14° Bisabuela/ Great Grandmother de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Bonne d'Abbeville, dame de Rély is your 14th great grandmother.
Familia Urdaneta y sus parientes. Parentescos Consanguíneos, por afinidad y políticos.
lunes, 6 de noviembre de 2023
Bonne d'Abbeville dame de Rély ★Bisabuela n°14P★ Ref: Bd-1442 |•••► #FRANCIA 🇫🇷🏆 #Genealogía #Genealogy
14° Bisabuela/ Great Grandmother de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Bonne d'Abbeville, dame de Rély is your 14th great grandmother.
Sibylle de Ligne ★Bisabuela n°13P★ Ref: SL-1474 |•••► #BELGICA 🏆 🇧🇪 #Genealogía #Genealogy
13° Bisabuela/ Great Grandmother de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Sibylle de Ligne is your 13th great grandmother.
Jean I de Picquigny, Gouverneur dArtois ★Bisabuelo n°19P★ Ref: JI-1249 |•••► #FRANCIA 🇫🇷🏆 #Genealogía #Genealogy
19° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Jean I de Picquigny, Gouverneur dArtois is your 19th great grandfather.
(Linea Paterna)
Jean I de Picquigny, Gouverneur dArtois is your 19th great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→ Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna
your father → Elena Cecilia Lecuna Escobar
his mother → Vicente de Jesus Lecuna Salboch, Dr.
her father → Ramón Lecuna Sucre
his father → Josefa Margarita Sucre y Márquez de Valenzuela
his mother → Coronel Vicente Vitto Luis Ramón de Sucre y García de Urbaneja
her father → Coronel Antonio Mauricio Jacinto Tadeo Rosalio Sucre Pardo y Trelles
his father → Carlos Francisco Francois Sucre y Pardo, Sargento Mayor
his father → Charles Adrien de Sucre y D´Ives
his father → Adrianne D'Ives y D'Argenteau
his mother → Jacqueline D'Argenteau
her mother → Conrad d'Argenteau, seigneur de Ligny
her father → Renaud VII d'Argenteau, seigneur de Bossut
his father → Marie de Hamal, dame de Trazegnies
his mother → Sibylle de Ligne
her mother → Bonne d'Abbeville, dame de Rély
her mother → Edmond d'Abbeville, seigneur de Boubers
her father → Girard III d'Abbeville, seigneur de Boubers
his father → Isabeau de Picquigny
his mother → Jean II de Picquigny, II
her father → Jean I de Picquigny, Gouverneur d'Artois
his father
Jean I de Picquigny, Gouverneur d'Artois
Gender: Male
Birth: 1249
Death: September 29, 1304 (54-55)
Perugia, 6100, , Umbria, Italie,
Immediate Family:
Son of Sire de Picquigny Vidame d' Amiens Gérard de Picquigny and Mathilde de Crésecques, Lady of Crésecques
Husband of Dame de Beaumetz et de Wanquetin Marguerite de Picquigny; Marie de Molleans and Dame de Rameru Isabeau de Picquigny
Father of Rénaud de Picquigny, Vidame d'Amiens; Marguerite de Picquigny; Blanche de Picquigny; Jean II de Picquigny, II; Robert de Picquigny, seigneur de Fluy and 2 others
Brother of Noëlle de Picquigny
Half brother of Jeanne de Picquigny; Marie de Picquigny; Aleidis van Oudenaerde and Arnold van Oudenaerde
Added by: Virginia Lea Sooy on October 8, 2008
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Dame de Rameru Isabeau de Picquigny
Dame de Picquigny Catherine d'Auxy
Marie de Molleans
Dame de Beaumetz et de Wanquetin...
Rénaud de Picquigny, Vidame d'A...
Marguerite de Picquigny
Blanche de Picquigny
Jean II de Picquigny, II
Robert de Picquigny, seigneur de...
Ferri de Picquigny, seigneur d'A...
Sire de Picquigny Vidame d' Amie...
Mathilde de Crésecques, Lady of...
Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.
Sire de Picquigny Vidame d Amiens Gérard de Picquigny ★Bisabuelo n°20P★ Ref: SP-1205 |•••► #FRANCIA 🇫🇷🏆 #Genealogía #Genealogy
20° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Sire de Picquigny Vidame d Amiens Gérard de Picquigny is your 20th great grandfather.- (20° Bisabuelo )
(Linea Paterna)
Sire de Picquigny Vidame d Amiens Gérard de Picquigny is your 20th great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→ Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna
your father → Elena Cecilia Lecuna Escobar
his mother → Vicente de Jesus Lecuna Salboch, Dr.
