lunes, 9 de marzo de 2020

Alfred The Great King Of The Anglosaxons ♛ Ref: KA-256 |•••► #REINO UNIDO 🇬🇧 #Genealogía #Genealogy


25 ° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de:
Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo

 (Linea Materna)
Alfred the Great, king of The Anglo-Saxons is your 25th great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Morella Álamo Borges
your mother → Belén Borges Ustáriz
her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna
her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesus Uztáriz y Monserrate
her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra
his mother → Teniente Coronel Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina
her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza
his mother → Isabel Manuela Josefa Hurtado de Mendoza y Rojas Manrique
her mother → Juana de Rojas Manrique de Mendoza
her mother → Constanza de Mendoza Mate de Luna
her mother → Mayor de Mendoza Manzanedo
her mother → Juan Fernández De Mendoza Y Manuel
her father → Sancha Manuel
his mother → Sancho Manuel de Villena Castañeda, señor del Infantado y Carrión de los Céspedes
her father → Manuel de Castilla, señor de Escalona
his father → Elizabeth of Swabia
his mother → Philip of Swabia
her father → Friedrich I Barbarossa, Holy Roman Emperor
his father → Judith of Bavaria
his mother → Henry IX the black, duke of Bavaria
her father → Judith of Flanders
his mother → Baldwin IV the Bearded, count of Flanders
her father → Arnulf II the Young, count of Flanders
his father → Baldwin III, count of Flanders
his father → Arnulf I the Great, count of Flanders
his father → Ælfthryth, countess of Flanders
his mother → Alfred the Great, king of The Anglo-Saxons
her fatherConsistency CheckShow short path | Share this path

Ælfrēd  MP
Lithuanian: Alfredas
Gender: Male
Birth: 849
Wessex Kingdom, Modern Wantage, Berkshire, England (United Kingdom)
Death: October 26, 899 (49-50)
Winchester, Hampshire, England (Illness. Possibly Crohn's disease.)
Place of Burial: Winchester Cathedral, Winchester, Hampshire, England, United Kingdom
Immediate Family:
Son of Aethelwulf, king of Wessex and Osburga, Queen Consort of Wessex
Husband of Ealhswith
Father of Ethelfleda, Lady of the Mercians; Eadmund; Edward I "the Elder", king of The Anglo-Saxons; Æthelgifu, Abbess of Shaftesbury; Ælfthryth, countess of Flanders and 1 other
Brother of Æthelstan, king of Kent; Aethelbald, king of Wessex; Aethelbert, king of Wessex, Essex & Kent; Ethelred I 'the Pious', king of Wessex & Kent and Aethelswith, Queen of Mercia
Added by: Anders Helge Eriksson on February 2, 2007
Managed by: Guillermo Eduardo Ferrero Montilla and 591 others
Curated by: Jason Scott Wills
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Alfred el Grande ( inglés antiguo : Ælfrēd , [b] Ælfrǣd , [c] ' Elf- Counsel' o 'Wise-elf'; entre 847 y 849 - 26 de octubre de 899) fue rey de Wessex desde 871 hasta c.   886 y rey de los anglosajones de c.   886 a 899. Era el hijo menor del rey Æthelwulf de Wessex . Su padre murió cuando era joven y tres de los hermanos de Alfred, Æthelbald , Æthelberht y Æthelred , reinó por turno.

Después de ascender al trono, Alfred pasó varios años luchando contra las invasiones vikingas . Obtuvo una victoria decisiva en la Batalla de Edington en 878 e hizo un acuerdo con los vikingos, creando lo que se conocía como Danelaw en el norte de Inglaterra. Alfred también supervisó la conversión del líder vikingo Guthrum al cristianismo. Defendió su reino contra el intento vikingo de conquista, convirtiéndose en el gobernante dominante en Inglaterra. [1] Los detalles de su vida se describen en una obra del erudito y obispo galés del siglo IX Asser .

Alfred tenía fama de ser un hombre erudito y misericordioso de naturaleza amable y sensata que fomentaba la educación, proponía que la educación primaria se llevara a cabo en anglosajón en lugar de en latín y que mejorara el sistema legal y la estructura militar y la calidad de vida de su pueblo. Se le dio el epíteto "el Grande" durante y después de la Reforma en el siglo XVI, y, junto con el danés Cnut the Great , sigue siendo el único rey de Inglaterra que recibe ese nombre.

Más información: árbol genealógico House of Wessex

El padre de Alfred Æthelwulf de Wessex a principios del siglo XIV Rol Genealógico de los Reyes de Inglaterra
El padre de Alfred Æthelwulf de Wessex a principios del siglo XIV Rol Genealógico de los Reyes de Inglaterra
Alfred nació en el estado real de Wantage , históricamente en Berkshire pero ahora en Oxfordshire , entre 847 y 849. [2] [d] Era el menor de cinco hijos del rey Æthelwulf de Wessex de su primera esposa, Osburh . En 853, según la Crónica anglosajona, Alfred fue enviado a Roma, donde fue confirmado por el papa León IV , quien "lo ungió como rey". [4] Los escritores victorianos luego interpretaron esto como una coronación anticipatoriaen preparación para su eventual sucesión al trono de Wessex. Esto es poco probable; su sucesión no pudo haberse previsto en ese momento, ya que Alfred tenía tres hermanos mayores vivos. Una carta de Leo IV muestra que Alfred fue nombrado " cónsul " y una interpretación errónea de esta investidura, deliberada o accidental, podría explicar la confusión posterior. [5] También puede basarse en el hecho de que Alfred más tarde acompañó a su padre en una peregrinación a Roma, donde pasó un tiempo en la corte de Carlos el Calvo , rey de los francos , alrededor de 854–855. [6]

A su regreso de Roma en 856, Æthelwulf fue depuesto por su hijo Æthelbald . Con la guerra civil inminente, los magnates del reino se reunieron en consejo para forjar un compromiso. Æthelbald retendría los condados occidentales (es decir, el histórico Wessex), y Æthelwulf gobernaría en el este. Cuando el rey Æthelwulf murió en 858, Wessex fue gobernado por tres de los hermanos de Alfred en sucesión: Æthelbald, Æthelberht y Æthelred . [7]

El obispo Asser cuenta la historia de cómo, de niño, Alfred ganó un libro de poemas sajones, que su madre ofreció como premio al primero de sus hijos capaz de memorizarlo. [8] La leyenda también dice que el joven Alfred pasó un tiempo en Irlanda buscando curación. Alfred estuvo preocupado por problemas de salud durante toda su vida. Se cree que pudo haber sufrido la enfermedad de Crohn . [9] Las estatuas de Alfred en Winchester y Wantage lo retratan como un gran guerrero. La evidencia sugiere que no era físicamente fuerte y, aunque no carecía de coraje, se destacaba más por su intelecto que por su carácter guerrero. [10]

Hermanos de Alfred
Un mapa de la ruta tomada por el ejército vikingo Great Heathen que llegó a Inglaterra desde Dinamarca, Noruega y el sur de Suecia en 865.
Un mapa de la ruta tomada por el ejército vikingo Great Heathen que llegó a Inglaterra desde Dinamarca, Noruega y el sur de Suecia en 865.
Alfred no es mencionado durante los cortos reinados de sus hermanos mayores Æthelbald y Æthelberht. La Crónica anglosajona describe el gran ejército pagano de daneses que desembarcó en East Anglia con la intención de conquistar los cuatro reinos que constituían la Inglaterra anglosajona en 865. [11] La vida pública de Alfred comenzó en 865 a los 16 años con la adhesión de su tercer hermano, Æthelred de 18 años. Durante este período, el obispo Asser le dio a Alfred el título único de secundario , lo que puede indicar una posición similar al tanista celta , un sucesor reconocido estrechamente asociado con el monarca reinante. Este arreglo pudo haber sido sancionado por el padre de Alfred o por el Witanpara protegerse contra el peligro de una sucesión en disputa si Æthelred cae en la batalla. Era una tradición bien conocida entre otros pueblos germánicos, como los suecos y francos con los que los anglosajones estaban estrechamente relacionados, coronar a un sucesor como príncipe real y comandante militar. [12]

Invasión vikinga
En 868, se registra a Alfred peleando junto a Æthelred en un intento fallido de mantener al Gran Ejército Pagano liderado por Ivar el Deshuesado fuera del Reino contiguo de Mercia . [13] Los daneses llegaron a su tierra natal a fines de 870 y nueve combates se libraron en el año siguiente, con resultados mixtos; Los lugares y fechas de dos de estas batallas no se han registrado. Una exitosa escaramuza en la Batalla de Englefield en Berkshire el 31 de diciembre de 870 fue seguida por una severa derrota en el asedio y la Batalla de la Lectura por el hermano de Ivar, Halfdan Ragnarsson, el 5 de enero de 871. Cuatro días después, los anglosajones obtuvieron una brillante victoria en la batalla de Ashdownen Berkshire Downs , posiblemente cerca de Compton o Aldworth . A Alfred se le atribuye particularmente el éxito de esta última batalla. [12] Los sajones fueron derrotados en la batalla de Basing el 22 de enero. Fueron derrotados nuevamente el 22 de marzo en la Batalla de Merton (tal vez Marden en Wiltshire o Martin en Dorset ). [12] Æthelred murió poco después en abril. [12]

Rey en guerra
Luchas tempranas
En abril de 871, el rey Æthelred murió y Alfred accedió al trono de Wessex y la carga de su defensa, a pesar de que Æthelred dejó dos hijos menores de edad, Æthelhelm y Æthelwold.. Esto estaba de acuerdo con el acuerdo que Æthelred y Alfred habían hecho a principios de ese año en una asamblea en un lugar no identificado llamado Swinbeorg. Los hermanos habían acordado que cualquiera de ellos sobreviviera al otro heredaría la propiedad personal que el Rey Ethelwulf había dejado conjuntamente a sus hijos en su testamento. Los hijos del fallecido recibirían solo cualquier propiedad y riqueza que su padre les hubiera impuesto y las tierras adicionales que su tío hubiera adquirido. La premisa no declarada era que el hermano sobreviviente sería el rey. Dada la invasión danesa y la juventud de sus sobrinos, la adhesión de Alfred probablemente no fue cuestionada. [14]

Mientras estaba ocupado con las ceremonias de entierro de su hermano, los daneses derrotaron al ejército sajón en su ausencia en un lugar sin nombre y luego nuevamente en su presencia en Wilton en mayo. [12] La derrota en Wilton rompió cualquier esperanza restante de que Alfred pudiera expulsar a los invasores de su reino. Alfred se vio obligado a hacer las paces con ellos, según fuentes que no dicen cuáles fueron los términos de la paz. El obispo Asser afirmó que los paganos acordaron desalojar el reino y cumplieron su promesa. [15]

El ejército vikingo se retiró de Reading en el otoño de 871 para ocupar los cuarteles de invierno en el Mercian London. Aunque no fue mencionado por Asser o por la Crónica anglosajona , Alfred probablemente les pagó a los vikingos en efectivo para que se fueran, como lo harían los mercios en el año siguiente. [15] Las excavaciones que datan de la ocupación vikinga de Londres en 871/2 han sido excavadas en Croydon , Gravesend y Waterloo Bridge . Estos hallazgos sugieren el costo involucrado en hacer las paces con los vikingos. Durante los siguientes cinco años, los daneses ocuparon otras partes de Inglaterra. [dieciséis]

En 876 bajo su nuevo líder, Guthrum , los daneses pasaron junto al ejército sajón y atacaron y ocuparon Wareham en Dorset . Alfred los bloqueó pero no pudo tomar Wareham por asalto. [12] Él negoció una paz que implicó un intercambio de rehenes y juramentos, que los daneses juraron en un "anillo sagrado" asociado con el culto a Thor . [17] [18] Los daneses rompieron su palabra y después de matar a todos los rehenes, se escaparon al amparo de la noche a Exeter en Devon . [19]

Alfred bloqueó los barcos vikingos en Devon y con una flota de socorro dispersada por una tormenta, los daneses se vieron obligados a someterse. Los daneses se retiraron a Mercia. En enero de 878, los daneses atacaron repentinamente a Chippenham , una fortaleza real en la que Alfred se había quedado durante la Navidad "y la mayoría de las personas que mataron, excepto el rey Alfred, y él con una pequeña banda se abrió paso por la madera y el pantano , y después de Pascua hizo un fuerte en Athelney en las marismas de Somerset , y desde ese fuerte siguió luchando contra el enemigo ". [20] Desde su fuerte en Athelney , una isla en las marismas cerca de North Petherton , Alfred pudo montar una campaña de resistencia, reuniendo al localmilicias de Somerset , Wiltshire y Hampshire . [12]

Una leyenda cuenta cómo, cuando Alfred huyó por primera vez a los niveles de Somerset , una mujer campesina le dio cobijo y, sin darse cuenta de su identidad, lo dejó a mirar unos pasteles de trigo que había dejado cocinar en el fuego. [21] [22] Preocupado por los problemas de su reino, Alfred accidentalmente dejó arder los pasteles y la mujer lo regañó rotundamente a su regreso. 878 fue el punto más bajo de la historia de los reinos anglosajones. Como todos los otros reinos habían caído ante los vikingos, Wessex solo seguía resistiéndose. [21] No hay evidencia contemporánea de la leyenda, aunque es posible que haya una tradición oral temprana. La primera vez que se escribió fue unos cien años después de la muerte de Alfred. [22]

Contraataque y victoria
La Torre del Rey Alfred (1772) en el supuesto sitio de la Piedra de Egbert, el lugar de reunión antes de la Batalla de Edington. [E]
La Torre del Rey Alfredo (1772) en el supuesto sitio de Egbert's Stone, el lugar de reunión antes de la Batalla de Edington . [mi]
En la séptima semana después de Pascua (4–10 de mayo de 878), alrededor de Whitsuntide , Alfred cabalgó hasta Egbert's Stone al este de Selwood, donde fue recibido por "toda la gente de Somerset y Wiltshire y de esa parte de Hampshire que está de este lado del mar (es decir, al oeste de Southampton Water ), y se alegraron de verlo ". [20] La aparición de Alfred de su fortaleza pantanosa era parte de una ofensiva cuidadosamente planificada que implicaba levantar los fyrds de tres condados . Esto significaba no solo que el rey había conservado la lealtad de los ealdormen , los reeves reales y los reyes del rey.Thegns , que fueron acusados ​​de recaudar y dirigir estas fuerzas, pero que habían mantenido sus posiciones de autoridad en estas localidades lo suficientemente bien como para responder a su convocatoria a la guerra. Las acciones de Alfred también sugieren un sistema de exploradores y mensajeros. [23]

Alfred obtuvo una victoria decisiva en la batalla de Edington que se libró cerca de Westbury, Wiltshire . Luego persiguió a los daneses hasta su fortaleza en Chippenham y los dejó morir de hambre. Uno de los términos de la rendición fue que Guthrum se convirtió al cristianismo . Tres semanas después, el rey danés y 29 de sus hombres principales fueron bautizados en la corte de Alfred en Aller, cerca de Athelney , con Alfred recibiendo a Guthrum como su hijo espiritual. [12]

Según Asser,

La desvinculación del cristo [f] en el octavo día tuvo lugar en una finca real llamada Wedmore . [25]

Mientras estaban en Wedmore, Alfred y Guthrum negociaron lo que algunos historiadores han llamado el Tratado de Wedmore , pero fue unos años después del cese de las hostilidades que se firmó un tratado formal. [26] Según los términos del llamado Tratado de Wedmore, el Guthrum convertido debía abandonar Wessex y regresar a East Anglia. En consecuencia, en 879 el ejército vikingo dejó Chippenham y se dirigió a Cirencester. [27] El tratado formal de Alfred y Guthrum , preservado en inglés antiguo en Corpus Christi College, Cambridge (Manuscrito 383), y en una compilación latina conocida como Quadripartitus, se negoció más tarde, quizás en 879 u 880, cuando el rey Ceolwulf II de Mercia fue depuesto. [28]

Ese tratado dividió el reino de Mercia. Según sus términos, el límite entre los reinos de Alfred y Guthrum era correr por el río Támesis hasta el río Lea , seguir a Lea hasta su fuente (cerca de Luton ), desde allí extenderse en línea recta hasta Bedford , y desde Bedford seguir el río Ouse a la calle Watling . [29]

En otras palabras, Alfred sucedió al reino de Ceolwulf que consiste en el oeste de Mercia, y Guthrum incorporó la parte oriental de Mercia en un reino ampliado de East Anglia (en adelante conocido como Danelaw ). Según los términos del tratado, además, Alfred debía tener control sobre la ciudad merciana de Londres y sus casas de moneda, al menos por el momento. [30] En 825, la Crónica anglosajona registra que los pueblos de Essex, Sussex, Kent y Surrey se habían rendido a Egbert , el abuelo de Alfred. Desde entonces hasta la llegada del Gran Ejército Pagano, Essex había formado parte de Wessex. Después de la fundación de Danelaw, parece que parte de Essex habría sido cedida a los daneses, pero no está claro cuánto.[31]

En 2015, dos detectores de metales que operan sin permiso del propietario encontraron un gran tesoro cerca de Leominster que consistía principalmente de joyas sajonas y lingotes de plata, pero también monedas; esta última fecha alrededor de 879 CE. Se cree que el tesoro fue enterrado por un vikingo durante sus incursiones en el área, mientras que Wessex fue gobernado por Alfred y Mercia por Ceolwulf II. Las monedas recuperadas de los cazadores de tesoros representan a ambos reyes, "indicando una alianza entre los dos reinos, al menos por un tiempo, que antes era desconocida para los historiadores". [32] Según Gareth Williams del Museo Británico , "estas monedas nos permiten reinterpretar nuestra historia en un momento clave en la creación de Inglaterra como un solo reino". [33] El guardiánsugirió que el hallazgo "reescribe la historia anglosajona ... La presencia de ambos reyes en las dos monedas de emperador sugiere algún tipo de pacto entre la pareja. Pero la rareza de las monedas también sugiere que Alfred rápidamente dejó caer a su aliado, que era solo sobre escrito fuera de la historia ". [34]

Más información: Londinium y Londres anglosajón

Una moneda de Alfred, rey de Wessex, Londres, 880 (basada en un modelo romano) .Obv: Rey con banda real de perfil, con leyenda: ÆLFRED REX ('Rey Alfred')
Una moneda de Alfred, rey de Wessex, Londres, 880 (basada en un modelo romano).
Anverso : Rey con banda real de perfil, con leyenda: ÆLFRED REX ('Rey Alfred')
Con la firma del Tratado de Alfred y Guthrum , un evento que se celebró con mayor frecuencia alrededor de 880 cuando la gente de Guthrum comenzó a establecerse en East Anglia , Guthrum fue neutralizado como una amenaza. [35] El ejército vikingo, que se había quedado en Fulham durante el invierno de 878–879, navegó hacia Gante y estuvo activo en el continente desde 879–892. [36] [37]

Alfred todavía se vio obligado a lidiar con una serie de amenazas danesas. Un año después, en 881, Alfred libró una pequeña batalla naval contra cuatro barcos daneses "en alta mar". [36] Dos de las naves fueron destruidas y las otras se rindieron a las fuerzas de Alfred. [38] Pequeñas escaramuzas similares con asaltantes vikingos independientes habrían ocurrido durante gran parte del período, como sucedió durante décadas. [39]

En 883, aunque hay algún debate durante el año, el rey Alfredo, debido a su apoyo y su donación de limosnas a Roma, recibió una serie de regalos del Papa Marinus . [40] Entre estos regalos tenía fama de ser una pieza de la verdadera cruz , un gran tesoro para el devoto rey sajón. Según Asser, debido a la amistad del papa Marinus con el rey Alfredo, el papa otorgó una exención de impuestos o tributos a los anglosajones que residen en Roma. [41]

Después de la firma del tratado con Guthrum, Alfred se libró de cualquier conflicto a gran escala durante algún tiempo. A pesar de esta relativa paz, el rey todavía se vio obligado a lidiar con una serie de incursiones e incursiones danesas. Entre ellos se encontraba una incursión en Kent , un reino aliado en el sudeste de Inglaterra , durante el año 885, que posiblemente fue la incursión más grande desde las batallas con Guthrum. El relato de Asser sobre la incursión coloca a los invasores daneses en la ciudad sajona de Rochester [36], donde construyeron una fortaleza temporal para asediar la ciudad. En respuesta a esta incursión, Alfred dirigió un anglosajónfuerza contra los daneses que, en lugar de enfrentarse al ejército de Wessex, huyeron a sus barcos varados y navegaron a otra parte de Gran Bretaña. La fuerza danesa en retirada supuestamente abandonó Gran Bretaña el verano siguiente. [42]

No mucho después de la fallida incursión danesa en Kent, Alfred envió su flota a East Anglia. Se debate el propósito de esta expedición, aunque Asser afirma que fue por el saqueo. [42] Después de viajar por el río Stour, la flota fue recibida por embarcaciones danesas que sumaban 13 o 16 (las fuentes varían según el número) y se produjo una batalla. [42] La flota anglosajona salió victoriosa y, según cuenta Huntingdon, "cargada de botín". [43] La flota victoriosa fue sorprendida cuando intentaba abandonar el río Stour y fue atacada por una fuerza danesa en la desembocadura del río. La flota danesa derrotó a la flota de Alfred, que pudo haberse debilitado en el enfrentamiento anterior. [44]

