sábado, 8 de enero de 2022

Marmolejo y Ortiz Luisa ★ Ref: MO-1597 |•••► #VENEZUELA 🏆🇻🇪★ #Genealogía #Genealogy

 10° Bisabuela/ Great Grandmother de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Luisa Marmolejo Ortíz is your 10th great grandmother.



 (Linea Materna)


Luisa Marmolejo Ortíz is your 10th great grandmother.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Morella Álamo Borges

your mother → Belén Borges Ustáriz

her mother → Elias Felipe Borges Santamaría

her father → Elias Borges y Codecido

his father → María Josefa Juliana Codecido Salazar y Lamas

his mother → María de los Angeles Rodríguez de Lamas Marvez

her mother → María Antonia Marvez Rojas

her mother → María Antonia de Rojas Queipo y Loaysa

her mother → Jeronima Pérez de Loaisa y Ayala

her mother → María Mauricia de Herrera Ayala y Bolivar

her mother → Leonor De Bolivar y Marmolejo

her mother → Luisa Marmolejo Ortíz

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Luisa Marmolejo Ortíz 

Spanish: Luisa De Marmolejo y Ortíz

Gender: Female

Birth: 1597

Caracas, Venezuela (Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of)

Death: Caracas, Venezuela (Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of)

Immediate Family:

Daughter of Esteban Marmolejo and Leonor Ortíz López

Wife of Capitán de Infantería Antonio de Bolívar y Díaz de Rojas

Mother of Maria de Bolívar y Marmolejo; Francisco de Bolívar y Marmolejo and Leonor De Bolivar y Marmolejo

Sister of Melchora Marmolejo Ortíz

Added by: Juan Ramón Pacheco Zuloaga on June 8, 2007

Managed by: Leopoldo Rafael Sanabria Gascue and 9 others

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Capitán de Infantería Antonio ...


Maria de Bolívar y Marmolejo


Francisco de Bolívar y Marmolejo


Leonor De Bolivar y Marmolejo


Esteban Marmolejo


Leonor Ortíz López


Melchora Marmolejo Ortíz


Beatríz Bolívar y Rebolledo


María de Bolívar y Rebolledo


Juan de Bolívar y Rebolledo


Capitán Luis de Bolívar y Rebo...


Simón de Bolívar y Rebolledo



Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.


viernes, 7 de enero de 2022

Núñez Felibert María Fernanda ★ Ref: NF-1992 |•••► #VENEZUELA 🏆🇻🇪★ #Genealogía #Genealogy

 (Es Tu Séptima Prima Removida Dos Veces)-is your 7th cousin twice removed de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →María Fernanda Núñez Felibert is your 7th cousin twice removed.



 (Linea Materna)


María Fernanda Núñez Felibert is your 7th cousin twice removed.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Morella Álamo Borges

your mother → Ángel Álamo Ibarra

her father → Isabel Ibarra Elizondo

his mother → Maria Dolores Soyla Elizondo y Freites

her mother → María de los Dolores Freites y Maya

her mother → Joseph Joaquin Freytes Andrade

her father → Francisco Freytes

his father → Inés María Martinez de Freites y Ramos

his sister → María Agustina Guadarrama Freites

her daughter → Valentín Joseph Anzola Guadarrama

her son → María de la Concepción Josepha Mauricia Anzola y Monasterios

his daughter → María Concepción Villavicencio y Anzola

her daughter → José Hermenegildo Francisco de la Concepción García Villavicencio

her son → Dolores Herminia García Alvarez

his daughter → Luis Heriberto Núñez Garcia

her son → Luis Fernando Núñez Guzmán

his son → María Fernanda Núñez Felibert

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María Fernanda Núñez Felibert

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Gender: Female

Birth: December 08, 1992

Caracas, Libertador, Dtto. Capital, Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of

Immediate Family:

Daughter of Luis Fernando Núñez Guzmán and Mariela Coromoto Felibert Guzmán

Added by: Carlos Juan Urdaneta Alamo on today

Managed by: Carlos Juan Urdaneta Alamo

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Luis Fernando Núñez Guzmán


Mariela Coromoto Felibert Guzmán



Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.


Telo de Menezes Martim Afonso ★ Ref: TL-1310 |•••► #ESPAÑA 🏆🇪🇸★ #Genealogía #Genealogy

21° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Martim Afonso Telo de Menezes is your 21st great grandfather.



 (Linea Materna)


Martim Afonso Telo de Menezes is your 21st great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Morella Álamo Borges

your mother → Belén Borges Ustáriz

her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna

her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesus Uztáriz y Monserrate

her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra

his mother → Maria Manuela Ibarra y Galindo

her mother → Andres Eugenio Rafael Ibarra é Ibarra

her father → Juan Julián de Ibarra y Herrera

his father → Antonia Nicolasa Sarmiento de Herrera y Loaisa

his mother → Juan Sarmiento de Herrera y Fernández Pacheco, Alférez Mayor

her father → Agustín Sarmiento de Herrera y Rojas

his father → Diego Sarmiento de Rojas y Ayala

his father → Pedro José Fernández de Saavedra, el Mozo

his father → Catalina Escobar de las Roelas

his mother → Juana de Ribera y Gudiel de las Roelas

her mother → Perafán de Rivera y Dávila

her father → Gómez Davila Fajardo, 6to Señor de San Roman, Villanueva, Guadamora y la Ventosa

his father → Inés Fajardo y Quesada

his mother → Teresa Rodríguez de Avilés

her mother → Beatriz Fernández Pacheco Téllez de Meneses

her mother → Inês de Menezes

her mother → Gonçalo Teles de Menezes, 1º conde de Neiva

her father → Martim Afonso Telo de Menezes

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Martim Afonso Telo de Menezes MP

