martes, 7 de febrero de 2023

Anlach Goronog mac Cormac King of Ireland ♛★Bisabuelo n°46★ Ref: KI-0370 |•••► #IRLANDA 🏆★★★ #Genealogía #Genealogy Ⓟ Ⓜ

 46 ° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Anlach Goronog mac Cormac, King of Ireland is your 46th great grandfather.



(Linea Paterna) (Linea Materna)


Anlach Goronog mac Cormac, King of Ireland is your 46th great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Dr. Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna

your father → Elena Cecilia Lecuna Escobar

his mother → Vicente de Jesus Lecuna Salboch, Dr.

her father → Ramón Lecuna Sucre

his father → Josefa Margarita Sucre y Márquez de Valenzuela

his mother → Coronel Vicente Vitto Luis Ramón de Sucre y García de Urbaneja

her father → Coronel Antonio Mauricio Jacinto Tadeo Rosalio Sucre Pardo y Trelles

his father → Carlos Francisco Francois Sucre y Pardo, Sargento Mayor

his father → Charles Adrien de Sucre y D´Ives

his father → Charles Antoine de Sucre y Martigny

his father → Antonio de Succre y Hontoy

his father → Francois dit Godefroy de Succre

his father → Antonio de Succre

his father → Jeanne de Thurut

his mother → Jeanne Grebert y Vredeau

her mother → Jacqueline Vredeau

her mother → Jean Vredeau, prévôt de Valenciennes

her father → Marie du Gardin

his mother → Marie de Saint Amand

her mother → Joan de Haudlo

her mother → Maud Haudlo

her mother → Maud FitzAlan

her mother → Isabella de Mortimer, Countess of Arundel

her mother → Roger Mortimer, 1st Baron Mortimer

her father → Gwladys Ddu verch Llewelyn

his mother → Llewelyn Fawr ab Iorwerth, Prince of Gwynedd

her father → Margred verch Madog, of Powys

his mother → Madog ap Maredudd, Brenin Powys

her father → Maredudd ap Bleddyn, Brenin Powys

his father → Bleddyn ap Cynfyn, Brenin Powys

his father → Angharad verch Maredudd

his mother → Maredudd ab Owain, King of Deheubarth

her father → Angharad verch Llewelyn

his mother → N.N. ferch Merfyn

her mother → Merfyn ap Rhodri Mawr

her father → Rhodri the Great, king of the Britons

his father → Merfyn Frych ap Gwriad

his father → Gwriad ap Elidir

his father → Elidir ap Sandde

his father → Sandde ap Alcwn

his father → Alcwn ap Tegid

his father → Tegid ap Gwair

his father → Gwair ap Dwg

his father → Dwg ap Llywarch Hen

his father → Llywarch Hen ab Elidir

his father → Saint Gwawr ferch Brychan

his mother → St. Brychan Gododdin, Brenin Brycheiniog

her father → Anlach Goronog mac Cormac, King of Ireland

his father


Shortest in-law relationship

Anlach Goronog mac Cormac, King of Ireland is your 26th great uncle's 7th great aunt's husband's daughter's husband's father.


  → Morella Álamo Borges

your mother → show 39 relatives → St. Brychan Gododdin, Brenin Brycheiniog

her husband → Anlach Goronog mac Cormac, King of Ireland

his fatherConsistency CheckShare this path

Anlach Goronog mac Cormac, King of Ireland  MP

Welsh: Anlach mac Cormac, Rí na hÉireann

Gender: Male 

Birth: circa 370

Immediate Family:

Son of Cormach mac Urb, King of Ireland and Gratianna of Galloway

Husband of Marchell verch Tewdrig

Father of Gwladys verch Anlach and St. Brychan Gododdin, Brenin Brycheiniog

Added by: Patricia Ann Topping on August 23, 2007

Managed by: Bernard Raimond Assaf and 37 others

Curated by: Erin Ishimoticha

 | history

King of Garthmadrun, Wales


Cormac mac Airt, también conocido como Cormac ua Cuinn (nieto de Conn) o Cormac Ulfada (barba larga), fue, según la leyenda irlandesa medieval y la tradición histórica, un Alto Rey de Irlanda. Es probablemente el más famoso de los antiguos Altos Reyes, y puede haber sido una auténtica figura histórica, aunque muchas leyendas se han unido a él, y su reinado se fecha de diversas maneras ya en el siglo 2 y tan tarde como el 4. Se dice que gobernó desde Tara, la sede de los Altos Reyes de Irlanda, durante cuarenta años, y bajo su gobierno Tara floreció. Se le atribuye la construcción de muchos de los monumentos en la colina de Tara, como el Salón de Banquetes, la casa de Cormac y el Recinto de Gráinne, que lleva el nombre de su hija. [1] Fue famoso por sus juicios sabios, verdaderos y generosos. En los Anales de Clonmacnoise, traducidos en 1627, se le describe como:

"absolutamente el mejor rey que jamás haya reinado en Irlanda antes que él... sabio erudito, valiente y manso, no dado sin causa a ser sangriento como muchos de sus antepasados, reinó majestuosa y magníficamente".

Se supone que el héroe Fionn mac Cumhaill vivió en la época de Cormac, y la mayoría de las historias del Ciclo Feniano se desarrollan durante su reinado.

Nacimiento e infancia

El padre de Cormac fue el ex Alto Rey Art mac Cuinn. Su madre era Achtan, hija de Olc Acha, un herrero (o druida) de Connacht. Cormac tenía un hermano menor, Alastir.

Según la saga "La batalla de Mag Mucrama", Olc le dio hospitalidad a Art la noche antes de la batalla de Maigh Mucruimhe. Se había profetizado que una gran dignidad vendría de la línea de Olc, por lo que ofreció al Gran Rey su hija para que durmiera esa noche, y Cormac fue concebido[2] (Geoffrey Keating dice que Achtan era la amante oficial de Art, a quien le había dado una dote de ganado). [3]

Se cuenta la historia de que Achtan tuvo una visión mientras dormía junto a Art. Se vio a sí misma con la cabeza cortada y un gran árbol creciendo fuera de su cuello. Sus ramas se extendieron por toda Irlanda, hasta que el mar se elevó y la abrumó. Otro árbol creció de las raíces del primero, pero el viento lo derribó. En eso se despertó y le contó a Art lo que había visto. Art explicó que la cabeza de cada mujer es su marido, y que perdería a su marido en la batalla al día siguiente. El primer árbol fue su hijo, que sería el rey de toda Irlanda, y el mar que lo abrumaba era una espina de pescado con la que moriría asfixiándose. El segundo árbol era su hijo, Cairbre Lifechair, que sería rey después de él, y el viento que lo derribó fue una batalla contra la fianna, en la que caería. Al día siguiente, Art fue derrotado y asesinado por su sobrino Lugaid mac Con, quien se convirtió en el nuevo Gran Rey.

Cormac fue llevado en la infancia por una loba y criado con sus cachorros en las cuevas de Kesh (Keash, Co Sligo), pero un cazador lo encontró y lo llevó de vuelta a su madre. Achtan luego lo llevó a Fiachrae Cassán, que había sido el padre adoptivo de Art. En el camino fueron atacados por lobos, pero los caballos salvajes los protegieron. [4]

Ascenso al poder

A la edad de treinta años, armado con la espada de su padre, Cormac llegó a Tara, donde conoció a un mayordomo que consolaba a una mujer que lloraba. El mayordomo explicó que el Gran Rey había confiscado sus ovejas porque habían recortado el jardín de la reina. Cormac declaró: "Más apropiado sería una esquila por otra", porque tanto el tejido como los vellones de las ovejas volverían a crecer. Cuando Lugaid escuchó esto, admitió que el juicio de Cormac era superior al suyo y abdicó al trono. [5] [6] Otras tradiciones dicen que Cormac expulsó a Lugaid por la fuerza,[7] [8] o que dejó Tara porque sus druidas habían profetizado que no viviría otros seis meses si se quedaba. [3] En todas las versiones fue a ver a sus parientes en Munster, donde el poeta Ferches mac Commain lo mató con una lanza mientras estaba de espaldas a una piedra en pie.

Pero Cormac no pudo reclamar la Alta Realeza, ya que el rey de los Ulaid, Fergus Dubdétach, lo condujo a Connacht y tomó el trono él mismo. Se volvió hacia Tadg mac Céin, un noble local cuyo padre había sido asesinado por Fergus, prometiéndole tanta tierra en la llanura de Brega como pudiera conducir su carro en un día si lo ayudaba a reclamar el trono. Tadg le aconsejó que reclutara al hermano de su abuelo, Lugaid Láma. Cormac lo buscó, y cuando lo encontró acostado en una caseta de caza, lo hirió en la espalda con una lanza. Lugaid reveló que había sido él quien había matado al padre de Cormac en la batalla de Maigh Mucruimhe, y Cormac exigió, como éraic para la vida de Art, que Lugaid le diera la cabeza de Fergus.

Habiendo reclutado a Tadg y Lugaid, Cormac marchó contra Fergus, y comenzó la batalla de Crinna. Tadg lideró la batalla, manteniendo a Cormac fuera de la acción en la retaguardia. Lugaid tomó la cabeza del hermano de Fergus, Fergus Foltlebair, y se la llevó al asistente de Cormac, quien le dijo que esta no era la cabeza del rey de Ulster. Luego tomó la cabeza del otro hermano de Fergus, Fergus Caisfhiachlach, pero nuevamente el asistente le dijo que era la cabeza equivocada. Finalmente mató a Fergus Dubdétach, y cuando el asistente confirmó que había conseguido al hombre adecuado, Lugaid lo mató y colapsó por agotamiento y pérdida de sangre.

Tadg derrotó al ejército de Fergus y ordenó a su auriga que hiciera un circuito de la llanura de Brega para incluir a la propia Tara. Fue gravemente herido y se desmayó durante el circuito. Cuando volvió en sí, le preguntó al auriga si ya había conducido alrededor de Tara. Cuando el auriga respondió que no, Tadg lo mató, pero antes de que pudiera completar el circuito él mismo, Cormac se acercó a él y ordenó a los médicos que trataran sus heridas, tratamiento que tomó un año entero. Cormac tomó el trono, y Tadg gobernó grandes extensiones de tierra en la mitad norte de Irlanda. [3]


Según la saga "La melodía de la casa de Buchet",[9] Cormac se casó con Eithne Táebfada, hija de Cathaír Mór e hija adoptiva de Buchet, un rico señor ganadero de Leinster cuya hospitalidad fue tan explotada que fue reducida a la pobreza. Sin embargo, en otras tradiciones Eithne es la esposa del abuelo de Cormac, Conn Cétchathach. Keating[3] dice que la hija adoptiva de Buchet con la que Cormac se casó fue otra Eithne, Eithne Ollamda, hija de Dúnlaing, rey de Leinster. También según Keating, Cormac tomó una segunda esposa, Ciarnait, hija del rey de los Cruthin, pero Eithne, por celos de su belleza, la obligó a moler nueve medidas de grano todos los días. Cormac la liberó de este trabajo haciendo construir un molino de agua.

Cormac's sons, Dáire, Cellach, Anlach and Cairbre Lifechair, and ten daughters. Two of his daughters, Gráinne and Aillbe, married the hero Fionn mac Cumhaill. In the well-known story "The Pursuit of Diarmuid and Gráinne", Gráinne was betrothed to Fionn, but instead ran off with a young warrior of the fianna, Diarmuid Ua Duibhne. Diarmuid and Fionn were eventually reconciled, but Fionn later contrived Diarmuid's death during a boar hunt, but was shamed by his son Oisín into making amends to Gráinne. Fionn and Gráinne were married, and Gráinne persuaded her sons not to make war against Fionn.[10]


Cormac's reign is recorded in some detail in the Irish annals.[8] He fought many battles, subduing the Ulaid and Connacht and leading a lengthy campaign against Munster. In the fourteenth year of his reign he is said to have sailed to Britain and made conquests there. In the fifteenth, thirty maidens were slaughtered in Tara by Dúnlaing, king of Leinster, for which Cormac had twelve Leinster princes put to death. In other texts he is said to have been temporarily deposed twice by the Ulaid, and to have once gone missing for four months. He is also said to have compiled the Psalter of Tara, a book containing the chronicles of Irish history, the laws concerning the rents and dues kings were to receive from their subjects, and records of the boundaries of Ireland.[11]

Although he is usually remembered as a wise and just ruler, one story presents him in a less flattering light. Having distributed all the cattle he had received as tribute from the provinces, Cormac found himself without any cattle to provision his own household after a plague struck his herds. A steward persuaded him to treat Munster as two provinces, the southern of which had never paid tax. He sent messengers to demand payment, but Fiachu Muillethan, the king of southern Munster, refused, and Cormac prepared for war. His own druids, who had never advised him badly, foresaw disaster, but he ignored them, preferring to listen to five druids from the sidhe supplied by his fairy lover, Báirinn.