Una placa en la ciudad de Londres que señala la restauración de la ciudad amurallada romana por Alfred.
Una placa en la ciudad de Londres que señala la restauración de la ciudad amurallada romana por Alfred.
Un año después, en 886, Alfred volvió a ocupar la ciudad de Londres y se dispuso a volverla habitable. [45] Alfred confió la ciudad al cuidado de su yerno Æthelred , ealdorman de Mercia. La restauración de Londres progresó durante la segunda mitad de la década de 880 y se cree que giró en torno a un nuevo plan de calles; fortificaciones añadidas además de las murallas romanas existentes; y, algunos creen, la construcción de fortificaciones coincidentes en la orilla sur del río Támesis . [46]

Este es también el período en el que casi todos los cronistas coinciden en que el pueblo sajón de la preunificación de Inglaterra se sometió a Alfred. [47] Sin embargo, este no fue el momento en que Alfred llegó a ser conocido como el Rey de Inglaterra; de hecho, él nunca adoptaría el título por sí mismo. Entre la restauración de Londres y la reanudación de los ataques daneses a gran escala a principios de la década de 890, el reinado de Alfred transcurrió sin incidentes. La relativa paz de finales de la década de 880 se vio empañada por la muerte de la hermana de Alfred, Æthelswith , en camino a Roma en 888. [48] En el mismo año también murió el arzobispo de Canterbury , Æthelred. Un año después, Guthrum, o Athelstan por su nombre bautismal, el antiguo enemigo de Alfred y rey ​​de East Anglia, murió y fue enterrado enHadleigh, Suffolk . [49] La muerte de Guthrum cambió el panorama político para Alfred. El vacío de poder resultante agitó a otros caudillos hambrientos de poder ansiosos por tomar su lugar en los años siguientes. Los años tranquilos de la vida de Alfred estaban llegando a su fin. [50]

Ataques vikingos (890)
Mapa de Gran Bretaña en 886
Mapa de Gran Bretaña en 886
Después de otra pausa, en el otoño de 892 o 893, los daneses atacaron nuevamente. Al encontrar su posición en la Europa continental precaria, cruzaron a Inglaterra en 330 barcos en dos divisiones. Se atrincheraron, el cuerpo más grande, en Appledore, Kent y el menor bajo Hastein , en Milton , también en Kent. Los invasores trajeron a sus esposas e hijos con ellos, lo que indica un intento significativo de conquista y colonización. Alfred, en 893 o 894, tomó una posición desde la cual pudo observar ambas fuerzas. [51]

Mientras hablaba con Hastein, los daneses en Appledore estallaron y atacaron hacia el noroeste. Fueron alcanzados por el hijo mayor de Alfred, Edward , y fueron derrotados en un enfrentamiento general en Farnham en Surrey . Se refugiaron en una isla en Thorney , en el río Colne, entre Buckinghamshire y Middlesex , donde fueron bloqueados y obligados a dar rehenes y prometer que abandonarían Wessex. [52] [51] Luego fueron a Essex y después de sufrir otra derrota en Benfleet , se unieron a la fuerza de Hastein en Shoebury . [52]

Alfred se dirigía a relevar a su hijo en Thorney cuando escuchó que los daneses de Northumbrian y East Anglian estaban asediando a Exeter y una fortaleza sin nombre en la costa de North Devon . Alfred inmediatamente se apresuró hacia el oeste y levantó el Asedio de Exeter. El destino del otro lugar no se registra. [53]

La fuerza bajo Hastein se dispuso a marchar por el valle del Támesis , posiblemente con la idea de ayudar a sus amigos en el oeste. Fueron recibidos por una gran fuerza bajo los tres grandes ealdormen de Mercia , Wiltshire y Somerset y forzados a dirigirse hacia el noroeste, siendo finalmente alcanzados y bloqueados en Buttington . (Algunos identifican esto con Buttington Tump en la desembocadura del río Wye , otros con Buttington cerca de Welshpool .) Un intento de romper las líneas inglesas falló. Los que escaparon se retiraron a Shoebury. Después de recoger refuerzos, corrieron repentinamente por Inglaterra y ocuparon las ruinas romanas.muros de Chester . Los ingleses no intentaron un bloqueo invernal , pero se contentaron con destruir todos los suministros en el distrito. [53]

A principios de 894 u 895 la falta de alimentos obligó a los daneses a retirarse una vez más a Essex . A finales de año, los daneses subieron sus barcos por el río Támesis y el río Lea y se fortificaron a veinte millas (32 km) al norte de Londres. Un ataque frontal en las líneas danesas falló pero más tarde en el año, Alfred vio un medio de obstruir el río para evitar la salida de los barcos daneses. Los daneses se dieron cuenta de que estaban superados, golpearon hacia el noroeste y pasaron el invierno en Cwatbridge, cerca de Bridgnorth . Al año siguiente, 896 (o 897), abandonaron la lucha. Algunos se retiraron a Northumbria , otros a East Anglia. Aquellos que no tenían conexiones en Inglaterra regresaron al continente. [53]

Reorganización militar
Alfredo el gran centavo de plata, 871–899.  Leyenda: AELFRED REX SAXONUM ('Alfred King of the Saxons').
Alfredo el gran centavo de plata , 871–899. Leyenda: AELFRED REX SAXONUM ('Alfred King of the Saxons').
Las tribus germánicas que invadieron Gran Bretaña en los siglos quinto y sexto confiaron en la infantería desarmada suministrada por su levy tribal o fyrd , y fue sobre este sistema de la que dependía el poder militar de varios reinos de la antigua Inglaterra anglosajona. [54] El fyrd era una milicia local en la comarca anglosajona en la que todos los hombres libres tenían que servir; los que rechazaron el servicio militar estaban sujetos a multas o pérdida de sus tierras. [55] De acuerdo con el código de leyes del Rey Ine de Wessex , publicado alrededor de 694,

Si un noble que posee tierras descuida el servicio militar, pagará 120 chelines y perderá su tierra; un noble que no posea tierras pagará 60 chelines; un plebeyo pagará una multa de 30 chelines por descuidar el servicio militar. [56]

La historia de fracasos de Wessex que precedió a su éxito en 878 enfatizó a Alfred que el sistema tradicional de batalla que había heredado jugaba en beneficio de los daneses. Mientras que los anglosajones y los daneses atacaron los asentamientos para apoderarse de la riqueza y otros recursos, emplearon estrategias muy diferentes. En sus incursiones, los anglosajones tradicionalmente preferían atacar de frente reuniendo sus fuerzas en un muro de escudos , avanzando contra su objetivo y superando el muro que se aproximaba en defensa contra ellos. [57]

En contraste, los daneses prefirieron elegir objetivos fáciles, mapeando incursiones cautelosas diseñadas para evitar arriesgar todo su saqueo acumulado con ataques de alto riesgo por más. Alfred determinó que su estrategia era lanzar ataques a menor escala desde una base segura y reforzada defendible a la que pudieran retirarse si sus asaltantes encontraran una fuerte resistencia. [57]

Estas bases se prepararon de antemano, a menudo capturando una finca y aumentando sus defensas con zanjas, murallas y empalizadas circundantes . Una vez dentro de la fortificación, se dio cuenta Alfred, los daneses disfrutaron de la ventaja, mejor situados para sobrevivir a sus oponentes o aplastarlos con un contraataque a medida que disminuían las provisiones y la resistencia de las fuerzas sitiadoras. [57]

Los medios por los cuales los anglosajones reunieron fuerzas para defenderse de los merodeadores también los dejaron vulnerables a los vikingos. Era responsabilidad del condado de Shire ocuparse de las redadas locales. El rey podía llamar a la milicia nacional para defender el reino pero, en el caso de las incursiones vikingas de golpe y fuga, los problemas de comunicación y el aumento de suministros significaban que la milicia nacional no podía reunirse lo suficientemente rápido. Fue solo después de que las redadas estaban en marcha que se hizo un llamado a los propietarios para reunir a sus hombres para la batalla. Grandes regiones podrían ser devastadas antes de que el fyrd pudiera reunirse y llegar. Y aunque los terratenientes se vieron obligados al rey a suministrar a estos hombres cuando se les llamaba, durante los ataques en 878 muchos de ellos abandonaron a su rey de manera oportunista y colaboraron con Guthrum. [58] [59]

Con estas lecciones en mente, Alfred aprovechó los años relativamente pacíficos inmediatamente posteriores a su victoria en Edington al enfocarse en una ambiciosa reestructuración de las defensas militares de su reino. En un viaje a Roma, Alfred se había quedado con Carlos el Calvo y es posible que haya estudiado cómo los reyes carolingios habían tratado el problema vikingo. Aprendiendo de sus experiencias, pudo armar un sistema de impuestos y defensa para su propio reino. También había habido un sistema de fortificaciones en Mercia pre-vikingo que pudo haber sido una influencia. Entonces, cuando las incursiones vikingas se reanudaron en 892, Alfred estaba mejor preparado para enfrentarlos con un ejército de campo móvil y de pie, una red de guarniciones y una pequeña flota de barcos que navegaban por los ríos y estuarios. [60][61] [62]

Administración e impuestos
Los inquilinos en la Inglaterra anglosajona tenían una triple obligación basada en su tenencia de la tierra: las llamadas "cargas comunes" del servicio militar, el trabajo en la fortaleza y la reparación de puentes. Esta triple obligación se ha llamado tradicionalmente trinoda necessitas o trimoda necessitas . [63] El nombre en inglés antiguo para la multa debida por descuidar el servicio militar era fierdwite . [56]

Para mantener los burhs y reorganizar el fyrd como un ejército permanente, Alfred expandió el sistema de impuestos y reclutamiento basado en la productividad de la tenencia de la tierra de un inquilino. La piel era la unidad básica del sistema en el que se evaluaban las obligaciones públicas del inquilino. Se cree que una piel representa la cantidad de tierra requerida para mantener a una familia. La piel diferiría en tamaño según el valor y los recursos de la tierra, y el propietario tendría que proporcionar un servicio basado en cuántas pieles poseía. [63] [64]

Sistema de robo
Ver también: Burghal Hidage

Un mapa de burhs nombrado en Burghal Hidage.
Un mapa de burhs nombrado en Burghal Hidage .
La defensa amurallada alrededor de un burh.  La capital de Alfred, Winchester.  Obra sajona y medieval sobre fundaciones romanas.
La defensa amurallada alrededor de un burh. La capital de Alfred, Winchester. Obra sajona y medieval sobre fundaciones romanas.
En el centro del sistema de defensa militar reformado de Alfred había una red de burhs , distribuidos en puntos estratégicos en todo el reino. [65] Hubo treinta y tres burhs, espaciados aproximadamente a 30 kilómetros (19 millas) de distancia, lo que permitió a los militares enfrentar ataques en cualquier parte del reino en un día. [66] [67]

Las excavaciones de Alfred (de las cuales veintidós se convirtieron en barrios . [G] [68] ) iban desde antiguas ciudades romanas , como Winchester , donde se repararon los muros de piedra y se añadieron zanjas, hasta enormes paredes de tierra rodeadas de amplias zanjas, probablemente reforzadas con Revestimientos y empalizadas de madera , como en Burpham en West Sussex. [70] [71] El tamaño de los burhs variaba desde pequeños puestos de avanzada como Pilton en Devon, hasta grandes fortificaciones en pueblos establecidos, el más grande en Winchester. [72]

Un documento contemporáneo ahora conocido como Burghal Hidage proporciona una idea de cómo funciona el sistema. Enumera el hidage para cada una de las ciudades fortificadas contenidas en el documento. Por ejemplo, Wallingford tuvo un apagón de 2.400, lo que significaba que los terratenientes allí eran responsables de suministrar y alimentar a 2.400 hombres, el número suficiente para mantener 9.900 pies (3,0 kilómetros) de muro. [73] Se necesitaban un total de 27.071 soldados, aproximadamente uno de cada cuatro hombres libres en Wessex. [74] Muchos de los burhs eran ciudades gemelas que se extendían a horcajadas sobre un río y estaban conectadas por un puente fortificado, como los construidos por Carlos el Calvo una generación antes. [61]El doble burh bloqueó el paso en el río, obligando a los barcos vikingos a navegar bajo un puente guarnecido con hombres armados con piedras, lanzas o flechas. Otros burhs se ubicaron cerca de las villas reales fortificadas, lo que permitió al rey un mejor control sobre sus fortalezas. [75]

Los burhs estaban conectados por un sistema de carreteras mantenido para uso del ejército (conocido como herepaths ). Estos caminos permitirían que un ejército se reuniera rápidamente, a veces desde más de un burh, para enfrentar al invasor vikingo. [76] Esta red planteó obstáculos significativos para los invasores vikingos, especialmente aquellos cargados de botín. El sistema amenazaba las rutas y comunicaciones vikingas, lo que lo hacía mucho más peligroso para ellos. Los vikingos carecían del equipo para un asedio contra un burh y una doctrina desarrollada de asedio, habiendo adaptado sus métodos de lucha a los ataques rápidos y retiradas sin obstáculos a fortificaciones bien defendidas. El único medio que les quedaba era dejar que el burh se sometiera, pero esto le dio tiempo al rey para enviar su ejército de campo móvil o guarniciones desde los burh vecinos a lo largo de las carreteras del ejército. En tales casos, los vikingos eran extremadamente vulnerables a ser perseguidos por las fuerzas militares conjuntas del rey. [77] El sistema burh de Alfred planteó un desafío tan formidable contra el ataque vikingo que cuando los vikingos regresaron en 892 y asaltaron una fortaleza a medio construir y pobremente guarnecida en el estuario de Lympne en Kent , los anglosajones pudieron limitar su penetración al fronteras exteriores de Wessex y Mercia. [78]

El sistema antirrobo de Alfred fue revolucionario en su concepción estratégica y potencialmente costoso en su ejecución. Su biógrafo contemporáneo Asser escribió que muchos nobles se opusieron a las nuevas demandas que se les imponían a pesar de que eran "para las necesidades comunes del reino". [79] [80]

Armada inglesa
Alfred también probó suerte con el diseño naval. En 896 [81] ordenó la construcción de una pequeña flota, tal vez una docena de barcos largos que, a 60 remos, tenían el doble del tamaño de los barcos de guerra vikingos. Esto no fue, como afirmaron los victorianos, el nacimiento de la marina inglesa . Wessex había poseído una flota real antes de esto. El rey Athelstan de Kent y Ealdorman Ealhhere habían derrotado a una flota vikinga en 851 capturando nueve barcos, [82] y el propio Alfred había llevado a cabo acciones navales en 882. [83]

Sin embargo, 897 marcó claramente un desarrollo importante en el poder naval de Wessex. El autor de la Crónica anglosajona relató que las naves de Alfred eran más grandes, más rápidas, más estables y cabalgaban más alto en el agua que las naves danesas o frisias . Es probable que, bajo la tutela clásica de Asser, Alfred utilizara el diseño de buques de guerra griegos y romanos , con lados altos, diseñados para la lucha en lugar de la navegación. [84]

Alfred tenía en mente el poder marítimo: si podía interceptar las flotas de asalto antes de que aterrizaran, podría evitar que su reino fuera devastado. Las naves de Alfred pueden haber sido superiores en concepción. En la práctica, demostraron ser demasiado grandes para maniobrar bien en las aguas cercanas de estuarios y ríos, los únicos lugares en los que podría ocurrir una batalla naval. [85]

Los buques de guerra de la época no fueron diseñados para ser asesinos de barcos sino más bien transportistas de tropas. Se ha sugerido que, al igual que las batallas navales a finales de la era vikinga de Escandinavia, estas batallas pueden haber implicado que un barco se acerque a un barco enemigo, azote los dos barcos y luego aborde la nave enemiga. El resultado fue efectivamente una batalla terrestre que involucró combates cuerpo a cuerpo a bordo de los dos barcos azotados. [86]

En el único enfrentamiento naval registrado en 896, la nueva flota de nueve barcos de Alfred interceptó seis barcos vikingos en la desembocadura de un río no identificado en el sur de Inglaterra. Los daneses habían varado la mitad de sus barcos y se habían ido tierra adentro. [87] [81] Las naves de Alfred se movieron inmediatamente para bloquear su escape. Los tres barcos vikingos a flote intentaron romper las líneas inglesas. Solo uno lo hizo; Las naves de Alfred interceptaron a los otros dos. [81] Atando los botes vikingos a la suya, la tripulación inglesa abordó y procedió a matar a los vikingos. Una nave escapó, porque las pesadas naves de Alfred quedaron encalladas cuando la marea bajó. [86]Una batalla terrestre se produjo entre las tripulaciones. Los daneses fueron superados en número, pero a medida que la marea subía, regresaron a sus botes que, con corrientes de aire menos profundas, fueron liberados primero. Los ingleses vieron cómo los vikingos pasaban junto a ellos. [86] Pero habían sufrido tantas bajas (120 muertos contra 62 frisones e ingleses) que tuvieron dificultades para salir al mar. Todos estaban demasiado dañados para remar alrededor de Sussex y dos fueron conducidos contra la costa de Sussex (posiblemente en Selsey Bill ). [81] [86] La tripulación naufragada fue llevada ante Alfred en Winchester y ahorcada. [81]

Reforma legal
Artículo principal: Doom book

Una moneda de plata de Alfred.
Una moneda de plata de Alfred.
A fines de la década de 880 o principios de la década de 890, Alfred emitió un largo código domboc o de leyes que constaba de sus propias leyes, seguido de un código emitido por su predecesor de finales del siglo VII, el rey Ine de Wessex . [88] Juntas, estas leyes están organizadas en 120 capítulos. En su introducción, Alfred explica que reunió las leyes que encontró en muchos " libros sinodales " y "ordenó que se escribieran muchas de las que observaron nuestros antepasados, aquellas que me complacieron, y muchas de las que no me complacieron. , Rechacé con el consejo de mis concejales, y ordené que fueran observados de una manera diferente ". [89]

Alfred destacó en particular las leyes que "encontró en los días de Ine, mi pariente, u Offa , rey de los mercios, o el rey Æthelberht de Kent, quien primero entre los ingleses recibió el bautismo". Agregó, en lugar de integrar, las leyes de Ine en su código y aunque incluyó, al igual que Æthelbert, una escala de pagos en compensación por lesiones a diversas partes del cuerpo, las dos tarifas de lesiones no están alineadas. No se sabe que Offa haya emitido un código de ley, lo que llevó al historiador Patrick Wormald a especular que Alfred tenía en mente el capitular de legatina del 786 que dos legados papales le presentaron a Offa . [90]

Alrededor de una quinta parte del código de la ley está incluida en la introducción de Alfred, que incluye traducciones al inglés de los Diez Mandamientos , algunos capítulos del Libro del Éxodo y la Carta Apostólica de los Hechos de los Apóstoles (15: 23–29). La Introducción puede entenderse mejor como la meditación de Alfredo sobre el significado de la ley cristiana. [91] Traza la continuidad entre el don de la ley de Dios a Moisés y la emisión de la ley de Alfredo al pueblo de Sajonia Occidental. Al hacerlo, vinculó el pasado sagrado con el presente histórico y representó la entrega de leyes de Alfred como un tipo de legislación divina. [92]

De manera similar, Alfred dividió su código en 120 capítulos porque 120 era la edad en que Moisés murió y, en el simbolismo numérico de los exégetas bíblicos medievales tempranos, 120 defendía la ley. [93] El vínculo entre la ley mosaica y el código de Alfred es la Carta Apostólica que explicaba que Cristo "no había venido a romper o anular los mandamientos, sino a cumplirlos; y enseñó misericordia y mansedumbre". (Introducción, 49.1) La misericordia que Cristo infundió en la ley mosaica subyace a las tarifas de lesiones que ocupan un lugar tan destacado en los códigos de la ley bárbara desde que los sínodos cristianos "establecieron, a través de esa misericordia que Cristo enseñó, que por cada fechoría en la primera ofensa los señores seculares podrían con su permiso reciban sin pecado la compensación monetaria que luego fijaron ".

