26 ° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de:
Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo
(Linea Materna)
Loup II, duc de Gascogne is your 26th great grandfather.You→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→ Morella Álamo Borges
your mother → Belén Borges Ustáriz
her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna
her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesus Uztáriz y Monserrate
her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra
his mother → Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina, Teniente Coronel
her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza
his mother → Isabel Manuela Josefa Hurtado de Mendoza y Rojas Manrique
her mother → Juana de Rojas Manrique de Mendoza
her mother → Constanza de Mendoza Mate de Luna
her mother → Fernando Mathé de Luna
her father → Estefanía Rodríguez de Ceballos, señora de Vado de las Estacas y Villalba
his mother → Ruy / Rodrigo González de Ceballos
her father → Gonzalo Díaz de Ceballos y Ordóñez
his father → María Ordóñez de Aza
his mother → Diego Ordóñez de Aza, Señor de Villamayor
her father → Ordoño Garciez de Aza
his father → Urraca Garcés, señora de Alberite
his mother → Estefanía de Foix, reina de Navarra
her mother → Gersende de Bigorre, comtesse consort de Foix
her mother → Ricarda d'Astarac, Comtessa consort de Bigòrra
her mother → Guillaume, comte d'Astarac
her father → Arnaud Garcia de Gascogne, comte d'Astarac
his father → Garcia II Sanche le Tors, Comte de Gascogne
his father → Sanche III Mitarra Sanche, duc de Gascogne
his father → Sanche II, duc de Gascogne
his father → Sanche I, duc de Gascogne
his father → Loup II, duc de Gascogne
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Lop II L'Ancien de Gascogne, Duc de Gascogne, prince des Basques MP
Gascony, France
778 (43)
Roncevaux, Buthiers, Ile-de-France, France (murdered)
Immediate Family:
Husband of Numabela Froilez de Cantabria
Father of Centuli LLope (Centulo Lòpez) de Gascogne, Duc de Gascogne; Sanche I, duc de Gascogne; Adalric, duc de Gascogne; Adela de Gascuña; Donat de Gascogne and 1 other
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Isa Souchon on July 11, 2007
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Lupo II[1] (died 778) is the third-attested historical duke of Gascony (dux Vasconum or princeps[2]), appearing in history for the first time in 769. The ancestors of Lupo II are not known. It is often claimed that Lupo was related to dukes Odo the Great and Hunald of Aquitaine, some people even saying that Lupo was the son of Duke Odo, but this is not true, as no medieval document telling us the family of Lupo has survived.[3]
In 769, a final rising of the Aquitanians against Charlemagne and Carloman was put down and the rebel, Hunald (either the same Hunald as above or another), was forced to flee to the court of Lupo in Gascony. Lupo had thitherto been his ally, lending him Gascon troops.[4] Lupo, however, did not desire to bring down upon himself the wrath of the Frankish kings and handed Hunald, along with his wife, over to Charlemagne. He himself did homage for his province, recognising Charlemagne's suzerainty.[5]
Lupo may have been a Basque, but perhaps a Frank or Roman (Aquitanian). He may have been a royal appointment of Pepin III (in 768),[6] but he may have been elected duke by the people. The extent of his territory is unknown. He may have ruled all of Aquitaine after 769, but that is not likely. His Gascony did border the Agenais and its northern border seems to have been the Garonne.[7] Bordeaux was not under his control, but that of a separate line of Carolingian-appointed counts.[8] His power may or may not have extended to the Pyrenees, but the trans-Pyrenean Basques were also under Carolingian suzerainty, as seen by Einhard's reference to Basque perfidia (treachery) at Roncesvalles. This region may have been part of Lupo's realm.[9] Lupo has nevertheless been implicated by some historians in the ambush of Roland.[10]
He died probably in 778.[11] His relationship to the previous dukes of Aquitaine-Vasconia and his successors is unclear. If he is to be regarded as related to subsequent Gascon dukes, which seems reasonable on the basis of patronymics, a genealogy can easily be constructed.[12] He was the father of Sancho, Seguin, Centule, and García (Garsand). All of his sons ruled Gascony at one time or another except García, who died in battle with Berengar of Toulouse in 819.[13] He may have had another son named Adalric, who was active in the reign of Chorso of Toulouse.
^ His name has many variants in other languages: Basque: Otsoa, French: Loup, Gascony: Lop, Latin: Lupus, Spanish: Lobo or Lope. It is the basis of the patronymic López. It may have been a Latinisation of the Basque word for "wolf", otso. However, it is an acceptable Latin or Frankish name in its own right.
^ "Astronomus", Vita Hludovici.
^ The Charte d'Alaon is spurious. This discredits much of Monlezun's research.
^ Lewis, p 26.
^ Einhard.
^ Collins, p 110.
^ Lewis, p 28.
^ Ibid, p 38.
^ Collins, p 121, disagrees. As does Lacarra, pp 14 – 20, who separates Aquitaine, Gascony, the Narbonensis, and the Spanish Basque Country.
^ Lewis, p 38.
^ Collins, p 128. Estornés. FMG gives 775.
^ Ibid, p 130.
^ Ibid, p 129.
Collins, Roger. The Basques. Blackwell Publishing: London, 1990.
Einhard. Vita Karoli Magni. Translated by Samuel Epes Turner. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1880.
Lewis, Archibald R. The Development of Southern French and Catalan Society, 718–1050. University of Texas Press: Austin, 1965.
Lacarra, J. Vasconia medieval: Historia y Filología.
Wallace-Hadrill, J. M., translator. The Fourth Book of the Chronicle of Fredegar with its Continuations. Greenwood Press: Connecticut, 1960.
