lunes, 20 de marzo de 2023

Jeanne de Bracquemont II señora de Fuente el Sol ★Bisabuela n°16★ Ref: SS-1380 |•••► #ESPAÑA 🏆🇪🇸★ #Genealogía #Genealogy

16° Bisabuela/ Great Grandmother de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Jeanne de Bracquemont, II señora de Fuente el Sol is your 16th great grandmother.



(Linea Paterna) 


Jeanne de Bracquemont, II señora de Fuente el Sol is your 16th great grandmother.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Dr. Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna

your father → Dr. Carlos Quinto Urdaneta Carrillo

his father → Dr. Enrique Urdaneta Maya

his father → Josefa Alcira Maya de la Torre y Rodríguez

his mother → María Vicenta Rodríguez Uzcátegui

her mother → María Celsa Uzcátegui Rincón

her mother → Sancho Antonio de Uzcátegui Briceño

her father → Jacobo de Uzcátegui Bohorques

his father → Luisa Jimeno de Bohorques Dávila

his mother → Luisa Dávila y Gaviria

her mother → Capitán Alonso Dávila y Rojas

her father → Luis Dávila y Coca

his father → Luis Dávila y Villegas

his father → Luis Dávila y Zúñiga, Marques de Mirabel

his father → Estéban Dávila Toledo, 2do Conde del Risco y de Cadalso, Señor de las Navas y de Villa

his father → Pedro "El Mozo" Dávila y Bracamonte, I Conde del Risco

his father → María de Bracamonte y Dávila

his mother → Jeanne de Bracquemont, II señora de Fuente el Sol

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Jeanne de Bracquemont, II señora de Fuente el Sol  

Spanish: Juana de Bracamonte y Mendoza, II señora de Fuente el Sol y de las tercias de Medina de Riosec

Gender: Female

Birth: 1380

Santander, Cantabria, Cantabria, Spain

Death: 1435 (54-56)

Immediate Family:

Daughter of Robert de Bracquemont, Admiral de France and Marquesa Inés Mendoza Fernández de Ayala

Wife of Mariscal de Castilla Álvaro Dávila Fajardo

Mother of Aldonza de Bracamonte, señora de Peñaranda y Fuente el Sol; Juan de Bracamonte, II señor de Fuente el Sol; Inés de Mendoza y Bracamonte; María de Bracamonte y Dávila; Leonor de Bracamonte y Dávila and 4 others

Sister of Luis de Bracamonte; Jean de Bracquemont; Aldonce de Gougeul and Rui Solórzano de Bracamonte

Added by: Ricardo Alejandro Seminario Leòn on March 13, 2008

Managed by: Gustarredondo and 13 others

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Jeanne de Bracquemont, mariée à Ávila avec Álvaro González Dávila, maréchal, chamberlain-majeur du futur roi Ferdinand Ier d'Aragon, 2e seigneur consort de Fuente-el-Sol en 1413 par donation de Jean II de Castille, 1er seigneur de Peñaranda de Bracamonte en 1418, mort en 1435, d.p. portant le nom et de Bracamonte, ainsi que les armes de l'amiral, chargées d'une bordure d'azur

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Mariscal de Castilla Álvaro Dá...


Aldonza de Bracamonte, señora d...


Juan de Bracamonte, II señor de...


Inés de Mendoza y Bracamonte


María de Bracamonte y Dávila


Leonor de Bracamonte y Dávila


Alvaro de Barcamont, II señor d...


Juana de Bracamonte y Dávila


Isabel de Bracamonte, monja


Alonso de Bracamonte


Marquesa Inés Mendoza Fernánde...


Robert de Bracquemont, Admiral d...




Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.



✺- 1380→8 de septiembre: tiene lugar la batalla de Kulikovo, con la victoria de los rusos sobre los mongoles.

✺- 1385→6 de abril: en Portugal, Juan I de Portugal, maestre de la Orden de Avis, se convierte en el rey Juan I.

✺- 1390→19 de abril – Roberto III de Escocia sucede a su padre, Roberto II, como rey de Escocia.

✺- 1395→El marquesado de Almansa pasó a formar parte de la Corona de Aragón.

✺- 1400→Enrique IV de Inglaterra recibe en la isla la visita del emperador bizantino, Manuel II Paleólogo, que viaja por Europa en busca de ayuda contra los turcos otomanos.

✺- 1405→Se termina la conquista de Fuerteventura (Islas Canarias) por parte de Castilla.

✺- 1410→25 de mayo: a la muerte de Alejandro V, es consagrado como otro de los papas, el antipapa Juan XXIII.

✺- 1415→25 de octubre: derrota francesa en la Batalla de Azincourt. Los ingleses ocupan Normandía, y París y Borgoña se alían con Inglaterra. El rey inglés Enrique V participa en el gobierno de Francia pero los armagnacs y el clero proclaman rey al Delfín que reinará con el nombre de Carlos VII.

✺- 1420→7 de julio - Golpe de Tordesillas. Los Infantes de Aragón toman el poder en Castilla, secuestrando la voluntad de su primo el rey Juan

✺- 1425→Blanca I de Navarra, reina de Navarra.

✺- 1430→Fadrique Enríquez, Conde de Trastámara, Duque de Arjona, murió ajusticiado por orden de Juan II debido a sus muchos crímenes y abusos señoriales.

✺- 1435→21 de septiembre - Tratado de Arras. Carlos VII de Francia se reconcilia con Felipe III de Borgoña.


Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.


Robert de Bracquemont Admiral de France ★Bisabuelo n°17★ Ref: RB-1355 |•••► #FRANCIA 🇫🇷🏆 #Genealogía #Genealogy

 17° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Robert de Bracquemont, Admiral de France is your 17th great grandfather.



(Linea Paterna) 


Robert de Bracquemont, Admiral de France is your 17th great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Dr. Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna

your father → Dr. Carlos Quinto Urdaneta Carrillo

his father → Dr. Enrique Urdaneta Maya

his father → Josefa Alcira Maya de la Torre y Rodríguez

his mother → María Vicenta Rodríguez Uzcátegui

her mother → María Celsa Uzcátegui Rincón

her mother → Sancho Antonio de Uzcátegui Briceño

her father → Jacobo de Uzcátegui Bohorques

his father → Luisa Jimeno de Bohorques Dávila

his mother → Luisa Dávila y Gaviria

her mother → Capitán Alonso Dávila y Rojas

her father → Luis Dávila y Coca

his father → Luis Dávila y Villegas

his father → Luis Dávila y Zúñiga, Marques de Mirabel

his father → Estéban Dávila Toledo, 2do Conde del Risco y de Cadalso, Señor de las Navas y de Villa

his father → Pedro "El Mozo" Dávila y Bracamonte, I Conde del Risco

his father → María de Bracamonte y Dávila

his mother → Jeanne de Bracquemont, II señora de Fuente el Sol

her mother → Robert de Bracquemont, Admiral de France

her father


Admiral of France Rubi Mosen dit Robin de Bracamonte y Hannecourt, sgr de Grainville et de Béthencourt  MP

Gender: Male

Birth: circa 1355

Traversain, Normandy, France 

Death: after April 04, 1419

Mocejón, Toledo, Castilla la Vieja, España (Spain) 

Immediate Family:

Son of Renaud II de Bracquemont and N.N. N.N.

