Familia Urdaneta y sus parientes. Parentescos Consanguíneos, por afinidad y políticos.
miércoles, 25 de octubre de 2023
Imaam Murrah G-76 [Versi 1] ★Bisabuelo n°35M★ Ref: IM-0373 |•••► #ARABIA SAUDITA 🇸🇦 #Genealogía #Genealogy
miércoles, 16 de agosto de 2023
Basinus I, king of the Thüringians ♛★Bisabuelo n°35M★ Ref: RT-0420 |•••► #ALEMANIA 🏆🇩🇪★ #Genealogía #Genealogy
35 ° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Basinus I, king of the Thüringians is your 35th great grandfather.
(Linea Materna)
Basinus I, king of the Thüringians is your 35th great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→ Morella Álamo Borges
your mother → Belén Eloina Borges Ustáriz
her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna
her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesús Uztáriz y Monserrate
her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra
his mother → Teniente Coronel Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina
her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza
his mother → Andrés Manuel Ortiz de Urbina y Landaeta, I Marqués de Torrecasa
her father → Manuel Ortiz de Urbina y Márquez de Cañizares
his father → Manuel de Ortiz de Urbina y Suárez
his father → Juan Ortíz de Urbina y Eguíluz
his father → Martín Ortíz de Urbina
his father → Pedro Ortiz de Urbina
his father → Ortún Díaz de Urbina
his father → Diego López
his father → Diego I el Blanco López, III señor de Vizcaya
his father → Lope Díaz Íñiguez, II señor de Vizcaya, IV Conde de Viscaya
his father → Íñigo Lopez Ezquerra, Conde y 1er. señor de Vizcaya
his father → Lope Velázquez, señor de Colindres
his father → Velasco
his father → Iñigo López, V conde de Vizcaya
his father → Lope "El Lindo" Iñiguez, IV conde de Vizcaya
his father → Elvira Bermudez Lainez
his mother → Bermudo Lainez de Castrogeriz
her father → Laín Calvo, Juez de Castilla
his father → Gundesinto de Castrogériz, Conde de Castrogeriz
his father → Singerico de Cantabria, Conde de Castrogeriz (Castroxeriz)
his father → Teodomiro CANTABRIA and Liebana
his father → Gulvira
his mother → Savaricus of Suéves
her father → Gaudioso of Suéves
his father → Eborico, king of the Suevi
his father → Miro, king of the Suevi
his father → Radegonde Von Thüringen
his mother → Baderich, king of the Thüringians
her father → Basinus II, king of the Thüringians
his father → Basinus I, king of the Thüringians
his fatherConsistency CheckShow short path | Share this path
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Basinus I, king of the Thüringians is your 21st great aunt's husband's 9th great grandfather.
→ Morella Álamo Borges
your mother → show 33 relatives → Basinus II, king of the Thüringians
his father → Basinus I, king of the Thüringians
his fatherConsistency CheckShare this path
Basinus MP
Gender: Male
Birth: circa 420
Frankish Territory, Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Death: after 464
Thuringia, Germany
Immediate Family:
Ex-husband of Basina II of the Thüringians
Father of Basinus II, king of the Thüringians
Added by: <private> Hibbard on July 5, 2008
Managed by: Harald Tveit Alvestrand (Tveit) and 41 others
Curated by: Jason Scott Wills
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1. BASINUS, son of --- (-after 464). King of Thuringia. Gregory of Tours specifies that Childerich King of the Franks found refuge with Basinus King of Thuringia after being deposed[6], dated to [456/57].
m as her first husband, BASINA, daughter of ---. Gregory of Tours names Basina as wife of Basinus King of Thuringia, specifying that she deserted her first husband to join Childerich after he was restored as king in Gaul[7]. Assuming that Basina existed, it is unlikely that her first name is correct considering that it is the feminine form of her first husband's name. She married secondly ([464]) Childerich I King of the Franks. The marriage date is estimated on the basis of how long Childerich was allegedly in exile, assuming that the date of his deposition is accurate, and is appears to be consistent with the estimated dates of birth of the couple's descendants.
Bisinus From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bisinus, Basinus, Besinus, or Bisin (Lombardic: Pisen) was the king of the Thuringii (fl. c. 460 – 506/510).
According to Gregory of Tours, he supplied refuge to Childeric I, the Frankish king who was exiled by his own people. After eight years, Childeric returned to Tournai. Bisinus's wife, Basina, left him and joined Childeric.[1]
The historical Bisinus bears some resemblance to the Bisinus described by Gregory of Tours, but the details are different: Bisinus was the leader of a Thuringian confederation on the Rhine and his wife was a Lombard named Menia[citation needed]. He left three sons, Baderic, Herminafred, and Berthachar, who inherited the throne from him. His daughter Radegund married the Lombard king Wacho.[2]
[1] (Latin) Gregorius Turonensis, Historiarum_Francorum libro III par.4
[2] Cawley, Charles, Medieval Lands - THURINGIA, Foundation for Medieval Genealogy, retrieved February 2014
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Basina II of the Thüringians
Basinus II, king of the Thüring...
