domingo, 24 de marzo de 2024

Robert III comte de Wormsgau ★Bisabuelo n°28M★ Ref: RI-0799 |•••► #FRANCIA 🇫🇷🏆 #Genealogía #Genealogy

 28 ° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Robert III, comte de Wormsgau is your 28th great grandfather.



(Linea Materna)


Robert III, comte de Wormsgau is your 28th great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Morella Álamo Borges

your mother → Belén Eloina Borges Ustáriz

her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna

her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesús Uztáriz y Monserrate

her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra

his mother → Teniente Coronel Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina

her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza

his mother → Isabel Manuela Josefa Hurtado de Mendoza y Rojas Manrique

her mother → Juana de Rojas Manrique de Mendoza

her mother → Constanza de Mendoza Mate de Luna

her mother → Fernando Mathé de Luna

her father → Juan Fernández De Mendoza Y Manuel

his father → Sancha Manuel

his mother → Sancho Manuel de Villena Castañeda, señor del Infantado y Carrión de los Céspedes

her father → Manuel de Castilla, señor de Escalona

his father → Elizabeth of Swabia

his mother → Philip of Swabia, King of Germany

her father → Beatrice of Burgundy

his mother → Reginald III, Count of Burgundy

her father → Stephen I "the Rash" count of Mâcon & Burgundy

his father → William I "the Great" count of Burgundy

his father → Reginald I Burgundy, count palatine of Burgundy

his father → Otto Guillaume I, comte de Bourgogne et de Mâcon

his father → Gerberga, Countess of Macon

his mother → Lambert d'Autun De Dijon, Comte de Chalon

her father → Robert Vicomte d'Autun

his father → Garnier of Sens, count of Troyes

his father → Wandelmode de Troyes

his mother → Eudes I, comte de Troyes

her father → Robert III, comte de Wormsgau

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Robert von Wormsgau, III  MP 

French: Robert III, III

Gender: Male 

Birth: estimated between 764 and 796 

Death: before February 19, 834 

Immediate Family:

Husband of Wiltrud

Father of Guntram, 4th Count in Wormsgau; Robert "Rodbert" von Wormsgau; Oda Wormsgau, Countess; Adalhelm de Laon; Eudes I, comte de Troyes and 1 other 

Added by: Karla Kay Walsh on May 10, 2007

Managed by: Daniel Dupree Walton and 316 others

Curated by: Ben M. Angel, still catching up


Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.



✺- 799→14 de septiembre (11/8/18 según el calendario Enryaku): en la costa de la prefectura de Ibaraki (Japón) se registra un tsunami (no se menciona el terremoto causante)→

→29 de noviembre: en Italia, el papa León III, ayudado por Carlomagno, regresa a Roma→

→Según los cálculos del religioso galorromano Gregorio de Tours (538-594) el fin del mundo sucedería entre el 799 y el 806→


Bernardo, rey italiano→


13 de abril: Paulus Diaconus, historiador

✺- 809→El comercio Veneciano, Bizantino y Carolino crece y las fronteras Carolingias en España e Italia se abren tras un largo bloqueo→

→Aznar Galindo se convierte en el primer conde de Aragón nacido en Aragón→

→El Emperador Saga sucede a su hermano mayor, el Emperador Heizei, en Japón→


Harún al-Rashid, califa inmortalizado en Las mil y una noches junto a su mujer Zobeida→

→Aureolo, primer conde de Aragón


Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.


Eudes I comte de Troyes ★Bisabuelo n°27M★ Ref: EI-0829 |•••► #FRANCIA 🇫🇷🏆 #Genealogía #Genealogy

 27 ° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Eudes I, comte de Troyes is your 27th great grandfather.



(Linea Materna)


Eudes I, comte de Troyes is your 27th great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Morella Álamo Borges

your mother → Belén Eloina Borges Ustáriz

her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna

her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesús Uztáriz y Monserrate

her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra

his mother → Teniente Coronel Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina

her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza

his mother → Isabel Manuela Josefa Hurtado de Mendoza y Rojas Manrique

her mother → Juana de Rojas Manrique de Mendoza

her mother → Constanza de Mendoza Mate de Luna

her mother → Fernando Mathé de Luna

her father → Juan Fernández De Mendoza Y Manuel

his father → Sancha Manuel

his mother → Sancho Manuel de Villena Castañeda, señor del Infantado y Carrión de los Céspedes

her father → Manuel de Castilla, señor de Escalona

his father → Elizabeth of Swabia

his mother → Philip of Swabia, King of Germany

her father → Beatrice of Burgundy

his mother → Reginald III, Count of Burgundy

her father → Stephen I "the Rash" count of Mâcon & Burgundy

his father → William I "the Great" count of Burgundy

his father → Reginald I Burgundy, count palatine of Burgundy

his father → Otto Guillaume I, comte de Bourgogne et de Mâcon

his father → Gerberga, Countess of Macon

his mother → Lambert d'Autun De Dijon, Comte de Chalon

her father → Robert Vicomte d'Autun

his father → Garnier of Sens, count of Troyes

his father → Wandelmode de Troyes

his mother → Eudes I, comte de Troyes

her fatherConsistency CheckShow short path | Share this path

Shortest in-law relationship

Eudes I, comte de Troyes is your 22nd great grandfather's wife's third great grandfather.

Eudes, Comte de Châteaudun, Comte de Troyes. Comte de Blois MP

Gender: Male

Birth: circa 829

Troyes, Champagne-Ardenne, France

Death: August 01, 871 (37-46)

Troyes, Champagne-Ardenne, France

Place of Burial: Troyes, Champagne-Ardenne, France

Immediate Family:

Son of Robert III, comte de Wormsgau and Wiltrud

Husband of Wandilmode von Worms

Father of Robert I, comte de Troyes; Wandelmode de Troyes and Eudes II, comte de Troyes

Brother of Guntram, 4th Count in Wormsgau; Robert "Rodbert" von Wormsgau; Oda Wormsgau, Countess; Adalhelm de Laon and Wildrut von Wormsgau 

Added by: Gregory Lee Rice on November 18, 2007

Managed by: Duane Michael Scott Johnson and 36 others

Curated by: Sharon Doubell


Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.


1. ROBERTO [III], hijo de --- (antes del 19 de febrero de 834). "Karolus... Augustus... imperator Romanum... rex Francorum et Langobardorum" emitió una sentencia por carta fechada el 8 de marzo de 812 que nombra "fidelibus nostri: Gerulfo, Guntlandus, Hedo, Armannus, Hamricus, Sicardus, Rotbertus comitibus... Amalricus comiti palatii nostro»[535]. Graf im Wormsgau. Los datos de la Commemoratio Missis fechados en 825 [antes de noviembre] nombran "... en Mogontia... Heistulfus episcopus et Ruodbertus come..."[536]. m ([808]%29 WILTRUD, hija de ADRIANO y su esposa Waldrat. "Wialdruth et Guntram" donó una propiedad "en Buosinesheim" para el alma de "Rutperti comitis quondam viri mei" por carta fechada el 19 de febrero de 834[537]. La fuente primaria que confirma su parentesco aún no ha sido identificada. Robert [III] y su esposa tuvieron [siete] hijos:

a) [GUNTRAM (-837 o posterior). "Wialdruth et Guntram" donó una propiedad "en Buosinesheim" para el alma de "Rutperti comitis quondam viri mei" por carta fechada el 19 de febrero de 834[538]. El documento implica, pero no lo dice específicamente, que Guntram era el hijo de la pareja. Graf im Wormsgau. 837.]
b) [EUDES (-1 de agosto de 871). EUDES [Odo], hijo de [RODBERT Graf im Wormsgau y su esposa Wiltrud] (-1 de agosto de 871). René Merlet sugiere que Eudes era hermano de Roberto "le Fort", antepasado de la dinastía de los Capetos, trazando lo que parece ser el desarrollo paralelo de sus carreras[572]. Si esto es correcto, la cronología sugiere que Eudes debe haber sido el hermano mayor. Conde de Châteaudun. Carlos II "le Chauve", rey de los francos occidentales, devolvió la propiedad a Hincmar, arzobispo de Reims, que había concedido previamente a sus partidarios, incluida la propiedad concedida a "... Odón viene...", por carta fechada el 1 de octubre de 845[573]. "Le comte Eudes et sa femme Guandilmode" donó la propiedad "dans le Dunois, dans la viguerie de Châteaudun... villa Mauro, sur le Loir" a Saint-Martin de Tours por carta fechada en mayo de 846[574]. Carlos II "le Chauve", rey de los francos occidentales, concedió la propiedad "in pago Otininse in villam Novientum" a "Odonem... comitem atque Ministerialem nostrum", por carta fechada el 11 de octubre de 849[575]. 852/59 y 866/70. "Karolus... rex" autorizado "Dodo... Andecavorum episcopus" y "Odo viene" a intercambiar tierras en Angers por carta fechada el 3 de julio de 851[576]. Un documento emitido por Carlos II "le Chauve", rey de los francos occidentales, fechado en noviembre de 853, nombra a "Wenilo episcopus, Odo et Donatus" como missi in "pago Senonico, Trecasino, Wasteniso, Miliduniso, Morviso, Proviniso, et ini tribus Arcisisis et in duobus Brionensis"[577]. Conde de Troyes: "Karolus... rex" llamado "Odo... comes [et] predecesoris sui Aledramni... comitis ex comitatu Tricasino" en una carta fechada el 25 de abril de 854 u 855 relativa a la abadía de Montéramey[578]. Un documento de Carlos II "le Chauve" rey de los francos occidentales fechado el 21 de marzo de 858 está suscrito por "Hungarius, Engilramnus, Isembardus, Odo, Osbertus, Ratbodus, Hunfridus, Odalricus, Rhodulfus, Engilschalcus, Herluinus, Hitto"[579]. Conde de Blois. Los Annales Fuldenses nombran "Adalhartus abbas et Oto comes" como missi "ab occidente" en julio de 858[580], el editor de la compilación sugiere que "Oto" era "comes Blesensis"[581]. Carlos II "le Chauve", rey de los francos occidentales, confirmó una donación de propiedades "quod... Odo... Viene... prædecessoris sui Aledranni quondam... Viene... ex comitatu Tricassino" a "mon. Arremarensi", por carta fechada el 25 de abril de 864[582]. Los Annales Bertiniani nombran a "Rodbertus et Odo" (el primero identificado como Robert "le Fort") como "præfecti" en el área del valle del Sena en 866 cuando registran que repelieron a los vikingos que habían navegado río arriba hasta "castrum Milidunum". m (antes de mayo de 846) WANDILMODIS, hija de ---. "Le comte Eudes et sa femme Guandilmode" donó la propiedad "dans le Dunois, dans la viguerie de Châteaudun... villa Mauro, sur le Loir" a Saint-Martin de Tours por carta fechada en mayo de 846[584]. "Odo comes et uxor mea Guandilmodis" donó la propiedad "in pago Dunensi... et in pago Blesensi" a Marmoutier por carta fechada en marzo de 849, suscrita por "Archambaldi, Burchardi..."[585]. " Boso comes simulque Bernardus comes ad vicem" donó Nogent "in pago Otmense" para el alma de "quondam amici nostri Odonis comitis... uxoris suæ Guendilmodis" a Saint-Martin-des-Tours por carta fechada en 871 después del 21 de junio[586]. Jackman sugiere que era hija del conde Aledram I de Troyes[587]. Eudes y su esposa tuvieron tres hijos:

i) Hija. Su parentesco y matrimonio se deducen de la carta fechada en febrero de 893 en virtud de la cual su hijo "Adalelmus... viene" confirmó la donación de "Cadusciam fiscum" {domaine de Chaource} a la abadía de Montiéramey por "Rotbertus... viene Avunculus Noster»[588]. m EMENON Conde de Poitiers, hijo de --- ([810]-Rancogne 22 Jun 866, bur Angoulême Saint-Cybard).
ii) EUDES [Odón] (-después de 886). La fuente primaria que identifica a Eudes y a su hermano Roberto como hijos de Eudes, conde de Troyes, aún no ha sido identificada. Por otro lado, un origen diferente es postulado por la Crónica de San Bénigne de Dijon que nombra "duo filii Rotberti Andegavorum comitis... Odo mayor.. Roberto alter»[589]. "Karolus... rex" concedió "villam Cadusiam" a "fideli sui Roberto" en una carta fechada el 25 de octubre de 877 que nombra a "Odoni comiti fratri Roberti... cum Tournodrinsis ville pagensibus»[590]. Conde de Tonnerre. La Bella Parisiciæ Urbis de Abbo registra el papel desempeñado por los "comites Odo fraterque suus... Rotbertus pariterque viene" en el sitio de París en 886[591]. "Karolus... imperator augustus" confirmó una donación de "Hugo... propinquus noster" de la propiedad "villam Apiarias in pago Aurelianensi" a "episcopo Adalaldo archiepiscopo simulque Rainoni episcopo, fratri eiusdem" a petición de "Odo viene" por carta fechada el 27 de octubre de 886[592].
iii) ROBERTO (muerto en batalla en París en febrero de 886). La fuente primaria que identifica a Eudes y a su hermano Roberto como hijos de Eudes, conde de Troyes, aún no ha sido identificada. Por otro lado, un origen diferente es postulado por la Crónica de San Bénigne de Dijon que nombra "duo filii Rotberti Andegavorum comitis... Odo mayor.. Roberto alter»[593]. "Karolus... rex" concedió "villam Cadusiam" a "fideli sui Roberto" en una carta fechada el 25 de octubre de 877 que nombra a "Odoni comiti fratri Roberti... cum Tournodrinsis ville pagensibus"[594]. Ven Palatin de Troyes. La Bella Parisiciæ Urbis de Abbo registra el papel desempeñado por los "comites Odo fraterque suus... Rotbertus pariterque viene" en el sitio de París en 886[595]. Murió luchando contra los vikingos[596]. m GISELA, hija de Luis II "le Bègue", rey de los francos occidentales y su primera esposa Ansgardis --- (-[11 de abril de 879/12 de diciembre de 884]). El rey Carlomán donó propiedades "in comitatu Trecassino, in curtem Argenteam mansum unum, de Clariaco..." a Montièramey, a petición de "fidelis noster Rotbertus comes", por el alma de "Gislæ sororis nostræ eiusque uxoris", por carta fechada en [11 abr 879/12 dic 884], cuyo original se ha perdido[597]. Gisela era la hija del primer matrimonio del rey Luis, según Rösch[598]. Jackman[599] sostiene que debió ser hija de su segundo matrimonio para evitar que fuera prima hermana de su marido, aunque esto significaría que era una novia niña. Sin embargo, es de suponer que está asumiendo la co-identidad entre Eudes, hermano de Ansgardis, y Eudes Conde de Troyes, padre del Conde Roberto, lo que no parece ser correcto.

c) ROBERT [Rodbert] . "Rubertus filius Ruberti comitis" donó la propiedad "en in pago Wormat. in Mettenheimer marca" a Lorsch por carta fechada [836/37] [540]. [¿La misma persona que...? ROBERT "le Fort" ([815/30]-muerto en batalla Brissarthe el 2 de julio de 866). Hasta ahora no se ha identificado ninguna prueba definitiva de la coidentidad de Robert "le Fort" con el hijo de Robert Graf im Wormsgau. Todavía no se ha encontrado ninguna fuente primaria que apunte específicamente hacia esta co-identidad sugerida, aunque es consistente con el origen franconio al que se refieren los Annales Xantenses y Widukind, señalados anteriormente. Se supone que la sugerencia se basa principalmente en la onomástica, aunque la primera fuente secundaria que propuso la conexión aún no ha sido identificada y, por lo tanto, no ha sido verificada. El autor en cuestión también puede haber asumido que Roberto era un nombre único entre los nobles de Francia en la primera mitad del siglo IX, aunque esto ignora a Robert Seigneur [comte] à Sesseau en Berry, que era el posible hermano de la esposa de Pipino I, rey de Aquitania (véase el documento NOBLEZA CAROLINGIA). El momento de la supuesta llegada de Roberto desde Franconia, suponiendo que la co-identidad sea correcta, tampoco es el ideal. Presumiblemente, Roberto habría huido de Alemania después de optar por apoyar a Carlos II "le Chauve", rey de los francos occidentales, en la lucha de este último contra su hermano Luis II "der Deutsche", rey de los francos orientales. Esta disputa está fechada en 858/59: el rey Luis invadió en agosto de 858, cuando el rey Carlos se enfrentó a una rebelión generalizada, y fue derrotado en enero de 859. Sin embargo, Robert "le Fort" ya es nombrado como missus en Maine, Anjou y Touraine en noviembre de 853, en un documento emitido por el rey Carlos II[541] (a menos, por supuesto, que este documento se refiera a Robert Seigneur [comte] à Sesseau, lo cual no es imposible).]
d) [AOD . La fuente primaria que confirma su supuesta paternidad y matrimonio aún no ha sido identificada. Es presumiblemente especulativo. m WALACHO [Walo] Graf im Wormsgau, hijo de --- (-antes de 891).]
e) [ADALELM [I] (-después del 6 de marzo de 870). Regino nombra a "Waltgerius comes, nepos Odonis regis, filius scilicet avunculi eius Adalhelmi in Aquitanien" al registrar su batalla contra "Ramnulfum et fratrem eius Gozbertum et Ebulonem abbatum de sancto Dionysio" en julio de 892[542]. La fuente primaria que confirma que Adalelm [I] era el hijo de Roberto [III] aún no ha sido identificada. Si "avunculus" se usa en su sentido estricto en este texto, es posible que Adalelm [I] fuera pariente materno de Eudes, rey de Francia, en lugar de hermano del padre de Eudes. Un acuerdo fechado el 6 de marzo de 870 entre Carlos II "le Chauve", rey de los francos occidentales, y su hermano Luis II "der Deutsche", rey de los francos orientales, nombra a "Ingelramnus comes" como representante del primero y, en la actualidad, "Adalelmus come, Ingelramnus comes, Liutfridus comes, Theodericus come, item Adalelmus comes"[543].] m ---. Se desconoce el nombre de la esposa de Adalelm. Adalelm [yo] y su esposa tuvieron [dos] hijos:

i) [ADALELM [II] (muerto en batalla en París 886). Un acuerdo fechado el 6 de marzo de 870 entre Carlos II "le Chauve", rey de los francos occidentales, y su hermano Luis II "der Deutsche", rey de los francos orientales, nombra a "Ingelramnus comes" como representante del primero y, en la actualidad, "Adalelmus come, Ingelramnus come, Liutfridus comes, Theodericus comes, item Adalelmus comes"[544]. Un acuerdo fechado el 14 de junio de 877 del emperador Carlos II "le Chauve", presumiblemente escrito pensando en su propia muerte, nombra "... ex comitibus aut Tedericus, aut Balduinus, sive Chuonradus, seu Adalelmus" como los que estaban dispuestos a apoyar al hijo del emperador[545]. La Bella Parisiciæ Urbis de Abbo registra la muerte de "Rotberto... Nepote Eius... Adalelmus" en el asedio de París en 886[546]. No se conoce el parentesco de Adalhelm [II], pero el pasaje de Abbo indica su relación familiar (imprecisa) con el futuro rey Roberto I de Francia, y su nombre sugiere que pudo haber sido hijo de Adalelm [I].]
ii) WALTGER (-después de julio de 892). Regino nombra a "Waltgerius comes, nepos Odonis regis, filius scilicet avunculi eius Adalhelmi in Aquitanien" al registrar su batalla contra "Ramnulfum et fratrem eius Gozbertum et Ebulonem abbatum de sancto Dionysio" en julio de 892[547].

f) [hija . El origen de la esposa de Megingoz [I] no se conoce con certeza. Pudo haber sido la hija de Robert [III] Graf im Wormsgau y su esposa Wiltrud ---, como lo indica la carta fechada en 876 en virtud de la cual Graf Megingoz, con su nepos Odo, donó una propiedad en Mattenheim. Settipani identifica a Odón con el futuro Eudes, rey de Francia, lo que sugiere que el propio Megingoz o su esposa estaban estrechamente relacionados con la familia Rotbertiner. Esta hipótesis parece corroborada por Megingoz [II], probable hijo de Megingoz [I], siendo descrito como nepote del rey Eudes en 892 por Regino[549]. Jackman sugiere que la esposa de Megingoz [I] se llamaba ROTLIND, cuyo nombre está estrechamente asociado con la familia en el libro Memorial de Remiremont[550]. Sin embargo, también es posible que la relación de Megingoz con el rey Eudes fuera más remota que "tío" o que fuera un pariente materno del rey. m MEGINGOZ [I] Graf im Wormsgau, hijo de [ADALBERT y su esposa] (-después de 876). Sin embargo, también es posible que la relación de Megingoz con el rey Eudes fuera más remota que "tío" o que fuera un pariente materno del rey.]
g) [WILDRUT . Jackman sugiere que la esposa de Aledram [I] Conde de Troyes era la hija de Roberto [III], el nombre Wildrut aparece en un libro conmemorativo de Reichenau. m ALEDRAM [I] Conde [de Troyes], hijo de ---.]


