martes, 7 de julio de 2020

Luitpold, Margrave Of Bavaria ★ Ref: MB-630 |•••► #ALEMANIA 🏆🇩🇪★ #Genealogía #Genealogy

Padre: Ernst II, count of Bavaria

24 ° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de:
Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo

 (Linea Materna)
Luitpold, margrave of Bavaria is your 24th great grandfather.
You→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→   Morella Álamo Borges
your mother →  Belén Borges Ustáriz
her mother →  Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna
her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesus Uztáriz y Monserrate
her father →  María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra
his mother → Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina, Teniente Coronel
her father →  Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza
his mother → Isabel Manuela Josefa Hurtado de Mendoza y Rojas Manrique
her mother →  Juana de Rojas Manrique de Mendoza
her mother → Constanza de Mendoza Mate de Luna
her mother →  Mayor de Mendoza Manzanedo
her mother →  Juan Fernández De Mendoza Y Manuel
her father →  Sancha Manuel
his mother →  Sancho Manuel de Villena Castañeda, señor del Infantado y Carrión de los Céspedes
her father →  Manuel de Castilla, señor de Escalona
his father → Elizabeth of Swabia
his mother →  Philip of Swabia
her father →  Friedrich I Barbarossa, Holy Roman Emperor
his father →  Frederick II, Duke of Swabia
his father → Frederick I, duke of Swabia
his father →  Friedrich von Büren, count palatine of Swabia
his father →  Frederick von Buren
his father →  Friedrich I, Graf von Diessen
his father →  Berchtold I, margrave in the Bavarian Nordgau
his father →  Duke Arnulf Баварский, I, of Bavaria
his father →  Luitpold, margrave of Bavaria
his father
Luitpold's ancestry is unknown from contemporary sources. However, he is called consangineus of Emperor Arnulf. Jackman, as part of his hypothesis concerning the co-identity of Liutswindis, mother of Emperor Arnulf, and the unnamed daughter of Ernst [I] married to King Karloman, suggests that the father of dux Liutpold was Graf Ernst [II], who may have died before 866 (Jackman, D. C. 'Cousins of the German Carolingians', Keats-Rohan, K. S. B. and Settipani, C. (eds.) (2000) Onomastique et Parenté dans l'Occident medieval (Prosopographica et Genealogica, Vol. 3), p. 116. ).

Luitpold, Margrave of Bavaria

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Luitpold or Liutpold (modern Leopold) (died 4 July 907), perhaps of the Huosi family or related to the Carolingians, was the father of the great Luitpolding dynasty which dominated Bavaria and Carinthia until the mid-tenth century.

In 893, Luitpold was created margrave of Carinthia and Upper Pannonia by the Emperor Arnulf. He soon acquired counties on the Danube and in the Nordgau, even getting Regensburg around 895, and thereby setting himself up as the most prominent of Bavaria's aristocracy. He was a loyal friend of the Carolingian monarchs and enjoyed their support. He was entrusted with defence of the Hungarian and Moravian borders. In 898, he fought successfully against Mojmír II, king of Great Moravia, on behalf of the rebel Svatopluk II and forced Mojmír to become a vassal of Arnulf. In 903, he had the title dux Boemanorum, "duke of Bohemia." On 4 July 907, Luitpold died in the Battle of Bratislava.

Luitpold married Cunigunda, daughter of Berthold I, Count Palatine of Swabia, and sister of Erchanger, Duke of Swabia, an Ahalolfinger. Cunigunda later married Conrad I of Germany in 913. Luitpold had two sons by her, however: Arnulf the Bad and Eberhard, both later dukes of Bavaria. From his descendants titles, Luitpold is often called a duke of Bavaria or margrave of Bavaria, the latter title being more accurate to his actual status.

Luitpold (Karantanien und Oberpannonien)
Luitpold (* ?; † 4. Juli 907 bei Pressburg) war Markgraf in Karantanien und Oberpannonien. Seine Zugehörigkeit zum altbayerischen Geschlecht der Huosi ist in der Forschung umstritten, eine Verwandtschaft mit den Karolingern hingegen wahrscheinlich. Leben [Bearbeiten]Luitpold, der Namensgeber des Geschlechts der Luitpoldinger, wurde 893 von Kaiser Arnulf von Kärnten als Markgraf in Karantanien und Oberpannonien (Gebiete im heutigen Österreich und Ungarn) eingesetzt und trat damit die Nachfolge der Wilhelminer an. Um 895 erwarb Luitpold die Grafschaften Donaugau und Nordgau um Regensburg und baute damit seine führende Stellung im Südosten des Reiches aus. Von den karolingischen Kaisern, bei denen er eine besondere Vertrauensstellung genoss, wurde er mit Aufgaben in Mähren und der Abwehr der ständig präsenten Ungarneinfälle betraut.

898 zog er im Auftrag des Kaisers erfolgreich gegen das großmährische Reich und erscheint 903 in Quellen als dux Boemanorum. Nach dem Tod Arnulfs hat er eine solch starke Stellung erreicht, dass er als nepos des unmündigen Königs Ludwig bezeichnet wird. Am 4. Juli 907 fiel Luitpold an der Spitze des bayerischen Heerbanns in der Schlacht von Pressburg, als seine Truppen eine der schwersten Niederlagen während der Ungarneinfälle einstecken mussten.

Luitpold war durch seine Heirat mit Kunigunde von Schwaben, der Schwester des schwäbischen Pfalzgrafen Erchanger und seines Bruders Graf Berthold (Ahalolfinger) eine Verbindung mit einem wichtigen schwäbischen Geschlecht eingegangen. Im Jahre 913 heiratete König Konrad I. Luitpolds Witwe, um dadurch die Herzogtümer Bayern und Schwaben enger ans Königtum zu binden.

Aus Luitpolds Ehe mit Kunigunde gingen die späteren Herzöge

Arnulf der Böse und
Berthold hervor.,_Margrave_of_Bavaria

Luitpold, Margrave of Bavaria
Luitpold (or Liutpold) (modern Leopold) (died 4 July 907), perhaps of the Huosi family or related to the Carolingian dynasty by Liutswind, mother of Emperor Arnulf of Carinthia, was the ancestor of the Luitpolding dynasty which ruled Bavaria and Carinthia until the mid-tenth century.

In 893, he was appointed margrave in the March of Carinthia and Upper Pannonia by Arnulf of Carinthia, then King of East Francia. Luitpold succeeded the deposed Margrave Engelschalk II of the Wilhelminer family; unlike his predecessors he could extend his power unimpeded by the mighty Margrave Aribo, acquiring numerous counties in Carinthia as well as on the Danube and in the Nordgau around Regensburg from 895 on, and setting himself up as the most prominent of Bavaria's aristocracy. Though he thereby laid the foundations of the renewed stem duchy, it was his son Arnulf the Bad who, based on his father's acquisitions, first assumed the title of a Bavarian duke.

As Luitpold remained a loyal supporter of the Carolingian monarch Arnulf of Carinthia and his son Louis the Child, he enjoyed their support and was entrusted with the defence at the Hungarian and Moravian borders. In 898 he fought successfully against Mojmír II, the king of Great Moravia, on behalf of the king's rebellious brother Svatopluk II and forced Mojmír to become a vassal of Arnulf. In 903, Luitpold held the title of a dux Boemanorum, "Duke in Bohemia". He organised the Frankish defence against the threatening Magyars under Grand Prince Árpád and on 4 July 907 was killed east of Vienna in the Battle of Pressburg.[1]

Marriage and issue

Luitpold married Cunigunda, daughter of Berthold I, royal Count palatine in Swabia, and sister of Duke Erchanger of Swabia, a member of the Ahalolfing dynasty. After Luitpold's death Cunigunda married King Conrad I of Germany in 913. Luitpold had two sons by her:

Arnulf the Bad, Duke of Bavaria from 907 to 937 and
Berthold, Duke of Bavaria from 938 to 948.
From his descendants titles, Luitpold is often called a duke of Bavaria or margrave of Bavaria, the latter title being more accurate to his actual status.

Luitpold bajor herceg
Luitpold vagy Liutpold, modern formában Leopold, magyarosítva Lipót 885-907 között bajor herceg, aki 907-ben a magyarok elleni pozsonyi csatában esett el. Halálával Bajorország elvesztette a Kárpát-medence nyugati fele feletti uralmát.

Ernő (Ernst) gróf fia, ősi bajor nemesi család sarja, azonban a Huosi családhoz való tartozását nehéz bebizonyítani.[1] ...

