Familia Urdaneta y sus parientes. Parentescos Consanguíneos, por afinidad y políticos.
lunes, 4 de mayo de 2020
Pedro I duque da Cantábria ★Bisabuelo n°27M★ Ref: PI-0680 |•••► #ESPAÑA 🏆🇪🇸★ #Genealogía #Genealogy
Princesa Ximena Fruelaz de Asturias Infanta ★ Ref: FM-865 |•••► #ESPAÑA 🏆🇪🇸★ #Genealogía #Genealogy
24 ° Bisabuela/ Great Grandmother de:
Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo
(Linea Materna)
Princesa Ximena Fruelaz de Asturias, Infanta is your 24th great grandmother.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→ Morella Álamo Borges
your mother → Belén Borges Ustáriz
her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna
her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesus Uztáriz y Monserrate
her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra
his mother → Teniente Coronel Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina
her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza
his mother → Andrés Manuel Ortiz de Urbina y Landaeta, I Marqués de Torrecasa
her father → Manuel Ortiz de Urbina y Márquez de Cañizares
his father → Manuel de Ortiz de Urbina y Suárez
his father → Juan Ortíz de Urbina y Eguíluz
his father → Martín Ortíz de Urbina
his father → Pedro Ortiz de Urbina
his father → Ortún Díaz de Urbina
his father → Diego López
his father → Diego I el Blanco López, III señor de Vizcaya
his father → Lope Díaz Íñiguez, II señor de Vizcaya, IV Conde de Viscaya
his father → Toda Fortúnez
his mother → Fortún Sánchez, señor de Nájera
her father → Sancho López
his father → Nuña Fernández de Castilla
his mother → Gonzalo Núñez, II Juez de Castilla
her father → Nuño Rasura Núñez
his father → Munio Belchides, Señor de Amaya
his father → Bernardo Sanchez del Carpio
his father → Princesa Ximena Fruelaz de Asturias, Infanta
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Princesa Ximena Fruelaz de Asturias, Infanta
Gender: Female
Birth: estimated between 745 and 793
Immediate Family:
Daughter of Fruela I el Cruel, rey de Asturias and Munia Ovéquiz, reina consorte de Asturias
Wife of Sancho Díaz, Conde de Saldaña
Mother of Bernardo Sanchez del Carpio
Sister of Alfonso II el Casto, rey de Asturias and N.N.
Half sister of Remón Romaes, Conde de Monterroso y Santa Marta de Ortigueira
Added by: Paul Douglas Van Dillen on April 16, 2008
Managed by: Paul Douglas Van Dillen and 6 others
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Sancho Díaz, Conde de Saldaña
Bernardo Sanchez del Carpio
Munia Ovéquiz, reina consorte d...
Fruela I el Cruel, rey de Asturias
Alfonso II el Casto, rey de Astu...
Hermesenda Romaes, señora de Sa...
Remón Romaes, Conde de Monterro...
half brother
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Sanchez del Carpio Bernardo ★ Ref: SP-864 |•••► #ESPAÑA 🏆🇪🇸★ #Genealogía #Genealogy
23° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de:
Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo
(Linea Materna)
Bernardo Sanchez del Carpio is your 23rd great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→ Morella Álamo Borges
your mother → Belén Borges Ustáriz
her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna
her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesus Uztáriz y Monserrate
her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra
his mother → Teniente Coronel Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina
her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza
his mother → Andrés Manuel Ortiz de Urbina y Landaeta, I Marqués de Torrecasa
her father → Manuel Ortiz de Urbina y Márquez de Cañizares
his father → Manuel de Ortiz de Urbina y Suárez
his father → Juan Ortíz de Urbina y Eguíluz
his father → Martín Ortíz de Urbina
his father → Pedro Ortiz de Urbina
his father → Ortún Díaz de Urbina
his father → Diego López
his father → Diego I el Blanco López, III señor de Vizcaya
his father → Lope Díaz Íñiguez, II señor de Vizcaya, IV Conde de Viscaya
his father → Toda Fortúnez
his mother → Fortún Sánchez, señor de Nájera
her father → Sancho López
his father → Nuña Fernández de Castilla
his mother → Gonzalo Núñez, II Juez de Castilla
her father → Nuño Rasura Núñez
his father → Munio Belchides, Señor de Amaya
his father → Bernardo Sanchez del Carpio
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Bernardo Sanchez del Carpio
Gender: Male
Birth: 794
Immediate Family:
Son of Sancho Díaz, Conde de Saldaña and Princesa Ximena Fruelaz de Asturias, Infanta
Husband of Madama Galinda
Father of Galinda Bernardo and Munio Belchides, Señor de Amaya
Added by: Paul Douglas Van Dillen on April 16, 2008
Managed by: Pablo Romero (Curador) and 5 others
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Bernardo del Carpio
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bernardo del Carpio is a legendary hero of medieval Iberian legend (namely Spanish), comparable to El Cid, though with less historical evidence of his actual existence.
