Familia Urdaneta y sus parientes. Parentescos Consanguíneos, por afinidad y políticos.
domingo, 22 de enero de 2023
Hardouin Marquis Of Neustria ★Bisabuelo n°25★ Ref: HM-0835 |•••► #FRANCIA 🇫🇷🏆 #Genealogía #Genealogy
sábado, 21 de enero de 2023
Roger conte dAuriate (0866) ★Bisabuelo n°24★ Ref: Rc-0866 |•••► #ITALIA 🏆🇮🇹★ #Genealogía #Genealogy
24 ° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Roger, conte d´Auriate is your 24th great grandfather.
(Linea Materna)
Roger, conte d´Auriate is your 24th great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→ Morella Álamo Borges
your mother → Belén Eloina Borges Ustáriz
her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna
her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesús Uztáriz y Monserrate
her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra
his mother → Teniente Coronel Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina
her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza
his mother → Isabel Manuela Josefa Hurtado de Mendoza y Rojas Manrique
her mother → Juana de Rojas Manrique de Mendoza
her mother → Constanza de Mendoza Mate de Luna
her mother → Mayor de Mendoza Manzanedo
her mother → Juan Fernández De Mendoza Y Manuel
her father → Sancha Manuel
his mother → Sancho Manuel de Villena Castañeda, señor del Infantado y Carrión de los Céspedes
her father → Manuel de Castilla, señor de Escalona
his father → Elizabeth of Swabia
his mother → Philipp von Schwaben, King of Germany
her father → Friedrich I Barbarossa, Holy Roman Emperor
his father → Frederick II, Duke of Swabia
his father → Agnes of Waiblingen
his mother → Bertha of Savoy
her mother → Adelaide of Susa
her mother → Ulric Manfred II of the Arduinici, marquis of Turin & Susa
her father → Manfredo I, margrave of Turin
his father → Arduin II "the Bald" d´Auriate, marquis of Turin
his father → Roger, conte d´Auriate
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Roger, conte d´Auriate
Italian: Ruggero, conte di Auriata
Gender: Male
Birth: circa 866
Piedmont, Italy
Death: after 935
Piedmont, Italy
Immediate Family:
Son of Hardouin, marquis of Neustria and Marquessa of Arduin Pavia
Husband of Countess of Auriate
Father of Arduin II "the Bald" d´Auriate, marquis of Turin and Ruggiero di Auriate
Added by: James Frederick Pultz on December 24, 2007
Managed by: Pablo Benítez Barreto and 31 others
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b) ROGER (-after 935). The Chronicon Novaliciense names "Rogerius et Arduinus" as brothers when recording their emigration to Italy and Roger's accession as Conte d´Auriate[491]. He left France for Italy in 888 with his brother Arduin with Guido Duke of Spoleto. He became the vassal of Rodolfo Conte d´Auriate, was adopted by him and named as his heir. He succeeded in 905 as Conte d´Auriate.
m ( [905] ) as her second husband, ---, widow of RODOLFO Conte d´Auriate, daughter of ---. According to the Chronicon Novaliciense, Roger, when he succeeded as Conte d´Auriate, married his predecessor's widow who was the mother of his two sons[492].
1. Manfred I / Manfredo I margrave of Turin
married Prangilda of Modena https://our-royal-titled-noble-and-commoner-ancestors.com/p251.htm#...
son of
2. Ardoino III Glabrion / Arduino il Glabrio Count of Auriate, Torino married married (Miss)/ Emilia di Mosezzo, daughter of Manfredo, Seigneur di Mosezzo. https://our-royal-titled-noble-and-commoner-ancestors.com/p298.htm#...
son of
4. Roger / Ruggero Count Auriate & Susa was born https://our-royal-titled-noble-and-commoner-ancestors.com/p298.htm#...
son of
5. Odo / Hardouin Count of Neustria, Marquis di Pavia married Hedwige wife of Hardouin, count of Neustria https://our-royal-titled-noble-and-commoner-ancestors.com/p298.htm#...
6. Hardouin, Count in Neustria https://our-royal-titled-noble-and-commoner-ancestors.com/p298.htm#...
He might have been a native of Auvergne. He was expelled from Neustria and went Piedmont in Italy.
