domingo, 8 de marzo de 2020

Matilde de Flandes ♔ Ref: BA-248 |•••► #BELGICA #Genealogía #Genealogy


20° Bisabuela/ Great Grandmother de:
Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo

 (Linea Materna)
Matilda of Flanders is your 20th great grandmother.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Morella Álamo Borges
your mother → Belén Borges Ustáriz
her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna
her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesus Uztáriz y Monserrate
her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra
his mother → Teniente Coronel Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina
her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza
his mother → Isabel Manuela Josefa Hurtado de Mendoza y Rojas Manrique
her mother → Juana de Rojas Manrique de Mendoza
her mother → Constanza de Mendoza Mate de Luna
her mother → Mayor de Mendoza Manzanedo
her mother → Juan Fernández De Mendoza Y Manuel
her father → Sancha Manuel
his mother → Sancho Manuel de Villena Castañeda, señor del Infantado y Carrión de los Céspedes
her father → Manuel de Castilla, señor de Escalona
his father → Ferdinand "the Saint", king of Castile and León
his father → Berenguela I la Grande, reina de Castilla
his mother → Eleanor of England, Queen consort of Castile
her mother → Henry II "Curtmantle", king of England
her father → Empress Matilda
his mother → Henry I "Beauclerc", King of England
her father → Matilda of Flanders
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Matilda  MP
French: Mathilde, Dutch: Mathilde, German: Machteld
Gender: Female
Birth: circa 1031
Ghent, East Flanders, Flanders, Belgium
Death: November 02, 1083 (47-56)
Base-Normandie, Caen, Calvados, Normandy, France
Place of Burial: Abbaye-aux-Dames, Place de la Reine Mathilde, Caen, Basse-Normandie, France
Immediate Family:
Daughter of Baldwin V, count of Flanders and Adela of France, countess of Flanders
Wife of William "the Conqueror", king of England
Mother of Robert II "Curthose", Duke of Normandy; Adelizia de Normandie, Princess of England; William II "Rufus", King of England; Cecilia, Abbess of Holy Trinity; Richard and 5 others
Sister of Robert I, Count of Flanders; Baldwin VI, count of Flanders and Hainault; Elena de Normandy; Henry of Flanders, [Count]; Aliz von Peteghem and 1 other
Half sister of Ida de Roncq
Added by: Roger Stephen Douthitt on February 27, 2007
Managed by: Ric Dickinson and 849 others
Curated by: Jason Scott Wills
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Matilde Maud de Flandre (van Vlaanderen), Matilda de Flandes, designó a la Reina Consorte Matilda de Inglaterra el 11 de mayo de 1068.

Matilde de Flandes (c. 1031 - 2 de noviembre de 1083) fue reina consorte del Reino de Inglaterra y esposa de Guillaume (Guillermo) I el Conquistador, rey de Inglaterra y duque de Normandía.

Ella era la hija del conde Baldwin V de Flandes, y Adèle (1000-1078 / 9), hija de Robert II de Francia.

Padres: Baudouin V 'le Pieux', Comte de Flandre y Alix Capet
Cónyuge: Guillaume (William) I el Conquistador, rey de Inglaterra y duque de Normandía

Robert Curthose (c. 1054-1134), casado con Sybil de Conversano
Adeliza (o Alice) (c. 1055 -?), Incierta
Cecilia (o Cecily) (c. 1056-1126)
William Rufus (1056-1100)
Ricardo, duque de Bernay (1057 - c. 1081)
Alison (o Ali) (1056 -c. 1090)
Adela (c. 1062-1138), casada con Etienne de Blois
Agatha (c. 1064 - c. 1080)
Constanza (1066-1090), casada con Alan IV Fergent
Matilda (muy oscura, su existencia está en duda)
Henry Beauclerc (1068–1135)
NO hay evidencia de que ella también se haya casado con un Gerbod - ver comentarios

Flandes, Condes
Reyes de Inglaterra, 1066-1837
Matilda de Flandes (Wikipedia Eng)
Mathilde de Flandre (Wikipedia Fr)
Genealogía ~ Leo van de Pas - continúa por Ian Fettes
Descendientes de William the Conqueror y Matilda of Flanders - Karen (Johnson) Fish
MATHILDE de Flandre ([1032] -Caen 2 de noviembre de 1083, bur Caen, Abadía de la Santísima Trinidad). El Genealogica Comitum Flandriæ Bertiniana nombra (en orden) "Balduinum Haanoniensem, y Robdbertum cognomento postea Iherosolimitanum, y Matilde uxorem Guillelmi regis Anglorum" como los hijos de "Balduinum Insulanum [et] Adelam" [249]. Su parentesco también lo afirma Orderic Vitalis [250].

Florence of Worcester registra que la "comitissa Mahtilda de Normannia" llegó a Inglaterra el 23 de marzo [1068] y fue coronada "die Pentecostes [11 de mayo]" por el arzobispo de York Aldred [251]. Orderic Vitalis también registra que fue coronada reina de Inglaterra el 11 de mayo de 1068 [252], presumiblemente en la Abadía de Westminster o la Catedral de Winchester, aunque esto parece no estar registrado. La reina Matilda actuó como regente en Normandía durante las ausencias de su esposo en Inglaterra.

La necrología de la abadía de Saint-Denis registra la muerte "IV Non Nov" de "Matildis Anglorum regina" [253]. Guillaume de Jumièges registra el entierro de la reina Mathilde el 3 de noviembre de 1081 en Holy Trinity, Caen [254]. Florence of Worcester registra la muerte "IV Non Nov" en [1083] de "regina Mahtilda" en Normandía y su entierro en Caen [255].

Ella se casó:

GUILLAUME de Normandie, hijo ilegítimo de ROBERT II Duque de Normandía y su amante Arlette --- (Château de Falaise, Normandía [1027/28] -Rouen, Prioré de Saint-Gervais 9 de septiembre de 1087, bur Caen, Abbé de Saint-Etienne ) Su fecha de nacimiento se calcula a partir de Guillermo de Malmesbury, según el cual Guillaume nació de una concubina y tenía siete años cuando su padre se fue a Jerusalén [1], y Orderic Vitalis, quien afirma que tenía ocho años en ese momento [ 2]

Deville sugiere que la fecha de nacimiento de Guillaume se puede fijar con mayor precisión a [mediados de 1027], teniendo en cuenta que su padre Robert ocupó Falaise inmediatamente después de la muerte de su padre, el duque Ricardo II (23 de agosto de 1026), sin querer aceptar la autoridad. de su hermano mayor, el duque Ricardo III, pero que la estadía de Robert fue corta ya que los dos hermanos se reconciliaron poco después, era razonable suponer que la relación de Robert con la madre de Guillaume se produjo poco después de su llegada a Falaise [3] .

Según Orderic Vitalis, el duque de Bretaña Alain III fue nombrado tutor durante la ausencia de su padre en 1035 [4]. Sucedió a su padre en 1035 como GUILLAUME II Duque de Normandía. Ayudó a Enrique I Rey de Francia a derrotar a Geoffroy II "Martel" Comte d'Anjou en Mouliherne en [1045/55] [5]. Parece que Edward "el confesor", rey de Inglaterra, reconoció a Guillaume como sucesor del trono inglés en varias ocasiones, tal vez por primera vez durante su visita a Inglaterra en 1051, que se registra en la Crónica anglosajona [6].

Comte de Maine en 1063, después de que conquistó el condado. En [1064/65], el duque Guillaume intercedió con Guy de Ponthieu Comte d'Abbeville para asegurar la liberación de Harold Godwinsson del cautiverio en Normandía, a cambio del reconocimiento de Harold de Guillaume como sucesor de la corona inglesa (según la representación del evento en el tapiz de Bayeux). William of Jumièges [7] registra la visita de Harold Godwinsson a Normandía, y jurando lealtad al duque William. Según Eadmer de Canterbury, el motivo de su visita fue negociar la liberación de su hermano Wulfnoth y su sobrino Haakon, quienes habían sido rehenes en Normandía desde 1051.

En su lecho de muerte, el rey Eduardo "el Confesor" legó el reino de Inglaterra a Harold Godwinsson. El duque Guillaume calificó a Harold de perjuro y apeló al papa Alejandro II para que lo apoyara. Después de recibir una pancarta papal en respuesta a su solicitud, William reunió un ejército considerable durante el verano de 1066 en preparación para la invasión. Después de algún retraso debido a condiciones climáticas desfavorables, el ejército zarpó hacia Inglaterra desde Saint-Valéry-sur-Somme el 28 de septiembre de 1066 [8]. William derrotó y mató al Rey Harold en Hastings el 14 de octubre de 1066 [9], marchó hacia el norte a Canterbury, luego al oeste a Winchester, donde capturó el tesoro real. Se dirigió a Londres, donde fue coronado el 25 de diciembre de 1066 como WILLIAM I "el Conquistador" Rey de Inglaterra en la Abadía de Westminster, posiblemente por el arzobispo Ealdred de York, quien pudo haber oficiado debido a dudas sobre la validez del nombramiento de Stigand como arzobispo de Canterbury. Este último había recibido su palio en 1058 del Papa Benedicto X, más tarde considerado como anti-Papa, una cita que no había sido regularizada por el Papa Alejandro II. Fue coronado nuevamente en Winchester 1070 con una corona papal. Después de tomar varios años para someter a todo el país, impuso la estructura feudal normanda y gobernó en todas partes con una persistencia metódica y dura.

La minuciosa descripción del país contenida en el Domesday Book, completada en 1086, permitió al Rey William crear una base impositiva efectiva. Murió por las heridas recibidas en el asedio de Mantes, después de haber sido herido internamente después de ser arrojado contra el pomo de su silla de montar [ 10], dejando a Normandía con su hijo mayor Robert e Inglaterra con su segundo hijo sobreviviente William. Guillaume de Jumièges registra la muerte del rey Guillermo en Rouen el 9 de septiembre y su entierro en Saint-Etienne, Caen [11]. Florencia de Worcester registra la muerte "Id Sep V" del rey Guillermo y su entierro "Cadomi en ecclesia S Stephani Protomartyris" [12].

m (Eu, Catedral de Notre Dame [1050/52]) MATHILDE de Flandre, hija de BAUDOUIN V "le Pieux / Insulanus" Conde de Flandes y su esposa Adela de France ([1032] -Caen 2 de noviembre de 1083, bur Caen, Abadía de la Santísima Trinidad).

La Genealogica Comitum Flandriæ Bertiniana nombra (en orden) "Balduinum Haanoniensem, y Robdbertum cognomento postea Iherosolimitanum, y Matilde uxorem Guillelmi regis Anglorum" como los hijos de "Balduinum Insulanum [et] Adelam" [13]. Su parentesco también lo afirma Orderic Vitalis [14]. Ella fundó la abadía de la Trinité en Caen, como lo confirma un manuscrito sin fecha que registra la muerte "pridie nonas julias" de "abbatissam Mathildem" en el año 54 en el que ocupó el cargo y nombra "Mathildem Anglorum reginam, nostri cœnobii fondatricem , Adilidem, Mathildem, Constantiam, filias eius "encabezando la lista de nombres de monjas en la abadía [15].

Florence of Worcester registra que la "comitissa Mahtilda de Normannia" llegó a Inglaterra el 23 de marzo [1068] y fue coronada "die Pentecostes [11 de mayo]" por el arzobispo de York Aldred [16]. Orderic Vitalis también registra que fue coronada Reina de Inglaterra el 11 de mayo de 1068 [17], presumiblemente en la Abadía de Westminster o la Catedral de Winchester, aunque esto parece no estar registrado. La reina Matilda actuó como regente en Normandía durante las ausencias de su esposo en Inglaterra. La necrología de la abadía de Saint-Denis registra la muerte "IV Non Nov" de "Matildis Anglorum regina" [18].

Guillaume de Jumièges registra el entierro de la reina Mathilde el 3 de noviembre de 1081 en Holy Trinity, Caen [19]. Florence of Worcester registra la muerte "IV Non Nov" en [1083] de "regina Mahtilda" en Normandía y su entierro en Caen [20].

William y Matilda tuvieron diez hijos registrados:
1. ROBERT de Normandie (Normandía [1052/54] -Cardiff Castle [3] Feb 1134, bur Gloucester Cathedral [21]). Guillermo de Malmesbury nombra a Robert como el hijo mayor del rey Guillermo I [22]. "Roberti filii sui Normannorum comitis, Richardi filii sui ..." suscribió la carta fechada en abril de 1067 en virtud de la cual "Willelmus ... dux Normannorum ... Anglorum rex" confirmó los derechos de la abadía de Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire [23].

Orderic Vitalis registra que, después de aspirar sin éxito a gobernar Normandía y Maine durante la vida de su padre, Robert se rebeló en 1079 y se exilió en Flandes [24]. Guillermo de Malmesbury y Orderic Vitalis afirman que fue ayudado en su rebelión por Felipe I, rey de Francia, y que hirió a su padre en la batalla de Gerberoy [25]. Sucedió a su padre en 1087 como ROBERT "Curthose" Duque de Normandía, su apodo debido, según William de Malmesbury y Orderic Vitalis, a su baja estatura, que presumiblemente heredó de su madre, que también tenía fama de ser muy baja [26 ] Se unió al contingente de Robert II Conde de Flandes en la Primera Cruzada en septiembre de 1096, junto con Etienne Comte de Blois, después de prometer el ducado de Normandía a su hermano el Rey Guillermo por 10, 000 marcos de plata para financiar la expedición [27]. Después de la captura de Jerusalén, Robert dejó Palestina para regresar a Europa en septiembre de 1099 [28]. Al regresar a Normandía en el otoño de 1100, recuperó su ducado sin oposición [29]. Aterrizó en Portsmouth en 1102 con el objetivo de desplazar a su hermano el rey Enrique I como rey de Inglaterra, pero fue persuadido de regresar a Normandía con el pago de 3.000 marcos [30]. Su hermano, el rey Enrique, invadió Normandía y derrotó a Robert en la batalla de Tinchebrai [31], declarándose duque de Normandía el 28 de septiembre de 1106. El rey Enrique llevó a Robert en cautiverio a Inglaterra, donde Robert permaneció en prisión por el resto de su vida. Robert de Torigny registra la muerte en 1134 de "Robertus dux Normannorum filius Willermi regis ... primogenitus" y su entierro en Gloucester [32].

2. RICHARD de Normandie (Normandía [1054 o 1056] -1075 o 1081, en la Catedral de Winchester). Guillermo de Malmesbury registra que fue el segundo hijo del rey Guillermo I [34]. "El próximo nacido después de Robert", según Orderic Vitalis [35], quien, en el contexto de este pasaje, parece tener en cuenta a las hijas y a los hijos en su lista de hijos del rey, aunque, críticamente, para decidir el orden de nacimiento de los niños mayores, omite a Cecilia en esta sección. "Roberti filii sui Normannorum comitis, Richardi filii sui ..." suscribió la carta fechada en abril de 1067 bajo la cual "Willelmus ... dux Normannorum ... Anglorum rex" confirmó los derechos de la abadía de Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire [36]. Duc de Bernay, en Normandía. Según William de Malmesbury, él "

3. ADELAIDE [Adelisa] de Normandie ([1055] -7 de diciembre de 1066 o después). Orderic Vitalis registra el compromiso de Adelaide y Harold Godwinson, enumerándola después de Agatha y antes de Constance en su descripción de las carreras de las hijas del rey William [41]. Las fuentes son contradictorias sobre el nombre de la hija comprometida con Harold Godwinson, así como el momento de su muerte. La única certeza es que presumiblemente habría sido la hija mayor disponible que estaba comprometida con Harold. Mateo de París no la nombra pero enumera a su cuarta entre las hijas del rey Guillermo, mientras la distingue de la quinta hija comprometida con "Aldefonso Galiciæ regi" [42]. Guillaume de Jumièges registra que el duque Guillaume prometió a su hija Adelise a Harold, en un pasaje posterior (en el que él no repite su nombre) declarando que ella era la tercera hija y que murió virgen aunque tenía edad para casarse [43]. Chibnall especifica [44] que esta referencia está contenida en las interpolaciones escritas por Orderic Vitalis, por lo que este último cronista contradice su declaración en su propio trabajo de que Agatha era el nombre de la hija que estaba comprometida con el rey Harold. Orderic Vitalis dice que Adelaide "una doncella muy justa se prometió a Dios cuando llegó a la edad de casarse e hizo un final piadoso bajo la protección de Roger de Beaumont" [45]. La hija comprometida con Harold estaba viva a principios de 1066, según Eadmer de Canterbury [46], quien dice que el duque Guillaume solicitó al rey Harold, poco después de su adhesión, que cumpliera su promesa de casarse con su hija. William de Malmesbury contradice esto [47], quien dice que su muerte antes de la de Edward "el Confesor" fue tomada por el rey Harold II como una absolución de su juramento al duque Guillaume. Ella murió como monja en Préaux [48]. Un manuscrito de la Trinité de Caen nombra "Mathildem Anglorum reginam, nostri cœnobii fondatricem, Adilidem, Mathildem, Constantiam, filias eius" encabezando la lista de nombres de monjas en la abadía [49], que, si el orden de los nombres es significativo , indica que Adelaide era mayor que sus dos hermanas nombradas. La necrología de la catedral de Chartres registra la muerte "VII Id Dec" de "Adeliza filia regis Anglorum", afirmando que su padre hizo una donación para su alma [50]. La necrología de Saint-Nicaise de Meulan registra la muerte de "Adelina filia regis Anglorum",

Prometido ([1064/65]) a HAROLD Godwinson Earl de Wessex, hijo de GODWIN Earl de Wessex y su esposa Gytha de Dinamarca ([1022/25] -matado en la batalla Hastings 14 de octubre de 1066, bur [Waltham Abbey]), quien triunfó en 1066 como HAROLD II Rey de Inglaterra.

