Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Bisabuelo n°30P. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Bisabuelo n°30P. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, 14 de julio de 2024

Rudolf II von Augstgau (0825) ★Bisabuelo n°30P,★ Ref: RI-0825 |•••► #ALEMANIA 🏆🇩🇪★ #Genealogía #Genealogy

 30 ° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Rudolf II von Augstgau is your 30th great grandfather.



(Linea Paterna)


Rudolf II von Augstgau is your 30th great grandfatheof

→(1) Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo

→(2)  Dr Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna (your father) 

→(3) Elena Cecilia Lecuna Escobar (his mother) 

→(4) María Elena de la Concepción Escobar Llamosas (her mother) 

→(5) Cecilia Cayetana de la Merced Llamosas de Escobar (her mother) 

→(6) Cipriano Fernando de Las Llamosas y García (her father) 

→(7) José Lorenzo Llamozas Silva (his father) 

→(8) Joseph Julián Llamozas Ranero (his father) 

→(9) Manuel Llamozas Requecens (his father) 

→(10) Isabel de Requesens (his mother) 

→(11) Luis de Requeséns y Zúñiga, Virrey de Holanda (her father) 

→(12) D. Estefania de Requesens, III Condesa de Palamós (his mother) 

→(13) Hipòlita Roís de Liori i de Montcada (her mother) 

→(14) Beatriz de Montcada i de Vilaragut (her mother) 

→(15) Pedro de Montcada i de Luna, Señor de Villamarchante (her father) 

→(16) Elfa de Luna y de Xèrica (his mother) 

→(17) Pedro Martínez de Luna y Saluzzo, señor de Almonacid y Pola (her father) 

→(18) Marchesa di Saluzzo (his mother) 

→(19) Filippo di Saluzzo, governor of Sardinia (her father) 

→(20) Aloisia di Saluzzo (his mother) 

→(21) María di Saluzzo (her mother) 

→(22) Alasia Aleramici, del Monferrato (her mother) 

→(23) Judith of Babenberg (her mother) 

→(24) Saint Leopold III, Margrave of Austria (her father) 

→(25) Ida of Formbach-Ratelnberg (his mother) 

→(26) Rapoto IV von Cham (her father) 

→(27) Diepold I von Traugau (his father) 

→(28) Rapoto, count in Traungau (his father) 

→(29) Rapoto I, Graf im Traungau (his father) 

→(30) Arbo, Herr von Augstgau (his father) 

→(31) Chadalho II, Herr von Augstgau (his father) 

→(32) Rudolf III, Herr von Augstgau (his father) 

→(33) Rudolf II von Augstgau (his father)



Rudolf II von Augstgau 

Gender: Male

Birth: circa 825

Immediate Family:

Son of Rudolf I Von Augstgau

Father of Rudolf III, Herr von Augstgau

Added by: Mgr. Jaromir Stransky, SaG on September 16, 2023

Managed by: Mgr. Jaromir Stransky, SaG and John Raymond Larochelle

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Rudolf III, Herr von Augstgau


Rudolf I Von Augstgau



Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.



✺- 825→El emir de Al-Ándalus Abd al-Rahman II funda la ciudad de Murcia con el nombre de Mursiya

✺- 835→Ragnar Lodbrok, gobernante vikingo, asciende al trono

✺- 845→París es saqueada por invasores vikingos bajo Ragnar Lodbrok, que cobra un rescate enorme por salir

✺- 855→Benedicto III sucede a San León IV como papa

✺- 865→En Rusia, el zar Boris I de Bulgaria se convierte al cristianismo→

→9 de agosto: cerca de Miranda de Ebro (España) se libra la batalla de la Morcuera, en la que Muhammad I de Córdoba vence a Rodrigo de Castilla→

→Muere el semi-legendario rey Ragnar Lodbrok a manos del rey a Ælla de Reino de Northumbria

→Muere el semi-legendario rey Ragnar Lodbrok a manos del rey a Ælla de Reino de Northumbria

✺- 875→Coronación imperial de Carlos el Calvo→

→Fundación de la ciudad española de Badajoz

✺- 885→Esteban V sucede a San Adriano III como papa→

→Ataque de los vikingos a París.

