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his mother → Isabel Manuela Josefa Hurtado de Mendoza y Rojas Manrique
her mother → Juana de Rojas Manrique de Mendoza
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her mother → Mayor de Mendoza Manzanedo
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her father → Sancha Manuel
his mother → Sancho Manuel de Villena Castañeda, señor del Infantado y Carrión de los Céspedes
her father → Manuel de Castilla, señor de Escalona
his father → Ferdinand "the Saint", king of Castile and León
his father → Alfonso IX of Leon
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his father → Berenguela de Barcelona, reina consorte de León y Castilla
his mother → Ramon Berenguer III "the Great" count of Barcelona
her father → Maud of Apulia
his mother → Princess Sikelgaita Hauteville
her mother → Guaimar IV, prince of Salerno
her father → Guaimar III, prince of Salerno
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Prince Guaimar III of Salerno
Italian: principe Guaimario III di Salerno
circa 983
Campania, Salerno, Italy
between 1027 and 1031 (39-53)
Roma, Lazio, Rome, Italy
Immediate Family:
Son of Ioannes II "Maledictus", prince of Salerno and Sigelgaita
Husband of Porpora di Tabellaria and Gaitelgrima di Salerno, regent
Father of Giovanni III, principe di Salerno; Guido of Salerno, duke of Sorrento; Guaimar IV, prince of Salerno; Paldolf di Salerno and ... di Salerno
Brother of Guido, conte di Salerno; Ioannes of Salerno; Pietro di Salerno; Lamberto di Salerno and Pandolfo di Salerno
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Steven Avery Kelley on July 9, 2007
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James Fred Patin, Jr. and 46 others
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GUAIMAR di Salerno, son of IOANNES II Prince of Salerno & his wife Sichelgaita --- (-[Feb/Jun] 1027). The dating clause of a charter dated Apr 989, which records a donation by "Lando…episcopus sanct sedis Pestane", refers to the sixth year of "principatus domni nostri Iohanni…principis" and the first year of "principatus domni Guaimarii principis filio eius"[943]. A charter dated Oct 989 names "domne Sichelgaita principissa uxor…domni Iohanni…principis" and "domnus Guaimarius princeps et Iohannes comes germani filii…domni Iohanni et domne Sichelgaite"[944]. The Catalogus Principum Salerni record that "Weimarius princeps eius frater [=Wido] benignus et clemens" succeeded as Prince of Salerno and ruled for 43 years 9 months[945]. He succeeded his father in 999 as GUAIMAR III Prince of Salerno. The dating clause of a charter dated Oct 999, under which "Alfanus filius quondam Petri de Capazzana" donated property to Cava monastery, refers to the eleventh year of "principatus domni nostri Guaimari…principis" without naming his father[946]. Normans returning from a pilgrimage to Jerusalem helped him defend Salerno from Muslim invaders [1000] and were invited to stay, the first Normans to settle in southern Italy[947]. [The dating clause of a charter dated Sep 1006 refers to the eighth year of "Guaimarii filii quondam Guaimarii principis"[948]. It is assumed that this charter is misdated and should refer to Prince Guaimar IV as no other indication has been found that the father of Prince Guaimar III was named Guaimar.] Prince of Capua and Duke of Amalfi [1010]. Duke of Sorrento [1011]. The dating clause of a charter dated May 1012 refers to the twenty-fourth year of "principatus Salerni domni…Guaimari…princeps", the fourth year of "principatus eius Capue et ducatui Amalfi", the third year of "ducatus illius Sirrenti", and the first year of "suprascriptorum principatuum et ducatuum domni Gisulfi…principis filii eius"[949]. The dating clause of a charter dated Nov 1018 refers to the thirtieth year of "principatus domni…Guaimari" and the first year of "principatus domni Guaimari eius filii…principibus"[950]. The date of his death is estimated from his being named with his son for the last time in the dating clause of a charter dated Feb 1027[951], and the dating clause of a charter dated Jun 1027 referring to the ninth year of "principatus domni…Guaimari" and the first year of "principatus domne Gaytelgrime genetrice eius"[952]. The Annals of Romoald record the death in 1030 of "Iohannes princeps Salerni" and the succession of his son "Guaimarius"[953], but the charter quoted above shows that this date must be inaccurate.
m firstly PURPURA, daughter of --- (-[Jul 1010/1011]). "Guaimarius…Langobardorum gentis Princeps" donated property to "Luce Abbati Monasterium Sancte Barbare", with the consent of "Purpure Principisse…coniugis nostre", by charter dated 1005[954]. "Guaimarius…Langobardorum gentis Princeps" donated property to "Ecclesia Veati Michaëlis Arcangeli…in Monte…Aureo", with the consent of "Purpure Principisse…coniugis nostre", by charter dated Jul 1010[955]. The parentage of Purpura, first wife of Prince Guaimar III, is unknown. A charter dated Jul 1059, under which "Aloara filia quondam Romoaldi comitis que uxor denique Petri comitis et referendarii fuerat" donated property, quotes an earlier charter under which "Guaimar Prince of Salerno", in "the fourteenth year" of his reign, granted property in Salerno to "Petri comiti thio et referendario nostro" at the request of "Laidolfi comitis socero nostro"[956]. If "Guaimar Prince of Salerno" in this document refers to Prince Guaimar III, the fourteenth year of his reign would have been 1006, in which case "Laidolfi comitis" would have been the father of Guaimar´s first wife Purpura. However, it is more likely that the document refers to Prince Guaimar IV (whose fourteenth year was 1032) whose wife named her father Laidolf in a later source (see below).