Husband of Marquesa Inés Mendoza Fernández de Ayala and Leonor Álvarez de Toledo Ayala

Father of Luis de Bracamonte; Jean de Bracquemont; Jeanne de Bracquemont, II señora de Fuente el Sol; Aldonce de Gougeul and Rui Solórzano de Bracamonte

Brother of Guillaume de Braquemont


Robert de Bracquemont o Mosén Rubí de Bracamonte, también conocido como Rubín y como Braquemont (1350-1419), 1er Señor de Fuente el Sol y Rubí de Bracamonte, fue un noble normando, que sirvió como Almirante de Francia y Castilla. [1]


Robert era el cuarto hijo de Renaud II de Bracquemont, y nieto de Regnault I de Bracquemont e Isabel de Bethencourt. [2] Su primera esposa fue Inés González de Mendoza, hija de Pedro González de Mendoza y Aldonza Fernández de Ayala, perteneciente a la poderosa Casa de Mendoza. [3]

Llegó a Castilla en 1386, como embajador francés en la corte castellana de Enrique III. [4] En 1415 Robert de Bracquemont se convirtió en almirante de Francia. Entre 1415 y 1417 sirvió como gobernador de Honfleur.

Se le concedieron ciertas prerrogativas reales en Mocejón en Toledo, donde murió en 1419. [5]


 Nobiliario de los reinos y señorios de España. Francisco Piferrer. 1858. p. 22. Mosén Rubí de Bracamonte.

 Les conseillers du Parlement de Normandie: Sous Henri IV et sous Louis XIII (1594-1640), volúmenes 2-3. Henri de Frondeville. 1964.

 DISCURSOS HISTÓRICOS DE LA MUY NOBLE Y MUY LEAL CIUDAD DE MURCIA. Francisco Cascales. Febrero 2007. ISBN 9788497613460.

 Bernage, Georges. "Jean de Bethencourt, Rey Canarias", Patrimonio Normano, No. 31, febrero - marzo, 2000

 "Juan G. Atienza insinúa el origen masónico de la Capilla de Bracamonte en Ávila". La Información. 21 de octubre de 2009. Consultado el 28 de enero de 2022. Robert de Braquemont, castellanizado como Rubín o Rubí de Bracamonte, sirvió en España a los reyes Juan I, Enrique III y Juan II, de quienes obtuvo mercedes, territorios y señoríos como los de Fuente el Sol (Valladolid), Peñaranda (Salamanca) y Mocejón (Toledo), donde finalmente falleció


Added by: Ricardo Alejandro Seminario Leòn on March 13, 2008

Managed by: Gustarredondo and 16 others

Curated by: Samuel Austin - Le Maux

 0 Matches 


HISTORIA - nsieur Robert, dit Robin ou Robinet de Bracquemont (ou de Braquemont), et Mosén Rubí de Bracamonte en espagnol (? - Mocejón, 1419), sire de Bracquemont, en Caux, et de Travessain, en Normandie, amiral de France et d'Espagne est issu d’une vieille famille noble de Normandie, originaire de la vicomté d'Arques.

Célebre Almirante de Castilla.

Mosén Rubin DE BRACAMONTE, famoso caballero francés; con Real Licencia dada en Sevilla el 07 septiembre 1484; testó en Santander, siendo Alcaide de su fortaleza en 1518.

Robert de Bracquemont or Mosén Rubí de Bracamonte (1340s-1419) was a Norman noblemen, Admiral of France and Spain.[1]

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Leonor Álvarez de Toledo Ayala


Marquesa Inés Mendoza Fernánde...


Luis de Bracamonte


Jean de Bracquemont


Jeanne de Bracquemont, II señor...


Aldonce de Gougeul


online trees only

Rui Solórzano de Bracamonte


Renaud II de Bracquemont


N.N. N.N.


Guillaume de Braquemont



Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.



✺- 1355→NACE EL 17 de enero - Thomas del Woodstock, hijo del rey Eduardo III de Inglaterra y de Felipa de Henao.

✺- 1360→Paz de Bretigny. Durante la guerra de los Cien Años, y tras la derrota francesa de Poitiers frente a los ingleses, el príncipe Carlos V negocia una paz con Eduardo III de Inglaterra por la que cede todos los territorios de Aquitania hasta el Macizo Central, y promete el pago de un rescate de tres millones de escudos por la libertad del rey Juan II, prisionero en la batalla.

✺- 1365→13 de abril - Rodolfo IV de Austria, funda la ciudad de Novo mesto ( alemán: Rudolfswert) en la Baja Carniola.

✺- 1370→Gregorio XI sucede a Urbano V como papa.

✺- 1375→16 de octubre: en la actual España, el reino de Navarra y el vizcondado de Bearne firman la carta de paz del Tributo de las Tres Vacas, tratado internacional que sigue en vigor en la actualidad.

✺- 1380→8 de septiembre: tiene lugar la batalla de Kulikovo, con la victoria de los rusos sobre los mongoles.

✺- 1385→6 de abril: en Portugal, Juan I de Portugal, maestre de la Orden de Avis, se convierte en el rey Juan I.

✺- 1390→19 de abril – Roberto III de Escocia sucede a su padre, Roberto II, como rey de Escocia.

✺- 1395→El marquesado de Almansa pasó a formar parte de la Corona de Aragón.

✺- 1400→Enrique IV de Inglaterra recibe en la isla la visita del emperador bizantino, Manuel II Paleólogo, que viaja por Europa en busca de ayuda contra los turcos otomanos.

✺- 1405→Se termina la conquista de Fuerteventura (Islas Canarias) por parte de Castilla.

✺- 1410→25 de mayo: a la muerte de Alejandro V, es consagrado como otro de los papas, el antipapa Juan XXIII.

✺- 1415→25 de octubre: derrota francesa en la Batalla de Azincourt. Los ingleses ocupan Normandía, y París y Borgoña se alían con Inglaterra. El rey inglés Enrique V participa en el gobierno de Francia pero los armagnacs y el clero proclaman rey al Delfín que reinará con el nombre de Carlos VII.


Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.


Vélez Cosío Bernardo ★Bisabuelo n°6★ Ref: VC-1709 |•••► #ESPAÑA 🏆🇪🇸★ #Genealogía #Genealogy

 6° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Bernardo Vélez de Cossio is your 6th great grandfather.


(Linea Paterna) 
Bernardo Vélez de Cossio is your 6th great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Dr. Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna
your father → Elena Cecilia Lecuna Escobar
his mother → María Elena de la Concepción Escobar Llamosas
her mother → Cecilia Cayetana de la Merced Llamosas Vaamonde de Escobar
her mother → María del Rosario Francisca Josefa Dominga Luysa Teresa del Sacramento Vaamonde y García de Quintana
her mother → María Camila García de Quintana y Vélez de Cosío
her mother → Josefa Antonia Vélez de Cosío y Borges Roth
her mother → Bernardo Vélez de Cossio
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Bernardo Vélez de Cossio 
Gender: Male
Birth: estimated between 1681 and 1735 
Immediate Family:
Son of Manuel Vélez de Cossío and Claudia Ross
Husband of María de la Natividad Borges Roth y Carrasquer
Father of Antonio Manuel Vélez de Cosío y Borges Roth; Pedro Antonio Vélez de Cosío y Borges Roth and Josefa Antonia Vélez de Cosío y Borges Roth
Brother of Josefa Vélez de Cosío

Added by: Pablo Romero (Curador) on May 20, 2011
Managed by: Pablo Romero (Curador)
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María de la Natividad Borges Ro...

Antonio Manuel Vélez de Cosío ...

Pedro Antonio Vélez de Cosío y...

Josefa Antonia Vélez de Cosío ...

Manuel Vélez de Cossío

Claudia Ross

Josefa Vélez de Cosío


Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.



✺- 1709→2 de febrero: Alexander Selkirk es rescatado del archipiélago Juan Fernández, lo que inspiraría el libro Robinson Crusoe de Daniel Defoe
.→14 de octubre: en Ningxia (China), se registra un terremoto de 7,5 que deja más de 2.000 muertos.
→Batalla de Poltava, en Ucrania: los suecos caen derrotados contra los rusos.
aniversario de la Invención del piano hace 26 años
→España. Extinción total de las instituciones de la Generalidad Valenciana.
Nueva España.
→ Fundación de la Ciudad de Chihuahua.
→ 8 de agosto. El sacerdote Lourenço de Gusmão diseña un modelo de globo de aire caliente y se lo muestra al rey Juan V de Portugal.
→ Nace: 19 de diciembre: Isabel I de Rusia, emperatriz de Rusia, Llamada La Clemente (f. 1762)

✺- 1714→7 de enero: Se patenta la máquina de escribir (que se fabrica años después).
→21 de febrero: Las distintas fuerzas marítimas de España pasan a llamarse Armada Real.
→4 de mayo: en Bután se registra un fuerte terremoto de 8,1 que deja muchas muertes.
→11 de septiembre: las tropas de Felipe V entran en Barcelona tras un año de asedio.
→3 de octubre: en España, el rey Felipe V aprueba la constitución de la Real Academia Española.
→31 de octubre: Jorge I de Inglaterra es coronado rey de Gran Bretaña y de Irlanda.
Paz de Rastatt y Baden, por la que Felipe V reconoce el nuevo orden definido en la Paz de Utrecht.
→Ocupación inglesa de la isla de Menorca.

✺- 1719→12 de enero: Tydal, en la región de Trøndelag (Noruega), en el marco de la Gran Guerra del Norte (1700-1721), mueren congelados por tormenta de nieve unos 4000 soldados carolinos (del rey Carlos XI y Carlos XII).
En Inglaterra se publica la novela Robinson Crusoe de Daniel Defoe.
10 de junio: Batalla de Glenshiel entre las fuerzas realistas británicas y los rebeldes jacobitas, apoyados por nacionalistas escoceses y un batallón de infantes de marina españoles.
29 de noviembre: El papa Clemente XI nombra cardenal a Luis Antonio de Belluga y Moncada.
Paz de Coímbra
Batalla del Cabo de San Vicente
→ Nace: 14 de noviembre: Leopold Mozart, músico austriaco (f. 1787)

✺- 1724→9 de febrero: Se proclama rey de España a Luis I, hijo de Felipe V.
20 de febrero: Se estrena la ópera Giulio Cesare de Georg Friedrich Händel en Londres.
10 de mayo: Se inicia la construcción de la Plaza Mayor de Salamanca en España.
29 de mayo: en Roma, el cardenal Orsini es elegido papa con el nombre de Benedicto XIII.

→ Nace: 24 de noviembre: María Amalia de Sajonia, Reina de España (f. 1760)

✺- 1729→15 de abril: En el marco del viernes santo, se interpreta la Pasión según San Mateo de Johann Sebastian Bach en la ciudad de Leipzig, dirigiendo al coro y orquesta el mismo autor de la obra.
29 de abril: (España): Felipe V da carácter de institución oficial a los Mozos de Veciana, más conocidos en toda Cataluña como Mozos de Escuadra
Mayo: Tahmasp Qolí, el futuro Nader Shah, vence en Herat a los pastunes abdalíes por cuenta del safaví Tahmasp II.
30 de julio: Fundación de la ciudad de Baltimore (Maryland).
Septiembre: Tahmasp Qolí vence en la batalla de Damghán al hotakí Ashraf Jan.
27 de septiembre: Publica Pedro de Viñaburu la Cartilla Pharmaceutica, chimico-galenica.
Noviembre: Tahmasp Qolí vence de nuevo a Ashraf Jan en Murche Jort, cerca de Ispahán.

→ Nace: 11 de enero: Louis Antonie de Bugambille explorador y navegante francés (f. 1811).

✺- 1734→25 de mayo: Batalla de Bitonto: Montemar derrota a los austríacos y España reconquista así el Reino de Nápoles.
2 de abril: Felipe V cede a su hijo Carlos, mediante decreto, todos los derechos al trono de Nápoles y Sicilia.
24 de diciembre: Un incendio destruye el Real Alcázar de Madrid.
Publicación de las Cartas filosóficas de Voltaire.
Inicia la Revuelta de los Pericúes en la Misión de Santiago de los Coras Añiñí (Nueva España), en contra de los misioneros jesuitas .

→ Nace: 17 de diciembre: María I, reina de Portugal (1777-1816).

✺- 1739→20 de agosto: Se restablece definitivamente el Virreinato de Nueva Granada.

