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Pedro (el Grande) de Aragón, III ★ |•••► #Spain #Genealogia #Genealogy ♛

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her mother →  Pedro III el Grande, rey de Aragón 
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Pedro 'el Grande' de Aragón, III   MP
Spanish: Pedro III el Grande, Rey de Aragón
Gender: Male
Birth: 1239
Death: November 02, 1285 (46)
Vilafranca del Penedès, Catalonia, Spain (Unknown Causes)
Place of Burial: Monasterio De Santa Cruz
Immediate Family:
Son of James I the Conqueror, King of Aragon and Violante de Hungría, reina consorte de Aragón
Husband of Constanza II de Sicilia, reina consorte de Aragón
Partner of María Nicolau and Inés Zapata
Father of Alfonso III el Liberal, rey de Aragón; Jaime II el Justo, rey de Aragón; Saint Elizabeth of Portugal; Frederick II-III de Aragón, king of Sicily; Violante de Aragón, infanta de Aragón and 8 others
Brother of Violante de Aragón, reina consorte de Castilla; Constanza de Aragón, señora consorte de Escalona; Isabel de Aragón, Reina Consorte de Francia; Jaume II, rei de Mallorca; Fernando, infant de Aragón and 4 others
Half brother of Pedro del Rey, obispo de Lérida; Alfonso de Aragón; Jaume I d'Aragó, baró de Xèrica; Pedro de Ayerbe, I barón de Ayerbe, infante de Aragón; Ferran Sanxis, baró de Castre and 2 others
Added by: Bjørn P. Brox on June 25, 2007
Managed by:   Daniel Dupree Walton and 102 others
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Peter III of Aragon in Biographical Summaries of Notable People
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Pedro III de Aragón

De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

Wikipedia, Pedro III de Aragón

Pedro III de Aragón (Valencia, 1240 – Villafranca del Penedés, 2 de noviembre de 1285), llamado el Grande, fue hijo de Jaime I el Conquistador y su segunda esposa Violante de Hungría. Sucedió a su padre en 1276 en los títulos de rey de Aragón, rey de Valencia (como Pedro I) y conde de Barcelona (como Pedro II).

Casado el 13 de junio de 1262 en la catedral de Montpellier con Constanza de Hohenstaufen, hija y heredera de Manfredo I de Sicilia, fueron coronados en Zaragoza en una ceremonia en la que Pedro canceló el vasallaje que con el papado había concertado su abuelo Pedro II.

Fruto de su matrimonio con Constanza de Sicilia, nacieron los siguientes hijos del rey:

1.Alfonso III de Aragón (1261-1291), rey de Aragón, Valencia y conde de Barcelona. Sepultado en la Catedral de Barcelona.

2.Jaime II de Aragón (1267-1327), rey de Aragón, Valencia, conde de Barcelona, rey de Cerdeña y de Sicilia. Sepultado en el Monasterio de Santes Creus junto a su esposa Blanca de Nápoles y su padre, Pedro III.

3.La infanta Isabel de Aragón (1271-1336), Santa Isabel de Portugal, reina consorte de Portugal por el matrimonio en 1288 con Dionisio I de Portugal.

4.Federico II de Sicilia (1272-1337), rey de Sicilia.

5.La infanta Violante (1273-1302), casada en 1297 con el infante Roberto de Nápoles, futuro Roberto I.

6.El infante Pedro de Aragón (1275-1296). Sepultado en el desaparecido Convento de San Francisco de Zaragoza, es posible que sus restos fueran trasladados al también desaparecido Convento de San Francisco de Barcelona.

Fruto de su relación extramatrimonial con una dama llamada Doña María Nicolau, el rey tuvo tres hijos ilegítimos:

1.Don Jaime de Aragón (fallecido después de 1285). Señor de Segorbe. Casado con Doña Sancha Fernández, hija de Don Fernando Díaz.

2.Don Juan de Aragón

3.Doña Beatriz de Aragón, esposa de Don Ramón de Cardona, señor de Torá.

De su relación con la dama conocida como Doña Inés Zapata, le nacieron cuatro hijos ilegítimos al rey:

1.Don Fernando de Aragón. Señor de Albarracín

2.Don Sancho de Aragón. Castellano de Amposta.

3.Don Pedro de Aragón, casado con Doña Constanza Méndez Pelita de Silva, hija de Don Suero Méndez de Silva.

4.Doña Teresa de Aragón. Casó en primeras nupcias con Don García Romeu III, ricohombre de Aragón, hijo de García Romeu II. En segundas nupcias contrajo matrimonio con Don Artal de Alagón, señor de Sástago y Pina. En terceras nupcias se desposó con Don Pedro López de Oteiza.

Todo su reinado se centró en la expansión de la Corona de Aragón por el Mediterráneo y para ello aprovechó su matrimonio con Constanza para reivindicar la corona siciliana. Sicilia se encontraba desde 1266 bajo la soberanía de Carlos de Anjou quien, con el apoyo del papa Clemente IV, que no deseaba a ningún Hohenstaufen en el sur de Italia, había sido investido rey tras derrotar, en Benevento a Manfredo, quien falleció en la batalla.

El monarca angevino hizo cegar a los tres hijos varones de Manfredo y, en 1268, capturó e hizo decapitar a Conradino que - como nieto de Federico II - era el último heredero varón de la casa Hohenstaufen. La línea sucesoria pasó entonces a Constanza, quien ofreció refugio en Aragón a las familias partidarias de su padre, los Lanza, los Lauria y los Prócidas.

Una flota de la corona aragonesa, al mando de Conrado Lanza, recorre en 1279 las costas africanas para restablecer la soberanía feudal de Aragón sobre Túnez, que la muerte del emir Muhammad I al-Mustansir había debilitado. Posteriormente, en 1281, Pedro III armó una flota para invadir Túnez y solicitó al recién elegido papa Martín IV una bula que declarara la operación militar como cruzada; pero el papa, de origen francés y partidario de Carlos de Anjou, se la negó.

Cuando la flota se disponía a zarpar, tuvieron lugar en Sicilia los acontecimientos conocidos como las Vísperas sicilianas que provocaron la expulsión de la isla, tras una gran matanza, de los franceses. Los sicilianos enviaron entonces una embajada a Pedro III ofreciéndole la corona siciliana, a la que tenía derecho gracias a su matrimonio. El rey aragonés puso entonces su flota rumbo a Sicilia, donde arribó el 30 de agosto de 1282 y donde fue coronado rey en la ciudad de Palermo.

Inmediatamente envió una embajada a Carlos de Anjou, que se encontraba en Mesina, instándole a reconocerle como rey de Sicilia y a abandonar la isla. La derrota de la flota angevina en Nicoreta, a manos del almirante Roger de Lauria, obligó a Carlos a dejar Mesina y refugiarse en su reino de Nápoles.

El papa Martín IV respondió a la coronación siciliana de Pedro III con su excomunión (9 de noviembre de 1282) y su deposición como rey de Aragón (21 de diciembre de 1283), ofreciendo la corona al segundo hijo del rey de Francia, Carlos de Valois, a quien invistió el 27 de febrero de 1284, y declarando una cruzada contra Aragón. La situación en la que se encontró Pedro III era totalmente inestable, ya que no sólo tenía que enfrentarse a la invasión francesa que se preparaba al norte de los Pirineos, sino que tuvo que hacer frente a graves problemas en el interior de sus reinos surgidos antes las necesidades económicas que provocó la conquista de Sicilia.

Pedro III el Grande en el collado de las Panizas. Óleo sobre ienzo de Mariano Barbasán. 1889.Pedro III soluciona los problemas internos concediendo, en 1283, la formación de la Unión aragonesa y prestando juramento al “Privilegio General” que defendía los privilegios de la nobleza; asimismo concedió a Cataluña la constitución “Una vegada l´any” en las cortes celebradas en Barcelona entre 1283 y 1284.

Solucionados los problemas interiores, pudo centrar su atención en la invasión francesa, que al mando del propio rey francés Felipe III tomó en 1285 la ciudad de Gerona, para inmediatamente tener que retirarse cuando la flota aragonesa retornó de Sicilia al mando de Roger de Lauria e infligió a la escuadra francesa una derrota total.

Tras su gran victoria, Pedro III se dispuso a enfrentarse a su hermano Jaime II y a su sobrino el rey Sancho IV de Castilla, que no le habían prestado apoyo durante su conflicto con los franceses, pero su prematura muerte, el 11 de noviembre de 1285, lo impidió.

Sepulcro de Pedro III el Grande en el Real Monasterio de Santes Creus.En su testamento, Pedro III dispuso que su cadáver recibiera sepultura en el Monasterio de Santes Creus, de la orden cisterciense. Las exequias del monarca se celebraron con gran solemnidad y el cuerpo del rey fue colocado en una urna de pórfido rojo, que el almirante Roger de Lauria trajo desde Sicilia. El fue el primer monarca aragonés en recibir sepultura en el Monasterio de Santes Creus.

El rey Jaime II el Justo de Aragón, ordenó la erección de las tumbas del rey Pedro III el Grande, su padre, al mismo tiempo que disponía la creación de su propia tumba y la de su segunda esposa, Blanca de Nápoles. Se dispuso que los sepulcros se hallaran cobijados, como así se hizo, bajo baldaquinos labrados en mármol blanco procedente de las canteras de San Felíu, cerca de Gerona. Cuando el rey Jaime II dispuso la creación de su propio sepulcro, tomó como modelo el sepulcro de su padre.

El sepulcro del rey Pedro III fue realizado entre los años 1291 y 1307 por Bartomeu de Gerona y es más rico que el de su hijo Jaime II y su esposa. Un gran templete de caladas traceerías alberga el sepulcro del rey, consistente en una urna de pórfido rojo, antes una pila de baño romana, traída a España por el almirante Roger de Lauria. La urna de pórfido se encuentra rodeada por imágenes de santos.

El epitafio del rey Pedro III, colocado enfrente del mausoleo, en el pilar que separa el presbiterio de la capilla lateral del crucero, reza la siguiente inscripción:


En diciembre de 1835, durante las Guerras Carlistas, la Legión francesa de Alger y varias compañías de miqueletes se alojaron en el edificio monacal, causando numerosos destrozos en el mismo. Las tumbas reales de Jaime II y su esposa fueron profanadas. Los restos de Jaime II, hijo de Pedro III fueron quemados, aunque parece que algunos restos permanecieron en el sepulcro. La momia de la reina Blanca de Nápoles fue arrojada a un pozo, de donde fue sacada en 1854. El sepulcro de Pedro III, a causa de la solidez de la urna de pórfido utilizada para albergar los regios despojos, impidió que sus restos corrieran igual suerte.

Pedro III de Aragón (Valencia, 1240 – Villafranca del Penedés, 2 de noviembre de 1285), llamado el Grande, fue hijo de Jaime I el Conquistador y su segunda esposa Violante de Hungría. Sucedió a su padre en 1276 en los títulos de rey de Aragón, rey de Valencia (como Pedro I) y conde de Barcelona (como Pedro II).

Casado el 13 de junio de 1262 en la catedral de Montpellier con Constanza de Hohenstaufen, hija y heredera de Manfredo I de Sicilia, fueron coronados en Zaragoza en una ceremonia en la que Pedro canceló el vasallaje que con el papado había concertado su abuelo Pedro II.

