30 ° Bisabuelo de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo
(Linea Materna)
King Øystein Fart Halvdansson of Romerike and Vestfold of Norway is your 30th great grandfather.ou→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→ Morella Álamo Borges
your mother → Belén Borges Ustáriz
her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna
her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesus Uztáriz y Monserrate
her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra
his mother → Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina, Teniente Coronel
her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza
his mother → Isabel Manuela Josefa Hurtado de Mendoza y Rojas Manrique
her mother → Juana de Rojas Manrique de Mendoza
her mother → Constanza de Mendoza Mate de Luna
her mother → Mayor de Mendoza Manzanedo
her mother → Juan Fernández De Mendoza Y Manuel
her father → Sancha Manuel
his mother → Sancho Manuel de Villena Castañeda, señor del Infantado y Carrión de los Céspedes
her father → Manuel de Castilla, señor de Escalona
his father → Elizabeth of Swabia
his mother → Philip of Swabia
her father → Beatrice of Burgundy
his mother → Agatha of Lorraine
her mother → Adélaïde de Brabant
her mother → Gertrude, duchess of Lorraine
her mother → Gertrude of Saxony
her mother → Bernard II, duke of Saxony
her father → Bernard I, duke of Saxony
his father → Hildegard von Westerburg
his mother → Lothar I, graf von Walbeck & Stade
her father → Oda of Saxony
his mother → Oda Billung of Saxony
her mother → Count Billung, I, of Thüringen (Thuringia)
her father → Princess Hasalda of the Holstein Saxons
his mother → Duchess Geva Eysteinsdotter of Vestfold of Norway
her mother → King Øystein Fart Halvdansson of Romerike and Vestfold of Norway
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King Øystein Fart Halvdansson of Romerike and Vestfold of Norway
Gender: Male
Birth: circa 730
Death: circa 780 (42-58)
Immediate Family:
Son of King Halvdan Hvitbeinn Olavsson of Uppsala of Sweden and Queen Åsa Eysteinndatter of Norway
Husband of Queen Hildur Eiriksdatter of Vestfold of Norway
Father of Duchess Geva Eysteinsdotter of Vestfold of Norway
Added by: Kasper Rønn von Lotzbeck on April 2, 2019
Managed by: Kasper Rønn von Lotzbeck
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Queen Hildur Eiriksdatter of Ves...
Duchess Geva Eysteinsdotter of V...
King Halvdan Hvitbeinn Olavsson ...
Queen Åsa Eysteinndatter of Norway
Eystein Halfdansson ( nórdico antiguo : Eysteinn Hálfdansson ) era el hijo de Halfdan Hvitbeinn de la Casa de Yngling según la tradición nórdica . Heredó el trono de Romerike . Ari Thorgilsson en su Íslendingabók lo llama Eystein the Fart (antiguo nórdico: Eystein fret , (o Eystein Meinfretr , que significa pedo sucio)), [1] sin comentarios, en su lista de reyes, simplemente nombrando a su padre y a su hijo. Snorri no lo llama por este apodo, pero nos da una colorida historia de su vida.
Su esposa era Hild, la hija del rey de Vestfold , Erik Agnarsson. Erik no tenía hijo, por lo que Eystein obtuvo Vestfold como herencia de su esposa.
Según Ynglingasaga, Eystein murió en una incursión vikinga a Varna, en el lado este del Oslofjord . Los hombres de Eystein habían terminado de saquear y saquear el área y ya estaban casi al otro lado del fiordo, cuando el Rey Skjöld de Varna, un gran brujo , llegó a la playa y vio las velas de los barcos de Eystein. Agitó su capa y la sopló, lo que provocó que un bote de una nave se balanceara y golpeara a Eystein para que cayera por la borda y se ahogara. Su cuerpo fue rescatado y enterrado en un montículo en Borre . Eystein fue sucedido por su hijo Halfdan the Mild .
Eystein «Fret/Fjert» Halfdansson is your 29th great grandfather.
