24 ° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Anselmo I, marchese della Liguria Orientale is your 24th great grandfather.
(Linea Paterna)
Anselmo I, marchese della Liguria Orientale is your 24th great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→ Dr Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna
your father → Elena Cecilia Lecuna Escobar
his mother → María Elena de la Concepción Escobar Llamosas
her mother → Cecilia Cayetana de la Merced Llamosas Vaamonde de Escobar
her mother → Cipriano Fernando de Las Llamosas y García
her father → José Lorenzo Llamosas Silva
his father → Joseph Julián Llamosas Ranero
his father → Manuel Llamosas y Requecens
his father → Isabel de Requesens
his mother → Luis de Requeséns y Zúñiga, Virrey de Holanda
her father → D. Estefania de Requesens, III Condesa de Palamós
his mother → Hipòlita Roís de Liori i de Montcada
her mother → Beatriz de Montcada i de Vilaragut
her mother → Pedro de Montcada i de Luna, Señor de Villamarchante
her father → Elfa de Luna y de Xèrica
his mother → Pedro Martínez de Luna y Saluzzo, señor de Almonacid y Pola
her father → Marchesa di Saluzzo
his mother → Filippo di Saluzzo, governor of Sardinia
her father → Aloisia di Saluzzo
his mother → María di Saluzzo
her mother → Manfred II del Vasto, marquess of Saluzzo
her father → Manfredo I del Vasto, marchese di Saluzzo
his father → Bonifacio "del Vasto", marchese di Savona e della Liguria Occidentale
his father → Oddone 'Teuto' , marchese di Savona
his father → Anselmo ll, marchese di Tortona
his father → Anselmo I, marchese della Liguria Orientale
his father
Anselmo Aleramici di Savona, marchese della Liguria Orientale MP
Gender: Male
Birth: circa 962
Probably Saluzzo, (Present Provincia Cuneo), Marca Liguriae Occidentalis (Present Regione Piemonte), Regno d'Italia
Death: between 999 and 1014 (32-57)
Marca Liguriae Occidentalis (Present Regione Piemonte), Sacro Romano Impero (within present Italy)
Immediate Family:
Son of Aleram, 1st marquis of Montferrat and Elena di Verona
Husband of Gisela of the Obertenghi, of Milan
Father of Ugo degli Aleramici, marchese di Tortona; Anselmo ll, marchese di Tortona; Oberto I Aleramid, marquis of Western Liguria and Ermengarda di Tortona
Brother of William II Aleramid, of Montferrat and Otto I Aleramid, marquess of Montferrat
Added by: François-Régis Allouis on September 21, 2007
Managed by: Ernesto Álvarez Uriondo and 26 others
Curated by: Pam Wilson (on hiatus)
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Summary for Anselmo I, Marchese di Liguria Orientale:
Father: Aleramo, Conte di Saluzzo (d. 967)
Mother: Unknown first wife (not Gilberga di Ivrea, who did not bear any known children according to FMG)
1. Guglielmo or Wilhelm II (d. before August 951, maybe), Co-Marchese di Monferrato (with father)
3. Oddone or Otto I (d. before 991, m. daughter of Riprando Conte di Piacenza)
Gisela, daughter of Adalberto Marchese (founder of the Abbazia di San Quintino di Spigno in Spigno Monferrato, Provincia Alessandro, Regione Piemonte, in 991)
1. Ugo di Saluzzo, Marchese di Tortona (d. 26 January after 1035, founder of the Abazzia di Santa Maria Castillone - location unknown)
2. Anselmo II di Saluzzo, Marchese di Tortona (d. before 7 May 1027, m. Adelasia, daughter of Azzo Marchese)
3. Oberto I di Saluzzo, Marchese (d. after 1034, m. unknown, founder of the Abazzia di Santa Giustina, Sezzadio, Provincia Alessandro, Regione Piemonte in 1030)
Basic Information:
Birth: Unknown
Baptism: Unknown
Marriage: Unknown date and location, with Gisela
Death: 999/1014, location unknown, probably Liguria
Burial: Unknown.