✺- 1744→8 de marzo: comienzo de la fundación de la ciudad de Las Piedras, Uruguay.

✺- 1749→José I de Portugal asume el reinado de Portugal y nombra a Sebastiâo José de Carvalho e Melo, marqués de Pombal, como su secretario de Estado.

✺- 1754→Fundación del Universidad de Columbia en la ciudad de Nueva York.

✺- 1759→13 de enero: en Lisboa, el rey José I de Portugal ordena ajusticiar a varios nobles acusados de complicidad en el atentado en su contra.

✺- 1764→Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart escribe su primera sinfonía, a los ocho años de edad.

✺- 1769→19 de mayo: en Roma, el cardenal Ganganelli es elegido papa con el nombre de Clemente XIV.

✺- 1774→10 de mayo: sube al trono Luis XVI de Francia.

✺- 1779→12 de abril: Tratado de Aranjuez. El rey de España declara la guerra al Reino Unido y se alinea en la lucha franco-americana en el marco de la Guerra de Independencia Estadounidense.

✺- 1784→14 de enero: en los Estados Unidos, el Congreso ratifica el Tratado de París con Reino Unido por el que concluye la Guerra de independencia de Estados Unidos.


Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.


sábado, 18 de marzo de 2023

Juan Nicolás Ignacio Mijares de Solórzano y Tovar Maestre de Campo ★Bisabuelo n°6★ Ref: MT-1679 |•••► #ESPAÑA 🏆🇪🇸★ #Genealogía #Genealogy

 6° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Juan Nicolás Ignacio Mijares de Solórzano y Tovar, Maestre de Campo is your 6th great grandfather.



 (Linea Materna)


Juan Nicolás Ignacio Mijares de Solórzano y Tovar, Maestre de Campo is your 6th great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Morella Álamo Borges

your mother → Belén Eloina Borges Ustáriz

her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna

her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesús Uztáriz y Monserrate

her father → Miguel José de Ustáriz y Mijares de Solorzano

his father → María Josefa Mixares de Solórzano y Pacheco

his mother → Francisco Antonio Javier Mijares de Solorzano y Ascanio

her father → Juan Nicolás Ignacio Mijares de Solórzano y Tovar, Maestre de Campo

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Juan Nicolás Ignacio Mijares de Solórzano y Tovar, Maestre de Campo 

Gender: Male

Birth: December 16, 1679

Caracas, Distrito Capital, Venezuela (Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of)

Death: September 21, 1735 (55)

Caracas, Distrito Capital, Venezuela (Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of)

Immediate Family:

Son of Juan Javier Mijares de Solórzano y Hurtado de Monasterio, I Marqués de Mijares and Teresa de Tovar Báñez y Pacheco de Maldonado

Husband of María Josefa de Ascanio y Tovar and Magdalena de Ponte y Villegas

Father of Melchora Ana Mijares de Solórzano y Ascanio; Juan Ignacio Mijares de Solórzano y Ascanio; Maria Manuela Mijares de Solórzano y Ascanio; Fray Miguel Antonio Ramon Mijares de Solórzano y Ascanio; Teresa María Mijares de Solórzano y Ascanio and 5 others

Brother of Francisco Felipe Mijares de Solórzano y Tovar, II Marqués de Mijares and I Condesa de San Javier María Teresa Mijares de Solórzano y Tovar, Marquesa, Hija del I Marqués de Mijares.

Half brother of Caballero de Alcántara Pedro José Mijares de Solórzano y Tovar; Caballero de Alcánrara Juan Antonio Mijares de Solórzano y Tovar; Arcediano de la Catedral de Caracas Obispo don José Ignacio Mijares de Solorzano y Tovar, Doctor; Josefa Teresa Mijares de Solórzano y Tovar; María de Jesús Mijares de Solórzano y Tovar and 6 others

DNA Markers: E1b1b1a1bdetails

Added by: Maria Lorena Perez Fernandez on February 11, 2007

Managed by: Carlos Juan Urdaneta Alamo, Maria Lorena Perez Fernandez, Corina Eugenia Briceño-Iragorry Calcaño and Pablo Romero (Curador)


Ancestros de Juan Nicolás Ignacio Mijares de Solórzano y Tovar, Maestre de Campo


1. Juan Nicolás Ignacio Mijares de Solórzano y Tovar, Maestre de Campo b. December 16, 1679, Caracas, Distrito Capital, Venezuela (Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of); d. September 21, 1735, Caracas, Distrito Capital, Venezuela (Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of)

2. Juan Javier Mijares de Solórzano y Hurtado de Monasterio, I Marqués de Mijares b. July 20, 1652, Caracas, Distrito Capital, Venezuela (Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of); d. March 13, 1704, Caracas, Distrito Capital, Venezuela (Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of)

3. Capitán Conquistador Francisco Xavier Mijares de Solórzano y Díaz de Rojas b. circa 1611, Caracas, Distrito Capital, Venezuela (Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of); d. circa 1668, Caracas, Libertador, Capital District, Venezuela (Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of)

4. Alférez Pedro Miguel García de Mijares y Fernández de Solórzano b. 1568, Solórzano, Cantabria, Cantabria, Spain; d. June 26, 1606, Caracas, Libertador, Capital District, Venezuela (Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of)

5. Sancho de García y Mijares b. 1530, Santillana del Mar, Spain; d. 1581, Spain


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Magdalena de Ponte y Villegas


Jose Gabriel Mijares de Solorzan...


María Josefa de Ascanio y Tovar


Melchora Ana Mijares de Solórza...


Juan Ignacio Mijares de Solórza...


Maria Manuela Mijares de Solórz...


Fray Miguel Antonio Ramon Mijare...


Teresa María Mijares de Solórz...


María Barbara Félix Mijares de...


Pedro José Mijares de Solórzan...


Francisco Antonio Javier Mijares...


María Bárbara Mijares de Soló...



Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.



✺- 1679→Nace: Juan Nicolás Ignacio Mijares de Solórzano y Tovar Maestre de Campo

→ Paz de Nimega, Carlos II de España cede el Franco Condado a Francia.

→ 4 de junio: Un terremoto de 6.4 deja alrededor de 7,600 fallecidos y numerosos edificios destruidos en Ereván (Armenia).

→ 2 de septiembre: Un terremoto de 8.0 sacude la provincia china de Hebei dejando un saldo de 45500 fallecidos.

✺- 1684→Gottfried Leibniz publica Nova Methodus pro Maximis et Minimis, el primer libro sobre cálculo.

→ Supresión de la Asamblea de Massachusetts

→ Nace: 15 de abril: Catalina I, emperatriz rusa entre 1725 y 1727 (f. 1727).