El único delito que no pudo ser compensado con un pago de dinero fue la traición a un señor ", ya que Dios Todopoderoso no juzgó a ninguno de los que lo despreciaban, ni Cristo, el Hijo de Dios, juzgó a ninguno de los que lo traicionaron hasta la muerte. "y mandó a todos a amar a su señor como a sí mismo". [94] La transformación de Alfred del mandamiento de Cristo, de "Ama a tu prójimo como a ti mismo" (Mateo 22: 39–40) para amar a tu señor secular como amarías al mismo Señor Cristo, subraya la importancia que Alfred le dio al señorío que él entendido como un vínculo sagrado instituido por Dios para el gobierno del hombre. [95]

Cuando uno se aleja de la introducción de domboc a las leyes en sí, es difícil descubrir algún arreglo lógico. La impresión es de una mezcolanza de leyes misceláneas. El código de la ley, tal como se ha conservado, es singularmente inadecuado para su uso en demandas. De hecho, varias de las leyes de Alfred contradecían las leyes de Ine que forman parte integral del código. La explicación de Patrick Wormald es que el código legal de Alfred no debe entenderse como un manual legal sino como un manifiesto ideológico de la realeza "diseñado más para el impacto simbólico que para la dirección práctica". [96]En términos prácticos, la ley más importante del código bien pudo haber sido la primera: "Exigimos, lo que es más necesario, que cada hombre guarde cuidadosamente su juramento y su promesa", que expresa un principio fundamental de la ley anglosajona. [97]

Alfred dedicó considerable atención y pensamiento a los asuntos judiciales. Asser subraya su preocupación por la justicia judicial. Alfred, según Asser, insistió en revisar los juicios impugnados hechos por sus ealdormen y reeves y "examinaría cuidadosamente casi todos los juicios que fueron aprobados [emitidos] en su ausencia en cualquier parte del reino para ver si eran justos o injustos". [98] Una carta del reinado de su hijo Edward el Viejo muestra a Alfred escuchando una de esas apelaciones en su habitación mientras se lava las manos. [99]

Asser representa a Alfred como un juez salomónico , cuidadoso en sus propias investigaciones judiciales y crítico de los funcionarios reales que emitieron juicios injustos o imprudentes. Aunque Asser nunca menciona el código legal de Alfred, sí dice que Alfred insistió en que sus jueces supieran leer y escribir para que pudieran aplicarse "a la búsqueda de la sabiduría". El incumplimiento de esta orden real debía ser castigado con la pérdida del cargo. [100]

La Crónica anglosajona , encargada en la época de Alfred, probablemente fue escrita para promover la unificación de Inglaterra, [101] mientras que La vida del rey Alfred de Asser promovió los logros y cualidades personales de Alfred. Es posible que el documento se haya diseñado de esta manera para que se pueda difundir en Gales, ya que Alfred había adquirido recientemente el señorío de ese país. [101]

Relaciones Extranjeras
Asser habla grandiosamente de las relaciones de Alfred con potencias extranjeras, pero hay poca información definitiva disponible. [53] Su interés en los países extranjeros se muestra por las inserciones que hizo en su traducción de Orosius . Mantuvo correspondencia con Elías III , el patriarca de Jerusalén , [53] y embajadas a Roma transportar las limosnas inglés al papa eran bastante frecuentes. [61] [h] Alrededor de 890, Wulfstan de Hedeby emprendió un viaje desde Hedeby en Jutlandia a lo largo del Mar Báltico hasta la ciudad comercial prusiana de Truso. Alfred personalmente recopiló detalles de este viaje. [102]

Las relaciones de Alfred con los príncipes celtas en la mitad occidental de Gran Bretaña son más claras. Comparativamente temprano en su reinado, según Asser, los príncipes galeses del sur , debido a la presión sobre ellos desde el norte de Gales y Mercia , se encomiaron a Alfred. Más adelante en su reinado, los galeses del norte siguieron su ejemplo y este último cooperó con los ingleses en la campaña de 893 (o 894). Que Alfred envió limosnas a monasterios irlandeses y continentales puede ser tomado bajo la autoridad de Asser. La visita de tres peregrinos " escoceses " (es decir, irlandeses) para Alfred en 891 es indudablemente auténtico. La historia de que él mismo en su infancia fue enviado a Irlanda para ser sanado por Saint Modwenna puede mostrar el interés de Alfred en esa isla. [53]

Religion y cultura
El rey Alfredo el Grande retratado en un vitral en la ventana oeste del transepto sur de la catedral de Bristol.
El rey Alfredo el Grande retratado en un vitral en la ventana oeste del transepto sur de la catedral de Bristol .
En la década de 880, al mismo tiempo que estaba "engatusando y amenazando" a sus nobles para construir y manejar los burhs , Alfred, tal vez inspirado por el ejemplo de Carlomagno casi un siglo antes, emprendió un esfuerzo igualmente ambicioso para revivir el aprendizaje. [53] Durante este período de tiempo, las incursiones vikingas fueron vistas a menudo como un castigo divino y Alfred pudo haber querido revivir el temor religioso para apaciguar la ira de Dios. [103]

Este avivamiento implicó el reclutamiento de eruditos clericales de Mercia, Gales y el extranjero para mejorar el tenor de la corte y del episcopado ; el establecimiento de una escuela de la corte para educar a sus propios hijos, los hijos de sus nobles y los niños de menor nacimiento intelectualmente prometedores; un intento de exigir alfabetización en quienes tenían cargos de autoridad; una serie de traducciones al vernáculo de obras latinas que el rey consideró "lo más necesario para que todos los hombres lo supieran"; [104] la compilación de una crónica que detalla el surgimiento del reino y la casa de Alfred, con una genealogía que se remonta a Adán , dando así a los reyes de Sajonia Occidental una ascendencia bíblica. [105]

Muy poco se sabe de la iglesia bajo Alfred. Los ataques daneses habían sido particularmente dañinos para los monasterios. Aunque Alfred fundó monasterios en Athelney y Shaftesbury, estas fueron las primeras casas monásticas nuevas en Wessex desde principios del siglo VIII. [106] Según Asser, Alfred atrajo a los monjes extranjeros a Inglaterra para su monasterio en Athelney, ya que había poco interés para que los lugareños tomaran la vida monástica. [107]

Alfred no llevó a cabo una reforma sistemática de las instituciones eclesiásticas o prácticas religiosas en Wessex. Para él, la clave para el avivamiento espiritual del reino era nombrar obispos y abades piadosos, eruditos y confiables. Como rey se veía a sí mismo como responsable del bienestar temporal y espiritual de sus súbditos. La autoridad secular y espiritual no eran categorías distintas para Alfred. [108] [109]

Era igualmente cómodo distribuir su traducción de Gregorio el Grande 's Pastoral de la Salud a sus obispos para que puedan formar y supervisar mejor los sacerdotes y el uso de esos mismos obispos como funcionarios reales y los jueces. Tampoco su piedad le impidió expropiar tierras de iglesias estratégicamente ubicadas, especialmente propiedades a lo largo de la frontera con Danelaw, y transferirlas a los miembros de la realeza y funcionarios que podrían defenderlos mejor de los ataques vikingos. [109] [110]

Efecto de las redadas danesas en la educación
Las redadas danesas tuvieron un efecto devastador en el aprendizaje en Inglaterra. Alfred se lamentó en el prefacio de su traducción de Pastoral Care de Gregory que "el aprendizaje había disminuido tan profundamente en Inglaterra que había muy pocos hombres de este lado del Humber que pudieran entender sus servicios divinos en inglés o incluso traducir una sola letra del latín al latín". Inglés: y supongo que tampoco había muchos más allá del Humber ". [111] Alfred indudablemente exageró, por efecto dramático, el abismal estado de aprendizaje en Inglaterra durante su juventud. [6] Que el aprendizaje del latín no había sido borrado se evidencia por la presencia en su corte de sabios clérigos mercianos y sajones del oeste como Plegmund, Wæferth y Wulfsige. [112]

La producción de manuscritos en Inglaterra se redujo precipitadamente alrededor de los años 860 cuando las invasiones vikingas comenzaron en serio, para no revivir hasta el final del siglo. [113] Numerosos manuscritos anglosajones se quemaron junto con las iglesias que los albergaban. Un diploma solemne de Christ Church, Canterbury , fechado en 873, está tan mal construido y escrito que el historiador Nicholas Brooks postuló un escriba que era tan ciego que no podía leer lo que escribió, o que sabía poco o nada de latín. "Está claro", concluye Brooks, "que la iglesia metropolitana [de Canterbury] debe haber sido incapaz de proporcionar una capacitación efectiva en las Escrituras o en la adoración cristiana". [114]

Establecimiento de una escuela de la corte.
Siguiendo el ejemplo de Carlomagno , Alfred estableció una escuela de la corte para la educación de sus propios hijos, los de la nobleza y "muchos de menor nacimiento". [104] Allí estudiaron libros en inglés y latín y "se dedicaron a la escritura, hasta tal punto ... se les vio como estudiantes devotos e inteligentes de las artes liberales". [115] Reclutó a eruditos del continente y de Gran Bretaña para ayudar en el renacimiento del aprendizaje cristiano en Wessex y para proporcionar al rey instrucción personal. Grimbaldy Juan el sajón vino de Francia; Plegmund (a quien Alfred designó arzobispo de Canterbury en 890), el obispo Werferth de Worcester, Ethelstan, y los capellanes reales Werwulf, de Mercia; y Asser, de St David's en el suroeste de Gales. [116]

Abogacía de la educación en inglés
Las ambiciones educativas de Alfred parecen haberse extendido más allá del establecimiento de una escuela de la corte. Creyendo que sin la sabiduría cristiana no puede haber prosperidad ni éxito en la guerra, Alfred apuntó "a aprender (siempre que no sean útiles para algún otro empleo) todos los jóvenes nacidos en Inglaterra que ahora tienen los medios para se aplican a ello ". [117] Consciente de la decadencia de la alfabetización latina en su reino, Alfred propuso que la educación primaria se enseñara en inglés , con aquellos que desean avanzar a las órdenes sagradas para continuar sus estudios en latín. [118]

Había pocos "libros de sabiduría" escritos en inglés. Alfred buscó remediar esto a través de un ambicioso programa centrado en la corte de traducir al inglés los libros que consideraba "más necesarios para que todos los hombres lo supieran". [118] Se desconoce cuándo Alfred lanzó este programa, pero puede haber sido durante la década de 880 cuando Wessex estaba disfrutando de un respiro de los ataques vikingos. Hasta hace poco, se consideraba que Alfred había sido autor de muchas de las traducciones, pero ahora se considera dudoso en casi todos los casos. Los estudiosos se refieren más a menudo a las traducciones como "Alfredian", lo que indica que probablemente tuvieron algo que ver con su patrocinio, pero es poco probable que sea su propio trabajo. [119]

Además del Handboc o Encheiridio perdido , que parece haber sido un libro común guardado por el rey, el primer trabajo que se tradujo fue Diálogos de Gregorio Magno , un libro muy popular en la Edad Media . La traducción fue realizada por orden de Alfred por Werferth , obispo de Worcester , y el rey simplemente proporcionó un prefacio. [53] Sorprendentemente, Alfred - indudablemente con el consejo y la ayuda de sus estudiosos de la corte - tradujo cuatro obras él mismo: Gregory the Great's Pastoral Care , Boethius 's Consolation of Philosophy, Los soliloquios de San Agustín y los primeros cincuenta salmos del salterio . [120]

Uno podría agregar a esta lista la traducción, en el código legal de Alfred, de extractos del Libro Vulgata del Éxodo. Las versiones en inglés antiguo de Orosio 's Historias contra los paganos y Bede ' s Historia Eclesiástica del Pueblo Inglés ya no son aceptadas por los estudiosos como propias traducciones debido a las diferencias léxicas y estilísticas de Alfred. [120] Sin embargo, el consenso sigue siendo que fueron parte del programa Alfredian de traducción. Simon Keynes y Michael Lapidge sugieren esto también para Bald's Leechbook y el anónimo Old English Martyrology . [121]

El prefacio de la traducción de Alfred del Cuidado Pastoral del Papa Gregorio Magno explicaba por qué pensaba que era necesario traducir obras como esta del latín al inglés. Aunque describió su método como la traducción de "a veces palabra por palabra, a veces sentido por sentido", la traducción en realidad se mantiene muy cerca del original aunque, a través de su elección del idioma, borró la distinción entre autoridad espiritual y secular. Alfred quiso utilizar la traducción y la hizo circular entre todos sus obispos. [122] El interés en la traducción de Alfred de Pastoral Care fue tan duradero que todavía se hacían copias en el siglo XI. [123]

La consolación de filosofía de Boecio fue el manual filosófico más popular de la Edad Media. A diferencia de la traducción de Pastoral Care, el texto alfrediano trata muy libremente con el original y, aunque el fallecido Dr. G. Schepss demostró que muchas de las adiciones al texto se deben rastrear no al traductor mismo [124] sino al glosas y comentarios que utilizó, todavía hay mucho en el trabajo que es distintivo de la traducción y se ha tomado para reflejar las filosofías de la realeza en el entorno de Alfred. Es en Boecio donde aparece la frase citada con frecuencia: "Para hablar brevemente: deseaba vivir dignamente todo el tiempo que viví, y después de mi vida dejarles lo que vendría después, mi memoria en buenas obras".[125] El libro nos ha llegado solo en dos manuscritos. En uno de estos [126] la escritura es prosa, en el otro [127] una combinación de prosa y verso aliterante. El último manuscrito sufrió graves daños en los siglos XVIII y XIX. [128]

La última de las obras de Alfredo es una que lleva el nombre de Blostman ('Blooms') o Antología . La primera mitad se basa principalmente en los soliloquios de San Agustín de Hipona , el resto proviene de varias fuentes. Tradicionalmente se ha pensado que el material contiene mucho de Alfred y muy característico de él. Las últimas palabras pueden ser citadas; forman un epitafio apropiado para el más noble de los reyes ingleses. "Por lo tanto, me parece un hombre muy tonto y verdaderamente miserable, que no aumentará su comprensión mientras esté en el mundo, y que siempre desee y anhele alcanzar esa vida sin fin donde todo se aclarará". [122]Alfred aparece como un personaje en el poema de los siglos XII o XIII The Owl and the Nightingale, donde se elogia su sabiduría y habilidad con los proverbios. Los Proverbios de Alfred , una obra del siglo XIII, contiene dichos que probablemente no se originaron con Alfred, pero dan fe de su póstuma reputación medieval de sabiduría. [129]

2 Un dibujo de la joya de Alfred.
2 Un dibujo de la joya de Alfred.
La joya de Alfred, en el Museo Ashmolean, Oxford, encargada por Alfred.
La joya de Alfred , en el Museo Ashmolean , Oxford, encargada por Alfred.
La joya de Alfred , descubierta en Somerset en 1693, se ha asociado durante mucho tiempo con el rey Alfred debido a su inscripción en inglés antiguo AELFRED MEC HEHT GEWYRCAN ('Alfred me ordenó que me hiciera'). La joya mide aproximadamente 2 1 ⁄ 2  pulgadas (6.4 centímetros) de largo, hecha de oro filigranado , que encierra una pieza de cristal de cuarzo altamente pulida debajo de la cual se coloca en una placa de esmalte cloisonné con una imagen esmaltada de un hombre con cetros floridos, tal vez personificando La vista o la sabiduría de Dios. [130]

En un momento estaba unido a una varilla delgada o un palo basado en el zócalo hueco en su base. La joya ciertamente data del reinado de Alfred. Aunque se desconoce su función, a menudo se ha sugerido que la joya era uno de los æstels ( consejos para leer) que Alfred ordenó enviar a cada obispado que acompañaba una copia de su traducción de la Pastoral Care . Cada æstel valía la suma principesca de 50 mancuses que encaja bien con la mano de obra de calidad y los materiales caros de la joya de Alfred. [131]

El historiador Richard Abels ve las reformas educativas y militares de Alfred como complementarias. La restauración de la religión y el aprendizaje en Wessex, afirma Abels, era para Alfred tan esencial para la defensa de su reino como la construcción de los burhs. [132] Como Alfred observó en el prefacio a su traducción al inglés de Gregory the Great's Pastoral Care , los reyes que no obedecen su deber divino de promover el aprendizaje pueden esperar que los castigos terrenales recaigan sobre su pueblo. [133] La búsqueda de la sabiduría, aseguró a sus lectores del Boecio, era el camino más seguro al poder: "Estudie la sabiduría, entonces, y, cuando la haya aprendido, no la condene, porque le digo que por su medio usted sin falta puede alcanzar el poder, sí, aunque no lo desee ". [134]

La representación de la resistencia de los sajones del oeste a los vikingos por Asser y el cronista como una guerra santa cristiana fue más que una simple retórica o propaganda. Reflejaba la propia creencia de Alfred en una doctrina de recompensas y castigos divinos enraizada en una visión de un orden mundial jerárquico cristiano en el que Dios es el Señor a quien los reyes deben obediencia y a través de los cuales derivan su autoridad sobre sus seguidores. La necesidad de persuadir a sus nobles para que emprendieran un trabajo por el "bien común" llevó a Alfred y a sus estudiosos de la corte a fortalecer y profundizar la concepción de la realeza cristiana que había heredado al construir sobre el legado de reyes anteriores como Offa, así como los escritores clericales. como Bede, Alcuin y otras luminarias del renacimiento carolingio. Este no era un uso cínico de la religión para manipular a sus súbditos hacia la obediencia, sino un elemento intrínseco en la cosmovisión de Alfred. Creía, al igual que otros reyes del siglo IX en Inglaterra y Francia, que Dios le había confiado el bienestar espiritual y físico de su pueblo. Si la fe cristiana caía en la ruina de su reino, si el clero era demasiado ignorante para entender las palabras latinas que masacraban en sus oficinas y liturgias, si los antiguos monasterios y las iglesias colegiales quedaban desiertas por indiferencia, él respondía ante Dios, como Josiah había estado. La responsabilidad final de Alfred era el cuidado pastoral de su pueblo. [132]

Apariencia y carácter
Ningún retrato conocido de Alfred el Grande existe de la vida.  Una imagen del artista e historiador George S. Stuart creada a partir de su descripción física mencionada en los registros históricos.
Ningún retrato conocido de Alfred el Grande existe de la vida. Una imagen del artista e historiador George S. Stuart creada a partir de su descripción física mencionada en los registros históricos.
Asser escribió sobre Alfred en su vida del rey Alfred ,

Ahora, él era muy amado, más que todos sus hermanos, por su padre y su madre, de hecho, por todos, con un amor universal y profundo, y siempre fue criado en la corte real y en ningún otro lugar. ... [Se vio] que era más atractivo en apariencia que sus otros hermanos, y más agradable en su manera, discurso y comportamiento ... [y] a pesar de todas las demandas de la vida actual, ha sido el deseo por sabiduría, más que cualquier otra cosa, junto con la nobleza de su nacimiento, que ha caracterizado la naturaleza de su noble mente. [135]

También está escrito por Asser que Alfred no aprendió a leer hasta los doce años o más tarde, lo que se describe como "negligencia vergonzosa" de sus padres y tutores. Alfred era un excelente oyente y tenía un recuerdo increíble y conservaba muy bien la poesía y los salmos. Asser cuenta una historia sobre cómo su madre levantó un libro de poesía sajona para él y sus hermanos, y dijo; "Le daré este libro a cualquiera de ustedes que pueda aprenderlo más rápido". Después de preguntar con entusiasmo: "¿Realmente le darás este libro a uno de nosotros que pueda entenderlo lo antes posible y recitártelo?" Alfred se lo llevó a su maestro, lo aprendió y se lo recitó a su madre. [136]

También se observa que Alfred lleva un pequeño libro, probablemente una versión medieval de un pequeño cuaderno de bolsillo, que contenía salmos y muchas oraciones que a menudo coleccionaba. Asser escribe: "recolectó en un solo libro, como he visto por mí mismo; en medio de todos los asuntos de la vida actual, se lo llevó a todas partes por la oración y era inseparable de él". [136] Alfred, un excelente cazador en todas las ramas del deporte, es recordado como un cazador entusiasta con el que no se pueden comparar las habilidades de nadie. [136]

Aunque era el más joven de sus hermanos, probablemente era el de mente más abierta. Fue uno de los primeros defensores de la educación. Su deseo de aprender podría haber venido de su temprano amor por la poesía inglesa y su incapacidad para leerla o grabarla físicamente hasta más tarde en la vida. Asser escribe que Alfred "no pudo satisfacer su ansia por lo que más deseaba, a saber, las artes liberales; porque, como solía decir, no había buenos eruditos en todo el reino de los sajones occidentales en ese momento". [136]

Una imagen póstuma de Ealhswith, 1220.
Una imagen póstuma de Ealhswith, 1220.
En 868, Alfred se casó con Ealhswith , hija de un noble merciano, Æthelred Mucel , Ealdorman de los Gaini . Los gaini eran probablemente uno de los grupos tribales de los mercios. La madre de Ealhswith, Eadburh, era miembro de la familia real merciana. [137]

Tuvieron cinco o seis hijos juntos, entre ellos: Edward el Viejo que sucedió a su padre como rey; Æthelflæd, quien se convirtió en la dama de los mercios; y Ælfthryth que se casó con Balduino II, conde de Flandes . Su madre era Osburga , hija de Oslac de la Isla de Wight , jefe de mayordomos de Inglaterra. Asser , en su Vita Ælfredi afirma que esto muestra su linaje de los Yute de la Isla de Wight. Esto es poco probable ya que Bede nos dice que todos fueron asesinados por los sajones bajo Cædwalla . [138]

Osferth fue descrito como un pariente en el testamento del rey Alfred y atestiguó las cartas en una posición alta hasta 934. Una carta del reinado del rey Eduardo lo describió como el hermano del rey, erróneamente según Keynes y Lapidge, y en opinión de Janet Nelson probablemente Era un hijo ilegítimo del rey Alfredo. [139] [140]

