse, France; d. circa February 2, 1102, Le Duc, Meuse, Argonne Lorraine, France
10. Louis de Charpeigne, comte de Mousson b. circa 1011, Mousson, Alsace, France; d. between August 29, 1071 and 1076, Montbeliard,Doubs,Franche-Comte,France
10. Sophie, Countess of Bar b. 1013, Upper Lorraine, France; d. January 21, 1093, Montbéliard, France
9. Ermentrude of Burgundy b. 1050, Burgundy, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France; d. after March 8, 1105
10. William I "the Great" count of Burgundy b. 1028, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France; d. November 12, 1087, Besançon, Doubs, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France
10. Étiennette de Longwy, countess consort of Bourgogne b. circa 1030; d. after October 19, 1088
4. Agnes von Sayn b. 1195, Sayn, Mayen-Koblenz, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany; d. September 5, 1259, Bliescastel, Germany
5. Heinrich II von Sayn, Graf von Saffenberg b. 1165, Sayn, Germany, Germany; d. April 1203, Sayn, Germany, Germany
6. Count Eberhard (I) of Saffenberg, Count of Sayn b. 1137, Sayn, Germany; d. 1176, Sayn, Germany
7. Eberhard von Sayn b. 1090, Langenalb, Straubenhardt, Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germany; d. 1152, Bad Herrenalb, Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
8. Burckhard von Strubenhardt b. 1060, Germany; d. 1100, Germany
9. M von Strubenhardt b. 1030, Germany; d. 1060, Germany
7. Christina von Sayn b. 1100, Germany
6. Kunigunde of Saffenberg b. circa 1120, Isenburg, Germany; d. Sayn, Germany
7. Rembold II, Graf von Isenburg Limburg b. circa 1076, Germany; d. circa 1137
8. Gerlach II, Graf von Isenburg b. circa 1050, Germany; d. 1096
9. Gerlach I, Graf von Isenburg b. circa 1020, Germany; d. 1052
10. Reginbold, Graf von Isenburg b. circa 990, Germany
7. Katharina von Arnstein, Gräfin von Isenburg-Braunsberg b. 1080, Arnstein, Henneberg, Deutschland(HRR); d. 1109
8. Ludwig (I) im Einrichgau Graf von Arnstein, I b. 1040, Sondershausen, Kyffhauserkreis, Thueringen, Germany; d. 1084, Nassau, Offenberg, Landkreis Deggendorf, Bayern, Germany
9. Arnold von Arnstein b. 1015, Arnstein, , Sachsen, Germany; d. 1053, Faleceu antes de 1061
10. Ulrich von Molsberg von Arnstein b. circa 970, Arnstein, Germany; d. after 1015, Arnstein, Germany
10. Unknown Von Arnstein b. 989, Arnstein,Sachsen,Preußen,; d. Arnstein, Germany
9. NN b. 1018, Germany; d. Arnstein, Germany
8. Jutta van Zütphen b. 1040, Zutphen, Zutphen, Gelderland, Netherlands; d. 1118, Y, Somme, Picardie, France
9. Rutbert, Graaf van Zütphen b. circa 1000, Zutphen, Gelderland, Netherlands; d. Zutphen, Gelderland, Netherlands
9. Irmentrud - Irmitrud van Zutphen b. 1000, Koszalin, Zachodniopomorskie, Poland; d. Zutphen, Gelderland, Netherlands
5. Countess Agnes von Sayn Saffenberg b. 1160, Saffenberg, Germany, Germany; d. May 27, 1201, Neuschloß, Lampertheim, Darmstadt, Hessen, Germany
6. Hermann II Graf von Saffenberg, (I) b. 1124, Saffenberg, Germany; d. 1172, Saffenberg, Germany
7. Count Adolf IV von Saffenberg und Norvenich, Graf im Roergau b. circa 1087, Alsace-Champagne-Ardenne-Lorraine, France; d. 1152, Saffenberg, Saffenberger Straße, Herzogenrath, Köln, NRW, Germany
8. Adalbert I, Graf von Saffenberg-Nörvenich b. 1070, Saffenberg, Germany; d. December 16, 1109, Saffenberg, Germany
9. Hermann II Von Saffenburg, Graf von Saffenberg b. circa 1020; d. after September 27, 1074
10. Adolf II Von Saffenburg b. circa 1000; d. after circa 1041
10. Lorraine Von Saffenburg b. circa 1002, Cologne, Cologne, NRW, Germany; d. circa 1061
9. Geberge (Gepa) von Werl b. circa 1040
8. Mathilde von Hollenden b. circa 1050, Hollenden, Germany; d. November 4, 1110, Gudensberg, Germany
7. Margaretha Von Saffenberg b. circa 1097, Schwarzenberg, Kressberg, Stuttgart, Germany; d. after July 18, 1134, Germany
8. Engelbert von Schwarzenberg-Sponheim b. circa 1080, Germany; d. December 13, 1125, Germany
9. Berthold I Graf von Schwarzenburg b. circa 1048, Schwarzenburg, Germany; d. circa 1112, Schwarzenburg, Germany
10. Friedrich II, Graf von Diessen b. circa 1019, Diessen, Freudenstadt, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany; d. circa January 23, 1075, Diessen, Germany
10. Irmgard von Gilching b. circa 1030, Of, Diessen, Oberbayen, Bavaria; d. 1093, Diessen, Germany
9. Richardis von Sponheim b. circa 1060, Sponheim, Ruedesheim, Bad Kreuznach, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany; d. circa 1151
10. Engelbert I von Sponheim, Markgraf von Istrien b. between circa 1040 and 1045, Kärnten, Österreich (Austria); d. April 1, 1096, Sankt Paul im Lavanttal, Wolfsberg District, Carinthia, Austria
10. Hedwig Gräfin von Eppenstein b. 1047, Eppenstein, Austria; d. July 17, 1112, Sponheim, Rheinland-Palatinate, Germany
8. Margarethe/Hedwig von Müllenark b. 1080, Flinsbach, Helmstadt-Bargen, Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germany; d. 1112, Germany
9. Günther l von Kevernburg, Graf von Schwarzburg b. circa 1074, Schwarzburg, Thuringia, Germany; d. circa 1109, Schwarzburg, Thuringia, Germany, +1109/14
10. Sizzo (Sieghard) II von Käfenburg, Graf von Käfenburg b. Schwarzburg, Thuringia, Germany; d. circa 1118, Schwarzburg, Thuringia, Germany
10. ??? d. Schwarzburg, Thuringia, Germany
9. Mechtilde Yaropolkovna von Wladimir Prinzessin von Turov b. circa 1076, Beichlingen, Germany; d. circa 1109, Schwarzburg, Thuringia, Germany
10. Peter Izyaslavich Rurikid b. 1048, Volodymyr-Volynsky, Volyns'ka oblast, Ukraine; d. November 25, 1085, Turau, Zhytkavichy District, Homiel Province, Belarus
10. Kunigunde von Weimar-Orlamünde, Erbin von Beichlingen b. 1055, Orlamünde, Saale-Holzland-Kreis, Thuringia, Germany; d. June 8, 1140, Turau, Gomel, Belarus