Ancestors of Eystein «Fret/Fjert» Halfdansson
1. Eystein «Fret/Fjert» Halfdansson b. 725, Vestfold, Norway; d. 780, Holtum, Vestfold, Norway
2. Halfdan Olafsson «Whiteshanks» Kvitbein b. circa 710, (Svitjod), Värmland, Sweden; d. circa 750, Vestre Toten, Oppland, Norway
3. King Olof Ingjaldsson b. circa 682, Värmland, Sweden; d. circa 710, Romerike, Buskerud, Norway
4. Ingjald "Ill-ruler", king in Sweden b. circa 660, Uppsala, Sweden ; d. circa 685, Röning, Tosterön, Sweden
5. Braut Onund (Land Clearer) Ingvarsson b. circa 636, Västergötland, Sweden; d. circa 674, Svitjod, Sweden
6. Ingvar "The Tall" Eysteinsson, king in Sweden b. circa 616, Uppsala, Uppsala, Uppsala County, Sweden; d. circa 683, Battle in Stein, Eastland, Sweden
7. Eystein "kráku Konungurinn" Adilsson, King of Uppsala b. circa 594, Uppsala, Sweden; d. circa 655, Lofond, Maelar Lake, Sweden
8. Adils "The Great" Ottarsson b. circa 572, Uppsala, Uppsala County, Sweden; d. circa 663, Uppsala, Uppland, Sweden
9. Ottar Egilsson, King in Uppsala Sweden b. circa 551, Uppsala, Uppsala County, Sweden; d. circa 617, Vendsyssel, Sønderborg, Syddanmark, Denmark
10. Egil "Tunnadolg Vendikraka" Anunsson b. circa 530, Uppsala, Uppsala, Uppsala County, Sweden; d. circa 590, Svitjod, Sweden
11. Aun " The Aged" Jörundsson, King of Uppsala b. circa 509, Uppsala, Sweden; d. circa 590, Uppsala, Sweden
12. Jörund Yngvasson, King of Uppsala b. circa 487, Uppsala, Uppsala County, Sweden; d. circa 548, Oddesund ved Limfjorden, Denmark
13. Yngve Alreksson av Sveariket b. circa 460, Uppsala, Uppland, Sweden; d. circa 525, Uppsala, Uppland, Sweden
14. Alrek Agnasson, king of Sweden b. circa 430, Uppsala, Sweden; d. circa 470, Uppsala, Sweden
15. Agni "the Powerful" Dagsson, King in Sweden b. circa 400, Uppsala, Sweden; d. circa 450, Stoksund, Now Norrstrom, Sweden
16. Dag "the Wise", King of Uppsala b. circa 380, Uppsala, Uppsala County, Sweden; d. circa 440, Uppsala, Sweden
17. King Dyggvi Domarsson b. circa 360, Uppsala, Uppsala County, Sweden; d. 410, Uppsala, Uppsala County, Sweden
18. Domar Domaldeson av Ynglingene b. circa 361, Uppsala, Uppsala County, Sweden; d. circa 452, Fyrisvallanma, Uppsala, Sweden
19. Domaldi Visbursson, King in Uppsala b. circa 320, Uppsala, Sweden; d. circa 380, Uppsala, Uppsala County, Sweden
20. Visbur Vanlandesson, King of Uppsala b. circa 300, Uppsala, Uppsala County, Sweden; d. circa 360, Uppsala, Uppsala County, Sweden
20. NN wife of Visbur Vanlandeson, second wife b. 321, Sverige; d. 360, Sweden
18. Drótt Danpsdotter, Nämnd 365-437 talet b. circa 365, Lejre, Denmark; d. circa 437, Uppsala, Uppsala County, Sweden
19. Danp Rigsson, King in Denmark b. circa 343, Denmark; d. 430, Denmark
20. Kung i Danpsted Rig Drott of Danpsted, Nämnd 350 talet b. circa 350; d. Denmark
20. Drottning Dana Danpsdatter, Queen of Denmark b. circa 330, Danpstad; d. circa 363, Danpstad
17. N.N. Dyggvasson
16. N.N.
8. Queen Yrsa Hildi Helgisdotter, of Denmark b. 565, Jutland, Egtved, Vejle Municipality, Denmark; d. 597, Uppsala, Uppsala, Uppsala County, Sweden
9. King Of Denmark Helgi "Acutus" "Hvasse" Halfdansson, of Denmark b. circa 528, Roskilde, Roskilde Municipality, Region Zealand, Denmark; d. 565, Sjælland, Danmark
10. Halfdan "the Tall" Frodasson, King of Denmark b. circa 503, Lejre, Lejre, Region Zealand, Denmark; d. 580, Uppsala, Sweden
11. King of Denmark Frodi "the Valiant / frøkne" Fridleifsson, King of Denmark b. circa 479, Lejre, Lejre, Region Zealand, Denmark; d. circa 548, Lejre, Lejre, Region Zealand, Denmark
12. Fridleif Frodasson, King of Denmark b. circa 456, Lejre, Lejre, Region Zealand, Denmark; d. circa 500, Lejre, Lejre, Region Zealand, Denmark
