domingo, 29 de mayo de 2022

Sancho I, O Povoador, Rei De Portugal ♛Bisabuelo n°17♛ Ref: RP-1154 |•••► #PORTUGAL 🏆🇵🇹★ #Genealogía #Genealogy

 17° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Sancho I, o Povoador, rei de Portugal is your 17th great grandfather.



(Linea Paterna) 


Sancho I, o Povoador, rei de Portugal is your 17th great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Dr. Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna

your father → Elena Cecilia Lecuna Escobar

his mother → María Elena de la Concepción Escobar Llamosas

her mother → Cecilia Cayetana de la Merced Llamosas Vaamonde de Escobar

her mother → Cipriano Fernando de Las Llamosas y García

her father → José Lorenzo de las Llamozas Silva

his father → Joseph Julián Llamozas Ranero

his father → Manuel Llamosas y Requecens

his father → Isabel de Requesens

his mother → Luis de Requeséns y Zúñiga, Virrey de Holanda

her father → Juan de Zúñiga Avellaneda y Velasco

his father → Catalina de Velasco y Mendoza

his mother → Pedro Fernández de Velasco y Manrique de Lara, II Conde de Haro

her father → Pedro Fernández de Velasco y Solier, I Conde de Haro

his father → María de Solier de Meneses, Señora de Villalpando

his mother → Countess María Tellez Alfonso de Meneses, Tizon

her mother → Martín Afonso Telo, Alcayde de Xerez

her father → Teresa Sanches de Portugal

his mother → Sancho I, o Povoador, rei de Portugal

her fatherConsistency CheckShow short path | Share this path

Sancho "the Populator" Martino of Portugal, I MP

Portuguese: Sancho I «o Povoador» Afonso, Rei de Portugal, Spanish: Rey de Portugal (2ndo, 1185-1212) Sancho I «el Poblador» Martino de Portugal, rey de Portugal

Gender: Male

Birth: November 11, 1154

Coimbra, Portugal 

Death: March 26, 1212 (57)

Coimbra, Portugal 

Place of Burial: Igreja Da Santa Cruz, Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal

Immediate Family:

Son of Afonso I, o Conquistador, rei de Portugal and Mafalda de Saboia, rainha consorte de Portugal

Husband of Dulce de Aragão, rainha-consorte de Portugal

Partner of Maria Aires de Fornelos and Maria Pais Ribeira, a Ribeirinha

Father of Santa Sancha de Portugal, abadessa do Lorvão; Saint Teresa de Portugal, queen consort of Leon; Raimundo, infante de Portugal; Constança, infanta de Portugal; Afonso II, o Gordo, rei de Portugal and 16 others

Brother of Henrique, infante de Portugal; Mafalda, infante de Portugal; Urraca de Portugal, reina consorte de León; Sancha, infanta de Portugal; João. infante de Portugal and 1 other

Half brother of Fernando II de Leon; Pedro Afonso de Portugal; Afonso de Portugal, Grão-Mestre da Ordem de S. João de Jerusalém; Fernando Afonso de Portugal; Urraca Afonso de Portugal, senhora de Aveiro and 2 others 

Added by: Michael Lars Gillvén on June 2, 2007

Managed by: Maria Inês Maldonado Zuzarte Machado e Costa and 178 others

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Sancho I de Portugal Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.

D. Sancho I de Portugal (11 de Novembro de 1154 - 26 de Março de 1211), cognominado 'o Povoador' (pelo estímulo com que apadrinhou o povoamento dos territórios do país - destacando-se a fundação da cidade da Guarda, em 1199, e a atribuição de cartas de foral na Beira e em Trás-os-Montes: Gouveia (1186), Covilhã (1186), Viseu (1187), Bragança (1187), etc, povoando assim áreas remotas do reino, em particular com imigrantes da Flandres e Borgonha.

Quarto filho do monarca Afonso Henriques, foi baptizado com o nome de Martinho, por haver nascido no dia do santo com o mesmo nome, e não estaria preparado para reinar; no entanto, a morte do seu irmão mais velho, D. Henrique, quando contava apenas três anos de idade, levou à alteração da sua onomástica para um nome mais hispânico, ficando desde então Sancho Afonso.

Por sua mulher, Dulce de Barcelona, infanta de Aragão (1152-1198):

Teresa, infanta de Portugal (1176-1250), casou com o rei Afonso IX de Leão

Sancha, infanta de Portugal (ca.1180-1229), abadessa do Lorvão

Raimundo de Portugal (ca.1180-1189)

Constança de Portugal (1182-1202)

Afonso II de Portugal (1185-1233)

Pedro, infante de Portugal (1187-1258), conde de Urgel pelo casamento com Aurembiaix Armengel; foi também Senhor de Maiorca.

Fernando, infante de Portugal (1188-1233), viveu no estrangeiro, casou com Joana da Flandres

Henrique de Portugal (1189-?)

Branca, infanta de Portugal (1192-1240), senhora de Guadalajara

Berengária, infanta de Portugal (1194-1221), casada com o rei Valdemar II da Dinamarca

Mafalda, infanta de Portugal (ca.1200-1257), casada com o rei Henrique I de Castela, depois fundadora do mosteiro cisterciense de Arouca e sua primeira abadessa.

Filhos naturais:

Havidos de Maria Aires de Fornelos

Martim Sanches de Portugal, conde de Trastâmara

Urraca Sanches

Havidos de Maria Pais Ribeiro, dita a Ribeirinha, filha de Paio Moniz de Ribeira e de Urraca Nunes de Bragança (1150 - ?), filha de Vasco Pires de Bragança.

Rodrigo Sanches (1200-1246)

Gil Sanches (1200-1236)

Nuno Sanches

Maior Sanches

Teresa Sanches (1205-1230)

Constança Sanches (1210-1269)

Em 1170, Sancho foi armado cavaleiro pelo seu pai logo após o acidente de D. Afonso Henriques em Badajoz e tornou-se seu braço direito, quer do ponto de vista militar, quer do ponto de vista administrativo. Nestes primeiros tempos de Portugal enquanto país independente, muitos eram os inimigos da coroa, a começar pelo reino de Castela e Leão que havia controlado Portugal até então. Para além do mais, a Igreja Católica demorava em consagrar a independência de Portugal com a sua bênção. Para compensar estas falhas, Portugal procurou aliados dentro da Península Ibérica, em particular o reino de Aragão, um inimigo tradicional de Castela, que se tornou no primeiro país a reconhecer Portugal. O acordo foi firmado 1174 pelo casamento de Sancho, então príncipe herdeiro, com a infanta Dulce Berenguer, irmã mais nova do rei Afonso II de Aragão.

Com a morte de Afonso Henriques em 1185, Sancho I torna-se no segundo rei de Portugal. Tendo Coimbra como centro do seu reino, Sancho deu por finda as guerras fronteiriças pela posse da Galiza e dedicou-se a guerrear os Mouros localizados a Sul. Aproveitou a passagem pelo porto de Lisboa dos cruzados da terceira cruzada, na primavera de 1189, para conquistar Silves, um importante centro administrativo e económico do Sul, com população estimada em 20.000 pessoas. Sancho ordenou a fortificação da cidade e construção do castelo que ainda hoje pode ser admirado. A posse de Silves foi efémera já que em 1190 Abu Yusuf Ya'qub al-Mansur cercou a cidade de Silves com um exército e com outro atacou Torres Novas, que apenas conseguiu resistir durante dez dias, devido ao rei de Leão e Castela ameaçar de novo o Norte.

Han gjorde seg fortjent til sitt tilnavn «Bondevennen» ved sin iver for å forbedre landbruket. Han bidro også til byenes oppkomst ved å gi privilegier og befolke dem med kristne nybyggere. Sanho ble gift i 1174 med Dulcia. Han hadde også konkubinene Maria, datter til Arya Nuñes de Fornelos og Maria Paez de Ribera.64

Sancho I (pronounced [?s??u]; rarely translated to Sanctius I), nicknamed the Populator (Portuguese o Povoador), second monarch of Portugal, was born on November 11, 1154 in Coimbra and died on March 26, 1212 in the same city. He was the second but only surviving legitimate son and fourth child of Afonso I Henriques of Portugal by his wife, Maud of Savoy. Sancho succeeded his father in 1185. He used the title King of the Algarve and/or King of Silves between 1189 and 1191

In 1170, Sancho was knighted by his father, King Afonso I, and from then on he became his second in command, both administratively and militarily. At this time, the independence of Portugal (declared in 1139) was not firmly established. The kings of León and Castile were trying to re-annex the country and the Roman Catholic Church was late in giving its blessing and approval. Due to this situation Afonso I had to search for allies within the Iberian Peninsula. Portugal made an alliance with the Kingdom of Aragon and together they fought Castile and León. To secure the agreement, Infante Sancho of Portugal married, in 1174, Infanta Dulce Berenguer, younger sister of King Alfonso II of Aragon. Aragon was thus the first Iberian kingdom to recognize the independence of Portugal.