Családja []
Felesége Sváb Kunigunda (Kunigunde von Schwaben), akitől két gyermeke született:

I. Berthold

The Luitpoldings
One Luitpold, +846, had issue:

A1. a son; m.N, a dau.of Rudolf Welf
B1. Luitpold/Leopold Markgraf von der Ostmark, Mkgf der Kärntner Mark, von Pannonien und der bayerischen Ostmark 895, +Pressburg 4.7.907; m.895/900 Kunigunde von Schwaben (*ca 879 +915), dau.of Berthold, Pfgf of Swabia
C1. Arnulf I, Herzog von Bayern (Duke of Bavaria) (907-937), *ca 898, +Regensburg 14.7.937; m.910/915 Judith of Friaul/von Sülichgau
C2. a daughter; m.Gf Rudolf von Saalegau
C3. Berthold, Herzog von Kärnten (Duke in Carinthia) 927, Herzog von Bayern (Duke of Bavaria) (938-945/947), *900, +23.11.947; m.Biltrude N
B2. Emma; m.Gf Robert von Karintia
B3. Hérold
Luitpold (or Liutpold) (died 4 July 907), was perhaps of the Huosi family or related to the Carolingian dynasty by Liutswind, mother of Emperor Arnulf of Carinthia. He was the ancestor of the Luitpolding dynasty which ruled Bavaria and Carinthia until the mid-tenth century.

In 893, he was appointed margrave in the March of Carinthia and Upper Pannonia by Arnulf of Carinthia, then King of East Francia. Luitpold succeeded the deposed Engelschalk II of the Wilhelminer family to become Luitpold, Margrave of Bavaria. He extended his power by acquiring numerous counties in Carinthia as well as on the Danube and in the Nordgau around Regensburg. From 895 on, he set himself up as the most prominent of Bavaria's aristocracy. He laid the foundations for his son Arnulf the Bad who, based on his father's acquisitions, first assumed the title of a Bavarian duke.

As Luitpold remained a loyal supporter of the Carolingian monarch Arnulf of Carinthia and his son Louis the Child, he enjoyed their support and was entrusted with the defence at the Hungarian and Moravian borders. In 898 he fought successfully against Mojmír II, the king of Great Moravia, on behalf of the king's rebellious brother Svatopluk II and forced Mojmír to become a vassal of Arnulf. In 903, Luitpold held the title of a dux Boemanorum, "Duke in Bohemia". He organised the Frankish defence against the threatening Magyars under Grand Prince Árpád and on 4 July 907 was killed east of Vienna in the Battle of Pressburg.

Luitpold married Cunigunde of Swabia, daughter of Berthold I, royal Count palatine in Swabia, and sister of Duke Erchanger of Swabia, a member of the Ahalolfing dynasty. After Luitpold's death Cunigunda married King Conrad I of Germany in 913.

Children of Luitpold, Margrave of Bavaria and wife Cunigunde of Swabia:

Arnulf the Bad, Duke of Bavaria from 907 to 937 and
Berthold, Duke of Bavaria from 938 to 948.
Markgraf der Kärntner Mark, von Pannonien und der bayerischen Ostmark

Luitpold, der Namensgeber des Geschlechts der Luitpoldinger, wurde 893 von Kaiser Arnulf von Kärnten als Markgraf in Karantanien und Oberpannonien (Gebiete im heutigen Österreich und Ungarn) eingesetzt und trat damit die Nachfolge der Wilhelminer an. Um 895 erwarb Luitpold die Grafschaften Donaugau und Nordgau um Regensburg und baute damit seine führende Stellung im Südosten des Reiches aus. Von den karolingischen Kaisern, bei denen er eine besondere Vertrauensstellung genoss, wurde er mit Aufgaben in Mähren und der Abwehr der ständig präsenten Ungarneinfälle betraut.

898 zog er im Auftrag des Kaisers erfolgreich gegen das großmährische Reich und erscheint 903 in Quellen als dux Boemanorum. Nach dem Tod Arnulfs hat er eine solch starke Stellung erreicht, dass er als nepos des unmündigen Königs Ludwig bezeichnet wird. Am 4. Juli 907 fiel Luitpold an der Spitze des bayerischen Heerbanns in der Schlacht von Pressburg, als seine Truppen eine der schwersten Niederlagen während der Ungarneinfälle einstecken mussten.

Luitpold war durch seine Heirat mit Kunigunde von Schwaben, der Schwester des schwäbischen Pfalzgrafen Erchanger und seines Bruders Graf Berthold (Ahalolfinger) eine Verbindung mit einem wichtigen schwäbischen Geschlecht eingegangen. Im Jahre 913 heiratete König Konrad I. Luitpolds Witwe, um dadurch die Herzogtümer Bayern und Schwaben enger ans Königtum zu binden.

Aus Luitpolds Ehe mit Kunigunde gingen die späteren Herzöge Arnulf der Böse und Berthold hervor.

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Indice de Personas



Friedrich Von Büren, Count Palatine Of Swabia ★ Ref: CP-296 |•••► #ALEMANIA 🏆🇩🇪★ #Genealogía #Genealogy

Padre: Frederick Von Buren (Von Staufen)

19° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de:
Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo

 (Linea Materna)
Friedrich von Büren, count palatine of Swabia is your 19th great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Morella Álamo Borges
your mother → Belén Borges Ustáriz
her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna
her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesus Uztáriz y Monserrate
her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra
his mother → Teniente Coronel Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina
her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza
his mother → Isabel Manuela Josefa Hurtado de Mendoza y Rojas Manrique
her mother → Juana de Rojas Manrique de Mendoza
her mother → Constanza de Mendoza Mate de Luna
her mother → Mayor de Mendoza Manzanedo
her mother → Juan Fernández De Mendoza Y Manuel
her father → Sancha Manuel
his mother → Sancho Manuel de Villena Castañeda, señor del Infantado y Carrión de los Céspedes
her father → Manuel de Castilla, señor de Escalona
his father → Elizabeth of Swabia
his mother → Philip of Swabia
her father → Friedrich I Barbarossa, Holy Roman Emperor
his father → Frederick II, Duke of Swabia
his father → Frederick I, duke of Swabia
his father → Friedrich von Büren, count palatine of Swabia
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Friedrich von Büren, Pfalzgraf von Schwaben MP
Spanish: Dn. Federico de Büren, Pfalzgraf von Schwaben
Gender: Male
Birth: 1020
Buren, Germany
Death: 1094 (73-74)
Hohenstauffen, Swabia, Germany
Immediate Family:
Son of Frederick von Buren and Adelheid von Filsgau
Husband of Adelheid NN von Hohenstaufen and Hildegarde von Hohenlohe
Father of Frederick I, duke of Swabia; Otto Count Of Hohenstaufen, Bishop Of Strasbourg; Ludwig Count Palatine Of Rhein; Walter Count Of Hohenstaufen; Konrad Count Of Hohenstaufen and 1 other
Brother of Hedwig von Ren
Added by: "Skip" Bremer on June 10, 2007
Managed by: Ric Dickinson and 60 others
Curated by: Jason Scott Wills
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FRIEDRICH von Büren, son of FRIEDRICH Pfalzgraf von Schwaben & his wife --- (-[1068]). The Tabula consanguinitatis Friderici I regis et Adelæ reginæ (which provided the basis for their divorce) names "Fridericum de Buren" as son of "Fridericus", brother of "Berta"[1356]. Pfalzgraf von Schwaben 1053. He founded the convent of Lorch.

m ([1047]) HILDEGARD, daughter of --- (-[1094/23 Jul 1095]). "Hildegardis…cum filiis meis, Ottone…Argentinenis ecclesie episcopo Suevorumque duce Friderico, Lodewico, Walthario, Cunrado et filia mea Adalheida" made a donation to the monastery of St Fides at Schlettstadt in Alsace dated 1094, presumably just before she died[1357]. She may have been the heiress of the land on which her son later built the castle of Stauf. Jackman suggests[1358] that she was Hildegard, daughter of Graf Otto & his wife ---, emphasising that it could provide an explanation based on heredity for the appointment of Hildegard's son, Friedrich von Büren, as Duke of Swabia in 1079. This assumes the need for such a hereditary basis, whereas it appears that the duchy of Swabia was awarded on the basis of the political or economic power of the nominee. In addition, if heredity had been the basis for the nomination, there would clearly have been other candidates with a senior claim. Decker-Hauff suggested[1359] that Hildegard was the daughter of Louis de Mousson (who would have been Hildegard's sister if Jackman's theory is correct). Jackman says that this should be rejected on chronological grounds as Sophie de Lorraine, the wife of Louis de Mousson, must have been born in [1020] and could not therefore have been the grandmother of Friedrich I Duke of Swabia, born in [1050]. The wife of Friedrich von Büren is not named in Europäische Stammtafeln[1360].

Friedrich & his wife had six children:

1. OTTO (-3 Aug 1100). The De Fundatione Monasterii Sancti Fides Sletstatensis names "Fredericus dux Alemannorum [qui fuit Friderici ducis Swevie], qui Romani imperatoris filiæ coniugo, et duo eius fratres Argentinensis episcopus Otto et Conradus", in relation to the foundation of the monastery in the diocese of Strasbourg in 1094[1361]. Bishop of Strasbourg 1083-1084. "Ottone Argentinensi…episcopo" and "fratres mei dux…Suetiæ Fridericus, Ledeuvicus et Galtharius" donated property in "Scelstat villa, in pago Alsatiæ et in comitatu Beirricheim" to the abbey of Conques by charter dated 23 Jul 1095, naming "matre…nostra fratreque nostro Conrado…defunctis"[1362]. Founded 1094, jointly with his brother Ludwig, the convent of St Fides at Schlettstadt.