4. MATHILDE de Normandie (-26 de abril o 6 de julio [1113]). La necrología de Saint-Nicaise de Meulan registra la muerte "VI Kal Mai" de "Mathildis filia Willelmi regis Anglorum" [52]. Ella no es nombrada como hija del rey William por William de Malmesbury o Orderic Vitalis. No hay base para evaluar su orden de nacimiento entre las otras hijas conocidas del rey. Un manuscrito sin fecha registra la muerte "pridie nonas julias" de "abbatissam Mathildem" en el año 54 en que ocupó el cargo [53]. Los mismos nombres de fuente "Mathildem Anglorum reginam, nostri cœnobii fondatricem, Adilidem, Mathildem, Constantiam, filias eius" encabezan la lista de nombres de monjas en la abadía [54]. Si esto es correcto, e incluso suponiendo que fue nombrada abadesa como niña, Mathilde debe haber sido uno de los hijos mayores de su padre, pero más joven que su hermana Adelaide. Delisle fecha su muerte a [1113] [55], sobre la base de Orderic Vitalis que registra que su sucesor como abadesa de la Trinité de Caen, su hermana Cecilia, murió el 13 de julio de 1127 después de 14 años como abadesa [56].

5. CECILIA de Normandie (-Caen 3/13 Jul [1126/27], bur Caen, Abadía de la Santísima Trinidad). Ella es nombrada por primera vez en su lista de las hijas del rey Guillermo por Guillermo de Malmesbury y Mateo de París [57]. Orderic Vitalis, en su lista de los hijos del rey que parece colocar a los hijos e hijas juntos en orden de nacimiento [58], desafortunadamente omite a Cecilia, lo que hace que sea particularmente difícil decidir si era mayor o menor que su hermano Richard. Guillaume de Jumièges nombra a Cecile como la hija mayor, afirmando que era una monja en el convento de la Santísima Trinidad en Caen [59]. Un manuscrito en Caen nombra "Mathildem Anglorum reginam, nostri cœnobii fondatricem, Adilidem, Mathildem, Constantiam, filias eius" encabezando la lista de nombres de monjas en la abadía [60], que, si el orden de los nombres es significativo, indica que Cecilia era más joven que sus hermanas Adelaide y Mathilde. Sus padres la ofrecieron como oblato al convento de monjas de la Santísima Trinidad, Caen (fundada por su madre) el 18 de junio de 1066 [61], probablemente en parte para obtener la bendición divina para el proyecto de su padre de invadir Inglaterra. Se convirtió en monja allí en 1075 [62], siendo su tutor Arnoul de Choques, quien más tarde se convirtió en canciller de su hermano Robert "Curthose", duque de Normandía, y posteriormente Patriarca de Jerusalén [63]. Sucedió a su hermana Mathilde como abadesa de la Trinité de Caen en [1113] [64]. El Chronicon S. Stephani Cadomensis registra la muerte en 1126 de "Cecilia Abbatissa, Willelmi Regis filia" [65]. Caen (fundada por su madre) el 18 de junio de 1066 [61], probablemente en parte para obtener la bendición divina por el proyecto de su padre de invadir Inglaterra. Se convirtió en monja allí en 1075 [62], siendo su tutor Arnoul de Choques, quien más tarde se convirtió en canciller de su hermano Robert "Curthose", duque de Normandía, y posteriormente Patriarca de Jerusalén [63]. Sucedió a su hermana Mathilde como abadesa de la Trinité de Caen en [1113] [64]. El Chronicon S. Stephani Cadomensis registra la muerte en 1126 de "Cecilia Abbatissa, Willelmi Regis filia" [65]. Caen (fundada por su madre) el 18 de junio de 1066 [61], probablemente en parte para obtener la bendición divina por el proyecto de su padre de invadir Inglaterra. Se convirtió en monja allí en 1075 [62], siendo su tutor Arnoul de Choques, quien más tarde se convirtió en canciller de su hermano Robert "Curthose", duque de Normandía, y posteriormente Patriarca de Jerusalén [63]. Sucedió a su hermana Mathilde como abadesa de la Trinité de Caen en [1113] [64]. El Chronicon S. Stephani Cadomensis registra la muerte en 1126 de "Cecilia Abbatissa, Willelmi Regis filia" [65]. Sucedió a su hermana Mathilde como abadesa de la Trinité de Caen en [1113] [64]. El Chronicon S. Stephani Cadomensis registra la muerte en 1126 de "Cecilia Abbatissa, Willelmi Regis filia" [65]. Sucedió a su hermana Mathilde como abadesa de la Trinité de Caen en [1113] [64]. El Chronicon S. Stephani Cadomensis registra la muerte en 1126 de "Cecilia Abbatissa, Willelmi Regis filia" [65].

6. GUILLAUME de Normandie ([1056/60], asesinado en New Forest el 2 de agosto de 1100, en la Catedral de Winchester [66]). Guillermo de Malmesbury registra que fue el tercer hijo del rey Guillermo I [67]. Dejó el lecho de muerte de su padre en Normandía en septiembre de 1087 para correr hacia Inglaterra para reclamar el trono, sucediendo como WILLIAM II "Rufus" Rey de Inglaterra, coronado en la Abadía de Westminster el 26 de septiembre de 1087. Florencia de Worcester registra que el Rey Guillermo fue coronado "VI Kal Oct "del Rey William en la Abadía de Westminster [68]. Su reinado se caracterizó por una amarga rivalidad con su hermano Robert en Normandía, una imposición aún más severa del gobierno normando en Inglaterra que por su padre, y un creciente resentimiento por sus formas entre la nobleza. Florence of Worcester registra la muerte "IV Non Aug" del rey William en New Forest, asesinado por una flecha disparada por " Según Orderic Vitalis, "nunca tuvo una esposa legítima, pero se entregó insaciablemente a las fornicaciones obscenas y los adulterios repetidos" [71]. La necrología de Saint-Nicaise de Meulan registra la muerte "II Non Aug" de "Guillelmus rex Anglorum filius Guillelmi regis" [72]. Según Orderic Vitalis, "nunca tuvo una esposa legítima, pero se entregó insaciablemente a las fornicaciones obscenas y los adulterios repetidos" [71]. La necrología de Saint-Nicaise de Meulan registra la muerte "II Non Aug" de "Guillelmus rex Anglorum filius Guillelmi regis" [72].

7. CONSTANCE de Normandie (Normandía [1057/1061] -13 de agosto de 1090, iglesia de San Melans cerca de Rhedon). Listado por Orderic Vitalis después de Adelaide y antes de Adela en su descripción de las carreras de las hijas del rey Guillermo [73]. Nombrado primero en su lista de las hijas del rey Guillermo I por Mateo de París [74]. Guillaume de Jumièges nombra a Constance como segunda hija, nombrando a su esposo "Alain Fergant comte de la petite Bretagne et fils d'Hoel, qui avait succédé à Conan" y especificando que murió sin hijos [75]. El Chronicon Ruyensis Cœnobii registra el matrimonio en 1086 de "Alanus" y "Constantiam filiam Regis Anglorum Guillelmi" [76]. El Chronicon Kemperlegiensis registra el matrimonio en 1087 de "Alanus Hoëli Consulis filius" y "Constantiam Guillelmi Regis Anglorum filiam" [77]. El Chronicon Britannico Alter registra el matrimonio en 1088 de "Alanus" y "Constantiam filam Regis Guillelmi Anglorum" [78]. Orderic Vitalis registra que estuvo casada en Bayeux [79]. William de Malmesbury la enumera como segunda hija después de Cecilia, y agrega que "ella excitó a los habitantes [de Bretaña] por la severidad de su justicia para administrarle una poción venenosa" [80]. Orderic Vitalis, por otro lado, dice que "hizo todo lo que estaba en su poder para promover el bienestar de sus súbditos" y "estaba muy triste cuando murió" [81]. El Chronicon Britannico Alter registra la muerte en 1090 de "Constantia Alani coniux ... sine liberis" [82]. Orderic Vitalis registra que estuvo casada en Bayeux [79]. William de Malmesbury la enumera como segunda hija después de Cecilia, y agrega que "ella excitó a los habitantes [de Bretaña] por la severidad de su justicia para administrarle una poción venenosa" [80]. Orderic Vitalis, por otro lado, dice que "hizo todo lo que estaba en su poder para promover el bienestar de sus súbditos" y "estaba muy triste cuando murió" [81]. El Chronicon Britannico Alter registra la muerte en 1090 de "Constantia Alani coniux ... sine liberis" [82]. Orderic Vitalis registra que estuvo casada en Bayeux [79]. William de Malmesbury la enumera como segunda hija después de Cecilia, y agrega que "ella excitó a los habitantes [de Bretaña] por la severidad de su justicia para administrarle una poción venenosa" [80]. Orderic Vitalis, por otro lado, dice que "hizo todo lo que estaba en su poder para promover el bienestar de sus súbditos" y "estaba muy triste cuando murió" [81]. El Chronicon Britannico Alter registra la muerte en 1090 de "Constantia Alani coniux ... sine liberis" [82]. por otro lado, dice que ella "hizo todo lo que estaba en su poder para promover el bienestar de sus súbditos" y "estaba muy triste cuando murió" [81]. El Chronicon Britannico Alter registra la muerte en 1090 de "Constantia Alani coniux ... sine liberis" [82]. por otro lado, dice que ella "hizo todo lo que estaba en su poder para promover el bienestar de sus súbditos" y "estaba muy triste cuando murió" [81]. El Chronicon Britannico Alter registra la muerte en 1090 de "Constantia Alani coniux ... sine liberis" [82].

m (Bayeux [1086/88]) como su primera esposa, ALAIN IV "Fergant" Duque de Bretaña, hijo de HOËL V Comte de Cornouaille, de Léon et de Nantes y su esposa Havise heredera de Bretaña (-13 de octubre de 1119).

8. AGATHE de Normandie (-antes de 1074, la catedral de Bayeux). Listado por Orderic Vitalis después de Richard y antes de Adelaide en su descripción de las carreras de los hijos del rey Guillermo [83]. Según William de Malmesbury, una hija no identificada del rey William fue "prometida por mensajeros" al rey Alfonso [84]. Orderic Vitalis la nombra Agatha, identificándola como la hija que se había comprometido con Harold Godwinson (ver arriba), y dice que estaba comprometida con "Amfursio regi Galliciæ" [85]. Mateo de París la ubica como la quinta hija (sin nombre) comprometida con "Aldefonso Galiciæ regi", pero diferente de la hija comprometida con Harold [86]. Orderic dice que murió en el camino a España, su cuerpo fue llevado de regreso a Bayeux para su entierro [87].

Prometido (por poder Caen, Abadía de la Santísima Trinidad [antes de 1069]) a ALFONSO VI Rey de Galicia y León, hijo de FERNANDO I Rey de Castilla y su esposa Infanta doña Sancha de Léon (Compostela [1037] -Toledo 30 de junio de 1109, Bur Sahagún, León, capilla de San Mancio en el monasterio real de Santos Facundo y Primitivo). Tuvo éxito en 1072 como ALFONSO VI Rey de Castilla.

[Prometido ([después de 1069]) a SIMON du Vexin, hijo de RAOUL III "le Grand" Comte de Valois y su primera esposa Aélis de Bar-sur-Aube (- [30 sep / 1 oct] 1080 Roma, bur 1082 Roma San Pedro). La Vita Simonis graba un discurso ficticio de Guillermo I Rey de Inglaterra en el que ofrece la mano de su hija (sin nombre) a Simon, especificando que ella había estado comprometida anteriormente con "regis Hispaniarum Anfursi et Roberti principis Apuliæ" [89]. El supuesto compromiso con Robert de Apulia (que tendría que referirse a Robert "Guiscard" Duque de Apulia) no está registrado en las numerosas otras fuentes relacionadas con su vida y probablemente sea pura fantasía. Esto no infunde confianza con respecto a la precisión histórica de todo el pasaje, pero si es correcto, la hija en cuestión presumiblemente habría sido Agatha, quien probablemente era la hija del rey Guillermo comprometida con "Amfursio regi Galliciæ" (ver arriba). El conde Simon renunció a su condado en 1077, se convirtió en monje y peregrinó a Roma, donde murió [90].

9. ADELA de Normandie (Normandía [1066/67] -Marigney-sur-Loire 8 de marzo de 1138, bur Abadía de la Santísima Trinidad, Caen). Ella aparece en la lista de Orderic Vitalis, la última entre las hijas del rey Guillermo en su descripción de sus carreras [91]. Nombrado tercero en su lista de las hijas del rey Guillermo I por Mateo de París [92], pero esto parece poco probable en vista de la procreación de Adela hasta la muerte de su esposo en 1102. Su fecha de nacimiento se estima teniendo en cuenta que el matrimonio con frecuencia tomó lugar en la adolescencia temprana en ese momento, y también porque Adela claramente continuó teniendo hijos hasta la muerte de su esposo. Orderic Vitalis registra que ella alentó a su esposo a unirse a la Primera Cruzada y no ocultó su vergüenza cuando él desertó de Antioch en 1098 [93]. Regente de Blois 1102-1107, después de la muerte de su esposo. Se convirtió en monja en el convento cluniacense de Marigney-sur-Loire en [1122]. La necrología de la catedral de Chartres registra la muerte "VIII Id Mar" de "Adela comitissa" [94], y en otro manuscrito la muerte "VIII Id Mar" de "Adela nobilis Blesensium comitissa regis Anglorum Willelmi filia" [95]. m (Betrothed Breteuil [96] 1080, Chartres70 1081) ETIENNE [Henri] de Blois, hijo de THIBAUT III Comte de Blois y su [primera / segunda esposa Gersende de Maine / Gundrada ---] (asesinado en la batalla Ramleh 19 de mayo 1102). Sucedió a su padre en 1089 como ETIENNE Comte de Blois, de Chartres, de Châteaudun, de Sancerre et de Meaux. y en otro manuscrito la muerte "VIII Id Mar" de "Adela nobilis Blesensium comitissa regis Anglorum Willelmi filia" [95]. m (Betrothed Breteuil [96] 1080, Chartres70 1081) ETIENNE [Henri] de Blois, hijo de THIBAUT III Comte de Blois y su [primera / segunda esposa Gersende de Maine / Gundrada ---] (asesinado en la batalla Ramleh 19 de mayo 1102). Sucedió a su padre en 1089 como ETIENNE Comte de Blois, de Chartres, de Châteaudun, de Sancerre et de Meaux. y en otro manuscrito la muerte "VIII Id Mar" de "Adela nobilis Blesensium comitissa regis Anglorum Willelmi filia" [95]. m (Betrothed Breteuil [96] 1080, Chartres70 1081) ETIENNE [Henri] de Blois, hijo de THIBAUT III Comte de Blois y su [primera / segunda esposa Gersende de Maine / Gundrada ---] (asesinado en la batalla Ramleh 19 de mayo 1102). Sucedió a su padre en 1089 como ETIENNE Comte de Blois, de Chartres, de Châteaudun, de Sancerre et de Meaux.

a) ETIENNE de Blois (Blois [1096/97] -Dover 25 de octubre 1154, bur Faversham Abbey, Kent). Después de la muerte de su tío Enrique I, rey de Inglaterra, cruzó de inmediato a Inglaterra antes que su rival, la hija del rey Enrique, Maud, y se coronó a sí mismo como STEPHEN Rey de Inglaterra en la Abadía de Westminster el 22 de diciembre de 1135.

- otros niños: COMTES de BLOIS.

10. HENRY de Inglaterra (Selby, Yorkshire Sep 1068-Saint-Denis le Ferment, Forêt d'Angers cerca de Rouen 1/2 de diciembre de 1135, bur Reading Abbey, Berkshire). Orderic Vitalis registra que Henry nació "dentro de un año" de la coronación de su madre el 11 de mayo de 1068 [97]. Sucedió a su hermano el 3 de agosto de 1100 como HENRY I "Beauclerc" Rey de Inglaterra.


Según la leyenda, Matilda (o "Maud") le dijo al representante de William, duque de Normandía (más tarde rey de Inglaterra como Guillermo el Conquistador), quien había venido pidiendo su mano, que ella era demasiado alta (descendiente). del rey Alfredo el Grande de Inglaterra) para considerar casarse con un bastardo. Cuando se le repitió eso, William cabalgó de Normandía a Brujas, encontró a Matilda camino a la iglesia, la arrastró de su caballo con sus largas trenzas, la arrojó a la calle frente a sus atónitos asistentes y luego se alejó. Otra versión de la historia afirma que William cabalgó hasta la casa del padre de Matilda en Lille, la arrojó al suelo en su habitación (nuevamente, por las trenzas) y la golpeó (o la sacudió violentamente) antes de irse. Baldwin, naturalmente, se ofendió por esto, pero, antes de sacar las espadas, Matilda resolvió el asunto. [1] al decidir casarse con él, e incluso una prohibición papal (por razones de consanguinidad) no la disuadió. Se casaron en 1053.

Hubo rumores de que Matilda había estado enamorada del embajador inglés en Flandes, un sajón llamado Brihtric, quien rechazó sus avances. Independientemente de la verdad del asunto, años después, cuando actuaba como regente de William en Inglaterra, usó su autoridad para confiscar las tierras de Brihtric y arrojarlo a prisión, donde murió.

Cuando William se preparaba para invadir Inglaterra, Matilda equipó un barco, el Mora, con su propio dinero y se lo dio. Durante muchos años se pensó que ella tuvo cierta participación en la creación del Tapiz Bayeux (comúnmente llamado La Tapisserie de la Reine Mathilde en francés), pero los historiadores ya no creen eso; parece haber sido comisionado por el medio hermano de William, Odo, obispo de Bayeux, y realizado por artistas ingleses en Kent.

