sábado, 5 de octubre de 2019

Manuel De Castilla, Señor De Escalona ★ |•••► #España #Genealogia #Genealogy *Ref: 182180

13° Bisabuelo de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo

 (Linea Materna)

Manuel de Castilla, señor de Escalona is your 13th great grandfather.
You → Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo
   →  Morella Álamo Borges
your mother →  Belén Borges Ustáriz
her mother →  Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna
her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesus Uztáriz y Monserrate
her father →  María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra
his mother → Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina, Teniente Coronel
her father →  Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza
his mother → Isabel Manuela Josefa Hurtado de Mendoza y Rojas Manrique
her mother →  Juana de Rojas Manrique de Mendoza
her mother → Constanza de Mendoza Mate de Luna
her mother →  Mayor de Mendoza Manzanedo
her mother →  Juan Fernández De Mendoza Y Manuel
her father →  Sancha Manuel
his mother →  Sancho Manuel de Villena Castañeda, señor del Infantado y Carrión de los Céspedes
her father →  Manuel de Castilla, señor de Escalona
his father
Manuel de Castilla (Carrión de los Condes, 1234 - Peñafiel, 25 de diciembre de 1283); infante de Castilla y León, hijo de Fernando III de Castilla, rey de Castilla y León, y de la reina Beatriz de Suabia.

Fue el primer señor de Villena, Escalona, Peñafiel, Elche, Santa Olalla, Ágreda, Roa, Cuéllar, Chinchilla, Aspe y Beas. Fue alférez del rey (1258-1277) y mayordomo mayor (1279-1282), durante el reinado de su hermano Alfonso el Sabio, así como adelantado mayor de Murcia.

1 Orígenes familiares
2 Biografía
3 Sepultura
4 Matrimonios y descendencia
5 Ancestros
6 Referencias
7 Bibliografía
8 Enlaces externos
Orígenes familiares
Por parte paterna era nieto de Alfonso IX de León y de la reina Berenguela de Castilla, que renunció al trono que había recibido por la muerte de su hermano Enrique I de Castilla, siendo ambos hermanos hijos del rey Alfonso VIII de Castilla. Por parte materna era nieto de Felipe de Suabia, rey de romanos y duque de Suabia, y de Irene Ángelo, hija de Isaac II Ángelo, emperador del Imperio Romano de Oriente.

El infante Manuel nació en la ciudad palentina de Carrión de los Condes en 1234, siendo el más joven de los hijos varones habidos entre Fernando y Beatriz de Suabia. En 1252 obtiene de su padre, en calidad de "apanage", el Señorío de Villena. En 1259 viajó a Italia, formando parte de la embajada enviada por Alfonso el Sabio al papa Alejandro IV, quien aconsejó al rey Sabio que no fuese él personalmente. El propósito de la embajada era obtener el apoyo del pontífice para el Fecho del Imperio.1​ Estuvo presente en las Cortes de Sevilla de 1261. El 25 de abril de 1262 Alfonso X le hizo entrega de las villas de Elche, Crevillente, Aspe, y del Valle de Elda, al tiempo que le nombraba Adelantado mayor de Murcia,2​ que, unidos al Señorío, le convertirían en uno de los mayores señores de la península.

El 12 de marzo de 1266 se firmaron en Sevilla las capitulaciones matrimoniales del infante Manuel, viudo de su primera esposa, con Constanza de Bearne, al tiempo que se firmaban la de su hijo Alfonso Manuel con Guillerma de Montcada, hermana de Constanza de Bearne, e hijas ambas de Gastón VII de Bearne, vizconde de Bearne. Sin embargo, ninguno de los dos matrimonios llegaron a celebrarse.3​ Durante la revuelta nobiliaria de 1272-1273 contra su hermano Alfonso X el Sabio, ayudó al monarca a negociar con los rebeldes, aconsejándole a su hermano que pactase con ellos.4​ En 1275 falleció en Montpellier su hijo primogénito, Alfonso Manuel, cuando regresaba de un viaje en el que había acompañado a Europa a su tío Alfonso el Sabio.

En 1275 falleció el infante Fernando de la Cerda, heredero de Alfonso X el Sabio, iniciándose a continuación en todo el reino de Castilla y León un debate en el que unos se mostraban partidarios de que, a la muerte de Alfonso X, debía ser sucedido en el trono por su hijo mayor, el infante Sancho, y por otra parte, los que sostenían que debía ser sucedido por su nieto Alfonso de la Cerda, hijo del infante Fernando de la Cerda y menor de edad entonces. En 1276, encontrándose en Burgos, el infante Manuel apoyó ante su hermano el rey los derechos del infante Sancho.5​

El infante Manuel estuvo presente en la Asamblea de Valladolid, celebrada el 20 de abril de 1282, en la que se despojó de sus poderes a Alfonso X y se le concedieron a su hijo el infante Sancho, siendo el infante Manuel el encargado de pronunciar la sentencia contra su hermano el rey, cuya principal causa era la ejecución en 1277, por orden de Alfonso X, del infante Fadrique de Castilla, hermano de ambos.6​

Falleció en la localidad de Peñafiel, situada en la provincia de Valladolid, el 25 de diciembre de 1283, no sin antes demandar para su hijo Don Juan Manuel la protección del futuro Sancho IV de Castilla.


Interior de la iglesia del Monasterio de Uclés.
En 1261 el Infante Manuel y su primera esposa, la Infanta Constanza de Aragón, ingresaron como familiares en la Orden de Santiago y decidieron sepultarse en su Casa Madre, el monasterio de Uclés, situado en la provincia de Cuenca.7​ Su propósito era fundar una capilla y dotarla con cuatro capellanes en el Monasterio de Uclés, y recibir allí sepultura junto a su esposa.

Sin embargo, está documentado que la capilla no llegó a construirse nunca7​ y, a la muerte de los dos infantes, sus cadáveres recibieron sepultura, junto con el de su hijo Alfonso Manuel, fallecido en 1276, en el Altar mayor de la iglesia del Monasterio de Uclés, en el lado del Evangelio, en una sepultura rasa colocada en el hueco de la pared del presbiterio.

Posteriormente, es posible que los sepulcros de los infantes fueran retirados del Altar Mayor y, según algunas fuentes, hoy día se encontrasen en la cripta situada debajo del templo, permaneciendo allí sin identificar, al igual que los restos de varios personajes notables que se encontraban sepultados en la cripta. No obstante lo anterior, es posible que los sepulcros fueran destruidos durante la Guerra de la Independencia, cuando el Monasterio de Uclés fue desvalijado por las tropas francesas.

En el Monasterio de Santa María la Real de Las Huelgas de Burgos existe un sepulcro que la tradición atribuye al infante Manuel de Castilla,8​ hijo de Fernando III de Castilla. No obstante, en realidad ese sepulcro contiene los restos del infante Pedro de Castilla, hijo de Sancho IV y de la reina María de Molina, fallecido en 1319.9​

Matrimonios y descendencia
El infante casó en dos ocasiones. En 1260 contrajo matrimonio en la ciudad de Calatayud con Constanza de Aragón, hija de Jaime el Conquistador, rey de Aragón, naciendo de este matrimonio:

Constanza Manuel quien falleció en la infancia.
Alfonso Manuel (1260-1275); futuro heredero de las posesiones de su padre, falleció cuando acompañaba a su tío Alfonso el Sabio a su viaje a Europa para el fecho del imperio. Fue sepultado junto a sus padres en el Monasterio de Uclés.
Violante Manuel (1265-1314); II señora de Elche, Elda, Novelda y Medellín y de la mitad de Peñafiel. Contrajo matrimonio en 1287 con el infante Alfonso, hijo de Alfonso III de Portugal y de Beatriz de Castilla, hija de Alfonso el Sabio. Fue sepultada en el Monasterio de Santo Domingo en Lisboa junto a su esposo.
Contrajo un segundo matrimonio en 1274, con Beatriz de Saboya, hija de Amadeo IV de Saboya, conde de Saboya. Fruto de esta unión nació:

Don Juan Manuel (1282-1348); II señor de Villena, Escalona y de Peñafiel, primer duque y príncipe de Villena. Heredero de las posesiones paternas, fue Mayordomo mayor de Fernando IV el Emplazado y tutor de Alfonso XI de Castilla durante su minoría de edad. A su muerte fue sepultado en el Convento de San Pablo de Peñafiel que había fundado.
Tuvo varios hijos de diversas relaciones extramatrimoniales:

Sancho Manuel de Castilla (1283-1345), I señor del Infantado y de Carrión de los Condes quien contrajo matrimonio con María Rodríguez de Castañeda y posteriormente con Inés Díaz de Toledo.
Fernando Manuel de Castilla
Enrique Manuel de Castilla
Blanca Manuel de Castilla
Ancestros de Manuel de Castilla [mostrar]
 González Jiménez, 2004, p. 134.
 González Jiménez, 2004, p. 157.
 González Jiménez, 2004, p. 205.
 González Jiménez, 2004, pp. 260-261.
 González Jiménez, 2004, p. 310.
 González Jiménez, 2004, pp. 345-346.
 Arco y Garay, 1954, p. 225.
 Gómez-Moreno Martínez, 1946, p. 32.
 Arco y Garay, 1954, pp. 225-226.
Arco y Garay, Ricardo del (1954). Sepulcros de la Casa Real de Castilla. Madrid: Instituto Jerónimo Zurita. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. OCLC 11366237.
Colmeiro y Penido, Manuel (1883). Cortes de los antiguos Reinos de León y de Castilla. Madrid: Establecimiento tipográfico de los sucesores de Rivadeneyra, impresores de la Real Casa. (enlace roto disponible en Internet Archive; véase el http://www.cervantesvirtual.com/FichaObra.html?portal=0&Ref=2009+ (enlace roto disponible en Internet Archive; véase el [//web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.cervantesvirtual.com/FichaObra.html?portal=0&Ref=2009+ historial y la última versión). historial] y la http://www.cervantesvirtual.com/FichaObra.html?portal=0&Ref=2009+ (enlace roto disponible en Internet Archive; véase el [//web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.cervantesvirtual.com/FichaObra.html?portal=0&Ref=2009+ historial y la última versión). última versión]).
Gaibrois Riaño de Ballesteros, Mercedes (1922-1928). Revista de archivos, bibliotecas y museos, ed. Historia del reinado de Sancho IV de Castilla. 3 volúmenes (1ª edición). Madrid: Editorial Voluntad. OCLC 492177948.
Gaibrois Riaño de Ballesteros, Mercedes (1936). María de Molina, tres veces reina. Colección Vidas Memorables (1ª edición). Madrid: Editorial Espasa-Calpe S.A.
García de la Fuente, Arturo (1935). Los Castigos e documentos del rey don Sancho IV el Bravo. Estudio preliminar de una edición crítica de esta obra. San Lorenzo del Escorial (Madrid).
Gímenez Soler, Andrés (1932). Don Juan Manuel. Biografía y estudio crítico. Zaragoza. OCLC 1124212.
Gómez Moreno, Manuel (1946). El Panteón de las Huelgas Reales de Burgos. Instituto Diego Velázquez. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas.
González Jiménez, Manuel (octubre de 2004). Alfonso X el Sabio (1ª edición). Barcelona: Editorial Ariel S. A. ISBN 84-344-6758-5.
Ibáñez de Segovia Peralta y Mendoza, Gaspar; Marqués de Mondejar (1777). Joachin Ibarra, ed. Memorias históricas del Rei D. Alonso el Sabio i observaciones a su chronica. Madrid.
Lafuente, Modesto (1861). Establecimiento tipográfico de D. Francisco de P. Mellado, ed. Historia general de España, Volumen 3. Madrid.
Loaysa, Jofré de; García Martínez, Antonio (1982). Academia Alfonso X el Sabio, Colección Biblioteca Murciana de bolsillo Nº 27, ed. Crónicas de los Reyes de Castilla Fernando III, Alfonso X, Sancho IV y Fernando IV (1248-1305). latín y castellano (2ª edición). Murcia. ISBN 84-00-05017-7.
Lomax, Derek W. (1982). «El padre de don Juan Manuel». Don Juan Manuel. VII Centenario (Murcia): 163-176.
Mariana, Juan de (1855). Historia General de España (Reedición edición). Madrid: Imprenta y librería de Gaspar y Roig, editores. OCLC 8097245.
Salvador Martínez, H (2003). Alfonso X el Sabio (1ª edición). Madrid: Ediciones Polifemo. ISBN 9788486547660.
Menéndez Pidal de Navascués, Faustino (1982). «La Casa Real de Castilla y León». Seria: Heráldica medieval española. Hidalguía (Instituto Luis de Salazar y Castro). ISBN 8400051505.
Menezo Otero, Juan José (2005). Reinos y Jefes de Estado desde el 712 (5ª edición). Madrid: Historia Hispana. ISBN 84-604-9610-4.
Ortiz de Zúñiga, Diego; Antonio María Espinosa y Carzel (1795). Anales Eclesiásticos Y Seculares De La Muy Noble Y Muy Leal Ciudad De Sevilla. Sevilla: Imprenta Real.
Pérez Algar, Félix (1997). Alfonso X el Sabio: Biografía. Madrid: Studium Generalis. ISBN 84-605-6339-1.
Valdeón Baruque, Julio (2003). Alfonso X: la forja de la España moderna (1ª edición). Ediciones Temas de Hoy, S.A. ISBN 84-8460-277-X.
Ybarra y López-Dóriga, Fernando de, Marqués de Arriluce de Ybarra (1997). Real Academia Sevillana de Buenas Letras, ed. Un largo siglo de amores y desamores en el Alcázar de Sevilla (1248-1368) (1ª edición). Sevilla. ISBN 84-8093-016-0.
Zurita, Jerónimo (2005). Anales de Aragón (1ª edición). Institución Fernando el Católico. ISBN 84-7820-823-2.
Enlaces externos
Ficha genealógica del infante Manuel de Castilla, hijo de Fernando III el Santo. Fundación Casa ducal de Medinaceli
Genealogía y descendencia del infante Manuel de Castilla (En inglés)

fue el primer Señor de Villena Señor de Villena
1252–1283 Sucesor:
Don Juan Manuel
fue el primer Señor de Escalona Señor de Escalona
1252–1283 Sucesor:
Don Juan Manuel
fue el primer Señor de Peñafiel Señor de Peñafiel
1252–1283 Sucesor:
Don Juan Manuel
fue el primer Señor de Elche Señor de Elche
1252–1283 Sucesor:
Violante Manuel
fue el primer señor Señor de Santa Olalla, Ágreda, Roa, Cuéllar, Chinchilla, Aspe y Beas
1252–1283 Sucesor:
repartió entre varios hijos
Fernando de la Cerda Adelantado mayor de Murcia
1280–1282 Sucesor:
Diego Sánchez de Bustamante



