lunes, 30 de enero de 2023

Alan I the Great king of Brittany ♛★Bisabuelo n°25★ Ref: KB-0857 |•••► #FRANCIA 🇫🇷🏆 #Genealogía #Genealogy

 25 ° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Alan I "the Great", king of Brittany is your 25th great grandfather.



 (Linea Materna)


Alan I "the Great", king of Brittany is your 25th great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Morella Álamo Borges

your mother → Belén Eloina Borges Ustáriz

her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna

her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesús Uztáriz y Monserrate

her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra

his mother → Teniente Coronel Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina

her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza

his mother → Isabel Manuela Josefa Hurtado de Mendoza y Rojas Manrique

her mother → Juana de Rojas Manrique de Mendoza

her mother → Constanza de Mendoza Mate de Luna

her mother → Mayor de Mendoza Manzanedo

her mother → Juan Fernández De Mendoza Y Manuel

her father → Sancha Manuel

his mother → Sancho Manuel de Villena Castañeda, señor del Infantado y Carrión de los Céspedes

her father → Manuel de Castilla, señor de Escalona

his father → Elizabeth of Swabia

his mother → Philipp von Schwaben, King of Germany

her father → Beatrice of Burgundy

his mother → Reginald III, Count of Burgundy

her father → Stephen I "the Rash" count of Mâcon & Burgundy

his father → William I "the Great" count of Burgundy

his father → Adeliza (Alice) of Normandy, Countess Of Burgundy

his mother → Judith of Brittany

her mother → Conan I 'le Tort’ de Rennes, duc de Bretagne

her father → Judicaël Berenger de Rennes, comte de Rennes

his father → Pascweten de Rennes

his father → Alan I "the Great", king of Brittany

his father


Alan MP

French: Alain

Gender: Male

Birth: before circa December 11, 857

Nantes, Loire-Atlantique, Pays de la Loire, France

Death: November 10, 907

Nantes, Loire-Atlantique, Pays DE La Loire, France

Place of Burial: Nantes, France

Immediate Family:

Son of Ridoredh de Bretagne, Comte de Nantes et Vannes and Aremburge d'Ancenis (concubine)

Husband of Oreguen, Queen of Britanny

Father of Rudalt, comte de Vannes; Pascweten de Rennes; Guerec de Bretagne; Budic de Bretagne and N.N.

Brother of Pascwethen de Vannes, duc de Bretagne

Added by: <private> Hibbard on June 19, 2007

Managed by: Jf Antoine and 91 others

Curated by: Jf Antoine

 0 M

HISTORIA - history


Alain (Alan) I, rey de Bretaña

Alano I (en francés: Alain; muerto en 907), llamado el Grande, fue conde de Vannes y duque de Bretaña (dux Brittonium) desde 876 hasta su muerte. Probablemente también fue el único rey de Bretaña (rex Brittaniæ) que ostentó ese título por concesión legítima del emperador.

Alan era el segundo hijo del conde Ridoredh de Vannes. Sucedió a su hermano Pascweten en Vannes y Bretaña cuando este último murió, probablemente a mediados de 876. Representaba el bloque de poder del sureste de Bretaña y tuvo que luchar, inicialmente, contra Judicael de Poher, representante de los intereses bretones occidentales, por el trono ducal. Finalmente, él y Judicael hicieron las paces para luchar contra los vikingos. Judicael murió en la batalla de Questembert en 888 o 889. En 890, Alano derrotó a los vikingos en Saint-Lô, persiguiéndolos en un río donde muchos se ahogaron.

Después de la muerte de Judicael, Alan gobernó toda Bretaña como lo había sido durante la época de Salomón. Gobernó no solo los territorios bretones de Léon, Domnonée, Cornouaille y Vannetais, sino también los condados francos de Rennes, Nantes, Coutances y Avranches, así como las partes occidentales de Poitou (el llamado pays de Retz) y Anjou. En el este, su gobierno se extendió hasta el río Vire. Fue el primer gobernante bretón en gobernar todo este territorio sin gran oposición dentro del oeste y el último en gobernar todo el bloque de países franco-celtas. Su oponente más fuerte fue Fulco I de Anjou, quien disputó el control de los Nantais con él, aunque Alan parece haber tenido la ventaja en su vida. Su base de poder permaneció en el sureste y era poderoso y rico en tierras alrededor de Vannes y Nantes.

Según la Crónica anglosajona, después de la muerte de Carlomán II en 884, Carlos el Gordo sucedió a toda Francia Occidental excepto Bretaña, haciendo así de Bretaña un reino independiente; Pero esto no parece haber sido cierto. Una carta datable entre 897 y 900 hace referencia al alma de Karolus en cuyo nombre Alan había ordenado que se dijeran oraciones en el monasterio de Redon. Este fue probablemente Carlos el Gordo, quien, como emperador, probablemente le otorgó a Alan el derecho a ser titulado rex. Como emperador habría tenido esa prerrogativa y se sabe que tuvo contactos con Nantes en 886, por lo que no es improbable que entrara en comunicación con Alan. Carlos también hizo un esfuerzo concertado para gobernar eficazmente en la totalidad de su imperio y para hacer antiguos enemigos, con dudosos vínculos con el imperio, como el vikingo Godfrid, hombres de prestigio a cambio de su lealtad. A lo largo de su reinado, Alan usó símbolos carolingios de regalías y formas carolingias en sus cartas.

Alan aumentó su poder durante los débiles reinados de Odón y Carlos III. Murió en 907 y Bretaña fue invadida por los vikingos, que mantuvieron la región hasta 936, cuando el nieto de Alan, Alan II, logró restablecer el gobierno cristiano, pero Bretaña nunca fue tan extendida como en la época de Alan y ningún futuro gobernante bretón fue llamado reyes.

Hijos de su esposa Oreguen, Alan dejó el siguiente número:

Pascweten (muerto c. 903)



Rudalt, conde de Vannes, huyó de la invasión vikinga c. 919

Hija sin nombre, que se casó con Mathuedoi, conde de Poher, y fue la madre de Alan II

Hija sin nombre, que se casó con Tangui, conde de Vannes, murió antes de 913.