her father → Ramón Lecuna Sucre
his father → Josefa Margarita Sucre y Márquez de Valenzuela
his mother → Coronel Vicente Vitto Luis Ramón de Sucre y García de Urbaneja
her father → Coronel Antonio Mauricio Jacinto Tadeo Rosalio Sucre Pardo y Trelles
his father → Carlos Francisco Francois Sucre y Pardo, Sargento Mayor
his father → Charles Adrien de Sucre y D´Ives
his father → Adrianne D'Ives y D'Argenteau
his mother → Jacqueline D'Argenteau
her mother → Conrad d'Argenteau, seigneur de Ligny
her father → Renaud VII d'Argenteau, seigneur de Bossut
his father → Marie de Hamal, dame de Trazegnies
his mother → Sibylle de Ligne
her mother → Bonne d'Abbeville, dame de Rély
her mother → Edmond d'Abbeville, seigneur de Boubers
her father → Girard III d'Abbeville, seigneur de Boubers
his father → Isabeau de Picquigny
his mother → Jean II de Picquigny, II
her father → Jean I de Picquigny, Gouverneur d'Artois
his father → Sire de Picquigny Vidame d' Amiens Gérard de Picquigny
his fatherConsistency CheckShow short path | Share this path
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Sire de Picquigny Vidame d' Amiens Gérard de Picquigny
Gender: Male
Birth: circa 1205
Picquigny, Somme, Hauts-de-France, France
Death: May 1248 (38-47)
Palestine (Palestine, State of)
Immediate Family:
Son of Enguerrand de Picquigny, vidame d'Amiens and Marguerite de Ponthieu
Husband of Alix de Vierzon; Mathilde de Crésecques, Lady of Crésecques and Laure de Montfort-l'Amaury
Father of Jean I de Picquigny, Gouverneur d'Artois; Noëlle de Picquigny; Jeanne de Picquigny and Marie de Picquigny
Brother of Dame de Fourdrinoy Hélène d'Ailly; Alix de Picquigny; Dame de Dreuil Henriette de Picquigny; Marie de Picquigny and Ide de Picquigny
Added by: Virginia Lea Sooy on October 8, 2008
Managed by: David Prins and 8 others
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Laure de Montfort-l'Amaury
Jeanne de Picquigny
Marie de Picquigny
Mathilde de Crésecques, Lady of...
Jean I de Picquigny, Gouverneur ...
Noëlle de Picquigny
Alix de Vierzon
Marguerite de Ponthieu
Enguerrand de Picquigny, vidame ...
Dame de Fourdrinoy Hélène d'Ailly
Alix de Picquigny
Dame de Dreuil Henriette de Picq...
Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.
✺- 1205→6 de enero: Coronación del rey alemán Felipe de Suabia como Rey de romanos en Aquisgrán.
✺- 1215→Juan sin Tierra, rey de inglaterra da la Carta Magna a los nobles, base de las libertades constitucionales de Inglaterra.
✺- 1225→28 de enero: Tomás de Aquino, escritor, filósofo y teólogo italiano.
✺- 1235→Invasión por parte de las tropas de la Corona de Aragón de medina Yabisah, Ibiza, el 8 de agosto→
→Asalto y saqueo de la actual San Fernando (Cádiz) por un ejército expedicionario cristiano que la abandonó posteriormente→
→Batalla de Kirina, hecho que da comienzo al Imperio de Malí.
✺- 1245→17 de julio - Inocencio IV excomulga a Federico II en el Concilio de Lyon I→
→Reconquista de Cartagena→
→España - Jaime I de Aragón conquista Onteniente, Denia y Biar.
✺- 1255→Marzo, Alfonso X el Sabio otorga a los vecinos de Aguilar de Campoo el «Fuero Real de España» que luego sería otorgado a otras diferentes localidades como Peñafiel, Santo Domingo de la Calzada, Béjar o Madrid, con el objetivo de avanzar en la unificación jurídica de los reinos→
→Lisboa se convierte en capital de Portugal→
→El rey checo Ottokar II de Bohemia funda Könisgberg→
→Alfonso X el Sabio funda la ciudad de realengo de Villa-Real, actual Ciudad Real, en lo que hasta entonces era un pequeño pueblo llamado Pozo de don Gil→
→Galicia - Alfonso X el Sabio otorga a La Coruña la exclusiva de la descarga y venta de la sal→
→Los Aztecas llegan al Valle de México y se establecen en el Cerro de Chapultepec, propiedad de los tecpanecas de Azcapotzalco→
→Formación de un consorcio llamado Gran Tavola en Siena, que pronto se convertiría en el banco más poderoso de Europa→
Esclaramunda de Foix, reina de Mallorca
Alberto I de Habsburgo: emperador del Sacro Imperio, en julio→
Batu Kan, general del imperio mongol
✺- 1265→Conquista cristiana de Alicante y Elche, en manos musulmanas, por Alfonso X de Castilla→
→El rey Alfonso X de Castilla ataca Granada, que había interrumpido el vasallaje y el pago de parias a Castilla→
→Tomás de Aquino comienza la Summa Theológica→
→Clemente IV sucede a Urbano IV como papa→
→Victoria de Enrique III en la batalla de Evesham→
Dante Alighieri. Poeta italiano, autor de La Divina Comedia→
→Alfonso III, rey de Aragón
24 de febrero - Roger IV, conde de Foix→
→Hulagu, nieto de Gengis Kan y fundador de la dinastía Iljanato.