m secondly ([Jul 1010/1011]) GAITELGRIMA, daughter of PANDOLF III Prince of Capua and Benevento, Duke of Salerno & his wife ---. "Guaimarius et Guaimarius…Longobardorum gentis Principes" confirmed the rights of Salerno church, with the consent of "Gaitelgrime Principisse…coniugis nostre", by charter dated May 1023, the dating clause stating that the year was the thirty-fifth of "Domni Guaimarii Principis" and the fifth year of "Domni Guaimarii eius filio", subscribed by "Gaitelgrimam Guaimarii III uxorem" and "uxorem Guaimarii IV…Gemmam"[957]. Amatus records that the wife of Guaimar [III] Prince of Salerno was the sister of Pandolf [IV] Prince of Capua and that the latter was released after the intervention of Prince Guaimar[958]. The dating clause of two charters dated Jun 1027 and Jul 1027 refer to the ninth year of "principatus domni…Guaimari" and the first year of "principatus domne Gaytelgrime genetrice eius"[959], indicating that Gaitelgrima was appointed co-ruler or regent because of the minority of her son. "Gaitelgrima" is not named in the charters from Nov 1027 onwards, presumably indicating that she died before that date.
Prince Guaimar III & his first wife had two children:
Prince Guaimar & his second wife had four children:
Guaimar III (also Waimar, Gaimar, Guaimaro, or Guaimario and sometimes numbered Guaimar IV) (c.983 – c.1027) was duke (or prince) of Salerno from around 994 to his death. His date of death is sometimes given as 1030 or 1031, but the most reliable sources consistently indicate 1027. Under his reign, Salerno entered an era of great splendour. Opulenta Salernum was the inscription on his coins. He made Amalfi, Gaeta and Sorrento his vassals and annexed much of Byzantine Apulia and Calabria.
He was the second eldest son of Duke John II of Salerno. The eldest was Guy, who ruled as co-ruler with his father from January 984 to 988. Sometime between January and March 989, John made Guaimar co-regent. In 994 (also given as 998 or 999), his father died and he became sole ruler.
In 999, a band of Norman pilgrims returning from Jerusalem stopped at the port of Salerno. While they were staying there, the city was attacked by Saracen pirates. The Salernitans were afraid to offer battle, but the warlike Normans were not. Soon their bravery drew out the Salernitans and together they routed the Moslem force. Guaimar promptly offered the Normans numerous incentives to stay, but to no avail. Before they left, however, the Normans promised to spread the word about the need for fighting men in the south.
As a member of the independent Lombard leadership of the Mezzogiorno, Guaimar supported the Lombard rebel Melus of Bari. After Melus's defeat in 1011, Guaimar was paid a visit by the victorious Byzantine catapan, Basil Mesardonites, in October. Later, he sheltered Melus. Guaimar was nominally a vassal of Holy Roman Emperor Henry II, but after the defeat at Cannae in 1018, he discreetly transferred his allegiance to the Byzantine Emperor Basil II. When Henry died in 1024, Guaimar sent an embassy to the new emperor, Conrad II, to plead for the release of his brother-in-law Pandulf IV of Capua, the Wolf of the Abruzzi. Conrad naively complied. Upon his return, Pandulf immediately put his old capital, Capua, under siege, an endeavour in which he had the support of Guaimar and his Normans under Ranulf Drengot and the catepan of Italy, Boiannes.
In 1015, Guaimar made his eldest son by his first wife, Porpora of Tabellaria (d.c.1010), co-prince as John III. In 1018, however, John died. Guaimar then made co-prince his eldest son by his second wife, Gaitelgrima, the sister of Pandulf. It was this son, also named Guaimar, who succeeded him in 1027 at the age of fourteen or sixteen under the regency of Gaitelgrima, who was basically the pawn of her brother Pandulf. Guaimar III's second son, Guy, was made gastald of Capua by his uncle and later duke of Sorrento by his elder brother. His third son, Pandulf, became lord of Capaccio. He had a daughter (probably about 1026) named Gaitelgrima, who married successively the brothers Drogo and Humphrey, counts of Apulia.
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Showing 12 of 14 people
Gaitelgrima di Salerno, regent
Guido of Salerno, duke of Sorrento
Guaimar IV, prince of Salerno
Paldolf di Salerno
... di Salerno
Porpora di Tabellaria
Giovanni III, principe di Salerno
Ioannes II "Maledictus", prince ...
Guido, conte di Salerno
Ioannes of Salerno
Pietro di Salerno
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