Clovis I the Great, King of the ...
ex-wife's son
Audofledis of the Salian Franks
ex-wife's daughter
Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.
viernes, 26 de mayo de 2023
Resimund, King Of The Suevi ♛★Bisabuelo n°35M★ Ref: RK-0440 |•••► #ESPAÑA 🏆🇪🇸★ #Genealogía #Genealogy
35 ° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Resimund, king of the Suevi is your 35th great grandfather.- (35 ° Bisabuelo )
(Linea Materna)
Resimund, king of the Suevi is your 35th great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→ Morella Álamo Borges
your mother → Belén Eloina Borges Ustáriz
her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna
her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesús Uztáriz y Monserrate
her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra
his mother → Teniente Coronel Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina
her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza
his mother → Andrés Manuel Ortiz de Urbina y Landaeta, I Marqués de Torrecasa
her father → Manuel Ortiz de Urbina y Márquez de Cañizares
his father → Manuel de Ortiz de Urbina y Suárez
his father → Juan Ortíz de Urbina y Eguíluz
his father → Martín Ortíz de Urbina
his father → Pedro Ortiz de Urbina
his father → Ortún Díaz de Urbina
his father → Diego López
his father → Diego I el Blanco López, III señor de Vizcaya
his father → Lope Díaz Íñiguez, II señor de Vizcaya, IV Conde de Viscaya
his father → Íñigo Lopez Ezquerra, Conde y 1er. señor de Vizcaya
his father → Lope Velázquez, señor de Colindres
his father → Velasco
his father → Iñigo López, V conde de Vizcaya
his father → Lope "El Lindo" Iñiguez, IV conde de Vizcaya
his father → Elvira Bermudez Lainez
his mother → Bermudo Lainez de Castrogeriz
her father → Laín Calvo, Juez de Castilla
his father → Gundesinto de Castrogériz, Conde de Castrogeriz
his father → Singerico de Cantabria, Conde de Castrogeriz (Castroxeriz)
his father → Teodomiro CANTABRIA and Liebana
his father → Gulvira
his mother → Savaricus of Suéves
her father → Gaudioso of Suéves
his father → Eborico, king of the Suevi
his father → Miro, king of the Suevi
his father → Theodemir, king of the Suevi
his father → Rechiar II, king of the Suevi
his father → Hermeneric ll, king of the Suevi
his father → Resimund, king of the Suevi
his father
Resimund, king of the Suevi is your 21st great aunt's husband's 9th great grandfather.
→ Morella Álamo Borges
your mother → show 33 relatives → Hermeneric ll, king of the Suevi
his father → Resimund, king of the Suevi
his fatherConsistency CheckShare this path
Gender: Male
Birth: circa 440
Death: 469 (24-33)
Immediate Family:
Son of Maldras, king of the Suevi and Suga of Galicia
Husband of N.N. Der Ostrogothen
Father of Rechila ll, king of the Sueves; Beremund and Hermeneric ll, king of the Suevi
Added by: D.Álvaro Kenedy da Silva Soares on August 3, 2022
Managed by: D.Álvaro Kenedy da Silva Soares and Peter Böhme
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Remismund (or Rimismund) (died 469) was the Suevic king of Galicia from c. 464 until his death.
According to Isidore of Seville, Remismund was a son of Maldras.[1].
Remismund's early career was spent as an ambassador between Galicia and Gaul, which trip he made several times.[2] After an interregnum of approximately four years (460–464), during which the Sueves who had previously recognised Maldras as king were led by Frumar and those who had recognised Framta followed Rechimund while both their leaders fought for the throne, Remismund, returning from one of his embassies, succeeded in having himself recognised as king of a unified Suevic people.[2] This occurred after Frumar's death, but scholars are not certain of the significance of that statement.[2] Had Frumar become sole king? Or did Remismund initially succeed Frumar only over part of the Suevic nation? Furthermore, Remismund is sometimes identified with Rechimund.[2]
Remismund was confirmed in the kingship when the Visigothic monarch, Theodoric II, sent him gifts, including weapons, and a Gothic princess for a wife.[3] The involvement of Theodoric in the succession of Remismund has, however, been exaggerated by Jordanes, who claims that after the Gothic king put down the revolt and usurpation of Aioulf, he allowed the Suevi to elect a king of their own, and they chose Remismund.[3] In 466, on the authority of Hydatius, Theodoric sent an envoy, Salla, to the court of Remismund.[4] Remismund may have sent one Palagorius, a noble Galician, as an envoy to Theodoric, but it is possible that Palagorius went on a private mission.[5]
In 465 he sacked Coimbra or Conímbriga and in 468 destroyed it, plundering the goods of a noble family called the Cantabri.[6] In 469 the city of Lisbon was betrayed to the Suevi by a native Roman named Lusidius. Also in 469 Remismund began negotiations with the Roman Emperor Anthemius through a large embassy of Sueves led by Lusidius.[5]
In 466 he requested an Arian missionary from the Gothic court and received Ajax, a Gaul or Galatian, who converted the Suevic nobility and established an Arian church in Galicia.[7]
REMISMUNDO (-469). He enjoyed closed relations with the Visigoths after his marriage and was recognised as REMISMUNDO King of the Suevi in Spain in 465 by Theoderic II King of the Visigoths. Isidor's Historia Gothorum, Wandalorum, Sueborum records that, after the death of Frumario, "Remismundus" succeeded as king of the Suevi in Spain[97]. The Chronicon of Bishop Idatius records that “Remismundus” united the Suevi in 465 after the death of “Frumario”[98]. He rejected the Visigoth alliance in order to expand Suevi territories and captured Lisbon in 468[99]. After the death of King Remismundo, there are no contemporary sources which chronicle the succeeding kings of the Suevi until 561, which may indicate that their territory enjoyed a period of peaceful isolation from the rest of the Iberian peninsula[100]. [101]m ([465]) ---, a Visigoth. The primary source which confirms her origin and marriage has not yet been identified.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remismund cites
Arias, Jorge C. "Identity and Interactions: The Suevi and the Hispano-Romans." University of Virginia: Spring 2007.< PDF >
Thompson, E. A. Romans and Barbarians: The Decline of the Western Empire. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1982. ISBN 0-299-08700-X.