2. FRIEDRICH ([1050]-1105 before 21 Jul). The Tabula consanguinitatis Friderici I regis et Adelæ reginæ (which provided the basis for their divorce) names "ducem Fridericum, qui Stophen condidit" as son of "Fridericus de Buren"[1363]. The children of "Hildegardis" are named in her donation dated 1094 (in order) "Ottone…Argentinenis ecclesie episcopo Suevorumque duce Friderico, Lodewico, Walthario, Cunrado et filia mea Adalheida"[1364]. The De Fundatione Monasterii Sancti Fides Sletstatensis names "Fredericus dux Alemannorum [qui fuit Friderici ducis Swevie], qui Romani imperatoris filiæ coniugo, et duo eius fratres Argentinensis episcopus Otto et Conradus"[1365]. "Ottone Argentinensi…episcopo" and "fratres mei dux…Suetiæ Fridericus, Ledeuvicus et Galtharius" donated property in "Scelstat villa, in pago Alsatiæ et in comitatu Beirricheim" to the abbey of Conques by charter dated 23 Jul 1095, naming "matre…nostra fratreque nostro Conrado…defunctis"[1366]. He was installed as FRIEDRICH I Duke of Swabia in 1079.


3. LUDWIG (-[1103]). The children of "Hildegardis" are named in her donation dated 1094 (in order) "Ottone…Argentinenis ecclesie episcopo Suevorumque duce Friderico, Lodewico, Walthario, Cunrado et filia mea Adalheida"[1367]. Their father is deduced from the mention in one version of the manuscript of De Fundatione Monasterii Sancti Fides Sletstatensis of "Fredericus dux Alemannorum [qui fuit Friderici ducis Swevie] ", a subsequent passage implying that his brothers all died before Friedrich[1368]. Pfalzgraf of Swabia 1094. "Ottone Argentinensi…episcopo" and "fratres mei dux…Suetiæ Fridericus, Ledeuvicus et Galtharius" donated property in "Scelstat villa, in pago Alsatiæ et in comitatu Beirricheim" to the abbey of Conques by charter dated 23 Jul 1095, naming "matre…nostra fratreque nostro Conrado…defunctis"[1369].

4. WALTER (-before 1105). The children of "Hildegardis" are named in her donation dated 1094 (in order) "Ottone…Argentinenis ecclesie episcopo Suevorumque duce Friderico, Lodewico, Walthario, Cunrado et filia mea Adalheida"[1370]. Their father is deduced from the mention in one version of the manuscript of De Fundatione Monasterii Sancti Fides Sletstatensis of "Fredericus dux Alemannorum [qui fuit Friderici ducis Swevie] ", a subsequent passage implying that his brothers all died before Friedrich[1371]. "Ottone Argentinensi…episcopo" and "fratres mei dux…Suetiæ Fridericus, Ledeuvicus et Galtharius" donated property in "Scelstat villa, in pago Alsatiæ et in comitatu Beirricheim" to the abbey of Conques by charter dated 23 Jul 1095, naming "matre…nostra fratreque nostro Conrado…defunctis"[1372].

5. KONRAD (-[1094/23 Jul 1095]). The children of "Hildegardis" are named in her donation dated 1094 (in order) "Ottone…Argentinenis ecclesie episcopo Suevorumque duce Friderico, Lodewico, Walthario, Cunrado et filia mea Adalheida"[1373]. The De Fundatione Monasterii Sancti Fides Sletstatensis names "Fredericus dux Alemannorum [qui fuit Friderici ducis Swevie], qui Romani imperatoris filiæ coniugo, et duo eius fratres Argentinensis episcopus Otto et Conradus"[1374]. "Ottone Argentinensi…episcopo" and "fratres mei dux…Suetiæ Fridericus, Ledeuvicus et Galtharius" donated property in "Scelstat villa, in pago Alsatiæ et in comitatu Beirricheim" to the abbey of Conques by charter dated 23 Jul 1095, naming "matre…nostra fratreque nostro Conrado…defunctis"[1375].

6. ADELHEID . The children of "Hildegardis" are named in her donation dated 1094 (in order) "Ottone…Argentinenis ecclesie episcopo Suevorumque duce Friderico, Lodewico, Walthario, Cunrado et filia mea Adalheida"[1376]. Their father is deduced from the mention in one version of the manuscript of De Fundatione Monasterii Sancti Fides Sletstatensis of "Fredericus dux Alemannorum [qui fuit Friderici ducis Swevie] ", a subsequent passage implying that his brothers all died before Friedrich[1377]. She founded the convent of Langenau. m MANEGOLD "der Ältere" Pfalzgraf of Swabia . 1070/76.

Friedrich von Büren

aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie

Friedrich von Büren (auch: Friedericus de Buren; * um 1020; † kurz nach 1053) wird allgemein als Stammvater der Staufer angesehen.

Er war Sohn von Friedrich, Graf im Riesgau (1030) und Pfalzgraf in Schwaben (1027-1053). Friedrich von Bürens Mutter war vermutlich Adelheid vom Filsgau, Erbtochter von Walter.

1042 heiratete er Hildegard von Egisheim (* um 1028, † Herbst 1094), Tochter des Grafen Gerhard III. von Egisheim-Dagsburg. In der älteren Literatur wird sie auch als Hildegard von Schlettstadt bezeichnet oder den Grafen von Mömpelgard, Bar und Mousson zugeordnet. Die Benennung nach Schlettstadt ergibt sich aus dem von ihr um 1087 bis um 1094 in Schlettstadt gestifteten Klosters St. Fides (Sainte Foy), die älteste Staufer-Grablege im Elsass, in dem sie auch begraben liegt. Die Linie Mousson-Bar war die ihres Vetters Ludwig von Mousson, der Sophia von Bar heiratete. Deren Sohn Dietrich I. vermählte sich mit Irmintrud, Tochter von Graf Wilhelm I. von Burgund und Erbin von Mömpelgard.

Hildegard gehörte damit einer der vornehmsten Familien im Elsass an. Der Bruder ihres Vaters war Bischof Bruno von Toul, der spätere Papst Leo IX.. Neuen Forschungen von Eduard Hlawischka zufolge war Hildegard über ihre Mutter Bertha auch eine Urenkelin König Konrads III. von Burgund.

Hildegard brachte große Güter im Unter- und Oberelsass mit in die Ehe ein.

Friedrich und Hildegard zeugten mehr als sechs Kinder; der vierte Sohn war Friedrich I. (* um 1050), Herzog von Schwaben und Erbauer der Burg Hohenstaufen.

Friedrich von Büren

aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie

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Friedrich von Büren, lateinisch Friedericus de Buren, (* um 1020; † kurz nach 1053) war Pfalzgraf in Schwaben und Graf im Riesgau. Er gilt als Stammvater des Adelsgeschlechts der Staufer.



* 1 Leben
* 2 Ehe und Nachkommen
* 3 Siehe auch
* 4 Weblinks
Leben [Bearbeiten]

Friedrich von Büren war Sohn von Friedrich (* um 997/999, † um 1070/1075), (1027–1053 Pfalzgraf in Schwaben, 1030 Graf im Riesgau) und vermutlich der Adelheid, Erbtochter Tochter des Grafen Walter im Filsgau.

In einer genealogischen Aufstellung des 12. Jahrhundert ist als Herrschaftssitz Friedrichs benannt eine „Burg Büren“, die vermutlich auf dem „Bürren“ nördlich des Ortes Wäschenbeuren im heutigen Landkreis Göppingen lag.

Ehe und Nachkommen [Bearbeiten]

Friedrich heiratete 1042/1044/1049/1050 Hildegard von Egisheim, Tochter des Grafen Gerhard III. von Egisheim-Dagsburg. Hildegard gehörte einer der vornehmsten Familien im Elsass an; ihr Onkel väterlicherseits war Bischof Bruno von Toul, der spätere Papst Leo IX.. Hildegard brachte große Güter im Unter- und Oberelsass mit in die Ehe ein.

Friedrich und Hildegard hatten mindestens sechs gemeinsame Kinder:

* Adelheid († 1094)
∞ Pfalzgraf Otto
* Ludwig, († wohl 1103), 1094 Pfalzgraf in Schwaben und Mitgründer von St. Fides zu Schlettstadt
* Otto, († 3. August 1100), 1083/1084–1100 Bischof von Straßburg, 1094 Mitgründer des Klosters St. Fides in Schlettstadt
* Friedrich I., (* um 1050, † 1105 vor dem 21. Juli), ab 1079 Herzog von Schwaben
∞ 1086/1087 Agnes von Waiblingen (* Ende 1072; † 24. September 1143), Tochter Kaisers Heinrich IV. ais dem Adelsgeschlecht der Salier
* Konrad, 1094 bezeugt
* Walter, 1094 bezeugt
Siehe auch [Bearbeiten]

→ Stammliste der Staufer

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Hildegarde von Hohenlohe

Frederick I, duke of Swabia

Otto Count Of Hohenstaufen, Bish...