✺- 1275→Desembarco de benimerines norteafricanos en la península ibérica→
→22 de julio - Magnus Ladulás es elegido rey de Suecia en la Piedra de Mora→
→11 de septiembre: Un terremoto de 6,0 sacude Gran Bretaña causando destrucción→
→Septiembre - Batalla de Écija. Las tropas del reino de Castilla, comandadas por Nuño González de Lara el Bueno, son derrotadas por el emir de los benimerines→
→Marco Polo visita Xanadú→
→El monje nestoriano Rabban Bar Sauma comienza su peregrinación de China a Jerusalén→
→Termina la era japonesa Bun'ei y comienza la era Kenji→
→La Horda de Oro mongol asalta Lituania por tercera vez→
→En el Reino de Mallorca, Ramon Llull establece una escuela para enseñar árabe a los predicadores, en un intento de hacer proselitismo entre los musulmanes→
Fernando de la Cerda, hijo primogénito y heredero de Alfonso X de Castilla→
→Leonor de Castilla, hija de Alfonso X de Castilla→
→Alfonso Manuel, nieto de Fernando III el Santo y hermanastro de Don Juan Manuel→
→Pelayo Pérez Correa, maestre de la Orden de Santiago→
→Sancho de Aragón, arzobispo de Toledo e hijo de Jaime I de Aragón→
→Nuño González de Lara el Bueno, señor de la Casa de Lara. Perdió la vida en la batalla de Écija→
→6 de enero: Raimundo de Peñafort, dominico y jurista español. (n. 1180)
11 de marzo: Bohemundo VI, príncipe antioqueno (n. 1237).
Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.
Candavene Of Saint Pol Beatrice ★Bisabuela n°22P★ Ref: CO-1145 |•••► #FRANCIA 🇫🇷🏆 #Genealogía #Genealogy
22° Bisabuela/ Great Grandmother de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Beatrice of Saint Pol is your 22nd great grandmother.
(Linea Paterna)
Beatrice of Saint Pol is your 22nd great grandmother.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→ Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna
your father → Elena Cecilia Lecuna Escobar
his mother → Vicente de Jesus Lecuna Salboch, Dr.
her father → Ramón Lecuna Sucre
his father → Josefa Margarita Sucre y Márquez de Valenzuela
his mother → Coronel Vicente Vitto Luis Ramón de Sucre y García de Urbaneja
her father → Coronel Antonio Mauricio Jacinto Tadeo Rosalio Sucre Pardo y Trelles
his father → Carlos Francisco Francois Sucre y Pardo, Sargento Mayor
his father → Charles Adrien de Sucre y D´Ives
his father → Adrianne D'Ives y D'Argenteau
his mother → Jacqueline D'Argenteau
her mother → Conrad d'Argenteau, seigneur de Ligny
her father → Renaud VII d'Argenteau, seigneur de Bossut
his father → Marie de Hamal, dame de Trazegnies
his mother → Sibylle de Ligne
her mother → Bonne d'Abbeville, dame de Rély
her mother → Edmond d'Abbeville, seigneur de Boubers
her father → Girard III d'Abbeville, seigneur de Boubers
his father → Isabeau de Picquigny
his mother → Jean II de Picquigny, II
her father → Jean I de Picquigny, Gouverneur d'Artois
his father → Sire de Picquigny Vidame d' Amiens Gérard de Picquigny
his father → Marguerite de Ponthieu
his mother → Beatrice of Saint Pol
her motherConsistency CheckShow short path | Share this path
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Beatrice Candavene de Saint-Pol MP
Gender: Female
Birth: circa 1145
Saint-Pol-sur-Mer, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
Death: 1204 (54-63)
Thézillieu, Ain, Rhone-Alpes, France
Immediate Family:
Daughter of Anselme 'Le Jeune' "Candavène" de Saint-Pol, comte de Saint-Pol and Eustachie de Champagne, Countess of Essex
Wife of Jean I Montgommery, comte de Ponthieu
Ex-wife of Robert de Coucy, baron de Boves
Mother of Enguerrand III de Boves, seigneur de Coucy; Adèle de Ponthieu; Guillaume II Talvas, comte de Ponthieu; Marguerite de Ponthieu; Blandine de Maisnieres de Ponthieu and 1 other
Sister of Hugues IV de Campdavaine, Comte De Saint-Pol; Marguerite de Saint-Pol; Claire de Saint-Pol and Eustache of St. Pol
Added by: "Skip" Bremer on June 9, 2007
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Jean I Montgommery, comte de Pon...
Adèle de Ponthieu
Guillaume II Talvas, comte de Po...