Occupation: Marchese della Liguria Orientale
Alternate Names: The family eventually became known as the Aleramici, from Anselmo's father, Aleramo. This designation was a much later creation, much like the Carolingians as derived from Charles Martel, Charlemagne's grandfather. However, the "di Liguria Orientale" is taken from his title.
ANSELMO, son of ALERAMO Signor del Marchio di Monferrato & his first wife --- (-[999/1014]). "Berengarius et Adelbertus filius eius…Reges" confirmed a donation to the abbey of Grazano by "Aledramus Marchio filius Gulielmi Comitis et Gilberga filius D. Berengarii Regis, et Anselmus seu Oddo germani lege viventes Salica" by charter dated Aug 951[377]. Marchese. "Anselmo Marchio filius bonæ memoriæ Aledrami itemque Marchio et Gisla comitissa jugalibus filiæ Adalberti, similique Marchioque Willielmus et Riprandus germanis filio bonæ memoriæ Oddoni…cum Domini Gaidaldi comes istius comitatus Aquensis" founded the monastery of Santo Quintini di Spigno by charter dated 991[378].
m GISELA, daughter of ADALBERTO Marchese & his wife ---. "Anselmo Marchio filius bonæ memoriæ Aledrami itemque Marchio et Gisla comitissa jugalibus filiæ Adalberti, similique Marchioque Willielmus et Riprandus germanis filio bonæ memoriæ Oddoni…Gisla ex natione mea legem…Longobardorum et nunc pro viro legem…Salica…" founded the monastery of Santo Quintini di Spigno by charter dated 991[379].
Anselmo & his wife had [four] children:
MedLands spam
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Monferrato, Saluzzo, and Savona http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/MONFERRATO,%20SALUZZO,%20SAVONA.htm...
ANSELMO, son of ALERAMO Signor del Marchio di Monferrato & his first wife --- (-[999/1014]). "Berengarius et Adelbertus filius eius…Reges" confirmed a donation to the abbey of Grazano by "Aledramus Marchio filius Gulielmi Comitis et Gilberga filius D. Berengarii Regis, et Anselmus seu Oddo germani lege viventes Salica" by charter dated Aug 951[379]. Marchese. "Anselmo Marchio filius bonæ memoriæ Aledrami itemque Marchio et Gisla comitissa jugalibus filiæ Adalberti, similique Marchioque Willielmus et Riprandus germanis filio bonæ memoriæ Oddoni…cum Domini Gaidaldi comes istius comitatus Aquensis" founded the monastery of Santo Quintini di Spigno by charter dated 991[380].
m GISELA, daughter of ADALBERTO Marchese & his wife ---. "Anselmo Marchio filius bonæ memoriæ Aledrami itemque Marchio et Gisla comitissa jugalibus filiæ Adalberti, similique Marchioque Willielmus et Riprandus germanis filio bonæ memoriæ Oddoni…Gisla ex natione mea legem…Longobardorum et nunc pro viro legem…Salica…" founded the monastery of Santo Quintini di Spigno by charter dated 991[381]. Anselmo & his wife had [four] children:
1. UGO (-26 Jan after 1035). "Heinricus…imperator" confirmed the property of the abbey of Fruttuaria, referring to property donated by "Ugo clericus et mater eius et fratres eius Anselmi marchionis filii et Vuillilemus et Raprandus fratres filii marchionis Oddoni", by charter dated 1014[382]. A charter dated 1024 records a dispute between "canonicorum sancti Martini" and "marchiones Italiæ Bonifacium…Albertum et Azonem, Otbertum et Hugonem" concerning "terras beati Martini de Italia"[383]. Marchese [di Tortona]. "Adalbertus marchio filius bonæ memoriæ Otberti itemque Marchio et Adeleyda jugalibus filia quondam Bosoni comitis quæ professa sum ex natione mea lege vivere Alamannorum, sed nunc pro ipso viro meo lege vivere…Longobardorum" founded the monastery of Santa Maria Castilione, in the presence of "domni Ugonis marchionis et comitis…comitatus Terdonensis", by charter dated 10 Jun 1033[384]. "Domnus Ugo marchio" is named as present in a charter dated 28 May 1035 under which the abbot of San Pietro di Tortona named proxies[385].