ALAIN (-907). Regino registra que "Alanus frater Pasquitani" sucedió a su hermano, conjuntamente con "Iudicheil, ex filia Herispoii regis natus"[73]. Los Annales Mettenses nombran "Judicheil ex filia Heriospoii regis natus" al registrar que gobernó conjuntamente con "Alanus frater Pasquitani"[74]. Sucedió a su hermano en [876] como ALAIN I "le Grand" duque conjunto de Bretaña, gobernando conjuntamente con Judicaël hijo del duque Gurwent. Regino registra disputas entre "Alanum et Iudicheil duces Brittonium" en 890[75] y, en un pasaje anterior, que el duque Alain gobernó únicamente después de que Judicaël muriera luchando contra los vikingos[76]. La Crónica anglosajona registra que los bretones derrotaron a los vikingos en St Lo en 890 y "los arrojaron a un río y ahogaron a muchos"[77]. Parece que, después de la muerte de Alain, el poder en Bretaña fue compartido entre los condes de Poher (yerno de Alain), Vannes (el posible hijo mayor de Alain) y Cornouaïlle, y que ninguno de ellos fue reconocido como gobernante general. Es probable que esta situación persistiera hasta la invasión vikinga en 919, ya que no se ha encontrado ninguna referencia a ningún duque bretón general durante ese tiempo en ninguna de las fuentes primarias consultadas hasta ahora en la preparación del presente documento. m [primero] OREGUEN, hija de ---. "Alano ... rex Brittaniæ" donó la propiedad "abbatial sancti Sergii in pago Andecavensi" a "Raino Andacavensis episcopus" a "episcopo Adalaldo archiepiscopo simulque Rainoni episcopo, fratri eiusdem" por carta fechada [5 Feb 897/26 Nov 903], suscrita por "Orgaim uxoris suæ... Vuereche filii Alani, Pascuiten fratris sui"[78]. [m en segundo lugar como su primer marido, ---. "Tanchi viene ... cum... filiolum suum Derian, filium Alani" propiedad compartida que donaron a la abadía de Redon por carta fechada el 27 de noviembre de 910, "Gurmahilon regnante Britanniam"[79]. Esta carta indica que Tanguy estaba estrechamente relacionado con la familia del duque Alain. El uso de la palabra "filiolus" sugiere que Derien pudo haber sido el hijastro de Tanguy. Como los otros hijos conocidos del duque Alain eran adultos a finales del siglo 9, como lo demuestran los diversos documentos en los que se nombran, es poco probable que su madre se hubiera vuelto a casar después de la muerte de su marido. Por lo tanto, la explicación más probable es que Alain se volvió a casar después de la muerte de su esposa Oreguen, tuvo un hijo de este segundo matrimonio, y que su viuda se casó en segundo lugar con Tanguy después de la muerte de su primer marido. Esto explicaría la tenencia conjunta de propiedades en las que no se afirma que los otros hijos del duque Alain hayan tenido ningún interés.] El duque Alain I y su [primera] esposa tuvieron [seis] hijos.



Smith, Julia M. H. Provincia e Imperio: Bretaña y los carolingios. Cambridge University Press: 1992.

Tierras medievales Fundación para la Genealogía Medieval. 2006 - 2010.

Artículo de Wikipedia sobre Alan I, rey de Bretaña


Alain (Alan) I, King of Brittany

Alan I (French: Alain; died 907), called the Great, was the Count of Vannes and Duke of Brittany (dux Brittonium) from 876 until his death. He was probably also the only King of Brittany (rex Brittaniæ) to hold that title by legitimate grant of the Emperor.

Alan was the second son of Count Ridoredh of Vannes. He succeeded his brother Pascweten in Vannes and Brittany when the latter died, probably in the middle of 876. He represented the power bloc of southeastern Brittany and had to fight, initially, against Judicael of Poher, representative of western Breton interests, for the ducal throne. Eventually he and Judicael made peace in order to fight the Vikings. Judicael died in the Battle of Questembert in 888 or 889. In 890, Alan defeated the Vikings at Saint-Lô, chasing them into a river where many drowned.

After the death of Judicael, Alan ruled all of Brittany as it had been during the time of Salomon. He ruled not only the Breton territories of Léon, Domnonée, Cornouaille, and the Vannetais, but also the Frankish counties of Rennes, Nantes, Coutances, and Avranches, as well as the western parts of Poitou (the so-called pays de Retz) and Anjou. In the east his rule extended as far as the river Vire. He was the first Breton ruler to rule this entire territory without great opposition within the west and the last to rule the whole bloc of Franco-Celtic countries. His strongest opponent was Fulk I of Anjou, who disputed control of the Nantais with him, though Alan seems to have had the upper hand in his lifetime. His power base remained in the southeast and he was powerful and wealthy in land in around Vannes and Nantes.

According to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, after the death of Carloman II in 884, Charles the Fat succeeded to all of West Francia save Brittany, thus making Brittany an independent kingdom; but this does not seem to have been true. A charter datable to between 897 and 900 makes reference to the soul of Karolus on whose behalf Alan had ordered prayers to be said in the monastery of Redon. This was probably Charles the Fat, who, as emperor, probably granted Alan the right to be titled rex. As emperor he would have had that prerogative and he is known to have had contacts with Nantes in 886, making it not improbable that he came into communication with Alan. Charles also made a concerted effort to rule effectively in the entirety of his empire and to make former enemies, with dubious ties to the empire, like the Viking Godfrid, men of standing in return for their loyalty. Throughout his reign, Alan used Carolingian symbols of regalia and Carolingian forms in his charters.

Alan augmented his power during the weak reigns of Odo and Charles III. He died in 907 and Brittany was overrun by Vikings, who held the region until 936, when Alan's grandson, Alan II, succeeded in reestablishing Christian rule, but Brittany was never thenceforth as extended as in Alan's time and no future Breton rulers were called kings.