Ludwig Count Palatine Of Rhein

Walter Count Of Hohenstaufen

Konrad Count Of Hohenstaufen

Adelheid Hohenstaufen

Adelheid NN von Hohenstaufen

Adelheid von Filsgau

Frederick von Buren

Hedwig von Ren



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Luitpold Ii Von Bayern ★ Ref: PB-636 |•••► #AUSTRIA 🏆 🇦🇹 #Genealogía #Genealogy

28 ° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de:
Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo

 (Linea Materna)
Luitpold II von Bayern is your 28th great grandfather.
You→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→   Morella Álamo Borges
your mother →  Belén Borges Ustáriz
her mother →  Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna
her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesus Uztáriz y Monserrate
her father →  María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra
his mother → Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina, Teniente Coronel
her father →  Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza
his mother → Isabel Manuela Josefa Hurtado de Mendoza y Rojas Manrique
her mother →  Juana de Rojas Manrique de Mendoza
her mother → Constanza de Mendoza Mate de Luna
her mother →  Mayor de Mendoza Manzanedo
her mother →  Juan Fernández De Mendoza Y Manuel
her father →  Sancha Manuel
his mother →  Sancho Manuel de Villena Castañeda, señor del Infantado y Carrión de los Céspedes
her father →  Manuel de Castilla, señor de Escalona
his father → Elizabeth of Swabia
his mother →  Philip of Swabia
her father →  Friedrich I Barbarossa, Holy Roman Emperor
his father →  Frederick II, Duke of Swabia
his father → Frederick I, duke of Swabia
his father →  Friedrich von Büren, count palatine of Swabia
his father →  Frederick von Buren
his father →  Friedrich I, Graf von Diessen
his father →  Berchtold I, margrave in the Bavarian Nordgau
his father →  Duke Arnulf Баварский, I, of Bavaria
his father →  Luitpold, margrave of Bavaria
his father → Ernst II, count of Bavaria
his father →  Ernst I, count in Nordgau
his father →  Luitperht I of Nordgau von Bayern
his father →  Luitpold II von Bayern
his father show Luitpold II von Bayern is your 28th great grandfather.
   →  Morella Álamo Borges
your mother →  Belén Borges Ustáriz
her mother →  Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna
her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesus Uztáriz y Monserrate
her father →  María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra
his mother → Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina, Teniente Coronel
her father →  Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza
his mother → Isabel Manuela Josefa Hurtado de Mendoza y Rojas Manrique
her mother →  Juana de Rojas Manrique de Mendoza
her mother → Constanza de Mendoza Mate de Luna
her mother →  Mayor de Mendoza Manzanedo
her mother →  Juan Fernández De Mendoza Y Manuel
her father →  Sancha Manuel
his mother →  Sancho Manuel de Villena Castañeda, señor del Infantado y Carrión de los Céspedes
her father →  Manuel de Castilla, señor de Escalona
his father → Elizabeth of Swabia
his mother →  Philip of Swabia
her father →  Friedrich I Barbarossa, Holy Roman Emperor
his father →  Frederick II, Duke of Swabia
his father → Frederick I, duke of Swabia
his father →  Friedrich von Büren, count palatine of Swabia
his father →  Frederick von Buren
his father →  Friedrich I, Graf von Diessen
his father →  Berchtold I, margrave in the Bavarian Nordgau
his father →  Duke Arnulf Баварский, I, of Bavaria
his father →  Luitpold, margrave of Bavaria
his father → Ernst II, count of Bavaria
his father →  Ernst I, count in Nordgau
his father →  Luitperht I of Nordgau von Bayern
his father →  Luitpold II von Bayern
his father show



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Luitperht I of Nordgau von Bayern ★ Ref: LI-635 |•••► #ALEMANIA 🏆🇩🇪★ #Genealogía #Genealogy

27 ° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de:
Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo

 (Linea Materna)
Luitperht I of Nordgau von Bayern is your 27th great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Morella Álamo Borges
your mother → Belén Borges Ustáriz
her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna
her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesus Uztáriz y Monserrate
her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra
his mother → Teniente Coronel Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina
her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza
his mother → Isabel Manuela Josefa Hurtado de Mendoza y Rojas Manrique
her mother → Juana de Rojas Manrique de Mendoza
her mother → Constanza de Mendoza Mate de Luna
her mother → Mayor de Mendoza Manzanedo
her mother → Juan Fernández De Mendoza Y Manuel
her father → Sancha Manuel
his mother → Sancho Manuel de Villena Castañeda, señor del Infantado y Carrión de los Céspedes
her father → Manuel de Castilla, señor de Escalona
his father → Elizabeth of Swabia
his mother → Philip of Swabia
her father → Friedrich I Barbarossa, Holy Roman Emperor
his father → Frederick II, Duke of Swabia
his father → Frederick I, duke of Swabia
his father → Friedrich von Büren, count palatine of Swabia
his father → Frederick von Buren
his father → Friedrich I Buren, Pfalzgraf of Swabia von Diessen, Graf von Andechs
his father → Berchtold I, margrave in the Bavarian Nordgau
his father → Arnulf I, duke of Bavaria
his father → Luitpold, Margrave of Bavaria
his father → Ernst II, count of Bavaria
his father → Ernst I, count in Nordgau
his father → Luitperht I of Nordgau von Bayern
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Liutperht von Bayern von Bayern (von Nordgau)
Gender: Male
Birth: estimated between 725 and 843
Death: 907
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Immediate Family:
Son of Luitpold II von Bayern and Ilsana
Husband of Fredeburg von Bayern
Father of Ernst I, count in Nordgau
Added by: Allen on March 25, 2010
Managed by: FARKAS Mihály László and 11 others
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Liutperht von Bayern=1
Child ◦Graf Ernst von Bayern+ 1
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Fredeburg von Bayern

Ernst I, count in Nordgau

Luitpold II von Bayern




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lunes, 6 de julio de 2020

Ernst I, Count In Nordgau ★ Ref: CN-633 |•••► #ALEMANIA 🏆🇩🇪★ #Genealogía #Genealogy

26 ° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de:
Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo

 (Linea Materna)
Ernst I, count in Nordgau is your 26th great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Morella Álamo Borges
your mother → Belén Borges Ustáriz
her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna
her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesus Uztáriz y Monserrate
her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra
his mother → Teniente Coronel Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina
her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza
his mother → Isabel Manuela Josefa Hurtado de Mendoza y Rojas Manrique
her mother → Juana de Rojas Manrique de Mendoza
her mother → Constanza de Mendoza Mate de Luna
her mother → Mayor de Mendoza Manzanedo
her mother → Juan Fernández De Mendoza Y Manuel
her father → Sancha Manuel
his mother → Sancho Manuel de Villena Castañeda, señor del Infantado y Carrión de los Céspedes
her father → Manuel de Castilla, señor de Escalona
his father → Elizabeth of Swabia
his mother → Philip of Swabia
her father → Friedrich I Barbarossa, Holy Roman Emperor
his father → Frederick II, Duke of Swabia
his father → Frederick I, duke of Swabia
his father → Friedrich von Büren, count palatine of Swabia
his father → Frederick von Buren
his father → Friedrich I Buren, Pfalzgraf of Swabia von Diessen, Graf von Andechs
his father → Berchtold I, margrave in the Bavarian Nordgau
his father → Arnulf I, duke of Bavaria
his father → Luitpold, Margrave of Bavaria
his father → Ernst II, count of Bavaria
his father → Ernst I, count in Nordgau
his fatherConsistency CheckShow short path | Share this path
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Ernst I, count in Nordgau MP
German: Ernst I, Graf im Nordgau
Gender: Male
Birth: estimated between 742 and 844
Death: 865
Immediate Family:
Son of Luitperht I of Nordgau von Bayern and Fredeburg von Bayern
Father of Ernst II, count of Bavaria and Judith von Bavaria
Added by: Justin Howery Swanstrom on July 6, 2017
Managed by: Alex Moes, Joan K. Marcussen and Martti Kalevi Carlsson Vuorio
Curated by: Jason Scott Wills
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Ernst I, parents unknown, father of Ernst II.