Roger I, Graf von Auriate1
b. circa 866, d. after 935
Father Arduin I, Ritter2 b. circa 836
Roger I, Graf von Auriate was born circa 866 at Auvergne?, Normandy.3 He was the son of Arduin I, Ritter.2 Roger I, Graf von Auriate was expelled from Neustria and went to Piedmont.4 He was living between 886 and 910.4 He went with his brother to Italy, accompanying the Imperial Widonen family, and was a faithful supporter of them in 888.1 He became a representive of Rudolf, Count of Auriate at Piemont, Italy.1 He was named successor, and adopted by Rudolf.1 He was the successor of Graf von Auriate Rudolf von Auriate; Count of Auriate.1 Roger I, Graf von Auriate married N. N. (?); Her 2nd.4 Count of Auriate at Piemont between 905 and 935.1 Roger I, Graf von Auriate died after 935.5 He was the predecessor of Roger II, Graf von Auriate; Count of Auriate.6 Roger I, Graf von Auriate was the predecessor of Arduin II "der Kahle", Graf von Auriate, Markgraf von Turin; Count of Auriate.7
N. N. (?) b. circa 885
Roger II, Graf von Auriate+ b. c 907?, d. 13 Nov 9501
Arduin II "der Kahle", Graf von Auriate, Markgraf von Turin+ b. c 910, d. c 9774
Son of Aldio, he travelled to Italy with his younger brother Arduin and his vassal Alineus in the entourage of Wido of Spoleto (889), which he served for some time. [Chronicon Novalicense, Gest Berengarii]
We find him again in the service of Rudolph, count of Auriate some years later (890-898), as his main vassal. Rudolph's, being without heirs, choose Roger as his successor: he therefore married his widow and obtained legal succession from king Berengar I (902) [Chronicon Novalicense]
Roger had two sons from his wife, Arduin and Roger [Chronicon Novalicense].
After the accession of king Rudolpg II and Hugh, Roger maintained his title: we find him in a document (29 feb 929) with the comital title, together with a vassal of his, Tebaldus son of Tebaldus.
He died sometimes before 935, when his son is found with the comital title.
Count of Auriate under king Wido and Lambert, and the Berengar I, he died without heirs and left the title to his main vassal, Roger, in 902.
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Countess of Auriate
Arduin II "the Bald" d´Auriate,...
Ruggiero di Auriate
Hardouin, marquis of Neustria
Marquessa of Arduin Pavia
Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.
Xerez de Aristeguieta y Blanco Manuela Josefa Ignacia ★(Es Tu Quinta Tía Abuela)★ Ref: XA-1776 |•••► #ESPAÑA 🏆🇪🇸★ #Genealogía #Genealogy
(Es Tu Quinta Tía Abuela)-is your fifth great aunt de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Manuela Josefa Ignacia Xerez de Aristeguieta y Blanco is your fifth great aunt.
(Linea Materna)
Manuela Josefa Ignacia Xerez de Aristeguieta y Blanco is your fifth great aunt.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→ Morella Álamo Borges
your mother → Belén Eloina Borges Ustáriz
her mother → Elías Felipe Borges Santamaría
her father → María Concepción Santamaría y Soublette
his mother → María Concepción Soublette de Xerez y Aristeguieta
her mother → Teresa de Jesús Ignacia Xerez, de Aristeguieta y Blanco
her mother → Manuela Josefa Ignacia Xerez de Aristeguieta y Blanco
her sister
Manuela Josefa Ignacia Xerez de Aristeguieta y Blanco is your third great uncle's mother.
Manuela Josefa Ignacia Xerez de Aristeguieta y Blanco
Gender: Female
Birth: July 05, 1776
Immediate Family:
Daughter of Miguel Gabriel Felipe Ignacio Xeréz de Aristeguieta y Lovera Otáñez and Josefa Isabel María Blanco y Herrera
Wife of Miguel de Zárraga y Pérez-Caro
Madre del General Miguel Zárraga y Xerez de Aristeguieta; José Antonio Paulino de Jesús Zárraga y Jerez de Aristeguieta; General Clemente Zárraga y Xerez de Aristeguieta y Manuel María de Zárraga y Xerez de Aristeguieta Hermana de María de las Mercedes Xerez de Aristeguieta
y Blanco; Juana Xerez de Aristeguieta y Blanco; María Begoña Xerez de Aristeguieta y Blanco; Francisca Fulgencia (Panchita) Xerez de Aristeguieta y Blanco; Teresa de Jesús Ignacia Xerez, de Aristeguieta y Blanco y; María Belén Xeréz de Aristeguieta y Blanco; Juan Bernardino Xerez de Aristeguieta y Blanco, Teniente del Batallón de milicias; Manuel José Xerez de Aristeguieta y Blanco; Miguel José Xerez de Aristeguieta Blanco, Presbitero; Josefa María Xerez de Aristeguieta y Blanco; Martín Xerez de Aristeguieta y Blanco; María Antonia Petronila Xerez de Aristeguieta y Blanco Herrera; Rosa María Xerez de Aristeguieta y Blanco; Juana Aristeguieta y Blanco y María de Begoña Xerez de Aristeguieta y Blanco
Half sister of José Ignacio de Palacios y Blanco; Juan Félix de Palacios y Blanco; Eleuteria Palacios Blanco; María Andrea del Socorro de Palacios y Blanco; Cecilia Palacios Blanco and 3 others
Added by: Daniel Augusto PARDO Rangel on September 11, 2009
Managed by: Pablo Romero (Curador), Daniel Augusto PARDO Rangel and Rafael Antonio Machado
Manuela Josefa Ignacia Xerez de Aristeguieta y Blanco.