The story
Supposedly the nephew of Alfonso II of Asturias, stories feature him striving against Alfonso to release his father from prison. Other stories have him as the rival and slayer of Roland at Roncesvaux.
Bernardo was said to be the son of Sancho, the Count of Saldana and Dona Jimena (Alfonso II's sister, therefore grandson of King Fruela I of Asturias). Alfonso was not happy with the marriage, so he had Sancho blinded and thrown into prison and took Bernardo. He was raised in Alfonso II's court. Everybody was ordered not to tell the young Bernardo who his father was.[1]
Alfonso invited Charlemagne into Iberia to defeat the Moors, promising to name him as heir. Bernardo's victory at Roncesvaux ended that plan. But Bernardo then joined up with the Moors, hoping to force Alfonso into action; but Alfonso secretly had Sancho killed while in prison.
The origin of the legend of Bernardo del Carpio is sung out by jongleurs from the Kingdom of León.[2]
Later, the Castilian poet Pero Ferrús (fl. 1380) mentions Bernardo del Carpio in one of his cantigas, which combines the theme of the good life in Castile with a series of loores, or lyric paeans, to a series of Greek, Roman, Biblical, chivalric, and Arab heroes.
In 1624 Bernardo de Balbuena published El Bernardo, an account of Bernardo's exploits. It was once considered one of the masterpieces of Spanish literature.
In the opening of Don Quixote, Cervantes has the Don especially admiring Bernardo because he crushed Roland with his arms alone, although the context is clear that Don Quixote is placing too much credence in the fantastic stories of romance.
[edit]At present
Nowadays, Bernardo del Carpio is seen by many as a national hero of the Kingdoms of León and Asturias.
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Munio Belchides, Señor de Amaya
Madama Galinda
Galinda Bernardo
Princesa Ximena Fruelaz de Astur...
Sancho Díaz, Conde de Saldaña
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Munio Belchides Señor de Amaya ★ Ref: SA-750 |•••► #ALEMANIA 🏆🇩🇪★ #Genealogía #Genealogy
MUNIO Núñez "él de Brañosera". Pérez de Urbel que
Munio Núñez pudo haber sido la misma persona que
Nuño Núñez “Rasura” [144], aunque los nombres
"Nuño" y "Munio" eran diferentes. “Monnio Nunnez
et uxor mea Argilo” otorgó derechos a Brañosera
mediante acta de 13 de octubre de 824, confirmada
por el “Gundisalvo Fernandiz comite” quien los
nombra como “avi mei”, confirmado además por
“Fernando Gundisalviz comite et uxor mea Urraca”, y
además confirmado por “Viene Sancio Garcíanez”
quien nombra “meos avos Gundisalvo Fernandiz et
Fernando Gundisalvez” [145]. Brañosera se
encuentra dentro de la jurisdicción de Aguilar de
Campoo, al oeste del nacimiento del río Ebro en la
sierra baja de Burgos [146]. m ARGILO, hija de --
-. “Monnio Nunnez et uxor mea Argilo” otorgó
derechos a Brañosera mediante acta de 13 de
octubre de 824, el mismo documento que incluye
una carta de fecha 912 según la cual “Gundisalvo
Fernandiz comite” confirma estos derechos
otorgados por “avii mei Monnio Nunniz et Argilo”, así
como una carta de 1 de abril “Era TVI” según la cual
“Fernando Gundisalviz comite et uxor mea Urracha
”confirmó los derechos otorgados por“ avi mei
Monnio Nunniz et de Argilo ”[147]. Munio y su
esposa tuvieron [un hijo]
El tronco del linage de Caftro (como efcrive el
Arçobifpo don Rodrigo, y fe lee en la chronica
general del rey don Alonfo) fue Nuño Belchides,
Cavallero Alemán de la ciudad de Colonia, que paffò
a Caftilla cerca de los años del Señor de 884 y cafô
con doña Sula hija del Conde don Diego Porcelos,
que poblo a Burgos, y tuvo hijo a Nuño Nuñez
que fue padre de doña Terefa Nuñez Vella, que cafô
con Layn Calvo, que feugro y yerno fueron los dos
famofos Iuezes de Caftilla. NOBLEZA DEL
ANDALVZIA Por Gonçalo Argote de Molina, Sevilla
1588. De Don Alvar Perez de Caftro Capitán mayor
de la frontera, y de fu linage y Armas. Gorra. C ..
