Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Bisabuelo n°32M. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Bisabuelo n°32M. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, 23 de octubre de 2023

Abd Manaf ibn Qusayy ★Bisabuelo n°32M★ Ref: AM-0479 |•••► #ARABIA SAUDITA 🇸🇦 #Genealogía #Genealogy

32 ° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Abd Manaf ibn Qusayy is your 32nd great grandfather.



(Linea Materna)


Abd Manaf ibn Qusayy is your 32nd great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Morella Álamo Borges

your mother → Belén Eloina Borges Ustáriz

her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna

her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesús Uztáriz y Monserrate

her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra

his mother → Teniente Coronel Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina

her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza

his mother → Andrés Manuel Ortiz de Urbina y Landaeta, I Marqués de Torrecasa

her father → Manuel Ortiz de Urbina y Márquez de Cañizares

his father → Manuel de Ortiz de Urbina y Suárez

his father → Juan Ortíz de Urbina y Eguíluz

his father → Martín Ortíz de Urbina

his father → Pedro Ortiz de Urbina

his father → Ortún Díaz de Urbina

his father → Diego López

his father → Diego I el Blanco López, III señor de Vizcaya

his father → Lope Díaz Íñiguez, II señor de Vizcaya, IV Conde de Viscaya

his father → Toda Fortúnez

his mother → Fortún Sánchez, señor de Nájera

her father → Sancho López

his father → Lope Fortúnez

his father → Oria (Aurea) Bint Ibn Musa Banu Qasi

his mother → Lope ibn Musa

her father → Musa Ibn Musa lbn Qasaw, Walí de Tudela, Huesca y Zaragoza

his father → Muza Ibn Fortún ibn Qasi, valì de Zaragoza, Arnedo y de Tudela

his father → 'A'isha ibn Abdul Aziz

his mother → 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn Musa al-Bekir, valí de al-Andalus

her father → Amîna binte Marwân I bin al-Hakam

his mother → Marwân I bin al-Hakam al-Qurayshi

her father → al-Hakam bin Abu al-ʻAs ibn Abi al-'As

his father → Abu al-'As ibn Umayyah

his father → Ummayah Ibn 'Abd Shams

his father → Abdu Asy-Syams bin Imaam ‘Abd al-Manāf ibn Abd Manaf, founder of Banu 'Abd Shams

his father → Abd Manaf ibn Quṣayy

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Abd Manaf ibn Quṣayy is your 22nd great uncle's 8th great grandfather.

Imam Abd Manaf (Lahir 430) ibn Imaam Quṣayy (ibn Qusai), G-79 [Versi 1] MP

Arabic: Imam عبدمناف بن قصي, G-79 [Versi 1]

Gender: Male

Birth: circa 446

Mecca, (now Makkah Province), (now Saudi Arabia)

Death: circa 500 (45-63)

Jannatul Mualla Cemetery, Mecca, (now Makkah Province), (now Saudi Arabia)

Place of Burial: Jannatul Mualla Cemetery, Mecca, (now Makkah Province), (now Saudi Arabia)

Immediate Family:

Son of Imaam Qusay (Lahir 400) bin Kilab, Custodian of Ka'aba and Ḥubbaiy "Chavah" binte Hulail al-Ḵh̲uzāʿa

Husband of NN, Zauja-e-'A'idh al-Makhzumi; 'Ātikah binte Murrah bin Hilāl, Aylan Zauja-e-Imaam ‘Abd al-Manāf; NN, Zauja-e-'Abd-ud Daar bin Imaam Quṣayy; NN, Zauja-e-'Abd bin Imaam Quṣayy; Hilal bint al-Hawāzin and 2 others

Father of Imaam Hashim (A'mr ul-U'la) bin Imaam ‘Abd al-Manāf; Abdu Asy-Syams bin Imaam ‘Abd al-Manāf ibn Abd Manaf, founder of Banu 'Abd Shams; Sayyidi al-Muttalib bin Imaam ‘Abd al-Manāf; Raytah/ Rita binte Imaam ‘Abd al-Manāf; Umm Sufyaan binte Imaam ‘Abd al-Manāf and 10 others

Brother of Abd ad-Dar and Abd. Al' Uzza

Added by: Betule Sairafi on November 16, 2007

Managed by: David John Bilodeau and 123 others

Curated by: Jaim David Harlow, J2b2a1a1a1b3c

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‘Abdu Manāf ibn Quṣayy (Arabic: عبد مناف بن قصي‎) was a Quraishi and great-great-grandfather of the Islamic prophet Muhammad and Ali. His father was Quṣayy ibn Kilāb.