2. ANSELMO [II] (-before 7 May 1027). "Heinricus…imperator" confirmed the property of the abbey of Fruttuaria, referring to property donated by "Ugo clericus et mater eius et fratres eius Anselmi marchionis filii et Vuillilemus et Raprandus fratres filii marchionis Oddoni", by charter dated 1014[386]. "Einricus…imperator" acting through "domnus Otto comes palacii et comes eius comitatu Ticinensi" with "…Otbertus et Anselmus germanis marchionibus…" confirmed the property of the convent of San Salvator at Pavia, naming "Berengarius presbiter et Ugo comes germanis, filii bone memorie Sigefredi qui fuit similiter comes", by charter dated 7 May 1014[387]. Marchese [di Tortona]. m ADELASIA, daughter of AZZO Marchese & his wife --- (-after 11 May 1055). "Adila comitissa filia quondam Azonis Marchio et relicta quondam Anselmi itemque Marchio et Anselmus et Hugo germanis mater et filii prædicto quondam Anselmi…ex nativitate mea legem vivere Langobardorum…et nos…lege vivere Salica" donated property to the monastery of Santo Pietro di Saviliano by charter dated May 1055[388]. No other suitable "Azonis Marchio" has been identified who could have been Adelasia´s father except for Alberto Azzo [I] Conte di Luni. "Adela comitisa…conius quondam Anselmi marchio…Ugo et Anselmus filii et mundoaldi mei" promised not to disturb the possessions of the monastery of San Marziano by charter dated 11 May 1055[389]. Marchese Anselmo [II] & his wife had three children:
a) ODDONE [Tetis] (-before 31 Aug 1064). "Thetes Marchio filius quondam Anselmi Marchionis" founded the monastery of Vasto by charter dated 7 May 1027[390]. Marchese.
- see below.
b) ANSELMO . "Adila comitissa filia quondam Azonis Marchio et relicta quondam Anselmi itemque Marchio et Anselmus et Hugo germanis mater et filii prædicto quondam Anselmi…ex nativitate mea legem vivere Langobardorum…et nos…lege vivere Salica" donated property to the monastery of Santo Pietro di Saviliano by charter dated May 1055[391]. 1065.
c) UGO (-after May 1055). "Adila comitissa filia quondam Azonis Marchio et relicta quondam Anselmi itemque Marchio et Anselmus et Hugo germanis mater et filii prædicto quondam Anselmi…ex nativitate mea legem vivere Langobardorum…et nos…lege vivere Salica" donated property to the monastery of Santo Pietro di Saviliano by charter dated May 1055[392].
3. OBERTO [I] (-after 1034). "Einricus…imperator" acting through "domnus Otto comes palacii et comes eius comitatu Ticinensi" with "…Otbertus et Anselmus germanis marchionibus…" confirmed the property of the convent of San Salvator at Pavia, naming "Berengarius presbiter et Ugo comes germanis, filii bone memorie Sigefredi qui fuit similiter comes", by charter dated 7 May 1014[393]. Marchese. "Heinricus…Romanorum imperator augustus" donated property "que Gebehardus comes in beneficium habuit, in comitatu Piligrimi et in pago Matihgowe" to the church at Pavia by charter dated 1014, naming "Ubertum comitem filium Hildeprandi, Otbertum marchionem et filios eius et Albertum nepotem illius" as previous owners[394]. "Otbertus Marchio filius bone memorie Anselmi item Marchionis et Wido seu item Otberti pater et filii" founded the monastery of Santa Justina of Sezzadio by charter dated 1 Mar 1030[395]. 1034. m ---. The name of Oberto's wife is not known. Marchese Oberto [I] & his wife had three children:
a) GUIDO (-after 29 Aug 1065). "Otbertus Marchio filius bone memorie Anselmi item Marchionis et Wido seu item Otberti pater et filii" founded the monastery of Santa Justina of Sezzadio by charter dated 1 Mar 1030[396]. "Adelbertus prepoxitus sancte Tertonensis ecclesie et Wido marhio iermani filii bone memorie Oberti itemque marhio seu Beatrice filia Olrici et relicta quondam item Oberti iermano prefatorum Adelberti prepoxitus et Widoni…ex nacione nostra lege…Salicha" donated property at Tramontana to the monastery of Santo Siro by charter dated 29 Aug 1065[397].
