Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Bisabuelo n°27. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Bisabuelo n°27. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, 16 de abril de 2023

Hugo Archchancellor of the Empire ★Bisabuelo n°27★ Ref: HA-0802 |•••► #ALEMANIA 🏆🇩🇪★ #Genealogía #Genealogy

 27 ° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Hugo, Archchancellor of the Empire is your 27th great grandfather.



 (Linea Materna)


Hugo, Archchancellor of the Empire is your 27th great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Morella Álamo Borges

your mother → Belén Eloina Borges Ustáriz

her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna

her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesús Uztáriz y Monserrate

her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra

his mother → Teniente Coronel Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina

her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza

his mother → Isabel Manuela Josefa Hurtado de Mendoza y Rojas Manrique

her mother → Juana de Rojas Manrique de Mendoza

her mother → Constanza de Mendoza Mate de Luna

her mother → Mayor de Mendoza Manzanedo

her mother → Juan Fernández De Mendoza Y Manuel

her father → Sancha Manuel

his mother → Sancho Manuel de Villena Castañeda, señor del Infantado y Carrión de los Céspedes

her father → Manuel de Castilla, señor de Escalona

his father → Saint Ferdinand III, king of Castile & León

his father → Alfonso IX, king of Leon and Galicia

his father → Fernando II, rey de León

his father → Berenguela de Barcelona, reina consorte de León y Castilla

his mother → Douce I de Gévaudan, comtesse de Provence

her mother → Gerberge, comtesse de Provence

her mother → Geoffroi I, comte de Provence

her father → Guillaume III le Pieux, comte de Provence

his father → Adélaïde la Blanche d'Anjou, Reine consort d'Aquitaine

his mother → Fulk II, Count of Anjou

her father → Fulk, count of Anjou

his father → Ingelger, count of Anjou

his father → Petronelle d'Auxerre de Gâtinais, Comtesse de Anjou

his mother → Hugo, Archchancellor of the Empire

her father


Hugo, Archchancellor of the Empire is your 25th great uncle's son.

Hugh, l'Abbé de Saint-Quentin; de Lobbes; de Saint-Bertin, de Noaille MP 

Gender: Male

Birth: 802

Aachen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

Death: June 14, 844 (41-42)

Aachen, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany (killed in Battle at Angouleme)

Place of Burial: Abbaye de Charroux, France

Immediate Family:

Son of Charlemagne and Regina

Husband of Regina de la Franks of Auxerre and Ava van Ostrevent

Father of Petronelle d'Auxerre de Gâtinais, Comtesse de Anjou

Brother of Drogo, Bishop of Metz

Half brother of Amaudra; Pippin the Hunchback; Charles 'the Younger', King of the Franks; Pépin, king of Italy; Adalhaid and 13 others 

Beroep: Monnik in Charroux (818),abt van Saint-Quentin (822-823),abt van Lobbes,abt van Saint-Bertin (836),abt van Noaillé

Added by: J. Blake Zachary on June 2, 2007

Managed by: Guillermo Eduardo Ferrero Montilla and 120 others

Curated by: Sharon Doubell


miércoles, 11 de enero de 2023

Gilbert avoué de Saint Valéry ★Bisabuelo n°27★ Ref: Ga-0977 |•••► #FRANCIA 🇫🇷🏆 #Genealogía #Genealogy

 27 ° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Gilbert, avoué de Saint Valéry is your 27th great grandfather.



(Linea Paterna) 


Gilbert, avoué de Saint Valéry is your 27th great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Dr. Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna

your father → Elena Cecilia Lecuna Escobar

his mother → Vicente de Jesus Lecuna Salboch, Dr.

her father → Ramón Lecuna Sucre

his father → Josefa Margarita Sucre y Márquez de Valenzuela

his mother → Coronel Vicente Vitto Luis Ramón de Sucre y García de Urbaneja

her father → Coronel Antonio Mauricio Jacinto Tadeo Rosalio Sucre Pardo y Trelles

his father → Carlos Francisco Francois Sucre y Pardo, Sargento Mayor

his father → Charles Adrien de Sucre y D´Ives

his father → Adrianne D'Ives y D'Argenteau

his mother → Jacqueline D'Argenteau

her mother → Conrad d'Argenteau, seigneur de Ligny

her father → Renaud VII d'Argenteau, seigneur de Bossut

his father → Marie de Hamal, dame de Trazegnies

his mother → Sibylle de Ligne

her mother → Michel I, baron de Ligne

her father → Jean II, baron de Ligne

his father → Guillaume I, baron de Ligne

his father → Fastre II, baron de Ligne

his father → Jean I, baron de Ligne

his father → Wauthier III, baron de Ligne

his father → Marguerite de Fontaines

his mother → Hugues de Fontaines, seigneur de La Neuville

her father → Laurette de Saint-Valéry

his mother → Renaud I, Lord de Saint-Valéry

her father → Bernard II (III), seigneur de Saint-Valéry

his father → Gauthier "Crusader" de Saint-Valéry, Seigneur de Saint-Valéry

his father → Bernard I (II) de Saint-Valéry

his father → Gilbert, avoué de Saint Valéry

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Gilbert/Gautier de Saint Valéry, Seigneur de Heugleville MP