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Showing 12 of 32 people
Miguel de Zárraga y Pérez-Caro
General Miguel Zárraga y Xerez ...
Jose Antonio Paulino de Jesus Z...
General Clemente Zárraga y Xere...
Manuel María de Zárraga y Xere...
Josefa Isabel María Blanco y He...
Miguel Gabriel Felipe Ignacio Xe...
María de las Mercedes Xerez de ...
Juana Xerez de Aristeguieta y Bl...
María Begoña Xerez de Aristegu...
Francisca Fulgencia (Panchita) X...
Teresa de Jesús Ignacia Xerez, ...
Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.
Linaje N°1 FAMILIA |•••► XEREZ |
1.- 1776 XEREZ DE ARISTEGUIETA Y BLANCO MANUELA JOSEFA IGNACIA |•••► Pais:España PADRE: Padre: Xerez de Aristeguieta y Lovera Otáñez Miguel Gabriel Felipe Ignacio |
4.- 1621 XEREZ Y VERTIZ MIGUEL |•••► Pais:España PADRE: |
5.- 1590 XEREZ Y SAVAÑA SALVADOR DE |•••► Pais:españa PADRE:
MADRE: Savaña o Sañana María Ana de |
6.- 1565 XEREZ MARTIN (1565) |•••► Pais:España PADRE: Xerez
MADRE: Xerez |
Linaje N°2 FAMILIA |•••► BLANCO |
1.- 1726 BLANCO Y HERRERA JOSEFA ISABEL MARÍA |•••► Pais:Venezuela PADRE: Padre: Blanco y Fernández de Araujo Mateo José María MADRE: |
2.- 1689 BLANCO Y FERNÁNDEZ DE ARAUJO MATEO JOSÉ MARÍA |•••► Pais:Venezuela PADRE: Padre: Blanco Infante y Ponte Mateo MADRE: |
3.- 1642 BLANCO INFANTE Y PONTE MATEO |•••► Pais:Venezuela PADRE: Padre: Blanco Y Ponte Alejandro MADRE: |
4.- 1592 BLANCO Y PONTE ALEJANDRO |•••► Pais:España PADRE: Padre: Blanco Y Gerardts Pedro (1557) MADRE: Ponte y Rebolledo Beatriz |
5.- 1557 BLANCO Y GERARDTS PEDRO (1557) |•••► Pais:Belgica PADRE: Blanco Cornelio (1532)
MADRE: Gerardts Adriana (1532) |
6.- 1532 BLANCO CORNELIO (1532) |•••► Pais:Francia PADRE: Pieter van Blocquer
jueves, 19 de enero de 2023
Arduin II the Bald dAuriate marquis of Turin ★Bisabuelo n°23★ Ref: AI-0910 |•••► #ITALIA 🏆🇮🇹★ #Genealogía #Genealogy
23° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Arduin II "the Bald" d´Auriate, marquis of Turin is your 23rd great grandfather.
(Linea Materna)
Arduin II "the Bald" d´Auriate, marquis of Turin is your 23rd great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→ Morella Álamo Borges
your mother → Belén Eloina Alamo
her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna
her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesús Uztáriz y Monserrate
her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra
his mother → Teniente Coronel Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina
her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza
his mother → Isabel Manuela Josefa Hurtado de Mendoza y Rojas Manrique
her mother → Juana de Rojas Manrique de Mendoza
her mother → Constanza de Mendoza Mate de Luna
her mother → Mayor de Mendoza Manzanedo
her mother → Juan Fernández De Mendoza Y Manuel
her father → Sancha Manuel
his mother → Sancho Manuel de Villena Castañeda, señor del Infantado y Carrión de los Céspedes
her father → Manuel de Castilla, señor de Escalona
his father → Elizabeth of Swabia
his mother → Philipp von Schwaben, King of Germany
her father → Friedrich I Barbarossa, Holy Roman Emperor
his father → Frederick II, Duke of Swabia
his father → Agnes of Waiblingen
his mother → Bertha of Savoy
her mother → Adelaide of Susa
her mother → Ulric Manfred II of the Arduinici, marquis of Turin & Susa
her father → Manfredo I, margrave of Turin
his father → Arduin II "the Bald" d´Auriate, marquis of Turin
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Ulric Manfred II of the Arduinici marquis of Turin Susa ★Bisabuelo n°21★ Ref: UM-0992 |•••► #ITALIA 🏆🇮🇹★ #Genealogía #Genealogy
21° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →lric Manfred II of the Arduinici, marquis of Turin & Susa is your 21st great grandfather.