Gender: Male

Birth: before circa 1310

Toro, Zamora, Castile and León, Spain

Death: January 25, 1356

Toro, Zamora, Castilla y León, Spain (Assassinated)

Immediate Family:

Son of Afonso Martins Teles Raposo and Berengária Lourenço de Valadares

Husband of Aldonça Anes de Vasconcelos

Partner of Sister of Catalina Fernández

Father of João Afonso Telo de Menezes, 6º conde de Barcelos; Gonçalo Teles de Menezes, 1º conde de Neiva; Maria Teles de Menezes; Leonor Teles de Menezes, Rainha de Portugal; Vasco Teles de Meneses and 2 others

Brother of João Afonso Telo de Menezes, 1º conde de Ourém e 4º de Barcelos and Maria Afonso Telo

Added by: Gilberto Silva Lemes on September 27, 2007

Managed by: Pablo Benítez Barreto and 32 others

Curated by: Victar

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Wikipedia PT

NFP, tt.º MENESES $16 N7, pg. 205.: ...he o q matou El Rey D. P.º Conde de Castella saindo do Touro com sua may como se acha na sua Choronica Cap. 22 fls. 44; matou-o EI Rey D. Affonco 2º de Castella segundo diz outro tudo por se diser tinha sobeja Privança com a d' Raynha.

(NFP, 1941, Meneses $ 16 N7)



digitarq.adptg.arquivos.pt/details?id=1021591 Nisa, Cabo Verde. Licenciado Pedro Dias, Frei Diogo Belo, Manuel Freire, Gonçalo Mestre Boto, Manuel Pires, Diogo Freire, Isabel Fernandes, Violante Biscaia ...

Martim Afonso Telo de Meneses[a] (m. Toro, 26 de Janeiro de 1356), foi um rico-homem português, membro da linhagem dos Teles de Meneses, e o pai de Leonor Teles de Meneses, rainha de Portugal.

Era o filho primogénito de Afonso Teles Raposo, que foi vassalo de Afonso IV de Portugal, e de Berengária Lourenço de Valadares, filha de Lourenço Soares de Valadares e de Sancha Nunes de Chacim.


Foi mordomo-mor da rainha consorte de Castela Maria de Portugal, esposa do rei Afonso XI, e a mãe do rei Pedro I o Cruel.

Em 26 de Janeiro de 1356, Martim Afonso estava com a rainha e outros nobres no Alcazar de Toro quando o rei Pedro, acompanhado por vários escudeiros, entrou no Alcazar e mandou matar muitos dos nobres que estavam lá com a rainha. Pedro López de Ayala na crónica dos reinados de Pedro e três de seus sucessores, descreveu os acontecimentos da seguinte forma.

"E então logo enviou dizer el Rei à Rainha Dona Maria, sua mãe, que estava dentro do Alcácer que saísse de ali e se viesse para ele. E a Rainha enviou-lhe pedir mercê para aqueles Cavaleiros que ali estavam com ela, que os perdoasse. E el Rei enviou-lhe dizer que ela se viesse, que depois ele saberia que fazer com dos Cavaleiros que com ela estavam (...) E a Rainha saiu do Alcácer, e vinha com ela a condessa dona Juana, mulher do conde Dom Henrique, outrossim om Pero Estevanez Carpentero, Mestre que se chamava de Calatrava, e Ruy Gonçalves de Castanheda, e Alfonso Tellez Girón, e Martin Alfonso Tello (...) Outro Escudeiro chegou e matou a Martim Alfonso Tello (...) E a Rainha Dona Maria, mãe del Rei, quando viu matar assim a estes Cavaleiros, caiu em terra sem nenhum sentido, como morta (...) e depois levantaram-na e viu os Cavaleiros mortos em derredor de si, e desnudos e começou a dar grandes vozes maldizendo ao Rei seu filho, e dizendo que a desonrara e lastimara para sempre, e que mais já queria morrer, que não viver"

Matrimónio e descendência

Martim Afonso casou com Aldonça Anes de Vasconcelos, filha de João Mendes de Vasconcelos,alcaide-mor de Estremoz, e de Aldara Afonso Alcoforado. Deste matrimónio naceram os seguintes filhos:

João Afonso Telo de Meneses o Moço (m. 1385 na Batalha de Aljubarrota), foi alcaide-mor de Lisboa em 1372, almirate do reino, e 6.º conde de Barcelos em 1382. Casou com Beatriz Afonso de Albuquerque, irmã de sua cunhada Maria, ambas filhas illegítimas de João Afonso de Albuquerque o do Ataúde (m. 1354), VI senhor de Albuquerque e chanceler-mor o rei Pedro I de Castela, e Maria Rodrigues Barba.

Gonçalo Teles (m. 28 Junho de 1403) conde de Neiva e senhor de Faria, casou com Maria Afonso de Albuquerque (ainda era viva em Outubro de 1429), filha legitimada de João Afonso de Albuquerque.

Maria Teles (m. Novembro de 1379), esposa de Álvaro Dias de Sousa, (m. ca. 1365), com quem teve a Lope Dias de Sousa. Depois de enviuvar, contraiu matrimónio com o infante João, duque de Valência de Campos, filho do rei Pedro I de quem teve a Fernando de Portugal, senhor de Eça (n. 1378). Foi assassinada pelo seu esposo João.

Leonor Teles de Meneses, rainha de Portugal pelo seu casamento com o rei Fernando I.

Teve uma filha fora de matrimónio:

Joana Teles, a esposa de João Afonso Pimentel, primeiro conde de Benavente.


