37 ° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de:
Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo
(Linea Paterna)
Marcomir I, King of the Franks at Cologne is your 37th great grandfather.
Yof→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→
Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna
your father → Elena Cecilia Lecuna Escobar
his mother → María Elena de la Concepción Escobar Llamosas
her mother → Cecilia Cayetana de la Merced Llamosas Vaamonde de Escobar
her mother → Cipriano Fernando de Las Llamosas y García
her father → José Lorenzo de las Llamozas Silva
his father → Joseph Julián Llamozas Ranero
his father → Manuel Llamosas y Requecens
his father → Isabel de Requesens
his mother → Luis de Requeséns y Zúñiga, Virrey de Holanda
her father → Juan de Zúñiga Avellaneda y Velasco
his father → Pedro de Zúñiga y Avellaneda, II conde de Miranda del Castañar
his father → Diego López de Zúñiga y Guzmán, I conde de Miranda del Castañar
his father → Isabel de Guzmán y Ayala, III Señora de Gibraleón
his mother → Elvira López de Ayala Guzmán
her mother → Leonor Suárez de Toledo y Guzmán
her mother → D. Pero Suárez de Toledo, señor de Bolaños
her father → Teresa Vázquez de Acuña, Señora de Villaverde
his mother → Vasco Martins da Cunha, "o Seco", 5º senhor de Tábua
her father → Joana Rodrigues de Nomães
his mother → Rodrigo Martins de Nomães, Señor de Reviñade y Silva-Escura
her father → Rodrigo Romães Conde de Monterroso
his father → Remón II de Monterroso, III conde de Monterroso
his father → Rodrigo Romaes, II conde de Monterroso y de Santa Marta de Ortigueira
his father → Remón Romaes, Conde de Monterroso y Santa Marta de Ortigueira
his father → Fruela I el Cruel, rey de Asturias
his father → Ermessenda, reina consorte de Asturias
his mother → Pelayo, rey de Asturias
her father → Liubigotona
his mother → Suintila, rey de los visigodos
her father → Clodesinde
his mother → Siegbert I, King of Austrasia
her father → Chlothar I "the Old" King of the Franks
his father → Clovis I the Great, King of the Franks
his father → Childéric I, King of the Franks
his father → Mérovech Mérovingiens, leader of the Frankish tribes
his father → Clodius de Cologne, VI
his father → Pharamond, king of the Franks (Fictitious)
his father → Marcomir I, King of the Franks at Cologne
his father
Marcomir De Cologne MP
Spanish: Dn. Marcomir de Colonia, Swedish: Marcomir av Östfrankerna
Gender: Male
Birth: circa 347
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Death: circa 404 (49-65)
Cologne, Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Immediate Family:
Husband of Hatilde and Hildegonde / Ildegond De Cologne
Father of Marcomir II, King of the Franks; Pharamond, king of the Franks (Fictitious); Chlodowig I, King of the Franks at Cologne; Albofledis .; Blésinde des Francs and 2 others
Added by: Jean-Jacques Chacun on February 7, 2007
Managed by: Daniel Dupree Walton and 343 others
Curated by: Jason Scott Wills
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Marcomir De Cologne
Marcomer (or Marcomir, Marcomeres, Marchomer, Marchomir) (late 4th century), Frankish chief.
In later legend he was the son of Chlodio IV, a fictitious person invented to give this family a descent from the kings of Troy.
Wikipedia: English | French
Marcomer (Marcomeres, Marchomer, Marchomir) was a Frankish leader (dux) in the late 4th century who invaded the Roman Empire in the year 388, when the usurper and leader of the whole of Roman Gaul, Magnus Maximus was surrounded in Aquileia by Theodosius I.
The invasion is documented by Gregory of Tours who cited the now lost work of Sulpicius Alexander. According to this account Marcomer, Sunno and Genobaud invaded the Roman provinces Germania and Belgia in Gaul. They broke through the limes, killed many people, destroyed the most fruitful lands and made the city Köln panic. After this raid the main body of the Franks moved back over the Rhine with their booty. Some of the Franks remained in the Belgian woods. When the Roman generals Magnus Maximus, Nanninus and Quintinus heard the news in Trier, they attacked those remaining Frankish forces and killed many of them. After this engagement Quintinus crossed the Rhine to punish the Franks in their own country, however his army was surrounded and beaten. Some Roman soldiers drowned in the marshes, others were killed by Franks, few made it back to their Empire.