ERNST [I] (-865). "Hludowicum regem" donated Abersee to Kloster Mondsee by charter dated 829 by the intervention of "Ernosto et Adalperto"[73]. "Hludowicum regem" granted property to "Pribina" by charter dated 12 Oct 847 subscribed by "…Ernust…", who signed immediately after the king's two sons and before all other nobles[74]. The Annales Fuldenses record that "Ernustus, dux partium illarum [=Boemani] et inter amicos regis primus" was sent to suppress a rebellion against the Franks in Bohemia in 849[75]. Graf im Nordgau. Ludwig II "der Deutsche" King of the East Franks recorded a settlement between the bishops of Freising and Trient by charter dated 17 Mar 855 which names "Ernst comes…Pernhardum comitem"[76]. An agreement between Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks and his brother King Ludwig II "der Deutsche" dated Jun 860 names "nobilis ac fidelibus laicis…Chuonradus, Evrardus, Adalardus, Arnustus, Warnarius, Liutfridus, Hruodolfus, Erkingarius, Gislebertus, Ratbodus, Arnulfus, Hugo, item Chuonradus, Liutharius, Berengarius, Matfridus, Boso, Sigeri, Hartmannus, Liuthardus, Richuinus, Wigricus, Hunfridus, Bernoldus, Hatto, Adalbertus, Burchardus, Christianus, Leutulfus, Hessi, Herimannus, item Hruodulfus, Sigehardus"[77]. The Annales Fuldenses record that the property of "Ernustum" was confiscated at a council in Regensburg in 861, and "Utonem quoque et Berengarium fratres eius, Sigihardum atque Gerolt comites Waldonemque abbatem" were banished as accomplices[78]. The Annales Fuldenses record the death of "Ernustus comes" in 865[79]. The Annales Xantenses record the death in 866 of "Ernest socer…Karlomanni primogeniti Ludewici regis"[80]. m ---. The name of Ernst's wife is not known. Ernst [I] & his wife had two children:

ERNST [II] (-[before 866]).
daughter (-after 8 Jul 879). m (before 861) KARLOMAN, son of LUDWIG II "der Deutsche" King of the East Franks & his wife Emma
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Ernst II, count of Bavaria

Judith von Bavaria

Luitperht I of Nordgau von Bayern

Fredeburg von Bayern



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Ernst II, count of Bavaria ★ Ref: CJ-631 |•••► #ALEMANIA 🏆🇩🇪★ #Genealogía #Genealogy


25 ° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de:
Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo

 (Linea Materna)
Ernst II, count of Bavaria is your 25th great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Morella Álamo Borges
your mother → Belén Borges Ustáriz
her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna
her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesus Uztáriz y Monserrate
her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra
his mother → Teniente Coronel Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina
her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza
his mother → Isabel Manuela Josefa Hurtado de Mendoza y Rojas Manrique
her mother → Juana de Rojas Manrique de Mendoza
her mother → Constanza de Mendoza Mate de Luna
her mother → Mayor de Mendoza Manzanedo
her mother → Juan Fernández De Mendoza Y Manuel
her father → Sancha Manuel
his mother → Sancho Manuel de Villena Castañeda, señor del Infantado y Carrión de los Céspedes
her father → Manuel de Castilla, señor de Escalona
his father → Elizabeth of Swabia
his mother → Philip of Swabia
her father → Friedrich I Barbarossa, Holy Roman Emperor
his father → Frederick II, Duke of Swabia
his father → Frederick I, duke of Swabia
his father → Friedrich von Büren, count palatine of Swabia
his father → Frederick von Buren
his father → Friedrich I Buren, Pfalzgraf of Swabia von Diessen, Graf von Andechs
his father → Berchtold I, margrave in the Bavarian Nordgau
his father → Arnulf I, duke of Bavaria
his father → Luitpold, Margrave of Bavaria
his father → Ernst II, count of Bavaria
his fatherConsistency CheckShow short path | Share this path
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Ernst II, count of Bavaria MP
German: Ernst II, Graf von Bayern
Gender: Male
Birth: estimated between 785 and 845
Death: before 866
Sualafeld, Bavaria, Germany
Immediate Family:
Son of Ernst I, count in Nordgau
Father of Luitpold, Margrave of Bavaria; Emma von Bayern and Hérold von Bayern
Brother of Judith von Bavaria
Added by: Dixon on March 18, 2010
Managed by: Knut Stangenberg and 4 others
Curated by: Pam Wilson, Curator
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Ernst II, son of Ernst I and possible father of Luitpold, Margrave of Bavaria Luitpold]:


ERNST [II] (-[before 866]). The Annales Fuldenses record that "Otgarius episcopus et Hruodoltus comes palatii et Ernustus filius Ernusti ducis" were sent to Bohemia and occupied "civitatem Wiztrachi ducis", expelling "Sclaiutago filio Wiztrachi" who fled to "Rastizen…frater eius" who had previously been banished to "apud Zistiborum Sorabum"[81]. As Ernst is not mentioned in the 866 text referring to the restoration of their honours to Berengar and Udo (see below), it is possible that Ernst junior had died before that date. m ---. The name of Ernst's wife is not known. Ernst [II] & his wife had [one possible child]:

[LUITPOLD ([850/60]-killed in battle near Pressburg 4 Jul 907).

Graf Ernst von Bayern
Father Liutperht von Bayern1
Graf Ernst von Bayern was the son of Liutperht von Bayern.1
Child ◦
Luitpold, Markgraf und Herzog von Bayern+ b. c 855, d. 4 Jul 9072

The Luitpoldings

One Luitpold, +846, had issue:

* A1. a son; m.N, a dau.of Rudolf Welf
o B1. Luitpold/Leopold Markgraf von der Ostmark, Mkgf der Kärntner Mark, von Pannonien und der bayerischen Ostmark 895, +Pressburg 4.7.907; m.895/900 Kunigunde von Schwaben (*ca 879 +915), dau.of Berthold, Pfgf of Swabia
+ C1. Arnulf I, Herzog von Bayern (Duke of Bavaria) (907-937), *ca 898, +Regensburg 14.7.937; m.910/915 Judith of Friaul/von Sülichgau
# D1. Luitpold
# D2. Judith, *925, +987; 938 Duke Heinrich I of Bavaria (*ca 920, +955)
# D3. Eberhard, Duke of Bavaria (937-938), King of Italy, +940; m.Luitgard, dau.of Wigeric of Verdun
* E1. Wigfrid, Bp of Verdun, +985
* E2. Wigburg; m.Pfgf Hartwich von Bayern
# D4. Swanila, *ca 925; m.Burckhard Konradiner, Mgve of Bayerischen Ostmark (+982)
# D5. Arnulf II, Pfalzgraf von Bayern, +954; m.N of Swabia
* E1. Berthold I, Pfalzgraf von Bayern, *ca 940, +978/26.8.990; 965 N of Upper-Lorraine, dau.of Friedrich I of Lothringen
o F1. a daughter; m.Gf Razzo von Diessen
o F2. Dietrich, +1020
o F3. Friedrich I, Gf von Diessen, +1030; m.Emma von Oehningen
+ G1. Berthold II, Gf von Diessen, fl 1024, +1060; m.N von Hohenwart; for their issue see HERE
+ G2. Christina; m.Gf Friedrich von Eppenstein
+ G3. Pilihilde von Wasserburg, +ca 1075; m.Gf Sieghard VI im Pongau
+ G4. Otto I von Wasserburg, Gf von Diessen, +1065
# H1. Bertha von Wasserburg; m.Adalbert von Freising
# H2. Beatrix von Wasserburg; m.Duke Heinrich III of Carintia
+ G5. Friedrich II, Gf von Diessen, +1055; 1m: Hadamut, dau.of Eppo von Eppenstein /OR Markwart II von Eppenstein; 2m: Irmengard, dau.of Arnulf von Gilching; 3m: N, a dau.of Hartwich von Regensburg; for their issue see HERE
* E2. a daughter; m.Gf Meginhard von Mangfall
# D6. Hermann
# D7. Berthold I, Markgraf im bayerischen Nordgau, *915/926, +15.1./16.8.980; 949 Heilika, dau.of Gf Lothar von Walbeck
* E1. Heinrich, Gf von Schweinfurt, *ca 975, +18.9.1017; m.before 1003 Gerberga von Gleiberg (*ca 970 +after 1017)
o F1. Otto III, Gf von Schweinfurt, Herzog von Schwaben (Duke of Swabia) (1048-57), *ca 1000, +28.9.1057; 1m: 1035 Pss Matylda of Poland (+after 1035); 2m: ca 1036 Irmingard di Torino (*ca 1022 +1078), dau.of Odelrico Menfredo II of Susa
+ G1. Judith, +1104; 1m: Konrad von Zütphen, Duke of Bayern; 2m: Boso von Pottenstein
+ G2. Bertha; 1m: Gf Hermann II von Kastl (+1074); 2m: Gf Friedrich von Kastl (+1103)
+ G3. Beatrix, +1104; m.Gf Heinrich von Hildburgshausen und Nordgau
+ G4. Eilika
+ G5. Gizella, +1100; 1m: Wichmann von Seeborg; 2m: Gf Berthold III von Andechs (+1091)
o F2. Eilika, *1000, +ca 1055; 1020 Bernhard III Billung Duke of Saxony (*ca 995, +29.6.1059)
o F3. Judith, *ca 990, +2.8.1058, bur St.Veit, Prague; 1m: ca 1030 King Bretislav I of Bohemia (*ca 1002, +10.1.1055); 2m: 11.4.1055 Pietro Orseolo (*1011 +30.8.1059), King of Hungary
o F4. Burchard, Bp of Haberstadt, +1059
o F5. a daughter; m.Gf Rudpert von Regensburg
o F6. Heinrich I, Gf an der Pegnitz, Gf von Schweinfurt, *ca 992, +1043; m.N von Sualafeld/ Altdorf, dau.of Kuno I
+ G1. Heinrich II, Gf von Pegnitz und Weissinburg, +1080
+ G2. Kuno I, Gf von Lechsgemünd; m.Mathilde, dau.of Rudolf von Achalm; for their issue see HERE
+ G3. Otto I, Gf von Scheyern, Graf a.d. Paar 1045, Vogt von Freising 1047, +4.12.1072; 1m: Haziga von Diessen; 2m: N, dau.of Pfgf Hartwig II von Bayern; for their issue see HERE
+ G4. Friedrich, Gf zu Burg-Lengenfeld; m.Sigena von Laige
# H1. Friedrich II, Gf von Burglengenfeld
# H2. Heilga; m.Rudger von Feldheim
o F7. a daughter; m.Gf Dietpold I von Trungau
o F8. a daughter; m.Udalschalk II von N
* E2. Burchard
* E3. Heilika
# D8. Heinrich
# D9. Luitpold I, Markgraf von der Ostmark, *ca 928, +10.7.994; 984 Richeza/Richwara, dau.of Ernst von Saulafeldgau; for their issue see HERE
+ C2. a daughter; m.Gf Rudolf von Saalegau
+ C3. Berthold, Herzog von Kärnten (Duke in Carinthia) 927, Herzog von Bayern (Duke of Bavaria) (938-945/947), *900, +23.11.947; m.Biltrude N
# D1. Heinrich III "der Jüngere", Herzog von Bayern (983-985), Herzog von Kärnten, +989; m.Hildegard N
# D2. Kunigunda; m.Gf Ulrich I Schweinachgau
o B2. Emma; m.Gf Robert von Karintia
o B3. Hérold
+ C1. Albrin, Gf in Karintia
# D1. Hérolt, Archbishop of Salzburg, +955
Rulers of Bavaria and Swabia