(Linea Materna)
lric Manfred II of the Arduinici, marquis of Turin & Susa is your 21st great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→ Morella Álamo Borges
your mother → Belén Eloina Alamo
her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna
her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesús Uztáriz y Monserrate
her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra
his mother → Teniente Coronel Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina
her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza
his mother → Isabel Manuela Josefa Hurtado de Mendoza y Rojas Manrique
her mother → Juana de Rojas Manrique de Mendoza
her mother → Constanza de Mendoza Mate de Luna
her mother → Mayor de Mendoza Manzanedo
her mother → Juan Fernández De Mendoza Y Manuel
her father → Sancha Manuel
his mother → Sancho Manuel de Villena Castañeda, señor del Infantado y Carrión de los Céspedes
her father → Manuel de Castilla, señor de Escalona
his father → Elizabeth of Swabia
his mother → Philipp von Schwaben, King of Germany
her father → Friedrich I Barbarossa, Holy Roman Emperor
his father → Frederick II, Duke of Swabia
his father → Agnes of Waiblingen
his mother → Bertha of Savoy
her mother → Adelaide of Susa
her mother → Ulric Manfred II of the Arduinici, marquis of Turin & Susa
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Ulric Manfred II of the Arduinici, marquis of Turin & Susa MP
Italian: Olderico Manfredi II degli Arduinici, marchese di Torino e Susa
Gender: Male
Birth: 992
Turin, Piedmont, Italy
Death: October 29, 1034 (41-42)
Turin, Piedmont, Italy
Place of Burial: Turin, Piedmont, Italy
Immediate Family:
Son of Manfredo I, margrave of Turin and Prangarda di Canossa
Husband of Bertha of the Obertenghi, of Milan of Luni
Father of Adelaide of Susa; Berta di Susa and Immilla degli Arduinici, di Torino
Brother of Alric of the Arduinici, bishop of Asti; Ugo degli Arduinici; Ottone degli Arduinici; Azzone degli Arduinici and Guido degli Arduinici
Added by: Gregory Lee Rice on August 29, 2007
Managed by: Daniel Dupree Walton and 110 others
Curated by: K. Wodyński (on hiatus)
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- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ulric_Manfred_II_of_Turin
Ulric Manfred II or Olderico Manfredi II (or Manfredo Udalrico; 992 – 29 October 1034) was the Count of Turin and Margrave of Susa in the early eleventh century, one the most powerful Italian barons of his time.
Ulric Manfred was the son of Manfred I. Ulric Manfred inherited a vast march centred on Turin (1000), which had been created from the lands of Arduin Glaber. By a charter dated 31 July 1001, the Emperor Otto III confirmed his possessions and granted him several privileges.[1] This grant was requested by Hugonis marchionis, probably Hugh the Great, margrave of Tuscany.
Ulric Manfred married Bertha (born 997) of the Obertenghi, daughter of Oberto II, in 1014. That year, the Emperor Henry confirmed their joint donation to the abbey of Fruttuaria. On 29 December 1037, the Emperor Conrad confirmed a donation to San Giusto expressly without her. She must therefore have died in the meanwhile. Other than his aforementioned heir, Adelaide, Ulric Manfred had two other daughters:
* Irmgard (also Emilia or Immula; died 28 January 1078), married Otto III, Duke of Swabia
* Bertha (died after 1050), inherited Vasto and Busco, married Otto, Marquis of Liguria (a great-grandson of Aleram) and was the mother of Boniface del Vasto
* Foundation for Medieval Genealogy: Northern Italy, 900–1100.
* Trillmich, Werner. Kaiser Konrad II und seine Zeit.
The family of Udalrich Manfred MARKGRAFIN and Berta degli OBERTENGHI
[134961] MARKGRAFIN, Udalrich Manfred (..)
OBERTENGHI (degli), Berta (..)
1) Adelheid, married about 1046 Odo de SAVOIE
Bibliographie : Europaische Stammtafeln
Ulric Manfred II or Olderico Manfredi II (or Manfredo Udalrico; 992 – 29 October 1034) was the Count of Turin and Margrave of Susa in the early eleventh century, one the most powerful Italian barons of his time.
Ulric Manfred was the son of Manfred I. Ulric Manfred inherited a vast march centred on Turin (1000), which had been created from the lands of Arduin Glaber. By a charter dated 31 July 1001, the Emperor Otto III confirmed his possessions and granted him several privileges. This grant was requested by Hugonis marchionis, probably Hugh the Great, margrave of Tuscany.