Nombre Nacimiento Muerte Notas
Æthelflæd 12 de junio de 918 Casado c. 886, Æthelred, Señor de los Mercianos d. 911; tuvo problema
Eduardo C. 874 17 de julio de 924 Casado (1) Ecgwynn , (2) Ælfflæd , (3) 919 Eadgifu
Æthelgifu Abadesa de Shaftesbury
Æthelweard 16 de octubre de 922 (?) Casado y tuve problema
Ælfthryth 929 Casado Baldwin II d. 918; tuvo problema
Muerte y entierro
La voluntad de Alfred
La voluntad de Alfred
Alfred murió el 26 de octubre de 899 a la edad de 50 o 51 años. [141] Se desconoce cómo murió, aunque sufrió durante toda su vida una enfermedad dolorosa y desagradable. Su biógrafo Asser dio una descripción detallada de los síntomas de Alfred y esto ha permitido a los médicos modernos proporcionar un posible diagnóstico. Se cree que tenía la enfermedad de Crohn o hemorroides . [9] [142] Su nieto, el rey Eadred, parece haber sufrido una enfermedad similar. [143] [i]

Alfred fue enterrado temporalmente en el Old Minster en Winchester . Cuatro años después de su muerte, fue trasladado a New Minster (quizás construido especialmente para recibir su cuerpo). El New Minster se mudó a Hyde en 1110 un poco al norte de la ciudad, y los monjes fueron transferidos a Hyde Abbey junto con el cuerpo de Alfred y los de su esposa e hijos, que presumiblemente fueron enterrados ante el altar mayor. La abadía se disolvió en 1539 durante el reinado de Enrique VIII y la iglesia fue demolida, dejando las tumbas intactas. [145]

Las tumbas reales y muchas otras fueron redescubiertas por casualidad en 1788 cuando los presos construyeron una prisión en el sitio. Los prisioneros cavaron en todo el ancho del área del altar para deshacerse de los escombros que quedaron en la disolución. Los ataúdes fueron despojados de plomo, y los huesos fueron dispersados ​​y perdidos. La prisión fue demolida entre 1846 y 1850. [146] Las excavaciones adicionales no fueron concluyentes en 1866 y 1897. [145] [147] En 1866, el anticuario aficionado John Mellor afirmó haber recuperado varios huesos del sitio, que según él eran aquellos de Alfred Estos llegaron a la posesión del vicario de la cercana Iglesia de San Bartolomé, quien los volvió a enterrar en una tumba sin marcar en el cementerio de la iglesia. [146]

Las excavaciones realizadas por el Servicio de Museos de Winchester del sitio de la Abadía de Hyde en 1999 localizaron un segundo pozo excavado frente a donde se habría ubicado el altar mayor, que se identificó como probablemente data de la excavación de 1886 de Mellor. [145] La excavación arqueológica de 1999 descubrió los cimientos de los edificios de la abadía y algunos huesos, sugeridos en ese momento como los de Alfred; demostraron en cambio pertenecer a una anciana. [148]En marzo de 2013, la Diócesis de Winchester exhumó los huesos de la tumba sin marcar en San Bartolomé y los colocó en un lugar seguro. La diócesis no afirmó que fueran los huesos de Alfred, pero tenía la intención de asegurarlos para su posterior análisis, y de las atenciones de las personas cuyo interés pudo haber sido despertado por la reciente identificación de los restos del rey Ricardo III . [148] [149]Los huesos tenían fecha de radiocarbono, pero los resultados mostraron que eran de los años 1300 y, por lo tanto, no de Alfred. En enero de 2014, un fragmento de pelvis que había sido desenterrado en la excavación del sitio de Hyde en 1999, y que posteriormente se depositó en la sala de una tienda del museo de Winchester, fue fechado por radiocarbono en el período correcto. Se ha sugerido que este hueso puede pertenecer a Alfred o a su hijo Edward , pero esto no se ha comprobado. [150] [151]

Ver también: representaciones culturales de Alfredo el Grande

Estatua de Alfred el Grande en Wantage, Oxfordshire
Estatua de Alfred el Grande en Wantage , Oxfordshire
Alfred es venerado como santo por algunas tradiciones cristianas. [152] Aunque Enrique VI de Inglaterra intentó sin éxito que el Papa Eugenio IV lo canonizara en 1441, a veces fue venerado en la Iglesia Católica; Sin embargo, la actual " Martirología romana " no lo menciona. [153] [154] [j] La Comunión Anglicana lo venera como un héroe cristiano, con un día de fiesta o conmemoración el 26 de octubre, y a menudo se lo puede encontrar representado en vidrieras en las iglesias parroquiales de la Iglesia de Inglaterra . [155]

Alfred le encargó al obispo Asser que escribiera su biografía, que inevitablemente enfatizaba los aspectos positivos de Alfred. Los historiadores medievales posteriores como Geoffrey de Monmouth también reforzaron la imagen favorable de Alfred. En el momento de la Reforma, Alfred era visto como un gobernante cristiano piadoso que promovía el uso del inglés en lugar del latín, por lo que las traducciones que encargó fueron vistas como no contaminadas por las posteriores influencias católicas romanas de los normandos. En consecuencia, fueron los escritores del siglo XVI quienes le dieron a Alfred su epíteto como "el Grande", no ninguno de los contemporáneos de Alfred. [156] El epíteto fue retenido por generaciones sucesivas que admiraban el patriotismo de Alfred, el éxito contra la barbarie, la promoción de la educación y el establecimiento del estado de derecho.

Varios establecimientos educativos se nombran en honor de Alfred:

La Universidad de Winchester creada a partir del antiguo King Alfred's College, Winchester (1928 a 2004)
Alfred University y Alfred State College en Alfred, Nueva York ; La central telefónica local de la Universidad Alfred es 871 en conmemoración de la ascensión de Alfred al trono.
La Universidad de Liverpool creó una Cátedra King Alfred de Literatura Inglesa
Retrato del siglo XVIII de Alfred por Samuel Woodforde
Retrato del siglo XVIII de Alfred por Samuel Woodforde
King Alfred's Academy , una escuela secundaria en Wantage , Oxfordshire , el lugar de nacimiento de Alfred
King's Lodge School en Chippenham, Wiltshire , llamada así porque el pabellón de caza del rey Alfred tiene fama de haberse detenido en o cerca del sitio de la escuela
The King Alfred School y Specialist Sports Academy, Burnham Road, Highbridge, llamada así por su proximidad a Brent Knoll (un sitio Beacon) y Athelney
La Escuela King Alfred en Barnet, Norte de Londres, Reino Unido.
La casa del rey Alfredo en la escuela del obispo Stopford en Enfield
La Royal Navy ha nombrado un barco y dos establecimientos costeros como HMS King Alfred , y uno de los primeros barcos de la Marina de los EE. UU. Fue nombrado USS Alfred en su honor. En 2002, Alfred ocupó el puesto número 14 en la lista de la BBC de los 100 mejores británicos después de una votación en todo el Reino Unido. [157]

Universidad Alfred (Nueva York)
Uno de los primeros elementos visibles al ingresar al campus de la Universidad Alfred es una estatua de bronce del rey, creada en 1990 por William Underhill . Presenta al rey de joven, con un escudo en la mano izquierda y un libro abierto en la derecha. [158]

Una estatua prominente del rey Alfredo el Grande se encuentra en medio de Pewsey . Se dio a conocer en junio de 1913 para conmemorar la coronación del rey George V . [159]

Una estatua de Alfred el Grande, situada en el mercado de Wantage , fue esculpida por el conde Gleichen , un pariente de la reina Victoria , y presentada por el príncipe y la princesa de Gales el 14 de julio de 1877 . [160] La estatua fue destrozada en la víspera de Año Nuevo de 2007, perdiendo parte de su brazo y hacha derechos. Después de reemplazar el brazo y el hacha, la estatua fue destrozada nuevamente en la víspera de Navidad de 2008, perdiendo su hacha. [160]

Una estatua de bronce de Alfredo el Grande se encuentra en el extremo oriental de The Broadway, cerca del sitio de la Puerta Este medieval de Winchester . La estatua fue diseñada por Hamo Thornycroft , fundida en bronce por Singer & Sons of Frome y erigida en 1899 para marcar mil años desde la muerte de Alfred. [161] [162] La estatua se coloca sobre un pedestal que consta de dos inmensos bloques de granito gris de Cornualles. [163]

Cleveland Ohio
Una estatua de mármol de Alfred el Grande se encuentra en el lado norte del palacio de justicia del condado de Cuyahoga en Cleveland, Ohio . Fue esculpido por Isidoro Konti en 1910. [164]

Fecha Evento
C. 848 Alfred nace en Wantage, Berkshire.
C. 852 Muere el hermano mayor de Alfred, Ethelstan de Kent .
c.853 La hermana de Alfred, Æthelswith , se casa con el Rey de los Mercianos, Burgred .
C. 854 El padre de Alfred, Æthelwulf , envía a Alfred y a su hermano mayor más joven, Æthelred , en peregrinación a Roma . [165]
La madre de Alfred, Osburh muere.
C. 855 Æthelwulf mismo va en peregrinación con Alfred, después de dividir su reino entre sus hijos, Æthelbald y Æthelberht . [166]
C. 856 Preadolescente Judith de Flandes se convierte en la madrastra de Alfred después de que Æthelwulf se case con ella. [167]
Æthelwulf regresa a casa, pero Æthelbald se niega a renunciar a su posición, lo que obliga a Æthelwulf a retirarse a Kent con Æthelberht. [168]
C. 858 Æthelwulf muere.
C. 860 Æthelbald muere y es sucedido por su hermano, Æthelberht .
C. 865 El Gran Ejército Pagano aterriza en East Anglia .
C. 868 Æthelred ayuda a Burgred contra los daneses.
Alfred se casa con Ealhswith en Gainsborough, Lincolnshire
C. 870 Nace el primer hijo de Alfred, Æthelflæd .
C. 871 Æthelred muere y es sucedido por Alfred.
Alfred hace las paces con los daneses y toma a Winchester como su residencia.
C. 872 Burgred rinde homenaje a los daneses.
C. 873 Los daneses invaden Mercia y se apoderan de Repton .
C. 874 Los daneses sacan a Tamworth , exiliado Burgred
Nace el primer hijo de Alfred, Edward el Viejo .
El Gran Ejército Pagano se divide, mientras Halfdan se retira a Northumbria .
C. 875 Guthrum invade el reino de Alfred.
C. 876 Guthrum toma Wareham , pero es asediado por Alfred. Los daneses abandonan Wareham, solo para tomar Exeter en su lugar.
C. 877 Alfred asedia a Exeter y puede expulsar a los daneses de su reino.
C. 878 Alfred se ve obligado a huir a los niveles de Somerset y comenzar la guerra de guerrillas.
Alfred derrota decisivamente a Guthrum en la batalla de Edington ; causando la conversión de Guthrum al cristianismo.
El sujeto de Alfred derrota otra invasión danesa en la Batalla de Cynwit .
C. 886 Alfred conquista Londres y se declara rey de los anglosajones. [169]
C. 888 Æthelswith muere en Pavía.
C. 893 Edward se casa con Ecgwynn .
C. 894 Alfred se convierte en abuelo cuando Ecgwynn da a luz al hijo de Edward, Æthelstan .
899 Alfred muere.


English (default) edit | history
“Therefore a man never attains virtue and excellence through his power; rather he attains power and authority through his virtue… Study wisdom, therefore, and when you have learned it, do not neglect it, for I say to you without hesitation that you can attain authority through wisdom”. Alfred the Great
Alfred the Great (Old English: Ælfrēd[a], Ælfrǣd[b], "elf counsel" or "wise elf"; 849 – 26 October 899) was King of Wessex from 871 to 899.
Alfred successfully defended his kingdom against the Viking attempt at conquest, and by the time of his death had become the dominant ruler in England.[1] He is one of only two English monarchs to be given the epithet "the Great", the other being the Scandinavian Cnut the Great. He was also the first King of the West Saxons to style himself "King of the Anglo-Saxons". Details of Alfred's life are described in a work by the 10th-century Welsh scholar and bishop Asser.

Alfred had a reputation as a learned and merciful man of a gracious and level-headed nature who encouraged education, proposing that primary education be taught in English, and improved his kingdom's legal system, military structure and his people's quality of life. In 2002, Alfred was ranked number 14 in the BBC's poll of the 100 Greatest Britons.

In 868, Alfred married Ealhswith, daughter of a Mercian nobleman, Æthelred Mucil, Ealdorman of the Gaini. The Gaini were probably one of the tribal groups of the Mercians. Ealhswith's mother, Eadburh, was a member of the Mercian royal family.[126]

They had five or six children together, including Edward the Elder who succeeded his father as king, Æthelflæd who became Lady (ruler) of the Mercians in her own right, and Ælfthryth who married Baldwin II the Count of Flanders. His mother was Osburga daughter of Oslac of the Isle of Wight, Chief Butler of England. Asser, in his Vita Ælfredi asserts that this shows his lineage from the Jutes of the Isle of Wight. This is unlikely as Bede tells us that they were all slaughtered by the Saxons under Cædwalla. In 2008 the skeleton of Queen Eadgyth, granddaughter of Alfred the Great was found in Magdeburg Cathedral in Germany. It was confirmed in 2010 that these remains belong to her — one of the earliest members of the English royal family.[127]

Osferth was described as a relative in King Alfred's will and he attested charters in a high position until 934. A charter of King Edward's reign described him as the king's brother, "mistakenly" according to Keynes and Lapidge, but in the view of Janet Nelson, he probably was an illegitimate son of King Alfred.[128][129]

Further Reading:,%20AngloSaxon%20&%20Danish%20Kings.htm#Alfreddied899B
Time Team S01-E01 The Guerrilla Base of the King
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Ethelfleda, Lady of the Mercians


Edward I "the Elder", king of Th...

Æthelgifu, Abbess of Shaftesbury

Ælfthryth, countess of Flanders


Aethelwulf, king of Wessex

Osburga, Queen Consort of Wessex

Æthelstan, king of Kent

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domingo, 8 de marzo de 2020

Edward I The Elder King Of The Anglo Saxons ♛ Ref: KE-254 |•••► #REINO UNIDO 🏆 #Genealogía #Genealogy


24 ° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de:
Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo

 (Linea Materna)
Edward I "the Elder", king of The Anglo-Saxons is your 24th great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Morella Álamo Borges
your mother → Belén Borges Ustáriz
her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna
her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesus Uztáriz y Monserrate
her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra
his mother → Teniente Coronel Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina
her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza
his mother → Isabel Manuela Josefa Hurtado de Mendoza y Rojas Manrique
her mother → Juana de Rojas Manrique de Mendoza
her mother → Constanza de Mendoza Mate de Luna
her mother → Mayor de Mendoza Manzanedo
her mother → Juan Fernández De Mendoza Y Manuel
her father → Sancha Manuel
his mother → Sancho Manuel de Villena Castañeda, señor del Infantado y Carrión de los Céspedes
her father → Manuel de Castilla, señor de Escalona
his father → Elizabeth of Swabia
his mother → Philip of Swabia
her father → Friedrich I Barbarossa, Holy Roman Emperor
his father → Frederick II, Duke of Swabia
his father → Frederick I, duke of Swabia
his father → Friedrich von Büren, count palatine of Swabia
his father → Frederick von Buren
his father → Kunigunde von Öhningen, Pfalzgräfin in Schwaben
his mother → Princess Richlint von Sachsen, Herzogin von Schwaben
her mother → Eadgyth
her mother → Edward I "the Elder", king of The Anglo-Saxons
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Ēadweard MP
Lithuanian: Edvardas I, Anglosaksų Karalius
Gender: Male
Birth: circa 874
Wantage, Oxfordshire, England (United Kingdom)
Death: July 17, 924 (45-54)
Farndon-on-Dee (Ferrington), Cheshire, England (United Kingdom)
Place of Burial: New Minster Abbey, Winchester, Hampshire, England, later transferred to Hyde Abbey, Winchester, Hampshire, England
Immediate Family:
Son of Alfred the Great, king of The Anglo-Saxons and Ealhswith
Husband of Ælfflæd; Ecgwynn and Eadgifu
Father of Ælfgifu; Eadwin; Æthelflæda, nun at Romsey; Ælfweard, king of the English; Eadgifu and 12 others
Brother of Ethelfleda, Lady of the Mercians; Eadmund; Æthelgifu, Abbess of Shaftesbury; Ælfthryth, countess of Flanders and Æthelweard
Added by: Anders Helge Eriksson on February 2, 2007
Managed by: Guillermo Eduardo Ferrero Montilla and 518 others
Curated by: Jason Scott Wills
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Edward the Elder (Old English: Ēadweard se Ieldra) (c. 870 – 17 July 924) was King of England (899 – 924). He was the son of Alfred the Great (Ælfrēd se Grēata) and Alfred's wife, Ealhswith, and became King upon his father's death in 899.

Three marriages:

A: Ecgwynn - three children

1. Ælfred

2. Æthelstan, King of Wessex

3. Eadgyth, married Sithric, King of York

B: Ælfflæd Æthelhelmsdottir of Wiltshire, eight (nine) children:

4. Ædfletha

5. (?) Æthelfletha

6. Eadgifu, married Charles III and Herbert

7. Ælfweard

8. Eadwine

9. Æthelhild

10. Eadhild, married Hugues Capet

11. Eadgyth, married Otto von Germania

12. Ælfgifu, wrongly assumed married to Boleslaw

C: Eadgifu daughter of Sigehelm of Kent

four children:

13. Edmund the Magnificent

14. Eadburgha

15. Eadgifu, married Ludwig Graf im Thurgau

16. Eadred,%20AngloSaxon%20&%20Danish%20Kings.htm#SihtricYorkdied927


(Wikipedia article cont.)

He was king at a time when the Kingdom of Wessex was becoming transformed into the Kingdom of England. The title he normally used was "King of the Anglo-Saxons"; most authorities do regard him as a king of England, although the territory he ruled over was significantly smaller than the present borders of England.

Of the five children born to Alfred and Eahlswith who survived infancy, Edward was the second-born and the elder son. Edward's name was a new one among the West Saxon ruling family. His siblings were named for their father and other previous kings, but Edward was perhaps named for his maternal grandmother Eadburh, of Mercian origin and possibly a kinswoman of Mercian kings Coenwulf and Ceolwulf. Edward's birth cannot be certainly dated. His parents married in 868 and his eldest sibling Æthelflæd was born soon afterwards as she was herself married in 883. Edward was probably born rather later, in the 870s, and probably between 874 and 877.

Asser's Life of King Alfred reports that Edward was educated at court together with his youngest sister Ælfthryth. His second sister, Æthelgifu, was intended for a life in religion from an early age, perhaps due to ill health, and was later abbess of Shaftesbury. The youngest sibling, Æthelweard, was educated at a court school where he learned Latin, which suggests that he too was intended for a religious life. Edward and Ælfthryth, however, while they learned Old English, received a courtly education, and Asser refers to their taking part in the "pursuits of this present life which are appropriate to the nobility".

The first appearance of Edward, called filius regis, the king's son in the sources is in 892, in a charter granting land at North Newnton, near Pewsey in Wiltshire, to ealdorman Æthelhelm, where he is called filius regis, the king's son. Although he was the reigning king's elder son, Edward was not certain to succeed his father. Until the 890s, the obvious heirs to the throne were Edward's cousins Æthelwold and Æthelhelm, sons of Æthelred, Alfred's older brother and predecessor as king. Æthelwold and Æthelhelm were around ten years older than Edward. Æthelhelm disappears from view in the 890s, seemingly dead, but a charter probably from that decade shows Æthelwold witnessing before Edward, and the order of witnesses is generally believed to relate to their status. As well as his greater age and experience, Æthelwold may have had another advantage over Edward where the succession was concerned. While Alfred's wife Eahlswith is never described as queen and was never crowned, Æthelwold and Æthelhelm's mother Wulfthryth was called queen.

When Alfred died, Edward's cousin Aethelwold, the son of King Ethelred of Wessex, rose up to claim the throne and began Æthelwold's Revolt. He seized Wimborne, in Dorset, where his father was buried, and Christchurch (then in Hampshire, now in Dorset). Edward marched to Badbury and offered battle, but Aethelwold refused to leave Wimborne. Just when it looked as if Edward was going to attack Wimborne, Aethelwold left in the night, and joined the Danes in Northumbria, where he was announced as King. In the meantime, Edward is alleged to have been crowned at Kingston upon Thames on 8 June 900

In 901, Aethelwold came with a fleet to Essex, and encouraged the Danes in East Anglia to rise up. In the following year, he attacked Cricklade and Braydon. Edward arrived with an army, and after several marches, the two sides met at the Battle of Holme. Aethelwold and King Eohric of the East Anglian Danes were killed in the battle.

Relations with the North proved problematic for Edward for several more years. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle mentions that he made peace with the East Anglian and Northumbrian Danes "of necessity". There is also a mention of the regaining of Chester in 907, which may be an indication that the city was taken in battle.

In 909, Edward sent an army to harass Northumbria. In the following year, the Northumbrians retaliated by attacking Mercia, but they were met by the combined Mercian and West Saxon army at the Battle of Tettenhall, where the Northumbrian Danes were destroyed. From that point, they never raided south of the River Humber.