Martim Afonso Telo de Meneses (died in Toro, 26 January 1356), was a Portuguese nobleman, member of the Téllez de Meneses lineage, and the father of Leonor Telles de Meneses, queen consort of Portugal.

His parents were Afonso Telles de Meneses, called el Raposo, vassal of King Afonso IV of Portugal, and Berengáira Lourenço de Valadares,[1], daughter of Lourenço Soares de Valadares and Sancha Nunes de Chacím.

Biography Alcázar de Toro where Martim Afonso Telo de Meneses was assassinated Alcázar de Toro where Martim Afonso Telo de Meneses was assassinated Martim Afonso was the Mayordomo of Maria of Portugal,[2] the wife of King Alfonso XI of Castile and mother of the only surviving son of this marriage, Peter of Castile. On 16 January 1356, he and several nobles were at the Alcázar de Toro with the queen when King Peter of Castile arrived, accompanied by several squires, entered the grounds of the fortress and ordered the assassination of several of the men who were there with the queen, including Martim. Pero López de Ayala in his chronicles describes the events as follow:[3]

And then the King ordered that Queen Doña Maria, his mother, who was inside the Alcázar, was to go outside and go to him. And the Queen asked for mercy for the gentlemen who were with her and pleaded on their behalf for the king's forgiveness. And the King told her again to come to him since he would know what should be done with the gentlemen who were at her side (...) and the Queen left the Alcázar, and with her, also countess doña Juana the wife of count Don Henry, Don Pero Estevanez Carpentero Grand Master of the Order of Calatrava, and Ruy González de Castañeda, and Alfonso Téllez Girón, and Martín Alfonso Tello (…) Another squire arrived and killed Martim Afonso Telo (...) and the Queen, Doña María, the king's mother, when she saw that these gentlemen had been killed, fell to the ground, unconscious (...) and when they helped her to get on her feet and she saw all the dead gentlemen, naked, all around her, she started to scream, and coursed the King, her son, telling him to dishonor and hurt her forever, and that she would rather die than live. (loose translation) Marriage and issue Martim Afonso and his wife, Aldonça Anes de Vasconcelos, daughter of João Mendes de Vasconcelos, Alcaide of Estremoz, and Aldara Alfonso Alcoforado, had the following children:[

Jo%C3%A3o Teles de Meneses (killed on 14 August 1385 in the Battle of Aljubarrota), 6t.º Conde de Barcelos in 1382, mayor of Lisbon, admiral of the Kingdom of Portugal, and the husband of Beatriz de Alburquerque, and illegitimate daughter of João Afonso de Albuquerque.

Gonçalo Teles de Meneses, (died on 28 June 1403), Conde de Neiva and lord of Faria, married to Maria Afonso de Albuquerque, also an illegitimate daughter of João Afonso de Albuquerque.

Maria Teles de Meneses (m. November 1379), wife of Alvaro Dias de Sousa and, after his death, married infante John of Portugal, Duke of Valencia de Campos, son of King Peter I of Portugal and Inês de Castro, parents of Infante Fernando, Lord of Eça;

Leonor Teles, queen consort of Portugal as the wife of King Ferdinand I of Portugal. He was also the father of a daughter born out of wedlock:

Joana Teles de Meneses, who married Juan Alfonso Pimentel, 1.º Conde de Benavente


Martim Afonso Telo de Meneses[a] (m. Toro, 26 de Janeiro de 1356), foi um rico-homem português, membro da linhagem dos Teles de Meneses, e o pai de Leonor Teles de Meneses, rainha de Portugal.

Era o filho primogénito de Afonso Teles Raposo, que foi vassalo de Afonso IV de Portugal, e de Berengária Lourenço de Valadares,[1] filha de Lourenço Soares de Valadares e de Sancha Nunes de Chacim.

Índice 1 Biografia 2 Matrimónio e descendência 3 Notas 4 Referências 5 Bibliografia Biografia

Alcázar de Toro onde foi assassinado Martim Afonso Telo de Meneses Foi mordomo-mor da rainha consorte de Castela Maria de Portugal,[2][3] esposa do rei Afonso XI, e a mãe do rei Pedro I o Cruel. Em 26 de Janeiro de 1356, Martim Afonso estava com a rainha e outros nobres no Alcazar de Toro quando o rei Pedro, acompanhado por vários escudeiros, entrou no Alcazar e mandou matar muitos dos nobres que estavam lá com a rainha.[2] Pedro López de Ayala na crónica dos reinados de Pedro e três de seus sucessores, descreveu os acontecimentos da seguinte forma:[4][b]

“ E então logo enviou dizer el Rei à Rainha Dona Maria, sua mãe, que estava dentro do Alcácer que saísse de ali e se viesse para ele. E a Rainha enviou-lhe pedir mercê para aqueles Cavaleiros que ali estavam com ela, que os perdoasse. E el Rei enviou-lhe dizer que ela se viesse, que depois ele saberia que fazer com dos Cavaleiros que com ela estavam (...) E a Rainha saiu do Alcácer, e vinha com ela a condessa dona Juana, mulher do conde Dom Henrique, outrossim om Pero Estevanez Carpentero, Mestre que se chamava de Calatrava, e Ruy Gonçalves de Castanheda, e Alfonso Tellez Girón, e Martin Alfonso Tello (...) Outro Escudeiro chegou e matou a Martim Alfonso Tello (...) E a Rainha Dona Maria, mãe del Rei, quando viu matar assim a estes Cavaleiros, caiu em terra sem nenhum sentido, como morta (...) e depois levantaram-na e viu os Cavaleiros mortos em derredor de si, e desnudos e começou a dar grandes vozes maldizendo ao Rei seu filho, e dizendo que a desonrara e lastimara para sempre, e que mais já queria morrer, que não viver. ” Matrimónio e descendência Martim Afonso casou com Aldonça Anes de Vasconcelos, filha de João Mendes de Vasconcelos,[5] [6]alcaide-mor de Estremoz, e de Aldara Afonso Alcoforado. Deste matrimónio nasceram os seguintes filhos:[c][7]