Ulric Manfred, immediately upon his succession, began to consolidate his power vis-à-vis Arduin of the March of Ivrea on one hand and the Holy Roman Emperor Henry II on the other. In the fight over the regnum Italicum, he gained a great deal of territory at the expense of the Eporedian march. By the preserved notarial deeds of a priest named Sigifred (1021 and 1031), a precise catalogue of the cities under his control can be known: Turin, Ivrea, Albenga, Ventimiglia, Auriate, Tortona, and Vercelli. In all the wars between Arduin and Henry, Ulric Manfred prudently avoided any confrontation with the two leaders and gradually extended his territories by arms (he was at war with the margrave of Tuscany, Boniface III, in 1016) and by increasing his authority within his proper domains. In 1024, following the death of Henry, he opposed the election of Conrad II and instead invited William V of Aquitaine to take the Italian throne, but to no avail.
Ulric Manfred, though his capital was Turin, rarely resided in that strategic, but small city. He lived an itinerant life typical for an early eleventh century feudal lord, moving from castle to castle in order to maintain his control and to effect the administration of his dominions. His daughter Adelaide abandoned Turin as a capital and the itinerant baronial lifestyle for setting up house in Susa.
Ulric Manfred restored the old church of Santa Maria Maggiore in Susa and the monastery of Novalesa. He constructed a new monastery in Susa and a Cathedral of San Giusto (1029) as well. He fortified the villages of Exilles and Bardonecchia. He died at Turin and was buried there in the cathedral of San Giovanni.
Ulric Manfred married Bertha (born 997) of the Obertenghi, daughter of Oberto II, in 1014. That year, the Emperor Henry confirmed their joint donation to the abbey of Fruttuaria. On 29 December 1037, the Emperor Conrad confirmed a donation to San Giusto expressly without her. She must therefore have died in the meanwhile. Other than his aforementioned heir, Adelaide, Ulric Manfred had two other daughters:
Irmgard (also Emilia or Immula; died 28 January 1078), married Otto III, Duke of Swabia
Bertha (died after 1050), inherited Vasto and Busco, married Otto, Marquis of Liguria (a great-grandson of Aleram) and was the mother of Boniface del Vasto
Ulric Manfred II of Turin
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ulric Manfred II or Olderico Manfredi II (or Manfredo Udalrico; 992 – 29 October 1034) was the Count of Turin and Margrave of Susa in the early eleventh century, one the most powerful Italian barons of his time.
Ulric Manfred was the son of Manfred I. Ulric Manfred inherited a vast march centred on Turin (1000), which had been created from the lands of Arduin Glaber. By a charter dated 31 July 1001, the Emperor Otto III confirmed his possessions and granted him several privileges.[1] This grant was requested by Hugonis marchionis, probably Hugh the Great, margrave of Tuscany.
Ulric Manfred, immediately upon his succession, began to consolidate his power vis-à-vis Arduin of the March of Ivrea on one hand and the Holy Roman Emperor Henry II on the other. In the fight over the regnum Italicum, he gained a great deal of territory at the expense of the Eporedian march. By the preserved notarial deeds of a priest named Sigifred (1021 and 1031), a precise catalogue of the cities under his control can be known: Turin, Ivrea, Albenga, Ventimiglia, Auriate, Tortona, and Vercelli. In all the wars between Arduin and Henry, Ulric Manfred prudently avoided any confrontation with the two leaders and gradually extended his territories by arms (he was at war with the margrave of Tuscany, Boniface III, in 1016) and by increasing his authority within his proper domains. In 1024, following the death of Henry, he opposed the election of Conrad II and instead invited William V of Aquitaine to take the Italian throne, but to no avail.[2]
Ulric Manfred, though his capital was Turin, rarely resided in that strategic, but small city. He lived an itinerant life typical for an early eleventh century feudal lord, moving from castle to castle in order to maintain his control and to effect the administration of his dominions. His daughter Adelaide abandoned Turin as a capital and the itinerant baronial lifestyl for setting up house in Susa.
Ulric Manfred restored the old church of Santa Maria Maggiore in Susa and the monastery of Novalesa. He constructed a new monastery in Susa and a Cathedral of San Giusto (1029) as well. He fortified the villages of Exilles and Bardonecchia. He died at Turin and was buried there in the cathedral of San Giovanni.
Ulric Manfred married Bertha (born 997) of the Obertenghi, daughter of Oberto II, in 1014. That year, the Emperor Henry confirmed their joint donation to the abbey of Fruttuaria. On 29 December 1037, the Emperor Conrad confirmed a donation to San Giusto expressly without her. She must therefore have died in the meanwhile. Other than his aforementioned heir, Adelaide, Ulric Manfred had two other daughters:
Irmgard (also Emilia or Immula; died 28 January 1078), married Otto III, Duke of Swabia
Bertha (died after 1050), inherited Vasto and Busco, married Otto, Marquis of Liguria (a great-grandson of Aleram) and was the mother of Boniface del Vasto
Foundation for Medieval Genealogy: Northern Italy, 900–1100.