Juan Manuel De Castilla-Villena, El Escritor, Príncipe De Villena ★ |•••► #España #Genealogia #Genealogy *Ref: AG-573

19° Bisabuelo de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo

(Linea Paterna)
Juan Manuel de Castilla-Villena, el Escritor, príncipe de Villena is your 19th great grandfather.ou→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna
your father → Carlos Urdaneta Carrillo
his father → Enrique Urdaneta Maya, Dr.
his father → Josefa Alcira Maya de la Torre y Rodríguez
his mother → Vicenta Rodríguez Uzcátegui
her mother → María Celsa Uzcátegui Rincón
her mother → Sancho Antonio de Uzcátegui Briceño
her father → Jacobo de Uzcátegui Bohorques
his father → Luisa Jimeno de Bohorques Dávila
his mother → Juan Jimeno de Bohórquez
her father → Luisa Velásquez de Velasco
his mother → Juan Velásquez de Velasco y Montalvo, Gobernador de La Grita
her father → Ortún Velázquez de Velasco
his father → María Enríquez de Acuña
his mother → Lope Vázquez de Acuña, II Conde de Buendia
her father → Constanza de Herrera y Ayala
his mother → Pedro García de Herrera y Rojas, Mariscal de Castilla, Señor de Ampudia
her father → Inés de Rojas
his mother → Mencía Martínez de Leyva
her mother → Guiomar Manuel de Villena
her mother → Juan Manuel de Castilla-Villena, el Escritor, príncipe de Villena
her fatherShow short path | Share this path
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Juan Manuel de Castilla-Villena, el Escritor, príncipe de Villena MP
Gender: Male
Birth: May 05, 1282
Castillo de Escalona, Toledo, Castilla-La Mancha, España
Death: June 13, 1348 (66)
Córdoba, España
Place of Burial: Monasterio de San Pablo, Peñafiel, Valladolid, España
Immediate Family:
Son of Manuel de Castilla, señor de Escalona and Béatrice de Savoie
Husband of Isabel Infanta de Mallorca-Foix; Constanza d'Aragón, princesa consorte de Villena and Blanca Núñez de Lara
Partner of Catalina de Avilés and Inés Rodriguez De Castañeda
Father of Guiomar Manuel de Villena; Constanza Manuel de Villena y Barcelona, infanta de Castilla; Beatriz Manuel de Villena; Fernando Manuel Manuel de Villena y Núñez de Lara, signore di Villena; Juana Manuel de Villena and 3 others
Brother of Constanza Manuel
Half brother of Sancho Manuel de Villena Castañeda, señor del Infantado y Carrión de los Céspedes; Alfonso Manuel de Castilla and Violante Manuel de Castilha
Added by: Bjørn P. Brox on May 2, 2007
Managed by: Doctor Leopoldo José Briceño-Iragorry Calcaño, MD and 50 others
Curated by: Victar
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Don Juan Manuel (1282-1348); II señor de Villena, Escalona y de Peñafiel, primer duque y príncipe de Villena. Heredero de las posesiones paternas, fue Mayordomo mayor de Fernando IV el Emplazado y tutor de Alfonso XI de Castilla durante su minoría de edad. A su muerte fue sepultado en el Convento de San Pablo de Peñafiel que había fundado.


Fue uno de los principales exponentes de la prosa medieval de ficcion, autor de "El Conde Lucanor". Uno de los hombres más poderosos de su época, acuñó su propia moneda, mantuvo él solo un ejército de 1000 caballeros, Príncipe, Señor y Duque de Villena. Entre sus hijos más tardios figura nuestro Enrique Manuel de Villena, quien pasa a vivir en Portugal.

Literato, guerrero y prócer español, hijo del Infante Don Manuel de Castilla y León, Señor de Villena, Escalona y Peñafiel, y su segunda esposa, Beatriz de Saboya. Nieto del Rey San Fernando. Don Juan Manuel nació en Escalona, Toledo, el primero de mayo de 1282. Sucedió a su padre en 1283 como Señor de Villena, Escalona, Alarcón, Elche, Peñafiel, Cartagena, Lorca, Castillo del Garci-Múñoz, Alcocer, Salmerón, Valdeolivas, Cuéllar y Almenara. Al morir su padre el año de 1284, el joven príncipe fue educado en la Corte de su primo, Sancho IV (hijo de Alfonso X), que muy pronto lo tuvo por favorito, a causa de sus precoz ingenio. En 1294 recibió el encargo de Adelantado de Murcia y a los catorce años servió al rey contra los moros en Granada. En 1304, la reina madre doña María de Molina le confió las negociaciones políticas con Jaime II de Aragón, en favor de su hijo, Fernando IV, aún menor de edad. Habiendo tenido gran éxito en esas gestiones, su prestigio aumentó y casó con Constanza, hija de Jaime II. Fue Mayordomo Mayor de los Reyes Fernando IV y Alfonso XI de Castilla, del 25 de marzo de 1311 al 1° de marzo de 1314. A la muerte de Fernando IV, don Juan Manuel fue guardían del futuro rey, Alfonso XI, y regente de Castilla (1321-1325).

En 1325 subió al trono de Castilla Alfonso XI y casó con la hija de don Juan Manuel, Constanza. Entonces, el rey apartó a su suegro de la Corte nombrándolo Adelantado de la Frontera. Alfonso XI repudió a Constanza y la puso en prisión, en la fortaleza de Toro. Esto llevó a don Juan Manuel a oponerse al rey y a la guerra civil. Cuando murió su esposa Constanza de Aragón en 1327, don Juan Manuel contrajo segundas nupcias con doña Blanca de la Cerda. Casó a su hija Constanza con Pedro I rey de Portugal y se alió a Mohamed III de Granada. Además tenía el apoyo del alférez de Castilla, don Juan Núñez, para el que arregló un matrimonio con María, la hija de don Juan el Tuerto. Se unió también a Pedro IV de Aragón. Sin embargo, las circunstancias adversas hicieron que, el 30 de julio de 1336, tuviera que huir al exilio, desde donde mantuvo viva la rebelión hasta 1338, fecha en la que hizo las paces con el rey.
A partir de entonces provó su lealtad hacia el rey. Tomó parte en la batalla del Salado (1340) y en el sitio de Algeciras (1344). Murió de manera pacífica el 23 de junio de 1348. Está sepultado en el monasterio de San Pablo, en Peñafiel. . Su agitada vida no le impidió dedicarse a trabajos literarios, pues era muy versado en letras clásicas y en las obras de los escritores orientales y sarracenos; fue también muy aficionado al latín, aunque sus producciones las escribió en romance vulgar. Muchos de sus escritos se han perdido, como el Libro de los Cantares, colección de poesías y Reglas como se debe trovar, el más antiguo tratado castellano de versificación. Su Libro del Caballero y del Escudero, inspirado en Ramón LLul; el Libro de los Estados, los varios escritos históricos y el Libro Infinito, también llamado de los castigos (castigo significaba entonces enseñanza), son de mérito relativo.
La obra más notable es el Libro de Patronio o el Conde Lucanor (1328-34), conocido también como el Libro de los Exemplos, donde se insertan unos cincuenta cuentos o apólogos que Patronio, preceptor del Conde Lucanor, ofrece a éste para responder indirectamente a sus preguntas. Muchos de estos cuentos, inspirados en las más variadas fuentes, particularmente árabes, aunque populares en su tiempo, entraron por su mano en la literatura occidental. Todos terminan siempre por una moraleja en verso, interesante repertorio para el estudio de la métrica, y algunos han adquirido el valor de modelos del género. Anterior en trece años al famoso Decamerón de Bocaccio, fue en Castilla lo que las Mil y una noches en el mundo oriental. La prosa de esta obra pone de manifiesto los progresos hechos por el castellano en su evolución, y sus cualidades de claridad, precisión, ausencia de complicaciones, escasez de imágenes y, por tanto, distanciamiento de la verdadera poesía, constituyen las notas esenciales del arte de don Juan Manuel, acaso el primer prosista castellano que tuvo estilo personal.
Se dice del infante don Juan Manuel, que era un hombre tan sumamente adinerado en su tiempo que podía estar todo el día cabalgando y al llegar la noche encontrar acomodo en cualquiera de las múltiples posesiones que tenía en aquella época. Sentía una especial predilección por el castillo de Belmonte, y ayudó a levantar el de Peñafiel. Lope García de Salazar (1399-1476), dice en sus Bienandanzas e Fortunas que doña Juana Manuel de Villena, una hija bastarda de don Juan Manuel, casó con Juan Galíndez de Múgico (hijo de Furtado García de Abendaño). Esta pareja es el inicio del linaje de Múgica en el País vasco. Las palabras de Lope García de Salazar son las siguientes: "Juan Galíndez de Múgica, fijo d'este Furtado Garçía de Avendaño, eredólo en Múgica este su padre e fizo el primero cadalso e palaçio e azeñas e solar; e fue el primero que pobló allí e por eso tomó el nonbre de Múgica. E casó con doña Juana Ibáñez (c.1315), fija vastarda de don Juan Manuel [1282-1348], e ovo fijo en ella a Juan Alonso de Múgica". Ver Reyes de Castilla. Juan Alonso de Múgica fue padre de doña María Alonso de Múgica (ver Múgica), abuela de María Alonso de Salazar y Butrón-Múgica, que, a su vez, fue bisabuela de María Alonsa de Murga (10ª abuela de Cándido Madaleno Gasteasoro) (ver Murga).
Otros historiadores y genealogistas posteriores hacen suya la hipótesis de Lope García de Salazar, y aportan algunos datos nuevos sobre doña Juana Manuel, hija del Infante don Juan Manuel, y también sobre una alianza anterior (del año 1109) de la Casa de Múgica con los reyes de Castilla, por haberse casado una hija de Alfonso VI con uno de los Señores de Múgica:
1) Javier de Ibarra y Pedro de Garmendía, Torres de Vizcaya, Tomo III (Las Merindades de Busturia, Marquina, Durango, Zornoza, Arratia - Vedia y Orozco), Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto Diego de Velázquez, Madrid 1946, p. 16: "Aludiendo a la crónica de Ybargüen Cachupin, dice Iturriza en su "Historia de Vizcaya", que: "La Casa torre de Muxica, situada en el plano de una toma alta de vellas vistas, fue fundada entre durasnales, melocotones y alberchigas, por los Señores de la Casa de Arteaga, en el año 962, con las reliquias de las antiquísimas de Andramendi y Anchuca, según escribe el expresado Ybargüen en el Capítulo y libro citados (C. 28, l. 3°); y de haberse casado con el dueño de la dicha Casa de Muxica una hija del rey Don Alonso el 6° y quedado en su descendencia el renombre de los Alonsos desde el año 1109, y que el rey Don Alonso el 7° haber escrito carta a Gonzalo Gómez Alonso de Múxica, para que asistiese con puntas, collar y Sayo de Seda a Burgos a la Celebridad de los tornabodas de su hija la Infanta Dña. Isabel". En la página siguiente (p. 17) los autores dan cuenta del origen de la Casa de Múgica, según Lope García de Salazar.
2) Instituto Internacional de Genealogía y Heráldica, Armería y Nobiliario de los Reinos Españoles, Tomo IV, Ediciones Hidalguía, Madrid 1960, p. 303. Se menciona que "Gonzalo Gómez de Butrón y Mújica, tercer hijo del sexto señor de la casa de Butrón, Gómez González de Butrón, y de su mujer, doña María Alonso de Mújica, tercera señora de esta casa y séptima del Valle de Aramayona [cuarta nieta del Rey San Fernando], casó con doña Teresa de Leguizamón...
3) Endika de Mogrobejo, Blasones y Linajes de Euskalerría, Tomo IX, Editorial Amigos del Libro Vasco, Bilbao 1991, p. 52: "Tocó a Juan Galíndez de Abendaño el Señorío de Múgica o Mújica, villa que hoy pertenece al partido judicial de Gernika, y por ello comenzó a llamarse Múgica, siendo, pues, este linaje de Múgica el que representa la rama principal y directa de los Abendaño. Casó dicho Juan Galíndez de Abendaño, o Juan Galíndez de Múgica, con Juana Íñiguez (hija bastarda del Infante don Juan Manuel), y procrearon a Juan Alonso de Múgica, que por su madre antepuso el Alonso al Múgica, y heredó el Señorío de Aramaio a la muerte de la madre de su padre, que lo había conservado".
4) A. y A. García Carrafa, El Solar Vasco Navarro, Tomo V, Segunda Edición, Salamanca-Madrid 1948: "Procede este antiguo linaje del de Avendaño y recnoce por tronco y progenitor a Juan Galíndez de Avendaño, hijo primogénito de Fortún García de Avendaño, Señor de Aramayona, Mújica y Arteaga. Tocó a Juan Galíndez de Abendaño el Señorío de Múgica o Mújica, villa que hoy pertenece al partido judicial de Gernika, y por ello comenzó a llamarse Múgica, siendo, pues, este linaje de Múgica el que representa la rama principal y directa de los Abendaño. Casó dicho Juan Galíndez de Abendaño, o Juan Galíndez de Múgica, con Juana Íñiguez (hija bastarda del Infante don Juan Manuel), y procrearon a Juan Alonso de Múgica, que por su madre antepuso el Alonso al Múgica, y heredó el Señorío de Aramayona a la muerte de la madre de su padre, que lo había conservado".
5) Garibay, Ilustraciones Genealógicas de Linajes Bascongados, anotadas por Juan Carlos de Guerra, Texto íntegro que se publicó en la "Revista Internacional de Estudios Vascos (1908-12), p. 25: "Alonso Yvañez llamose primeramente de Muxica por haver sido Señor de esta Casa, por herencia de algún deudo, porque es cierto que ella estaba fundada antes de este tiempo, siendo de tanta autoridad en la parcialidad Oñazina, que en el nombramiento de los dichos oficios públicos del govierno general de Vizcaya, precedía esta a la de Buitrón, pues la de Muxica nombraba en una elección al Diputado Oñazino y el Procurador General y 4 Regidores, y la de Buitrón el Escrivano y Thesorero, y dos Regidores, y Letrado, y en la siguiente la de Muxica tres Regidores, y el Escrivano, y el Thesorero, y el Letrado, y la de Buytron el Diputado, y otros tres Regidores, y el Procurador general, de modo que le precedía en nombrar más Regidores, aunque en los demás oficios concurrían alternativamente. Después fue juntamente Señor de Aramayona, y de su torre de Barajoen, en succesión del dicho su hermano mayor, regnando el Rey Don Pedro, en cuyos tiempos, quando los Sres de Vizcaya se iban feneciendo, fue uno de los Cavalleros de mayor poder y autoridad que hubo en este Señorío. Casó en Castilla con Doña Juana Manuel, nombrada en el principio de este título, hermana de doña Constanza Manuel, Infanta de Portugal, muger primera del Infante Don Pedro, que después de muerta ella, fue Rey de Portugal, único de este nombre, fueron padres de Don Fernando Rey del mismo Reyno, así bien único de este nombre. De la mesma manera fue hermana de Doña Juana Manuel, Reyna de Castilla, muger única del Rey Don Henrique el 2°, y fueron Padres del Rey Don Juan el 1°, como consta claro del título pasado. Huvo de esta señora a Juan Alonso de Muxica y de Aramayona, succesor den esta Linea". De este último se dice en la misma página: "Juan Alonso de Muxica y de Aramayona fue Señor de Aramayona, y de la Casa de Muxica, en succesion paterna. Comenzó a florecer en los tiempos del Rey Don Henrique el 2°, siendo Cavallero de muchos méritos y autoridad, por sí y por sus progenitores. Gozó en Vizcaya de diversos Patronazgos de Iglesias Monesteriales, siendo uno de ellos el de San Juan de Murelaga en la merindad de Busturia, en el cual eran Patrones y debiseros en uno con él, Adame de Iarza, Lope Ivañes de Marquina, Pero López de Unzueta, Juan Pérez de Abendaño...".
6) Juan Ramón de Iturriza y Zabala, Historia General de Vizacaya y Epítome de las Encartaciones. Prólogo, notas e índices de Ángel Rodríguez Herrero, Volumen 1°, Colección "Fuentes para la Historia de Vizcaya", Bilbao 1967. En la p. 449 se menciona que "Don Juan Fernández de Orozco casó con doña Beatriz Manuel, hija de Don Juan Manuel, Príncipe de Villena; la cual Beatriz fue hermana de doña Juana Manuel, mujer de don Juan Galíndez, primer Señor de Múxica, y quinto de Aramayona, hacia el año de 1315".
7) Según los datos de la Fundation of Medieval Genealogy, don Juan Manuel tuvo tres esposas y dos amantes:
A) En 1301 casó con la Infanta doña Isabel de Mallorca, hija de Jaime II, Rey de Mayorca y Esclarmonde de Foix.