b) OBERTO [II] (-[1061/65]). "Otbertus Marchio filius bone memorie Anselmi item Marchionis et Wido seu item Otberti pater et filii" founded the monastery of Santa Justina of Sezzadio by charter dated 1 Mar 1030[398]. Marchese 1061. m BEATRICE di Romagnano, daughter of ODALRICO Marchese di Romagnano [Auriate] & his wife Giulita --- (-after 29 Aug 1065). "Adelbertus prepoxitus sancte Tertonensis ecclesie et Wido marhio iermani filii bone memorie Oberti itemque marhio seu Beatrice filia Olrici et relicta quondam item Oberti iermano prefatorum Adelberti prepoxitus et Widoni…ex nacione nostra lege…Salicha" donated property at Tramontana to the monastery of Santo Siro by charter dated 29 Aug 1065[399]. Marchese Oberto [II] & his wife had two children:
i) ADALBERTO . The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. Bishop of Acqui 1079.
ii) GUIDO (-before 1106). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. Marchese. m ---. The name of Guido's wife is not known. Marchese Guido & his wife had two children:
(a) ALBERTO Alemanno (-before 15 Jan 1106). "Bruno filius quondam Odonis et Adelaida jugales, filia quondam Guidonis Marchionis…ex natione…lege vivere Salica" donated property "per successionem Alberti Alamani filii quondam Guidonis Marchionis fratris et cognati nostri" to "Gamundiensi populo" by charter dated 15 Jan 1106[400].
(b) ADELAIDA (-after 15 Jan 1106). "Bruno filius quondam Odonis et Adelaida jugales, filia quondam Guidonis Marchionis…ex natione…lege vivere Salica" donated property "per successionem Alberti Alamani filii quondam Guidonis Marchionis fratris et cognati nostri" to "Gamundiensi populo" by charter dated 15 Jan 1106[401]. m (before 15 Jan 1106) BRUNO, son of OTTONE & his wife ---. Ancestors of the Marchesi di Sezze.
c) ADALBERTO (-after 29 Aug 1065). "Adelbertus prepoxitus sancte Tertonensis ecclesie et Wido marhio iermani filii bone memorie Oberti itemque marhio seu Beatrice filia Olrici et relicta quondam item Oberti iermano prefatorum Adelberti prepoxitus et Widoni…ex nacione nostra lege…Salicha" donated property at Tramontana to the monastery of Santo Siro by charter dated 29 Aug 1065[402]. Provost of Tortona.
4. [ERMENGARDA (-after 21 Oct 996). A charter dated 21 Oct 996 records the exchange of property in Cadeliano between the bishop of Asti and "Amelgausus filio quondam Rozo et Ermengarda jugalibus filia Anselmo marchio que professo sum ex nacione…Romana"[403]. m AMELGAUSO, son of ROZO & his wife --- (-after 21 Oct 996).]
5. OBERTO (-after 1071). Marchese [di Savona]. "Aubertus marchio" granted privileges to Savona by charter dated 1071[404].
(covering his birth family):
ALERAMO, son of Conte GUGLIELMO & his wife --- (-[967/91]).
"Hugo et Lotharius…Reges" granted property "Forum…supra fluvium Tanari in comitatu Aquensi…et Villa…Roncho" to "fideli nostro Aledramo comiti" by charter dated 6 Feb 938[14].