Matilda dio a luz once hijos a William, y se creía que le había sido fiel, al menos hasta el momento en que su hijo Robert se rebeló contra su padre y Matilda se puso del lado de Robert contra William. Después de su muerte, en 1083 a la edad de 51 años, William se volvió tiránico, y la gente lo atribuyó a que la había perdido. Contrariamente a la creencia de que fue enterrada en St. Stephen's, también llamada l'Abbaye-aux-Hommes en Caen, Normandía, donde William finalmente fue enterrada, es enterrada en l'Abbaye aux Dames, que es la iglesia Sainte-Trinité. , también en Caen. De particular interés es la losa del siglo XI, una elegante piedra negra decorada con su epitafio, que marca su tumba en la parte trasera de la iglesia. Es de especial interés ya que el marcador de la tumba de William fue reemplazado tan recientemente como a principios del siglo XIX. En 1961 se abrieron sus tumbas y se midieron sus huesos, lo que demuestra su estatura física. [2]

Existe alguna duda sobre cuántas hijas hubo. Esta lista incluye algunas entradas que son oscuras.

Robert Curthose (c. 1054-1134), duque de Normandía, casado con Sybil de Conversano, hija de Geoffrey de Conversano
Adeliza (o Alicia) (c. 1055 -?), Según los informes, se comprometió con Harold II de Inglaterra (su existencia está en duda).
Cecilia (o Cecily) (c. 1056-1126), abadesa de la Santísima Trinidad, Caen
William Rufus (1056-1100), rey de los ingleses
Richard, duque de Bernay (1057 - c. 1081), asesinado por un ciervo en New Forest
Alison (o Ali) (1056-c. 1090), una vez fue anunciada como la dama más bella, murió soltera.
Adela (c. 1062-1138), casada con Stephen, conde de Blois
Agatha (c. 1064 - c. 1080), comprometida con (1) Harold de Wessex, (2) Alfonso VI de Castilla
Constanza (c. 1066-1090), casada con Alan IV Fergent, duque de Bretaña; envenenado, posiblemente por sus propios sirvientes
Matilda (muy oscura, su existencia está en duda)
Henry Beauclerc (1068–1135), rey de Inglaterra, casado (1) Edith de Escocia, hija de Malcolm III, rey de Escocia, (2) Adeliza de Lovaina
Gundred (c. 1063 - 1085), esposa de William de Warenne (c. 1055 - 1088), antes se consideraba como otra de las hijas de Matilda, con especulaciones de que era la hija completa de William I, una hijastra o incluso una hija fundadora o adoptada. Sin embargo, esta conexión con William I ahora ha sido firmemente desacreditada; consulte la página de discusión de Gundred para obtener más información.

Matilda era un descendiente directo de séptima generación de Alfred el Grande. Su matrimonio con William fortaleció su reclamo al trono. Todos los soberanos de Inglaterra, Gran Bretaña y el Reino Unido descienden directamente de ella, incluida la reina Isabel II.

En 1819 y 1959 se examinó el esqueleto incompleto de Matilda en Francia, y se midieron sus huesos para determinar su altura. La estimación de 1819 tenía menos de cinco pies, mientras que la estimación de 1959 tenía 5 '(152 cm) de altura. Una altura reputada de 4'2 "(127 cm) apareció en algún momento después de 1959 en la literatura no científica, tergiversando la medición de 1959.

Con el tiempo, la tumba de Matilda fue profanada y su ataúd original destruido. Sus restos se colocaron en una caja sellada y se volvieron a enterrar debajo de la losa negra original. En 1959, se examinó el esqueleto incompleto de Matilda y se midieron su fémur y tibia para determinar su altura utilizando métodos antropométricos. Su altura era de 5 pies (1,52 m), una altura normal para la época, sin embargo, como resultado de este examen, se informó erróneamente que era de 4 pies y 2 pulgadas (1,27 m), lo que llevó al mito de que era extremadamente pequeña.

^ Hilliam, Paul (2005). Guillermo el conquistador: primer rey normando de Inglaterra. Nueva York, Nueva York: Rosen Publishing Group, 20. ISBN 1-4042-0166-1.
^ El año del conquistador por Alan Lloyd, página 75
En la cultura popular
Su amor por su esposo se menciona en la obra galardonada, Angels in America.

En la pantalla, Jane Wenham interpretó a Matilda en la obra de televisión de la BBC Conquest (1966), parte de la serie Theatre 625, y Anna Calder-Marshall en el drama televisivo Blood Royal: William the Conqueror (1990).

Acostumbrada a decir lo que piensa y salirse con la suya, se dice que la Reina Matilde (o "Maud") le dijo al representante de William, duque de Normandía (más tarde rey de Inglaterra como Guillermo el Conquistador), quien había venido pidiéndole su mano. , que ella era demasiado noble (descendiente del rey Alfredo el Grande de Inglaterra) para considerar casarse con un bastardo. Cuando se le repitió eso, William, de 5'10 ", cabalgó de Normandía a Brujas, encontró a Matilda camino a la iglesia, la arrastró fuera de su caballo (algunos decían por sus largas trenzas), la arrojó a la calle delante de sus atónitos asistentes, y luego se alejó. Otra versión dice que William fue a la casa del padre de Matilda en Lille, la arrojó al suelo en su habitación (nuevamente, por las trenzas) y la golpeó (o la sacudió violentamente) antes de irse. Naturalmente, Baldwin se ofendió por esto, pero antes de que sacaran espadas, Matilda resolvió el asunto. Independientemente de la historia, ella decidió casarse con él, e incluso una prohibición papal (por razones de consanguinidad) no la disuadió. Se casaron en 1053.

Hubo rumores de que Matilda había estado enamorada del embajador inglés en Flandes, un sajón llamado Brihtric, quien rechazó sus avances. Independientemente de la verdad del asunto, años después, cuando actuaba como regente de William en Inglaterra, usó su autoridad para confiscar las tierras de Brihtric y arrojarlo a prisión, donde murió.

Cuando William se preparaba para invadir Inglaterra, Matilda equipó un barco, el Mora, con su propio dinero y se lo dio. Durante muchos años se pensó que ella tenía algo que ver con la creación del Tapiz de Bayeux, pero los historiadores ya no creen eso; parece haber sido comisionado por el medio hermano de William, Odo, obispo de Bayeux, y realizado por sajones en Kent.

Matilda dio a luz once hijos a William, y se creía que le había sido fiel, al menos hasta el momento en que su hijo Robert se rebeló contra su padre y Matilda se puso del lado de Robert contra William. Después de su muerte, en 1083 a la edad de 51 años, William se volvió tiránico, y la gente lo atribuyó a que la había perdido. Contrariamente a la creencia de que fue enterrada en St. Stephen's, también llamada l'Abbaye-aux-Hommes en Caen, Normandía, donde William finalmente fue enterrada, es enterrada en l'Abbaye aux Dames, que es la iglesia Sainte-Trinité. , también en Caen. De particular interés es la losa del siglo XI, una elegante piedra negra decorada con su epitafio, que marca su tumba en la parte trasera de la iglesia. Es de especial interés ya que el marcador de la tumba de William fue reemplazado tan recientemente como a principios del siglo XIX. Años después,

Matilde de Flandes:
MATILDA, reina de Inglaterra, de 1066 a 1083, esposa de Guillermo I, rey de Inglaterra, (alias, William The Conqueror) era la hija de Baudouin V, conde de Flandes (Francia), y la sexta descendiente de Elfrida, hija de Alfred el Grande.

ROBERT 2 CORTOS, DUQUE DE NORMANDIA, b. 1052, Normandía, Francia; re. 10 de febrero de 1133/34, Cardiff, Glamorganshire, Gales.
Abadesa de Caen CECILIA, b. 1056, Normandía, Francia; re. 30 de julio de 1126, Caen, Calvados, Francia.
PRÍNCIPE DE INGLATERRA RICHARD, b. 1057, Normandía, Francia; re. 1081, New Forest, Hampshire, Inglaterra.
WILLIAMII, RUFUS, REY DE INGLATERRA, b. 1060, Normandía, Francia; re. 2 de agosto de 1100, New Forest, Hampshire, Inglaterra.

WILLIAM II, llamado Rufus (1060? -1100), rey de Inglaterra (1087-1100), que extendió su poder a Normandía y Escocia. Fue el tercer hijo de Guillermo el Conquistador, rey de Inglaterra, quien en su lecho de muerte lo nombró como su sucesor en Inglaterra, dejando el ducado de Normandía a su hijo mayor, Robert (1054? -1134). William Rufus, como se lo conocía por su complexión rojiza, fue coronado en la Abadía de Westminster en 1087. Al año siguiente, el tío de William, Odo, obispo de Bayeux (1036? -97), encabezó una rebelión de barones normandos que intentaron destronarlo en favor de Robert. Los súbditos ingleses de William, creyendo sus promesas de impuestos menos opresivos y leyes más liberales, lo ayudaron a sofocar la revuelta. El rey, a pesar de sus promesas, continuó aplicando una política interna que era dura y venosa.

Matilda nació alrededor de 1031, hija de Baudouin V, conde de Flandes y Adèle de France. Se sabe muy poco sobre sus primeros años. Su descendencia del rey inglés Alfred 'el Grande' fue una de las razones por las que William, duque de Normandía, la buscó en matrimonio. Aparentemente ella lo rechazó, ya que no quería casarse con un bastardo. Furioso, William forzó la entrada a su habitación y la golpeó. Este comportamiento poco convencional la llevó a cambiar de opinión y se casaron en 1051, aunque tuvieron que esperar hasta 1059 antes de recibir la dispensación papal.

William confiaba mucho en ella y ella actuaba como regente en Normandía cada vez que él estaba ausente. Después de la conquista de Inglaterra fue coronada reina de William en Winchester. Ella fue al norte de Inglaterra con él y en Selby dio a luz al futuro rey Enrique I, probablemente su décimo u undécimo hijo. En 1069 regresó al ducado de Normandía, donde permaneció a cargo.

Cuando se enfermó en 1083, William se apresuró a ir desde Inglaterra para estar con ella. Ella murió el 2 de noviembre de 1083 en Caen y fue enterrada allí.

De particular interés es la losa del siglo XI, una elegante piedra negra decorada con su epitafio, que marca su tumba en la parte trasera de la iglesia. Es de especial interés ya que el marcador de la tumba de William fue reemplazado tan recientemente como a principios del siglo XIX. Años después, se abrieron sus tumbas y se midieron sus huesos, lo que demuestra su estatura física.

Existe alguna duda sobre cuántas hijas hubo. Esta lista incluye algunas entradas que son oscuras.

Robert Curthose (c. 1054-1134), duque de Normandía, casado con Sybil de Conversano, hija de Geoffrey de Conversano
Adeliza (o Alicia) (c. 1055 -?), Según los informes, se comprometió con Harold II de Inglaterra (su existencia está en duda).
Cecilia (o Cecily) (c. 1056-1126), abadesa de la Santísima Trinidad, Caen
William Rufus (1056-1100), rey de los ingleses
Richard, duque de Bernay (1057 - c. 1081), asesinado por un ciervo en New Forest
Alison (o Ali) (1056-c. 1090), una vez fue anunciada como la dama más bella, murió soltera.
Adela (c. 1062-1138), casada con Stephen, conde de Blois
Agatha (c. 1064 - c. 1080), comprometida con (1) Harold de Wessex, (2) Alfonso VI de Castilla
Constanza (c. 1066-1090), casada con Alan IV Fergent, duque de Bretaña; envenenado, posiblemente por sus propios sirvientes
Matilda (muy oscura, su existencia está en duda)
Henry Beauclerc (1068–1135), rey de Inglaterra, casado (1) Edith de Escocia, hija de Malcolm III, rey de Escocia, (2) Adeliza de Lovaina
Gundred (c. 1063 - 1085), esposa de William de Warenne (c. 1055 - 1088), antes se consideraba como otra de las hijas de Matilda, con especulaciones de que era la hija completa de William I, una hijastra o incluso una hija fundadora o adoptada. Sin embargo, esta conexión con William I ahora ha sido firmemente desacreditada; consulte la página de discusión de Gundred para obtener más información.

Matilda era un descendiente directo de séptima generación de Alfred el Grande. Su matrimonio con William fortaleció su reclamo al trono. Todos los soberanos de Inglaterra descienden directamente de ella, incluida la reina Isabel II.

Nacimiento: ABT 1031, Flandes
Muerte: 2 de noviembre de 1083, Caen, Calvados, Francia
Entierro: Iglesia de la Santísima Trinidad, Caen, Calvados, Francia

Biografi på svenska
Matilda från Flandern, född ca. 1031, perro 1083, var en engelsk drottning, gift med William the Conqueror.

Hon var dotter hasta grev Balduin V i Flandern och Adela Capet, dotter hasta Robert II i Frankrike.

Matilda, som var en bortskämd ung dam, brukade uttrycka sin åsikt och få vad hon ville, tillkännagav William av Normandys representante som kom för att be henne om att hon hade en alltför stor börda (som en ättling hasta Alfred den Storav) en Alfred den Storav en Alfred den Storav) att gifta sig med en jävel. När detta se prepara en William William, desde Han Normandie hasta Brugge där han hittade Henne på väg hasta Kyrkan. Han borde ha dragit Matilda ur sadeln, bärd av hennes dyrbara kostym, sparkat på henne och på modernt språk "gett henne en runda" innan han kastade henne på vägen framför sin fars tjänare och sedan åkte bort. Därefter beslutade hon att gifta sig med honom, och till och med ett förbud från påven avskräckte henne inte.

Det fanns rykten om att Matilda var förälskad i den engelska ambassadören i Flandern, en sax så blek att han nästan var en albino, med namnet Brihtric (som också kallades "Snow") och redan gift.

Ändå - som många andra kvinnor, pisado Matilda att "erövrade" av en mäktig hombre - hombres det tog fem år innan bröllopet stannade, hombres sedán med stor pumpning och stående krönades hon 1068 i Winchester och betraktas som Englandstig första "dr.

Oavsett om det fanns någon sanning om hon var förälskad i Brihtric eller inte, använde hon senare sin makt som drottningen av England för att konfiskera Brihtrics landområden (utan formella anklagelser, än mindre en rättegång) s u or kärger u or u obte , kanske förgiftning.

När William förberedde sig på att invadera England, utrustade hon ett skepp Mora för sina egna pengar och gav honom. Bajo många år tros hon vara involverad i skapandet av Bayeux-vävnaden, hombres historiker tror inte längre detta; det verkar ha beställts av Williams halvbror Odo, biskopen av Bayeux och gjord av sax i Kent.

Matilda ha tio granero och Vilhelm responde ha varit trogen mot henne, åtminstone tills deras son Robert gjorde uppror mot sin far och hon tog sitt parti mot Vilhelm. Han förlitade sig hårt på henne och tillät henne att dela sina framgångar.

Vid hennes död 1083 blev William tyrannisk och folket skyllde det för hans förlust av henne. Hon begravdes i St. Stephen's i Caen, Normandie (i nuvarande Frankrike) och William begravdes senare vid hennes sida. Många år senare öppnades gravarna och benen mättes och därför kan vi veta hur länge de var.

Det råder tvivel om hur många döttrar de hade. Denna lista innehåller några tvivelaktiga noteringar.

Robert Curthose (ca. 1054–1134), hertig av Normandie, gm Sybil av Conversano, dotter hasta Geoffrey av Conversano
Adeliza (eller Alice) (ca. 1055–?), Hon ska ha varit trolovad med Harald II av England (Det råder vissa tvivel om hennes existens)
Cecilia (o Cecily) (ca. 1056–1126), abbedissa i Holy Trinity, Caen
Vilhelm Rufus (1056–1100), kung av Inglaterra
Richard (1057-ca.1081), dödad av en kronhjort i New Forest
Adela (ca. 1062–1138), gm Stephen, greve av Blois
Agatha (ca. 1064 – c. 1080), trolovad med (1) Harald av Wessex, (2) Alfons VI av Kastilien
Constanza (ca. 1066-1090), gm Alan IV Fergent, hertig av Bretagne; förgiftad, möjligen av sina egna tjänare
Matilda (mycket tvivel råder kring hennes existens)
Henry Beauclerc (1068–1135), kung av England, gm (1) Matilda (eller Edith) av Skottland, dotter hasta Malcolm III av Skottland, (2) Adeliza av Louvain
Den här artikeln är hämtad från Matilda av Flanders (Wikipedia - svenska) .

Maud Le-Vieux coronó a Matilde de Flandes (c. 1031 - 2 de noviembre de 1083) fue la reina consorte del Reino de Inglaterra y la esposa de Guillermo I el Conquistador.

Reina consorte de los ingleses; Duquesa de normandia

Consort 25 de diciembre de 1066 - 2 de noviembre de 1083

Consorte a Guillermo I el Conquistador

Niños, entre otros temas

Robert III Curthose

Guillermo II Rufo

Adela, condesa de Blois

Henry I Beauclerc

Casa Real Casa de Normandía

Padre: Baldwin V, Conde de Flandes
Madre: Adela Capet

Precedido por

Edith de Wessex Reina consorte de los ingleses

25 de diciembre de 1066 - 2 de noviembre de 1083 Sucedido por

Matilde de Escocia

[S106] Sitio web de Royal Genealogies (ROYAL92.GED), en línea . En lo sucesivo citado como el sitio web de Royal Genealogies.

[S11] Alison Weir, la familia real de Gran Bretaña: una genealogía completa (Londres, Reino Unido: The Bodley Head, 1999), página 41. En lo sucesivo, citado como la familia real de Gran Bretaña.

[S11] Alison Weir, la familia real de Gran Bretaña, página 42.

[S45] Marcelo Donald R. von Redlich, Pedigríes de algunos de los descendientes del emperador Carlomagno, volumen I (1941; reimpresión, Baltimore, Maryland, EE. UU .: Genealogical Publishing Company, 2002), página 56. En lo sucesivo, citado como Pedigríes del emperador Carlomagno, YO.