Gender: Male

Birth: 977

Saint-Valery-en-Caux, Seine-Maritime, Upper Normandy, France

Death: after 1011

St Valery-En-Caux,Normandy,,France

Immediate Family:

Son of Bernard I, avoué de Saint Valéry and Emma de St. Valéry

Husband of Papia de Normandie

Father of Bernard I (II) de Saint-Valéry and Richard de Saint-Valéry, Seigneur de Heugleville

Added by: Patricia Ann Wells on July 31, 2007

Managed by: Pam Wilson (on hiatus) and 58 others

Curated by: Pam Wilson (on hiatus)

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GILBERT, hijo de --- . Abogado de Saint-Valéry.

m PAPIA, hija ilegítima de Ricardo I Conde [de Normandía] y su amante --- ([1000/05]-).

Guillaume de Jumièges registra que el duque Ricardo tuvo dos hijas de sus concubinas, pero no las nombra[847].

No es seguro que Papia, esposa de Gilbert de Saint-Valéry, fuera hija de Ricardo I.

Orderic Vitalis nombra a su padre "Duque Ricardo", aunque no está claro en el texto a qué duque Ricardo se refiere, y confirma su nombre Papia en un pasaje diferente[848]. El segundo pasaje explica que Papia era hija de "Ricardi iunioris ducis Normannorum".

Algunos autores han tomado esto para referirse al duque Ricardo III, presumiblemente inspirado por Robert de Torigny que nombra "Papiam uxorem Walteri de Sanct Walerico et Aeliz uxorem Ranulfi vicecomitis de Baioeis" como las dos hijas del duque Ricardo III[849]. Esto es, sin embargo, cronológicamente imposible suponiendo que es correcto, como afirma Orderic Vitalis[850], que el nieto de Papia, Richard de Heugleville, ayudó a Guillaume II duque de Normandía en la rebelión de 1054 cuando ya tenía la edad suficiente para que Geoffroy de Neufmarché fuera su yerno.

Ninguno de los pasajes de Orderic Vitalis nombra a la madre de Papia. Es tentador imaginar que ella era la segunda esposa del duque Ricardo II del mismo nombre. Sin embargo, también es cronológicamente inconsistente con las referencias de 1054 al nieto de Papia que Papia haya sido la hija del duque Ricardo II.

Suponiendo que toda esta especulación es correcta, Papia debe haber nacido en los primeros años del siglo 11 y por lo tanto debe haber sido la hija de Ricardo I.

Gilbert y su esposa tuvieron un hijo:

1. BERNARD de Saint-Valéry . Orderic Vitalis lo nombra, da su parentesco y nombra a sus dos hijos[851]. La Chronique de Normandie, basada en le Roman de Rou, nombra "le sire de S. Wallery" entre los que participaron en la conquista de Inglaterra en 1066[852].

m ---. El nombre de la esposa de Bernard no se conoce. Bernard y su esposa tuvieron dos hijos:

a) GAUTHIER de Saint-Valéry . Orderic Vitalis lo nombra a él y a su padre851. Guillermo de Tiro nombra "Walterius de Sancto Valerius Bernardusque filius eius" entre los presentes en la captura de Nikaia en 1097[853].

m ---. El nombre de la esposa de Gauthier no se conoce. Gauthier y su esposa tuvieron un hijo:

i) BERNARD de Saint-Valéry . Guillermo de Tiro nombra "Walterius de Sancto Valerius Bernardusque filius eius" entre los presentes en la captura de Nikaia en 1097[854]. Orderic Vitalis también lo nombra hijo de Gauthier, con quien estuvo presente en la captura de Nikaia en 1097[855].

b) RICHARD de Saint-Valéry . Orderic Vitalis lo nombra a él y a su padre, especificando que "durante muchos años luchó por el duque de Normandía su tío abuelo" que arregló su matrimonio[856]. Orderic también dice que Richard estableció "un municipio en el Scie, en el lugar anteriormente llamado Isneauville, al que llamó Auffay". Apoyó a Guillermo II duque de Normandía contra la rebelión de Guillermo de Arques en [1054] [857].