Children by his wife Oreguen, Alan left the following issue:

Pascweten (died c. 903)



Rudalt, Count of Vannes, fled the Viking invasion c. 919

Unnamed daughter, who married Mathuedoi, Count of Poher, and was the mother of Alan II

Unnamed daughter, who married Tangui, Count of Vannes, died before 913

ALAIN (-907). Regino records that "Alanus frater Pasquitani" succeeded his brother, jointly with "Iudicheil, ex filia Herispoii regis natus"[73]. The Annales Mettenses names "Judicheil ex filia Heriospoii regis natus" when recording that he ruled jointly with "Alanus frater Pasquitani"[74]. He succeeded his brother in [876] as ALAIN I "le Grand" joint Duke of Brittany, ruling jointly with Judicaël son of Duke Gurwent. Regino records disputes between "Alanum et Iudicheil duces Brittonium" in 890[75] and, in an earlier passage, that Duke Alain ruled solely after Judicaël died fighting the Vikings[76]. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle records that the Bretons defeated the Vikings at St Lo in 890 and "drove them into a river and drowned many"[77]. It appears that, after the death of Alain, power in Brittany was shared between the counts of Poher (Alain´s son-in-law), Vannes (Alain´s possible eldest son) and Cornouaïlle, and that none of them was acknowledged as overall ruler. It is likely that this situation persisted until the Viking invasion in 919 as no reference has been found to any overall Breton duke during that time in any of the primary sources so far consulted in the preparation of the present document. m [firstly] OREGUEN, daughter of ---. "Alanus…rex Brittaniæ" donated property "abbatial sancti Sergii in pago Andecavensi" to "Raino Andacavensis episcopus" to "episcopo Adalaldo archiepiscopo simulque Rainoni episcopo, fratri eiusdem" by charter dated [5 Feb 897/26 Nov 903], subscribed by "Orgaim uxoris suæ…Vuereche filii Alani, Pascuiten fratris sui"[78]. [m secondly as her first husband, ---. "Tanchi comes…cum…filiolum suum Derian, filium Alani" shared property which they donated to the abbey of Redon by charter dated 27 Nov 910, "Gurmahilon regnante Britanniam"[79]. This charter indicates that Tanguy was closely related to the family of Duke Alain. The use of the word "filiolus" suggests that Derien may have been Tanguy´s stepson. As Duke Alain´s other known children were adult by the late 9th century as shown by the various documents in which they are named, it is unlikely that their mother would have remarried after her husband´s death. The most likely explanation therefore is that Alain remarried after the death of his wife Oreguen, had a son by this second marriage, and that his widow married secondly Tanguy after her first husband died. This would explain the joint holding of property in which the other sons of Duke Alain are not stated to have held any interest.] Duke Alain I & his [first] wife had [six] children.



Smith, Julia M. H. Province and Empire: Brittany and the Carolingians. Cambridge University Press: 1992.

Medieval Lands Foundation for Medieval Genealogy. 2006 - 2010.

Wikipedia article on Alan I, King of Brittany

Alan and Jukeal, his brother, ruled Brittany together. When his brother died he ruled alone. He held the title of King of Brittany ,bestowed by the Emperor, from 890 until his death in 907. He was successful in fighting off a Viking invasion in 890.

Henry Project:

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Oreguen, Queen of Britanny


Rudalt, comte de Vannes


Pascweten de Rennes


Guerec de Bretagne


Budic de Bretagne




Ridoredh de Bretagne, Comte de N...


Aremburge d'Ancenis (concubine)


Pascwethen de Vannes, duc de Bre...



Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.


Sveidi Heytirsson Sea King ★Bisabuelo n°29★ Ref: SH-0514 |•••► #NORUEGA 🏆 🇳🇴 #Genealogía #Genealogy

 29 ° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Sveidi Heytirsson, Sea King is your 29th great grandfather.



 (Linea Materna)


Sveidi Heytirsson, Sea King is your 29th great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Morella Álamo Borges

your mother → Belén Eloina Borges Ustáriz

her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna

her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesús Uztáriz y Monserrate

her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra

his mother → Teniente Coronel Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina

her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza

his mother → Isabel Manuela Josefa Hurtado de Mendoza y Rojas Manrique

her mother → Juana de Rojas Manrique de Mendoza

her mother → Constanza de Mendoza Mate de Luna

her mother → Mayor de Mendoza Manzanedo

her mother → Juan Fernández De Mendoza Y Manuel

her father → Sancha Manuel

his mother → Sancho Manuel de Villena Castañeda, señor del Infantado y Carrión de los Céspedes

her father → Manuel de Castilla, señor de Escalona

his father → Elizabeth of Swabia

his mother → Philipp von Schwaben, King of Germany

her father → Beatrice of Burgundy

his mother → Reginald III, Count of Burgundy

her father → Stephen I "the Rash" count of Mâcon & Burgundy

his father → William I "the Great" count of Burgundy

his father → Adeliza (Alice) of Normandy, Countess Of Burgundy

his mother → Richard II "the Good", Duke of Normandy

her father → Richard I, 'the Fearless', Duke of Normandy

his father → William "Longsword"

his father → Gange-Hrólfr 'Rollo' Ragnvaldsson

his father → Ragnvald Eysteinsson, Earl of Møre

his father → Eystein Ivarsson «the Noisy» Glumra

his father → Ivar Halfdansson, Opplendingejarl

his father → Halfdan "Gamle" Sveidasson

his father → Sveidi Heytirsson, Sea King

his father


Sveidi Heytirsson, Sea King is your 18th great grandfather's wife's 8th great grandfather.


  → Morella Álamo Borges

your mother → show 28 relatives → Halfdan "Gamle" Sveidasson

his father → Sveidi Heytirsson, Sea King

his fatherConsistency CheckShare this path

Sveidi Heytirsson, Sea King MP 

Norwegian: Sveide Heitesson, Sjøkonge

Gender: Male

Birth: estimated between 514 and 574 

Romsdal, Møre og Romsdal, Norway 

Death: Norway

Place of Burial: Oppland

Immediate Family:

Son of Heytir Gorsson, Sea King and N.N.