Trillmich, Werner. Kaiser Konrad II und seine Zeit.
Ulric Manfred II or Olderico Manfredi II (or Manfredo Udalrico; 992 – 29 October 1034) was the Count of Turin and Margrave of Susa in the early eleventh century, one the most powerful Italian barons of his time.
Ulric Manfred was the son of Manfred I. Ulric Manfred inherited a vast march centred on Turin (1000), which had been created from the lands of Arduin Glaber. By a charter dated 31 July 1001, the Emperor Otto III confirmed his possessions and granted him several privileges. This grant was requested by Hugonis marchionis, probably Hugh the Great, margrave of Tuscany.
Ulric Manfred, immediately upon his succession, began to consolidate his power vis-à-vis Arduin of the March of Ivrea on one hand and the Holy Roman Emperor Henry II on the other. In the fight over the regnum Italicum, he gained a great deal of territory at the expense of the Eporedian march. By the preserved notarial deeds of a priest named Sigifred (1021 and 1031), a precise catalogue of the cities under his control can be known: Turin, Ivrea, Albenga, Ventimiglia, Auriate, Tortona, and Vercelli. In all the wars between Arduin and Henry, Ulric Manfred prudently avoided any confrontation with the two leaders and gradually extended his territories by arms (he was at war with the margrave of Tuscany, Boniface III, in 1016) and by increasing his authority within his proper domains. In 1024, following the death of Henry, he opposed the election of Conrad II and instead invited William V of Aquitaine to take the Italian throne, but to no avail.
Ulric Manfred, though his capital was Turin, rarely resided in that strategic, but small city. He lived an itinerant life typical for an early eleventh century feudal lord, moving from castle to castle in order to maintain his control and to effect the administration of his dominions. His daughter Adelaide abandoned Turin as a capital and the itinerant baronial lifestyl for setting up house in Susa.
Ulric Manfred restored the old church of Santa Maria Maggiore in Susa and the monastery of Novalesa. He constructed a new monastery in Susa and a Cathedral of San Giusto (1029) as well. He fortified the villages of Exilles and Bardonecchia. He died at Turin and was buried there in the cathedral of San Giovanni.
Ulric Manfred married Bertha (born 997) of the Obertenghi, daughter of Oberto II, in 1014. That year, the Emperor Henry confirmed their joint donation to the abbey of Fruttuaria. On 29 December 1037, the Emperor Conrad confirmed a donation to San Giusto expressly without her. She must therefore have died in the meanwhile. Asides from his aforementioned heir, Adelaide, Ulric Manfred had two other daughters.
Irmgard (also Emilia or Immula; died 28 January 1078), married Otto III, Duke of Swabia
Bertha (died after 1050), inherited Vasto and Busco, married Otto, Marquis of Liguria (a great-grandson of Aleram) and was the mother of Boniface del Vasto
Ulric Manfred II or Olderico Manfredi II (or Manfredo Udalrico; 992 – 29 October 1034) was the Count of Turin and Margrave of Susa in the early eleventh century, one the most powerful Italian barons of his time.
Ulric Manfred was the son of Manfred I. Ulric Manfred inherited a vast march centred on Turin (1000), which had been created from the lands of Arduin Glaber. By a charter dated 31 July 1001, the Emperor Otto III confirmed his possessions and granted him several privileges. This grant was requested by Hugonis marchionis, probably Hugh the Great, margrave of Tuscany.
Ulric Manfred, immediately upon his succession, began to consolidate his power vis-à-vis Arduin of the March of Ivrea on one hand and the Holy Roman Emperor Henry II on the other. In the fight over the regnum Italicum, he gained a great deal of territory at the expense of the Eporedian march. By the preserved notarial deeds of a priest named Sigifred (1021 and 1031), a precise catalogue of the cities under his control can be known: Turin, Ivrea, Albenga, Ventimiglia, Auriate, Tortona, and Vercelli. In all the wars between Arduin and Henry, Ulric Manfred prudently avoided any confrontation with the two leaders and gradually extended his territories by arms (he was at war with the margrave of Tuscany, Boniface III, in 1016) and by increasing his authority within his proper domains. In 1024, following the death of Henry, he opposed the election of Conrad II and instead invited William V of Aquitaine to take the Italian throne, but to no avail.
Ulric Manfred, though his capital was Turin, rarely resided in that strategic, but small city. He lived an itinerant life typical for an early eleventh century feudal lord, moving from castle to castle in order to maintain his control and to effect the administration of his dominions. His daughter Adelaide abandoned Turin as a capital and the itinerant baronial lifestyl for setting up house in Susa.
Ulric Manfred restored the old church of Santa Maria Maggiore in Susa and the monastery of Novalesa. He constructed a new monastery in Susa and a Cathedral of San Giusto (1029) as well. He fortified the villages of Exilles and Bardonecchia. He died at Turin and was buried there in the cathedral of San Giovanni.