Cormac marched to Munster and made camp on the hill of Druim Dámhgaire (Knocklong, County Limerick). His new druids' magic made the camp impregnable and his warriors unbeatable, dried up all sources of water used by the Munstermen, and nearly drove Fiacha to submission. But Fiacha in desperation turned to the powerful Munster druid Mug Ruith for aid, and his magic was too strong even for Cormac's fairy druids. He restored the water and conjured up magical hounds who destroyed the fairy druids. His breath created storms and turned men to stone. Cormac was driven out of Munster and compelled to seek terms.[12]

In the tale Echtra Cormaic (Lady Gregory, GAFM IV.11 "His Three Calls to Cormac" ) the Irish King is tempted by the sea-god Manannan mac Lir with treasure, specifically a "shining branch having nine apples of red gold," in exchange for his family. Cormac is led into the Otherworld (Land of Promise) and taught a harsh lesson by Manannán, but in the end his wife and children are restored to him. Also, Manannán rewards him with a wonderful gold cup which breaks if three lies are spoken over it and is made whole again if three truths are spoken.[13][14] Cormac used this cup during his kingship to distinguish falsehood from truth. When Cormac died, the cup vanished, just as Manannan had predicted it would.

The 8th-century text The Expulsion of the Déisi describes enmity between Cormac and the group known as the Déisi, descendants of Cormac's great-grandfather Fedlimid Rechtmar who had been his retainers. Cormac's son Cellach (or Conn) abducts Forach, the daughter of a Déisi leader. Her uncle Óengus Gaíbúaibthech comes to rescue her, but Cellach refuses to release her. Óengus runs Cellach through with his "dread spear", which has three chains attached to it; these chains wound one of Cormac's advisers and blind Cormac in one eye. Cormac fights seven battles against the Déisi, and expels them from their lands. After a period of wandering, they settled in Munster. Cormac, having lost an eye, moves into the Tech Cletig on the hill of Achall, as it was against the law for a disfigured king to sit in Tara. His duties as king are taken on by his son Cairbre Lifechair.[3][8][15][16]


Después de gobernar durante cuarenta años, Cormac murió asfixiado con un hueso de salmón. Algunas versiones culpan de esto a una maldición puesta por un druida porque Cormac se había convertido al cristianismo. Algunas versiones del Lebor Gabála Érenn sincronizan su reinado con el del emperador romano Marco Aurelio (161-180). Keating data su reinado en 204–244; los Anales de los Cuatro Maestros a 226–266. Una entrada en los Anales de Ulster data su muerte en fecha tan tardía como 366. [4] Fue sucedido por Eochaid Gonnat.


Please see Darrell Wolcott: The Lands Called Garthmadryn; (Steven Ferry, may 4, 2021.)

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Marchell verch Tewdrig


Gwladys verch Anlach


St. Brychan Gododdin, Brenin Bry...


Cormach mac Urb, King of Ireland


Gratianna of Galloway



Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.


lunes, 6 de febrero de 2023

Weaga (0270) ★Bisabuelo n°53★ Ref: W0-0270 |•••► #ALEMANIA 🏆🇩🇪★ #Genealogía #Genealogy

 53 ° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Weaga is your 53rd great grandfather.



(Linea Paterna) 


Weaga is your 53rd great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Dr. Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna

your father → Elena Cecilia Lecuna Escobar

his mother → Vicente de Jesus Lecuna Salboch, Dr.

her father → Ramón Lecuna Sucre

his father → Josefa Margarita Sucre y Márquez de Valenzuela

his mother → Coronel Vicente Vitto Luis Ramón de Sucre y García de Urbaneja

her father → Coronel Antonio Mauricio Jacinto Tadeo Rosalio Sucre Pardo y Trelles

his father → Carlos Francisco Francois Sucre y Pardo, Sargento Mayor

his father → Charles Adrien de Sucre y D´Ives

his father → Charles Antoine de Sucre y Martigny

his father → Antonio de Succre y Hontoy

his father → Francois dit Godefroy de Succre

his father → Antonio de Succre

his father → Jeanne de Thurut

his mother → Jeanne Grebert y Vredeau

her mother → Jacqueline Vredeau

her mother → Jean Vredeau, prévôt de Valenciennes

her father → Marie du Gardin

his mother → Marie de Saint Amand

her mother → Joan de Haudlo

her mother → Maud Haudlo

her mother → Maud FitzAlan

her mother → Isabella de Mortimer, Countess of Arundel

her mother → Roger Mortimer, 1st Baron Mortimer

her father → Gwladys Ddu verch Llewelyn

his mother → Llewelyn Fawr ab Iorwerth, Prince of Gwynedd

her father → Margred verch Madog, of Powys

his mother → Madog ap Maredudd, Brenin Powys

her father → Maredudd ap Bleddyn, Brenin Powys

his father → Bleddyn ap Cynfyn, Brenin Powys

his father → Angharad verch Maredudd

his mother → Maredudd ab Owain, King of Deheubarth

her father → Angharad verch Llewelyn

his mother → N.N. ferch Merfyn

her mother → Merfyn ap Rhodri Mawr

her father → Rhodri the Great, king of the Britons

his father → Merfyn Frych ap Gwriad

his father → Esyllt verch Cynan

his mother → Cynan Dyndaethwy ap Cynan

her father → Cynan ap Rhodri Molwynog

his father → Rhodri Molwynog ap Idwal Ywrch, King of Gwynedd

his father → Idwal Ywrch ap Cadwaladr

his father → St. Cadwaladr Fendigaid ap Cadwallon, Brenin Gwynedd

his father → Daughter of Pybba, of Mercia

his mother → Pybba, king of Mercia

her father → Creoda, king of Mercia

his father → Cynewald

his father → Cnebba

his father → Icel

his father → Ēomǣr

his father → Angeltheow

his father → Offa the gentle, King of the Angles

his father → Wermund, King of the Angles

his father → Wihtlaeg

his father → Weaga

his father


Weaga MP

Gender: Male

Birth: estimated before 270 

Ancient Saxony, Northern Germany

Immediate Family:

Son of Weothulgeot

Father of Wihtlaeg and Siggeir Wægdæging

Added by: John B. Kalla on June 18, 2008

Managed by: John B. Kalla, Judith Ann Toronchuk and Claudette Bethune


HISTORIA - Revisions


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Siggeir Wægdæging





Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.


Rhodri The Great King Of The Britons ♛★Bisabuelo n°34★ Ref: KB-0820 |•••► #REINO UNIDO 🏆🇬🇧 #Genealogía #Genealogy Ⓟ Ⓜ

 34 ° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Rhodri the Great, king of the Britons is your 34th great grandfather.



(Linea Paterna) (Linea Materna)


Rhodri the Great, king of the Britons is your 34th great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Dr. Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna

your father → Elena Cecilia Lecuna Escobar

his mother → Vicente de Jesus Lecuna Salboch, Dr.

her father → Ramón Lecuna Sucre

his father → Josefa Margarita Sucre y Márquez de Valenzuela

his mother → Coronel Vicente Vitto Luis Ramón de Sucre y García de Urbaneja

her father → Coronel Antonio Mauricio Jacinto Tadeo Rosalio Sucre Pardo y Trelles

his father → Carlos Francisco Francois Sucre y Pardo, Sargento Mayor

his father → Charles Adrien de Sucre y D´Ives

his father → Charles Antoine de Sucre y Martigny

his father → Antonio de Succre y Hontoy

his father → Francois dit Godefroy de Succre

his father → Antonio de Succre

his father → Jeanne de Thurut

his mother → Jeanne Grebert y Vredeau

her mother → Jacqueline Vredeau

her mother → Jean Vredeau, prévôt de Valenciennes

her father → Marie du Gardin

his mother → Marie de Saint Amand

her mother → Joan de Haudlo

her mother → Maud Haudlo

her mother → Maud FitzAlan

her mother → Isabella de Mortimer, Countess of Arundel

her mother → Roger Mortimer, 1st Baron Mortimer

her father → Gwladys Ddu verch Llewelyn

his mother → Llewelyn Fawr ab Iorwerth, Prince of Gwynedd

her father → Margred verch Madog, of Powys

his mother → Madog ap Maredudd, Brenin Powys

her father → Maredudd ap Bleddyn, Brenin Powys

his father → Bleddyn ap Cynfyn, Brenin Powys

his father → Angharad verch Maredudd

his mother → Maredudd ab Owain, King of Deheubarth

her father → Angharad verch Llewelyn

his mother → N.N. ferch Merfyn

her mother → Merfyn ap Rhodri Mawr

her father → Rhodri the Great, king of the Britons

his father


Rhodri the Great, king of the Britons is your 19th great grandfather's partner's 6th great grandfather.


  → Morella Álamo Borges

your mother → show 27 relatives → Anarawd ap Rhodri Mawr

his father → Rhodri the Great, king of the Britons

his fatherConsistency CheckShare this path

Rhodri Mawr ap Merfyn  MP 

Welsh: Rhodri ap Merfyn

Gender: Male 

Birth: circa 820 

Death: 878 (53-62)

Anglesey, Wales (Pre UK) (likely killed in an invasion of the Saxons under Ceolwulf of Mercia) 

Immediate Family:

Son of Merfyn Frych ap Gwriad

Husband of N.N. and Angharad verch Meurig, of South Wales, Queen of Ceredigion & Deheubarth

Father of Tudwal Gloff ap Rhodri Mawr; Elise ap Rhodri Mawr; Anarawd ap Rhodri Mawr; N.N. verch Rhodri Mawr; Cadell ap Rhodri Mawr, King of Dyfed and Deheubarth and 7 others

Brother of Anarawd ap Merfyn and Gwriad ap Merfyn

Added by: Bjørn P. Brox on May 2, 2007

Managed by: Daniel Dupree Walton and 183 others

Curated by: Terry Jackson (Switzer)

 0 M

HISTORIA - History_of_the_Kings_f.13_Madog.jpg

Rhodri Mawr ap Merfyn  MP 

Welsh: Rhodri ap Merfyn

Gender: Male 

Birth: circa 820 

Death: 878 (53-62)

Anglesey, Wales (Pre UK) (likely killed in an invasion of the Saxons under Ceolwulf of Mercia) 

Immediate Family:

Son of Merfyn Frych ap Gwriad

Husband of N.N. and Angharad verch Meurig, of South Wales, Queen of Ceredigion & Deheubarth

Father of Tudwal Gloff ap Rhodri Mawr; Elise ap Rhodri Mawr; Anarawd ap Rhodri Mawr; N.N. verch Rhodri Mawr; Cadell ap Rhodri Mawr, King of Dyfed and Deheubarth and 7 others

Brother of Anarawd ap Merfyn and Gwriad ap Merfyn

Added by: Bjørn P. Brox on May 2, 2007

Managed by: Daniel Dupree Walton and 183 others

Curated by: Terry Jackson (Switzer)

 0 M

HISTORIA - History_of_the_Kings_f.13_Madog.jpg

Rhodri Mawr ap Merfyn  MP 

Welsh: Rhodri ap Merfyn

Gender: Male 

Birth: circa 820 

Death: 878 (53-62)

Anglesey, Wales (Pre UK) (likely killed in an invasion of the Saxons under Ceolwulf of Mercia) 

Immediate Family:

Son of Merfyn Frych ap Gwriad

Husband of N.N. and Angharad verch Meurig, of South Wales, Queen of Ceredigion & Deheubarth

Father of Tudwal Gloff ap Rhodri Mawr; Elise ap Rhodri Mawr; Anarawd ap Rhodri Mawr; N.N. verch Rhodri Mawr; Cadell ap Rhodri Mawr, King of Dyfed and Deheubarth and 7 others

Brother of Anarawd ap Merfyn and Gwriad ap Merfyn



Rhodri ap Merfyn (c. 820 – 873/877/878), popularmente conocido como Rhodri el Grande (galés: Rhodri Mawr), sucedió a su padre, Merfyn Frych, como rey de Gwynedd en 844. Rhodri anexó Powys c. 856 y Seisyllwg c. 871. Es llamado "Rey de los británicos" por los Anales del Ulster. En algunas historias posteriores, se le conoce como "Rey de Gales", aunque el título es anacrónico y su reino no incluía el sur de Gales.

Linaje y herencia

Rhodri era el hijo del rey Merfyn Frych,[1] quien había reclamado Gwynedd tras la extinción de la línea masculina de Cunedda. [2] Rhodri luego heredó el reino después de la muerte de su padre alrededor de 844. [1] Merfyn provenía de "Manaw", que puede referirse a la Isla de Man o Manau, la patria ancestral de todos los reyes de Gwynedd desde Cunedda. [2]

Según genealogías posteriores, su madre o abuela fue Nest ferch Cadell de la dinastía gobernante en Powys, y Rhodri heredó el reino a través de su tío Cyngen y luego el gobierno de los reinos del sur a la muerte de Gwgon, cuñado de Rhodri. [1] Aunque los textos sobrevivientes de la ley galesa prohíben expresamente la herencia a lo largo de la línea materna, la supuesta herencia de Nest y Rhodri se usó más tarde para justificar la anexión de Powys por parte de Gwynedd después de la muerte de Cyngen ap Cadell en c. 855 en preferencia a los otros herederos de Cyngen. [3]

Del mismo modo, el matrimonio de Rhodri con Angharad ferch Meurig se utilizó para explicar su supuesta herencia del reino de Ceredigion de su hermano Gwgon después de la muerte de ese rey en 872 [a] a través de un principio de jure uxoris que no sobrevive en nuestras fuentes para la ley galesa. [cita requerida]


Ahora el amo de gran parte del Gales moderno, Rhodri se enfrentó a la presión tanto de los ingleses como, cada vez más, de los vikingos, llamados los "gentiles negros" [b] en las fuentes galesas. [1] Se registra que los daneses devastaron Anglesey en 854. En 856, Rhodri obtuvo una notable victoria y mató a su líder Gorm.