✺- 1689→13 de febrero: El trono inglés se declara vacante y es ofrecido a Guillermo de Orange y María Estuardo.

→ 21 de febrero: Guillermo de Orange y María II Estuardo aceptan el ofrecimiento del trono inglés.

→ Nace: Blas de Lezo, Comandante vasco que derrotó a la segunda mayor flota de la historia.

✺- 1694→6 de febrero: en Brasil, los portugueses destruyen la colonia de esclavos liberados Quilombo dos Palmares, sin dejar sobrevivientes. Su líder, Zumbi, fue emboscado y degollado el 20 de noviembre de 1695.

→ 5 de septiembre: la localidad de Warwick (Inglaterra) fue destruida entre las 14:00 y las 20:00 por el Gran Incendio de Warwick.

→ 8 de septiembre: en la región de Irpinia, Basilicata y Puglia (en el Reino de Nápoles) sucede un violento terremoto de 6,9, que dura unos 30 a 60 segundos y deja un saldo de unas 6.000 víctimas.

→ Nace: 21 de noviembre: Voltaire, filósofo francés (f. 1778).

✺- 1699→Francia, Inglaterra y Países Bajos firman en Londres un nuevo reparto de los reinos españoles.

→ 5 de enero: se registra un fuerte terremoto de 8,0 en la isla de Java (Indonesia).

→ 26 de enero: Se firma el Tratado de Karlowitz

→ 25 de diciembre: el primer terremoto registrado de la Falla de Nueva Madrid (estado de Misuri, Estados Unidos).

→ Nace: Diciembre: José de Iturriaga, militar y político español (f. 1767).

✺- 1704→30 de enero: («19 de enero» según el calendario juliano), miércoles: en Inglaterra se realiza un ayuno nacional decretado por la reina Ana como expiación por la Gran Tormenta de Inglaterra de 1703, la más violenta registrada en toda la Historia en ese país, que dejó un saldo de entre 8 000 y 15 000 víctimas.

→ 4 de mayo: inicio de la guerra de Sucesión española con el desembarco en Lisboa del archiduque Carlos de Austria.

→ 4 de agosto: durante la Guerra de Sucesión española una escuadra inglesa, liderada por el almirante George Rooke, toma Gibraltar y la plaza queda ya como posesión de Inglaterra.

→ 31 de diciembre: comenzó la erupción del volcán Sietefuentes en la isla de Tenerife. Con una duración de 13 días

→ Nace: 31 de julio: Gabriel Cramer, matemático suizo (f. 1752)

→ Nace: 28 de febrero: Louis Godin, astronómico francés. (f. 1760)

✺- 1709→2 de febrero: Alexander Selkirk es rescatado del archipiélago Juan Fernández, lo que inspiraría el libro Robinson Crusoe de Daniel Defoe

.→14 de octubre: en Ningxia (China), se registra un terremoto de 7,5 que deja más de 2.000 muertos.

→Batalla de Poltava, en Ucrania: los suecos caen derrotados contra los rusos.

aniversario de la Invención del piano hace 26 años

→España. Extinción total de las instituciones de la Generalidad Valenciana.

Nueva España.

→ Fundación de la Ciudad de Chihuahua.

→ 8 de agosto. El sacerdote Lourenço de Gusmão diseña un modelo de globo de aire caliente y se lo muestra al rey Juan V de Portugal.

→ Nace: 19 de diciembre: Isabel I de Rusia, emperatriz de Rusia, Llamada La Clemente (f. 1762)

✺- 1714→7 de enero: Se patenta la máquina de escribir (que se fabrica años después).

→21 de febrero: Las distintas fuerzas marítimas de España pasan a llamarse Armada Real.

→4 de mayo: en Bután se registra un fuerte terremoto de 8,1 que deja muchas muertes.

→11 de septiembre: las tropas de Felipe V entran en Barcelona tras un año de asedio.

→3 de octubre: en España, el rey Felipe V aprueba la constitución de la Real Academia Española.

→31 de octubre: Jorge I de Inglaterra es coronado rey de Gran Bretaña y de Irlanda.

Paz de Rastatt y Baden, por la que Felipe V reconoce el nuevo orden definido en la Paz de Utrecht.

→Ocupación inglesa de la isla de Menorca.

✺- 1719→12 de enero: Tydal, en la región de Trøndelag (Noruega), en el marco de la Gran Guerra del Norte (1700-1721), mueren congelados por tormenta de nieve unos 4000 soldados carolinos (del rey Carlos XI y Carlos XII).

En Inglaterra se publica la novela Robinson Crusoe de Daniel Defoe.

10 de junio: Batalla de Glenshiel entre las fuerzas realistas británicas y los rebeldes jacobitas, apoyados por nacionalistas escoceses y un batallón de infantes de marina españoles.

29 de noviembre: El papa Clemente XI nombra cardenal a Luis Antonio de Belluga y Moncada.

Paz de Coímbra

Batalla del Cabo de San Vicente

→ Nace: 14 de noviembre: Leopold Mozart, músico austriaco (f. 1787)

✺- 1724→9 de febrero: Se proclama rey de España a Luis I, hijo de Felipe V.

20 de febrero: Se estrena la ópera Giulio Cesare de Georg Friedrich Händel en Londres.

10 de mayo: Se inicia la construcción de la Plaza Mayor de Salamanca en España.

29 de mayo: en Roma, el cardenal Orsini es elegido papa con el nombre de Benedicto XIII.

→ Nace: 24 de noviembre: María Amalia de Sajonia, Reina de España (f. 1760)

✺- 1729→15 de abril: En el marco del viernes santo, se interpreta la Pasión según San Mateo de Johann Sebastian Bach en la ciudad de Leipzig, dirigiendo al coro y orquesta el mismo autor de la obra.

29 de abril: (España): Felipe V da carácter de institución oficial a los Mozos de Veciana, más conocidos en toda Cataluña como Mozos de Escuadra

Mayo: Tahmasp Qolí, el futuro Nader Shah, vence en Herat a los pastunes abdalíes por cuenta del safaví Tahmasp II.

30 de julio: Fundación de la ciudad de Baltimore (Maryland).

Septiembre: Tahmasp Qolí vence en la batalla de Damghán al hotakí Ashraf Jan.

27 de septiembre: Publica Pedro de Viñaburu la Cartilla Pharmaceutica, chimico-galenica.

Noviembre: Tahmasp Qolí vence de nuevo a Ashraf Jan en Murche Jort, cerca de Ispahán.

→ Nace: 11 de enero: Louis Antonie de Bugambille explorador y navegante francés (f. 1811).