2. Ermgarde van Luxemburg Durbuy b. 1260; d. 1308
3. Gerard van Limburg, seigneur de Durbuy b. November 23, 1223, Luxembourg; d. February 28, 1303
4. Walram III, herzog von Limburg b. between 1165 and 1180, Limburg, Belgium; d. July 2, 1226, Rolduc
5. Henry III, duke of Limburg b. circa 1133, Limburg An Der Lahn, Landkreis Gießen, HE, Germany; d. June 21, 1221, Rolduc Abbey, Kerkrade, Limburg, Netherlands
6. Henry II, duke of Limburg b. 1112, Limburg, Liège, Wallonia, Belgium; d. August 19, 1167, Rome, Metropolitan City of Rome, Lazio, Italy
7. Waleran II, duke of Lower Lorraine b. circa July 16, 1085, Limburg, Grafschaft Limburg (within present Walloon Region), Herzogtum Niederlothringen (within present Belgium), Heiliges Römisches Reich; d. July 16, 1139, Limburg, Grafschaft Limburg (within present Walloon Region), Herzogtum Niederlothringen (within present Belgium), Heiliges Römisches Reich
8. Hertog Hendrik I v Limburg/Henri D'Arlon b. 1059, Limbourg, Duchy of Limburg, The Duchy of Lower Lotharingia, Holy Roman Empire; d. 1119, Lorraine
9. Walram II, comte d'Arlon, graaf van Limburg b. 1008, Limburg,Limburg,,Belgium; d. 1082, Germany
10. Walram d'Arlon, count of Limburg b. circa 982, Luxembourg; d. June 10, 1052, Arlon, Luxemburg, Belgium
10. Adela of Upper Lothringia b. circa 982, Lothringen, Germany; d. 1052, Arlon, Luxembourg
9. Jutta von Luxemburg, Gräfin von Arlon und Limburg b. circa 1025, France; d. 1082, Lothringen, Germany
10. Frederick of Luxembourg, II Duke of Lower Lorraine b. circa 995, Lothringen, Germany; d. August 28, 1065, Lothringen, Germany
10. Gerberga of Boulogne b. circa 1006, Boulogne-sur-Mer, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France; d. circa September 1049, Lothringen, Germany
8. Adelaide of Pottenstein b. circa 1057, Pottenstein, Germany; d. August 13, 1106, Lothringen, Germany
9. Botho of Pottenstein b. circa 1026, Pottenstein, Germany; d. March 1, 1104, Neutraubling, Oberpfalz, BY, Germany
10. Hartwig IV Von Pottenstein b. circa 990, Bayern, Bavaria, Germany; d. December 24, 1024, Germany
10. Friderunda von Bayern b. circa 1000, Bayern, Germany; d. 1025, Bayern, Germany
9. Judith of Schweinfurt b. 1036, Schwaben, Chemnitzer Land, Sachsen, Germany; d. January 1103, Pottenstein, Germany
10. Otto III, duke of Swabia b. circa 1004, Schweinfurt, Grapfeld Orientalis (Present Unterfranken), Herzogtum Francia Orientalis (Present Bayern), Heiliges Römisches Reich (Present Germany); d. September 28, 1057, Schweinfurt, Grapfeld Orientalis (Present Unterfranken), Herzogtum Francia Orientalis (Present Bayern), Heiliges Römisches Reich (Present Germany)
10. Immilla degli Arduinici, di Torino b. circa 1020, Turin, Piedmont, Italy; d. January 21, 1078, Turin, Piedmont, Italy
7. Judith van Gelder Wassenberg b. circa 1082, Wassenberg, Rheinland, Prussia; d. June 24, 1151, Rolduc, Limburg, Netherlands
8. Count Gerard van Wassenberg, IV b. 1053, Wassenberg, Cologne, NRW, Germany; d. March 8, 1129, GE, Netherlands
9. Heinrich III von Wassenberg b. circa 1033, Wassenberg, Cologne, NRW, Germany; d. December 4, 1075, Wassenberg, Cologne, NRW, Germany
10. Gerhard II, count of Wassenberg b. circa 1010, Wassenberg, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany; d. 1082, Bouillon, Luxembourg, Walloon Region, Belgium
10. Bertha de Bar-le-Duc b. 1015; d. 1075, France
9. Adelheid van Gelre b. circa 1035, Wassenberg, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany; d. 1083
10. Wigbold van Gelre, III b. circa 985; d. 1061
10. Margaretha van Loon b. 1010, Netherlands; d. 1070
8. Clémence d'Aquitaine b. circa 1060, Poitiers, Vienne, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France; d. January 4, 1142, Wassenberg, Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
9. Pierre Guillaume 'l'Aigret' ou 'le Hardi' d'Aquitaine, VII Duc d'Aquitaine, V Comte de Poitou b. October 23, 1023, Aquitaine; d. 1058, Poitiers, Vienne, Poitou-Charentes, France,
10. William V, duke of Aquitaine b. circa 969, Maillezais, France; d. January 31, 1030, Maillezais, Vendee, Pays de la Loire, France
10. Agnes of Burgundy b. between 990 and 995, Saintes, Dijon, Departement de la Côte-d'Or, Bourgogne, France; d. November 10, 1068, Poitiers, Departement de la Vienne, Poitou-Charentes, France
9. Ermesinde I de Longwy, Duchess of Aquitaine b. 1028, Meurthe-et-Moselle, Grand Est, France; d. 1068, Rome, Lazio, Italy
6. Matilda of Saffenberg b. between January 8, 1112 and January 7, 1113, Lorraine, France; d. between January 8, 1145 and January 7, 1146, Limburg, Belgium
7. Count Adolf IV von Saffenberg und Norvenich, Graf im Roergau b. circa 1087, Alsace-Champagne-Ardenne-Lorraine, France; d. 1152, Saffenberg, Saffenberger Straße, Herzogenrath, Köln, NRW, Germany
8. Adalbert I, Graf von Saffenberg-Nörvenich b. 1070, Saffenberg, Germany; d. December 16, 1109, Saffenberg, Germany
9. Hermann II Von Saffenburg, Graf von Saffenberg b. circa 1020; d. after September 27, 1074
10. Adolf II Von Saffenburg b. circa 1000; d. after circa 1041
10. Lorraine Von Saffenburg b. circa 1002, Cologne, Cologne, NRW, Germany; d. circa 1061
9. Geberge (Gepa) von Werl b. circa 1040
8. Mathilde von Hollenden b. circa 1050, Hollenden, Germany; d. November 4, 1110, Gudensberg, Germany
7. Margaretha Von Saffenberg b. circa 1097, Schwarzenberg, Kressberg, Stuttgart, Germany; d. after July 18, 1134, Germany
8. Engelbert von Schwarzenberg-Sponheim b. circa 1080, Germany; d. December 13, 1125, Germany
9. Berthold I Graf von Schwarzenburg b. circa 1048, Schwarzenburg, Germany; d. circa 1112, Schwarzenburg, Germany
10. Friedrich II, Graf von Diessen b. circa 1019, Diessen, Freudenstadt, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany; d. circa January 23, 1075, Diessen, Germany
10. Irmgard von Gilching b. circa 1030, Of, Diessen, Oberbayen, Bavaria; d. 1093, Diessen, Germany
9. Richardis von Sponheim b. circa 1060, Sponheim, Ruedesheim, Bad Kreuznach, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany; d. circa 1151
10. Engelbert I von Sponheim, Markgraf von Istrien b. between circa 1040 and 1045, Kärnten, Österreich (Austria); d. April 1, 1096, Sankt Paul im Lavanttal, Wolfsberg District, Carinthia, Austria
10. Hedwig Gräfin von Eppenstein b. 1047, Eppenstein, Austria; d. July 17, 1112, Sponheim, Rheinland-Palatinate, Germany
8. Margarethe/Hedwig von Müllenark b. 1080, Flinsbach, Helmstadt-Bargen, Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germany; d. 1112, Germany
9. Günther l von Kevernburg, Graf von Schwarzburg b. circa 1074, Schwarzburg, Thuringia, Germany; d. circa 1109, Schwarzburg, Thuringia, Germany, +1109/14
10. Sizzo (Sieghard) II von Käfenburg, Graf von Käfenburg b. Schwarzburg, Thuringia, Germany; d. circa 1118, Schwarzburg, Thuringia, Germany
10. ??? d. Schwarzburg, Thuringia, Germany
9. Mechtilde Yaropolkovna von Wladimir Prinzessin von Turov b. circa 1076, Beichlingen, Germany; d. circa 1109, Schwarzburg, Thuringia, Germany
10. Peter Izyaslavich Rurikid b. 1048, Volodymyr-Volynsky, Volyns'ka oblast, Ukraine; d. November 25, 1085, Turau, Zhytkavichy District, Homiel Province, Belarus
10. Kunigunde von Weimar-Orlamünde, Erbin von Beichlingen b. 1055, Orlamünde, Saale-Holzland-Kreis, Thuringia, Germany; d. June 8, 1140, Turau, Gomel, Belarus
5. Sophia of Saarbrücken b. 1148, Saarbrucken, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany; d. 1214, Austria - Hungary
6. Simon von Saarbrücken, I b. 1119, Saarbrücken, Saarland, Germany; d. June 23, 1182, Saarbrücken, Saarland, Germany
7. Friedrich I, Graf von Saarbrücken b. 1095, Sponheim, Rheinland-Pfalz; d. 1135, Leiningen, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
8. Siegbert I, Graf im Saargau b. circa 1060, Saarbrucken,Rheinland,,Prussia; d. circa 1105, Saarbrucken,Rheinland,Preußen,
7. Gisele von Saarbrücken b. 1090, Alsace-Lorraine, France; d. 1160, Saarbrücken
8. Theodoric II "the Valiant", duke of Lorraine b. March 6, 1044, between 1044 and 1055, Herzogtum Lotharingen, Heiliges Römisches Reich (within present France); d. January 23, 1115, Châtenois, Bas-Rhin, Bas-Rhin, Alsace, France
9. Gérard IV, duke of Upper Lorraine b. circa 1020, Lorraine, Grand Est, France; d. April 14, 1070, Remiremont, Vosges, Grand Est, France
10. Gerhard von Bouzonville, graf von Metz b. circa 985, Probably Metz, Metzgau, Herzogtum Oberlotharingen, Ostenfrankenreich; d. 1045, Bouzonville, Nitagau, Herzogtum Oberlotharingen, Heiliges Römisches Reich
10. Gisele, countess of Alsace b. circa 985, Duchy of Lothringia; d. 1045, Bouzonville, Moselle, Duchy of Lothringia
9. Hedwige of Lorraine b. circa 1025, Nomurcum (Present Namur), Lomacensis (within the present Walloon Region), Herzogtum Niederlothringen (within present Belgium), Heiliges Römisches Reich; d. January 28, 1067, Namur, Grafschaft Namur (within the present Walloon Region), Herzogtum Niederlothringen (within present Belgium), Heiliges Römisches Reich
10. Albert II, Comte de Namur b. circa 997, Namur, Walloon Region, Belgium; d. November 15, 1037, Namur, Walloon Region, Belgium