✺- 859→Año 859

859 (DCCCLIX) fue un año común comenzado en domingo del calendario juliano, en vigor en aquella fecha.


Batalla de Albelda - Importante victoria de García Íñiguez de Pamplona y Ordoño I de Asturias contra el emir Abderramán II de Córdoba.

Los vikingos remontan los ríos Ebro, Aragón y Arga, saquean Pamplona por segunda vez y raptan al rey de Navarra García Íñiguez de Pamplona.

Incendio de París a manos de los vikingos.

Se funda la Universidad de Qarawiyyin.

30 de diciembre: un fuerte terremoto sacude las costas de Siria, causando la destrucción de varias ciudades y provocando muchas muertes.


11 de marzo: San Eulogio de Córdoba, obispo mozárabe, murió decapitado.

✺- 869→Acontecimientos

13 de julio: en Sendai (Japón) se registra un terremoto de 9,0 con tsunami y un saldo de 1.000 muertos.


Emperador Yōzei, de Japón.


8 de agosto: Lotario II, rey de Lotaringia (la Francia media).


Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.


Wandelmode de Troyes ★Bisabuela n°26M★ Ref: WT-0852 |•••► #FRANCIA 🇫🇷🏆 #Genealogía #Genealogy

 26 ° Bisabuela/ Great Grandmother de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Wandelmode de Troyes is your 26th great grandmother.


(Linea Materna)
Wandelmode de Troyes is your 26th great grandmother.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Morella Álamo Borges
your mother → Belén Eloina Borges Ustáriz
her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna
her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesús Uztáriz y Monserrate
her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra
his mother → Teniente Coronel Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina
her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza
his mother → Isabel Manuela Josefa Hurtado de Mendoza y Rojas Manrique
her mother → Juana de Rojas Manrique de Mendoza
her mother → Constanza de Mendoza Mate de Luna
her mother → Fernando Mathé de Luna
her father → Juan Fernández De Mendoza Y Manuel
his father → Sancha Manuel
his mother → Sancho Manuel de Villena Castañeda, señor del Infantado y Carrión de los Céspedes
her father → Manuel de Castilla, señor de Escalona
his father → Elizabeth of Swabia
his mother → Philip of Swabia, King of Germany
her father → Beatrice of Burgundy
his mother → Reginald III, Count of Burgundy
her father → Stephen I "the Rash" count of Mâcon & Burgundy
his father → William I "the Great" count of Burgundy
his father → Reginald I Burgundy, count palatine of Burgundy
his father → Otto Guillaume I, comte de Bourgogne et de Mâcon
his father → Gerberga, Countess of Macon
his mother → Lambert d'Autun De Dijon, Comte de Chalon
her father → Robert Vicomte d'Autun
his father → Garnier of Sens, count of Troyes
his father → Wandelmode de Troyes
his motherConsistency CheckShow short path | Share this path
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Wandelmode de Troyes is your 21st great grandmother's husband's father's wife's grandmother.
Wandelmode de Troyes 
Gender: Female
Birth: circa 852
Death: circa 880 (19-36)
Immediate Family:
Daughter of Eudes I, comte de Troyes and Wandilmode von Worms
Wife of Richard de Chaunois, comte de Troyes
Mother of Garnier of Sens, count of Troyes
Sister of Robert I, comte de Troyes and Eudes II, comte de Troyes

Added by: Adriana Magalhães Almeida on October 17, 2008
Managed by: Adriana Magalhães Almeida and 7 others
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Wandelmode was the daughter of Eudes de Troyes I (comte de Troyes) and Wandilmode de Worms. The date and place of her birth have not been found. She had two marriages/partners. Her first husband was Richard d'Autunois (comte d'Amiens, comte de Troyes). They were married, but the date and place have not been found. They had no known children. Her second husband was Adalelme de Poitiers (comte de Troyes). They were married, but the date and place have not been found. They had no known children.

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Richard de Chaunois, comte de Tr...

Garnier of Sens, count of Troyes

Wandilmode von Worms

Eudes I, comte de Troyes

Robert I, comte de Troyes

Eudes II, comte de Troyes


Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.



✺- 852→Expansión del Reino de Pamplona con el ataque a Estella→
→Muhammad I, nuevo emir independiente de Córdoba→
→Musa ben Qasi es proclamado gobernador de Tudela y, poco después, de Zaragoza, capital de la Marca Superior→
→García Íñiguez de Pamplona, segundo miembro de la dinastía Arista-Iñiguez, sube al trono del reino de Pamplona
Tropas musulmanas guiadas por Abd al-Karim ben Mugith atacan y destruyen Barcelona, entonces bajo el poder del conde Alerán→
→Zamora es fundada
El obispo Altfrid de Hildesheim funda la Abadía de Essen→
→El nombre del conde Rodrigo de Castilla aparece por primera en la carta de fundación de San Martín de Ferrán con esta fórmula: "hecha la escritura en el día IV de las nonas de julio de la era 890, reinando Rodrigo, conde en Castilla"
→ Nace: Íñigo Arista, primer rey de Pamplona.
→ Nace: Abderramán II, cuarto emir omeya de Córdoba (822 - 852

✺- 862→Galicia - Alfonso III, rey de Galicia en vida de su padre. Rebeliones y levantamientos contra Alfonso de los condes Hermenegildo y posteriormente Froila Bermúdez, en Lugo→
→El príncipe Rastislav invita a Cirilo y Metodio a predicar el cristianismo en lengua eslava en la Gran Moravia→
→Balduino I, primer conde hereditario de Flandes→
→Lotario II obtuvo el apoyo de su hermano el emperador Luis II el Joven, mediante la cesión de tierras y obtuvo el consentimiento del clero local para divorciarse de Teutberga y casarse con Waldrada→
→Los varegos, comerciantes y guerreros vikingos de origen sueco establecen una red comercial en Europa oriental. Luego de lograr apaciguar a las tribus eslavas locales, su líder, Rúrik, funda la dinastía Rúrika, primera dinastía de la Rus de Kiev, el Estado padre de las actuales naciones de Rusia, Bielorrusia y Ucrania

✺- 872→872 (DCCCLXXII) fue un año bisiesto comenzado en martes del calendario juliano, en vigor en aquella fecha→
22 de junio: en Wasit (Irak) se registra un terremoto que deja un saldo de 20 000 víctimas. (Posiblemente se trate del mismo terremoto que se registró como sucedido el 18 de noviembre del 871)→
→Juan VIII sucede a Adriano II como papa→
→Unificación de Noruega
Eduardo el Viejo, rey de Inglaterra→
14 de diciembre - Adriano II, papa→
→Bernardo II de Tolosa, conde de Tolosa


Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.


sábado, 23 de marzo de 2024

Berenguer Ramon I el Corbat, XVII comte de Barcelona ★Bisabuelo n°20M★ Ref: BR-1000 |•••► #ESPAÑA 🏆🇪🇸★ #Genealogía #Genealogy

 Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Berenguer Ramon I el Corbat, XVII comte de Barcelona is your 20th great grandfather.Bisabuelo n°20M



 (Linea Materna)


Berenguer Ramon I el Corbat, XVII comte de Barcelona is your 20th great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Morella Álamo Borges

your mother → Belén Borges Ustáriz

her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna

her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesus Uztáriz y Monserrate

her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra

his mother → Teniente Coronel Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina

her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza

his mother → Isabel Manuela Josefa Hurtado de Mendoza y Rojas Manrique

her mother → Juana de Rojas Manrique de Mendoza

her mother → Constanza de Mendoza Mate de Luna

her mother → Mayor de Mendoza Manzanedo

her mother → Juan Fernández De Mendoza Y Manuel

her father → Sancha Manuel

his mother → Sancho Manuel de Villena Castañeda, señor del Infantado y Carrión de los Céspedes

her father → Manuel de Castilla, señor de Escalona

his father → Ferdinand "the Saint", king of Castile and León

his father → Alfonso IX of Leon

his father → Urraca de Portugal, reina consorte de León

his mother → Afonso I, o Conquistador, rei de Portugal

her father → Henrique de Borgonha, conde de Portugal

his father → Sibylle de Barcelone, duchesse consort de Bourgogne

his mother → Berenguer Ramon I el Corbat, XVII comte de Barcelona

her fatherConsistency CheckShow short path | Share this path

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Berenguer Ramon I 'el Corbat' de Barcelona, XVII comte de Barcelona  MP 

French: Bérenguer Raymond de Barcelone, XVII comte de Barcelona, Spanish: Dn. Berenguer Ramón I "El Curvo" de Barcelona, XVII comte de Barcelona

Gender: Male

Birth: between circa 1000 and circa 1005 

Death: May 26, 1035 (25-39)

Barcelona, Barcelona, Cataluña, Spain 

Place of Burial: Santa Maria de Ripoll

Immediate Family:

Son of Ramon Borrell I, XVI comte de Barcelona and Ermessenda de Carcassona, comtessa consort de Barcelona

Husband of Sança de Castella, comtessa consort de Barcelona and Guisla de Lluçà, comtessa consort de Barcelona

Father of Sanç, Comte d'Olèrdola; Ramon Berenguer I el Vell, comte de Barcelona; Guillem I, comte d'Osona; Bernat Berenguer de Barcelona and Sibylle de Barcelone, duchesse consort de Bourgogne

Brother of Clémence, comtesse consort de Bigorre; N.N. de Barcelona; N.N. de Barcelona and Adelaida or Stephania (Papia) de Barcelona

Added by: "Skip" Bremer on June 11, 2007

Managed by: Daniel Dupree Walton and 154 others

Curated by: Victar

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Berenguer Ramón I conde de Barcelona (1005-1035). Era hijo de Ramón Borrell y de Ermesenda de Carcasona.

En el año 1021 se casó con Sancha, hija de Sancho García, conde de Castilla, con la que tuvo dos hijos: Ramón Berenguer I (1023) y Sancho. En 1027 volvió a casarse, esta vez con Guisla, hija del veguer de Balsareny. Con ella tuvo un hijo, Guillermo (1028).