Biografia en Español
Matilde de Flandes (c. 1032 - Caen; 2 de noviembre de 1083), noble flamenca, hija única de los tres hijos nacidos del matrimonio entre Balduino V "de Lille", conde de Flandes y Adela de Flandes - hija. de Roberto II de Francia y nieta de Hugo Capeto.

Se casó en 1052, con el entonces duque Guillermo de Normandía, en la catedral de Notre-Dame de Eu. William más tarde se cambió en el Rey de Inglaterra en 1066, para ser conocido como Guillermo I el Conquistador.

Aunque al principio se negó a casarse con Guillermo por su calidad de bastardo y por ser ella misma de noble ascendencia: era descendiente de Alfredo el Grande, pero estuvo de acuerdo con el matrimonio cuando el joven duque demostró su coraje fácilmente secuestrándola. Camino a la iglesia donde solía rezar. Sin embargo, Guillermo la deja libre, demostrando honor y caballerosidad. Incluso el edicto papal que prohibió el matrimonio debido a su parentesco no podría disuadirlo de no casarse con él.

Al parecer, el matrimonio no se convirtió en una unión romántica, ya que Matilde se había enamorado localmente del embajador inglés en Flandes, un sajón llamado Brihtric, quien estaba casado. Este hecho no se ha detectado históricamente, pero la realidad es que, años más tarde, una vez reina de Inglaterra, y siendo regente del reino en ausencia de William, detectando su poder para despojar a Brihtric de todos sus bienes y encarcelarlo, muriendo así . Uno poco después, posiblemente envenenado.

Cuando William se preparaba para invadir Inglaterra, Matilde compró un código de barras, "Mora", con su propio dinero y lo regaló. Durante muchos años se creía que era la autora del famoso tapiz de Bayeux, pero los estudios modernos afirman que el verdadero autor del lienzo era el hermanastro de William, Odo, obispo de Bayeux, quien se lo había encargado a los sajones de Kent.

Matilde y Guillermo tuvieron un total de 11 hijos, y suponen que él fue un esposo leal y amoroso, hasta el momento en que el hijo mayor, Roberto, se rebela contra su padre, y Matilde toma partido por él contra su esposo.

Murió en Caen, el 2 de noviembre de 1083, a los 51 años de edad, siendo enterrada en la abadía de San Esteban de Caen, en Normandía

English (default) edit | history
Matilde Maud de Flandre (van Vlaanderen), Matilda of Flanders, styled Queen Consort Matilda of England on 11 May 1068.

Matilda of Flanders (c. 1031 – 2 November 1083) was Queen consort of the Kingdom of England and the wife of Guillaume (William) I the Conqueror, King of England and Duke of Normandy

She was the daughter of Count Baldwin V of Flanders, and Adèle (1000-1078/9), daughter of Robert II of France.

Parents: Baudouin V 'le Pieux', Comte de Flandre & Alix Capet
Spouse: Guillaume (William) I the Conqueror, king of England and Duke of Normandy

Robert Curthose (c. 1054 – 1134), married Sybil of Conversano
Adeliza (or Alice) (c. 1055 – ?), uncertain
Cecilia (or Cecily) (c. 1056 – 1126)
William Rufus (1056 – 1100)
Richard, Duke of Bernay (1057 – c. 1081)
Alison (or Ali) (1056 -c. 1090)
Adela (c. 1062 – 1138), married Etienne de Blois
Agatha(c. 1064 – c. 1080)
Constance (c. 1066 – 1090), married Alan IV Fergent
Matilda (very obscure, her existence is in some doubt)
Henry Beauclerc (1068–1135)
There is NO evidence she married a Gerbod as well - see comments

Flanders, Counts
Kings of England, 1066-1837
Matilda of Flanders (Wikipedia Eng)
Mathilde de Flandre (Wikipedia Fr)
Genealogics ~ Leo van de Pas - continued by Ian Fettes
Descendants of William the Conqueror & Matilda of Flanders - Karen (Johnson) Fish
MATHILDE de Flandre ([1032]-Caen 2 Nov 1083, bur Caen, Abbey of Holy Trinity). The Genealogica Comitum Flandriæ Bertiniana names (in order) "Balduinum Haanoniensem, et Robdbertum cognomento postea Iherosolimitanum, et Matilde uxorem Guillelmi regis Anglorum" as the children of "Balduinum Insulanum [et] Adelam"[249]. Her parentage is also stated by Orderic Vitalis[250].

Florence of Worcester records that "comitissa Mahtilda de Normannia" came to England 23 Mar [1068] and was crowned "die Pentecostes [11 May]" by Aldred Archbishop of York[251]. Orderic Vitalis also records that she was crowned queen of England 11 May 1068[252], presumably at Westminster Abbey or Winchester Cathedral although this appears to be unrecorded. Queen Matilda acted as regent in Normandy during her husband's absences in England.

The necrology of the abbey of Saint-Denis records the death "IV Non Nov" of "Matildis Anglorum regina"[253]. Guillaume de Jumièges records the burial of Queen Mathilde on 3 Nov 1081 at Holy Trinity, Caen[254]. Florence of Worcester records the death "IV Non Nov" in [1083] of "regina Mahtilda" in Normandy and her burial at Caen[255].

She married:

GUILLAUME de Normandie, illegitimate son of ROBERT II Duke of Normandy & his mistress Arlette --- (Château de Falaise, Normandy [1027/28]-Rouen, Prioré de Saint-Gervais 9 Sep 1087, bur Caen, Abbé de Saint-Etienne). His birth date is estimated from William of Malmesbury, according to whom Guillaume was born of a concubine and was seven years old when his father left for Jerusalem[1], and Orderic Vitalis, who states that he was eight years old at the time[2].

Deville suggests that Guillaume´s birthdate can be fixed more precisely to [mid-1027], taking into account that his father Robert occupied Falaise immediately after the death of his father Duke Richard II (23 Aug 1026), not wishing to accept the authority of his older brother Duke Richard III, but that Robert´s stay was short as the two brothers were reconciled soon after, it being reasonable to suppose that Robert´s relationship with Guillaume´s mother occurred soon after his arrival at Falaise[3].

According to Orderic Vitalis, Alain III Duke of Brittany was appointed his guardian during his father's absence in 1035[4]. He succeeded his father in 1035 as GUILLAUME II Duke of Normandy. He helped Henri I King of France defeat Geoffroy II "Martel" Comte d'Anjou at Mouliherne in [1045/55][5]. It appears that Edward "the Confessor" King of England acknowledged Guillaume as successor to the English throne on several occasions, maybe for the first time during his visit to England in 1051 which is recorded in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle[6].

Comte de Maine in 1063, after he conquered the county. In [1064/65], Duke Guillaume interceded with Guy de Ponthieu Comte d'Abbeville to secure the release of Harold Godwinsson from captivity in Normandy, in return for Harold's acknowledgement of Guillaume as successor to the English crown (according to the portrayal of the event in the Bayeux tapestry). Harold Godwinsson's visit to Normandy, and swearing allegiance to Duke William, is recorded by William of Jumièges[7]. According to Eadmer of Canterbury, the reason for his visit was to negotiate the release of his brother Wulfnoth and nephew Haakon, both of whom had been hostages in Normandy since 1051.

On his deathbed, King Edward "the Confessor" bequeathed the kingdom of England to Harold Godwinsson. Duke Guillaume branded Harold a perjurer and appealed to Pope Alexander II for support. After receiving a papal banner in response to his request, William gathered a sizable army during summer 1066 in preparation for invasion. After some delay due to unfavourable weather conditions, the army set sail for England from Saint-Valéry-sur-Somme 28 Sep 1066[8]. William defeated and killed King Harold at Hastings 14 Oct 1066[9], marched north to Canterbury, then west to Winchester where he captured the royal treasury. He proceeded to London where he was crowned 25 Dec 1066 as WILLIAM I "the Conqueror" King of England at Westminster Abbey, possibly by Ealdred Archbishop of York who may have officiated because of doubts concerning the validity of the appointment of Stigand as Archbishop of Canterbury. The latter had received his pallium in 1058 from Pope Benedict X, later regarded as anti-Pope, an appointment which had not been regularised by Pope Alexander II. He was crowned again at Winchester 1070 with a Papal crown. After taking several years to subdue the whole country, he imposed the Norman feudal structure and rule everywhere with methodical and harsh persistence.

The minute description of the country contained in the Domesday Book, completed in 1086, enabled King William to create an effective tax base He died from wounds received at the siege of Mantes, having been injured internally after being thrown against the pommel of his saddle[10], leaving Normandy to his eldest son Robert and England to his second surviving son William. Guillaume de Jumièges records the death of King William at Rouen on 9 Sep and his burial at Saint-Etienne, Caen[11]. Florence of Worcester records the death "Id Sep V" of King William and his burial "Cadomi in ecclesia S Stephani Protomartyris"[12].

m (Eu, Cathedral of Notre Dame [1050/52]) MATHILDE de Flandre, daughter of BAUDOUIN V "le Pieux/Insulanus" Count of Flanders & his wife Adela de France ([1032]-Caen 2 Nov 1083, bur Caen, Abbey of Holy Trinity).

The Genealogica Comitum Flandriæ Bertiniana names (in order) "Balduinum Haanoniensem, et Robdbertum cognomento postea Iherosolimitanum, et Matilde uxorem Guillelmi regis Anglorum" as the children of "Balduinum Insulanum [et] Adelam"[13]. Her parentage is also stated by Orderic Vitalis[14]. She founded the abbey of la Trinité at Caen, as confirmed by an undated manuscript which records the death "pridie nonas julias" of "abbatissam Mathildem" in the 54th year in which she held the position and names "Mathildem Anglorum reginam, nostri cœnobii fondatricem, Adilidem, Mathildem, Constantiam, filias eius" heading the list of the names of nuns at the abbey[15].

Florence of Worcester records that "comitissa Mahtilda de Normannia" came to England 23 Mar [1068] and was crowned "die Pentecostes [11 May]" by Aldred Archbishop of York[16]. Orderic Vitalis also records that she was crowned Queen of England 11 May 1068[17], presumably at Westminster Abbey or Winchester Cathedral although this appears to be unrecorded. Queen Matilda acted as regent in Normandy during her husband's absences in England. The necrology of the abbey of Saint-Denis records the death "IV Non Nov" of "Matildis Anglorum regina"[18].

Guillaume de Jumièges records the burial of Queen Mathilde on 3 Nov 1081 at Holy Trinity, Caen[19]. Florence of Worcester records the death "IV Non Nov" in [1083] of "regina Mahtilda" in Normandy and her burial at Caen[20].

William & Matilda had ten recorded children:
1. ROBERT de Normandie (Normandy [1052/54]-Cardiff Castle [3] Feb 1134, bur Gloucester Cathedral[21]). William of Malmesbury names Robert as eldest son of King William I[22]. "Roberti filii sui Normannorum comitis, Richardi filii sui…" subscribed the charter dated Apr 1067 under which "Willelmus…dux Normannorum…Anglorum rex" confirmed rights to the abbey of Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire[23].

Orderic Vitalis records that, after unsuccessfully aspiring to govern Normandy and Maine during the lifetime of his father, Robert rebelled in 1079 and went into exile in Flanders[24]. William of Malmesbury and Orderic Vitalis both state that he was assisted in his rebellion by Philippe I King of France and that he wounded his father in battle at Gerberoy[25]. He succeeded his father in 1087 as ROBERT “Curthose” Duke of Normandy, his nickname due, according to William of Malmesbury and Orderic Vitalis, to his short stature which he presumably inherited from his mother who was also reputed to have been very short[26]. He joined the contingent of Robert II Count of Flanders on the First Crusade in Sep 1096, together with Etienne Comte de Blois, after pledging the duchy of Normandy to his brother King William for 10,000 marks of silver in order to fund the expedition[27]. Following the capture of Jerusalem, Robert left Palestine to return to Europe in Sep 1099[28]. On returning to Normandy in Autumn 1100, he recovered his duchy without opposition[29]. He landed at Portsmouth in 1102 aiming to displace his brother King Henry I as king of England, but was persuaded to return to Normandy on payment of 3,000 marks[30]. His brother King Henry invaded Normandy and defeated Robert at the battle of Tinchebrai[31], declaring himself duke of Normandy 28 Sep 1106. King Henry took Robert in captivity back to England, where Robert remained in prison for the rest of his life. Robert of Torigny records the death in 1134 of "Robertus dux Normannorum filius Willermi regis…primogenitus" and his burial at Gloucester[32]. The Continuator of Florence of Worcester records the death at Cardiff in [1134] of "Rotbertus frater regis Heinrici quondam comes Normanniæ" and his burial in Gloucester[33].

2. RICHARD de Normandie (Normandy [1054 or 1056]-1075 or 1081, bur Winchester Cathedral). William of Malmesbury records that he was the second son of King William I[34]. "The next-born after Robert" according to Orderic Vitalis[35] who, from the context of this passage appears to be taking into account daughters as well as sons in his list of the king's children although, critically for deciding the birth order of the older children, he omits Cecilia in this section. "Roberti filii sui Normannorum comitis, Richardi filii sui…" subscribed the charter dated Apr 1067 under which "Willelmus…dux Normannorum…Anglorum rex" confirmed rights to the abbey of Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire[36]. Duc de Bernay, in Normandy. According to William of Malmesbury, he "contracted a disorder from a stream of foul air while hunting deer in the New Forest"[37]. Florence of Worcester records that "Willelmi iunioris germanus Ricardus" was killed in the New Forest long before, when recording the death of his brother King William II[38]. Orderic Vitalis recounts that "when a youth who had not yet received the belt of knighthood, had gone hunting in the New Forest and whilst he was galloping in pursuit of a wild beast he had been badly crushed between a strong hazel branch and the pommel of his saddle, and mortally injured" dying soon after[39]. Guillaume de Jumièges records a similar, but less specific, story, saying that Richard was hunting, knocked himself against a tree, fell ill and died from his injury[40].

3. ADELAIDE [Adelisa] de Normandie ([1055]-7 Dec, 1066 or after). Orderic Vitalis records the betrothal of Adelaide and Harold Godwinson, listing her after Agatha and before Constance in his description of the careers of the daughters of King William[41]. The sources are contradictory concerning the name of the daughter betrothed to Harold Godwinson, as well as the timing of her death. The only near certainty is that it would presumably have been the oldest available daughter who was betrothed to Harold. Matthew of Paris does not name her but lists her fourth among the daughters of King William, while distinguishing her from the fifth daughter betrothed to "Aldefonso Galiciæ regi"[42]. Guillaume de Jumièges records that Duke Guillaume betrothed his daughter Adelise to Harold, in a later passage (in which he does not repeat her name) stating that she was the third daughter and that she died a virgin although she was of an age to marry[43]. Chibnall specifies[44] that this reference is contained in the interpolations written by Orderic Vitalis, the latter chronicler therefore contradicting his statement in his own work that Agatha was the name of the daughter who was betrothed to King Harold. Orderic Vitalis says that Adelaide "a most fair maiden vowed herself to God when she reached marriageable age and made a pious end under the protection of Roger of Beaumont"[45]. The daughter betrothed to Harold was alive in early 1066, according to Eadmer of Canterbury[46] who says that Duke Guillaume requested King Harold, soon after his accession, to keep his promise to marry his daughter. This is contradicted by William of Malmesbury[47], who says that her death before that of Edward "the Confessor" was taken by King Harold II as marking absolution from his oath to Duke Guillaume. She died as a nun at Préaux[48]. A manuscript of la Trinité de Caen names "Mathildem Anglorum reginam, nostri cœnobii fondatricem, Adilidem, Mathildem, Constantiam, filias eius" heading the list of the names of nuns at the abbey[49], which, if the order of names is significant, indicates that Adelaide was older than her two named sisters. The necrology of Chartres cathedral records the death "VII Id Dec" of "Adeliza filia regis Anglorum", stating that her father made a donation for her soul[50]. The necrology of Saint-Nicaise de Meulan records the death of "Adelina filia regis Anglorum", undated but listed among deaths at the end of the calendar year[51].

Betrothed ([1064/65]) to HAROLD Godwinson Earl of Wessex, son of GODWIN Earl of Wessex & his wife Gytha of Denmark ([1022/25]-killed in battle Hastings 14 Oct 1066, bur [Waltham Abbey]), who succeeded in 1066 as HAROLD II King of England.

4. MATHILDE de Normandie (-26 Apr or 6 Jul [1113]). The necrology of Saint-Nicaise de Meulan records the death "VI Kal Mai" of "Mathildis filia Willelmi regis Anglorum"[52]. She is not named as a daughter of King William by either William of Malmesbury or Orderic Vitalis. There is no basis for assessing her order of birth among the other known daughters of the king. An undated manuscript records the death "pridie nonas julias" of "abbatissam Mathildem" in the 54th year in which she held the position[53]. The same source names "Mathildem Anglorum reginam, nostri cœnobii fondatricem, Adilidem, Mathildem, Constantiam, filias eius" heading the list of the names of nuns at the abbey[54]. If this is correct, and even assuming that she was appointed abbess as a child, Mathilde must have been one of the oldest of her father´s children, but younger than her sister Adelaide. Delisle dates her death to [1113][55], on the basis of Orderic Vitalis recording that her successor as abbess of la Trinité de Caen, her sister Cecilia, died 13 Jul 1127 after 14 years as abbess[56].