→ Nace: Arnulfo de Baviera, Duque de Baviera, se dice que nació en 890.

→ Fallece: 17 de septiembre - Adriano III, papa

✺- 895→León VI el Sabio pide ayuda a los magiares para combatir a los búlgaros

→ Nace: Athelstan de Inglaterra.

→ Nace: Ce Ácatl Topiltzin Quetzalcóatl, gobernante de Tollan-Xicocotitlan


Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.


viernes, 7 de julio de 2023

Ruellan Rivallon II de Dol seigneur de Dol ★Bisabuelo n°30P★ Ref: RR-1015 |•••► #FRANCIA 🇫🇷🏆 #Genealogía #Genealogy

 30 ° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Ruellan (Rivallon II) de Dol, seigneur de Dol is your 30th great grandfather.


(Linea Paterna)
Ruellan (Rivallon II) de Dol, seigneur de Dol is your 30th great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Dr. Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna
your father → Elena Cecilia Lecuna Escobar
his mother → María Elena de la Concepción Escobar Llamosas
her mother → Cecilia Cayetana de la Merced Llamosas Vaamonde de Escobar
her mother → Cipriano Fernando de Las Llamosas y García
her father → José Lorenzo Llamosas Silva
his father → Joseph Julián Llamosas Ranero
his father → Manuel Llamosas y Requecens
his father → Isabel de Requesens
his mother → Luis de Requeséns y Zúñiga, Virrey de Holanda
her father → Juan de Zúñiga Avellaneda y Velasco
his father → Catalina de Velasco y Mendoza
his mother → Pedro Fernández de Velasco y Manrique de Lara, II Conde de Haro
her father → Pedro Fernández de Velasco y Solier, I Conde de Haro
his father → María de Solier de Meneses, Señora de Villalpando
his mother → Mosen Arnao de Solier, conde de Villalpando
her father → Matilde du Guesclin
his mother → Robert II du Guesclin, seigneur de Broöns
her father → Guillaume du Guesclin, seigneur de Broons
his father → Seigneur de Broone et de Ville-Anne Bertrand IV Robert du Guesclin, Berrtrand-Plessie
his father → Blanche de Coëtquen
his mother → Raoul de Coëtquen, II, sgr de Coëtquen
her father → Guillaume de Coëtquen, III, sgr de Coëtquen
his father → Olivier de Coëtquen, II, sgr de Coëtquen
his father → Guillaume de Coëtquen, II, sgr de Coëtquen
his father → Olivier de Coëtquen, I, sgr de Coëtquen
his father → Denise de Dol
his mother → Jean III de Dol, Seigneur de Combourg
her father → Jean de Dol, II
his father → Geldouin de Dol, I
his father → Jean I, seigneur de Dol
his father → Ruellan (Rivallon II) de Dol, seigneur de Dol
his fatherConsistency CheckShow short path | Share this path
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Ruellan (Rivallon II) de Dol, seigneur de Dol is your 18th great grandfather's ex-wife's third great aunt's husband.

Ruellan (Rivallon II) de Dol (de Dinan), seigneur de Dol MP
French: de DOL, seigneur de Dol
Gender: Male
Birth: circa 1015
Dol, St Malo, Ille-et-Vilaine, Bretagne, France
Death: 1064 (44-53)
Immediate Family:
Son of Hamon de Dinan, vicomte de Dinan and Roiantelina de Dol
Husband of Aremburge ou Eremburge du Puiset
Father of Jean I, seigneur de Dol; Gelduin de Dol; Geoffroy Fitz Riwallon de Gorran; Bertha Countess of Rennes and Guillaume de Dol, Abbé de Saumur
Brother of Hamon II de Dinan, vicomte de Dinan; Joscelin de Dinan, seigneur de Dinan; Junguene de Dol, archeveque de Dol and Inoguen de Dinan
Half brother of Salomon de Dinan

Added by: <private> Hibbard on July 5, 2008
Managed by: David Prins and 12 others
Curated by: Pam Wilson (on hiatus)
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Vicomtes de Dinan at Medieval Lands.