m como su segundo marido, ADA, viuda de HERLUIN de Heugleville, hija de ---. Ella es nombrada esposa de Richard por Orderic Vitalis, quien también nombra a su padre857. Richard y su esposa tuvieron dos hijos:

i) GILBERT d'Auffay . Es nombrado como hijo de Ricardo por Orderic Vitalis, quien también nombra a su esposa, suegro y sus tres hijos[858].

ii) ADA de Heugleville. Ella es nombrada como hija de Ricardo por Orderic Vitalis, quien también nombra a su marido que ayudó a su suegro durante la rebelión de Guillaume d'Arques[859].

m (antes de 1054) GEOFFROY de Neufmarché, hijo de THURKILL de Neufmarché y su esposa ---.


GILBERT, son of --- . Avocat de Saint-Valéry .

m PAPIA, illegitimate daughter of RICHARD I Comte [de Normandie] & his mistress --- ([1000/05]-).

Guillaume de Jumièges records that Duke Richard had two daughters by his concubines but does not name them[847].

It is not certain that Papia, wife of Gilbert de Saint-Valéry, was the daughter of Richard I.

Orderic Vitalis names her father "Duke Richard", although it is not clear from the text to which duke Richard he refers, and confirms her name Papia in a different passage[848]. The second passage elaborates that Papia was daughter of "Ricardi iunioris ducis Normannorum".

Some authors have taken this to refer to Duke Richard III, presumably inspired by Robert de Torigny who names "Papiam uxorem Walteri de Sanct Walerico et Aeliz uxorem Ranulfi vicecomitis de Baioeis" as the two daughters of Duke Richard III[849]. This is, however, chronologically impossible assuming that it is correct, as asserted by Orderic Vitalis[850], that Papia's grandson, Richard de Heugleville, helped Guillaume II Duke of Normandy in the 1054 rebellion when he was already old enough for Geoffroy de Neufmarché to be his son-in-law.

Neither of the passages in Orderic Vitalis names Papia's mother. It is tempting to imagine that she was Duke Richard II's second wife of the same name. However, it is also chronologically inconsistent with the 1054 references to Papia's grandson for Papia to have been the daughter of duke Richard II

Assuming that all this speculation is correct, Papia must have been born in the early years of the 11th century and therefore she must have been the daughter of Richard I.

Gilbert & his wife had one child:

1. BERNARD de Saint-Valéry . Orderic Vitalis names him, gives his parentage, and names his two sons[851]. The Chronique de Normandie, based on le Roman de Rou, names "le sire de S. Wallery" among those who took part in the conquest of England in 1066[852].

m ---. The name of Bernard's wife is not known. Bernard & his wife had two children:

a) GAUTHIER de Saint-Valéry . Orderic Vitalis names him and his father851. William of Tyre names "Walterius de Sancto Valerius Bernardusque filius eius" among those present at the capture of Nikaia in 1097[853].

m ---. The name of Gauthier's wife is not known. Gauthier & his wife had one child:

i) BERNARD de Saint-Valéry . William of Tyre names "Walterius de Sancto Valerius Bernardusque filius eius" among those present at the capture of Nikaia in 1097[854]. Orderic Vitalis also names him as son of Gauthier, with whom he was present at the capture of Nikaia in 1097[855].

b) RICHARD de Saint-Valéry . Orderic Vitalis names him and his father, specifying that he "for many years fought for the duke of Normandy his great uncle" who arranged his marriage[856]. Orderic also says that Richard established "a borough on the Scie, in the place formerly called Isneauville, which he named Auffay". He supported Guillaume II Duke of Normandy against the rebellion of Guillaume d'Arques in [1054][857].

m as her second husband, ADA, widow of HERLUIN de Heugleville, daughter of ---. She is named wife of Richard by Orderic Vitalis, who also names her father857. Richard & his wife had two children:

i) GILBERT d'Auffay . He is named as son of Richard by Orderic Vitalis, who also names his wife, father-in-law, and their three children[858].

ii) ADA de Heugleville . She is named as daughter of Richard by Orderic Vitalis, who also names her husband who helped his father-in-law during the rebellion of Guillaume d'Arques[859].

m (before 1054) GEOFFROY de Neufmarché, son of THURKILL de Neufmarché & his wife ---.

Advocate of Saint-Valery Gilbert de St. Valéry died after 1011.