With the death of Afonso I in 1185, Sancho I became the second king of Portugal. Coimbra was the centre of his kingdom; Sancho terminated the exhausting and generally pointless wars against his neighbours for control of the Galician borderlands. Instead, he turned all his attentions to the south, towards the Moorish small kingdoms (called taifas) that still thrived. With Crusader help he took Silves in 1191. Silves was an important city of the South, an administrative and commercial town with population estimates around 20,000 people. Sancho ordered the fortification of the city and built a castle which is today an important monument of Portuguese heritage. However, military attention soon had to be turned again to the North, where León and Castile threatened again the Portuguese borders. Silves was again lost to the Moors. It should be noted that the global Muslim population had climbed to about 6 per cent as against the Christian population of 12 per cent by 1200.

Sancho I dedicated much of his reign to political and administrative organization of the new kingdom. He accumulated a national treasure, supported new industries and the middle class of merchants. Moreover, he created several new towns and villages (like Guarda in 1199) and took great care in populating remote areas in the northern Christian regions of Portugal, notably with Flemings and Burgundians – hence the nickname "the Populator". The king was also known for his love of

Reference Book: He 156.

Konge Sanco Alfonsosen Portugal was Konge av Portugal. He married Dronning Dulcia (--?--) av Aragon. He was born before 1154 at Portugal. He died in 1211 at Portugal. He 156.

Dronning Dulcia (--?--) av Aragon was born at Aragon. She died at Portugal. She married Konge Sanco I Alfonsosen Portugal, son of Konge Alfonso I Henriksen Portugal and Dronning Mathilde (--?--) av Savoie.

Portugalin kuningas

Sancho I gifte sig med Dulcia, dotter till Ramon Berenguer IV. När Sanchos far Alfonso avled av ålderdom 1185, blev Sancho kung, och fortsatte striderna mot muslimerna i Silves (huvudstaden i Algarve). Han invaderade även Leon genom att ta Tuy. Ett par år senare, besökte Rikard Lejonhjärta Lissabon på hans resa till det heliga landet. Rikard avdelade ett av hans skepp för att hjälpa Sancho försvara Silves mot motattacker. Vid samma tidpunkt tvingades en moorisk expedition att lämna en belägring av Santarem. När flottan hade avlägsnat sig, kom en ny muslimsk armé från Afrika och återtog varenda stad söder om Tagus. Under Sanchos regering, slog tempelriddare tillbaka en belägring vid Tomar, vilket bekräftade hur värdefulla de var i kampen mot moorerna. I striderna mot muslimerna, deltog även riddare från Norden, bl.a. Valdemar Sejr som gifte sig med Sanchos dotter Berengaria. Sancho hade andra intressen förutom erövringar. Han uppmuntrade handeln med Flandern, och hans hov var centrum för lyrisk poesi.

Sancho I (pronounced [%CB%88s%C9%90%CA%83u]; rarely translated to Sanctius I), nicknamed the Populator (Portuguese o Povoador), second monarch of Portugal, was born on November 11, 1154 in Coimbra and died on March 26, 1212 in the same city. He was the second but only surviving legitimate son and fourth child of Afonso I Henriques of Portugal by his wife, Maud of Savoy. Sancho succeeded his father in 1185. He used the title King of the Algarve and/or King of Silves between 1189 and 1191 In 1170, Sancho was knighted by his father, King Afonso I, and from then on he became his second in command, both administratively and militarily. At this time, the independence of Portugal (declared in 1139) was not firmly established. The kings of León and Castile were trying to re-annex the country and the Roman Catholic Church was late in giving its blessing and approval. Due to this situation Afonso I had to search for allies within the Iberian Peninsula. Portugal made an alliance with the Kingdom of Aragon and together they fought Castile and León. To secure the agreement, Infante Sancho of Portugal married, in 1174, Infanta Dulce Berenguer, younger sister of King Alfonso II of Aragon. Aragon was thus the first Iberian kingdom to recognize the independence of Portugal. With the death of Afonso I in 1185, Sancho I became the second king of Portugal. Coimbra was the centre of his kingdom; Sancho terminated the exhausting and generally pointless wars against his neighbours for control of the Galician borderlands. Instead, he turned all his attentions to the south, towards the Moorish small kingdoms (called taifas) that still thrived. With Crusader help he took Silves in 1191. Silves was an important city of the South, an administrative and commercial town with population estimates around 20,000 people. Sancho ordered the fortification of the city and built a castle which is today an important monument of Portuguese heritage. However, military attention soon had to be turned again to the North, where León and Castile threatened again the Portuguese borders. Silves was again lost to the Moors. It should be noted that the global Muslim population had climbed to about 6 per cent as against the Christian population of 12 per cent by 1200. Sancho I dedicated much of his reign to political and administrative organization of the new kingdom. He accumulated a national treasure, supported new industries and the middle class of merchants. Moreover, he created several new towns and villages (like Guarda in 1199) and took great care in populating remote areas in the northern Christian regions of Portugal, notably with Flemings and Burgundians – hence the nickname "the Populator". The king was also known for his love of knowledge and literature. Sancho I wrote several books of poems and used the royal treasure to send Portuguese students to European universities.

Segundo rei de Portugal (1185-1211), filho de D. Afonso Henriques e de D. Mafalda, foi cognominado "o Povoador". Nasceu em 11 de Novembro de 1154, em Coimbra, e morreu em 26 de Março de 1211 na mesma cidade. Casou em 1174 com D. Dulce de Aragão, filha de Raimundo Béranger IV. Subiu ao trono em Dezembro de 1185 por morte de D. Afonso Henriques. Foi iniciado na vida militar aos 12 anos, tendo chefiado uma expedição a Cidade Rodrigo contra Fernando II que se saldou por um fracasso. Foi armado cavaleiro em 15 de Agosto de 1170, na cidade de Coimbra, logo após o acidente de D. Afonso Henriques em Badajoz. Participou desde então no exercício do poder político, talvez devido à incapacidade física do rei. O povoamento das terras abandonadas foi uma das suas principais preocupações. Para alcançar este objectivo desenvolveu as instituições municipais e concedeu diversos forais, principalmente na Beira e em Trás-os-Montes: Gouveia (1186), Covilhã (1186), Viseu (1187), Bragança (1187), etc. Entre os anos de 1192 e 1195 receberam também forais Penacova, Marmelar, Pontével, Povos e S. Vicente da Beira. Os concelhos fronteiriços receberam privilégios particulares, tais como isenção de trabalhar na construção de castelos e muros, isenção do pagamento dos impostos de portagem e de colheita. A criação dos concelhos, para além do contributo que deu para o melhoramento económico e social, trouxe também vantagens de ordem militar e financeira, pois promoveu o aumento do número de combatentes que não recebiam soldo. Fixaram-se também em Portugal neste período numerosos colonos estrangeiros. As ordens religiosas, nomeadamente as militares, receberam de D. Sancho inúmeras concessões de terras e castelos. O monarca aproveitou a passagem pelo porto de Lisboa dos cruzados da terceira cruzada, na primavera de 1189, para atacar o Algarve. Tomou o castelo de Alvor e atacou Silves (que era na época uma das mais populosas e cultas cidades do ocidente peninsular). Foi acordado que a cidade seria para os portugueses e o saque para os cruzados. Após uma rápida conquista dos subúrbios, portugueses e cruzados depararam-se com uma encarniçada resistência que durou 43 dias. D. Sancho I passou então a intitular-se rei de Portugal e dos Algarves. Durou pouco tempo esta conquista, já que em 1190 Iacub Almançor cercou a cidade de Silves com um exército e com outro atacou Torres Novas, que apenas conseguiu resistir durante 10 dias. Torres Novas foi, pouco depois, restituída pelos muçulmanos, mas estes, entusiasmados com a reconquista de Silves, reconquistaram também Alcácer, Palmela e Almada. D. Sancho envolveu-se também nos conflitos entre Leão e Castela, entrando em guerra com Leão em 1196 e 1199. Durante o seu reinado, deterioraram-se as boas relações com a Santa Sé, primeiro por tentar furtar-se ao pagamento do censo anual de dois marcos-ouro, depois por ter entrado em litígio com o bispo do Porto aquando do casamento do herdeiro do trono com D. Urraca, filha de Afonso VIII. O papa Inocêncio III incumbiu o bispo de Samora de anunciar a pena de excomunhão a D. Sancho e àqueles que tinham retido o bispo. O monarca português entrou também em conflito com o bispo de Coimbra, tendo sido por isso admoestado pelo papa. Ao sentir aproximar-se a sua morte, reconciliou-se com os prelados e aceitou as exigências do papa. Segundo o estudioso Jaime Batalha Reis, iniciou-se no reinado de D. Sancho I a amoedação do ouro, que para outros autores terá surgido anteriormente. O trabalho administrativo continuou a fazer-se na Câmara Régia que funcionava no Paço, tal como no reinado anterior, estando todo o trabalho a cargo de um só homem, o chanceler. Neste reinado sabe-se que alguns portugueses frequentaram universidades estrangeiras e que um grupo de juristas conhecia o Direito que se ministrava na escola de Bolonha. Também o rei foi poeta e em 1192 concedeu ao mosteiro de Santa Cruz 400 morabitinos para que se mantivessem em França os monges que lá quisessem estudar. © 2003 Porto Editora, Lda. Jump to:navigation, search This article does not cite any references or sources. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (June 2008) Sancho I King of Portugal 17th century painting of Sancho I Reign 6 December 1185—26 March 1212 Coronation 9 December 1185 Predecessor Afonso I Successor Afonso II Spouse Dulce of Aragon among others... Issue Teresa, Queen of Castile Infanta Sancha Infanta Constança Afonso II Infante Pedro, Count of Urgell Infante Fernando, Count of Flanders Infanta Branca, Lady of Guadalajara Berengária, Queen of Denmark Mafalda, Queen of Castile Father Afonso I Mother Maud of Savoy Born 11 November 1154(1154-11-11) Coimbra, Kingdom of Portugal Died 26 March 1212[aged 57] Coimbra, Kingdom of Portugal Burial Santa Cruz Monastery, Coimbra, District of Coimbra, Portugal Portuguese Royalty House of Burgundy PortugueseFlag1185.svg Afonso Henriques (Afonso I)