13. King of Denmark Frodi, III, the peaceful b. 433; d. 524
11. N.N.
10. Sigrid, Queen of Denmark b. circa 530, Uppsala, Sweden; d. circa 593, Lejre, Region Zealand, Denmark
9. Queen Ulla Sigmundrsdotter, Queen of Saxland b. circa 540, Roskilde Municipality, Sjælland, Denmark; d. 569, Leidra, Norway
10. Sigmundr, King Of Als b. 500
4. Gauthild Algautsdotter, av Götaland b. circa 664, Västergötland, Sweden; d. circa 682, Sweden
5. Algaut Gautreksson, King of Götaland b. circa 639, Värmland, Sweden; d. circa 664, Uppsala, Sweden
6. Gautrek "the mild", king of Gotland b. 605, Västergötland, Sweden; d. 639, Iceland
7. Gauti, King of Götaland b. Västergötland, Sweden; d. Västergötland, Sweden
7. Snotra, Queen of Götaland b. 594, Sweden; d. (West Götaland), Västergötland, Sweden
8. Skafnörtung Skinfint b. 570
8. Tötra Tatters b. 580
6. Alfhild Haraldsdatter b. circa 620, Sweden; d. 639, Västergötland, Sweden
7. Harald Hraereksson «Wartooth» Hildetand b. circa 655, Lejre, Sjælland, Denmark; d. 735, Braavalla-slaget
8. Rørik "Slængeborræ" Halfdansson, "slaunvanbauga" b. circa 629, Am, Denmark; d. circa 700, Denmark
9. Halfdan "the Tall" Frodasson, King of Denmark b. circa 503, Lejre, Lejre, Region Zealand, Denmark; d. 580, Uppsala, Sweden
10. King of Denmark Frodi "the Valiant / frøkne" Fridleifsson, King of Denmark b. circa 479, Lejre, Lejre, Region Zealand, Denmark; d. circa 548, Lejre, Lejre, Region Zealand, Denmark
11. Fridleif Frodasson, King of Denmark b. circa 456, Lejre, Lejre, Region Zealand, Denmark; d. circa 500, Lejre, Lejre, Region Zealand, Denmark
12. King of Denmark Frodi, III, the peaceful b. 433; d. 524
10. N.N.
9. Sigrid, Queen of Denmark b. circa 530, Uppsala, Sweden; d. circa 593, Lejre, Region Zealand, Denmark
8. Auðr the Deep-Minded b. circa 633, Denmark; d. circa 717, Jelinge, Denmark
9. Ivar "Vidfamne" Halfdansson King of Sweden, Norway, Denmark and parts of England b. circa 612, Roeskilde, Lethra, Denmark; d. circa 647, Baltic sea
10. Halfdan the Valiant b. circa 590, Jutland, Egtved, Vejle Municipality, Denmark; d. circa 650, Denmark
11. Harald the Old, king of Skaane b. circa 568, Jutland, Egtved, Vejle Municipality, Denmark/Danmark; d. circa 612, Denmark
12. Valdar Hroarsson b. circa 547, Roskilde, Jutland, Denmark; d. circa 612, Jutland, Egtved, Denmark
13. Kung i Roskilde Roar / Roas / Ro / Hroar Halfdansson b. circa 530, Roskilde, Sjælland, Danmark; d. circa 620, Northumberland, England
14. Halfdan "the Tall" Frodasson, King of Denmark b. circa 503, Lejre, Lejre, Region Zealand, Denmark; d. 580, Uppsala, Sweden
15. King of Denmark Frodi "the Valiant / frøkne" Fridleifsson, King of Denmark b. circa 479, Lejre, Lejre, Region Zealand, Denmark; d. circa 548, Lejre, Lejre, Region Zealand, Denmark
16. Fridleif Frodasson, King of Denmark b. circa 456, Lejre, Lejre, Region Zealand, Denmark; d. circa 500, Lejre, Lejre, Region Zealand, Denmark
