36 ° Bisabuelo de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo
(Linea Paterna)
Mar Sutra II bar Guriya (ben Mar Guria), 4th Exilarch & Gaon of Tiberias is your 36th great grandfather.You→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→ Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna
your father → Carlos Urdaneta Carrillo
his father → Enrique Urdaneta Maya, Dr.
his father → Josefa Alcira Maya de la Torre y Rodríguez
his mother → Vicenta Rodríguez Uzcátegui
her mother → María Celsa Uzcátegui Rincón
her mother → Sancho Antonio de Uzcátegui Briceño
her father → Jacobo de Uzcátegui Bohorques
his father → Luisa Jimeno de Bohorques Dávila
his mother → Juan Jimeno de Bohórquez
her father → Luisa Velásquez de Velasco
his mother → Juan Velásquez de Velasco y Montalvo, Gobernador de La Grita
her father → Ortún Velázquez de Velasco
his father → María Enríquez de Acuña
his mother → Inés Enríquez y Quiñones
her mother → Fadrique Enríquez de Mendoza, 2º Almirante Mayor de Castilla, Conde de Melgar y Rueda
her father → Alonso Enríquez de Castilla, 1er. Almirante Mayor de Castilla, Señor de Medina de Rio Seco
his father → Yonati bat Gedaliah, Paloma
his mother → Gedalia Shlomo ibn ben Shlomo ibn Yaḥyā haZaken
her father → Shlomo ben Yahya ibn Yahya
his father → Yosef ibn Yahya HaZaken
his father → Don Yehuda ibn Yahya ibn Ya'ish
his father → Don Yahya "el Negro"
his father → Yehudah "Ya'ish" ben Yahuda ibn ben Yahudah ibn Yaḥyā, senhor de Aldeia dos Negros
his father → Sisnandiz Moniz
his mother → Elvira "Unisco" Bvira (Elvira) "Unisco" Núñez Sisnandiz Núñes Sisnandiz
her mother → Sisnando ben David Davidiz Davidiz, Vizier of Castile, Emir of Toledo, Comtes de Quimbra
her father → UNDOCUMENTED? Shoshana bat Hai Gaon ben Sherira bat Hai Gaon
his mother → Hai ben Sherira, Gaon v'haDayyan b'Pumbeditha
her father → Sherira ben Hananya Gaon of Pumbeditha
his father → Hananya haSofer of Pumbeditha ben Yehudah, haSofer of Pumbeditha
his father → Mar Rab Judah 'Hazub' bar Pinchas, Exilarch, Gaon, haSofer of Pumbeditha
his father → Rab David I 'Pinchas' ben Abdimi, Exilarch & Gaon of Ramla
his father → Rab Dimi 'Abba Dimi' ben Nechemiah II, 9th Exilarch & Gaon of Ramla
his father → Nechemya ben Magis ben Magis, 8th Exilarch & Gaon of Tiberias "Nechemya II
his father → Haninai "Magis/Majus" ben Mar Sutra II ben Mar Sutra II, 7th Exilarch & Gaon of Tiberias
his father → Rav Yakob 'Zakai' ben Mar Sutra II, 5th Exilarch & Gaon of Tiberias
his father → Mar Sutra II bar Guriya (ben Mar Guria), 4th Exilarch & Gaon of Tiberias
his fatherConsistency CheckShow short path | Share this path
Mar Sutra II bar Guriya (ben Mar Guria), 4th Exilarch & Gaon of Tiberias MP
Gender: Male
Birth: circa 633
Baghdad, Baghdād, Iraq
Immediate Family:
Son of Mar Sutra I "Guriya" ben Mar Zutra III, 3rd Exilarch & Gaon of Tiberias
Husband of (No Name)
Father of Rav Yakob 'Zakai' ben Mar Sutra II, 5th Exilarch & Gaon of Tiberias
Added by: Erik Gross on February 20, 2007
Managed by: Jaim David Harlow, J2b2a1a1a1b3c and 18 others
Curated by: Jaim David Harlow, J2b2a1a1a1b3c
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מר זוטרא השלישי
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Rav Yakob 'Zakai' ben Mar Sutra ...
Mar Sutra I "Guriya" ben Mar Zut...