Marchese, after 938.
"Berengarius et Adelbertus filius eius…Reges" confirmed a donation to the abbey of Grazano by "Aledramus Marchio filius Gulielmi Comitis et Gilberga filius D. Berengarii Regis, et Anselmus seu Oddo germani lege viventes Salica", for the soul of "quondam Gulielmi qui fuit filius et filiaster atque germanus noster", by charter dated Aug 951[15]. Emperor Otto I granted land "a flumine Tanari usque ad flumen Urbam et ad litus maris…Dego, Bagnasco, Ballangio, Salocedo, Loceti, Salfole, Miola, Pulchrone, Grualia, Pruneto, Altefino, Curtemilia, Montenesi, Noseto, Maximino, Arche" to "Aleramum Marchionum" by charter dated 23 Mar 967[16].
Benvenuto di San Giorgio states that Aleramo died in 995 and was buried at the abbey of Grazano, but does not cite the corresponding primary source[17].
m firstly ---.
The primary source which directly confirms this first marriage has not yet been identified. However, the chronology of Aleramo´s known wife Gilberga suggests that she could not have been the mother of his known children.
m secondly (before Jul 961) GILBERGA di Ivrea, daughter of BERENGARIO II King of Italy [Ivrea] & his wife Willa d'Arles (945-).
"Gislam [et]…Girbergam" are named as daughters of Berengar and Willa by Liutprand[18]. "Berengarius et Adelbertus filius eius…Reges" confirmed a donation to the abbey of Grazano by "Aledramus Marchio filius Gulielmi Comitis et Gilberga filius D. Berengarii Regis, et Anselmus seu Oddo germani lege viventes Salica", for the soul of "quondam Gulielmi qui fuit filius et filiaster atque germanus noster", by charter dated Aug 951[19]. The dating of this charter is dubious, assuming that Gilberga´s date of birth is correct as shown above.
Aleramo & his first wife had three children:
1. GUGLIELMO (-[before Aug 951]).
"Berengarius et Adelbertus filius eius…Reges" confirmed a donation to the abbey of Grazano by "Aledramus Marchio filius Gulielmi Comitis et Gilberga filius D. Berengarii Regis, et Anselmus seu Oddo germani lege viventes Salica", for the soul of "quondam Gulielmi qui fuit filius et filiaster atque germanus noster", by charter dated Aug 951[20]. The dating of this charter is dubious, assuming that Gilberga´s date of birth is correct as shown above.
2. ANSELMO (-[999/1014]).
"Berengarius et Adelbertus filius eius…Reges" confirmed a donation to the abbey of Grazano by "Aledramus Marchio filius Gulielmi Comitis et Gilberga filius D. Berengarii Regis, et Anselmus seu Oddo germani lege viventes Salica", for the soul of "quondam Gulielmi qui fuit filius et filiaster atque germanus noster", by charter dated Aug 951[21].
Marchese della Liguria Orientale 991.
3. ODDONE (-before 991).
"Berengarius et Adelbertus filius eius…Reges" confirmed a donation to the abbey of Grazano by "Aledramus Marchio filius Gulielmi Comitis et Gilberga filius D. Berengarii Regis, et Anselmus seu Oddo germani lege viventes Salica", for the soul of "quondam Gulielmi qui fuit filius et filiaster atque germanus noster", by charter dated Aug 951[22].
m --- di Piacenza, daughter of RIPRANDO Conte di Piacenza & his wife ---.
Oddone & his wife had four children: Guglielmo I (d. before 20 October 1040), Riprando, Ota (m. Otto di Monfaleone), and Waldrada (d. after 1029)
[14] Moriondus, J. B. (1790) Monumenta Aquensia (Turin), Pars II, col. 291.
[15] Monumenta Aquensia, Pars II, col. 292.
[16] The Inventory of the State Archives of Turin, volume 25, page 1, fascicule 1, consulted at <http://ww2.multix.it/asto/asp/inventari.asp> (2 Feb 2006) ("State Archives"), and Benvenuto di San Giorgio, RIS XXIII, cols. 325-7.
