18° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Sancho García, señor de Uncastillo is your 18th great grandfather.
(Linea Materna)
Sancho García, señor de Uncastillo is your 18th great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→ Morella Álamo Borges
your mother → Belén Eloina Alamo
her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna
her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesús Uztáriz y Monserrate
her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra
his mother → Teniente Coronel Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina
her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza
his mother → Isabel Manuela Josefa Hurtado de Mendoza y Rojas Manrique
her mother → Juana de Rojas Manrique de Mendoza
her mother → Constanza de Mendoza Mate de Luna
her mother → Fernando Mathé de Luna
her father → Estefanía Rodríguez de Ceballos, señora de Vado de las Estacas y Villalba
his mother → Ruy / Rodrigo González de Ceballos
her father → Gonzalo Díaz de Ceballos y Ordóñez
his father → María Ordóñez de Aza
his mother → María Ponce de Minerva
her mother → Estefanía de Cifuentes
her mother → Ramiro Sánchez Froilaz de Cifuentes
her father → Estefanía Sánchez de Navarra
his mother → Sancho García, señor de Uncastillo
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Sancho García, señor de Uncastillo MP
Spanish: Sancho Ramirez (Garces), señor de Uncastillo
Gender: Male
Birth: circa 1030
Death: circa November 29, 1074 (35-52)
Immediate Family:
Son of García V el de Nájera, rey de Navarra and N.N.
Husband of Constanza de Marañón
Father of Ramiro Sánchez de Pamplona and Estefanía Sánchez de Navarra
Brother of Mencía García, señora consorte de Cameros
Half brother of Sancho IV el de Peñalén, Rey de Pamplona; Ramiro de Navarra, señor de Calahorra; Urraca Garcés, señora de Alberite; Ferrando Garcés de Navarra, señor de Bucesta; Remón de Navarra, señor de Murillo de Río Leza and 5 others
Added by: Alvaro Enrique Betancourt on June 16, 2007
Managed by: Ric Dickinson and 45 others
Curated by: Victar
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Sancho García, señor de Uncastillo in GenealogieOnline Family Tree Index
Sancho García, señor de Uncastillo in GenealogieOnline Family Tree Index
Sancho García, señor de Uncastillo in GenealogieOnline Family Tree Index
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Sancho Garcés, Señor de Uncastillo y Sangüesa, hijo bastardo del rey García Sánchez III de Navarra, casado con Constanza, la hija del primer matrimonio de Estefanía de Foix y por lo tanto, hermanastra suya. Su hijo, Ramiro Sánchez de Pamplona fue el padre de García VI, el Restaurador, rey de Pamplona.
Sancho Garcês
Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.
Sancho Garcês (1050 — 1084) foi o 9º filho do rei Garcia III de Navarra. Foi Senhor de Uncastillo e Sangüesa em Espanha. Teve o 1º casamento com D. Constanza de Marañón e o 2º casamento com D. Andregoto.
Do 1º casamento nasceu Ramiro Sanchez de Navarra (1170 — 1116) que foi Infante de Navarra, Senhor de Monzón e casado com D. Elvira Rodriguez de Bivar, filha do famoso Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar El Cid.
SANCHO García ([1030/35]-after 29 Nov 1074). "Sancius rex" granted property to "senior Sancio Furtuniones" by charter dated 7 Dec 1057, confirmed by "…Infante domno Santio et uxor eius domna Contanza…"[458]. Señor de Uncastillo y Sangüesa. Salazar y Acha discusses his marriage[459]. The Crónica Najerense records that “infans domnus Sancius, quem rex Garsias Pampilonensium ex concubina habuerat” abducted “filiam regine Stephanie”, who was betrothed to “Santius rex”, and took her to the court of the Moorish king of Zaragoza and later to Ramiro I King of Aragon, triggering the war between Castille and Aragon during the course of which the Aragonese king was killed in 1064[460]. Sancho IV King of Navarre granted “unas casas en la ciudad de Calahorra” to “germano meo domno Sancio et uxori vestra vel germana mea domna Constanza” by charter dated 29 Nov 1074[461]. m (before 7 Dec 1057) CONSTANZA, daughter of --- & his wife [Stephanie de Foix] (-after 29 Nov 1074). "Sancius rex" granted property to "senior Sancio Furtuniones" by charter dated 7 Dec 1057, confirmed by "…Infante domno Santio et uxor eius domna Contanza…"[462]. Sancho IV King of Navarre granted “unas casas en la ciudad de Calahorra” to “germano meo domno Sancio et uxori vestra vel germana mea domna Constanza” by charter dated 29 Nov 1074[463]. Salazar y Acha hypothesises that Constanza was the daughter of Stephanie de Foix, wife of García V King of Navarre, by an otherwise unrecorded earlier marriage with a noble at the court of Barcelona, suggesting that it would be unusual for King Sancho to refer to his brother´s wife as “germana” unless there was also a blood relationship between them[464]. However, this hypothesis, although appealing, appears unlikely to be correct because Queen Estefania does not include Constanza in her testament dated to [1066] which names all her other known children[465]. Sancho & his first wife had [two] children:
a) ESTEFANÍA Sánchez (-after 19 Apr 1129). The carta de arras of “Froila prole de Diego” to “Estefanía hija de Sancho” is dated 11 Sep 1087, confirmed by “comes Fredenando Didaz”[466]. Estefanía´s royal ancestry is referred to in the charter dated 1 Mar 1112 under which “commes Henricus” (conde de Portugal) granted property to “commes Froila et uxori vestre Stephania, commitissa, ex regali sanguine et prosapie horta”[467]. Her connection with Sancho García, illegitimate son of García IV King of Navarre, is suggested by the charter dated to [1110/15] which refers to the donation of land “en Puente de la Reina” which previously belonged to “comes don Fruila et uxor eius domna Stephania et infans Ranimirus” to Pamplona Cathedral[468], “infans Ranimirus” in this document being identified by Canal Sánchez-Pagín (it would appear correctly) as the son of Sancho García[469]. The only element of doubt is the fact that Ramiro is called “infans” even though he was not the son of the monarch, although it should be noted that Ramiro Sánchez is given this title in both the “Corónicas” Navarras and the Crónica latina de los reyes de Castilla (see below). Estefanía made a purchase of property at Corniero without her husband in 1121, presumably a widow[470]. She granted a fuero to the community of Villarmildo 19 Apr 1129[471]. m (before 11 Sep 1087) don FRUELA Díaz, son of don DIEGO Pérez & his wife doña María Froilaz (-after 1119). Mayordomo of Alfonso VI King of Castile 1 May 1106[472].
b) RAMIRO Sánchez (-1116). The Crónica Latina names “infante Ramiro, que fue hijo del infante Sancho de cierta dueña, hijo del rey García” as father of King García[473]. Señor de Monzón. m (after 1098) doña ELVIRA [Cristina] Rodríguez, daughter of don RODRIGO Díaz de Vivar "El Cid Campeador" & his wife doña Jimena Díaz. The "Corónicas" Navarras name "dona Cristiana…dona Maria" as the two daughters of "este meo Çid" and his wife, stating that Cristina married "l'ifant don Romiro"[474]. Her origin is also suggested by the Crónica de San Juan de la Peña which states that "el infant Don Garcia fillo de Don Ramiro…" was "sobrino del Cit Ruidiaz"[475].
De Wikipedia:
El infante Sancho, nacido poco antes de 1038, fue hijo del rey García Sánchez III de Pamplona con una concubina antes de contraer matrimonio con Estefanía de Foix. Aparte de ejercer las tenencias de Uncastillo y Sangüesa, también pudo ser el Sancho Garcés que aparece como tenente en Ruesta (1058), Surta (1065), Autol (1071) y Anguiano y Tobía en 1073. Tuvo varios hermanos, hijos del matrimonio legítimo de su padre, entre ellos el rey Sancho Garcés IV y el infante Ramiro, señor de Calahorra, de Torrecilla de Cameros. También fue hermano de Mencía Garcés, esposa del magnate Fortún Ochoa, hija ilegítima del rey García Sánchez III, aunque se desconoce si fueron hijos de la misma madre.
Falleció el 6 de enero de 1083 junto con su hermanastro Ramiro de Pamplona quien dirigía las huestes del ejército enviado por el rey Alfonso VI en la jornada conocida como la «traición de Rueda» donde perdieron la vida muchos nobles, como el conde Gonzalo Salvadórez.
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Showing 12 of 18 people
Constanza de Marañón
Ramiro Sánchez de Pamplona
Estefanía Sánchez de Navarra
García V el de Nájera, rey de ...
Mencía García, señora consort...
Estefanía de Foix, reina de Nav...
Sancho IV el de Peñalén, Rey d...
half brother
Ramiro de Navarra, señor de Cal...
half brother
Urraca Garcés, señora de Alberite
half sister
Ferrando Garcés de Navarra, se...
half brother
Remón de Navarra, señor de Mur...
half brother
Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.
Linaje N°1 FAMILIA |•••► GARCÍA |
2.- 1005 GARCÍA V EL DE NÁJERA REY DE NAVARRA |•••► Pais:España PADRE: |
3.- 0991 SANCHO III EL MAYOR, REY DE NAVARRA |•••► Pais:España PADRE: |
4.- 0964 GARCÍA II EL TEMBLÓN, REY DE NAVARRA |•••► Pais:España PADRE: |
5.- 0935 SANCHO II ABARCA, REY DE NAVARRA |•••► Pais:España PADRE: |
6.- 0919 GARCÍA III, REY DE NAVARRA |•••► Pais:España PADRE: |
7.- 0860 SANCHO GARCÉS I GARCÍA, REY DE NAVARRA (0860) |•••► Pais:España PADRE: |
9.- 0775 SANCHE I DUC DE GASCOGNE (0775) |•••► Pais:España PADRE: |
10.- 0745 LOUP II DUC DE GASCOGNE (0745) |•••► Pais:Francia PADRE: MADRE: |