Todo su reinado se centró en la expansión de la Corona de Aragón por el Mediterráneo y para ello aprovechó su matrimonio con Constanza para reivindicar la corona siciliana. Sicilia se encontraba desde 1266 bajo la soberanía de Carlos de Anjou quien, con el apoyo del papa Clemente IV, que no deseaba a ningún Hohenstaufen en el sur de Italia, había sido investido rey tras derrotar, en Benevento a Manfredo, quien falleció en la batalla.

El monarca angevino hizo cegar a los tres hijos varones de Manfredo y, en 1268, capturó e hizo decapitar a Conradino que - como nieto de Federico II - era el último heredero varón de la casa Hohenstaufen. La línea sucesoria pasó entonces a Constanza, quien ofreció refugio en Aragón a las familias partidarias de su padre, los Lanza, los Lauria y los Prócidas.

Una flota de la corona aragonesa, al mando de Conrado Lanza, recorre en 1279 las costas africanas para restablecer la soberanía feudal de Aragón sobre Túnez, que la muerte del emir Muhammad I al-Mustansir había debilitado. Posteriormente, en 1281, Pedro III armó una flota para invadir Túnez y solicitó al recién elegido papa Martín IV una bula que declarara la operación militar como cruzada; pero el papa, de origen francés y partidario de Carlos de Anjou, se la negó.

Cuando la flota se disponía a zarpar, tuvieron lugar en Sicilia los acontecimientos conocidos como las Vísperas sicilianas que provocaron la expulsión de la isla, tras una gran matanza, de los franceses. Los sicilianos enviaron entonces una embajada a Pedro III ofreciéndole la corona siciliana, a la que tenía derecho gracias a su matrimonio. El rey aragonés puso entonces su flota rumbo a Sicilia, donde arribó el 30 de agosto de 1282 y donde fue coronado rey en la ciudad de Palermo.

Inmediatamente envió una embajada a Carlos de Anjou, que se encontraba en Mesina, instándole a reconocerle como rey de Sicilia y a abandonar la isla. La derrota de la flota angevina en Nicoreta, a manos del almirante Roger de Lauria, obligó a Carlos a dejar Mesina y refugiarse en su reino de Nápoles.

El papa Martín IV respondió a la coronación siciliana de Pedro III con su excomunión (9 de noviembre de 1282) y su deposición como rey de Aragón (21 de diciembre de 1283), ofreciendo la corona al segundo hijo del rey de Francia, Carlos de Valois, a quien invistió el 27 de febrero de 1284, y declarando una cruzada contra Aragón. La situación en la que se encontró Pedro III era totalmente inestable, ya que no sólo tenía que enfrentarse a la invasión francesa que se preparaba al norte de los Pirineos, sino que tuvo que hacer frente a graves problemas en el interior de sus reinos surgidos antes las necesidades económicas que provocó la conquista de Sicilia.

Pedro III soluciona los problemas internos concediendo, en 1283, la formación de la Unión aragonesa y prestando juramento al “Privilegio General” que defendía los privilegios de la nobleza; asimismo concedió a Cataluña la constitución “Una vegada l´any” en las cortes celebradas en Barcelona entre 1283 y 1284.

Solucionados los problemas interiores, pudo centrar su atención en la invasión francesa, que al mando del propio rey francés Felipe III tomó en 1285 la ciudad de Gerona, para inmediatamente tener que retirarse cuando la flota aragonesa retornó de Sicilia al mando de Roger de Lauria e infligió a la escuadra francesa una derrota total.

Tras su gran victoria, Pedro III se dispuso a enfrentarse a su hermano Jaime II y a su sobrino el rey Sancho IV de Castilla, que no le habían prestado apoyo durante su conflicto con los franceses, pero su prematura muerte, el 11 de noviembre de 1285, lo impidió.

Descendencia [editar]

Peter the Great (Catalan: Pere el Gran, Spanish: Pedro el Grande; 1239, Valencia – 2 November 1285) was the King of Aragon (as Peter III) of Valencia and of Majorca (as Peter I), and Count of Barcelona (as Peter II) from 1276 to his death. He conquered Sicily and became its king in 1282. He was one of the greatest of medieval Aragonese monarchs.

Contents [hide]

1 Youth and succession

2 Early rebellions

3 Wars abroad

3.1 Africa

3.2 Italy

4 Later domestic unrest

5 Aragonese Crusade

6 Troubadour works

7 Death and legacy

8 Ancestry

9 Notes

10 Bibliography

[edit] Youth and succession

Peter was the eldest son of James I of Aragon and his second wife Yolanda of Hungary. On 13 June 1262, he married Constance, daughter and heiress of Manfred of Sicily. During his youth and early adulthood, Peter gained a great deal of military experience in his father's wars of the Reconquista against the Moors.[1]

On James' death, the lands of the Crown of Aragon were divided, with Aragon and Valencia, along with the Catalan counties, going to the eldest son, Peter, while the Balearic Islands (constituted as the Kingdom of Majorca), alongside the territories in the Languedoc (Montpellier and Roussillon), went to the second son, James. Peter and Constance were crowned in Zaragoza (the capital of Aragon) in November by the archbishop of Tarragona. At this ceremony, Peter renounced all feudal obligations to the papacy which his grandfather Peter II had incurred.

[edit] Early rebellions

Peter's first act as king was to complete the pacification of his Valencian territory, an action which had been underway on his father's death.

However, a revolt soon broke out in Catalonia, led by the viscount of Cardona and abetted by Roger-Bernard III of Foix, Arnold Roger I of Pallars Sobirà, and Ermengol X of Urgell.[2] The rebels had grown a hatred for Peter in response to the severity of his dealings with them in the days of his father. Now, as king, they opposed him for not summoning the Catalan corts, or assembly, and confirming its privileges.

At the same time, a succession crisis continued in the County of Urgell. When Count Álvaro died in 1268, the families of his two wives, Constance, a daughter of Pedro Moncada of Béarn, and Cecilia, a daughter of Roger-Bernard II of Foix, began a long fight over the inheritance of his county. Meanwhile, a good portion of the county had been repossessed by James and thus inherited by Peter. In 1278, Armengol X, Álvaro's eldest son, succeeded in recovering most of his lost patrimony and came to an agreement with Peter whereby he recognised the latter as his suzerain.[3]

In 1280, Peter defeated the stewing rebellion led by Roger-Berengar III after besieging the rebels in Balaguer for a month. Most of the rebel leaders were imprisoned in Lleida until 1281, while Roger-Bernard was imprisoned until 1284.

[edit] Wars abroad

[edit] Africa

When the Hafsid Emir of Tunisia, Muhammad I al-Mustansir, who had put himself under James the Conqueror, died in 1277, Tunisia threw off the yoke of Aragonese suzerainty.[4] Peter first sent an expedition to Tunis in 1280 under Conrad de Llansa designed to re-establish his suzerainty.[5] In 1281, he himself prepared to lead a fleet of 140 ships with 15,000 men to invade Tunisia on behalf of the governor of Constantine.[6] The fleet landed at Alcoyll in 1282 and the troops began to fortify themselves in. It was these Aragonese troops that received a Sicilian embassy after the Vespers of 30 March asking Peter to take their throne from Charles of Anjou.

[edit] Italy

Main article: War of the Sicilian Vespers

Peter was the direct descendant and the heir-general of the Mafalda, daughter of Robert Guiscard, Duke of Apulia, the Norman conqueror, and his official wife Sigelgaita, daughter of a Lombard prince, Guaimar IV of Salerno. Thus, he stood at the end of the Hauteville succession to Sicily. After the ducal family of Apulia became extinct with William II in 1127, Mafalda's heirs (then counts of Barcelona) apparently became de jure heirs of Guiscard and Sigelgaita: thus Peter was dormantly a claimant to the Norman succession of southern Italy. More directly, he was the heir of Manfred in right of his wife. The Two Sicilies were to be a tenaciously-pursued inheritance for the Aragonese royal house and its heirs for the next five centuries.

The Italian physician John of Procida acted on behalf of Peter in Sicily. John had fled to Aragon after Charles' success at Tagliacozzo. John travelled to Sicily to stir up the discontents in favour of Peter and thence to Constantinople to procure the support of Michael VIII Palaeologus.[7] Michael refused to aid the Aragonese king without papal approval and so John voyaged to Rome and there gained the consent of Pope Nicholas III, who feared the ascent of Charles in the Mezzogiorno.[8] John then returned to Barcelona and the pope promptly died, to be replaced by Simon de Brie, a Frenchman and a staunch ally of Charles. The stage, however, had been set for a conflict.

After receiving an embassy from the people of Palermo at Alcoyll, Peter landed at Trapani on 30 August 1282.[9] He was proclaimed King in Palermo on 4 September. Charles was forced to flee across the Straits of Messina and be content with his "Kingdom of Naples." Simon de Brie as the new Pope Martin IV excommunicated both Peter and the Byzantine emperor for providing Peter III with 60,000 gold pieces to invade Sicily (18 November).[10]

Peter nevertheless pressed his advantage and by February 1283 had taken most of the Calabrian coastline. Charles, perhaps feeling desperate, sent letters to Peter demanding they resolve the conflict by personal combat. The invader accepted and Charles returned to France to arrange the duel. Both kings chose six knights to settle matters of places and dates. A duel was scheduled for 1 June at Bordeaux. A hundred knights would accompany each side and Edward I of England would adjudge the contest; the English king, heeding the pope, however, refused to take part. Peter left John of Procida in charge of Sicily and returned via his own kingdom to Bordeaux, which, evading a suspected French ambush, he entered in disguise. Needless to say, no combat ever took place and Peter returned to a very troubled Spain.[11]

While Peter was back in France and Spain, his admiral, Roger of Lauria, was wreaking havoc in Italy. He routed Charles' fleets on the high seas several times and conquered Malta for Aragon.

Pedro III el Grande en el collado de las Panizas by Mariano Barbasán (1889)[edit] Later domestic unrest

Peter was dealing with domestic unrest at the time when the French were preparing an invasion. He took Albarracín from the rebellious noble Juan Núñez de Lara, and he renewed the alliance with Sancho IV of Castile and attacked Tudela in an attempt to prevent the king of Navarre, Philip I, the son of the French king, from invading on that front.

Peter held meetings of the cortes at Tarragona and Zaragoza in 1283. He was forced to grant the Privilegio General to the newly-formed Union of Aragon.[12] Also in that year, Peter's brother James joined the French and recognised their suzerainty over Montpellier, giving them free passage through the Balearic Islands and Roussillon. In October, Peter began preparing the defences of Catalonia.

In 1284, Pope Martin IV granted the kingdom of Aragon to Charles, Count of Valois, the son of the French king, Philip III the Bold, and great nephew of Charles. Papal sanction was given to a war — crusade — to conquer Aragon on behalf of Charles of Valois.

[edit] Aragonese Crusade

Main article: Aragonese Crusade

In 1284, the first French armies under King Philip and Count Charles entered Roussillon. They included 16,000 cavalry, 17,000 crossbowmen, and 100,000 infantry, along with 100 ships in south French ports.[13] Though the French had James' support, the local populace rose against them. The city of Elne was valiantly defended by the so-called bâtard de Roussillon ("bastard of Roussillon"), the illegitimate son of Nuño Sánchez, late count of Roussillon (1212–1242). Eventually he was overcome and the cathedral was burnt; the royal forces progressed.

In 1285, Philip entrenched himself before Girona in an attempt to besiege it. The resistance was strong, but the city was taken. Charles was crowned there, but without an actual crown. The French soon experienced a reversal, however, at the hands of Roger de Lauria, back from the Italian theatre of the drawn-out conflict. The French fleet was defeated and destroyed at the Battle of Les Formigues. As well, the French camp was hit hard by an epidemic of dysentery.

