Padre: Guigues II d'Albon Pinguis
23° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de:
Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo
(Linea Paterna)
Guigues III, I. comte d'Albon is your 23rd great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→ Dr. Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna
your father → Elena Cecilia Lecuna Escobar
his mother → María Elena de la Concepción Escobar Llamosas
her mother → Cecilia Cayetana de la Merced Llamosas Vaamonde de Escobar
her mother → Cipriano Fernando de Las Llamosas y García
her father → José Lorenzo de las Llamozas Silva
his father → Joseph Julián Llamozas Ranero
his father → Manuel Llamosas y Requecens
his father → Isabel de Requesens
his mother → Luis de Requeséns y Zúñiga, Virrey de Holanda
her father → D. Estefania de Requesens, III Condesa de Palamós
his mother → Hipòlita Roís de Liori i de Montcada
her mother → Beatriz de Montcada i de Vilaragut
her mother → Pedro de Montcada i de Luna, Señor de Villamarchante
her father → Elfa de Luna y de Xèrica
his mother → Pedro Martínez de Luna y Saluzzo, señor de Almonacid y Pola
her father → Marchesa di Saluzzo
his mother → Filippo di Saluzzo, governor of Sardinia
her father → Tommaso I, IV marchese di Saluzzo
his father → Beatrice of Savoy
his mother → Marguerite ou Anne de Bourgogne
her mother → Beatrice d'Albon, Dauphine du Viennois, comtesse d'Albon & du Grésivaudan
her mother → Guigues V Dauphin, comte d'Albon et de Grenoble
her father → Guigues IV "le Dauphin", comte d'Albon
his father → Guigues III, I. comte d'Albon
his fatherConsistency CheckShow short path | Share this path
Guigues d'Albon, III MP
circa 1068
Albon, Ardeche, Rhone-Alpes, France
December 21, 1125 (52-61)
Albon, Ardeche, Rhone-Alpes, France
Immediate Family:
Son of Guigues II d'Albon, "Pinguis" and Pétronille d'Argental
Husband of Mathilde II
Father of Guigues IV "le Dauphin", comte d'Albon; Garsende d'Albon; Béatrice d'Albon; Mahaut of Albon, countess of Savoy and Humbert d'Albon, archbishop of Vienne
Brother of Adélaïde d'Albon
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François-Régis Allouis on September 8, 2007
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Guigues le Vieux comtes d'Albon dit Guigues III (between 1050 and 1060–1133) was the first Count of Albon from 1079, when the County of Vienne, then in the possession of the Archdiocese of Vienne, was divided between him and Humbert I of Savoy, who received Maurienne.
He was the son of Guigues II of Albon and Adelaide of Royans. His ancestors were lords of the castle of Albon and counts (comites) in the Grésivaudan and Briançonnais.
Guigues's regin was marked by continual strife with Hugh of Châteauneuf, Bishop of Grenoble, over the suzerainty of certain church lands in the Grésivaudan. Hugh accused the count of usurping the lands with the help of the Bishop Mallem and invented fantastic stories to back up his claim to the disputed estates. Finally an accord was signed between Guigues and the bishop in 1099. Guigues returned the ecclesiastic land, while Hugh recognised the authority of the count in the vicinity of Grenoble.
In 1095, Guigues contracted an exemplary marriage with the high-born Matilda, long thought to be the daughter of Edgar the Aetheling, but now thought more likely to have been a daughter of Roger I of Sicily, the Great Count, and his third wife, Adelaide del Vasto. Patrick Deret, however, alleges, on the basis of possible birth dates, that her mother must have been Roger's second wife, Eremburga of Mortain.