Págs. 102
¿es él?
confusión con sus descendientes? + malas citas?
http://www.geni.com/people/Nu ño-Belchides /
traducción (del español) El tronco del linaje de
Caftro (como efcrive el Arçobifpo Don Rodrigo, y la
fe dice en general chronica Alonfo Don King) fue
Nuno Belchides, Cavallero ciudad alemana de
Colonia, cerca de Caftilla paffò a los años del Señor
de 884 CAFOs con Doña Sula e hija del Conde Don
Diego Porcelos, quien se estableció en Burgos, y
tuvo hijo de Nuño Nuñez Rafura era el padre de la
Sra. Nuñez Terefa Vella, que CAFOs con Layn Calvo,
Feugro e hijo eran los dos famofos Iuezes de
. NOBLEZA DE ANDALVZIA Por Gonçalo Argote de
Molina, Sevilla 1588. Don Alvar Pérez de Caftro Capitán la mayor parte de la frontera, y fu linaje y Armas. Cap. C .. Pp. 102
Núñez Nuño Rasura ★ Ref: MS-860 |•••► #ESPAÑA 🏆🇪🇸★ #Genealogía #Genealogy
21° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de:
Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo
(Linea Materna)
Nuño Rasura Núñez is your 21st great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→ Morella Álamo Borges
your mother → Belén Borges Ustáriz
her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna
her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesus Uztáriz y Monserrate
her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra
his mother → Teniente Coronel Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina
her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza
his mother → Andrés Manuel Ortiz de Urbina y Landaeta, I Marqués de Torrecasa
her father → Manuel Ortiz de Urbina y Márquez de Cañizares
his father → Manuel de Ortiz de Urbina y Suárez
his father → Juan Ortíz de Urbina y Eguíluz
his father → Martín Ortíz de Urbina
his father → Pedro Ortiz de Urbina
his father → Ortún Díaz de Urbina
his father → Diego López
his father → Diego I el Blanco López, III señor de Vizcaya
his father → Lope Díaz Íñiguez, II señor de Vizcaya, IV Conde de Viscaya
his father → Toda Fortúnez
his mother → Fortún Sánchez, señor de Nájera
her father → Sancho López
his father → Nuña Fernández de Castilla
his mother → Gonzalo Núñez, II Juez de Castilla
her father → Nuño Rasura Núñez
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Nuño Rasura Núñez, señor de Amaya, juez militar de Castilla MP
Gender: Male
Birth: circa 780
Death: 860 (75-84)
Y, Somme, Picardie, France
Immediate Family:
Son of Munio Belchides, Señor de Amaya and Sulabella Díaz de Castilla
Husband of N.N. N.N. and Theuda Urraquez
Father of Munio Núñez de Brañosera; Teresa Elvira Núñez de Bella; Gutierre Nuñez, conde de Castilla; Nuño él de Castrojeriz Muñoz, conde de Castilla; Gonzalo Núñez, II Juez de Castilla and 1 other
Brother of Ximeno Núñez and Gustios González, señor de Salas
Added by: Alex Ronald Keith Paz on March 2, 2008
Managed by: Ric Dickinson and 43 others
Curated by: Victar
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English (default) history
No tenia aun treinta y cinco años, quando junto con su muger Doña Argilo, dió fueros á su Villa de Brañosera, estableciendo en ella un gobierno sabio, que después influyó infinito en el general de Castilla, y le sirvió á él mismo como de norma en el desempeño de su famosa judicatura.
Nuño Rasura
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Nuño Rasura and Laín Calvo in fresco at Arco de Santa María of Burgos.
Statue of Nuño Rasura at Arco de Santa María of Burgos.
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Nuño Núñez Rasura in the Retrato de Españoles ilustres
Nuño Rasura was one of two legendary judges of Castile, the other being his son-in-law Laín Calvo. According to the Mocedades de Rodrigo, Nuño gained the nickname "Rasura" because "he took from Castile equal measures of wheat" to offer as a gift to Church of Saint James.[1] English medievalist Richard A. Fletcher writes that "the legend of the judges has more to tell us of the Castilians' self-image at a later date than of the realities of the ninth century: they liked to think of themselves as sturdy, independent, resourceful, democratic."[2]
The twelfth-century Liber regum and the Poema de Fernán González report that at the end of the ninth century reign of Alfonso II of Asturias (died 842),[3] two judges were named to administer and defend the newly repopulating region that would become Castile. Nuño and Laín are described by the Poema as ancestors, respectively, of Castilian heroes Fernán González of Castile and El Cid. The fullest account of the judges is given in Lucas de Tuy (writing c.1236), who makes Nuño Rasura come from Catalonia. A prudent man, he convinced all the nobles of Castile to send him their sons that he might educate them. He ruled as far as the river Pisuerga. His supposed son, Gonzalo Núñez, was elected to succeed him on his death, and was given the title count. He is said to have married Jimena, daughter of Nuño Fernández, and to have been by her the father of Fernán González.[4] Gonzalo was a just man and a good soldier, who waged many wars with the "tyrannical" Kings of León and the Moors.[5]
It has been suggested that Nuño Rasura is to be identified with a historical Munio Núñez (named as Nuño Núñez in older histories), the early ninth century repoblador who along with wife Argilo in 824 granted certain fueros (charters of privileges) to the village of Brañosera. These grants were confirmed by the later Counts of Castile, the claimed descendants of Rasura. Munio and Argilo are thought to have been grandparents (or more distant ancestors) of Castilian counts Munio Núñez of Castrogeriz and Roa, Gonzalo Fernández of Lara and Nuño Fernández of Amaya, as well as of Muniadomna Núñez, queen to García I of León.