La Crónica de los Príncipes registra dos victorias de Rhodri en 872: la primera en un lugar dado como Bangolau,[4] Bann Guolou,[5] o Bannoleu,[6] donde derrotó a los vikingos en Anglesey "en una dura batalla"[4] y la segunda en Manegid[4] o Enegyd[7] donde los vikingos "fueron destruidos".

La Crónica de los Príncipes registra su muerte ocurrida en la Batalla del Domingo en Anglesey en 873; [4] los Anales de Gales registran los dos eventos en diferentes años[5] [6] y la reconstrucción de Phillimore de sus fechas coloca la muerte de Rhodri en 877. [5] Según la Crónica, Rhodri y su hermano Gwriad fueron asesinados durante una invasión sajona (que probablemente habría sido bajo Ceolwulf de Mercia, dado que las fuerzas de Wessex bajo Alfredo el Grande estaban luchando contra los vikingos en East Anglia en ese momento). Los Anales no registran grandes detalles de la muerte, pero donde el texto B llama al hermano de Gwriad Rhodri,[6] el texto A lo tiene como hijo de Rhodri. [5] Es probable que muriera en batalla dado que todas las fuentes llaman a la victoria de su hijo Anarawd sobre los mercianos en la batalla de Conwy unos años más tarde "la venganza de Dios por Rhodri".


Rhodri murió dejando a los seis hijos para compartir su tierra entre ellos. El relato tradicional es que su hijo mayor, Anarawd, se convirtió en rey de Gwynedd y jefe de la posterior Casa de Aberffraw. [c] A otro, Cadell, se le dio Ceredigion [d]. La familia de Cadell fue conocida más tarde como la Casa de Dinefwr,[1] después de que su base de operaciones fuera trasladada por el hijo de Cadell, el nieto de Rhodri, Hywel Dda a Dyfed después de otra (supuesta) herencia a través del matrimonio de Hywel con Elen ferch Llywarch. El amplio dominio de Hywel, más tarde conocido como Deheubarth, eclipsó brevemente a Gwynedd bajo sus herederos inmediatos antes de fracturarse. [8]

Un cuarto hijo, posiblemente demasiado joven para haber sido considerado para la primera división de las tierras de Rhodri, participó en la venganza de Anarawd en 881 contra Mercia y, herido allí, se hizo conocido en la historia como Tudwal el Cojo, una condición que lo descalificaba del gobierno bajo Cyfraith Hywel, derecho consuetudinario galés.


Anarawd ap Rhodri (muerto en 913)[9] [10]

Cadell ap Rhodri (854–907)[9]

Gwriad ap Rhodri: Tuvo un hijo llamado Gwgawn que fue asesinado en 955. [9]

Tudwal ap Rhodri (nacido en 860)

Véase también

Árboles genealógicos de los reyes de Gales


 La fusión del texto latino normalmente se traduce como "ahogado", pero de hecho también significa simplemente "enterrado".

 Es decir, paganos.

 La Casa de Aberffraw produjo Gruffudd ap Cynan y Llywelyn el Grande

 Cadell mató a su hermano Merfyn para reclamar Powys también.


 "RHODRI MAWR ('el Grande') (muerto en 877), rey de Gwynedd, Powys y Deheubarth". Diccionario de biografía galesa. Biblioteca Nacional de Gales.

 "MERFYN FRYCH (muerto en 844), rey de Gwynedd". Diccionario de biografía galesa. Biblioteca Nacional de Gales.

 CYNGEN (muerto en 855), príncipe | Diccionario de biografía galesa". biografía.gales. Consultado el 2022-06-02.

 Archæologia Cambrensis: "Crónica de los Príncipes", p. 15. Consultado el 27 de febrero de 2013.

 Harleian MS. 3859. Op. cit. Phillimore, Egerton. Y Cymmrodor 9 (1888), pp. 141–83. (en latín)

 Los Anales de Gales (texto B), p. 10.

 La crónica de los sajones. Archæologia Cambrensis, Vol. IX (1863), 3ª Ser.

 "HYWEL DDA (Hywel el Bueno) (muerto en 950), rey y legislador". Diccionario de biografía galesa. Biblioteca Nacional de Gales.

 Llancarfan, Caradoc (1860). Williams, John (ed.). Brut y Tywysogion. Londres: Longman, Green, Longman y Roberts.

 "ANARAWD ap RHODRI (muerto en 916), príncipe". Diccionario de biografía galesa. Biblioteca Nacional de Gales.

Enlaces externos

Rhodri el Grande - Rhodri Mawr Rey de Gales


Cadell ap Rhodri Mawr King of Dyfed ♛★Bisabuelo n°33★ Ref: KD-0851 |•••► #REINO UNIDO 🏆🇬🇧 #Genealogía #Genealogy

33 ° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Cadell ap Rhodri Mawr, King of Dyfed and Deheubarth is your 33rd great grandfather.



(Linea Paterna) 


Cadell ap Rhodri Mawr, King of Dyfed and Deheubarth is your 33rd great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Dr. Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna

your father → Elena Cecilia Lecuna Escobar

his mother → Vicente de Jesus Lecuna Salboch, Dr.

her father → Ramón Lecuna Sucre

his father → Josefa Margarita Sucre y Márquez de Valenzuela

his mother → Coronel Vicente Vitto Luis Ramón de Sucre y García de Urbaneja

her father → Coronel Antonio Mauricio Jacinto Tadeo Rosalio Sucre Pardo y Trelles

his father → Carlos Francisco Francois Sucre y Pardo, Sargento Mayor

his father → Charles Adrien de Sucre y D´Ives

his father → Charles Antoine de Sucre y Martigny

his father → Antonio de Succre y Hontoy

his father → Francois dit Godefroy de Succre

his father → Antonio de Succre

his father → Jeanne de Thurut

his mother → Jeanne Grebert y Vredeau

her mother → Jacqueline Vredeau

her mother → Jean Vredeau, prévôt de Valenciennes

her father → Marie du Gardin

his mother → Marie de Saint Amand

her mother → Joan de Haudlo

her mother → Maud Haudlo

her mother → Maud FitzAlan

her mother → Isabella de Mortimer, Countess of Arundel

her mother → Roger Mortimer, 1st Baron Mortimer

her father → Gwladys Ddu verch Llewelyn

his mother → Llewelyn Fawr ab Iorwerth, Prince of Gwynedd

her father → Margred verch Madog, of Powys

his mother → Madog ap Maredudd, Brenin Powys

her father → Maredudd ap Bleddyn, Brenin Powys

his father → Bleddyn ap Cynfyn, Brenin Powys

his father → Angharad verch Maredudd

his mother → Maredudd ab Owain, King of Deheubarth

her father → Owain ap Hywel Dda

his father → Hywel Dda ap Cadell, King of the Britons

his father → Cadell ap Rhodri Mawr, King of Dyfed and Deheubarth

his father

Hywel Dda ap Cadell King of the Britons ♛★Bisabuelo n°32★ Ref: KB-0880 |•••► #REINO UNIDO 🏆🇬🇧 #Genealogía #Genealogy

 32 ° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Hywel Dda ap Cadell, King of the Britons is your 32nd great grandfather.



(Linea Paterna) 


Hywel Dda ap Cadell, King of the Britons is your 32nd great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Dr. Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna

your father → Elena Cecilia Lecuna Escobar

his mother → Vicente de Jesus Lecuna Salboch, Dr.

her father → Ramón Lecuna Sucre

his father → Josefa Margarita Sucre y Márquez de Valenzuela

his mother → Coronel Vicente Vitto Luis Ramón de Sucre y García de Urbaneja

her father → Coronel Antonio Mauricio Jacinto Tadeo Rosalio Sucre Pardo y Trelles

his father → Carlos Francisco Francois Sucre y Pardo, Sargento Mayor

his father → Charles Adrien de Sucre y D´Ives

his father → Charles Antoine de Sucre y Martigny

his father → Antonio de Succre y Hontoy

his father → Francois dit Godefroy de Succre

his father → Antonio de Succre

his father → Jeanne de Thurut

his mother → Jeanne Grebert y Vredeau

her mother → Jacqueline Vredeau

her mother → Jean Vredeau, prévôt de Valenciennes

her father → Marie du Gardin

his mother → Marie de Saint Amand

her mother → Joan de Haudlo

her mother → Maud Haudlo

her mother → Maud FitzAlan

her mother → Isabella de Mortimer, Countess of Arundel

her mother → Roger Mortimer, 1st Baron Mortimer

her father → Gwladys Ddu verch Llewelyn

his mother → Llewelyn Fawr ab Iorwerth, Prince of Gwynedd

her father → Margred verch Madog, of Powys

his mother → Madog ap Maredudd, Brenin Powys

her father → Maredudd ap Bleddyn, Brenin Powys

his father → Bleddyn ap Cynfyn, Brenin Powys

his father → Angharad verch Maredudd

his mother → Maredudd ab Owain, King of Deheubarth

her father → Owain ap Hywel Dda

his father → Hywel Dda ap Cadell, King of the Britons

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F.W. Pomeroy. Via Wikipedia Public Domain

Hywel Dda ap Cadell, King of the Britons  MP 

Gender: Male 

Birth: circa 880

Death: 950 (65-75) 

Immediate Family:

Son of Cadell ap Rhodri Mawr, King of Dyfed and Deheubarth and Rheingar verch Hyfaidd

Husband of Elen verch Llywarch

Father of Owain ap Hywel Dda; Angharad verch Hywel Dda; Rhodri ap Hywel Dda; Einion Ap Hywel; Rhain ap Hywel and 1 other

Brother of Clydog ap Cadell and Meurig ap Cadell

Added by: Bjørn P. Brox on May 2, 2007

Managed by: Daniel Dupree Walton and 151 others

Curated by: Anne Brannen

 0 Matches 

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Casado ([904]%29 ELEN de Dyfed, hija y heredera de LLYWARCH ap Hyfaidd Rey de Dyfed y su esposa --- (-[943]). ===

La Crónica Gwentiana registra que "su hijo Hywel fue hecho rey de Ceredigion" en 900 después de la muerte de "Cadell hijo de Rhodri el Grande"[100]. Sucedió a su padre en 909 como rey de Deheubarth. La Crónica Gwentiana registra que "Anarawd hijo de Rhodri el Grande, rey de los britanos" murió en 913 y luego "Hywel hijo de Cadell gobernó sobre todo Gales"[101]. La Crónica de los Príncipes de Gales registra que "el rey Aullido el Bueno, hijo de Cadell, fue a Roma" en 926[102]. Rey de Gwynedd. Athelstan rey de Wessex acordó la frontera con los príncipes galeses a lo largo del río Wye en una reunión en Hereford en [930], exigiendo un fuerte tributo de ellos. Hywel visitó a Athelstan rey de Wessex muchas veces entre 931 y 937, y fue influenciado por la vida inglesa y los métodos de gobierno[103]. La Crónica de Gwentian registra que "Eidwal el Calvo, hijo de Anarawd muerto, Hywel tomó sobre sí el gobierno de todo Gales" en 943[104]. Los Annales Cambriæ registran la muerte en 950 de "Higuel rex Brittonum"[105]. La Crónica de los Príncipes de Gales registra que "Aullido el Bueno, hijo del rey Cadell, jefe y gloria de todos los britanos" murió en 948[106]. La Crónica Gwentiana registra que "Hywel el Bueno, hijo de Cadell rey de todo Gales" murió en 948[107]. m ([904]%29 ELEN de Dyfed, hija y heredera de LLYWARCH ap Hyfaidd Rey de Dyfed y su esposa --- (-[943]). La fuente primaria que confirma su parentesco aún no ha sido identificada. La Crónica Gwentiana registra que "Elen esposa de Hywel el Bueno" murió en 943[108].

Hywel & his wife had four children:

i) DYVNWAL (-951). La Crónica de los Príncipes de Gales registra que "Dyvenwal y Rhodri hijos de Howel" murieron en 951[109].

ii) RHODRI (-[951/54]). Rey de Gwynedd, conjuntamente con sus hermanos. Los Annales Cambriæ registran la muerte en 954 de "Rotri filius Higuel"[110]. La Crónica de los Príncipes de Gales registra que "Dyvenwal y Rhodri hijos de Howel" murieron en 951[111].

iii) EDWIN (-952). Rey de Gwynedd, conjuntamente con sus hermanos. La Crónica de los Príncipes de Gales registra que "Edwin hijo de Howel el Bueno" murió en 952[112].

iv) OWAIN ap Hywel (-[987/88]). La Crónica Gwentiana registra que "su hijo Owain tomó el gobierno de Ceredigion" después de la muerte de "Hywel el Bueno, hijo de Cadell rey de todo Gales" en 948[113]. Rey de Gwynedd, conjuntamente con sus hermanos.

