(23° Bisabuelo ) OF Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →is Pierre Guillaume l Aigret ou le Hardi dAquitaine, VII Duc dAquitaine, V Comte de Poitou is → Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente de la Cruz Urdaneta Alamo is→ 23RD great grandfather.
(Linea Paterna)
Pierre Guillaume l Aigret ou le Hardi dAquitaine, VII Duc dAquitaine, V Comte de Poitof→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente de la Cruz Urdaneta Alamo is→ 23RD great grandfather.
Dr Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna
→ Elena Cecilia Lecuna Escobar
his mother → María Elena de la Concepción Escobar Llamosas
her mother → Cecilia Cayetana de la Merced Llamosas Vaamonde de Escobar
her mother → Cipriano Fernando de Las Llamosas y García
her father → José Lorenzo Llamosas Silva
his father → Joseph Julián Llamosas Ranero
his father → Manuel Llamosas y Requecens
his father → Isabel de Requesens
his mother → Luis de Requeséns y Zúñiga, Virrey de Holanda
her father → D. Estefania de Requesens, III Condesa de Palamós
his mother → Hipòlita Roís de Liori i de Montcada
her mother → Beatriz de Montcada i de Vilaragut
her mother → Pedro de Montcada i de Luna, Señor de Villamarchante
her father → Elfa de Luna y de Xèrica
his mother → Pedro Martínez de Luna y Saluzzo, señor de Almonacid y Pola
her father → Marchesa di Saluzzo
his mother → Filippo di Saluzzo, governor of Sardinia
her father → Aloisia di Saluzzo
his mother → María di Saluzzo
her mother → Manfred II del Vasto, marquess of Saluzzo
her father → Manfredo I del Vasto, marchese di Saluzzo
his father → Alix de Savoie
his mother → Agnes of Aquitaine, countess of Savoy
her mother → Pierre Guillaume 'l'Aigret' ou 'le Hardi' d'Aquitaine, VII Duc d'Aquitaine, V Comte de Poitou
her father
Pierre Guillaume lAigret ou le Hardi dAquitaine (de Poitiers), VII Duc d'Aquitaine, V Comte de Poitou MP
Gender: Male
Birth: October 23, 1023
Death: 1058 (34-35)
Poitiers, Vienne, Poitou-Charentes, France,
Immediate Family:
Son of William V, duke of Aquitaine and Agnes of Burgundy
Husband of Ermesinde I de Longwy, Duchess of Aquitaine
Father of Agnes of Aquitaine, countess of Savoy and Clémence von Wassenberg, De Limbourg Arlon
Brother of Guillaume VIII Geoffroy d'Aquitaine, VIII duc d'Aquitaine et Vl comte de Poitou and Agnes of Poitou
Half brother of Guillaume le Gros, VI duc d'Aquitaine et comte IV de Poitiers; Adelais de Fezensac; Odo (Eudes) d'Aquitaine, Duc d'Aquitaine & Gascogne, comte de Poitou and Thibault Of Aquitaine
Added by: Adri Overgaauw on February 6, 2007
Managed by: William John O'Brien and 40 others
Curated by: Pam Wilson (on hiatus)
Wilhelm VII. (Aquitanien)
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
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Wilhelm VII. (getauft als Peter) genannt der Adler (Guillaume l’Aigret) oder der Kühne (le Hardi) (* 1023; † Herbst 1058) aus der Familie der Ramnulfiden war Herzog von Aquitanien und (als Wilhelm V.) Graf von Poitou von 1039 bis zu seinem Tod. Er war der Nachfolger seines Halbbruders Odo.
Wilhelm war der dritte Sohn des Herzogs Wilhelm V., der älteste aus seiner dritten Ehe, der mit Agnes von Burgund. Er war der Schwager des Kaisers Heinrich III., der mit seiner Schwester Agnes von Poitou verheiratet war. Während seiner Regierungszeit heiratete seine Mutter in zweiter Ehe Gottfried II. Martel, Graf von Anjou.
Da Gottfried von Anjou sich weigerte, ihm nach seiner Scheidung von Agnes vor Burgund (1049/52) die Gebiete zurückzugeben, die ihr als Morgengabe zugestanden waren, griff Wilhelm VII. zu den Waffen. Er belagerte Saumur, wo er an Dysenterie (Ruhr) starb.