[edit] Notes
1. ^ Matthew Bailey, trans. (2007), Las mocedades de Rodrigo (Toronto: University of Toronto Press), 65. Rasura is akin to Spanish rasar, "to make even".
2. ^ R. A. Fletcher (1989), The Quest for El Cid (New York: Alfred A. Knopf), 59.
3. ^ The Chronicon de Cardeña and Lucas de Tuy narrate that it was during the reign of "King Froila" that Castilians chose judges to govern them. It is unclear if Fruela I of Asturias or Fruela II of León is intended, but neither seems to fit chronologically.
4. ^ This genealogy is at variance with the documentary record. Fernán González was son of count Gonzalo Fernández of Lara by his wife countess Muniadona. Count Gonzalo was apparently brother (not son-in-law) of count Nuño Fernández of Amaya.
5. ^ Lucas's account of Nuño's reign is translated into Spanish in Gonzalo Martínez Díez (2005), El condado de Castilla, 711–1038: La historia frente a la leyenda (Marcial Pons Historia), 284.
This page was last modified on 17 July 2009 at 04:13.
Haus Kastilien
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Das Haus Kastilien ist die Familie der Grafen von Kastilien von Ende des 9. Jahrhunderts bis zum Jahr 1029. Es handelt sich dabei um die relativ kurzlebige Dynastie, die um 925 die Unabhängigkeit vom Königreich León erreichte. Mit dem Tod des Grafen Garcia II. Sanchez 1029 ging Kastilien an den König von Navarra, der seinen Besitz unter seine Söhne verteilte und damit Kastiliens unabhängig nicht antastete. Einer Nebenlinie der Familie entstammt das Haus Lara.
Stammliste [Bearbeiten]
1. Nuño Núñez „Rasura“ el de Branosera, wohl 824 bezeugt, † nach 860; ∞ Argilo
1. Nuño Núñez, 882 el de Castrojeriz genannt, 899/909 Conde de Castilla; ∞ NN, wohl Schwester von Diego Rodriguez, Conde de Castilla (Haus Kantabrien)
1. Nuño Núñez, genannt el de Roa, 914/915 Conde de Castilla
2. Muniadomna, † nach 5. August 935 ; ∞ vor 912 Gonzalo Fernández Conde de Castilla, † 932 (siehe unten)
2. Fernando Núñez Niger (der Schwarze), genannt el de Castrosiero; ∞ Gutina, wohl Tochter von Rodrigo, Conde de Castilla
1. Gonzalo Fernández de Lara, † 932, 910, 916, 930/932 Conde de Castilla, 920/929 verbannt, gründet 902 Lara und 912 Axa, begraben in Cereso de Río Tirón ; ∞ vor 912 Muniadomna, † nach 5. August 935, Tochter von Nuño Núñez, Conde de Castilla (siehe oben), begraben in Santa Maria de Lara
1. Fernán González, * wohl 910, † Juni 970, 929 Conde de Lara, 932/970 Conde de Castilla und Alava ; ∞ I um 932 Sancha Infantin von Navarra, † Dezember 959, Tochter von Sancho I. Garcés, König von Navarra (Haus Jiménez), Witwe von Ordoño II., König von León (Haus Kantabrien), und Alvaro Herrameliz Conde de Alava; ∞ II 960/962 Urraca Infantin von Navarra, † 12. Juli 1041, Tochter von García I. Sánchez, König von Navarra (Haus Jiménez), sie heiratete nach dem 14. Juli 972 Wilhelm (Guillén) I. Herzog von Gascogne, † wohl 997 (Haus Gascogne)
1. (I) Gonzalo Fernández, † nach 959, Conde ; ∞ vor 959 Fronilde Gomez, als Witwe Nonne in Sigüenza, Tochter von Conde Gome und Elduara
1. Sancho Sanchez, † vor 984
2. (I) Sancho Fernández, † nach August 956
3. (I) García I. Fernández, † 18. April/19. Juli 995, 970/995 Conde de Castilla, begraben in Cordoba, erst in der Kirche de los Tres Santos, später in San Pedro de Cerdaña, ∞ 958/961 Ava de Ribagorza, † nach 995, begraben in San Pedro de Cerdaña, Tochter von Raimundo II., Conde de Ribagorza, und Gersenda de Fézensac
