25 ° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de:
Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo
(Linea Paterna)
Guigues I 'le vieux', comte d'Albon is your 25th great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→ Dr. Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna
your father → Elena Cecilia Lecuna Escobar
his mother → María Elena de la Concepción Escobar Llamosas
her mother → Cecilia Cayetana de la Merced Llamosas Vaamonde de Escobar
her mother → Cipriano Fernando de Las Llamosas y García
her father → José Lorenzo de las Llamozas Silva
his father → Joseph Julián Llamozas Ranero
his father → Manuel Llamosas y Requecens
his father → Isabel de Requesens
his mother → Luis de Requeséns y Zúñiga, Virrey de Holanda
her father → D. Estefania de Requesens, III Condesa de Palamós
his mother → Hipòlita Roís de Liori i de Montcada
her mother → Beatriz de Montcada i de Vilaragut
her mother → Pedro de Montcada i de Luna, Señor de Villamarchante
her father → Elfa de Luna y de Xèrica
his mother → Pedro Martínez de Luna y Saluzzo, señor de Almonacid y Pola
her father → Marchesa di Saluzzo
his mother → Filippo di Saluzzo, governor of Sardinia
her father → Tommaso I, IV marchese di Saluzzo
his father → Beatrice of Savoy
his mother → Marguerite ou Anne de Bourgogne
her mother → Beatrice d'Albon, Dauphine du Viennois, comtesse d'Albon & du Grésivaudan
her mother → Guigues V Dauphin, comte d'Albon et de Grenoble
her father → Guigues IV "le Dauphin", comte d'Albon
his father → Guigues III, I. comte d'Albon
his father → Guigues II d'Albon, "Pinguis"
his father → Guigues I 'le vieux', comte d'Albon
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Guigues d'Albon MP
Gender: Male
Birth: circa 997
Death: circa April 22, 1075 (69-86)
Cluny, Saône-et-Loire, Burgundy, France
Immediate Family:
Son of Guigues d'Albon and Gothelène de Clerieu
Husband of Adelaide (Alix) d'Albon and Inès de Barcelone, comtesse consort d'Albon
Father of Adélaïde d'Albon; Humbert d'Albon, bishop of Grenoble; Guigues II d'Albon, "Pinguis" and Guigues Raymond, comte d'Albon
Brother of Humbert d'Albon, bishop of Valence
Added by: François-Régis Allouis on September 8, 2007
Managed by: Ric Dickinson and 13 others
Curated by: George J. Homs
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Guigues I (nacido alrededor del año 1000, fallecido en 1070 en Cluny ), fue conde de Oisans, Grésivaudan y Briançonnais . Era hijo de Guigues d'Albon y Gotelana de Clérieux.
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La historia oficial escrita por George de Manteyer ha hecho que sea conocido como el primer Dauphin de Viennois, a pesar de que esta designación solo apareció un siglo después. Guigues fue un noble menor ambicioso que extendió su dominio entre el Ródano y los Alpes. En 1016, se le llama "conde" en una carta sobre sus posesiones en Moirans . Posteriormente, fue terrateniente en Champsaur (1027), en Oisans con el título de conde (1035), Grésivaudan (alrededor de 1050), Briançonnais (alrededor de 1053) y en el valle de Oulx (1070).
A partir de 1035, siempre fue digno con el título de "conde". No se sabe cómo Guigues tomó posesión de las tierras, pero su poder le permitió instalar miembros de la familia como obispo. El tío de Guigues de Guy era obispo de Grenoble y sucedió a Isarn. El episcopado luego pasó a un primo, Mallen. Su hermano era obispo de Valence y el palacio arzobispal de Vienne , adscrito a la iglesia más prestigiosa de la provincia, estaba en manos de un primo por matrimonio.
Se casó con Adelaide, que parece ser de la familia de los condes de Turín, y tuvo un hijo, Guigues II (1025-1079), que lo sucedió. Su hijo mayor, Humbert, se dedicó a convertirse en obispo.