Last updated 20th January 2005

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Luitpold, Margrave of Bavaria

Emma von Bayern

Hérold von Bayern

Ernst I, count in Nordgau

Judith von Bavaria



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Duke Arnulf Баварский, I, of Bavaria ★ Ref: DB-629 |•••► #ALEMANIA 🏆🇩🇪★ #Genealogía #Genealogy

23° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de:
Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo

 (Linea Materna)
Duke Arnulf Баварский, I, of Bavaria is your 23rd great grandfatheou→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo
   →  Morella Álamo Borges
your mother →  Belén Borges Ustáriz
her mother →  Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna
her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesus Uztáriz y Monserrate
her father →  María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra
his mother → Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina, Teniente Coronel
her father →  Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza
his mother → Isabel Manuela Josefa Hurtado de Mendoza y Rojas Manrique
her mother →  Juana de Rojas Manrique de Mendoza
her mother → Constanza de Mendoza Mate de Luna
her mother →  Mayor de Mendoza Manzanedo
her mother →  Juan Fernández De Mendoza Y Manuel
her father →  Sancha Manuel
his mother →  Sancho Manuel de Villena Castañeda, señor del Infantado y Carrión de los Céspedes
her father →  Manuel de Castilla, señor de Escalona
his father → Elizabeth of Swabia
his mother →  Philip of Swabia
her father →  Friedrich I Barbarossa, Holy Roman Emperor
his father →  Frederick II, Duke of Swabia
his father → Frederick I, duke of Swabia
his father →  Friedrich von Büren, count palatine of Swabia
his father →  Frederick von Buren
his father →  Friedrich I, Graf von Diessen
his father →  Berchtold I, margrave in the Bavarian Nordgau
his father →  Duke Arnulf Баварский, I, of Bavaria
his father
Medieval Scholar Wegener speculates that the wife of Arnulf Duke of Bavaria was the daughter of Eberhard, Duke of the March of Friulia, of the Unruochingi line, on the basis of the transmission of the names Eberhard and Judith into the Luitpoldinger family, used first for Duke Arnulf's children. However, from a chronological point of view, it is unlikely that the wife of Arnulf Duke of Bavaria was the daughter of Duke Eberhard, and Gisela of Cysoing, granddaughter of Charlemagne. While some scholars believe this daughter of Eberhard was named Judith, others believe she was a different person, whose name has gotten lost over time.

We know that Eberhard died in 866. Gisela was born between 815 and 825, but probably 819. Her first child was born c.837 and her last child could not have been born past the early 860's. Duke Arnulf's children were probably born between 910 and 930, suggesting that their mother was born between 880 and 890. For the mother of Arnulf's children to be related to Eberhard's family, either she was born before her father's death 866 (and unlikely to be bearing children in 910-930) or her mother had a child after Eberhard's death and approaching her 90th birthday!

For more information on the very complicated Unrochingi line, please refer to

Maria Edmonds-Zediker, Volunteer Curator, Jan. 23, 2014

Arnulf I "den Onde" von Bayern. Hertig. Född 886. Död 937.

Arnulf, Duke of Bavaria

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(Redirected from Arnulf I of Bavaria)
Arnulf (died 14 July 937), called the Bad (German: der Schlimme) or the Evil (der Böse), was the duke of Bavaria from 907 until his death. He was a member of the Luitpolding dynasty.

Arnulf was the son of Margrave Luitpold of Bavaria and Cunigunda, daughter of Berthold I, the count palatine of Swabia. After the death of his father at the 907 Battle of Brezalauspurc he followed him as ruler of the Bavarian estates around Regensburg.

Besieged by frequent raids by the Hungarians and desperate to raise funds to finance a defence, Arnulf strengthened his power through confiscation of church lands and property, which earned him the nickname "the Bad". He re-established the stem duchy of Bavaria and eventually negotiated a truce with the Hungarians who thereafter largely passed through Bavaria on their raids into other German territories.

Arnulf vigorously resisted King Conrad I, whom he had supported in the course of his election and who in 913 had married his mother Cunigunda. In Conrad's conflict with Erchanger and Burchard II of Swabia he backed his Swabian cousins and later challenged Conrad's successor, Henry the Fowler of Saxony. According to the Annales Iuvavenses, in 920, Baiuarii sponte se reddiderunt Arnolfo duci et regnare ei fecerunt in regno teutonicorum: the Bavarians, with some other East Franks, elected Arnulf king in opposition to Henry (actually in 919). Arnulf's "reign" was short-lived. Henry defeated him in two campaigns in 921, confirmed his sovereignty over Bavaria in return for Arnulf's renunciation of his royal claim.

Arnulf was married to Judith of Friuli, daughter of Count Eberhard of Friuli and Gisela of Verona. Arnulf's daughter Judith married Henry I of Bavaria, brother of Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor.

Arnulf died in Regensburg in 937 and is buried at St. Emmeram's Abbey.


This article incorporates text from the public-domain Catholic Encyclopedia of 1913.

Arnulf I. (Bayern)

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Arnulf I. der Böse († 14. Juli 937 in Regensburg) war seit 907 Herzog von Bayern. Er stammte aus dem Geschlecht der Luitpoldinger. Arnulf war Sohn des Markgrafen Luitpold und der Kunigunde, Schwester von Berchthold I., Pfalzgraf von Schwaben.



* 1 Landespolitik
* 2 Reichspolitik
* 3 Nachkommen
* 4 Literatur
* 5 Weblinks
Landespolitik [Bearbeiten]

Arnulf konnte auf den Grundlagen der Macht, die Luitpold gelegt hatte, aufbauen und nahm bald darauf den Herzogstitel an. Dabei konnte er auf die Unterstützung des bayerischen Adels setzen, der hoffte, dadurch seine eigene Stellung verbessern zu können. Wichtigste Aufgabe Arnulfs war es, die wiederholten Raubzüge der Magyaren weit nach Bayern und ins Reich hinein zu stoppen. Zur wirksamen Bekämpfung der Ungarn musste er das bayerische Heer, das in der Schlacht von Pressburg vernichtend geschlagen wurde, reorganisieren. Um die dafür nötigen Mittel zu gewinnen zog er das Kirchengut ein und verlieh es an seine Lehnsvasallen. Dafür bekam er später den Beinamen der Böse. In mehreren Schlachten gelang es ihm, die Ungarn zurückzudrängen und 913 erreichte er von ihnen die vertragliche Zusicherung, in Bayern nicht mehr einzufallen.

Reichspolitik [Bearbeiten]

Arnulf erneuerte das bayerische Stammesherzogtum. Auf Reichsebene verfolgte Arnulf eine Politik der Eigenständigkeit in inneren Angelegenheiten und nach außen gegenüber den deutschen Königen Konrad I. und Heinrich I. Er beteiligte sich zwar an der Wahl Konrads zum König. Ein Eingreifen Arnulfs zugunsten seiner verwandten Herzöge von Schwaben gegen Konrad führte zu einem längeren Konflikt, in dessen Verlauf Arnulf zeitweise zu den Ungarn floh.