1. Mayor Garcia; ∞ Raimundo III. Comte de Pallars (Pailhars), † 1047
2. Sancho García, * wohl 965, † 5. Februar 1017, 995/1017 Conde de Castilla, begraben im Kloster San Salvador de Oña ; ∞ um 994 Urraca Salvadores, † 20. Mai 1025, Tochter von Conde Salvador Perez (siehe unten)
1. Fernando Sanchez, † vor 999
2. Munia Mayor, * 995, † nach 1066 als Nonne ; ∞ um 1010 Sancho III. el Mayor, König von Navarra, † 18. Oktober 1035 (Haus Jiménez)
3. Trigida Sanchez, 1011/29 Äbtissin von San Salvador de Oña
4. Sancha Sanchez, † 26. Juni 1026, begraben in Santa Maria de Ripoll ; ∞ 1021 Berengar Raimund I. Graf von Barcelona, † 26. Mai 1035, begraben in Santa Maria de Ripoll (Haus Barcelona)
5. García II. Sanchez, * 1010, † ermordet 13. Mai 1029, 1026/29 Conde de Castilla, begraben in San Salvador de Oña
6. Jimena Sanchez, † nach 1063 als Nonne in Vega; ∞ 1028 Bermudo III., König von León, X September 1037 (Haus Kantabrien)
3. Urraca García, † ermordet 1039, 978 Señora del Infantado de Covarrubias
4. Gonzalo García, † vor 979
5. Elvira García, † Dezember 1017, 999/1017 Regentin von León, dann Nonne; ∞ 26./30. November 991 Bermudo II., König von León, † 999 (Haus Kantabrien)
6. Toda García, † nach 1031; ∞ wohl Diego Fernández Conde de Liébana
7. Oneca García, 1045 Äbtissin von San Salvador de Oña; ∞ 995 Abu Amir al-Mansûr (Almansor), † 10. August 1002
4. (I) Nuno Fernández, † nach 968, geistlich
5. (I) Munia Fernández, ∞ um 946 Gome Diaz Conde de Saldana y Carrión, † nach 986
6. (I) Urraca, † nach 1007, als Witwe geistlich; ∞ I 941 Ordoño III., König von León, † September 956 (Haus Kantabrien); ∞ II um 958 Ordoño IV., König von León, † 962 (Haus Kantabrien); ∞ III um 962 Sancho II. Abarca, König von Navarra, † Dezember 994 (Haus Jiménez)
7. (I) Fronilda Fernández, † nach 1014; ∞ Rodanio Conde de Asturias de Santillana
8. (II) Toda Fernández
9. (II) Pedro Fernández
1. Fernando Perez
2. Salvador Perez, Conde
1. Gonzalo Salvadores de Bureba, 1014 bezeugt – Nachkommen : das Haus Lara und die Condes de Bureba
2. Urraca Salvadores, † 20. Mai 1025 ; ∞ um 994 Sancho García Conde de Castilla, † 5. Februar 1017 (siehe oben)
3. Gonzalo Perez
4. Rodrigo Perez
2. Ramiro Gonzalez
2. Munio Fernández de Amaya, † nach 932, 921/927 Conde de Castilla
1. Muniadomna, 919/929 bezeugt ; ∞ I García I., König von León, † 19. Januar 914 (Haus Kantabrien) ; ∞ II nach 914 Fernándo Ansúrez, 916/920 und 927/930 Conde de Castilla
3. ? Flamula ; ∞ Gonzalo Tellez, 903 Conde de Castilla, † vor 24. November 929
Literatur [Bearbeiten]
* Detlev Schwennicke, Europäische Stammtafeln, Band II. (1984) Tafel 51, darin benutzt:
* Manuskript von Ricardo Mateos y Sáinz de Madrano (Barcelona) und Jaime de Salazar y Acha (Madrid)
wife: Tenda Urraques
is he? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuño_Rasura
is he? http://www.geni.com/people/Nuño-Rasura-Núñez/6000000015172687211?through=6000000001412873322
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Showing 12 of 13 people
Theuda Urraquez
Munio Núñez de Brañosera
Teresa Elvira Núñez de Bella
Gutierre Nuñez, conde de Castilla
Nuño él de Castrojeriz Muñoz,...
Gonzalo Núñez, II Juez de Cast...
Fernando Niger de Castrosiero Mu...
N.N. N.N.