B) En 1303 casó con la Infanta doña Constanza de Aragón, hija de Jaime II de Aragón y Blanca de Sicilia.

C) En 1329 con doña Blanca de la Cerda, Señora de Lara y Vizcaya, hija de don Fernando II de la Cerda y doña Juana Núñez de Lara.

D) Se unió fuera de matrimonio con doña Inés González de Castañeda, hija de Rui Díaz de Castañeda y doña María Ruiz de Ceballos.

E) Por último. se unió con una mujer de nombre desconocido de la cual tuvo por hijas a 1) doña Juana Manuel de Villena, que casó con don Juan Galíndez de Avendaño, Señor de Mújica y 2) doña Guiomar Manuel de Villena, que casó con don Juan Martínez de Leiva, Señor de Baños, Merino Mayor de Castilla.


Don Juan Manuel (1282-1348) nació en el Castillo de Escalona en la provincia de Toledo. Por ser hijo del Infante don Manuel de Castilla (Señor de Escalona y de Peñafiel) y de doña Beatriz de Saboya, era sobrino del rey Alfonso X el Sabio y nieto de Fernando III el Santo. Heredó de su padre el gran Señorío de Villena, recibiendo los títulos de Príncipe, Señor y Duque de Villena.

Fue educado como un noble, fue adiestrado en artes como la equitación, la caza o la esgrima, aprendió, además, latín, historia, derecho y teología. Literariamente, su formación incluyó la lectura de diversos poemas de clerecía (Libro de Alexandre, Libro de Apolonio...), los tratados de Raimundo Lulio, la obra de Alfonso X (especialmente, la Estoria de España), varios libros doctrinales y colecciones de sentencias, proverbios y dichos de sabios traducidos de lenguas orientales o del latín al castellano (Calila e Dimna, Sendebar...), etc.

A los ocho años perdió a sus padres, por lo que a muy temprana edad pudo disponer del amplio patrimonio de su familia. A los doce años, iniciando una actividad que le acompañaría toda su vida, participó en la guerra para repeler el ataque de los moros de Granada a Murcia.

Se casó tres veces, eligiendo a sus esposas por conveniencia política y económica y, cuando tuvo hijos, se esforzó por emparejarlos con personas pertenecientes a la realeza.

Don Juan Manuel se convirtió en uno de los hombres más ricos y poderosos de su época, y, además de mantener él solo un ejército de mil caballeros, llegó a acuñar su moneda propia durante un tiempo, tal y como hacían los reyes.

El autor de El Conde Lucanor compaginó durante toda su vida sus actividades como escritor y como noble caballero. En su entorno, hubo ciertas críticas acerca de su vocación literaria, pues se pensaba que un noble de tan alto prestigio no debería dedicarse a tales actividades. El placer que encontraba en la escritura y la utilidad que veía para los demás en ella, le llevaron a seguir con su actividad literaria.

Don Juan Manuel tuvo enfrentamientos constantes con su rey. En la época, el trono de Castilla estuvo ocupado por dos monarcas que incluso llegaron a trazar planes para matarlo: Fernando IV y Alfonso XI. Sin embargo, este último buscó la fidelidad de Don Juan Manuel pidiéndole la mano de su hija Constanza. Finalmente, el rey repudió el matrimonio ya concertado y encarceló a la joven en el Castillo de Toro.

La lucha entre el rey y don Juan Manuel se prolongó por una década, y al menos hubo dos ocasiones en que este pudo llegar a caer en manos del primero. También el rey se opone al traslado de Constanza a Portugal para casarse con el infante don Pedro de Portugal.

Necesidades de paz interna para enfrentarse al rey de Marruecos y la mediación de doña Juana Núñez, suegra de don Juan por su tercer matrimonio, consiguen que el rey devuelva a don Juan sus bienes y honores en 1337, poniendo fin a la enemistad, que se consolidó definitivamente con la autorización para la boda de Constanza y, hacia 1340, cuando ambos se aliaron contra los musulmanes en la batalla del Salado, arrebatándoles la ciudad de Algeciras.

Tras estos acontecimientos, Don Juan Manuel dejó la vida política y se retiró a Murcia, donde pasó sus últimos años entregado a la literatura. Orgulloso de sus obras, decidió reunirlas todas en un solo volumen, el cual desapareció al arder en un incendio.

Juan Manuel, Duke of Peñafiel

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Don Juan Manuel (Escalona, 5 May 1282 - Peñafiel, 13 June 1348) is one of the most important Spanish medieval writers, nephew of Alfonso X el Sabio, son of Infante Don Manuel de Castilla (Gentleman of Scallion and Peñafiel) and Lady Beatrice of Savoy.


Don Juan Manuel (1282-1348) was born in the Castle of Escalona in the province of Toledo and was a politician and very active soldier. He was son of Juan Manuel of Villena (the son of Fernando III Santo) and his second wife Beatrice of Savoy. With the death of his mother Beatriz in 1292, Juan Manuel became duke of Peñafiel. Don Juan Manuel was trained in arts such as equestrianism, hunting, and fencing, and in addition learned Latin, history, law, and theology. At the age of twelve, he fought to repel the attack of the Moors from Granada to Murcia. He married three times, choosing his wives by political and economic convenience, and worked to match his children with partners associated with royalty. Don Juan Manuel became one of the richest and powerful men of his time, coining his own currency as the kings did. During his life, he was criticized for choosing literature as his vocation, an activity thought below a nobleman of such prestige

Don Juan Manuel had constant confrontations with his king. At the time, the throne of Castile was occupied by two monarchs, Fernando IV and Alfonso XI. Juan Manuel's loyalty was with Alfonso, to whom Juan Manuel gave hand of his daughter Constanza. The wedding was postponed several times, until finally Alfonso XI jailed Constanza in the Castle of Toro for unclear reasons. This incident angered Juan Manuel, who decided to turn against Alfonso. He declared war on Alfonso, beginning a confrontation that lasted five years.

Finally the Pope brought about reconciliation between Juan Manuel and Alfonso XI. This reconciliation was not complete until 1340, when Juan Manuel and Alfonso allied against the Muslims in the battle of El Salado(the Salty one), taking the city of Algeciras. After these events, Juan Manuel left the political life and retired to Murcia, where he spent his last years focused on literature. Proud of his works, he decided to compile them all in a single volume. This compilation was destroyed in a fire, with no known copy preserved.

In 1348, Juan Manuel died at sixty-six years old. Throughout his life, he wrote approximately thirteen books, of which only eight are preserved today. These works are predominantly didactic.


Following the path of his uncle, Alfonso X of Castile, Juan Manuel wrote in Castilian, a peculiarity in times when Latin was the 'official' language for educated writing. Juan Manuel wrote in the vulgar to facilitate access to literature for a greater number of readers. However, his writings were almost exclusively written for people of the nobility. His works reflect his character, ambitions, and beliefs. This is seen particularly in his Treaty of Asuncio'n in which he defends the dogma of the Immaculate Conception.


Juan Manuel's work is marked by a great preoccupation with the body, soul, and intelligence of an ideal medieval horseman. Generally it is classified as material for education of princes.

The structure of stories in El Conde Lucanor reflects the ordinances and hierarchical structuring of the medieval world. In the first parts a young nobleman, Lucanor, proposes an abstract problem to Patronio; later, he gives an apologue which extracts the solution from Patronio's tale, applying it to himself. Juan Manuel concludes the story with a short verse, condensing the moral of the story into short, concrete statements.


By Constanza of Aragon:

Constanza Manuel (c 1323-1345), who married Pedro I of Portugal.

Beatrice, died young

By Blanca Núñez de Lara:

Fernando Manuel (d c 1350), Lord of Escalona, Penafiel and Villena, who married 1346 Joana of Ampurias, a daughter of Ramón Berenguer, Count of Ampurias, himself a younger son of James II of Aragón. The couple had a daughter, Blanca Manuel (c 1348-1361), heiress of Villena, Escalona and Penafiel until 1361.

Juana Manuel (1339-1381), who married 1350 Enrique II of Castile (1333-79) and became Queen of Castile.