[17] Benvenuto di San Giorgio, RIS XXIII, col. 333.
[18] Liudprandi Antapodosis V.32, MGH SS III, p. 336.
[19] Monumenta Aquensia, Pars II, col. 292.
[20] Monumenta Aquensia, Pars II, col. 292.
[21] Monumenta Aquensia, Pars II, col. 292.
[22] Monumenta Aquensia, Pars II, col. 292.
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Monferrato, Saluzzo, and Savona (covering his marriage family):
ANSELMO, son of ALERAMO Signor del Marchio di Monferrato & his first wife --- (-[999/1014]).
"Berengarius et Adelbertus filius eius…Reges" confirmed a donation to the abbey of Grazano by "Aledramus Marchio filius Gulielmi Comitis et Gilberga filius D. Berengarii Regis, et Anselmus seu Oddo germani lege viventes Salica" by charter dated Aug 951[375].
"Anselmo Marchio filius bonæ memoriæ Aledrami itemque Marchio et Gisla comitissa jugalibus filiæ Adalberti, similique Marchioque Willielmus et Riprandus germanis filio bonæ memoriæ Oddoni…cum Domini Gaidaldi comes istius comitatus Aquensis" founded the monastery of Santo Quintini di Spigno by charter dated 991[376].
m GISELA, daughter of ADALBERTO Marchese & his wife ---.
"Anselmo Marchio filius bonæ memoriæ Aledrami itemque Marchio et Gisla comitissa jugalibus filiæ Adalberti, similique Marchioque Willielmus et Riprandus germanis filio bonæ memoriæ Oddoni…Gisla ex natione mea legem…Longobardorum et nunc pro viro legem…Salica…" founded the monastery of Santo Quintini di Spigno by charter dated 991[377].
Anselmo & his wife had [four] children:
1. UGO (-26 Jan after 1035).
"Heinricus…imperator" confirmed the property of the abbey of Fruttuaria, referring to property donated by "Ugo clericus et mater eius et fratres eius Anselmi marchionis filii et Vuillilemus et Raprandus fratres filii marchionis Oddoni", by charter dated 1014[378]. A charter dated 1024 records a dispute between "canonicorum sancti Martini" and "marchiones Italiæ Bonifacium…Albertum et Azonem, Otbertum et Hugonem" concerning "terras beati Martini de Italia"[379].
Marchese [di Tortona].
"Adalbertus marchio filius bonæ memoriæ Otberti itemque Marchio et Adeleyda jugalibus filia quondam Bosoni comitis quæ professa sum ex natione mea lege vivere Alamannorum, sed nunc pro ipso viro meo lege vivere…Longobardorum" founded the monastery of Santa Maria Castilione, in the presence of "domni Ugonis marchionis et comitis…comitatus Terdonensis", by charter dated 10 Jun 1033[380]. "Domnus Ugo marchio" is named as present in a charter dated 28 May 1035 under which the abbot of San Pietro di Tortona named proxies[381].
2. ANSELMO [II] (-before 7 May 1027).
"Heinricus…imperator" confirmed the property of the abbey of Fruttuaria, referring to property donated by "Ugo clericus et mater eius et fratres eius Anselmi marchionis filii et Vuillilemus et Raprandus fratres filii marchionis Oddoni", by charter dated 1014[382]. "Einricus…imperator" acting through "domnus Otto comes palacii et comes eius comitatu Ticinensi" with "…Otbertus et Anselmus germanis marchionibus…" confirmed the property of the convent of San Salvator at Pavia, naming "Berengarius presbiter et Ugo comes germanis, filii bone memorie Sigefredi qui fuit similiter comes", by charter dated 7 May 1014[383].