Marguerite de Ponthieu
Blandine de Maisnieres de Ponthieu
Agnès de Ponthieu
Robert de Coucy, baron de Boves
Enguerrand III de Boves, seigneu...
Eustachie de Champagne, Countess...
Anselme 'Le Jeune' "Candavène" ...
Hugues IV de Campdavaine, Comte ...
Marguerite de Saint-Pol
Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.
✺- 1145→Eugenio III sucede a Lucio II como papa→
A la zona arqueológica de Tula (Hidalgo, México) llegan los mexicas, según el códice Boturini→
Ibn Yubair, geógrafo, viajero, literato y poeta hispano-árabe medieval
Manuel Comneno, hijo de Andrónico I Comneno→
→María de Antioquía, emperatriz bizantina→
→María de Francia, condesa de Champaña→
→Reginald Fitzurse, caballero asesino de Thomas Becket→
Abu Mansur Mauhub al-Jawaliqi, gramático árabe→
→Guillermo de Conches, gramático y filósofo francés→
→Lucio II, papa italiano→
→Tasufin ben Alí ben Yúsef, emir almorávide→
→Zhang Zeduan, pintor chino.
✺- 1155→La Carta de Donación de Ramón Berenguer IV del castillo de Monfort y sus términos al monasterio de Veruela en 1155, se encuentra expuesta en el Archivo Histórico de la Diputación Provincial de Zaragoza.
✺- 1165→Nace el 21 de agosto - Felipe II de Francia
✺- 1175→Acontecimientos
Alfonso VIII establece en Palencia la primera universidad de España→
Aimeric de Peguilhan, trovador occitano→
→Roberto Grosseteste, filósofo inglés.
✺- 1185→Urbano III sucede a Lucio III como papa.
✺- 1195→19 de julio En España: Batalla de Alarcos (Ciudad Real). Derrota absoluta de Alfonso VIII de Castilla.
✺- 1205→6 de enero: Coronación del rey alemán Felipe de Suabia como Rey de romanos en Aquisgrán.
✺- 1215→Juan sin Tierra, rey de inglaterra da la Carta Magna a los nobles, base de las libertades constitucionales de Inglaterra.
Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.
Marguerite de Ponthieu ★Bisabuela n°21P★ Ref: MP-1180 |•••► #FRANCIA 🇫🇷🏆 #Genealogía #Genealogy
21° Bisabuela/ Great Grandmother de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Marguerite de Ponthieu is your 21st great grandmother.
Montgommery comte de Ponthieu Jean I ★Bisabuelo n°22P★ Ref: MP-1142 |•••► #FRANCIA 🇫🇷🏆 #Genealogía #Genealogy
22° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Jean I Montgommery, comte de Ponthieu is your 22nd great grandfather.
(Linea Paterna)
Jean I Montgommery, comte de Ponthieu is your 22nd great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→ Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna
your father → Elena Cecilia Lecuna Escobar
his mother → Vicente de Jesus Lecuna Salboch, Dr.
her father → Ramón Lecuna Sucre
his father → Josefa Margarita Sucre y Márquez de Valenzuela
his mother → Coronel Vicente Vitto Luis Ramón de Sucre y García de Urbaneja
her father → Coronel Antonio Mauricio Jacinto Tadeo Rosalio Sucre Pardo y Trelles
his father → Carlos Francisco Francois Sucre y Pardo, Sargento Mayor
his father → Charles Adrien de Sucre y D´Ives
his father → Adrianne D'Ives y D'Argenteau
his mother → Jacqueline D'Argenteau
her mother → Conrad d'Argenteau, seigneur de Ligny
her father → Renaud VII d'Argenteau, seigneur de Bossut
his father → Marie de Hamal, dame de Trazegnies
his mother → Sibylle de Ligne
her mother → Bonne d'Abbeville, dame de Rély
her mother → Edmond d'Abbeville, seigneur de Boubers
her father → Girard III d'Abbeville, seigneur de Boubers
his father → Isabeau de Picquigny
his mother → Jean II de Picquigny, II
her father → Jean I de Picquigny, Gouverneur d'Artois
his father → Sire de Picquigny Vidame d' Amiens Gérard de Picquigny
his father → Marguerite de Ponthieu
his mother → Jean I Montgommery, comte de Ponthieu
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Jean I Montgommery, comte de Ponthieu MP
Gender: Male
Birth: circa 1142
Montreuil, Seine-Saint-Denis, Île-de-France, France
Death: June 30, 1191 (44-53)
Acre, Akko, North District, Palestine (Palestine, State of) (Died in battle at Siege of Acre, Palestine during his third crusade)
Place of Burial: Abbey of Saint-Josse-au-Bois, Saint-Josse-sur-Mer, Pas-de-Calais, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
Immediate Family:
Son of Guy II Talvas, Comte de Ponthieu and Ida de Saint Pol
Husband of Laurette de Saint-Valéry and Beatrice of Saint Pol
Father of Adèle de Ponthieu; Guillaume II Talvas, comte de Ponthieu; Marguerite de Ponthieu; Blandine de Maisnieres de Ponthieu and Agnès de Ponthieu
Brother of Rohese Of Ponthieu and Seigneur Guy de Ponthieu, III de Noyelle
Added by: "Skip" Bremer on June 9, 2007
Managed by: Kenneth J Burgos and 73 others
Curated by: Jason Scott Wills
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Jean Montgomery I, Count d’Ponthieu (1141 - 1191) was Count of Ponthieu from 1147 to the death of his father, Guy II of Ponthieu and the lifetime of his grandfather Wilhelm I of Ponthieu.