10. Regilinde of Lorraine b. circa 994, Verdun, Meuse, Lorraine, France; d. November 15, 1064, Namur, Namur, Walloon Region, Belgium
8. Gertrude, duchess of Lorraine b. circa 1055, Leuven, Flemish Brabant, Flanders, Belgium; d. before October 6, 1111, Tournai, Hainaut, Belgium
9. Robert I, Count of Flanders b. between 1029 and 1032, Kasteel van Wijnendale, Wijnendale, West Vlaanderen, Vlaams Gewest, Belgium; d. October 13, 1093, Kasteel Wijnendale, Torhout, West-Vlaanderen, Vlaanderen, Belgium
10. Baldwin V, count of Flanders b. August 19, 1012, Bihorel, Seine-Maritime, Normandy, France; d. September 1, 1067, Lille, Nord, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
10. Adela of France, countess of Flanders b. March 5, 1009, Toulouse, Haute-Garonne, Midi-Pyrénées, France; d. January 8, 1079, Mesen, West-Vlaanderen, Vlaams Gewest, Belgium
9. Gertrude of Saxony, Countess of Flanders b. 1028, Schweinfurt, Unterfranken, BY, Germany; d. August 4, 1113, Veurne, West-Vlaanderen, Vlaanderen, Belgium
10. Bernard II, duke of Saxony b. between circa 990 and circa 995, Namur, Namur, Wallonie, Belgium; d. June 29, 1059, Lüneburg, Niedersachsen, Germany
10. Eilika of Schweinfurt b. circa 1000, Schweinfurt, Lower Franconia, Bavaria, Germany; d. June 29, 1059, Schweinfurt, Lower Franconia, Bavaria, Germany
6. Mathilde von Sponheim b. 1117, Sponheim, Germany; d. circa December 20, 1181, Fontevrault, Maine-Et-Loire, France
7. Meginhard, Graf von Sponheim b. 1093, Sponheim, Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland (Germany); d. February 28, 1155, Sponheim, Germany
8. Stephan II, Graf von Sponheim b. 1065, Burgsponheim, Bad Kreuznach, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany; d. February 25, 1117
9. Stephan I von Sponheim, Graf von Sponheim b. circa 1020, Nellenburg, Konstanz , Baden, Germany; d. circa 1080
10. Eberhard I, Graf von Sponheim b. circa 978, Spondheim, Rhineland, Germany; d. between 1044 and 1065, Sponheim, Germany
10. Hedwig, Countess Von Nellenburg b. circa 978, Sponheim, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany; d. Sponheim, Rüdesheim, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
9. Sophia I von Sponheim b. circa 1047, Hamm, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany; d. 1118, Burgsponheim, Bad Kreuznach, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
10. Graf Berthold I im Bidgau, Vogt zu Prüm b. circa 1030; d. 1083
10. Matilda NN b. Reinhausen
8. Sophia II von Sponheim b. circa 1070; d. circa 1128
7. Mechthild von Mörsberg-Nellenburg b. circa 1105, Kyburg, Pfäffikon, Zurich, Switzerland; d. March 12, 1179, Neresheim, Württemberg, Germany (HRR)
8. Adalbert II, Graf von Mörsburg b. 1065, Kyburg, Pfäffikon District, Zurich, Switzerland; d. August 28, 1125
9. Adalbert von Morsberg b. 1040, Burgelm, Switzerland; d. 1070
9. daughter(Adelaide?) of Eberhard V von Morsberg b. circa 1030; d. 1086
10. Count Eberhard "the Blessed" von Nullenburg, V b. circa 1010, Nellenburg, Bregenz, Vorarlberg, Austria; d. circa April 1, 1079, Germany
9. Eberhard VII von Nellenburg b. circa 1035; d. June 9, 1075, Homburg an der Unstrut
10. Eberhard VI-I "the Blessed" Der selige van Nellenburg, graf von Zwaben b. circa 1010, Schloß Nellenburg, Swabia , (now Stockach), (now Germany); d. between March 26, 1078 and March 1080, Schaffhausen (Schweiz)
10. Ita von Nellenburg b. 1015; d. February 26, 1106
8. Mathilde de Mousson b. 1080, Bar-Le-Duc Argone Loraine, Bar Le Duc, Meuse, Grand Est, France; d. November 10, 1110, Mörsberg, Kingdom of Germany
9. Thierry I de Mousson, comte de Bar b. circa 1045, Of Bar-Le-Duc, Meuse, France; d. circa February 2, 1102, Le Duc, Meuse, Argonne Lorraine, France
10. Louis de Charpeigne, comte de Mousson b. circa 1011, Mousson, Alsace, France; d. between August 29, 1071 and 1076, Montbeliard,Doubs,Franche-Comte,France
10. Sophie, Countess of Bar b. 1013, Upper Lorraine, France; d. January 21, 1093, Montbéliard, France
9. Ermentrude of Burgundy b. 1050, Burgundy, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France; d. after March 8, 1105
10. William I "the Great" count of Burgundy b. 1028, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France; d. November 12, 1087, Besançon, Doubs, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France
10. Étiennette de Longwy, countess consort of Bourgogne b. circa 1030; d. after October 19, 1088
4. Ermesinde II de Namur, countess of Luxembourg b. July 1, 1186, Namur, Namur, Walloon Region, Belgium; d. February 17, 1247, Limburg, Nederland (Netherlands)
5. Henri de Namur, comte de Luxembourg b. circa 1127, Durbuy, or Namur, Belgium; d. August 14, 1196, Echternach
6. Godefroi I, Comte de Namur b. 1066, Namur, Namur, Wallonie, Belgium; d. August 19, 1139, Le monastère de Floreffe, Floreffe, Namur, Wallonie, Belgium
7. Albert III de Namur, Count of Namur b. August 10, 1035, Namur, Walloon Region, Belgium; d. June 22, 1102, Namur, Walloon Region, Belgium
8. Albert II, Comte de Namur b. circa 997, Namur, Walloon Region, Belgium; d. November 15, 1037, Namur, Walloon Region, Belgium
9. Albert I, count of Namur b. circa 960, Namur, Région Wallonne, Belgium; d. 1011, Namur, Région Wallonne, Belgium
10. Robert I, count of Namur b. circa 925, Namur, Province of Namur, Wallonia, Belgium; d. circa 981, Lille, Nord, Hauts-de-France, France
10. N.N. b. 930, Namur, Province of Namur, Walloon Region, Belgium; d. 981, Ardennes, Champagne-Ardenne, France
9. Ermengarde b. circa 970; d. circa 1013
10. Charles de France, duc de Basse-Lotharingie b. 953, Laon, Aisne, Picardie, France; d. June 12, 991, Orleans, Loiret, Centre, France
10. Adelais d'Ardennes de Lorraine, de Troyes b. Ardennes, Champagne-Ardenne, France; d. after 991, Ardennes, Champagne-Ardenne, France
8. Regilinde of Lorraine b. circa 994, Verdun, Meuse, Lorraine, France; d. November 15, 1064, Namur, Namur, Walloon Region, Belgium
9. Gothelo I "the Great", duke of Lorraine b. circa 957, Verdun, Meuse, Lorraine, France; d. April 19, 1044, Verdun, Meuse, Lorraine, France
10. Godefroi I the Captive, count of Ardennes b. circa 930, Verdun, Meuse, Lorraine, France; d. September 3, 1005, Ardenne, Aisne, Nord-Pas-de-Calais Picardie, France
10. Matilda of Saxony, countess of Flanders b. circa 942, Herzogtum Sachsen, Ostenfrankenreich (Present Germany); d. May 25, 1008, Flanders, Belgium
7. Ida of Saxony b. between 1030 and 1033, Sachsen, Germany; d. July 31, 1102, Namur, Namur, Wallonie, Belgium
8. Bernard II, duke of Saxony b. between circa 990 and circa 995, Namur, Namur, Wallonie, Belgium; d. June 29, 1059, Lüneburg, Niedersachsen, Germany
9. Bernard I, duke of Saxony b. circa 950, Lüneburg, Niedersachsen, Germany; d. February 9, 1011, Visbek, Niedersachsen, Germany or, Höxter, Niemcy (Germany)
10. Hermann I, duke of Saxony b. 911, Herzogtum Sachsen, Ostenfrankenreich (Present Germany); d. March 27, 973, Quedlinburg, (Present Landkreis Harz), Herzogtum Sachsen, Heiliges Römisches Reich (Present Germany)
10. Hildegard von Westerburg b. circa 925, Rhineland, Germany; d. Bamberg, Upper Franconia, Bavaria, Germany
9. Hildegard von Stade, duchess of Saxony b. after 990, Stade, Niedersachsen, Germany; d. June 29, 1059, Saint Michael, Luneberg, Niedersachsen, Germany
10. Heinrich I, count of Stade b. September 5, 929, Stade, Hannover, Niedersachsen, Germany; d. May 11, 976, Stade, Lower Saxony, Germany
10. Hildegard von Rheinhausen b. circa 938, Rheinhausen, Karlsruhe, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany; d. June 11, 974, Stade, Saxony, Germany?
8. Eilika of Schweinfurt b. circa 1000, Schweinfurt, Lower Franconia, Bavaria, Germany; d. June 29, 1059, Schweinfurt, Lower Franconia, Bavaria, Germany
9. Heinrich I. von Schweinfurt Markgraf im Nordgau b. between 970 and 975, Schweinfurt, Lower Franconia, Bavaria, Germany; d. September 18, 1017, Schweinfurt, Lower Franconia, Bavaria, Germany
10. Berchtold I, Margrave in the Bavarian Nordgau b. circa 920, Waldenburg, Chemnitz, SN, Germany; d. January 15, 980, Kelheim, Lower Bavaria, BY, Germany
10. Eilika of Walbeck b. September 5, 949, Walbeck, SA, Germany; d. August 19, 1015, Schweinfurt, Lower Franconia, Bayern, Germany
9. Gerberga b. between 975 and 980, Burg Gleiberg, Grafschaft Gleiberg (Present Kreis Gießen), Herzogtum Franken (Franconia, present Hesse), Heiliges Römisches Reich (Present Germany); d. after 1036, Kinziggau, Herzogtum Franken (Franconia, present Hesse), Heiliges Römisches Reich (Present Germany)
10. Herbert, count of Kinziggau b. circa 940, Kinzig, Hessen, Germany; d. 992, Kinziggau, Hessen, Germany
10. Imiza (Irmintrudis) b. circa 948, Avalgau, Germany; d. 1020, Germany
6. Ermesinde II, Comtesse de Luxembourg b. 1075, Trier, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany; d. June 24, 1143, Bois Saint-Vanne, Verdun, Meuse, Lorraine, France
7. Conrad I, Count of Luxembourg b. circa 1029, Trier, Rhineland, Germany; d. August 8, 1086, Italy
8. Giselbert of Luxembourg, Count of Salm & Longwy, Count of Luxembourg b. 997, Luxembourg; d. October 14, 1059, Luxembourg
9. Frederick I, count of Moselgau b. 965, Moselgau, France; d. October 6, 1019, Chateau Salm, Luxembourg