HAMON [I] . Vicomte de Dinan. m ROIANTELINA, daughter of RIVALLON & his wife ---. The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified. Hamon [I] & his wife had five children:

a) HAMON [II] . "Junkeneus archiepiscopus" donated property to the abbey of Redon, with the advice of "fratrum meorum Haimoni…vicecomitis et Goszelini atque Riuualloni", by charter dated to [1029/37][619]. same person as…? HAMON . "…Hamonis vicecomitis, Maini filii sui…" signed the charter dated to [1015/32] under which "Alanus comes et…dux Britannorum et frater meus Heudo atque mater mea Haduisa et noster vicecomes Haimon et filii eius" donated property to the abbey of Marmoutier[620]. "…Mainonis de Filgeriis, Haimonis, Richardi filii eius…" signed the charter dated to [1015/32] under which "Alanus dux Britanniæ" donated property to the abbey of Marmoutier[621]. m ---. The name of Hamon’s wife is not known. Hamon & his wife had two children:

i) MEEN . "…Hamonis vicecomitis, Maini filii sui…" signed the charter dated to [1015/32] under which "Alanus comes et…dux Britannorum et frater meus Heudo atque mater mea Haduisa et noster vicecomes Haimon et filii eius" donated property to the abbey of Marmoutier[622].
ii) RICHARD . "…Mainonis de Filgeriis, Haimonis, Richardi filii eius…" signed the charter dated to [1015/32] under which "Alanus dux Britanniæ" donated property to the abbey of Marmoutier[623].

b) JUNGUENE de Dinan (-[1039]). An enquiry made at Dol by order of Henry II King of England dated Oct 1181 records that "Guingeneus Dolensis archiepisc. et Ruellen Capra Canuta, Josselinus de Dinan et Salomon bastardus fratres fuerunt"[624]. Abbot of Dol. Archbishop of Dol . "Junkeneus archiepiscopus" donated property to the abbey of Redon, with the advice of "fratrum meorum Haimoni…vicecomitis et Goszelini atque Riuualloni", by charter dated to [1029/37][625].
c) JOSCELIN [I] de Dinan . "Junkeneus archiepiscopus" donated property to the abbey of Redon, with the advice of "fratrum meorum Haimoni…vicecomitis et Goszelini atque Riuualloni", by charter dated to [1029/37][626].


d) RIVALLON [II] (-after [1064/65]). "Junkeneus archiepiscopus" donated property to the abbey of Redon, with the advice of "fratrum meorum Haimoni…vicecomitis et Goszelini atque Riuualloni", by charter dated to [1029/37][627]. "Manigenius…miles" founded the priory of Saint-Cyr-lès-Rennes and donated it to Tours Saint-Julien by charter dated 23 May 1037, subscribed by "Alanus dux…Eudonis fratris Alani ducis Britannorum, Gotzelini vicecomitis, Rualentis domini Doli…"[628]. Seigneur de Dol et de Combour. - SEIGNEURS de DOL.
e) INOGUEN . The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified. "Briencius" [signed a subsequent charter "Brientio filio Tiherni"] founded the priory of Beré "a castro Briencii situm", with the consent of "matris meæ Innoguent et conjugis meæ Adelendis necnon et filiorum meorum Gaufridi…Teherii simulque Guidonis", by undated charter[629]. m TEHEL [Teuharius], son of ---. Tehel & his wife had three children:

i) MAIN (-before [1080]). "…Maini filii Teheu…" witnessed the charter dated to [1060] under which "Guillaume fils de Rivallon" restored property to Mont-Saint-Michel, with the consent of "sa mère Heremburge et de ses frères Jean et Gelduin"[630]. "Maino filius Theogineti [%E2%80%A6Theonus]" donated the churches of Gugnen and Voël to Combourg priory, with the consent of "filiis suis Haimone et Gauterio, et Alanus filius Flaudi", by undated charter[631]. m ---. The name of Main’s wife is not known. Main & his wife had two children:

(a) HAMON . "Maino filius Theogineti [%E2%80%A6Theonus]" donated the churches of Gugnen and Voël to Combourg priory, with the consent of "filiis suis Haimone et Gauterio, et Alanus filius Flaudi", by undated charter[632]. "Haimo filius Maini" donated "quartam partem ecclesia Nogialii" to Combourg priory, with the consent of "uxor eius Basilia…et Guillelmus et Gauterius fratres ipsius Haimonis et dominus suus Rivallonus dominus Doli castri filius Johannis archiepiscopi", by charter dated 1095[633]. "Hamo filius Maini" donated tithes from Fresnaie to Saint-Florent, for the souls of "…patruique sui Rotberti", confirmed by "Guillelmus frater eius", by undated charter (dated to [1080]%29 witnessed by "Baderon…"[634]. m BASILIA, daughter of ---. "Haimo filius Maini" donated "quartam partem ecclesia Nogialii" to Combourg priory, with the consent of "uxor eius Basilia…et Guillelmus et Gauterius fratres ipsius Haimonis et dominus suus Rivallonus dominus Doli castri filius Johannis archiepiscopi", by charter dated 1095[635].
(b) GUILLAUME . "Hamo filius Maini" donated tithes from Fresnaie to Saint-Florent, for the souls of "…patruique sui Rotberti", confirmed by "Guillelmus frater eius", by undated charter (dated to [1080]%29 witnessed by "Baderon…"[636]. "Haimo filius Maini" donated "quartam partem ecclesia Nogialii" to Combourg priory, with the consent of "uxor eius Basilia…et Guillelmus et Gauterius fratres ipsius Haimonis et dominus suus Rivallonus dominus Doli castri filius Johannis archiepiscopi", by charter dated 1095[637].
(c) GAUTHIER . "Maino filius Theogineti [%E2%80%A6Theonus]" donated the churches of Gugnen and Voël to Combourg priory, with the consent of "filiis suis Haimone et Gauterio, et Alanus filius Flaudi", by undated charter[638]. "Haimo filius Maini" donated "quartam partem ecclesia Nogialii" to Combourg priory, with the consent of "uxor eius Basilia…et Guillelmus et Gauterius fratres ipsius Haimonis et dominus suus Rivallonus dominus Doli castri filius Johannis archiepiscopi", by charter dated 1095[639].

ii) ROBERT (-before [1080]). "Hamo filius Maini" donated tithes from Fresnaie to Saint-Florent, for the souls of "…patruique sui Rotberti", confirmed by "Guillelmus frater eius", by undated charter (dated to [1080]%29 witnessed by "Baderon…"[640].
iii) BRIAND . "Briencius" [signed a subsequent charter "Brientio filio Tiherni"] founded the priory of Beré "a castro Briencii situm", with the consent of "matris meæ Innoguent et conjugis meæ Adelendis necnon et filiorum meorum Gaufridi…Teherii simulque Guidonis", by undated charter[641]. - SEIGNEURS de CHÂTEAUBRIAND.

Hamon [I] had one illegitimate son by an unknown mistress:

f) SALOMON . An enquiry made at Dol by order of Henry II King of England dated Oct 1181 records that "Guingeneus Dolensis archiepisc. et Ruellen Capra Canuta, Josselinus de Dinan et Salomon bastardus fratres fuerunt"[642].