João Afonso Telo de Meneses o Moço (m. 1385 na Batalha de Aljubarrota), foi alcaide-mor de Lisboa em 1372, almirate do reino, e 6.º conde de Barcelos em 1382. Casou com Beatriz Afonso de Albuquerque, irmã de sua cunhada Maria, ambas filhas ilegítimas de João Afonso de Albuquerque o do Ataúde (m. 1354), VI senhor de Albuquerque e chanceler-mor do rei Pedro I de Castela, e de Maria Rodrigues Barba;[8] Gonçalo Teles (m. 28 Junho de 1403), conde de Neiva e senhor de Faria, casou com Maria Afonso de Albuquerque (ainda era viva em Outubro de 1429), filha legitimada de João Afonso de Albuquerque;[9][10] Maria Teles (m. Novembro de 1379), esposa de Álvaro Dias de Sousa, (m. ca. 1365), com quem teve a Lope Dias de Sousa. Depois de enviuvar, contraiu matrimónio com o infante João, duque de Valência de Campos, filho do rei Pedro I de Portugal, com quem teve a Fernando de Portugal, senhor de Eça (n. 1378).[11] Foi assassinada pelo seu esposo João;[12] Leonor Teles de Meneses, rainha consorte de Portugal pelo seu casamento com o rei Fernando I de Portugal .[13][14] Teve uma filha fora de matrimónio:

Joana Teles, a esposa de João Afonso Pimentel, primeiro conde de Benavente.[15]


[a] ^ Pela grafia arcaica, Martim Affonso Tello de Menezes

[b] ^ Segundo Braamcamp Freire, foi amante da rainha "e a seus pés, salpicando-a com seu sangue, recebeu a morte em Toro (...) aos maos dos sicarios de Pedro I, filho da sua própria amante."[2]

[c] ^ Foi pai de dois filhos e três filhas; a saber:

Dom João Afonso Telo, que foi Conde de Barcelos, e o

Conde Dom Gonçalo, que foi Conde de Neiva e de Faria;

e as filhas, uma bastarda, que houve o nome de Dona Joana, foi comendadeira de Santos, e deixou a comenda, como o fazer podia segundo a sua ordem, e casou com João Afonso Pimentel;

e outra foi Dona Maria Teles, casada com Lopo Dias de Sousa,

e a outra chamaram Dona Leonor Teles, mulher que foi de João Lourenço da Cunha, filho de Martim Lourenço da Cunha, senhor do morgado de Pombeiro. Cfr. Fernão Lopes, Crónica de el-rei D. Fernando, capítulo LVII.

Referências ↑ Sotto Mayor Pizarro 1987, p. 240. ↑ Ir para: a b c Braamcamp Freire 1921, p. 108. ↑ Sotto Mayor Pizarro 1987, p. 203. ↑ López de Ayala 1780, p. 207-208, Ano sexto, capítulo II. ↑ Sotto Mayor Pizarro 1987, p. 203 e 241. ↑ Braamcamp Freire 1921, p. 109. ↑ Sotto Mayor Pizarro 1987, p. 241. ↑ Sotto Mayor Pizarro 1987, p. 205 e 232. ↑ Sotto Mayor Pizarro 1987, p. 204 e 232. ↑ Braamcamp Freire 1921, p. 110–111. ↑ Sotto Mayor Pizarro 1987, p. 204. ↑ Braamcamp Freire 1921, p. 88–97 e 110. ↑ Sotto Mayor Pizarro 1987, p. 24 e 242. ↑ Braamcamp Freire 1921, p. 110. ↑ Sotto Mayor Pizarro 1987, p. 242.


Braamcamp Freire, Anselmo (1921-30). Brasões da Sala de Sintra- Livro Primeiro. Coimbra: Imprenta da Universidade. OCLC 794223590 Verifique data em:

Lopes, Fernão (1895–1896). Chronica de el-rei D. Fernando. Lisboa: Escriptorio. Serie: Bibliotheca de classicos portugueses (VI). OCLC 2634915

López de Ayala, Pedro (1780). Crónica de los Reyes de Castilla, Don Pedro, Don Enrique II, Don Juan I, Don Enrique III. Madrid: Imprenta de D. Antonio de Sancha. OCLC 2921347

Sotto Mayor Pizarro, José Augusto P. (1987). Os Patronos do Mosteiro de Grijo: Evolução e Estrutura da Familia Nobre Séculos XI a XIV. Oporto: [s.n.]

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Sister of Catalina Fernández


Joana Telles de Menezes


Aldonça Anes de Vasconcelos


João Afonso Telo de Menezes, 6...


Gonçalo Teles de Menezes, 1º c...


Maria Teles de Menezes


Leonor Teles de Menezes, Rainha ...


Vasco Teles de Meneses


Rodrigo Afonso Pimentel


Afonso Martins Teles Raposo


Berengária Lourenço de Valadares


João Afonso Telo de Menezes, 1...



Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.



Lander y Sáenz Juan José de ★ Ref: LS-1767 |•••► #ESPAÑA 🏆🇪🇸★ #Genealogía #Genealogy

 (Es El Segundo Bisabuelo De Tu Tío Abuelo)-is your great uncle's second great grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Juan José de Lander y Sáenz de Iricart, natural de Alava is your great uncle's second great grandfather.