Children include

* Infanta Mafalda

* Infanta Urraca, Queen of Léon

* Infante Sancho (future Sancho I)

* Infanta Teresa, Countess of Flanders and Duchess of Burgundy

Sancho I

Children include

* Infanta Teresa, Queen of Castile

* Infanta Sancha, Lady of Alenquer

* Infanta Constança

* Infante Afonso (future Afonso II)

* Infante Pedro, Count of Urgell

* Infante Fernando, Count of Flanders

* Infanta Branca, Lady of Guadalajara

* Infanta Berengária, Queen of Denmark

* Infanta Mafalda, Queen of Castile

Afonso II

Children include

* Infante Sancho (future Sancho II)

* Infante Afonso, Count of Boulogne (future Afonso III)

* Infanta Leonor, Queen of Denmark

* Infante Fernando, Lord of Serpa

Sancho II Afonso III

Children include

* Infanta Branca, Viscountess of Huelgas

* Infante Dinis (future Denis I)

* Infante Afonso, Lord of Portalegre

* Infanta Maria

* Infanta Sancha


Children include

* Infanta Constança, Queen of Castile

* Infante Afonso (future Afonso IV)

Afonso IV

Children include

* Infanta Maria, Queen of Castile

* Infante Pedro (future Peter I)

* Infanta Leonor, Queen of Aragon

Peter I

Children include

* Infanta Maria, Marchioness of Tortosa

* Infante Fernando (future Ferdinand I)

* Infanta Beatriz, Countess of Alburquerque

* Infante João, Duke of Valencia de Campos

* Infante Dinis, Lord of Villar-Dompardo

* John, Grand Master of the Order of Aviz (future John I) (natural son)

Ferdinand I

Children include

* Infanta Beatrice, Queen of Castile and Leon (future Beatrice I of Portugal)

Beatrice (disputed queen)

Children include

* Infante Miguel of Castile and Portugal

Sancho I (Portuguese pronunciation: [%CB%88s%C9%90%CA%83u]), nicknamed the Populator (Portuguese o Povoador), second monarch of Portugal, was born on 11 November 1154 in Coimbra and died on 26 March 1212 in the same city. He was the second but only surviving legitimate son and fourth child of Afonso I Henriques of Portugal by his wife, Maud of Savoy. Sancho succeeded his father in 1185. He used the title King of the Algarve and/or King of Silves between 1189 and 1191

In 1170, Sancho was knighted by his father, King Afonso I, and from then on he became his second in command, both administratively and militarily. At this time, the independence of Portugal (declared in 1139) was not firmly established. The kings of León and Castile were trying to re-annex the country and the Roman Catholic Church was late in giving its blessing and approval. Due to this situation Afonso I had to search for allies within the Iberian Peninsula. Portugal made an alliance with the Kingdom of Aragon and together they fought Castile and León. To secure the agreement, Infante Sancho of Portugal married, in 1174, Infanta Dulce of Aragon, younger sister of King Alfonso II of Aragon. Aragon was thus the first Iberian kingdom to recognize the independence of Portugal.

With the death of Afonso I in 1185, Sancho I became the second king of Portugal. Coimbra was the centre of his kingdom; Sancho terminated the exhausting and generally pointless wars against his neighbours for control of the Galician borderlands. Instead, he turned all his attentions to the south, towards the Moorish small kingdoms (called taifas) that still thrived. With Crusader help he took Silves in 1191. Silves was an important city of the South, an administrative and commercial town with population estimates around 20,000 people. Sancho ordered the fortification of the city and built a castle which is today an important monument of Portuguese heritage. However, military attention soon had to be turned again to the North, where León and Castile threatened again the Portuguese borders. Silves was again lost to the Moors. It should be noted that the global Muslim population had climbed to about 6 per cent as against the Christian population of 12 per cent by 1200.

Sancho I dedicated much of his reign to political and administrative organization of the new kingdom. He accumulated a national treasure, supported new industries and the middle class of merchants. Moreover, he created several new towns and villages (like Guarda in 1199) and took great care in populating remote areas in the northern Christian regions of Portugal, notably with Flemings and Burgundians – hence the nickname "the Populator". The king was also known for his love of knowledge and literature. Sancho I wrote several books of poems and used the royal treasure to send Portuguese students to European universities. [edit] Ancestors Sancho's ancestors in three generations Sancho I of Portugal Father: Afonso I of Portugal Father's father: Henry, Count of Portugal Father's father's father: Henry of Burgundy Father's father's mother: unknown Father's mother: Theresa, Countess of Portugal Father's mother's father: Alfonso VI of León and Castile Father's mother's mother: Jimena Muñoz Mother: Maud of Savoy Mother's father: Amadeus III of Savoy Mother's father's father: Humbert II of Savoy Mother's father's mother: Gisela of Burgundy Mother's mother: Adelaide Mother's mother's father: unknown Mother's mother's mother: unknown [edit] Marriage and descendants

