31 ° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Gauthier, comte de Laon is your 31st great grandfather.
(Linea Paterna)
Gauthier, comte de Laon is your 31st great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→ Dr. Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna
your father → Elena Cecilia Lecuna Escobar
his mother → Vicente de Jesus Lecuna Salboch, Dr.
her father → Ramón Lecuna Sucre
his father → Josefa Margarita de Sucre y Márquez de Valenzuela
his mother → Vicente de Sucre y García de Urbaneja, Cnel.
her father → Coronel Antonio Mauricio Mauricio Jacinto Tadeo Rosalio Sucre Pardo y Trelles
his father → Carlos Francisco Francois Sucre y Pardo, Sargento Mayor
his father → Charles Adrien de Sucre y D´Ives
his father → Adrianne D'Ives y D'Argenteau
his mother → Jacqueline D'Argenteau
her mother → Conrad d'Argenteau, seigneur de Ligny
her father → Renaud VII d'Argenteau, seigneur de Bossut
his father → Marie de Hamal, dame de Trazegnies
his mother → Sibylle de Ligne
her mother → Michel I, baron de Ligne
her father → Jean II, baron de Ligne
his father → Guillaume I, baron de Ligne
his father → Jeanne de Condé
his mother → Guillaume de Condé, Seigneur de Bailleul
her father → Catherine de Condé
his mother → Dame de Villers-Campsart Mahaut Mélissende de Cayeu
her mother → Gauthier V Tyrel, seigneur de Poix
her father → Hugues de Pois Tyrel, II, Seigneur d'Agnieres
his father → Sir Hugh Poix Tyrrell
his father → Gauthier III Tyrel, seigneur de Poix
his father → Walter II Tyrrell, seigneur de Poix
his father → Gauthier I "Tyrel", seigneur de Poix
his father → Foulques (Fulke) de Tirel
his father → Ralf de Tirel
his father → Gautier I, comte du Vexin
his father → Raoul 1er de Laon, comte de Laon et de Senlis, comte de Vexin, Amiens et Valois
his father → Gauthier, comte de Laon
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Original blazon design by JSpeuller at Wappenwiki.org, licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0), resizing and tincture variations by dbigelow
Gauthier, comte de Laon MP
Gender: Male
Birth: circa 845
Death: circa 892 (38-55)
Immediate Family:
Son of Adalramn II, comte de Laon, King's advisor to Louis II the Stammerer and daughter of Count Nibelung IV?
Husband of Heilwis d'Ostrevant
Father of Raoul 1er de Laon, comte de Laon et de Senlis, comte de Vexin, Amiens et Valois
Brother of Adalramm III; Theoderic and Théodrate de Troyes
Added by: David Prins on December 27, 2010
Managed by: David Prins and George J. Homs
Curated by: David Bigelow Geni Curator
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The Vexin House as a lineage, appeared at the end of the ix th century, from the Count Raoul I st of Vexin . He died in 1080. The origin of this family is not known, but probably of high lineage, since the mother of the first known member would be a descendant of Louis the Pious .
The first count, Raoul I er is the son of a Heilwis, or Helvide, who remarries in second marriage to the count Roger I er of Laon . This Heilwis is traditionally identified with Heilwis of Frioul, daughter of Eberhard , Marquis of Frioul and of the Carolingian Gisèle . But this identification poses a chronological problem, because born before 850, she would have had at least two children from 895 , which is unlikely.
Another hypothesis has been put forward: Helwis, wife of Roger de Laon, would be the daughter of Hucbald de Gouy and Heilwis de Frioul. Her first husband would be Gautier de Laon , which would explain the appearance of the first name of Gautier among the counts of Vexin.
It is this hypothesis that was used in the reconstruction of this branch of the House of Vexin on Geni. The basis of this reconstruction is onomastics, which is “the study of the history and origin of proper names, especially personal names.” Leading experts Katherine Keats-Rohan and Christian Settipani et. al. have contributed both to this new aspect of genealogical study but also through their studies specifically to this part of “the big tree”. Their work for use in this reconstruction is extracted from https://fr.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maison_de_Vexin but refer for details to their original work Onomastique et Parenté dans l'Occident médiéval, Oxford, Linacre College, Unit for Prosopographical Research, coll. « Prosopographica et Genealogica / 3 », 2000, 310 p. (ISBN 1-900934-01-9)
From French Wikipedia https://fr.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gautier_de_Laon
Gautier de Laon Gautier or Walthar, Valgaire killed in 892 , was a Laon count from the end of ix th century . He was the son of Adalhelm , Count of Laon.
For having dared to deny Eudes the title of king at the assembly at Verberie the latter, his uncle or probable first cousin, had him executed in 892 .
The documentation is silent on his marriage and his descendants. Recently has been shown that the identification between Heilwis widowed mother of Raoul I st of Vexin and remarried to Roger I st of Laon , and Heilwis Friuli, woman Hucbald Gouy, was chronologically unlikely. Settipani rather sees the widow Heilwis as a daughter of Hucbald de Gouy and Heilwis of Frioul, her first husband remaining unknown. Or Vexin Raoul, son of the first marriage Heilwis, is probably the father of Gautier I er , count of Vexin, and the count of Laon Gautier is proposed as Heilwis first husband and father of Raoul Vexin.
Sources Edit
Christian Settipani , “The viscounts of Châteaudun and their allies”, in Onomastique et Kinship in the Medieval West , Oxford, Linacre College, Unit for Prosopographical Research, coll. "Prosopographica and Genealogica / 3",2000, 310 p. ( ISBN 1-900934-01-9 ) , p. 247-261
Christian Settipani , La Préhistoire des Capétiens ( New genealogical history of the august house of France , vol. 1) , Villeneuve-d'Ascq, ed. Patrick van Kerrebrouck,1993, 545 p. ( ISBN 978-2-95015-093-6 )
Foundation for Medieval Genealogy Counts of Laon and Basigny
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Heilwis d'Ostrevant
Original blazon design by JSpeuller at Wappenwiki.org, licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0), resizing and tincture variations by dbigelow
Raoul 1er de Laon, comte de Laon...
Original blazon design by JSpeuller at Wappenwiki.org, licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0), resizing and tincture variations by dbigelow
Adalramn II, comte de Laon, King...
daughter of Count Nibelung IV?
Adalramm III
Théodrate de Troyes
Original blazon design by JSpeuller at Wappenwiki.org, licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0), resizing and tincture variations by dbigelow
Roger II de Laon, comte de Laon ...
Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.
Linaje N°1 FAMILIA |•••► GAUTHIER |
1.- 0845 GAUTHIER COMTE DE LAON |•••► Pais:FRANCIA PADRE: Adalramn II comte de Laon Kings advisor to Louis II the Stammerer |
3.- 0820 ADELRAMN COMTE DE TROYES |•••► Pais:FRANCIA PADRE: Comte de Troyes MADRE: |
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