‘Abdu Manāf married a woman named Atikah and had six sons: Abd Shams ibn Abd Manaf, Nawfal, Hashim ibn Abd Manaf (after whom the Banu Hashim clan was named), Muttalib ibn Abd Manaf,[1] Hala and Barra.[1] Muttalib was younger than Hashim and became his successor.

The grave of ‘Abdu Manāf can be found in Jannatul Mualla cemetery, in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.


‘Abd Manāf ibn Quṣai (Arabic: عبد مناف بن قصي‎) was a Quraishi and great-great-grandfather of Islamic prophet Muhammad. His father was Quṣai ibn Kilāb.

'Abd Manāf was already honoured in his father's lifetime however Qusai preferred his first-born 'Abd ad-Dar and invested him with all his rights, powers, and transferred the ownership of the House of Assembly shortly before his death.

After Quṣayy's death Abd Manaf and his brother 'Abd ad-Dar apparently quarreled, and the effects of this conflict continued among their descendants and affected the internal Makkah right up to Muhammad's time. 'Abd ad-Dar was supported by their cousins Makhzum, Sahm, Jumah, their uncle Adi and their families. Abd Manaf contested his inheritance and was supported by their nephew Asad, their uncle Zuhrah ibn Kilab, their father's uncle Taym ibn Murrah (of Banu Taym), and al-Harith ibn Fihr.

‘Abdu Manāf married several wives of influential tribes, including 'Ātikah bint Murrah ibn Hilāl ibn Fālij ibn Dhakwān of Bani Qays Aylan, Hilal of the Banu Hawāzin, Raytah of Ta'if, and Waqida bint Amr.

Raytah had only the son Abd or Abdu'l Amr, who died childless; Waqida also had one son, Nawfal. The Hawazin heiress Atikah, however, bore him five sons and six daughters. The boys were twin sons called Amr (more commonly known as Hashim ibn 'Abd Manaf), Abd Shams, Muttalib, Hala and Barra.[5] Muttalib was younger than Hashim and became his successor. The daughters were Tumadir/Tamadur, Qilaba, Hayya, Raytah/Rita, Umm Akhtham, and Umm Sufyan.

Wilaadat (Birth):

Wafaat (Death):



Progenitor of Banu Abd-ud Daar Tribe.

Source 1:

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Source 3:


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Showing 12 of 28 people

Waqida binte 'Amr, Zauja-e-Imaam...


'Uthman bin Imaam ‘Abd al-Manāf


Nawfal bin Imaam ‘Abd al-Manāf


Raytah al-Ṭā’if, Zauja-e-Im...


Abdu'l Amr bin Imaam ‘Abd al-M...


Hilal bint al-Hawāzin


NN, Zauja-e-'Abd bin Imaam Quṣayy


Tahmur binte 'Abd bin Imaam Qu...


NN, Zauja-e-'Abd-ud Daar bin Ima...


Takhmur Bint Abd


'Ātikah binte Murrah bin Hilāl...


Abdu Asy-Syams bin Imaam ‘Abd ...



Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.



✺- →

✺- →

✺- →

✺- 509→En el Imperio romano, el año fue nombrado el del consulado de Importuno sin colega, o menos comúnmente, como el 1262 Ab urbe condita, adquiriendo su denominación como 503 al establecerse el anno Domini por el 525→


Clodoveo I se convierte en rey de los francos→


Kimmei, emperador de Japón (m. 571).