(Linea Paterna) 


Juan José de Lander y Sáenz de Iricart, natural de Alava is your great uncle's second great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Dr. Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna

your father → Dr. Carlos Urdaneta Carrillo

his father → María Teodora Urdaneta Carrillo

his sister → José Rafael Parés Espino

her husband → Celsa Josefa de la Asunción Espino Lander

his mother → Josefa Ramona Lander Cardier

her mother → Manuel María Higinio Lander Velázquez

her father → Juan José de Lander y Sáenz de Iricart, natural de Alava

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about 1760
San Vicente de Arana, Harana, Álava, Basque Country, Spain
21 April 1842
San Pablo, Caracas, Distrito Federal, Venezuela


Casado el 05/06/1786 teniendo 26 años 


Nombre: Juan Josef Lander (Agueda Saen,Luiz Lander,Juan Josef Lander)

Marriage Date: 5 Jun 1786

Lugar de matrimonio: Venezuela

Familia Función Sexo Edad Lugar de nacimiento

Luiz Lander Padre M

Agueda Saen Madre F

Maria Antonia Ruiz Monon Cónyuge U

Número de carpeta digital: 004999718

Cita de este registro




Juan José de Lander y Sáenz de Iricart, natural de Alava 

Gender: Male

Birth: estimated between 1743 and 1793 

Death: 1842

Immediate Family:

Son of Luis de Lander and Agueda Sáenz de Ibisate

Husband of María Antonia de las Mercedes Ruiz Morón and María de la Soledad del Carmen Pérez Velásquez y Baeza

Father of Juan Jph Victor Lander Moron; Juan Bautista Eufemio Lander Moron; María Eugenia de Jesús Lander Ruíz Moron; Juan Joseph Lander Moron; Juan Manuel Pio Lander Moron and 8 others

Added by: Carlos Juan Urdaneta Alamo on February 4, 2008

Managed by: Carlos Juan Urdaneta Alamo and Pablo Romero (Curador)

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María de la Soledad del Carmen ...


José Marcos del Carmen Lander y...


Juan Martin Lander Velasquez


Rafael Hedduvigis Lander Velasquez


Manuel María Higinio Lander Vel...


Maria del Carmen Isavel Lander P...


Trinidad Saturnina Lander Pérez...


Sixto Salvador del Carmen Lander...


Thomasa Lander Velasquez


María Antonia de las Mercedes R...


Juan Jph Victor Lander Moron


Juan Bautista Eufemio Lander Moron



Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.


jueves, 6 de enero de 2022

Bethencourt Jean I (1275) ★ Ref: BB-1275 |•••► #FRANCIA 🇫🇷🏆 #Genealogía #Genealogy

 19° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Jean I de Bethencourt is your 19th great grandfather.- (19° Bisabuelo )



 (Linea Materna)


Jean I de Bethencourt is your 19th great grandfather.

You→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→   Morella Álamo Borges 

your mother →  Belén Borges Ustáriz 

her mother →  Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna 

her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesus Uztáriz y Monserrate 

her father →  María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra 

his mother → Maria Manuela Ibarra y Galindo 

her mother →  Andres Eugenio Rafael Ibarra é Ibarra 

her father →  Juan Julián de Ibarra y Herrera 

his father → Antonia Nicolasa Sarmiento de Herrera y Loaisa 

his mother →  Juan Sarmiento de Herrera y Fernández Pacheco, Alférez Mayor 

her father → Agustín de Herrera Sarmiento de Rojas y Ayala 

his father →  Diego Gómez Sarmiento de Rojas y Sandoval 

his father →  Iseo de León 

his mother → Elvira Pérez de Munguía y Bethencourt 

her mother →  Margarita de Bethencourt Perdomo 

her mother →  Jean d'Ariette Prud'homme 

her father → Jean Arrriete de Bettencourt 

his father →  Regnault de Bettencourt 

his father →  Jean III de Bettencourt 

his father → Jean II de Bettencourt, seigneur de Bettencourt 

his father →  Jean I de Bethencourt 

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Jean I de Bethencourt is your third great grandmother's husband's 14th great grandfather.

Jean de Bethencourt, I   MP

Spanish: Jean I de Béthencourt, Señor de Béthencourt

Gender: Male

Birth: circa 1275 

Grainville-La-Teinturiere, Duché de Normandie, France  

Death: circa 1336 (53-69) 


Immediate Family:

Son of Reginault II de Bethencourt 

Husband of Nicole de Grainville 

Father of Regnault III de Bethencourt; Jean II de Bettencourt, seigneur de Bettencourt and Isabel de Bethencourt 

Added by: Rodrigo Mattos Costa on December 27, 2007

Managed by: Miguel Gorman and 13 others

Curated by: Ben M. Angel, still catching up

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English (default)  edit | history

4ª Geração dos Bethencourt

(I) Señor de Béthencourt, usó como sello el león rampante. Cerca de 1302 se unió a las tropas francesas destacadas en Arras, Pas de Calais, y marchó con cuatro hombres de armas, a servir bajo las órdenes de Jean de Mauquenchy, Señor de Blainville, más tarde Mariscal de Francia y a la sazón Senescal de la Guyena y de Agen. Batalló contra los ingleses en Agen (1327) y Guyena (1328).