La figura de Berenguer Ramón tiene una doble vertiente, Por un lado ha pasado a la historia como un hombre ecuánime, Durante su mandato predominó la paz. Sometió de forma pacífica al conde de Urgel, Ermengol; restableció la concordia con el conde Hugo I de Ampurias; y mantuvo excelentes relaciones con Guillermo I de Besalú y Wifredo II de Cerdaña. También mantuvo buenas relaciones con el Papa y el 1032 realizó un viaje a Roma.

Además, viajó en diversas ocasiones a Zaragoza y Navarra para entrevistarse con Sancho Garcés III, rey de Navarra y unificar criterios en las relaciones con los condes de Tolosa. Sus hombres de confianza y consejeros fueron el abad Oliva, el juez Ponç Bofill, Gombau de Besora y los obispos Pedro de Gerona y Deudado de Barcelona. En el 1025 promulgó un decreto que liberaba a los propietarios de tierras de cualquier vinculación jurisdiccional que no fuera la del condado y los liberó de los impuestos.

Por otra parte, el gobierno de Berenguer Ramón I marcó el inicio del declive del poder condal. Al morir su padre en 1017, Berenguer Ramón aún era menor de edad y su madre Ermesenda actuó como tutora y regente hasta el 1023. Pero cuando Berenguer Ramón llegó a la mayoría de edad no empezó a gobernar en solitario sino que Ermesenda siguió asociada al gobierno.

Según algunos cronistas, el carácter de Berenguer Ramón era débil e indeciso. Además, la política de paz con el Islam iba en contra de los deseos de la nobleza que veían la guerra con la única forma de conseguir gloria y riquezas. Esto hizo que algunos nobles empezaran a actuar al margen del poder condal. Ermesenda, en cambio, era enérgica y decidida e intentó imponer su autoridad sobre otros nobles. Pero su condición de mujer le impidió ejercer como caudillo militar y, por tanto, organizar alguna razia o expedición militar que satisficiera las ansias de poder de los aristócratas.

La desintegración del poder condal se hizo más evidente cuando, poco antes de morir, el año 1035, Berenguer Ramón I repartió sus dominios entre sus hijos: Ramón Berenguer recibió Gerona y Barcelona hasta el Llobregat; Sancho el territorio fronterizo que iba desde el Llobregat hasta la tierra de los musulmanes, constituyendo el condado del Penedés con capital en Olèrdola; y a Guillermo le dejó Osona.

Predecesor: Ramón Borrell Conde de Barcelona 1017 - 1035 Sucesor: Ramón Berenguer I

Obtenido de ""

He was also known as Count Of Barcelona. He was also known as Berenguer Ramon I

Berengar Raymond I the Crooked, also called the Hunchback (in Catalan, Berenguer Ramon I el Corbat; and in Spanish, Berenguer Ramón I el Corvado or el Curvo) (1005-26 May 1035) was the count of Barcelona, Girona, and Ausona from 1015 to his death.

He was the son of Raymond Borrell, count of Barcelona, Girona, and Ausona and his wife Ermesinde of Carcassonne. He accepted the suzerainty of Sancho the Great of Navarre.

In 1021, he married Sancha Sánchez, daughter of Sancho I Garcés, count of Castile, with whom he had two sons: his successor, Raymond Berengar (1023), and a son Sancho. In 1027, he married secondly Guisla of Lluca, with whom he had a son, William in 1028 and 2 daughters, Clemencia who married Ermengol III and Sibyl who married Henry of Burgundy and was thus an ancestor of the kings of Portugal.

Berengar Raymond as a historical figure is enigmatic, shrouded in incomprehensible contradictions and ambiguities. First, he was a man of peace, and throughout his reign peace ruled. He pacified his neighbours as well, bringing to heel the count of Urgell, Ermengol II. He reestablished amicable relations with Hugh I, count of Empúries and maintained them with William I of Besalú and Wilfred II of Cerdagne. He was a son of the church who maintained relations with the papacy and pilgrimaged to Rome in 1032. On many occasions he travelled to Zaragoza and Navarre to discuss with Sancho III the Great, king of Navarre their mutual stance against the counts of Toulouse. His confidantes and councillors were the Abbot Oliva, the judge Ponç Bofill, Gombau de Besora, and the bishops Pedro of Girona y Deudado of Barcelona. In 1025, he decreed that the proprietors of entails (men holding land in fee tail) were free from taxation.

On the other hand, the government of Berengar Raymond I marks the beginning of the decline of the comital power in Catalonia. Upon the death of his father (1018), Berengar Raymond was a minor and his mother Ermesinde (Ermesenda) was regent until 1023. But even when he attained his majority, his mother would not relinquish the powers of regency and reigned with him. According to some chroniclers, Berengar's character left some things to be desired. He is described as weak and indecisive. Moreover, his policy of peace with the Moors was a bone of contention with the noblesse, who saw war with Islam as a way of obtaining glory, wealth, and possibly even salvation. This lead some nobles to act outside the count's wishes. Ermesinde, contra her son, was energetic and decisive, intent on imposing the authority of Barcelona on the baronage. But, as a woman, her exercising control of the military was greatly impeded and organising a raid or other expedition to satisfy the itches of the aristocracy was next to nothing.

The obliteration of comital authority became very evident shortly before his death in 1035. Her partitioned his patrimony amongst his sons: Raymond Berengar received Girona and Barcelona as far as Llobregat; Sancho the frontierland from the Llobregat to the Moorish lands, which constituted the county of Penedès with its capital in Olèrdola; and William Ausona.

He died on May 26, 1035 and was buried in Santa Maria de Ripoll. He was succeeded in Barcelona and Gerona by his son by his first wife, Raymond Berengar; in the new county by Sancho, son of his first wife also; and in Ausona by William, son of his second wife.

Berengar Raymond I the Crooked, also called the Hunchback (in Catalan, Berenguer Ramon I el Corbat; and in Spanish, Berenguer Ramón I el Corvado or el Curvo) (1005-26 May 1035) was the count of Barcelona, Girona, and Ausona from 1018 to his death.

He was the son of Raymond Borrell, count of Barcelona, Girona, and Ausona and his wife Ermesinde of Carcassonne. He accepted the suzerainty of Sancho the Great of Navarre.

In 1021, he married Sancha Sánchez, daughter of Sancho I Garcés, count of Castile, with whom he had two sons: his successor, Raymond Berengar (1023), and a son Sancho. In 1027, he married secondly Guisla of Lluca, with whom he had a son, William in 1028 and 2 daughters, Clemencia who married Ermengol III and Sibyl who married Henry of Burgundy and was thus an ancestor of the kings of Portugal.

Berengar Raymond I the Crooked, also called the Hunchback (in Catalan, Berenguer Ramon I el Corbat; and in Spanish, Berenguer Ramón I el Corvado or el Curvo) (1005-26 May 1035) was the count of Barcelona, Girona, and Ausona from 1018 to his death.

He was the son of Raymond Borrell, count of Barcelona, Girona, and Ausona and his wife Ermesinde of Carcassonne. He accepted the suzerainty of Sancho the Great of Navarre.

In 1021, he married Sancha Sánchez, daughter of Sancho I Garcés, count of Castile, with whom he had two sons: his successor, Raymond Berengar (1023), and a son Sancho. In 1027, he married secondly Guisla of Lluca, with whom he had a son, William in 1028 and 2 daughters, Clemencia who married Ermengol III and Sibyl who married Henry of Burgundy and was thus an ancestor of the kings of Portugal.

Berengar Raymond I the Crooked, also called the Hunchback was the count of Barcelona, Girona, and Ausona from 1018 to his death.

He was the son of Raymond Borrell, count of Barcelona, Girona, and Ausona and his wife Ermesinde of Carcassonne. He accepted the suzerainty of Sancho the Great of Navarre.

In 1021, he married Sancha Sánchez, daughter of Sancho I Garcés, count of Castile, with whom he had two sons: his successor, Raymond Berengar (1023), and a son Sancho. In 1027, he married secondly Guisla of Lluca, with whom he had a son, William in 1028 and 2 daughters, Clemencia who married Ermengol III and Sibyl who married Henry of Burgundy and was thus an ancestor of the kings of Portugal.

Berengar Raymond as a historical figure is enigmatic, shrouded in incomprehensible contradictions and ambiguities. First, he was a man of peace, and throughout his reign peace ruled. He pacified his neighbours as well, bringing to heel the count of Urgell, Ermengol II. He reestablished amicable relations with Hugh I, count of Empúries and maintained them with William I of Besalú and Wilfred II of Cerdagne. He was a son of the church who maintained relations with the papacy and pilgrimaged to Rome in 1032. On many occasions he travelled to Zaragoza and Navarre to discuss with Sancho III the Great, king of Navarre their mutual stance against the counts of Toulouse. His confidantes and councillors were the Abbot Oliva, the judge Ponç Bofill, Gombau de Besora, and the bishops Pedro of Girona y Deudado of Barcelona. In 1025, he decreed that the proprietors of entails (men holding land in fee tail) were free from taxation.

On the other hand, the government of Berengar Raymond I marks the beginning of the decline of the comital power in Catalonia. Upon the death of his father (1018), Berengar Raymond was a minor and his mother Ermesinde (Ermesenda) was regent until 1023. But even when he attained his majority, his mother would not relinquish the powers of regency and reigned with him. According to some chroniclers, Berengar's character left some things to be desired. He is described as weak and indecisive. Moreover, his policy of peace with the Moors was a bone of contention with the noblesse, who saw war with Islam as a way of obtaining glory, wealth, and possibly even salvation. This lead some nobles to act outside the count's wishes. Ermesinde, contra her son, was energetic and decisive, intent on imposing the authority of Barcelona on the baronage. But, as a woman, her exercising control of the military was greatly impeded and organising a raid or other expedition to satisfy the itches of the aristocracy was next to nothing.

The obliteration of comital authority became very evident shortly before his death in 1035. Her partitioned his patrimony amongst his sons: Raymond Berengar received Girona and Barcelona as far as Llobregat; Sancho the frontierland from the Llobregat to the Moorish lands, which constituted the county of Penedès with its capital in Olèrdola; and William Ausona.

He died on May 26, 1035 and was buried in Santa Maria de Ripoll. He was succeeded in Barcelona and Gerona by his son by his first wife, Raymond Berengar; in the new county by Sancho, son of his first wife also; and in Ausona by William, son of his second wife.