✺- 519→Cerdic se convierte en el primer rey de Wessex (según la Crónica anglosajona)→

→Las sinagogas de Rávena son incendiadas en una revuelta; Teodorico el Grande ordena su reconstrucción→

→28 de marzo: las Iglesias Orientales y Occidentales reconcilian sus diferencias, finaliza el Cisma acaciano→

→Jacobo de Serug se convierte en obispo de Batnan→

→Se establece la diócesis católica de Kildare en Irlanda.

✺- 529→7 de abril: se publica la primera versión del Corpus iuris civilis→

→La Academia de Atenas, fundada por Platón en el 347 a. C., es cerrada por Justiniano I, emperador de Bizancio→

→II Concilio de Vaison Francia→

→Benito de Nursia se refugia en Montecasino, donde funda la Regla de San Benito→

→Amalarico nombra al hispanorromano Esteban (Stephanus) como prefecto de Hispania, probablemente como un remedo del prefecto del pretorio romano→

→Rebelión samaritana dirigida por Juliano ben Sabar contra el Imperio Bizantino de Justiniano I, durante la que se destruyen numerosos edificios en toda Palestina, especialmente la Basílica de la Natividad en Belén.

✺- 539→Kinmei sucede a su hermano Senka y asciende como 29º emperador al trono de Japón→

→Walthari asesina a su tío Wacho y se convierte en rey de los lombardos→

→Antioquia del Orontes es sacudida por un terremoto→


Nace: Flavio Tiberio Mauricio Augusto, emperador bizantino→


Fallece: Senka Tennō

Fallece: Gregorio de Langres

✺- 549→Agila I es elegido rey por la asamblea de los nobles visigodos (diciembre)→

→Concilio de Orleans (Francia)


Teudiselo, rey visigodo de Hispania, asesinado.


Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.



martes, 30 de mayo de 2023

Theodemir King Of The Suevi ♛★Bisabuelo n°32M★ Ref: TK-0519 |•••► #ESPAÑA 🏆🇪🇸★ #Genealogía #Genealogy

 32 ° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Theodemir, king of the Suevi is your 32nd great grandfather.



 (Linea Materna)


Theodemir, king of the Suevi is your 32nd great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Morella Álamo Borges

your mother → Belén Eloina Borges Ustáriz

her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna

her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesús Uztáriz y Monserrate

her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra

his mother → Teniente Coronel Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina

her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza

his mother → Andrés Manuel Ortiz de Urbina y Landaeta, I Marqués de Torrecasa

her father → Manuel Ortiz de Urbina y Márquez de Cañizares

his father → Manuel de Ortiz de Urbina y Suárez

his father → Juan Ortíz de Urbina y Eguíluz

his father → Martín Ortíz de Urbina

his father → Pedro Ortiz de Urbina

his father → Ortún Díaz de Urbina

his father → Diego López

his father → Diego I el Blanco López, III señor de Vizcaya

his father → Lope Díaz Íñiguez, II señor de Vizcaya, IV Conde de Viscaya

his father → Íñigo Lopez Ezquerra, Conde y 1er. señor de Vizcaya

his father → Lope Velázquez, señor de Colindres

his father → Velasco

his father → Iñigo López, V conde de Vizcaya

his father → Lope "El Lindo" Iñiguez, IV conde de Vizcaya

his father → Elvira Bermudez Lainez

his mother → Bermudo Lainez de Castrogeriz

her father → Laín Calvo, Juez de Castilla

his father → Gundesinto de Castrogériz, Conde de Castrogeriz

his father → Singerico de Cantabria, Conde de Castrogeriz (Castroxeriz)

his father → Teodomiro CANTABRIA and Liebana

his father → Gulvira

his mother → Savaricus of Suéves

her father → Gaudioso of Suéves

his father → Eborico, king of the Suevi

his father → Miro, king of the Suevi

his father → Theodemir, king of the Suevi

his father


Theodemar MP 

Portuguese: Teodomiro, rei suevo, Latin: Theodemirus, Rex Galicia suevorum

Gender: Male

Birth: estimated between 495 and 519 

Death: 570

Immediate Family:

Son of Rechiar II, king of the Suevi

Husband of Radegonde Von Thüringen

Father of Miro, king of the Suevi; Andeca of Galícia; Oda of Swabian da Galícia and Hermenerica

Added by: Jean-Jacques Chacun on February 8, 2007

Managed by: Daniel Dupree Walton and 26 others

Curated by: Erica Howton

 0 M

HISTORIA - history


King of the Suebi or Swabians of Spain

In office 561 – 570

Predecessor: Ariamiro

Successor: Miro

Born: at the end of the 5th century

Death: 570

Children: Miro


Theodemir or Theodemar (also Teodomiro,[1] Latin: Theodemirus; died 570) was one of the last Suevic kings of Galicia and one of the first Chalcedonian Christians to hold the title. He succeeded Ariamir sometime between the end of May 561 and the year 566 and ruled until his death.

Theodemir has been posited as the first Orthodox Christian monarch of the Suevi since the death of Rechiar and the monarch who brought about the conversion of his people from Arianism to orthodoxy with the help of the missionary Martin of Dumio. This theory is largely based on the Historia Suevorum of Isidore of Seville: regni potestatem Theodimirus suscepit: qui confestim Arrianae impietatis errore destructo Suevos catholicae fidei reddidit.[2] However, other sources, notably John of Biclarum and Gregory of Tours, plus the minutes of the First Council of Braga, give or imply different occurrences: John that Reccared I of the Visigoths brought about the conversion of both peoples, Gregory that the saintly intercession of Martin of Tours at the bequest of the king Chararic brought it about, and the minutes of First Braga that Ariamir was the first to lift the ban on orthodox Catholic synods.

Most scholars have attempted to meld these stories. It has been alleged that Theodemir must have been a successor of Ariamir's, since Ariamir was the first Suevic monarch to lift the ban on Catholic synods; Isidore therefore gets the chronology wrong.[3][4] Reinhart suggested that Chararic was converted first through the relics of Saint Martin and that Theodemir was converted later through the preaching of Martin of Dumio.[5] Felix Dahn equated Chararic with Theodemir, even saying that the latter was the name he took upon baptism.[5] It has also been suggested that Theodemir and Ariamir were the same person and the son of Chararic.[5] Ferreiro believes the conversion of the Suevi was progressive and stepwise and that Thoedemir was responsible for beginning a persecution of the Arians in his kingdom to root out their heresy.[6]

In 569 Theodemir called the First Council of Lugo,[7] which increased the number of dioceses within the kingdom. In 570 he was attacked by the Arian king of the Visigoths, Leovigild.


No parents identified.

TEODEMIRO (-570). He succeeded in 561 as TEODEMIRO King of the Suevi at Lugo. He divided his territories into two ecclesiastical provinces at the assembly at Lugo, Braga and Lugo, in 569[103]. m ---. The name of Teodemiro's wife or concubine is not known. King Teodemiro & his [wife] had one child:

1. MIRÓN (-583). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. He succeeded his father in 570 as MIRÓN King of the Suevi at Lugo. The Iohannis Abbatis Biclarensis Chronica records that "Miro Suevorum rex" made war against "Runcones" in 572[104]. He made an alliance with Leovigildo King of the Visigoths in 579, but helped the latter's son Hermenegildo after he had rebelled and been captured in Seville. Gregory of Tours records that "Mir King of Galicia" supported Hermenegildo, son of Leovigildo King of the Visigoths, against his father but died immediately after returning to his own country[105]. King Mirón was himself captured and obliged to swear loyalty to the Visigothic king[106]. The Iohannis Abbatis Biclarensis Chronica records the death in 583 of "Miro Suevorum rex"[107]. m as her first husband, SISEGUTIA, daughter of ---. The Iohannis Abbatis Biclarensis Chronica records that "Audeca" succeeded in 584 "in Gallaccia Suevorum regnum" and married "Sisegutiam relictam Mironis regis"[108]. She married secondly (584) as his [second] wife, Audica, who had deposed King Eborico. King Mirón & his wife had two children:

a) EBORICO (-after 585). The Iohannis Abbatis Biclarensis Chronica names "Eboricus filius eius" when recording that he succeeded his father in 583 "in provincia Gallacciæ"[109]. Gregory of Tours names "Euric" as son of "Mir King of Galicia" when recording that he succeeded his father and sought to renew a pact with King Leovigildo[110]. He succeeded his father in 583 as EBORICO King of the Suevi at Lugo. He was deposed in 584 by Audica[111]. The Iohannis Abbatis Biclarensis Chronica records that he became a monk after he was deposed[112].

b) daughter . Gregory of Tours records that Audica, a relation of Euric, married the sister of the latter[113]. m as his [first] wife, AUDICA, son of ---.


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Showing 6 people

Radegonde Von Thüringen


Miro, king of the Suevi


Andeca of Galícia


Oda of Swabian da Galícia




Rechiar II, king of the Suevi



Ancestros de Theodemir, king of the Suevi


1. Theodemir, king of the Suevi d. 570

2. Rechiar II, king of the Suevi d. circa 520

3. Hermeneric ll, king of the Suevi d. circa 485

4. Resimund, king of the Suevi b. circa 440; d. 469

5. Maldras, king of the Suevi d. February 460

6. Massila


Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.



✺- 519→Cerdic se convierte en el primer rey de Wessex (según la Crónica anglosajona)→

→Las sinagogas de Rávena son incendiadas en una revuelta; Teodorico el Grande ordena su reconstrucción→

→28 de marzo: las Iglesias Orientales y Occidentales reconcilian sus diferencias, finaliza el Cisma acaciano→

→Jacobo de Serug se convierte en obispo de Batnan→

→Se establece la diócesis católica de Kildare en Irlanda.

✺- 524→Concilio provincial de Lérida→

→Gundemaro III y su aliado ostrogodo Teodorico I el Grande frenan la conquista franca del reino burgundio en la batalla de Vézeronce→


Boecio, filósofo latino, ejecutado→

Fallece: →25 de junio: Clodomiro, rey de los francos→

Fallece: →Ahkal Mo' Naab' I, ahau maya.

✺- 529→7 de abril: se publica la primera versión del Corpus iuris civilis→

→La Academia de Atenas, fundada por Platón en el 347 a. C., es cerrada por Justiniano I, emperador de Bizancio→

→II Concilio de Vaison Francia→

→Benito de Nursia se refugia en Montecasino, donde funda la Regla de San Benito→

→Amalarico nombra al hispanorromano Esteban (Stephanus) como prefecto de Hispania, probablemente como un remedo del prefecto del pretorio romano→

→Rebelión samaritana dirigida por Juliano ben Sabar contra el Imperio Bizantino de Justiniano I, durante la que se destruyen numerosos edificios en toda Palestina, especialmente la Basílica de la Natividad en Belén.

✺- 534→Toledo se convierte en capital del reino visigodo→

→El reino vándalo del norte de África es destruido y su territorio, incorporado al Imperio bizantino→

→Finaliza la redacción del Corpus Iuris Civilis→

→A principios de año los romanos orientales (bizantinos) toman Ceuta (Sebta), arrojando a una guarnición visigoda establecida allí, sin que se conozca con exactitud la fecha de su posesión por los visigodos. Los bizantinos reparan las fortificaciones de la ciudad, descuidadas por los visigodos, y la dejan al mando de un tribuno→

→Redacción de la Regla de S. Benito→

→Se promulga el Código de Justiniano en su segunda versión→


Nace: Agustín de Canterbury, arzobispo y santo cristiano (fecha aproximada)→


Fallece: Teodorico I de Austrasia, rey franco→

→Fallece: 2 de octubre: Atalarico, rey de los ostrogodos.