10. Siegfried I, count of Luxembourg b. August 15, 922, Verdun, Meuse, Lorraine, France; d. October 28, 998, Trier, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
10. Hedwig of Nordgau b. 922, Nordgau, Herzogtum Alamannia, Ostenfrankenreich; d. December 13, 992, Klosters St. Maximin, Trier, Bietgau, Herzogtum Oberlothringen, Heiliges Römisches Reich
9. Ermentrude, Gräfin von Gleiberg b. circa 965, Gleiberg Castle, Schwaben, Bayern, Germany; d. February 21, 1019, Luxembourg
10. Herbert, count of Kinziggau b. circa 940, Kinzig, Hessen, Germany; d. 992, Kinziggau, Hessen, Germany
10. Imiza (Irmintrudis) b. circa 948, Avalgau, Germany; d. 1020, Germany
8. wife of Giselbert b. circa 1002, Lorraine, France; d. between 1045 and 1058
7. Clémence d'Aquitaine b. circa 1060, Poitiers, Vienne, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France; d. January 4, 1142, Wassenberg, Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
8. Pierre Guillaume 'l'Aigret' ou 'le Hardi' d'Aquitaine, VII Duc d'Aquitaine, V Comte de Poitou b. October 23, 1023, Aquitaine; d. 1058, Poitiers, Vienne, Poitou-Charentes, France,
9. William V, duke of Aquitaine b. circa 969, Maillezais, France; d. January 31, 1030, Maillezais, Vendee, Pays de la Loire, France
10. Guillaume 'Fier-à-Bras' de Poitiers, IV duc d'Aquitaine et II comte de Poitou b. circa 937, Poitou-Charentes, Poitiers, Vienne, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France; d. February 3, 995, Abbatiale St-Maixent, St-Maixent-l'École, Département des Deux-Sèvres, Poitou-Charentes, France
10. Emma of Blois b. 947, Blois, Loir-et-Cher, Centre-Val de Loire, France; d. December 27, 1003, Aquitaine, France
9. Agnes of Burgundy b. between 990 and 995, Saintes, Dijon, Departement de la Côte-d'Or, Bourgogne, France; d. November 10, 1068, Poitiers, Departement de la Vienne, Poitou-Charentes, France
10. Otto Guillaume I, comte de Bourgogne et de Mâcon b. between circa 960 and 962, Lombardia, Italy; d. September 21, 1026, Dijon, Cote d'Or, Bourgogne, France
10. Ermentrude of Roucy, countess of Mâcon and Burgundy b. 952, Reims, Marne, Champagne-Ardenne, France; d. March 5, 1003, Mâcon, Duché de Bourgogne, Francia
8. Ermesinde I de Longwy, Duchess of Aquitaine b. 1028, Meurthe-et-Moselle, Grand Est, France; d. 1068, Rome, Lazio, Italy
5. Agnes of Guelders b. 1155, Geldern, (modern Netherlands); d. 1196, Germany
6. Hendrik I, count of Guelders b. May 27, 1117, Zutphen, Gelderland, The Netherlands; d. September 10, 1182, Zutphen, Gelderland, The Netherlands
7. Gerhard II, count of Guelders b. circa 1086, Wassenberg, Koeln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany; d. October 24, 1131, Zutphen, Gelderland, Netherlands
8. Count Gerard van Wassenberg, IV b. 1053, Wassenberg, Cologne, NRW, Germany; d. March 8, 1129, GE, Netherlands
9. Heinrich III von Wassenberg b. circa 1033, Wassenberg, Cologne, NRW, Germany; d. December 4, 1075, Wassenberg, Cologne, NRW, Germany
10. Gerhard II, count of Wassenberg b. circa 1010, Wassenberg, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany; d. 1082, Bouillon, Luxembourg, Walloon Region, Belgium
10. Bertha de Bar-le-Duc b. 1015; d. 1075, France
9. Adelheid van Gelre b. circa 1035, Wassenberg, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany; d. 1083
10. Wigbold van Gelre, III b. circa 985; d. 1061
10. Margaretha van Loon b. 1010, Netherlands; d. 1070
8. Clémence d'Aquitaine b. circa 1060, Poitiers, Vienne, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France; d. January 4, 1142, Wassenberg, Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
9. Pierre Guillaume 'l'Aigret' ou 'le Hardi' d'Aquitaine, VII Duc d'Aquitaine, V Comte de Poitou b. October 23, 1023, Aquitaine; d. 1058, Poitiers, Vienne, Poitou-Charentes, France,
10. William V, duke of Aquitaine b. circa 969, Maillezais, France; d. January 31, 1030, Maillezais, Vendee, Pays de la Loire, France
10. Agnes of Burgundy b. between 990 and 995, Saintes, Dijon, Departement de la Côte-d'Or, Bourgogne, France; d. November 10, 1068, Poitiers, Departement de la Vienne, Poitou-Charentes, France
9. Ermesinde I de Longwy, Duchess of Aquitaine b. 1028, Meurthe-et-Moselle, Grand Est, France; d. 1068, Rome, Lazio, Italy
7. Ermengarde of Zutphen b. circa 1091, Zutphen, Zutphen, Gelderland, Netherlands; d. before 1179, Gelderland, The Netherlands
8. Otto II 1034 de Rijke van Zutphen b. circa 1034, Zutphen, Zutphen, Gelderland, Netherlands; d. April 16, 1113, Zutphen, Zutphen, Gelderland, Nederland (Netherlands)
9. Gottschalk van Twente, count of Zutphen b. before circa 1015, Zutphen, Zutphen, Gelderland, Netherlands; d. circa December 16, 1063, op het slagveldin Noordwestfalen
10. Hermann von Emmerich, Graf in Westfalen b. 995; d. circa 1024
9. Adelheid van Zutphen b. circa 1015; d. circa 1059, Zutphen, Zutphen, Gelderland, Netherlands
10. Liudolf, Count of Zutphen b. circa 993; d. November 1031
10. Matilda of Zutphen b. Zutphen, Gelderland, Netherlands; d. Y, Somme, Picardie, France
8. Judith von Arnstein b. circa 1065, Nassau, Deggendorf, Bayern, Germany; d. 1118, Zutphen, Zutphen, Gelderland, Netherlands
9. Ludwig (I) im Einrichgau Graf von Arnstein, I b. 1040, Sondershausen, Kyffhauserkreis, Thueringen, Germany; d. 1084, Nassau, Offenberg, Landkreis Deggendorf, Bayern, Germany
10. Arnold von Arnstein b. 1015, Arnstein, , Sachsen, Germany; d. 1053, Faleceu antes de 1061
10. NN b. 1018, Germany; d. Arnstein, Germany
9. Jutta van Zütphen b. 1040, Zutphen, Zutphen, Gelderland, Netherlands; d. 1118, Y, Somme, Picardie, France
10. Rutbert, Graaf van Zütphen b. circa 1000, Zutphen, Gelderland, Netherlands; d. Zutphen, Gelderland, Netherlands
10. Irmentrud - Irmitrud van Zutphen b. 1000, Koszalin, Zachodniopomorskie, Poland; d. Zutphen, Gelderland, Netherlands
6. Agnes of Arnstein b. circa 1122, Arnstein, Nassau, Holy Roman Empire; d. circa 1179, Zutphen, Geldern, (modern Netherlands)
7. Louis (Ludwig) III, count of Arnstein b. circa 1070, Nassau; d. between circa 1120 and circa 1130, Arnstein, Nassau
8. Ludwig (I) im Einrichgau Graf von Arnstein, I b. 1040, Sondershausen, Kyffhauserkreis, Thueringen, Germany; d. 1084, Nassau, Offenberg, Landkreis Deggendorf, Bayern, Germany
9. Arnold von Arnstein b. 1015, Arnstein, , Sachsen, Germany; d. 1053, Faleceu antes de 1061
10. Ulrich von Molsberg von Arnstein b. circa 970, Arnstein, Germany; d. after 1015, Arnstein, Germany
10. Unknown Von Arnstein b. 989, Arnstein,Sachsen,Preußen,; d. Arnstein, Germany
9. NN b. 1018, Germany; d. Arnstein, Germany
8. Jutta van Zütphen b. 1040, Zutphen, Zutphen, Gelderland, Netherlands; d. 1118, Y, Somme, Picardie, France
9. Rutbert, Graaf van Zütphen b. circa 1000, Zutphen, Gelderland, Netherlands; d. Zutphen, Gelderland, Netherlands
9. Irmentrud - Irmitrud van Zutphen b. 1000, Koszalin, Zachodniopomorskie, Poland; d. Zutphen, Gelderland, Netherlands
7. Baroness Udelhild von Arnstein b. circa 1090, Odenkirchen, Germany; d. July 5, 1167, Arnstein, Hesse-Nassau, Germany
8. Arnold von Odenkirchen b. circa 1047, Odenkirchen, Germany; d. 1109, Faleceu depois de 1109
9. Christian von Odenkirchen, II b. 1010; d. 1075, Faleceu depois de 1075
10. Christian von Odenkirchen b. circa 980; d. 1028, Faleceu depois de 1028
3. Mechteld, Gräfin von Kleve b. 1235; d. 1304
4. Dietrich Graf von Kleve gen. von Dislaken b. circa 1210, Germany; d. circa 1245, Wissen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland (Germany)
5. Dietrich IV/VI "Nust", Graf von Kleve b. circa 1183, Kleve, Düsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany; d. May 24, 1260, Heinsberg, Preussen, Rheinland, Deutschland
6. Dietrich V, Graf von Kleve b. circa 1155, Kleve, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany; d. July 12, 1198, Kleve, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
7. Dietrich IV, count of Cleves b. circa January 1129, Kleve, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany; d. April 27, 1172, Kleves, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
8. Arnold II, count of Cleves b. 1084, Kleve, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany; d. 1147, Bedburg, Erftkreis, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
9. Theodorich II 1050 graf von Kleve b. circa 1050, Cleve, Germany; d. March 7, 1120, Cleve, Germany
10. Konrad, count of Cleves b. Cleve, Germany; d. circa 1065, Cleve, Germany
10. Catherina Wife of Konrad b. Germany; d. Cleve, Germany
8. Ida von Kleve b. 1108, Louvain, Brabant, Belgium; d. 1161, Kleve, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
9. Godfrey I the Bearded, count of Louvain b. 1060, between 1060 and 1080, Lorraine Inferie, France; d. January 23, 1139, Afflighem or, Jerusalem, Holy Land
10. Henry II "le Ceinturé" count of Louvain & Brussels b. 1021, Leuven, Flemish Brabant, Flanders, Belgium; d. 1078, Nivelles, Walloon Brabant, Walloon Region, Belgium
10. Gravin Adela Van Leuven in de Betuwe b. circa 1023, Orlamunda, France; d. 1086, Nivelles, Walloon Brabant, Walloon Region, Belgium
9. Ida van Leuven b. circa 1078, Chiny, Luxemburg, Belgium; d. March 28, 1125, Leuven, Flemish Region, Belgium