Illegitimate by Inés de Castañeda:

Sancho Manuel (1320-1347)

Enrique Manuel (1340-1390)


LES DYNASTIES D'EUROPE, Jiri Louda-Michael Maclagan: TABLA 48

DINASTIAS EUROPEAS - Andrés Von Wernitz- Pág. 426

TITULOS DE CASTILLA E INDIAS Y EXTRANJEROS. Antonio Pérez de Azagra y Aguirre. Pág. 77

GENEALOGIA DEL SOLAR DE GUZMAN. Canuto Merino Gayubas. 2001. Pag.140

Mayordomo Mayor de Fernando III, adelantado mayor de la Frontera y reino de Murcia

GENEALOGIA DEL SOLAR DE GUZMAN. Canuto Merino Gayubas. 2001. Pag.335


Aquí le llama Juan Manuel, Señor de Villena, Escalona y Peñafiel, Adelantado Mayor de Murcia. Según otro documento manuscrito, nació el año 1282. Según la Crónica del Rey D. Sancho y los Anales de Aragón, de Jerónimo Zurita (Libro 3, capitulo 48), fue Señor de Agreda, Alarcón y Mayordomo Mayor del Rey D. Fernando IV y tutor de D. Alfonso XI. Fue enterrado en el Monasterio de Peñafiel.

Real Academia de la Historia, Colección Salazar y Castro, B-32, folio 139

Juan Manuel, Prince of Villena (5 May 1282 – 13 June 1348) was a Spanish medieval writer, nephew of Alfonso X of Castile, son of Manuel of Castile and Beatrice of Savoy. He inherited from his father the great Seigneury of Villena, receiving the titles of Lord, Duke and lastly Prince of Villena.[1] He married three times, choosing his wives for political and economic convenience, and worked to match his children with partners associated with royalty. Juan Manuel became one of the richest and most powerful men of his time, coining his own currency as the kings did. During his life, he was criticised for choosing literature as his vocation, an activity thought below a nobleman of such prestige.


Extension of the Seigneury of Villena at the time of Juan Manuel, around the year 1340.

Juan Manuel was born in the Castle of Escalona, in what is now the province of Toledo. He was a son of Manuel of Castile (son of Ferdinand III of Castile) and his second wife Beatrice of Savoy. His father died in 1284, and Juan was educated at the court of his uncle, Sancho IV, with whom his abilities made him a favourite.[2] With the death of his mother in 1292, Juan Manuel became duke of Peñafiel. Juan Manuel was trained in arts such as equestrianism, hunting, and fencing, and in addition learned Latin, history, law, and theology. At the age of twelve, he fought to repel the attack of the Moors from Granada to Murcia.

In 1304 he was entrusted by the queen mother, Doña María de Molina, to conduct political negotiations with James II of Aragon on behalf of her son, Ferdinand IV, then under age. His diplomacy was successful and his marriage to James II's daughter, Constantina, added to his prestige.[2]

Juan Manuel had constant confrontations with his king. At the time, the throne of Castile was occupied by two monarchs, Ferdinand IV and Alfonso XI. Juan Manuel's loyalty was with Alfonso, to whom Juan Manuel gave the hand of his daughter Constanza. The wedding was postponed several times, until finally Alfonso XI jailed Constanza in the Castle of Toro for unclear reasons. This incident angered Juan Manuel, who decided to turn against Alfonso. He declared war on Alfonso, beginning a long confrontation.

On the death of his wife Constantina in 1327, Don Juan Manuel strengthened his position by marrying Doña Blanca de La Cerda y Lara; he secured the support of Juan Núñez, alférez of Castile, by arranging a marriage between him and Maria, daughter of Don Juan "el Tuerto"; he won over Portugal by promising the hand of his daughter, the ex-queen Constanza, to the infante of that kingdom, and he entered into alliance with Muhammed IV, Sultan of Granada.[3] This formidable coalition compelled Alphonso XI to sue for terms, which he accepted in 1328 without any serious intention of complying with them; but he was compelled to release Doña Constanza. War speedily broke out anew, and lasted till 1331 when Alphonso invited Juan Manuel and Juan Nuñez to a banquet at Villahumbrales with the intention, it was believed, of assassinating them; the plot failed, and Don Juan Manuel joined forces with Peter IV of Aragon. He was besieged by Alphonso at Garci-Nuñez, whence he escaped on the 30th of July 1336, fled into exile, and kept the rebellion alive till 1338.[2]

Finally, the Pope brought about reconciliation between Juan Manuel and Alfonso XI. This reconciliation was not complete until 1340, when Juan Manuel and Alfonso allied against the Muslims in the Battle of Río Salado, taking the city of Algeciras. After these events, Juan Manuel left political life and retired to Murcia, where he spent his last years focused on literature. Proud of his works, he decided to compile them all in a single volume. This compilation was destroyed in a fire, with no known copy preserved.

Juan Manuel died at Peñafiel in 1348, the age of sixty-six. Works House of Manuel Coat of Arms.

Throughout his life, he wrote approximately thirteen books, of which only eight are preserved today. These works are predominantly didactic. Following the path of his uncle, Alfonso X of Castile, Juan Manuel wrote in Castilian, a peculiarity in times when Latin was the official language for educated writing. He wrote in the vernacular to facilitate access to literature for a greater number of Castilian readers.

While his writings were directed largely to a literate class, it was nonetheless his assumption that they would be read aloud, as was common during the Middle Ages. He is ever conscious of propriety, and speaks carefully, both because of his elevated rank, and in case women or children should hear what he has written. His works reflect his character, ambitions, and beliefs, so that in many ways they are a mirror of his time and circumstances.

Juan Manuel's work is marked by a great preoccupation both with the practical and the spiritual life, and is directed not only to the nobility, but also to lower estates, since much of his work speaks not only of the duties of lords, but of their vassals as well. While his work is often classified under the general Medieval rubric of "the education of princes" it also begins to approach the Machiavellianism which is more characteristic of the Renaissance, by virtue of its dedication to the astute art of governing. Chronological summary

Of Juan Manuel's surviving writings:

Crónica abreviada was compiled between 1319 and 1325. The Libro de la caza was written between 1320 and 1329; and during this period of nine years the Crónica de España, the Crónica complida, and the Tratado sobre las armas were produced. The Libro del Caballero et del escudero was finished before the end of 1326. It is striking for its curious and varied erudition of the turbulent prince who weaves his personal experiences with historical or legendary incidents, with reminiscences of Aesop and Phaedrus, with the Disciplina clericalis, with Kalilah and Dimnah, with various Oriental traditions, and with the material of anecdotic literature which he embodies in the Libro de patronio, best known by the title of El Conde Lucanor. The Cento novelle antiche are anonymous tales, derived from popular stories diffused throughout the world, and simple, unadorned variants of folk-lore items. The first book of the Libro de los estados was finished on the 22nd of May 1330, while the second was begun five days later. The first book of El Conde Lucanor was written in 1328, the second in 1330, and the fourth is dated 12 June 1335. The devout Tractado on the Virgin, dedicated to the prior of the monastery at Peñafiel, to which Don Juan Manuel bequeathed his manuscripts, is of uncertain date, but it seems probable that the Libro de los frailes predicadores is slightly later than the Libro de los estados; that the Libro de los castigos (left unfinished, and therefore known by the alternative title of Libro infinido) was written not later than 1333, and that the treatise De las maneras de amor was composed between 1334 and 1337.[2]
Among his lost works, the Libro de los sabios, a treatise called Engeños de Guerra and the Libro de cantares, a collection of verses, were composed between 1320 and 1327; but they have disappeared together with the Libro de la caballeria (written during the winter of 1326), and the Reglas como se debe trovar, a metrical treatise assigned to 1328–1334.[2] El Conde Lucanor

El Conde Lucanor (the name Lucanor being taken from the prose Tristan), also entitled the Libro de enxemplos, was first printed by Gonzalo Argote de Molina at Seville in 1575, and it revealed Don Juan Manuel as a master in the art of prose composition, and as the predecessor of Boccaccio in the province of romantic narrative. The structure of stories reflects the ordinances and hierarchical structuring of the medieval world. In the first parts a young nobleman, Lucanor, proposes an abstract problem to Patronio; later, he gives an apologue which extracts the solution from Patronio's tale, applying it to himself. Juan Manuel concludes the story with a short verse, condensing the moral of the story into short, concrete statements.[citation needed]

It is essentially the production of a conscious artist, deliberative and selective in his methods. Don Juan Manuel naturalizes the Eastern apologue in Spain, and by the laconic picturesqueness of his expression imports a new quality into Spanish prose which attains its full development in the hands of Juan de Valdés and Cervantes. Some of his themes are utilized for dramatic purposes by Lope de Vega in La Pobreza estimada, by Juan Ruiz de Alarcón in La Prueba de las promesas, by Calderón in La Vida es sueño, and by José de Cañizares in Don Juan de Espina en Milán; there is an evident, though remote, relation between the tale of the mancebo que casó con una mujer muy fuerte y muy brava and The Taming of the Shrew; and a more direct connexion exists between some of Don Juan Manuel's enxemplos and some of Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales.[2] Children Castle of Villena, capital of Seigneury of Villena.

His first wife was Elizabeth, daughter of James II of Majorca and his wife Esclarmonde of Foix. She died approximately in 1301 and they had no children.

By Constance of Aragon, daughter of James II of Aragon:

Constanza Manuel (c 1323-1345), the wife of Peter I of Portugal. Beatrice Manuel of Villena, died young. Manuel of Villena, died young.
By Blanca de La Cerda y Lara:

Fernando Manuel of Villena (d. c. 1350), Lord of Escalona, Peñafiel and Villena, who married 1346 Joan of Ampurias, a daughter of Ramón Berenguer, Count of Ampurias, himself a younger son of James II of Aragón. The couple had a daughter, Blanca Manuel (c 1348-1361), heiress of Villena, Escalona and Peñafiel until 1361. Juana Manuel of Villena (1339–1381), who married 1350 Henry II of Castile (1333–79) and became Queen of Castile.
Illegitimate by Inés de Castañeda:

Sancho Manuel of Villena (1320–1347) Enrique Manuel of Villena (1340–1390)
Illegitimate by unknown woman:

Guiomar Manuel of Villena (who married Juan Martínez de Leiva, Señor de Baños, Merino Mayor de Castilla)
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Showing 12 of 22 people

Inés Rodriguez De Castañeda

Juana Yañez Manuel de Villena d...

Henrique Manoel de Vilhena, cond...

Blanca Núñez de Lara

Fernando Manuel Manuel de Villen...

Juana Manuel de Villena

Beatriz de Castilla de la Cerda ...

Constanza d'Aragón, princesa co...

Constanza Manuel de Villena y Ba...

Beatriz Manuel de Villena

Isabel Infanta de Mallorca-Foix

Catalina de Avilés



miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2019

Halfdan The Mild King Of Romerike And Vestfold ★ |•••► #Noruega #Genealogia #Genealogy ♛Ref: K-551

28 ° Bisabuelo de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo

 (Linea Materna)
Halfdan "the Mild", king of Romerike and Vestfold is your 28th great grandfather.
You   → Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo
  → Morella Álamo Borges
your mother → Belén Borges Ustáriz
her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna
her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesus Uztáriz y Monserrate
her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra
his mother → Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina, Teniente Coronel
her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza
his mother → Isabel Manuela Josefa Hurtado de Mendoza y Rojas Manrique
her mother → Juana de Rojas Manrique de Mendoza
her mother → Constanza de Mendoza Mate de Luna
her mother → Mayor de Mendoza Manzanedo
her mother → Juan Fernández De Mendoza Y Manuel
her father → Sancha Manuel
his mother → Sancho Manuel de Villena Castañeda, señor del Infantado y Carrión de los Céspedes
her father → Manuel de Castilla, señor de Escalona
his father → Elizabeth of Swabia
his mother → Philip of Swabia
her father → Friedrich I Barbarossa, Holy Roman Emperor
his father → Judith of Bavaria
his mother → Wulfhilda of Saxony
her mother → Magnus Ordulfson Billung
her father → Ulvhild Olavsdotter
his mother → Saint Olaf II, King of Norway
her father → Harald Grenske
his father → Kong Gudrød Bjørnsson
his father → Bjørn Farmand Haraldson
his father → Harald I "Fairhair", king of Norway
his father → Halvdan Gudrødsson «the Black» Svarte
his father → Gudrød Halvdansson «the Hunter» Veidekonge
his father → Halfdan "the Mild", king of Romerike and Vestfold
his fatherShow short path | Share this path
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Halfdan "the Mild", king of Romerike and Vestfold is your 24th great aunt's second great grandfather.


Halfdan el Amable 

Halfdan Eysteinsson también Halfdan el Amable o el Generoso (nórdico antiguo: Hálfdan hinn mildi) (736 - 802) era hijo del rey Eystein Halfdansson, de la Casa de Yngling y sucedió a su padre como rey de Romerike y Vestfold, Noruega según la saga Heimskringla.[1][2]
La saga cita que era un rey generoso con el oro pero mataba de hambre a sus hombres. Era un gran guerrero, amigo de las incursiones vikingas, pillajes y a menudo obtenía grandes botines.[3]
Su vida se detalla en su propia saga, Hálfdanar saga Eysteinssonar. Halfdan murió en la cama por una enfermedad.