Sancho married Dulce of Aragon, daughter of Raymond Berengar IV, Count of Barcelona, and Petronilla, Queen of Aragon. Name Birth Death Notes By Dulce of Aragon (1152-1198; married in 1175) Infanta Teresa (Theresa) 1181 1250 Queen consort of Castile by marriage to King Alfonso IX of Castile. Infante Raimundo (Raymond) c. 1180 1189 Infanta Sancha a. 1182 13 March 1229 Abbess of Lorvão. Infanta Constança (Constance) c. 1182 3 August 1202 Infante Afonso 23 April 1185 25 March 1223 Succeeded him as Afonso II, 3rd King of Portugal. Infante Pedro (Peter) 23 February 1187 2 June 1258 Consort Count of Urgell, and later titular Count of Urgell and Lord of the Balearic Islands. He lived in León and married Arembiaux Armengel, Countess of Urgell. Infante Fernando (Ferdinand) 24 March 1188 4 March 1233 Consort Count of Flanders. Lived in France and married Jeanne of Flanders. Infante Henrique (Henry) 1189 1189 Infanta Branca (Blanche) c. 1192 1240 Lady of Guadalajara. Infanta Berengária c. 1195 1221 Queen consort of Denmark by marriage to King Valdemar II of Denmark. Infanta Mafalda c. 1200 1256 Queen consort of Castile by marriage to King Henry I of Castile. By Maria Aires (c. 1180-?) Martim Sanches or Henrique Sanches c. 1200 1229 Natural son and Count of Trastamara. Urraca Sanches c. 1200 1256 Natural daughter. By Maria Pais Ribeira (Ribeirinha) (c. 1170-b. 1258) Rodrigo Sanches c. 1200 1245 Natural son. Gil Sanches c. 1200 1236 Natural son. Nuno Sanches c. 1200 ? Natural son. Teresa Sanches 1205 1230 Natural daughter. Constança Sanches 1210 1269 Natural daughter. Maior Sanches ? ? Natural daughter. Sancho I of Portugal House of Burgundy Cadet branch of the Capetian dynasty Born: 11 November 1154 Died: 26 March 1212 Regnal titles Preceded by Afonso I King of Portugal 1185–1212 Succeeded by Afonso II [hide] v • d • e Monarchs of Portugal House of Burgundy Afonso I • Sancho I • Afonso II • Sancho II • Afonso III • Denis • Afonso IV • Peter I • Ferdinand I • Beatrice (disputed) House of Aviz John I • Edward • Afonso V • John II • Afonso V • John II House of Aviz-Beja Manuel I • John III • Sebastian • Henry • Anthony (disputed) House of Habsburg Philip I • Philip II • Philip III House of Braganza John IV • Afonso VI • Peter II • John V • Joseph I • Maria I with Peter III • John VI • Pedro IV • Maria II • Miguel • Maria II with Ferdinand II House of Braganza-Coburg Peter V • Luís • Charles • Manuel II Persondata NAME Sancho I ALTERNATIVE NAMES Sanctius I (English); Infante Sancho of Portugal (earlier title); Infante Sanctius of Portugal (English earlier title); Sancho I, King of Portugal and Algarve (alternative); Sancho I, King of Portugal and of the Algarves (alternative); Sancho I, King of Portugal and Silves (alternative); Sanctius I, King of Portugal and Algarve (alternative); Sanctius I, King of Portugal and of the Algarves (alternative); Sanctius I, King of Portugal and Silves SHORT DESCRIPTION King of Portugal DATE OF BIRTH 11 November 1154 PLACE OF BIRTH Coimbra, Portugal DATE OF DEATH 26 March 1212 PLACE OF DEATH Coimbra, Portugal [show] v • d • e Infantes of Portugal

D. Sancho I de Portugal (11 de Novembro de 1154 - 26 de Março de 1211), cognominado 'o Povoador' (pelo estímulo com que apadrinhou o povoamento dos territórios do país - destacando-se a fundação da cidade da Guarda, em 1199, e a atribuição de cartas de foral na Beira e em Trás-os-Montes: Gouveia (1186), Covilhã (1186), Viseu (1187), Bragança (1187), etc, povoando assim áreas remotas do reino, em particular com imigrantes da Flandres e Borgonha.

Quarto filho do monarca Afonso Henriques, foi baptizado com o nome de Martinho, por haver nascido no dia do santo com o mesmo nome, e não estaria preparado para reinar; no entanto, a morte do seu irmão mais velho, D. Henrique, quando contava apenas três anos de idade, levou à alteração da sua onomástica para um nome mais hispânico, ficando desde então Sancho Afonso.

Por sua mulher, Dulce de Barcelona, infanta de Aragão (1152-1198):

Teresa, infanta de Portugal (1176-1250), casou com o rei Afonso IX de Leão

Sancha, infanta de Portugal (ca.1180-1229), abadessa do Lorvão

Raimundo de Portugal (ca.1180-1189)

Constança de Portugal (1182-1202)

Afonso II de Portugal (1185-1233)

Pedro, infante de Portugal (1187-1258), conde de Urgel pelo casamento com Aurembiaix Armengel; foi também Senhor de Maiorca.

Fernando, infante de Portugal (1188-1233), viveu no estrangeiro, casou com Joana da Flandres

Henrique de Portugal (1189-?)

Branca, infanta de Portugal (1192-1240), senhora de Guadalajara

Berengária, infanta de Portugal (1194-1221), casada com o rei Valdemar II da Dinamarca

Mafalda, infanta de Portugal (ca.1200-1257), casada com o rei Henrique I de Castela, depois fundadora do mosteiro cisterciense de Arouca e sua primeira abadessa.

Filhos naturais:

Havidos de Maria Aires de Fornelos

Martim Sanches de Portugal, conde de Trastâmara

Urraca Sanches

Havidos de Maria Pais Ribeiro, dita a Ribeirinha, filha de Paio Moniz de Ribeira e de Urraca Nunes de Bragança (1150 - ?), filha de Vasco Pires de Bragança.

Rodrigo Sanches (1200-1246)

Gil Sanches (1200-1236)

Nuno Sanches

Maior Sanches

Teresa Sanches (1205-1230)

Constança Sanches (1210-1269)

Em 1170, Sancho foi armado cavaleiro pelo seu pai logo após o acidente de D. Afonso Henriques em Badajoz e tornou-se seu braço direito, quer do ponto de vista militar, quer do ponto de vista administrativo. Nestes primeiros tempos de Portugal enquanto país independente, muitos eram os inimigos da coroa, a começar pelo reino de Castela e Leão que havia controlado Portugal até então. Para além do mais, a Igreja Católica demorava em consagrar a independência de Portugal com a sua bênção. Para compensar estas falhas, Portugal procurou aliados dentro da Península Ibérica, em particular o reino de Aragão, um inimigo tradicional de Castela, que se tornou no primeiro país a reconhecer Portugal. O acordo foi firmado 1174 pelo casamento de Sancho, então príncipe herdeiro, com a infanta Dulce Berenguer, irmã mais nova do rei Afonso II de Aragão.

Com a morte de Afonso Henriques em 1185, Sancho I torna-se no segundo rei de Portugal. Tendo Coimbra como centro do seu reino, Sancho deu por finda as guerras fronteiriças pela posse da Galiza e dedicou-se a guerrear os Mouros localizados a Sul. Aproveitou a passagem pelo porto de Lisboa dos cruzados da terceira cruzada, na primavera de 1189, para conquistar Silves, um importante centro administrativo e económico do Sul, com população estimada em 20.000 pessoas. Sancho ordenou a fortificação da cidade e construção do castelo que ainda hoje pode ser admirado. A posse de Silves foi efémera já que em 1190 Abu Yusuf Ya'qub al-Mansur cercou a cidade de Silves com um exército e com outro atacou Torres Novas, que apenas conseguiu resistir durante dez dias, devido ao rei de Leão e Castela ameaçar de novo o Norte.

Han gjorde seg fortjent til sitt tilnavn «Bondevennen» ved sin iver for å forbedre landbruket. Han bidro også til byenes oppkomst ved å gi privilegier og befolke dem med kristne nybyggere. Sanho ble gift i 1174 med Dulcia. Han hadde også konkubinene Maria, datter til Arya Nuñes de Fornelos og Maria Paez de Ribera.64

Sancho I (pronounced [?s??u]; rarely translated to Sanctius I), nicknamed the Populator (Portuguese o Povoador), second monarch of Portugal, was born on November 11, 1154 in Coimbra and died on March 26, 1212 in the same city. He was the second but only surviving legitimate son and fourth child of Afonso I Henriques of Portugal by his wife, Maud of Savoy. Sancho succeeded his father in 1185. He used the title King of the Algarve and/or King of Silves between 1189 and 1191

In 1170, Sancho was knighted by his father, King Afonso I, and from then on he became his second in command, both administratively and militarily. At this time, the independence of Portugal (declared in 1139) was not firmly established. The kings of León and Castile were trying to re-annex the country and the Roman Catholic Church was late in giving its blessing and approval. Due to this situation Afonso I had to search for allies within the Iberian Peninsula. Portugal made an alliance with the Kingdom of Aragon and together they fought Castile and León. To secure the agreement, Infante Sancho of Portugal married, in 1174, Infanta Dulce Berenguer, younger sister of King Alfonso II of Aragon. Aragon was thus the first Iberian kingdom to recognize the independence of Portugal.