✺- 1734→25 de mayo: Batalla de Bitonto: Montemar derrota a los austríacos y España reconquista así el Reino de Nápoles.

2 de abril: Felipe V cede a su hijo Carlos, mediante decreto, todos los derechos al trono de Nápoles y Sicilia.

24 de diciembre: Un incendio destruye el Real Alcázar de Madrid.

Publicación de las Cartas filosóficas de Voltaire.

Inicia la Revuelta de los Pericúes en la Misión de Santiago de los Coras Añiñí (Nueva España), en contra de los misioneros jesuitas .

→ Nace: 17 de diciembre: María I, reina de Portugal (1777-1816).


Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.


jueves, 16 de marzo de 2023

Ansegisel de Metz ★Bisabuelo n°31★ Ref: AM-0602 |•••► #FRANCIA 🇫🇷🏆 #Genealogía #Genealogy

 31 ° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Ansegisel de Metz is your 31st great grandfather.



 (Linea Materna)


Ansegisel de Metz is your 31st great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Morella Álamo Borges

your mother → Belén Eloina Borges Ustáriz

her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna

her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesús Uztáriz y Monserrate

her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra

his mother → Teniente Coronel Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina

her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza

his mother → Isabel Manuela Josefa Hurtado de Mendoza y Rojas Manrique

her mother → Juana de Rojas Manrique de Mendoza

her mother → Constanza de Mendoza Mate de Luna

her mother → Mayor de Mendoza Manzanedo

her mother → Juan Fernández De Mendoza Y Manuel

her father → Sancha Manuel

his mother → Sancho Manuel de Villena Castañeda, señor del Infantado y Carrión de los Céspedes

her father → Manuel de Castilla, señor de Escalona

his father → Elizabeth of Swabia

his mother → Philipp von Schwaben, King of Germany

her father → Friedrich I Barbarossa, Holy Roman Emperor

his father → Judith of Bavaria

his mother → Henry IX the black, duke of Bavaria

her father → Judith of Flanders

his mother → Baldwin IV the Bearded, count of Flanders

her father → Rozala of Italy

his mother → Berengar II of Ivrea, king of Italy

her father → Gisela of Friuli

his mother → Berengar I, emperor of the Romans

her father → Giséle of Cysoing

his mother → Louis I, The Pious

her father → Charlemagne

his father → Pépin III, King of the Franks

his father → Charles Martel

his father → Pépin ll "the Fat" d'Héristal, Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia

his father → Ansegisel de Metz

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Ansegisel de Metz MP 

English (default): Ansegisel, French: Ansigisel de Metz, Dutch: Ansegisel van Metz

Gender: Male

Birth: circa 610

Death: circa 662 (43-60)

Andens Monastery, Siegburg, Cologne, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany (Murdered by Gundewin)

Place of Burial: Saint Begga's Collegiate Church (Andenne Monastery), Andenne, Walloon Region, Belgium

Immediate Family:

Son of Saint Arnoul, Bishop of Metz and Saint Dode of Metz

Husband of Saint Beggue of Austrasia

Father of Pépin ll "the Fat" d'Héristal, Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia and Doda van Herstal

Brother of Saint Chlodulf (Cloud), Bishop of Metz and Walechise, comte de Verdun

Added by: Jean Paul Ancey on January 25, 2007

Managed by: Daniel Dupree Walton and 696 others

Curated by: Sharon Doubell

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Ansegisel of Metz


Metz-en-Couture, Departement du Pas-de-Calais, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France

DEATH 662 (aged 51–52)



Saint Begga's Collegiate Church

Andenne, Arrondissement de Namur, Namur, Belgium

Family Members



Arnulf Arnufling de Metz


Dode de Metz






Pepin II of Herstal


Martin de Laon

647 – unknown

Clotilda d'Herstal de Neustria


Ansegisel (also Ansgise, Ansegus, or Anchises) (c. 602 or 610 – murdered before 679 ) was the son ofSaint Arnulf Of Metz, bishop of Metz and his wife Saint Doda, (whose great grandmother was (Saint Dode of Reims) and grandson of Saint Gondolfus. He served King Sigbert III of Austrasia (634-656) as a duke (Latin dux, a military leader) and domesticus. He was killed sometime before 679, slain in a feud by his enemy Gundewin. His wife was Saint Begga. Ansegisen and Begga were the grandparents of Charles Martel and were second great grandparents of Charlemagne

Ansegisel. He was a Vir inlustris, and domesticus (632-638) for Siegebert III of Austrasia. There is no contemporary evidence that he was Mayor of the Palace. His father was Arnulf, and his mother is unknown (Not Dode. See Discussion.)


Ansegisel (also Ansgise, Ansegus, or Anchises) (c. 602 or 610 – murdered before 679 or 662) was the younger son of Saint Arnulf, bishop of Metz.[1] He served King Sigebert III of Austrasia (634–656) as a duke (Latin dux, a military leader) and domesticus. He was killed sometime before 679, slain in a feud by his enemy Gundewin. Through his son Pepin, Ansegisel's descendants would eventually become Frankish kings and rule over the Carolingian Empire.

Marriage and issue:He was married to Begga, the daughter of Pepin the Elder, sometime after 639. They had the following children:

Pepin II (635 or 640 – December 16, 714), who would later become Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia

Martin of Herstal [NEED EVIDENCE Sharon D 2018]

Clotilda of Herstal (650–699) [ONLY SPECULATED ..Sharon D 2018], married King Theuderic III of Neustria

References: Bouchard, Constance Brittain. Rewriting Saints and Ancestors: Memory and Forgetting in France, 500-1200, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2014, ISBN 9780812290080, p. 115 From the English Wikipedia page on Ansegisel


English []

Nederlands []]

German []

French []

From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Merovingian Nobility:

ANSEGISEL ([612]-killed [662]).

The Gesta Episcoporum Mettensis names (in order) "duos filios Anschisum et Chlodolfum" as sons of Arnulf "iuventutis suæ tempore ex legitimi matrimonii copula" but does not name their mother[65]. The Vita Chrodegangi Episcopi Mettensis; names "Anchisæ" as second son of "Arnulfum sanctum"[66].