Casó con Liv Dagsdotter (n. 738), hija del rey Dag de Vestmar, fruto de esa relación nacieron dos hijos:
  • Gudrød el Cazador, abuelo de Halfdan el Negro y bisabuelo de Harald I, el primer rey de facto de Noruega.[4]
  • Sigurd de Haithabu (m. 810), murió en el campo de batalla. Las sagas le imputan seis hijos, aunque no se menciona quien fue su consorte:[5]
    • Ragnvald de Haithabu (m. 808), muerto en el campo de batalla.
    • Hemming y Sigurd, reyes de Haithabu; Haakon (también Helkwin) y Agantyr. Los cuatro murieron en el campo de batalla hacia 812.


  1.  Heimskringla: or the Lives of the Norse Kings, Sturluson, Snorri, (Cambridge, [England]: W. Heffer & Sons Ltd, 1932), FHL book 948 H2sa., p. 46-48.
  2.  Der Europäischen käyser- und königlichen Häuser historische und genealogische Erläuterung (1730-1731), Lohmeier, Georg von, und Johann Ludwig Levin Gebhardi, (3 volumes in 1. Luneburg: Sternischen Buchdruckerei, 1730-1731), FHL microfilm 1,051,694, items 4-6., p. 137.
  3.  Gwyn Jones, A History of the Vikings, Oxford University Press, 1973, p. 84.
  4.  Ættarskrá by Bjarni Þorsteinsson, Þorsteinsson, Bjarni, (Reykjavík: Prentsmiðjan Acta H.F., 1930), FHL book 929.24912 T398t., p. 430-431.
  5.  Europaische Stammtafeln: Stammtafeln zur Geschichte der europaischen Staaten. Neue Folge (1978), Schwennicke, Detlev, (Marburg: Verlag von J. A. Stargardt, c1978-1995 (v. 1-16) -- Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann, c1998- Medieval Families bibliography #552.), FHL book Q 940 D5es new series., Band 2 Tafel 104.


Eystein Halfdansson
Reyes vikingos de NoruegaSucesor:
Gudrød el Cazador


Halfdan "the Mild" (Eysteinsson), king of Romerike and Vestfold MP
Norwegian: Halvdan "Den Milde" Eysteinsson, king of Romerike and Vestfold, Lithuanian: Romerikės ir Vestfoldo Karalius Halfdanas "Ramusis" Eysteino sūnus, king of Romerike and Vestfold, Swedish: Halvdan Øysteinsson, king of Romerike and Vestfold
Gender: Male
Birth: circa 760
Holtan, Vestfold, Norway
Death: 800 (36-44)
Holtan, Borre, Vestfold, Norway (Illness in his bed)
Place of Burial: Borrehaugene, Vestfold, Norway
Immediate Family:
Son of Eystein «Fret/Fjert» Halfdansson and Hild Eiriksdotter
Husband of Queen Lif Dagsdotter
Father of Gudrød Halvdansson «the Hunter» Veidekonge; Sigurd II, 5th King of Haithabu and Unknown Halfdansdatter
Brother of Æsa "den lyse" Eysteinsdatter; King of Hedeby Harold Eysteinsson, Second King of Haithabu; Gudrod Eysteinsson "Jagtkonge" (King in Vestfold); Geva and Sigurd, first King of Haithabu
Added by: James Duane Pell Bishop III on January 25, 2007
Managed by: Margaret (C) and 390 others
Curated by: Harald Tveit Alvestrand
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TEMP NOTE: I found that some profiles of Halfdan Sveidasson are also marked as "Milde", so I promoted his father's name to a more visible place, and moved "Milde" to the suffix field - Alvestrand.

He is NOT the father of Ivar Opplendingejarl.

Halvdan Milde (Øysteinsson) (Hálfdan hinn mildi) ca 780, PAM

In English: Halfdan the Mild

King in part of Norway: Romerike / Vestfold




Three brothers, one sister:

1. SIGEFRID [Sigurd] ([750]-798). First "King of Haithabu". The Annales Fuldenses record that "Sigifridi regis Danorum" sent "Halbdani…cum sociis suis" as missi to a council held by Charles I King of the Franks at "Lippia"[9]. One child:

2. HARALD ([750]-killed in battle in the Irish Sea 804). Second "King of Haithabu". m IMHILD, daughter of WARNECHIN Graf von Engern & his wife Kunhilde von Rügen. Three children:

3. HALFDAN Mildi ([750]-802, bur Borro). King of Vestfold. (See below)

4. GEVA ([755]-) http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/DENMARK.htm#GevaMWidukindSaxonydied810

HALFDAN "Mildi", son of --- ([750]-802, bur Borro). King of Vestfold. m LIF of Westmare, daughter and heiress of DAG King of Westmare & his wife ---.

King Halfdan & his wife had [three] children:

1. GODEFRID (-murdered 810). Godefrid is shown in Europäische Stammtafeln[11] as the son of King Halfdan, but the primary source on which this is based has not yet been identified. He succeeded as GODEFRID King of the Danes. King of Vestfold, Hedeland, Vaermland, Westmare and Hedemarken[12]. The Annales Ryenses record that "Karolus Imperator" came with all his army against "Godefrith regem Daciæ" in 776[13], although the dating would be questionable if this refers to the same King Godefrid. Adam of Bremen names "rex Godafridus" as the Danish leader against whom Emperor Charlemagne made war[14]. The Royal Frankish Annals record that King Godefrid exchanged envoys with Emperor Charles in Schleswig in 804[15]. Einhard records a dispute between "Drasconem ducem Abodritorum" and "Godelaibum alium ducem…et cum eis filium fratris sui…Reginoldum", the latter being killed in 808[16]. Einhard records that "Thrasco dux Abodritorum" was killed by "hominibus Godofridi" in "emporie Rerie" in 809[17]. The Royal Frankish Annals also record that King Godefrid attacked the Obotrites in 808 and destroyed their commercial centre at Reria[18]. He attacked the Frisians in 810[19]. Einhard records the death of "Godefrido Danorum rege" in 810 and the succession of "Hemmingus filius fratris eius"[20]. The Annales Fuldenses record the death in 810 of "Godafrido Danorum rege", the succession by "Hemmingus filius fratris eius", and the latter making peace with the emperor[21]. He was murdered by one of his retainers[22]. King Godefrid had [four or more] children:

a) son (-killed in battle 814). He and his brothers were exiled to Sweden after the death of their father. They returned in 813 and expelled King Harald and King Reginfred[23]. Einhard's Annales record that "Harioldus et Reginfredus reges Danorum" who, in the previous year had been expelled from Denmark by "filiis Godofredi", attacked again in 814 but "Reginfridus et unus de filiis Godofredi qui maior natu erat" were killed[24].

b) son (-after 827). Joint King of the Danes 813. The Annales Fuldenses record that Emperor Louis sent a Frankish army to help "Herioldo Danorum regi" against "filios Godafridi" in 815[25]. They are their brothers were driven out in 819 by King Harald, with the help of Emperor Louis I "le Pieux" and the Obotrites[26].

c) other sons (-after 819). Joint King of the Danes 813. The Annales Fuldenses record that Emperor Louis sent a Frankish army to help "Herioldo Danorum regi" against "filios Godafridi" in 815[27]. No source has so far been identified which names the sons of King Godefrid or states how many sons there were. They are their brothers were driven out in 819 by King Harald, with the help of Emperor Louis I "le Pieux" and the Obotrites[28].

2. [SIGURD] (-killed in battle Bardowick 810). King Godefrid's brother is named Sigurd in Europäische Stammtafeln[29], but the primary source on which this is based has not yet been identified.

a) REGINOLD [Ragnvald] (-killed in battle 808). Einhard records a battle between "Drasconem ducem Abodritorum" and "Godelaibum alium ducem…et cum eis filium fratris sui…Reginoldum", the latter being killed in 808[30]. The Royal Frankish Annals name "Reginold, his [King Godefred's] brother's son" when recording that he was killed fighting the Obotrites[31]. The Annales Fuldenses record the battle between "Godafridus rex Danorum" and the Abotrites in which "Reginoldo filio fratris sui" was killed[32].

b) HEMMING (-812). The Gesta Francorum names "Hemmingus filius fratris eius [=Godefrido Danorum rege]" when recording that he succeeded his uncle in 810[33]. He succeeded his paternal uncle in 810 as HEMMING King of the Danes. Adam of Bremen names "rex Godafridus" as patruelis of Hemming on the latter's accession as Danish king[34]. Einhard records the death of "Godefrido Danorum rege" in 810 and the succession of "Hemmingus filius fratris eius"[35]. The Annales Fuldenses record the death in 810 of "Godafrido Danorum rege", the succession by "Hemmingus filius fratris eius", and the latter making peace with the emperor[36]. He made peace with Emperor Charlemagne in 810, confirmed by a treaty signed at Heiligen on the river Eider in Spring 811[37]. Einhard's Annales name "fratres Hemmingi, Hancwin et Angandeo, Osfred cognomento Turdimulo, et Warstein, et Suomi, et Urm, et alius Osfrid filius Heiligen, et Osfred de Sconsowe et Hebbi et Aowin" as the Danish signatories of the peace agreed with the Franks in 811[38]. The Royal Frankish Annals record the death of King Hemming in 812[39]. Civil war broke out after King Hemming died. Einhard's Annales record that news of the death of "Hemmingus Danorum rex" arrived in 812, that "Sigifridus nepos Godofredi regis et Anulo nepos Herioldi quondam regis" both claimed the succession, and that the faction supporting "Anulonis" was victorious, with "fratres eius Herioldum et Reginfredum" being installed as kings[40]. The Annales Fuldenses record the death in 812 of "Hemmingo Danorum rege", the succession dispute between "Sigifredo nepos Godofredi regis et Anulo nepos Herioldi", the battle in which both were killed but which Anulo's supporters won, and the accession of "Herioldum et Reginfredum fratres eius regis"[41].

c) HANKWIN [Hakon/Holkwin] (-killed in battle Haithabu Summer 812). Einhard's Annales name "fratres Hemmingi, Hancwin et Angandeo…" as the Danish signatories of the peace agreed in 811[42].

d) ANGANDEO [Angantyr] (-Haithabu Summer 812). Einhard's Annales name "fratres Hemmingi, Hancwin et Angandeo…" as the Danish signatories of the peace agreed in 811[43].

3. [--- . m ---.] One child:

a) SIGURD [Sigfrid] (-killed in battle Summer 812). Einhard's Annales record that news of the death of "Hemmingus Danorum rex" arrived in 812, that "Sigifridus nepos Godofredi regis et Anulo nepos Herioldi quondam regis" both claimed the succession, and that the faction supporting "Anulonis" was victorious, with "fratres eius Herioldum et Reginfredum" being installed as kings[44]. The Annales Fuldenses record the death in 812 of "Hemmingo Danorum rege", the succession dispute between "Sigifredo nepos Godofredi regis et Anulo nepos Herioldi", the battle in which both were killed but which Anulo's supporters won, and the accession by "Herioldum et Reginfredum fratres eius regis"[45]. Assuming that "nepos" should here be translated as nephew, from the context of these passages it is likely that Sigfrid's parent was a different sibling of King Godofrid from the latter's brother who was King Hemming's father. Adam of Bremen names "Sigafrid et Anuleo, nepotes Godafridi" when recording that they fought to succeed after the death of King Hemming[46].


Halvdan Øysteinsson den gavmilde

Halvdan Øysteinsson den gavmilde og matille (født ca. 750 død ca. 800) var ifølge sagaene konge over Vestfold og Romerike. Av ynglingeætten.

Foreldre: Øystein Halvdansson og Hild Eriksdotter

Gift med: Liv Dagsdotter, Helga Dagsdotter, datter av Dag Frode

Barn: Gudrød Halvdansson Veidekonge.

Halvdan var kjent som en stor kriger og han vant store rikdommer på sine ferder. Han lønnet mennene sine bra, og var kjent for sin gavmildhet. Døde sottedød, ble hauglagt i Borre.

Snorre skriver;

Så sier Tjodolv:

Og til møte Lokes møy tredje konge fra livet kalte,

da Halvdan, Holtanbonden,

hadde nytt det norner bød.

Og seierens menn siden gjemte budlungen der i Borre..

Hálfdanar saga Eysteinssonar

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Hálfdanar saga Eysteinssonar is a legendary saga from early 14th century Iceland about Halfdan Eysteinsson. The main events appear to take place in the 9th century.

Halfdan's grandfather was Þrándr the eponymous king of Trondheim, who in turn was the son of Sæmingr the king of Halogaland and the son of Odin. Sæmingr had married Naumu who had given her name to Namdalen. Þrándr had married Dagmær, the sister of Svanhvít, the heroine of Hrómundar saga Gripssonar, and they had had the sons Eysteinn and Eirikr inn víðförli who is the hero of Eireks saga víðförla and discovered Ódáinsakr.

Eysteinn married Ása, the daughter of Sigurd Hart and Áslaug, the daughter of Sigurd Snake-in-the-Eye. They had several sons among them Halfdan.

It deals with Eysteinn's adventures in Staraja Ladoga (Aldeigjuborg), his conquest of Alaborg and about the adventures of his son Halfdan.