Al final de su vida, Guigues se retiró a Cluny en Borgoña, donde murió en 1070.
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He is listed as the husband of Adelaide Beaujeu with no known date or location of marriage. Then, listed as the husband of Ines Barcelona married May 10, 1070.
GUIGUES [III] "Vetus/Vieux", son of GUIGUES [II] & his wife [Gotelene ---] ([995/1000]-Cluny 22 Apr [1074/75]). "Rodolfus rex" jointly with "Agiltrude regina coniuge nostra nec non archiepiscopo Burchardo fratre nostro et comitibus Rodulpho et Uberto" gave the castle of Moras to "Umberto episcopo eiusque matri domine Freburgie et nepotibus eius, Wigonis bone memorie filiis, Umberto Wigoni Willelmo" by charter dated 6 Jun 1009[177]. His birth date range, estimated consistent with the birth date ranges which are estimated for the other members of this family, means that Guigues was probably still a child at the date of this charter. "…Wigonis et Umberti filiorum fratris eius…" signed the charter dated 1012 under which "Umbertus Grationopolensis ecclesiæ præsul" donated property to the abbey of Saint-Chaffre[178]. Comte d’Albon. "Wigo comes filius Gotelenne" donated "ecclesiam de Visilia" to Cluny by undated charter, subscribed by "Wigonis filii sui, Ainardi de Domena, duobus de fratribus suis Attanulfi Wigonis, Bermundi de Aurel, Humberti nepotis sui"[179]. This charter is dated to [1090] in the compilation of Cluny charters. The document refers to Hugues abbot of Cluny, who is named in documents between 1048 and 1090. If [1090] is the correct date, it would have been signed towards the end of the lives of all three of the Domène brothers who subscribed the document: they are named in charters for Domène between [1027] and [1085][180]. It is therefore possible that the document dates from earlier in the abbacy of Hugues, in which case the donor could be Guigues [III] "Vetus". If this was correct, it would also resolve the problem of the identity of Gotelene. Chorier’s Histoire de Dauphiné suggests that "Gotelenne" was a corruption derived from the word "Catalonia" and therefore that this charter refers to Guigues [III]’s son by Ines de Barcelona[181]. This seems an unlikely explanation as the name "Catalonia" has not been observed in contemporary charters to describe Barcelona and adjacent counties collectively (see the document CATALONIA). A charter dated 29 Apr 1050 records the donation by "Guigoni…maiori, qui postea effectus est monachus…et Adelai comitissæ, et alii Guigoni, filio illius Guigonis…et uxori eius Petronillæ" to Saint-Pierre de Vienne[182]. "…Guigo comes et filius eius Guigo…" witnessed the charter dated 27 Jan 1052 which records an agreement between the archbishop of Vienne and the canons of the church of Romans[183]. "Vuigo comes" donated property "in parrochia Heroneii" to Domène by undated charter which names "dominus Hugo Prior de Domina" (whose priorship is dated to [1058] to [1072], indicating that the donor was Guigues [III] "Vetus")[184]. "Guigo comes qui nomine vocor senex atque filius meus Guigo pinguis" donated property to Oulx by charter dated 1063[185]. “Wigo” (signed “Wigonis comitis”) granted “sponse mee…Agnetis” various properties “in dotalitio”, including “castellum Albionem…Moratum…et Vallem…in comitatu Viennensis” by charter dated “VI Id Mai, luna XXma VIa regnante Henrico rege”, subscribed by “Pontii episcopi”[186], the date corresponding to the year 1070. He became a monk at Cluny. The necrology of the Priory of Saint-Martin-des-Champs records the death "X Kal Mai" of "Wigo comes"[187]. The necrology of the priory of Saint-Robert records the death "X Kal Mai" of "Guigo comes qui cognominatus est Vetus"[188]. No document has yet been found which identifies the year of his death. However, considering the date of his second marriage, and the birth of his son by his second wife, it is likely that he died in [1074/75]. He was dead by 12 Nov 1076, the date of the testament of his father-in-law Ramon Berenguer Comte de Barcelona which provides for the reversion of the testator’s county to "filium Guigonis de Albion quem habuit de filia sua Agnes" in case of extinction of his descendants in the male line[189]. This wording implies that both Ines and Guigues were deceased at the time. Prudhomme distinguishes two individuals in place of "Guigues [III]"[190]. He states that the older Guigues died in 1034, married "Gotelenne", and that his son was the second person, Guigues "Vetus". He cites no primary source in support of his theory, in particular no document which indicates that one of the counts Guigues died in 1034. The division of this person into two seems unnecessary to explain the primary sources. The family relationships shown in this document leave no primary source reference unexplained. In any case, it seems appropriate that Guigues "Vetus" should be identified with Guigues [III] as he would have well merited his nickname, assuming that his birth date is correctly estimated as shown above.