Husband of N.N.

Father of Halfdan "Gamle" Sveidasson

Added by: Dean Ronald Tanner, Sr. on May 26, 2007

Managed by: Ric Dickinson and 213 others

Curated by: Harald Tveit Alvestrand

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Un rey del mar (sækonungr) en las sagas nórdicas es generalmente un título dado a un poderoso jefe vikingo, aunque el término rey del mar a veces puede ser anterior a la era vikinga.

La saga Orkneyinga contiene la primera referencia a los reyes del mar. Allí la línea original de 'reyes' de Kvenland (actual Finlandia) termina con el padre de Gor Thorrasson 'Sea King'. La denominación de "Rey del Mar" a nombres posteriores, desde Gor hasta su bisnieto, Sveidi, sugiere que pierden o entregan su herencia como reyes Kven y gobiernan los mares en su lugar, terminando finalmente como señores menores en Noruega. [1]

Los reyes del mar también podían ser jefes noruegos y daneses independientes o nobles, y también reyes de Suecia (como Yngvi y Jorund), o hijos de reyes, como Refil. Sin embargo, también podrían ser hombres "sin techo" como Hjörvard el Ylfing; Tales hombres sin techo podían ser tan poderosos que podían someter a un país y hacerse reyes. Dos ejemplos son Sölve que mató al rey sueco Östen, y Haki que mató al rey sueco Hugleik. Sin embargo, en ambos casos finalmente perdieron debido a la falta de apoyo popular.


content to clean up

"Hvorledes Norge ble bygget",

Orkney Saga


Random private tree:

I henhold til Orknøyingenes saga går Ragnvalds Mørejarls ætt langt tilbake: «Heite Gors sønn var far til Sveide sjøkonge, far til Halvdan den gamle, far til Ivar Opplendingejarl, far til Øystein Glumra, far til Ragnvald jarl den mektige og den rådsnare». Den samme sagaen strekker hans ætt tilbake til en mytologisk opprinnelse til skikkelse ved navn Fornjot fra Finland eller Kvenland.

In English:

Heiti, Gorr’s son, was father of Sveiði the sea-king, the father of Halfdan the old, the father of Ivar the Uplanders’ earl, the father of Eystein the noisy, the father of earl Rognvald the mighty and the wise in council

quote from

Documentation of this version of "Svidri Heytsson" is missing. There are online trees: that show a parent named "Ogier", but no source is given.

This conflicts with Sveidi Heytsson that is listed in the "Hversum Norgeg Byggdist", and is the master profile: Sveidi Heytirsson, Sea King. Do not merge.

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Halfdan "Gamle" Sveidasson




Heytir Gorsson, Sea King



Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.


Roger Mortimer, 1st Baron Mortimer ★Bisabuelo n°22★ Ref: RM-1231 |•••► #REINO UNIDO 🏆🇬🇧 #Genealogía #Genealogy

 22° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Roger Mortimer, 1st Baron Mortimer is your 22nd great grandfather.



(Linea Paterna) 


Roger Mortimer, 1st Baron Mortimer is your 22nd great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Dr. Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna

your father → Elena Cecilia Lecuna Escobar

his mother → Vicente de Jesus Lecuna Salboch, Dr.

her father → Ramón Lecuna Sucre

his father → Josefa Margarita Sucre y Márquez de Valenzuela

his mother → Coronel Vicente Vitto Luis Ramón de Sucre y García de Urbaneja

her father → Coronel Antonio Mauricio Jacinto Tadeo Rosalio Sucre Pardo y Trelles

his father → Carlos Francisco Francois Sucre y Pardo, Sargento Mayor

his father → Charles Adrien de Sucre y D´Ives

his father → Charles Antoine de Sucre y Martigny

his father → Antonio de Succre y Hontoy

his father → Francois dit Godefroy de Succre

his father → Antonio de Succre

his father → Jeanne de Thurut

his mother → Jeanne Grebert y Vredeau

her mother → Jacqueline Vredeau

her mother → Jean Vredeau, prévôt de Valenciennes

her father → Marie du Gardin

his mother → Marie de Saint Amand

her mother → Joan de Haudlo

her mother → Maud Haudlo

her mother → Maud FitzAlan

her mother → Isabella de Mortimer, Countess of Arundel

her mother → Roger Mortimer, 1st Baron Mortimer

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Roger de Mortimer, 6th Baron of Wigmore  MP 

Gender: Male 

Birth: circa 1231

Cwmaron Castle, Radnorshire, Wales (United Kingdom) 

Death: October 27, 1282 (46-55)

Kingsland, Herefordshire, England (United Kingdom) 

Place of Burial: Wigmore Abbey, Herefordshire, England (United Kingdom) 

Immediate Family:

Son of Sir Ralph de Mortimer and Gwladys Ddu verch Llewelyn

Husband of Maud de Braose, Baroness Mortimer

Father of Isabella de Mortimer, Countess of Arundel; Ralph de Mortimer, of Wigmore; Edmund de Mortimer, 2nd Baron Mortimer of Wigmore; Sir Geoffrey de Mortimer; Roger de Mortimer, of Chirke and 2 others

Brother of Hugh de Mortimer, Lord of Chelmhurst; John de Mortimer; Peter de Mortimer and Joan Corbet 

Added by: Richard Stuart Robertson on May 22, 2007

Managed by: Ric Dickinson and 179 others

Curated by: Janet Palo-Jackson

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Isabella de Mortimer Countess of Arundel ★Bisabuela n°21★ Ref: IM-1248 |•••► #REINO UNIDO 🏆🇬🇧 #Genealogía #Genealogy

 21° Bisabuela/ Great Grandmother de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Isabella de Mortimer, Countess of Arundel is your 21st great grandmother.