RIVALLON de Dinan, son of HAMON [I] Vicomte de Dinan & his wife Roiantelina de Dol (-after [1064/65]). An enquiry made at Dol by order of Henry II King of England dated Oct 1181 records that "Guingeneus Dolensis archiepisc. et Ruellen Capra Canuta, Josselinus de Dinan et Salomon bastardus fratres fuerunt"[748]. "Junkeneus archiepiscopus" donated property to the abbey of Redon, with the advice of "fratrum meorum Haimoni…vicecomitis et Goszelini atque Riuualloni", by charter dated to [1029/37][749]. "Manigenius…miles" founded the priory of Saint-Cyr-lès-Rennes and donated it to Tours Saint-Julien by charter dated 23 May 1037, subscribed by "Alanus dux…Eudonis fratris Alani ducis Britannorum, Gotzelini vicecomitis, Rualentis domini Doli…"[750]. Seigneur de Dol et de Combour. "Goscelinus de Dinam…Rivallonus frater eius…Arveus…Radulfus…filius Donnalloni" donated "suam partem de decima terræ sancti Paterni" to Angers Saint-Nicolas by charter dated to [1050], witnessed by "Fretaldus et Hato pater eius"[751]. "Rivallonus Britannicus gente…castri possessor…Combornium" donated property to Marmoutiers, with the consent of "meam…conjugem…Aremburgem atque liberos Guillelmum, Johannem, Gilduinum, Gaufredum, Aduisam", by undated charter[752]. "…Rivallonus de Dol…" witnessed the charter dated 1064 under which Guillaume II Duke of Normandy settled a claim in favour of the monks of Marmoutier relating to property donated by "Guido de Valle"[753]. The Breton/Norman war of 1064/65 was triggered by the rebellion of Rivallon [I] de Dol, who was supported by Guillaume II Duke of Normandy.

m EREMBURGE, daughter of ---. "Guillaume fils de Rivallon" restored property to Mont-Saint-Michel, with the consent of "sa mère Heremburge et de ses frères Jean et Gelduin" by charter dated [1060][754]. Dion suggests that “il est fort probable qu’Ebrard fut aussi père de la femme de Rudalen seigneur de Dol en Bretagne”, presumably basing his hypothesis on the couple naming one of their sons Gilduin although this is not stated explicitly[755]. If correct, this means that she was Eremburge de Breteuil, daughter of Erard [I] Comte de Breteuil, Vicomte de Chartres & his wife Humberge ---. "Rivallonus Britannicus gente…castri possessor…Combornium" donated property to Marmoutiers, with the consent of "meam…conjugem…Aremburgem atque liberos Guillelmum, Johannem, Gilduinum, Gaufredum, Aduisam", by undated charter[756].

Rivallon [II] & his wife had five children:

1. GUILLAUME (-after [1082]). "Rivallonus Britannicus gente…castri possessor…Combornium" donated property to Marmoutiers, with the consent of "meam…conjugem…Aremburgem atque liberos Guillelmum, Johannem, Gilduinum, Gaufredum, Aduisam", by undated charter[757]. "Guillaume fils de Rivallon" restored property to Mont-Saint-Michel, with the consent of "sa mère Heremburge et de ses frères Jean et Gelduin" by charter dated [1060][758]. "Johannes frater donni abbatis Wilelmi" donated half "terræ de Cels" to Saint-Florent de Saumur on becoming a monk there, by charter dated to [1082][759]. William I King of England confirmed the previous donation to Saint-Florent de Saumur by "domni Guillelmi filii Rivallonis de Dolo et eiusdem loci abbatis et fratris sui Johannis" by charter dated to [1083][760]. Abbé de Saumur.

2. JEAN [I] (-27 Jan, after 1118). "Johannes frater donni abbatis Wilelmi" donated half "terræ de Cels" to Saint-Florent de Saumur on becoming a monk there, by charter dated to [1082][761]. William I King of England confirmed the previous donation to Saint-Florent de Saumur by "domni Guillelmi filii Rivallonis de Dolo et eiusdem loci abbatis et fratris sui Johannis" by charter dated to [1083][762]. Seigneur de Dol.