[edit] External links

An original English translation by George Hardmann at the Northvegr Foundation web site

The saga in Old Norse

A second site with the saga in Old Norse

A third site

[hide]v • d • eNorse mythology and paganism

Æsir Baldr · Bragi · Forseti · Dellingr · Freyr · Heimdall · He

Halvdan Øysteinsson den gavmilde og matille (født ca. 750 død ca. 800) var ifølge sagaene konge over Vestfold og Romerike. Av ynglingeætten.

Foreldre: Øystein Halvdansson og Hild Eriksdotter

Gift med: Liv Dagsdotter, Helga Dagsdotter, datter av Dag Frode

Barn: Gudrød Halvdansson Veidekonge.

Halvdan var kjent som en stor kriger og han vant store rikdommer på sine ferder. Han lønnet mennene sine bra, og var kjent for sin gavmildhet. Døde sottedød, ble hauglagt i Borre.

Snorre skriver;

Så sier Tjodolv:

Og til møte Lokes møy tredje konge fra livet kalte,

da Halvdan, Holtanbonden,

hadde nytt det norner bød.

Og seierens menn siden gjemte budlungen der i Borre..

Ble kalt "den gamilde" og "matille".


Halfdan was the name of King Eystein's son who succeeded him. He was called Halfdan the Mild, but the Bad Entertainer; that is to say, he was reported to be generous, and to give his men as much gold as other kings gave of silver, but he starved them in their diet. He was a great warrior, who had been long on viking cruises, and had collected great property. He was married to Liv, a daughter of King Dag of Westmare. Holtar, in Westfold,

was his chief house; and he died there on the bed of sickness, and was buried at Borre under a mound. So says Thjodolf: --

"By Hel's summons, a great king

Was called away to Odin's Thing:

King Halfdan, he who dwelt of late

At Holtar, must obey grim Fate.

At Borre, in the royal mound,

They laid the hero in the ground."

Halfdan the Mild was the son of king Öystein Halfdansson, of the House of Yngling and he succeeded his father as king, according to Heimskringla.

From "The Ynglinga Saga":


Halfdan was the name of King Eystein's son who succeeded him. He was called Halfdan the Mild, but the Bad Entertainer; that is to say, he was reported to be generous, and to give his men as much gold as other kings gave of silver, but he starved them in their diet. He was a great warrior, who had been long on viking cruises, and had collected great property. He was married to Liv, a daughter of King Dag of Westmare. Holtar, in Westfold, was his chief house; and he died there on the bed of sickness, and was buried at Borre under a mound. So says Thjodolf: --

'By Hel's summons, a great king

Was called away to Odin's Thing:

King Halfdan, he who dwelt of late

At Holtar, must obey grim Fate.

At Borre, in the royal mound,

They laid the hero in the ground.' "

Noted events in his life were:
• He was a king of Romerike and Vestfold.

Halvdan married Liv Dagsdotter.

ABT 0750 - AFT ER 780

OCCUPATION: Konge i Vestfold

BIRTH: ABT 0750, "den (Gav)Milde"

DEATH: AFT ER 780, Holtan, Vesterøya, Sandefjord (av sykd.)

BURIAL: Borrestranda (hauglagt)

Father: Øystein HALVDANSSON


Family 1 : Liv DAGSDATTER

+Gudrød Halvdansson VEIDEKONGE

Kilde: nermo.org

Halfdan Mildi, King of Westfold

M, #42857, b. 750, d. 802

Last Edited=9 Aug 2004

Halfdan Mildi, King of Westfold was born in 750. He was the son of unknown parent (?). He died in 802.
Halfdan Mildi, King of Westfold gained the title of King Halfdan of Westfold.
Children of Halfdan Mildi, King of Westfold and Lif (?)

-1. Godefrid, 6th King of Haithabu+ d. 810

-2. Sigurd, 5th King of Haithabu+ d. 810



Halvdan Øysteinsson den gavmilde og matille (født ca. 750 død ca. 800) var ifølge sagaene konge over Vestfold og Romerike. Av ynglingeætten.

Foreldre: Øystein Halvdansson og Hild Eriksdotter

Gift med: Liv Dagsdotter, Helga Dagsdotter, datter av Dag Frode

Barn: Gudrød Halvdansson Veidekonge.

Halvdan var kjent som en stor kriger og han vant store rikdommer på sine ferder. Han lønnet mennene sine bra, og var kjent for sin gavmildhet. Døde sottedød, ble hauglagt i Borre.

Snorre skriver;

Så sier Tjodolv:

Og til møte Lokes møy tredje konge fra livet kalte,

da Halvdan, Holtanbonden,

hadde nytt det norner bød.

Og seierens menn siden gjemte budlungen der i Borre..

King of Vestfold

King of Vestfold

Halvdan Øysteinsson den gavmilde og matille (født ca. 750 død ca. 800) var ifølge sagaene konge over Vestfold og Romerike. Av ynglingeætten.

Foreldre: Øystein Halvdansson og Hild Eriksdotter

Gift med: Liv Dagsdotter, Helga Dagsdotter, datter av Dag Frode

Barn: Gudrød Halvdansson Veidekonge.

Halvdan var kjent som en stor kriger og han vant store rikdommer på sine ferder. Han lønnet mennene sine bra, og var kjent for sin gavmildhet. Døde sottedød, ble hauglagt i Borre.

Snorre skriver;

Så sier Tjodolv:

Og til møte Lokes møy tredje konge fra livet kalte,

da Halvdan, Holtanbonden,

hadde nytt det norner bød.

Og seierens menn siden gjemte budlungen der i Borre..



Halvdan Øysteinsson den gavmilde og matille (født ca. 750 død ca. 800) var ifølge sagaene konge over Vestfold og Romerike. Av ynglingeætten.

Foreldre: Øystein Halvdansson og Hild Eriksdotter

Gift med: Liv Dagsdotter, Helga Dagsdotter, datter av Dag Frode

Barn: Gudrød Halvdansson Veidekonge.

Halvdan var kjent som en stor kriger og han vant store rikdommer på sine ferder. Han lønnet mennene sine bra, og var kjent for sin gavmildhet. Døde sottedød, ble hauglagt i Borre.

Snorre skriver;

Så sier Tjodolv:

Og til møte Lokes møy tredje konge fra livet kalte,

da Halvdan, Holtanbonden,

hadde nytt det norner bød.

Og seierens menn siden gjemte budlungen der i Borre..

Född: 763

Äktenskap : Liv Dagsdotter

Död : 802 i åldern 39

Buried : Borre , Vestfold , Norge

Allmänna hänvisningar:
Halfdan Mild var son till kung Öystein Halfdansson , av huset Yngling och han efterträdde sin far som kung , enligt Heimskringla .

Från "The Ynglinga Saga " :

" 52 . AV Halfdan mild.

Halfdan var namnet på kung Eystein son som efterträdde honom . Han kallades Halvdan Mild , men Bad Entertainer , det vill säga , ska han vara generös och att ge hans män lika mycket guld som andra kungar gav silver , men han svälta dem i deras kost. Han var en stor krigare , som hade varit länge på viking kryssningar, och hade samlat stor egendom. Han var gift med Liv, en dotter till kung Dag för Westmare . Holtar i Västfold , var hans förnämsta hus , och han dog där på sängen av sjukdom och begravdes vid Borre under en kulle . Så säger Thjodolf : -

"Genom Hels stämning , en stor konung

Kallades bort till Odens sak:

Kung Halfdan , han som bodde i slutet av

Vid Holtar , måste lyda bistra ödet.

På Borre , i den kungliga högen ,

De som hjälten i marken . " "

Noterade händelser i hans liv var:
• Han var en kung i Romerike och Vestfold .

Halvdan gift Liv Dagsdotter .


1 Snorre Sturlasson (ca 1179 till 1241 ), http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/OMACL/ ( Om 1225 ), The Ynglinga Saga .

2 Wikipedia ( http://en.wikipedia.org/ ).

Halvdan Øysteinsson den gavmilde og matille (født ca. 750 død ca. 800) var ifølge sagaene konge over Vestfold og Romerike. Av ynglingeætten.

Foreldre: Øystein Halvdansson og Hild Eriksdotter

Gift med: Liv Dagsdotter, Helga Dagsdotter, datter av Dag Frode

Barn: Gudrød Halvdansson Veidekonge.

Halvdan var kjent som en stor kriger og han vant store rikdommer på sine ferder. Han lønnet mennene sine bra, og var kjent for sin gavmildhet. Døde sottedød, ble hauglagt i Borre.

Snorre skriver;

Så sier Tjodolv:

Og til møte Lokes møy tredje konge fra livet kalte,

da Halvdan, Holtanbonden,

hadde nytt det norner bød.

Og seierens menn siden gjemte budlungen der i Borre..

aka Halvdan II OYSTEINSSON `le Debonnaire' King in VESTFOLD (& DENMARK); `the Stingy'
Blev ca 52 år.

Född: omkring 750

Död: omkring 802

Halfdan the Mild (Old Norse: Hálfdan hinn mildi) was the son of king Eystein Halfdansson, of the House of Yngling and he succeeded his father as king, according to Heimskringla. He was king of Romerike and Vestfold.

He was said to be generous in gold but to starve his men with food. He was a great warrior who often pillaged and gathered great booty.

His wife was Liv, the daughter of king Dag of Vestmar. Halfdan the Mild died of illness in his bed.

He was succeeded by his son, Gudrød the Hunter.

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Halvdan den Milde og Mat-ille var ein konge av Ynglingeætta, far til Gudrød Veidekonge og farfar til Halvdan Svarte. Han var son av kong Øystein av ynglingeætta.

Han sat som konge i Holtar, no Holtan i Borre, og er gravlagd der. Han var gift med Liv, dotter til kong Dag på Vestmar, i dag eigna kring Langesund. Namnet og gravstaden hans tyder på ei lekk til Danmark (Borrestil).

Eystein, we are told, was succeeded by his son Halfdan the Generous and the Stingy of Food. Halfdan gained this title by paying his men generously in coin but poorly in food. He died of a malady, was duly buried in a mound beside his father Eystein, and was succeeded by his son Gudrod. Gudrod is considered to be a historical personage, although the tales that are told about him are no doubt at least partly legendary.

[Royal Families of Medieval Scandinavia, Flander & Kiev]

Eystein, we are told, was succeeded by his son Halfdan the Generous and the Stingy of Food. Halfdan gained this title by paying his men generously in coin but poorly in food. He died of a malady, was duly buried in a mound beside his father

Eystein, and was succeeded by his son Gudrod. Gudrod is considered to be a historical personage, although the tales that are told about him are no doubt at least partly legendary.

Halfdan II Eysteinsson King Of Vestfold 1

Birth: About 767 in <, Holtum, Vestfold, Norway> 2 3

Death: 800 in , Borre, Vestfold, Norway 2 3

Sex: M

Father: Eysteinn I "Fretr" Glumru Halfdansson King Of Vestfold b. About 740 in , , Vestfold, Norway

Mother: Hildi Eiriksdatter b. About 740 in (, , Vestfold, Norway)

Unknown: , , Vestfold, Norway 4 1 3

Changed: 23 Jul 2002 01:00

Spouses & Children
Hlif Dagsdatter (Wife) b. About 772 in , Holtum, Vestfold, Norway
1 2 3

Marriage: Abt 787 in (, , Vestfold, Norway) 6 Nov 2004 14:29


Oplaendinge Halfdansson Earl Of The Uplands b. After 788 in (, Holtum, Vestfold, Norway)

Gudrod Halfdansson King Of Vesfold b. About 789 in , Holtum, Vestfold, Norway

Rognvald Olafsson b. About 790 in (, Holtum, Vestfold, Norway)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Name Suffix: King of Vestfold


Ancestral File Number:8HS8-CR

OBJE: C:\LEGACY\PICTURES\c_crown.gifCHAN23 Jul 2002

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

lbert F. Schmuhl, "Title: "Royal Lines & Adamic Genealogy: Genealogical Research of A
lbert F. Schmuhl, "Author: Schmuhl, Albert F.

Publication: e-mail documentation, March 1997, Albert F. Schmuhl, Americ

a Online Posting: Genealogy Forum

Title: "FamilySearch® Ancestral Fileâ„¢ v4.19"

Author: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Publication: 3 Feb 2001

Title: "Genealogical Research of Kirk Larson"

Author: Larson, Kirk

Publication: Personal Research Works including Bethune & Hohenlohe Desce

ndants, 1981-2001, Kirk Larson, Private Library

Title: "Héraldique européenne"

Author: Arnaud Bunel

Publication: Coats of Arms for European Royalty and Nobility (http://www

.heraldique-europeenne.org, Arnaud Bunel, 1998) , Internet"Armigerous" (ahr-MIJ-ehr-us) adjective

Bearing or entitled to bear heraldicarms.

The reason the notion of a family crest was brought into th

e languagewas that those who were armigerous (entitled to bear arms) used to put their crest or achieveme

Eystein, we are told, was succeeded by his son Halfdan the Generous and the Stingy of Food. Halfdan gained this title by paying his men generously in coin but poorly in food. He died of a malady, was duly buried in a mound beside his father Eystein, and was succeeded by his son Gudrod. Gudrod is considered to be a historical personage, although the tales that are told about him are no doubt at least partly legendary.
Note: [Royal Families of Medieval Scandinavia, Flander & Kiev]
Note: Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition, by Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., 1999
Note: Page: 121e-14
Note: Text: Halfdan, the Old
Halfdan the Mild (Old Norse: Hálfdan hinn mildi) was the son of king Eystein Halfdansson, of the House of Yngling and he succeeded his father as king, according to Heimskringla. He was king of Romerike and Vestfold.