Munio Belchides, Señor de Amaya
Sulabella Díaz de Castilla
Ximeno Núñez
Gustios González, señor de Salas
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Fernando Niger de Castrosiero Muñoz ★ Ref: NU-858 |•••► #Spain 🏆🇪🇸 #Genealogía #Genealogy
23° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de:
Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo
(Linea Materna)
Fernando Niger de Castrosiero Muñoz is your 23rd great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→ Morella Álamo Borges
your mother → Belén Borges Ustáriz
her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna
her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesus Uztáriz y Monserrate
her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra
his mother → Teniente Coronel Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina
her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza
his mother → Isabel Manuela Josefa Hurtado de Mendoza y Rojas Manrique
her mother → Juana de Rojas Manrique de Mendoza
her mother → Constanza de Mendoza Mate de Luna
her mother → Fernando Mathé de Luna
her father → Estefanía Rodríguez de Ceballos, señora de Vado de las Estacas y Villalba
his mother → Ruy / Rodrigo González de Ceballos
her father → Gonzalo Díaz de Ceballos y Ordóñez
his father → María Ordóñez de Aza
his mother → Diego Ordóñez de Aza, Señor de Villamayor
her father → Ordoño Garciez de Aza
his father → García Ordóñez, conde de Nájera
his father → Ordoño Ordóñez, infante de León
his father → Ordoño Ramírez de León, "El ciego". Infante de León
his father → Sancha Gómez, Reina consorte de León
his mother → Muniadona Fernández, condesa de Castilla
her mother → Fernán González, conde de Castilla
her father → Gonzalo Fernández de Lara, conde de Burgos
his father → Fernando Niger de Castrosiero Muñoz
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Fernando 'Niger de Castrosiero' Muñoz MP
Spanish: Dn. Fernando Muñoz de Castrojeriz "El Negro"
Gender: Male
Birth: estimated between 824 and 862
Castile and León, Spain
Death: circa 870
Somme, Picardy, France
Immediate Family:
Son of Nuño Rasura Núñez and Theuda Urraquez
Husband of Gotinha Porcellos de Castilla
Father of Gonzalo Fernández de Lara, conde de Burgos; Cde. Rodrigo Fernández; Flámula and Nuño Fernández de Amaya, conde de Castilla
Brother of Munio Núñez de Brañosera; Teresa Elvira Núñez de Bella; Gutierre Nuñez, conde de Castilla; Nuño él de Castrojeriz Muñoz, conde de Castilla and Gonzalo Núñez, II Juez de Castilla
Added by: Jamie Lynn Mason on January 22, 2008
Managed by: James Fred Patin, Jr. and 48 others
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Fernando "Niger el Castrosiero" Nuñez
Son of Nuno Núñez 'el Rasura' and Argilo de Branosera. Husband of Gotinha Porcellos de Castilla.
Fernan Nuñez "el Negro"1
b. after 855
Father Nuño Nuñez "Rasura", señor de Amaya2 b. circa 825, d. after 860
Mother Argilo (?)2 b. circa 830
Also called Fernando Nuñez el de Castrojeriz.3 Fernan Nuñez "el Negro" was born after 855. He was the son of Nuño Nuñez "Rasura", señor de Amaya and Argilo (?).2 Fernan Nuñez "el Negro" married Gutina Díaz de Castilla, daughter of Diego II Rodríguez "Porcelos", conde de Castilla and Asura Asnurez, before 880.2,4,3,1
Gutina Díaz de Castilla b. circa 872
Gonzalo Fernández, señor de Lara+ b. c 880, d. 9322,5
Nunio Fernandez de Amaya+ b. a 880, d. a 9322
[S1316] Reyes y Reinos Genealogias, online www.homar.org, España - 08.A.
[S187] Royal Genealogy Database, online http://www.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/
[S204] Roderick W. Stuart, RfC, 285-38.
[S204] Roderick W. Stuart, RfC, 35-38.
[S204] Roderick W. Stuart, RfC, 285-37.
FERNANDO Muñoz "Niger/él de Castrosiero" (-after 870). His parentage is deduced from the letter dated 912 to the town of Brañosera written by his son Gonzalo which confirmed the rights granted by the latter's paternal grandparents, whom he names[92]. m GUTINA Díaz, daughter of [DIEGO Rodríguez "Porcelos" Conde de Castilla & his [first/second] wife ---]. Pérez de Urbel emphasises that there is no proof of Gutina's parentage. However, it is suggested by her grandson conde Fernando González confirming donations to San Félix made by conde Diego Rodríguez[93]. Fernando & his wife had [four] children:
a) GONZALO Fernández de Lara
b) NUÑO Fernández de Amaya (-after 932). Conde de Castilla 921/926. The Cronica de Sampiro names "Nunius Fredenandi, Abolmondar Albus et suus filius Didacus, et Fredenandi Ansuri filius" as those counts who governed "Burgos" and who were captured by King Ordoño II "in riuo…Carrion, loco…Tebulare", dateable to [922/23] from the context of the passage[107]. He is named in the 25 Feb 926 donation to the monastery of Cardeña, signing immediately after his presumed brother Rodrigo Fernández96 and in the 1 May 932 document relating to the arbitration by his nephew Conde Fernando González of a dispute involving the monastery of Cardeña[108]. m ---. The name of Nuño's wife is not known. Nuño & his wife had one child:
i) [109]DIEGO Núñez . m ---. The name of Diego's wife is not known. Diego & his wife had one child:
(a) [110]FRONILDE Díaz .
