martes, 12 de mayo de 2020

Ramon Berenguer IV the Saint Count of Barcelona ★Bisabuelo n°21M★ Ref: CB-1113 |•••► #ESPAÑA 🏆🇪🇸★ #Genealogía #Genealogy

Padre: Ramon Berenguer Iii The Great Count Of Barcelona
Madre: Douce I De Gévaudan, Comtesse De Provence

21° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de:
Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo

 (Linea Materna)
Ramon Berenguer IV the Saint, Count of Barcelona is your 21st great grandfather.
You→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→   Morella Álamo Borges
your mother →  Belén Borges Ustáriz
her mother →  Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna
her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesus Uztáriz y Monserrate
her father →  María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra
his mother → Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina, Teniente Coronel
her father →  Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza
his mother → Isabel Manuela Josefa Hurtado de Mendoza y Rojas Manrique
her mother →  Juana de Rojas Manrique de Mendoza
her mother → Constanza de Mendoza Mate de Luna
her mother →  Mayor de Mendoza Manzanedo
her mother →  Juan Fernández De Mendoza Y Manuel
her father → Fernando Díaz de Mendoza
his father →  Teresa Jofre Tenorio
his mother →  Alfonso Jofré Tenorio, Señor de Moguer, Almirante de Castilla
her father → Aldonza Jofré de Loaisa
his mother →  Jacometa Dionis
her mother →  Margarida de Cabrera y Moncada
her mother →  Ramona de Montcada
her mother → Gersende de Provence, infante d'Aragon
her mother →  Alphonse II Bérenger, comte de Provence
her father →  Alfonso II el Casto, rey de Aragón
his father → Ramon Berenguer IV the Saint, Count of Barcelona
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Ramon Berenguer IV "the Saint" of Barcelona, Count of Barcelona MP
Catalan: Ramon Berenguer IV «el Sant» de Barcelona, comte de Barcelona, Spanish: Príncipe de Aragón (1137-1154), Conde de Barcelona (1131-1154), Conde de Gerona, Osona, Cerdaña y Ribargorza Ramón Berenguer IV «el Santo» de Barcelona, conde de Barcelona, French: Raimond-Bérenger IV «le Saint» de Barcelone, comte de Barcelone, Italian: Raimondo Berengario IV of Barcelona, conte di Barcellona
Gender: Male
Birth: 1113
Barcelona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Death: August 06, 1162 (49)
Borgo San Dalmazzo, Piedmont, Italy
Immediate Family:
Son of Ramon Berenguer III "the Great" count of Barcelona and Douce I de Gévaudan, comtesse de Provence
Husband of N.N. and Petronila Ramírez, reina de Aragón
Father of Ramón Berenguer de Barcelona, arzobispo de Narbona; Pedro, infante de Aragón; Alfonso II el Casto, rey de Aragón; Raimond Bérenger III, comte de Provence; Dulce de Aragão, rainha-consorte de Portugal and 1 other
Brother of Almodis de Barcelona, vescomtessa de Bas; Bérenger-Raimond I, comte de Provence; Bernat, Infant de Barcelona; Berenguela de Barcelona, reina consorte de León y Castilla; Estefania de Barcelona, vescomte consort de Dacs and 1 other
Half brother of Ximena de Barcelona, comtesse d'Osona and Maria de Barcelona, comtessa consort de Besalú
Added by: "Skip" Bremer on June 9, 2007
Managed by:   Ric Dickinson and 177 others
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Ramon Berenguer IV, Conde de Barcelona en Resúmenes biográficos de personajes
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Ramon «den Hellige» var

Greve av Barcelona 1131-1162.

Fyrste av Aragón 1137 - 1162.

Greve av Provence 1144-1162 (som Raimond Berenguer I).

Ramon var den siste som hadde titelen greve av Barcelona. Ifølge sin fars testamente arvet han i 1131 som den førstefødte grevskapene Barcelona, Tarragona, Manresa, Gerona, Ausona, Peralada, Besalù, Vallespir, Fonollet, Perapertusa, Cerdaña, Conflet, Carcasona og Redés. 11.08.1137 ble han konge av Aragon.91

Ramón fue el último en ostentar el título de Conde de Barcelona. De acuerdo con el testamento de sus padres,

heredó en 1131 como primogénito los condados de Barcelona, Tarragona, Manresa, Gerona, Ausona, Peralada, Besalú, Vallespir, Fonollet, Perapertusa, Cerdaña, Conflet, Carcasona y Redes. 08.11.1137 se convirtió en rey de Aragón.