Son of Guy II of Ponthieu (1115 - 1147), Count of Ponthieu, son and grandson of Helen of Burgundy (1085 † 1141).
He donated a portion of its forests (the current timber Bonance on the town of Grand Laviers) to the leper Brothers Val, a leper hospital founded in Abbeville with the Abbots of Saint-Riquier.
He adopted similar coats of arms [1] to those of the dukes of Burgundy, who were his cousins by his maternal grandmother.
Barely in office, he had a war with Bernard III, Seigneur de St. Valery, because he had fortified the Crotoy Domart, Berneuil and Bernaville which housed looters and arsonists. After various hostilities, King Louis the Young ordered that the parties agree to its board. It was decided that the case, very confused, would be settled by a duel. Before the duel took place, the parties finally agreed in May 1150: Crotoy remained the count and Domart, Berneuil Bernaville and went to the lord of Saint-Valery.
In 1166, John agreed to surrender his grandfather had done to King Henry II of England, the castles of Alençon and the Roche-Mabille, to stationing garrisons Norman and English. In 1168, John having refused passage of the troops of Henry II of England on his land because it was at war with Louis the Younger, Henry II of England burned several possessions of John, whose Vimeu.
In 1173, John supported the party at Henry Court-Mantel, revolted against the King of England, his father.
On June 9, 1184, he confirmed the right of the common people of Abbeville granted in 1130 by his grandfather, William.
In 1190, he went to the Holy Land with King Philippe Auguste. He died at the Siege of Acre (1191) on his 3rd crusade. He was buried at the Abbey of Saint-Josse-au-Bois, Saint-Josse-sur-Mer, Pas-de-Calais, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
Marriage and children
He married:
1. Mahaut
2. Laura, daughter of Bernard III of St. Valery, which he broke, which earned him a threat of excommunication.
3. Beatrice, daughter of Anselm of Campdavaine, Comte de Saint-Pol and Eustache de Champagne
From these three wives, one Beatrix gave birth to children [2]:
* William II († 1221), Count of Ponthieu
* Adele, married to Thomas, lord of Saint-Valery and Domart
* Margaret, married to Enguerrand Piquigny, vidame Amiens hereditary or solicitor of the bishopric
* Helen, married to William of Estouteville
* Dantine Maur-Francois, Charles Clémencet, Saint-Allais (Nicolas Viton), Ursin Durand, François Clement - "The art of verifying dates of historical events, charters, chronicles and other ancient ... (1770), impr. G. Desprez, Paris, 1 vol. folio (xxxvii + 934) p.
* Florentine Lefils - "History civil, political and religious of St. Valery and County of Vimeu" (1858, Print. Lorisse; repr. "Monographs of cities and villages of France", 2005) - 1 vol. (VIII-254 p.) (ISBN 2-84373-746-X)
Notes and references [edit]
1. ↑ The Dukes of Burgundy were bandaged with gold and azure a bordure gules, while John I passed the three gold stripes of blue at the edge of the jaws.
2. ↑ Counts of Ponthieu [archive] on the website of the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy
Jean Montgomery I, Count d’Ponthieu (1141 - 1191) was Count of Ponthieu from 1147 to the death of his father, Guy II of Ponthieu and the lifetime of his grandfather Wilhelm I of Ponthieu.
Son of Guy II of Ponthieu (1115 - 1147), Count of Ponthieu, son and grandson of Helen of Burgundy (1085 † 1141).
He donated a portion of its forests (the current timber Bonance on the town of Grand Laviers) to the leper Brothers Val, a leper hospital founded in Abbeville with the Abbots of Saint-Riquier.
He adopted similar coats of arms [1] to those of the dukes of Burgundy, who were his cousins by his maternal grandmother.
Barely in office, he had a war with Bernard III, Seigneur de St. Valery, because he had fortified the Crotoy Domart, Berneuil and Bernaville which housed looters and arsonists. After various hostilities, King Louis the Young ordered that the parties agree to its board. It was decided that the case, very confused, would be settled by a duel. Before the duel took place, the parties finally agreed in May 1150: Crotoy remained the count and Domart, Berneuil Bernaville and went to the lord of Saint-Valery.
In 1166, John agreed to surrender his grandfather had done to King Henry II of England, the castles of Alençon and the Roche-Mabille, to stationing garrisons Norman and English. In 1168, John having refused passage of the troops of Henry II of England on his land because it was at war with Louis the Younger, Henry II of England burned several possessions of John, whose Vimeu.