He was said to be generous in gold but to starve his men with food. He was a great warrior who often pillaged and gathered great booty.

His wife was Liv, the daughter of king Dag of Vestmar. Halfdan the Mild died of illness in his bed.

Halfdan the Mild (Old Norse: Hálfdan hinn mildi) was the son of king Eystein Halfdansson, of the House of Yngling and he succeeded his father as king, according to Heimskringla. He was king of Romerike and Vestfold.
He was said to be generous in gold but to starve his men with food. He was a great warrior who often pillaged and gathered great booty.

His wife was Liv, the daughter of king Dag of Vestmar. Halfdan the Mild died of illness in his bed.

He was succeeded by his son, Gudrød the Hunter.

Halfdan the Mild (Old Norse: Hálfdan hinn mildi) was the son of king Eystein Halfdansson, of the House of Yngling and he succeeded his father as king, according to Heimskringla. He was king of Romerike and Vestfold.

He was said to be generous in gold but to starve his men with food. He was a great warrior who often pillaged and gathered great booty.

His wife was Liv, the daughter of king Dag of Vestmar. Halfdan the Mild died of illness in his bed.

He was succeeded by his son, Gudrød the Hunter.

TEMP NOTE: I found that some profiles of Halfdan Sveidasson are also marked as "Milde", so I promoted his father's name to a more visible place, and moved "Milde" to the suffix field - Alvestrand.
He is NOT the father of Ivar Opplendingejarl.

Halvdan Milde (Øysteinsson) (Hálfdan hinn mildi) ca 780, PAM

In English: Halfdan the Mild

King in part of Norway: Romerike / Vestfold




Halvdan Øysteinsson den gavmilde

Halvdan Øysteinsson den gavmilde og matille (født ca. 750 død ca. 800) var ifølge sagaene konge over Vestfold og Romerike. Av ynglingeætten.

Foreldre: Øystein Halvdansson og Hild Eriksdotter

Gift med: Liv Dagsdotter, Helga Dagsdotter, datter av Dag Frode

Barn: Gudrød Halvdansson Veidekonge.

Halvdan var kjent som en stor kriger og han vant store rikdommer på sine ferder. Han lønnet mennene sine bra, og var kjent for sin gavmildhet. Døde sottedød, ble hauglagt i Borre.

Snorre skriver;

Så sier Tjodolv:

Og til møte Lokes møy tredje konge fra livet kalte,

da Halvdan, Holtanbonden,

hadde nytt det norner bød.

Og seierens menn siden gjemte budlungen der i Borre..

Hálfdanar saga Eysteinssonar

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Hálfdanar saga Eysteinssonar is a legendary saga from early 14th century Iceland about Halfdan Eysteinsson. The main events appear to take place in the 9th century.

Halfdan's grandfather was Þrándr the eponymous king of Trondheim, who in turn was the son of Sæmingr the king of Halogaland and the son of Odin. Sæmingr had married Naumu who had given her name to Namdalen. Þrándr had married Dagmær, the sister of Svanhvít, the heroine of Hrómundar saga Gripssonar, and they had had the sons Eysteinn and Eirikr inn víðförli who is the hero of Eireks saga víðförla and discovered Ódáinsakr.

Eysteinn married Ása, the daughter of Sigurd Hart and Áslaug, the daughter of Sigurd Snake-in-the-Eye. They had several sons among them Halfdan.

It deals with Eysteinn's adventures in Staraja Ladoga (Aldeigjuborg), his conquest of Alaborg and about the adventures of his son Halfdan.

[edit] External links

An original English translation by George Hardmann at the Northvegr Foundation web site

The saga in Old Norse

A second site with the saga in Old Norse

A third site

[hide]v • d • eNorse mythology and paganism

Æsir Baldr · Bragi · Forseti · Dellingr · Freyr · Heimdall · He

Halvdan Øysteinsson den gavmilde og matille (født ca. 750 død ca. 800) var ifølge sagaene konge over Vestfold og Romerike. Av ynglingeætten.

Foreldre: Øystein Halvdansson og Hild Eriksdotter

Gift med: Liv Dagsdotter, Helga Dagsdotter, datter av Dag Frode

Barn: Gudrød Halvdansson Veidekonge.

Halvdan var kjent som en stor kriger og han vant store rikdommer på sine ferder. Han lønnet mennene sine bra, og var kjent for sin gavmildhet. Døde sottedød, ble hauglagt i Borre.

Snorre skriver;

Så sier Tjodolv:

Og til møte Lokes møy tredje konge fra livet kalte,

da Halvdan, Holtanbonden,

hadde nytt det norner bød.

Og seierens menn siden gjemte budlungen der i Borre..

Ble kalt "den gamilde" og "matille".


Halfdan was the name of King Eystein's son who succeeded him. He was called Halfdan the Mild, but the Bad Entertainer; that is to say, he was reported to be generous, and to give his men as much gold as other kings gave of silver, but he starved them in their diet. He was a great warrior, who had been long on viking cruises, and had collected great property. He was married to Liv, a daughter of King Dag of Westmare. Holtar, in Westfold,

was his chief house; and he died there on the bed of sickness, and was buried at Borre under a mound. So says Thjodolf: --

"By Hel's summons, a great king

Was called away to Odin's Thing:

King Halfdan, he who dwelt of late

At Holtar, must obey grim Fate.

At Borre, in the royal mound,

They laid the hero in the ground."

Halfdan the Mild was the son of king Öystein Halfdansson, of the House of Yngling and he succeeded his father as king, according to Heimskringla.

From "The Ynglinga Saga":


Halfdan was the name of King Eystein's son who succeeded him. He was called Halfdan the Mild, but the Bad Entertainer; that is to say, he was reported to be generous, and to give his men as much gold as other kings gave of silver, but he starved them in their diet. He was a great warrior, who had been long on viking cruises, and had collected great property. He was married to Liv, a daughter of King Dag of Westmare. Holtar, in Westfold, was his chief house; and he died there on the bed of sickness, and was buried at Borre under a mound. So says Thjodolf: --

'By Hel's summons, a great king

Was called away to Odin's Thing:

King Halfdan, he who dwelt of late

At Holtar, must obey grim Fate.

At Borre, in the royal mound,

They laid the hero in the ground.' "

Noted events in his life were:
• He was a king of Romerike and Vestfold.

Halvdan married Liv Dagsdotter.

ABT 0750 - AFT ER 780

OCCUPATION: Konge i Vestfold

BIRTH: ABT 0750, "den (Gav)Milde"

DEATH: AFT ER 780, Holtan, Vesterøya, Sandefjord (av sykd.)

BURIAL: Borrestranda (hauglagt)

Father: Øystein HALVDANSSON


Family 1 : Liv DAGSDATTER

+Gudrød Halvdansson VEIDEKONGE

Kilde: nermo.org

Halfdan Mildi, King of Westfold

M, #42857, b. 750, d. 802

Last Edited=9 Aug 2004

Halfdan Mildi, King of Westfold was born in 750. He was the son of unknown parent (?). He died in 802.
Halfdan Mildi, King of Westfold gained the title of King Halfdan of Westfold.
Children of Halfdan Mildi, King of Westfold and Lif (?)

-1. Godefrid, 6th King of Haithabu+ d. 810

-2. Sigurd, 5th King of Haithabu+ d. 810



Halvdan Øysteinsson den gavmilde og matille (født ca. 750 død ca. 800) var ifølge sagaene konge over Vestfold og Romerike. Av ynglingeætten.

Foreldre: Øystein Halvdansson og Hild Eriksdotter

Gift med: Liv Dagsdotter, Helga Dagsdotter, datter av Dag Frode

Barn: Gudrød Halvdansson Veidekonge.

Halvdan var kjent som en stor kriger og han vant store rikdommer på sine ferder. Han lønnet mennene sine bra, og var kjent for sin gavmildhet. Døde sottedød, ble hauglagt i Borre.

Snorre skriver;

Så sier Tjodolv:

Og til møte Lokes møy tredje konge fra livet kalte,

da Halvdan, Holtanbonden,

hadde nytt det norner bød.

Og seierens menn siden gjemte budlungen der i Borre..

King of Vestfold

King of Vestfold

Halvdan Øysteinsson den gavmilde og matille (født ca. 750 død ca. 800) var ifølge sagaene konge over Vestfold og Romerike. Av ynglingeætten.

Foreldre: Øystein Halvdansson og Hild Eriksdotter

Gift med: Liv Dagsdotter, Helga Dagsdotter, datter av Dag Frode

Barn: Gudrød Halvdansson Veidekonge.

Halvdan var kjent som en stor kriger og han vant store rikdommer på sine ferder. Han lønnet mennene sine bra, og var kjent for sin gavmildhet. Døde sottedød, ble hauglagt i Borre.

Snorre skriver;

Så sier Tjodolv:

Og til møte Lokes møy tredje konge fra livet kalte,

da Halvdan, Holtanbonden,

hadde nytt det norner bød.

Og seierens menn siden gjemte budlungen der i Borre..



Halvdan Øysteinsson den gavmilde og matille (født ca. 750 død ca. 800) var ifølge sagaene konge over Vestfold og Romerike. Av ynglingeætten.

Foreldre: Øystein Halvdansson og Hild Eriksdotter

Gift med: Liv Dagsdotter, Helga Dagsdotter, datter av Dag Frode

Barn: Gudrød Halvdansson Veidekonge.

Halvdan var kjent som en stor kriger og han vant store rikdommer på sine ferder. Han lønnet mennene sine bra, og var kjent for sin gavmildhet. Døde sottedød, ble hauglagt i Borre.

Snorre skriver;

Så sier Tjodolv:

Og til møte Lokes møy tredje konge fra livet kalte,

da Halvdan, Holtanbonden,

hadde nytt det norner bød.

Og seierens menn siden gjemte budlungen der i Borre..

Född: 763

Äktenskap : Liv Dagsdotter

Död : 802 i åldern 39

Buried : Borre , Vestfold , Norge

Allmänna hänvisningar:
Halfdan Mild var son till kung Öystein Halfdansson , av huset Yngling och han efterträdde sin far som kung , enligt Heimskringla .

Från "The Ynglinga Saga " :

" 52 . AV Halfdan mild.

Halfdan var namnet på kung Eystein son som efterträdde honom . Han kallades Halvdan Mild , men Bad Entertainer , det vill säga , ska han vara generös och att ge hans män lika mycket guld som andra kungar gav silver , men han svälta dem i deras kost. Han var en stor krigare , som hade varit länge på viking kryssningar, och hade samlat stor egendom. Han var gift med Liv, en dotter till kung Dag för Westmare . Holtar i Västfold , var hans förnämsta hus , och han dog där på sängen av sjukdom och begravdes vid Borre under en kulle . Så säger Thjodolf : -

"Genom Hels stämning , en stor konung

Kallades bort till Odens sak:

Kung Halfdan , han som bodde i slutet av

Vid Holtar , måste lyda bistra ödet.

På Borre , i den kungliga högen ,

De som hjälten i marken . " "

Noterade händelser i hans liv var:
• Han var en kung i Romerike och Vestfold .

Halvdan gift Liv Dagsdotter .


1 Snorre Sturlasson (ca 1179 till 1241 ), http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/OMACL/ ( Om 1225 ), The Ynglinga Saga .

2 Wikipedia ( http://en.wikipedia.org/ ).

Halvdan Øysteinsson den gavmilde og matille (født ca. 750 død ca. 800) var ifølge sagaene konge over Vestfold og Romerike. Av ynglingeætten.

Foreldre: Øystein Halvdansson og Hild Eriksdotter

Gift med: Liv Dagsdotter, Helga Dagsdotter, datter av Dag Frode

Barn: Gudrød Halvdansson Veidekonge.

Halvdan var kjent som en stor kriger og han vant store rikdommer på sine ferder. Han lønnet mennene sine bra, og var kjent for sin gavmildhet. Døde sottedød, ble hauglagt i Borre.

Snorre skriver;

Så sier Tjodolv:

Og til møte Lokes møy tredje konge fra livet kalte,

da Halvdan, Holtanbonden,

hadde nytt det norner bød.

Og seierens menn siden gjemte budlungen der i Borre..

aka Halvdan II OYSTEINSSON le Debonnaire' King in VESTFOLD (& DENMARK); the Stingy'

Blev ca 52 år.

Född: omkring 750

Död: omkring 802

Halfdan the Mild (Old Norse: Hálfdan hinn mildi) was the son of king Eystein Halfdansson, of the House of Yngling and he succeeded his father as king, according to Heimskringla. He was king of Romerike and Vestfold.

He was said to be generous in gold but to starve his men with food. He was a great warrior who often pillaged and gathered great booty.

His wife was Liv, the daughter of king Dag of Vestmar. Halfdan the Mild died of illness in his bed.

He was succeeded by his son, Gudrød the Hunter.

Frå Wikipedia – det frie oppslagsverket

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Halvdan den Milde og Mat-ille var ein konge av Ynglingeætta, far til Gudrød Veidekonge og farfar til Halvdan Svarte. Han var son av kong Øystein av ynglingeætta.