Jean de Bethencourt (I) was also known as Jehan de Béthencourt (I). He was also known as Jean de Bettencourt (I). He was also known as João de Bettencourt (I). He was also known as Jhean de Bethancourt (I). He was also known as Jean Bettencourt. He was born between 1270 and 1280 at France. He married Nicole de Grainville at Caux, France; Map of Granville (Caux). Jean de Bethencourt (I) was patron of the church of Bosc-Asselin, Sigy-en-Bray, Argueil, Dieppe, Seine-Maritime, France, like his forefathers. Circa 1302 he was attached to the French troops quartered in Arras, Pas-de-Calais, France. Jean de Bethencourt (I) was Lord of Béthencourt and of Saint Vincent de Rouvray.10 He was the leader of a company composed of 4 halberdiers and 10 men-at-arms and fought under the command of Marshal Jean de Mauquenchy, Lord of Blainville, against the English, in Agen (1327) and Guyenne (1328). He died before 1337 since in that year his wife was already a widow.

Nicole de Grainville was also known as Diane Nicolle. She was also known as Nicole de Granville La Tenturière. She was also known as Diane Nicole.9 She was also known as Daine Nicola. She was also known as Diane Nicola (perhaps someone in a later period misread the title "Dame" i.e. "Lady" as "Diane). She was born circa 1280 at France. Nicole de Grainville was Lady of Grainville-la-Teinturière, Cany-Barville, Dieppe, Seine-Maritime, France. The castle and fief of Grainville-la-Teinturière were included in her dowry. She died after 1337 (since in that year she is mentioned as a widow).

Children of Jean de Bethencourt (I) and Nicole de Grainville were as follows:

i. Regnault Bethencourt (III) was born circa 1310 at Caux, France.

ii. Jean de Bethencourt (II) was born circa 1310 at Sigy-en-Bray, Argueil, Dieppe, Seine-Maritime, France. He married Isabeau de St. Martin, daughter of Jean de St. Martin and Isabeau de Harcourt, in 1338 at France.

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Nicole de Grainville


Regnault III de Bethencourt


Jean II de Bettencourt, seigneur...


Isabel de Bethencourt


Reginault II de Bethencourt




Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.


Bettencourt, seigneur de Bettencourt Jean II ★ Ref: BG-1310 |•••► #FRANCIA 🇫🇷🏆 #Genealogía #Genealogy

 18° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Jean II de Bettencourt, seigneur de Bettencourt is your 18th great grandfather.



 (Linea Materna)


Jean II de Bettencourt, seigneur de Bettencourt is your 18th great grandfather.

You→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→   Morella Álamo Borges 

your mother →  Belén Borges Ustáriz 

her mother →  Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna 

her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesus Uztáriz y Monserrate 

her father →  María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra 

his mother → Maria Manuela Ibarra y Galindo 

her mother →  Andres Eugenio Rafael Ibarra é Ibarra 

her father →  Juan Julián de Ibarra y Herrera 

his father → Antonia Nicolasa Sarmiento de Herrera y Loaisa 

his mother →  Juan Sarmiento de Herrera y Fernández Pacheco, Alférez Mayor 

her father → Agustín de Herrera Sarmiento de Rojas y Ayala 

his father →  Diego Gómez Sarmiento de Rojas y Sandoval 

his father →  Iseo de León 

his mother → Elvira Pérez de Munguía y Bethencourt 

her mother →  Margarita de Bethencourt Perdomo 

her mother →  Jean d'Ariette Prud'homme 

her father → Jean Arrriete de Bettencourt 

his father →  Regnault de Bettencourt 

his father →  Jean III de Bettencourt 

his father → Jean II de Bettencourt, seigneur de Bettencourt 

his father Show short path | Share this path

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Jean II de Bettencourt, seigneur de Bettencourt is your third great grandmother's husband's 13th great grandfather.


Jean II de Bettencourt, seigneur de Bettencourt MP

Spanish: Jean II de Béthencourt, Señor de Béthencourt

Gender: Male

Birth: circa 1310 

Sigy-en-Bray, Duché de Normandie, France

Death: 1357 (43-51) 

Honfleur, Duché de Normandie, France

Immediate Family:

Son of Jean I de Bethencourt and Nicole de Grainville 

Husband of Isabeau de Clermont 

Father of Jeanne I de Bethencourt; Jean III de Bettencourt and NN de Bethencourt 

Brother of Regnault III de Bethencourt and Isabel de Bethencourt 

Added by: Rodrigo Mattos Costa on December 27, 2007

Managed by: Kevin Whelan and 13 others

Curated by: Ben M. Angel, still catching up

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He married Isabeau de St. Martin, daughter of Jean de St. Martin and Isabeau de Harcourt, in 1338 France. He died in 1357 in the Battle of Honfleur fighting against the troops of the Black Prince.

(II) Señor de Béthencourt y de Grainville la Tenturière, aparece en los Cuerpos de Armada de René de Belleval, en el grupo del Conde de Aleçon, inscrito como caballero Bachelier para la guerra con Inglaterra. Peleó en las fronteras de Flandes y de la Guyena y pasó luego a Bretaña, al disputarse el ducado Juana (Condesa de Penthjèvre) y Juan de Bretaña (Conde de Montfort l'Amaury, hermano del último Duque). En la lucha entre el monarca francés y los navarros, Jean II se unió a los primeros. Participó en el sitio de Tournai (Flandes) en 1340 y en las batallas de Ploermel y Honfleur bajo las órdenes de Robert de Clermont en 1357. Murió en 1357 en la batalla de Honfleur peleando contra las tropas del Príncipe Negro.