✺- 539→Kinmei sucede a su hermano Senka y asciende como 29º emperador al trono de Japón→

→Walthari asesina a su tío Wacho y se convierte en rey de los lombardos→

→Antioquia del Orontes es sacudida por un terremoto→


Nace: Flavio Tiberio Mauricio Augusto, emperador bizantino→


Fallece: Senka Tennō

Fallece: Gregorio de Langres

✺- 544→Imperio bizantino

Guerra gótica: el emperador Justiniano I envía a Belisario de regreso al reino ostrogodo (Italia) con una fuerza expedicionaria bizantina inadecuada (4000 hombres y 200 barcos)→

→Belisario derrota al ejército gótico del rey Totila, que asedia sin éxito la ciudad de Otranto (sur de Italia). Después de su retirada, los bizantinos marchan hacia Roma→

→Justiniano I emite un nuevo edicto condenando los Tres Capítulos. En Europa Occidental, el papa Vigilio se niega a reconocer el edicto imperial y se le ordena a Constantinopla→


El rey Khosrau I ataca sin éxito la ciudad fortaleza bizantina de Dara. El asedio de Edesa es rechazado y los persas se ven forzados a un punto muerto→


Febrero - Lý Bí es declarado emperador y establece el imperio Van Xuân (actual Vietnam). Sus ejércitos repelen los ataques del reino de Champa →

→Octubre: la dinastía Liang toma represalias contra Van Xuân y envía un ejército imperial (120.000 hombres) al mando de Chen Baxian para volver a ocupar la región→


Jacobo Baradeo consagra a Sergio de Tella como patriarca de Antioquía, abriendo un cisma permanente entre la Iglesia Ortodoxa Siria y la Iglesia Ortodoxa Oriental →


Fallece: Dionisio el Exiguo (c. 470 – c. 544), monje erudito y matemático y fundador de la era cristiana a partir del Anno Domini→

→Fallece: Salomón, general bizantino.

✺- 549→Agila I es elegido rey por la asamblea de los nobles visigodos (diciembre)→

→Concilio de Orleans (Francia)


Teudiselo, rey visigodo de Hispania, asesinado.

✺- 554→Imperio Bizantino

Los ejércitos de Bizancio ocupan el sur de Italia. Justiniano I organiza sus territorios en Italia mediante la Pragmática sanción que fija los vínculos entre el poder de la iglesia y el civil→

→Fuerzas bizantinas toman Granada y Andalucía a los visigodos→


Atanagildo sucede a Agila I como rey de los visigodos→

→Toledo, capital del reino visigodo en Hispania.1​


El 15 de agosto en Anatolia, se registra un fuerte terremoto que causa daños menores y un tsunami que demolió varios edificios→

→Gong Di sucede a Fei Di como gobernante de la dinastía Wei occidental china→

→Jiangling es capturado; 100.000 habitantes son esclavizados y distribuidos entre generales y oficiales→

→Baekje y Gaya se alían y emprenden la guerra sobre Silla en la península de Corea, pero son derrotados→

→Se erige el segundo y más grande de los budas de Bāmiyān en el centro de Afganistán.2​


Agila I, rey de los visigodos de Hispania. Asesinado.

✺- 559→Belisario derrota a los kutriguros en la batalla de Melantias→


Karriarico, rey de los suevos.

✺- 564→Cultura maya

La inscripción más antigua en Tulum data de este año→


Hermenegildo, príncipe visigodo→

→Chindasvinto, rey de los visigodos entre los años 642 y 653.

✺- 569→Los reyes francos Sigeberto I y Gontrán sitian Arlés, en poder de los visigodos. Tras una batalla que vencen, las tropas de Gontrán toman Arlés. El rey visigodo Liuva se dirige a la provincia de Septimania, para protegerla de un eventual ataque franco y asocia a su hermano Leovigildo como rey, confiándole el gobierno del resto del reino, en una decisión insólita en el reino visigodo. Para fortalecer su posición Leovigildo se casa con Gosuinda, viuda de Atanagildo, ganando la alianza de su partido→

→Martín es nombrado obispo de Braga.


Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.