10. Otto II count de Chiny b. 1061, Chiny, Luxembourg, Wallonie, Belgium; d. circa March 28, 1125, Chiny, Luxembourg, Wallonie, Belgium
10. Adélaïde de Namur b. 1061, Namur, Namur, Wallonie, Belgium; d. September 30, 1124, Namur, Namur, Wallonie, Belgium
7. Adelheid von Sulzbach b. circa 1146, Sulzbach, Amberg, Oberpfalz, Germany; d. September 10, 1189, Silesia, Poland
8. Gebhard III, Graf von Sulzbach b. circa 1105, Sulzbach, Amberg, Bayern, Germany; d. October 23, 1188, Kastl, Altotting, Bayern, Germany
9. Berengar II, count of Sulzbach b. circa 1080, Sulzbach, Oberbayern, Germany; d. December 3, 1125, Sulzbach, Germany
10. Gebhard II, count of Sulzbach b. 1058, Sulzbach, Rhein-Lahn-Kreis, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany; d. circa 1088, Sulzbach, Rhein-Lahn-Kreis, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
10. Irmingard von Rott b. circa 1060, Rott, Germany; d. circa June 14, 1101, Lechsgemund, Germany
9. Adelheid von Wolfratshausen, countess of Sulzbach b. circa 1084, Wolfratshausen, Oberbayern, Bavaria, Germany (Deutschland); d. January 11, 1126
10. Justizia von Österreich, Margravine of Austria b. circa 1060, Tulln, Niederösterreich, Austria; d. circa 1120
8. Mathilde von Bayern b. 1109, Munchen, Bayern, Germany; d. March 16, 1183, Sulzbach, Bayern, Germany
9. Henry IX the black, duke of Bavaria b. circa 1074, Bavaria; d. December 13, 1126, Ravensburg, Donau, Wuerttemberg, Germany
10. Welf IV, duke of Bavaria b. 1032, Este, Veneto, Italy; d. November 6, 1101, Paphos, Cyprus
10. Judith of Flanders b. 1033, Bruges, Belgie; d. March 4, 1094, Weingarten, Karlsruhe (District), Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany
9. Wulfhilda of Saxony b. circa 1075, Sachsen, Tyskland, SN, Germany; d. December 29, 1126, Altdorf, Boblingen, Stuttgart, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany
10. Magnus Billung, Duke of Saxony b. circa 1045, Sachsen, SN, Germany; d. August 23, 1106, Elben, Altenburg, Thuringia, Germany
10. Sophia of Hungary b. between circa 1044 and circa 1050, Esztergom, Komárom Esztergom, Magyarország - Hungary; d. June 18, 1095, St Michaels Cloister, Luneburg, Deutschland(HRR)
6. Margaretha van Holland b. 1164, Gravenhage, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands; d. November 3, 1203, Kleve, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
7. Floris III, count of Holland b. circa 1145, 's Gravenhage, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands; d. August 1, 1190, Antioch, Syria
8. Count Dirk VI van Holland b. circa 1104, den Haag, Zuid-Holland, Nederland (Netherlands); d. August 5, 1157, Rijnsburg, Katwijk, Zuid-Holland, Nederland (Netherlands)
9. Floris II, count of Holland b. 1082, Vlaardingen, Zuid-Holland, Nederland (Netherlands); d. March 2, 1121, Egmond, Noord-Holland, Nederland (Netherlands)
10. Dirk V Count of Holland and Count of Maasland, Kinhem & Texla b. circa 1052, Vlaardingen, Vlaardingen, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands; d. June 17, 1091, Egmond aan Zee, Bergen, North Holland, Netherlands
10. Othelhildis van Holland b. 1065, Vlaardingen, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands; d. November 18, 1120
9. Pétronille Gertrude d'Alsace b. between circa 1082 and circa 1086, Alsace-Lorraine, France; d. May 23, 1144, Rijnsburg, Holland, Netherlands
10. Theodoric II "the Valiant", duke of Lorraine b. March 6, 1044, between 1044 and 1055, Herzogtum Lotharingen, Heiliges Römisches Reich (within present France); d. January 23, 1115, Châtenois, Bas-Rhin, Bas-Rhin, Alsace, France
10. Hedwig von Formbach b. circa 1058, Forbach, Baden-Württemberg, Germany; d. circa 1090, between 1078 and 1090, Supplinburg, Germany
8. Countess Sophia von Rheineck b. circa 1115, (Rheinland) Prusia, Rheineck, Rheintal, St. Gallen, Switzerland; d. September 26, 1176, Jerusalem, Jerusalem District, Israel
9. Otto I von Salm, Pfalzgraf von Lothringen b. August 9, 1077, Chateau De Salm, Luxembourg, Belgium; d. March 11, 1150, Burg Schönburg, Oberwesel, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
10. Count Hermann von Salm b. circa 1040, Luxembourg; d. September 28, 1088, Metz, Moselle, Lorraine, France
10. Sophia von Salm, Countess von Salm b. circa 1047, Chateau de Salm, Luxemburg; d. after 1088, Germany
9. Gertrude von Northeim, Pfalzgräfin, Heiress of Friesland b. circa 1090, of Château de Salm, Luxemburg, Belgium; d. circa 1165, Rheineck, Germany
10. Heinrich III "the Fat", duke of Saxony b. circa 1055, Northeim, Hanover, Germany; d. April 10, 1101, In battle at Bursfeld, Germany
10. Gertrud von Braunschweig b. circa 1060, Braunschweig, Brunswick, Germany; d. December 9, 1117, Northeim, Germany
7. Ada de Huntingdon, Countess of Holland b. circa 1146, Huntingdon, Huntingdonshire, England; d. after 1206, Abbey of Middelburg, Zeeland, Netherlands
8. Henry, 3rd Earl of Huntingdon b. November 19, 1114, Kelso, Roxburghshire, Scotland; d. June 12, 1152, Kelso, Roxburghshire, Scotland
9. David I, King of Scots b. circa 1083, Fordoun, Kincardineshire, Scotland; d. May 24, 1153, Carlisle, Cumberland, England
10. Malcolm III, 'Canmore', King of Scots b. March 26, 1031, Dunkeld, Perthshire, Scotland; d. November 13, 1093, Slain Alnwick Castle, Alnwick, Northumberland, England
10. Saint Margaret, Queen of Scots b. September 8, 1045, Castle Reka, Mecseknádasd, Pécsváradi, Baranya, Hungary; d. November 16, 1093, Edinburgh Castle, Edinburgh, Scotland
9. Matilda of Huntingdon, Countess of Huntingdon & Queen consort of Scotland b. 1072, Northumberland, England; d. April 23, 1130, Scone, Perthshire, Scotland
10. Waltheof, Earl of Northumbria b. circa 1050, Wallsend, Tyne and Wear, England (United Kingdom); d. May 31, 1076, St. Giles Hill,, Winchester, Hampshire, England (United Kingdom)
10. Judith de Lens, Countess of Huntingdon b. circa 1054, Lens, Artois, Flemish region, Holy Roman Empire (now Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France); d. circa 1086, Lens, Artois, France
8. Ada or Ida de Warenne, Countess of Huntingdon b. circa 1120, Huntingdon, Huntingdonshire, England; d. circa 1178, Warwickshire, England
9. William de Warenne, 2nd Earl of Surrey b. circa 1071, Lewes, Sussex, England; d. May 11, 1138, Chapter House, Priory Lewes, Lewes, Sussex, England
10. William de Warenne, 1st Earl of Surrey b. between circa 1036 and December 1055, Bellencombre, Seine-Maritime, Haute-Normandie, France; d. June 24, 1088, Lewes, Sussex, England (United Kingdom)
10. Gundred de St. Omer, Countess of Surrey b. circa 1063, Flanders; d. May 27, 1085, Castle Acre, Norfolk, England
9. Elisabeth de Vermandois, dame de Crépy b. February 13, 1085, Valois, Oise, Picardie, France; d. February 13, 1131, Prieuré Saint-Nicaise de Meulan,, Diocèse de Chartres, Seine-et-Oise, France
10. Hugues I 'Magnus', Comte de Vermandois b. circa 1057, Vermandois, Picardie, France; d. October 18, 1101, Tarsus, Mersin Province, Turkey (Asia Minor)
10. Adèle de Vermandois, comtesse de Vermandois et Valois b. 1065, Tréjouls, Tarn-et-Garonne, Midi-Pyrénées, France; d. September 28, 1120, Meulan-en-Yvelines, Ile-de-France, France
5. Mathilde van Dinslaken, Erfgename van Dinslaken b. 1194, Dinslaken, Germany; d. 1224, Kleve, Düsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
6. Heinrich I von Tyrol b. 1168, Tyrol, Italy; d. circa 1202, Tyrol, Italy
7. Berthold I, Graf von Tyrol b. 1143, Tyrol, Italy; d. March 7, 1179, Tyrol, Italy
8. Albrecht III, Graf von Tyrol b. circa 1101; d. circa 1165
9. Albrecht II, Graf von Tyrol b. circa 1055, Tyrol, Italy; d. circa 1125, Tyrol, Italy
10. Albrecht I, Graf von Tyrol d. circa 1078
10. Berchta NN d. circa 1077
9. Countess Adelheid of Andechs b. 1082, Andechs, Germany; d. 1163
10. Berthold III, Graf von Andechs b. circa 1035, Andechs, Oberbayem, Bavaria; d. March 21, 1103, Oberbayern,,Bayern,Germany
10. Gisela von Schweinfurt b. circa 1032, Schwaben, Swabia, Bavaria, Germany; d. February 2, 1100, Andechs, Germany
8. Willibirg von Dachau b. circa 1119, Dachau, Germany; d. 1173, Tyrol, Italy
9. Konrad I Graf von Dachau Wittelsbach b. 1095, Scheyern, Germany; d. November 5, 1130, Dachau, Germany
10. Arnold I von Scheyern, Graf von Dachau b. circa 1057, Scheyern, Germany; d. circa March 26, 1123, Dachau, Germany
10. Beatrix von Rihpoldisperga b. circa 1072, Rihpoldisperga, Germany; d. after 1124, Dachau, Germany
9. Wiliberg von Grögling b. 1098, Germany; d. 1159, Germany
7. Agnes von Ortenburg b. 1149, Ortenburg, Germany; d. 1207, Tyrol, Italy
8. Otto I Graf im Lurngau und von Ortenburg b. 1088, Germany; d. circa 1147, Ortenburg, Germany
9. Adalbert I von Ortenburg b. 1038, Ortenburg, Germany; d. August 1096, Ortenburg, Germany
10. Count Altmann of Freising b. 1009, Germany; d. circa 1047, Germany
10. ???
9. Bertha von Diessen b. 1067, Diessen Am Ammersee, Bayern, Germany; d. August 1096, Ortenburg, Germany
10. Otto I Von Diessen, Graf von Diessen b. circa 1017, Of, Diessen, Oberbayern, Bavaria; d. 1060, Diessen, Germany
10. Sophia Von Diessen b. circa 1025
8. Agnes von Auersperg b. 1117, Germany; d. 1178, Ortenburg, Germany