91 Erich Brandenburg: Die Nachkommen Karls des Grossen. Leipzig 1935. Mogens Bugge: Våre forfedre, nr. 1001. Dansk Biografisk Leksikon, Bind 2 (1933), lado 418. Bent og Vidar Billing Hansen: Rosensverdslektens forfedre, side 16, 25.

Reinado 19 de agosto de 1131 - 6 de agosto de 1162

Predecesor Ramón Berenguer III

Sucesor Alfonso I

Esposa Petronila de Aragón


Dulce Berenguer

Alfonso II de Aragón

Pedro, Conde de la Cerdanya

Ramón Berenguer III, Conde de Provenza

Sancho, Conde de Provenza

Ramón, Arzobispo de Narbona

Padre Ramón Berenguer III, Conde de Barcelona

Madre Duce I, Condesa de Provenza

Nacido c. 1113

Fallecido el 6 de agosto de 1162

Piamonte, Italia

Raimundo Berengario IV o Ramón Berenguer IV (c. 1113 - 6 de agosto de 1162), a veces llamado el Santo, fue el conde de Barcelona que llevó a cabo la unión entre el Reino de Aragón y el Principado de Cataluña en la Corona de Aragón.



* 1 Primeros años
de reinado * 2 Cruzadas
y guerras * 3 Muerte
* 4 Notas
* 5 Referencias
[editar] Primeros años de reinado

Heredó el condado de Barcelona de su padre Ramón Berenguer III el 19 de agosto de 1131. El 11 de agosto de 1137 fue abatido en HuescaA la infanta Petronila de Aragón, de un año de edad. Su padre, Ramiro II de Aragón el Monje, que buscó la ayuda de Barcelona contra Alfonso VII de Castilla, abdicó el 13 de noviembre de ese mismo año, dejando su reino a Petronila y Ramón Berenguer. Este último se convirtió esencialmente en gobernante de Aragón, aunque nunca fue rey, sino conde de Barcelona, príncipe del Reino de Aragón. Fue el último gobernante catalán en usar el título de conde como el primero; a partir de su hijo Alfonso II de Aragón, los condes de Barcelona se autodenominaron, en primer lugar, reyes de Aragón.

El tratado entre Ramón Berenguer y su suegro estipulaba que sus descendientes gobernarían conjuntamente sobre ambos reinos. Incluso si Petronila muriera antes de que el matrimonio pudiera consumarse, Berenguer seguiría heredando el título de rey de Aragón. [cita requerida] Ambos reinos preservarían sus leyes, instituciones y autonomía, permaneciendo legalmente distintos pero federados en una unión dinástica bajo una sola Casa gobernante. Los historiadores consideran este arreglo como la jugada maestra política de la Edad Media hispánica. Ambos reinos ganaron mayor fuerza y seguridad y Aragón obtuvo su tan necesaria salida al mar. Por otro lado, la formación de una nueva entidad política en el noreste en un momento en que Portugal se separó de León en el oeste dio más equilibrio a los reinos cristianos de la península. Ramón Berenguer logró sacar a Aragón de su empeño sometimiento a Castilla, ayudado sin duda por la belleza y el encanto de su hermana Berenguela, esposa del emperador Alfonso, por la que era conocida en su tiempo.

[editar] Cruzadas y guerras

En los años centrales de su gobierno, su atención se centró en las campañas contra los moros. En octubre de 1147, como parte de la Segunda Cruzada, ayudó a Castilla a conquistar Almería. Luego invadió las tierras del reino taifa almorávide de Valencia y Murcia. En diciembre de 1148, capturó Tortosa después de un asedio de cinco meses con la ayuda de cruzados franceses y genoveses. [1] Al año siguiente, Fraga, Lleida y Mequinenza, en la confluencia de los ríos Segre y Ebro, cayeron en manos de su ejército. La reconquista de la Cataluña moderna se había completado.