Hywell ap Cadell(hijo de Cadell)


(-[900/09]). The Gwentian Chronicle records the division of territories effected by "Rhodri the Great" and that "Cadell his eldest son had Ceredigion and his palace at Dinevwr…[with] the supremacy to the oldest of the three diademed princes"[94]. King of Ceredigion. The Gwentian Chronicle records that "Cadell son of Rhodri subjugated his brother Mervyn and took Powys from him, and then ruled over all Wales" in 877[95]. The Gwentian Chronicle records that "Anarawd king of Gwynedd devastated Ceredigion, the territory of his brother Cadell" in 892[96]. King of Deheubarth. The Annales Cambriæ record the death in 909 of "Catell filius Rodri rex"[97]. The Chronicle of the Princes of Wales records the death in 907 of "Cadell son of Rhodri"[98]. The Gwentian Chronicle records that "Cadell son of Rhodri the Great" died in 900[99]. m ---. The name of Cadell´s wife is not known. Cadell & his wife had three children

Hywel Dda también es notable como posiblemente el único gobernante galés medieval temprano que emitió monedas. Sin embargo, el único ejemplo, que lleva la leyenda 'Howæl Rex', puede haber tenido más una función ceremonial que monetaria. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hywel Dda De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

Hywel Dda (c. 880?–950), (inglés Hywel el Bueno, a veces anglicanizado como Howell el Bueno) fue originalmente rey de Deheubarth en el suroeste de Gales, pero finalmente llegó a gobernar la mayor parte de Gales. Como descendiente de Rhodri Mawr a través de su padre Cadell, Hywel fue miembro de la rama Dinefwr de la dinastía.

Es recordado como uno de los gobernantes galeses nativos más exitosos antes de la conquista normanda, y fue conocido como el Rey de los Britons. Su nombre está particularmente vinculado con el desarrollo de las leyes galesas, a menudo llamadas las Leyes de Hywel.


Hywel nació alrededor de 880, el hijo menor de Cadell ap Rhodri, hijo de Rhodri el Grande. En 905, Cadell, habiendo conquistado Dyfed, se lo dio a su hijo para que gobernara en su nombre. Hywel pudo consolidar su posición al casarse con Elen, cuyo padre Llywarch ap Hyfaidd había gobernado Dyfed hasta su muerte. Tras la muerte de su padre en 909, adquirió una parte de Seisyllwg, y a la muerte de su hermano en 920, fusionó Dyfed y Seisyllwg, creando para sí mismo un nuevo reino, que se conoció como Deheubarth. Tras la muerte de su primo Idwal Foel en 942, también se apoderó del principado de Gwynedd, convirtiéndose en gobernante de aproximadamente tres cuartas partes del actual Gales.


Paz con Inglaterra

El reinado de Hywel, inusualmente para la época, fue pacífico, y logró un entendimiento con Athelstan de Inglaterra. Tal era la relación entre los países vecinos que Hywel pudo acuñar su propia moneda en la ciudad inglesa de Chester. Fue el único gobernante galés en producir monedas. Su estudio del sistema legal inglés y su visita a Roma en 928 (en peregrinación) se combinaron para permitirle formular ideas avanzadas sobre el gobierno. (Posiblemente tendría la oportunidad de conocer a cualquiera de los Papas Juan X, León VI y Esteban VII que estuvieron activos durante ese año).

Las opiniones varían en cuanto a los motivos de la estrecha asociación de Hywel con la corte de Athelstan. J.E. Lloyd lo vio como un entusiasta anglófilo y admirador de los reyes de Wessex,[1] mientras que D.P. Kirby sugiere que puede ser más bien la acción de un pragmático que reconoció las realidades del poder en la Gran Bretaña de mediados del siglo 10. [2] Es notable que le dio a uno de sus hijos un nombre anglosajón, Edwin. Sus políticas con respecto a Inglaterra evidentemente no eran del gusto de todos sus súbditos. Un poema en galés titulado Armes Prydein, considerado por Sir Ifor Williams como escrito en Deheubarth durante el reinado de Hywel, pedía a los galeses que se unieran a una confederación de todos los pueblos no ingleses de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda para luchar contra los sajones. El poema bien puede estar vinculado a la alianza de los reinos nórdicos y celtas que desafiaron a Athelstan en la batalla de Brunanburh en 937. Ninguna fuerza galesa se unió a esta alianza, y esto bien pudo haber sido debido a la influencia de Hywel; por otro lado, tampoco envió tropas para apoyar a Athelstan.

La ley

La conferencia celebrada en Whitland alrededor de 945, fue una especie de parlamento en el que la ley galesa fue codificada y establecida por escrito para la posteridad, gran parte del trabajo fue realizado por el célebre secretario, Blegywryd. Tras la muerte de Hywel, su reino pronto se dividió en tres. Gwynedd fue reclamada por los hijos de Idwal Foel, mientras que Deheubarth fue dividida entre los hijos de Hywel. Sin embargo, su legado perduró en la forma de sus leyes ilustradas, que permanecieron en uso activo en todo Gales hasta la conquista y no fueron abolidas por el Parlamento inglés hasta el siglo 16. Una copia sobreviviente de la Ley (mss Peniarth 28) se conserva en la Biblioteca Nacional de Gales en Aberystwyth y se puede ver en línea. [1]


1. ^ John Edward Lloyd (1911). A history of Wales: from the earliest times to the Edwardian conquest. Longmans, Green & Co.

2. ^ D.P. Kirby, Hywel Dda: Anglófilo?, Revisión histórica galesa, 8 (1976-7)

Hywel se hizo cargo del reino sureño de Dyfed tras la muerte de su suegro (que pudo haber arreglado) en 904. Compartió tierras en Ceredigon e Ystrad Tywi con sus hermanos después de la muerte de su padre. Unió su herencia en 920, creando el reino de Deheubarth, y acusó Gwynedd después de la muerte de Idwal Foel en 942.

El mayor logro de Hywel fue crear el primer sistema legal uniforme en Gales. Se llamaban cyfraith Hywel (leyes de Hywel) y más tarde se afirmó que llevó estas leyes a Roma en su peregrinación en 928 y las bendijo el Papa.

Tras la muerte de Hywel, parte de su reino se separó. Gwynedd y Powys regresaron a la línea de Idwal ap Anarawd. Glamorgan continuó siendo súbditos de sus propios reyes. Deheubarth pasó al hijo de Hywel, Owain.


Hywel se hizo cargo del reino sureño de Dyfed tras la muerte de su suegro (que pudo haber arreglado) en 904. Compartió tierras en Ceredigon e Ystrad Tywi con sus hermanos después de la muerte de su padre. Unió su herencia en 920, creando el reino de Deheubarth, y acusó Gwynedd después de la muerte de Idwal Foel en 942.

El mayor logro de Hywel fue crear el primer sistema legal uniforme en Gales. Se llamaban cyfraith Hywel (leyes de Hywel) y más tarde se afirmó que llevó estas leyes a Roma en su peregrinación en 928 y las bendijo el Papa.

Tras la muerte de Hywel, parte de su reino se separó. Gwynedd y Powys regresaron a la línea de Idwal ap Anarawd. Glamorgan continuó siendo súbditos de sus propios reyes. Deheubarth pasó al hijo de Hywel, Owain.

Hywel se hizo cargo del reino sureño de Dyfed tras la muerte de su suegro (que pudo haber arreglado) en 904. Compartió tierras en Ceredigon e Ystrad Tywi con sus hermanos después de la muerte de su padre. Unió su herencia en 920, creando el reino de Deheubarth, y acusó Gwynedd después de la muerte de Idwal Foel en 942.

El mayor logro de Hywel fue crear el primer sistema legal uniforme en Gales. Se llamaban cyfraith Hywel (leyes de Hywel) y más tarde se afirmó que llevó estas leyes a Roma en su peregrinación en 928 y las bendijo el Papa.

Tras la muerte de Hywel, parte de su reino se separó. Gwynedd y Powys regresaron a la línea de Idwal ap Anarawd. Glamorgan continuó siendo súbditos de sus propios reyes. Deheubarth pasó al hijo de Hywel, Owain.

Rey de todo Gales [excepto Gwent y Glamorgan]. Reinado: 916-950

Codified the laws of Wales

916-950 Reign

BIOGRAFÍA: (galés), inglés Hywel The Good (m. AD 950), jefe llamado en los prólogos de los libros de leyes galeses "rey de todo Gales". Este epíteto fue de hecho apropiado para Howel, particularmente durante los últimos años de su reinado. Se convirtió en gobernante de Seisyllwg (aproximadamente el área de Dyfed y el valle de Towy) conjuntamente con su hermano Clydog después de la muerte de su padre, Cadell (c. 910), pero después de la muerte de Clydog en 920 gobernó solo. La soberanía sobre Dyfed en el suroeste de Gales le llegó a través de su esposa, Elen, hija de Llywarch ap Hyfaidd (m. 904), el último rey de su dinastía; adquirió Gwynedd, en el noroeste de Gales, y probablemente Powis, en el noreste de Gales, a la muerte de su primo Idwal Foel ap Anarawd, en 942. El reinado de Howel fue notable por su tranquilidad, el resultado de su constante política de sumisión a Inglaterra. El primer acto registrado de Howel es su homenaje a Eduardo el Viejo en 918. A partir de entonces, asistió a menudo a la corte inglesa, y su nombre se encuentra como testigo de 12 cartas de Athelstan y Edred entre 928 y 949. Howel fue el único gobernante galés que emitió sus propias monedas. Es recordado principalmente por la codificación de la ley galesa que se le atribuye. Aunque no hay registro contemporáneo de este trabajo, Howel fue ciertamente responsable de una coordinación de la ley preexistente. Hay biografías de J.E. Lloyd (1928) y J.G. Edwards (1929). Derechos de autor © 1994-2001 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

Hywel Dda, (en inglés: Hywel the Good; , a veces anglicanizado como Howell el Bueno) fue un rey bien considerado de Deheubarth en el suroeste de Gales, quien, usando su astucia, finalmente llegó a gobernar Gales desde Prestatyn hasta Pembroke. Como descendiente de Rhodri Mawr a través de su padre Cadell, Hywel fue miembro de la rama Dinefwr de la dinastía y también se llama Hywel ap Cadell. Fue registrado como Rey de los Britanos en los Annales Cambriae y los Anales de Ulster.

Es recordado como uno de los gobernantes galeses nativos más responsables de todos los tiempos. Su nombre está particularmente ligado con el desarrollo de las leyes galesas, generalmente conocidas como las Leyes de Hywel Dda. La última parte de su nombre ('Dda' o 'Bueno') se refiere al hecho de que sus leyes eran justas y buenas. El historiador Dafydd Jenkins ve en ellos compasión en lugar de castigo, mucho sentido común y un sentido de respeto hacia las mujeres.

Hywel Dda era ciertamente un hombre bien educado, incluso para los estándares modernos, que tenía un buen conocimiento del galés, el latín y el inglés.

En abril de 2008, una fusión de Pembrokeshire & Derwen, Ceredigion y Mid Wales, y Carmarthenshire NHS Trusts fue nombrada Hywel Dda NHS Trust en su honor.

Fue en peregrinación a Roma en 928

Véase también Wikipedia

Hywel Dda, también conocido como Hywel el Bueno (a veces anglicanizado como Howell el Bueno), fue un rey bien considerado de Deheubarth en el suroeste de Gales, quien, usando su astucia, finalmente llegó a gobernar Gales desde Prestatyn hasta Pembroke.

También fue llamado Hywel ap Cadell. Ahora se piensa que su nombre era en realidad Hywel Ddu (Aullido el Negro).

Es recordado como uno de los gobernantes galeses nativos más responsables de todos los tiempos y fue conocido como el Rey de los Britons. Su nombre está particularmente ligado con el desarrollo de las leyes galesas, generalmente conocidas como las Leyes de Hywel Dda. La última parte de su nombre ('Dda' o 'Bueno') se refiere al hecho de que sus leyes eran justas y buenas. El historiador Dafydd Jenkins ve en ellos compasión en lugar de castigo, mucho sentido común y un sentido de respeto hacia las mujeres (algo inaudito en otras leyes en toda Europa hasta hace poco)

Hywel Dda era ciertamente un hombre bien educado, incluso para los estándares modernos, con un buen conocimiento del latín, el inglés y el galés. De las 42 copias de las leyes escritas durante su vida, 36 fueron escritas en galés y seis en inglés.

Consulte para obtener más información.

Hywel Dda

De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

Hywel Dda (c. 880?–950), (inglés Hywel el Bueno, a veces anglicanizado a Howell el Bueno) fue un rey bien considerado [1] de Deheubarth en el suroeste de Gales, quien, usando su astucia, finalmente llegó a gobernar Gales desde Prestatyn hasta Pembroke[2]. Como descendiente de Rhodri Mawr a través de su padre Cadell, Hywel fue miembro de la rama Dinefwr de la dinastía y también se llama Hywel ap Cadell.