5. CECILIA de Normandie (-Caen 3/13 Jul [1126/27], bur Caen, Abbey of Holy Trinity). She is named first in his list of King William's daughters by William of Malmesbury and by Matthew of Paris[57]. Orderic Vitalis, in his list of the king's children which appears to place both the sons and daughters together in birth order[58], unfortunately omits Cecilia, rendering it particularly difficult to decide if she was older or younger than her brother Richard. Guillaume de Jumièges names Cecile as eldest daughter, stating that she was a nun at the convent of Holy Trinity at Caen[59]. A manuscript at Caen names "Mathildem Anglorum reginam, nostri cœnobii fondatricem, Adilidem, Mathildem, Constantiam, filias eius" heading the list of the names of nuns at the abbey[60], which, if the order of names is significant, indicates that Cecilia was younger than her sisters Adelaide and Mathilde. Her parents offered her as an oblate to the nunnery of the Holy Trinity, Caen (founded by her mother) 18 Jun 1066[61], probably in part to obtain divine blessing for her father´s project to invade England. She became a nun there in 1075[62], her tutor being Arnoul de Choques who later became Chancellor to her brother Robert "Curthose" Duke of Normandy, and subsequently Patriarch of Jerusalem[63]. She succeeded her sister Mathilde as abbess of la Trinité de Caen in [1113][64]. The Chronicon S. Stephani Cadomensis records the death in 1126 of "Cecilia Abbatissa, Willelmi Regis filia"[65].

6. GUILLAUME de Normandie ([1056/60]-killed in the New Forest 2 Aug 1100, bur Winchester Cathedral[66]). William of Malmesbury records that he was the third son of King William I[67]. He left his father's deathbed in Normandy in Sep 1087 to rush to England to claim the throne, succeeding as WILLIAM II “Rufus” King of England, crowned at Westminster Abbey 26 Sep 1087. Florence of Worcester records that King William was crowned "VI Kal Oct" of King William at Westminster Abbey[68]. His reign was characterised by bitter rivalry with his brother Robert in Normandy, even harsher imposition of Norman rule in England than by his father, and growing resentment of his ways among the nobility. Florence of Worcester records the death "IV Non Aug" of King William in the New Forest, killed by an arrow shot by "quodam Franco Waltero cognomento Tirello" [ch%C3%A2telain de Poix et de Pontoise], and his burial "Wintoniam in Veteri Monasterio in ecclesia S Petri"[69]. Orderic Vitalis records that he was killed while hunting, maybe murdered, by an arrow shot by Walter Tirel[70]. According to Orderic Vitalis, he "never had a lawful wife but gave himself up insatiably to obscene fornications and repeated adulteries"[71]. The necrology of Saint-Nicaise de Meulan records the death "II Non Aug" of "Guillelmus rex Anglorum filius Guillelmi regis"[72].

7. CONSTANCE de Normandie (Normandy [1057/1061]-13 Aug 1090, bur Church of St Melans near Rhedon). Listed by Orderic Vitalis after Adelaide and before Adela in his description of the careers of the daughters of King William[73]. Named first in his list of the daughters of King William I by Matthew of Paris[74]. Guillaume de Jumièges names Constance as second daughter, naming her husband "Alain Fergant comte de la petite Bretagne et fils d'Hoel, qui avait succédé à Conan" and specifying that she died childless[75]. The Chronicon Ruyensis Cœnobii records the marriage in 1086 of "Alanus" and "Constantiam filiam Regis Anglorum Guillelmi"[76]. The Chronicon Kemperlegiensis records the marriage in 1087 of "Alanus Hoëli Consulis filius" and "Constantiam Guillelmi Regis Anglorum filiam"[77]. The Chronicon Britannico Alter records the marriage in 1088 of "Alanus" and "Constantiam filam Regis Guillelmi Anglorum"[78]. Orderic Vitalis records that she was married in Bayeux[79]. William of Malmesbury lists her as second daughter after Cecilia, adding that "she excited the inhabitants [of Brittany] by the severity of her justice to administer a poisonous potion to her"[80]. Orderic Vitalis, on the other hand, says that she "did everything in her power to further the welfare of her subjects" and "was deeply grieved when she died"[81]. The Chronicon Britannico Alter records the death in 1090 of "Constantia Alani coniux…sine liberis"[82].

m (Bayeux [1086/88]) as his first wife, ALAIN IV “Fergant” Duke of Brittany, son of HOËL V Comte de Cornouaille, de Léon et de Nantes & his wife Havise heiress of Brittany (-13 Oct 1119).

8. AGATHE de Normandie (-before 1074, bur Bayeux Cathedral). Listed by Orderic Vitalis after Richard and before Adelaide in his description of the careers of the children of King William[83]. According to William of Malmesbury, an unnamed daughter of King William was "affianced by messengers" to King Alfonso[84]. Orderic Vitalis names her Agatha, identifying her as the daughter who had been betrothed to Harold Godwinson (see above), and says that she was betrothed to "Amfursio regi Galliciæ"[85]. Matthew of Paris places her as the fifth daughter (unnamed) betrothed to "Aldefonso Galiciæ regi", but different from the daughter betrothed to Harold[86]. Orderic says that she died en route to Spain, her body being brought back to Bayeux for burial[87]. The betrothal to Alfonso must have been a short-lived arrangement as he married his first wife in 1069[88].

Betrothed (by proxy Caen, Abbey of Holy Trinity [before 1069]) to ALFONSO VI King of Galicia and Leon, son of FERNANDO I King of Castile & his wife Infanta doña Sancha de Léon (Compostela [1037]-Toledo 30 Jun 1109, bur Sahagún, León, San Mancio chapel in the royal monastery of Santos Facundo y Primitivo). He succeeded in 1072 as ALFONSO VI King of Castile.

[Betrothed ([after 1069]) to SIMON du Vexin, son of RAOUL III “le Grand” Comte de Valois & his first wife Aélis de Bar-sur-Aube (-[30 Sep/1 Oct] 1080 Rome, bur 1082 Rome St Peter). The Vita Simonis records a ficitional speech of William I King of England in which he offers his (unnamed) daughter's hand to Simon, specifying that she had previously been betrothed to "regis Hispaniarum Anfursi et Roberti principis Apuliæ"[89]. The supposed betrothal to Robert of Apulia (which would have to refer to Robert "Guiscard" Duke of Apulia) is unrecorded in the numerous other sources dealing with his life and is probably pure fantasy. This does not instil confidence with respect to the historical accuracy of the whole passage, but if it is correct the daughter in question would presumably have been Agatha who was probably the daughter of King William betrothed to "Amfursio regi Galliciæ" (see above). Count Simon resigned his county in 1077, became a monk and went on pilgrimage to Rome where he died[90].]

9. ADELA de Normandie (Normandy [1066/67]-Marigney-sur-Loire 8 Mar 1138, bur Abbey of Holy Trinity, Caen). She is listed by Orderic Vitalis last among the daughters of King William in his description of their careers[91]. Named third in his list of the daughters of King William I by Matthew of Paris[92], but this appears unlikely in view of Adela's child-bearing until her husband's death in 1102. Her birth date is estimated bearing in mind that marriage frequently took place in early adolescence at the time, and also because Adela clearly continued to bear children right up to her husband's death. Orderic Vitalis records that she encouraged her husband to join the First Crusade and did not hide her shame when he deserted from Antioch in 1098[93]. Regent of Blois 1102-1107, after the death of her husband. She became a nun at the Cluniac priory of Marigney-sur-Loire in [1122]. The necrology of Chartres cathedral records the death "VIII Id Mar" of "Adela comitissa"[94], and in another manuscript the death "VIII Id Mar" of "Adela nobilis Blesensium comitissa regis Anglorum Willelmi filia"[95]. m (Betrothed Breteuil[96] 1080, Chartres70 1081) ETIENNE [Henri] de Blois, son of THIBAUT III Comte de Blois & his [first/second wife Gersende de Maine/Gundrada ---] (-killed in battle Ramleh 19 May 1102). He succeeded his father in 1089 as ETIENNE Comte de Blois, de Chartres, de Châteaudun, de Sancerre et de Meaux.

a) ETIENNE de Blois (Blois [1096/97]-Dover 25 Oct 1154, bur Faversham Abbey, Kent). After the death of his uncle Henry I King of England, he crossed at once to England before his rival, King Henry's daughter Maud, and had himself crowned as STEPHEN King of England at Westminster Abbey 22 Dec 1135.

- other children: COMTES de BLOIS.

10. HENRY of England (Selby, Yorkshire Sep 1068-Saint-Denis le Ferment, Forêt d’Angers near Rouen 1/2 Dec 1135, bur Reading Abbey, Berkshire). Orderic Vitalis records that Henry was born "within a year" of his mother's coronation on 11 May 1068[97]. He succeeded his brother 3 Aug 1100 as HENRY I “Beauclerc” King of England.


According to legend, Matilda (or "Maud") told the representative of William, Duke of Normandy (later king of England as William the Conqueror), who had come asking for her hand, that she was far too high-born (being descended from King Alfred the Great of England) to consider marrying a bastard. When that was repeated to him, William rode from Normandy to Bruges, found Matilda on her way to church, dragged her off her horse by her long braids, threw her down in the street in front of her flabbergasted attendants, and then rode off. Another version of the story states that William rode to Matilda's father's house in Lille, threw her to the ground in her room (again, by the braids), and hit her (or violently shook her) before leaving. Naturally Baldwin took offense at this but, before they drew swords, Matilda settled the matter. [1] by deciding to marry him, and even a papal ban (on the grounds of consanguinity) did not dissuade her. They were married in 1053.

There were rumours that Matilda had been in love with the English ambassador to Flanders, a Saxon named Brihtric, who declined her advances. Whatever the truth of the matter, years later when she was acting as Regent for William in England, she used her authority to confiscate Brihtric's lands and throw him into prison, where he died.

When William was preparing to invade England, Matilda outfitted a ship, the Mora, out of her own money and gave it to him. For many years it was thought that she had some involvement in the creation of the Bayeux Tapestry (commonly called La Tapisserie de la Reine Mathilde in French), but historians no longer believe that; it seems to have been commissioned by William's half-brother Odo, Bishop of Bayeux, and made by English artists in Kent.

Matilda bore William eleven children, and he was believed to have been faithful to her, at least up until the time their son Robert rebelled against his father and Matilda sided with Robert against William. After she died, in 1083 at the age of 51, William became tyrannical, and people blamed it on his having lost her. Contrary to the belief that she was buried at St. Stephen's, also called l'Abbaye-aux-Hommes in Caen, Normandy, where William was eventually buried, she is entombed at l'Abbaye aux Dames, which is the Sainte-Trinité church, also in Caen. Of particular interest is the 11th century slab, a sleek black stone decorated with her epitaph, marking her grave at the rear of the church. It is of special note since the grave marker for William was replaced as recently as the beginning of the 19th century. In 1961, their graves were opened and their bones measured, proving their physical statures. [2]

Some doubt exists over how many daughters there were. This list includes some entries which are obscure.

Robert Curthose (c. 1054 – 1134), Duke of Normandy, married Sybil of Conversano, daughter of Geoffrey of Conversano
Adeliza (or Alice) (c. 1055 – ?), reportedly betrothed to Harold II of England (Her existence is in some doubt.)
Cecilia (or Cecily) (c. 1056 – 1126), Abbess of Holy Trinity, Caen
William Rufus (1056 – 1100), King of the English
Richard, Duke of Bernay (1057 – c. 1081), killed by a stag in New Forest
Alison (or Ali) (1056 -c. 1090), was once announced the most beautiful lady, died unmarried.
Adela (c. 1062 – 1138), married Stephen, Count of Blois
Agatha(c. 1064 – c. 1080), betrothed to (1) Harold of Wessex, (2) Alfonso VI of Castile
Constance (c. 1066 – 1090), married Alan IV Fergent, Duke of Brittany; poisoned, possibly by her own servants
Matilda (very obscure, her existence is in some doubt)
Henry Beauclerc (1068–1135), King of England, married (1) Edith of Scotland, daughter of Malcolm III, King of Scotland, (2) Adeliza of Louvain
Gundred (c. 1063 – 1085), wife of William de Warenne (c. 1055 – 1088), was formerly thought of as being yet another of Matilda's daughters, with speculation that she was William I's full daughter, a stepdaughter, or even a foundling or adopted daughter. However, this connection to William I has now been firmly debunked--see Gundred's discussion page for further information.

Matilda was a seventh generation direct descendent of Alfred the Great. Her marriage to William strengthened his claim to the throne. All sovereigns of England, Great Britain and the United Kingdom are directly descended continuously from her, including Queen Elizabeth II.

In 1819 and 1959 Matilda's incomplete skeleton was examined in France, and her bones were measured to determine her height. The 1819 estimate was under five feet, while the 1959 estimate was 5' (152 cm) tall. A reputed height of 4'2" (127 cm) appeared at some point after 1959 in the non-scientific literature, misrepresenting the 1959 measurement.

Over time Matilda's tomb was desecrated and her original coffin destroyed. Her remains were placed in a sealed box and reburied under the original black slab. In 1959 Matilda's incomplete skeleton was examined and her femur and tibia were measured to determine her height using anthropometric methods. Her height was 5 feet (1.52m), a normal height for the time.However, as a result of this examination she was misreported as being 4 feet 2 inches (1.27m) leading to the myth that she was extremely small.

^ Hilliam, Paul (2005). William the Conqueror: First Norman King of England. New York City, New York: Rosen Publishing Group, 20. ISBN 1-4042-0166-1.
^ The Year of the Conqueror by Alan Lloyd, page 75
In popular culture
Her love for her husband is referenced in the Award-winning play, Angels in America.

On screen, Matilda has been portrayed by Jane Wenham in the two-part BBC TV play Conquest (1966), part of the series Theatre 625, and by Anna Calder-Marshall in the TV drama Blood Royal: William the Conqueror (1990).

Accustomed to speaking her mind and getting her way, it is said that the Queen Matilda (or "Maud") told the representative of William, Duke of Normandy (later king of England as William the Conqueror), who had come asking for her hand, that she was far too high-born (being descended from King Alfred the Great of England) to consider marrying a bastard. When that was repeated to him, William, all of 5'10", rode from Normandy to Bruges, found Matilda on her way to church, dragged her off her horse (some said by her long braids), threw her down in the street in front of her flabbergasted attendants, and then rode off. Another version states that William rode to Matilda's father's house in Lille, threw her to the ground in her room (again, by the braids), and hit her (or violently shook her) before leaving. Naturally Baldwin took offense to this but before they drew swords, Matilda settled the matter. Regardless of the story, she decided to marry him, and even a papal ban (on the grounds of consanguinity) did not dissuade her. They were married in 1053.

There were rumours that Matilda had been in love with the English ambassador to Flanders, a Saxon named Brihtric, who declined her advances. Whatever the truth of the matter, years later when she was acting as Regent for William in England, she used her authority to confiscate Brihtric's lands and throw him into prison, where he died.

When William was preparing to invade England, Matilda outfitted a ship, the Mora, out of her own money and gave it to him. For many years it was thought that she had something to do with creating the Bayeux Tapestry, but historians no longer believe that; it seems to have been commissioned by William's half-brother Odo, Bishop of Bayeux, and made by Saxons in Kent.

Matilda bore William eleven children, and he was believed to have been faithful to her, at least up until the time their son Robert rebelled against his father and Matilda sided with Robert against William. After she died, in 1083 at the age of 51, William became tyrannical, and people blamed it on his having lost her. Contrary to the belief that she was buried at St. Stephen's, also called l'Abbaye-aux-Hommes in Caen, Normandy, where William was eventually buried, she is intombed at l'Abbaye aux Dames, which is the Sainte-Trinité church, also in Caen. Of particular interest is the 11th century slab, a sleek black stone decorated with her epitaph, marking her grave at the rear of the church. It is of special note since the grave marker for William was replaced as recently as the beginning of the 19th century. Years later, their graves were opened and their bones measured, proving their physical statures.

Matilda of Flanders:
MATILDA, Queen of England, from 1066-1083, wife of William I, King of England, (aka, William The Conqueror) was the daughter of Baudouin V, Count of Flanders (France), and the sixth in descent from Elfrida, daughter of Alfred the Great.

ROBERT 2 COURTHOSE, DUKE OF NORMANDY, b. 1052, Normandy, France; d. 10 Feb 1133/34, Cardiff, Glamorganshire, Wales.
ABBESS OF CAEN CECILIA, b. 1056, Normandy, France; d. 30 Jul 1126, Caen, Calvados, France.
PRINCE OF ENGLAND RICHARD, b. 1057, Normandy, France; d. 1081, New Forest, Hampshire, England.
WILLIAMII, RUFUS, KING OF ENGLAND, b. 1060, Normandy, France; d. 2 Aug 1100, New Forest, Hampshire, England.

WILLIAM II, called Rufus (1060?-1100), King of England (1087-1100), who extended his power into Normandy and Scotland. He was the third son of William the Conqueror, King of England, who on his deathbed named him as his successor in England, leaving the duchy of Normandy to his eldest son, Robert (1054?-1134). William Rufus, as he was known because of his ruddy complexion, was crowned in Westminster Abbey in 1087. The following year William's uncle Odo, bishop of Bayeux (1036?-97), led a rebellion of Norman barons who sought to unseat him in favor of Robert. William's English subjects, believing his promises of less oppressive taxation and more liberal laws, helped him quell the revolt. The king, despite his promises, continued to pursue a domestic policy that was harsh and venal.

Matilda was born about 1031, the daughter of Baudouin V, count of Flanders, and Adèle de France. Very little is known about her early years. Her descent from the English king Alfred 'the Great' was one reason why William, duke of Normandy sought her in marriage. Apparently she refused him, as she did not want to be married to a bastard. Furious, William forced entry to her room and beat her. This rather unconventional behaviour led her to change her mind and they married in 1051, although they had to wait until 1059 before receiving the papal dispensation.

William relied heavily on her and she acted as regent in Normandy whenever he was absent. After the conquest of England she was crowned William's queen at Winchester. She went to the north of England with him and at Selby gave birth to the future King Henry I, probably their tenth or eleventh child. In 1069 she went back to the duchy of Normandy where she remained in charge.