Ramón Berenguer también hizo campaña en Provenza, ayudando a su hermano Berenguer Ramón y a su sobrino Ramón Berenguer II contra los condes de Toulouse. Durante la minoría de edad de Ramón Berenguer II, el conde de Barcelona también actuó como regente de Provenza (entre 1144 y 1157). En 1151, Ramón firmó el Tratado de Tudilén con Alfonso VII de León. El tratado definía las zonas de conquista en Andalucía para evitar que los dos gobernantes entraran en conflicto. También en 1151, Ramon Berenguer fundó y dotó el monasterio real de Poblet. En 1154 aceptó la regencia de Gastón V de Béarn a cambio de que los nobles bearneses le rindieran homenaje en Canfranc, uniendo así aquel pequeño principado con el creciente imperio catalanoaragonés.

[editar] Muerte

Murió en 1162 en Borgo San Dalmazzo, Piamonte, Italia, dejando el título de conde de Barcelona a su hijo mayor Ramón Berenguer, quien al año siguiente heredó el título de rey de Aragón de la abdicación de su madre Petronila de Aragón (Ramiro II ya había muerto), y, en homenaje al aragonés, cambió su nombre por el de Alfonso y se convirtió en Alfonso II de Aragón. El hijo menor de Ramón Berenguer, Pedro Heredó la comarca de la Cerdanya y tierras al norte de los Pirineos.

Raimundo Berengario IV o Ramón Berenguer IV (c. 1113 - 6 de agosto de 1162), a veces llamado el Santo, fue el conde de Barcelona que llevó a cabo la unión entre el Reino de Aragón y el Principado de Cataluña en la Corona de Aragón.

Contenido [ocultar]

1 Primeros años
de reinado
2 Cruzadas

y guerras 3 Muerte

4 Ascendencia
5 Notas

6 Referencias

[editar] Primeros años de reinado

Heredó el condado de Barcelona de su padre Ramón Berenguer III el 19 de agosto de 1131. El 11 de agosto de 1137 en Huesca fue prometido a la infanta Petronila de Aragón, que entonces tenía un año. Su padre, Ramiro II de Aragón el Monje, que buscó la ayuda de Barcelona contra Alfonso VII de Castilla, abdicó el 13 de noviembre de ese mismo año, dejando su reino a Petronila y Ramón Berenguer. Este último se convirtió esencialmente en gobernante de Aragón, aunque nunca fue rey, sino conde de Barcelona, príncipe del Reino de Aragón. Fue el último gobernante catalán en usar el título de conde como el primero; a partir de su hijo Alfonso II de Aragón, los condes de Barcelona se autodenominaron, en primer lugar, reyes de Aragón.

El tratado entre Ramón Berenguer y su suegro estipulaba que sus descendientes gobernarían conjuntamente sobre ambos reinos. Incluso si Petronila muriera antes de que el matrimonio pudiera consumarse, Berenguer seguiría heredando el título de rey de Aragón. [cita requerida] Ambos reinos preservarían sus leyes, instituciones y autonomía, permaneciendo legalmente distintos pero federados en una unión dinástica bajo una sola Casa gobernante. Los historiadores consideran este arreglo como la jugada maestra política de la Edad Media hispánica. Ambos reinos ganaron mayor fuerza y seguridad y Aragón obtuvo su tan necesaria salida al mar. Por otro lado, la formación de una nueva entidad política en el noreste en un momento en que Portugal se separó de León en el oeste dio más equilibrio a los reinos cristianos de la península. Ramón Berenguer logró sacar a Aragón de su sumisión a Castilla, ayudado sin duda por la belleza y el encanto de su hermana Berenguela, esposa del emperador Alfonso, por la que era muy conocida en su tiempo.

[editar] Cruzadas y guerras

En los años centrales de su gobierno, su atención se centró en las campañas contra los moros. En octubre de 1147, como parte de la Segunda Cruzada, ayudó a Castilla a conquistar Almería. Luego invadió las tierras del reino taifa almorávide de Valencia y Murcia. En diciembre de 1148, capturó Tortosa después de un asedio de cinco meses con la ayuda de los cruzados franceses, anglonormandos y genoveses del sur. [1] Al año siguiente, Fraga, Lleida y Mequinenza, en la confluencia de los ríos Segre y Ebro, cayeron en manos de su ejército. La reconquista de la Cataluña moderna se había completado.