Marchese [di Tortona].
m ADELASIA, daughter of AZZO Marchese & his wife --- (-after 11 May 1055). "Adila comitissa filia quondam Azonis Marchio et relicta quondam Anselmi itemque Marchio et Anselmus et Hugo germanis mater et filii prædicto quondam Anselmi…ex nativitate mea legem vivere Langobardorum…et nos…lege vivere Salica" donated property to the monastery of Santo Pietro di Saviliano by charter dated May 1055[384]. No other suitable "Azonis Marchio" has been identified who could have been Adelasia´s father except for Alberto Azzo [I] Conte di Luni. "Adela comitisa…conius quondam Anselmi marchio…Ugo et Anselmus filii et mundoaldi mei" promised not to disturb the possessions of the monastery of San Marziano by charter dated 11 May 1055[385].
Marchese Anselmo [II] & his wife had three children: Oddone or Tetis (d. before 31 August 1064, also Marchese), Anselmo (d. c1065), and Ugo (d. after May 1055)
3. OBERTO [I] (-after 1034).
"Einricus…imperator" acting through "domnus Otto comes palacii et comes eius comitatu Ticinensi" with "…Otbertus et Anselmus germanis marchionibus…" confirmed the property of the convent of San Salvator at Pavia, naming "Berengarius presbiter et Ugo comes germanis, filii bone memorie Sigefredi qui fuit similiter comes", by charter dated 7 May 1014[389].
"Heinricus…Romanorum imperator augustus" donated property "que Gebehardus comes in beneficium habuit, in comitatu Piligrimi et in pago Matihgowe" to the church at Pavia by charter dated 1014, naming "Ubertum comitem filium Hildeprandi, Otbertum marchionem et filios eius et Albertum nepotem illius" as previous owners[390]. "Otbertus Marchio filius bone memorie Anselmi item Marchionis et Wido seu item Otberti pater et filii" founded the monastery of Santa Justina of Sezzadio by charter dated 1 Mar 1030[391].
m ---. The name of Oberto's wife is not known.
Marchese Oberto [I] & his wife had two children: Guido (d. after 1 March 1030) and Oberto II (d. 1061/1065 m. Beatrice di Romagnano)
4. [ERMENGARDA (-after 21 Oct 996).
A charter dated 21 Oct 996 records the exchange of property in Cadeliano between the bishop of Asti and "Amelgausus filio quondam Rozo et Ermengarda jugalibus filia Anselmo marchio que professo sum ex nacione…Romana"[396].
m AMELGAUSO, son of ROZO & his wife --- (-after 21 Oct 996).]
5. OBERTO (-after 1071). Marchese [di Savona].
"Aubertus marchio" granted privileges to Savona by charter dated 1071[397].
[375] Monumenta Aquensia, Pars II, col. 292.
[376] Monumenta Aquensia, Pars I, col. 9.
[377] Monumenta Aquensia, Pars I, col. 9.
[378] D H II 305, p. 379.
[379] Monumenta Aquensia, Pars II, col. 296.
[380] Monumenta Aquensia, Pars II, col. 300.
[381] Tortona Capitolare, XVII, p. 27.
[382] D H II 305, p. 379.
[383] D H II 299, p. 369.
[384] Monumenta Aquensia, Pars I, col. 33.
[385] Tortona Capitolare, XXI, p. 34.
[389] D H II 299, p. 369.
[390] D H II 321, p. 402.
[391] Monumenta Aquensia, Pars I, col. 25.
[396] Gabotto, F. (ed.) ´Le più antiche carte dello archivio capitulare di Asti, Vol. I´, Biblioteca della società storica subalpina, Vol. XXVIII (Pinerolo, 1904) ("Asti Capitolare (antiche carte)"), CXXII, p. 234.
[397] Monumenta Aquensia, Pars I, col. 38.
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Elena di Verona
Aleram, 1st marquis of Montferrat
William II Aleramid, of Montferrat
Otto I Aleramid, marquess of Mon...
Adelaide, {fictional}
Gilberga d'Ivrea
Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.
✺- 970→4 de abril: inicia la construcción de la Mezquita de al-Azhar en El Cairo.