- see below.

3. GILDUIN (-after 1076). "Rivallonus Britannicus gente…castri possessor…Combornium" donated property to Marmoutiers, with the consent of "meam…conjugem…Aremburgem atque liberos Guillelmum, Johannem, Gilduinum, Gaufredum, Aduisam", by undated charter[763]. "Guillaume fils de Rivallon" restored property to Mont-Saint-Michel, with the consent of "sa mère Heremburge et de ses frères Jean et Gelduin" by charter dated [1060][764]. Tresvaux records that he was proposed as bishop of Dol in 1076, but considered by Pope Gregory VII too young to be ordained as bishop, after which he retired as a monk to Saint-Pierre de Chartres, but does not cite the primary source on which this is based[765].

4. GEOFFROY . "Rivallonus Britannicus gente…castri possessor…Combornium" donated property to Marmoutiers, with the consent of "meam…conjugem…Aremburgem atque liberos Guillelmum, Johannem, Gilduinum, Gaufredum, Aduisam", by undated charter[766]. "Gauffredus Rivallonis filius" donated property to Mont-Saint-Michel by undated charter[767]. Supposedly ancestor of the de Gorron family.

5. HAWISE . "Rivallonus Britannicus gente…castri possessor…Combornium" donated property to Marmoutiers, with the consent of "meam…conjugem…Aremburgem atque liberos Guillelmum, Johannem, Gilduinum, Gaufredum, Aduisam", by undated charter[768]. m ALVEUS Vicomte de Poher, son of ---.


Rivallon I of Dol
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rivallon of Dol-Combourg was born to Hamo I, Viscount of Alet and Roianteline. RIvallon's eldest brother was Hamo II Viscount of Alet, while his next eldest brother Josselin became the seigneur of Diana. Another brother Jungeon became Archbishop of Dol, Rivallon also had a sister Imogen who was married to a knight of Alan III of Brittany a man she completely dominated becoming the eventual guardian of their son Brien. Hamo I also had a natural son Saloman who was the given the fief of Garclip later known as the seigneure of Du Guseclin.
Rivallon married Aremburga du Puiset, the daughter of Evrard, Count of Bretueil [a] He died around 1065.

Dol rebels against Conan II[edit]
Rivallon was influenced by William the Conqueror, the Duke of Normandy.

In this period Normandy and Brittany clashed with each other in border skirmishes. Before William had become Duke, the Breton tribal lands of the Contentin Peninsula, near Dol, had been ceded to Norman rule. When Duke Alan III of Brittany died he left Brittany to his infant son Conan II with his younger brother, Odo of Penthievre, as Conan's Regent. Odo challenged Conan II by refusing to relinquish rule on Conan's achieving his majority. Conan affirmed his rule as Duke only when he imprisoned Odo in 1057.

Following this, in 1065 William, as Duke of Normandy convinced Rivallon to rebel against Conan II, Duke of Brittany with the aid of Geoffrey III of Anjou. This rebellion was the first major conflict of the Breton-Norman War.

Family Rivallon I and Aremburga du Puset had four children:
Saint Gilduin (d. 1077),
John, Archbishop of Dol - succeeded Rivallon I as Duke of Dol-Comburg
Bertha, Countess of Rennes
William, Abbot of Saint Florent
Rivallon died in 1065
Brittany portal Geoffroi, youngest son of Rivallon, took the surname of Gorron,Gorram. His son Ruellon de Gorram, married Hersende daughter of Walter de Mayenne.
Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-2015
Name Rivallon Capra Canuta de DOL
Spouse Aremburge du de BRETEUIL
Mother Roianteline de de RENNES
Father Haimon Aymon de de THOUARS
Children Jean I de DOL
Birth 1015
Death 1066

This is a Pedigree for the Archbishops of Dol in Brittany France 'The earliest known person the lineage traces back to be a man named Hamo I, Viscount of Alet, France' who was born between 963-1023 AD.
This show that Caradoc de la Boussac parents are unknown and the family of his son Withenoc wife's family.