Ramón Berenguer también hizo campaña en Provenza, ayudando a su hermano Berenguer Ramón y a su sobrino Ramón Berenguer II contra los condes de Toulouse. Durante la minoría de edad de Ramón Berenguer II, el conde de Barcelona también actuó como regente de Provenza (entre 1144 y 1157). En 1151, Ramón firmó el Tratado de TudiCon Alfonso VII de León. El tratado definía las zonas de conquista en Andalucía para evitar que los dos gobernantes entraran en conflicto. También en 1151, Ramon Berenguer fundó y dotó el monasterio real de Poblet. En 1154 aceptó la regencia de Gastón V de Béarn a cambio de que los nobles bearneses le rindieran homenaje en Canfranc, uniendo así aquel pequeño principado con el creciente imperio catalanoaragonés.

[editar] Muerte

Murió en 1162 en Borgo San Dalmazzo, Piamonte, Italia, dejando el título de conde de Barcelona a su hijo mayor Ramón Berenguer, quien al año siguiente heredó el título de rey de Aragón de la abdicación de su madre Petronila de Aragón (Ramiro II ya había muerto), y, en homenaje al aragonés, cambió su nombre por el de Alfonso y se convirtió en Alfonso II de Aragón. El hijo menor de Ramón Berenguer, Pedro, heredó la comarca de la Cerdanya y las tierras al norte de los Pirineos.

[editar] Ascendencia

[mostrar]v • d • eAntepasados de Ramón Berenguer IV, conde de Barcelona

32. Ramon Borrell, conde de Barcelona
16. Berenguer Ramón I, conde de Barcelona
33. Ermesinde de Carcasona
8. Ramón Berenguer I, conde de Barcelona
34. Sancho García, conde de Castilla
17. Sancha Sánchez de Castilla
35. Urraca de Saldaña
4. Ramón Berenguer II, conde de Barcelona
36. Audebert I, conde de La Marche
18. Bernardo I, conde de La Marche
37. Almodis de Limoges
9. Almodis de La Marche
19. Amélie de Rasés
2. Ramón Berenguer III, conde de Barcelona
20. Tancredo de Hauteville
10. Roberto Guiscardo, duque de Apulia
42. Ricardo I, duque de Normandía (hipotético)
21. Fressenda de Normandía
43. Gunnora
5. Maud de Apulia
44. Guaimario III de Salerno
22. Guaimario IV, príncipe de Salerno
45. Gaitelgrima de Benevento
11. Sikelgaita de Salerno
46. Laidulfo, príncipe de Capua
23. Gema de Capua
47. María
1. Ramón Berenguer IV, conde de Barcelona
48. Ricardo II, vizconde de Millau
24. Ricardo II, vizconde de Millau y Gévaudan
49. Sénégonde de Béziers
12. Berenguer II, vizconde de Rodés
50. Berenger, vizconde de
Narbona 25. Rixinde de
Narbona 51. Garsenda de Besalú
6. Gilberto I, conde de Gévaudan
26. Girberto II, vizconde de Carlat
13. Adela, vizcondesa de Carlat
27. Nobilia, vizcondesa de Lodève
3. Douce I, condesa de Provenza
56. Guillermo I, conde de Provenza
28. Guillermo II, conde de Provenza
57. Adelaida de Anjou
14. Godofredo I, conde de Provenza
58. Otón Guillermo, conde de Borgoña
29. Gerberga de Borgoña
59. Ermentrude, condesa de Mâcon y Besançon
7. Gerberga, condesa de Provenza
60. Guillermo I, conde de Marsella
30. Guillermo II, vizconde de Marsella
61. Bellilde de Marsella


