sábado, 3 de junio de 2023

Rechiar II, king of the Suevi ♛★Bisabuelo n°33M★ Ref: RS-0480 |•••► #ESPAÑA 🏆🇪🇸★ #Genealogía #Genealogy

33 ° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Rechiar II, king of the Suevi is your 33rd great grandfather.- (33 ° Bisabuelo )



 (Linea Materna)


Rechiar II, king of the Suevi is your 33rd great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Morella Álamo Borges

your mother → Belén Eloina Borges Ustáriz

her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna

her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesús Uztáriz y Monserrate

her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra

his mother → Teniente Coronel Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina

her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza

his mother → Andrés Manuel Ortiz de Urbina y Landaeta, I Marqués de Torrecasa

her father → Manuel Ortiz de Urbina y Márquez de Cañizares

his father → Manuel de Ortiz de Urbina y Suárez

his father → Juan Ortíz de Urbina y Eguíluz

his father → Martín Ortíz de Urbina

his father → Pedro Ortiz de Urbina

his father → Ortún Díaz de Urbina

his father → Diego López

his father → Diego I el Blanco López, III señor de Vizcaya

his father → Lope Díaz Íñiguez, II señor de Vizcaya, IV Conde de Viscaya

his father → Íñigo Lopez Ezquerra, Conde y 1er. señor de Vizcaya

his father → Lope Velázquez, señor de Colindres

his father → Velasco

his father → Iñigo López, V conde de Vizcaya

his father → Lope "El Lindo" Iñiguez, IV conde de Vizcaya

his father → Elvira Bermudez Lainez

his mother → Bermudo Lainez de Castrogeriz

her father → Laín Calvo, Juez de Castilla

his father → Gundesinto de Castrogériz, Conde de Castrogeriz

his father → Singerico de Cantabria, Conde de Castrogeriz (Castroxeriz)

his father → Teodomiro CANTABRIA and Liebana

his father → Gulvira

his mother → Savaricus of Suéves

her father → Gaudioso of Suéves

his father → Eborico, king of the Suevi

his father → Miro, king of the Suevi

his father → Theodemir, king of the Suevi

his father → Rechiar II, king of the Suevi

his father


Rechiar II, king of the Suevi is your 21st great aunt's husband's 7th great grandfather.


  → Morella Álamo Borges

your mother → show 31 relatives → Theodemir, king of the Suevi

his father → Rechiar II, king of the Suevi

his fatherConsistency CheckShare this path

Rechiar II  

Spanish: Requiario II

Gender: Male

Birth: estimated between 430 and 480 

Death: circa 520

Immediate Family:

Son of Hermeneric ll, king of the Suevi

Father of Theodemir, king of the Suevi

Added by: Kelsey Buckles on September 12, 2007

Managed by: Daniel Dupree Walton and 16 oth

HISTORIA -  edit | history

He was the thirteenth king of the Suevi, ruling probably for only a few months of 520 (the lack of sources makes his reign imprecise); he was probably assassinated by order of his immediate successor Theodemund, who would reign for the next three decades as the 14th king. After the latter's death, Carriarico/Cararico (the 15th king) would rule for the next nine years, before a member of the Royal Household regained control of the country and ended the dark period.




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Immediate Family

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Theodemir, king of the Suevi


Hermeneric ll, king of the Suevi



Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.



✺- 480→Irlanda: se erige la diócesis de Connor.

✺- 485→Aelle de Sussex combate a los britones en el arroyo de Mearcread.

✺- 490→1 de abril: La mayoría de la armada de Odoacro, incluidos el magistrado militar Tufa, se rinden ante Teodorico el Grande en Milán.

✺- 495→El Emperador Xiaowen de Wei del Norte funda el primer templo Shaolin.

✺- 500→En las islas británicas los romanos y los celtas libran la batalla del monte Badon contra los anglosajones del norte. Posiblemente esta batalla influyó en la leyenda del rey Arturo.

✺- 505→Un terremoto daña el Coliseo de Roma, que había sufrido daños en uno anterior, en 422.

✺- 510→Supremacía ostrogoda en Hispania.1​ Teodorico, el Amalo, ostrogodo, sucede a Gesaleico en el control de la Hispania visigoda, ya que actúa como regente de su nieto Amalarico.

✺- 515→El emperador bizantino Anastasio I (emperador) encomienda su armada al general Marino, quien vence a los rebeldes usando una sustancia sulfurosa, precedente del fuego griego.

✺- 520→Construcción de Mausoleo de Teodorico en Rávena.


Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.