Nanninus and Quintinus were replaced by Charietto and Syrus, who were again confronted by an attack of unindentified Franks.
Later, after the fall of Magnus Maximus, Marcomer and Sunno held a short meeting about the recent attacks with the Frank Arbogastes, who was a general (magister militum) in the Roman army. The Franks delivered hostages as usual, and Arbogastes returned to his winter quarters in Trier.
A couple of years later when Arbogastes had seized power and the West Roman army was nearly completely in the hands of Frankish mercenaries, he crossed the Rhine with a Roman army into Germania, because he hated his own kin. Marcomer was seen as leader with Chatti and Ampsivarii but the two did not engage.
Later we hear from the poet Claudian that Marcomer was arrested by Romans and banned to a villa in Tuscany. His brother Sunno crossed the Rhine and tried to settle himself as leader of the band of Marchomir, however he was killed by his own people.
According to the later Liber Historiae Francorum, Marcomer tried to unite the Franks after the death of Sunno. He proposed that the Franks should live under one king and proposed his own son Pharamond (whose earliest mention is in this work, and who is considered mythological by scholars) for the kingship. This source does not relate whether Marcomer succeeded, but from other later sources that recall the account of Liber Historiae Francorum, the impression may be gained that Pharamond was regarded as the first king of the Franks. However, modern scholars, such as Edward James, do not accept this account in the Liber Historiae Francorum as historical, because Marcomer is called the son of the Trojan king Priam, which is an obvious impossibility. Another difficulty with this account is that earlier sources such as Gregory of Tours make it crystal clear that a century after Marcomer there were still many Frankish kings, ruling over portions or separate tribes - indeed, it has been proposed that the word "ruler" may be more appropriate than "king", as there was at that time no one ruler over all the Frankish people. Clovis I, according to Gregory of Tours, had several other rulers or kings killed in order to manipulate control and increase his territory, and through his machinations dethroned other leaders such as the Frankish counts of Triër, but even he was not the single Frankish king, for tribes as the Thuringii, Chamavi and Bructeri continued their own structures. After Clovis' death, his empire was divided again amongst his sons who ruled simultaneously over different areas.
Gregory of Tours, Historia Francorum, Book II, paragraph 9.
Claudian, Loeb classical Library, On Stilicho's Consulship (translation Platnauer)
Edward James, The Franks
Marcomir Duke of the East Franks
Born : Abt. 347 Germany
Died : 404
Ruled from 389
Clodius Duke of the East Franks
Abt. 370 - Pharamond King of the Franks
Forrás / Source:
Born 347 or 370
died 404 or 424
dead 393 or 404
Austrasien var ett frankiskt kungarike under merovingerna, från 500-talet till 700-talet. Det omfattande områden på båda sidor av mellersta Rhen, med huvudorterna Metz och Reims.
b. 351 A.D.; d. 404 A.D.
One son is recorded: Pharamond, b.370 A.D.
He became Duke of the East Franks, 389
One line of ancestry provided is:
Bartherus King of the Franks was born about 238. He died in 272.
III Clodius King of the Franks was born before 264. He died in 298
Walter King of the Franks was born before 289. He died in 306.
Dagobert Duke of East Franks was born about 230 in Germany. He died in 317.
Genebald Duke of East Franks was born about 262 in Germany. He died in 358.
Dagobert Duke of East Franks was born about 300 in Germany. He died in 379.
Clodius Duke of East Franks was born about 324 in Germany. He died in 389.
Marcomir Duke of East Franks was born about 347 in Germany. He died in 404.
Pharamond King of France -------------------- Title: Historie Genealogique de la France du V au XII Siecle.
Note: Author: Dooghe, Didier-Georges Note: Publication: Lille, France: Private Edition Note: Page: p. 19
Marcomer war ein fränkischer Heerführer im späten 4. Jahrhundert.