Berenguer Ramon I, Count of Barcelona From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Berengar Raymond I the Crooked, also called the Hunchback (in Catalan, Berenguer Ramon I el Corbat; and in Spanish, Berenguer Ramón I el Corvado or el Curvo) (1005-26 May 1035) was the count of Barcelona, Girona, and Ausona from 1015 to his death. He was the son of Raymond Borrell, count of Barcelona, Girona, and Ausona and his wife Ermesinde of Carcassonne. He accepted the suzerainty of Sancho the Great of Navarre. In 1021, he married Sancha Sánchez, daughter of Sancho I Garcés, count of Castile, with whom he had two sons: his successor, Raymond Berengar (1023), and a son Sancho. In 1027, he married secondly Guisla of Lluca, with whom he had a son, William in 1028 and 2 daughters, Clemencia who married Ermengol III and Sibyl who married Henry of Burgundy and was thus an ancestor of the kings of Portugal. Berengar Raymond as a historical figure is enigmatic, shrouded in incomprehensible contradictions and ambiguities. First, he was a man of peace, and throughout his reign peace ruled. He pacified his neighbours as well, bringing to heel the count of Urgell, Ermengol II. He reestablished amicable relations with Hugh I, count of Empúries and maintained them with William I of Besalú and Wilfred II of Cerdagne. He was a son of the church who maintained relations with the papacy and pilgrimaged to Rome in 1032. On many occasions he travelled to Zaragoza and Navarre to discuss with Sancho III the Great, king of Navarre their mutual stance against the counts of Toulouse. His confidantes and councillors were the Abbot Oliva, the judge Ponç Bofill, Gombau de Besora, and the bishops Pedro of Girona y Deudado of Barcelona. In 1025, he decreed that the proprietors of entails (men holding land in fee tail) were free from taxation. On the other hand, the government of Berengar Raymond I marks the beginning of the decline of the comital power in Catalonia. Upon the death of his father (1018), Berengar Raymond was a minor and his mother Ermesinde (Ermesenda) was regent until 1023. But even when he attained his majority, his mother would not relinquish the powers of regency and reigned with him. According to some chroniclers, Berengar's character left some things to be desired. He is described as weak and indecisive. Moreover, his policy of peace with the Moors was a bone of contention with the noblesse, who saw war with Islam as a way of obtaining glory, wealth, and possibly even salvation. This lead some nobles to act outside the count's wishes. Ermesinde, contra her son, was energetic and decisive, intent on imposing the authority of Barcelona on the baronage. But, as a woman, her exercising control of the military was greatly impeded and organising a raid or other expedition to satisfy the itches of the aristocracy was next to nothing. The obliteration of comital authority became very evident shortly before his death in 1035. Her partitioned his patrimony amongst his sons: Raymond Berengar received Girona and Barcelona as far as Llobregat; Sancho the frontierland from the Llobregat to the Moorish lands, which constituted the county of Penedès with its capital in Olèrdola; and William Ausona. He died on May 26, 1035 and was buried in Santa Maria de Ripoll. He was succeeded in Barcelona and Gerona by his son by his first wife, Raymond Berengar; in the new county by Sancho, son of his first wife also; and in Ausona by William, son of his second wife.,_Count_of_Barcelona,_Count_of_Barcelona

Berenguer Ramon I, Count of Barcelona

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Berengar Raymond I the Crooked, also called the Hunchback (in Catalan, Berenguer Ramon I el Corbat; and in Spanish, Berenguer Ramón I el Corvado or el Curvo) (1005-26 May 1035) was the count of Barcelona, Girona, and Ausona from 1018 to his death.

He was the son of Raymond Borrell, count of Barcelona, Girona, and Ausona and his wife Ermesinde of Carcassonne. He accepted the suzerainty of Sancho the Great of Navarre.

In 1021, he married Sancha Sánchez, daughter of Sancho I Garcés, count of Castile, with whom he had two sons: his successor, Raymond Berengar (1023), and a son Sancho. In 1027, he married secondly Guisla of Lluca, with whom he had a son, William in 1028. Two daughters have also been tentatively assigned to this couple, Clemencia who married Ermengol III and a Beatrix of Barcelona, married to Henry of Burgundy, an ancestor of the kings of Portugal.

Berengar Raymond as a historical figure is enigmatic, shrouded in incomprehensible contradictions and ambiguities. First, he was a man of peace, and throughout his reign peace ruled. He pacified his neighbours as well, bringing to heel the count of Urgell, Ermengol II. He reestablished amicable relations with Hugh I, count of Empúries and maintained them with William I of Besalú and Wilfred II of Cerdagne. He was a son of the church who maintained relations with the papacy and pilgrimaged to Rome in 1032. On many occasions he travelled to Zaragoza and Navarre to discuss with Sancho III the Great, king of Navarre their mutual stance against the counts of Toulouse. His confidantes and councillors were the Abbot Oliva, the judge Ponç Bofill, Gombau de Besora, and the bishops Pedro of Girona y Deudado of Barcelona. In 1025, he decreed that the proprietors of entails (men holding land in fee tail) were free from taxation.

On the other hand, the government of Berengar Raymond I marks the beginning of the decline of the comital power in Catalonia. Upon the death of his father (1018), Berengar Raymond was a minor and his mother Ermesinde (Ermesenda) was regent until 1023. But even when he attained his majority, his mother would not relinquish the powers of regency and reigned with him. According to some chroniclers, Berengar's character left some things to be desired. He is described as weak and indecisive. Moreover, his policy of peace with the Moors was a bone of contention with the noblesse, who saw war with Islam as a way of obtaining glory, wealth, and possibly even salvation. This lead some nobles to act outside the count's wishes. Ermesinde, contra her son, was energetic and decisive, intent on imposing the authority of Barcelona on the baronage. But, as a woman, her exercising control of the military was greatly impeded and organising a raid or other expedition to satisfy the itches of the aristocracy was next to nothing.

The obliteration of comital authority became very evident shortly before his death in 1035. Her partitioned his patrimony amongst his sons: Raymond Berengar received Girona and Barcelona as far as Llobregat; Sancho the frontierland from the Llobregat to the Moorish lands, which constituted the county of Penedès with its capital in Olèrdola; and William Ausona.

He died on May 26, 1035 and was buried in Santa Maria de Ripoll. He was succeeded in Barcelona and Gerona by his son by his first wife, Raymond Berengar; in the new county by Sancho, son of his first wife also; and in Ausona by William, son of his second wife.

Preceded by

Raymond Borrel Count of Barcelona

1018 – 1035 Succeeded by

Ramon Berenguer I

This page was last modified on 2 March 2010 at 13:2

Berengar Raymond I the Crooked, also called the Hunchback (in Catalan, Berenguer Ramon I el Corbat; and in Spanish, Berenguer Ramón I el Corvado or el Curvo) (1005-26 May 1035) was the count of Barcelona, Girona, and Ausona from 1018 to his death.

He was the son of Raymond Borrell, count of Barcelona, Girona, and Ausona and his wife Ermesinde of Carcassonne. He accepted the suzerainty of Sancho the Great of Navarre.

In 1021, he married Sancha Sánchez, daughter of Sancho I Garcés, count of Castile, with whom he had two sons: his successor, Raymond Berengar (1023), and a son Sancho. In 1027, he married secondly Guisla of Lluca, with whom he had a son, William in 1028 and 2 daughters, Clemencia who married Ermengol III and Sibyl who married Henry of Burgundy and was thus an ancestor of the kings of Portugal.

Berenguer Ramón I, conde de Barcelona (1005-1035). Era hijo de Ramón Borrell y de Ermesenda de Carcasona. Es apodado el Curvo (el Corbat, en catalán).

Al morir su padre en 1017, Berenguer Ramón aún era menor de edad y su madre Ermesenda actuó como tutora y regente hasta el 1023. Pero cuando Berenguer Ramón llegó a la mayoría de edad no empezó a gobernar en solitario, sino que Ermesenda siguió asociada al gobierno.

En el año 1021 se casó con Sancha, hija de Sancho García, conde de Castilla, con la que tuvo dos hijos: Ramón Berenguer I (1023) y Sancho. En 1027 volvió a casarse, esta vez con Guisla de Lluça, hija del veguer de Balsareny. Con ella tuvo un hijo, Guillermo (1028).

Durante el mandato de Berenguer Ramón I, generalmente considerado como un hombre ecuánime, predominó la paz. Sometió de forma pacífica al conde Ermengol I de Urgel; restableció la concordia con el conde Hugo I de Ampurias; y mantuvo excelentes relaciones con Guillermo I de Besalú y Wifredo II de Cerdaña. También mantuvo buenas relaciones con el papa y el 1032 realizó un viaje a Roma.

Además, viajó en diversas ocasiones a Zaragoza y Navarra para entrevistarse con Sancho Garcés III, rey de Navarra y unificar criterios en las relaciones con los condes de Tolosa. Sus hombres de confianza y consejeros fueron el abad Oliva, el juez Ponç Bofill, Gombau de Besora y los obispos Pedro de Gerona y Deudado de Barcelona. En el 1025 promulgó un decreto que liberaba a los propietarios de tierras de cualquier vinculación jurisdiccional que no fuera la del condado y los liberó de los impuestos.

Según algunos cronistas, el carácter de Berenguer Ramón era débil e indeciso.1 Además, la política de paz con el Islam iba en contra de los deseos de la nobleza que veían la guerra con la única forma de conseguir gloria y riquezas. Esto hizo que algunos nobles empezaran a actuar al margen del poder condal. Ermesenda, en cambio, era enérgica y decidida e intentó imponer su autoridad sobre otros nobles. Pero su condición de mujer le impidió ejercer como caudillo militar y, por tanto, organizar alguna razia o expedición militar que satisficiera las ansias de poder de los aristócratas.

Poco antes de morir, el año 1035, Berenguer Ramón I repartió sus dominios entre sus hijos: Ramón Berenguer recibió Gerona y Barcelona hasta el Llobregat; Sancho, el territorio fronterizo que iba desde el Llobregat hasta la tierra de los musulmanes, constituyendo el condado del Penedés con capital en Olèrdola; y a Guillermo le dejó Osona. (Fuente: Wikipedia)

En mi nuevo libro LA SORPRENDENTE GENEALOGÍA DE MIS TATARABUELOS, encontrarán a este y muchos otros de sus ancestros con un resumen biográfico de cada uno. El libro está disponible en: Les será de mucha utilidad y diversión. Ramón Rionda

In my new book LA SORPRENDENTE GENEALOGÍA DE MIS TATARABUELOS, you will find this and many other of your ancestors, with a biography summary of each of them. The book is now available at: Check it up, it’s worth it. Ramón Rionda

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Showing 12 of 13 people

Guisla de Lluçà, comtessa cons...