With the death of Afonso I in 1185, Sancho I became the second king of Portugal. Coimbra was the centre of his kingdom; Sancho terminated the exhausting and generally pointless wars against his neighbours for control of the Galician borderlands. Instead, he turned all his attentions to the south, towards the Moorish small kingdoms (called taifas) that still thrived. With Crusader help he took Silves in 1191. Silves was an important city of the South, an administrative and commercial town with population estimates around 20,000 people. Sancho ordered the fortification of the city and built a castle which is today an important monument of Portuguese heritage. However, military attention soon had to be turned again to the North, where León and Castile threatened again the Portuguese borders. Silves was again lost to the Moors. It should be noted that the global Muslim population had climbed to about 6 per cent as against the Christian population of 12 per cent by 1200.

Sancho I dedicated much of his reign to political and administrative organization of the new kingdom. He accumulated a national treasure, supported new industries and the middle class of merchants. Moreover, he created several new towns and villages (like Guarda in 1199) and took great care in populating remote areas in the northern Christian regions of Portugal, notably with Flemings and Burgundians – hence the nickname "the Populator". The king was also known for his love of

Reference Book: He 156.

Konge Sanco Alfonsosen Portugal was Konge av Portugal. He married Dronning Dulcia (--?--) av Aragon. He was born before 1154 at Portugal. He died in 1211 at Portugal. He 156.

Dronning Dulcia (--?--) av Aragon was born at Aragon. She died at Portugal. She married Konge Sanco I Alfonsosen Portugal, son of Konge Alfonso I Henriksen Portugal and Dronning Mathilde (--?--) av Savoie.

Portugalin kuningas

Sancho I gifte sig med Dulcia, dotter till Ramon Berenguer IV. När Sanchos far Alfonso avled av ålderdom 1185, blev Sancho kung, och fortsatte striderna mot muslimerna i Silves (huvudstaden i Algarve). Han invaderade även Leon genom att ta Tuy. Ett par år senare, besökte Rikard Lejonhjärta Lissabon på hans resa till det heliga landet. Rikard avdelade ett av hans skepp för att hjälpa Sancho försvara Silves mot motattacker. Vid samma tidpunkt tvingades en moorisk expedition att lämna en belägring av Santarem. När flottan hade avlägsnat sig, kom en ny muslimsk armé från Afrika och återtog varenda stad söder om Tagus. Under Sanchos regering, slog tempelriddare tillbaka en belägring vid Tomar, vilket bekräftade hur värdefulla de var i kampen mot moorerna. I striderna mot muslimerna, deltog även riddare från Norden, bl.a. Valdemar Sejr som gifte sig med Sanchos dotter Berengaria. Sancho hade andra intressen förutom erövringar. Han uppmuntrade handeln med Flandern, och hans hov var centrum för lyrisk poesi.

Sancho I of Portugal From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sancho I (pronounced [%CB%88s%C9%90%CA%83u]; rarely translated to Sanctius I), nicknamed the Populator (Portuguese o Povoador), second monarch of Portugal, was born on November 11, 1154 in Coimbra and died on March 26, 1212 in the same city. He was the second but only surviving legitimate son and fourth child of Afonso I Henriques of Portugal by his wife, Maud of Savoy. Sancho succeeded his father in 1185. He used the title King of the Algarve and/or King of Silves between 1189 and 1191 In 1170, Sancho was knighted by his father, King Afonso I, and from then on he became his second in command, both administratively and militarily. At this time, the independence of Portugal (declared in 1139) was not firmly established. The kings of León and Castile were trying to re-annex the country and the Roman Catholic Church was late in giving its blessing and approval. Due to this situation Afonso I had to search for allies within the Iberian Peninsula. Portugal made an alliance with the Kingdom of Aragon and together they fought Castile and León. To secure the agreement, Infante Sancho of Portugal married, in 1174, Infanta Dulce Berenguer, younger sister of King Alfonso II of Aragon. Aragon was thus the first Iberian kingdom to recognize the independence of Portugal. With the death of Afonso I in 1185, Sancho I became the second king of Portugal. Coimbra was the centre of his kingdom; Sancho terminated the exhausting and generally pointless wars against his neighbours for control of the Galician borderlands. Instead, he turned all his attentions to the south, towards the Moorish small kingdoms (called taifas) that still thrived. With Crusader help he took Silves in 1191. Silves was an important city of the South, an administrative and commercial town with population estimates around 20,000 people. Sancho ordered the fortification of the city and built a castle which is today an important monument of Portuguese heritage. However, military attention soon had to be turned again to the North, where León and Castile threatened again the Portuguese borders. Silves was again lost to the Moors. It should be noted that the global Muslim population had climbed to about 6 per cent as against the Christian population of 12 per cent by 1200. Sancho I dedicated much of his reign to political and administrative organization of the new kingdom. He accumulated a national treasure, supported new industries and the middle class of merchants. Moreover, he created several new towns and villages (like Guarda in 1199) and took great care in populating remote areas in the northern Christian regions of Portugal, notably with Flemings and Burgundians – hence the nickname "the Populator". The king was also known for his love of knowledge and literature. Sancho I wrote several books of poems and used the royal treasure to send Portuguese students to European universities.

D. Sancho I de Portugal (11 de Novembro de 1154 - 26 de Março de 1211), cognominado 'o Povoador' (pelo estímulo com que apadrinhou o povoamento dos territórios do país - destacando-se a fundação da cidade da Guarda, em 1199, e a atribuição de cartas de foral na Beira e em Trás-os-Montes: Gouveia (1186), Covilhã (1186), Viseu (1187), Bragança (1187), etc, povoando assim áreas remotas do reino, em particular com imigrantes da Flandres e Borgonha.

Quarto filho do monarca Afonso Henriques, foi baptizado com o nome de Martinho, por haver nascido no dia do santo com o mesmo nome, e não estaria preparado para reinar; no entanto, a morte do seu irmão mais velho, D. Henrique, quando contava apenas três anos de idade, levou à alteração da sua onomástica para um nome mais hispânico, ficando desde então Sancho Afonso.

Por sua mulher, Dulce de Barcelona, infanta de Aragão (1152-1198):

1.Teresa, infanta de Portugal (1176-1250), casou com o rei Afonso IX de Leão 2.Sancha, infanta de Portugal (ca.1180-1229), abadessa do Lorvão 3.Raimundo de Portugal (ca.1180-1189) 4.Constança de Portugal (1182-1202) 5.Afonso II de Portugal (1185-1233) 6.Pedro, infante de Portugal (1187-1258), conde de Urgel pelo casamento com Aurembiaix Armengel; foi também Senhor de Maiorca. 7.Fernando, infante de Portugal (1188-1233), viveu no estrangeiro, casou com Joana da Flandres 8.Henrique de Portugal (1189-?) 9.Branca, infanta de Portugal (1192-1240), senhora de Guadalajara 10.Berengária, infanta de Portugal (1194-1221), casada com o rei Valdemar II da Dinamarca 11.Mafalda, infanta de Portugal (ca.1200-1257), casada com o rei Henrique I de Castela, depois fundadora do mosteiro cisterciense de Arouca e sua primeira abadessa. Filhos naturais:

Havidos de Maria Aires de Fornelos

1.Martim Sanches de Portugal, conde de Trastâmara 2.Urraca Sanches Havidos de Maria Pais Ribeiro, dita a Ribeirinha, filha de Paio Moniz de Ribeira e de Urraca Nunes de Bragança (1150 - ?), filha de Vasco Pires de Bragança.

1.Rodrigo Sanches (1200-1246) 2.Gil Sanches (1200-1236) 3.Nuno Sanches 4.Maior Sanches 5.Teresa Sanches (1205-1230) 6.Constança Sanches (1210-1269) Em 1170, Sancho foi armado cavaleiro pelo seu pai logo após o acidente de D. Afonso Henriques em Badajoz e tornou-se seu braço direito, quer do ponto de vista militar, quer do ponto de vista administrativo. Nestes primeiros tempos de Portugal enquanto país independente, muitos eram os inimigos da coroa, a começar pelo reino de Castela e Leão que havia controlado Portugal até então. Para além do mais, a Igreja Católica demorava em consagrar a independência de Portugal com a sua bênção. Para compensar estas falhas, Portugal procurou aliados dentro da Península Ibérica, em particular o reino de Aragão, um inimigo tradicional de Castela, que se tornou no primeiro país a reconhecer Portugal. O acordo foi firmado 1174 pelo casamento de Sancho, então príncipe herdeiro, com a infanta Dulce Berenguer, irmã mais nova do rei Afonso II de Aragão.

