jueves, 18 de enero de 2024

Guglielmo the Pagan, conte di Torresana & signore del Monferrato ★Bisabuelo n°26P★ Ref: Gt-0903 |•••► #ITALIA 🏆🇮🇹★ #Genealogía #Genealogy

 26 ° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Guglielmo the Pagan, conte di Torresana & signore del Monferrato is your 26th great grandfather.


(Linea Paterna)
Guglielmo the Pagan, conte di Torresana & signore del Monferrato is your 26th great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Dr Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna
your father → Elena Cecilia Lecuna Escobar
his mother → María Elena de la Concepción Escobar Llamosas
her mother → Cecilia Cayetana de la Merced Llamosas Vaamonde de Escobar
her mother → Cipriano Fernando de Las Llamosas y García
her father → José Lorenzo Llamosas Silva
his father → Joseph Julián Llamosas Ranero
his father → Manuel Llamosas y Requecens
his father → Isabel de Requesens
his mother → Luis de Requeséns y Zúñiga, Virrey de Holanda
her father → D. Estefania de Requesens, III Condesa de Palamós
his mother → Hipòlita Roís de Liori i de Montcada
her mother → Beatriz de Montcada i de Vilaragut
her mother → Pedro de Montcada i de Luna, Señor de Villamarchante
her father → Elfa de Luna y de Xèrica
his mother → Pedro Martínez de Luna y Saluzzo, señor de Almonacid y Pola
her father → Marchesa di Saluzzo
his mother → Filippo di Saluzzo, governor of Sardinia
her father → Aloisia di Saluzzo
his mother → María di Saluzzo
her mother → Manfred II del Vasto, marquess of Saluzzo
her father → Manfredo I del Vasto, marchese di Saluzzo
his father → Bonifacio "del Vasto", marchese di Savona e della Liguria Occidentale
his father → Oddone 'Teuto' , marchese di Savona
his father → Anselmo ll, marchese di Tortona
his father → Anselmo I, marchese della Liguria Orientale
his father → Aleram, 1st marquis of Montferrat
his father → Guglielmo "the Pagan", conte di Torresana & signore del Monferrato
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Guglielmo "the Pagan", conte di Torresana & signore del Monferrato 
Gender: Male
Birth: estimated between 875 and 903 
Death: between 924 and 933
Savona, Italy
Immediate Family:
Son of Aliverto de Montferrat
Husband of .... ....
Father of Aleram, 1st marquis of Montferrat 

Added by: François-Régis Allouis on September 24, 2007
Managed by: Peter Alan Dutton, Jr. and 17 others
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Most sources say documentary evidence is lacking for the parents of Guglielmo
No serious trace of the nickname used in plebiscite only by every DIY online. But Wiki mention he "of Salic law" (*which is not inspired by Christian culture) [ "the Pagan" = perspicacious poetic license?]

3. GUGLIELMO, son of ---. Comes. Maybe of Frankish origin. 961/967.
m ---. The name of Guglielmo's wife is not known. Guglielmo & his wife had one child:
a) ALERAMO (-[967/91]). .... ...

Guiglielmo "the Pagan" di Torresana, fl. about 880-925. He was a Frank or Burgundian who came to Italy at the time of the contest between the houses of Friuli and Spoleto. He became Count of Torresana, Signiore di Monferrato (Montferrat), and a great lord in the Piedmont and Liguria.

William I (floruit 921) stands at the head of the Aleramici family which ruled Montferrat for four centuries. He was the father of the first Marquess Aleram.

According to the Gesta Berengarii Imperatoris, William was a Frank who crossed the Alps leading 300 armed retainers in 888–889 to fight alongside Guy III of Spoleto against Berengar of Friuli for the Iron Crown of Lombardy. He apparently established himself in northwestern Italy, probably supported by Guy, where he eventually received the title of comes. It is also probable that he gave his support to Berengar after Guy's death, for he appears, in 921, along with Lambert, Archbishop of Milan, and two other counts, Giselbert and Samson, as dilectissimi fideles of the Emperor. The counts were also cited as illustres comites. They stood opposed to Adalbert of Ivrea and others in rebellion against Berengar.