6. Gräfin Agnes von Wangen b. 1170, Wangen; d. 1226, Tyrol, Italy
7. Graf Albero I. von Wangen b. circa 1137, Wangen; d. circa 1194, Wangen
8. Adalbert von Eppan b. circa 1105; d. circa 1163
9. Heinrich von Eppan d. circa 1145
8. Heilwig von Tarasp
9. Friedrich von Tarasp b. circa 1090; d. circa 1148
10. Ulrich II von Tarasp b. circa 1075, Scuol, Inn District, GR, Switzerland; d. circa 1135
7. Matilde von Eschenbach b. 1135; d. 1190
8. Walther I. Freiherr von Eschenbach und Schnabelburg b. Maybe in Basel, Rothenburg, Hochdorf District, Lucerne, Switzerland; d. circa 1153
9. Dietrich von Nellenburg d. after 1137
9. Bertha von Nellenburg d. before 1137
8. Adelheid von Eschenbach d. after 1168
9. Dietrich von Geroldseck d. circa 1137
10. Otto I. von Geroldseck d. after 1127
4. Elisabeth I 'Ysabeau' van Brabant b. circa 1213, Leuven, Brabant, Flemish Region, Belgium; d. October 23, 1272, Wissel, Kleve, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
5. Henry I, duke of Brabant b. circa 1158, Leuven, Vlaams Gewest, Belgium; d. September 5, 1235, Cologne, Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
6. Godfried van Leuven, III, Count of Brabant b. circa 1135, Leuven, Flemish Region, Belgium; d. September 10, 1190, Leuven, Flemish Brabant, Flanders, Belgium
7. Godfrey de Jonge van Leuven, II, Marquis of Antwerp, Duke of Lower Lorraine b. 1107, Leuven, Flemish Brabant, Flanders, Belgium; d. June 13, 1142, Leuven, Vlaams-Brabant, Vlaams Gewest, Belgium
8. Godfrey I the Bearded, count of Louvain b. 1060, between 1060 and 1080, Lorraine Inferie, France; d. January 23, 1139, Afflighem or, Jerusalem, Holy Land
9. Henry II "le Ceinturé" count of Louvain & Brussels b. 1021, Leuven, Flemish Brabant, Flanders, Belgium; d. 1078, Nivelles, Walloon Brabant, Walloon Region, Belgium
10. Lambert II 'the Belted', Count of Leuven and Brussels b. circa 992, Leuven, Flemish Region, Belgium; d. June 19, 1054, Tournai, Hainaut, Walloon Region, Belgium
10. Ada de Lorraine b. circa 990, Lorraine, Grand Est, France; d. October 23, 1044, cemetery saint-gertrudes-collegiate-church, Leuven, Vlaams-Brabant, Vlaams Gewest, België (Belgium)
9. Gravin Adela Van Leuven in de Betuwe b. circa 1023, Orlamunda, France; d. 1086, Nivelles, Walloon Brabant, Walloon Region, Belgium
10. Eberhard van Teisterbant, comte de Bettau-Brandenburg b. 1001, Bêteau, Charente-Maritime, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France; d. 1031, France
8. Ida van Leuven b. circa 1078, Chiny, Luxemburg, Belgium; d. March 28, 1125, Leuven, Flemish Region, Belgium
9. Otto II count de Chiny b. 1061, Chiny, Luxembourg, Wallonie, Belgium; d. circa March 28, 1125, Chiny, Luxembourg, Wallonie, Belgium
10. Comte Arnold de Chiny b. circa 1040, Chiny, Luxembourg, Belgium; d. April 11, 1106, Saint-Hubert, Luxembourg, Walloon Region, Belgium
10. Adélaïde Agnes de Ramerupt, dame de Montdidier b. 1035, Guise, Aisne, Picardy, France; d. 1068, Rameru, Aube,, France
9. Adélaïde de Namur b. 1061, Namur, Namur, Wallonie, Belgium; d. September 30, 1124, Namur, Namur, Wallonie, Belgium
10. Albert III de Namur, Count of Namur b. August 10, 1035, Namur, Walloon Region, Belgium; d. June 22, 1102, Namur, Walloon Region, Belgium
10. Ida of Saxony b. between 1030 and 1033, Sachsen, Germany; d. July 31, 1102, Namur, Namur, Wallonie, Belgium
7. Lutgardis von Sulzbach, duchess of Lower Lorraine b. November 18, 1109, Sulzbach, Aichach-Friedberg, Bayern, Germany; d. January 2, 1162, Louvain, Brabant, Belgium
8. Berengar II, count of Sulzbach b. circa 1080, Sulzbach, Oberbayern, Germany; d. December 3, 1125, Sulzbach, Germany
9. Gebhard II, count of Sulzbach b. 1058, Sulzbach, Rhein-Lahn-Kreis, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany; d. circa 1088, Sulzbach, Rhein-Lahn-Kreis, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
10. Gebhard I, count of Sulzbach b. 1037, Kastl, Oberpfalz, Bavaria; d. 1071, Sulzbach, Oberpfalz, Bavaria
10. ... von Sulzbach b. circa 1030, Bavaria, Germany; d. 1091, Sulzbach, Germany
9. Irmingard von Rott b. circa 1060, Rott, Germany; d. circa June 14, 1101, Lechsgemund, Germany
10. Kuno I von Rott, Pfalzgraf in Bayern b. circa 1020, Bavaria, Germany; d. April 2, 1086, Palestine
10. Uta von Diessen b. circa 1020, Diessen, Germany; d. 1086, Bavaria
8. Adelheid von Wolfratshausen, countess of Sulzbach b. circa 1084, Wolfratshausen, Oberbayern, Bavaria, Germany (Deutschland); d. January 11, 1126
9. Otto II, Graf von Wolfratshausen von Thanning, Ambras und Diessen, Graf im Pusteral und Graf an der oberen Isar b. 1058, Diessen, Germany; d. April 24, 1120, Diessen, Germany
10. Count Berthold von Diessen, II b. 1012, Dießen am Ammersee, Upper Bavaria, Bavaria, Germany; d. 1060, Oberbayem, Bavaria, Andechs, Upper Bavaria, BY, Germany
10. Hidda von Hohenwarth, Dame of Hohenwarth b. 1010, Landsberg, Bavaria, Germany; d. circa 1109, Andechs, Germany
9. Justizia von Österreich, Margravine of Austria b. circa 1060, Tulln, Niederösterreich, Austria; d. circa 1120
10. Ernst von Babenberg b. 1027, Tulln, Niederösterreich, Austria; d. June 9, 1075, Homberg
10. Adelheid von Österreich, of Eilenburg b. 1032, Meissen, Dresden, Saxony; d. January 26, 1071, Austria
6. Margaretha de Brabant b. circa 1138, Lorraine, France; d. 1173, France
7. Henry II, duke of Limburg b. 1112, Limburg, Liège, Wallonia, Belgium; d. August 19, 1167, Rome, Metropolitan City of Rome, Lazio, Italy
8. Waleran II, duke of Lower Lorraine b. circa July 16, 1085, Limburg, Grafschaft Limburg (within present Walloon Region), Herzogtum Niederlothringen (within present Belgium), Heiliges Römisches Reich; d. July 16, 1139, Limburg, Grafschaft Limburg (within present Walloon Region), Herzogtum Niederlothringen (within present Belgium), Heiliges Römisches Reich
9. Hertog Hendrik I v Limburg/Henri D'Arlon b. 1059, Limbourg, Duchy of Limburg, The Duchy of Lower Lotharingia, Holy Roman Empire; d. 1119, Lorraine
10. Walram II, comte d'Arlon, graaf van Limburg b. 1008, Limburg,Limburg,,Belgium; d. 1082, Germany
10. Jutta von Luxemburg, Gräfin von Arlon und Limburg b. circa 1025, France; d. 1082, Lothringen, Germany
9. Adelaide of Pottenstein b. circa 1057, Pottenstein, Germany; d. August 13, 1106, Lothringen, Germany
10. Botho of Pottenstein b. circa 1026, Pottenstein, Germany; d. March 1, 1104, Neutraubling, Oberpfalz, BY, Germany
10. Judith of Schweinfurt b. 1036, Schwaben, Chemnitzer Land, Sachsen, Germany; d. January 1103, Pottenstein, Germany
8. Judith van Gelder Wassenberg b. circa 1082, Wassenberg, Rheinland, Prussia; d. June 24, 1151, Rolduc, Limburg, Netherlands
9. Count Gerard van Wassenberg, IV b. 1053, Wassenberg, Cologne, NRW, Germany; d. March 8, 1129, GE, Netherlands
10. Heinrich III von Wassenberg b. circa 1033, Wassenberg, Cologne, NRW, Germany; d. December 4, 1075, Wassenberg, Cologne, NRW, Germany
10. Adelheid van Gelre b. circa 1035, Wassenberg, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany; d. 1083
9. Clémence d'Aquitaine b. circa 1060, Poitiers, Vienne, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France; d. January 4, 1142, Wassenberg, Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
10. Pierre Guillaume 'l'Aigret' ou 'le Hardi' d'Aquitaine, VII Duc d'Aquitaine, V Comte de Poitou b. October 23, 1023, Aquitaine; d. 1058, Poitiers, Vienne, Poitou-Charentes, France,
10. Ermesinde I de Longwy, Duchess of Aquitaine b. 1028, Meurthe-et-Moselle, Grand Est, France; d. 1068, Rome, Lazio, Italy
7. Matilda of Saffenberg b. between January 8, 1112 and January 7, 1113, Lorraine, France; d. between January 8, 1145 and January 7, 1146, Limburg, Belgium
8. Count Adolf IV von Saffenberg und Norvenich, Graf im Roergau b. circa 1087, Alsace-Champagne-Ardenne-Lorraine, France; d. 1152, Saffenberg, Saffenberger Straße, Herzogenrath, Köln, NRW, Germany
9. Adalbert I, Graf von Saffenberg-Nörvenich b. 1070, Saffenberg, Germany; d. December 16, 1109, Saffenberg, Germany
10. Hermann II Von Saffenburg, Graf von Saffenberg b. circa 1020; d. after September 27, 1074
10. Geberge (Gepa) von Werl b. circa 1040
9. Mathilde von Hollenden b. circa 1050, Hollenden, Germany; d. November 4, 1110, Gudensberg, Germany
8. Margaretha Von Saffenberg b. circa 1097, Schwarzenberg, Kressberg, Stuttgart, Germany; d. after July 18, 1134, Germany
9. Engelbert von Schwarzenberg-Sponheim b. circa 1080, Germany; d. December 13, 1125, Germany
10. Berthold I Graf von Schwarzenburg b. circa 1048, Schwarzenburg, Germany; d. circa 1112, Schwarzenburg, Germany
10. Richardis von Sponheim b. circa 1060, Sponheim, Ruedesheim, Bad Kreuznach, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany; d. circa 1151
9. Margarethe/Hedwig von Müllenark b. 1080, Flinsbach, Helmstadt-Bargen, Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germany; d. 1112, Germany
10. Günther l von Kevernburg, Graf von Schwarzburg b. circa 1074, Schwarzburg, Thuringia, Germany; d. circa 1109, Schwarzburg, Thuringia, Germany, +1109/14
10. Mechtilde Yaropolkovna von Wladimir Prinzessin von Turov b. circa 1076, Beichlingen, Germany; d. circa 1109, Schwarzburg, Thuringia, Germany