Philip himself was afflicted. The heir to the French throne, Philip the Fair, opened negotiations with Peter for free passage for the royal family through the Pyrenees. But the troops were not offered such passage and were decimated at the Battle of the Col de Panissars. The king of France himself died at Perpignan, the capital of James of Majorca, who had fled in fear after being confronted by Peter, and was buried in Narbonne. James was declared a vassal of Peter.

[edit] Troubadour works

Peter matched his father in patronage of the arts and literature, but unlike him he was a lover of verse, not prose. He favoured the troubadours, of which he himself was one, and wrote two sirventesos.

The first is in the form of an exchange between Peter and one Peironet, a jongleur. The second forms part of a compilation of five compositions from Bernat d'Auriac, Peter the Great, Pere Salvatge (perhaps the same as Peironet), Roger-Bernard III of Foix, and an anonymous contributor.

As well, the wars with Philip of France and James of Majorca furnished material for new sirventesos and during this period the sirventes was converted into a convenient tool of political propaganda in which each side could, directly or allegorically, present its case and procure sympathy propitious to its cause.

[edit] Death and legacy

A croat minted at Barcelona, bearing the image of Peter and the words Petrus Dei gracia rex (Peter by the grace of God king) and civitas Barcenona (city of Barelona)Peter died at Vilafranca del Penedès on 2 November 1285, in the same year as his royal foe Philip, and was buried in the monastery of Santes Creus.[14] His deathbed absolution occurred after he declared that his conquests had been in the name of his familial claims and never against the claims of the church.

Peter left Aragon to his eldest son Alfonso III and Sicily to his second son James II. Peter's third son, Frederick III, in succession to his brother James, became regent of Sicily and in due course its king. Peter did not provide for his youngest son and namesake, Peter (1275 – 25 August 1296), who married Constanca Mendes de Silva, daughter of Soeiro Mendes Petite, governor of Santarem in Portugal. This Peter left Spain for Portugal with his sister Elizabeth.

Peter also had two daughters, Elisabeth, who married Denis of Portugal, and Yolanda (1273 – August 1302), who married Robert of Naples.

In the Divine Comedy, Dante Alighieri sees Peter "singing in accord" (d'ogni valor portó cinta la corda) with his former rival, Charles I of Sicily, outside the gates of Purgatory.

[edit] Ancestry

Ancestors of Peter III of Aragon[hide]

16. Ramon Berenguer IV, Count of Barcelona
8. Alfonso II of Aragon
17. Petronila of Aragon
4. Peter II of Aragon
18. Alfonso VII of León
9. Sancha of Castile
19. Richeza of Poland
2. James I of Aragon
20. William VII of Montpellier
10. William VIII of Montpellier
21. Matilda of Burgundy
5. Marie of Montpellier
22. Isaac Komnenos
11. Eudokia Komnene
23. Irene Synadene
1. Peter III of Aragon
24. Géza II of Hungary
12. Béla III of Hungary
25. Euphrosyne of Kiev
6. Andrew II of Hungary
26. Raynald of Châtillon
13. Agnes of Antioch
27. Constance of Antioch
3. Violant of Hungary
28. Peter of Courtenay
14. Peter II of Courtenay
29. Elizabeth de Courtenay
7. Yolanda de Courtenay
30. Baldwin V, Count of Hainaut
15. Yolanda of Flanders
31. Margaret I, Countess of Flanders
[edit] Notes

1.^ Chaytor, 97.

2.^ Chaytor, 97.

3.^ Chaytor, 97.

4.^ Chaytor, 101.

5.^ Chaytor, 97.

6.^ Chaytor, 102.

7.^ Chaytor, 103.

8.^ Chaytor, 103.

9.^ Chaytor, 103.

10.^ J. Harris, Byzantium and The Crusades, 180

11.^ Harris, 104.

12.^ Harris, 104.

13.^ Harris, 106.

14.^ A royal tomb ever desecrated: Peter III of Aragon in Patrimoni.gencat [1]

[edit] Bibliography

Runciman, Steven. The Sicilian Vespers. 1958. ISBN 0-521-43774-1

Chaytor, H. J. A History of Aragon and Catalonia. London: Methuen, 1933.

Preceded by:

James I

King of Aragon


Succeeded by:
Alfonso III

Count of Barcelona


King of Valencia


Charles I King of Sicily

1282–1285 James

[show]v • d • eInfantes of Aragon

1st Generation Sancho I · Infante García

2nd Generation Peter I · Alfonso I · Ramiro II

3rd Generation Crown Prince Peter

4th Generation Infante Peter · Alfonso II · Peter, Count of Cerdanya · Ramon Berenguer III, Count of Provence · Sancho, Count of Provence · Infante Ramon

5th Generation Peter II · Alfonso II, Count of Provence · Infante Sancho · Infante Ferdinand · Infante Ramon Berenguer

6th Generation James I

7th Generation Crown Prince Alfonso · Peter III · James II of Majorca · Infante Ferdinand · Infante Sancho · James, Lord of Jérica · Peter, Lord of Ayerbe

8th Generation Alfonso III · James II · Frederick III of Sicily · Infante Pedro · Infante James* · Sancho of Majorca* · Infante Philip* · Ferdinand, Viscount of Aumelas* · James, Lord of Jérica · Peter, Lord of Ayerbe

9th Generation Crown Prince James · Alfonso IV · Infante John · Peter, Count of Ribagorza · Ramon Berenguer, Count of Ampurias · Peter II of Sicily** · Infante Roger** · Manfred, Duke of Athens and Neopatria** · William II, Duke of Athens and Neopatria** · John, Duke of Randazzo** · James III of Majorca* · Ferdinand, Viscount of Aumelas* · James, Lord of Jérica · Peter, Lord of Jérica · Alfonso, Lord of Cocentaina

10th Generation Crown Prince Alfonso · Peter IV · James I, Count of Urgell · Infante Fadrique · Infante Sancho · Ferdinand, Marquis of Tortosa · John, Lord of Elche · Alfonso, Count of Ribagorza · John, Count of Prades · Infante Jaime · John, Count of Ampurias · Peter, Count of Ampurias · Louis of Sicily** · Frederick IV of Sicily** · Frederick I, Duke of Athens and Neopatria** · James IV of Majorca*

11th Generation Infante Peter · John I · Martin · Infante Alfonso · Alonso, Count of Morella · Infante Peter · Peter II, Count of Urgell · Infante John of Ribagorza · James, Baron of Arenós · Alfonso, Count of Ribagorza · Peter, Marquis of Villena · Peter, Count of Prades · James, Count of Prades · Infante Louis of Prades

12th Generation Infante James · Infante John · Infante Alfonso · James, Duke of Gerona · Infante Fernando · Pedro, Duke of Gerona · Martin I of Sicily · Infante James · Infante John · Infante Antonio of Urgell · James II, Count of Urgell · Infante Peter of Urgell · John, Baron of Etenza

13th Generation Martin, Crown Prince of Sicily*

14th Generation Alfonso V · John II · Henry, Duke of Villena · Peter, Count of Alburquerque · Infante Sancho

15th Generation Charles, Prince of Viana · Ferdinand II

16th Generation Juan, Prince of Asturias · John, Prince of Gerona

17th Generation Charles I of Spain · Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor

also a prince of Majorca
also a prince of Sicily
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Categories: 1239 births | 1285 deaths | People excommunicated by the Roman Catholic Church | People from Valencia | Aragonese monarchs | Kings of Valencia | Kings of Sicily | Counts of Barcelona | Roman Catholic monarchs | Catalan-language poets | Troubadours | Characters in The Decameron | House of Aragon

Peter III of Aragon

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Peter the Great (Catalan: Pere el Gran, Spanish: Pedro el Grande; 1239 – 2 November 1285) was the King of Aragon (as Peter III) of Valencia and of Majorca (as Peter I), and Sovereign Count of Barcelona (as Peter II) from 1276 to his death. He conquered Sicily and became its king in 1282. He was one of the greatest of medieval Catalan/Aragonese monarchs.

Youth and succession

Peter was the eldest son of James I of Aragon and his second wife Yolanda of Hungary. On 13 June 1262, he married Constance, daughter and heiress of Manfred of Sicily. During his youth and early adulthood, Peter gained a great deal of military experience in his father's wars of the Reconquista against the Moors.[1]

On James' death, the lands of the Crown of Aragon were divided, with Aragon and Valencia, along with the Catalan counties, going to the eldest son, Peter, while the Balearic Islands (constituted as the Kingdom of Majorca), alongside the territories in the Languedoc (Montpellier and Roussillon), went to the second son, James. Peter and Constance were crowned in Zaragoza (the capital of Aragon) in November by the archbishop of Tarragona. At this ceremony, Peter renounced all feudal obligations to the papacy which his grandfather Peter II had incurred.

[edit]Early rebellions

Peter's first act as king was to complete the pacification of his Valencian territory, an action which had been underway on his father's death.

However, a revolt soon broke out in Catalonia, led by the viscount of Cardona and abetted by Roger-Bernard III of Foix, Arnold Roger I of Pallars Sobirà, and Ermengol X of Urgell.[2] The rebels had grown a hatred for Peter in response to the severity of his dealings with them in the days of his father. Now, as king, they opposed him for not summoning the Catalan corts, or assembly, and confirming its privileges.

At the same time, a succession crisis continued in the County of Urgell. When Count Álvaro died in 1268, the families of his two wives, Constance, a daughter of Pedro Moncada of Béarn, and Cecilia, a daughter of Roger-Bernard II of Foix, began a long fight over the inheritance of his county. Meanwhile, a good portion of the county had been repossessed by James and thus inherited by Peter. In 1278, Armengol X, Álvaro's eldest son, succeeded in recovering most of his lost patrimony and came to an agreement with Peter whereby he recognised the latter as his suzerain.[3]

In 1280, Peter defeated the stewing rebellion led by Roger-Berengar III after besieging the rebels in Balaguer for a month. Most of the rebel leaders were imprisoned in Lleida until 1281, while Roger-Bernard was imprisoned until 1284.

[edit]Wars abroad


When the Hafsid Emir of Tunisia, Muhammad I al-Mustansir, who had put himself under James the Conqueror, died in 1277, Tunisia threw off the yoke of Aragonese suzerainty.[4] Peter first sent an expedition to Tunis in 1280 under Conrad de Llansa designed to re-establish his suzerainty.[5] In 1281, he himself prepared to lead a fleet of 140 ships with 15,000 men to invade Tunisia on behalf of the governor of Constantine.[6] The fleet landed at Alcoyll in 1282 and the troops began to fortify themselves in. It was these Aragonese troops that received a Sicilian embassy after the Vespers of 30 March asking Peter to take their throne from Charles of Anjou.


Main article: War of the Sicilian Vespers

Peter was the direct descendant and the heir-general of the Mafalda, daughter of Robert Guiscard, Duke of Apulia, the Norman conqueror, and his official wife Sigelgaita, daughter of a Lombard prince, Guaimar IV of Salerno. Thus, he stood at the end of the Hauteville succession to Sicily. After the ducal family of Apulia became extinct with William II in 1127, Mafalda's heirs (then counts of Barcelona) apparently became de jure heirs of Guiscard and Sigelgaita: thus Peter was dormantly a claimant to the Norman succession of southern Italy. More directly, he was the heir of Manfred in right of his wife. The Two Sicilies were to be a tenaciously-pursued inheritance for the Aragonese royal house and its heirs for the next five centuries.