See "My Lines"

( )

from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA

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Papia de Normandie


Bernard I (II) de Saint-Valéry


Richard de Saint-Valéry, Seigne...


Bernard I, avoué de Saint Valéry


Emma de St. Valéry



Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.



domingo, 24 de julio de 2022

Nigel d'Oilly, 2nd Lord Hooknorton ★Bisabuelo n°27★ Ref: LH-1048 |•••► #FRANCIA 🇫🇷🏆 #Genealogía #Genealogy

 27 ° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Nigel d'Oilly, 2nd Lord Hooknorton is your 27th great grandfather.



(Linea Paterna) (Linea Materna)


Nigel d'Oilly, 2nd Lord Hooknorton is your 27th great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Dr. Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna

your father → Elena Cecilia Lecuna Escobar

his mother → Vicente de Jesus Lecuna Salboch, Dr.

her father → Ramón Lecuna Sucre

his father → Josefa Margarita de Sucre y Márquez de Valenzuela

his mother → Vicente de Sucre y García de Urbaneja, Cnel.

her father → Coronel Antonio Mauricio Jacinto Tadeo Rosalio Sucre Pardo y Trelles

his father → Carlos Francisco Francois Sucre y Pardo, Sargento Mayor

his father → Charles Adrien de Sucre y D´Ives

his father → Adrianne D'Ives y D'Argenteau

his mother → Jacqueline D'Argenteau

her mother → Conrad d'Argenteau, seigneur de Ligny

her father → Renaud VII d'Argenteau, seigneur de Bossut

his father → Marie de Hamal, dame de Trazegnies

his mother → Sibylle de Ligne

her mother → Michel I, baron de Ligne

her father → Jean II, baron de Ligne

his father → Bertha von Schleiden

his mother → Johann von Schleiden

her father → Konrad III, Herr von Schleiden

his father → Johanna von Heinsberg-Valkenburg

his mother → Philippa van Gelre

her mother → Philippa de Dammartin

her mother → Simon II de Dammartin, Comte d'Aumale

her father → Aubry II, count of Dammartin

his father → Joan Bassett of Huntington

his mother → Edith Basset

her mother → Robert II d'Oilly, Baron Of Hook Norton

her father → Nigel d'Oilly, 2nd Lord Hooknorton

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Nigel d'Oilly, 2nd Lord Hooknorton is your 19th great grandfather's partner's husband's father.


  → Morella Álamo Borges

your mother → show 21 relatives → Robert II d'Oilly, Baron Of Hook Norton

her husband → Nigel d'Oilly, 2nd Lord Hooknorton

his fatherConsistency CheckShare this path

Nigel d'Oilly (Oyley), Constable of Oxford Castle MP

Gender: Male

Birth: 1048

Ouilly-le-Vicomte, Calvados, Lower Normandy, France

Death: September 1115 (66-67)

Hook Norton, Oxfordshire, England, UK

Immediate Family:

Son of Gilbert d'Oilly, Sire de Oilleia la Ribaude and Frances Barney

Husband of Agnes d'Oilly

Father of Robert II d'Oilly, Baron Of Hook Norton; Fulk d'oilly; Roger D' Oyly; Nigell D' Oilly and Margery D'Oilly

Brother of Robert D'Oyley de Liseaux, High Sheriff of Oxfordshire; Wido d'Oilly; Foulk d'Oyly; Ralph d'Oyly; Richard d'Oyly and 1 other 

Added by: James Frederick Pultz on January 20, 2008

Managed by: Erica Howton and 34 others

Curated by: Hatte Anne Blejer

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NIGEL de Oilly [III] of Hook Norton, Oxfordshire

Nigel D'Oyly From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nigel D'Oyly was an 11th-12th century nobleman of England and, in 1120, the Lord of Oxford Castle, and briefly the Lord of Wallingford Castle.


He was son of Walter D'Oyly and younger brother of Robert D'Oyly, follower of William the Conqueror and founder of Oxford Castle.

At some point between 1086 and 1094 Nigel was granted possession of two mills on the west side of Grandpont by Abbot Columbanus of Oxford, however by 1109 the mills were recorded as having been reconfirmed to the abbey.[1] He married Agnes, and left two sons, Robert D'Oyly the younger, the eldest son, who succeeded as Lord High Constable and Baron of Hocknorton and Fulk, buried at Eynesham in 1126. In 1120, King Henry I of England caused Edith Forne, his concubine, to marry Robert.[1] As a marriage portion, he gave her the Manor of Cleydon, Buckinghamshire.