(Linea Paterna) 


Isabella de Mortimer, Countess of Arundel is your 21st great grandmother.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Dr. Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna

your father → Elena Cecilia Lecuna Escobar

his mother → Vicente de Jesus Lecuna Salboch, Dr.

her father → Ramón Lecuna Sucre

his father → Josefa Margarita Sucre y Márquez de Valenzuela

his mother → Coronel Vicente Vitto Luis Ramón de Sucre y García de Urbaneja

her father → Coronel Antonio Mauricio Jacinto Tadeo Rosalio Sucre Pardo y Trelles

his father → Carlos Francisco Francois Sucre y Pardo, Sargento Mayor

his father → Charles Adrien de Sucre y D´Ives

his father → Charles Antoine de Sucre y Martigny

his father → Antonio de Succre y Hontoy

his father → Francois dit Godefroy de Succre

his father → Antonio de Succre

his father → Jeanne de Thurut

his mother → Jeanne Grebert y Vredeau

her mother → Jacqueline Vredeau

her mother → Jean Vredeau, prévôt de Valenciennes

her father → Marie du Gardin

his mother → Marie de Saint Amand

her mother → Joan de Haudlo

her mother → Maud Haudlo

her mother → Maud FitzAlan

her mother → Isabella de Mortimer, Countess of Arundel

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Isabella de Mortimer, Countess of Arundel MP 

Gender: Female

Birth: 1248

Wigmore, Herefordshire, England (United Kingdom)

Death: before 1292

Susex, Arundel, West Sussex, England (United Kingdom)

Immediate Family:

Daughter of Roger Mortimer, 1st Baron Mortimer and Maud de Braose, Baroness Mortimer

Wife of John FitzAlan, 7th Earl of Arundel and Sir Robert de Hastang, Of Chebsey & Leamington

Mother of Joan Cornwall, Lady of Winchester; Richard FitzAlan, 8th Earl Arundel; Maud FitzAlan; John FitzAlan and Sir John de Hastang, Knt., of Chebsey Hastang

Sister of Ralph de Mortimer, of Wigmore; Edmund de Mortimer, 2nd Baron Mortimer of Wigmore; Sir Geoffrey de Mortimer; Roger de Mortimer, of Chirke; Sir William Mortimer and 1 other 

Added by: Richard Stuart Robertson on May 22, 2007

Managed by: Ric Dickinson and 152 others

Curated by: Anne Brannen

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Thewer verch Brydw ★Bisabuela n°46★ Ref: Tv-0450 |•••► #REINO UNIDO 🏆🇬🇧 #Genealogía #Genealogy

46 ° Bisabuela/ Great Grandmother de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Thewer verch Brydw is your 46th great grandmother.


(Linea Paterna) 
Thewer verch Brydw is your 46th great grandmother.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Dr. Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna
your father → Elena Cecilia Lecuna Escobar
his mother → Vicente de Jesus Lecuna Salboch, Dr.
her father → Ramón Lecuna Sucre
his father → Josefa Margarita Sucre y Márquez de Valenzuela
his mother → Coronel Vicente Vitto Luis Ramón de Sucre y García de Urbaneja
her father → Coronel Antonio Mauricio Jacinto Tadeo Rosalio Sucre Pardo y Trelles
his father → Carlos Francisco Francois Sucre y Pardo, Sargento Mayor
his father → Charles Adrien de Sucre y D´Ives
his father → Charles Antoine de Sucre y Martigny
his father → Antonio de Succre y Hontoy
his father → Francois dit Godefroy de Succre
his father → Antonio de Succre
his father → Jeanne de Thurut
his mother → Jeanne Grebert y Vredeau
her mother → Jacqueline Vredeau
her mother → Jean Vredeau, prévôt de Valenciennes
her father → Marie du Gardin
his mother → Marie de Saint Amand
her mother → Joan de Haudlo
her mother → Maud Haudlo
her mother → Maud FitzAlan
her mother → Isabella de Mortimer, Countess of Arundel
her mother → Roger Mortimer, 1st Baron Mortimer
her father → Gwladys Ddu verch Llewelyn
his mother → Llewelyn Fawr ab Iorwerth, Prince of Gwynedd
her father → Margred verch Madog, of Powys
his mother → Madog ap Maredudd, Brenin Powys
her father → Maredudd ap Bleddyn, Brenin Powys
his father → Bleddyn ap Cynfyn, Brenin Powys
his father → Cynfyn ap Gwerystan, arglwydd Cwybr
his father → Gwerystan ap Gwaithfoed
his father → Gwaithfoed of Powys
his father → Gwynnog Farfsych ap Lles Llydogg
his father → Lles Llyddog ap Ceido, Lord of Tegeingl
his father → Ceido ap Corf, Brenin Powys
his father → Corf ap Caenog, Brenin Powys
his father → Caenog ap Tegonwy
his father → Tegonwy ap Teon
his father → Teon ap Gwineu
his father → Gwineu Deufrewddwyd (with two dreams) ap Bywyr Llew
his father → Bywyr Lew ap Bywdeg
his father → Bywdeg ap Rhun Rhudd Baladr
his father → Rhun Rhudd Baladr (with the red shaft) ap Gwyn Gohoyw
his father → Gwyn Gohoyw ap Gloyw Gwallt Lydan
his father → Gloyw Gwallt Lydian (of the wide country) ap Llary
his father → Llary ap Casnar
his father → Thewer verch Brydw
his mother

Thewer verch Brydw MP
Gender: Female
Birth: circa 450
Immediate Family:
Daughter of Brydw ap Cadell Ddrynllwg
Wife of Casnar Wledig
Mother of Cynan ap Casanauth Wledig and Llary ap Casnar
Sister of Camuir ap Brydw

Added by: <private> Hibbard on June 4, 2007
Managed by: Jon Brees Thogmartin FTDNA Mcclendon and 17 others
Curated by: Anne Brannen

Llary ap Casnar (0475) ★Bisabuelo n°45★ Ref: La-0475 |•••► #REINO UNIDO 🏆🇬🇧 #Genealogía #Genealogy

 45 ° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Llary ap Casnar is your 45th great grandfather.