The Italian physician John of Procida acted on behalf of Peter in Sicily. John had fled to Aragon after Charles' success at Tagliacozzo. John travelled to Sicily to stir up the discontents in favour of Peter and thence to Constantinople to procure the support of Michael VIII Palaeologus.[7] Michael refused to aid the Aragonese king without papal approval and so John voyaged to Rome and there gained the consent of Pope Nicholas III, who feared the ascent of Charles in the Mezzogiorno.[8] John then returned to Barcelona and the pope promptly died, to be replaced by Simon de Brie, a Frenchman and a staunch ally of Charles. The stage, however, had been set for a conflict.

After receiving an embassy from the people of Palermo at Alcoyll, Peter landed at Trapani on 30 August 1282.[9] He was proclaimed King in Palermo on 4 September. Charles was forced to flee across the Straits of Messina and be content with his "Kingdom of Naples." Simon de Brie as the new Pope Martin IV excommunicated both Peter and the Byzantine emperor for providing Peter III with 60,000 gold pieces to invade Sicily (18 November).[10]

Peter nevertheless pressed his advantage and by February 1283 had taken most of the Calabrian coastline. Charles, perhaps feeling desperate, sent letters to Peter demanding they resolve the conflict by personal combat. The invader accepted and Charles returned to France to arrange the duel. Both kings chose six knights to settle matters of places and dates. A duel was scheduled for 1 June at Bordeaux. A hundred knights would accompany each side and Edward I of England would adjudge the contest; the English king, heeding the pope, however, refused to take part. Peter left John of Procida in charge of Sicily and returned via his own kingdom to Bordeaux, which, evading a suspected French ambush, he entered in disguise. Needless to say, no combat ever took place and Peter returned to a very troubled Spain.[11]

While Peter was back in France and Spain, his admiral, Roger of Lauria, was wreaking havoc in Italy. He routed Charles' fleets on the high seas several times and conquered Malta for Aragon.

Later domestic unrest

Peter was dealing with domestic unrest at the time when the French were preparing an invasion. He took Albarracín from the rebellious noble Juan Núñez de Lara, and he renewed the alliance with Sancho IV of Castile and attacked Tudela in an attempt to prevent the king of Navarre, Philip I, the son of the French king, from invading on that front.

Peter held meetings of the cortes at Tarragona and Zaragoza in 1283. He was forced to grant the Privilegio General to the newly-formed Union of Aragon.[12] Also in that year, Peter's brother James joined the French and recognised their suzerainty over Montpellier, giving them free passage through the Balearic Islands and Roussillon. In October, Peter began preparing the defences of Catalonia.

In 1284, Pope Martin IV granted the kingdom of Aragon to Charles, Count of Valois, the son of the French king, Philip III the Bold, and great nephew of Charles. Papal sanction was given to a war — crusade — to conquer Aragon on behalf of Charles of Valois.

[edit]Aragonese Crusade

Main article: Aragonese Crusade

In 1284, the first French armies under King Philip and Count Charles entered Roussillon. They included 16,000 cavalry, 17,000 crossbowmen, and 100,000 infantry, along with 100 ships in south French ports.[13] Though the French had James' support, the local populace rose against them. The city of Elne was valiantly defended by the so-called bâtard de Roussillon ("bastard of Roussillon"), the illegitimate son of Nuño Sánchez, late count of Roussillon (1212–1242). Eventually he was overcome and the cathedral was burnt; the royal forces progressed.

In 1285, Philip entrenched himself before Girona in an attempt to besiege it. The resistance was strong, but the city was taken. Charles was crowned there, but without an actual crown. The French soon experienced a reversal, however, at the hands of Roger de Lauria, back from the Italian theatre of the drawn-out conflict. The French fleet was defeated and destroyed at the Battle of Les Formigues. As well, the French camp was hit hard by an epidemic of dysentery.

Philip himself was afflicted. The heir to the French throne, Philip the Fair, opened negotiations with Peter for free passage for the royal family through the Pyrenees. But the troops were not offered such passage and were decimated at the Battle of the Col de Panissars. The king of France himself died at Perpignan, the capital of James of Majorca, who had fled in fear after being confronted by Peter, and was buried in Narbonne. James was declared a vassal of Peter.

[edit]Troubadour works

Peter matched his father in patronage of the arts and literature, but unlike him he was a lover of verse, not prose. He favoured the troubadours, of which he himself was one, and wrote two sirventesos.

The first is in the form of an exchange between Peter and one Peironet, a jongleur. The second forms part of a compilation of five compositions from Bernat d'Auriac, Peter the Great, Pere Salvatge (perhaps the same as Peironet), Roger-Bernard III of Foix, and an anonymous contributor.

As well, the wars with Philip of France and James of Majorca furnished material for new sirventesos and during this period the sirventes was converted into a convenient tool of political propaganda in which each side could, directly or allegorically, present its case and procure sympathy propitious to its cause.

[edit]Death and legacy

Peter died at Vilafranca del Penedès on 2 November 1285, in the same year as his two royal foes, Charles and Philip, and was buried in the monastery of Santes Creus. His deathbed absolution occurred after he declared that his conquests had been in the name of his familial claims and never against the claims of the church.

Peter left Aragon to his eldest son Alfonso III and Sicily to his second son James II. Peter's third son, Frederick III, in succession to his brother James, became regent of Sicily and in due course its king. Peter did not provide for his youngest son and namesake (1275 – 25 August 1296), who married Guillemette, daughter of Gaston VI of Béarn.

Peter also had two daughters, Elisabeth, who married Denis of Portugal, and Yolanda (1273 – August 1302), who married Robert of Naples.

In the Divine Comedy, Dante Alighieri sees Peter "singing in accord" (d'ogni valor portó cinta la corda) with his former rival, Charles I of Sicily, outside the gates of Purgatory.

History: Pedro III (of Aragón)

Pedro III (of Aragón) (1239-1285), king of Aragón (1276-1285), called the Great. Pedro was the son of James I and Yolande of Hungary. He conquered Sicily from Charles of Anjou in 1282 and repelled a French invasion of Catalonia in 1285. Pedro’s reign marked the beginning of the long struggle between the Aragonese and Angevin dynasties.

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Peter III of Aragon

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Peter's fleet landing at Trapani. Notice the king wearing the crown and directing the landing

Peter the Great (Catalan: Pere el Gran, Spanish: Pedro el Grande; 1239, Valencia – 2 November 1285) was the King of Aragon (as Peter III) of Valencia and of Majorca (as Peter I), and Count of Barcelona (as Peter II) from 1276 to his death. He conquered Sicily and became its king in 1282. He was one of the greatest of medieval Aragonese monarchs.



* 1 Youth and succession
* 2 Early rebellions
* 3 Wars abroad
o 3.1 Africa
o 3.2 Italy
* 4 Later domestic unrest
* 5 Aragonese Crusade
* 6 Troubadour works
* 7 Death and legacy
* 8 Ancestry
* 9 Notes
* 10 Bibliography
[edit] Youth and succession

Peter was the eldest son of James I of Aragon and his second wife Yolanda of Hungary. On 13 June 1262, he married Constance, daughter and heiress of Manfred of Sicily. During his youth and early adulthood, Peter gained a great deal of military experience in his father's wars of the Reconquista against the Moors.[1]

On James' death, the lands of the Crown of Aragon were divided, with Aragon and Valencia, along with the Catalan counties, going to the eldest son, Peter, while the Balearic Islands (constituted as the Kingdom of Majorca), alongside the territories in the Languedoc (Montpellier and Roussillon), went to the second son, James. Peter and Constance were crowned in Zaragoza (the capital of Aragon) in November by the archbishop of Tarragona. At this ceremony, Peter renounced all feudal obligations to the papacy which his grandfather Peter II had incurred.

[edit] Early rebellions

Peter's first act as king was to complete the pacification of his Valencian territory, an action which had been underway on his father's death.

However, a revolt soon broke out in Catalonia, led by the viscount of Cardona and abetted by Roger-Bernard III of Foix, Arnold Roger I of Pallars Sobirà, and Ermengol X of Urgell.[2] The rebels had grown a hatred for Peter in response to the severity of his dealings with them in the days of his father. Now, as king, they opposed him for not summoning the Catalan corts, or assembly, and confirming its privileges.

At the same time, a succession crisis continued in the County of Urgell. When Count Álvaro died in 1268, the families of his two wives, Constance, a daughter of Pedro Moncada of Béarn, and Cecilia, a daughter of Roger-Bernard II of Foix, began a long fight over the inheritance of his county. Meanwhile, a good portion of the county had been repossessed by James and thus inherited by Peter. In 1278, Armengol X, Álvaro's eldest son, succeeded in recovering most of his lost patrimony and came to an agreement with Peter whereby he recognised the latter as his suzerain.[3]

In 1280, Peter defeated the stewing rebellion led by Roger-Berengar III after besieging the rebels in Balaguer for a month. Most of the rebel leaders were imprisoned in Lleida until 1281, while Roger-Bernard was imprisoned until 1284.

[edit] Wars abroad

[edit] Africa

When the Hafsid Emir of Tunisia, Muhammad I al-Mustansir, who had put himself under James the Conqueror, died in 1277, Tunisia threw off the yoke of Aragonese suzerainty.[4] Peter first sent an expedition to Tunis in 1280 under Conrad de Llansa designed to re-establish his suzerainty.[5] In 1281, he himself prepared to lead a fleet of 140 ships with 15,000 men to invade Tunisia on behalf of the governor of Constantine.[6] The fleet landed at Alcoyll in 1282 and the troops began to fortify themselves in. It was these Aragonese troops that received a Sicilian embassy after the Vespers of 30 March asking Peter to take their throne from Charles of Anjou.

[edit] Italy

Main article: War of the Sicilian Vespers

Peter was the direct descendant and the heir-general of the Mafalda, daughter of Robert Guiscard, Duke of Apulia, the Norman conqueror, and his official wife Sigelgaita, daughter of a Lombard prince, Guaimar IV of Salerno. Thus, he stood at the end of the Hauteville succession to Sicily. After the ducal family of Apulia became extinct with William II in 1127, Mafalda's heirs (then counts of Barcelona) apparently became de jure heirs of Guiscard and Sigelgaita: thus Peter was dormantly a claimant to the Norman succession of southern Italy. More directly, he was the heir of Manfred in right of his wife. The Two Sicilies were to be a tenaciously-pursued inheritance for the Aragonese royal house and its heirs for the next five centuries.

The Italian physician John of Procida acted on behalf of Peter in Sicily. John had fled to Aragon after Charles' success at Tagliacozzo. John travelled to Sicily to stir up the discontents in favour of Peter and thence to Constantinople to procure the support of Michael VIII Palaeologus.[7] Michael refused to aid the Aragonese king without papal approval and so John voyaged to Rome and there gained the consent of Pope Nicholas III, who feared the ascent of Charles in the Mezzogiorno.[8] John then returned to Barcelona and the pope promptly died, to be replaced by Simon de Brie, a Frenchman and a staunch ally of Charles. The stage, however, had been set for a conflict.