m firstly ADELSINDIS, daughter of --- (-after 29 Apr 1050). "Malleni episcopi Gratianopolitani et Wigonis comitis et uxoris eius Adelsendis, filiorumque suorum Umberti et Wigonis" signed a charter dated 26 Aug 1035 relating to the donation of four churches in Vico to the abbey of Saint-Chaffre[191]. According to Europäische Stammtafeln[192], the first wife of Guigues [III] was "Gotelana de Clérieux". It appears that this hypothesis must be based on the charter dated [1090] under which "Wigo comes filius Gotelenne" donated property to Cluny[193]. However, as noted above, a better interpretation of the documentation is that "Gotelenne" was the mother of Guigues [III] not his wife. A charter dated 29 Apr 1050 records the donation by "Guigoni…maiori, qui postea effectus est monachus…et Adelai comitissæ, et alii Guigoni, filio illius Guigonis…et uxori eius Petronillæ" to Saint-Pierre de Vienne[194].
m secondly (10 May 1070) INES de Barcelona, daughter of RAMON BERENGUER I "el Viejo" Comte de Barcelona & his third wife Almodis de la Marche ([1055/56]-[before 12 Nov 1076]). “Wigo” (signed “Wigonis comitis”) granted “sponse mee…Agnetis” various properties “in dotalitio”, including “castellum Albionem…Moratum…et Vallem…in comitatu Viennensis” by charter dated “VI Id Mai, luna XXma VIa regnante Henrico rege”, subscribed by “Pontii episcopi”[195], the date corresponding to the year 1070. Her parentage is confirmed by the publication of the testament of "comitis Barchinone…Raimundi Berengarii" dated 12 Nov 1076 includes a residuary provision that, in case of the death of his three other children, his counties would revert to "filium Guigonis de Albion quem habuit de filia sua Agnes"[196]. The wording of the testament implies that both Ines and her husband were deceased at the time.
Guigues [III] & his first wife had two children:
1. HUMBERT ([1025/30]-[1080]). ...Bishop of Grenoble .
2. GUIGUES [IV] "Pinguis" ([1025/30]-19 Jan [1106], bur Priory of Saint-Robert). ...Comte d'Albon. - see below.
Guigues [III] & his second wife had one child:
3. GUIGUES dit Raymond ([1074/75]-5 Dec after 1096).
Guigues [III] had two [probably illegitimate] children by [an unknown mistress]:
4. RICHARD (-after 1079).
5. ARMAND (-after 1079).
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Inès de Barcelone, comtesse con...
Guigues Raymond, comte d'Albon
Adelaide (Alix) d'Albon
Adélaïde d'Albon
Humbert d'Albon, bishop of Grenoble
Guigues II d'Albon, "Pinguis"
Gothelène de Clerieu
Guigues d'Albon
Humbert d'Albon, bishop of Valence
Indice de Personas