“…necnon et domesticorum Flodulfi, Ansigisili, Bettelini, Gariberti” consented to a donation to the monastery of Stabulo and Malmédy by King Sigebert III in a charter dated to [648][67]. "Childericus rex Francorum, Emnehildis et Bilihildis…reginæ…Gundoino duce et Hodone domestico" confirmed the property of the monastery of Stablo and Malmedy on the advice of "Grimoaldo, Fulcoaldo, Adregisilo, Bobone ducibus, Chlodulfo, Ansegisilo, Gariberto domesticis" by charter dated 6 Sep 667[68], although the presence of "Grimoaldo" in the document ten years after the attested death of the only known Duke Grimoald suggests that the document may have been subject to some alteration. He was killed by a nobleman Gundoen[69].

m ([643/44]%29 BEGGA, daughter of PEPIN [I] "l'Ancien" or "de Landen", maior domus of King Clotaire II & his wife Itta --- (-693). The Cronica Hohenburgensis names "huius soror [beata Gerdrudis] Begga" as wife of "Angiso sancti Arnulfi filio"[70]. Sigeberto's Vita Landiberto episcopi Traiectensis names "Pippinus…principes Francorum…sanctæ Beggæ matris eius"[71]. She founded the Abbey of Andenne, near Namur, 691 with nuns from the Abbey of Nivelle. The Annales Xantenses record the death in 698 of "Sancta Begga mater Pippini ducis"[72]. Ansegisel & his wife had [two] children:

a) PEPIN [II] "le Gros" or "d'Herstal" ([645]-Jupille, near Liège 16 Dec 714, bur Metz, basilique de Saint-Arnoul). The Gesta Episcoporum Mettensis names "Anschisus" as father of "Pippinum"[73].

"Pippinus filius Ansegisili quondam necnon…matrone mea Plectrudis" donated property to the church of St Arnulf at Metz by charter dated 20 Feb 691[74]. He defeated his adversaries at Tertry, Somme in Jun 687 before becoming maior domus of Austrasia in [688/90].

b) [CHROTHECHILDIS [Rotilde] [Doda] (-692 or after). Settipani approves the theory of Maurice Chaume according to which the wife of King Theoderic III was the daughter of Ansegisel[75]. However, this does not appear to be directly supported by primary source evidence. "Theudericus rex Francorum" donated property at the request of "regine nostre Chrodochilde…et…Berchario maiorem domos nostre" to the abbey of St Denis by charter dated 30 Oct 688[76]. "Chrotechildis regina" is named mother of King Clovis III in the Cartulaire of Saint-Bertin[77]. She was regent for her son King Chlodovech III until 692. The epitaph of King Theoderic III and his wife bore the inscription "rex Theodericus…cum coniuge Doda", assumed to be another name by which Rotilde was known[78]. m THEODERIC III King of the Franks in Neustria, son of CLOVIS II King of the Franks in Neustria & his wife Bathildis --- ([651]-[2 Sep 690/12 Apr 691], bur Arras, basilique Saint-Vaast).]

CHARLEMAGNE THE PIOUS AND PROLIFIC PROGENITOR By: Xenia Stanford Biography & Archived Articles Article Published December 23, 1999

Although a Christian should take only one wife even then, Charlemagne had four. He may have been married to only one at a time. However, he also kept five known mistresses throughout his marriages. Charles the Great sired at least eighteen children, only eight of whom were legitimate. He refused to let his daughters marry so he would not lose them but he allowed them numerous affairs out of which came several illegitimate children. In spite of this, he was a deeply devout man.

He was well versed in the scriptures and quoted chapter and verse to those who erred in their ways. He supported the Church through organization and funding but he was also very demanding of its behaviour. Many of his capitularies deal with how the clergy should act and how they should improve their morals. He expected much more of them than of himself. He expected celibacy at a time when even Popes were known for their debauchery. Nuns particularly were victims of his scathing attacks on their whoring.

He also demanded that the Church not tolerate image worship and superstition even though most of the religious hierarchy disagreed with him. He also blasted the clergy in one of his capitularies in 811 for the earthly possessiveness and cheating of their parishioners. He introduced tithing (one tenth of income) to counteract the Church's need against the Church's greed. Charlemagne himself left one-third of his estates to the Church.

Known to be ruthless in his evangelical efforts to bring Christianity to all (even to the beheading of those who refused to be baptized), he was honest and caring in his dealings with his earthly empire and strove to improve the preparation of himself and his subjects for the world beyond life. Years after his death, the Church ignored his worldly indiscretions and beatified him for his contributions.

CHARLEMAGNE - GREAT BOON TO GENEALOGISTS To this great man we also owe much in terms of genealogical records for he required the church to document baptisms, marriages and wills. Always one for standardization, he insisted the priests record these events diligently and consistently. This was at least the beginning of parish records. Though none have been found dating from this period, Charlemagne reinforced the importance of maintaining documentary evidence, which no doubt contributed to the earliest registers to be uncovered.

The oldest register found so far, which covers the cities of Givry in Saône and Loire (Saône-et-Loire) for the years1334 to 1357, was after the influence of the next great reformer King Louis IX, canonized as Saint Louis. However, Saint Louis definitely drew upon the practices established by his predecessor.

Charlemagne's own secretary Einhard kept a diary or record of the great man's life. Though often it seems exaggerated, it remains a way to understand history as it unfolded. Charlemagne was also the subject of much literature during his time and later, such as the poems of Theobold. In 814 he died at Aachen from pleurisy in the forty-seventh year of his reign with his son Louis already crowned as his successor. He was seventy-two years old but his legacy to history still lives on.

CHARLEMAGNE - ANCESTRY According to some the greatest of all rulers of Francia may not have been French at all. Charlemagne was believed to be mainly German as he was reputed to be blond and spoke German as his primary tongue. The difficulty is, even knowing as much as we know about Charlemagne, we know little about his ancestry and truly what mix of blood ran through his ancestors' veins.

Were the Merovingians French just because they arose from the Frankish people and the Carolingian rulers German? The Franks themselves were Germanic in origin and replaced the Celts who were the first known inhabitants of what is now France. Although the nations of France and Germany became dreaded enemies, I don't think we can separate them so categorically during or before the time of Charlemagne.

As explained in the past issues, Charlemagne arose from the line of chief administrators known as Mayors of the Palace who served under and later over the Merovingian kings. However, despite the hard efforts of genealogists the Carolingian lineage named for Charlemagne can only be truly documented as far back as his 3rd great grandfather. We know his grandfather Pepin d'Herstal or Pepin I (Pippin I to some historians) was the grandson of Pepin the Elder but the generation before and the generation between are unnamed in the histories found to date.

As we can see people, such as the rulers above, were distinguished by "nicknames". No one had surnames at the time and later historians named the dynastic lines after a significant ruler but naming people after some physical attribute, profession or characteristic was certainly prominent then. What is also significant is that many women's names were recorded as well. Thus we know that Pepin d'Herstal was married to a woman named Itta.