After receiving an embassy from the people of Palermo at Alcoyll, Peter landed at Trapani on 30 August 1282.[9] He was proclaimed King in Palermo on 4 September. Charles was forced to flee across the Straits of Messina and be content with his "Kingdom of Naples." Simon de Brie as the new Pope Martin IV excommunicated both Peter and the Byzantine emperor for providing Peter III with 60,000 gold pieces to invade Sicily (18 November).[10]

Peter nevertheless pressed his advantage and by February 1283 had taken most of the Calabrian coastline. Charles, perhaps feeling desperate, sent letters to Peter demanding they resolve the conflict by personal combat. The invader accepted and Charles returned to France to arrange the duel. Both kings chose six knights to settle matters of places and dates. A duel was scheduled for 1 June at Bordeaux. A hundred knights would accompany each side and Edward I of England would adjudge the contest; the English king, heeding the pope, however, refused to take part. Peter left John of Procida in charge of Sicily and returned via his own kingdom to Bordeaux, which, evading a suspected French ambush, he entered in disguise. Needless to say, no combat ever took place and Peter returned to a very troubled Spain.[11]

While Peter was back in France and Spain, his admiral, Roger of Lauria, was wreaking havoc in Italy. He routed Charles' fleets on the high seas several times and conquered Malta for Aragon.

Pedro III el Grande en el collado de las Panizas by Mariano Barbasán (1889)

[edit] Later domestic unrest

Peter was dealing with domestic unrest at the time when the French were preparing an invasion. He took Albarracín from the rebellious noble Juan Núñez de Lara, and he renewed the alliance with Sancho IV of Castile and attacked Tudela in an attempt to prevent the king of Navarre, Philip I, the son of the French king, from invading on that front.

Peter held meetings of the cortes at Tarragona and Zaragoza in 1283. He was forced to grant the Privilegio General to the newly-formed Union of Aragon.[12] Also in that year, Peter's brother James joined the French and recognised their suzerainty over Montpellier, giving them free passage through the Balearic Islands and Roussillon. In October, Peter began preparing the defences of Catalonia.

In 1284, Pope Martin IV granted the kingdom of Aragon to Charles, Count of Valois, the son of the French king, Philip III the Bold, and great nephew of Charles. Papal sanction was given to a war — crusade — to conquer Aragon on behalf of Charles of Valois.

[edit] Aragonese Crusade

Main article: Aragonese Crusade

In 1284, the first French armies under King Philip and Count Charles entered Roussillon. They included 16,000 cavalry, 17,000 crossbowmen, and 100,000 infantry, along with 100 ships in south French ports.[13] Though the French had James' support, the local populace rose against them. The city of Elne was valiantly defended by the so-called bâtard de Roussillon ("bastard of Roussillon"), the illegitimate son of Nuño Sánchez, late count of Roussillon (1212–1242). Eventually he was overcome and the cathedral was burnt; the royal forces progressed.

In 1285, Philip entrenched himself before Girona in an attempt to besiege it. The resistance was strong, but the city was taken. Charles was crowned there, but without an actual crown. The French soon experienced a reversal, however, at the hands of Roger de Lauria, back from the Italian theatre of the drawn-out conflict. The French fleet was defeated and destroyed at the Battle of Les Formigues. As well, the French camp was hit hard by an epidemic of dysentery.

Philip himself was afflicted. The heir to the French throne, Philip the Fair, opened negotiations with Peter for free passage for the royal family through the Pyrenees. But the troops were not offered such passage and were decimated at the Battle of the Col de Panissars. The king of France himself died at Perpignan, the capital of James of Majorca, who had fled in fear after being confronted by Peter, and was buried in Narbonne. James was declared a vassal of Peter.

[edit] Troubadour works

Peter matched his father in patronage of the arts and literature, but unlike him he was a lover of verse, not prose. He favoured the troubadours, of which he himself was one, and wrote two sirventesos.

The first is in the form of an exchange between Peter and one Peironet, a jongleur. The second forms part of a compilation of five compositions from Bernat d'Auriac, Peter the Great, Pere Salvatge (perhaps the same as Peironet), Roger-Bernard III of Foix, and an anonymous contributor.

As well, the wars with Philip of France and James of Majorca furnished material for new sirventesos and during this period the sirventes was converted into a convenient tool of political propaganda in which each side could, directly or allegorically, present its case and procure sympathy propitious to its cause.

[edit] Death and legacy

A croat minted at Barcelona, bearing the image of Peter and the words Petrus Dei gracia rex (Peter by the grace of God king) and civitas Barcenona (city of Barelona)

Peter died at Vilafranca del Penedès on 2 November 1285, in the same year as his royal foe Philip, and was buried in the monastery of Santes Creus.[14] His deathbed absolution occurred after he declared that his conquests had been in the name of his familial claims and never against the claims of the church.

Peter left Aragon to his eldest son Alfonso III and Sicily to his second son James II. Peter's third son, Frederick III, in succession to his brother James, became regent of Sicily and in due course its king. Peter did not provide for his youngest son and namesake, Peter (1275 – 25 August 1296), who married Constanca Mendes de Silva, daughter of Soeiro Mendes Petite, governor of Santarem in Portugal. This Peter left Spain for Portugal with his sister Elizabeth.

Peter also had two daughters, Elisabeth, who married Denis of Portugal, and Yolanda (1273 – August 1302), who married Robert of Naples.

In the Divine Comedy, Dante Alighieri sees Peter "singing in accord" (d'ogni valor portó cinta la corda) with his former rival, Charles I of Sicily, outside the gates of Purgatory.

[edit] Ancestry

Ancestors of Peter III of Aragon[hide]

16. Ramon Berenguer IV, Count of Barcelona

8. Alfonso II of Aragon

17. Petronila of Aragon

4. Peter II of Aragon

18. Alfonso VII of León

9. Sancha of Castile

19. Richeza of Poland

2. James I of Aragon

20. William VII of Montpellier

10. William VIII of Montpellier

21. Matilda of Burgundy

5. Marie of Montpellier

22. Isaac Komnenos

11. Eudokia Komnene

23. Irene Synadene

1. Peter III of Aragon

24. Géza II of Hungary

12. Béla III of Hungary

25. Euphrosyne of Kiev

6. Andrew II of Hungary

26. Raynald of Châtillon

13. Agnes of Antioch

27. Constance of Antioch

3. Violant of Hungary

28. Peter of Courtenay

14. Peter II of Courtenay

29. Elizabeth de Courtenay

7. Yolanda de Courtenay

30. Baldwin V, Count of Hainaut

15. Yolanda of Flanders

31. Margaret I, Countess of Flanders

[edit] Notes

1. ^ Chaytor, 97.
2. ^ Chaytor, 97.
3. ^ Chaytor, 97.
4. ^ Chaytor, 101.
5. ^ Chaytor, 97.
6. ^ Chaytor, 102.
7. ^ Chaytor, 103.
8. ^ Chaytor, 103.
9. ^ Chaytor, 103.
10. ^ J. Harris, Byzantium and The Crusades, 180
11. ^ Harris, 104.
12. ^ Harris, 104.
13. ^ Harris, 106.
14. ^ A royal tomb ever desecrated: Peter III of Aragon in Patrimoni.gencat [1]
[edit] Bibliography

* Runciman, Steven. The Sicilian Vespers. 1958. ISBN 0-521-43774-1
* Chaytor, H. J. A History of Aragon and Catalonia. London: Methuen, 1933.
Preceded by:

James I Aragon Arms.svg

King of Aragon


Succeeded by:

Alfonso III

Count of Barcelona


King of Valencia


Charles I King of Sicily

1282–1285 James


v • d • e

Infantes of Aragon


Peter III of Aragon, 1239 – 2 November 1285, was the King of Aragon (as Peter III) of Valencia and of Majorca (as Peter I), and Sovereign Count of Barcelona (as Peter II) from 1276 to his death. He conquered Sicily and became its king in 1282. He was one of the greatest of medieval Aragonese monarchs.
Peter was the eldest son of James I of Aragon and his second wife Yolanda of Hungary. On 13 June 1262, he married Constance, daughter and heiress of Manfred of Sicily. During his youth and early adulthood, Peter gained a great deal of military experience in his father's wars of the Reconquista against the Moors.

On James' death, the lands of the Crown of Aragon were divided, with Aragon and Valencia, along with the Catalan counties, going to the eldest son, Peter, while the Balearic Islands (constituted as the Kingdom of Majorca), alongside the territories in the Languedoc (Montpellier and Roussillon), went to the second son, James. Peter and Constance were crowned in Zaragoza (the capital of Aragon) in November by the archbishop of Tarragona. At this ceremony, Peter renounced all feudal obligations to the papacy which his grandfather Peter II had incurred.

Peter's first act as king was to complete the pacification of his Valencian territory, an action which had been underway on his father's death.

However, a revolt soon broke out in Catalonia, led by the viscount of Cardona and abetted by Roger-Bernard III of Foix, Arnold Roger I of Pallars Sobirà, and Ermengol X of Urgell. The rebels had grown a hatred for Peter in response to the severity of his dealings with them in the days of his father. Now, as king, they opposed him for not summoning the Catalan corts, or assembly, and confirming its privileges.

At the same time, a succession crisis continued in the County of Urgell. When Count Álvaro died in 1268, the families of his two wives, Constance, a daughter of Pedro Moncada of Béarn, and Cecilia, a daughter of Roger-Bernard II of Foix, began a long fight over the inheritance of his county. Meanwhile, a good portion of the county had been repossessed by James and thus inherited by Peter. In 1278, Armengol X, Álvaro's eldest son, succeeded in recovering most of his lost patrimony and came to an agreement with Peter whereby he recognised the latter as his suzerain.

In 1280, Peter defeated the stewing rebellion led by Roger-Berengar III after besieging the rebels in Balaguer for a month. Most of the rebel leaders were imprisoned in Lleida until 1281, while Roger-Bernard was imprisoned until 1284.

When the Hafsid Emir of Tunisia, Muhammad I al-Mustansir, who had put himself under James the Conqueror, died in 1277, Tunisia threw off the yoke of Aragonese suzerainty. Peter first sent an expedition to Tunis in 1280 under Conrad de Llansa designed to re-establish his suzerainty. In 1281, he himself prepared to lead a fleet of 140 ships with 15,000 men to invade Tunisia on behalf of the governor of Constantine.[6] The fleet landed at Alcoyll in 1282 and the troops began to fortify themselves in. It was these Aragonese troops that received a Sicilian embassy after the Vespers of 30 March asking Peter to take their throne from Charles of Anjou.

Peter was the direct descendant and the heir-general of the Mafalda, daughter of Robert Guiscard, Duke of Apulia, the Norman conqueror, and his official wife Sigelgaita, daughter of a Lombard prince, Guaimar IV of Salerno. Thus, he stood at the end of the Hauteville succession to Sicily. After the ducal family of Apulia became extinct with William II in 1127, Mafalda's heirs (then counts of Barcelona) apparently became de jure heirs of Guiscard and Sigelgaita: thus Peter was dormantly a claimant to the Norman succession of southern Italy. More directly, he was the heir of Manfred in right of his wife. The Two Sicilies were to be a tenaciously-pursued inheritance for the Aragonese royal house and its heirs for the next five centuries.

The Italian physician John of Procida acted on behalf of Peter in Sicily. John had fled to Aragon after Charles' success at Tagliacozzo. John travelled to Sicily to stir up the discontents in favour of Peter and thence to Constantinople to procure the support of Michael VIII Palaeologus. Michael refused to aid the Aragonese king without papal approval and so John voyaged to Rome and there gained the consent of Pope Nicholas III, who feared the ascent of Charles in the Mezzogiorno. John then returned to Barcelona and the pope promptly died, to be replaced by Simon de Brie, a Frenchman and a staunch ally of Charles. The stage, however, had been set for a conflict.