Nach Konrads Tod kehrte Arnulf 918 mit ungarischer Hilfe in seine Residenzstadt Regensburg zurück und baute eine von der Zentralmacht weitgehend unabhängige Stellung auf. In der Forschung ist bisher nicht geklärt, ob Arnulf sich nach dem Tod Konrads zum Gegenkönig ausrufen ließ (Annales Iuvavenses Maximi zum Jahr 920: „Baiuarii sponte se reddiderunt Arnolfo duci et regnare ei fecerunt in regno teutonicorum“) oder ein bayerisches Sonderkönigtum anstrebte. Im Vertrag von Regensburg 921 erkannte Arnulf jedoch nach Kämpfen mit Heinrich dessen Oberhoheit an. Heinrich billigte im Gegenzug Arnulfs eigenständige Herrschaft, zu der die Ernennung von Bischöfen (z.B. Starchand in Eichstätt), Einberufung von Synoden und Ausübung eigentlicher Regalien (Münzprägung, Zölle) gehörten. Außenpolitisch unterwarf er Böhmen und versuchte in einem (allerdings gescheiterten) Italienzug 933/934 die Langobardenkrone für seinen Sohn Eberhard zu erlangen, nachdem der langobardische Hochadel ihm diese angeboten hatte.

Arnulf wurde im St. Emmeram in Regensburg beigesetzt. Eine Gedenktafel für ihn fand Aufnahme in die Walhalla bei Regensburg.

Nachkommen [Bearbeiten]

Arnulf war verheiratet mit Judith von Friaul, Tochter des Grafen Eberhard im Sülichgau (aus dem Geschlecht der Unruochinger) und der Gisela von Verona. Arnulfs Tochter Judith heiratete Heinrich I. von Bayern, Bruder von Otto dem Großen. Seine Nachkommen waren:

* Eberhard (* um 912, † um 940), 937–938 Herzog von Bayern
* Arnulf (* um 913, † 22. Juli 954), Pfalzgraf von Bayern
* Hermann († 954)
* Heinrich
* Ludwig (* um 930, † nach 974)
* Judith († nach 984), oo Herzog Heinrich I. von Bayern
* Tochter N.N.
Literatur [Bearbeiten]

* Roman Deutinger: Königswahl und Herzogserhebung Arnulfs von Bayern. Das Zeugnis der älteren Salzburger Annalen zum Jahr 920, in: Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters 58, 2002, S. 17–68.
* Eberhard Holz / Wolfgang Huschner (Hrsg.): Deutsche Fürsten des Mittelalters. Leipzig 1995, ISBN 3361004373.
* Ludwig Holzfurtner: Gloriosus dux. Studien zu Herzog Arnulf von Bayern (907–937), München 2003, ISBN 3-406-10666-8. (Rezension)
* Kurt Reindel: Herzog Arnulf und das Regnum Bavariae. In: Zeitschrift für bayerische Landesgeschichte 17 (1953/54), S. 187ff.
* Alois Schmid: Das Bild des Bayernherzogs Arnulf (907–937) in der deutschen Geschichtsschreibung von seinen Zeitgenossen bis zu Wilhelm von Giesebrecht, Kallmünz 1976, ISBN 3-7847-4005-7.
* Friedrich Wilhelm Bautz: Arnulf, „der Böse“. In: Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (BBKL). Band 1, Hamm 1975, Sp. 246.
* Kurt Reindel: Arnulf, „der Böse“. In: Neue Deutsche Biographie (NDB). Band 1. Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1953, S. 396 f.
* Sigmund Ritter von Riezler: Arnulf (Herzog von Bayern). In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Band 1. Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1875, S. 605–607.
Weblinks [Bearbeiten]

Vorgänger Amt Nachfolger

Ludwig das Kind Herzog von Bayern

907–937 Eberhard

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Arnulf (died 14 July 937), called the Bad (German: der Schlimme) or the Evil (der Böse), was the duke of Bavaria from 907 until his death. He was a member of the Luitpolding dynasty.
Early life

Arnulf was the son of Margrave Luitpold of Bavaria and Cunigunda, daughter of Berthold I, the count palatine of Swabia. After the death of his father at the Battle of Brezalauspurc in 907, he followed him as ruler of the Bavarian estates around Regensburg.

Later years

Besieged by frequent raids by the Hungarians and desperate to raise funds to finance a defence, Arnulf strengthened his power through confiscation of church lands and property, which earned him the nickname "the Bad". He re-established the stem duchy of Bavaria and eventually negotiated a truce with the Hungarians who thereafter largely passed through Bavaria on their raids into other German territories.

Arnulf vigorously resisted King Conrad I, whom he had supported in the course of his election and who in 913 had married his mother Cunigunda. In Conrad's conflict with Erchanger and Burchard II of Swabia he backed his Swabian cousins and later challenged Conrad's successor, Henry the Fowler of Saxony. According to the Annales Iuvavenses, in 920, Baiuarii sponte se reddiderunt Arnolfo duci et regnare ei fecerunt in regno teutonicorum: the Bavarians, with some other East Franks, elected Arnulf king in opposition to Henry (actually in 919). Arnulf's "reign" was short-lived. Henry defeated him in two campaigns in 921, confirmed his sovereignty over Bavaria in return for Arnulf's renunciation of his royal claim.

Arnulf died in Regensburg in 937 and is buried at St. Emmeram's Abbey.


Many believe Arnulf was married to Judith of Friuli, daughter of Count Eberhard of Friuli and Gisela of Verona. The dates, however, do not match up. Judith of Friuli died ca. 881. This would have made a marriage between a boy (or at least young) Arnulf and an elder Judith, which was supposed to have produced several children 23 years or so after her death. More likely, therefore, is that he was married to Judith of Sulichgau (born ca. 888), daughter of Eberhard of Sulichgau.

Arnulf's daughter Judith married Henry I of Bavaria, brother of Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor.


The Luitpoldings
One Luitpold, +846, had issue:

A1. a son; m.N, a dau.of Rudolf Welf
B1. Luitpold/Leopold Markgraf von der Ostmark, Mkgf der Kärntner Mark, von Pannonien und der bayerischen Ostmark 895, +Pressburg 4.7.907; m.895/900 Kunigunde von Schwaben (*ca 879 +915), dau.of Berthold, Pfgf of Swabia
C1. Arnulf I, Herzog von Bayern (Duke of Bavaria) (907-937), *ca 898, +Regensburg 14.7.937; m.910/915 Judith of Friaul/von Sülichgau
D7. Berthold I, Markgraf im bayerischen Nordgau, *915/926, +15.1./16.8.980; 949 Heilika, dau.of Gf Lothar von Walbeck
E1. Heinrich, Gf von Schweinfurt, *ca 975, +18.9.1017; m.before 1003 Gerberga von Gleiberg (*ca 970 +after 1017)
F6. Heinrich I, Gf an der Pegnitz, Gf von Schweinfurt, *ca 992, +1043; m.N von Sualafeld/ Altdorf, dau.of Kuno I
G1. Heinrich II, Gf von Pegnitz und Weissinburg, +1080
G2. Kuno I, Gf von Lechsgemünd; m.Mathilde, dau.of Rudolf von Achalm; for their issue see HERE
G3. Otto I, Gf von Scheyern, Graf a.d. Paar 1045, Vogt von Freising 1047, +4.12.1072; 1m: Haziga von Diessen; 2m: N, dau.of Pfgf Hartwig II von Bayern; for their issue see HERE
G4. Friedrich, Gf zu Burg-Lengenfeld; m.Sigena von Laige
Arnulf I. (Bayern)

Arnulf I. der Böse († 14. Juli 937 in Regensburg) war seit 907 Herzog von Bayern. Er stammte aus dem Geschlecht der Luitpoldinger. Arnulf war Sohn des Markgrafen Luitpold und der Kunigunde, Schwester von Berchthold I., Pfalzgraf von Schwaben.


[Verbergen] 1 Landespolitik 2 Reichspolitik 3 Nachkommen 4 Literatur
Landespolitik [Bearbeiten]

Arnulf konnte auf den Grundlagen der Macht, die Luitpold gelegt hatte, aufbauen und nahm bald darauf den Herzogstitel an. Dabei konnte er auf die Unterstützung des baierischen Adels setzen, der hoffte, dadurch seine eigene Stellung verbessern zu können. Wichtigste Aufgabe Arnulfs war es, die wiederholten Raubzüge der Magyaren weit nach Bayern und ins Reich hinein zu unterbinden. Zur wirksamen Bekämpfung der Ungarn musste er das baierische Heer, das in der Schlacht von Pressburg vernichtend geschlagen wurde, reorganisieren. Um die dafür nötigen Mittel zu gewinnen, zog er das Kirchengut ein und verlieh es an seine Lehnsvasallen. Dafür bekam er später den Beinamen der Böse. In mehreren Schlachten gelang es ihm, die Ungarn zurückzudrängen, und 913 erhielt er von ihnen die vertragliche Zusicherung, in Bayern nicht mehr einzufallen.