In 1129, Guigues benefited further from the division of the Viennois between himself and Amadeus III of Savoy. Four years later, he died, leaving as his heir Guigues IV and a second son, Humbert, Archbishop of Vienne. He had three daughters:
Garsenda, married William III of Forcalquier
Matilda, married Amadeus III of Savoy in 1135
Beatrice (born c. 1100), married Josserand de Die (c. 1095–c. 1147)
GUIGUES [V] ([1050/70]-21 Dec 1125). A charter dated to [1100] relates details of a dispute between the bishop and counts of Albon which names "Guigo Vetus, pater Guigonis Crassus…Guigoni comiti, filio Guigonis Crassis"[3410]. In 1091, he was co-heir to Adelaida Marchesa di Susa. "Guigo comes, filius Guigonis Crassi" donated property to the cathedral of Grenoble by charter dated 1099[3411]. Comte d'Albon. "Dominus Vuigo comes et uxor eius Regina quæ fuit de Anglia" confirmed a donation to Domène by charter dated 1106 which states that "matris suæ" was buried in the monastery[3412]. "Guigo comes Albionensis" is recorded as present in a charter dated 2 Aug 1107 which relates to a dispute between "fratres Guidonem Viennensium et Hugonem Gratianopolitanum episcopos" relating to property "in pago Salmoracensi"[3413]. An undated charter notes concessions made by "domini Guigonis comitis" to Domène, witnessed by "uxor domini comitis domina Regina et soror eiusdem comitis domina Adelaida…"[3414]. "Dominus Vuigo comes" donated property "cabannaria…in mandamento castri Vorappiæ" to Domène, in the presence of "dominæ Reginæ uxoris domini Vuigonis comitis", by charter dated 1107[3415]. Comte Guigues and his wife "Regina nominate Maheldis" donated property to Chalais abbey, with the approval of "leurs fils Guigues Delfinus et Humbert", by charter dated 31 Oct 1110[3416]. Comte Guigues and his wife "Matelda" donated property to the Hospital of Jerusalem at Gap by charter dated 30 Apr 1112[3417]. A charter dated to [1122] records a donation by "Guigo comes et Matildis uxor eius" of property "in parochia Sancti Saturnini juxta aquam Velciam" to the abbey of Bonnevaux, later confirmed by "Guigo delphinus et uxor eius et Humbertus Podiensis episcopus frater eius", the confirmation witnessed by "Matildis mater eius"[3418]. "Guigo comes filius Petronille" donated property to Oulx, for the soul of "uxorisque mee Matildis", by charter dated to [1101/32], witnessed by "Matiltis regina uxor eius et filius eius Humbertus Aniciensi ecclesie electus…"[3419]. The necrology of the priory of Saint-Robert records the death 21 Dec 1125 of "Guigues le Comte, qui construisit le monastère de Saint-Robert de Cornillon"[3420].
m REGINA [Matilda], daughter of --- [from England] (-[1146/47]). "Dominus Vuigo comes et uxor eius Regina quæ fuit de Anglia" confirmed a donation to Domène by charter dated 1106 which states that "matris suæ" was buried in the monastery[3421]. An undated charter notes concessions made by "domini Guigonis comitis" to Domène, witnessed by "uxor domini comitis domina Regina et soror eiusdem comitis domina Adelaida…"[3422]. "Dominus Vuigo comes" donated property "cabannaria…in mandamento castri Vorappiæ" to Domène, in the presence of "dominæ Reginæ uxoris domini Vuigonis comitis", by charter dated 1107[3423]. "Vuigo comes et uxor eius Mahiol" granted commitments to the monks of Chalais by charter dated to [1108/10][3424]. Comte Guigues and his wife "Regina nominate Maheldis" donated property to Chalais abbey, with the approval of "leurs fils Guigues Delfinus et Humbert", by charter dated 31 Oct 1110[3425]. Comte Guigues and his wife "Matelda" donated property to the Hospital of Jerusalem at Gap by charter dated 30 Apr 1112[3426]. "Guigo comes et Matildis uxor eius" donated property "in parochial Sancti Saturnini juxta aquam Velciam" naming "Humbertus Podiensis episcopus frater eius" dated [1122][3427]. "Guigo comes filius Petronille" donated property to Oulx, for the soul of "uxorisque mee Matildis", by charter dated to [1101/32], witnessed by "Matiltis regina uxor eius et filius eius Humbertus Aniciensi ecclesie electus…"[3428]. A charter dated to [1122] records a donation by "Guigo comes et Matildis uxor eius" of property "in parochia Sancti Saturnini juxta aquam Velciam" to the abbey of Bonnevaux, later confirmed by "Guigo delphinus et uxor eius et Humbertus Podiensis episcopus frater eius", the confirmation witnessed by "Matildis mater eius"[3429]. "La reine Mathilde" donated property to the abbey of Chalais in 1146, confirmed by charter dated 1147 by "Humbert alors évêque du Puy, depuis archévêque de Vienne…le comte Guigues, fils de Guigues dauphin et sa mere"[3430].
