Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Bisabuelo n°100. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Bisabuelo n°100. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, 27 de junio de 2022

Ram (-1647) ✡★Bisabuelo n°100★ Ref: RR-(-1647) |•••► #EGIPTO 🏆 🇪🇬 #Genealogía #Genealogy

 100 ° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Ram  is your 100th great grandfather.



 (Linea Materna)


Ram  is your 100th great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Morella Álamo Borges

your mother → Belén Eloina Alamo

her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna

her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesús Uztáriz y Monserrate

her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra

his mother → María Manuela Ibarra y Galindo

her mother → Andres Eugenio Rafael Ibarra é Ibarra

her father → Juan Julián de Ibarra y Herrera

his father → Antonia Nicolasa Sarmiento de Herrera y Loaisa

his mother → Juan Sarmiento de Herrera y Fernández Pacheco, Alférez Mayor

her father → Agustín Sarmiento de Herrera y Rojas

his father → Diego Sarmiento de Rojas y Ayala

his father → Pedro Fernández de Saavedra y Escobar, el Mozo

his father → Catalina Escobar de las Roelas

his mother → Francisco de Rojas y Escobar, el Cano

her father → Aldonza de Ayala y Romero

his mother → Mencía Romero

her mother → Aldonza Núñez de Toledo

her mother → Mencia Nuñez

her mother → Isaac Simon Ha-Levi, judio de Soria

her father → Abraham de la Cavalleria Ha Leví

his father → Don Judah Ha-Levi de la Cavallería, "Nasi"

his father → Rabbi Avraham HaLevi ben Zechariah

his father → wife, Zerachya II Halevi, [of Girona]

his mother → Reina Bat bat Barzilai

her mother → Oroved ben Reuben Barzillai al-Bargeloni, Nasi & Qadi al-Denia

her father → Reyna ben Elijah Ha-Kohen

his mother → Elijah ben Solomon ha-Kohen, Gaon of Palestine Yeshiva of Tyre

her father → Solomon ben Azariah Gaon ha-Kohen

his father → Azariah ibn Abū ʾl-ʿAlā Israel Gaon, haKohen

his father → Abū ʾl-ʿAlā Israel ben Shmuel haKohen, Gaon of Sura

his father → 1st Wife Shmuel ben Hophni bat Sherira Gaon, of Sura

his mother → Sherira ben Hananya Gaon of Pumbeditha

her father → 2nd dau. Of Mar Rab Mishoi 'Sheshna'

his mother → Mar Rab Mishoi 'Sheshna' ben Yitzhak Sedeq, haSofer b'Pumbeditha

her father → Mar Yitzhak Sadoq

his father → Hillel Yishai "Hilal" ben "Mari", Gaon of Sura

his father → Meiri "Mari" ben Hananiah al-Nahr Peḳod, Gaon of Sura

his father → Hananya "Dayan of the Gate" ben Haninai al-Nahr Paqod, Gaon of Sura

his father → Haninai al-Nehar Peḳkod ben Bustanai bar Adai, Exilarch & Gaon of Sura

his father → Hananya "Bustenai" ben Haninai, Exilarch & Gaon of Pumbeditha

his father → Ḥananya "Ḥanan of Isḳiya" bar Adoi ben Hophni, 33rd Exiliarch & Gaon Pumbeditha

his father → Hophni Haninai ben Ahunai, 32nd Exilarch Mar Hophni I

his father → Ahunai ben Haninai, 31st Exilarch Huna Mar II

his father → Haninaï ben Mar Mari, Grandson of Exilarch Mar Zutra I

his father → Mar Mari ben Mar Zutra I

his father → Zutra "the Pious" ben Kahana, 25th Exilarch Mar Zutra I

his father → Kahana ben Abba Mari, 23rd Exilarch Mar Kahana I

his father → Mar Sutra

his mother → Musa "Rav Papa" bar Yosef, resh metivta al-Nehardea, 5th Gen Amora

her father → Yosef bar Yosef

his father → Yosef bar Khamma

his father → Khamma ben Nachum II, 5th Exilarch Huna I

his father → 2nd Exhilarch of Judah Nachum ben Achaya, 2nd Exilarch Nachum II

his father → Achaya bar Akkub bar Akkub, 1st Exilarch 2nd Dynasty

his father → Ya'akov ben Shlomo, Exilarch

his father → Shlomo ben Hunya, Exilarch Interregnum

his father → Hunya ben Nathan, Exilarch Interregnum

his father → Nathan (de Zuzita, Babylon) ben Shalom

his father → Shalom II ben Hizkiya, Exilarch Interregnum

his father → Hizkiya ., 33rd Exilarch

his father → Shechanya II ibn Da'ud, Exilarch

his father → Da'ud ben Shemaya, Exilarch

his father → Shemaya I ben Shlomo

his father → Shlomo III ben David Exilarch

his father → David ben Akkub

his father → Salma bat Hizkiya ibn Nearya

his mother → Hizkiyahu II ibn Nearya 21st Exilarch

her father → Neriyah, 18th Exilarch

his father → Bariah Ben Shemaya

his father → Semaya Ben Shechanya

his father → Shechanya Ben Ovadya

his father → Obaja Ben Amay (Aranan)

his father → Arnan Ben Rafaya

his father → Refaya ben Chananya

his father → Yeshaiah ben Hananya

his father → Hananya, 5th Exilarch

his father → Zerubbabel 3rd Exilarch / זרובבל

his father → Shealtiel ., 2nd Exilarch

his father → King Jechoniah, 18th King of Judah

his father → Jehoiakim Elyakim, 17th King of Judah

his father → Josiah ., 15th King of Judah

his father → Amon ., 14th King of Judah

his father → Manasseh ., 13th King of Judah

his father → Hephzi-bah .