Es recordado como uno de los gobernantes galeses nativos más responsables de todos los tiempos. Su nombre está particularmente ligado con el desarrollo de las leyes galesas, generalmente conocidas como las Leyes de Hywel Dda. La última parte de su nombre ('Dda' o 'Bueno') se refiere al hecho de que sus leyes eran justas y buenas. El historiador Dafydd Jenkins ve en ellos compasión en lugar de castigo, mucho sentido común y un sentido de respeto hacia las mujeres (algo inaudito en otras leyes en toda Europa hasta hace poco)[3]

Hywel Dda era ciertamente un hombre bien educado, incluso para los estándares modernos, que tenía un buen conocimiento del galés, el latín y el inglés. [4]

En abril de 2008, una fusión de Pembrokeshire & Derwen, Ceredigion y Mid Wales, y Carmarthenshire NHS Trusts fue nombrada Hywel Dda NHS Trust en su honor.


Hywel nació alrededor de 880, el hijo menor de Cadell ap Rhodri, hijo de Rhodri el Grande. En 905, Cadell, habiendo conquistado Dyfed, se lo dio a su hijo para que gobernara en su nombre. Hywel pudo consolidar su posición al casarse con Elen, cuyo padre Llywarch ap Hyfaidd había gobernado Dyfed hasta su muerte. Tras la muerte de su padre en 909, adquirió una parte de Seisyllwg, y a la muerte de su hermano en 920, fusionó Dyfed y Seisyllwg, creando para sí mismo un nuevo reino, que se conoció como Deheubarth. Tras la muerte de su primo Idwal Foel en 942, también se apoderó del Reino de Gwynedd.

[editar] Logros

[editar] Paz con Wessex

El reinado de Hywel fue violento, y logró un entendimiento con Athelstan de Inglaterra. Athelstan y Hywel gobernaron parte de Gales conjuntamente. Tal era la relación entre los países vecinos que Hywel pudo acuñar su propia moneda en la ciudad inglesa de Chester. Fue el primer gobernante galés en producir monedas durante al menos mil años, desde la acuñación de sus predecesores celtas. Su estudio de los sistemas legales y su peregrinación a Roma en 928 se combinaron para permitirle formular ideas avanzadas sobre la ley. Un estudio comparativo del derecho y la legislación en ese momento revela una profunda preocupación por el derecho y su documentación en toda Europa y también en el mundo islámico, siendo las escuelas de traducción de la ley islámica de Córdoba un buen ejemplo, del griego al árabe y al latín. El libro Hywel 'Law' fue escrito en parte en latín, sobre las leyes de la corte, la ley del país y la ley de los jueces.

Las opiniones varían en cuanto a los motivos de la estrecha asociación de Hywel con la corte de Athelstan. J.E. Lloyd afirmó que Hywel era un admirador de Wessex[5], mientras que D.P. Kirby sugiere que puede haber sido la acción de un pragmático que reconoció las realidades del poder en la Gran Bretaña de mediados del siglo 10. [6] Es notable que le dio a uno de sus hijos un nombre anglosajón, Edwin. Sus políticas con respecto a Inglaterra evidentemente no eran del gusto de todos sus súbditos. Athelstan y Hywel tenían intereses similares. Ambos desarrollaron una acuñación; Ambos tenían un reino; a ambos se les atribuyó un libro de Derecho. Hywel era consciente del mayor poder y accedió a él.

Un poema en galés titulado Armes Prydein, considerado por Sir Ifor Williams como escrito en Deheubarth durante el reinado de Hywel, pedía a los galeses que se unieran a una confederación de todos los pueblos no ingleses de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda para luchar contra los sajones. El poema puede estar vinculado a la alianza de los reinos nórdicos y celtas que desafiaron a Athelstan en la batalla de Brunanburh en 937. [cita requerida] Ninguna fuerza galesa se unió a esta alianza, y esto bien pudo haber sido debido a la influencia de Hywel. [cita requerida] Por otro lado, tampoco envió tropas para apoyar a Athelstan.

[editar] Derecho galés

La conferencia celebrada en Whitland alrededor de 945, fue una asamblea en la que la ley galesa fue codificada y establecida por escrito para la posteridad. Según la tradición, gran parte del trabajo fue realizado por el célebre empleado, Blegywryd. Tras la muerte de Hywel, su reino pronto se dividió en tres. Gwynedd fue reclamada por los hijos de Idwal Foel, mientras que Deheubarth fue dividida entre los hijos de Hywel. Sin embargo, su legado perduró en la forma de sus leyes, que permanecieron en uso activo en todo Gales hasta la conquista y no fueron abolidas por el Parlamento inglés hasta el siglo 16. Una copia sobreviviente de un texto latino de la Ley (ms Peniarth 28) se conserva en la Biblioteca Nacional de Gales en Aberystwyth y se puede ver en línea. [1] Más de 30 manuscritos fueron seleccionados recientemente para una discusión de la "Ley" de Hywel, por un profesor galés de estudios medievales, Hywel Emanuel. Solo cinco de ellos se consideraron de suficiente antigüedad, que datan del siglo 13 o antes, para merecer una atención seria. Tres de ellos estaban en latín y dos en galés.


See Peter Bartrum, (May 27, 2018; Anne Brannen, curator)

Please see Darrell Wolcott: Bartrum's "Pedigrees of the Welsh Tribal Patriarchs" #14 Mam Tudor Trefor; (Steven Ferry, September 20, 2019.)

Please see Darrell Wolcott: The Royal Family of Powys - Powys Succession after 823; (Steven Ferry, October 15, 2019.)

Please see Darrell Wolcott: The Royal Family of Gwynedd - Ancient Lordship of Gower; Ferry, January 18, 2020.)

Please see Darrell Wolcott: The Royal Family of Gwynedd - Wikipedia's Lame Biography of Rhodri Mawr; (Steven Ferry, January 26, 2020.)

Please see Darrell Wolcott: What Really Happened in Deheubarth in 1022?; (Steven Ferry, May 28, 2020.)

Please see Darrell Wolcott: Edwin of Tegeingl and His Family - The Ancestry of Edwin of Tegeingl; (Steven Ferry, June 5, 2020.)

Please see Darrell Wolcott: Edwin of Tegeingl and His Family - Was Owain ap Edwin Really a Traitor; (Steven Ferry, June 8, 2020.)

Please see Darrell Wolcott: Maredudd ap Owain, King of Deheubarth; (Steven Ferry, July 17, 2020.)

Please see Darrell Wolcott: Two Families Headed by a Rhydderch ap Iestyn; (Steven Ferry, July 18, 2020.)

Please see Darrell Wolcott: The Era of Llewelyn ap Seisyll; (Steven Ferry, July 19, 2020.)

Please see Darrell Wolcott; The First Wife of Bleddyn ap Cynfyn; (Steven Ferry, July 23, 2020.)

Please see Darrell Wolcott: Hywel ap Gronwy of Deheubarth; (Steven Ferry, July 24, 2020.)

Please see Darrell Wolcott: The Enigmatic Elystan Glodrydd; (Steven Ferry, August 11, 2020.)

Please see Darrell Wolcott: The Unofficial "History" of Elystan of Powys; (Steven Ferry, August 12, 2020.)

Please see Darrell Wolcott: Owain ap Cadwgan and Nest ferch Rhys-an Historic Fiction?; (Steven Ferry, August 14, 2020)

Please see Darrell Wolcott: The Men of Lleyn - How They Got There; (Steven Ferry, August 17, 2020.)

Please see Darrell Wolcott: King of England Mediates Welsh Dispute; (Steven Ferry, August 21, 2020.)

Please see Darrell Wolcott: Eidio Wyllt - What Was His Birthname?; (Steven Ferry, September 9, 2020.)

Please see Darrell Wolcott: The Legendary Kingdom of Seisyllwg; (Steven Ferry, September 11, 2020.)

Please see Darrell Wolcott: Early Ceredigion and its Rulers; (Steven Ferry, September 11, 2020.)

Please see Darrell Wolcott: Llewelyn ap Hoedliw, Lord of Is Cerdin; (Steven Ferry, September 11, 2020.)

Please see Darrell Wolcott: Gruffudd ap Rhys, the Homeless Prince; (Steven Ferry, September 14, 2020.)

Please see Darrell Wolcott: Harleian Ms 3859; (Steven Ferry, March 8, 2021.)

Please see Darrell Wolcott: Selyf, "Brennin" Dyfed; (Steven Ferry, March 18, 2021.)

Please see Darrell Wolcott: The Children of Rhodri Mawr; (Steven Ferry, April 6, 2021.)

Please see Darrell Wolcott: Refugees From Strathclyde Come to Gwynedd; (Steven Ferry, June 8, 2021.)

Please see Darrell Wolcott: The Clan of Tudor Trevor; (Steven Ferry, May 5, 2022.)

Please see Darrell Wolcott: Ancestry of King Rhys ap Tewdwr of Deheubarth; (Steven Ferry, January 4, 2023.)


Hywell Dda(the Good)

(-[948/50]) Son of Cadell & Unknown mother

Married ([904]%29 ELEN of Dyfed, daughter and heiress of LLYWARCH ap Hyfaidd King of Dyfed & his wife --- (-[943]). ===

The Gwentian Chronicle records that "his son Hywel was made king of Ceredigion" in 900 after the death of "Cadell son of Rhodri the Great"[100]. He succeeded his father in 909 as King of Deheubarth. The Gwentian Chronicle records that "Anarawd son of Rhodri the Great, king of the Britons" died in 913 and then "Hywel son of Cadell ruled over all Wales"[101]. The Chronicle of the Princes of Wales records that "king Howel the Good, son of Cadell, went to Rome" in 926[102]. King of Gwynedd. Athelstan King of Wessex agreed the frontier with the Welsh princes along the river Wye at a meeting in Hereford in [930], exacting a heavy tribute from them. Hywel visited Athelstan King of Wessex many times between 931 and 937, and was influenced by English life and methods of government[103]. The Gwentian Chronicle records that "Eidwal the Bald, son of Anarawd being dead, Hywel took upon himself the government of all Wales" in 943[104]. The Annales Cambriæ record the death in 950 of "Higuel rex Brittonum"[105]. The Chronicle of the Princes of Wales records that "Howel the Good, son of king Cadell, chief and glory of all the Britons" died in 948[106]. The Gwentian Chronicle records that "Hywel the Good, son of Cadell king of all Wales" died in 948[107]. m ([904]%29 ELEN of Dyfed, daughter and heiress of LLYWARCH ap Hyfaidd King of Dyfed & his wife --- (-[943]). The primary source which confirms her parentage has not yet been identified. The Gwentian Chronicle records that "Elen wife of Hywel the Good" died in 943[108].

Hywel & his wife had four children:

i) DYVNWAL (-951). The Chronicle of the Princes of Wales records that "Dyvenwal and Rhodri sons of Howel" died in 951[109].

ii) RHODRI (-[951/54]). King of Gwynedd, jointly with his brothers. The Annales Cambriæ record the death in 954 of "Rotri filius Higuel"[110]. The Chronicle of the Princes of Wales records that "Dyvenwal and Rhodri sons of Howel" died in 951[111].

iii) EDWIN (-952). King of Gwynedd, jointly with his brothers. The Chronicle of the Princes of Wales records that "Edwin son of Howel the Good" died in 952[112].

iv) OWAIN ap Hywel (-[987/88]). The Gwentian Chronicle records that "his son Owain took the rule of Ceredigion" after the death of "Hywel the Good, son of Cadell king of all Wales" in 948[113]. King of Gwynedd, jointly with his brothers.

Hywell ap Cadell(son of Cadell)


(-[900/09]). The Gwentian Chronicle records the division of territories effected by "Rhodri the Great" and that "Cadell his eldest son had Ceredigion and his palace at Dinevwr…[with] the supremacy to the oldest of the three diademed princes"[94]. King of Ceredigion. The Gwentian Chronicle records that "Cadell son of Rhodri subjugated his brother Mervyn and took Powys from him, and then ruled over all Wales" in 877[95]. The Gwentian Chronicle records that "Anarawd king of Gwynedd devastated Ceredigion, the territory of his brother Cadell" in 892[96]. King of Deheubarth. The Annales Cambriæ record the death in 909 of "Catell filius Rodri rex"[97]. The Chronicle of the Princes of Wales records the death in 907 of "Cadell son of Rhodri"[98]. The Gwentian Chronicle records that "Cadell son of Rhodri the Great" died in 900[99]. m ---. The name of Cadell´s wife is not known. Cadell & his wife had three children

Hywel Dda is also notable as possibly the only early medieval Welsh ruler to have issued coinage. However, the single example, bearing the legend ‘Howæl Rex’, may have had more a ceremonial than a monetary function. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hywel Dda From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hywel Dda (c. 880?–950), (English Hywel the Good, sometimes anglicized to Howell the Good) was originally king of Deheubarth in south-west Wales but eventually came to rule most of Wales. As a descendant of Rhodri Mawr through his father Cadell, Hywel was a member of the Dinefwr branch of the dynasty.