17. King of Denmark Frodi, III, the peaceful b. 433; d. 524
15. N.N.
14. Sigrid, Queen of Denmark b. circa 530, Uppsala, Sweden; d. circa 593, Lejre, Region Zealand, Denmark
13. Ogne, Princess of Northumberland b. circa 530, Northumberland, England; d. circa 576, Denmark
14. Norbril, king of Northumbria b. circa 504, Northumbria, England; d. circa 595, Northumbria, England
12. Hildis of the Vandals b. circa 529, Carthage, North Africa; d. circa 572, Denmark
11. Hildur "Hevor" Heidreksdatter b. circa 572, Jutland, Danmark; d. circa 612, Skåne County, Sweden
12. Heidrek "Ulfhamor" Angantyrsson, King of Reiðgotaland b. circa 542, Reidgotalandi, Norway; d. 642, Reidgotaland, Sweden
13. Angantyr Heidreksson, King of Reidgotaland b. circa 532, Reidgotalandi,,,Norway; d. 552, Reidgotalandi,,,Norway
14. Koning Hreithgotaland Heidrek Hofundsson Hofundsson, King in Reidgotaland b. circa 512, Glæsivollene, Norway; d. 612, Karpatene
15. Höfund Gudmundsson, king in Glaesivollum b. 488, Glaesivolum, Norway; d. 538, Reidgotalandi, Norge
16. Gudmund Gudmundsson Ulfhedin, af Glæsivollene b. circa 423, Finnmark, Norge
17. Gudmund b. circa 395
15. Hervor "Hjørvard" Angantyrsdotter b. circa 492, Norway; d. circa 547, Reidgotalandi, Norway
16. Angantyr "the Berserker" Arngrimsson, de Berserker b. circa 472, Bolmsô, Ljungby, Kronoberg County, Sweden; d. circa 522, Samsø Municipality, Samsø, Denmark
17. Arngrim Berserken Grimsson, de Berserker b. circa 452, Bolmsö, Ljungby, Kronoberg County, Sweden; d. circa 502, Bolmsö, Ljungby, Kronoberg County, Sweden
18. Grim Hemgrimsson Hergrimsson b. 428, Hedemark, Norway; d. 452, Bolmsö, Ljungby, Kronoberg County, Sweden
19. Hergrim Halv-Troll Arngrímsson, {Hervarar saga} b. 410, Norway; d. circa 460, Hedemark, Norway
20. Arngrim b. between 360 and 410, Norway; d. 410, Norway
20. Ama Ymirsdatter b. Ymisland, Hålogaland?, Skandinavia; d. Europe
19. Ogn Alvasprengi b. circa 414, Norge, Norway; d. 426, Ulefoss, Nome, Telemark, Norway
18. Baugheid Starksdatter Starkadsdatter b. circa 432, Bolmsö, Kronoberg County, Sweden; d. 487, Hedemark, Norway
19. Koning van Noorwegen Starkad Åludreng, av Norge b. circa 414, Norway; d. circa 458
20. Storvirk b. circa 380, Feiring, Eidsvoll, Akershus, Norway; d. Fenhring
20. N N
19. Alfhild Finnalfsdatter Finnalfsdatter b. 412, Ringerike, Buskerud, Norway; d. circa 432, Hedemark, Norway
20. Koning van Alfheim Alf "Finnalf" Raumsson, King of Alvheim b. 392, Varmland County, Sweden; d. 412, Alfheim, Norway
20. Svanhild "Gold-feather" Dagsdóttir, {Hversum Noreg byggdist} b. Norway; d. Norway
17. Princess Eyfuru Svafrlamisdatter b. circa 454, Gordum, Norway; d. circa 472, Bolmö, Ljungby, Kronoberg County, Sweden
18. Svafrlami Sigrlamasson, King of Gardariki b. circa 267, Gardariki (Nowadays Russia); d. Europe
19. Sigrlami, King of Gardariki b. circa 245, Scandinavia
19. Heid Gylfesdotter, Queen of Gardarriket b. circa 249, Gardarriket, Russia
20. Gylfi (Gylve) King of Sweden b. circa 223
18. Frid b. circa 271, Gardariki, Russian Federation; d. Europe
16. Tova Bjartmarsdatter b. circa 474, Staraya Ladoga, Volkhovsky District, Leningrad Oblast, Russia; d. circa 492
17. Bjartmar van Adeigjuborg b. circa 450, Norway; d. circa 474, Staraja Ladoga, Volkhovsky District, Leningrad Oblast, Russia
14. Helga Haraldsdatter b. circa 512, Nord-Trondelag, Norway; d. circa 532, Norway
15. Harald, King of Reidgotaland b. circa 490, Norway; d. 553, Europe
12. Amfleda b. circa 556, Norway
10. Moalda 'Digri' b. circa 594, Jutland, Denmark; d. circa 643, Jutland, Denmark
9. Gauthild Gyrithe Alfsdatter b. circa 614, Jutland, Denmark; d. circa 645, Jelinge, Denmark
10. Alf Olafsson, Under-King b. circa 580, Denmark; d. circa 680, Denmark
11. Olaf Halvdanssøn b. circa 529, Denmark; d. circa 581, Europe
12. Halfdan Frodarsson Frodarsson, King of Danes b. circa 503, Denmark; d. circa 580, Denmark
13. Fróði Hjorvardson Hjorvardson, King of Danes b. between circa 438 and 498
14. Hjorvard pa Sjaelland (Skjöldung), pa Sjaelland b. before 498
14. nn
12. Sigris Frodarsson, Princess of the Goths b. circa 503
13. Yngwin von Gotaland, King of the Goths b. between circa 438 and circa 498
11. NN Halfdansdatter b. circa 548, Europe; d. circa 620, Europe
12. Halfdan "the Tall" Frodasson, King of Denmark b. circa 503, Lejre, Lejre, Region Zealand, Denmark; d. 580, Uppsala, Sweden
13. King of Denmark Frodi "the Valiant / frøkne" Fridleifsson, King of Denmark b. circa 479, Lejre, Lejre, Region Zealand, Denmark; d. circa 548, Lejre, Lejre, Region Zealand, Denmark
14. Fridleif Frodasson, King of Denmark b. circa 456, Lejre, Lejre, Region Zealand, Denmark; d. circa 500, Lejre, Lejre, Region Zealand, Denmark