Com a morte de Afonso Henriques em 1185, Sancho I torna-se no segundo rei de Portugal. Tendo Coimbra como centro do seu reino, Sancho deu por finda as guerras fronteiriças pela posse da Galiza e dedicou-se a guerrear os Mouros localizados a Sul. Aproveitou a passagem pelo porto de Lisboa dos cruzados da terceira cruzada, na primavera de 1189, para conquistar Silves, um importante centro administrativo e económico do Sul, com população estimada em 20.000 pessoas. Sancho ordenou a fortificação da cidade e construção do castelo que ainda hoje pode ser admirado. A posse de Silves foi efémera já que em 1190 Abu Yusuf Ya'qub al-Mansur cercou a cidade de Silves com um exército e com outro atacou Torres Novas, que apenas conseguiu resistir durante dez dias, devido ao rei de Leão e Castela ameaçar de novo o Norte.


D. Sancho I de Portugal (11 de Novembro de 1154 - 26 de Março de 1211), cognominado 'o Povoador' (pelo estímulo com que apadrinhou o povoamento dos territórios do país - destacando-se a fundação da cidade da Guarda, em 1199, e a atribuição de cartas de foral na Beira e em Trás-os-Montes: Gouveia (1186), Covilhã (1186), Viseu (1187), Bragança (1187), etc, povoando assim áreas remotas do reino, em particular com imigrantes da Flandres e Borgonha.

Quarto filho do monarca Afonso Henriques, foi baptizado com o nome de Martinho, por haver nascido no dia do santo com o mesmo nome, e não estaria preparado para reinar; no entanto, a morte do seu irmão mais velho, D. Henrique, quando contava apenas três anos de idade, levou à alteração da sua onomástica para um nome mais hispânico, ficando desde então Sancho Afonso.

Por sua mulher, Dulce de Barcelona, infanta de Aragão (1152-1198):

Teresa, infanta de Portugal (1176-1250), casou com o rei Afonso IX de Leão

Sancha, infanta de Portugal (ca.1180-1229), abadessa do Lorvão

Raimundo de Portugal (ca.1180-1189)

Constança de Portugal (1182-1202)

Afonso II de Portugal (1185-1233)

Pedro, infante de Portugal (1187-1258), conde de Urgel pelo casamento com Aurembiaix Armengel; foi também Senhor de Maiorca.

Fernando, infante de Portugal (1188-1233), viveu no estrangeiro, casou com Joana da Flandres

Henrique de Portugal (1189-?)

Branca, infanta de Portugal (1192-1240), senhora de Guadalajara

Berengária, infanta de Portugal (1194-1221), casada com o rei Valdemar II da Dinamarca

Mafalda, infanta de Portugal (ca.1200-1257), casada com o rei Henrique I de Castela, depois fundadora do mosteiro cisterciense de Arouca e sua primeira abadessa.

Filhos naturais:

Havidos de Maria Aires de Fornelos

Martim Sanches de Portugal, conde de Trastâmara

Urraca Sanches

Havidos de Maria Pais Ribeiro, dita a Ribeirinha, filha de Paio Moniz de Ribeira e de Urraca Nunes de Bragança (1150 - ?), filha de Vasco Pires de Bragança.

Rodrigo Sanches (1200-1246)

Gil Sanches (1200-1236)

Nuno Sanches

Maior Sanches

Teresa Sanches (1205-1230)

Constança Sanches (1210-1269)

Em 1170, Sancho foi armado cavaleiro pelo seu pai logo após o acidente de D. Afonso Henriques em Badajoz e tornou-se seu braço direito, quer do ponto de vista militar, quer do ponto de vista administrativo. Nestes primeiros tempos de Portugal enquanto país independente, muitos eram os inimigos da coroa, a começar pelo reino de Castela e Leão que havia controlado Portugal até então. Para além do mais, a Igreja Católica demorava em consagrar a independência de Portugal com a sua bênção. Para compensar estas falhas, Portugal procurou aliados dentro da Península Ibérica, em particular o reino de Aragão, um inimigo tradicional de Castela, que se tornou no primeiro país a reconhecer Portugal. O acordo foi firmado 1174 pelo casamento de Sancho, então príncipe herdeiro, com a infanta Dulce Berenguer, irmã mais nova do rei Afonso II de Aragão.

Com a morte de Afonso Henriques em 1185, Sancho I torna-se no segundo rei de Portugal. Tendo Coimbra como centro do seu reino, Sancho deu por finda as guerras fronteiriças pela posse da Galiza e dedicou-se a guerrear os Mouros localizados a Sul. Aproveitou a passagem pelo porto de Lisboa dos cruzados da terceira cruzada, na primavera de 1189, para conquistar Silves, um importante centro administrativo e económico do Sul, com população estimada em 20.000 pessoas. Sancho ordenou a fortificação da cidade e construção do castelo que ainda hoje pode ser admirado. A posse de Silves foi efémera já que em 1190 Abu Yusuf Ya'qub al-Mansur cercou a cidade de Silves com um exército e com outro atacou Torres Novas, que apenas conseguiu resistir durante dez dias, devido ao rei de Leão e Castela ameaçar de novo o Norte.

Reign December 6, 1185—March 26, 1212

Coronation December 9, 1185

Consort Dulce Berenguer

Father Afonso I

Mother Maud of Savoy

Born November 11, 1154

Coimbra, Kingdom of Portugal

Died March 26, 1212

Coimbra, Kingdom of Portugal

Burial Santa Cruz Monastery, Coimbra, District of Coimbra, Portugal

Sancho I, nicknamed the Populator, was the second monarch of Portugal, was born on November 11, 1154 in Coimbra and died on March 26, 1212 in the same city. He was the second but only surviving legitimate son and fourth child of Afonso I Henriques of Portugal by his wife, Maud of Savoy. Sancho succeeded his father in 1185. He used the title King of the Algarve and/or King of Silves between 1189 and 1191

In 1170, Sancho was knighted by his father, King Afonso I, and from then on he became his second in command, both administratively and militarily. At this time, the independence of Portugal (declared in 1139) was not firmly established. The kings of León and Castile were trying to re-annex the country and the Roman Catholic Church was late in giving its blessing and approval. Due to this situation Afonso I had to search for allies within the Iberian Peninsula. Portugal made an alliance with the Kingdom of Aragon and together they fought Castile and León. To secure the agreement, Infante Sancho of Portugal married, in 1174, Infanta Dulce Berenguer, younger sister of King Alfonso II of Aragon. Aragon was thus the first Iberian kingdom to recognize the independence of Portugal.

With the death of Afonso I in 1185, Sancho I became the second king of Portugal. Coimbra was the centre of his kingdom; Sancho terminated the exhausting and generally pointless wars against his neighbours for control of the Galician borderlands. Instead, he turned all his attentions to the south, towards the Moorish small kingdoms (called taifas) that still thrived. With Crusader help he took Silves in 1191. Silves was an important city of the South, an administrative and commercial town with population estimates around 20,000 people. Sancho ordered the fortification of the city and built a castle which is today an important monument of Portuguese heritage. However, military attention soon had to be turned again to the North, where León and Castile threatened again the Portuguese borders. Silves was again lost to the Moors. It should be noted that the global Muslim population had climbed to about 6 per cent as against the Christian population of 12 per cent by 1200.

Sancho I dedicated much of his reign to political and administrative organization of the new kingdom. He accumulated a national treasure, supported new industries and the middle class of merchants. Moreover, he created several new towns and villages (like Guarda in 1199) and took great care in populating remote areas in the northern Christian regions of Portugal, notably with Flemings and Burgundians – hence the nickname "the Populator". The king was also known for his love of knowledge and literature. Sancho I wrote several books of poems and used the royal treasure to send Portuguese students to European universities.

Sancho I (Portuguese pronunciation: [%CB%88s%C9%90%CA%83u]), nicknamed the Populator (Portuguese o Povoador), second monarch of Portugal, was born on November 11, 1154 in Coimbra and died on March 26, 1212 in the same city. He was the second but only surviving legitimate son and fourth child of Afonso I Henriques of Portugal by his wife, Maud of Savoy. Sancho succeeded his father in 1185. He used the title King of the Algarve and/or King of Silves between 1189 and 1191

In 1170, Sancho was knighted by his father, King Afonso I, and from then on he became his second in command, both administratively and militarily. At this time, the independence of Portugal (declared in 1139) was not firmly established. The kings of León and Castile were trying to re-annex the country and the Roman Catholic Church was late in giving its blessing and approval. Due to this situation Afonso I had to search for allies within the Iberian Peninsula. Portugal made an alliance with the Kingdom of Aragon and together they fought Castile and León. To secure the agreement, Infante Sancho of Portugal married, in 1174, Infanta Dulce Berenguer, younger sister of King Alfonso II of Aragon. Aragon was thus the first Iberian kingdom to recognize the independence of Portugal.