In 1173, John supported the party at Henry Court-Mantel, revolted against the King of England, his father.
On June 9, 1184, he confirmed the right of the common people of Abbeville granted in 1130 by his grandfather, William.
In 1190, he went to the Holy Land with King Philippe Auguste. He died at the Siege of Acre (1191) on his 3rd crusade. He was buried at the Abbey of Saint-Josse-au-Bois, Saint-Josse-sur-Mer, Pas-de-Calais, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
Marriage and children
He married:
1. Mahaut
2. Laura, daughter of Bernard III of St. Valery, which he broke, which earned him a threat of excommunication.
3. Beatrice, daughter of Anselm of Campdavaine, Comte de Saint-Pol and Eustache de Champagne
From these three wives, one Beatrix gave birth to children [2]:
* William II († 1221), Count of Ponthieu
* Adele, married to Thomas, lord of Saint-Valery and Domart
* Margaret, married to Enguerrand Piquigny, vidame Amiens hereditary or solicitor of the bishopric
* Helen, married to William of Estouteville
* Dantine Maur-Francois, Charles Clémencet, Saint-Allais (Nicolas Viton), Ursin Durand, François Clement - "The art of verifying dates of historical events, charters, chronicles and other ancient ... (1770), impr. G. Desprez, Paris, 1 vol. folio (xxxvii + 934) p.
* Florentine Lefils - "History civil, political and religious of St. Valery and County of Vimeu" (1858, Print. Lorisse; repr. "Monographs of cities and villages of France", 2005) - 1 vol. (VIII-254 p.) (ISBN 2-84373-746-X)
Notes and references [edit]
1. ↑ The Dukes of Burgundy were bandaged with gold and azure a bordure gules, while John I passed the three gold stripes of blue at the edge of the jaws.
2. ↑ Counts of Ponthieu [archive] on the website of the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy
Jean Montgomery I, Count d’Ponthieu (1141 - 1191) was Count of Ponthieu from 1147 to the death of his father, Guy II of Ponthieu and the lifetime of his grandfather Wilhelm I of Ponthieu.
Son of Guy II of Ponthieu (1115 - 1147), Count of Ponthieu, son and grandson of Helen of Burgundy (1085 † 1141).
He donated a portion of its forests (the current timber Bonance on the town of Grand Laviers) to the leper Brothers Val, a leper hospital founded in Abbeville with the Abbots of Saint-Riquier.
He adopted similar coats of arms [1] to those of the dukes of Burgundy, who were his cousins by his maternal grandmother.
Barely in office, he had a war with Bernard III, Seigneur de St. Valery, because he had fortified the Crotoy Domart, Berneuil and Bernaville which housed looters and arsonists. After various hostilities, King Louis the Young ordered that the parties agree to its board. It was decided that the case, very confused, would be settled by a duel. Before the duel took place, the parties finally agreed in May 1150: Crotoy remained the count and Domart, Berneuil Bernaville and went to the lord of Saint-Valery.
In 1166, John agreed to surrender his grandfather had done to King Henry II of England, the castles of Alençon and the Roche-Mabille, to stationing garrisons Norman and English. In 1168, John having refused passage of the troops of Henry II of England on his land because it was at war with Louis the Younger, Henry II of England burned several possessions of John, whose Vimeu.
In 1173, John supported the party at Henry Court-Mantel, revolted against the King of England, his father.
On June 9, 1184, he confirmed the right of the common people of Abbeville granted in 1130 by his grandfather, William.
In 1190, he went to the Holy Land with King Philippe Auguste. He died at the Siege of Acre (1191) on his 3rd crusade. He was buried at the Abbey of Saint-Josse-au-Bois, Saint-Josse-sur-Mer, Pas-de-Calais, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
Marriage and children
He married:
1. Mahaut
2. Laura, daughter of Bernard III of St. Valery, which he broke, which earned him a threat of excommunication.
3. Beatrice, daughter of Anselm of Campdavaine, Comte de Saint-Pol and Eustache de Champagne
From these three wives, one Beatrix gave birth to children [2]:
* William II († 1221), Count of Ponthieu
* Adele, married to Thomas, lord of Saint-Valery and Domart
* Margaret, married to Enguerrand Piquigny, vidame Amiens hereditary or solicitor of the bishopric
* Helen, married to William of Estouteville
* Dantine Maur-Francois, Charles Clémencet, Saint-Allais (Nicolas Viton), Ursin Durand, François Clement - "The art of verifying dates of historical events, charters, chronicles and other ancient ... (1770), impr. G. Desprez, Paris, 1 vol. folio (xxxvii + 934) p.