(Linea Paterna) 


Llary ap Casnar is your 45th great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Dr. Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna

your father → Elena Cecilia Lecuna Escobar

his mother → Vicente de Jesus Lecuna Salboch, Dr.

her father → Ramón Lecuna Sucre

his father → Josefa Margarita Sucre y Márquez de Valenzuela

his mother → Coronel Vicente Vitto Luis Ramón de Sucre y García de Urbaneja

her father → Coronel Antonio Mauricio Jacinto Tadeo Rosalio Sucre Pardo y Trelles

his father → Carlos Francisco Francois Sucre y Pardo, Sargento Mayor

his father → Charles Adrien de Sucre y D´Ives

his father → Charles Antoine de Sucre y Martigny

his father → Antonio de Succre y Hontoy

his father → Francois dit Godefroy de Succre

his father → Antonio de Succre

his father → Jeanne de Thurut

his mother → Jeanne Grebert y Vredeau

her mother → Jacqueline Vredeau

her mother → Jean Vredeau, prévôt de Valenciennes

her father → Marie du Gardin

his mother → Marie de Saint Amand

her mother → Joan de Haudlo

her mother → Maud Haudlo

her mother → Maud FitzAlan

her mother → Isabella de Mortimer, Countess of Arundel

her mother → Roger Mortimer, 1st Baron Mortimer

her father → Gwladys Ddu verch Llewelyn

his mother → Llewelyn Fawr ab Iorwerth, Prince of Gwynedd

her father → Margred verch Madog, of Powys

his mother → Madog ap Maredudd, Brenin Powys

her father → Maredudd ap Bleddyn, Brenin Powys

his father → Bleddyn ap Cynfyn, Brenin Powys

his father → Cynfyn ap Gwerystan, arglwydd Cwybr

his father → Gwerystan ap Gwaithfoed

his father → Gwaithfoed of Powys

his father → Gwynnog Farfsych ap Lles Llydogg

his father → Lles Llyddog ap Ceido, Lord of Tegeingl

his father → Ceido ap Corf, Brenin Powys

his father → Corf ap Caenog, Brenin Powys

his father → Caenog ap Tegonwy

his father → Tegonwy ap Teon

his father → Teon ap Gwineu

his father → Gwineu Deufrewddwyd (with two dreams) ap Bywyr Llew

his father → Bywyr Lew ap Bywdeg

his father → Bywdeg ap Rhun Rhudd Baladr

his father → Rhun Rhudd Baladr (with the red shaft) ap Gwyn Gohoyw

his father → Gwyn Gohoyw ap Gloyw Gwallt Lydan

his father → Gloyw Gwallt Lydian (of the wide country) ap Llary

his father → Llary ap Casnar

his father


Llary ap Casnar MP

Gender: Male

Birth: circa 475

Immediate Family:

Son of Casnar Wledig and Thewer verch Brydw

Father of Gloyw Gwallt Lydian (of the wide country) ap Llary

Brother of Cynan ap Casanauth Wledig

Added by: <private> Hibbard on June 4, 2007

Managed by: Jon Brees Thogmartin FTDNA Mcclendon and 29 others

Curated by: Anne Brannen

Caderyn Fendigaid ap Gwrtheyrn, Brenin Powys ★Bisabuelo n°47★ Ref: CF-0404 |•••► #REINO UNIDO 🏆🇬🇧 #Genealogía #Genealogy

 47 ° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Caderyn Fendigaid ap Gwrtheyrn, Brenin Powys is your 47th great grandfather.



(Linea Paterna) 


Caderyn Fendigaid ap Gwrtheyrn, Brenin Powys is your 47th great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Dr. Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna

your father → Elena Cecilia Lecuna Escobar

his mother → Vicente de Jesus Lecuna Salboch, Dr.

her father → Ramón Lecuna Sucre

his father → Josefa Margarita Sucre y Márquez de Valenzuela

his mother → Coronel Vicente Vitto Luis Ramón de Sucre y García de Urbaneja

her father → Coronel Antonio Mauricio Jacinto Tadeo Rosalio Sucre Pardo y Trelles

his father → Carlos Francisco Francois Sucre y Pardo, Sargento Mayor

his father → Charles Adrien de Sucre y D´Ives

his father → Charles Antoine de Sucre y Martigny

his father → Antonio de Succre y Hontoy

his father → Francois dit Godefroy de Succre

his father → Antonio de Succre

his father → Jeanne de Thurut

his mother → Jeanne Grebert y Vredeau

her mother → Jacqueline Vredeau

her mother → Jean Vredeau, prévôt de Valenciennes

her father → Marie du Gardin

his mother → Marie de Saint Amand

her mother → Joan de Haudlo

her mother → Maud Haudlo

her mother → Maud FitzAlan

her mother → Isabella de Mortimer, Countess of Arundel

her mother → Roger Mortimer, 1st Baron Mortimer

her father → Gwladys Ddu verch Llewelyn

his mother → Llewelyn Fawr ab Iorwerth, Prince of Gwynedd

her father → Margred verch Madog, of Powys

his mother → Madog ap Maredudd, Brenin Powys

her father → Maredudd ap Bleddyn, Brenin Powys

his father → Bleddyn ap Cynfyn, Brenin Powys

his father → Cynfyn ap Gwerystan, arglwydd Cwybr

his father → Gwerystan ap Gwaithfoed

his father → Gwaithfoed of Powys

his father → Gwynnog Farfsych ap Lles Llydogg

his father → Lles Llyddog ap Ceido, Lord of Tegeingl

his father → Ceido ap Corf, Brenin Powys

his father → Corf ap Caenog, Brenin Powys

his father → Caenog ap Tegonwy

his father → Tegonwy ap Teon

his father → Teon ap Gwineu

his father → Gwineu Deufrewddwyd (with two dreams) ap Bywyr Llew

his father → Bywyr Lew ap Bywdeg

his father → Bywdeg ap Rhun Rhudd Baladr

his father → Rhun Rhudd Baladr (with the red shaft) ap Gwyn Gohoyw

his father → Gwyn Gohoyw ap Gloyw Gwallt Lydan

his father → Gloyw Gwallt Lydian (of the wide country) ap Llary

his father → Llary ap Casnar

his father → Casnar Wledig

his father → Caderyn Fendigaid ap Gwrtheyrn, Brenin Powys

his father


Caderyn Fendigaid ap Gwrtheyrn, Brenin Powys  MP

Gender: Male 

Birth: 404

Wales (United Kingdom) 