When she became ill in 1083 William hurried over from England to be with her. She died on 2 November 1083 at Caen and was buried there.

Of particular interest is the 11th century slab, a sleek black stone decorated with her epitaph, marking her grave at the rear of the church. It is of special note since the grave marker for William was replaced as recently as the beginning of the 19th century. Years later, their graves were opened and their bones measured, proving their physical statures.

Some doubt exists over how many daughters there were. This list includes some entries which are obscure.

Robert Curthose (c. 1054 – 1134), Duke of Normandy, married Sybil of Conversano, daughter of Geoffrey of Conversano
Adeliza (or Alice) (c. 1055 – ?), reportedly betrothed to Harold II of England (Her existence is in some doubt.)
Cecilia (or Cecily) (c. 1056 – 1126), Abbess of Holy Trinity, Caen
William Rufus (1056 – 1100), King of the English
Richard, Duke of Bernay (1057 – c. 1081), killed by a stag in New Forest
Alison (or Ali) (1056 -c. 1090), was once announced the most beautiful lady, died unmarried.
Adela (c. 1062 – 1138), married Stephen, Count of Blois
Agatha(c. 1064 – c. 1080), betrothed to (1) Harold of Wessex, (2) Alfonso VI of Castile
Constance (c. 1066 – 1090), married Alan IV Fergent, Duke of Brittany; poisoned, possibly by her own servants
Matilda (very obscure, her existence is in some doubt)
Henry Beauclerc (1068–1135), King of England, married (1) Edith of Scotland, daughter of Malcolm III, King of Scotland, (2) Adeliza of Louvain
Gundred (c. 1063 – 1085), wife of William de Warenne (c. 1055 – 1088), was formerly thought of as being yet another of Matilda's daughters, with speculation that she was William I's full daughter, a stepdaughter, or even a foundling or adopted daughter. However, this connection to William I has now been firmly debunked--see Gundred's discussion page for further information.

Matilda was a seventh generation direct descendent of Alfred the Great. Her marriage to William strengthened his claim to the throne. Every sovereign of England is directly descended continuously from her, including Queen Elizabeth II.

Birth: ABT 1031, Flanders
Death: 2 Nov 1083, Caen, Calvados, France
Burial: Church Holy Trinity, Caen, Calvados, France

Biografi på svenska
Matilda från Flandern, född ca. 1031, dog 1083, var en engelsk drottning, gift med William the Conqueror.

Hon var dotter till grev Balduin V i Flandern och Adela Capet, dotter till Robert II i Frankrike.

Matilda, som var en bortskämd ung dam, brukade uttrycka sin åsikt och få vad hon ville, tillkännagav William av Normandys representant som kom för att be henne om att hon hade en alltför stor börda (som en ättling till Alfred den Stora)) att överväga att gifta sig med en jävel. När detta upprepades innan William, åkte han från Normandie till Brugge där han hittade henne på väg till kyrkan. Han borde ha dragit Matilda ur sadeln, bärd av hennes dyrbara kostym, sparkat på henne och på modernt språk "gett henne en runda" innan han kastade henne på vägen framför sin fars tjänare och sedan åkte bort. Därefter beslutade hon att gifta sig med honom, och till och med ett förbud från påven avskräckte henne inte.

Det fanns rykten om att Matilda var förälskad i den engelska ambassadören i Flandern, en sax så blek att han nästan var en albino, med namnet Brihtric (som också kallades "Snow") och redan gift.

Ändå - som många andra kvinnor, trodde Matilda att "erövrade" av en mäktig man - men det tog fem år innan bröllopet stannade, men sedan med stor pumpning och stående krönades hon 1068 i Winchester och betraktas som Englands första " riktig "drottning.

Oavsett om det fanns någon sanning om hon var förälskad i Brihtric eller inte, använde hon senare sin makt som drottningen av England för att konfiskera Brihtrics landområden (utan formella anklagelser, än mindre en rättegång) och kastade honom i fängelse där han dog under mystiska omständigheter, kanske förgiftning.

När William förberedde sig på att invadera England, utrustade hon ett skepp Mora för sina egna pengar och gav honom. Under många år tros hon vara involverad i skapandet av Bayeux-vävnaden, men historiker tror inte längre detta; det verkar ha beställts av Williams halvbror Odo, biskopen av Bayeux och gjord av sax i Kent.

Matilda hade tio barn och Vilhelm ansågs ha varit trogen mot henne, åtminstone tills deras son Robert gjorde uppror mot sin far och hon tog sitt parti mot Vilhelm. Han förlitade sig hårt på henne och tillät henne att dela sina framgångar.

Vid hennes död 1083 blev William tyrannisk och folket skyllde det för hans förlust av henne. Hon begravdes i St. Stephen's i Caen, Normandie (i nuvarande Frankrike) och William begravdes senare vid hennes sida. Många år senare öppnades gravarna och benen mättes och därför kan vi veta hur länge de var.

Det råder tvivel om hur många döttrar de hade. Denna lista innehåller några tvivelaktiga noteringar.

Robert Curthose (ca. 1054–1134), hertig av Normandie, g.m Sybil av Conversano, dotter till Geoffrey av Conversano
Adeliza (eller Alice) (ca. 1055–?), hon ska ha varit trolovad med Harald II av England (Det råder vissa tvivel om hennes existens)
Cecilia (or Cecily) (ca. 1056–1126), abbedissa i Holy Trinity, Caen
Vilhelm Rufus (1056–1100), kung av England
Richard (1057-ca. 1081), dödad av en kronhjort i New Forest
Adela (ca. 1062–1138), g.m Stephen, greve av Blois
Agatha (ca. 1064–c. 1080), trolovad med (1) Harald av Wessex, (2) Alfons VI av Kastilien
Constance (ca. 1066–1090), g.m Alan IV Fergent, hertig av Bretagne; förgiftad, möjligen av sina egna tjänare
Matilda (mycket tvivel råder kring hennes existens)
Henry Beauclerc (1068–1135), kung av England, g.m (1) Matilda (eller Edith) av Skottland, dotter till Malcolm III av Skottland, (2) Adeliza av Louvain
Den här artikeln är hämtad från Matilda av Flanders (Wikipedia - svenska).

Maud Le-Vieux crowned Matilda of Flanders (c. 1031 – 2 November 1083) was Queen consort of the Kingdom of England and the wife of William I the Conqueror.

Queen consort of the English; Duchess of Normandy

Consort 25 December 1066 – 2 November 1083

Consort to William I the Conqueror

Children, among other issue

Robert III Curthose

William II Rufus

Adela, Countess of Blois

Henry I Beauclerc

Royal house House of Normandy

Father: Baldwin V, Count of Flanders
Mother: Adela Capet

Preceded by

Edith of Wessex Queen consort of the English

25 December 1066 – 2 November 1083 Succeeded by

Matilda of Scotland

[S106] Royal Genealogies Website (ROYAL92.GED), online Hereinafter cited as Royal Genealogies Website.

[S11] Alison Weir, Britain's Royal Family: A Complete Genealogy (London, U.K.: The Bodley Head, 1999), page 41. Hereinafter cited as Britain's Royal Family.

[S11] Alison Weir, Britain's Royal Family, page 42.

[S45] Marcellus Donald R. von Redlich, Pedigrees of Some of the Emperor Charlemagne's Descendants, volume I (1941; reprint, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.: Genealogical Publishing Company, 2002), page 56. Hereinafter cited as Pedigrees of Emperor Charlemagne, I.

Biografia en Español
Matilde de Flandes (c. 1032 - Caen; 2 de noviembre de 1083), noble flamenca, hija única de los tres hijos nacidos del matrimonio entre Balduino V "de Lille", conde de Flandes y Adela de Flandes - hija. de Roberto II de Francia y nieta de Hugo Capeto.

Se casó en 1052, con el entonces duque Guillermo de Normandía, en la catedral de Notre-Dame de Eu. William más tarde se convirtió en el Rey de Inglaterra en 1066, para ser conocido como Guillermo I el Conquistador.

Aunque al principio se negó a casarse con Guillermo por su calidad de bastardo y por ser ella misma de noble ascendencia: era descendiente de Alfredo el Grande, pero estuvo de acuerdo con el matrimonio cuando el joven duque demostró su coraje prácticamente secuestrándola. Camino a la iglesia donde solía rezar. Sin embargo, Guillermo la deja libre, demostrando honor y caballerosidad. Incluso el edicto papal que prohibía el matrimonio debido a su parentesco no podía disuadirlo de no casarse con él.

Al parecer, el matrimonio no se convirtió en una unión romántica, ya que Matilde se había enamorado locamente del embajador inglés en Flandes, un sajón llamado Brihtric, quien estaba casado. Este hecho no se ha demostrado históricamente, pero la realidad es que, años más tarde, una vez reina de Inglaterra, y siendo regente del reino en ausencia de William, utilizó su poder para despojar a Brihtric de todos sus bienes y encarcelarlo, muriendo así. Uno poco después, posiblemente envenenado.

Cuando William se preparaba para invadir Inglaterra, Matilde compró un barco, el "Mora", con su propio dinero y lo regaló. Durante muchos años se creía que era la autora del famoso tapiz de Bayeux, pero los estudios modernos afirman que el verdadero autor del lienzo era el hermanastro de William, Odo, obispo de Bayeux, quien se lo había encargado a los sajones de Kent.

Matilde y Guillermo tuvieron un total de 11 hijos, y se supone que él fue un esposo leal y amoroso, hasta el momento en que el hijo mayor, Roberto, se rebela contra su padre, y Matilde toma partido por él contra su esposo.

Murió en Caen, el 2 de noviembre de 1083, a los 51 años de edad, siendo enterrada en la abadía de San Esteban de Caen, en Normandía

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Showing 12 of 23 people

William "the Conqueror", king of...

Robert II "Curthose", Duke of No...

Adelizia de Normandie, Princess ...

William II "Rufus", King of England

Cecilia, Abbess of Holy Trinity


Agathe de Normandie, Princess of...

Constance, Duchess Consort of Br...

Adela, Countess of Blois


Henry I "Beauclerc", King of Eng...

Baldwin V, count of Flanders
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Matilde Maud de Flandre (van Vlaanderen), Matilda of Flanders, styled Queen Consort Matilda of England on 11 May 1068.

Matilda of Flanders (c. 1031 – 2 November 1083) was Queen consort of the Kingdom of England and the wife of Guillaume (William) I the Conqueror, King of England and Duke of Normandy

She was the daughter of Count Baldwin V of Flanders, and Adèle (1000-1078/9), daughter of Robert II of France.

Parents: Baudouin V 'le Pieux', Comte de Flandre & Alix Capet
Spouse: Guillaume (William) I the Conqueror, king of England and Duke of Normandy

Robert Curthose (c. 1054 – 1134), married Sybil of Conversano
Adeliza (or Alice) (c. 1055 – ?), uncertain
Cecilia (or Cecily) (c. 1056 – 1126)
William Rufus (1056 – 1100)
Richard, Duke of Bernay (1057 – c. 1081)
Alison (or Ali) (1056 -c. 1090)
Adela (c. 1062 – 1138), married Etienne de Blois
Agatha(c. 1064 – c. 1080)
Constance (c. 1066 – 1090), married Alan IV Fergent
Matilda (very obscure, her existence is in some doubt)
Henry Beauclerc (1068–1135)
There is NO evidence she married a Gerbod as well - see comments

Flanders, Counts
Kings of England, 1066-1837
Matilda of Flanders (Wikipedia Eng)
Mathilde de Flandre (Wikipedia Fr)
Genealogics ~ Leo van de Pas - continued by Ian Fettes
Descendants of William the Conqueror & Matilda of Flanders - Karen (Johnson) Fish
MATHILDE de Flandre ([1032]-Caen 2 Nov 1083, bur Caen, Abbey of Holy Trinity). The Genealogica Comitum Flandriæ Bertiniana names (in order) "Balduinum Haanoniensem, et Robdbertum cognomento postea Iherosolimitanum, et Matilde uxorem Guillelmi regis Anglorum" as the children of "Balduinum Insulanum [et] Adelam"[249]. Her parentage is also stated by Orderic Vitalis[250].

Florence of Worcester records that "comitissa Mahtilda de Normannia" came to England 23 Mar [1068] and was crowned "die Pentecostes [11 May]" by Aldred Archbishop of York[251]. Orderic Vitalis also records that she was crowned queen of England 11 May 1068[252], presumably at Westminster Abbey or Winchester Cathedral although this appears to be unrecorded. Queen Matilda acted as regent in Normandy during her husband's absences in England.

The necrology of the abbey of Saint-Denis records the death "IV Non Nov" of "Matildis Anglorum regina"[253]. Guillaume de Jumièges records the burial of Queen Mathilde on 3 Nov 1081 at Holy Trinity, Caen[254]. Florence of Worcester records the death "IV Non Nov" in [1083] of "regina Mahtilda" in Normandy and her burial at Caen[255].

She married:

GUILLAUME de Normandie, illegitimate son of ROBERT II Duke of Normandy & his mistress Arlette --- (Château de Falaise, Normandy [1027/28]-Rouen, Prioré de Saint-Gervais 9 Sep 1087, bur Caen, Abbé de Saint-Etienne). His birth date is estimated from William of Malmesbury, according to whom Guillaume was born of a concubine and was seven years old when his father left for Jerusalem[1], and Orderic Vitalis, who states that he was eight years old at the time[2].

Deville suggests that Guillaume´s birthdate can be fixed more precisely to [mid-1027], taking into account that his father Robert occupied Falaise immediately after the death of his father Duke Richard II (23 Aug 1026), not wishing to accept the authority of his older brother Duke Richard III, but that Robert´s stay was short as the two brothers were reconciled soon after, it being reasonable to suppose that Robert´s relationship with Guillaume´s mother occurred soon after his arrival at Falaise[3].

According to Orderic Vitalis, Alain III Duke of Brittany was appointed his guardian during his father's absence in 1035[4]. He succeeded his father in 1035 as GUILLAUME II Duke of Normandy. He helped Henri I King of France defeat Geoffroy II "Martel" Comte d'Anjou at Mouliherne in [1045/55][5]. It appears that Edward "the Confessor" King of England acknowledged Guillaume as successor to the English throne on several occasions, maybe for the first time during his visit to England in 1051 which is recorded in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle[6].

Comte de Maine in 1063, after he conquered the county. In [1064/65], Duke Guillaume interceded with Guy de Ponthieu Comte d'Abbeville to secure the release of Harold Godwinsson from captivity in Normandy, in return for Harold's acknowledgement of Guillaume as successor to the English crown (according to the portrayal of the event in the Bayeux tapestry). Harold Godwinsson's visit to Normandy, and swearing allegiance to Duke William, is recorded by William of Jumièges[7]. According to Eadmer of Canterbury, the reason for his visit was to negotiate the release of his brother Wulfnoth and nephew Haakon, both of whom had been hostages in Normandy since 1051.

On his deathbed, King Edward "the Confessor" bequeathed the kingdom of England to Harold Godwinsson. Duke Guillaume branded Harold a perjurer and appealed to Pope Alexander II for support. After receiving a papal banner in response to his request, William gathered a sizable army during summer 1066 in preparation for invasion. After some delay due to unfavourable weather conditions, the army set sail for England from Saint-Valéry-sur-Somme 28 Sep 1066[8]. William defeated and killed King Harold at Hastings 14 Oct 1066[9], marched north to Canterbury, then west to Winchester where he captured the royal treasury. He proceeded to London where he was crowned 25 Dec 1066 as WILLIAM I "the Conqueror" King of England at Westminster Abbey, possibly by Ealdred Archbishop of York who may have officiated because of doubts concerning the validity of the appointment of Stigand as Archbishop of Canterbury. The latter had received his pallium in 1058 from Pope Benedict X, later regarded as anti-Pope, an appointment which had not been regularised by Pope Alexander II. He was crowned again at Winchester 1070 with a Papal crown. After taking several years to subdue the whole country, he imposed the Norman feudal structure and rule everywhere with methodical and harsh persistence.

The minute description of the country contained in the Domesday Book, completed in 1086, enabled King William to create an effective tax base He died from wounds received at the siege of Mantes, having been injured internally after being thrown against the pommel of his saddle[10], leaving Normandy to his eldest son Robert and England to his second surviving son William. Guillaume de Jumièges records the death of King William at Rouen on 9 Sep and his burial at Saint-Etienne, Caen[11]. Florence of Worcester records the death "Id Sep V" of King William and his burial "Cadomi in ecclesia S Stephani Protomartyris"[12].

m (Eu, Cathedral of Notre Dame [1050/52]) MATHILDE de Flandre, daughter of BAUDOUIN V "le Pieux/Insulanus" Count of Flanders & his wife Adela de France ([1032]-Caen 2 Nov 1083, bur Caen, Abbey of Holy Trinity).

The Genealogica Comitum Flandriæ Bertiniana names (in order) "Balduinum Haanoniensem, et Robdbertum cognomento postea Iherosolimitanum, et Matilde uxorem Guillelmi regis Anglorum" as the children of "Balduinum Insulanum [et] Adelam"[13]. Her parentage is also stated by Orderic Vitalis[14]. She founded the abbey of la Trinité at Caen, as confirmed by an undated manuscript which records the death "pridie nonas julias" of "abbatissam Mathildem" in the 54th year in which she held the position and names "Mathildem Anglorum reginam, nostri cœnobii fondatricem, Adilidem, Mathildem, Constantiam, filias eius" heading the list of the names of nuns at the abbey[15].