Edward then began the construction of a number of fortresses (burhs), at Hertford, Witham and Bridgnorth. He is also said to have built a fortress at Scergeat, but that location has not been identified. This series of fortresses kept the Danes at bay. Other forts were built at Tamworth, Stafford, Eddisbury and Warwick.

Edward extended the control of Wessex over the whole of Mercia, East Anglia and Essex, conquering lands occupied by the Danes and bringing the residual autonomy of Mercia to an end in 918, after the death of his sister, Ethelfleda (Æðelflǣd). Ethelfleda's daughter, Ælfwynn, was named as her successor, but Edward deposed her, bringing Mercia under his direct control. He had already annexed the cities of London and Oxford and the surrounding lands of Oxfordshire and Middlesex in 911. By 918, all of the Danes south of the Humber had submitted to him. By the end of his reign, the Norse, the Scots and the Welsh had acknowledged him as "father and lord". This recognition of Edward's overlordship in Scotland led to his successors' claims of suzerainty over that Kingdom.

Edward reorganized the Church in Wessex, creating new bishoprics at Ramsbury and Sonning, Wells and Crediton. Despite this, there is little indication that Edward was particularly religious. In fact, the Pope delivered a reprimand to him to pay more attention to his religious responsibilities.

He died leading an army against a Welsh-Mercian rebellion, on 17 July 924 at Farndon-Upon-Dee and was buried in the New Minster in Winchester, Hampshire, which he himself had established in 901. After the Norman Conquest, the minster was replaced by Hyde Abbey to the north of the city and Edward's body was transferred there. His last resting place is currently marked by a cross-inscribed stone slab within the outline of the old abbey marked out in a public park.

The portrait included here is imaginary and was drawn together with portraits of other Anglo-Saxon monarchs by an unknown artist in the 18th century. Edward's eponym the Elder was first used in the 10th century, in Wulfstan's Life of St Æthelwold, to distinguish him from the later King Edward the Martyr.

Edward had four siblings, including Ethelfleda, Queen of the Mercians and Ælfthryth, Countess of Flanders.

King Edward had about fourteen children from three marriages, and may have had illegitimate children too.

Edward married (although the exact status of the union is uncertain) a young woman of low birth called Ecgwynn around 893, and they became the parents of the future King Athelstan and a daughter who married Sihtric, King of Dublin and York in 926. Nothing is known about Ecgwynn other than her name, which was not even recorded until after the Conquest.

When he became king in 899, Edward set Ecgwynn aside and married Ælfflæd, a daughter of Æthelhelm, the ealdorman of Wiltshire. Their son Ælfweard may have briefly succeeded his father, but died just over two weeks later and the two were buried together. Edward and Ælfflæd had six daughters: Eadgyth who married Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor; Edgiva aka Edgifu, whose first marriage was to Charles the Simple; Eadhild, who married Hugh the Great, Duke of Paris; Ælfgifu who married "a prince near the Alps", sometimes identified with Conrad of Burgundy or Boleslaus II of Bohemia; and two nuns Eadflæd and Eadhild. A son, Edwin Ætheling who drowned in 933 was possibly Ælfflæd's child, but that is not clear.

Edward married for a third time, about 919, to Edgiva, aka Eadgifu, the daughter of Sigehelm, the ealdorman of Kent. They had two sons who survived infancy, Edmund and Edred, and two daughters, one of whom was Saint Edburga of Winchester the other daughter, Eadgifu, married Louis l'Aveugle.

Eadgifu outlived her husband and her sons, and was alive during the reign of her grandson, King Edgar. William of Malmsbury's history De antiquitate Glastonie ecclesiae claims that Edward's second wife, Aelffaed, was also alive after Edward's death, but this is the only known source for that claim.


1. ^ a b N. J. Higham, David Hill, Edward the Elder, 899-924, p. 57.
2. ^ Higham & Hill, p. 67
3. ^ Higham & Hill, p. 206.
4. ^ Higham & Hill, pp. 73, 206.
5. ^ ODNB; Yorke.
6. ^ ODNB; Yorke; Asser, c. 75.
7. ^ ODNB; PASE; S 348; Yorke.
8. ^ ODNB; S 356; Yorke.
9. ^ Asser, c. 13; S 340; Yorke. Check Stafford, "King's wife".
10. ^ "England: Anglo-Saxon Consecrations: 871-1066".
11. ^ "Edward the Elder: Reconquest of the Southern Danelaw".
12. ^ "Edward the Elder: "Father and Lord" of the North".
13. ^ "English Monarchs: Edward the Elder".
14. ^ "Edward the Elder, king of the Anglo-Saxons".
15. ^ Lappenberg, Johann; Benjamin Thorpe, translator (1845). A History of England Under the Anglo-Saxon Kings. J. Murray. pp. pp. 98,99.
16. ^ a b Lappenberg, Johann; Benjamin Thorpe, translator (1845). A History of England Under the Anglo-Saxon Kings. J. Murray. pp. p. 99.
17. ^ Chart of Kings & Queens Of Great Britain (see References)

* David Nash Ford's Early British Kingdoms
* "England: Anglo-Saxon Consecrations: 871-1066".
* "English Monarchs: Edward the Elder".
* Higham, N.J. Edward the Elder, 899-924, 2001 ISBN 0-415-21497-1
* Lappenberg, Johann; Benjamin Thorpe, translator (1845). A History of England Under the Anglo-Saxon Kings. J. Murray. pp. pp. 98,99.
Eadweard I, King of Wessex (1)

M, #102434, b. circa 871, d. 17 July 924

Last Edited=6 Apr 2007

Eadweard I, King of Wessex was born circa 871 at Wantage, Dorset, England. (3) He was the son of Ælfræd, King of Wessex and Eahlwið, Princess of Mercia. He married, firstly, Ecgwyn (?). (3) He married, secondly, Ælflæd (?), daughter of Ethelhelm, Ealdorman and Elswitha (?), circa 901. (4) He married, thirdly, Eadgifu (?), daughter of Sigehelm, Ealdorman of Kent, circa 920. (5)
He died on 17 July 924 at Farndon-on-Dee, England. (6)

He was also reported to have died on 7 July 924 at Farndon, Cheshire, England. He was buried at Winchester Cathedral, Winchester, Hampshire, England. (6)

Eadweard I, King of Wessex also went by the nick-name of Edward 'the Elder' (?). (1) He succeeded to the title of King Eadweard I of Wessex on 26 October 899. (3) He succeeded to the title of King Eadweard I of Mercia on 26 October 899. (3) He was crowned King of Wessex and Mercia on 31 May 900 at Kingston-upon-Thames, London, England. (3)
Edward together with his sister Ethelfleda of Mercia, fought stoutly against the Danes. Ethelfleda built many forts notably at Chester, Hereford, Bridgenorth, Shrewsbury, Warwick, Gloucester and Tamworth. Known as The Lady of the Mercians, she died in 918 and Mercia was then united with Wessex. In 914, Edward secured the release of the Bishop of Llandaff (Cardiff) who had been captured by the Norsemen and following this, the princes of both North and South Wales pledged their perpetual allegiance to him. Edward doubled the size of the kingdom during his reign. It is now generally acknowledged that Edward died on the 7th July 924 but some historians give the date as 925.
Children of Eadweard I, King of Wessex and Ecgwyn (?)

-1. Alfred (?) (4)

-2. Saint Edith (?) d. c 927

-3. Æthelstan, King of England7 b. c 895, d. 27 Oct 939

Children of Eadweard I, King of Wessex and Ælflæd (?)

-1. Edwin (?)7 d. 933

-2. Eadflæd (?) (8)

-3. Æthelhilda (?) (8)

-4. Eadgyth (?)+7 d. 26 Jan 946

-5. Edgiva (?) (7)

-6. Eadhilda (?)7 d. 26 Jan 947

-7. Ælfweard, King of England4 d. 1 Aug 924

-8. Elfleda (?)5 d. c 963

-9. Ethelfleda (?) (5)

-10. Eadgifu (?)+7 b. 902, d. c 953

Children of Eadweard I, King of Wessex and Eadgifu (?)

-1. Saint Edburga (?)7 d. 15 Jun 960

-2. Eadgifu (?)

-3. Eadmund I, King of England+1 b. bt 920 - 922, d. 26 May 946

-4. Eadræd, King of England1 b. bt 923 - 925, d. 23 Nov 955

Forrás / Source:

Edward the Elder, King of England, 901-925,

Edward the Elder (Old English: Ēadweard se Ieldra) (c. 870 – 17 July 924) was King of England (899 – 924). He was the son of Alfred the Great (Ælfrēd se Grēata) and Alfred's wife, Ealhswith, and became King upon his father's death in 899.

He was king at a time when the Kingdom of Wessex was becoming transformed into the Kingdom of England. The title he normally used was "King of the Anglo-Saxons"; most authorities do regard him as a king of England, although the territory he ruled over was significantly smaller than the present borders of England.

Contents [hide]

1 Ætheling

2 Succession and early reign

3 Achievements

4 Family

5 Genealogy

6 References

7 Sources

8 External links

[edit] Ætheling

Of the five children born to Alfred and Eahlswith who survived infancy, Edward was the second-born and the elder son. Edward's name was a new one among the West Saxon ruling family. His siblings were named for their father and other previous kings, but Edward was perhaps named for his maternal grandmother Eadburh, of Mercian origin and possibly a kinswoman of Mercian kings Coenwulf and Ceolwulf. Edward's birth cannot be certainly dated. His parents married in 868 and his eldest sibling Æthelflæd was born soon afterwards as she was herself married in 883. Edward was probably born rather later, in the 870s, and probably between 874 and 877. [1]

Asser's Life of King Alfred reports that Edward was educated at court together with his youngest sister Ælfthryth. His second sister, Æthelgifu, was intended for a life in religion from an early age, perhaps due to ill health, and was later abbess of Shaftesbury. The youngest sibling, Æthelweard, was educated at a court school where he learned Latin, which suggests that he too was intended for a religious life. Edward and Ælfthryth, however, while they learned Old English, received a courtly education, and Asser refers to their taking part in the "pursuits of this present life which are appropriate to the nobility".[2]

The first appearance of Edward, called filius regis, the king's son in the sources is in 892, in a charter granting land at North Newnton, near Pewsey in Wiltshire, to ealdorman Æthelhelm, where he is called filius regis, the king's son.[3] Although he was the reigning king's elder son, Edward was not certain to succeed his father. Until the 890s, the obvious heirs to the throne were Edward's cousins Æthelwold and Æthelhelm, sons of Æthelred, Alfred's older brother and predecessor as king. Æthelwold and Æthelhelm were around ten years older than Edward. Æthelhelm disappears from view in the 890s, seemingly dead, but a charter probably from that decade shows Æthelwold witnessing before Edward, and the order of witnesses is generally believed to relate to their status.[4] As well as his greater age and experience, Æthelwold may have had another advantage over Edward where the succession was concerned. While Alfred's wife Eahlswith is never described as queen and was never crowned, Æthelwold and Æthelhelm's mother Wulfthryth was called queen.[5]

[edit] Succession and early reign

When Alfred died, Edward's cousin Aethelwold, the son of King Ethelred of Wessex, rose up to claim the throne and began Æthelwold's Revolt. He seized Wimborne, in Dorset, where his father was buried, and Christchurch (then in Hampshire, now in Dorset). Edward marched to Badbury and offered battle, but Aethelwold refused to leave Wimborne. Just when it looked as if Edward was going to attack Wimborne, Aethelwold left in the night, and joined the Danes in Northumbria, where he was announced as King. In the meantime, Edward is alleged to have been crowned at Kingston upon Thames on 8 June 900 [6]

In 901, Aethelwold came with a fleet to Essex, and encouraged the Danes in East Anglia to rise up. In the following year, he attacked Cricklade and Braydon. Edward arrived with an army, and after several marches, the two sides met at the Battle of Holme. Aethelwold and King Eohric of the East Anglian Danes were killed in the battle.

Relations with the North proved problematic for Edward for several more years. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle mentions that he made peace with the East Anglian and Northumbrian Danes "of necessity". There is also a mention of the regaining of Chester in 907, which may be an indication that the city was taken in battle.[7]

In 909, Edward sent an army to harass Northumbria. In the following year, the Northumbrians retaliated by attacking Mercia, but they were met by the combined Mercian and West Saxon army at the Battle of Tettenhall, where the Northumbrian Danes were destroyed. From that point, they never raided south of the River Humber.

Edward then began the construction of a number of fortresses (burhs), at Hertford, Witham and Bridgnorth. He is also said to have built a fortress at Scergeat, but that location has not been identified. This series of fortresses kept the Danes at bay. Other forts were built at Tamworth, Stafford, Eddisbury and Warwick.

[edit] Achievements

Edward extended the control of Wessex over the whole of Mercia, East Anglia and Essex, conquering lands occupied by the Danes and bringing the residual autonomy of Mercia to an end in 918, after the death of his sister, Ethelfleda (Æðelflǣd). Ethelfleda's daughter, Ælfwynn, was named as her successor, but Edward deposed her, bringing Mercia under his direct control. He had already annexed the cities of London and Oxford and the surrounding lands of Oxfordshire and Middlesex in 911. By 918, all of the Danes south of the Humber had submitted to him. By the end of his reign, the Norse, the Scots and the Welsh had acknowledged him as "father and lord".[8] This recognition of Edward's overlordship in Scotland led to his successors' claims of suzerainty over that Kingdom.

Edward reorganized the Church in Wessex, creating new bishoprics at Ramsbury and Sonning, Wells and Crediton. Despite this, there is little indication that Edward was particularly religious. In fact, the Pope delivered a reprimand to him to pay more attention to his religious responsibilities.[9]

He died leading an army against a Welsh-Mercian rebellion, on 17 July 924 at Farndon-Upon-Dee and was buried in the New Minster in Winchester, Hampshire, which he himself had established in 901. After the Norman Conquest, the minster was replaced by Hyde Abbey to the north of the city and Edward's body was transferred there. His last resting place is currently marked by a cross-inscribed stone slab within the outline of the old abbey marked out in a public park.

The portrait included here is imaginary and was drawn together with portraits of other Anglo-Saxon monarchs by an unknown artist in the 18th century. Edward's eponym the Elder was first used in the 10th century, in Wulfstan's Life of St Æthelwold, to distinguish him from the later King Edward the Martyr.

[edit] Family

Edward had four siblings, including Ethelfleda, Queen of the Mercians and Ælfthryth, Countess of Flanders.

King Edward had about fourteen children from three marriages, and may have had illegitimate children too.

Edward married (although the exact status of the union is uncertain) a young woman of low birth called Ecgwynn around 893, and they became the parents of the future King Athelstan and a daughter who married Sihtric, King of Dublin and York in 926. Nothing is known about Ecgwynn other than her name, which was not even recorded until after the Conquest. [10][11]

When he became king in 899, Edward set Ecgwynn aside and married Ælfflæd, a daughter of Æthelhelm, the ealdorman of Wiltshire. [12] Their son Ælfweard may have briefly succeeded his father, but died just over two weeks later and the two were buried together. Edward and Ælfflæd had six daughters: Eadgyth who married Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor; Edgiva aka Edgifu, whose first marriage was to Charles the Simple; Eadhild, who married Hugh the Great, Duke of Paris; Ælfgifu who married "a prince near the Alps", sometimes identified with Conrad of Burgundy or Boleslaus II of Bohemia; and two nuns Eadflæd and Eadhild. A son, Edwin Ætheling who drowned in 933[13] was possibly Ælfflæd's child, but that is not clear.

Edward married for a third time, about 919, to Edgiva, aka Eadgifu,[12] the daughter of Sigehelm, the ealdorman of Kent. They had two sons who survived infancy, Edmund and Edred, and two daughters, one of whom was Saint Edburga of Winchester the other daughter, Eadgifu, married Louis l'Aveugle.

Eadgifu outlived her husband and her sons, and was alive during the reign of her grandson, King Edgar. William of Malmsbury's history De antiquitate Glastonie ecclesiae claims that Edward's second wife, Aelffaed, was also alive after Edward's death, but this is the only known source for that claim.

Edward the Elder (Old English: Ēadweard se Ieldra) (c. 874-7[1] – 17 July 924) was an English king. He became king in 899 upon the death of his father, Alfred the Great. His court was at Winchester, previously the capital of Wessex. He captured the eastern Midlands and East Anglia from the Danes in 917 and became ruler of Mercia in 918 upon the death of Æthelflæd, his sister.

All but two of his charters give his title as "king of the Anglo-Saxons" (Anglorum Saxonum rex).[2] He was the second king of the Anglo-Saxons as this title was created by Alfred.[2] Edward's coinage reads "EADVVEARD REX."[3] The chroniclers record that all England "accepted Edward as lord" in 920.[4] But the fact that York continued to produce its own coinage suggests that Edward's authority was not accepted in Northumbria.[5] Edward's eponym "the Elder" was first used in Wulfstan's Life of St Æthelwold (tenth century) to distinguish him from the later King Edward the Martyr.


Of the five children born to Alfred and Ealhswith who survived infancy, Edward was the second-born and the elder son. Edward's birth cannot be certainly dated. His parents married in 868 and his eldest sibling Æthelflæd was born soon afterwards as she was herself married in 883. Edward was probably born rather later, in the 870s, and probably between 874 and 877. [6]

Asser's Life of King Alfred reports that Edward was educated at court together with his youngest sister Ælfthryth. His second sister, Æthelgifu, was intended for a life in religion from an early age, perhaps due to ill health, and was later abbess of Shaftesbury. The youngest sibling, Æthelweard, was educated at a court school where he learned Latin, which suggests that he too was intended for a religious life. Edward and Ælfthryth, however, while they learned the English of the day, received a courtly education, and Asser refers to their taking part in the "pursuits of this present life which are appropriate to the nobility".[7]

The first appearance of Edward in the sources is in 892, in a charter granting land at North Newnton, near Pewsey in Wiltshire, to ealdorman Æthelhelm, where he is called filius regis, the king's son.[8] Although he was the reigning king's elder son, Edward was not certain to succeed his father. Until the 890s, the obvious heirs to the throne were Edward's cousins Æthelwold and Æthelhelm, sons of Æthelred, Alfred's older brother and predecessor as king. Æthelwold and Æthelhelm were around ten years older than Edward. Æthelhelm disappears from view in the 890s, seemingly dead, but a charter probably from that decade shows Æthelwold witnessing before Edward, and the order of witnesses is generally believed to relate to their status.[9] As well as his greater age and experience, Æthelwold may have had another advantage over Edward where the succession was concerned. While Alfred's wife Ealhswith is never described as queen and was never crowned, Æthelwold and Æthelhelm's mother Wulfthryth was called queen.[10]

[edit] Succession and early reign

When Alfred died, Edward's cousin Æthelwold, the son of King Æthelred of Wessex, rose up to claim the throne and began Æthelwold's Revolt. He seized Wimborne, in Dorset, where his father was buried, and Christchurch (then in Hampshire, now in Dorset). Edward marched to Badbury and offered battle, but Æthelwold refused to leave Wimborne. Just when it looked as if Edward was going to attack Wimborne, Æthelwold left in the night, and joined the Danes in Northumbria, where he was announced as King. In the meantime, Edward is alleged to have been crowned at Kingston upon Thames on 8 June 900 [11]

In 901, Æthelwold came with a fleet to Essex, and encouraged the Danes in East Anglia to rise up. In the following year, he attacked Cricklade and Braydon. Edward arrived with an army, and after several marches, the two sides met at the Battle of Holme. Æthelwold and King Eohric of the East Anglian Danes were killed in the battle.

Relations with the North proved problematic for Edward for several more years. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle mentions that he made peace with the East Anglian and Northumbrian Danes "of necessity". There is also a mention of the regaining of Chester in 907, which may be an indication that the city was taken in battle.[12]

In 909, Edward sent an army to harass Northumbria. In the following year, the Northumbrians retaliated by attacking Mercia, but they were met by the combined Mercian and West Saxon army at the Battle of Tettenhall, where the Northumbrian Danes were destroyed. From that point, they never raided south of the River Humber.

Edward then began the construction of a number of fortresses (burhs), at Hertford, Witham and Bridgnorth. He is also said to have built a fortress at Scergeat, but that location has not been identified. This series of fortresses kept the Danes at bay. Other forts were built at Tamworth, Stafford, Eddisbury and Warwick. These burhs were built to the same specifications (within centimetres) as those within the territory that his father had controlled; it has been suggested on this basis that Edward actually built them all.[13]

[edit] Achievements

Edward extended the control of Wessex over the whole of Mercia, East Anglia and Essex, conquering lands occupied by the Danes and bringing the residual autonomy of Mercia to an end in 918, after the death of his sister, Æthelflæd. Ætheflæd's daughter, Ælfwynn, was named as her successor, but Edward deposed her, bringing Mercia under his direct control. He had already annexed the cities of London and Oxford and the surrounding lands of Oxfordshire and Middlesex in 911. By 918, all of the Danes south of the Humber had submitted to him. By the end of his reign, the Norse, the Scots and the Welsh had acknowledged him as "father and lord".[14] This recognition of Edward's overlordship in Scotland led to his successors' claims of suzerainty over that Kingdom.