With the death of Afonso I in 1185, Sancho I became the second king of Portugal. Coimbra was the centre of his kingdom; Sancho terminated the exhausting and generally pointless wars against his neighbours for control of the Galician borderlands. Instead, he turned all his attentions to the south, towards the Moorish small kingdoms (called taifas) that still thrived. With Crusader help he took Silves in 1191. Silves was an important city of the South, an administrative and commercial town with population estimates around 20,000 people. Sancho ordered the fortification of the city and built a castle which is today an important monument of Portuguese heritage. However, military attention soon had to be turned again to the North, where León and Castile threatened again the Portuguese borders. Silves was again lost to the Moors. It should be noted that the global Muslim population had climbed to about 6 per cent as against the Christian population of 12 per cent by 1200.

Sancho I dedicated much of his reign to political and administrative organization of the new kingdom. He accumulated a national treasure, supported new industries and the middle class of merchants. Moreover, he created several new towns and villages (like Guarda in 1199) and took great care in populating remote areas in the northern Christian regions of Portugal, notably with Flemings and Burgundians – hence the nickname "the Populator". The king was also known for his love of knowledge and literature. Sancho I wrote several books of poems and used the royal treasure to send Portuguese students to European universities.

Sancho I gifte sig med Dulcia, dotter till Ramon Berenguer IV. När Sanchos far Alfonso avled av ålderdom 1185, blev Sancho kung, och fortsatte striderna mot muslimerna i Silves (huvudstaden i Algarve). Han invaderade även Leon genom att ta Tuy. Ett par år senare, besökte Rikard Lejonhjärta Lissabon på hans resa till det heliga landet. Rikard avdelade ett av hans skepp för att hjälpa Sancho försvara Silves mot motattacker. Vid samma tidpunkt tvingades en moorisk expedition att lämna en belägring av Santarem. När flottan hade avlägsnat sig, kom en ny muslimsk armé från Afrika och återtog varenda stad söder om Tagus. Under Sanchos regering, slog tempelriddare tillbaka en belägring vid Tomar, vilket bekräftade hur värdefulla de var i kampen mot moorerna. I striderna mot muslimerna, deltog även riddare från Norden, bl.a. Valdemar Sejr som gifte sig med Sanchos dotter Berengaria. Sancho hade andra intressen förutom erövringar. Han uppmuntrade handeln med Flandern, och hans hov var centrum för lyrisk poesi.

Kallades "Bonevännen" eftersom han var mån om böndernas odling och utveckling av odling.

House of Burgundy

Birth: Nov. 11, 1154 Coimbra, Portugal Death: Mar. 26, 1212 Coimbra, Portugal

Portugese Monarch. He was the second king of Portugal, reigning from 1185 to 1211. He was the third and only surviving son of Afonso I and Mafalda of Savoy. He married Princess Dulce Berenguer the sister of Alfonso II of Aragon in 1174. They had 11 children. He also had 2 children by Maria Aires and 6 by Maria Pais Ribeira. (bio by: Helaine M. Larina)

Family links:


Afonso Henriques (1110 - 1185)

Mafalda de Saboia (1125 - 1157)


Dulce of Aragon (1160 - 1198)*


Fernando De Portugal (1188 - 1233)*


Urraca Of Portugal (1151 - 1188)*

Urraca Of Portugal (1151 - 1181)*

Urraca Of Portugal (1151 - 1188)**

Sancho I (1154 - 1212)

Calculated relationship


Burial: Monastery of Santa Cruz Coimbra Coimbra Municipality Coimbra, Portugal

Maintained by: Find A Grave Originally Created by: Helaine M. Larina Record added: Mar 28, 2006 Find A Grave Memorial# 13770032

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Maria Pais Ribeira, a Ribeirinha


Nuno Sanches de Portugal


Teresa Sanches de Portugal


Gil Sanches de Portugal


Rodrigo Sanches de Portugal


Constança de Portugal


Maior Sanches de Portugal


Maria Aires de Fornelos


Urraca Sanches de Portugal


Martim Sanches de Portugal, I co...


Diogo Fernandes de Arganil, 5º ...


By António de Holanda

Dulce de Aragão, rainha-consort...



Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.


Beatriz de Portugal, reina consorte de Castilla ♔ Ref: FL-1372 |•••► #PORTUGAL 🏆🇵🇹★ #Genealogía #Genealogy

 (Es Tu Tía Abuela Número 20)-is your 20th great aunt de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Beatriz de Portugal, reina consorte de Castilla is your 20th great aunt.



 (Linea Materna)


Beatriz de Portugal, reina consorte de Castilla is your 20th great aunt.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Morella Álamo Borges

your mother → Belén Eloina Alamo

her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna

her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesús Uztáriz y Monserrate

her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra

his mother → María Manuela Ibarra y Galindo

her mother → Andres Eugenio Rafael Ibarra é Ibarra

her father → Juan Julián de Ibarra y Herrera

his father → Antonia Nicolasa Sarmiento de Herrera y Loaisa

his mother → Juan Sarmiento de Herrera y Fernández Pacheco, Alférez Mayor

her father → Agustín Sarmiento de Herrera y Rojas

his father → Diego Sarmiento de Rojas y Ayala

his father → Pedro Fernández de Saavedra y Escobar, el Mozo

his father → Catalina Escobar de las Roelas

his mother → Francisco de Rojas y Escobar, el Cano

her father → Juan de Rojas y Escobar

his father → Alonso Cáceres Escobar

his father → Mencia Cáceres y Solis

his mother → Leonor Enríquez de Noroña Guzmán

her mother → Diego Enriquez de Noronha

her father → Isabel de Portugal, condesa de Gijón y Noroña

his mother → Fernando I o Gentil, rei de Portugal

her father → Beatriz de Portugal, reina consorte de Castilla

his daughterConsistency CheckShow short path | Share this path

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Beatriz de Portugal, rainha consorte de Castela MP

Gender: Female

Birth: 1372

Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal

Death: circa December 24, 1406 (29-38)

Madrigal, Spain

Place of Burial: Toledo, Toledo, Castille La Mancha, Spain

Immediate Family:

Daughter of Fernando I o Gentil, rei de Portugal and Leonor Teles de Menezes, Rainha de Portugal

Wife of John I of Castile and Edward of Norwich, 2nd Duke of York

Mother of Miguel Trastámara de Castilla-León e Portugal

Sister of Afonso de Portugal and Pedro de Portugal

Half sister of Isabel de Portugal, condesa de Gijón y Noroña; Leonor de Aragão and Alvaro da Cunha, 3.º Senhor de Pombeiro 

Added by: Pablo Benítez Barreto on June 8, 2007

Managed by: Victar and 24 others

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Beatriz de Portugal (¿?, 1372 - ¿?, 1410). Infanta de Portugal, reina consorte de Juan I Castilla y reina destronada de Portugal. Fue hija de Fernando I el Hermoso y de la reina Doña Leonor Téllez de Meneses.

Leonor,la madre de Beatriz, era hija de Alonso Téllez de Meneses, hermano de Juan Alonso de Meneses, Conde de Barcelos y había sido antes la esposa de Lourenço da Cunha, Señor de Morgado y de Pombeiro, que puso sitio (sin éxito) a Alcántara, provincia de Cáceres en las disputas en torno a la elección canónica como Maestre de la Orden de Alcántara de Melén Suárez (1369 - 1371).

Según Fray Francisco de Rades y Andrada, Capellán de la Orden de Calatrava con Felipe II en su "Chronica de la Orden y Cavalleria de Alcantara", Toledo, (1572), Lourenço da Cunha, tuvo un hijo con ella que se llamó Don Alvaro de Acuña, "y después desto el Rey Don Fernando de Portugal se enamoró tanto desta señora, que para casarse con ella, hizo que se apartase de su marido, a título de ser parientes, y assí el Rey la tomó por muger, y tuvo en ella a Doña Beatriz, que fue Reyna de Castilla, muger del Rey Don Juan el primero, y otro hijo y otra hija que murieron niños. Esta Reyna enriqueció a muchos de su linaje y particularmente hizo dar a don Alonso Tellez el cargo y dignidad de Almirante de Portugal: y a otro hermano llamado Gonzalo Téllez hizo dar el título de Conde de Nociba y Fayta: y a otro llamado Don Juan Téllez que también fue su hermano hizo dar título de Conde de Viana".