15. King of Denmark Frodi, III, the peaceful b. 433; d. 524
13. N.N.
12. Sigrid, Queen of Denmark b. circa 530, Uppsala, Sweden; d. circa 593, Lejre, Region Zealand, Denmark
10. Prinsessa Gyritha av Jylland, Blåtand b. 585, Uppsala, Sverige; d. 614, Sverige
7. Hjordis N.N.
5. Ålov Olafsdotter, of Nerike b. circa 644, Närke, Sweden; d. circa 654, West Götaland, Västergötland, Sweden
6. Olof "the sharp-sighted" den klarsynte, king in Närke b. circa 521, Nerike, Sweden; d. Sweden
6. Fru (till Olav den Klarsynte . Född omkring 521. Kung i Närke. ) b. circa 521, Sweden; d. Sweden
3. Solveig Halfdansdatter, fra Solør b. 688, Solør (Soleyum), Norway; d. 704, Trondheim, Sør-Trøndelag, Norway
4. Halfdan Solvesson «goldtooth» Gulltann b. circa 660, Solør, Hedmark, Norway; d. circa 730, Solør, Hedmark, Norway
5. Solve (Sölva) "den yngre" Sölvarsson, fra Solør b. circa 630, Solør, Hedmark, Norway; d. circa 670, Solør, Hedmark, Norway
6. Solvar Solvasson, fra Solør b. 350, Solør, Hedmark, Norway; d. circa 400, Solør, Hedmark, Norway
7. Solve the Old, king of Soleyjar b. circa 350, Solør, Hedmark, Norway; d. Solør, Hedmark, Norway
7. N.N.
6. N.N. b. circa 599
5. ?? (not St. Begga) b. circa 635, Europe; d. circa 694
4. ?? (not Moalda Digri) b. circa 664, Solor, Norway; d. circa 683, Sweden
2. Åsa (Aasa) Eysteinsdotter b. 680, Opplandene, Oppland, Norway; d. 718, Hyle Vos, Voss Municipality, Hordaland, Norway
3. Eystein "the Severe", king of Hedmark b. circa 668, Trondheim, Sør-Trøndelag, Norway; d. 710, Norway
4. Thrond "the Old" Haraldson, of Hålogaland b. circa 625, Trondheim, Trondheim, Sør-Trøndelag, Norway; d. circa 667, Trondheim, Sor-Trondelag, Norway
5. Halfdan the Valiant b. circa 590, Jutland, Egtved, Vejle Municipality, Denmark; d. circa 650, Denmark
6. Harald the Old, king of Skaane b. circa 568, Jutland, Egtved, Vejle Municipality, Denmark/Danmark; d. circa 612, Denmark
7. Valdar Hroarsson b. circa 547, Roskilde, Jutland, Denmark; d. circa 612, Jutland, Egtved, Denmark
8. Kung i Roskilde Roar / Roas / Ro / Hroar Halfdansson b. circa 530, Roskilde, Sjælland, Danmark; d. circa 620, Northumberland, England
9. Halfdan "the Tall" Frodasson, King of Denmark b. circa 503, Lejre, Lejre, Region Zealand, Denmark; d. 580, Uppsala, Sweden
10. King of Denmark Frodi "the Valiant / frøkne" Fridleifsson, King of Denmark b. circa 479, Lejre, Lejre, Region Zealand, Denmark; d. circa 548, Lejre, Lejre, Region Zealand, Denmark
11. Fridleif Frodasson, King of Denmark b. circa 456, Lejre, Lejre, Region Zealand, Denmark; d. circa 500, Lejre, Lejre, Region Zealand, Denmark