Guillem I, comte d'Osona


Bernat Berenguer de Barcelona


Sibylle de Barcelone, duchesse c...


Sança de Castella, comtessa con...


Sanç, Comte d'Olèrdola


Ramon Berenguer I el Vell, comte...


Ermessenda de Carcassona, comtes...


Ramon Borrell I, XVI comte de Ba...


Clémence, comtesse consort de B...


N.N. de Barcelona


N.N. de Barcelona


his father


Berenguer Ramón I conde de Barcelona (1005-1035). Era hijo de Ramón Borrell y de Ermesenda de Carcasona.

En el año 1021 se casó con Sancha, hija de Sancho García, conde de Castilla, con la que tuvo dos hijos: Ramón Berenguer I (1023) y Sancho. En 1027 volvió a casarse, esta vez con Guisla, hija del veguer de Balsareny. Con ella tuvo un hijo, Guillermo (1028).

La figura de Berenguer Ramón tiene una doble vertiente, Por un lado ha pasado a la historia como un hombre ecuánime, Durante su mandato predominó la paz. Sometió de forma pacífica al conde de Urgel, Ermengol; restableció la concordia con el conde Hugo I de Ampurias; y mantuvo excelentes relaciones con Guillermo I de Besalú y Wifredo II de Cerdaña. También mantuvo buenas relaciones con el Papa y el 1032 realizó un viaje a Roma.

Además, viajó en diversas ocasiones a Zaragoza y Navarra para entrevistarse con Sancho Garcés III, rey de Navarra y unificar criterios en las relaciones con los condes de Tolosa. Sus hombres de confianza y consejeros fueron el abad Oliva, el juez Ponç Bofill, Gombau de Besora y los obispos Pedro de Gerona y Deudado de Barcelona. En el 1025 promulgó un decreto que liberaba a los propietarios de tierras de cualquier vinculación jurisdiccional que no fuera la del condado y los liberó de los impuestos.

Por otra parte, el gobierno de Berenguer Ramón I marcó el inicio del declive del poder condal. Al morir su padre en 1017, Berenguer Ramón aún era menor de edad y su madre Ermesenda actuó como tutora y regente hasta el 1023. Pero cuando Berenguer Ramón llegó a la mayoría de edad no empezó a gobernar en solitario sino que Ermesenda siguió asociada al gobierno.

Según algunos cronistas, el carácter de Berenguer Ramón era débil e indeciso. Además, la política de paz con el Islam iba en contra de los deseos de la nobleza que veían la guerra con la única forma de conseguir gloria y riquezas. Esto hizo que algunos nobles empezaran a actuar al margen del poder condal. Ermesenda, en cambio, era enérgica y decidida e intentó imponer su autoridad sobre otros nobles. Pero su condición de mujer le impidió ejercer como caudillo militar y, por tanto, organizar alguna razia o expedición militar que satisficiera las ansias de poder de los aristócratas.

La desintegración del poder condal se hizo más evidente cuando, poco antes de morir, el año 1035, Berenguer Ramón I repartió sus dominios entre sus hijos: Ramón Berenguer recibió Gerona y Barcelona hasta el Llobregat; Sancho el territorio fronterizo que iba desde el Llobregat hasta la tierra de los musulmanes, constituyendo el condado del Penedés con capital en Olèrdola; y a Guillermo le dejó Osona.

Predecesor: Ramón Borrell Conde de Barcelona 1017 - 1035 Sucesor: Ramón Berenguer I

Obtenido de ""

He was also known as Count Of Barcelona. He was also known as Berenguer Ramon I

Berengar Raymond I the Crooked, also called the Hunchback (in Catalan, Berenguer Ramon I el Corbat; and in Spanish, Berenguer Ramón I el Corvado or el Curvo) (1005-26 May 1035) was the count of Barcelona, Girona, and Ausona from 1015 to his death.

He was the son of Raymond Borrell, count of Barcelona, Girona, and Ausona and his wife Ermesinde of Carcassonne. He accepted the suzerainty of Sancho the Great of Navarre.

In 1021, he married Sancha Sánchez, daughter of Sancho I Garcés, count of Castile, with whom he had two sons: his successor, Raymond Berengar (1023), and a son Sancho. In 1027, he married secondly Guisla of Lluca, with whom he had a son, William in 1028 and 2 daughters, Clemencia who married Ermengol III and Sibyl who married Henry of Burgundy and was thus an ancestor of the kings of Portugal.

Berengar Raymond as a historical figure is enigmatic, shrouded in incomprehensible contradictions and ambiguities. First, he was a man of peace, and throughout his reign peace ruled. He pacified his neighbours as well, bringing to heel the count of Urgell, Ermengol II. He reestablished amicable relations with Hugh I, count of Empúries and maintained them with William I of Besalú and Wilfred II of Cerdagne. He was a son of the church who maintained relations with the papacy and pilgrimaged to Rome in 1032. On many occasions he travelled to Zaragoza and Navarre to discuss with Sancho III the Great, king of Navarre their mutual stance against the counts of Toulouse. His confidantes and councillors were the Abbot Oliva, the judge Ponç Bofill, Gombau de Besora, and the bishops Pedro of Girona y Deudado of Barcelona. In 1025, he decreed that the proprietors of entails (men holding land in fee tail) were free from taxation.

On the other hand, the government of Berengar Raymond I marks the beginning of the decline of the comital power in Catalonia. Upon the death of his father (1018), Berengar Raymond was a minor and his mother Ermesinde (Ermesenda) was regent until 1023. But even when he attained his majority, his mother would not relinquish the powers of regency and reigned with him. According to some chroniclers, Berengar's character left some things to be desired. He is described as weak and indecisive. Moreover, his policy of peace with the Moors was a bone of contention with the noblesse, who saw war with Islam as a way of obtaining glory, wealth, and possibly even salvation. This lead some nobles to act outside the count's wishes. Ermesinde, contra her son, was energetic and decisive, intent on imposing the authority of Barcelona on the baronage. But, as a woman, her exercising control of the military was greatly impeded and organising a raid or other expedition to satisfy the itches of the aristocracy was next to nothing.

The obliteration of comital authority became very evident shortly before his death in 1035. Her partitioned his patrimony amongst his sons: Raymond Berengar received Girona and Barcelona as far as Llobregat; Sancho the frontierland from the Llobregat to the Moorish lands, which constituted the county of Penedès with its capital in Olèrdola; and William Ausona.

He died on May 26, 1035 and was buried in Santa Maria de Ripoll. He was succeeded in Barcelona and Gerona by his son by his first wife, Raymond Berengar; in the new county by Sancho, son of his first wife also; and in Ausona by William, son of his second wife.

Berengar Raymond I the Crooked, also called the Hunchback (in Catalan, Berenguer Ramon I el Corbat; and in Spanish, Berenguer Ramón I el Corvado or el Curvo) (1005-26 May 1035) was the count of Barcelona, Girona, and Ausona from 1018 to his death.

He was the son of Raymond Borrell, count of Barcelona, Girona, and Ausona and his wife Ermesinde of Carcassonne. He accepted the suzerainty of Sancho the Great of Navarre.

In 1021, he married Sancha Sánchez, daughter of Sancho I Garcés, count of Castile, with whom he had two sons: his successor, Raymond Berengar (1023), and a son Sancho. In 1027, he married secondly Guisla of Lluca, with whom he had a son, William in 1028 and 2 daughters, Clemencia who married Ermengol III and Sibyl who married Henry of Burgundy and was thus an ancestor of the kings of Portugal.

Berengar Raymond I the Crooked, also called the Hunchback (in Catalan, Berenguer Ramon I el Corbat; and in Spanish, Berenguer Ramón I el Corvado or el Curvo) (1005-26 May 1035) was the count of Barcelona, Girona, and Ausona from 1018 to his death.

He was the son of Raymond Borrell, count of Barcelona, Girona, and Ausona and his wife Ermesinde of Carcassonne. He accepted the suzerainty of Sancho the Great of Navarre.

In 1021, he married Sancha Sánchez, daughter of Sancho I Garcés, count of Castile, with whom he had two sons: his successor, Raymond Berengar (1023), and a son Sancho. In 1027, he married secondly Guisla of Lluca, with whom he had a son, William in 1028 and 2 daughters, Clemencia who married Ermengol III and Sibyl who married Henry of Burgundy and was thus an ancestor of the kings of Portugal.

Berengar Raymond I the Crooked, also called the Hunchback was the count of Barcelona, Girona, and Ausona from 1018 to his death.

He was the son of Raymond Borrell, count of Barcelona, Girona, and Ausona and his wife Ermesinde of Carcassonne. He accepted the suzerainty of Sancho the Great of Navarre.

In 1021, he married Sancha Sánchez, daughter of Sancho I Garcés, count of Castile, with whom he had two sons: his successor, Raymond Berengar (1023), and a son Sancho. In 1027, he married secondly Guisla of Lluca, with whom he had a son, William in 1028 and 2 daughters, Clemencia who married Ermengol III and Sibyl who married Henry of Burgundy and was thus an ancestor of the kings of Portugal.

Berengar Raymond as a historical figure is enigmatic, shrouded in incomprehensible contradictions and ambiguities. First, he was a man of peace, and throughout his reign peace ruled. He pacified his neighbours as well, bringing to heel the count of Urgell, Ermengol II. He reestablished amicable relations with Hugh I, count of Empúries and maintained them with William I of Besalú and Wilfred II of Cerdagne. He was a son of the church who maintained relations with the papacy and pilgrimaged to Rome in 1032. On many occasions he travelled to Zaragoza and Navarre to discuss with Sancho III the Great, king of Navarre their mutual stance against the counts of Toulouse. His confidantes and councillors were the Abbot Oliva, the judge Ponç Bofill, Gombau de Besora, and the bishops Pedro of Girona y Deudado of Barcelona. In 1025, he decreed that the proprietors of entails (men holding land in fee tail) were free from taxation.

On the other hand, the government of Berengar Raymond I marks the beginning of the decline of the comital power in Catalonia. Upon the death of his father (1018), Berengar Raymond was a minor and his mother Ermesinde (Ermesenda) was regent until 1023. But even when he attained his majority, his mother would not relinquish the powers of regency and reigned with him. According to some chroniclers, Berengar's character left some things to be desired. He is described as weak and indecisive. Moreover, his policy of peace with the Moors was a bone of contention with the noblesse, who saw war with Islam as a way of obtaining glory, wealth, and possibly even salvation. This lead some nobles to act outside the count's wishes. Ermesinde, contra her son, was energetic and decisive, intent on imposing the authority of Barcelona on the baronage. But, as a woman, her exercising control of the military was greatly impeded and organising a raid or other expedition to satisfy the itches of the aristocracy was next to nothing.