5. Marie de France, Duchesse de Brabant b. circa 1198, Bapaume, Pas-de-Calais, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France; d. August 15, 1224, France
6. Philip II Augustus, king of France b. August 21, 1165, Château de Gonesse, Gonesse, Val-d'Oise, Île-de-France, France; d. July 14, 1223, Mantes, Yvelines, Île-de-France, France
7. Louis VII le Jeune, roi de France b. 1120; d. September 18, 1180, Cité
8. Louis VI the Fat, king of France b. 1081, Paris, Île-de-France, France; d. August 1, 1137, château de Béthisy, Béthisy-Saint-Pierre, Oise, Picardy, France
9. Philip I, king of France b. 1052; d. July 30, 1108, Château de Melun, Melun, Seine-et-Marne, Île-de-France, France
10. Henry I, king of France b. May 4, 1008, Muelan, Paris, Orleannais, West Francia (now Ile-de-France, France); d. August 4, 1060, Palais de Vitry-aux-Loges, Vitry-aux-Loges, Centre, France
10. Anna of Kiev, Queen Consort of the Franks b. 1036, Kiev, Russia (now Kiev, Ukraine); d. September 5, 1075, West Francia
9. Bertha of Holland b. circa 1058, Vlaardingen, Vlaardingen, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands; d. July 30, 1093, château de Montreuil-sur-Mer, Montreuil, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
10. Floris I, count of Masaland, Kinhem and Texla b. 1017, Vlaardingen, Vlaardingen, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands; d. June 28, 1061, Nederhemert, Zaltbommel, Gelderland, Netherlands
10. Gertrude of Saxony, Countess of Flanders b. 1028, Schweinfurt, Unterfranken, BY, Germany; d. August 4, 1113, Veurne, West-Vlaanderen, Vlaanderen, Belgium
8. Adelaide de Savoie, de Maurienne b. circa 1092, Saint Jean De Maurienne, Savoie, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France; d. November 18, 1154, Abbaye Saint-Pierre, Montmartre, Paris, France
9. Humbert II, count of Savoy "the Fat" b. circa 1065, Carignano, Turin, Piedmont, Italy; d. October 14, 1103, Savoie, Rhone-Alpes, France
10. Amadeus II, count of Savoy b. 1046, Maurienne, Savoie, Rhone-Alpes, France; d. January 26, 1080, Carbonierres, Savoy, France
10. Countess Jeanne de Genève b. circa 1040, Geneva (Genève), Canton of Geneva, Switzerland; d. circa 1095, Savoie, Rhône-Alpes, France
9. Gisèle (Gille) de Bourgogne b. circa 1070, Bourgogne, France; d. circa 1133, Chambéry, Savoie, Rhone-Alpes, France
10. William I "the Great" count of Burgundy b. 1028, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France; d. November 12, 1087, Besançon, Doubs, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France
10. Étiennette de Longwy, countess consort of Bourgogne b. circa 1030; d. after October 19, 1088
7. Adèle de Champagne, reine de France b. 1140, Blois, Loir-et-Cher, France; d. June 4, 1206, Paris, Île-de-France, France
8. Thibault "Le Grande" IV de Blois, II de Champagne b. April 2, 1093, Blois, Loir-et-Cher, Centre-Val de Loire, France; d. January 10, 1151, Ligny-le-Ribault, Centre, France
9. Étienne Henri 'Stephen' II, Count of Blois, of Champagne and of Meaux b. 1045, Blois, Loir-et-Cher, Centre-Val de Loire, France; d. May 19, 1102, Battle of Ramleh, Palestine
10. Thibaut, Count of Blois & Champagne b. 1012, Champagne, Rhône-Alpes, France; d. September 29, 1089, Épernay, Marne, Champagne-Ardenne, France (alt: Tours, France)
10. Gersende du Maine b. circa 1030, Le Mans, Sarthe, Maine, France; d. May 10, 1100
9. Adela, Countess of Blois b. 1066, Normandy, France; d. March 8, 1137, Marcigny, Saône-et-Loire, Bourgogne Franche-Comté, France
10. William "the Conqueror", king of England b. October 14, 1024, Château de Base-, Falaise, Calvados, Normandie, France; d. September 9, 1087, Prieuré de Saint-Gervais, Rouen, Seine-Maritime, Haute-Normandie, France
10. Matilda of Flanders b. circa 1031, Ghent, East Flanders, Flanders, Belgium; d. November 2, 1083, Base-Normandie, Caen, Calvados, Normandy, France
8. Mathilde von Sponheim, duchess of Carinthia b. 1097, Kaernten,, Carinthia, Austria; d. December 13, 1160, Fontrevault Abbey,, Fontevraud L'Abbaye, Maine-et-Loire, Pays de la Loire, France
9. Duke Engelbert von Sponheim, II b. 1084, Kärnten, Österreich, Deutschland(HRR); d. April 13, 1141, Seeon, Österreich, Deutschland(HRR)
10. Engelbert I von Sponheim, Markgraf von Istrien b. between circa 1040 and 1045, Kärnten, Österreich (Austria); d. April 1, 1096, Sankt Paul im Lavanttal, Wolfsberg District, Carinthia, Austria
10. Hedwig Gräfin von Eppenstein b. 1047, Eppenstein, Austria; d. July 17, 1112, Sponheim, Rheinland-Palatinate, Germany
9. Uta, Herzogin von Kärnten b. circa 1080, Sulzbach, Oberpfalz, Bavaria; d. 1153, Germany
10. Count Ulrich von Putten Finnigen Passau, I b. circa 1047, Sulzbach, Saar, Germany; d. February 24, 1099, Regensburg, Upper Palatinate, Bavaria, Germany
10. Countess Adelaide von Sulzbach b. 1063, Schwaben, Lechsgemund, Bayern, Germany; d. February 24, 1110, Schwaben, Regensburg, Bayern, Germany
6. Agnès de Méranie b. 1180, Meranie, Ville De Paris, France; d. July 20, 1201, Poissy Castle, Poissy, Yvelines, France
7. Berthold III (IV) von Andechs-Meranien, Graf von Andechs, Markgraf von Istrien, Herzog von Meranien b. circa 1159, Andech, Oberbayern, Bayern, Germany; d. August 12, 1204, Andech, Oberbayern, Bayern, Germany
8. Berthold III., Markgraf, Herzog von Andechs von Andechs, Markgraf von Istrien-Krain b. circa 1115, Andechs, Oberbayem, Bavaria; d. December 14, 1188, Andechs, Germany
9. Berthold IV, Graf von Andechs b. circa 1070, Germany; d. June 27, 1151, Oberbayern, , , Germany
10. Berthold III, Graf von Andechs b. circa 1035, Andechs, Oberbayem, Bavaria; d. March 21, 1103, Oberbayern,,Bayern,Germany
10. Gisela von Schweinfurt b. circa 1032, Schwaben, Swabia, Bavaria, Germany; d. February 2, 1100, Andechs, Germany
9. Sophie von Istrien, Gräfin von Andechs b. circa 1085, Carniola, Slovenia; d. September 6, 1128, Andechs, Germany
10. Poppo II Marchese di Carniola e Istria b. circa 1065, Krain, Slovenia; d. April 1, 1096, Carniola, Slovenia
10. Richardis von Sponheim b. circa 1060, Sponheim, Ruedesheim, Bad Kreuznach, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany; d. circa 1151
8. Hedwig von Wittelsbach b. 1125, Andechs,Oberbayern,Bayern,Germany; d. July 16, 1174, Istrien, Slovenia
9. Otto I, count palatine of Bavaria b. circa 1093, Bayern, Germany; d. August 4, 1156, Ensdorf, Amberg-Sulzbach, Bayern, Germany
10. Otto III, count of Scheyern-Dachau b. circa 1072, Istrien, Slovenia; d. March 4, 1123, Istrien, Slovenia
9. Helika von Pettendorf d. September 14, 1170
10. Friedrich III, Herr von Hopfenoe-Pettendorf-Lengenfeld b. circa 1070, Pettendorf, Upper Palatinate, Bavaria, Germany; d. April 3, 1119, Pettendorf, Germany
10. Heilika von Staufen b. circa 1075, Austria; d. after 1110, Pettendorf, Germany
7. Agnes von Rochlitz b. circa 1152, Groitzsch, Leipzig, Saxony; d. March 25, 1195, Dießen, Landsberg am Lech, Herzogtum Bayern
8. Dedo III von Lausitz b. 1136, Meissen, Dresden, Sachsen, Preussen; d. August 16, 1190
9. Konrad I "the Pious, Great," Margrave of Meißen b. circa 1091, probably Wettin, Neletize, Mark Lusiza (March of Lusatia), Herzogtum Sachsen (Duchy of Saxony), Heiliges Römisches Reich (Holy Roman Empire); d. February 5, 1157, Kloster Petersberg (Petersberg Abbey), Petersberg bei Halle, Mark Merseburg (March of Merseburg), Herzogtum Sachsen (Duchy of Saxony), Heiliges Römisches Reich (Holy Roman Empire)
10. Thiemo II, Graf von Wettin b. circa 1015, Wettin, Wettin-Löbejün, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany; d. March 9, 1091, Meissen, Saxony, Germany
10. Ida Gräfin von Brehna und Wettin b. circa 1065, Meissen, Mark Meissen, Herzogtum Sachsen, Heiliges Römisches Reich; d. circa 1100, Meissen, Mark Meissen, Herzogtum Sachsen, Heiliges Römisches Reich
9. Luitgard Markgräfin von Meißen b. circa 1100, Schwaben, , , Germany; d. June 19, 1145, Kloster Gerbstedt, Gerbstedt, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
10. Albrecht von Ravenstein, Graf von Ravenstein und Irrenberg b. circa 1075, Wernigerode, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany; d. 1121, Ravensburg, Germany
8. Mathilde Markgräfin von der Niederlausitz b. circa 1130, Groitzsch, Leipzig, Saxony, Germany; d. November 20, 1189, Groitzsch, Leipzig, Saxony, Germany
9. Goswin II, Graf von Heinsberg b. 1100, Heinsberg, Rheinland Pfalz, Germany; d. 1157, Heinsberg, Rheinland Pfalz, Germany
10. Goswin I von Wassenberg, Herr von Heinsberg und Valkenburg b. 1061, Heinsberg, Germany; d. April 1, 1128, Valkenburg, Valkenburg aan de Geul, Limburg, The Netherlands
9. Aleidis von Heinsberg b. circa 1109, Sommerschenburg, Germany; d. between 1170 and 1184, Heinsberg, Pfalz, Germany
10. Friedrich I von Sommerschenburg Pfalzgraf von Sachsen b. circa 1055, Sommerschenburg, Herzogtum Sachsen, Heiliges Römisches Reich; d. October 18, 1120, Sommerschenburg, Herzogtum Sachsen, Heiliges Römisches Reich
10. Adelheid von Lauffen b. circa 1065, Lauffen am Neckar, Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany; d. 1121, Sommerschenburg, Sommersdorf, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany

Linaje N°1 FAMILIA |•••► VON

1.- 1280 VON BLANKENHEIM MATHILDE |•••► Pais:Alemania


Padre: von Blankenheim Gerhard VI Herr (1250)


Durbuy Ermgarde de

2.- 1250 VON BLANKENHEIM GERHARD VI HERR (1250) |•••► Pais:Alemania


Padre: von Blankenheim Friedrich Herr (1215)


von Blieskastel Mechtild

3.- 1215 VON BLANKENHEIM FRIEDRICH HERR (1215) |•••► Pais:Alemania


Padre: von Blankenheim Gerhard IV Herr (1180)


von Hengebach Jutta

4.- 1180 VON BLANKENHEIM GERHARD IV HERR (1180) |•••► Pais:Alemania


Padre: von Blankenheim Gerhard III Herr (1155)


5.- 1155 VON BLANKENHEIM GERHARD III HERR (1155) |•••► Pais:Alemania


Padre: von Blankenheim Gerhard II Herr (1125)


von Blankenheim

6.- 1125 VON BLANKENHEIM GERHARD II HERR (1125) |•••► Pais:Alemania


Padre: von Blankenheim Gerhard I Herr (1095)


von Blankenheim Jutta

7.- 1095 VON BLANKENHEIM GERHARD I HERR (1095) |•••► Pais:Alemania


von Blankenheim


von Blankenheim