87 ° Bisabuelo de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo
(Linea Paterna)
Asa ., 3rd King of Judah is your 87th great grandfather.You
→(1) Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo
→(2) Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna your father
→(3) Carlos Urdaneta Carrillo his father
→(4) Enrique Urdaneta Maya, Dr. his father
→(5) Josefa Alcira Maya de la Torre y Rodríguez his mother
→(6) Vicenta Rodríguez Uzcátegui her mother
→(7) María Celsa Uzcátegui Rincón her mother
→(8) Sancho Antonio de Uzcátegui Briceño her father
→(9) Jacobo de Uzcátegui Bohorques his father
→(10) Luisa Jimeno de Bohorques Dávila his mother
→(11) Juan Jimeno de Bohórquez her father
→(12) Luisa Velásquez de Velasco his mother
→(13) Juan Velásquez de Velasco y Montalvo, Gobernador de La Grita her father
→(14) Ortún Velázquez de Velasco his father
→(15) María Enríquez de Acuña his mother
→(16) Inés Enríquez y Quiñones her mother
→(17) Fadrique Enríquez de Mendoza, 2º Almirante Mayor de Castilla, Conde de Melgar y Rueda her father
→(18) Alonso Enríquez de Castilla, 1er. Almirante Mayor de Castilla, Señor de Medina de Rio Seco his father
→(19) Yonati bat Gedaliah, Paloma his mother
→(20) Gedalia Shlomo ibn ben Shlomo ibn Yaḥyā haZaken her father
→(21) Shlomo ben Yahya ibn Yahya his father
→(22) Yosef ibn Yahya HaZaken his father
→(23) Don Yehuda ibn Yahya ibn Ya'ish his father
→(24) Don Yahya "el Negro" his father
→(25) Yehudah "Ya'ish" ben Yahuda ibn ben Yahudah ibn Yaḥyā, senhor de Aldeia dos Negros his father
→(26) Sisnandiz Moniz his mother
→(27) Elvira "Unisco" Bvira (Elvira) "Unisco" Núñez Sisnandiz Núñes Sisnandiz her mother
→(28) Sisnando ben David Davidiz Davidiz, Vizier of Castile, Emir of Toledo, Comtes de Quimbra her father
→(29) UNDOCUMENTED? Shoshana bat Hai Gaon ben Sherira bat Hai Gaon his mother
→(30) Hai ben Sherira, Gaon v'haDayyan b'Pumbeditha her father
→(31) Sherira ben Hananya Gaon of Pumbeditha his father
→(32) 2nd Sheshna haSpfer b'Pumbeditha bat Mar Rab Mishoi 'Sheshna' haSofer b'Pumbeditha his mother
→(33) Mar Rab Mishoi Sheshna ben Yitzhak Sedeq, ha Sofer b'Pumbeditha her father
→(34) Mar Yitzhak Sadoq his father
→(35) Hillel "Hilai" Yishai ben "Mari", Gaon of Sura his father
→(36) Meiri "Mari" ben Hananiah haKohen al-Nahr Peḳod, Gaon of Sura his father
→(37) Hananya ben Haninai HaKohen ben Haninai haKohen al-Nahr Paqod, "Dayan of the Gate" Gaon of Sura his father
→(38) Haninai al-Nehar Peḳkod ben Bustanai bar Adai, Exilarch & Gaon of Sura his father
→(39) Hananya "Bustenai" ben Haninai, Exilarch & Gaon of Pumbeditha his father
→(40) Ḥananya 'Ḥanan of Isḳiya' bar Adoi ben Hophni, 33rd Exiliarch & Gaon Pumbeditha his father
→(41) Hophni Haninai ben Ahunai, 32nd Exilarch Mar Hophni I his father
→(42) Ahunai ben Haninai, 31st Exilarch Huna Mar II his father
→(43) Haninaï ben Mar Mari, Grandson of Exilarch Mar Zutra I his father
→(44) Mar Mari ben Mar Zutra I his father
→(45) Zutra "the Pious" ben Kahana, 25th Exilarch Mar Zutra I his father
→(46) Kahana ben Abba Mari, 23rd Exilarch Mar Kahana I his father
→(47) Mar Sutra his father
→(48) Musa "Rav Papa" bar Yosef, resh metivta al-Nehardea, 5th Gen Amora his father
→(49) Yosef bar Yosef his father
→(50) Yosef bar Khamma his father
→(51) Khamma ben Nachum II, 5th Exilarch Huna I his father
→(52) 2nd Exhilarch of Judah Nachum ben Achaya, 2nd Exilarch Nachum II his father
→(53) Achaya bar Akkub bar Akkub, 1st Exilarch 2nd Dynasty his father
→(54) Ya'akov ben Shlomo, Exilarch his father
→(55) Shlomo ben Hunya, Exilarch Interregnum his father
→(56) Hunya ben Nathan, Exilarch Interregnum his father
→(57) Nathan (de Zuzita, Babylon) ben Shalom his father
→(58) Shalom II ben Hizkiya, Exilarch Interregnum his father
→(59) Hizkiya Rosh Golah of Judah ben Shehanya, 33rd Exilarch Hizkiya III his father
→(60) Shechanya II ibn Da'ud, Exilarch his father
→(61) Da'ud ben Shemaya, Exilarch his father
→(62) Shemaya I ben Shlomo his father
→(63) Shlomo III ibn Da'ud Exilarch his father
→(64) Da'ud ibn Akkub his father
→(65) Salma bat Hizkiya ibn Nearya his mother
→(66) Hizkiyahu II ibn Nearya 21st Exilarch her father
→(67) Neriyah, 18th Exilarch, Dayan, his father
→(68) Bariah Ben Shemaya his father
→(69) Semaya Ben Shechanya his father
→(70) Shechanya Ben Ovadya his father
→(71) Obaja Ben Amay (Aranan his father
→(72) Arnan Ben Rafaya his father
→(73) Refaya (e Ben Chananya his father
→(74) Yeshaiah ben Hananya his father
→(75) Hananya, 5th Exilarch his father
→(76) Zerubbabel 3rd Exilarch / זרובבל his father
→(77) Salathial 2nd Exilarch Ben Jechaniah, 2nd Exilarch his father
→(78) Jechaniah - יהויכין מלך יהודה 18 his father
→(79) Jehoiakim Elyakim, 17th King of Judah his father
→(80) Zebidah . his mother
→(81) Pediah of Rumah her father
→(82) Menasseh ., 13th King of Judah his father
→(83) Hephzi-bah . his mother
→(84) Isaiah The Prophet her father
→(85) Amoz . his father
→(86) Jehoash ., 7th King of Judah his father
→(87) King Ahaziah ., 6th King of Judah his father
→(88) Jehoram, 5th King of Judah his father
→(89) Jehosaphat, 4th King of Judah his father
→(90) Asa ., 3rd King of Judah