Zusammen mit den fränkischen Heerführern Gennobaudes und Sunno führte Marcomer 388 einen erfolgreichen Überfall auf römisches Gebiet am Niederrhein an. Die Franken stießen auf linksrheinisches Gebiet vor und verwüsteten die Region um Köln, bevor sie mit reicher Beute abzogen. Der Hintergrund stellte vielleicht der Abzug mehrerer römischer Truppenteile vom Rhein auf Befehl des Usurpators Magnus Maximus dar, der damals in Gallien regierte.[1] Detailliert wird dieser Angriff und die römische Reaktion darauf von dem um 400 schreibenden spätrömischen Geschichtsschreiber Sulpicius Alexander geschildert. Die Darstellung des Sulpicius ist uns jedoch nur in Form eines längeren Exzerpts im Geschichtswerk des Gregor von Tours erhalten, welches aber wertvolle Informationen enthält.[2]
Nach dem Exzerpt Gregors, der sich nach eigener Aussage auf das 3. Buch der Historia des Sulpicius stützte, wurde ein Teil der Franken, der sich nicht über den Rhein zurückgezogen hatte, schließlich von römischen Truppen in einer Schlacht am Kohlenwald geschlagen. Allerdings hatte sich Marcomer bereits vorher mit reicher Beute absetzen können. Die Römer wurden von den Offizieren Nanninus und Quintinus kommandiert. Während Quintinus und andere Offiziere nun die Verfolgung der Franken auf ihr eigenes Gebiet planten, äußerte Nanninus Bedenken und zog nach Mogontiacum (Mainz) ab. Quintinus stieß mit den restlichen Truppen auf fränkisches Gebiet vor und zerstörte einige verstreute Höfe, wurde dann aber von den Franken in eine Falle gelockt; wahrscheinlich war auch Marcomer daran beteiligt. Die Römer erlitten eine schwere Niederlage, die der klassisch geschulte Sulpicius in Anlehnung an die clades Variana darstellte.
Gregor schildert weiter, sich auf das 4. Buch der Historia des Sulpicius berufend, die Strafexpedition des Heermeisters Arbogast gegen die Franken. Marcomer und Sunno mussten Geiseln stellen, wofür ihnen Valentinian II. offenbar den Frieden anbot. Einige Zeit darauf (391/92 oder 392/93) überschritt Arbogast im Winter erneut den Rhein und griff die Franken an, wobei Marcomer nach Sulpicius Alexander auch die Ampsivarier und Chatten anführte. Gennobaudes findet bereits nach der Schilderung des fränkischen Rheinübergangs keine Erwähnung mehr, vermutlich war er bereits während der dortigen Kämpfe gefallen.
Der Usurpator Eugenius erneuerte schließlich die Verträge mit den Franken und Alamannen. Um 396 (jedenfalls nach dem Tod des Kaisers Theodosius I.) mussten die Franken einen neuen Eid gegenüber dem Feldherrn Stilicho leisten, der den abwesenden Kaiser Honorius vertrat. Der Dichter Claudian berichtet von der Internierung des von den Römern gefangenen (oder von den Franken exilierten) Marcomer in Etrurien. Daraufhin habe Sunno Marcomer rächen wollen, sei aber von seinen eigenen Leuten ermordet worden.[3]
Für die Verfassung der frühen Franken ist das Exzerpt aus dem Werk des Sulpicius Alexander von großem Wert. Gregor von Tours hatte versucht herauszufinden, wie die frühen Frankenstämme organisiert waren, fand aber keine genauen Aussagen. Aus Sicht der modernen Forschung sind die dort erwähnten Bezeichnungen wie dux, regalis oder rex nicht gleichzusetzen mit den späteren Bedeutungen. Vielmehr handelte es sich bei den fränkischen Heerführern wohl nicht um Kleinkönige oder ähnliches, sondern um (militärische) Anführer. Über die genauen Herrschaftsstrukturen lässt sich allerdings aufgrund der vielfältigen Interpretationsmöglichkeiten kaum etwas sagen.[4]
Nachkommen [Bearbeiten]
Der Autor des Liber Historiae Francorum bezeichnet Marcomer als Vater des (fiktiven) Königs Faramund, der wiederum der Vater von Chlodio gewesen sein soll.[5] Diese Genealogie, die mehr als 330 Jahre nach Marcomer niedergeschrieben wurde, wird seit dem Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts als mythisch angesehen (siehe auch: Falsche Merowinger).
-------------------------------- Sources
Gregory of Tours, Historia Francorum, Book II, paragraph 9.
Claudian, Loeb classical Library, On Stilicho's Consulship (translation Platnauer)
Edward James, The Franks
Gregory of Tours mentions him in his Historia Francorum, together with dukes Genobaud and Sunno. Gregory doubts that they were called kings. They crossed the Rhine, raided the Roman province of Germania and threatened Cologne, in the latter years of Western Roman Emperor Magnus Maximus (c. 388). They reportedly also led the Chatti and the Ampsivarii.