Ramon Berenguer IV "the Saint" of Barcelona, Count of Barcelona MP
Catalan: Ramon Berenguer IV «el Sant» de Barcelona, comte de Barcelona, Spanish: Príncipe de Aragón (1137-1154), Conde de Barcelona (1131-1154), Conde de Gerona, Osona, Cerdaña y Ribargorza Ramón Berenguer IV «el Santo» de Barcelona, conde de Barcelona, French: Raimond-Bérenger IV «le Saint» de Barcelone, comte de Barcelone, Italian: Raimondo Berengario IV of Barcelona, conte di Barcellona
Gender: Male
Birth: 1113
Barcelona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Death: August 06, 1162 (49)
Borgo San Dalmazzo, Piedmont, Italy
Immediate Family:
Son of Ramon Berenguer III "the Great" count of Barcelona and Douce I de Gévaudan, comtesse de Provence
Husband of N.N. and Petronila Ramírez, reina de Aragón
Father of Ramón Berenguer de Barcelona, arzobispo de Narbona; Pedro, infante de Aragón; Alfonso II el Casto, rey de Aragón; Raimond Bérenger III, comte de Provence; Dulce de Aragão, rainha-consorte de Portugal and 1 other
Brother of Almodis de Barcelona, vescomtessa de Bas; Bérenger-Raimond I, comte de Provence; Bernat, Infant de Barcelona; Berenguela de Barcelona, reina consorte de León y Castilla; Estefania de Barcelona, vescomte consort de Dacs and 1 other
Half brother of Ximena de Barcelona, comtesse d'Osona and Maria de Barcelona, comtessa consort de Besalú
Added by: "Skip" Bremer on June 9, 2007
Managed by:   Ric Dickinson and 177 others
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Ramon Berenguer IV, Count of Barcelona in Biographical Summaries of Notable People
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Ramon «den Hellige» var

Greve av Barcelona 1131-1162.

Fyrste av Aragon 1137 - 1162.

Greve av Provence 1144-1162 (som Raimond Berenguer I).

Ramon var den siste som hadde titelen greve av Barcelona. Ifølge sin fars testamente arvet han i 1131 som den førstefødte grevskapene Barcelona, Tarragona, Manresa, Gerona, Ausona, Peralada, Besalù, Vallespir, Fonollet, Perapertusa, Cerdaña, Conflet, Carcasona og Redés. 11.08.1137 ble han konge av Aragon.91

Ramon was the last one to have the title of Conde de Barcelona. Acording his fathers will,

he inherit in 1131 as the first born the countys of Barcelona, Tarragona, Manresa, Gerona, Ausona, Peralada, Besalu, Vallespir, Fonollet, Perapertusa, Cerdana, Conflet, Carcasona and Redes. 08.11.1137 he became king of Aragon.

91 Erich Brandenburg: Die Nachkommen Karls des Grossen. Leipzig 1935. Mogens Bugge: Våre forfedre, nr. 1001. Dansk Biografisk Leksikon, Bind 2 (1933), side 418. Bent og Vidar Billing Hansen: Rosensverdslektens forfedre, side 16, 25.

Reign 19 August 1131 - 6 August 1162

Predecessor Ramon Berenguer III

Successor Alfonso I

Spouse Petronila of Aragon


Dulce Berenguer

Alfonso II of Aragon

Peter, Count of Cerdanya

Ramon Berenguer III, Count of Provence

Sancho, Count of Provence

Ramon, Archbishop of Narbonne

Father Ramon Berenguer III, Count of Barcelona

Mother Douce I, Countess of Provence

Born c. 1113

Died 6 August 1162

Piedmont, Italy

Raymond Berengar IV or Ramon Berenguer IV (c. 1113 – 6 August 1162), sometimes called the Holy, was the Count of Barcelona who effected the union between the Kingdom of Aragon and the Principality of Catalonia into the Crown of Aragon.



* 1 Early reign
* 2 Crusades and wars
* 3 Death
* 4 Notes
* 5 References
[edit] Early reign

He inherited the county of Barcelona from his father Ramon Berenguer III on August 19, 1131. On August 11, 1137 in Huesca he was betrothed to the infant Petronila of Aragon, aged one at the time. Her father, Ramiro II of Aragon the Monk, who sought Barcelona's aid against Alfonso VII of Castile, abdicated on November 13 that same year, leaving his kingdom to Petronilla and Ramon Berenguer. The latter essentially became ruler of Aragon, although he was never king himself, but instead Count of Barcelona, Prince of the Kingdom of Aragon. He was the last Catalan ruler to use the title of Count as his first; starting with his son Alfonso II of Aragon the counts of Barcelona styled themselves, in the first place, as kings of Aragon.