c) [RODRIGO Fernández (-after 25 Feb 926). Conde. He witnessed a 25 Feb 926 donation to the monastery of Cardeña, signing immediately before his presumed brother conde Nuño Fernández[111].]
d) [FL%C3%81MULA Fernández (-after 24 Nov 929). She is named as wife of Gonzalo in the latter's 902 donation to Cardeña[112]. Her parentage is suggested because her supposed sister-in-law Muniadomna and supposed nephew, Fernando González, confirmed documents of Flámula after the death of her husband[113]. m GONZALO Téllez, son of TELLO --- (-before 24 Nov 929). Conde in Lantarón 18 Nov 897. He is referred to as Conde de Castilla, ruling in the eastern part of the county on the border with Rioja around Valpuesta[114].]
Fernando "Niger el Castrosiero" González
Son of Gonzalo Núñez 'el Rasura' and N Fernández. Husband of Gotinha Muñoz.
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Gotinha Porcellos de Castilla
Gonzalo Fernández de Lara, cond...
Cde. Rodrigo Fernández
Nuño Fernández de Amaya, conde...
Nuño Rasura Núñez
Theuda Urraquez
Munio Núñez de Brañosera
Teresa Elvira Núñez de Bella
Gutierre Nuñez, conde de Castilla
Nuño él de Castrojeriz Muñoz,...
Gonzalo Núñez, II Juez de Cast...
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Gonzalo Fernández De Lara, Conde De Burgos ★ Ref: FG-856 |•••► #Spain 🏆🇪🇸 #Genealogía #Genealogy
22° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de:
Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo
(Linea Materna)
Gonzalo Fernández de Lara, conde de Burgos is your 22nd great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→ Morella Álamo Borges
your mother → Belén Borges Ustáriz
her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna
her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesus Uztáriz y Monserrate
her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra
his mother → Teniente Coronel Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina
her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza
his mother → Isabel Manuela Josefa Hurtado de Mendoza y Rojas Manrique
her mother → Juana de Rojas Manrique de Mendoza
her mother → Constanza de Mendoza Mate de Luna
her mother → Fernando Mathé de Luna
her father → Estefanía Rodríguez de Ceballos, señora de Vado de las Estacas y Villalba
his mother → Ruy / Rodrigo González de Ceballos
her father → Gonzalo Díaz de Ceballos y Ordóñez
his father → María Ordóñez de Aza
his mother → Diego Ordóñez de Aza, Señor de Villamayor
her father → Ordoño Garciez de Aza
his father → García Ordóñez, conde de Nájera
his father → Ordoño Ordóñez, infante de León
his father → Ordoño Ramírez de León, "El ciego". Infante de León
his father → Sancha Gómez, Reina consorte de León
his mother → Muniadona Fernández, condesa de Castilla
her mother → Fernán González, conde de Castilla
her father → Gonzalo Fernández de Lara, conde de Burgos
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Gonzalo Fernández de Lara, conde de Burgos MP
Spanish: Dn. Gonzalo Fernández de Castilla, conde de Burgos
Gender: Male
Birth: 863
Death: circa 932 (64-74)
Place of Burial: Cereso de Río Tirón, Spain
Immediate Family:
Son of Fernando Niger de Castrosiero Muñoz and Gotinha Porcellos de Castilla
Husband of Muniadomna de Lara, Condesa consorte de Castilla and Nuña Fernández, Señora de Lara y Amaya
Father of Fernán González, conde de Castilla and Ramiro González de Castilla
Brother of Cde. Rodrigo Fernández; Flámula and Nuño Fernández de Amaya, conde de Castilla
Added by: Ricky Patterson on July 3, 2007
Managed by: Guillermo Eduardo Ferrero Montilla and 94 others
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Construyó el Castillo de Lara en 902.