12. King of Denmark Frodi, III, the peaceful b. 433; d. 524
10. N.N.
9. Sigrid, Queen of Denmark b. circa 530, Uppsala, Sweden; d. circa 593, Lejre, Region Zealand, Denmark
8. Ogne, Princess of Northumberland b. circa 530, Northumberland, England; d. circa 576, Denmark
9. Norbril, king of Northumbria b. circa 504, Northumbria, England; d. circa 595, Northumbria, England
7. Hildis of the Vandals b. circa 529, Carthage, North Africa; d. circa 572, Denmark
6. Hildur "Hevor" Heidreksdatter b. circa 572, Jutland, Danmark; d. circa 612, Skåne County, Sweden
7. Heidrek "Ulfhamor" Angantyrsson, King of Reiðgotaland b. circa 542, Reidgotalandi, Norway; d. 642, Reidgotaland, Sweden
8. Angantyr Heidreksson, King of Reidgotaland b. circa 532, Reidgotalandi,,,Norway; d. 552, Reidgotalandi,,,Norway
9. Koning Hreithgotaland Heidrek Hofundsson Hofundsson, King in Reidgotaland b. circa 512, Glæsivollene, Norway; d. 612, Karpatene
10. Höfund Gudmundsson, king in Glaesivollum b. 488, Glaesivolum, Norway; d. 538, Reidgotalandi, Norge
11. Gudmund Gudmundsson Ulfhedin, af Glæsivollene b. circa 423, Finnmark, Norge
12. Gudmund b. circa 395
10. Hervor "Hjørvard" Angantyrsdotter b. circa 492, Norway; d. circa 547, Reidgotalandi, Norway
11. Angantyr "the Berserker" Arngrimsson, de Berserker b. circa 472, Bolmsô, Ljungby, Kronoberg County, Sweden; d. circa 522, Samsø Municipality, Samsø, Denmark
12. Arngrim Berserken Grimsson, de Berserker b. circa 452, Bolmsö, Ljungby, Kronoberg County, Sweden; d. circa 502, Bolmsö, Ljungby, Kronoberg County, Sweden
13. Grim Hemgrimsson Hergrimsson b. 428, Hedemark, Norway; d. 452, Bolmsö, Ljungby, Kronoberg County, Sweden
14. Hergrim Halv-Troll Arngrímsson, {Hervarar saga} b. 410, Norway; d. circa 460, Hedemark, Norway
15. Arngrim b. between 360 and 410, Norway; d. 410, Norway
15. Ama Ymirsdatter b. Ymisland, Hålogaland?, Skandinavia; d. Europe
14. Ogn Alvasprengi b. circa 414, Norge, Norway; d. 426, Ulefoss, Nome, Telemark, Norway
13. Baugheid Starksdatter Starkadsdatter b. circa 432, Bolmsö, Kronoberg County, Sweden; d. 487, Hedemark, Norway
14. Koning van Noorwegen Starkad Åludreng, av Norge b. circa 414, Norway; d. circa 458
15. Storvirk b. circa 380, Feiring, Eidsvoll, Akershus, Norway; d. Fenhring
15. N N
14. Alfhild Finnalfsdatter Finnalfsdatter b. 412, Ringerike, Buskerud, Norway; d. circa 432, Hedemark, Norway
15. Koning van Alfheim Alf "Finnalf" Raumsson, King of Alvheim b. 392, Varmland County, Sweden; d. 412, Alfheim, Norway
16. Raum "the Old" Norsson, King of Alfheim b. circa 370, Alfheim, Norway; d. circa 450, Alfheim, Norway
17. Koning van Alfheim Nor Thorasson b. circa 345, Finland
18. Koning van Kvenland Thorri Snaersson b. circa 310, Finland; d. Norway
19. Koning van Kvenland Snaer Jokulsson b. circa 268, Finland; d. Norway
20. Koning van Kvenland Jokull Frotasson b. circa 240, Finland
17. Nor Thorrasson, legendary king In Alfheim b. 345, Kvenland (Finland); d. between 445 and circa 450, Alfheim, Norway
18. Thorri Snærsson, Myth king of Kvenland b. Kvenland (Finland); d. Romsdal, Norway
19. Myth King of Kvenland. Snær Frostason b. Kvenland (Finland); d. Raumsdal, Norway
20. Frosti Karasson, Mythical King of Kvenland b. circa 240, Finland; d. circa 274, Finland
17. NN 1. Wife of Nor Thorrasson b. circa 345; d. circa 370
15. Svanhild "Gold-feather" Dagsdóttir, {Hversum Noreg byggdist} b. Norway; d. Norway