This is a reference and photo's for all the Church and Cathedrals in France.


This book mentions their family names and history information, it shows the connection with William Fitz Baderon (de Monmouth)
Book: Proceedings of the Battle Conference
Anglo-Norman Studies Xlll


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Showing 12 of 14 people

Aremburge ou Eremburge du Puiset

Jean I, seigneur de Dol

Gelduin de Dol

Geoffroy Fitz Riwallon de Gorran

Bertha Countess of Rennes

Guillaume de Dol, Abbé de Saumur

Hamon de Dinan, vicomte de Dinan

Roiantelina de Dol

Hamon II de Dinan, vicomte de Dinan

Joscelin de Dinan, seigneur de D...

Junguene de Dol, archeveque de Dol

Inoguen de Dinan


Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.



✺- 1015→Agosto: Canuto II de Dinamarca invade Inglaterra→
→Los Berserkers son prohibidos en Noruega→
→Olaf Haraldsson se convierte en rey de Noruega→
→Sviatopolk sucede a Vladimir como príncipe de Kiev.

✺- 1020→febrero-marzo:1​ en el Califato fatimí (Egipto), los nativos de Fustat se enfrentan a una coalición turco-berebere. Los esclavos negros prenden fuego la ciudad por tres días. Este evento es parte de una serie de rebeliones que debilitan severamente la autoridad de los fatimís→
→15 de abril: un terremoto devasta Roma durante las festividades del Viernes Santo. Una agrupación de judíos es acusada como causante del desastre, por lo que son condenados a muerte por el papa Benedicto VIII.2​
15 de junio: las fuerzas del Imperio romano de Oriente dirigidas por Basilio Boioanes toman Troia (Italia)→
→17 de junio: el papa Benedicto VIII se reúne con Enrique II del Sacro Imperio en Bamberg y le pide ayuda para recuperar el control del sur de Italia.3​
1 de septiembre: Mahmud de Gazni envía a su hijo para conquistar Ġawr, que cae al cabo de una semana.4​
Roberto II de Francia funda la ciudad de Saint-Germain-en-Laye→
→Hovhannes-Smbat III asciende al trono de la Armenia Bagrátida→
→Inicia la construcción del Castillo de Habsburgo.

✺- 1025→Se funda el Monasterio de Montserrat, que hoy alberga unos 4000 monjes→
→Constantino VIII es nombrado emperador del Imperio bizantino→
→Miecislao II, es nombrado rey de Polonia.

✺- 1030→Fundación de Tartu en Estonia→
→Fundación de Kaunas en Lituania→
→Georgia y emir de Tiflis se enfrentan a Shaddadids→
→Fin del Califato

✺- 1035→Nace el Reino de Aragón, por la unión de los condados de Aragón, Sobrarbe y Ribagorza en la figura de Ramiro I→
→Comienzo del reinado de Fernando I de León
División del reino de Pamplona

✺- 1040→NACE Alfonso VI de León, rey de León y Castilla. Hijo de Fernando I de León

✺- 1045→El Imperio bizantino conquista Armenia, en la última acción ofensiva en Asia de su historia.

✺- 1050→nace el 11 de noviembre: Enrique IV del Sacro Imperio Romano Germánico.

✺- 1055→Iglesia católica: Víctor II es elegido papa.
→ España cristiana: Diego Flaínez, padre del Cid conquista a Navarra para Castilla los castillos de La Piedra y de Úrbel del Castillo que cerraban el paso a través del valle del alto Úrbel.

✺- 1060→El Cid es nombrado caballero.


Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.