Familia Urdaneta y sus parientes. Parentescos Consanguíneos, por afinidad y políticos.
sábado, 16 de noviembre de 2019
Rav Yakob Zakai ben Mar Sutra II 5th Exilarch Gaon of Tiberias ✡ Ref: NV-115 |•••► #Israel #Genealogia #Genealogy
35 ° Bisabuelo de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo
(Linea Paterna)
Rav Yakob 'Zakai' ben Mar Sutra II, 5th Exilarch & Gaon of Tiberias is your 35th great grandfather.You→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→ Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna
your father → Carlos Urdaneta Carrillo
his father → Enrique Urdaneta Maya, Dr.
his father → Josefa Alcira Maya de la Torre y Rodríguez
his mother → Vicenta Rodríguez Uzcátegui
her mother → María Celsa Uzcátegui Rincón
her mother → Sancho Antonio de Uzcátegui Briceño
her father → Jacobo de Uzcátegui Bohorques
his father → Luisa Jimeno de Bohorques Dávila
his mother → Juan Jimeno de Bohórquez
her father → Luisa Velásquez de Velasco
his mother → Juan Velásquez de Velasco y Montalvo, Gobernador de La Grita
her father → Ortún Velázquez de Velasco
his father → María Enríquez de Acuña
his mother → Inés Enríquez y Quiñones
her mother → Fadrique Enríquez de Mendoza, 2º Almirante Mayor de Castilla, Conde de Melgar y Rueda
her father → Alonso Enríquez de Castilla, 1er. Almirante Mayor de Castilla, Señor de Medina de Rio Seco
his father → Yonati bat Gedaliah, Paloma
his mother → Gedalia Shlomo ibn ben Shlomo ibn Yaḥyā haZaken
her father → Shlomo ben Yahya ibn Yahya
his father → Yosef ibn Yahya HaZaken
his father → Don Yehuda ibn Yahya ibn Ya'ish
his father → Don Yahya "el Negro"
his father → Yehudah "Ya'ish" ben Yahuda ibn ben Yahudah ibn Yaḥyā, senhor de Aldeia dos Negros
his father → Sisnandiz Moniz
his mother → Elvira "Unisco" Bvira (Elvira) "Unisco" Núñez Sisnandiz Núñes Sisnandiz
her mother → Sisnando ben David Davidiz Davidiz, Vizier of Castile, Emir of Toledo, Comtes de Quimbra
her father → UNDOCUMENTED? Shoshana bat Hai Gaon ben Sherira bat Hai Gaon
his mother → Hai ben Sherira, Gaon v'haDayyan b'Pumbeditha
her father → Sherira ben Hananya Gaon of Pumbeditha
his father → Hananya haSofer of Pumbeditha ben Yehudah, haSofer of Pumbeditha
his father → Mar Rab Judah 'Hazub' bar Pinchas, Exilarch, Gaon, haSofer of Pumbeditha
his father → Rab David I 'Pinchas' ben Abdimi, Exilarch & Gaon of Ramla
his father → Rab Dimi 'Abba Dimi' ben Nechemiah II, 9th Exilarch & Gaon of Ramla
his father → Nechemya ben Magis ben Magis, 8th Exilarch & Gaon of Tiberias "Nechemya II
his father → Haninai "Magis/Majus" ben Mar Sutra II ben Mar Sutra II, 7th Exilarch & Gaon of Tiberias
his father → Rav Yakob 'Zakai' ben Mar Sutra II, 5th Exilarch & Gaon of Tiberias
his fatherConsistency CheckShow short path | Share this path
Rav Yakob 'Zakai' ben Mar Sutra II (Rav Yakob 'Zakai' ben Mar Sutra II, 5th Exilarch & Gaon of Tiberias), 5th Exilarch & Gaon of Tiberias MP
Dutch: Rav Yakob 'Zakai' ben Mar Sutra II, 5th Exilarch &Gaon of Tiberias
Gender: Male
Birth: circa 660
Tiberias, Israel
Death: Ramla, Israel
Immediate Family:
Son of Mar Sutra II bar Guriya (ben Mar Guria), 4th Exilarch & Gaon of Tiberias and (No Name)
Husband of 2nd Wife of Rav Yakob and Shushannah HaYafa
Father of Shemaiyah Nasi ben Yaakov and Haninai "Magis/Majus" ben Mar Sutra II ben Mar Sutra II, 7th Exilarch & Gaon of Tiberias
Added by: Erik Gross on February 20, 2007
Managed by: Jaim David Harlow, J2b2a1a1a1b3c and 19 others
Curated by: Jaim David Harlow, J2b2a1a1a1b3c
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Little is known, however we do know that Yakob is the son of Sa'adyah (Mar Sutra II). He has two (2) sons
1) Shlomo ben Zakai (Migas) and
2) Shemaiyah
מר זוטרא השלישי
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Shushannah HaYafa
Haninai "Magis/Majus" ben Mar Su...
2nd Wife of Rav Yakob
Shemaiyah Nasi ben Yaakov
Mar Sutra II bar Guriya (ben Mar...