Death: 447 (42-43)

Battle of Rithergabail 

Immediate Family:

Son of Vortigern, King of the Britons and Severa verch Macsen

Father of Casnar Wledig and Rhuddfedel Frych ap Cadeyrn

Brother of St. Anna . verch Gwythern; Brydw ap Gwrtheyrn; Pasgen ap Gwrtheyrn; Vortimer Fendigaid ap Gwrtheyrn, High King of Britain; Plaws Hen ap Gwrtheyrn, Brenin Dyfed and 1 other

Added by: Kelsey Buckles on August 22, 2007

Managed by: Sherry Sue Kennedy and 25 others

Curated by: Erin Ishimoticha

 0 M

HISTORIA - history

See Peter Bartrum, (May 9, 2018; Anne Brannen, curator)

Please see Darrell Wolcott: Catel Durnluc aka Cadell Ddyrnllwg; (Steven Ferry, October 7, 2019.)

Please see Darrell Wolcott: Ancient Powys; (Steven Ferry, October 8, 2019.)

Please see Darrell Wolcott: Harleian Ms 3859; (Steven Ferry, March 11, 2021.)


Cadeyrn Fendigaid "The Blessed" ap Gwrtheyrn, Brenin Powys

Latin-Catigernus, English-Catigern

Cadeyrn was nominally a King of Powys, though how much independence he would have had from his father's high-kingdom is unclear. The area was certainly the adopted homeland of the Vorteneu family and therefore it was given to Cadeyrn as Vortigern's second son. Cadeyrn was a warrior king who led the British troops at the Battle of Rithergabail (Aylesford, Kent) in 447, after his brother Vortimer's revolt against their father and his invading Saxon henchmen. He was killed on the battlefield and buried under nearby Kit's Coyty House, a megalithic dolmen

As a young man, Cadeyrn had met St.Germanus probably during his first visit to Britain. The saint blessed him and, ever since, he was given the name Fendigaid or "the Blessed".


Children Cadell "Gleaming Hilt" King of Powys


Casnar Wledig


Rhuddfedel Frych ap Cadeyrn


Severa verch Macsen


Vortigern, King of the Britons


St. Anna . verch Gwythern


Brydw ap Gwrtheyrn


Pasgen ap Gwrtheyrn


Vortimer Fendigaid ap Gwrtheyrn,...


Plaws Hen ap Gwrtheyrn, Brenin D...


Ribrawst verch Gwrtheyrn


Rowena, {Fictional}



Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.


Gwrtheyrn ap Rhydeyrn ★Bisabuelo n°54★ Ref: GA-0185 |•••► #REINO UNIDO 🏆🇬🇧 #Genealogía #Genealogy

 54 ° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Gwrtheyrn ap Rhydeyrn is your 54th great grandfather.


(Linea Paterna) 
Gwrtheyrn ap Rhydeyrn is your 54th great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Dr. Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna
your father → Elena Cecilia Lecuna Escobar
his mother → Vicente de Jesus Lecuna Salboch, Dr.
her father → Ramón Lecuna Sucre
his father → Josefa Margarita Sucre y Márquez de Valenzuela
his mother → Coronel Vicente Vitto Luis Ramón de Sucre y García de Urbaneja
her father → Coronel Antonio Mauricio Jacinto Tadeo Rosalio Sucre Pardo y Trelles
his father → Carlos Francisco Francois Sucre y Pardo, Sargento Mayor
his father → Charles Adrien de Sucre y D´Ives
his father → Charles Antoine de Sucre y Martigny
his father → Antonio de Succre y Hontoy
his father → Francois dit Godefroy de Succre
his father → Antonio de Succre
his father → Jeanne de Thurut
his mother → Jeanne Grebert y Vredeau
her mother → Jacqueline Vredeau
her mother → Jean Vredeau, prévôt de Valenciennes
her father → Marie du Gardin
his mother → Marie de Saint Amand
her mother → Joan de Haudlo
her mother → Maud Haudlo
her mother → Maud FitzAlan
her mother → Isabella de Mortimer, Countess of Arundel
her mother → Roger Mortimer, 1st Baron Mortimer
her father → Gwladys Ddu verch Llewelyn
his mother → Llewelyn Fawr ab Iorwerth, Prince of Gwynedd
her father → Margred verch Madog, of Powys
his mother → Madog ap Maredudd, Brenin Powys
her father → Maredudd ap Bleddyn, Brenin Powys
his father → Bleddyn ap Cynfyn, Brenin Powys
his father → Cynfyn ap Gwerystan, arglwydd Cwybr
his father → Gwerystan ap Gwaithfoed
his father → Gwaithfoed of Powys
his father → Gwynnog Farfsych ap Lles Llydogg
his father → Lles Llyddog ap Ceido, Lord of Tegeingl
his father → Ceido ap Corf, Brenin Powys
his father → Corf ap Caenog, Brenin Powys
his father → Caenog ap Tegonwy
his father → Tegonwy ap Teon
his father → Teon ap Gwineu
his father → Gwineu Deufrewddwyd (with two dreams) ap Bywyr Llew
his father → Bywyr Lew ap Bywdeg
his father → Bywdeg ap Rhun Rhudd Baladr
his father → Rhun Rhudd Baladr (with the red shaft) ap Gwyn Gohoyw
his father → Gwyn Gohoyw ap Gloyw Gwallt Lydan
his father → Gloyw Gwallt Lydian (of the wide country) ap Llary
his father → Llary ap Casnar
his father → Thewer verch Brydw
his mother → Brydw ap Cadell Ddrynllwg
her father → Cadell Ddyrnllwg ap Cadeyrn
his father → Cadeyrn ap Pasgen
his father → Pasgen ap Brydw
his father → Brydw ap Rhuddfedd Frych
his father → Rhuddfedd Frych ap Caderyn
his father → Cadeyrn ap Gwrtheyrn
his father → Gwrtheyrn ap Rhydeyrn
his father

Gwrtheyrn ap Rhydeyrn  MP
Gender: Male 
Birth: circa 185 
Immediate Family:
Son of Rydeyrn ap Deheuwant
Father of Cadeyrn ap Gwrtheyrn

Added by: <private> Roach on March 3, 2009
Managed by: Bernard Raimond Assaf and 6 others
Curated by: Erin Ishimoticha
 0 M
HISTORIA - history
See Darrell Wolcott, "Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediath in Welsh Pedigrees," -- for help in untangling these lines. (May 18, 2016, Anne Brannen, curator)

Please see Darrell Wolcott: Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediath in Welsh Pedigrees; . (Steven Ferry, Aug 25, 2019)

Please see Darrell Wolcott: Catel Durnluc aka Cadell Ddyrnllwg; (Steven Ferry, October 7, 2019.)