Estornés Lasa, Bernardo. Auñamendi Encyclopedia: Ducado de Vasconia.
Foundation for Medieval Genealogy: Gascony.
Annales Laurissense, in Mon. Gen. Hist. Scriptores, I, 148.
"Astronomus", Vita Hludovici imperatoris, ed. G. Pertz, ch. 2, in Mon. Gen. Hist. Scriptores, II, 608.
Sedycias, João. História da Língua Espanhola.
Monlezun, Jean Justin. Histoire de la Gascogne. 1864.
Lop II de GASCOGNE Titlar: duc des Vascons
Född omkring 740 Död efter 778 Föräldrar
**Familles en descendant de GASCOGNE
? ? Vigslar, barn, barnbarnen och barnbarns barnen
Gift med ? ? barn M Garsie Lop de GASCOGNE , comte à Dax (40) †816 M Sans Lop I , duc de Gascogne 775-816 gift med N NN barn M Aznar Sans de GASCOGNE , comte de Gascogne citérieure 808-836 gift med N NN barn : M Garsie Aznar de GASCOGNE K Sancia Aznar de GASCOGNE †850/ M Sans II Mittara de GASCOGNE , prince des Basques †864 gift med Quilo Garcia de BUIL barn : M Sanche IV Mitarra (le Montagnard) , duc de Gascogne ca 837- K Dhuoda de GASCOGNE , comtesse d'Agen ca 810-ca 845 gift den 24 juni 824, Basilique, Aix-la-Chapelle (Allemagne), med Bernard d'AQUITAINE , comte de Barcelone 801-844 barn : K Ne d'AQUITAINE M Guillaume Ier de Septimanie d'AQUITAINE , comte d'Agen 826-849 M Bernard Plantevelue d'AQUITAINE , comte d'Auvergne 841-886 M Aton N*** †899/ K Sancia de GASCOGNE gift med Emenon I de POITIERS , comte de Poitiers (86) †866 barn : M Arnaud de POITIERS , duc de Gascogne †/884 M Centule Lop de GASCOGNE †ca 819 Källor
Person, familj: Smaniotto (Michel) Ducs de Gascogne cdrom
image: map of Duchy of Vasconia [Gascony] abt. 740, as part of the Kingdom of the Franks. [commons.wikimedia.org]
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lupo_II_of_Gascony with additional information from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roland_the_Mighty https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suzerainty
Lupo II is the third-attested historical duke of Gascony, appearing in history for the first time in 769. He died probably in 778. His ancestry is subject to scholarly debate. Lupo may have been a Basque, but perhaps a Frank or Roman [Aquitanian]. The name Lupo, "wolf", is a well attested totemic first name and surname widely spread across the whole Basque ethnic area in the early Middle Ages.
His relationship to the previous dukes of Aquitaine-Vasconia and his successors is unclear. If he is to be regarded as related to subsequent Gascon dukes, which seems reasonable on the basis of patronymics, a genealogy can easily be constructed. He was the father of Sancho, Seguin, Centule, and García. All of his sons ruled Gascony at one time or another except García, who died in battle with Berengar of Toulouse in 819. He may have had another son named Adalric, who was active in the reign of Chorso of Toulouse.
He may have been a royal appointment of Pepin III in 768, but he may have been elected duke by the people. The extent of his territory is unknown. He may have ruled all of Aquitaine after 769, but that is not likely. His Gascony did border the Agenais and its northern border seems to have been the Garonne. Bordeaux was not under his control, but that of a separate line of Carolingian-appointed counts. His power may or may not have extended to the Pyrenees, but the trans-Pyrenean Basques were also under Carolingian suzerainty. This region may have been part of Lupo's realm. Lupo has nevertheless been implicated by some historians in the ambush of Roland, a knight in the service of Charlemagne.
In 769, a final rising of the Aquitanians against Charlemagne and Carloman was put down and the rebel, Hunald, was forced to flee to the court of Lupo in Gascony. Lupo had thitherto been his ally, lending him Gascon troops. Lupo, however, did not desire to bring down upon himself the wrath of the Frankish kings and handed Hunald, along with his wife, over to Charlemagne. He himself did homage for his province, recognising Charlemagne's suzerainty.*
Suzerainty is a situation in which a powerful region or people controls the foreign affairs of a tributary vassal state while allowing the subservient nation internal autonomy.
sources: Collins, Roger. The Basques. Blackwell Publishing: London, 1990. Einhard. Vita Karoli Magni. Translated by Samuel Epes Turner. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1880. Lewis, Archibald R. The Development of Southern French and Catalan Society, 718-1050. University of Texas Press: Austin, 1965. Lacarra, J. Vasconia medieval: Historia y Filología. Wallace-Hadrill, J. M., translator. The Fourth Book of the Chronicle of Fredegar with its Continuations. Greenwood Press: Connecticut, 1960. Estornés Lasa, Bernardo. Auñamendi Encyclopedia: Ducado de Vasconia. Cawley, Charles, Medieval Lands Project: Gascony., Foundation for Medieval Genealogy, retrieved August 2012,[better source needed] Annales Laurissense, in Mon. Gen. Hist. Scriptores, I, 148. "Astronomus", Vita Hludovici imperatoris, ed. G. Pertz, ch. 2, in Mon. Gen. Hist. Scriptores, II, 608. Sedycias, João. História da Língua Espanhola. Monlezun, Jean Justin. Histoire de la Gascogne. 1864.
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Numabela Froilez de Cantabria
Centuli LLope (Centulo Lòpez) d...
Sanche I, duc de Gascogne
Adalric, duc de Gascogne
Adela de Gascuña
Donat de Gascogne
Siguin I, duc de Gascogne
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