his mother → Isaiah The Prophet

her father → Amoz .

his father → Jehoaddan .

his mother → Jehosheba .

her mother → Jehoram, 5th King of Judah

her father → Jehosaphat, 4th King of Judah

his father → Asa ., 3rd King of Judah

his father → Maacah .

his mother → Absalom .

her father → King David of Israel

his father → Jesse .

his father → Obed .

his father → Boaz .

his father → Salmon .

his father → Nahshon ben Aminadav

his father → Amminadab .

his father → Ram .

his fatherConsistency CheckShow short path | Share this path

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‎A veces también me llaman "Arni".‎

‎Lucas 3:33 en algunos manuscritos enumera a "Admin" como mi hijo y el padre de Amminadab, quien en este árbol Geni y en todos los demás lugares de las Escrituras, aparece como mi hijo. La administración no aparece en ninguna otra parte de la Biblia, por lo que no tenemos otro testigo que apoye la inclusión de este nombre.‎

‎Excluirlo "está respaldado por una impresionante gama de testigos (A D 33 565 1079 muchas versiones)", admite Bruce Metzger (pg 113 en "A Textual Commentary of the Greek New Testament") y la United Bible Society, quien compiló una versión de los dos populares Nuevos Testamentos griegos. Los testigos (letras y números) que enumera son nombres de manuscritos.‎

‎Sin embargo, Metzger afirma: "Frente a una desconcertante variedad de lecturas, el comité adoptó lo que parece ser la forma menos insatisfactoria de texto, una lectura que era actual en la iglesia alejandrina en un período temprano ... eso implica tres nombres". ‎

‎Así que el NT griego de UBS dice "tou Aminadab tou Admin tou Arni", aunque admiten que no están seguros, calificando esta lectura como una "C" en una escala de A a D. "Tou" significa "de". Esta decisión se basa en los manuscritos ALEPH, L, 0102, 1243, THETA y otros que incluyen nombres además de Ram y Amminadab. La razón principal dada por Metzger es que cuando tres nombres están en su lugar en lugar de dos, "Lucas toda la genealogía de Jesús cae en un patrón artísticamente planeado, incluso más elaborado que el de Mateo ... haciendo un total de... 77 generaciones desde Adán hasta Jesús".‎

‎Sin embargo, este patrón artístico también se puede lograr si incluimos a Dios en la genealogía como # 1. Pero el punto real es que siempre debemos atenernos a los hechos claros, en lugar de forzar las cosas a un patrón percibido.‎

‎Judas nació perets y Serah con Taamar, Hesron nació de Perets, Aram nació de Hesron ( Mt 1: 3)‎


Ram . MP

Hebrew: רם, Arabic: ارم, Estonian: Raam / Aram

Gender: Male

Birth: -1647

Egypt, Goshen

Death: circa -1464 (178-188)


Immediate Family:

Son of Hezron . and Abijah .

Husband of Abiah . and Phozib .

Father of Amminadab . and Thehara .

Brother of Ashhur . and Arni .

Half brother of Jerahmeel .; Caleb .; Segub .; Ishhod .; Abiezer . and 1 other

Added by: Shmuel-Aharon Kam (Kahn / שמואל-אהרן קם (קאן on February 26, 2007

Managed by: Margaret (C) and 139 others

Curated by: Shmuel-Aharon Kam (Kahn / שמואל-אהרן קם (קאן

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Ruth 4:19.

I am also sometimes called "Arni".

Luke 3:33 in some manuscripts lists "Admin" as my son and the father of Amminadab, who in this Geni tree and in all other places in Scripture, listed as my son. Admin is listed nowhere else in the Bible, so we do not have another witness to support the inclusion of this name.

Excluding him "is supported by an impressive range of witnesses (A D 33 565 1079 many versions)" admits Bruce Metzger (pg 113 in "A Textual Commentary of the Greek New Testament") and the United Bible Society, who compiled one version of the two popular Greek New Testaments. The witnesses (letters and numbers) he lists are names of manuscripts.

However, Metzger states, "Faced with a bewildering variety of readings, the committee adopted what seems to be the least unsatisfactory form of text, a reading that was current in the Alexandrian church at an early period... that involves three names."

So the UBS's Greek NT reads "tou Aminadab tou Admin tou Arni", even though they admit they are not certain, rating this reading a "C" on a scale of A to D. "Tou" means "of". This decision is based on manuscripts ALEPH, L, 0102, 1243, THETA and others which include names in addition to Ram and Amminadab. The primary reason given by Metzger is that when three names are in place instead of two, "Luke entire genealogy of Jesus falls into an artistically planned pattern, even more elaborate than Matthew's... making a total of... 77 generations from Adam to Jesus."

This artistic pattern may also be achieved however if we include God in the genealogy as #1. But the real point is that we must always stick with the plain facts, rather than forcing things into a perceived pattern.

Juudale sündisid Taamariga Perets ja Serah, Peretsile sündis Hesron, Hesronile sündis Aram, (Mt 1:3)

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Immediate Family

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Showing 12 of 33 people

Phozib .


Thehara .


Abiah .


Amminadab .


Abijah .


Hezron .


Ashhur .


Arni .


(Female) Unknown, Daughter of Na...




Jerahmeel .

half brother

NN ., Daughter of Makhir



Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.