The treaty between Ramon Berenguer and his father-in-law stipulated that their descendants would rule jointly over both realms. Even should Petronila die before the marriage could be consummated, Berenguer would still inherit the title of King of Aragon.[citation needed] Both realms would preserve their laws, institutions and autonomy, remaining legally distinct but federated in a dynastic union under one ruling House. Historians consider this arrangement the political masterstroke of the Hispanic Middle Ages. Both realms gained greater strength and security and Aragon got its much needed outlet to the sea. On the other hand, formation of a new political entity in the north-east at a time when Portugal seceded from León in the west gave more balance to the Christian kingdoms of the peninsula. Ramon Berenguer successfully pulled Aragon out of its pledged submission to Castile, aided no doubt by the beauty and charm of his sister Berenguela, wife of Alfonso the Emperor, for which she was well-known in her time.

[edit] Crusades and wars

In the middle years of his rule, his attention turned to campaigns against the Moors. In October 1147, as part of the Second Crusade, he helped Castile to conquer Almería. He then invaded the lands of the Almoravid taifa kingdom of Valencia and Murcia. In December 1148, he captured Tortosa after a five-month siege with the help of French and Genoese crusaders.[1] The next year, Fraga, Lleida and Mequinenza in the confluence of the Segre and Ebro rivers fell to his army. The reconquista of modern Catalonia was completed.

Ramon Berenguer also campaigned in Provence, helping his brother Berenguer Ramon and his infant nephew Ramon Berenguer II against Counts of Toulouse. During the minority of Ramon Berenger II the Count of Barcelona also acted as the regent of Provence (between 1144 and 1157). In 1151, Ramon signed the Treaty of Tudilén with Alfonso VII of León. The treaty defined the zones of conquest in Andalusia in order to prevent the two rulers from coming into conflict. Also in 1151, Ramon Berenguer founded and endowed the royal monastery of Poblet. In 1154, he accepted the regency of Gaston V of Béarn in return for the Bearnese nobles rendering him homage at Canfranc, thus uniting that small principality with the growing Catalanoaragonese empire.

[edit] Death

He died in 1162 in Borgo San Dalmazzo, Piedmont, Italy, leaving the title of Count of Barcelona to his eldest son Ramon Berenguer, who next year inherited the title of King of Aragon from his mother's abdication Petronila of Aragon (Ramiro II was already dead), and, in compliment to the Aragonese, changed his name to Alfonso and became Alfonso II of Aragon. Ramon Berenguer's younger son Pedro inherited the county of Cerdanya and lands north of the Pyrenees.

Raymond Berengar IV or Ramon Berenguer IV (c. 1113 – 6 August 1162), sometimes called the Holy, was the Count of Barcelona who effected the union between the Kingdom of Aragon and the Principality of Catalonia into the Crown of Aragon.

Contents [hide]

1 Early reign

2 Crusades and wars

3 Death

4 Ancestry

5 Notes

6 References

[edit] Early reign

He inherited the county of Barcelona from his father Ramon Berenguer III on August 19, 1131. On August 11, 1137 in Huesca he was betrothed to the infant Petronila of Aragon, aged one at the time. Her father, Ramiro II of Aragon the Monk, who sought Barcelona's aid against Alfonso VII of Castile, abdicated on November 13 that same year, leaving his kingdom to Petronilla and Ramon Berenguer. The latter essentially became ruler of Aragon, although he was never king himself, but instead Count of Barcelona, Prince of the Kingdom of Aragon. He was the last Catalan ruler to use the title of Count as his first; starting with his son Alfonso II of Aragon the counts of Barcelona styled themselves, in the first place, as kings of Aragon.

The treaty between Ramon Berenguer and his father-in-law stipulated that their descendants would rule jointly over both realms. Even should Petronila die before the marriage could be consummated, Berenguer would still inherit the title of King of Aragon.[citation needed] Both realms would preserve their laws, institutions and autonomy, remaining legally distinct but federated in a dynastic union under one ruling House. Historians consider this arrangement the political masterstroke of the Hispanic Middle Ages. Both realms gained greater strength and security and Aragon got its much needed outlet to the sea. On the other hand, formation of a new political entity in the north-east at a time when Portugal seceded from León in the west gave more balance to the Christian kingdoms of the peninsula. Ramon Berenguer successfully pulled Aragon out of its pledged submission to Castile, aided no doubt by the beauty and charm of his sister Berenguela, wife of Alfonso the Emperor, for which she was well-known in her time.