Medlands - KINGS of the SUEVI in SPAIN 411-585 https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/VANDALS,%20SUEVI,%20VISIGOTHS.htm
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N.N. Der Ostrogothen
Rechila ll, king of the Sueves
Hermeneric ll, king of the Suevi
Maldras, king of the Suevi
Suga of Galicia
Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.
✺- 440→Los vándalos toman Sicilia.
León I Magno sucede a Sixto III como papa→
→Requila conquista al Imperio romano de Occidente la ciudad de Augusta Emérita, capital de la Lusitania quedando incorporada al reino suevo→
Ereleuva Eusebia, noble romana→
18 de agosto: Sixto III, papa.
✺- 445→Valentiniano III publica un edicto contra los maniqueos→
→Atila asesina a su hermano Bleda y se convierte en el único rey de los hunos→
Bleda, rey de los hunos.
✺- 450→Concilio de Calcedonia en el que se combate la herejía de Eutiquio→
→Marciano es nombrado emperador romano de Oriente; reinará hasta 457→
→Inicio de la fase Xolalpan de Teotihuacán en Mesoamérica, de acuerdo con la cronología de René Millon→
Chilperico II, rey de los burgundios→
→Guntamundo, rey de vándalos y alanos→
→Justino I, emperador bizantino→
→Trasamundo, rey de los vándalos y los alanos→
San Vicente de Lerins, santo y padre de la Iglesia→
→Gala Placidia, hija del emperador romano Teodosio I.
✺- 455→Britania
Batalla de Aylesford, entre britanos y anglosajones. Ignoramos su desenlace→
→Imperio romano
Petronio Máximo, asume el trono del Imperio romano de Occidente entre el 17 de marzo y el día de su muerte, el 22 de abril→
→Conquista de Roma por los vándalos de Genserico. Durante 14 días se producen pillajes sistemáticos a manos de Genserico tras los cuales la flota regresa a África→
→Los visigodos vencen a los suevos instalados en Hispania.1
Proclaman a Avito emperador en las Galias→
Primeras evidencias de la existencia de Chichen Itzá→
16 de marzo: Valentiniano III, emperador romano→
→Horsa, caudillo juto.
✺- 460→27 de marzo: los suevos ocupan la ciudad de Lugo→
→El emperador romano Mayoriano es derrotado por los visigodos→
→La Iglesia copta se separa de la Iglesia ortodoxa de Alejandría→
→Fracasa completamente la expedición romana occidental contra el vándalo Genserico en Cartago.1
Los visigodos intervienen en Gallaecia contra los suevos, apoyados por el campesinado.2
Elia Eudocia, emperatriz bizantina.
✺- 465→Asia
Song Qian Fei Di, entonces Song Ming Di, es nombrado emperador de la dinastía Song en China→
→Pedro el Hilandero es electo patriarca de Antioquía→
Según la Crónica anglosajona, Hengist y Esc matan a doce líderes galeses cerca de Wippedfleet→
→Remismundo, rey suevo, se convierte al arrianismo→
→Imperio romano
Oriente: Basilisco ocupa el consulado en el Imperio romano de Oriente→
→Occidente: el 15 de agosto muere el emperador Libio Severo; le sigue un interregno hasta la proclamación de Antemio el 12 de abril de 467→
Procopio de Gaza, retórico→
→San Eugipio, historiador del cristianismo→
→Clovis I, futuro rey de los francos→
Libio Severo, emperador romano de Occidente, posiblemente envenenado por Ricimero→
→Próspero de Aquitania, escritor cristiano→
→Wen Cheng Di, emperador de la dinastía Wei del norte en China→
→Valamiro, rey de los ostrogodos.
Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.