12. Princess Eyfuru Svafrlamisdatter b. circa 454, Gordum, Norway; d. circa 472, Bolmö, Ljungby, Kronoberg County, Sweden
13. Svafrlami Sigrlamasson, King of Gardariki b. circa 267, Gardariki (Nowadays Russia); d. Europe
14. Sigrlami, King of Gardariki b. circa 245, Scandinavia
14. Heid Gylfesdotter, Queen of Gardarriket b. circa 249, Gardarriket, Russia
15. Gylfi (Gylve) King of Sweden b. circa 223
13. Frid b. circa 271, Gardariki, Russian Federation; d. Europe
11. Tova Bjartmarsdatter b. circa 474, Staraya Ladoga, Volkhovsky District, Leningrad Oblast, Russia; d. circa 492
12. Bjartmar van Adeigjuborg b. circa 450, Norway; d. circa 474, Staraja Ladoga, Volkhovsky District, Leningrad Oblast, Russia
9. Helga Haraldsdatter b. circa 512, Nord-Trondelag, Norway; d. circa 532, Norway
10. Harald, King of Reidgotaland b. circa 490, Norway; d. 553, Europe
7. Amfleda b. circa 556, Norway
5. Moalda 'Digri' b. circa 594, Jutland, Denmark; d. circa 643, Jutland, Denmark
4. Ragnhild Sigurdsdatter, of Ring b. circa 625, Trondheim, Sor-Trondelag, Norway; d. 667, Norway
3. Solveig Halfdansdotter, Eysteins Hardråde's wife b. between 670 and 698, Sweden; d. after 699, Sør-Trøndelag, Norge
4. Halfdan the Valiant b. circa 590, Jutland, Egtved, Vejle Municipality, Denmark; d. circa 650, Denmark
5. Harald the Old, king of Skaane b. circa 568, Jutland, Egtved, Vejle Municipality, Denmark/Danmark; d. circa 612, Denmark
6. Valdar Hroarsson b. circa 547, Roskilde, Jutland, Denmark; d. circa 612, Jutland, Egtved, Denmark
7. Kung i Roskilde Roar / Roas / Ro / Hroar Halfdansson b. circa 530, Roskilde, Sjælland, Danmark; d. circa 620, Northumberland, England
8. Halfdan "the Tall" Frodasson, King of Denmark b. circa 503, Lejre, Lejre, Region Zealand, Denmark; d. 580, Uppsala, Sweden
9. King of Denmark Frodi "the Valiant / frøkne" Fridleifsson, King of Denmark b. circa 479, Lejre, Lejre, Region Zealand, Denmark; d. circa 548, Lejre, Lejre, Region Zealand, Denmark
10. Fridleif Frodasson, King of Denmark b. circa 456, Lejre, Lejre, Region Zealand, Denmark; d. circa 500, Lejre, Lejre, Region Zealand, Denmark
11. King of Denmark Frodi, III, the peaceful b. 433; d. 524
9. N.N.
8. Sigrid, Queen of Denmark b. circa 530, Uppsala, Sweden; d. circa 593, Lejre, Region Zealand, Denmark
7. Ogne, Princess of Northumberland b. circa 530, Northumberland, England; d. circa 576, Denmark
8. Norbril, king of Northumbria b. circa 504, Northumbria, England; d. circa 595, Northumbria, England
6. Hildis of the Vandals b. circa 529, Carthage, North Africa; d. circa 572, Denmark
5. Hildur "Hevor" Heidreksdatter b. circa 572, Jutland, Danmark; d. circa 612, Skåne County, Sweden
6. Heidrek "Ulfhamor" Angantyrsson, King of Reiðgotaland b. circa 542, Reidgotalandi, Norway; d. 642, Reidgotaland, Sweden
7. Angantyr Heidreksson, King of Reidgotaland b. circa 532, Reidgotalandi,,,Norway; d. 552, Reidgotalandi,,,Norway
8. Koning Hreithgotaland Heidrek Hofundsson Hofundsson, King in Reidgotaland b. circa 512, Glæsivollene, Norway; d. 612, Karpatene
9. Höfund Gudmundsson, king in Glaesivollum b. 488, Glaesivolum, Norway; d. 538, Reidgotalandi, Norge
10. Gudmund Gudmundsson Ulfhedin, af Glæsivollene b. circa 423, Finnmark, Norge
11. Gudmund b. circa 395
9. Hervor "Hjørvard" Angantyrsdotter b. circa 492, Norway; d. circa 547, Reidgotalandi, Norway