Florence of Worcester records that "comitissa Mahtilda de Normannia" came to England 23 Mar [1068] and was crowned "die Pentecostes [11 May]" by Aldred Archbishop of York[16]. Orderic Vitalis also records that she was crowned Queen of England 11 May 1068[17], presumably at Westminster Abbey or Winchester Cathedral although this appears to be unrecorded. Queen Matilda acted as regent in Normandy during her husband's absences in England. The necrology of the abbey of Saint-Denis records the death "IV Non Nov" of "Matildis Anglorum regina"[18].

Guillaume de Jumièges records the burial of Queen Mathilde on 3 Nov 1081 at Holy Trinity, Caen[19]. Florence of Worcester records the death "IV Non Nov" in [1083] of "regina Mahtilda" in Normandy and her burial at Caen[20].

William & Matilda had ten recorded children:
1. ROBERT de Normandie (Normandy [1052/54]-Cardiff Castle [3] Feb 1134, bur Gloucester Cathedral[21]). William of Malmesbury names Robert as eldest son of King William I[22]. "Roberti filii sui Normannorum comitis, Richardi filii sui…" subscribed the charter dated Apr 1067 under which "Willelmus…dux Normannorum…Anglorum rex" confirmed rights to the abbey of Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire[23].

Orderic Vitalis records that, after unsuccessfully aspiring to govern Normandy and Maine during the lifetime of his father, Robert rebelled in 1079 and went into exile in Flanders[24]. William of Malmesbury and Orderic Vitalis both state that he was assisted in his rebellion by Philippe I King of France and that he wounded his father in battle at Gerberoy[25]. He succeeded his father in 1087 as ROBERT “Curthose” Duke of Normandy, his nickname due, according to William of Malmesbury and Orderic Vitalis, to his short stature which he presumably inherited from his mother who was also reputed to have been very short[26]. He joined the contingent of Robert II Count of Flanders on the First Crusade in Sep 1096, together with Etienne Comte de Blois, after pledging the duchy of Normandy to his brother King William for 10,000 marks of silver in order to fund the expedition[27]. Following the capture of Jerusalem, Robert left Palestine to return to Europe in Sep 1099[28]. On returning to Normandy in Autumn 1100, he recovered his duchy without opposition[29]. He landed at Portsmouth in 1102 aiming to displace his brother King Henry I as king of England, but was persuaded to return to Normandy on payment of 3,000 marks[30]. His brother King Henry invaded Normandy and defeated Robert at the battle of Tinchebrai[31], declaring himself duke of Normandy 28 Sep 1106. King Henry took Robert in captivity back to England, where Robert remained in prison for the rest of his life. Robert of Torigny records the death in 1134 of "Robertus dux Normannorum filius Willermi regis…primogenitus" and his burial at Gloucester[32]. The Continuator of Florence of Worcester records the death at Cardiff in [1134] of "Rotbertus frater regis Heinrici quondam comes Normanniæ" and his burial in Gloucester[33].

2. RICHARD de Normandie (Normandy [1054 or 1056]-1075 or 1081, bur Winchester Cathedral). William of Malmesbury records that he was the second son of King William I[34]. "The next-born after Robert" according to Orderic Vitalis[35] who, from the context of this passage appears to be taking into account daughters as well as sons in his list of the king's children although, critically for deciding the birth order of the older children, he omits Cecilia in this section. "Roberti filii sui Normannorum comitis, Richardi filii sui…" subscribed the charter dated Apr 1067 under which "Willelmus…dux Normannorum…Anglorum rex" confirmed rights to the abbey of Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire[36]. Duc de Bernay, in Normandy. According to William of Malmesbury, he "contracted a disorder from a stream of foul air while hunting deer in the New Forest"[37]. Florence of Worcester records that "Willelmi iunioris germanus Ricardus" was killed in the New Forest long before, when recording the death of his brother King William II[38]. Orderic Vitalis recounts that "when a youth who had not yet received the belt of knighthood, had gone hunting in the New Forest and whilst he was galloping in pursuit of a wild beast he had been badly crushed between a strong hazel branch and the pommel of his saddle, and mortally injured" dying soon after[39]. Guillaume de Jumièges records a similar, but less specific, story, saying that Richard was hunting, knocked himself against a tree, fell ill and died from his injury[40].

3. ADELAIDE [Adelisa] de Normandie ([1055]-7 Dec, 1066 or after). Orderic Vitalis records the betrothal of Adelaide and Harold Godwinson, listing her after Agatha and before Constance in his description of the careers of the daughters of King William[41]. The sources are contradictory concerning the name of the daughter betrothed to Harold Godwinson, as well as the timing of her death. The only near certainty is that it would presumably have been the oldest available daughter who was betrothed to Harold. Matthew of Paris does not name her but lists her fourth among the daughters of King William, while distinguishing her from the fifth daughter betrothed to "Aldefonso Galiciæ regi"[42]. Guillaume de Jumièges records that Duke Guillaume betrothed his daughter Adelise to Harold, in a later passage (in which he does not repeat her name) stating that she was the third daughter and that she died a virgin although she was of an age to marry[43]. Chibnall specifies[44] that this reference is contained in the interpolations written by Orderic Vitalis, the latter chronicler therefore contradicting his statement in his own work that Agatha was the name of the daughter who was betrothed to King Harold. Orderic Vitalis says that Adelaide "a most fair maiden vowed herself to God when she reached marriageable age and made a pious end under the protection of Roger of Beaumont"[45]. The daughter betrothed to Harold was alive in early 1066, according to Eadmer of Canterbury[46] who says that Duke Guillaume requested King Harold, soon after his accession, to keep his promise to marry his daughter. This is contradicted by William of Malmesbury[47], who says that her death before that of Edward "the Confessor" was taken by King Harold II as marking absolution from his oath to Duke Guillaume. She died as a nun at Préaux[48]. A manuscript of la Trinité de Caen names "Mathildem Anglorum reginam, nostri cœnobii fondatricem, Adilidem, Mathildem, Constantiam, filias eius" heading the list of the names of nuns at the abbey[49], which, if the order of names is significant, indicates that Adelaide was older than her two named sisters. The necrology of Chartres cathedral records the death "VII Id Dec" of "Adeliza filia regis Anglorum", stating that her father made a donation for her soul[50]. The necrology of Saint-Nicaise de Meulan records the death of "Adelina filia regis Anglorum", undated but listed among deaths at the end of the calendar year[51].

Betrothed ([1064/65]) to HAROLD Godwinson Earl of Wessex, son of GODWIN Earl of Wessex & his wife Gytha of Denmark ([1022/25]-killed in battle Hastings 14 Oct 1066, bur [Waltham Abbey]), who succeeded in 1066 as HAROLD II King of England.

4. MATHILDE de Normandie (-26 Apr or 6 Jul [1113]). The necrology of Saint-Nicaise de Meulan records the death "VI Kal Mai" of "Mathildis filia Willelmi regis Anglorum"[52]. She is not named as a daughter of King William by either William of Malmesbury or Orderic Vitalis. There is no basis for assessing her order of birth among the other known daughters of the king. An undated manuscript records the death "pridie nonas julias" of "abbatissam Mathildem" in the 54th year in which she held the position[53]. The same source names "Mathildem Anglorum reginam, nostri cœnobii fondatricem, Adilidem, Mathildem, Constantiam, filias eius" heading the list of the names of nuns at the abbey[54]. If this is correct, and even assuming that she was appointed abbess as a child, Mathilde must have been one of the oldest of her father´s children, but younger than her sister Adelaide. Delisle dates her death to [1113][55], on the basis of Orderic Vitalis recording that her successor as abbess of la Trinité de Caen, her sister Cecilia, died 13 Jul 1127 after 14 years as abbess[56].

5. CECILIA de Normandie (-Caen 3/13 Jul [1126/27], bur Caen, Abbey of Holy Trinity). She is named first in his list of King William's daughters by William of Malmesbury and by Matthew of Paris[57]. Orderic Vitalis, in his list of the king's children which appears to place both the sons and daughters together in birth order[58], unfortunately omits Cecilia, rendering it particularly difficult to decide if she was older or younger than her brother Richard. Guillaume de Jumièges names Cecile as eldest daughter, stating that she was a nun at the convent of Holy Trinity at Caen[59]. A manuscript at Caen names "Mathildem Anglorum reginam, nostri cœnobii fondatricem, Adilidem, Mathildem, Constantiam, filias eius" heading the list of the names of nuns at the abbey[60], which, if the order of names is significant, indicates that Cecilia was younger than her sisters Adelaide and Mathilde. Her parents offered her as an oblate to the nunnery of the Holy Trinity, Caen (founded by her mother) 18 Jun 1066[61], probably in part to obtain divine blessing for her father´s project to invade England. She became a nun there in 1075[62], her tutor being Arnoul de Choques who later became Chancellor to her brother Robert "Curthose" Duke of Normandy, and subsequently Patriarch of Jerusalem[63]. She succeeded her sister Mathilde as abbess of la Trinité de Caen in [1113][64]. The Chronicon S. Stephani Cadomensis records the death in 1126 of "Cecilia Abbatissa, Willelmi Regis filia"[65].

6. GUILLAUME de Normandie ([1056/60]-killed in the New Forest 2 Aug 1100, bur Winchester Cathedral[66]). William of Malmesbury records that he was the third son of King William I[67]. He left his father's deathbed in Normandy in Sep 1087 to rush to England to claim the throne, succeeding as WILLIAM II “Rufus” King of England, crowned at Westminster Abbey 26 Sep 1087. Florence of Worcester records that King William was crowned "VI Kal Oct" of King William at Westminster Abbey[68]. His reign was characterised by bitter rivalry with his brother Robert in Normandy, even harsher imposition of Norman rule in England than by his father, and growing resentment of his ways among the nobility. Florence of Worcester records the death "IV Non Aug" of King William in the New Forest, killed by an arrow shot by "quodam Franco Waltero cognomento Tirello" [ch%C3%A2telain de Poix et de Pontoise], and his burial "Wintoniam in Veteri Monasterio in ecclesia S Petri"[69]. Orderic Vitalis records that he was killed while hunting, maybe murdered, by an arrow shot by Walter Tirel[70]. According to Orderic Vitalis, he "never had a lawful wife but gave himself up insatiably to obscene fornications and repeated adulteries"[71]. The necrology of Saint-Nicaise de Meulan records the death "II Non Aug" of "Guillelmus rex Anglorum filius Guillelmi regis"[72].

7. CONSTANCE de Normandie (Normandy [1057/1061]-13 Aug 1090, bur Church of St Melans near Rhedon). Listed by Orderic Vitalis after Adelaide and before Adela in his description of the careers of the daughters of King William[73]. Named first in his list of the daughters of King William I by Matthew of Paris[74]. Guillaume de Jumièges names Constance as second daughter, naming her husband "Alain Fergant comte de la petite Bretagne et fils d'Hoel, qui avait succédé à Conan" and specifying that she died childless[75]. The Chronicon Ruyensis Cœnobii records the marriage in 1086 of "Alanus" and "Constantiam filiam Regis Anglorum Guillelmi"[76]. The Chronicon Kemperlegiensis records the marriage in 1087 of "Alanus Hoëli Consulis filius" and "Constantiam Guillelmi Regis Anglorum filiam"[77]. The Chronicon Britannico Alter records the marriage in 1088 of "Alanus" and "Constantiam filam Regis Guillelmi Anglorum"[78]. Orderic Vitalis records that she was married in Bayeux[79]. William of Malmesbury lists her as second daughter after Cecilia, adding that "she excited the inhabitants [of Brittany] by the severity of her justice to administer a poisonous potion to her"[80]. Orderic Vitalis, on the other hand, says that she "did everything in her power to further the welfare of her subjects" and "was deeply grieved when she died"[81]. The Chronicon Britannico Alter records the death in 1090 of "Constantia Alani coniux…sine liberis"[82].

m (Bayeux [1086/88]) as his first wife, ALAIN IV “Fergant” Duke of Brittany, son of HOËL V Comte de Cornouaille, de Léon et de Nantes & his wife Havise heiress of Brittany (-13 Oct 1119).

8. AGATHE de Normandie (-before 1074, bur Bayeux Cathedral). Listed by Orderic Vitalis after Richard and before Adelaide in his description of the careers of the children of King William[83]. According to William of Malmesbury, an unnamed daughter of King William was "affianced by messengers" to King Alfonso[84]. Orderic Vitalis names her Agatha, identifying her as the daughter who had been betrothed to Harold Godwinson (see above), and says that she was betrothed to "Amfursio regi Galliciæ"[85]. Matthew of Paris places her as the fifth daughter (unnamed) betrothed to "Aldefonso Galiciæ regi", but different from the daughter betrothed to Harold[86]. Orderic says that she died en route to Spain, her body being brought back to Bayeux for burial[87]. The betrothal to Alfonso must have been a short-lived arrangement as he married his first wife in 1069[88].

Betrothed (by proxy Caen, Abbey of Holy Trinity [before 1069]) to ALFONSO VI King of Galicia and Leon, son of FERNANDO I King of Castile & his wife Infanta doña Sancha de Léon (Compostela [1037]-Toledo 30 Jun 1109, bur Sahagún, León, San Mancio chapel in the royal monastery of Santos Facundo y Primitivo). He succeeded in 1072 as ALFONSO VI King of Castile.

[Betrothed ([after 1069]) to SIMON du Vexin, son of RAOUL III “le Grand” Comte de Valois & his first wife Aélis de Bar-sur-Aube (-[30 Sep/1 Oct] 1080 Rome, bur 1082 Rome St Peter). The Vita Simonis records a ficitional speech of William I King of England in which he offers his (unnamed) daughter's hand to Simon, specifying that she had previously been betrothed to "regis Hispaniarum Anfursi et Roberti principis Apuliæ"[89]. The supposed betrothal to Robert of Apulia (which would have to refer to Robert "Guiscard" Duke of Apulia) is unrecorded in the numerous other sources dealing with his life and is probably pure fantasy. This does not instil confidence with respect to the historical accuracy of the whole passage, but if it is correct the daughter in question would presumably have been Agatha who was probably the daughter of King William betrothed to "Amfursio regi Galliciæ" (see above). Count Simon resigned his county in 1077, became a monk and went on pilgrimage to Rome where he died[90].]

9. ADELA de Normandie (Normandy [1066/67]-Marigney-sur-Loire 8 Mar 1138, bur Abbey of Holy Trinity, Caen). She is listed by Orderic Vitalis last among the daughters of King William in his description of their careers[91]. Named third in his list of the daughters of King William I by Matthew of Paris[92], but this appears unlikely in view of Adela's child-bearing until her husband's death in 1102. Her birth date is estimated bearing in mind that marriage frequently took place in early adolescence at the time, and also because Adela clearly continued to bear children right up to her husband's death. Orderic Vitalis records that she encouraged her husband to join the First Crusade and did not hide her shame when he deserted from Antioch in 1098[93]. Regent of Blois 1102-1107, after the death of her husband. She became a nun at the Cluniac priory of Marigney-sur-Loire in [1122]. The necrology of Chartres cathedral records the death "VIII Id Mar" of "Adela comitissa"[94], and in another manuscript the death "VIII Id Mar" of "Adela nobilis Blesensium comitissa regis Anglorum Willelmi filia"[95]. m (Betrothed Breteuil[96] 1080, Chartres70 1081) ETIENNE [Henri] de Blois, son of THIBAUT III Comte de Blois & his [first/second wife Gersende de Maine/Gundrada ---] (-killed in battle Ramleh 19 May 1102). He succeeded his father in 1089 as ETIENNE Comte de Blois, de Chartres, de Châteaudun, de Sancerre et de Meaux.

a) ETIENNE de Blois (Blois [1096/97]-Dover 25 Oct 1154, bur Faversham Abbey, Kent). After the death of his uncle Henry I King of England, he crossed at once to England before his rival, King Henry's daughter Maud, and had himself crowned as STEPHEN King of England at Westminster Abbey 22 Dec 1135.

- other children: COMTES de BLOIS.

10. HENRY of England (Selby, Yorkshire Sep 1068-Saint-Denis le Ferment, Forêt d’Angers near Rouen 1/2 Dec 1135, bur Reading Abbey, Berkshire). Orderic Vitalis records that Henry was born "within a year" of his mother's coronation on 11 May 1068[97]. He succeeded his brother 3 Aug 1100 as HENRY I “Beauclerc” King of England.


According to legend, Matilda (or "Maud") told the representative of William, Duke of Normandy (later king of England as William the Conqueror), who had come asking for her hand, that she was far too high-born (being descended from King Alfred the Great of England) to consider marrying a bastard. When that was repeated to him, William rode from Normandy to Bruges, found Matilda on her way to church, dragged her off her horse by her long braids, threw her down in the street in front of her flabbergasted attendants, and then rode off. Another version of the story states that William rode to Matilda's father's house in Lille, threw her to the ground in her room (again, by the braids), and hit her (or violently shook her) before leaving. Naturally Baldwin took offense at this but, before they drew swords, Matilda settled the matter. [1] by deciding to marry him, and even a papal ban (on the grounds of consanguinity) did not dissuade her. They were married in 1053.

There were rumours that Matilda had been in love with the English ambassador to Flanders, a Saxon named Brihtric, who declined her advances. Whatever the truth of the matter, years later when she was acting as Regent for William in England, she used her authority to confiscate Brihtric's lands and throw him into prison, where he died.

When William was preparing to invade England, Matilda outfitted a ship, the Mora, out of her own money and gave it to him. For many years it was thought that she had some involvement in the creation of the Bayeux Tapestry (commonly called La Tapisserie de la Reine Mathilde in French), but historians no longer believe that; it seems to have been commissioned by William's half-brother Odo, Bishop of Bayeux, and made by English artists in Kent.