GONZALO Fernández de Lara (-after [932], bur Cereso de Río Tirón). His letter dated 912 to the town of Brañosera confirmed the rights granted by his paternal grandparents whom he names[94]. Referred to as "comes in Burgos" in 899[95]. He built the castle of Lara in 902[96]. The Annales Complutense record that “Gunzalvo Fernandez” populated “Cozca et Clunia et S. Stephanum” in 912[97]. He is last mentioned in Castile in 916[98]. He may have been banished to Navarre from 920 to 930, a "Gundisalvus comes" witnessing royal Navarrese documents during this period[99], although if this is correct it is surprising that his wife did not accompany him, established as she was in the castle of Lara during that time. A "Gundisalvus Fredinandiz comes" witnessed a 932 donation, signing immediately after King Ramiro II and before "Fredenandus comes" (presumed to be Fernando González), Pérez de Urbel suggesting that this is the same person as Gonzalo Fernández de Lara[100]. m (before 912) MUNIADOMNA, daughter of --- (-after 5 Aug [935/38], bur Santa María de Lara). "Momadonna cometessa" donated property to the monastery of Santa María de Lara, confirmed by her sons "Fredinando Gundisalviz, Ramiro Gundisalviz", by charter dated 28 Jan 929[101]. The origin of Muniadomna is unknown. Pérez de Urbel suggests that she was Muniadomna, daughter of Ramiro de Asturias titular King of León & his wife Urraca ---, based on her supposed mother being present in the castle of Lara, which belonged to Muniadomna, when she witnessed two charters in 927. He also points out the apparent corroboration from the naming of her second son after his supposed maternal grandfather. Muniadomna is referred to as "comitissima", and her descendants referred to in Arab sources as the "Banu Muma" as a tribute to her exceptional character, which may also suggest an illustrious ancestry[102]. "Momadonna cometessa" donated property in Valzalamio to the monastery of Cardeñas with her son "Fredinando Gundisalviz", her son's wife "Sancia" and their sons "Gundesalvuz Fernandez, Sanzio Fernandez" by charter dated 5 Aug [935/38][103]. Gonzalo & his wife had two children:
i) FERNANDO González de Castilla ([910]-Jun 970, bur Monastery of Arlanza). "Momadonna cometessa" donated property to the monastery of Santa María de Lara, confirmed by her sons "Fredinando Gundisalviz, Ramiro Gundisalviz", by charter dated 28 Jan 929[104]. His parentage is confirmed by the charter of his grandson Sancho García Conde de Castilla in which the latter names his paternal ancestors as far back as Munio Núñez & his wife Argila[105]. Conde de Lara in 929. He was installed in 932 as Conde de Castilla.
- see below.
ii) RAMIRO González de Castilla (-after 28 Jan [929]). "Momadonna cometessa" donated property to the monastery of Santa María de Lara, confirmed by her sons "Fredinando Gundisalviz, Ramiro Gundisalviz", by charter dated 28 Jan 929[106]. He has not been identified in later documents, which suggests that he may have died soon after.
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about - Gonzola Fernádez of Castile, 895-905
Gonzalo Fernández of Castile
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Gonzalo Fernández, Count of Burgos (ca. 899-915) and of Castile (c. 909-915).
Recorded for the first time in 899 as Count of Burgos, soon the region expanded to the eastern mountain valleys enabling Gonzalo to make his fort base in Lara, thus stretching his rule from the foot of the Cantabrian Mountains around Espinosa de los Monteros to the river Arlanza, which therefore became the border with the neighbouring Muslim territories. In order to stretch his territory this far, he first had to displace the Muslim forces based at the stronghold of Carazo that dominated the area and access. This was achieved after a long and well contested struggle.
The valley of Lara was then the rallying point of the family that - years later - achieved through his son, Fernan Gonzalez the quasi-independence of Castile, securing the area for five generations with the family until it became a kingdom under Fernando I of Castile of the Jimenez dynasty.
His name appears for the first time in charter of the Monastery of San Pedro de Cardeña (899), one of the most influential monastic houses later in Castile together with the Monastery of Santo Domingo de Silos. He was also the founder of the other Monastic House of San Pedro de Arlanza (912).
In 912, he took main part in the Castilian offensive to the river Duero, settling the old villeages of Haza, Clunia and San Esteban de Gormaz.
Gonzalo Fernández appears as Count of Castile for the first time in a document of January 8, 914 and again in January 1, 915. He appears witnessing royal documents among other magnates and nobles at the Leonese Court main Assemblies until the defeat of the Leonese in the battle of Valdejunquera (920), after which he was considered dead. Modern scholars suspect that he must have been in disgrace at Court for some unrecorded mistake or other major offense typically resulting in exile, as somebody with his name and the seldom given then rank of Count - Gundisalvus comes - appears signing royal documents at the Court of Navarre between the years 924 and 930, the year that his son was given the authority of Count alone. Previously, his wife Munia Donna (or Muniadona) appears holding the patrimony estates and county regency during the minority of their son Fernan Gonzalez.
His remains were laid to rest in a vault at San Pedro de Arlanza, as Friar Antonio de Yepes registers in his "General Chronicle".
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Nuña Fernández, Señora de Lar...
Muniadomna de Lara, Condesa cons...
Fernán González, conde de Cast...
Ramiro González de Castilla
Gotinha Porcellos de Castilla
Fernando Niger de Castrosiero Mu...
Cde. Rodrigo Fernández
Nuño Fernández de Amaya, conde...
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