After the fall of Troy to the Achaeans in the Trojan War [which one? 1181 BC, 1149 BC, or ??} , some Trojans fled to Italy under the Dardanian prince, Aeneas ex Zeus. Many others fled to the Black Sea area and joined the nomadic Cimmerians with whom they had good relations. Eventually, these Trojans established several separate tribes within the Cimmerian nation. One such tribe under Francio ex Zeus (namesake of the Frankish nation) migrated into the area around modern Budapest and established the Kingdom of Sicambria. Francio's new royal family was known as the House of Sicamber after one of his ancestors. When Sicambria was destroyed by the Goths, the Franks reverted to their tribal ways. One tribe, the Salian Franks, led by members of the old royal house, migrated toward the River Rhine.
He died in 418 AD.
He was King of the Sicambrian Franks at Cologne.
He might have been the Marcomir about whom Sulpicius wrote, "At that time [388, during the rebellion of Magnus Maximus] under the dukes Genobaud, Marcomer, and Sunno, the Franks broke into the province of Germania. After forcing the frontier, they killed large numbers of people, ravaging the fertile districts in particular, and struck terror even into Cologne. . . . [Following plundering by the Franks, the Roman general] Arbogast was unwilling to countenance any delay and urged the emperor to exact just retribution from the Franks, unless they immediately restored all they had taken the previous year when the legions were cut up, and unless they surrendered those responsible for the war who were to blame for treacherously violating the peace . . . . A few days afterwards, a hurried conference was held with Marcomer and Sunno, petty kings (regales) of the Franks; hostages were demanded as usual and Arbogast retired to winter quarters at Trier." And later, "In the same year [392?] Arbogast, pursuing the Frankish petty kings Sunno and Marcomer with a kind of family (gentilis) hatred, came to Cologne in the depths of winter, knowing that all the retreats of Francia could be penetrated and burned now that the leaves had fallen and the bare woods could no longer conceal ambushes. He gathered his forces and crossed the Rhine, plundering the country of the Bructeri, which was next to the river, and the region inhabited by the Chamavi. He encountered no opposition. Only a few Ampsivarii and Chatti, under the command of Marcomer, appeared on the farthest ridges of the hills. . . . Then the usurper Eugenius undertook an expedition to the borders of the Rhine to renew in the usual way the old treaties with the kings of the Alemanni and the Franks and to show to the wild peoples an army of immense size for that time." -------------------- http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=jloops&id=I5266
ID: I5266 Name: Marcomir Duke Of East Franks Given Name: Marcomir Suffix: Duke Of East Franks Sex: M Birth: ABT 0347 in Germany Death: 0404 _UID: 344B5DC3B051D9438835C84024E83FC69261 Change Date: 27 Dec 2007 at 03:00:00
Father: Clodis Duke Of East Franks b: ABT 0324 in Germany
Marriage 1 Spouse Unknown
Married: ABT 0369 Children
Has Children Pharamond King Of Franks b: ABT 0370 in Westphalia,Germany
Marcomir (ou Marcomer) fut roi Franc des Ampsivares et des Chattes à la fin du IVe siècle. Il fit de nombreuses incursions dans la province romaine de Germanie et notamment à Cologne dans les années 380-390. En 388, il échange des otages en gage de paix avec le général romain Arbogast. En 392, il défend son territoire contre le même général Arbogast.
1) " En ce temps les francs qui avaient pour ducs Génobaud, Marcomir et Sunnon firent irruption dans la Germanie et lorsqu'ils eurent envahi la frontière, bien des mortels furent massacrés ; ils dévastèrent les pays les plus fertiles et jetèrent aussi la panique à Cologne. Quand la nouvelle parvient à Trèves, Nannin et Quentin, maître de la milice, à qui Maxime avait confié son fils encore enfant et la défense des Gaules, levèrent une armée et se rassemblèrent à Cologne. Mais les ennemis qui étaient chargés de butin, après avoir pillé les richesses des provinces, traversèrent le Rhin, tout en laissant sur le sol romain un grand nombre des leurs prêts à reprendre le pillage. Il fut aisé aux Romains de se mesurer avec eux et beaucoup de francs furent massacrés dans la Charbonnière. "
L'épisode se déroule entre 384 et 388 pendant l'imperium de Maxime et est raconté par Sulpice Alexandre, un historien contemporain de Marcomir.