He is remembered as one of the most successful native Welsh rulers prior to the Norman Conquest, and was known as King of the Britons. His name is particularly linked with the development of the Welsh laws, often called the Laws of Hywel.


Hywel was born in around 880, the younger son of Cadell ap Rhodri, himself the son of Rhodri the Great. In 905, Cadell, having conquered Dyfed, gave it to his son to rule on his behalf. Hywel was able to consolidate his position by marrying Elen, whose father Llywarch ap Hyfaidd had ruled Dyfed until his death. Following his father's death in 909, he acquired a share of Seisyllwg, and on his brother's death in 920, he merged Dyfed and Seisyllwg, creating for himself a new kingdom, which became known as Deheubarth. Following the death of his cousin Idwal Foel in 942, he also seized the principality of Gwynedd, becoming ruler of about three-quarters of present-day Wales.


Peace with England

Hywel's reign, uncharacteristically for the time, was a peaceful one, and he achieved an understanding with Athelstan of England. Such was the relationship between the neighbouring countries that Hywel was able to mint his own coinage in the English city of Chester. He was the only Welsh ruler ever to produce coinage. His study of the English legal system and his visit to Rome in 928 (on a pilgrimage) combined to enable him to formulate advanced ideas about government. (He would possibly have a chance to meet either of the Popes John X, Leo VI and Stephen VII who were active during that year).

Opinions vary as to the motives for Hywel's close association with the court of Athelstan. J.E. Lloyd saw him as an enthusiastic anglophile and admirer of the kings of Wessex,[1] while D.P. Kirby suggests that it may rather be the action of a pragmatist who recognized the realities of power in mid-10th century Britain.[2] It is notable that he gave one of his sons an Anglo-Saxon name, Edwin. His policies with regard to England were evidently not to the taste of all his subjects. A Welsh language poem entitled Armes Prydein, considered by Sir Ifor Williams to have been written in Deheubarth during Hywel's reign, called for the Welsh to join a confederation of all the non-English peoples of Britain and Ireland to fight the Saxons. The poem may well be linked to the alliance of Norse and Celtic kingdoms which challenged Athelstan at the Battle of Brunanburh in 937. No Welsh forces joined this alliance, and this may well have been because of the influence of Hywel; on the other hand neither did he send troops to support Athelstan.

The law

The conference held at Whitland in about 945, was a kind of parliament in which Welsh law was codified and set down in writing for posterity, much of the work being done by the celebrated clerk, Blegywryd. Following Hywel's death, his kingdom was soon split into three. Gwynedd was reclaimed by the sons of Idwal Foel, while Deheubarth was divided between Hywel's sons. However, his legacy endured in the form of his enlightened laws, which remained in active use throughout Wales until the conquest and were not abolished by the English Parliament until the 16th century. A surviving copy of the Law (mss Peniarth 28) is held at The National Library of Wales in Aberystwyth and can be seen online.[1]


1. ^ John Edward Lloyd (1911). A history of Wales: from the earliest times to the Edwardian conquest. Longmans, Green & Co.

2. ^ D.P. Kirby, Hywel Dda: Anglophile?, Welsh Historical Review, 8 (1976-7)

Hywel took over the southern kingdom of Dyfed upon the death of his father-in-law (which he may have arranged) in 904. He shared lands in Ceredigon and Ystrad Tywi with his brothers after the death of their father. He united their inheritance in 920, creating the kingdom of Deheubarth, and accuired Gwynedd after the death of Idwal Foel in 942.

Hywel's greatest achievement was to create the first uniform legal system in Wales. They were called cyfraith Hywel (Hywel's laws) and it was later claimed that he took these laws to Rome on his pilgrimage in 928 and had them blessed by the Pope.

Upon Hywel's death some of his kingdom was broken away. Gwynedd and Powys returned to the line of Idwal ap Anarawd. Glamorgan continued to be subjects of its own kings. Deheubarth passed to Hywel's son, Owain.

Name: Hywel 'Dda' Ap Cadell 1

Sex: M

Birth: ABT 887 in Deheubarth, Wales 1

Death: ABT 950 1


Prince of Deheubarth[JohnFaye (8 Jun 05).FTW]

Prince of Deheubarth

Father: Cadell Ap Rhodri Mawr King Of South Wales b: ABT 861 in Deheubarth, Wales

Mother: Rheingar Of Dehelibarth b: ABT 865 in Carmarthenshire, Wales

Marriage 1 Elen Verch Llywarch Of Dyfed b: ABT 893 in Dyfed, Wales


Owain Ap Hywel Dda King Of South Wales b: ABT 913 in Dynevor, Llandyfeisant, Carmarthenshire, Wales


Individual Record FamilySearch™ Pedigree Resource ile

Howell * ap Cadell Compact Disc #137 Pin #951706 Pedigree Sex: M


Birth: abt 0885 Tegaingle,Flint,Wales

Death: 0950


Father: Cadell ap Rhodri Prince Disc #137 Pin #951703

Mother: Angharad * ap Meric Disc #137 Pin #951702



Spouse: Elena * verch Llewelyn Disc #137 Pin #951705


Spouse: Elena * verch Llewelyn Disc #137 Pin #958186



FamilySearch Pedigree Resource File

The Pedigree Resource File is a new lineage linked database of records available on compact disc containing family history records submitted by individuals through FamilySearch Internet Genealogy Service


IGI Individual Record FamilySearch™ International Genealogical Index v5.0

British Isles

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Howel Dda ap Cadell Pedigree

Male Family



Birth: About 0876 Of Dehenbarth-King, , , Wales


Death: 0950




Father: Cadell ap Roderick The Great Family



Spouse: Unavailable Family



Record submitted by a member of the LDS Church

Hywel took over the southern kingdom of Dyfed upon the death of his father-in-law (which he may have arranged) in 904. He shared lands in Ceredigon and Ystrad Tywi with his brothers after the death of their father. He united their inheritance in 920, creating the kingdom of Deheubarth, and accuired Gwynedd after the death of Idwal Foel in 942.

Hywel's greatest achievement was to create the first uniform legal system in Wales. They were called cyfraith Hywel (Hywel's laws) and it was later claimed that he took these laws to Rome on his pilgrimage in 928 and had them blessed by the Pope.

Upon Hywel's death some of his kingdom was broken away. Gwynedd and Powys returned to the line of Idwal ap Anarawd. Glamorgan continued to be subjects of its own kings. Deheubarth passed to Hywel's son, Owain.

Hywel took over the southern kingdom of Dyfed upon the death of his father-in-law (which he may have arranged) in 904. He shared lands in Ceredigon and Ystrad Tywi with his brothers after the death of their father. He united their inheritance in 920, creating the kingdom of Deheubarth, and accuired Gwynedd after the death of Idwal Foel in 942.

Hywel's greatest achievement was to create the first uniform legal system in Wales. They were called cyfraith Hywel (Hywel's laws) and it was later claimed that he took these laws to Rome on his pilgrimage in 928 and had them blessed by the Pope.

Upon Hywel's death some of his kingdom was broken away. Gwynedd and Powys returned to the line of Idwal ap Anarawd. Glamorgan continued to be subjects of its own kings. Deheubarth passed to Hywel's son, Owain.

King of all Wales [except Gwent & Glamorgan]. Reign: 916-950

Codified the laws of Wales

916-950 Reign

BIOGRAPHY: (Welsh), English Hywel The Good (d. AD 950), chieftain called in the prologues to the Welsh lawbooks "king of all Wales." This epithet was indeed appropriate for Howel, particularly during the last years of his reign. He became ruler of Seisyllwg (roughly the area of Dyfed and the Towy Valley) jointly with his brother Clydog after the death of their father, Cadell (c. 910), but after Clydog's death in 920 he ruled alone. Sovereignty over Dyfed in southwest Wales came to him through his wife, Elen, daughter of Llywarch ap Hyfaidd (d. 904), the last king of its dynasty; he acquired Gwynedd, in northwest Wales, and probably Powis, in northeast Wales, on the death of his cousin Idwal Foel ap Anarawd, in 942. Howel's reign was remarkable for its peacefulness, the result of his consistent policy of subservience to England. Howel's first recorded act is his homage to Edward the Elder in 918. Thereafter, he often attended the English court, and his name is found as a witness to 12 charters of Athelstan and Edred between 928 and 949. Howel was the only Welsh ruler to issue his own coins. He is remembered chiefly for the codification of Welsh law attributed to him. Although there is no contemporary record of this work, Howel was certainly responsible for a coordination of preexisting law. There are biographies by J.E. Lloyd (1928) and J.G. Edwards (1929). Copyright © 1994-2001 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

Hywel Dda, (English: Hywel the Good;, sometimes anglicized to Howell the Good) was a well-thought-of king of Deheubarth in south-west Wales, who, using his cunning, eventually came to rule Wales from Prestatyn to Pembroke. As a descendant of Rhodri Mawr through his father Cadell, Hywel was a member of the Dinefwr branch of the dynasty and is also named Hywel ap Cadell. He was recorded as King of the Britons in the Annales Cambriae and the Annals of Ulster.

He is remembered as one of the most responsible native Welsh rulers of all time. His name is particularly linked with the development of the Welsh laws, generally known as the Laws of Hywel Dda. The latter part of his name ('Dda' or 'Good') refers to the fact that his laws were just and good. The historian Dafydd Jenkins sees in them compassion rather than punishment, plenty of common sense and a sense of respect towards women.

Hywel Dda was certainly a well-educated man, even by modern standards, having a good knowledge of Welsh, Latin, and English.

In April 2008 a merger of Pembrokeshire & Derwen, Ceredigion and Mid Wales, and Carmarthenshire NHS Trusts was named the Hywel Dda NHS Trust in his honour.

Went on a Pilgrimage to Rome in 928

See also Wikipedia

Hywel Dda, also known as Hywel the Good (sometimes anglicized to Howell the Good), was a well-thought-of king of Deheubarth in southwest Wales, who, using his cunning, eventually came to rule Wales from Prestatyn to Pembroke.

He was also called Hywel ap Cadell. It is now thought that his name was actually Hywel Ddu (Howel the Black).

He is remembered as one of the most responsible native Welsh rulers of all time and was known as King of the Britons. His name is particularly linked with the development of the Welsh laws, generally known as the Laws of Hywel Dda. The latter part of his name ('Dda' or 'Good') refers to the fact that his laws were just and good. The historian Dafydd Jenkins sees in them compassion rather than punishment, plenty of common sense and a sense of respect toward women (something unheard of in other laws throughout Europe until recently)

Hywel Dda was certainly a well-educated man, even by modern standards, having a good knowledge of Latin, English, and Welsh. Of the 42 copies of the laws written during his lifetime, 36 were written in Welsh and six in English.

See for more information.

Hywel Dda

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hywel Dda (c. 880?–950), (English Hywel the Good, sometimes anglicized to Howell the Good) was a well-thought-of king [1]of Deheubarth in south-west Wales, who, using his cunning, eventually came to rule Wales from Prestatyn to Pembroke[2]. As a descendant of Rhodri Mawr through his father Cadell, Hywel was a member of the Dinefwr branch of the dynasty and is also named Hywel ap Cadell.

He is remembered as one of the most responsible native Welsh rulers of all time. His name is particularly linked with the development of the Welsh laws, generally known as the Laws of Hywel Dda. The latter part of his name ('Dda' or 'Good') refers to the fact that his laws were just and good. The historian Dafydd Jenkins sees in them compassion rather than punishment, plenty of common sense and a sense of respect towards women (something unheard of in other laws throughout Europe until recently)[3]

Hywel Dda was certainly a well-educated man, even by modern standards, having a good knowledge of Welsh, Latin, and English.[4]

In April 2008 a merger of Pembrokeshire & Derwen, Ceredigion and Mid Wales, and Carmarthenshire NHS Trusts was named the Hywel Dda NHS Trust in his honour.


Hywel was born at around 880, the younger son of Cadell ap Rhodri, himself the son of Rhodri the Great. In 905, Cadell, having conquered Dyfed, gave it to his son to rule on his behalf. Hywel was able to consolidate his position by marrying Elen, whose father Llywarch ap Hyfaidd had ruled Dyfed until his death. Following his father's death in 909, he acquired a share of Seisyllwg, and on his brother's death in 920, he merged Dyfed and Seisyllwg, creating for himself a new kingdom, which became known as Deheubarth. Following the death of his cousin Idwal Foel in 942, he also seized the Kingdom of Gwynedd.


[edit]Peace with Wessex

Hywel's reign was a violent one, and he achieved an understanding with Athelstan of England. Athelstan and Hywel ruled part of Wales jointly. Such was the relationship between the neighbouring countries that Hywel was able to mint his own coinage in the English city of Chester. He was the first Welsh ruler to produce coinage for at least a thousand years, since the coinage of his Celtic predecessors. His study of legal systems and his pilgrimage to Rome in 928 combined to enable him to formulate advanced ideas about law. A comparative study of law and lawmaking at the time reveals a deep concern for law and its documentation throughout Europe and also the Islamic world, the Cordoba Islamic Law translation schools being a fine example, from Greek to Arabic to Latin. The Hywel 'Law' book was written partly in Latin, about laws of court, law of country and the law of justices.