Han sat som konge i Holtar, no Holtan i Borre, og er gravlagd der. Han var gift med Liv, dotter til kong Dag på Vestmar, i dag eigna kring Langesund. Namnet og gravstaden hans tyder på ei lekk til Danmark (Borrestil).

Eystein, we are told, was succeeded by his son Halfdan the Generous and the Stingy of Food. Halfdan gained this title by paying his men generously in coin but poorly in food. He died of a malady, was duly buried in a mound beside his father Eystein, and was succeeded by his son Gudrod. Gudrod is considered to be a historical personage, although the tales that are told about him are no doubt at least partly legendary.

[Royal Families of Medieval Scandinavia, Flander & Kiev]

Eystein, we are told, was succeeded by his son Halfdan the Generous and the Stingy of Food. Halfdan gained this title by paying his men generously in coin but poorly in food. He died of a malady, was duly buried in a mound beside his father

Eystein, and was succeeded by his son Gudrod. Gudrod is considered to be a historical personage, although the tales that are told about him are no doubt at least partly legendary.

Halfdan II Eysteinsson King Of Vestfold 1

Birth: About 767 in <, Holtum, Vestfold, Norway> 2 3

Death: 800 in , Borre, Vestfold, Norway 2 3

Sex: M

Father: Eysteinn I "Fretr" Glumru Halfdansson King Of Vestfold b. About 740 in , , Vestfold, Norway

Mother: Hildi Eiriksdatter b. About 740 in (, , Vestfold, Norway)

Unknown: , , Vestfold, Norway 4 1 3

Changed: 23 Jul 2002 01:00

Spouses & Children
Hlif Dagsdatter (Wife) b. About 772 in , Holtum, Vestfold, Norway
1 2 3

Marriage: Abt 787 in (, , Vestfold, Norway) 6 Nov 2004 14:29


Oplaendinge Halfdansson Earl Of The Uplands b. After 788 in (, Holtum, Vestfold, Norway)

Gudrod Halfdansson King Of Vesfold b. About 789 in , Holtum, Vestfold, Norway

Rognvald Olafsson b. About 790 in (, Holtum, Vestfold, Norway)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Name Suffix: King of Vestfold


Ancestral File Number:8HS8-CR

OBJE: C:\LEGACY\PICTURES\c_crown.gifCHAN23 Jul 2002

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

lbert F. Schmuhl, "Title: "Royal Lines & Adamic Genealogy: Genealogical Research of A
lbert F. Schmuhl, "Author: Schmuhl, Albert F.

Publication: e-mail documentation, March 1997, Albert F. Schmuhl, Americ

a Online Posting: Genealogy Forum

Title: "FamilySearch® Ancestral Fileâ„¢ v4.19"

Author: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Publication: 3 Feb 2001

Title: "Genealogical Research of Kirk Larson"

Author: Larson, Kirk

Publication: Personal Research Works including Bethune & Hohenlohe Desce

ndants, 1981-2001, Kirk Larson, Private Library

Title: "Héraldique européenne"

Author: Arnaud Bunel

Publication: Coats of Arms for European Royalty and Nobility (http://www

.heraldique-europeenne.org, Arnaud Bunel, 1998) , Internet"Armigerous" (ahr-MIJ-ehr-us) adjective

Bearing or entitled to bear heraldicarms.

The reason the notion of a family crest was brought into th

e languagewas that those who were armigerous (entitled to bear arms) used to put their crest or achieveme

Eystein, we are told, was succeeded by his son Halfdan the Generous and the Stingy of Food. Halfdan gained this title by paying his men generously in coin but poorly in food. He died of a malady, was duly buried in a mound beside his father Eystein, and was succeeded by his son Gudrod. Gudrod is considered to be a historical personage, although the tales that are told about him are no doubt at least partly legendary.
Note: [Royal Families of Medieval Scandinavia, Flander & Kiev] Note: Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition, by Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., 1999 Note: Page: 121e-14 Note: Text: Halfdan, the Old
Halfdan the Mild (Old Norse: Hálfdan hinn mildi) was the son of king Eystein Halfdansson, of the House of Yngling and he succeeded his father as king, according to Heimskringla. He was king of Romerike and Vestfold.

He was said to be generous in gold but to starve his men with food. He was a great warrior who often pillaged and gathered great booty.

His wife was Liv, the daughter of king Dag of Vestmar. Halfdan the Mild died of illness in his bed. -------------------- Halfdan the Mild (Old Norse: Hálfdan hinn mildi) was the son of king Eystein Halfdansson, of the House of Yngling and he succeeded his father as king, according to Heimskringla. He was king of Romerike and Vestfold.

He was said to be generous in gold but to starve his men with food. He was a great warrior who often pillaged and gathered great booty.

His wife was Liv, the daughter of king Dag of Vestmar. Halfdan the Mild died of illness in his bed.

He was succeeded by his son, Gudrød the Hunter.

Halfdan the Mild (Old Norse: Hálfdan hinn mildi) was the son of king Eystein Halfdansson, of the House of Yngling and he succeeded his father as king, according to Heimskringla. He was king of Romerike and Vestfold.

He was said to be generous in gold but to starve his men with food. He was a great warrior who often pillaged and gathered great booty.

His wife was Liv, the daughter of king Dag of Vestmar. Halfdan the Mild died of illness in his bed.

He was succeeded by his son, Gudrød the Hunter.

Halvdan den (Gav)Milde av Vestfold
King of Vestfold Hálfdan Mildi Eysteinsson was called Halfdan the Mild, but the Bad Entertainer; that is to say, he was reported to be generous, and to give his men as much gold as other kings gave of silver, but he starved them in their diet. He was a great warrior, who had been long on Viking cruises, and had collected great property.
He married Hlíf Dagsdóttir, daughter of konung av Vestmörum Dagr av Vestmörum.

He died at Holtar, Vestfold, Norway, in his chief house, on the bed of sickness. He was buried in Borre, Raden, near Vodle, Vestfold, Norway, under a mound.

So says Thjodolf:

"By Hel's summons, a great king

Was called away to Odin's Thing:

King Halfdan, he who dwelt of late

At Holtar, must obey grim Fate.

At Borre, in the royal mound,

They laid the hero in the ground."

See "My Lines"

( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/p276.htm#i8266 )

from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA

( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/index.htm )

Halfdan II 'the Stingy', King of Vestfold Generous with gold, but mean with rations. He married Lifa of Westmare, daughter of Dag of Vestmare, King of Westmore. Halfdan II 'the Stingy', King of Vestfold was born in 738. He died in 800.
King of the Uplanders in Russia
Bodde på sin gård i Holte tillsammans med drottning Liv. Han blev sjuk och dog i sin säng.
HALFDAN THE MILD - who was King of Vest fold about 780. He was also called the "Bad Entertainer" as he did not feed his men well. He married Liv, daughter of King Dag of Vestmare and lived at the Holte Farm. He became ill and died in his bed. Their son was:

26. GUDROD HALVDANSON - "Gudrod the Hunter" or Gudrod the Magnificent". He was King of Vestfold and Romerike until he was killed in 821.

Halfdan Hvitbeinn

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Halfdan Hvitbeinn (Old Norse: Hálfdan hvítbeinn) was a mythical petty king in Norway, described in Ynglinga saga. The following description is based on the account in Ynglinga saga, written in the 1220s by Snorri Sturluson. The historicity of the kings described in that saga is generally not accepted by modern historians.

He was the son of Olof Trätälja of the House of Yngling. His father was sacrificed to Odin by the Swedish settlers in Värmland because of a famine. Some Swedes, however, realised that the famine was brought by overpopulation and not by the fact that the king had been neglecting his religious duties.

Consequently, they resolved to cross the Ed Forest and settle in Norway and happened to end up in Soleyar where they killed king Sölve and took Halfdan prisoner. The Swedish expatriates elected Halfdan king as he was the son of their old king, Olof. Halfdan subjugated all of Soleyar and took his army into Romerike and subjugated that province as well.

Halfdan was to become a great king, who married Åsa, the daughter of king Eystein, the ruler of Oppland and Hedmark. They had two sons, Öystein Halfdansson and Gudröd.

Halfdan conquered a large part of Hedemark, Toten, Hadeland and a part of Vestfold. When his brother Ingjald Olofsson died, he inherited Värmland. Halfdan died of old age in Toten and was transported to Vestfold where he was buried under a mound in Skiringssal.

Preceded by

Olof Trätälja

Head of the House of Yngling

Succeeded by

Eystein Halfdansson

Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halfdan_Hvitbeinn"

Halfdan the MildFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Halfdan the Mild (Old Norse: Hálfdan hinn mildi) was the son of king Eystein Halfdansson, of the House of Yngling and he succeeded his father as king, according to Heimskringla. He was king of Romerike and Vestfold.
He was said to be generous in gold but to starve his men with food. He was a great warrior who often pillaged and gathered great booty.

His wife was Liv, the daughter of king Dag of Vestmar. Halfdan the Mild died of illness in his bed.

He was succeeded by his son, Gudrød the Hunter.

According to the historian Halvdan Koht, Halfdan may have been the one to win independence for Vestfold during the turbulent years of 813-14. The Frankish annals state that the kings of Hedeby had to solve an uprising in Vestfold at this time. According to Ynglingatal, Halfdan´s people "gained victory" in this uprising, and Halfdan is thus the first independent ruler of Vestfold.

Also called Halfdan the Old or Halfdan the Generous. He was quite old when he died in 802. Halfdan's wife, Liv, was a daughter of Dag, King of Westmare.

Halvdan bodde på Holtan gård i Borre. Folket hans fikk lite og dårlig kost og han ble derfor kalt matille. Han ble også kalt gavmilde da folket fikk like mange gullpenger som andre konger ga i sølvpenger. Halvdan ble gammel og døde i 802. Fra hans sønn Gudrød gjeve stammet de senere norske ynglinge-kongene, Halvdan svarte, Harald Hårfagre etc.

Halvdan Øysteinsson «den gavmilde og matille» er en av de småkongene fra Ynglingeætten som nevnes i Snorre Sturlasons Ynglingesaga i Heimskringla.[1]

Denne hovedsakelige legendariske sagaen er hovedkilden om Halvdan, bortsett fra et kvad av Tjodolv den kvinværske, som ble kvedet rundt 100-150 år senere, noe som indikerer en livlig muntlig tradisjon på Ynglingeætten. Halvdan er også så vidt nevnt i Historia Norvegiæ, skrevet en gang rundt 1170.

Snorre forteller at hans paradoksale tilnavn som «gavemild» og «matille» hadde sin årsak at han var rundhåndet i å lønne mennene sine i rede penger, «like mange gullmynter som andre konger ga sølvmynter», men samtidig sultet dem i kostholdet, uten at det oppgis noen grunn til misforholdet. Årsaken til den økonomiske velstanden var derimot at han hadde vært i viking i lange tider og på den måten skaffet seg store rikdommer.

I den grad Halvdan er historisk var han en småkonge på Vestfold og Romerike en gang kanskje sent på 700-tallet eller rundt 800. Han var sønn av Øystein Halvdansson og Hild, datter av Eirik Agnarsson fra Vestfold. Selv ble Halvdan gift med Liv, datter av en konge «Dag fra Vestmar». Det finnes ingen andre direkte referanser til Vestmar, men det kan ha vært et navn som pekte på kystlandet rundt Langesundsfjorden til Agder.[2] Det eneste avkom etter Halvdan som nevnes er hans direkte etterkommer, Gudrød Halvdansson Veidekonge (eller Stormodige). Gudrød var far til kong Halvdan Svarte og farfar til kong Harald Hårfagre.

Snorre oppgir også at Halvdans hovedgård var Holtan i Vestfold hvor han døde på sotteseng, og ble gravlagt i Borre. I sin oversettelse av Historia Norvegiæ bemerket Halvdan Koht: «No høyrer vi i frankiske krøniker, at i året 813 var det upprør på Vestfold imot dei danske kongane, og kanskje var det denne kong Halvdan som no gjorde Vestfold sjølvstendigt; Det kann vi ha eit minne um i at Tjodolv kallar mennene hans for 'dei som vann siger'»[3]

Tjodolvs kvad, som Halvdan Koht henviser til, har strofen «Og seierens menn / siden gjemte / budlungen / der i Borre». 'Budlungen' er et poetisk ord for konge.

King in the Vestfold. 'Milldi' AKA "the Old & Stingy".

http://www.celtic-casimir.com/webtree/3/2512.htm Born: 754, Holtum, Vestfold, Norway Married: Abt 788, Vestfold, Norway Died: 800, , Borre, Vestfold, Norway
Ancestral File Number: 8HS8-CR.
General Notes:
Relationship to compiler: 35th great grandfather

1. Alt. Birth; 762. Spouses/Children: Hlif DAGSDÓTTIR Halfdan "The Old" EYSTEINSSON+ Gudrod "Jagtkonge" HÁLFDANARSON King in Vestfold+

Marriage Information:
Halfdan married Hlif DAGSDÓTTIR about 788 in Vestfold, Norway. (Hlif DAGSDÓTTIR was born in 757 in Holtum, Vestfold, Norway.)

Sagokung av Ynglingaätten.

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Halfdan "the Mild", king of Romerike and Vestfold is your 28th great grandfather.