Guigues [V] & his wife had [four] children:
a) GUIGUES [VI] ([1090/1100]-killed in battle La Buissière 28 Jun 1142, bur Notre Dame de Grenoble). Comte Guigues and his wife "Regina nominate Maheldis" donated property to Chalais abbey, with the approval of "leurs fils Guigues Delfinus et Humbert", by charter dated 31 Oct 1110[3431]. Comte d'Albon. - see below.
b) HUMBERT d’Albon (-26 Jun or 20 Nov 1147). Comte Guigues and his wife "Regina nominate Maheldis" donated property to Chalais abbey, with the approval of "leurs fils Guigues Delfinus et Humbert", by charter dated 31 Oct 1110[3432]. A charter dated to [1122] records a donation by "Guigo comes et Matildis uxor eius" of property "in parochia Sancti Saturnini juxta aquam Velciam" to the abbey of Bonnevaux, later confirmed by "Guigo delphinus et uxor eius et Humbertus Podiensis episcopus frater eius", the confirmation witnessed by "Matildis mater eius"[3433]. Bishop of Le Puy . "Guigo comes filius Petronille" donated property to Oulx, for the soul of "uxorisque mee Matildis", by charter dated to [1101/32], witnessed by "Matiltis regina uxor eius et filius eius Humbertus Aniciensi ecclesie electus…"[3434]. "Umbertus filius comitis" subscribed a charter dated 1125 under which "Petrus archiepiscopus Viennensis" confirmed donations by his predecessor "Guidonis" to Valence Saint-Rufus[3435], although it is not certain that this refers to Humbert son of Comte Guigues [III]. "La reine Mathilde" donated property to the abbey of Chalais in 1146, confirmed by charter dated 1147 by "Humbert alors évêque du Puy, depuis archévêque de Vienne…le comte Guigues, fils de Guigues dauphin et sa mere"[3436]. Archbishop of Vienne . The necrology of Saint-Robert records the death 26 Jun (20 Nov) 1147 of "Humbert archévêque de Vienne"[3437].
c) GERSENDE . The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified. 1152. m GUILLAUME [III] Comte de Forcalquier, son of ARMENGOL [IV] "él de Gerp" Conde de Urgel & his second wife Adélaïde de Provence Ctss de Forcalquier (-Avignon 1129).
d) MATHILDE ([1112/16]-after 30 Mar 1148). The Aymari Rivalli De Allobrogibus records that "Amedeo…secundo, Mauriennæ comiti" married "Guigona Crassi filia"[3438]. The identity of her father is clarified as the passage also names "Humbertus minor Crassi filius" and his appointment ot "archiepiscopatum Viennensem". Europäische Stammtafeln[3439] shows a single marriage of Comte Amédée III, to Mathilde d'Albon, in 1123. It is more likely that Mathilde was his second wife, especially if her likely birth date range is correct. According to Europäische Stammtafeln[3440], Mathilde's parents were married [1106-1110]. The same table shows that Mathilde's two brothers, Guigues and Humbert, were mentioned in 1110, indicating that the marriage must have taken place during the earlier part of this date range, if the range is correct. A third child, Gersende d'Albon, must also have born during the early years of her parents' marriage as she herself gave birth to two sons before (or shortly after) the death of her husband in Oct 1129. Assuming all these dates are correct, the timescale is tight for the birth of a fourth child, Mathilde, before 1112 at the earliest. This would make it impossible for Mathilde to have been the mother of Comte Amédée's oldest daughter Alix. "A. comes et marchio cum uxore sua M." donated property to the monastery of Ripalta, with the support of "eorum filio Umberto", by charter dated 9 Jan 1137[3441]. "Amedeus comes et marchio et Maies comitissa uxor eius et Umbertus eorum filius" donated property to the monastery of Saint-Maurice by charter dated 30 Mar 1143[3442]. "Amedeus comes et marchio" confirmed donations to Saint-Sulpice en Bugey, for the soul of "filii mei Humberti", by charter dated to [1148], which also names "uxore mea Matildi", confirmed by "Aalasia comitissa de Bello Joco…cum filio meo Guichardo"[3443]. "Amedeus comes et marchio et Majes comitissa uxor eius et Umbertus eorum filius" confirmed the rights of the monastery of Saint-Maurice d’Agaune by charter dated 30 Mar 1148[3444]. m ([Jul 1134/1135]) as his second wife, AMEDEE III Comte de Maurienne et de Savoie, son of HUMBERT II "le Renforcé" Comte de Maurienne et de Savoie & his wife Gisèle de Bourgogne [Comt%C3%A9] ([1095]-Nicosia 30 Aug 1148).
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Mathilde II
Guigues IV "le Dauphin", comte d...
Garsende d'Albon
Béatrice d'Albon
Mahaut of Albon, countess of Savoy
Humbert d'Albon, archbishop of V...
Pétronille d'Argental
Guigues II d'Albon, "Pinguis"
Adélaïde d'Albon
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