Matilda bore William eleven children, and he was believed to have been faithful to her, at least up until the time their son Robert rebelled against his father and Matilda sided with Robert against William. After she died, in 1083 at the age of 51, William became tyrannical, and people blamed it on his having lost her. Contrary to the belief that she was buried at St. Stephen's, also called l'Abbaye-aux-Hommes in Caen, Normandy, where William was eventually buried, she is entombed at l'Abbaye aux Dames, which is the Sainte-Trinité church, also in Caen. Of particular interest is the 11th century slab, a sleek black stone decorated with her epitaph, marking her grave at the rear of the church. It is of special note since the grave marker for William was replaced as recently as the beginning of the 19th century. In 1961, their graves were opened and their bones measured, proving their physical statures. [2]

Some doubt exists over how many daughters there were. This list includes some entries which are obscure.

Robert Curthose (c. 1054 – 1134), Duke of Normandy, married Sybil of Conversano, daughter of Geoffrey of Conversano
Adeliza (or Alice) (c. 1055 – ?), reportedly betrothed to Harold II of England (Her existence is in some doubt.)
Cecilia (or Cecily) (c. 1056 – 1126), Abbess of Holy Trinity, Caen
William Rufus (1056 – 1100), King of the English
Richard, Duke of Bernay (1057 – c. 1081), killed by a stag in New Forest
Alison (or Ali) (1056 -c. 1090), was once announced the most beautiful lady, died unmarried.
Adela (c. 1062 – 1138), married Stephen, Count of Blois
Agatha(c. 1064 – c. 1080), betrothed to (1) Harold of Wessex, (2) Alfonso VI of Castile
Constance (c. 1066 – 1090), married Alan IV Fergent, Duke of Brittany; poisoned, possibly by her own servants
Matilda (very obscure, her existence is in some doubt)
Henry Beauclerc (1068–1135), King of England, married (1) Edith of Scotland, daughter of Malcolm III, King of Scotland, (2) Adeliza of Louvain
Gundred (c. 1063 – 1085), wife of William de Warenne (c. 1055 – 1088), was formerly thought of as being yet another of Matilda's daughters, with speculation that she was William I's full daughter, a stepdaughter, or even a foundling or adopted daughter. However, this connection to William I has now been firmly debunked--see Gundred's discussion page for further information.

Matilda was a seventh generation direct descendent of Alfred the Great. Her marriage to William strengthened his claim to the throne. All sovereigns of England, Great Britain and the United Kingdom are directly descended continuously from her, including Queen Elizabeth II.

In 1819 and 1959 Matilda's incomplete skeleton was examined in France, and her bones were measured to determine her height. The 1819 estimate was under five feet, while the 1959 estimate was 5' (152 cm) tall. A reputed height of 4'2" (127 cm) appeared at some point after 1959 in the non-scientific literature, misrepresenting the 1959 measurement.

Over time Matilda's tomb was desecrated and her original coffin destroyed. Her remains were placed in a sealed box and reburied under the original black slab. In 1959 Matilda's incomplete skeleton was examined and her femur and tibia were measured to determine her height using anthropometric methods. Her height was 5 feet (1.52m), a normal height for the time.However, as a result of this examination she was misreported as being 4 feet 2 inches (1.27m) leading to the myth that she was extremely small.

^ Hilliam, Paul (2005). William the Conqueror: First Norman King of England. New York City, New York: Rosen Publishing Group, 20. ISBN 1-4042-0166-1.
^ The Year of the Conqueror by Alan Lloyd, page 75
In popular culture
Her love for her husband is referenced in the Award-winning play, Angels in America.

On screen, Matilda has been portrayed by Jane Wenham in the two-part BBC TV play Conquest (1966), part of the series Theatre 625, and by Anna Calder-Marshall in the TV drama Blood Royal: William the Conqueror (1990).

Accustomed to speaking her mind and getting her way, it is said that the Queen Matilda (or "Maud") told the representative of William, Duke of Normandy (later king of England as William the Conqueror), who had come asking for her hand, that she was far too high-born (being descended from King Alfred the Great of England) to consider marrying a bastard. When that was repeated to him, William, all of 5'10", rode from Normandy to Bruges, found Matilda on her way to church, dragged her off her horse (some said by her long braids), threw her down in the street in front of her flabbergasted attendants, and then rode off. Another version states that William rode to Matilda's father's house in Lille, threw her to the ground in her room (again, by the braids), and hit her (or violently shook her) before leaving. Naturally Baldwin took offense to this but before they drew swords, Matilda settled the matter. Regardless of the story, she decided to marry him, and even a papal ban (on the grounds of consanguinity) did not dissuade her. They were married in 1053.

There were rumours that Matilda had been in love with the English ambassador to Flanders, a Saxon named Brihtric, who declined her advances. Whatever the truth of the matter, years later when she was acting as Regent for William in England, she used her authority to confiscate Brihtric's lands and throw him into prison, where he died.

When William was preparing to invade England, Matilda outfitted a ship, the Mora, out of her own money and gave it to him. For many years it was thought that she had something to do with creating the Bayeux Tapestry, but historians no longer believe that; it seems to have been commissioned by William's half-brother Odo, Bishop of Bayeux, and made by Saxons in Kent.

Matilda bore William eleven children, and he was believed to have been faithful to her, at least up until the time their son Robert rebelled against his father and Matilda sided with Robert against William. After she died, in 1083 at the age of 51, William became tyrannical, and people blamed it on his having lost her. Contrary to the belief that she was buried at St. Stephen's, also called l'Abbaye-aux-Hommes in Caen, Normandy, where William was eventually buried, she is intombed at l'Abbaye aux Dames, which is the Sainte-Trinité church, also in Caen. Of particular interest is the 11th century slab, a sleek black stone decorated with her epitaph, marking her grave at the rear of the church. It is of special note since the grave marker for William was replaced as recently as the beginning of the 19th century. Years later, their graves were opened and their bones measured, proving their physical statures.

Matilda of Flanders:
MATILDA, Queen of England, from 1066-1083, wife of William I, King of England, (aka, William The Conqueror) was the daughter of Baudouin V, Count of Flanders (France), and the sixth in descent from Elfrida, daughter of Alfred the Great.

ROBERT 2 COURTHOSE, DUKE OF NORMANDY, b. 1052, Normandy, France; d. 10 Feb 1133/34, Cardiff, Glamorganshire, Wales.
ABBESS OF CAEN CECILIA, b. 1056, Normandy, France; d. 30 Jul 1126, Caen, Calvados, France.
PRINCE OF ENGLAND RICHARD, b. 1057, Normandy, France; d. 1081, New Forest, Hampshire, England.
WILLIAMII, RUFUS, KING OF ENGLAND, b. 1060, Normandy, France; d. 2 Aug 1100, New Forest, Hampshire, England.

WILLIAM II, called Rufus (1060?-1100), King of England (1087-1100), who extended his power into Normandy and Scotland. He was the third son of William the Conqueror, King of England, who on his deathbed named him as his successor in England, leaving the duchy of Normandy to his eldest son, Robert (1054?-1134). William Rufus, as he was known because of his ruddy complexion, was crowned in Westminster Abbey in 1087. The following year William's uncle Odo, bishop of Bayeux (1036?-97), led a rebellion of Norman barons who sought to unseat him in favor of Robert. William's English subjects, believing his promises of less oppressive taxation and more liberal laws, helped him quell the revolt. The king, despite his promises, continued to pursue a domestic policy that was harsh and venal.

Matilda was born about 1031, the daughter of Baudouin V, count of Flanders, and Adèle de France. Very little is known about her early years. Her descent from the English king Alfred 'the Great' was one reason why William, duke of Normandy sought her in marriage. Apparently she refused him, as she did not want to be married to a bastard. Furious, William forced entry to her room and beat her. This rather unconventional behaviour led her to change her mind and they married in 1051, although they had to wait until 1059 before receiving the papal dispensation.

William relied heavily on her and she acted as regent in Normandy whenever he was absent. After the conquest of England she was crowned William's queen at Winchester. She went to the north of England with him and at Selby gave birth to the future King Henry I, probably their tenth or eleventh child. In 1069 she went back to the duchy of Normandy where she remained in charge.

When she became ill in 1083 William hurried over from England to be with her. She died on 2 November 1083 at Caen and was buried there.

Of particular interest is the 11th century slab, a sleek black stone decorated with her epitaph, marking her grave at the rear of the church. It is of special note since the grave marker for William was replaced as recently as the beginning of the 19th century. Years later, their graves were opened and their bones measured, proving their physical statures.

Some doubt exists over how many daughters there were. This list includes some entries which are obscure.

Robert Curthose (c. 1054 – 1134), Duke of Normandy, married Sybil of Conversano, daughter of Geoffrey of Conversano
Adeliza (or Alice) (c. 1055 – ?), reportedly betrothed to Harold II of England (Her existence is in some doubt.)
Cecilia (or Cecily) (c. 1056 – 1126), Abbess of Holy Trinity, Caen
William Rufus (1056 – 1100), King of the English
Richard, Duke of Bernay (1057 – c. 1081), killed by a stag in New Forest
Alison (or Ali) (1056 -c. 1090), was once announced the most beautiful lady, died unmarried.
Adela (c. 1062 – 1138), married Stephen, Count of Blois
Agatha(c. 1064 – c. 1080), betrothed to (1) Harold of Wessex, (2) Alfonso VI of Castile
Constance (c. 1066 – 1090), married Alan IV Fergent, Duke of Brittany; poisoned, possibly by her own servants
Matilda (very obscure, her existence is in some doubt)
Henry Beauclerc (1068–1135), King of England, married (1) Edith of Scotland, daughter of Malcolm III, King of Scotland, (2) Adeliza of Louvain
Gundred (c. 1063 – 1085), wife of William de Warenne (c. 1055 – 1088), was formerly thought of as being yet another of Matilda's daughters, with speculation that she was William I's full daughter, a stepdaughter, or even a foundling or adopted daughter. However, this connection to William I has now been firmly debunked--see Gundred's discussion page for further information.

Matilda was a seventh generation direct descendent of Alfred the Great. Her marriage to William strengthened his claim to the throne. Every sovereign of England is directly descended continuously from her, including Queen Elizabeth II.

Birth: ABT 1031, Flanders
Death: 2 Nov 1083, Caen, Calvados, France
Burial: Church Holy Trinity, Caen, Calvados, France

Biografi på svenska
Matilda från Flandern, född ca. 1031, dog 1083, var en engelsk drottning, gift med William the Conqueror.

Hon var dotter till grev Balduin V i Flandern och Adela Capet, dotter till Robert II i Frankrike.

Matilda, som var en bortskämd ung dam, brukade uttrycka sin åsikt och få vad hon ville, tillkännagav William av Normandys representant som kom för att be henne om att hon hade en alltför stor börda (som en ättling till Alfred den Stora)) att överväga att gifta sig med en jävel. När detta upprepades innan William, åkte han från Normandie till Brugge där han hittade henne på väg till kyrkan. Han borde ha dragit Matilda ur sadeln, bärd av hennes dyrbara kostym, sparkat på henne och på modernt språk "gett henne en runda" innan han kastade henne på vägen framför sin fars tjänare och sedan åkte bort. Därefter beslutade hon att gifta sig med honom, och till och med ett förbud från påven avskräckte henne inte.

Det fanns rykten om att Matilda var förälskad i den engelska ambassadören i Flandern, en sax så blek att han nästan var en albino, med namnet Brihtric (som också kallades "Snow") och redan gift.

Ändå - som många andra kvinnor, trodde Matilda att "erövrade" av en mäktig man - men det tog fem år innan bröllopet stannade, men sedan med stor pumpning och stående krönades hon 1068 i Winchester och betraktas som Englands första " riktig "drottning.

Oavsett om det fanns någon sanning om hon var förälskad i Brihtric eller inte, använde hon senare sin makt som drottningen av England för att konfiskera Brihtrics landområden (utan formella anklagelser, än mindre en rättegång) och kastade honom i fängelse där han dog under mystiska omständigheter, kanske förgiftning.

När William förberedde sig på att invadera England, utrustade hon ett skepp Mora för sina egna pengar och gav honom. Under många år tros hon vara involverad i skapandet av Bayeux-vävnaden, men historiker tror inte längre detta; det verkar ha beställts av Williams halvbror Odo, biskopen av Bayeux och gjord av sax i Kent.

Matilda hade tio barn och Vilhelm ansågs ha varit trogen mot henne, åtminstone tills deras son Robert gjorde uppror mot sin far och hon tog sitt parti mot Vilhelm. Han förlitade sig hårt på henne och tillät henne att dela sina framgångar.

Vid hennes död 1083 blev William tyrannisk och folket skyllde det för hans förlust av henne. Hon begravdes i St. Stephen's i Caen, Normandie (i nuvarande Frankrike) och William begravdes senare vid hennes sida. Många år senare öppnades gravarna och benen mättes och därför kan vi veta hur länge de var.

Det råder tvivel om hur många döttrar de hade. Denna lista innehåller några tvivelaktiga noteringar.

Robert Curthose (ca. 1054–1134), hertig av Normandie, g.m Sybil av Conversano, dotter till Geoffrey av Conversano
Adeliza (eller Alice) (ca. 1055–?), hon ska ha varit trolovad med Harald II av England (Det råder vissa tvivel om hennes existens)
Cecilia (or Cecily) (ca. 1056–1126), abbedissa i Holy Trinity, Caen
Vilhelm Rufus (1056–1100), kung av England
Richard (1057-ca. 1081), dödad av en kronhjort i New Forest
Adela (ca. 1062–1138), g.m Stephen, greve av Blois
Agatha (ca. 1064–c. 1080), trolovad med (1) Harald av Wessex, (2) Alfons VI av Kastilien
Constance (ca. 1066–1090), g.m Alan IV Fergent, hertig av Bretagne; förgiftad, möjligen av sina egna tjänare
Matilda (mycket tvivel råder kring hennes existens)
Henry Beauclerc (1068–1135), kung av England, g.m (1) Matilda (eller Edith) av Skottland, dotter till Malcolm III av Skottland, (2) Adeliza av Louvain
Den här artikeln är hämtad från Matilda av Flanders (Wikipedia - svenska).

Maud Le-Vieux crowned Matilda of Flanders (c. 1031 – 2 November 1083) was Queen consort of the Kingdom of England and the wife of William I the Conqueror.

Queen consort of the English; Duchess of Normandy

Consort 25 December 1066 – 2 November 1083

Consort to William I the Conqueror

Children, among other issue

Robert III Curthose

William II Rufus

Adela, Countess of Blois

Henry I Beauclerc

Royal house House of Normandy

Father: Baldwin V, Count of Flanders
Mother: Adela Capet

Preceded by

Edith of Wessex Queen consort of the English

25 December 1066 – 2 November 1083 Succeeded by

Matilda of Scotland

[S106] Royal Genealogies Website (ROYAL92.GED), online Hereinafter cited as Royal Genealogies Website.

[S11] Alison Weir, Britain's Royal Family: A Complete Genealogy (London, U.K.: The Bodley Head, 1999), page 41. Hereinafter cited as Britain's Royal Family.

[S11] Alison Weir, Britain's Royal Family, page 42.

[S45] Marcellus Donald R. von Redlich, Pedigrees of Some of the Emperor Charlemagne's Descendants, volume I (1941; reprint, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.: Genealogical Publishing Company, 2002), page 56. Hereinafter cited as Pedigrees of Emperor Charlemagne, I.

Biografia en Español
Matilde de Flandes (c. 1032 - Caen; 2 de noviembre de 1083), noble flamenca, hija única de los tres hijos nacidos del matrimonio entre Balduino V "de Lille", conde de Flandes y Adela de Flandes - hija. de Roberto II de Francia y nieta de Hugo Capeto.

Se casó en 1052, con el entonces duque Guillermo de Normandía, en la catedral de Notre-Dame de Eu. William más tarde se convirtió en el Rey de Inglaterra en 1066, para ser conocido como Guillermo I el Conquistador.

Aunque al principio se negó a casarse con Guillermo por su calidad de bastardo y por ser ella misma de noble ascendencia: era descendiente de Alfredo el Grande, pero estuvo de acuerdo con el matrimonio cuando el joven duque demostró su coraje prácticamente secuestrándola. Camino a la iglesia donde solía rezar. Sin embargo, Guillermo la deja libre, demostrando honor y caballerosidad. Incluso el edicto papal que prohibía el matrimonio debido a su parentesco no podía disuadirlo de no casarse con él.

Al parecer, el matrimonio no se convirtió en una unión romántica, ya que Matilde se había enamorado locamente del embajador inglés en Flandes, un sajón llamado Brihtric, quien estaba casado. Este hecho no se ha demostrado históricamente, pero la realidad es que, años más tarde, una vez reina de Inglaterra, y siendo regente del reino en ausencia de William, utilizó su poder para despojar a Brihtric de todos sus bienes y encarcelarlo, muriendo así. Uno poco después, posiblemente envenenado.

Cuando William se preparaba para invadir Inglaterra, Matilde compró un barco, el "Mora", con su propio dinero y lo regaló. Durante muchos años se creía que era la autora del famoso tapiz de Bayeux, pero los estudios modernos afirman que el verdadero autor del lienzo era el hermanastro de William, Odo, obispo de Bayeux, quien se lo había encargado a los sajones de Kent.

Matilde y Guillermo tuvieron un total de 11 hijos, y se supone que él fue un esposo leal y amoroso, hasta el momento en que el hijo mayor, Roberto, se rebela contra su padre, y Matilde toma partido por él contra su esposo.

Murió en Caen, el 2 de noviembre de 1083, a los 51 años de edad, siendo enterrada en la abadía de San Esteban de Caen, en Normandía

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Showing 12 of 23 people

William "the Conqueror", king of...

Robert II "Curthose", Duke of No...

Adelizia de Normandie, Princess ...

William II "Rufus", King of England

Cecilia, Abbess of Holy Trinity


Agathe de Normandie, Princess of...

Constance, Duchess Consort of Br...

Adela, Countess of Blois


Henry I "Beauclerc", King of Eng...

Baldwin V, count of Flanders



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