Victoria County History of Oxford Volume IV by Alan Crossley, 1969

History of Norfolk

The baronetage of England

From Medlands:

NIGEL de Oilly [III] of Hook Norton, Oxfordshire (-[after 1103/06]). William II King of England confirmed that land held by “Wido de Oileio” from Robert Bishop of Lincoln had been returned to "Nigello fratri suo" for his life, by charter dated to [1093/1100], witnessed by "…N. Oili"[1735]. "…Nigel de Oilli…" witnessed the charter dated to [1094/98] under which William II King of England confirmed the donation to the abbey of Sainte-Marie de la Sauve Majeure by Hugues de Montgommery[1736]. The Chronicle of Abingdon records a donation by "Nigellus de Oilli…uxoris meæ Agnetis…Roberti filii mei" of "terram de Abbefelda"[1737]. "…Nigelli [de Oilli]…" witnessed the charter dated to [1103/06] [marked "A forgery" in the compilation] under which Henry I King of England confirmed the status of Durham abbey[1738]. Henry I King of England confirmed property ot Eynsham abbey by charter dated 25 Dec 1109, including the donation of "decimam unam hidam terre" by "Nigellus de Oleio"[1739]. m AGNES, daughter of ---. The Chronicle of Abingdon records a donation by "Nigellus de Oilli…uxoris meæ Agnetis…Roberti filii mei" of "terram de Abbefelda"[1740]. Nigel [III] & his wife had [three] children:

a) ROBERT de Oilly [II] (-1142). The Chronicle of Abingdon records a donation by "Nigellus de Oilli…uxoris meæ Agnetis…Roberti filii mei" of "terram de Abbefelda"[1741]. - see below.

b) FULK de Oilly (-after 25 Dec 1139). "Robertus de Oilio" donated property to Eynsham abbey by charter dated to [1130/35], witnessed by "Roberto filio Reg[is] et Edida uxore mea et Fulcone fratre meo…"[1742]. "…Rob[erto] de Oilli et fulco[e] fr[atr]e suo…" witnessed the charter dated 25 Dec 1139 which King Stephen granted for Salisbury Cathedral[1743].

c) HENRY (-after [1150/55]). "…Henricus filius Nigelli…" witnessed the charter dated to [1150/55] under which "Philippus de Kime" confirmed the donations by "patris mei" of the churches of Bullington and Langton by Wragby[1744]. It is not certain that Henry was the son of Nigel de Oilly. However, the same charter was witnessed by "Rogerus de Oli" (parentage not yet ascertained, see below), which indicates a connection between the donor and the Oilly family.


Arthur Jackson 21 Jan 2010


elder brother -'Oyly Robert D'Oyly (also spelt Robert D'Oyley de Liseaux, Robert Doyley, Robert de Oiley, Robert d'Oilly, Robert D'Oyley and Roberti De Oilgi) was a Norman nobleman who accompanied William the Conqueror on the Norman Conquest, his invasion of England. He died in 1091.

Robert was the son of Walter D'Oyly and elder brother to Nigel D'Oyly. D'Oyly is a Norman French name, from the place name Ouilly of the Calvados département in Normandy. He married Ealdgyth, the daughter of Wigod, the Saxon lord of Wallingford. After Wigod's death, William appointed Robert the lord of Wallingford, and ordered him to fortify Wallingford Castle between 1067 and 1071. It is believed he may have become the third High Sheriff of Berkshire around this time. He was made Baron Hocknorton.[1]

D'Oyly was a sworn brother-in-arms of Roger d'Ivry. The Domesday Book records that by 1086 D'Oyly and d'Ivry held a number of manors either partitioned between the two of them or administered in common.

His brother Nigel's son was Robert Doyley, the founder of Osney Priory, Oxford. He was also an ancestor of Henry D'Oyly, one of the major feudal barons of the Magna Carta.

With his wife Ealdgyth he had a daughter and heiress Maud who first married Miles Crispin (d. 1107), Lord of Wallingford, and afterwards Brien FitzCount, lord of Burgavennu (the faithful ally of the Empress Matilda), but leaving no issue, was succeeded by Nigel D'Oyly, her uncle, who was constable to William Rufus and Baron of Hocknorton. Robert and Ealdgyth were buried in the Abbey in Abingdon.

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Showing 12 of 14 people

Agnes d'Oilly


Robert II d'Oilly, Baron Of Hook...


Fulk d'oilly


Roger D' Oyly


Nigell D' Oilly


Margery D'Oilly


Gilbert d'Oilly, Sire de Oilleia...


Frances Barney


Robert D'Oyley de Liseaux, High ...


Wido d'Oilly


Foulk d'Oyly


Ralph d'Oyly



Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.