Edward reorganized the Church in Wessex, creating new bishoprics at Ramsbury and Sonning, Wells and Crediton. Despite this, there is little indication that Edward was particularly religious. In fact, the Pope delivered a reprimand to him to pay more attention to his religious responsibilities.[15]

He died leading an army against a Welsh-Mercian rebellion, on 17 July 924 at Farndon-Upon-Dee and was buried in the New Minster in Winchester, Hampshire, which he himself had established in 901. After the Norman Conquest, the minster was replaced by Hyde Abbey to the north of the city and Edward's body was transferred there. His last resting place is currently marked by a cross-inscribed stone slab within the outline of the old abbey marked out in a public park.

The portrait included here is imaginary and was drawn together with portraits of other Anglo-Saxon era monarchs by an unknown artist in the 18th century. Edward's eponym the Elder was first used in the 10th century, in Wulfstan's Life of St Æthelwold, to distinguish him from the later King Edward the Martyr.

[edit] Family

Edward had four siblings, including Æthelflæd, Lady of the Mercians, and Ælfthryth, Countess of Flanders.

King Edward had about fourteen children from three marriages, and may have had illegitimate children too.

Edward first married Ecgwynn around 893 and they became the parents of the future King Athelstan and a daughter who married Sihtric Cáech, King of Dublin and York in 926. Nothing is known about Ecgwynn other than her name, which was not even recorded until after the Conquest.[16][17]

When he became king in 899, Edward married Ælfflæd, a daughter of Æthelhelm, the ealdorman of Wiltshire.[18] Their son Ælfweard may have briefly succeeded his father, but died just over two weeks later and the two were buried together. Edward and Ælfflæd had six daughters: Eadgyth who married Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor; Eadgifu, whose first marriage was to Charles the Simple; Eadhild, who married Hugh the Great, Duke of Paris; Ælfgifu who married "a prince near the Alps", sometimes identified with Conrad of Burgundy or Boleslaus II of Bohemia; and two nuns Eadflæd and Eadhild. A son, Edwin Ætheling who drowned in 933[19] was possibly Ælfflæd's child, but that is not clear.

Edward married for a third time, about 919, to Eadgifu,[18] the daughter of Sigehelm, the ealdorman of Kent. They had two sons who survived infancy, Edmund and Eadred, and two daughters, one of whom was Saint Edburga of Winchester the other daughter, Eadgifu, married "Louis, Prince of Aquitaine", whose identity is disputed.

Eadgifu outlived her husband and her sons, and was alive during the reign of her grandson, King Edgar. William of Malmsbury's history De antiquitate Glastonie ecclesiae claims that Edward's second wife, Ælfflæd, was also alive after Edward's death, but this is the only known source for that claim.

[edit] Genealogy

For a more complete genealogy including ancestors and descendants, see

Reign 26 October 899 – 17 July 924

Coronation 8 June 900, Kingston upon Thames

Predecessor Alfred the Great

Successor Athelstan of England and/or Ælfweard of Wessex

Spouse Ecgwynn, Ælfflæd, and Eadgifu

Father Alfred the Great

Mother Ealhswith

Born c.874-77

Wantage, Wessex, England

Died 17 July 924

Farndon-on-Dee, Cheshire England

Burial New Minster, Winchester, later translated to Hyde Abbey.

Edward the Elder

King of the English

Reign 26 October 899 - 17 July 924

Coronation 8 June 900, Kingston upon Thames

Predecessor Alfred the Great and


Successor Ælfweard of Wessex and

Athelstan of England

Spouse Ecgwynn, Ælfflæd, and Edgiva

Father Alfred the Great

Mother Ealhswith

Born c.870

Wessex, England

Died 17 July 924

Farndon-on-Dee, Cheshire England

Burial New Minster, Winchester, later translated to Hyde Abbey

Edward the Elder (Old English: Ēadweard se Ieldra) (c. 870 – 17 July 924) was King of England (899 – 924). He was the son of Alfred the Great (Ælfrēd se Grēata) and Alfred's wife, Ealhswith, and became King upon his father's death in 899.

He was king at a time when the Kingdom of Wessex was becoming transformed into the Kingdom of England. The title he normally used was "King of the Anglo-Saxons"; most authorities do regard him as a king of England, although the territory he ruled over was significantly smaller than the present borders of England.


Of the five children born to Alfred and Eahlswith who survived infancy, Edward was the second-born and the elder son. Edward's name was a new one among the West Saxon ruling family. His siblings were named for their father and other previous kings, but Edward was perhaps named for his maternal grandmother Eadburh, of Mercian origin and possibly a kinswoman of Mercian kings Coenwulf and Ceolwulf. Edward's birth cannot be certainly dated. His parents married in 868 and his eldest sibling Æthelflæd was born soon afterwards as she was herself married in 883. Edward was probably born rather later, in the 870s, and probably between 874 and 877. [1]

Asser's Life of King Alfred reports that Edward was educated at court together with his youngest sister Ælfthryth. His second sister, Æthelgifu, was intended for a life in religion from an early age, perhaps due to ill health, and was later abbess of Shaftesbury. The youngest sibling, Æthelweard, was educated at a court school where he learned Latin, which suggests that he too was intended for a religious life. Edward and Ælfthryth, however, while they learned Old English, received a courtly education, and Asser refers to their taking part in the "pursuits of this present life which are appropriate to the nobility".[2]

The first appearance of Edward, called filius regis, the king's son in the sources is in 892, in a charter granting land at North Newnton, near Pewsey in Wiltshire, to ealdorman Æthelhelm, where he is called filius regis, the king's son.[3] Although he was the reigning king's elder son, Edward was not certain to succeed his father. Until the 890s, the obvious heirs to the throne were Edward's cousins Æthelwold and Æthelhelm, sons of Æthelred, Alfred's older brother and predecessor as king. Æthelwold and Æthelhelm were around ten years older than Edward. Æthelhelm disappears from view in the 890s, seemingly dead, but a charter probably from that decade shows Æthelwold witnessing before Edward, and the order of witnesses is generally believed to relate to their status.[4] As well as his greater age and experience, Æthelwold may have had another advantage over Edward where the succession was concerned. While Alfred's wife Eahlswith is never described as queen and was never crowned, Æthelwold and Æthelhelm's mother Wulfthryth was called queen.[5]

Succession and early reign

When Alfred died, Edward's cousin Aethelwold, the son of King Ethelred of Wessex, rose up to claim the throne and began Æthelwold's Revolt. He seized Wimborne, in Dorset, where his father was buried, and Christchurch (then in Hampshire, now in Dorset). Edward marched to Badbury and offered battle, but Aethelwold refused to leave Wimborne. Just when it looked as if Edward was going to attack Wimborne, Aethelwold left in the night, and joined the Danes in Northumbria, where he was announced as King. In the meantime, Edward is alleged to have been crowned at Kingston upon Thames on 8 June 900 [6]

In 901, Aethelwold came with a fleet to Essex, and encouraged the Danes in East Anglia to rise up. In the following year, he attacked Cricklade and Braydon. Edward arrived with an army, and after several marches, the two sides met at the Battle of Holme. Aethelwold and King Eohric of the East Anglian Danes were killed in the battle.

Relations with the North proved problematic for Edward for several more years. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle mentions that he made peace with the East Anglian and Northumbrian Danes "of necessity". There is also a mention of the regaining of Chester in 907, which may be an indication that the city was taken in battle.[7]

In 909, Edward sent an army to harass Northumbria. In the following year, the Northumbrians retaliated by attacking Mercia, but they were met by the combined Mercian and West Saxon army at the Battle of Tettenhall, where the Northumbrian Danes were destroyed. From that point, they never raided south of the River Humber.

Edward then began the construction of a number of fortresses (burhs), at Hertford, Witham and Bridgnorth. He is also said to have built a fortress at Scergeat, but that location has not been identified. This series of fortresses kept the Danes at bay. Other forts were built at Tamworth, Stafford, Eddisbury and Warwick.


Edward extended the control of Wessex over the whole of Mercia, East Anglia and Essex, conquering lands occupied by the Danes and bringing the residual autonomy of Mercia to an end in 918, after the death of his sister, Ethelfleda (Æðelflǣd). Ethelfleda's daughter, Ælfwynn, was named as her successor, but Edward deposed her, bringing Mercia under his direct control. He had already annexed the cities of London and Oxford and the surrounding lands of Oxfordshire and Middlesex in 911. By 918, all of the Danes south of the Humber had submitted to him. By the end of his reign, the Norse, the Scots and the Welsh had acknowledged him as "father and lord".[8] This recognition of Edward's overlordship in Scotland led to his successors' claims of suzerainty over that Kingdom.

Edward reorganized the Church in Wessex, creating new bishoprics at Ramsbury and Sonning, Wells and Crediton. Despite this, there is little indication that Edward was particularly religious. In fact, the Pope delivered a reprimand to him to pay more attention to his religious responsibilities.[9]

He died leading an army against a Welsh-Mercian rebellion, on 17 July 924 at Farndon-Upon-Dee and was buried in the New Minster in Winchester, Hampshire, which he himself had established in 901. After the Norman Conquest, the minster was replaced by Hyde Abbey to the north of the city and Edward's body was transferred there. His last resting place is currently marked by a cross-inscribed stone slab within the outline of the old abbey marked out in a public park.

The portrait included here is imaginary and was drawn together with portraits of other Anglo-Saxon monarchs by an unknown artist in the 18th century. Edward's eponym the Elder was first used in the 10th century, in Wulfstan's Life of St Æthelwold, to distinguish him from the later King Edward the Martyr.


Edward had four siblings, including Ethelfleda, Queen of the Mercians and Ælfthryth, Countess of Flanders.

King Edward had about fourteen children from three marriages, and may have had illegitimate children too.

Edward married (although the exact status of the union is uncertain) a young woman of low birth called Ecgwynn around 893, and they became the parents of the future King Athelstan and a daughter who married Sihtric, King of Dublin and York in 926. Nothing is known about Ecgwynn other than her name, which was not even recorded until after the Conquest. [10][11]

When he became king in 899, Edward set Ecgwynn aside and married Ælfflæd, a daughter of Æthelhelm, the ealdorman of Wiltshire. [12] Their son Ælfweard may have briefly succeeded his father, but died just over two weeks later and the two were buried together. Edward and Ælfflæd had six daughters: Eadgyth who married Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor; Edgiva aka Edgifu, whose first marriage was to Charles the Simple; Eadhild, who married Hugh the Great, Duke of Paris; Ælfgifu who married "a prince near the Alps", sometimes identified with Conrad of Burgundy or Boleslaus II of Bohemia; and two nuns Eadflæd and Eadhild. A son, Edwin Ætheling who drowned in 933[13] was possibly Ælfflæd's child, but that is not clear.

Edward married for a third time, about 919, to Edgiva, aka Eadgifu,[12] the daughter of Sigehelm, the ealdorman of Kent. They had two sons who survived infancy, Edmund and Edred, and two daughters, one of whom was Saint Edburga of Winchester the other daughter, Eadgifu, married Louis l'Aveugle.

Eadgifu outlived her husband and her sons, and was alive during the reign of her grandson, King Edgar. William of Malmsbury's history De antiquitate Glastonie ecclesiae claims that Edward's second wife, Aelffaed, was also alive after Edward's death, but this is the only known source for that claim.

He was king at a time when the Kingdom of Wessex was becoming transformed into the Kingdom of England. The title he normally used was "King of the Anglo-Saxons"; most authorities do regard him as a king of England,

Edward the Elder (Old English: Ēadweard se Ieldra) (c. 874-7[1] – 17 July 924) was an English king. He became king in 899 upon the death of his father, Alfred the Great. His court was at Winchester, previously the capital of Wessex. He captured the eastern Midlands and East Anglia from the Danes in 917 and became ruler of Mercia in 918 upon the death of Æthelflæd, his sister.

All but two of his charters give his title as "king of the Anglo-Saxons" (Anglorum Saxonum rex).[2] He was the second king of the Anglo-Saxons as this title was created by Alfred.[2] Edward's coinage reads "EADVVEARD REX."[3] The chroniclers record that all England "accepted Edward as lord" in 920.[4] But the fact that York continued to produce its own coinage suggests that Edward's authority was not accepted in Northumbria.[5] Edward's eponym "the Elder" was first used in Wulfstan's Life of St Æthelwold (tenth century) to distinguish him from the later King Edward the Martyr.



* 1 Ætheling
* 2 Succession and early reign
* 3 Achievements
* 4 Family
* 5 Genealogy
* 6 Ancestry
* 7 References
* 8 Sources
* 9 External links
[edit] Ætheling

Of the five children born to Alfred and Ealhswith who survived infancy, Edward was the second-born and the elder son. Edward's birth cannot be certainly dated. His parents married in 868 and his eldest sibling Æthelflæd was born soon afterwards as she was herself married in 883. Edward was probably born rather later, in the 870s, and probably between 874 and 877.[6]

Asser's Life of King Alfred reports that Edward was educated at court together with his youngest sister Ælfthryth. His second sister, Æthelgifu, was intended for a life in religion from an early age, perhaps due to ill health, and was later abbess of Shaftesbury. The youngest sibling, Æthelweard, was educated at a court school where he learned Latin, which suggests that he too was intended for a religious life. Edward and Ælfthryth, however, while they learned the English of the day, received a courtly education, and Asser refers to their taking part in the "pursuits of this present life which are appropriate to the nobility".[7]

The first appearance of Edward in the sources is in 892, in a charter granting land at North Newnton, near Pewsey in Wiltshire, to ealdorman Æthelhelm, where he is called filius regis, the king's son.[8] Although he was the reigning king's elder son, Edward was not certain to succeed his father. Until the 890s, the obvious heirs to the throne were Edward's cousins Æthelwold and Æthelhelm, sons of Æthelred, Alfred's older brother and predecessor as king. Æthelwold and Æthelhelm were around ten years older than Edward. Æthelhelm disappears from view in the 890s, seemingly dead, but a charter probably from that decade shows Æthelwold witnessing before Edward, and the order of witnesses is generally believed to relate to their status.[9] As well as his greater age and experience, Æthelwold may have had another advantage over Edward where the succession was concerned. While Alfred's wife Ealhswith is never described as queen and was never crowned, Æthelwold and Æthelhelm's mother Wulfthryth was called queen.[10]

[edit] Succession and early reign

Silver brooch imitating a coin of Edward the Elder, c. 920, found in Rome, Italy. British Museum.

When Alfred died, Edward's cousin Æthelwold, the son of King Æthelred of Wessex, rose up to claim the throne and began Æthelwold's Revolt. He seized Wimborne, in Dorset, where his father was buried, and Christchurch (then in Hampshire, now in Dorset). Edward marched to Badbury and offered battle, but Æthelwold refused to leave Wimborne. Just when it looked as if Edward was going to attack Wimborne, Æthelwold left in the night, and joined the Danes in Northumbria, where he was announced as King. In the meantime, Edward is alleged to have been crowned at Kingston upon Thames on 8 June 900 [11]

In 901, Æthelwold came with a fleet to Essex, and encouraged the Danes in East Anglia to rise up. In the following year, he attacked Cricklade and Braydon. Edward arrived with an army, and after several marches, the two sides met at the Battle of Holme. Æthelwold and King Eohric of the East Anglian Danes were killed in the battle.

Relations with the North proved problematic for Edward for several more years. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle mentions that he made peace with the East Anglian and Northumbrian Danes "of necessity". There is also a mention of the regaining of Chester in 907, which may be an indication that the city was taken in battle.[12]

In 909, Edward sent an army to harass Northumbria. In the following year, the Northumbrians retaliated by attacking Mercia, but they were met by the combined Mercian and West Saxon army at the Battle of Tettenhall, where the Northumbrian Danes were destroyed. From that point, they never raided south of the River Humber.

Edward then began the construction of a number of fortresses (burhs), at Hertford, Witham and Bridgnorth. He is also said to have built a fortress at Scergeat, but that location has not been identified. This series of fortresses kept the Danes at bay. Other forts were built at Tamworth, Stafford, Eddisbury and Warwick. These burhs were built to the same specifications (within centimetres) as those within the territory that his father had controlled; it has been suggested on this basis that Edward actually built them all.[13]

[edit] Achievements

Edward extended the control of Wessex over the whole of Mercia, East Anglia and Essex, conquering lands occupied by the Danes and bringing the residual autonomy of Mercia to an end in 918, after the death of his sister, Æthelflæd. Ætheflæd's daughter, Ælfwynn, was named as her successor, but Edward deposed her, bringing Mercia under his direct control. He had already annexed the cities of London and Oxford and the surrounding lands of Oxfordshire and Middlesex in 911. By 918, all of the Danes south of the Humber had submitted to him. By the end of his reign, the Norse, the Scots and the Welsh had acknowledged him as "father and lord".[14] This recognition of Edward's overlordship in Scotland led to his successors' claims of suzerainty over that Kingdom.

Edward reorganized the Church in Wessex, creating new bishoprics at Ramsbury and Sonning, Wells and Crediton. Despite this, there is little indication that Edward was particularly religious. In fact, the Pope delivered a reprimand to him to pay more attention to his religious responsibilities.[15]

He died leading an army against a Welsh-Mercian rebellion, on 17 July 924 at Farndon-Upon-Dee and was buried in the New Minster in Winchester, Hampshire, which he himself had established in 901. After the Norman Conquest, the minster was replaced by Hyde Abbey to the north of the city and Edward's body was transferred there. His last resting place is currently marked by a cross-inscribed stone slab within the outline of the old abbey marked out in a public park.

The portrait included here is imaginary and was drawn together with portraits of other Anglo-Saxon era monarchs by an unknown artist in the 18th century. Edward's eponym the Elder was first used in the 10th century, in Wulfstan's Life of St Æthelwold, to distinguish him from the later King Edward the Martyr.

[edit] Family

Edward had four siblings, including Æthelflæd, Lady of the Mercians, and Ælfthryth, Countess of Flanders.

King Edward had about fourteen children from three marriages, (or according to some sources, an extramarital relationship and two marriages).

Edward first married Ecgwynn around 893 and they became the parents of the future King Athelstan and a daughter who married Sihtric Cáech, King of Dublin and York in 926. Conflicting information about Ecgwynn is given by different sources, none of which pre-date the Conquest.[16][17]

When he became king in 899, Edward married Ælfflæd, a daughter of Æthelhelm, the ealdorman of Wiltshire.[18] Their son Ælfweard may have briefly succeeded his father, but died just over two weeks later and the two were buried together. Edward and Ælfflæd had six daughters: Eadgyth who married Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor; Eadgifu, whose first marriage was to Charles the Simple; Eadhild, who married Hugh the Great, Duke of Paris; Ælfgifu who married "a prince near the Alps", sometimes identified with Conrad of Burgundy or Boleslaus II of Bohemia; and two nuns Eadflæd and Eadhild. A son, Edwin Ætheling who drowned in 933[19] was possibly Ælfflæd's child, but that is not clear.

Edward married for a third time, about 919, to Eadgifu,[18] the daughter of Sigehelm, the ealdorman of Kent. They had two sons who survived infancy, Edmund and Eadred, and two daughters, one of whom was Saint Edburga of Winchester the other daughter, Eadgifu, married "Louis, Prince of Aquitaine", whose identity is disputed.

Eadgifu outlived her husband and her sons, and was alive during the reign of her grandson, King Edgar. William of Malmsbury's history De antiquitate Glastonie ecclesiae claims that Edward's second wife, Ælfflæd, was also alive after Edward's death, but this is the only known source for that claim.

[edit] Genealogy

For a more complete genealogy including ancestors and descendants, see House of Wessex family tree.

Succession and early reign

Edward's succession to his father was not assured. When Alfred died, Edward's cousin Aethelwold, the son of King Aethelred I, rose up to claim the throne and began Æthelwold's Revolt. He seized Wimborne, in Dorset, where his father was buried, and Christchurch (then in Hampshire, now in Dorset). Edward marched to Badbury and offered battle, but Aethelwold refused to leave Wimborne. Just when it looked as if Edward was going to attack Wimborne, Aethelwold left in the night, and joined the Danes in Northumbria, where he was announced as King. In the meantime, Edward is alleged to have been crowned at Kingston upon Thames on 8 June 900 [1]

In 901, Aethelwold came with a fleet to Essex, and encouraged the Danes in East Anglia to rise up. In the following year, he attacked Cricklade and Braydon. Edward arrived with an army, and after several marches, the two sides met at the Battle of Holme. Aethelwold and King Eohric of the East Anglian Danes were killed in the battle.

Relations with the North proved problematic for Edward for several more years. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle mentions that he made peace with the East Anglian and Northumbrian Danes "of necessity". There is also a mention of the regaining of Chester in 907, which may be an indication that the city was taken in battle.[2]

In 909, Edward sent an army to harass Northumbria. In the following year, the Northumbrians returned the favour by attacking Mercia, but they were met by the combined Mercian and West Saxon army at the Battle of Tettenhall, where the Northumbrian Danes were destroyed. From that point, they never raided south of the Humber River.