7. Jean de Bethencourt (II) (Jean, Regnault, Philippe, Jean) (suffix added for clarification)17,20,17,7,9,10,12,17,7,9,12 was also known as Jean de Bettencourt.7,12 He was also known as João de Bettencourt (II).9 He was also known as Jehan de Béthencourt (II).11 He was also known as Jhean de Bethancourt (II).10 He was born circa 1310 at Sigy-en-Bray, Argueil, Dieppe, Seine-Maritime, France.17,7,9

Familias Faialenses lists Jean (II)'s father as Renaud de Béthencourt, and Renaud's father as Filipe de Béthencourt. However, it also states that Jean (II) died in 1357 in the Battle of Honfleur and that Filipe lived in the time of Louis VIII of France. Louis VIII lived 1187-1226, reigned 1223-1226. It is highly improbable that Filipe's grandson, Jean (II), could have died over 125 years later. There must be more generations in between. Therefore I have chosen to follow the line of descent as given in Os Bettencourt.20

Jean de Bethencourt (II) is referred to as Jean I in The Canarian and in the Nobiliário da Ilha da Madeira which incorrectly indicates his father as Regnault de Bethencourt, but then includes information from 1346-1357, including his marriage to Isabeau de St. Martin.13,21 After 1337 Jean de Bethencourt (II) was Lord of Béthencourt, of Saint Vincent de Rouvray, and of Grainville.17,19,22,7,9,10 He married Isabeau de St. Martin, daughter of Jean de St. Martin and Isabeau de Harcourt, in 1338 at France.18,13,11,20,9,10 Like his father, he followed a military career. He was registered in the regiment of the host of René de Belleval, in the division of the Count of Alençon, for the war against England. He also served with his company of 10 men in the region of Poitou.18 He participated in the siege of Tournai, Flanders, in 1340.18 He took part in the battles of Ploërmel and of Honfleur under the command of the marshal of Normandy, Robert de Clermont in 1357.18,23 He died in 1357 in the Battle of Honfleur fighting against the troops of the Black Prince.18,13,11,20,7,23,10

Isabeau de St. Martin24,18,7,12,18 was also known as Anne Isabeau de Clermont.17 She was also known as Anne Isabelle de Clermont.18 She was also known as Izabel de Saint Martin.20 She was also known as Isabelle de Saint Martin Le Gaillard.7 She was also known as Izabel de São Martinho.25 She was also known as Isabeau de Clermont.9 She was also known as Isabeau de Saint-Martin.10 She was also known as Anne Izabeau.12 She was born circa 1310 at Saint-Martin-le-Gaillard, Eu, Dieppe, Seine-Maritime, France; Barony of St. Martin.18

(Monsieur Pierre Cleret has presented a different genealogy for this line. He states that the wife of Jehan (Jean) de St. Martin, Isabeau's father, was not Isabeau de Harcourt, but Isabelle Martel de Basqueville. Her ancestor was Guillaume de Basqueville who was married to the great-granddaughter of Herfaut, brother of Duchess Gonor, wife of Richard Sans Peur, 3d Duke of Normandy. Guillaume de Basqueville was the son of Nicolas de Basqueville, whose father, Baldric le Teuton, married a niece of Gilbert de Brionne, who was the grandson of Richard Sans Peur, son of Guillaume Longue Épée, son of Rollon, 1st Duke of Normandy. Nicolas married Albreda, great-granddaughter of Harfaut, sister of Guillaume Fitzaubert).26,27,11 She married an unknown person in 1338 at France.28

After 1353 Isabeau sold or pretended to sell her inherited castle at Saint-Martin to Mathieu de Braquemont.29 She married Mathieu de Braquemont, son of Regnault de Braquemont (I), after 1357 at France.17,23 Before 1360 in the division of her father's property, the castle must have fallen to Isabeau and, in this way, by the said sale or by her second marriage, passed to the possession of Mathieu de Braquemont. In it then lived Mathieu with his wife and probably their children. It followed, however, that meanwhile, war broke out between the King of France and Charles the Bad, King of Navarre, the Braquemonts taking the side of the latter. For this reason, the King of France ordered that the castle belonging to Mathieu be seized, and Pierre d'Auxy was charged with the task. Pierre was the son of Hugues d'Auxy, Lord of Dompierre, and his wife Isabeau de Marigny who was descended from the ancient barons of Saint-Martin; he was, therefore, cousin once removed of Isabeau de Saint-Martin. She was still young and attractive. Pierre fell in love with her and sequestered her, perhaps with her consent. An illegitimate child appears to have been born from this adulterous affair, taking the name of Dompierre and is presumed to be the nobleman of this name who accompanied Jean (IV) in the expedition to the Canary Islands. Enraged by the seizure and by the sequestration and adultery of his wife, Mathieu killed Pierre, later begging pardon for this crime from the King.30 In 1376 Isabeau put in motion proceedings against various people, including her sisters, proceedings in which she complains of having been wronged in the division of her father's property.29

Children of Jean de Bethencourt (II) and Isabeau de St. Martin all born at Normandy, France, were as follows:

9 i. Jean de Bethencourt (III) was born circa 1339. He married Marie de Bracquemont, daughter of Regnault de Braquemont (I), at the instigation of her brother (Jean's step-father), Mathieu de Braquemont in Jun 1358 at Normandy.

10 ii. Jeanne de Bethencourt (I) was born after 1339. She married Pierre de Neuville circa 1355 at France. She married Eustache de Erneville in 1362 at France.

11 iii. Daughter 2 Bethencourt31,31,31 was born circa 1340.31 She was married in Auge or Angles, producing from this marriage the Demoiselle d'Espreville, the Lords of Vipars (Vipari) and of Maillot (Mailos), and the wife of the Lord of Angles. According to some, this sister of Jean (III), of unknown name, was the mother of Georges, Henri, and Maciot de Bethencourt.