2) " Quelques jours plus tard, alors que Marcomir et Sunnon étaient chez les Francs des personnages royaux, une brève conférence eut lieu et des otages furent exigés selon l'usage, puis Arbogast revint hiverner à Trèves."
L'épisode se déroule en 388 peu après la mort de Victor, fils de l'empereur Maxime Toujours raconté par Sulpice Alexandre.
3) " La même année Arbogast poursuivant de sa haine barbare Sunnon et Marcomir, les roitelets des Francs, gagne Cologne en plein hiver, car il savait parfaitement que toutes les retraites des Francs étaient accessibles et pouvaient être incendiées et rendus arides ne pouvaient pas cacher ceux qui s'embusquaient. Il leva donc une armée, traversa le Rhin et dévasta les pays des Bructères qui sont les plus proches de ses rives et aussi celui qu'habitent les Chamaves sans rencontrer personnes, sauf un petit nombre d'Ampsivares et de Chattes qui sons le commandement de Marcomir apparurent sur les sommets éloignés des collines. "
L'épisode de déroule en 392 pendant l'impérium de Valentinien II. Sulpice Alexandre est toujours notre historien.
Selon l'auteur du Liber Historiae Francorum, Marcomir serait le père de Pharamond, qui serait lui-même le père du roi Clodion le Chevelu. Cette généalogie, écrite plus de 330 ans après les faits, est reconnue par les historiens contemporains comme fabuleuse.
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Marcomir I Clodius Der Franken
MyHeritage Family Trees
van Klaveren in van Klaveren Web Site, managed by Iefje van Klaveren
Birth: 347
Death: 404
Parents: Clodius I Der Oost-franken, Blesinde Der Oost-franken (geboren Van Duitsland)
Wife: Hildegonde Blesinde Der Franken (geboren Van Lombardije)
Son: Pharamond Der Franken
Marcomir (Marchomir) der Oost-Franken, 347 - 404
Marcomir (Marchomir) der Oost-Franken was born in 347, in Sachsen, Deutschland, to Clodius I der Oost-Franken and Blesinde der Oost-Franken (born der Sueben).
Clodius was born in 345, in Duitsland.
Blesinde was born in 324, in Sachsen.
Marcomir married Erotmund der Oost-Franken (born bint Boaz ha Judah).
They had one son: Faramund der West-Franken.
His occupation was Hertog der Oostfranken, Koning der Franken.
Marcomir passed away in 404, at age 57 in Duitsland.’
Marcomir I Clodius der Franken, 347 - 404
Marcomir I Clodius der Franken was born in 347, to Clodius I der Oost-Franken and Blesinde der Oost-Franken (born van Duitsland).
Clodius was born in 324, in Westfalen.
Blesinde was born in 324, in Duitsland.
Marcomir married Hildegonde Blesinde der Franken (born van Lombardije).
Hildegonde was born in 350, in Lombardije, Frankrijk.
They had one son: Pharamond der Franken.
Marcomir passed away in 404, at age 57.
Marcomir IV der Franken, 347 - 404
Marcomir IV der Franken was born in October 347, in Sachsen (Duitsland), to Chlodio IV Koning der Franken der Franken and Blesinde der Franken (born van Suevi (van Alemanië)).
Chlodio was born in 324, in Keulen (Duitsland).
Blesinde was born in 325.
Marcomir had 3 siblings: Blesinde van Keulen, Dagobert der Franken and Amalaberge Von Saxe.
Marcomir married Hillegonda (Allegonde) Frotmund der Franken (born van Lombardije).
Hillegonda was born in 347.
They had 2 children: Pharamond Der Merovingen and Hilgonde Hildegonde van keulen.
Marcomir married Frotmund Frimutel der Franken (born DeBriton).
Frotmund was born in 355.
They had one child.
His occupation was Koning der Franken.
Marcomir passed away in October 404, at age 57 in La Brosse (Frankrjk)
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Also Known As: English (default): Marcomir, Marchomir, Marchomer, Marchomeres, Marcomeres, Marcomer, Duke Marcomir VI von Köln, Marcomer van der Oost Franken
Occupation: Roi des Francs Ripuaires de Cologne 289, Duc des Francs de l'Est, Duke of the East Franks, King of East Franks, Roi de Cologne, Duc des Francs, , Duke of East Franks, L8T2-DXG, Frankisch hoofdman
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