Edward then began the construction of a number of fortresses (burhs), at Hertford, Witham and Bridgnorth. He is also said to have built a fortress at Scergeat, but that location has not been identified. This series of fortresses kept the Danes at bay. Other forts were built at Tamworth, Stafford, Eddisbury and Warwick.


Edward extended the control of Wessex over the whole of Mercia, East Anglia and Essex, conquering lands occupied by the Danes and bringing the residual autonomy of Mercia to an end in 918, after the death of his sister, Ethelfleda (Æðelflǣd). Ethelfleda's daughter, Aelfwinn, was named as her successor, but Edward deposed her, bringing Mercia under his direct control. He had already annexed the cities of London and Oxford and the surrounding lands of Oxfordshire and Middlesex in 911. By 918, all of the Danes south of the Humber had submitted to him. By the end of his reign, the Norse, the Scots and the Welsh had acknowledged him as "father and lord".[3] This recognition of Edward's overlordship in Scotland led to his successors' claims of suzerainty over that Kingdom.

Edward reorganized the Church in Wessex, creating new bishoprics at Ramsbury and Sonning, Wells and Crediton. Despite this, there is little indication that Edward was particularly religious. In fact, the Pope delivered a reprimand to him to pay more attention to his religious responsibilities.[4]

He died leading an army against a Cambro-Mercian rebellion, on 17 July 924 at Farndon-Upon-Dee and was buried in the New Minster in Winchester, Hampshire, which he himself had established in 901. After the Conquest, the minster was replaced by Hyde Abbey to the north of the city and King Edward's body was transferred there. His last resting place is currently marked by a cross-inscribed stone slab within the outline of the old abbey marked out in a public park.

The portrait included here is imaginary and was drawn together with portraits of other Anglo-Saxon monarchs by an unknown artist in the 18th century. Edward's eponym the Elder was first used in the 10th century, in Wulfstan's Life of St Æthelwold, to distinguish him from the later King Edward the Martyr.


Edward had four siblings, including Ethelfleda, Queen of the Mercians and Ælfthryth, Countess of Flanders .

King Edward had about fourteen children from three marriages, and may have had illegitimate children too.

Edward married (although the exact status of the union is uncertain) a young woman of low birth called Ecgwynn around 893, and they became the parents of the future King Athelstan and a daughter who married Sihtric, King of Dublin and York in 926. Nothing is known about Ecgwynn other than her name, which was not even recorded until after the Conquest. [5][6]

When he became king in 899, Edward set Ecgwynn aside and married Ælfflæd, a daughter of Æthelhelm, the ealdorman of Wiltshire. [7] Their son was the future king, Ælfweard, and their daughter Eadgyth married Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor. The couples other children included five more daughters: Edgiva aka Edgifu, whose first marriage was to Charles the Simple; Eadhild, who married Hugh the Great, Duke of Paris; Ælfgifu who married Conrad King of Burgundy; and two nuns Eadflæd and Eadhild. According to the entry on Boleslaus II of Bohemia, the daughter Adiva (referred to in the entry for Eadgyth) was his wife. A son, Edwin Ætheling who drowned in 933[8] was possibly Ælfflæd's child, but that is not clear.

Edward married for a third time, about 919, to Edgiva, aka Eadgifu,[7] the daughter of Sigehelm, the ealdorman of Kent. They had two sons who survived infancy, Edmund and Edred, and two daughters, one of whom was Saint Edburga of Winchester the other daughter, Eadgifu, married Louis d'Aveugle, King of Arles.

Eadgifu outlived her husband and her sons, and was alive during the reign of her grandson, King Edgar. William of Malmsbury's history De antiquitate Glastonie ecclesiae claims that Edward's second wife, Aelffaed, was also alive after Edward's death, but this is the only known source for that claim.


Edward the Elder (Old English: Ēadweard se Ieldra) (c. 874-7[1] – 17 July 924) was an English king. He became king in 899 upon the death of his father, Alfred the Great. His court was at Winchester, previously the capital of Wessex. He captured the eastern Midlands and East Anglia from the Danes in 917 and became ruler of Mercia in 918 upon the death of Æthelflæd, his sister.

All but two of his charters give his title as "king of the Anglo-Saxons" (Anglorum Saxonum rex).[2] He was the second king of the Anglo-Saxons as this title was created by Alfred.[2] Edward's coinage reads "EADVVEARD REX."[3] The chroniclers record that all England "accepted Edward as lord" in 920.[4] But the fact that York continued to produce its own coinage suggests that Edward's authority was not accepted in Northumbria.[5] Edward's eponym "the Elder" was first used in Wulfstan's Life of St Æthelwold (tenth century) to distinguish him from the later King Edward the Martyr.

Contents [hide]

1 Ætheling

2 Succession and early reign

3 Achievements

4 Family

5 Genealogy

6 Ancestry

7 References

8 Sources

9 External links

[edit] Ætheling

Of the five children born to Alfred and Ealhswith who survived infancy, Edward was the second-born and the elder son. Edward's birth cannot be certainly dated. His parents married in 868 and his eldest sibling Æthelflæd was born soon afterwards as she was herself married in 883. Edward was probably born rather later, in the 870s, and probably between 874 and 877.[6]

Asser's Life of King Alfred reports that Edward was educated at court together with his youngest sister Ælfthryth. His second sister, Æthelgifu, was intended for a life in religion from an early age, perhaps due to ill health, and was later abbess of Shaftesbury. The youngest sibling, Æthelweard, was educated at a court school where he learned Latin, which suggests that he too was intended for a religious life. Edward and Ælfthryth, however, while they learned the English of the day, received a courtly education, and Asser refers to their taking part in the "pursuits of this present life which are appropriate to the nobility".[7]

The first appearance of Edward in the sources is in 892, in a charter granting land at North Newnton, near Pewsey in Wiltshire, to ealdorman Æthelhelm, where he is called filius regis, the king's son.[8] Although he was the reigning king's elder son, Edward was not certain to succeed his father. Until the 890s, the obvious heirs to the throne were Edward's cousins Æthelwold and Æthelhelm, sons of Æthelred, Alfred's older brother and predecessor as king. Æthelwold and Æthelhelm were around ten years older than Edward. Æthelhelm disappears from view in the 890s, seemingly dead, but a charter probably from that decade shows Æthelwold witnessing before Edward, and the order of witnesses is generally believed to relate to their status.[9] As well as his greater age and experience, Æthelwold may have had another advantage over Edward where the succession was concerned. While Alfred's wife Ealhswith is never described as queen and was never crowned, Æthelwold and Æthelhelm's mother Wulfthryth was called queen.[10]

[edit] Succession and early reign

Silver brooch imitating a coin of Edward the Elder, c. 920, found in Rome, Italy. British Museum.When Alfred died, Edward's cousin Æthelwold, the son of King Æthelred of Wessex, rose up to claim the throne and began Æthelwold's Revolt. He seized Wimborne, in Dorset, where his father was buried, and Christchurch (then in Hampshire, now in Dorset). Edward marched to Badbury and offered battle, but Æthelwold refused to leave Wimborne. Just when it looked as if Edward was going to attack Wimborne, Æthelwold left in the night, and joined the Danes in Northumbria, where he was announced as King. In the meantime, Edward is alleged to have been crowned at Kingston upon Thames on 8 June 900 [11]

In 901, Æthelwold came with a fleet to Essex, and encouraged the Danes in East Anglia to rise up. In the following year, he attacked Cricklade and Braydon. Edward arrived with an army, and after several marches, the two sides met at the Battle of Holme. Æthelwold and King Eohric of the East Anglian Danes were killed in the battle.

Relations with the North proved problematic for Edward for several more years. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle mentions that he made peace with the East Anglian and Northumbrian Danes "of necessity". There is also a mention of the regaining of Chester in 907, which may be an indication that the city was taken in battle.[12]

In 909, Edward sent an army to harass Northumbria. In the following year, the Northumbrians retaliated by attacking Mercia, but they were met by the combined Mercian and West Saxon army at the Battle of Tettenhall, where the Northumbrian Danes were destroyed. From that point, they never raided south of the River Humber.

Edward then began the construction of a number of fortresses (burhs), at Hertford, Witham and Bridgnorth. He is also said to have built a fortress at Scergeat, but that location has not been identified. This series of fortresses kept the Danes at bay. Other forts were built at Tamworth, Stafford, Eddisbury and Warwick. These burhs were built to the same specifications (within centimetres) as those within the territory that his father had controlled; it has been suggested on this basis that Edward actually built them all.[13]

[edit] Achievements

Edward extended the control of Wessex over the whole of Mercia, East Anglia and Essex, conquering lands occupied by the Danes and bringing the residual autonomy of Mercia to an end in 918, after the death of his sister, Æthelflæd. Ætheflæd's daughter, Ælfwynn, was named as her successor, but Edward deposed her, bringing Mercia under his direct control. He had already annexed the cities of London and Oxford and the surrounding lands of Oxfordshire and Middlesex in 911. By 918, all of the Danes south of the Humber had submitted to him. By the end of his reign, the Norse, the Scots and the Welsh had acknowledged him as "father and lord".[14] This recognition of Edward's overlordship in Scotland led to his successors' claims of suzerainty over that Kingdom.

Edward reorganized the Church in Wessex, creating new bishoprics at Ramsbury and Sonning, Wells and Crediton. Despite this, there is little indication that Edward was particularly religious. In fact, the Pope delivered a reprimand to him to pay more attention to his religious responsibilities.[15]

He died leading an army against a Welsh-Mercian rebellion, on 17 July 924 at Farndon-Upon-Dee and was buried in the New Minster in Winchester, Hampshire, which he himself had established in 901. After the Norman Conquest, the minster was replaced by Hyde Abbey to the north of the city and Edward's body was transferred there. His last resting place is currently marked by a cross-inscribed stone slab within the outline of the old abbey marked out in a public park.

The portrait included here is imaginary and was drawn together with portraits of other Anglo-Saxon era monarchs by an unknown artist in the 18th century. Edward's eponym the Elder was first used in the 10th century, in Wulfstan's Life of St Æthelwold, to distinguish him from the later King Edward the Martyr.

[edit] Family

Edward had four siblings, including Æthelflæd, Lady of the Mercians, and Ælfthryth, Countess of Flanders.

King Edward had about fourteen children from three marriages, (or according to some sources, an extramarital relationship and two marriages).

Edward first married Ecgwynn around 893 and they became the parents of the future King Athelstan and a daughter who married Sihtric Cáech, King of Dublin and York in 926. Conflicting information about Ecgwynn is given by different sources, none of which pre-date the Conquest.[16][17]

When he became king in 899, Edward married Ælfflæd, a daughter of Æthelhelm, the ealdorman of Wiltshire.[18] Their son Ælfweard may have briefly succeeded his father, but died just over two weeks later and the two were buried together. Edward and Ælfflæd had six daughters: Eadgyth who married Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor; Eadgifu, whose first marriage was to Charles the Simple; Eadhild, who married Hugh the Great, Duke of Paris; Ælfgifu who married "a prince near the Alps", sometimes identified with Conrad of Burgundy or Boleslaus II of Bohemia; and two nuns Eadflæd and Eadhild. A son, Edwin Ætheling who drowned in 933[19] was possibly Ælfflæd's child, but that is not clear.

Edward married for a third time, about 919, to Eadgifu,[18] the daughter of Sigehelm, the ealdorman of Kent. They had two sons who survived infancy, Edmund and Eadred, and two daughters, one of whom was Saint Edburga of Winchester the other daughter, Eadgifu, married "Louis, Prince of Aquitaine", whose identity is disputed.

Eadgifu outlived her husband and her sons, and was alive during the reign of her grandson, King Edgar. William of Malmsbury's history De antiquitate Glastonie ecclesiae claims that Edward's second wife, Ælfflæd, was also alive after Edward's death, but this is the only known source for that claim.

[edit] Genealogy

For a more complete genealogy including ancestors and descendants, see House of Wessex family tree.

Diagram based on the information found on Wikipedia[edit] Ancestry

Ancestors of Edward the Elder[hide]

16. Ealhmund of Kent
8. Egbert of Wessex
4. Æthelwulf of Wessex
9. Redburga
2. Alfred the Great
10. Oslac
5. Osburga
1. Edward the Elder
6. Æthelred Mucil
3. Ealhswith
[edit] References

1.^ Barbara Yorke in Higham & Hill Eds, pp. 25-26

2.^ a b Simon Keynes in Higham & Hill Eds, p. 57.

3.^ Higham & Hill, p. 67

4.^ Higham & Hill, p. 206.

5.^ Higham & Hill, pp. 73, 206.

6.^ ODNB; Yorke.

7.^ ODNB; Yorke; Asser, c. 75.

8.^ ODNB; PASE; S 348; Yorke.

9.^ ODNB; S 356; Yorke.

10.^ Asser, c. 13; S 340; Yorke. Check Stafford, "King's wife".

11.^ "England: Anglo-Saxon Consecrations: 871-1066".

12.^ "Edward the Elder: Reconquest of the Southern Danelaw".

13.^ Was Alfred really that great? David Keys. BBC History magazine, January 2009 volume 10 no. 1 pages 10-11

14.^ "Edward the Elder: "Father and Lord" of the North".

15.^ "English Monarchs: Edward the Elder".

16.^ "Edward the Elder, king of the Anglo-Saxons".

17.^ Lappenberg, Johann; Benjamin Thorpe, translator (1845). A History of England Under the Anglo-Saxon Kings. J. Murray. pp. 98-99.

18.^ a b Lappenberg, Johann; Benjamin Thorpe, translator (1845). A History of England Under the Anglo-Saxon Kings. J. Murray. pp. 99.

19.^ Chart of Kings & Queens Of Great Britain (see References)

[edit] Sources

"England: Anglo-Saxon Consecrations: 871-1066".

"English Monarchs: Edward the Elder".

Higham, N.J. & Hill, D.H., Eds, Edward the Elder, 899–924, Routledge, 2001 ISBN 0-415-21497-1

Lappenberg, Johann; Benjamin Thorpe, translator (1845). A History of England Under the Anglo-Saxon Kings. J. Murray.

[edit] External links

The Laws of King Edward the Elder

Edward the Elder Coinage Regulations

Find A Grave: Edward the Elder

Preceded by

Alfred the Great King of the Anglo-Saxons

899–924 Succeeded by

Ælfweard in Wessex

Athelstan in Mercia

[hide]v • d • eEnglish monarchs

Kingdom of the


886–1066 Alfred the Great · Edward the Elder · Ælfweard · Athelstan the Glorious1 · Edmund the Magnificent1 · Eadred1 · Eadwig the Fair1 · Edgar the Peaceable1 · Edward the Martyr · Æthelred the Unready · Sweyn Forkbeard · Edmund Ironside · Cnut1 · Harold Harefoot · Harthacnut · Edward the Confessor · Harold Godwinson · Edgar the Ætheling

Kingdom of


1066–1649 William I · William II · Henry I · Stephen · Matilda · Henry II2 · Henry the Young King · Richard I · John2 · Henry III2 · Edward I2 · Edward II2 · Edward III2 · Richard II2 · Henry IV2 · Henry V2 · Henry VI2 · Edward IV2 · Edward V2 · Richard III2 · Henry VII2 · Henry VIII2 · Edward VI2 · Jane2 · Mary I2 with Philip2 · Elizabeth I2 · James I3 · Charles I3

Commonwealth of

England, Scotland and Ireland

1653–1659 Oliver Cromwell4 · Richard Cromwell4

Kingdom of


1660–1707 Charles II3 · James II3 · William III and Mary II3 · Anne3

1Overlord of Britain. 2Also ruler of Ireland. 3Also ruler of Scotland. 4Lord Protector.

Debatable or disputed rulers are in italics.


NAME Edward the Elder




PLACE OF BIRTH Wessex, England

DATE OF DEATH 17 July 924

PLACE OF DEATH Farndon-on-Dee, Cheshire England

Retrieved from ""

Categories: 870s births | 924 deaths | People from Hampshire | English monarchs | Anglo-Saxon monarchs | Anglo-Saxons killed in battle | 10th-century rulers in Europe | 9th-century rulers in Europe | 9th-century English people | 10th-century English people

Edward the Elder (Old English: Ēadweard se Ieldra) (c. 870 – 17 July 924) was King of England (899 – 924). He was the son of Alfred the Great (Ælfrēd se Grēata) and Alfred's wife, Ealhswith, and became King upon his father's death in 899.

He was king at a time when the Kingdom of Wessex was becoming transformed into the Kingdom of England. The title he normally used was "King of the Anglo-Saxons"; most authorities do regard him as a king of England, although the territory he ruled over was significantly smaller than the present borders of England.

Of the five children born to Alfred and Eahlswith who survived infancy, Edward was the second-born and the elder son. Edward's name was a new one among the West Saxon ruling family. His siblings were named for their father and other previous kings, but Edward was perhaps named for his maternal grandmother Eadburh, of Mercian origin and possibly a kinswoman of Mercian kings Coenwulf and Ceolwulf. Edward's birth cannot be certainly dated. His parents married in 868 and his eldest sibling Æthelflæd was born soon afterwards as she was herself married in 883. Edward was probably born rather later, in the 870s, and probably between 874 and 877.

Asser's Life of King Alfred reports that Edward was educated at court together with his youngest sister Ælfthryth. His second sister, Æthelgifu, was intended for a life in religion from an early age, perhaps due to ill health, and was later abbess of Shaftesbury. The youngest sibling, Æthelweard, was educated at a court school where he learned Latin, which suggests that he too was intended for a religious life. Edward and Ælfthryth, however, while they learned Old English, received a courtly education, and Asser refers to their taking part in the "pursuits of this present life which are appropriate to the nobility".

The first appearance of Edward, called filius regis, the king's son in the sources is in 892, in a charter granting land at North Newnton, near Pewsey in Wiltshire, to ealdorman Æthelhelm, where he is called filius regis, the king's son. Although he was the reigning king's elder son, Edward was not certain to succeed his father. Until the 890s, the obvious heirs to the throne were Edward's cousins Æthelwold and Æthelhelm, sons of Æthelred, Alfred's older brother and predecessor as king. Æthelwold and Æthelhelm were around ten years older than Edward. Æthelhelm disappears from view in the 890s, seemingly dead, but a charter probably from that decade shows Æthelwold witnessing before Edward, and the order of witnesses is generally believed to relate to their status. As well as his greater age and experience, Æthelwold may have had another advantage over Edward where the succession was concerned. While Alfred's wife Eahlswith is never described as queen and was never crowned, Æthelwold and Æthelhelm's mother Wulfthryth was called queen.

Became King in 899 upon the death of his father, Alfred the Great. All but two of his charters give his title as "king of the Anglo-Saxons" (Anglorum Saxonum red). He was the second king of the Anglo-Saxons as this title was created by Alfred.

Edward's cousin attempted to claim his throne and began Aethelwold's Revolt and the two sides met at the Battle of Holme. Aethelwold expired in battle.

Edward went on to conquer English lands occupied by the Danes. He died in battle leading an army against a Welsh-Mercian rebellion. His last resting place was moved after the Norman Conquest and is currently marked by a cross-inscribed stone slab within the outline of the old abbey marked out in a public park.


Edward succeeded his father in October 899; often repulsed the Danish Vikings; received the submission of Welsh and Scottish kings; was buried in the "New Minster" at Winchester. He unified most of England south of the Humber River. {See "Anglo-Saxon England," 3rd Ed., Frank M. Stenton, 1971.}

He acceded 31 MAY 900, Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey.

The reconquest of the area settled by the Vikings, the Danelaw, was

begun by Alfred's son and Heir. In this he was ably assissted by his

sister, aethelflaed, the "Lady of the Mercians".

The claim to be the first king of all England remains a matter of

some dispute. "All the people of Mercia who had been under allegiance to

Aethelflaed turned in submission to him. The kings of Wales, Hywel Clydog

and Idwal and all the people of Wales, gave him their allegiance... and

then the king of the Scots and the whole Scottish nation accepted him as

'Father and Lord"; so also did... all the inhabitants of Northumbria,

both English and Danish, Norwegians and all others; together with the

king of the Strathcylde Welsh and all his subjects."

Edward the Elder was the second son of Alfred the Great and was born about 871. His elder brother, Edmund, apparently died in infancy, though one tradition asserts he lived long enough to be crowned as heir apparent. In any case, the choice of his first two sons' names demonstrate Alfred's hopes for them. Both names mean 11 protector" (mund) or "guardian" (ward) of "riches", showing that Alfred hoped his sons would guard the prosperity of the nation for the future. Edward grew up firmly believing this. He was a soldier from childhood, not a scholar like his father and grandfather, and he knew, once his brother died, that it was in his hands that the future of the nation rested. He was a child throughout the wars that his father waged with the Danes, and they would have left a vivid impression on his mind. When the Danish problems arose again in 892 and 893 he commanded part of the army that captured the raiders. The Saxons were therefore already accustomed to him as their leader. However, after his father's death his succession did not go unchallenged. His nephew, Athelwold, the son of Athelred, was dissatisfied with the terms of Alfred's will and felt dispossessed. He seized Wimborne manor and, though he was soon chased out of Wessex, he was accepted by the Danes and Angles of York as their leader and subsequently led a revolt amongst the Danes of East Anglia. He remained a thorn in Edward's side until he was defeated and killed in 902, after which Edward was able to seal a peace treaty with the Danes of the east. However the Danes of the north still defied Edward's sovereignty, ruling jorvik as a separate Danish kingdom. Throughout 909 the Danes tested Edward's resolve with a number of border raids and skirmishes, and eventually Edward moved against them, raising a vast army. Edward harried Northumbria with little result. The following year he was tricked by the Danish fleet moving down the east coast, while the main Danish army moved across Northumbria and down into Mercia. Edward realised his error and chased the Danes, catching them at Tettenhall in August 910, where he inflicted upon them one of their most crushing defeats, resulting in the deaths of the two Danish kings Halfdan and Eowils. It was the end of the Danish hold on Jorvik, although soon after the Norse under Ragnall moved in.