William transferred his allegiance again following the death of Berengar. He appears for the last time alive in 924, intervening on behalf of the bishop of Piacenza with Rudolf II of Burgundy, a claimant for the Italian crown. Never again does he appear in history and a diploma of his son's dating to around 933 fixes his death sometime between those two years (924 – 933). Nonetheless, some, including 18th-century historian Malaspina and 20th-century historians Usseglio and Cognasso (writing in 1960), consider him to have been alive in 961, based on a faulty reading and interpretation of the foundation charter of the monastery of Grazzano, founded that year by Aleram and his family.

Various legendary assertions about his Saxon and Kentish origins and the origins of his wife have been met by the definitive Dizionario Biografico with the pronouncement: Ma tali asserzioni non sono ancora state seriamente coinprovate da documenti: "But such assertions are not yet seriously backed up by the documents."

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Aleram, 1st marquis of Montferrat

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Aliverto de Montferrat


Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.



✺- 903→Los árabes conquistan Menorca y la anexionan al Califato de Córdoba→
→Los vikingos invaden Inglaterra→
→León V sucede a Benedicto IV como papa→
7 de diciembre - Abd Al-Rahman Al Sufi, astrónomo persa→
26 de marzo - Sugawara no Michizane, poeta y erudito japonés, célebre como poeta en su época, que a su muerte fue deificado como kami de la sabiduría (nació en 845

✺- 913→Landón sucede a Anastasio III como papa→
→Primera incursió de los rus en el mar Caspio a gran escala→
→Zhu Zhen empieza su periodo como emperador de China→
→Constantino VII llega a ser emperador bizantino tras la muerte de Alejandro III→
→Se consagra el Monasterio de San Miguel de Escalada de León (España)→
→Oveco es nombrado obispo de Oviedo→
Isma'il al-Mansur Bi-Nasrillah, tercer califa fatimí en Ifriqiya→
→Teobaldo I de Blois, primer conde de Blois, Chartres y Châteaudun→
→Gerberga de Sajonia (fecha imprecisa por falta de fuentes documentales)→
Papa Anastasio III→
→Alejandro III (emperador de Bizancio)→
→Nunilo Jimena, reina consorte de Asturias (la fecha es imprecisa por falta de fuentes documentales

✺- 923→15 de junio - Batalla de Soissons: el rey Roberto I de Francia es asesinado, y el rey Carlos el Simple es arrestado por seguidores del duque Raúl de Borgoña→
→La Dinastía Liang posterior cae ante la Dinastía Tang posterior en China→
Fujiwara no Nakafumi, poeta y cortesano japonés→
→24 de julio - Emperador Suzaku de Japón→
Roberto I de Francia
Taira no Sadafumi, poeta y cortesano japonés
Al-Tabari, historiador persa→
→Zhu Zhen, emperador de la dinastía Liang posterior→
→27 de agosto: Ageltruda, reina consorte de Italia y del Sacro Imperio Germánico

✺- 933→Incorporación de las Islas del Canal al ducado de Normandía→
Alfonso IV de León, rey de León. Hijo del rey Ordoño II de León y de la reina Elvira Menéndez→
→Harald I, rey de Noruega

✺- 943→Ígor de Kiev se alía con los pechenegos para un ataque al Imperio bizantino→
Edgar el Pacífico, rey de Inglaterra→
Ermengol de Osona, infante de Barcelona

✺- 953→Galicia - Aceifa contra Galicia dirigida por los generales Ahmad ben Ya `la y Galib→
→Cardeña (España). Sus 200 monjes fueron martirizados por los musulmanes y canonizados en 1603

✺- 963→Fundación del Monasterio de la Gran Laura en el Monte Athos, Grecia→
11 de abril: Ricardo II de Normandía, Duque de Normandía→
→Elgiva de York, noble inglesa→
Romano II, emperador bizantino

✺- 973→19 de enero: en Roma (Italia), tras la muerte del papa Juan XIII, Benedicto VI es elegido papa (134.º) de la Iglesia católica→
→En Egipto, los fatimíes mudan su capital a El Cairo→
→En Inglaterra, el abad Dunstán (909-988) corona rey a Edgar el Pacífico→
→Inglaterra cede la región de Lothian a Escocia a cambio de la lealtad del rey escocés Kenneth II→
→Otón II se convierte en sacro emperador romano→
15 de septiembre: Al-Biruni astrónomo, farmacéutico, físico, filósofo, historiador, matemático y viajero uzbeko→
7 de mayo: Otón I (60 años), rey franco oriental (entre 936 y 973) y emperador romano germánico entre 962 y 973 (n. 912


Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.


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