* Florentine Lefils - "History civil, political and religious of St. Valery and County of Vimeu" (1858, Print. Lorisse; repr. "Monographs of cities and villages of France", 2005) - 1 vol. (VIII-254 p.) (ISBN 2-84373-746-X)
Notes and references [edit]
1. ↑ The Dukes of Burgundy were bandaged with gold and azure a bordure gules, while John I passed the three gold stripes of blue at the edge of the jaws.
2. ↑ Counts of Ponthieu [archive] on the website of the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy
Jean Montgomery I, Count d’Ponthieu (1141 - 1191) was Count of Ponthieu from 1147 to the death of his father, Guy II of Ponthieu and the lifetime of his grandfather Wilhelm I of Ponthieu.
Son of Guy II of Ponthieu (1115 - 1147), Count of Ponthieu, son and grandson of Helen of Burgundy (1085 † 1141).
He donated a portion of its forests (the current timber Bonance on the town of Grand Laviers) to the leper Brothers Val, a leper hospital founded in Abbeville with the Abbots of Saint-Riquier.
He adopted similar coats of arms [1] to those of the dukes of Burgundy, who were his cousins by his maternal grandmother.
Barely in office, he had a war with Bernard III, Seigneur de St. Valery, because he had fortified the Crotoy Domart, Berneuil and Bernaville which housed looters and arsonists. After various hostilities, King Louis the Young ordered that the parties agree to its board. It was decided that the case, very confused, would be settled by a duel. Before the duel took place, the parties finally agreed in May 1150: Crotoy remained the count and Domart, Berneuil Bernaville and went to the lord of Saint-Valery.
In 1166, John agreed to surrender his grandfather had done to King Henry II of England, the castles of Alençon and the Roche-Mabille, to stationing garrisons Norman and English. In 1168, John having refused passage of the troops of Henry II of England on his land because it was at war with Louis the Younger, Henry II of England burned several possessions of John, whose Vimeu.
In 1173, John supported the party at Henry Court-Mantel, revolted against the King of England, his father.
On June 9, 1184, he confirmed the right of the common people of Abbeville granted in 1130 by his grandfather, William.
In 1190, he went to the Holy Land with King Philippe Auguste. He died at the Siege of Acre (1191) on his 3rd crusade. He was buried at the Abbey of Saint-Josse-au-Bois, Saint-Josse-sur-Mer, Pas-de-Calais, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
Marriage and children
He married:
1. Mahaut
2. Laura, daughter of Bernard III of St. Valery, which he broke, which earned him a threat of excommunication.
3. Beatrice, daughter of Anselm of Campdavaine, Comte de Saint-Pol and Eustache de Champagne
From these three wives, one Beatrix gave birth to children [2]:
* William II († 1221), Count of Ponthieu
* Adele, married to Thomas, lord of Saint-Valery and Domart
* Margaret, married to Enguerrand Piquigny, vidame Amiens hereditary or solicitor of the bishopric
* Helen, married to William of Estouteville
* Dantine Maur-Francois, Charles Clémencet, Saint-Allais (Nicolas Viton), Ursin Durand, François Clement - "The art of verifying dates of historical events, charters, chronicles and other ancient ... (1770), impr. G. Desprez, Paris, 1 vol. folio (xxxvii + 934) p.
* Florentine Lefils - "History civil, political and religious of St. Valery and County of Vimeu" (1858, Print. Lorisse; repr. "Monographs of cities and villages of France", 2005) - 1 vol. (VIII-254 p.) (ISBN 2-84373-746-X)
Notes and references [edit]
1. ↑ The Dukes of Burgundy were bandaged with gold and azure a bordure gules, while John I passed the three gold stripes of blue at the edge of the jaws.
2. ↑ Counts of Ponthieu [archive] on the website of the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy
John I of Ponthieu (c. 1140–1191) was the son of Guy II of Ponthieu and succeeded him as Count of Ponthieu in 1147. He married Beatrice of Saint-Pol, and was succeeded by his son William IV Talvas.
John I of Ponthieu (c. 1140–1191) was the son of Guy II of Ponthieu and succeeded him as Count of Ponthieu in 1147. He married Beatrice of Saint-Pol, and was succeeded by his son William IV Talvas.
John I of Ponthieu (c. 1140–1191) was the son of Guy II of Ponthieu and succeeded him as Count of Ponthieu in 1147. He married Beatrice of Saint-Pol, and was succeeded by his son William IV Talvas.
Jean Montgomery I, Count d’Ponthieu (1141 - 1191) was Count of Ponthieu from 1147 to the death of his father, Guy II of Ponthieu and the lifetime of his grandfather Wilhelm I of Ponthieu.
Son of Guy II of Ponthieu (1115 - 1147), Count of Ponthieu, son and grandson of Helen of Burgundy (1085 † 1141).
He donated a portion of its forests (the current timber Bonance on the town of Grand Laviers) to the leper Brothers Val, a leper hospital founded in Abbeville with the Abbots of Saint-Riquier.
He adopted similar coats of arms to those of the dukes of Burgundy, who were his cousins by his maternal grandmother.