The obliteration of comital authority became very evident shortly before his death in 1035. Her partitioned his patrimony amongst his sons: Raymond Berengar received Girona and Barcelona as far as Llobregat; Sancho the frontierland from the Llobregat to the Moorish lands, which constituted the county of Penedès with its capital in Olèrdola; and William Ausona.

He died on May 26, 1035 and was buried in Santa Maria de Ripoll. He was succeeded in Barcelona and Gerona by his son by his first wife, Raymond Berengar; in the new county by Sancho, son of his first wife also; and in Ausona by William, son of his second wife.

Berenguer Ramon I, Count of Barcelona From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Berengar Raymond I the Crooked, also called the Hunchback (in Catalan, Berenguer Ramon I el Corbat; and in Spanish, Berenguer Ramón I el Corvado or el Curvo) (1005-26 May 1035) was the count of Barcelona, Girona, and Ausona from 1015 to his death. He was the son of Raymond Borrell, count of Barcelona, Girona, and Ausona and his wife Ermesinde of Carcassonne. He accepted the suzerainty of Sancho the Great of Navarre. In 1021, he married Sancha Sánchez, daughter of Sancho I Garcés, count of Castile, with whom he had two sons: his successor, Raymond Berengar (1023), and a son Sancho. In 1027, he married secondly Guisla of Lluca, with whom he had a son, William in 1028 and 2 daughters, Clemencia who married Ermengol III and Sibyl who married Henry of Burgundy and was thus an ancestor of the kings of Portugal. Berengar Raymond as a historical figure is enigmatic, shrouded in incomprehensible contradictions and ambiguities. First, he was a man of peace, and throughout his reign peace ruled. He pacified his neighbours as well, bringing to heel the count of Urgell, Ermengol II. He reestablished amicable relations with Hugh I, count of Empúries and maintained them with William I of Besalú and Wilfred II of Cerdagne. He was a son of the church who maintained relations with the papacy and pilgrimaged to Rome in 1032. On many occasions he travelled to Zaragoza and Navarre to discuss with Sancho III the Great, king of Navarre their mutual stance against the counts of Toulouse. His confidantes and councillors were the Abbot Oliva, the judge Ponç Bofill, Gombau de Besora, and the bishops Pedro of Girona y Deudado of Barcelona. In 1025, he decreed that the proprietors of entails (men holding land in fee tail) were free from taxation. On the other hand, the government of Berengar Raymond I marks the beginning of the decline of the comital power in Catalonia. Upon the death of his father (1018), Berengar Raymond was a minor and his mother Ermesinde (Ermesenda) was regent until 1023. But even when he attained his majority, his mother would not relinquish the powers of regency and reigned with him. According to some chroniclers, Berengar's character left some things to be desired. He is described as weak and indecisive. Moreover, his policy of peace with the Moors was a bone of contention with the noblesse, who saw war with Islam as a way of obtaining glory, wealth, and possibly even salvation. This lead some nobles to act outside the count's wishes. Ermesinde, contra her son, was energetic and decisive, intent on imposing the authority of Barcelona on the baronage. But, as a woman, her exercising control of the military was greatly impeded and organising a raid or other expedition to satisfy the itches of the aristocracy was next to nothing. The obliteration of comital authority became very evident shortly before his death in 1035. Her partitioned his patrimony amongst his sons: Raymond Berengar received Girona and Barcelona as far as Llobregat; Sancho the frontierland from the Llobregat to the Moorish lands, which constituted the county of Penedès with its capital in Olèrdola; and William Ausona. He died on May 26, 1035 and was buried in Santa Maria de Ripoll. He was succeeded in Barcelona and Gerona by his son by his first wife, Raymond Berengar; in the new county by Sancho, son of his first wife also; and in Ausona by William, son of his second wife.,_Count_of_Barcelona,_Count_of_Barcelona

Berenguer Ramon I, Count of Barcelona

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Berengar Raymond I the Crooked, also called the Hunchback (in Catalan, Berenguer Ramon I el Corbat; and in Spanish, Berenguer Ramón I el Corvado or el Curvo) (1005-26 May 1035) was the count of Barcelona, Girona, and Ausona from 1018 to his death.

He was the son of Raymond Borrell, count of Barcelona, Girona, and Ausona and his wife Ermesinde of Carcassonne. He accepted the suzerainty of Sancho the Great of Navarre.

In 1021, he married Sancha Sánchez, daughter of Sancho I Garcés, count of Castile, with whom he had two sons: his successor, Raymond Berengar (1023), and a son Sancho. In 1027, he married secondly Guisla of Lluca, with whom he had a son, William in 1028. Two daughters have also been tentatively assigned to this couple, Clemencia who married Ermengol III and a Beatrix of Barcelona, married to Henry of Burgundy, an ancestor of the kings of Portugal.

Berengar Raymond as a historical figure is enigmatic, shrouded in incomprehensible contradictions and ambiguities. First, he was a man of peace, and throughout his reign peace ruled. He pacified his neighbours as well, bringing to heel the count of Urgell, Ermengol II. He reestablished amicable relations with Hugh I, count of Empúries and maintained them with William I of Besalú and Wilfred II of Cerdagne. He was a son of the church who maintained relations with the papacy and pilgrimaged to Rome in 1032. On many occasions he travelled to Zaragoza and Navarre to discuss with Sancho III the Great, king of Navarre their mutual stance against the counts of Toulouse. His confidantes and councillors were the Abbot Oliva, the judge Ponç Bofill, Gombau de Besora, and the bishops Pedro of Girona y Deudado of Barcelona. In 1025, he decreed that the proprietors of entails (men holding land in fee tail) were free from taxation.

On the other hand, the government of Berengar Raymond I marks the beginning of the decline of the comital power in Catalonia. Upon the death of his father (1018), Berengar Raymond was a minor and his mother Ermesinde (Ermesenda) was regent until 1023. But even when he attained his majority, his mother would not relinquish the powers of regency and reigned with him. According to some chroniclers, Berengar's character left some things to be desired. He is described as weak and indecisive. Moreover, his policy of peace with the Moors was a bone of contention with the noblesse, who saw war with Islam as a way of obtaining glory, wealth, and possibly even salvation. This lead some nobles to act outside the count's wishes. Ermesinde, contra her son, was energetic and decisive, intent on imposing the authority of Barcelona on the baronage. But, as a woman, her exercising control of the military was greatly impeded and organising a raid or other expedition to satisfy the itches of the aristocracy was next to nothing.

The obliteration of comital authority became very evident shortly before his death in 1035. Her partitioned his patrimony amongst his sons: Raymond Berengar received Girona and Barcelona as far as Llobregat; Sancho the frontierland from the Llobregat to the Moorish lands, which constituted the county of Penedès with its capital in Olèrdola; and William Ausona.

He died on May 26, 1035 and was buried in Santa Maria de Ripoll. He was succeeded in Barcelona and Gerona by his son by his first wife, Raymond Berengar; in the new county by Sancho, son of his first wife also; and in Ausona by William, son of his second wife.

Preceded by

Raymond Borrel Count of Barcelona

1018 – 1035 Succeeded by

Ramon Berenguer I

This page was last modified on 2 March 2010 at 13:2

Berengar Raymond I the Crooked, also called the Hunchback (in Catalan, Berenguer Ramon I el Corbat; and in Spanish, Berenguer Ramón I el Corvado or el Curvo) (1005-26 May 1035) was the count of Barcelona, Girona, and Ausona from 1018 to his death.

He was the son of Raymond Borrell, count of Barcelona, Girona, and Ausona and his wife Ermesinde of Carcassonne. He accepted the suzerainty of Sancho the Great of Navarre.

In 1021, he married Sancha Sánchez, daughter of Sancho I Garcés, count of Castile, with whom he had two sons: his successor, Raymond Berengar (1023), and a son Sancho. In 1027, he married secondly Guisla of Lluca, with whom he had a son, William in 1028 and 2 daughters, Clemencia who married Ermengol III and Sibyl who married Henry of Burgundy and was thus an ancestor of the kings of Portugal.

Berenguer Ramón I, conde de Barcelona (1005-1035). Era hijo de Ramón Borrell y de Ermesenda de Carcasona. Es apodado el Curvo (el Corbat, en catalán).

Al morir su padre en 1017, Berenguer Ramón aún era menor de edad y su madre Ermesenda actuó como tutora y regente hasta el 1023. Pero cuando Berenguer Ramón llegó a la mayoría de edad no empezó a gobernar en solitario, sino que Ermesenda siguió asociada al gobierno.

En el año 1021 se casó con Sancha, hija de Sancho García, conde de Castilla, con la que tuvo dos hijos: Ramón Berenguer I (1023) y Sancho. En 1027 volvió a casarse, esta vez con Guisla de Lluça, hija del veguer de Balsareny. Con ella tuvo un hijo, Guillermo (1028).

Durante el mandato de Berenguer Ramón I, generalmente considerado como un hombre ecuánime, predominó la paz. Sometió de forma pacífica al conde Ermengol I de Urgel; restableció la concordia con el conde Hugo I de Ampurias; y mantuvo excelentes relaciones con Guillermo I de Besalú y Wifredo II de Cerdaña. También mantuvo buenas relaciones con el papa y el 1032 realizó un viaje a Roma.

Además, viajó en diversas ocasiones a Zaragoza y Navarra para entrevistarse con Sancho Garcés III, rey de Navarra y unificar criterios en las relaciones con los condes de Tolosa. Sus hombres de confianza y consejeros fueron el abad Oliva, el juez Ponç Bofill, Gombau de Besora y los obispos Pedro de Gerona y Deudado de Barcelona. En el 1025 promulgó un decreto que liberaba a los propietarios de tierras de cualquier vinculación jurisdiccional que no fuera la del condado y los liberó de los impuestos.

Según algunos cronistas, el carácter de Berenguer Ramón era débil e indeciso.1 Además, la política de paz con el Islam iba en contra de los deseos de la nobleza que veían la guerra con la única forma de conseguir gloria y riquezas. Esto hizo que algunos nobles empezaran a actuar al margen del poder condal. Ermesenda, en cambio, era enérgica y decidida e intentó imponer su autoridad sobre otros nobles. Pero su condición de mujer le impidió ejercer como caudillo militar y, por tanto, organizar alguna razia o expedición militar que satisficiera las ansias de poder de los aristócratas.

