104 ° Bisabuela/ Great Grandmother de:
Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo
(Linea Paterna)
Noam is your 104th great grandmother.de→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→ Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna
your father → Carlos Urdaneta Carrillo
his father → Enrique Urdaneta Maya, Dr.
his father → Josefa Alcira Maya de la Torre y Rodríguez
his mother → Vicenta Rodríguez Uzcátegui
her mother → María Celsa Uzcátegui Rincón
her mother → Sancho Antonio de Uzcátegui Briceño
her father → Jacobo de Uzcátegui Bohorques
his father → Luisa Jimeno de Bohorques Dávila
his mother → Juan Jimeno de Bohórquez
her father → Luisa Velásquez de Velasco
his mother → Juan Velásquez de Velasco y Montalvo, Gobernador de La Grita
her father → Ortún Velázquez de Velasco
his father → María Enríquez de Acuña
his mother → Inés Enríquez y Quiñones
her mother → Fadrique Enríquez de Mendoza, 2º Almirante Mayor de Castilla, Conde de Melgar y Rueda
her father → Alonso Enríquez de Castilla, 1er. Almirante Mayor de Castilla, Señor de Medina de Rio Seco
his father → Yonati bat Gedaliah, Paloma
his mother → Gedalia Shlomo ibn ben Shlomo ibn Yaḥyā haZaken
her father → Shlomo ben Yahya ibn Yahya
his father → Yosef ibn Yahya HaZaken
his father → Don Yehuda ibn Yahya ibn Ya'ish
his father → Don Yahya "el Negro"
his father → Yehudah "Ya'ish" ben Yahuda ibn ben Yahudah ibn Yaḥyā, senhor de Aldeia dos Negros
his father → Sisnandiz Moniz
his mother → Elvira "Unisco" Bvira (Elvira) "Unisco" Núñez Sisnandiz Núñes Sisnandiz
her mother → Sisnando ben David Davidiz Davidiz, Vizier of Castile, Emir of Toledo, Comtes de Quimbra
her father → UNDOCUMENTED? Shoshana bat Hai Gaon ben Sherira bat Hai Gaon
his mother → Hai ben Sherira, Gaon v'haDayyan b'Pumbeditha
her father → Sherira ben Hananya Gaon of Pumbeditha
his father → 2nd Sheshna haSpfer b'Pumbeditha bat Mar Rab Mishoi 'Sheshna' haSofer b'Pumbeditha
his mother → Mar Rab Mishoi Sheshna ben Yitzhak Sedeq, ha Sofer b'Pumbeditha
her father → Mar Yitzhak Sadoq
his father → Hillel "Hilai" Yishai ben "Mari", Gaon of Sura
his father → Meiri "Mari" ben Hananiah haKohen al-Nahr Peḳod, Gaon of Sura
his father → Hananya ben Haninai HaKohen ben Haninai haKohen al-Nahr Paqod, "Dayan of the Gate" Gaon of Sura
his father → Haninai al-Nehar Peḳkod ben Bustanai bar Adai, Exilarch & Gaon of Sura
his father → Adai binte Assad bin Hashim
his mother → Imam Assad bin Imaam Hashim
her father → Imaam Hashim (A'mr ul-U'la) bin Imaam ‘Abd al-Manāf
his father → 'Ātikah binte Murrah bin Hilāl
his mother → Murrah bin Hilāl bin Faalij
her father → Hilāl bin Faalij
his father → Faalij bin Dhakwān (Zakwaan)
his father → Dhakwān (Zakwaan) bin Saleem
his father → Saleem Banu al-Hawazin bin Qays
his father → Banu al-Hawāzin ibn Qays
his father → Qays bin 'Ailaan
his father → 'Ailaan (Gheelaan) bin Imaam Mudhir
his father → Rabab (Hanfa) binte Haydah
his mother → Haydah bin Imaam Ma'ad
her father → Imaam Ma'ad bin Imaam 'Adnaan
his father → Imaam 'Adnaan bin Imaam 'Udd
his father → Imaam 'Udd bin 'Udadh
his father → 'Udadh ('Udaz) bin Esau (As-Sai')
his father → Humaisi / Umaisi
his father → Salaman
his father → 'Aws
his father → Buz
his father → Qamwal
his father → Ubay
his father → 'Awwam
his father → Nashid
his father → Haza
his father → Bildas
his father → Yadlaf
his father → Tabikh
his father → Jahim
his father → Nahish
his father → Makhi
his father → 'Aydh
his father → 'Abqar
his father → 'Ubayd
his father → ad-Da'a
his father → Isma'il (Hamdan)
his father → Sanbir
his father → Yathribi (al-Tamh)
his father → Yahzan (al-Qasur)
his father → Yalhan (al-'Anud)
his father → Ar'awa (al-Da'da')
his father → Mahmud ('Ayfa 'Aydh)
his father → Dayshan (al-Za'id)
his father → 'Isaar
his father → Afnaad
his father → Aihaam
his father → Maqsar (Hisn)
his father → Naahith (al-Nizal)
his father → Zarih (al-Qumayr)
his father → Shamma / Shuma
his father → Mizza / Mazzi
his father → Adwa .
his father → 'Aram
his father → Hadad Hadar
his father → Anah Ra'La al-Sayyida .
his mother → Adah (Bashemath)
her mother → Elon the Hittite .
her father → Heth .
his father → Canaan .
his father → Ham .
his father → Naamah .
his mother → Rake’el .
her father → Methuselah .
his father → Enoch / Idris .
his father → Baraka / Baltsa / Beltsea
his mother → Rachujal .
her mother → Noam .
her motherConsistency CheckShow short path | Share this path
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Noam . MP
Hebrew: נועם .
Gender: Female
Birth: circa -3765
Death: -2864 (896-906)
Immediate Family:
Daughter of Seth . and Azura .
Wife of Enosh .
Mother of Barakiel .; Mualeleth .; Cainan .; Phoe .; Catennath . and 2 others
Sister of Enosh .; Other Sons .; Niba .; Edna .; Thila . and 3 others
Added by: Karla Kay Walsh on June 3, 2007
Managed by: Noel Clark Bush and 130 others
Curated by: Shmuel-Aharon Kam (Kahn / שמואל-אהרן קם (קאן
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Jubilees 4:13.
Was married to her brother, Enosh.
The Book of Jubilees - 4:13 -'And in the seventh jubilee in the third week Enos took Noam his sister to be his wife, (6x49=) 294 yrs + (2x7=) 14 yrs + 4 yrs = 312 from the beginning)
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Enosh .
Barakiel .
Mualeleth .
Cainan .
Phoe .
Catennath .
Rachujal .
NN .
Azura .
Seth .
Other Sons .
Niba .