The Norse had been expelled from Dublin in 902 and were now landless. They first caused a nuisance in Wales and Scotland, but by 9 1 0 had become bold enough to enter Northumbria, and no sooner had Edward defeated one foe than another arrived. Rather than take them on instantly, Edward decided to work on one plan at a time. Since 905 Edward had been refortifying England. He rebuilt Chester and, along with his sister, Athelfled of Mercia, established a chain of fortified towns along the border with the Danelaw, including Runcorn, Tamworth, Stafford, Warwick, down to Hertford and over to Witham in Essex. Even before these forts were finished Edward was able to use them as a base to defeat a major Danish army which moved across England into Wales in 914, but no matter where the army tried to inflict major destruction, Edward was there, and the army eventually moved out of Britain at the end of the year' Most of the forts were completed by 915, and Edward progressively advanced into Danish territory. The Danes responded and from 916 on a series of skirmishes occurred across middle England. In almost all cases the English were victorious, with major successes at Leicester, Nottingham and Bedford. Early on the Danish king, Guthrum II ,was killed, and thereafter there was no coordinated strategy from the Danes. Edward was able to pick off small bands of men one at a time. Eventually the Danes submitted. The year 920 saw the Danes of East Anglia and the Five Boroughs submitting to him.

In 918, during the war with the Danes, Athelfloed had died, and though her daughter Elfwynn technically succeeded, Edward could not consider a young girl in charge during such a difficult period. Thus in 919 he assumed direct control over Mercia. With similar authority over the Danes of the east midlands, Edward now ruled over half of England. The Welsh princes, Idwal Foel, Clydog Ap Cadell and Hywel Dda, submitted to him, recognizing Edward as their overlord, for all that they remained sovereign princes. Even in the north, Edward's authority was recognized, though this was rather more tenuous. Ragnall of York had tried to goad the Danes into further revolt but by 920 they recognized that Edward was the victor. Ragnall realised his subterfuge would not succeed and recognized Edward as overlord; but his successor, Sitric, did not. This must have alarmed Constantine II of Scotland and Donald Mac Aed of Strathclyde, both of whom had suffered from the Norse and now felt that they needed Edward's protection by acknowledging his supremacy. Thus, by the year 922, Edward was overlord of all of Britain except for the Norse settlements of York, Orkney and the Western Isles. It was a remarkable achievement for a man whose boyhood had been spent in hiding from the Danes. Edward was a fitting son of Alfred and it was important that a strong king followed him to maintain and build upon his successes. Athelstan was such a king.
Edward was married at least three times, though the legitimacy of the first is in question. Of his many children, most were daughters, but of the sons who survived him, all of them - Edwin, Elfweard, Athelstan, Edmund and Eadred – succeeded him in some form within the kingdom.
References: [AR7],[RFC],[Weis1],[WallopFH],[Moncreiffe], [Paget1]

Edward was the eldest son of King Alfred the Great and Queen Elswith. At the age of twenty-two, he appears to have married a noblewoman named Egwina, though the wedding may have been uncanonical and was not recognized in some quarters. They had three or four children. At the same time, Edward was already active in his father's campaigns against the Vikings and towards the end of Alfred's reign, he was probably appointed Sub-King of Kent.

Edward's path to the throne was not altogether smooth. Upon his father's death in AD 899, a rebellion broke out in favour of Edward's cousin, Aethelwold, the son of the late King Aethelred I. Failing to secure Wessex, this prince went north and found support from the people of the Norse Kingdom of York, where he was proclaimed King. With the help of the East Anglians, he subsequently attacked both Mercia and Wessex but was killed at the Battle of Holme (Essex) in AD 902. Around the same time, the King married for a second time to Aelflaed the daughter Ealdorman Aethelhelm of Wiltshire. They had eight children together. Four years later, Edward made peace with the Northerners at Tiddingford in Bedfordshire; but by AD 909, he took on a more aggressive stance by raiding the North-West. The following year, a joint Mercian and West Saxon army marched north and defeated the Northern Vikings so completely at Tettenhall (Staffordshire) that they subsequently felt it best to remain within their borders. King Edward was then able to concentrate his attentions on the Danes of East Anglia and the Five Boroughs (of the East Midlands). With the help of his sister, the formidable Lady Aethelflaed of Mercia, the next eight years saw a prolonged campaign aimed at pushing the boundaries of Wessex and Mercia northwards. This was largely achieved through the extension of King Alfred's old policy of building defensive burghs across the country, as recorded in the 'Burghal Hidage'. They were both places of refuge in time of attack and garrisoned strongholds from which assaults could be launched.

After Aethelflaed's death in AD 918, Edward was able to take advantage of his niece Aelfwinn's minority and brought Mercia under direct Wessex control. Two years later, the Kings of the north - including Sigtrygg Caech (the Squinty) of Norse York, Constantine II of the Scots and Donald mac Aed of Strathclyde - met Edward at Bakewell and also finally recognised his overlordship. At the time of his third marriage, to Edith daughter of Ealdorman Sigehelm of Kent, therefore King Edward was in a strong position. Holding his territories together was not easy, however, and revolts against Edward's rule continued. In AD 924, he was forced to lead an army north once more to put down a Cambro-Mercian rebellion in Cheshire. He died at Farndon-upon-Dee in that county on 17th July.

Edward's body was taken south to the reduced diocese of Winchester for burial - he had sub-divided the West Saxon sees in AD 909, creating new Bishops of Ramsbury & Sonning, Wells and Crediton. The King was interred at the family mausoleum, his own foundation (AD 901) of New Minster in the centre Winchester, and was succeeded by his sons, Aelfweard and Aethelstan.

Edward the Elder

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Edward the Elder

King of the Anglo-Saxons

Reign 26 October 899 – 17 July 924

Coronation 8 June 900, Kingston upon Thames

Predecessor Alfred the Great

Successor Athelstan of England and/or Ælfweard of Wessex

Spouse Ecgwynn, Ælfflæd, and Eadgifu

Father Alfred the Great

Mother Ealhswith

Born c.874-77

Wantage, Wessex, England

Died 17 July 924

Farndon-on-Dee, Cheshire England

Burial New Minster, Winchester, later translated to Hyde Abbey

Edward the Elder (Old English: Ēadweard se Ieldra) (c. 874-7[1] – 17 July 924) was an English king. He became king in 899 upon the death of his father, Alfred the Great. His court was at Winchester, previously the capital of Wessex. He captured the eastern Midlands and East Anglia from the Danes in 917 and became ruler of Mercia in 918 upon the death of Æthelflæd, his sister.

All but two of his charters give his title as "king of the Anglo-Saxons" (Anglorum Saxonum rex).[2] He was the second king of the Anglo-Saxons as this title was created by Alfred.[2] Edward's coinage reads "EADVVEARD REX."[3] The chroniclers record that all England "accepted Edward as lord" in 920.[4] But the fact that York continued to produce its own coinage suggests that Edward's authority was not accepted in Northumbria.[5] Edward's eponym "the Elder" was first used in Wulfstan's Life of St Æthelwold (tenth century) to distinguish him from the later King Edward the Martyr.



* 1 Ætheling
* 2 Succession and early reign
* 3 Achievements
* 4 Family
* 5 Genealogy
* 6 Ancestry
* 7 References
* 8 Sources
* 9 External links
[edit] Ætheling

Of the five children born to Alfred and Ealhswith who survived infancy, Edward was the second-born and the elder son. Edward's birth cannot be certainly dated. His parents married in 868 and his eldest sibling Æthelflæd was born soon afterwards as she was herself married in 883. Edward was probably born rather later, in the 870s, and probably between 874 and 877.[6]

Asser's Life of King Alfred reports that Edward was educated at court together with his youngest sister Ælfthryth. His second sister, Æthelgifu, was intended for a life in religion from an early age, perhaps due to ill health, and was later abbess of Shaftesbury. The youngest sibling, Æthelweard, was educated at a court school where he learned Latin, which suggests that he too was intended for a religious life. Edward and Ælfthryth, however, while they learned the English of the day, received a courtly education, and Asser refers to their taking part in the "pursuits of this present life which are appropriate to the nobility".[7]

The first appearance of Edward in the sources is in 892, in a charter granting land at North Newnton, near Pewsey in Wiltshire, to ealdorman Æthelhelm, where he is called filius regis, the king's son.[8] Although he was the reigning king's elder son, Edward was not certain to succeed his father. Until the 890s, the obvious heirs to the throne were Edward's cousins Æthelwold and Æthelhelm, sons of Æthelred, Alfred's older brother and predecessor as king. Æthelwold and Æthelhelm were around ten years older than Edward. Æthelhelm disappears from view in the 890s, seemingly dead, but a charter probably from that decade shows Æthelwold witnessing before Edward, and the order of witnesses is generally believed to relate to their status.[9] As well as his greater age and experience, Æthelwold may have had another advantage over Edward where the succession was concerned. While Alfred's wife Ealhswith is never described as queen and was never crowned, Æthelwold and Æthelhelm's mother Wulfthryth was called queen.[10]

[edit] Succession and early reign

Silver brooch imitating a coin of Edward the Elder, c. 920, found in Rome, Italy. British Museum.

When Alfred died, Edward's cousin Æthelwold, the son of King Æthelred of Wessex, rose up to claim the throne and began Æthelwold's Revolt. He seized Wimborne, in Dorset, where his father was buried, and Christchurch (then in Hampshire, now in Dorset). Edward marched to Badbury and offered battle, but Æthelwold refused to leave Wimborne. Just when it looked as if Edward was going to attack Wimborne, Æthelwold left in the night, and joined the Danes in Northumbria, where he was announced as King. In the meantime, Edward is alleged to have been crowned at Kingston upon Thames on 8 June 900 [11]

In 901, Æthelwold came with a fleet to Essex, and encouraged the Danes in East Anglia to rise up. In the following year he attacked English Mercia and northern Wessex. Edward retaliated by ravaging East Anglia, but when he retreated south the men of Kent disobeyed the order to retire, and were intercepted by the Danish army. The two sides met at the Battle of the Holme on 13 December 902. According to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, the Danes "kept the place of slaughter", but they suffered heavy losses, including Æthelwold and a King Eohric, possibly of the East Anglian Danes.[12]

Relations with the North proved problematic for Edward for several more years. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle mentions that he made peace with the East Anglian and Northumbrian Danes "of necessity". There is also a mention of the regaining of Chester in 907, which may be an indication that the city was taken in battle.[13]

In 909, Edward sent an army to harass Northumbria. In the following year, the Northumbrians retaliated by attacking Mercia, but they were met by the combined Mercian and West Saxon army at the Battle of Tettenhall, where the Northumbrian Danes were destroyed. From that point, they never raided south of the River Humber.

Edward then began the construction of a number of fortresses (burhs), at Hertford, Witham and Bridgnorth. He is also said to have built a fortress at Scergeat, but that location has not been identified. This series of fortresses kept the Danes at bay. Other forts were built at Tamworth, Stafford, Eddisbury and Warwick. These burhs were built to the same specifications (within centimetres) as those within the territory that his father had controlled; it has been suggested on this basis that Edward actually built them all.[14]

[edit] Achievements

Edward extended the control of Wessex over the whole of Mercia, East Anglia and Essex, conquering lands occupied by the Danes and bringing the residual autonomy of Mercia to an end in 918, after the death of his sister, Æthelflæd. Ætheflæd's daughter, Ælfwynn, was named as her successor, but Edward deposed her, bringing Mercia under his direct control. He had already annexed the cities of London and Oxford and the surrounding lands of Oxfordshire and Middlesex in 911. By 918, all of the Danes south of the Humber had submitted to him. By the end of his reign, the Norse, the Scots and the Welsh had acknowledged him as "father and lord".[15] This recognition of Edward's overlordship in Scotland led to his successors' claims of suzerainty over that Kingdom.

Edward reorganized the Church in Wessex, creating new bishoprics at Ramsbury and Sonning, Wells and Crediton. Despite this, there is little indication that Edward was particularly religious. In fact, the Pope delivered a reprimand to him to pay more attention to his religious responsibilities.[16]

He died leading an army against a Welsh-Mercian rebellion, on 17 July 924 at Farndon-Upon-Dee and was buried in the New Minster in Winchester, Hampshire, which he himself had established in 901. After the Norman Conquest, the minster was replaced by Hyde Abbey to the north of the city and Edward's body was transferred there. His last resting place is currently marked by a cross-inscribed stone slab within the outline of the old abbey marked out in a public park.

The portrait included here is imaginary and was drawn together with portraits of other Anglo-Saxon era monarchs by an unknown artist in the 18th century. Edward's eponym the Elder was first used in the 10th century, in Wulfstan's Life of St Æthelwold, to distinguish him from the later King Edward the Martyr.

[edit] Family

Edward had four siblings, including Æthelflæd, Lady of the Mercians, and Ælfthryth, Countess of Flanders.

King Edward had about fourteen children from three marriages, (or according to some sources, an extramarital relationship and two marriages).

Edward first married Ecgwynn around 893 and they became the parents of the future King Athelstan and a daughter who married Sihtric Cáech, King of Dublin and York in 926. Conflicting information about Ecgwynn is given by different sources, none of which pre-date the Conquest.[17][18]

When he became king in 899, Edward married Ælfflæd, a daughter of Æthelhelm, the ealdorman of Wiltshire.[19] Their son Ælfweard may have briefly succeeded his father, but died just over two weeks later and the two were buried together. Edward and Ælfflæd had six daughters: Eadgyth who married Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor; Eadgifu, married to Charles the Simple; Eadhild, who married Hugh the Great, Duke of Paris; Ælfgifu who married "a prince near the Alps", sometimes identified with Conrad of Burgundy or Boleslaus II of Bohemia; and two nuns Eadflæd and Eadhild. A son, Edwin Ætheling who drowned in 933[20] was possibly Ælfflæd's child, but that is not clear.

Edward married for a third time, about 919, to Eadgifu,[19] the daughter of Sigehelm, the ealdorman of Kent. They had two sons who survived infancy, Edmund and Eadred, and two daughters, one of whom was Saint Edburga of Winchester the other daughter, Eadgifu, married "Louis, Prince of Aquitaine", whose identity is disputed.

Eadgifu outlived her husband and her sons, and was alive during the reign of her grandson, King Edgar. William of Malmsbury's history De antiquitate Glastonie ecclesiae claims that Edward's second wife, Ælfflæd, was also alive after Edward's death, but this is the only known source for that claim.


1. ^ Barbara Yorke in Higham & Hill Eds, pp. 25-26
2. ^ a b Simon Keynes in Higham & Hill Eds, p. 57.
3. ^ Higham & Hill, p. 67
4. ^ Higham & Hill, p. 206.
5. ^ Higham & Hill, pp. 73, 206.
6. ^ ODNB; Yorke.
7. ^ ODNB; Yorke; Asser, c. 75.
8. ^ ODNB; PASE; S 348; Yorke.
9. ^ ODNB; S 356; Yorke.
10. ^ Asser, c. 13; S 340; Yorke. Check Stafford, "King's wife".
11. ^ "England: Anglo-Saxon Consecrations: 871-1066".
12. ^ Frank Stenton, Anglo-Saxon England, Oxford University Press, 1971, pp. 321-2; Bernard Cornwell, Æthelwold of Wessex: King of the Pagans
13. ^ "Edward the Elder: Reconquest of the Southern Danelaw".
14. ^ Was Alfred really that great? David Keys. BBC History magazine, January 2009 volume 10 no. 1 pages 10-11
15. ^ "Edward the Elder: "Father and Lord" of the North".
16. ^ "English Monarchs: Edward the Elder".
17. ^ "Edward the Elder, king of the Anglo-Saxons".
18. ^ Lappenberg, Johann; Benjamin Thorpe, translator (1845). A History of England Under the Anglo-Saxon Kings. J. Murray. pp. 98-99.
19. ^ a b Lappenberg, Johann; Benjamin Thorpe, translator (1845). A History of England Under the Anglo-Saxon Kings. J. Murray. pp. 99.
20. ^ Chart of Kings & Queens Of Great Britain (see References)
[edit] Sources

* "England: Anglo-Saxon Consecrations: 871-1066".
* "English Monarchs: Edward the Elder".
* Higham, N.J. & Hill, D.H., Eds, Edward the Elder, 899–924, Routledge, 2001 ISBN 0-415-21497-1
* Lappenberg, Johann; Benjamin Thorpe, translator (1845). A History of England Under the Anglo-Saxon Kings. J. Murray.
[edit] External links

* The Laws of King Edward the Elder
* Edward the Elder Coinage Regulations
* Find A Grave: Edward the Elder
This page was last modified on 25 July 2010 at 19:12.

Eduard der Ältere

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Eduard der Ältere (* um 871; † 17. Juli 924) war König von Wessex von 899 bis 924.

Leben [Bearbeiten]

Er war der zweitälteste Sohn und Nachfolger seines Vaters Alfred des Großen, da sein älterer Bruder Edmund vor 899 gestorben war.

Unmittelbar nach seinem Regierungsantritt (899) wurde er von seinem Vetter Æthelwold bedroht, der seinerseits den Thron von Wessex beanspruchte und von den Dänen im Norden unterstützt wurde. Im Jahre 904 besiegte Eduard diesen Feind in einer Schlacht endgültig.

Über die Regierungszeit Eduards ist nicht viel bekannt, weil zu wenig Quellen überliefert sind. So fehlen beispielsweise alle königlichen Urkunden der Jahre 909 bis 921. Zwischen 907 und 920 organisierten Eduard und seine Schwester Æthelflæd den Kampf gegen die Dänen im Norden Englands. 910 brachte er den Dänen in der Schlacht bei Tettenhall eine schwere Niederlage bei, konnte mit dem Ausbau seines Herrschaftsgebietes beginnen und schließlich die angelsächsischen Königtümer im Süden Humbriens der dänischen Herrschaft entreißen. Durch den Bau von Burgen drängte er die Dänen bis 918 hinter den Fluss Humber zurück.

Zwar kontrollierte Eduard bis 920 Wessex, Mercia und auch den Norden bis zum Humber, doch König von ganz England, wie es sein Vater war, wurde Eduard niemals offiziell.

Familie [Bearbeiten]

In erster Ehe war er mit Egwina († 901/2), der Tochter eines Adeligen aus Wessex verheiratet. Mit ihr hatte er folgende Kinder:

* Æthelstan (König von England)
* Alfred († sehr jung)
* St. Edith (* um 900; † nach 927 in Tamworth) ∞ 30. Januar 925/926, Sihtric Caoch, König von Northumbria († 927); seit 927 Äbtissin von Tamworth.
In zweiter Ehe heiratete er 901/902 Elfleda († 920), die Tochter des Grafen Ethelhelm. Mit ihr hatte er folgende Kinder:

* Edwin († 933), Unterkönig von Kent
* Elfweard († 1. August 924 in Oxford ), König von England (17. Juli - 1. August 924)
* Edfleda, Nonne in Winchester
* Edgiva (Eadgifu, Ogive; * um 905; † 953) ∞ 1) 918/919, König Karl III. von Westfranken (* 879; † 929); ∞ 2) 951, Heribert Graf von Meaux und Troyes (* um 910; † 980/984).
* Edhilda (* etwa 907/910´; † 26. Januar 937) ∞ 926/927, Hugo der Große, Herzog von Franzien und Graf von Paris (* um 895; † 956).
* Editha (* um 910/913; † 946/947) ∞ 930, Otto I., König des Ostfrankenreichs (* 912; † 973)
* Elgiva († 1005) ∞ Herzog Boleslav II. von Böhmen († 999)
* Ethelfleda, Äbtissin von Romsey Abbey
* Ethelhilda, Nonne in Romsey Abbey
In dritter Ehe heiratete er um 920 Edgiva (* um 905; † 25. August 968), die Tochter des Grafen Sigehelm von Kent. Mit ihr hatte er folgende Kinder:

* Edmund I. (König von England)
* Eadred (König von England)
* St. Edburga (* um 922; † 15. Juni 960), Nonne in Nunnaminster
* Edgiva (* um 923) ∞ entweder Ludwig III., König von Provence (* etwa 880; † 5. Juni 928) oder Ebehard, Graf auf dem Nordgau († etwa 960)
Eduard hatte zudem min

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Eadred, king of the English


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