Ulric Manfred married Bertha (born 997) of the Obertenghi, daughter of Oberto II, in 1014. That year, the Emperor Henry confirmed their joint donation to the abbey of Fruttuaria. On 29 December 1037, the Emperor Conrad confirmed a donation to San Giusto expressly without her. She must therefore have died in the meanwhile. Asides from his aforementioned heir, Adelaide, Ulric Manfred had two other daughters.
Irmgard (also Emilia or Immula; died 28 January 1078), married Otto III, Duke of Swabia
Bertha (died after 1050), inherited Vasto and Busco, married Otto, Marquis of Liguria (a great-grandson of Aleram) and was the mother of Boniface del Vasto
Ulric Manfred II of Turin Ulric Manfred II (or Olderico Manfredi II or Manfredo Udalrico; 992 – 29 October 1034) was the Margrave of Turin and Susa in the early 11th century. Biography Born in Turin, Ulric Manfred was the son of Manfred I. Ulric Manfred inherited a vast march centred on Turin (1000), which had been created from the lands of Arduin Glaber. By a charter dated 31 July 1001, the Emperor Otto III confirmed his possessions and granted him several privileges.[1] This grant was requested by Hugonis marchionis, probably Hugh the Great, margrave of Tuscany. Ulric Manfred, immediately upon his succession, began to consolidate his power vis-à-vis Arduin of the March of Ivrea on one hand and the Holy Roman Emperor Henry II on the other. In the fight over the regnum Italicum, he gained a great deal of territory at the expense of the Eporedian march. By the preserved notarial deeds of a priest named Sigifred (1021 and 1031), a precise catalogue of the cities under his control can be known: Turin, Ivrea, Albenga, Ventimiglia, Auriate, Tortona, and Vercelli. In all the wars between Arduin and Henry, Ulric Manfred prudently avoided any confrontation with the two leaders and gradually extended his territories by arms (he was at war with the margrave of Tuscany, Boniface III, in 1016) and by increasing his authority within his proper domains. In 1024, following the death of Henry, he opposed the election of Conrad II and instead invited William V of Aquitaine to take the Italian throne, but to no avail.[2] Ulric Manfred, though his capital was Turin, rarely resided in that strategic, but small city. He lived an itinerant life typical for an early eleventh century feudal lord, moving from castle to castle in order to maintain his control and to effect the administration of his dominions. His daughter Adelaide abandoned Turin as a capital and the itinerant baronial lifestyle for setting up house in Susa. Ulric Manfred restored the old church of Santa Maria Maggiore in Susa and Novalesa Abbey. He also founded, in 1029, a new Benedictine abbey in Susa, for the relics of Saint Justus of Novalesa (Italian: San Giusto) and also dedicated to him. The church of the Abbey of San Giusto is now Susa Cathedral. He fortified the villages of Exilles and Bardonecchia. He died at Turin and was buried there in the cathedral. Family Ulric Manfred married Bertha (born 997) of the Obertenghi, daughter of Oberto II, in 1014. That year, the Emperor Henry confirmed their joint donation to the abbey of Fruttuaria. On 29 December 1037, the Emperor Conrad confirmed a donation to San Giusto expressly without her. She must therefore have died in the meanwhile. Other than his aforementioned heir, Adelaide, Ulric Manfred had two other daughters: • Irmgard (also Emilia or Immula; died 28 January 1078), married Otto III, Duke of Swabia • Bertha (died after 1050), inherited Vasto and Busco, married Otto, Marquis of Liguria (a great-grandson of Aleram) and was the mother of Boniface del Vasto
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Bertha of the Obertenghi, of Mil...
Adelaide of Susa
Berta di Susa
Immilla degli Arduinici, di Torino
Manfredo I, margrave of Turin
Prangarda di Canossa
Alric of the Arduinici, bishop o...
Ugo degli Arduinici
Ottone degli Arduinici
Azzone degli Arduinici
Guido degli Arduinici
Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.
Manfredo I margrave of Turin (0948) ★Bisabuelo n°22★ Ref: MI-0948 |•••► #ITALIA 🏆🇮🇹★ #Genealogía #Genealogy
22° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Manfredo I, margrave of Turin is your 22nd great grandfather.