After receiving an embassy from the people of Palermo at Alcoyll, Peter landed at Trapani on 30 August 1282. He was proclaimed King in Palermo on 4 September. Charles was forced to flee across the Straits of Messina and be content with his "Kingdom of Naples." Simon de Brie as the new Pope Martin IV excommunicated both Peter and the Byzantine emperor for providing Peter III with 60,000 gold pieces to invade Sicily (18 November).

Peter nevertheless pressed his advantage and by February 1283 had taken most of the Calabrian coastline. Charles, perhaps feeling desperate, sent letters to Peter demanding they resolve the conflict by personal combat. The invader accepted and Charles returned to France to arrange the duel. Both kings chose six knights to settle matters of places and dates. A duel was scheduled for 1 June at Bordeaux. A hundred knights would accompany each side and Edward I of England would adjudge the contest; the English king, heeding the pope, however, refused to take part. Peter left John of Procida in charge of Sicily and returned via his own kingdom to Bordeaux, which, evading a suspected French ambush, he entered in disguise. Needless to say, no combat ever took place and Peter returned to a very troubled Spain.

While Peter was back in France and Spain, his admiral, Roger of Lauria, was wreaking havoc in Italy. He routed Charles' fleets on the high seas several times and conquered Malta for Aragon.

Peter was dealing with domestic unrest at the time when the French were preparing an invasion. He took Albarracín from the rebellious noble Juan Núñez de Lara, and he renewed the alliance with Sancho IV of Castile and attacked Tudela in an attempt to prevent the king of Navarre, Philip I, the son of the French king, from invading on that front.

Peter held meetings of the cortes at Tarragona and Zaragoza in 1283. He was forced to grant the Privilegio General to the newly-formed Union of Aragon.[12] Also in that year, Peter's brother James joined the French and recognised their suzerainty over Montpellier, giving them free passage through the Balearic Islands and Roussillon. In October, Peter began preparing the defences of Catalonia.

In 1284, Pope Martin IV granted the kingdom of Aragon to Charles, Count of Valois, the son of the French king, Philip III the Bold, and great nephew of Charles. Papal sanction was given to a war — crusade — to conquer Aragon on behalf of Charles of Valois.

In 1284, the first French armies under King Philip and Count Charles entered Roussillon. They included 16,000 cavalry, 17,000 crossbowmen, and 100,000 infantry, along with 100 ships in south French ports. Though the French had James' support, the local populace rose against them. The city of Elne was valiantly defended by the so-called bâtard de Roussillon ("bastard of Roussillon"), the illegitimate son of Nuño Sánchez, late count of Roussillon (1212–1242). Eventually he was overcome and the cathedral was burnt; the royal forces progressed.

In 1285, Philip entrenched himself before Girona in an attempt to besiege it. The resistance was strong, but the city was taken. Charles was crowned there, but without an actual crown. The French soon experienced a reversal, however, at the hands of Roger de Lauria, back from the Italian theatre of the drawn-out conflict. The French fleet was defeated and destroyed at the Battle of Les Formigues. As well, the French camp was hit hard by an epidemic of dysentery.

Philip himself was afflicted. The heir to the French throne, Philip the Fair, opened negotiations with Peter for free passage for the royal family through the Pyrenees. But the troops were not offered such passage and were decimated at the Battle of the Col de Panissars. The king of France himself died at Perpignan, the capital of James of Majorca, who had fled in fear after being confronted by Peter, and was buried in Narbonne. James was declared a vassal of Peter.

Peter matched his father in patronage of the arts and literature, but unlike him he was a lover of v

As well, the wars with Philip of France and James of Majorca furnished material for new sirventesos and during this period the sirventes was converted into a convenient tool of political propaganda in which each side could, directly or allegorically, present its case and procure sympathy propitious to its cause.

Peter died at Vilafranca del Penedès on 2 November 1285, in the same year as his two royal foes, Charles and Philip, and was buried in the monastery of Santes Creus. His deathbed absolution occurred after he declared that his conquests had been in the name of his familial claims and never against the claims of the church.


En mi nuevo libro LA SORPRENDENTE GENEALOGÍA DE MIS TATARABUELOS, encontrarán a este y muchos otros de sus ancestros con un resumen biográfico de cada uno. El libro está disponible en: amazon.com barnesandnoble.com palibrio.com. Les será de mucha utilidad y diversión. Ramón Rionda
In my new book LA SORPRENDENTE GENEALOGÍA DE MIS TATARABUELOS, you will find this and many other of your ancestors, with a biography summary of each of them. The book is now available at: amazon.com barnesandnoble.com palibrio.com. Check it up, it’s worth it. Ramón Rionda

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Inés Zapata

D. Fernando de Aragón, señor d...

D. Sancho de Aragón, castellán...

D. Teresa de Aragón

D. Pedro de Aragón

María Nicolau

D. Jaime de Aragón, señor de S...

D. Juan de Aragón

D. Beatriz de Aragón, siñora d...

Constanza II de Sicilia, reina c...

Alfonso III el Liberal, rey de A...

Jaime II el Justo, rey de Aragón

miércoles, 22 de mayo de 2019

James I the Conqueror, King of Aragon ♛★Bisabuela n°18P,Rey★ Ref: KA-1208 |•••► #FRANCIA 🇫🇷🏆 #Genealogía #Genealogy

Padre: Pedro Ii El Católico, Rey De Aragón

James I the Conqueror, King of Aragon is your 18th great grandfatheof

→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo

→ (1) Dr Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna (your father) 

→(2) Elena Cecilia Lecuna Escobar (his mother) 

→(3) María Elena de la Concepción Escobar Llamosas (her mother) 

→(4) Cecilia Cayetana de la Merced Llamosas de Escobar (her mother) 

→(5) Cipriano Fernando de Las Llamosas y García (her father) 

→(6) José Lorenzo Llamozas Silva (his father) 

→(7) Joseph Julián Llamozas Ranero (his father) 

→(8) Manuel Llamozas Requecens (his father) 

→(9) Isabel de Requesens (his mother) 

→(10) Luis de Requeséns y Zúñiga, Virrey de Holanda (her father) 

→(11) D. Estefania de Requesens, III Condesa de Palamós (his mother) 

→(12) Hipòlita Roís de Liori i de Montcada (her mother) 

→(13) Beatriz de Montcada i de Vilaragut (her mother) 

→(14) Pedro de Montcada i de Luna, Señor de Villamarchante (her father) 

→(15) Elfa de Luna y de Xèrica (his mother) 

→(16) Elfa de Aragón Xérica y Arborea (her mother) 

→(17) Pedro de Aragón, Barón de Xèrica & Llúria (her father) 

→(18) Jaume II d'Aragó, baró de Xèrica (his father) 

→(19) Jaume I d'Aragó, baró de Xèrica (his father) 

→(20) James I the Conqueror, King of Aragon (his father)


Jaime I de Aragón
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Para otras personas del mismo nombre, véase Jaime de Aragón.
Jaime I de Aragón
Rey de Aragón, Mallorca, Valencia, conde de Barcelona y señor de Montpellier
Jaume Mateu - James I the Conqueror - Google Art Project.jpg
Retrato de Jaime I, por Jaume Mateu. Museo de Arte de Cataluña.
Rey de Aragón
1213-27 de julio de 1276
Predecesor Pedro II
Sucesor Pedro III
[mostrar]Otros títulos
Información personal
Otros títulos Conde de Barcelona, Vizconde de Carladés, barón de Omeladés, conde de Urgel (1231-1236), vizconde de Fenolleda (hasta 1258)
Coronación Lérida, jurado por la Cortes en 1214
(Rey de Aragón)
2 de febrero de 1208

Seigneurs de Montpellier.svg Montpellier
Fallecimiento 27 de julio de 1276 (68 años)
Alcira, Reino de Valencia
Entierro Sepulcros Reales del monasterio de Poblet
Dinastía Casa de Aragón
Padre Pedro II de Aragón
Madre María de Montpellier
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Descendencia Pedro
véase Descendencia
Royal arms of Aragon (Crowned).svg
Escudo de Jaime I de Aragón
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Jaime I de Aragón recibiendo del obispo y jurista Vidal de Canellas los Fueros de Aragón ante otros magnates eclesiásticos. Inicial miniada N del Vidal Mayor, primera compilación de los fueros aragoneses. El texto en aragonés comienza:
Nos, don Iavmes, por la g[rat]ia de Dius Rey d'Aragon et de Maillorgas et de Valencia, conte de Barçalona et de Urgel et seynor de Montpesler [...]

'Nos, don Jaime, por la gracia de Dios Rey de Aragón y de Mallorca y de Valencia, Conde de Barcelona y de Urgel y Señor de Montpellier'.

Jaimea​ I de Aragón el Conquistador (Catalán: Jaume el Conqueridor, Aragonés: Chaime lo Conqueridor, Occitano: Jacme lo Conquistaire) (Montpellier, 2 de febrero de 1208-Alcira, 27 de julio de 1276) fue rey de Aragón (1213-1276), de Valencia (1238-1276) y de Mallorca (1229-1276), conde de Barcelona (1213-1276), conde de Urgel, señor de Montpellier (1219-1276) y de otros feudos en Occitania.

1 Juventud
2 Reinado
2.1 Conquista de Mallorca
2.2 Conquista de Menorca
2.3 Conquista de Ibiza y Formentera
2.4 Conquista de Valencia
2.5 Política ultrapirenaica
2.6 Conquista del reino de Murcia
2.7 Últimos años
3 Descendencia y herencia
4 Valoraciones
5 Ancestros
6 Notas
7 Referencias
8 Bibliografía
9 Bibliografía adicional
10 Enlaces externos

Monasterio de Poblet. Sepulcros de la Casa de Aragón.
Hijo de Pedro II el Católico y de María de Montpellier, era el heredero de dos importantes linajes: la Casa de Aragón y el de los emperadores de Bizancio, por parte de su madre. Tuvo una infancia difícil. Su padre, que acabaría repudiando a la reina, solo llegó a concebirlo mediante engaño de algunos nobles y eclesiásticos que temían por la falta de un sucesor, y la colaboración de María, haciendo creer a Pedro que se acostaba con una de sus amantes. Estas circunstancias produjeron el rechazo de Pedro II hacia el pequeño Jaime, a quien no conoció sino a los dos años de su nacimiento.2​ A esa edad, el rey hizo un pacto matrimonial para entregar a su hijo Jaime a la tutela de Simón, Señor de Montfort, para casarlo con la hija de este, Amicia, para lo cual el niño iba a ser recluido en el castillo de Carcasona hasta los 18 años.2​

A la muerte de su padre, durante la cruzada albigense, en la batalla de Muret (1213), Simón de Montfort se resistió a entregar a Jaime a los aragoneses hasta después de un año de reclamaciones y solo por mandato del papa Inocencio III. Durante su minoría de edad, estuvo bajo la tutela de los caballeros templarios en el castillo de Monzón, habiendo sido encomendado a Guillem de Mont-Rodon,3​ junto con su primo de la misma edad, el Conde de Provenza Ramón Berenguer V. Mientras, actuaba como regente del reino el conde Sancho Raimúndez, hijo de Petronila de Aragón y Ramón Berenguer IV y tío abuelo de Jaime. Heredó el señorío de Montpellier a la muerte de su madre (1213).