Please see Darrell Wolcott: Ancient Powys; (Steven Ferry, October 8, 2019.)

Please see Darrell Wolcott: The Royal Family of Powys - Vortigern and the Powys Dynasty; (Steven Ferry, October 12, 2019.)

Please see Darrell Wolcott: Harleian Ms 3859; (Steven Ferry, March 9, 2021.)

Please see Darrell Wolcott: Foundations of 'The Men of the North' - Part 2; (Steven Ferry, July 9, 2021.)

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Cadeyrn ap Gwrtheyrn

Rydeyrn ap Deheuwant


Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.


Cadeyrn ap Gwrtheyrn ★Bisabuelo n°53★ Ref: Ca-0220 |•••► #REINO UNIDO 🏆🇬🇧 #Genealogía #Genealogy

 53 ° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Cadeyrn ap Gwrtheyrn is your 53rd great grandfather.



(Linea Paterna) 


Cadeyrn ap Gwrtheyrn is your 53rd great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Dr. Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna

your father → Elena Cecilia Lecuna Escobar

his mother → Vicente de Jesus Lecuna Salboch, Dr.

her father → Ramón Lecuna Sucre

his father → Josefa Margarita Sucre y Márquez de Valenzuela

his mother → Coronel Vicente Vitto Luis Ramón de Sucre y García de Urbaneja

her father → Coronel Antonio Mauricio Jacinto Tadeo Rosalio Sucre Pardo y Trelles

his father → Carlos Francisco Francois Sucre y Pardo, Sargento Mayor

his father → Charles Adrien de Sucre y D´Ives

his father → Charles Antoine de Sucre y Martigny

his father → Antonio de Succre y Hontoy

his father → Francois dit Godefroy de Succre

his father → Antonio de Succre

his father → Jeanne de Thurut

his mother → Jeanne Grebert y Vredeau

her mother → Jacqueline Vredeau

her mother → Jean Vredeau, prévôt de Valenciennes

her father → Marie du Gardin

his mother → Marie de Saint Amand

her mother → Joan de Haudlo

her mother → Maud Haudlo

her mother → Maud FitzAlan

her mother → Isabella de Mortimer, Countess of Arundel

her mother → Roger Mortimer, 1st Baron Mortimer

her father → Gwladys Ddu verch Llewelyn

his mother → Llewelyn Fawr ab Iorwerth, Prince of Gwynedd

her father → Margred verch Madog, of Powys

his mother → Madog ap Maredudd, Brenin Powys

her father → Maredudd ap Bleddyn, Brenin Powys

his father → Bleddyn ap Cynfyn, Brenin Powys

his father → Cynfyn ap Gwerystan, arglwydd Cwybr

his father → Gwerystan ap Gwaithfoed

his father → Gwaithfoed of Powys

his father → Gwynnog Farfsych ap Lles Llydogg

his father → Lles Llyddog ap Ceido, Lord of Tegeingl

his father → Ceido ap Corf, Brenin Powys

his father → Corf ap Caenog, Brenin Powys

his father → Caenog ap Tegonwy

his father → Tegonwy ap Teon

his father → Teon ap Gwineu

his father → Gwineu Deufrewddwyd (with two dreams) ap Bywyr Llew

his father → Bywyr Lew ap Bywdeg

his father → Bywdeg ap Rhun Rhudd Baladr

his father → Rhun Rhudd Baladr (with the red shaft) ap Gwyn Gohoyw

his father → Gwyn Gohoyw ap Gloyw Gwallt Lydan

his father → Gloyw Gwallt Lydian (of the wide country) ap Llary

his father → Llary ap Casnar

his father → Thewer verch Brydw

his mother → Brydw ap Cadell Ddrynllwg

her father → Cadell Ddyrnllwg ap Cadeyrn

his father → Cadeyrn ap Pasgen

his father → Pasgen ap Brydw

his father → Brydw ap Rhuddfedd Frych

his father → Rhuddfedd Frych ap Caderyn

his father → Cadeyrn ap Gwrtheyrn

his father



Added by: <private> Roach on March 3, 2009

Managed by: Bernard Raimond Assaf and 7 others

Curated by: Erin Ishimoticha

 0 Matches 

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See Darrell Wolcott, "Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediath in Welsh Pedigrees," -- for help in untangling these lines. (May 18, 2016, Anne Brannen, curator)

Please see Darrell Wolcott: Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediath in Welsh Pedigrees; . (Steven Ferry, Aug 25, 2019)

Please see Darrell Wolcott: Catel Durnluc aka Cadell Ddyrnllwg; (Steven Ferry, October 7, 2019.)

Please see Darrell Wolcott: Ancient Powys; (Steven Ferry, October 8, 2019.)

Please see Darrell Wolcott: The Royal Family of Powys - Vortigern and the Powys Dynasty; (Steven Ferry, October 12, 2019.)

Please see Darrell Wolcott: Harleian Ms 3859; (Steven Ferry, March 9, 2021.)

Please see Darrell Wolcott: Foundations of 'The Men of the North' - Part 2; (Steven Ferry, July 9, 2021.)

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Rhuddfedd Frych ap Caderyn


Gwrtheyrn ap Rhydeyrn



Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.
