23° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Bela II "The Blind", king of Hungary is your 23rd great grandfather.- (23° Bisabuelo )
(Linea Paterna)
Bela II "The Blind", king of Hungary is your 23rd great grandfathof→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→ Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna
your father → Elena Cecilia Lecuna Escobar
his mother → María Elena de la Concepción Escobar Llamosas
her mother → Cecilia Cayetana de la Merced Llamosas Vaamonde de Escobar
her mother → Cipriano Fernando de Las Llamosas y García
her father → José Lorenzo de las Llamozas Silva
his father → Joseph Julián Llamozas Ranero
his father → Manuel Llamosas y Requecens
his father → Isabel de Requesens
his mother → Luis de Requeséns y Zúñiga, Virrey de Holanda
her father → D. Estefania de Requesens, III Condesa de Palamós
his mother → Hipòlita Roís de Liori i de Montcada
her mother → Beatriz de Montcada i de Vilaragut
her mother → Pedro de Montcada i de Luna, Señor de Villamarchante
her father → Elfa de Luna y de Xèrica
his mother → Pedro Martínez de Luna y Saluzzo, señor de Almonacid y Pola
her father → Pedro Martínez de Luna
his father → Violante de Alagon
his mother → D. Teresa de Aragón
her mother → Pedro III el Grande, rey de Aragón
her father → Violante de Hungría, reina consorte de Aragón
his mother → Árpád(házi) II. András - Andrew II, King of Hungary
her father → Árpád(házi) III. Béla király, King of Hungary & Croatia
his father → Geza II, king of Hungary
his father → Bela II "The Blind", king of Hungary
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Béla Vak, II MP
Russian: король Венгрии Бела II "Слепой" Vak, II, Hungarian: Vak II "Vak" Béla II. király, Spanish: Bela II "el Ciego" Vak, II, Croatian: kralj Ugarske i Hrvatske Bela II. Slijepi Arpad, II
Gender: Male
Birth: circa 1108
Esztergom, Komárom-Esztergom, Magyarország - Hungary
Death: February 13, 1141 (29-37)
Székesfehérvár, Fejér, Magyarország - Hungary
Place of Burial: Székesfehérvár, Fejér, Hungary
Immediate Family:
Son of prince Álmos Árpád(házi), Prince of Hungary & Duke of Croatia and Princess Predslava of Kiev
Husband of Jelena Urošević, Queen consort of Hungary
Father of Elisabeth, Princess of Hungary; Geza II, king of Hungary; Laszlo II, King of Hungary; Stephen IV, King of Hungary; Álmos, prince of Hungary and 1 other
Brother of princess Adelaide of Hungary; princess Hedwig of Hungary and Elizabeth, princess of Hungary
Added by: Nils-Erik Erling Morén on March 31, 2007
Managed by: Daniel Dupree Walton and 99 others
Curated by: FARKAS Mihály László
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