Reichspolitik [Bearbeiten]

Arnulf erneuerte das baierische Stammesherzogtum. Auf Reichsebene verfolgte Arnulf eine Politik der Eigenständigkeit in inneren Angelegenheiten und nach außen gegenüber den deutschen Königen Konrad I. und Heinrich I. Er beteiligte sich zwar an der Wahl Konrads zum König. Ein Eingreifen Arnulfs zugunsten der mit ihm verwandten Herzöge von Schwaben gegen Konrad führte zu einem längeren Konflikt, in dessen Verlauf Arnulf zeitweise zu den Ungarn floh.

Nach Konrads Tod kehrte Arnulf 918 mit ungarischer Hilfe in seine Residenzstadt Regensburg zurück und baute eine von der Zentralmacht weitgehend unabhängige Stellung auf. In der Forschung ist bisher nicht geklärt, ob Arnulf sich nach dem Tod Konrads zum Gegenkönig ausrufen ließ (Annales Iuvavenses Maximi zum Jahr 920: „Baiuarii sponte se reddiderunt Arnolfo duci et regnare ei fecerunt in regno teutonicorum“) oder ein baierisches Sonderkönigtum anstrebte. Im Vertrag von Regensburg 921 erkannte Arnulf jedoch nach Kämpfen mit Heinrich dessen Oberhoheit an. Heinrich billigte im Gegenzug Arnulfs eigenständige Herrschaft, zu der die Ernennung von Bischöfen (z.B. Starchand in Eichstätt), Einberufung von Synoden und Ausübung eigentlicher Regalien (Münzprägung, Zölle) gehörten. Außenpolitisch unterwarf er Böhmen und versuchte in einem (allerdings gescheiterten) Italienzug 933/934 die Langobardenkrone für seinen Sohn Eberhard zu erlangen, nachdem der langobardische Hochadel ihm diese angeboten hatte.

Arnulf wurde im St. Emmeram in Regensburg beigesetzt. Eine Gedenktafel für ihn fand Aufnahme in die Walhalla bei Regensburg.

Nachkommen [Bearbeiten]

Arnulf war verheiratet mit Judith von Friaul, Tochter des Grafen Eberhard im Sülichgau (aus dem Geschlecht der Unruochinger) und der Gisela von Verona. Arnulfs Tochter Judith heiratete Heinrich I. von Bayern, Bruder von Otto dem Großen. Seine Nachkommen waren:

Eberhard (* um 912, † um 940), 937–938 Herzog von Bayern Arnulf (* um 913, † 22. Juli 954), Pfalzgraf von Bayern Hermann († 954) Heinrich Ludwig (* um 930, † nach 974) Judith († nach 984), oo Herzog Heinrich I. von Bayern Tochter N.N.
Literatur [Bearbeiten]

Roman Deutinger: Königswahl und Herzogserhebung Arnulfs von Bayern. Das Zeugnis der älteren Salzburger Annalen zum Jahr 920, in: Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters 58, 2002, S. 17–68. Eberhard Holz / Wolfgang Huschner (Hrsg.): Deutsche Fürsten des Mittelalters. Leipzig 1995, ISBN 3361004373. Ludwig Holzfurtner: Gloriosus dux. Studien zu Herzog Arnulf von Bayern (907–937), München 2003, ISBN 3-406-10666-8. (Rezension) Kurt Reindel: Herzog Arnulf und das Regnum Bavariae. In: Zeitschrift für bayerische Landesgeschichte 17 (1953/54), S. 187ff. Alois Schmid: Das Bild des Bayernherzogs Arnulf (907–937) in der deutschen Geschichtsschreibung von seinen Zeitgenossen bis zu Wilhelm von Giesebrecht, Kallmünz 1976, ISBN 3-7847-4005-7. Friedrich Wilhelm Bautz: Arnulf, „der Böse“. In: Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (BBKL). Band 1, Hamm 1975, Sp. 246 (gekürzte Onlinefassung). Kurt Reindel: Arnulf, „der Böse“. In: Neue Deutsche Biographie (NDB). Band 1, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1953, S. 396 f. Sigmund Ritter von Riezler: Arnulf (Herzog von Bayern). In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Band 1, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1875, S. 605–607.

Arnulf of Bavaria was the son of Luitpold of the Agilulfing family and of Kunigunde. He was Duke of Bavaria from 907 to 937. He was called Arnulf the "Bad Duke." . His reign fell in a troubled time. The Magyars had begun their predatory incursions into Germany, in which they destroyed everything, wherever they penetrated. When, in the year 907, they again advanced against Bavaria in larger numbers than ever, the Margrave Luitpold summoned the entire fighting force of his people for the defense of the country. The Bavarians, however, were completely defeated, July 5, 907, in a battle in which Luitpold himself, nearly all the Bavarian nobles, and a number of bishops, were killed. The land then became an easy prey to the barbarians and was ruthlessly devastated. Ludwig, King of the East Franks, withdrew to the western division of the empire.
It was under these almost hopeless conditions that Arnulf, the son of Luitpold, began his reign. He did not lose courage, however, and succeeded, August 11, 909, in defeating the Magyars on the Rott as they were returning from Swabia. The Magyars continued their plundering expeditions in the years directly following, until they were defeated in a battle on the Inn not far from Passau, in the year 913, by a combined army of the Bavarians under Arnulf and of the Swabians under Erchanger and Berchtold, who were the brothers of Arnulf's mother, Kunigunde.

When a quarrel broke out between King Conrad and the Swabian dukes, Arnulf took up arms against the king in favor of his uncles. The marriage of Conrad with Kunigunde, the mother of Arnulf and sister of the Swabian dukes, did not prevent the enmity. Arnulf was obliged to flee the country, but after a Swabian victory over followers of Conrad, he returned to Bavaria and established himself at Salzburg and Regensburg (Ratisbon). Conrad advanced in 916 against his stepson once more and defeated him, but was not able to drive him entirely out of the country.

Wanting to stop this disorder, the German bishops held a synod in 916 at Hohenaltheim near Nordlingen. The synod threatened Arnulf with excommunication if he did not present himself by October 7 before a synod at Regensburg. Arnulf, however, continued his struggle against Conrad.

He was eventually induced to submit by Conrad's successor, Henry I, but only after he was accorded the right of independent government in Bavaria, the right of coinage, and the right of appointment to the bishoprics. This agreement was made in 921, before Regensburg. After receiving these concessions Arnulf acknowledged the German king as his overlord. Otherwise, he was an independent ruler in his own land and called himself in his official documents "Duke of the Bavarians by the Grace of God".

During his struggle for the independence of Bavaria, Arnulf had confiscated many monastic estates and properties, and had granted these lands as fiefs to his nobles and soldiers. Many churches had already suffered greatly by the Magyars' attacks but Arnulf's actions completely impoverished the churces. Only one abbot, Egilolf of Niederaltaich, attended the Synod of Regensburg in 932. The great monasteries of Benediktbeuern, Isen, Moosburg, Niederaltaich, Schaftlarn, Schliersee, Tegernsee, and Wessobrunn, had lost almost all they possessed through Arnulf's confiscations, which were at times supported by some of the German bishops. Drakolf, Bishop of Freising, encouraged by the duke, appropriated some possessions of the churches of Schaftlarn, Moosburg, and Isen. This is how Arnulf earned the nicknamed "der Schlimme (the Bad)."

Once Arnulf submitted to King Henry, conditions for the churches improved. The Bavarian bishops met in synod at Regensburg, January 14, 932, and in the summer of the same year they held a synod in connection with other territorial nobles at Dingolfing. An agreement was reached that the lands wrested from the monasteries and other religious houses should be returned to them. Arnulf himself showed zeal in rebuilding the churches that had been destroyed.

Arnulf married Judith of Friuli (born c. 894 in Friulia, Italy). They had a large family, with eight to ten children attributed to them. He died July 14, 937, and was buried in the church of St. Emmeram in Regensburg.

For more information, see the following links:'s_Abbey,_Duke_of_Bavaria
Hertug af Bayern 907.

Prøvede at blive romersk kejser, men måtte anerkende kejseren.

folgt 907, nennt sich "Herzog dei Gratia von Bayern und den angrenzenden Ländern" setzt de n Abwehrkampf erfolgreich fort: Schlacht am Inn 913 mit schwäbischer Hilfe; 914-917 vom Stief vater (Konrad I.) nach Ungarn verjagt; wo er einen 14-jährigen Frieden vermittelt; greift i n böhmische Bruderkriege ein; will alte bayerische Hoheitsrechte erneuern; 919 deutscher Gege nkönig; akzeptiert 921 König Heinrich I., wird dafür Markgraf im Nordgau, erhält volles Inves titurrecht und da Recht zugestanden, über Reichsgut in Bayern zuverfügen; gerät schroff gegen die Kirche, da e r etlichen Besitz zugunsten seiner Anhänger säkularisiert (daher der Beiname "der Böse"); meh rmals Grenzkriege gegen Ungarn; hat wie sein Vater enge Beziehungen nach Italien; das er, alt en bayerischen Traditionen folgend, 933/34 für den Sohn zu Gewinnen sucht
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??? n

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