Huérfano de padre y madre, tenía unos 6 años cuando fue jurado en las Cortes de Lérida de 1214. En septiembre de 1218 se celebraron por primera vez en Lérida unas Cortes generales, en las cuales fue declarado mayor de edad.

En febrero de 1221 contrajo matrimonio en la población soriana de Ágreda,4​ población fronteriza entre Castilla y Aragón, con Leonor de Castilla, hermana de la reina Berenguela de Castilla y tía de Fernando III. Tras la boda la pareja se trasladó a la catedral de Tarazona, donde Jaime fue ordenado caballero. Anulado su primer casamiento por razón de parentesco en 1229, contrajo segundo matrimonio con la princesa Violante (8 de septiembre de 1235), hija de Andrés II, rey de Hungría. Por el testamento de su tío segundo Nuño Sánchez, heredó los condados de Rosellón y Cerdaña y el vizcondado de Fenolleda en Francia (1241).

Durante los quince primeros años de su reinado, mantuvo diversas luchas contra la nobleza aragonesa, que incluso llegó a hacerle prisionero en 1224. En 1227 afrontó un nuevo alzamiento nobiliario aragonés, dirigido por el infante Fernando, tío del rey, que terminó, gracias a la intervención papal a través del arzobispo de Tortosa, con la firma de la Concordia de Alcalá (marzo de 1227). Este tratado marcó el triunfo de la monarquía sobre los levantiscos nobles, dándole la estabilidad necesaria para iniciar las campañas contra los musulmanes. Esta estabilidad logró el apaciguamiento de las reclamaciones de la nobleza y obispos.

Conquista de Mallorca
Artículo principal: Conquista de Mallorca
Ante los ataques de los piratas mallorquines, los mercaderes de Barcelona, Tarragona y Tortosa pidieron ayuda al monarca para acabar con la amenaza. Así, en una reunión de Barcelona (diciembre de 1228) le ofrecieron sus naves, mientras que los nobles catalanes acordaron participar en la empresa a cambio del botín y dominios territoriales. En otra reunión en Lérida, los nobles aragoneses aceptaron las mismas condiciones, pero sugirieron al rey que la empresa se dirigiera contra los musulmanes de Valencia, por lo que su participación no sería significativa.

El 5 de septiembre de 1229, la escuadra aragonesa, compuesta por 155 naves, 1500 caballeros y 15 000 soldados, zarpó de Tarragona, Salou y Cambrils,5​ para conquistar Mallorca a Abú Yahya, el gobernador almohade semiindependiente de la isla.

Las tropas aragonesas desembarcaron en Santa Ponsa y vencieron a los musulmanes en la batalla de Portopí (13 de septiembre de 1229). Los musulmanes se refugiaron tras las murallas de Madina Mayurqa y crucificaron a varios soldados aragoneses a la vista de las tropas de Jaime. Estas poco después tomaron y pasaron a cuchillo a la población de la ciudad (diciembre de 1229) y se apoderaron de la isla en pocos meses, salvo un pequeño núcleo de resistencia musulmana que logró mantenerse en la sierra de Tramontana hasta 1232. Los pobladores musulmanes huyeron a África o fueron esclavizados.

Después de pasar a cuchillo la población de Madina Mayurqa, la cantidad de cadáveres fue tal que se produjo una epidemia que diezmó el ejército de Jaime I. Por añadidura, los nobles catalanes intentaron quedarse con el botín, provocando una revuelta que debilitaría aún más el poder militar de Jaime I.

Mallorca se constituyó como un reino más de la Corona de Aragón bajo el nombre de Regnum Maioricarum et insulae adiacentes, el cual obtuvo una carta de franqueza en 1230. La institución en 1249 del municipio de Mallorca (actual Palma) contribuiría a la institucionalización del reino.

Conquista de Menorca
El monarca aragonés se vio incapacitado para conquistar Menorca a causa de las divisiones internas dentro de su ejército por el botín y la reducción de su ejército debido a unas malas decisiones; aun así, el monarca consiguió por mediación de dos nobles aragoneses (Pedro Maza, y Assalido de Gudal), un noble catalán (Bernaldo de Santa Eugenia) y el comendador del Temple de Mallorca (Ramón de Serra) un vasallaje sobre Menorca, rubricado por el Tratado de Capdepera, por el cual los musulmanes menorquines aceptaron su soberanía (1231). El vasallaje sobre Menorca sería transferido al reino de Mallorca como parte del testamento de Jaime I. Alfonso III de Aragón conquistaría de forma efectiva esta isla, después de la capitulación de Abû ‘Umar en 1287. Fue repoblada, aunque quedó una abundante población musulmana, que más tarde fue desterrada.

Conquista de Ibiza y Formentera
Por último, cedió la sumisión de Ibiza y Formentera a Guillermo de Montgrí, arzobispo de Tarragona, y su hermano Bernardo de Santa Eugenia, que la hizo efectiva en 1235. La isla se repobló con campesinos de Ampurias (1236).

Conquista de Valencia
Artículo principal: Conquista de Valencia por Jaime I

Estatua ecuestre de Jaime I en el Parterre de Valencia (Agapito Vallmitjana, 1891). Se trata de una representación idealizada, pues porta la cimera del Rey de Aragón, que es anacrónica, ya que fue una innovación heráldica del siglo XIV de Pedro IV el Ceremonioso.
La conquista de Valencia, a diferencia de la de Mallorca, fue hecha con un importante contingente de aragoneses. Así, para empezar la conquista, en 1231 Jaime I se reunió con el noble Blasco de Alagón y Hugo de Folcalquier, maestre de la Orden Militar del Hospital, en Alcañiz para fijar un plan de conquista de las tierras valencianas. Blasco de Alagón recomendó asediar las poblaciones en terreno llano y evitar las fortificadas. Sin embargo, lo primero que se tomó fueron dos enclaves montañosos: Morella, aprovechando Blasco la debilidad de su gobierno musulmán; y Ares, lugar cercano a Morella tomado por Jaime I para obligar a Blasco de Alagón a que le entregara Morella.

La conquista de lo que posteriormente se convertiría en el reino de Valencia comienza en 1232, con la toma de Morella. En 1233 se planea la campaña en Alcañiz, que constaría de tres etapas:

La primera etapa empieza en 1233, con la toma de Burriana, en seguida y Peñíscola y el castillo de Castellón. Este último sería cedido al rey en 1242 por el llamado "laudo de los tres obispos".
La segunda etapa se dirige al sur llegando hasta el Júcar, en la ciudad de Alcira donde se encontraba el único puente de toda Valencia que cruzaba el Júcar. El 30 de diciembre de 1242 fue conquistada esta villa, permitiendo así la definitiva conquista del Reino de Valencia.
La tercera etapa abarca desde 1243 a 1245, llegándose a los límites estipulados en el Tratado de Almizra en 1244, firmado entre Jaime I y el infante Alfonso (futuro Alfonso X de Castilla) para delimitar las áreas de expansión sobre territorio musulmán entre Castilla y la Corona de Aragón. Las tierras al sur de la línea Biar-Villajoyosa quedaron reservadas para Castilla (incluyendo el reino de Murcia), incorporándose al reino de Valencia por Jaime II de Aragón tras las Sentencias arbitrales de Torrellas (1304) y el Tratado de Elche (1305).
En esta última etapa y en los años siguientes, Jaime I tuvo que hacer frente a diversas revueltas de la población mudéjar, encabezadas por el caudillo al-Azraq.

Jaime I obtuvo un gran triunfo sobre la nobleza aragonesa al convertir las tierras conquistadas en Valencia en un reino diferenciado, unido a la Corona de Aragón (1239), gracias a la elaboración legislativa de los Fueros de Valencia, els Furs. La creación del reino provocó una iracunda reacción de la nobleza aragonesa, que veía así imposibilitada la prolongación de sus señoríos en tierras valencianas.

Política ultrapirenaica
Mediante el Tratado de Corbeil (1258) Jaime renunció a sus derechos sobre territorios del mediodía francés. En contrapartida, san Luis de Francia renunciaba a sus derechos, como descendiente de Carlomagno, sobre los condados catalanes, herederos de la Marca Hispánica.

Jaime I estuvo presente en el Segundo Concilio Lugdunense, que se celebró en la catedral de Lyon, entre el 7 de mayo y el 17 de julio de 1274. El concilio deliberó sobre la preparación de una nueva cruzada centrándose en los aspectos financieros de la misma, para lo cual se decidió que durante seis años un diezmo de todos los beneficios de la cristiandad deberían destinarse a la cruzada. Jaime I se mostró partidario de iniciarla inmediatamente pero al oponerse los templarios no se tomó ninguna decisión. Ante las indecisiones de los demás asistentes a la asamblea canónica, Jaime I se despidió del Santo Padre, abandonó la reunión con los miembros de su séquito.

Conquista del reino de Murcia
Castilla había sometido Murcia a vasallaje (1243), pero los murcianos se rebelaron contra Castilla con el apoyo del Reino nazarí de Granada y los gobernantes del Norte de África (1264). La reina Violante (esposa de Alfonso X el Sabio) pidió ayuda a su padre Jaime I. Entonces, tropas de la Corona de Aragón mandadas por el infante Pedro (el futuro Pedro III el Grande) conquistaron a Muhammad ibn Hûd Biha al-Dawla el reino de Murcia (1265-66), dejando después a más de 10 000 aragoneses en Murcia. En efecto, hay que recordar que según las condiciones del Tratado de Almizra (1244), Murcia pertenecería a Castilla.

Últimos años
En septiembre de 1269 salió de Barcelona con su armada para una expedición a Tierra Santa, pero dispersadas sus naves por las tormentas, tuvo que desembarcar en Aigües-Mortes, cerca de Montpellier, y hubo de renunciar a aquella empresa.

Tras un reinado de sesenta y tres años, murió en Alcira (Valencia) el 27 de julio de 1276. En el trance de su muerte, en la residencia real de esta ciudad, y como había dispuesto, Don Jaime fue amortajado con los hábitos del císter.

Los restos mortales del rey permanecieron depositados en Santa María de Valencia hasta mayo de 1278, en que fueron trasladados al monasterio de Poblet para su sepultura definitiva. No obstante, tras la desamortización de Mendizábal, el monasterio quedó abandonado y el cadáver de Jaime I fue trasladado en 1843 a Tarragona, donde le fue construido un panteón en la parte posterior de la catedral, que fue inaugurado en 1856. En 1952, los restos de Jaime I fueron restituidos a Poblet.6​

Dictó su biografía, el Llibre dels feits, que se convirtió en la primera de las cuatro grandes crónicas reales en Idioma valenciano.