Poco antes de morir, el año 1035, Berenguer Ramón I repartió sus dominios entre sus hijos: Ramón Berenguer recibió Gerona y Barcelona hasta el Llobregat; Sancho, el territorio fronterizo que iba desde el Llobregat hasta la tierra de los musulmanes, constituyendo el condado del Penedés con capital en Olèrdola; y a Guillermo le dejó Osona. (Fuente: Wikipedia)

En mi nuevo libro LA SORPRENDENTE GENEALOGÍA DE MIS TATARABUELOS, encontrarán a este y muchos otros de sus ancestros con un resumen biográfico de cada uno. El libro está disponible en: Les será de mucha utilidad y diversión. Ramón Rionda

In my new book LA SORPRENDENTE GENEALOGÍA DE MIS TATARABUELOS, you will find this and many other of your ancestors, with a biography summary of each of them. The book is now available at: Check it up, it’s worth it. Ramón Rionda

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Guisla de Lluçà, comtessa cons...


Guillem I, comte d'Osona


Bernat Berenguer de Barcelona


Sibylle de Barcelone, duchesse c...


Sança de Castella, comtessa con...


Sanç, Comte d'Olèrdola


Ramon Berenguer I el Vell, comte...


Ermessenda de Carcassona, comtes...


Ramon Borrell I, XVI comte de Ba...


Clémence, comtesse consort de B...


N.N. de Barcelona


N.N. de Barcelona




Family Tree 2,538

Blood Relatives 10,000

Ancestors 109

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Comtat de Barcelona


Also Known As: English (default): of Barcelona, Raymond /Berenguer/I, o Corcunda, the Crooked, Berengar Raymond I the Crooked, Barengar, le Courbé, also called the Hunchback

Occupation: conde de Barcelona (1005-1035), Conde de Barcelona, Girona e Ausona, Count, Greve, Count of Barcelona, Comte, de Barcelone, de Girona, d'Ausona, Girona, and Ausona, and Ausona (1018-1035)

Religion: Roman Catholic

Languages: Español

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Berenguer Ramon I, Count of Barcelona 

 Connected to: Navarre Ripoll Santa Maria de Ripoll

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Berenguer Ramon I, Count of Barcelona

Born 1005

Died 26 May 1035


Buried Santa Maria de Ripoll

Noble family House of Barcelona

Spouse(s) Sancha Sánchez

Guisla de Lluçà


Ramon Berenguer I, Count of Barcelona

Sancho Berenguer

Guillem [William] Berenguer

Bernat [Bernard] Berenguer

Father Ramon Borrell, Count of Barcelona

Mother Ermesinde of Carcassonne

Berenguer Ramon I [Berengar Raymond I] (1005 – 26 May 1035), called the Crooked or the Hunchback (in Latin curvus; in Catalan el Corbat; in Spanish el Corvado or el Curvo),[1] was the count of Barcelona, Girona, and Ausona from 1018 to his death.

He was the son of Ramon Borrell, Count of Barcelona, Girona, and Ausona and his wife Ermesinde of Carcassonne.[2] He accepted the suzerainty of Sancho the Great of Navarre.

Berenguer Ramon as a historical figure is enigmatic, shrouded in incomprehensible contradictions and ambiguities. First, he was a man of peace, and peace ruled throughout his reign. He pacified his neighbours as well, bringing to heel the Count of Urgell, Ermengol II.[3] He reestablished amicable relations with Hugh I, Count of Empúries, and maintained them with William I of Besalú and Wilfred II of Cerdanya. He was a son of the church who maintained relations with the papacy and went on a pilgrimage to Rome in 1032. On many occasions he travelled to Zaragoza and Navarre to discuss with Sancho III the Great, King of Navarre their mutual stance against the Counts of Toulouse. His confidantes and councillors were the Abbot Oliva, the judge Ponç Bofill, Gombau de Besora, and the Bishops Pedro of Girona and Deudado of Barcelona. In 1025, he decreed that the proprietors of entails (men holding land in fee tail) were free from taxation.

On the other hand, the government of Berenguer Ramon I marks the beginning of the decline of the comital power. At the death of his father in 1018, Berenguer Ramon was a minor and his mother Ermesinde served as regent until 1023. But even when he attained his majority, his mother would not relinquish the powers of regency and reigned with him. According to some chroniclers, Berenguer's character left some things to be desired. He is described as weak and indecisive. Moreover, his policy of peace with the Moors was a bone of contention with the noblesse, who saw war with the Muslims as a way of obtaining glory, wealth, and possibly even salvation. This led some nobles to act independently of the count's wishes. Ermesinde, contra her son, was energetic and decisive, intent on imposing the authority of Barcelona on the baronage. But, as a woman, her capability to exercise control of the military was greatly impeded and organizing a raid or expedition to satisfy the wants of the aristocracy was virtually impossible.

The weakening of comital authority became evident shortly before his death in 1035, when Ermesinde successfully partitioned his patrimony among his sons. Berenguer Ramon died on 26 May 1035 and was buried in Santa Maria de Ripoll.

Marriages and children

In 1021, Berenguer married the king of Navarre's sister-in-law, Sancha Sánchez, daughter of Sancho Garcés, Count of Castile.[4] By her he had two sons:

Ramon Berenguer (born 1023), who received the county of Girona (with his mother) and the county of Barcelona as far as the river Llobregat.

Sanç [Sancho] Berenguer (birth date unknown), who received the frontier march from the Llobregat to the al-Andalus, which constituted the new county of Penedès with its capital in Olèrdola.[5] Sometime between 1041 and 1049, Sanç swore fealty to his elder brother. Then, on 9 June 1050, he ceded his inheritance to Ramon, who in return granted him some lands and men as a fief.[6] Sanç then entered the church, first as a monk at Saint-Pons-de-Thomières and then as the prior of Sant Benet de Bages, before it became an abbey.[7]

In 1027, Berenguer married as his second wife Guisla de Lluçà,[8] with whom he had two more sons;

Guillem [William] Berenguer (born 1028), who received the county of Osona (comitatum Ausonensem), with his mother, and the county of Manresa. He renounced his county on 4 December 1054, allowing his brother Ramon to restore their patrimony.[7]

Bernat [Bernard] Berenguer (born 1029)

Two daughters have also been tentatively assigned to this couple: Clemencia, who married Ermengol III of Urgell, and the wife of Henry of Burgundy.

^ The Latin is contemporary, cf. John E. Morby, "The Sobriquets of Medieval European Princes", Canadian Journal of History, 13:1 (1978), p. 9.

^ Mark Gregory Pegg, A Most Holy War : The Albigensian Crusade and the Battle for Christendom, (Oxford University Press, 2008), 4.

^ Adam J. Kosto, Making Agreements in Medieval Catalonia: Power, Order, and the Written Word, (Cambridge University Press, 2004), 31-32.

^ Brian A. Catlos, The Victors and the Vanquished: Christians and Muslims of Catalonia and Aragon, 1050-1300, (Cambridge University Press, 2004), 74.

^ Per Cingolani, p. 95, Berenguer's will reads: "I concede to my son Sancho the same county of Barcelona with the city of Olèrdola from the river Llobregat as far as the land of the pagans" (concedo ad filium meum Sancium ipsum comitatum Barchinonensem cum ipsa civitate de Olerdula de flumine Lubricato usque ad paganorum terram).

^ Kosto (2004), p. 79.

^ a b Stefano Maria Cingolani (ed.), Gestes dels comtes de Barcelona i reis d'Aragó (Universitat de València, 2008), pp. 94–95.

^ Theresa M. Vann, Queens, Regents and Potentates, (Academia Press, 1993), 28.

Berenguer Ramon I, Count of Barcelona

House of Barcelona

Born: 1005 Died: 26 May 1035

Preceded by

Raymond Borrel Count of Barcelona

1018–1035 Succeeded by

Ramon Berenguer I


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✺- 1000→1 de enero: según un mito historiográfico, en esta fecha amplios sectores de la población europea creyeron que este día sucedería el fin del mundo (apocalipsis milenarista) al cumplirse los mil años del nacimiento de Jesucristo, por lo cual se produjeron disturbios y hubo masivas peregrinaciones hacia Jerusalén para poder morir en Tierra Santa. Actualmente se sabe que no sucedieron tales hechos, cuyo relato se remonta al Renacimiento, siendo popularizado por los historiadores del siglo xix.2​3​4​5​6​

10 de enero: Muere la emperatriz viuda Masako, emperatriz consorte del difunto emperador Reizei→

→11 de marzo: en Polonia se celebra el Congreso de Gniezno, uno de los eventos más relevantes de la historia de ese país→

→8 de abril: En Japón, Fujiwara no Shoshi es ascendida a emperatriz (Chugu), mientras que en ese mismo momento también había otra emperatriz Fujiwara no Teishi. Esta es la primera vez en

✺- 1010→Europa

Destrucción de Medina Azahara, a las afueras de Córdoba→

→Restauración de Hisham II en el Califato Omeya de Córdoba, sucediendo a Muhammad II al-Mahdi→

→Fundación de la ciudad de Yaroslavl→


Se establece en Vietnam la Dinastía Lý y la capital se desplaza a Hanói→

→El poeta persa Ferdousí termina de escribir Shahnameh→


El explorador vikingo Thorfinn Karlsefni funda un asentamiento en Norteamérica (fecha aproximada)→


La superficie del río Nilo se congela.1

✺- 1020→febrero-marzo:1​ en el Califato fatimí (Egipto), los nativos de Fustat se enfrentan a una coalición turco-berebere. Los esclavos negros prenden fuego la ciudad por tres días. Este evento es parte de una serie de rebeliones que debilitan severamente la autoridad de los fatimís→

→15 de abril: un terremoto devasta Roma durante las festividades del Viernes Santo. Una agrupación de judíos es acusada como causante del desastre, por lo que son condenados a muerte por el papa Benedicto VIII.2​

15 de junio: las fuerzas del Imperio romano de Oriente dirigidas por Basilio Boioanes toman Troia (Italia)→

→17 de junio: el papa Benedicto VIII se reúne con Enrique II del Sacro Imperio en Bamberg y le pide ayuda para recuperar el control del sur de Italia.3​

1 de septiembre: Mahmud de Gazni envía a su hijo para conquistar Ġawr, que cae al cabo de una semana.4

✺- 1030→Fundación de Tartu en Estonia→

→Fundación de Kaunas en Lituania→

→Georgia y emir de Tiflis se enfrentan a Shaddadids→

→Fin del Califato


Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.