Opinions vary as to the motives for Hywel's close association with the court of Athelstan. J.E. Lloyd claimed Hywel was an admirer of Wessex[5], while D.P. Kirby suggests that it may have been the action of a pragmatist who recognized the realities of power in mid-10th century Britain.[6] It is notable that he gave one of his sons an Anglo-Saxon name, Edwin. His policies with regard to England were evidently not to the taste of all his subjects. Athelstan and Hywel had similar interests. They both developed a coinage; they both had a kingdom; both were attributed a Law book. Hywel was aware of the greater power and acceded to it.

A Welsh language poem entitled Armes Prydein, considered by Sir Ifor Williams to have been written in Deheubarth during Hywel's reign, called for the Welsh to join a confederation of all the non-English peoples of Britain and Ireland to fight the Saxons. The poem may be linked to the alliance of Norse and Celtic kingdoms which challenged Athelstan at the Battle of Brunanburh in 937.[citation needed] No Welsh forces joined this alliance, and this may well have been because of the influence of Hywel.[citation needed] On the other hand neither did he send troops to support Athelstan.

[edit]Welsh Law

The conference held at Whitland circa 945, was an assembly in which Welsh law was codified and set down in writing for posterity. According to tradition, much of the work was done by the celebrated clerk, Blegywryd. Following Hywel's death, his kingdom was soon split into three. Gwynedd was reclaimed by the sons of Idwal Foel, while Deheubarth was divided between Hywel's sons. However, his legacy endured in the form of his laws, which remained in active use throughout Wales until the conquest and were not abolished by the English Parliament until the 16th century. A surviving copy of a Latin text of the Law (ms Peniarth 28) is held at The National Library of Wales in Aberystwyth and can be seen online.[1] More than 30 manuscripts were recently selected for a discussion of the "Law" of Hywel, by a Welsh professor of Medieval studies, Hywel Emanuel. Only five of them were considered to be of sufficient antiquity, dating back to the 13thC or earlier, to merit serious attention. Three of them were in Latin and two in Welsh.


^ 'Hanes Cymru' by Prof. John Davies, Penguin Books; Page 86

^ 'Hanes Cymru' by Prof. John Davies, Penguin Books; Page 85

^ 'Hanes Cymru' by Prof. John Davies, Penguin Books; Page 86

^ 'Hanes Cymru' by Prof. John Davies, Penguin Books; Page 86

^ John Edward Lloyd (1911). A history of Wales: from the earliest times to the Edwardian conquest. Longmans, Green & Co.

^ D.P. Kirby, Hywel Dda: Anglophile?, Welsh Historical Review, 8 (1976-7)

Hywel (The Good) ap Cadell & Elen verch Llywarch

They had eight sons and two daughters, named Owain, Maredydd, Rhodri, Rhain, Dyfnwal, Edwin, Cynan, Einion, Angharad and Gwenllian.

Personal Details

Hywel (The Good) ap Cadell

Hywel, known as The Good, was born about 0880.1 He died in 0950.1

Elen verch Llywarch

Elen was born about 0893 in Dynevor, Llandyfeisant, Carmarthenshire, Wales.1 She died in 0943.1


Angharad verch Hywel

Angharad was born about 0912 in Dynevor, Llandyfeisant, Carmarthenshire, Wales.2

Owain ap Hywel

Owain was born about 0913 in Dynevor, Llandyfeisant, Carmarthenshire, Wales.3 3

Maredydd ap Hywel

Maredydd was born about 0914.2

Rhodri ap Hywel

Rhodri was born about 0916.2

Gwenllian verch Hywel

Gwenllian was born about 0917.2

Rhain ap Hywel

Rhain was born about 0919.2

Dyfnwal ap Hywel

Dyfnwal was born about 0922.2

Edwin ap Hywel

Edwin was born about 0923.2

Cynan ap Hywel

Cynan was born about 0925.2

Einion ap Hywel

Einion was born about 0926.2

From Wikipedia -

Hywel Dda (c. 880 – 950), (English: Hywel the Good;, sometimes anglicized to Howell the Good) was a well-thought-of king of Deheubarth in south-west Wales, who, using his cunning, eventually came to rule Wales from Prestatyn to Pembroke. As a descendant of Rhodri Mawr through his father Cadell, Hywel was a member of the Dinefwr branch of the dynasty and is also named Hywel ap Cadell. He was recorded as King of the Britons in the Annales Cambriae and the Annals of Ulster.

He is remembered as one of the most responsible native Welsh rulers of all time. His name is particularly linked with the development of the Welsh laws, generally known as the Laws of Hywel Dda. The latter part of his name ('Dda' or 'Good') refers to the fact that his laws were just and good. The historian Dafydd Jenkins sees in them compassion rather than punishment, plenty of common sense and a sense of respect towards women.

Hywel Dda was certainly a well-educated man, even by modern standards, having a good knowledge of Welsh, Latin, and English.

Hywel was born at around 880, the younger son of Cadell, himself the son of Rhodri the Great. In 905, Cadell, having conquered Dyfed, gave it to his son to rule on his behalf. Hywel was able to consolidate his position by marrying Elen, whose father Llywarch ap Hyfaidd had ruled Dyfed until his death. Following his father's death in 909, he acquired a share of Seisyllwg, and on his brother's death in 920, he merged Dyfed and Seisyllwg, creating for himself a new kingdom, which became known as Deheubarth. Following the death of his cousin Idwal Foel in 942, he also seized the Kingdom of Gwynedd.

[edit] Accomplishments

[edit] Peace with Wessex

Hywel's reign was a violent one, and he achieved an understanding with Athelstan of England. Athelstan and Hywel ruled part of Wales jointly. Such was the relationship between the neighbouring countries that Hywel was able to mint his own coinage in the English city of Chester. He was the first Welsh ruler to produce coinage for at least a thousand years, since the coinage of his Celtic predecessors. His study of legal systems and his pilgrimage to Rome in 928 combined to enable him to formulate advanced ideas about law. A comparative study of law and lawmaking at the time reveals a deep concern for law and its documentation throughout Europe and also the Islamic world, the Cordoba Islamic Law translation schools being a fine example, from Greek to Arabic to Latin. The Hywel 'Law' book was written partly in Latin, about laws of court, law of country and the law of justices.

Opinions vary as to the motives for Hywel's close association with the court of Athelstan. J.E. Lloyd claimed Hywel was an admirer of Wessex[3], while D.P. Kirby suggests that it may have been the action of a pragmatist who recognized the realities of power in mid-10th century Britain.[4] It is notable that he gave one of his sons an Anglo-Saxon name, Edwin. His policies with regard to England were evidently not to the taste of all his subjects. Athelstan and Hywel had similar interests. They both developed a coinage; they both had a kingdom; both were attributed a Law book. Hywel was aware of the greater power and acceded to it.

A Welsh language poem entitled Armes Prydein, considered by Sir Ifor Williams to have been written in Deheubarth during Hywel's reign, called for the Welsh to join a confederation of all the non-English peoples of Britain and Ireland to fight the Saxons. The poem may be linked to the alliance of Norse and Celtic kingdoms which challenged Athelstan at the Battle of Brunanburh in 937. No Welsh forces joined this alliance, and this may well have been because of the influence of Hywel. On the other hand neither did he send troops to support Athelstan.

[edit] Welsh Law

The conference held at Whitland circa 945, was an assembly in which Welsh law was codified and set down in writing for posterity. According to tradition, much of the work was done by the celebrated clerk, Blegywryd. Following Hywel's death, his kingdom was soon split into three. Gwynedd was reclaimed by the sons of Idwal Foel, while Deheubarth was divided between Hywel's sons. However, his legacy endured in the form of his laws, which remained in active use throughout Wales until the conquest and were not abolished by the English Parliament until the 16th century. A surviving copy of a Latin text of the Law (ms Peniarth 28) is held at The National Library of Wales in Aberystwyth and can be seen online.[1] More than 30 manuscripts were recently selected for a discussion of the "Law" of Hywel, by a Welsh professor of Medieval studies, Hywel Emanuel. Only five of them were considered to be of sufficient antiquity, dating back to the 13thC or earlier, to merit serious attention. Three of them were in Latin and two in Welsh.

Also called Hywel ap Cadell.6 Hywel Dda ap Cadell, Brenin Cymru also went by the name of Howel "the Good". He was the successor of Brenin Seisyllwg Cadell ap Rhodri o Gwynedd; King of Seisyllwg.7 Hywel Dda ap Cadell, Brenin Cymru was the successor of Anarawd ap Rhodri, Brenin Gwynedd; King of Deheubarth.7 Hywel Dda ap Cadell, Brenin Cymru was born in 887 at Dynevor Castle, Llandyfeisant, Carmarthenshire, Wales.5,1 He was the son of Brenin Seisyllwg Cadell ap Rhodri o Gwynedd and Rheingar (?).4,5 Hywel Dda ap Cadell, Brenin Cymru was took over Dyfed on the death of the brother (Rhodri) of his step-father, Llwyrch, in 904.8 He married Elen ferch Llywarch o Ddyfed, daughter of Brenin Ddyfed Llywarch ap Hyfaidd o Ddyfed, in 904.8,7 Hywel Dda ap Cadell, Brenin Cymru was the predecessor of Brenin Ddyfed Rhodri ap Hyfaidd o Ddyfed; King of Dyfed.7 King of Dyfed at Southwest Wales between 904 and 950.7 Hywel Dda ap Cadell, Brenin Cymru united the kingdoms of Seisyllwg and Dyfed to become the first King of South Wales (Deheubarth) in 909. King of Seisyllwg at Southwest Wales between 909 and 950.7 He shared with his brothers lands in Ceredigon and Ystrad Tywi after the death of their father, Cadell, in 910.8 King of Deheubarth at Wales between 916 and 950.7 He was united the inheritance of his brothers into his own lands in 920.8 Chronicle of Ystrad Fflur 927: "In this year Hywel ap Cadell submitted to Athelstan."9 Chronicle of Ystrad Fflur 929: "In this year Hywel ap Cadell made pilgrimage to Rome."10 He was acquired Gwynedd (North Wales) after the death of Idwal Foel in 942.8 King of Gwynedd at Northwest Wales between 942 and 950.7 Chronicle of Ystrad Fflur 945: "In this year Hywel ap Cadell ordered the laws to be codified."6 He was ruled from his principle court at Dinefwr at Wales. Chronicle of Ystrad Fflur 949: "In this year king Hywel Dda ap Cadell the head and glory of all the Britons died."11 He died in 950 at age 63 years.4,2,12,13 Annals of Ulster 950: "Hywel, king of Wales, dies. / Oel, ri Bretan, moritur."13 "In the perspective of the Dark Ages he was a powerful prince, and it may be that later generations borrowed his personal authority to buttress their own power."8 "Like his grandfather, Rhodri the Great, Hywel was given an epithet by a later generation. He became known as Hywel Dda (Hywel the Good), although it would be wrong to consider that goodness to be innocent and unblemished. In the age of Hywel, the essential attribute of a state builder was ruthlessness, an attribute which Hywel possessed, if it is true that it was he who ordered the killing of Llywarch of Dyfed, as some have claimed."8 He was the predecessor of Brenin Deheubarth Owain ap Hywel Dda; King of Deheubarth.14


Elen ferch Llywarch o Ddyfed b. circa 893, d. 929


* Angharad verch Hywel+ b. c 9101

* Brenin Deheubarth Owain ap Hywel Dda+ b. 913, d. 98815,4,2,16

* Rhodri ap Hywel b. c 920, d. c 953

* Edwin ap Hywel b. c 922, d. c 954

Became King of All Wales. HYWEL the Good’s two great accomplishments were to restore the unified kingdom of his grandfather RHODRI MAWR and to codify the body of Welsh law. He was also pragmatic and expedient with his powerful English neighbors and thus managed to live in peace with them.

Contemporary records show that he married ELEN, daughter of LLYWARCH ap HYFAIDD, the last of the royal line of Dyfed, who had died in 904. Her line is one of our earliest, being known back for five generations to II.398,589,988.MAREDUDD ap TEWDWS (d. 796), and this Dyfed line descended from members of an Irish tribe, the Déisi who migrated to Wales in the 4th century (Maund pp.23-24). HYWEL became the sole ruler of Deheubarth when his younger brother and coheir died in 920. With this brother and ANARAWD’s son IDWAL FOEL (the bald), he had earlier offered submission to Alfred’s son Edward the Elder in 918, and throughout his life he maintained peace with the English kings. His name is frequently mentioned in the English charters, and there is little doubt that he visited the Wessex court. In this respect he differed from his cousin IDWAL FOEL, who was uneasy in his alliance with the English. HYWEL remained sufficiently independent to mint his own silver pennies, and his pilgrimage to Rome in 928 was undertaken while in the prime of life, not as a “deathbed” repentant. When his cousin IDWAL FOEL finally revolted against the English and was defeated and killed in 942, HYWEL invaded Gwynedd and Powys, expelled his cousin’s sons, and took possession himself. By 944 he also conquered Breconshire, and thus became king of all Wales apart from Glamorgan and Monmouthshire.