Mayo: la ciudad israelí de Ramla es tomada por los fatimíes.
23 de mayo: Pandulfo I de Benevento negocia la paz entre el Imperio Romano de Oriente (Bizancio) y el Sacro Imperio Romano Germánico. Tras esto, Otón I del Sacro Imperio acepta la soberanía de la Italia bizantina en el sur de la península.
Octubre: los fatimíes ocupan Damasco.
La Meca y Medina son capturadas por el Califato fatimí.
Vladimiro I de Kiev se convierte en Príncipe de Nóvgorod.
En el Reino de Pamplona (actual España), es entronizado Sancho Garcés II, primero en usar el título de rey de Navarra (en el 987)→
→García Fernández es nombrado conde de Castilla→
→Sviatoslav I de Kiev se alía con los pechenegos y búlgaros contra el Imperio bizantino, pero sus tropas son emboscadas y derrotadas en la Batalla
✺- 980→El rey Miecislao I establece el cristianismo como religión oficial de Polonia
✺- 990→En Suecia, Svend Forkbeard, rey vikingo danés funda la aldea de Lund→
→1 de enero: Rus de Kiev adopta el calendario juliano
✺- 1000→1 de enero: según un mito historiográfico, en esta fecha amplios sectores de la población europea creyeron que este día sucedería el fin del mundo (apocalipsis milenarista) al cumplirse los mil años del nacimiento de Jesucristo, por lo cual se produjeron disturbios y hubo masivas peregrinaciones hacia Jerusalén para poder morir en Tierra Santa. Actualmente se sabe que no sucedieron tales hechos, cuyo relato se remonta al Renacimiento, siendo popularizado por los historiadores del siglo xix.23456
10 de enero: Muere la emperatriz viuda Masako, emperatriz consorte del difunto emperador Reizei→
→11 de marzo: en Polonia se celebra el Congreso de Gniezno, uno de los eventos más relevantes de la historia de ese país→
→8 de abril: En Japón, Fujiwara no Shoshi es ascendida a emperatriz (Chugu), mientras que en ese mismo momento también había otra emperatriz Fujiwara no Teishi. Esta es la primera vez en
✺- 1010→Europa
Destrucción de Medina Azahara, a las afueras de Córdoba→
→Restauración de Hisham II en el Califato Omeya de Córdoba, sucediendo a Muhammad II al-Mahdi→
→Fundación de la ciudad de Yaroslavl→
Se establece en Vietnam la Dinastía Lý y la capital se desplaza a Hanói→
→El poeta persa Ferdousí termina de escribir Shahnameh→
El explorador vikingo Thorfinn Karlsefni funda un asentamiento en Norteamérica (fecha aproximada)→
La superficie del río Nilo se congela.1
✺- 1020→febrero-marzo:1 en el Califato fatimí (Egipto), los nativos de Fustat se enfrentan a una coalición turco-berebere. Los esclavos negros prenden fuego la ciudad por tres días. Este evento es parte de una serie de rebeliones que debilitan severamente la autoridad de los fatimís→
→15 de abril: un terremoto devasta Roma durante las festividades del Viernes Santo. Una agrupación de judíos es acusada como causante del desastre, por lo que son condenados a muerte por el papa Benedicto VIII.2
15 de junio: las fuerzas del Imperio romano de Oriente dirigidas por Basilio Boioanes toman Troia (Italia)→
→17 de junio: el papa Benedicto VIII se reúne con Enrique II del Sacro Imperio en Bamberg y le pide ayuda para recuperar el control del sur de Italia.3
1 de septiembre: Mahmud de Gazni envía a su hijo para conquistar Ġawr, que cae al cabo de una semana.4
✺- 1030→Fundación de Tartu en Estonia→
→Fundación de Kaunas en Lituania→
→Georgia y emir de Tiflis se enfrentan a Shaddadids→
→Fin del Califato
✺- 1040→NACE Alfonso VI de León, rey de León y Castilla. Hijo de Fernando I de León
Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.