Er war mit Ermesinde verheiratet, einer Frau, deren Herkunft in der Forschung umstritten ist (siehe hierzu: Adalbert (Lothringen)). Wilhelm und Ermesinde hatten wohl zwei Töchter: Clementia[1], die Konrad I., Graf von Luxemburg, heiratete, und vermutlich Agnes, die erst Ramiro I. König von Aragón, später Graf Peter I. von Savoyen heiratete.
Literatur [Bearbeiten]
* Nouvelle Biographie Générale. Paris, 1859.
Weblinks [Bearbeiten]
* Wilhelm VII. Algret bei genealogie-mittelalter.de
Herzog von Aquitanien
Graf von Poitou
1039–1058 Nachfolger
Wilhelm VIII.
Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 30. April 2010 um 16:33 Uhr geändert.
William VII (born Peter, Pierre-Guillaume) (1023 – autumn 1058), called the Eagle (Aigret) or the Bold (le Hardi), was the duke of Aquitaine and count of Poitou (as William V) between 1039 and his death, following his half-brother Odo.
William was the third son of William V of Aquitaine, the eldest by his third wife, Agnes of Burgundy. He was brother-in-law of the Holy Roman Emperor Henry III, who married his sister Agnes. His mother remarried to Geoffrey Martel, Count of Anjou, during his reign. William won his patrimony in a war with his half-brother Odo, who was killed in battle at Mauzé. He did not, however, succeed in occupying Gascony.
Geoffrey Martel refused to concede to him the territories gained in the reigns of his predecessors. William set to work regaining his patrimony by force of arms. He was besieging Geoffrey in Saumur when he died of dysentery.
He was married to Ermesinde, of unknown origins. Two daughters have been hypothesized to be children of this couple: Clementia, who married Conrad I of Luxembourg, and Agnes, who married Peter I of Savoy.
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Immediate Family
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Showing 12 of 16 people
Ermesinde I de Longwy, Duchess o...
Agnes of Aquitaine, countess of ...
Clémence von Wassenberg, De Lim...
Agnes of Burgundy
William V, duke of Aquitaine
Guillaume VIII Geoffroy d'Aquita...
Agnes of Poitou
Mathilde de Luxembourg
Geoffroy II Martel, comte d'Anjou
Almode de Limoges, Countess of C...
Guillaume le Gros, VI duc d'Aqui...
half brother
Brisce de Gascogne
Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.
✺- 1023→Fundación de la Taifa de Sevilla→
→Berenguer Ramón I asume el condado de Barcelona, al llegar a la mayoría de edad, tras la regencia de su madre, Ermesenda de Carcasona. No obstante, no gobernará en solitario, sino que su madre compartirá con él el poder→
→Carta del obispo Oliva a Sancho III, consejos para el buen gobierno:
Preservancia pacis
Delectio paganorum
Ecclesarium ad legem
✺- 1033→1 de enero: en toda Europa, los clérigos milenaristas esperan que suceda el fin del mundo mil años después de la muerte de Jesucristo (que ellos creían que había sucedido en el año 33 d. C.)→
→Marzo o abril (Viernes Santo): en el aniversario de la muerte de Jesucristo ―tras el fracaso de la profecía del 1 de enero―, los clérigos milenaristas esperan que suceda el fin del mundo. Tras el fracaso del viernes se esperó el Domingo de Pascua (aniversario de la resurrección de Jesucristo)→
→5 de diciembre: en Ramla y Nablús (Palestina), un terremoto de 7,3 deja un saldo de 70.000 muertos. También podría haber sucedido durante el año siguiente→
→En Roma (Italia), Benedicto IX sucede a Juan XIX como papa
✺- 1043→Londres cumple su primer milenio de haber sido fundada
→4 de febrero - España: Se nombra rey de Málaga a Idris II.
→ Nace: Sancho Ramírez de Aragón, rey aragonés. Hijo de Ramiro I de Aragón y de la reina Gisberga.
→ Fallece: Jorge Maniaces, general bizantino y catapán de Italia en 1042
✺- 1053→Se construye el Salón del Fénix del templo budista Byōdō-in, en Kioto, Japón. Hoy es la única estructura original en pie del templo.
→ Nace: Ramón Berenguer II conde de Barcelona.
→ Nace: Vladímir II Monómaco príncipe de Kiev (d.1125
Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.