Bettencourts 1200-2000 - Generation Five. Disp. em: http://web.meganet.net/bettenco/bett0005.htm#id19940

He married Isabeau de St. Martin, daughter of Jean de St. Martin and Isabeau de Harcourt, in 1338 France. He died in 1357 in the Battle of Honfleur fighting against the troops of the Black Prince.

Like his father, he followed a military career. He was registered in the regiment of the host of René de Belleval, in the division of the Count of Alençon, for the war against England. He also served with his company of 10 men in the region of Poitou

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Isabeau de Clermont


Jeanne I de Bethencourt


Jean III de Bettencourt


NN de Bethencourt


Jean I de Bethencourt


Nicole de Grainville


Regnault III de Bethencourt


Isabel de Bethencourt


Dompierre d'Auxy



Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.


miércoles, 5 de enero de 2022

Illán Pérez de San Román Alguacil Mayor y Alcaide Mayor de Toledo ★ Ref: JN-1092 |•••► #ESPAÑA 🏆🇪🇸★ #Genealogía #Genealogy

 20° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Illán Pérez de San Román, Alguacil Mayor y Alcaide Mayor de Toledo is your 20th great grandfather.



(Linea Paterna) 


Illán Pérez de San Román, Alguacil Mayor y Alcaide Mayor de Toledo is your 20th great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Dr. Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna

your father → Elena Cecilia Lecuna Escobar

his mother → María Elena de la Concepción Escobar Llamosas

her mother → Cecilia Cayetana de la Merced Llamosas Vaamonde de Escobar

her mother → Cipriano Fernando de Las Llamosas y García

her father → José Lorenzo de las Llamozas Silva

his father → Joseph Julián Llamozas Ranero

his father → Manuel Llamosas y Requecens

his father → Isabel de Requesens

his mother → Luis de Requeséns y Zúñiga, Virrey de Holanda

her father → Juan de Zúñiga Avellaneda y Velasco

his father → Catalina de Velasco y Mendoza

his mother → Mencía de Mendoza y Figueroa

her mother → Catalina Suárez de Figueroa, señora de Torija

her mother → María Catalina de Orozco García de Meneses, II señora de Santa Olalla, Tamarara y Robledales

her mother → II Señor de Escamilla Iñigo López de Orozco, II señor de Escamilla

her father → Marina de Toledo

his mother → Gómez Pérez de Toledo Palomeque, Alcalde de los Donceles

her father → Pedro Fernández de Illán, I Señor de Poncorbo

his father → Luna de Illán

his mother → Esteban Illán de San Román Bermuy, Señor de San Román

her father → Illán Pérez de San Román, Alguacil Mayor y Alcaide Mayor de Toledo

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Illán Pérez de San Román, Alguacil Mayor y Alcaide Mayor de Toledo MP 

Spanish: Illán / Julianus Pédriz de Sancto Romano / Petriz, Alguacil Mayor y Alcaide Mayor de Toledo

Gender: Male

Birth: circa 1092

Toledo, Castilla La Nueva, España (Spain)

Death: 1165 (68-78)

Toledo, Spain

Immediate Family:

Son of Conde Pedro Julianiz and Jimena Nuñez

Husband of Teresa Bermuy

Father of Esteban Illán de San Román Bermuy, Señor de San Román

Added by: Scott David Hibbard on July 5, 2008

Managed by: Daniel Dupree Walton and 16 others

Curated by: Luis E. Echeverría Domínguez, Voluntary Curator

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Illan Perez, alguacil and alcalde in Toledo, died around 1165. It was actually Illan Perez's (apparent) father, Pedro Julianiz, who was probably alguacil in 1101 (i.e. temp. Alfonso VI) and was still alive in 1125 (Taylor (1998)).

A bogus genealogy makes Pedro I, conde de Carrión the son of Isaakios I Komnenos. This genealogy was published by  Luís de Salazar y Castro (Indice de las glorias de la casa de Farnese (Madrid, 1716), pp. 587-89); Taylor (1998)).

The same bogus genealogy makes Pedro I, conde de Carrión the father of Melen Perez, Illan Perez, Suer Perez, and Lampader Perez:

"This attempt to link four of the major early aristocratic families of Toledo under one (ersatz Byzantino-) Castilian stem seems to have originated with Salazar himself, though this is now known to be bogus: cf. Javier Rodríguez Marquina, "Linajes mozárabes de Toledo en los siglos XII y XIII," in Genealogias mozárabes: ponencias y comunicaciones presentadas al I Congreso Internacional de Estudios Mozárabes, Toledo, 1975 (Toledo, 1981), 11-64, where each of these four families (among others) is reconstructed separately; and Julio Porres Martín-Cleto, "El linaje de don Esteban Illan," ibid., 65-80" (Taylor (1998)).

Nathaniel Taylor, "Conde de Carrion (fwd)" at soc.genealogy.medieval, May 25, 1998, cf. Javier Rodríguez Marquina, "Linajes mozárabes de Toledo en los siglos XII y XIII," in Genealogias mozárabes: ponencias y comunicaciones presentadas al I Congreso Internacional de Estudios Mozárabes, Toledo, 1975 (Toledo, 1981), 11-64.




Vivió bajo el reinado de D. Alfonso VII (1126-1157), de D. Sancho III, el Deseado (1157-1158), y Principios de D. Alfonso VIII (1158-1214) Alguacil y Alcalde de Toledo por muchos años. Falleció en 1165 dejando muchos hijos. (Jorge F. Lima González Bonorino. "LOS ALVAREZ DE TOLEDO UNA FAMILIA MOZARABE". Apuntes Genealógicos. Estudios Histórico-Sociales de Buenos Aires, 2009).

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Teresa Bermuy


Esteban Illán de San Román Ber...


Jimena Nuñez


Conde Pedro Julianiz



Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.