Pepin and Itta had three known children. One, a girl named Gertrude, became an abbess and was not known to have any offspring but the other two had descendants. Although the other daughter, Begga, was to produce the most significant heirs, initially the couple's only known son, Grimoald, gained his father's position and title of Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia after Pepin I's death about 639 or 640 AD.

Thus so far we have the following lineage: (See website for diagram)

Grimoald had a daughter Wulfetrude who became a well-known abbess. Although the actual paternity of another child called Childebert has been questioned, Grimoald claimed him as son and named him in 656 AD as the successor to King Sigebert of Neustria over Sigebert's son and heir Dagobert. Dagobert was exiled to Ireland but his supporters were so angered by the coup they captured and killed Grimoald soon after.

Childebert died in 662 but already the kingdom had been thrown into turmoil with the wars between Neustria and Austrasia and between the Merovingian heirs and the descendants of the powerful mayors. Although Grimoald had a grandson Childebrand whose parents' names are unknown, it was his nephew, son of sister Begga who regained the mayoral supremacy and the rule.

Begga married Ansegisel and produced a son, Pepin or Pippin named for her father. This Pepin (now called Pepin II) had children by at least two women. One of these women was his wife Plectrude and the other his mistress Alpaida.

He married Plectrude around 670 for her inheritance of substantial estates in the Moselle region. They produced at least two children and through them at least two significant grandchildren. These legitimate children and grandchildren claimed themselves to be Pepin's true successors and with the help of his widow Plectrude tried to maintain the position of Mayor of the Palace after their progenitor's death on December 16, 714.

The position of Mayor of the Palace had over the years become one of great significance and with the work of Pepin the Elder and his grandson Pepin d'Herstal it had become as important if not greater than the role of the king. Under Grimoald the land holdings and influence of the Mayor had increased. Pepin II was not satisfied with ruling only Austrasia, thus in 690 he also took over as Mayor of the Palace for Neustrian King Theuderic. Although the king still sat on the throne, the role and title of Mayor as well as Pepin's fortunes in land were inheritances to be coveted.

However, the son of Pepin II and his mistress Alpaida gained favour among the Austrasians and despite the efforts of Plectrude to silence her rival's child by imprisoning him, he became the one Mayor of the Palace and true ruler of Francia. This illegitimate son of Pepin II was Charles Martellus (the Hammer) or Charles Martel whose deeds have been explained in previous issues.

His descent from Begga is as follows: (see website for diagram)

Like his father, Charles had rival children from two unions, that of his wives: Rotrude and Swanachild. Charles had deposed both kings by 739 and began rule under the title of Princeps or Prince. In 740 he placed his two sons from his first marriage, Pepin III (aka Pepin Le Bref or the Short) and Carloman as the Mayors of the Palaces of Neustria and Austrasia respectively.

Grifo, the son of Charles and second wife Swanachild, was appointed ruler of Thuringia about the same time. However, after Charles death in 741, Grifo's half-brothers banished Swanachild to a convent and imprisoned Grifo.

In 746 Carloman, apparently the more militarily successful of the brothers, resigned as Mayor of Austrasia and went to Rome for monastic training. He placed the Mayoralty into the hands of his young son, Drogo, and asked the boy's uncle Pepin Le Bref to watch over him and the administration of Austrasia. Instead Pepin took over complete control about a year later and in 751 convinced the Pope to make him King of all Franks and his wife Bertrada the Queen. Drogo who continued to protest was thrown into prison by his uncle in 753.

Pepin Le Bref or Pepin the Short had two sons by Bertrada. Charles, the eldest, was born in 748 prior to his parent's marriage. In order to legitimize his son and ensure his succession rather than Drogo's, Pepin married Bertrada in 749. In 751 their second son Carloman (II to distinguish him from his uncle) was born.

After Pepin's death in 768 AD, his two sons split the kingdom once again. The older son Charles was given Austrasia and other lands. Carloman was given various regions but Neustria was not listed by name since it appears to have been divided between the two rather than given in totality to Carloman. This division did not last long as Carloman died on December 4, 771.

Thus the descent from Charles Martel is as follows: (see website for diagram)

It may be amazing to learn the deaths of these rulers were recorded accurately giving date and place of death and age at death. Fredegar, the historian, used church records from Saint-Denis to find the exact death dates of Pepin II and III as well as Carloman II.

No longer did historians have to live during the time for accurate information nor did they need to rely solely on word of mouth, legends or the writings of others. However, as stated under Charlemagne - Great Boon to Genealogists, we have seen that the records of the Church and of administration were soon to increase even more in frequency and accuracy due to the work of Carloman II's brother Charles, whom we know better as Charlemagne.

CHARLEMAGNE - DESCENDANCY Although Charlemagne's son and successor Louis I succeeded in keeping the kingdom together during his lifetime, after he died the empire was divided into three among his sons. The youngest, Charles "the Bald" became Emperor of France, another son, Louis "the German", was crowned King of Germany and Austria and the third, Lothaire, ruled Belgium. From these three Kings came the nations above that continue to exist today though the borders changed over the years.

From their descendants and those of the other many children of Charlemagne come countless numbers who are the progeny of this great man. These may be patriots of any of those three original nations but many can be found elsewhere in the world.

One of the lines for many North Americans descends through Catherine Baillon, a "fille de roi" who came to New France and married Pierre Miville. Baillon's descent from King Philippe II Auguste of France (a descendant of Charlemagne and wife Hildegard) has been carefully researched. The work has primarily been conducted by four genealogists who are all well-known for their past accurate and well-documented works. They are René Jetté, John P. DuLong, Roland-Yves Gagné, and Gail F. Moreau who have a website dedicated to the Baillon genealogy at

This foursome has obtained extensive and expensive documentation from original sources. So far they have written two articles, one in French and one in English, and are currently working on a book to share their findings with us. Although I have not read either article, I know all four through their prior works, contributions to lists and email correspondence. Therefore, I have no hesitation in recommending you read either of the two articles cited below:

René Jetté, John P. DuLong, Roland-Yves Gagné, and Gail F. Moreau. "De Catherine Baillon à Charlemagne." Mémoires de la Société généalogique canadienne-française 48 (Autumn), 1997: 190-216 (in French).

René Jetté, John P. DuLong, Roland-Yves Gagné, and Gail F. Moreau. "From Catherine Baillon to Charlemagne." _American-Canadian Genealogist_ 25:4 (Fall 1999): 170-200 (in English).

The latter may be obtained at $3.00 US plus $1.50 US for postage and handling (shipping on additional copies ordered at the same time is $.90 each) from the following address:

American-Canadian Genealogical Society Treasurer P. O. Box 6478 Manchester, NH 03108-6478

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