Descendencia y herencia
De su primera mujer, Leonor de Castilla, tuvo a:

Alfonso (1222-1260), casado con Constanza de Montcada, hija de Gastón VII de Bearne, fue el heredero de la corona pero falleció antes que su padre.
De su segunda esposa, Violante de Hungría, tuvo a:

Violante (1236-1301), esposa de Alfonso X el Sabio.
Constanza (1238-1275), esposa del Señor de Villena, el infante castellano Manuel, hermano de Alfonso X el Sabio.
Pedro (1240-1285; futuro Pedro III de Aragón), que le sucedió en los reinos de Aragón, Valencia y en los condados catalanes.
Jaime (1243-1311; futuro Jaime II de Mallorca), que heredó el reino de Mallorca, que comprendía las islas Baleares —Mallorca, Menorca (todavía bajo el poder de un soberano musulmán aunque tributaria desde 1231), Ibiza y Formentera—, los condados del Rosellón y la Cerdaña y los territorios que el Conquistador conservaba en Occitania (el señorío de Montpellier, el vizcondado de Carladés, en Auvernia, y la baronía de Omeladés, contigua a Montpellier).
Fernando (1245-1250), que murió niño.
Sancha (1246-antes de 1275) que se hizo monja y murió en Tierra Santa.
María (1247-1267), religiosa también.
Isabel (1248-1271), esposa de Felipe III de Francia, hijo de San Luis de Francia (Luis IX de Francia)
Sancho (1250-1275), arcediano de Belchite, abad de Valladolid y arzobispo de Toledo, falleció prisionero de los moros granadinos.
Tradicionalmente se ha considerado que fue el deseo de Violante de conseguir buenas herencias para sus hijos el motivo por el que Jaime I procedió a la partición de sus reinos. Sin embargo, parece tener más sentido la concepción patrimonial de los reinos que tenía el rey. Así, hizo un primer reparto en su testamento de 1241. Según este testamento, el primogénito Alfonso heredaría Aragón y los condados catalanes, y Pedro, hijo de Violante, Valencia, las islas Baleares, el Rosellón, la Cerdaña y las posesiones occitanas. Dos años después, un nuevo testamento introduce a su tercer hijo en el reparto. Los condados catalanes pasan de Alfonso a Pedro, el cual cede las islas Baleares, Rosellón, Cerdaña y las posesiones occitanas a Jaime. Nuevo testamento en 1248, incluyendo en el reparto al nuevo hijo, Fernando. A la muerte de Alfonso (1260), otorgó nuevo testamento (1262), el cual daría la configuración definitiva de la herencia.

Tras la muerte de Violante (1253) el rey se lanzó a una carrera de amoríos, teniendo múltiples hijos. De Teresa Gil de Vidaure tuvo a Jaime, señor de Jérica, y a Pedro, señor de Ayerbe. Con Elvira Sarroca tuvo Jaime Sarroca, obispo de Huesca y Pedro del Rey, obispo de Lérida. De sus relaciones amorosas con Blanca de Antillón nació Fernán Sánchez, a quien dio la baronía de Castro; Con Berenguela Fernández tuvo a Pedro Fernández, señor de la baronía de Híjar, mientras que con Berenguela Alfonso, hija del infante Alfonso de Molina, no tuvo descendencia. Estos bastardos reales fueron el origen de algunas de las más importantes casas nobiliarias de Aragón y Valencia.

El reinado de Jaime I marcó el nacimiento de una conciencia territorial en los distintos reinos de la Corona de Aragón, especialmente en Aragón, Reino de Valencia y en los condados catalanes. Dos son los factores que contribuyeron a este hecho: la normalización del Derecho y la transformación de las Cortes en un órgano reivindicativo y representativo de la voluntad del reino, actúan como catalizadores de la creación de una conciencia diferenciadora de cada territorio. Los Fueros de Aragón se promulgaron en las cortes de Huesca (1247), sustituyendo a los diferentes códigos locales del reino. Los Usatges de Barcelona, gracias a la protección real, se extendieron por todos los condados catalanes (mediados del siglo XIII). La situación en Valencia fue diferente, puesto que la oposición de la nobleza aragonesa a la consolidación del reino hizo que los fueros valencianos (Foris et consuetudines Valentiae), otorgados por Jaime I en 1240 no triunfaran definitivamente hasta 1329. En 1244, Jaime I establece que el río Cinca sería la divisoria entre Aragón y los condados catalanes. Desde entonces, las Cortes de cada territorio se reunieron de forma separada.

El reinado de Jaime I marcó también el desplazamiento del centro de gravedad de la monarquía hacia la costa mediterránea. Así, la Corte y la cancillería —base del actual Archivo de la Corona de Aragón— se establecieron en Barcelona.

Busto de Jaime I en Madrid (N. Bayarri, 1976).
Como elementos positivos de su reinado pueden señalarse:

La conquista y creación de los reinos de Mallorca y de Valencia.
El matrimonio del heredero de la Corona, Pedro, con Constanza II de Sicilia, que daría un impulso definitivo a la expansión mediterránea de la Corona de Aragón, una vez que la Reconquista en territorio peninsular hubo concluido.
El impulso dado al comercio y a la política norteafricana, incluyendo la redacción del Llibre del Consolat de Mar, primer código de costumbres marítimas.
La protección dada a los judíos.
Las reformas monetarias, con la introducción del grueso de Montpellier y la creación de monedas propias en los reinos de Valencia y Mallorca.
La intervención en la normalización jurídica, apoyando a figuras como Raimundo de Peñafort o Vidal de Canellas e impulsando el Derecho romano.
El impulso dado a las instituciones generales del reino, como las Cortes, y los ayuntamientos.
El progreso de las letras valencianas, con el rey como protagonista del Llibre dels feits, primera gran crónica valenciana medieval, escrita en valenciano del siglo XIV o dictada por el rey, en estilo autobiográfico, en la que principalmente cuenta la conquista de Valencia, Alcira y Murcia, algunas cortes convocadas y el apoyo que prestó a su hija Violante en relación a la petición de colaboración para defenderse del rey moro de Granada. Es muy interesante cómo recluta tropas de los ricos hombres de la Corona de Aragón, desde Almenar, Tamarite y se dirige a Huesca para llegar al Sur por Zaragoza y Teruel. Narra con agilidad la defensa de Villena y la conquista de Murcia donde prevalece el respeto a la población y costumbres de los "sarracenos" manteniendo las mezquitas y las costumbres, al mismo tiempo que se refiere a la aljamía presente en la ciudad. Pide colaboración de las gentes de los condados catalanes y de Aragón, primero para defender los intereses de su hija, doña Violante y de sus nietos y al mismo tiempo para «salvar España»,7​ porque si el rey moro de Granada puede con el rey de Castilla, la tierra de España de las tierras de Aragón y Cataluña también pueden peligrar.
La infancia de Jaime I transcurrió en el castillo de Monzón, junto al río Cinca, y es donde aprendió el habla viva al cuidado del Maestre de la Orden del Temple. En su autobiografía se aprecia una constante familiaridad con los cuatro brazos del poder de Aragón y la amistad con que trata a "Pere de Muncada" que le recluta caballeros en el territorio fronterizo entre Aragón y los condados catalanes de las poblaciones de Almenar y Tamarite. La doble forma en que escribe el topónimo Monzón es un vestigio de que tanto dominaba el habla viva de la zona en la forma "Monço" como la forma catalana escrita con la grafía "Muntsó" en el manuscrito que se conserva en la Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid.

Como elementos negativos, es preciso advertir que el juicio histórico sobre Jaime I depende del reino en el que se centra el historiador. Para los historiadores aragoneses las conclusiones suelen ser negativas, aduciendo el carácter patrimonial que dio a sus reinos, sin importarle repartir sus dominios entre sus hijos. También es criticada la fijación de la frontera catalano-aragonesa en el Cinca, lo que supuso la adjudicación final de Lérida a los condados catalanes y la separación definitiva de Aragón y los condados catalanes en dos entidades con derecho y Cortes diferentes, tras llevar cien años unidos. La expansión territorial también es enjuiciada negativamente, puesto que con la conquista y creación de los reinos de Mallorca y Valencia, la Corona se convirtió definitivamente en una entidad de carácter confederal, con la monarquía como única institución común y sin ninguna aspiración común entre los diversos reinos.

Del otro lado, para mallorquines y valencianos, la valoración es completamente opuesta: Jaime I es un gran rey, el padre fundador de los reinos, el creador de sus señas de identidad hasta nuestros días: territorio, lengua, fueros, moneda, instituciones, etc.

Ancestros de Jaime I de Aragón [mostrar]
 «Este monarca debería de haberse llamado Alfonso, como su abuelo, pero las circunstancias especiales de su nacimiento, con padres mal avenidos y en trámites de anulación matrimonial, debieron romper por ello las prácticas onomásticas tradicionales. Para bautizarle se encendieron doce velas, cada una de ellas con el nombre de uno de los apóstoles. La última en apagarse fue la correspondiente a Santiago el mayor, es decir, Sant Jaume en catalán, y por ello se impuso este nombre al recién nacido».1​
 Salazar y Acha, 2006, pp. 1-2, n. 4.
 Herradón, 2008, p. 12.
 Herradón, 2008, p. 14.
 Belenguer, 2008, p. 63.
 Herradón, 2008, p. 15.
 S. Sobrequés i Callicó, Els reis catalans enterrats a Poblet, Publicaciones de la Abadía de Poblet, 2.ª ed., 2001, pág. 30.
 Llibre dels feits del rei en Jacme, manuscrito Ms. 10121 de la B.N.E, folio 163 car nos ho fem la primera cosa per Deu, la segona per saluar Espanya
Belenguer, Ernest (2008). Jaime I y su reinado. Editorial Milenio. ISBN 978-84-9743-246-7.
Herradón, Oscar (2008). «Jaime I el Conquistador, el rey cruzado». Historia de Iberia Vieja: revista de historia de España (39). ISSN 1699-7913.
Salazar y Acha, Jaime de (2006). «Urraca. Un nombre egregio en la onomástica altomedieval». En la España Medieval. Anejo I: 29-47.
Sánchez-Albornoz, Claudio (2005). España, un enigma histórico. Edhasa. ISBN 84-350-2608-6.
Bibliografía adicional
Huici Miranda, Ambrosio y Cabanes Pecourt, María Desamparados: Documentos de Jaime I de Aragón. (1976). Anubar Ediciones ISBN 84-7013-077-3 (3 tomos)
Villacañas, José Luis: Jaume I el conquistador. Espasa-Calpe. Madrid. 2003. ISBN 978-84-670-1053-4
Enlaces externos
 Wikimedia Commons alberga una categoría multimedia sobre Jaime I de Aragón.
Texto completo del "Llibre dels fets"
Video "Rey Jaime I" Dur. 1:55 min., castellano
Jaume I en la Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes.
Página dedicada a 'Jaume I i El llibre dels fets' en la Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes.

Pedro II Aragon arms.svg
Rey de Aragón
Conde de Barcelona
1213-1276 Sucesor:
Pedro III
Zaiyan Rey de Valencia
1239-1276 Sucesor:
Pedro III
María Señor de Montpellier
1213-1276 Sucesor:
Jaime II
Nuevo Reino Rey de Mallorca
1231-1276 Sucesor:
Jaime II


Linea Genetica N°1 FAMILIA |•••► JAMES

PADRE: Pedro II el Católico, rey de Aragón
MADRE: María De Montpellier, Reina De Aragón 

2.- 1178 PEDRO II EL CATÓLICO, REY DE ARAGÓN |•••► Pais:España
PADRE: Alfonso Ii El Casto Rey De Aragón
MADRE: Sancha of Castile 

3.- 1157 ALFONSO II EL CASTO REY DE ARAGÓN |•••► Pais:España
PADRE: Ramon Berenguer IV the Saint, Count of Barcelona Ref: 182717
MADRE: Petronila Ramírez, Reina De Aragón 

PADRE: Ramon Berenguer Iii El Gran, Comte De Barcelona Ref: 181110
MADRE: Douce I De Gévaudan, Comtesse De Provence 

PADRE: Ramón Berenguer II de Barcelona Ref: 181111
MADRE: Mathilde Hauteville, of Apulia 