This royal status prepared the way for the crowning achievement of HYWEL’s life, the codifying of Welsh law, i.e. collecting and reducing the varying royal and tribal usages that had accumulated over the centuries, into a uniform and consistent legal system. In his travels to England and abroad, HYWEL would have seen the need for such codification. He is said to have summoned six representatives from each commote to a great conference at Whitland in Carmarthenshire to undertake the task. Though no contemporary manuscripts resulting from this conference are still extant, later manuscripts are evidence of HYWEL’S work and its continuation by legal scholars.

John Davies expressed the significance of this Whitland conference: “The Law is among the most splendid creations of the culture of the Welsh. For centuries it was a powerful symbol of their unity and identity, as powerful indeed as their language, for – like the literary language – the Law was the same in its essence in all parts of Wales ..... The Law of Wales, therefore, was folk law rather than state law, and its emphasis was upon ensuring reconciliation between kinship groups rather than upon keeping order through punishment. It was not concerned with the enforcement of criminal law by the apparatus of the state.” As a result, it was humane and sensitive in unusual ways (p.88).

One of the laws held that a person’s rights and responsibilities depended on kinship, and it contained elements of mercy, common sense, and respect for women and children that would be lacking in English law until recent times. A pedigree giving the kinship group was a matter of economic and social necessity, and from the earliest times the bards were the keepers of the pedigrees. Marriage between cousins was allowed, and an illegitimate son could inherit if recognized by his father.

The type of inheritance specified in the law is called gavelkind, whereby all possessions were distributed equally among all the sons. The daughters would receive a dowry from the family when they married, so they did not inherit unless they had no brothers. The estate was divided into equal parts by the youngest son. The eldest son then had first choice, followed by the next eldest, and so on until the last part was left to the youngest. This system ensured that the subdivision was performed in a scrupulously fair manner by the latter, otherwise he would receive an inferior share. The obvious disadvantage of the gavelkind process is that over time the property became fractionated into uneconomic portions.

HYWEL’S reign had been peaceful, but after his death in 850 his sons OWAIN, Rhodri and Edwin were defeated in Gwynedd by the sons of his cousin IDWAL FOEL. Gwynedd and Deheubarth once more had different rulers. In the south, Rhodri died in 953 and Edwin in the following year, and OWAIN became the ruler of Deheubarth.

Hywel Dda (English: Hywel the Good) or Hywel ap Cadell (c.880 – 950) was a King of Deheubarth who eventually came to rule most of Wales. He became the sole king of Seisyllwg in 920 and shortly thereafter established Deheubarth, and proceeded to gain control over the entire country from Prestatyn to Pembroke.[1] As a descendant of Rhodri Mawr through his father Cadell, Hywel was a member of the Dinefwr branch of the dynasty. He was recorded as King of the Britons in the Annales Cambriae and the Annals of Ulster. Hywel is highly esteemed among other medieval Welsh rulers.[2] His name is particularly linked with the codification of traditional Welsh law, which were thenceforth known as the Laws of Hywel Dda. The latter part of his name (Dda, lit. “Good”) refers to the fact that his laws were just and good. The historian Dafydd Jenkins sees in them compassion rather than punishment, plenty of common sense and recognition of the rights of women.[2] Hywel Dda was a well-educated man even by modern standards, having a good knowledge of Welsh, Latin, and English.[2] The office building and original home of the National Assembly for Wales is named Tŷ Hywel (“Hywel House” or “Hywel's House”) in honour of Hywel Dda. The original Assembly chamber, now known as Siambr Hywel (“Hywel's Chamber”), is used for educational courses and for children and young people's debates. The local health board of south-west Wales also bears his name.

Hywel was born around 880, the son of King Cadell of Seisyllwg. He had a brother, Clydog, who was probably the younger of the two. Hywel was later reputed to have married Elen, the supposed heiress of King Llywarch of Dyfed, which connection was subsequently used to justify his family's reign over that kingdom.[3] Hywel's father Cadell had been installed as King of Seisyllwg by his father, Rhodri the Great of Gwynedd, following the drowning of the last king in the traditional line, Gwgon, in 872.[4] Following Gwgon's death, Rhodri, husband to the dead king's sister Angharad, became steward of his kingdom. This gave Rhodri no standing to claim the kingship of Seisyllwg himself, but he was able to install his son Cadell as a subject king.[4] Cadell died around 911, and his lands in Seisyllwg appears to have been divided between his two sons Hywel and Clydog.[3] Reign[edit source | editbeta]

Hywel probably already controlled Dyfed by the time he assumed his father's lands in Ceredigion. No king is recorded after the death of Llywarch in 904, and Hywel's marriage to Llywarch's only surviving heir likely ensured that the kingdom came into his hands.[5] Hywel and Clydog seem to have ruled Seisyllwg together following their father's death and jointly submitted to Edward the Elder of England in 918.[5] However, Clydog died in 920, evidently leaving the whole realm to Hywel. Hywel soon joined Seisyllwg and Dyfed into a single realm known as Deheubarth.[5] This became the first significant event of his reign.[6] In 928 Hywel made a pilgrimage to Rome, becoming the first Welsh prince to undertake such a trip and return.[7] Upon his return he forged very close relations with Athelstan of England. From the outset Athelstan's intention was to secure the submission of all other kings in Britain; unusually, Hywel embraced submission to England and used it to his advantage whenever possible.[8] Later in his reign, he was able to leverage his close association with Athelstan and the English crown to great effect in his ambitions within Wales.[9] In 942 Hywel's cousin Idwal Foel, King of Gwynedd, determined to cast off English overlordship and took up arms against the new English king, Edmund. Idwal and his brother Elisedd were both killed in battle against Edwin's forces. By normal custom Idwal's crown should have passed to his sons, but Hywel intervened. He sent Iago and Ieuaf into exile and established himself as ruler over Gwynedd, which also likely placed him in control of the Kingdom of Powys, which was under the authority of Gwynedd. As such Hywel became king of nearly all of Wales except for Morgannwg and Gwent in the south.[10] This hegemony allowed Hywel to pursue the accomplishment for which he is best known: the codification of Welsh law.[11] His study of legal systems and his pilgrimage to Rome in 928 combined to enable him to formulate advanced ideas about law. A comparative study of law and lawmaking at the time reveals a deep concern for law and its documentation throughout Europe and also the Islamic world, the Cordoba Islamic Law translation schools being a fine example, from Greek to Arabic to Latin. The Hywel “Law” book was written partly in Latin, about laws of court, law of country and the law of justices. The conference held at Ty Gwyn ar Daf, an occasional residence of Hywel's near Whitland, Carmarthenshire, c. 940 – 945, was an assembly in which Welsh law was codified and set down in writing for posterity. The council had the purpose of compiling and enacting the code of laws, which are still known as "the Laws of Hywel the Good."[12] According to tradition, much of the work was done by the celebrated clerk, Blegywryd. The laws were deposited at Dinefwr Castle later in the tenth century after being drawn up at Ty Gwyn.[13][14] Hywel's reign was a violent one, but he achieved an understanding with Athelstan of England whereby Athelstan and Hywel ruled part of Wales jointly. Such was the relationship between the neighbouring countries that Hywel was able to use Athelstan's mint at Chester to produce his own silver pennies, the first Welsh ruler to do so for at least a thousand years. Legacy[edit source | editbeta]

Following Hywel's death, his kingdom was soon split into three. Gwynedd was reclaimed by the sons of Idwal Foel, while Deheubarth was divided between Hywel's sons. However, his legacy endured in the form of his laws, which remained in active use throughout Wales until the appointed date of implementation of the Laws in Wales Acts 1535–1542 of Henry VIII of England who asserted his royal descent by blood-line from Rhodri Mawr via Hywel Dda.[15] A surviving copy of a Latin text of the Law (Peniarth 28) is held at The National Library of Wales in Aberystwyth and can be seen online.[16] More than 30 manuscripts were recently selected for a discussion of the “Law” of Hywel, by a Welsh professor of Medieval studies, Hywel Emanuel. Only five of them were considered to be of sufficient antiquity, dating back to the thirteenth century or earlier, to merit serious attention. Three of them were in Latin and two in Welsh. Opinions vary as to the motives for Hywel's close association with the court of Athelstan. J.E. Lloyd claimed Hywel was an admirer of Wessex,[17] while D.P. Kirby suggests that it may have been the action of a pragmatist who recognized the realities of power in mid-10th century Britain.[18] It is notable that he gave one of his sons an Anglo-Saxon name, Edwin. His policies with regard to England were evidently not to the taste of all his subjects. Athelstan and Hywel had similar interests. They both developed a coinage; they both had a kingdom; both were attributed a Law book. Hywel was aware of the greater power and acceded to it. A Welsh language poem entitled Armes Prydein, considered by Sir Ifor Williams to have been written in Deheubarth during Hywel's reign, called for the Welsh to join a confederation of all the non-English peoples of Britain and Ireland to fight the Saxons. The poem may be linked to the alliance of Norse and Celtic kingdoms which challenged Athelstan at the Battle of Brunanburh in 937. No Welsh forces joined this alliance, and this may well have been because of the influence of Hywel. On the other hand neither did he send troops to support Athelstan.

Born: 887, Dynevor Castle, Llandilo, Carmarthshire, Wales Married: Abt 904 Died: 950

Research Notes:

Hywel Dda ("the Good") King of All Wales succeeded as King of Dyfed jure uxoris ca.904. King of Seiswyllwg 909, king of Gwynedd 942. He did homage to King Edward the Elder in 918 and to King Athelstan in 926. Went on a pilgrimage to Rome in 928, was the only Welsh ruler to mint his own coinage of silver pennies. Married circa 904, Elen, daughter and heiress of Llywarch ap Hyfaidd, King of Dyfedd, and died in 950...


...Hywel ap Cadell. He was recorded as King of the Britons in the Annales Cambriae and the Annals of Ulster...

He is remembered as one of the most responsible native Welsh rulers of all time. His name is particularly linked with the development of the Welsh laws, generally known as the Laws of Hywel Dda. The latter part of his name ('Dda' or 'Good') refers to the fact that his laws were just and good. The historian Dafydd Jenkins sees in them compassion rather than punishment, plenty of common sense and a sense of respect towards women.[1]

Hywel Dda was certainly a well-educated man, even by modern standards, having a good knowledge of Welsh, Latin, and English.[1]

In April 2008 a merger of Pembrokeshire & Derwen, Ceredigion and Mid Wales, and Carmarthenshire NHS Trusts was named the Hywel Dda NHS Trust in his honour...

In 905, Cadell, having conquered Dyfed, gave it to his son to rule on his behalf. Hywel was able to consolidate his position by marrying Elen, whose father Llywarch ap Hyfaidd had ruled Dyfed until his death. Following his father's death in 909, he acquired a share of Seisyllwg, and on his brother's death in 920, he merged Dyfed and Seisyllwg, creating for himself a new kingdom, which became known as Deheubarth. Following the death of his cousin Idwal Foel in 942, he also seized the Kingdom of Gwynedd....

Hywel's reign was a violent one, and he achieved an understanding with Athelstan of England. Athelstan and Hywel ruled part of Wales jointly. Such was the relationship between the neighbouring countries that Hywel was able to mint his own coinage in the English city of Chester. He was the first Welsh ruler to produce coinage for at least a thousand years, since the coinage of his Celtic predecessors. His study of legal systems and his pilgrimage to Rome in 928 combined to enable him to formulate advanced ideas about law. A comparative study of law and lawmaking at the time reveals a deep concern for law and its documentation throughout Europe... The Hywel 'Law' book was written partly in Latin, about laws of court, law of country and the law of justices...

The conference held at Whitland circa 945, was an assembly in which Welsh law was codified and set down in writing for posterity. According to tradition, much of the work was done by the celebrated clerk, Blegywryd. Following Hywel's death, his kingdom was soon split into three. Gwynedd was reclaimed by the sons of Idwal Foel, while Deheubarth was divided between Hywel's sons. However, his legacy endured in the form of his laws, which remained in active use throughout Wales until the conquest and were not abolished by the English Parliament until the 16th century.

Marriage Information:

Hywel married Elen ferch LLYWARCH, daughter of Llywarch ap HYFAIDD, King of Dyfedd, about 904. (Elen ferch LLYWARCH was born about 893 in Dyfed, , Wales and died in 943.)


Newsgroup: soc.genealogy.medieval, at groups -, Leo van de Pas, 15 Mar 2003; Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, 1999, 2008; extract from Wikipedia article, citing Hanes Cymru by John Davies, pp. 85-86, A History of Wales: from the earliest times to the Edwardian conquest (1911); Hywel Dda: Anglophile?, D. P. Kirby, in Welsh Historical Review, 8 (1976-7)

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Showing 11 people

Elen verch Llywarch


Owain ap Hywel Dda


Angharad verch Hywel Dda


Rhodri ap Hywel Dda


Einion Ap Hywel


Rhain ap Hywel


Edwin ap Hywel Dda


Rheingar verch Hyfaidd


Cadell ap Rhodri Mawr, King of D...


Clydog ap Cadell


Meurig ap Cadell




Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.