10. Angantyr "the Berserker" Arngrimsson, de Berserker b. circa 472, Bolmsô, Ljungby, Kronoberg County, Sweden; d. circa 522, Samsø Municipality, Samsø, Denmark
11. Arngrim Berserken Grimsson, de Berserker b. circa 452, Bolmsö, Ljungby, Kronoberg County, Sweden; d. circa 502, Bolmsö, Ljungby, Kronoberg County, Sweden
12. Grim Hemgrimsson Hergrimsson b. 428, Hedemark, Norway; d. 452, Bolmsö, Ljungby, Kronoberg County, Sweden
13. Hergrim Halv-Troll Arngrímsson, {Hervarar saga} b. 410, Norway; d. circa 460, Hedemark, Norway
14. Arngrim b. between 360 and 410, Norway; d. 410, Norway
14. Ama Ymirsdatter b. Ymisland, Hålogaland?, Skandinavia; d. Europe
13. Ogn Alvasprengi b. circa 414, Norge, Norway; d. 426, Ulefoss, Nome, Telemark, Norway
12. Baugheid Starksdatter Starkadsdatter b. circa 432, Bolmsö, Kronoberg County, Sweden; d. 487, Hedemark, Norway
13. Koning van Noorwegen Starkad Åludreng, av Norge b. circa 414, Norway; d. circa 458
14. Storvirk b. circa 380, Feiring, Eidsvoll, Akershus, Norway; d. Fenhring
14. N N
13. Alfhild Finnalfsdatter Finnalfsdatter b. 412, Ringerike, Buskerud, Norway; d. circa 432, Hedemark, Norway
14. Koning van Alfheim Alf "Finnalf" Raumsson, King of Alvheim b. 392, Varmland County, Sweden; d. 412, Alfheim, Norway
15. Raum "the Old" Norsson, King of Alfheim b. circa 370, Alfheim, Norway; d. circa 450, Alfheim, Norway
16. Koning van Alfheim Nor Thorasson b. circa 345, Finland
17. Koning van Kvenland Thorri Snaersson b. circa 310, Finland; d. Norway
18. Koning van Kvenland Snaer Jokulsson b. circa 268, Finland; d. Norway
19. Koning van Kvenland Jokull Frotasson b. circa 240, Finland
20. Koning van Kvenland Frosti Karasson Karasson b. circa 210, Finland; d. 274, Finland
16. Nor Thorrasson, legendary king In Alfheim b. 345, Kvenland (Finland); d. between 445 and circa 450, Alfheim, Norway
17. Thorri Snærsson, Myth king of Kvenland b. Kvenland (Finland); d. Romsdal, Norway
18. Myth King of Kvenland. Snær Frostason b. Kvenland (Finland); d. Raumsdal, Norway
19. Frosti Karasson, Mythical King of Kvenland b. circa 240, Finland; d. circa 274, Finland
20. Kari ''Wind'' Fornjotsson, King of Kvenland b. circa 189, Kvenland, Scandinavie; d. circa 240, Kvenland, Scandinavie
16. NN 1. Wife of Nor Thorrasson b. circa 345; d. circa 370
14. Svanhild "Gold-feather" Dagsdóttir, {Hversum Noreg byggdist} b. Norway; d. Norway
11. Princess Eyfuru Svafrlamisdatter b. circa 454, Gordum, Norway; d. circa 472, Bolmö, Ljungby, Kronoberg County, Sweden
12. Svafrlami Sigrlamasson, King of Gardariki b. circa 267, Gardariki (Nowadays Russia); d. Europe
13. Sigrlami, King of Gardariki b. circa 245, Scandinavia
13. Heid Gylfesdotter, Queen of Gardarriket b. circa 249, Gardarriket, Russia
14. Gylfi (Gylve) King of Sweden b. circa 223
12. Frid b. circa 271, Gardariki, Russian Federation; d. Europe
10. Tova Bjartmarsdatter b. circa 474, Staraya Ladoga, Volkhovsky District, Leningrad Oblast, Russia; d. circa 492
11. Bjartmar van Adeigjuborg b. circa 450, Norway; d. circa 474, Staraja Ladoga, Volkhovsky District, Leningrad Oblast, Russia
8. Helga Haraldsdatter b. circa 512, Nord-Trondelag, Norway; d. circa 532, Norway
9. Harald, King of Reidgotaland b. circa 490, Norway; d. 553, Europe
6. Amfleda b. circa 556, Norway
4. Moalda 'Digri' b. circa 594, Jutland, Denmark; d. circa 643, Jutland, Denmark