(No Name)
35 ° Bisabuelo de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo
(Linea Paterna)
Rav Yakob 'Zakai' ben Mar Sutra II, 5th Exilarch & Gaon of Tiberias is your 35th great grandfather.You→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→ Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna
your father → Carlos Urdaneta Carrillo
his father → Enrique Urdaneta Maya, Dr.
his father → Josefa Alcira Maya de la Torre y Rodríguez
his mother → Vicenta Rodríguez Uzcátegui
her mother → María Celsa Uzcátegui Rincón
her mother → Sancho Antonio de Uzcátegui Briceño
her father → Jacobo de Uzcátegui Bohorques
his father → Luisa Jimeno de Bohorques Dávila
his mother → Juan Jimeno de Bohórquez
her father → Luisa Velásquez de Velasco
his mother → Juan Velásquez de Velasco y Montalvo, Gobernador de La Grita
her father → Ortún Velázquez de Velasco
his father → María Enríquez de Acuña
his mother → Inés Enríquez y Quiñones
her mother → Fadrique Enríquez de Mendoza, 2º Almirante Mayor de Castilla, Conde de Melgar y Rueda
her father → Alonso Enríquez de Castilla, 1er. Almirante Mayor de Castilla, Señor de Medina de Rio Seco
his father → Yonati bat Gedaliah, Paloma
his mother → Gedalia Shlomo ibn ben Shlomo ibn Yaḥyā haZaken
her father → Shlomo ben Yahya ibn Yahya
his father → Yosef ibn Yahya HaZaken
his father → Don Yehuda ibn Yahya ibn Ya'ish
his father → Don Yahya "el Negro"
his father → Yehudah "Ya'ish" ben Yahuda ibn ben Yahudah ibn Yaḥyā, senhor de Aldeia dos Negros
his father → Sisnandiz Moniz
his mother → Elvira "Unisco" Bvira (Elvira) "Unisco" Núñez Sisnandiz Núñes Sisnandiz
her mother → Sisnando ben David Davidiz Davidiz, Vizier of Castile, Emir of Toledo, Comtes de Quimbra
her father → UNDOCUMENTED? Shoshana bat Hai Gaon ben Sherira bat Hai Gaon
his mother → Hai ben Sherira, Gaon v'haDayyan b'Pumbeditha
her father → Sherira ben Hananya Gaon of Pumbeditha
his father → Hananya haSofer of Pumbeditha ben Yehudah, haSofer of Pumbeditha
his father → Mar Rab Judah 'Hazub' bar Pinchas, Exilarch, Gaon, haSofer of Pumbeditha
his father → Rab David I 'Pinchas' ben Abdimi, Exilarch & Gaon of Ramla
his father → Rab Dimi 'Abba Dimi' ben Nechemiah II, 9th Exilarch & Gaon of Ramla
his father → Nechemya ben Magis ben Magis, 8th Exilarch & Gaon of Tiberias "Nechemya II
his father → Haninai "Magis/Majus" ben Mar Sutra II ben Mar Sutra II, 7th Exilarch & Gaon of Tiberias
his father → Rav Yakob 'Zakai' ben Mar Sutra II, 5th Exilarch & Gaon of Tiberias
his fatherConsistency CheckShow short path | Share this path
Rav Yakob 'Zakai' ben Mar Sutra II (Rav Yakob 'Zakai' ben Mar Sutra II, 5th Exilarch & Gaon of Tiberias), 5th Exilarch & Gaon of Tiberias MP
Dutch: Rav Yakob 'Zakai' ben Mar Sutra II, 5th Exilarch &Gaon of Tiberias
Gender: Male
Birth: circa 660
Tiberias, Israel
Death: Ramla, Israel
Immediate Family:
Son of Mar Sutra II bar Guriya (ben Mar Guria), 4th Exilarch & Gaon of Tiberias and (No Name)
Husband of 2nd Wife of Rav Yakob and Shushannah HaYafa
Father of Shemaiyah Nasi ben Yaakov and Haninai "Magis/Majus" ben Mar Sutra II ben Mar Sutra II, 7th Exilarch & Gaon of Tiberias
Added by: Erik Gross on February 20, 2007
Managed by: Jaim David Harlow, J2b2a1a1a1b3c and 19 others
Curated by: Jaim David Harlow, J2b2a1a1a1b3c
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English (default) history
Little is known, however we do know that Yakob is the son of Sa'adyah (Mar Sutra II). He has two (2) sons
1) Shlomo ben Zakai (Migas) and
2) Shemaiyah
מר זוטרא השלישי
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Shushannah HaYafa
Haninai "Magis/Majus" ben Mar Su...
2nd Wife of Rav Yakob
Shemaiyah Nasi ben Yaakov
Mar Sutra II bar Guriya (ben Mar...
(No Name)
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