Barely in office, he had a war with Bernard III, Seigneur de St. Valery, because he had fortified the Crotoy Domart, Berneuil and Bernaville which housed looters and arsonists. After various hostilities, King Louis the Young ordered that the parties agree to its board. It was decided that the case, very confused, would be settled by a duel. Before the duel took place, the parties finally agreed in May 1150: Crotoy remained the count and Domart, Berneuil Bernaville and went to the lord of Saint-Valery.
In 1166, John agreed to surrender his grandfather had done to King Henry II of England, the castles of Alençon and the Roche-Mabille, to stationing garrisons Norman and English. In 1168, John having refused passage of the troops of Henry II of England on his land because it was at war with Louis the Younger, Henry II of England burned several possessions of John, whose Vimeu.
In 1173, John supported the party at Henry Court-Mantel, revolted against the King of England, his father.
On June 9, 1184, he confirmed the right of the common people of Abbeville granted in 1130 by his grandfather, William.
In 1190, he went to the Holy Land with King Philippe Auguste. He died at the Siege of Acre (1191) on his 3rd crusade. He was buried at the Abbey of Saint-Josse-au-Bois, Saint-Josse-sur-Mer, Pas-de-Calais, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
Marriage and children
He married:
1. Mahaut
2. Laura, daughter of Bernard III of St. Valery, which he broke, which earned him a threat of excommunication.
3. Beatrice, daughter of Anselm of Campdavaine, Comte de Saint-Pol and Eustache de Champagne
From these three wives, one Beatrix gave birth to children:
William II († 1221), Count of Ponthieu
Adele, married to Thomas, lord of Saint-Valery and Domart
Margaret, married to Enguerrand Piquigny, vidame Amiens hereditary or solicitor of the bishopric
Helen, married to William of Estouteville
John I of Ponthieu (c. 1140–1191) was the son of Guy II of Ponthieu and succeeded him as Count of Ponthieu in 1147. He married Beatrice of Saint-Pol, and was succeeded by his son William IV Talvas.
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Showing 12 of 16 people
Beatrice of Saint Pol
Adèle de Ponthieu
Guillaume II Talvas, comte de Po...
Marguerite de Ponthieu
Blandine de Maisnieres de Ponthieu
Agnès de Ponthieu
Laurette de Saint-Valéry
Guy II Talvas, Comte de Ponthieu
Ida de Saint Pol
Rohese Of Ponthieu
Seigneur Guy de Ponthieu, III de...
Helene de Ponthieu
Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.
✺- 1142→Reino de Galicia - Fundación del primer monasterio cisterciense. (Monasterio de Sobrado)→
→Reino de Aragón -En el mes de noviembre de este año fue otorgado el Fuero de Daroca por Ramón Berenguer, conde de Barcelona→
→Reino de León - El rey Alfonso VII reconquista definitivamente la ciudad de Coria (junio de 1142) y restablece su obispado.
✺- 1152→Divorcio de Luis VII de Francia y de Leonor de Aquitania
→Fundación de Kasímov por Yuri Dolgoruki.
→ Fallece: 15 de febrero - Conrado III, emperador del Sacro Imperio.
✺- 1162→Amalarico I, rey de Jerusalén→
→Primera Feria del Ajo en Santa Marina del Rey.
→ Nace: 16 de abril: Gengis Kan, fundador del Imperio Mongol.1
→ Fallece: 10 de febrero: Balduino III, rey de Jerusalén.
→ Fallece:Eudes II, rey borgoñón.
→ Fallece:Haakon II, rey noruego.
→ Fallece:Ramón Berenguer IV, conde barcelonés.
✺- 1172→Saladino se apodera del puerto de Ayla sobre el mar Rojo, para atacar Siria→
→1 de marzo : Inicio del reinado de Bela III, rey de Hungría (hasta 1196)→
→Establecemiento de la orden de Santiago en Portugal, se le conceden las localidades de Arruda dos Vinhos y, posteriormente, Alcácer do Sal, Almada y Palmela→
→El rey D. Afonso Henríquez asocia a su hijo D. Sancho en el gobierno del reino de Portugal→
→Creación en el reino de Aragón del obispado de Albarracín, (hoy en Teruel)→
→Gerardo II de Rosellón dona su condado al rey de Aragón Alfonso II el Trovador.
→ Nace: Gebra Maskal Lalibela, rey de Etiopía.
→ Nace: Balduino I de Constantinopla, futuro emperador latino de Bizancio, conde de → Nace: Flandes y Hennegau, dirigente de la IV Cruzada (m. 1205)
✺- 1182→Alejo IV, emperador bizantino (1203-1204) (m. 1204).
Leonor, princesa aragonesa y condesa tolosana (m. 1226).
26 de septiembre: Francisco de Asís, religioso y santo italiano (m. 1226).
García Fernández de León, hijo ilegítimo del rey Fernando II de León y de Urraca López de Haro.
Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.