(Linea Materna)
Manfredo I, margrave of Turin is your 22nd great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→ Morella Álamo Borges
your mother → Belén Eloina Alamo
her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna
her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesús Uztáriz y Monserrate
her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra
his mother → Teniente Coronel Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina
her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza
his mother → Isabel Manuela Josefa Hurtado de Mendoza y Rojas Manrique
her mother → Juana de Rojas Manrique de Mendoza
her mother → Constanza de Mendoza Mate de Luna
her mother → Mayor de Mendoza Manzanedo
her mother → Juan Fernández De Mendoza Y Manuel
her father → Sancha Manuel
his mother → Sancho Manuel de Villena Castañeda, señor del Infantado y Carrión de los Céspedes
her father → Manuel de Castilla, señor de Escalona
his father → Elizabeth of Swabia
his mother → Philipp von Schwaben, King of Germany
her father → Friedrich I Barbarossa, Holy Roman Emperor
his father → Frederick II, Duke of Swabia
his father → Agnes of Waiblingen
his mother → Bertha of Savoy
her mother → Adelaide of Susa
her mother → Ulric Manfred II of the Arduinici, marquis of Turin & Susa
her father → Manfredo I, margrave of Turin
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Manfredo I, margravio di Torino MP
Gender: Male
Birth: 948
Turin, Turenne, Piedmont, Italy
Death: 1001 (52-54)
Susa, Italy
Immediate Family:
Son of Arduin II "the Bald" d´Auriate, marquis of Turin and Emilia di Mosezzo
Husband of Prangarda di Canossa
Father of Ulric Manfred II of the Arduinici, marquis of Turin & Susa; Alric of the Arduinici, bishop of Asti; Ugo degli Arduinici; Ottone degli Arduinici; Azzone degli Arduinici and 1 other
Brother of Ardoino, IV; Adam-Amizo, Bishop of Turin; Richilda degli Arduinici, di Torino; Ichilda d'Ivrea, Desiderata; Alsinda degli Arduinici, of Turin and 1 other
Added by: James Frederick Pultz on December 24, 2007
Managed by: Jan Liebe-Harkort and 55 others
Curated by: Pam Wilson (on hiatus)
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Manfred I or Maginfred (died 1000) was the second Margrave of Turin from 977. He inherited the county of Auriate and the vast marca Arduinica in the Susa Valley from his father Arduin Glaber. In his reign, the marca extended from the Alps to the Ligurian Sea and the Po Valley. Under him, Pavia became a mercantile city. He also controlled the road between Genoa and Marseilles.
Manfred married Prangarda, daughter of Adalbert Atto of Canossa. He was succeeded by his eldest son Ulric Manfred. His second son Adalric became bishop of Asti and he left another son named Odo with fiefdoms in Candia Canavese and Arneis del Roero.
Chronicon Novaliciense.
Foundation for Medieval Genealogy: Northern Italy, 900–1100.
Trillmich, Werner. Kaiser Konrad II und seine Zeit
1. Manfred I / Manfredo I margrave of Turin
married Prangilda of Modena https://our-royal-titled-noble-and-commoner-ancestors.com/p251.htm#...
son of
2. Ardoino III Glabrion / Arduino il Glabrio Count of Auriate, Torino married married (Miss)/ Emilia di Mosezzo, daughter of Manfredo, Seigneur di Mosezzo. https://our-royal-titled-noble-and-commoner-ancestors.com/p298.htm#...
son of
4. Roger / Ruggero Count Auriate & Susa was born https://our-royal-titled-noble-and-commoner-ancestors.com/p298.htm#...
son of
5. Odo / Hardouin Count of Neustria, Marquis di Pavia married Hedwige wife of Hardouin, count of Neustria https://our-royal-titled-noble-and-commoner-ancestors.com/p298.htm#...
6. Hardouin, Count in Neustria https://our-royal-titled-noble-and-commoner-ancestors.com/p298.htm#...
- http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/NORTHERN%20ITALY%20900-1100.htm#Man...
MANFREDO [Maginfredo], son of ARDOINO "Glabrio" Marchese of Turin & his wife --- (-[1000]). The Chronicon Novaliciense names "Maginfredum" as son of "Arduinem"[669]. He succeeded in 977 as MANFREDO I Marchese of Turin, Conte d´Auriate, and Marchese of Susa-Piemonte. His territories were bordered by the Alps in the west, and included the Po River valley and the Ligurian coast. He oversaw the development of Pavia as a commercial centre and controlled the land route from Genoa to Marseille[670].
m (before 8 Mar 991) PRANGARDA di Canossa, daughter of ADALBERTO ATTO [II] Conte di Canossa & his wife Ildegarda ---. The primary source which confirms the name and origin of the wife of Marchese Manfredo has not yet been identified. Marchese Manfredo & his wife had six children:
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Prangarda di Canossa
Ulric Manfred II of the Arduinic...
Alric of the Arduinici, bishop o...
Ugo degli Arduinici
Ottone degli Arduinici
Azzone degli Arduinici
Guido degli Arduinici
Arduin II "the Bald" d´Auriate,...
Emilia di Mosezzo
Ardoino, IV
Adam-Amizo, Bishop of Turin
Richilda degli Arduinici, di Torino
Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.