lunes, 20 de enero de 2020

Casas Juan De Las (1375) ★ Ref: CC-478 |•••► #España #Genealogía #Genealogy

16° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de:
Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo

 (Linea Materna)
Juan de Las Casas is your 16th great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Morella Álamo Borges
your mother → Belén Borges Ustáriz
her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna
her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesus Uztáriz y Monserrate
her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra
his mother → Maria Manuela Ibarra y Galindo
her mother → Andres Eugenio Rafael Ibarra é Ibarra
her father → Juan Julián de Ibarra y Herrera
his father → Antonia Nicolasa Sarmiento de Herrera y Loaisa
his mother → Juan Sarmiento de Herrera y Fernández Pacheco, Alférez Mayor
her father → Agustín Herrera de Sarmiento y Rojas de Ayala
his father → María de Herrera y Peraza de Ayala
his mother → Hernán Peraza de Umpiérrez
her father → Juan Peraza de Ayala Herrera y Lasso de la Vega
his father → Pedro García de Herrera y Peraza, Señor de El Hierro
his father → Inês Peraza de Las Casas, Senhora das Ilhas da Canárias
his mother → Inês de Las Casas e Bettencourt, VIII Rainha de Canarias
her mother → Juan de Las Casas
her fatherConsistency CheckShow short path | Share this path
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Guillien de Las Casas, I 
Spanish: Juan de las Casas o Casaus, I
Gender: Male
Birth: circa 1375
Death: 1445 (65-75)
Immediate Family:
Son of Guillén de las Casas Gonzalez, II and Isabel De Creux
Husband of Inês de Bettencourt, I; Sancha Dorta and Isabel González Mexía
Father of Inês de Las Casas e Bettencourt, VIII Rainha de Canarias and Juan II de las Casas
Brother of Guillén III de las Casas Creux and Alberto de las Casas
Added by: Toda Ermigues on October 20, 2008
Managed by: Doctor Leopoldo José Briceño-Iragorry Calcaño, MD and 8 others
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Isabel González Mexía

Sancha Dorta

Juan II de las Casas

Inês de Bettencourt, I

Inês de Las Casas e Bettencourt...

Isabel De Creux

Guillén de las Casas Gonzalez, II

Guillén III de las Casas Creux

Alberto de las Casas



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