La prematura muerte de sus hermanos Pedro y Alfonso convirtieron a Beatriz en heredera del trono portugués. Los azares de las tres guerras de su padre con Castilla y Francia, en el cuadro de la Guerra de los Cien Años, después de de la usurpación de la corona castellana que al tiempo intentaba retomar a los Trastámaras Juan de Gante, heredero por su mujer Constanza de Castilla de la línea legitima, llevaron a que antes de que Fernando I de Portugal muriera tuberculoso, muy joven, fuera casada en 1383, siendo aún niña, con el rey Juan I de Castilla, de quien fue la segunda esposa. El matrimonio de Beatriz de Portugal obedeció al tratado matrimonial de paz, y de sucesión al trono portugués firmado entre Portugal y Castilla en Salvaterra de Magos. Beatriz tuvo un solo hijo de su matrimonio: Miguel, que murió en la infancia.

Pocos meses después murió su padre y fue proclamada reina de Portugal bajo la regencia de su madre. Según el acuerdo de Salvaterra hasta que un hijo suyo, a educar en Portugal con la reina abuela, pudiera recibir el trono portugués. Pero sus súbditos estaban muy descontentos con el matrimonio de su reina con el rey castellano, que traería como fruto la unión de las dos Coronas, así que con el apoyo de Inglaterra, así como Castilla tenía el apoyo de Francia en estas guerras, proclamaron como rey a Juan, maestre de Avis.

A Beatriz de Portugal le pasó como a Juana de Castilla, la Beltraneja, fue dicho en Cortes y en crónica que era hija ilegitima de la reina su madre con un amante gallego, João Fernandes Andeiro, conde de Ourém y de Andeiro para así justificar el vacío del trono pasado a línea ilegítima en la reunión en Coimbra de los tres estados de Portugal de 1385.

Juan I de Castilla asumió la defensa militar de los derechos de su esposa, invadiendo Portugal atrayendo a una parte considerable de la principal nobleza portuguesa, fiel a su reina Dona Beatriz, y con un numeroso ejército de jinetes y caballeros castellanos. Estalló una guerra entre Portugal y Castilla, que concluyó con la desastrosa derrota castellana en la batalla de Aljubarrota de 15 Agosto (1385). Esta derrota se originó al utilizar los portugueses por primera vez, estando sus aliados ingleses retrasados en venir a apoyar militarmente como de costumbre, las técnicas militares de éstos, el arco y las flechas de los arqueros de la infantería, las fosas y trincheras cavadas en el terreno para destrozar a los caballos pesados, y otras más que después en la Batalla de Azincourt (1415), lograrían derrotar a la pesada caballería francesa, aún muy similar a la castellana de entonces.

Al morir el joven Juan I en 1390 por caída de un caballo, Beatriz recibió como herencia el señorío de Medina del Campo, Cuéllar, Olmedo, Arévalo y Villa Real. Ella, muerta a los 38 años de edad, fundó un monasterio donde está enterrada, en Toro.

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Beatrice of Portugal

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Beatrice, in Portuguese Beatriz (9 December 1372, Coimbra – 8 March 1408) was the only daughter of King Fernando I of Portugal and his wife, the Castilian Leonor Telles de Menezes. She married King Juan I of Castile and claimed to be Queen of Portugal in the 1383-1385 Crisis that ended with her uncle João I of Portugal being acclaimed King of Portugal.

At the beginning of 1383, the political situation in Portugal was not peaceful. Beatrice was the King's only child, and heir to the throne, after her younger brothers' deaths in 1380 and 1382. Her marriage was the political issue of the day and inside the palace, factions lobbied constantly. Ferdinand arranged and cancelled his daughter's wedding several times before settling for his wife's first choice, King Juan I of Castile. Juan had lost his wife, Infanta Leonor of Aragon the year before, and was happy to take the Portuguese heiress. The wedding took place on May 17, 1383 in the Portuguese city of Elvas. Beatrice was only eleven years old.

King Ferdinand died shortly thereafter, on October 22, 1383. According to the treaty between Castile and Portugal, the Queen Mother, Leonor Telles de Menezes, became regent in the name of her daughter and son-in-law. But not everybody in Portugal was happy about this state of affairs. The loss of independence was unthinkable for the majority of Portuguese freemen. A rebellion led by the Master of the Order of Aviz, the future João I, began in that year, leading to the 1383-1385 Crisis.

King Juan invaded Portugal in 1384 to fight for his newly-born son Miguel's (1384-1385) rights to the crown. That war ended in the next year, with the utter defeat of Castile in the Battle of Aljubarrota. In the aftermath of this battle, João I of Aviz became the uncontested King of Portugal. Beatrice was no longer on the throne of Portugal; she was merely the Queen Consort of Castile and Leon.

Beatrice died in 1408 in Madrigal, Castile.

There is some dispute among historians about Beatrice. She is rarely referred as Queen of Portugal, but some claim that at least for a short period she was Queen and so must be in the list of the Monarchs of Portugal. Others say that in the 1383-1385 period the country had no King or Queen, and so Beatrice could not be considered.


Williamson, David (1988). Debrett's Kings and Queens of Europe. Exeter: Webb & Bower. ISBN 0-86350-194-X.

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John I of Castile


Miguel Trastámara de Castilla-L...


Fernando I o Gentil, rei de Port...


Leonor Teles de Menezes, Rainha ...


Afonso de Portugal


Pedro de Portugal


Enrique III el Doliente, rey de ...


Fernando I el Justo, rey de Aragón


Leonor Princess Of Castile and Leon


Jolanda Princess d'Aragón


Isabel de Portugal, condesa de G...

half sister


Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.


Linaje N°1 FAMILIA |•••► BEATRIZ



Padre: Fernando I O Gentil Rei De Portugal


Padre: Leonor Teles de Menezes

2.- 1345 FERNANDO I O GENTIL REI DE PORTUGAL |•••► Pais:Portugal


Padre: Peter I The Just, King Of Portugal


Constanza Manuel de Villena y Barcelona, infanta de Castilla

3.- 1320 PETER I THE JUST, KING OF PORTUGAL |•••► Pais:Portugal


Padre: Afonso Iv O Ousado, Rei De Portugal


Padre: Beatriz de Castela, rainha consorte de Portugal

4.- 1291 AFONSO IV O OUSADO, REI DE PORTUGAL |•••► Pais:Portugal


Padre: Dinis I O Justo, Rei De Portugal


Padre: Saint Elizabeth of Barcelona, queen consort of Portugal

5.- 1261 DINIS I O JUSTO, REI DE PORTUGAL |•••► Pais:Portugal


Padre: Afonso III of Burgundy, King of Portugal


Beatriz De Castilla Y León, Reina Consorte De Portugal



Padre: Afonso Ii, O Gordo, Rei De Portugal


Padre: Urraca De Castela, Rainha Consorte De Portugal

7.- 1185 AFONSO II, O GORDO, REI DE PORTUGAL |•••► Pais:Portugal


Sancho I, O Povoador, Rei De Portugal


Padre: Dulce De Aragão, Rainha-Consorte De Portugal

Linaje N°2 FAMILIA |•••► LEONOR

1.- 1350 LEONOR TELES DE MENEZES |•••► Pais:Portugal


Padre: Telo de Menezes Martim Afonso


Vasconcelos Aldonça Anes de

2.- 1310 TELO DE MENEZES MARTIM AFONSO |•••► Pais:España


Padre: Teles Raposo Afonso Martins


Loureno de Valadares Berengária



Padre: Anes o Raposo Gonçalo


Urraca Fernandes de Lima

4.- 1250 ANES O RAPOSO GONÇALO |•••► Pais:Portugal


Padre: Telo de Menezes senhor de Albuquerque João Afonso


González Girón Elvira



Padre: Tellez de Meneses dAlta el Viejo Señor de Menezes y Señor de Albuquerque Alfonso


Sanches de Portugal Teresa



Padre: Tello Pérez de Meneses er Señor de Meneses de Campos Malagon e Montealegre


García de Villamayor Gontroda



Padre: Bernaldez de Sahagun Senhor do Castelo de Malagon Pedro Martins


Soares da Maia María



Beltrán de Riseñoral señor de Carrión


Pérez de Lara Elvira