[edit] Crusades and wars

In the middle years of his rule, his attention turned to campaigns against the Moors. In October 1147, as part of the Second Crusade, he helped Castile to conquer Almería. He then invaded the lands of the Almoravid taifa kingdom of Valencia and Murcia. In December 1148, he captured Tortosa after a five-month siege with the help of Southern French, Anglo-Normans and Genoese crusaders.[1] The next year, Fraga, Lleida and Mequinenza in the confluence of the Segre and Ebro rivers fell to his army. The reconquista of modern Catalonia was completed.

Ramon Berenguer also campaigned in Provence, helping his brother Berenguer Ramon and his infant nephew Ramon Berenguer II against Counts of Toulouse. During the minority of Ramon Berenger II the Count of Barcelona also acted as the regent of Provence (between 1144 and 1157). In 1151, Ramon signed the Treaty of Tudilén with Alfonso VII of León. The treaty defined the zones of conquest in Andalusia in order to prevent the two rulers from coming into conflict. Also in 1151, Ramon Berenguer founded and endowed the royal monastery of Poblet. In 1154, he accepted the regency of Gaston V of Béarn in return for the Bearnese nobles rendering him homage at Canfranc, thus uniting that small principality with the growing Catalanoaragonese empire.

[edit] Death

He died in 1162 in Borgo San Dalmazzo, Piedmont, Italy, leaving the title of Count of Barcelona to his eldest son Ramon Berenguer, who next year inherited the title of King of Aragon from his mother's abdication Petronila of Aragon (Ramiro II was already dead), and, in compliment to the Aragonese, changed his name to Alfonso and became Alfonso II of Aragon. Ramon Berenguer's younger son Pedro inherited the county of Cerdanya and lands north of the Pyrenees.

[edit] Ancestry

[show]v • d • eAncestors of Ramon Berenguer IV, Count of Barcelona

32. Ramon Borrell, Count of Barcelona
16. Berenguer Ramon I, Count of Barcelona
33. Ermesinde of Carcassonne
8. Ramon Berenguer I, Count of Barcelona
34. Sancho García, Count of Castile
17. Sancha Sánchez of Castile
35. Urraca of Saldaña
4. Ramon Berenguer II, Count of Barcelona
36. Audebert I, Count de La Marche
18. Bernard I, Count of La Marche
37. Almodis de Limoges
9. Almodis de La Marche
19. Amélie de Rasés
2. Ramon Berenguer III, Count of Barcelona
20. Tancred of Hauteville
10. Robert Guiscard, Duke of Apulia
42. Richard I, Duke of Normandy (hypothical)
21. Fressenda of Normandy
43. Gunnora
5. Maud of Apulia
44. Guaimar III of Salerno
22. Guaimar IV, Prince of Salerno
45. Gaitelgrima of Benevento
11. Sikelgaita of Salerno
46. Laidulf, Prince of Capua
23. Gemma of Capua
47. Maria
1. Ramon Berenguer IV, Count of Barcelona
48. Richard II, Viscount of Millau
24. Richard II, Viscount of Millau and Gévaudan
49. Sénégonde de Béziers
12. Berenguer II, Viscount of Rodés
50. Berenger, Viscount of Narbonne
25. Rixinde de Narbonne
51. Garsenda de Besalú
6. Gilbert I, Count of Gévaudan
26. Girbert II, Viscount of Carlat
13. Adela, Viscountess of Carlat
27. Nobilia, Viscountess of Lodève
3. Douce I, Countess of Provence
56. William I, Count of Provence
28. William II, Count of Provence
57. Adelaide of Anjou
14. Geoffrey I, Count of Provence
58. Otto-William, Count of Burgundy
29. Gerberga of Burgundy
59. Ermentrude, Countess of Mâcon and Besançon
7. Gerberga, Countess of Provence
60. William I, Count of Marseille
30. William II, Viscount of Marseille
61. Bellilde de Marseille
15. Stephanie-Douce de Marseille
62. Bertrand, Count of Forcalquier
31. Étiennette de Forcalquier or des Baux
Preceded by

Ramon Berenguer III Count of Barcelona

1131 – 1162 Succeeded by

He inherited the county of Barcelona from his father Ramon Berenguer III on August 19, 1131. On August 11, 1137 in Huesca he was betrothed to the infant Petronila of Aragon, aged one at the time. Her father, Ramiro II of Aragon the Monk, who sought Barcelona's aid against Alfonso VII of Castile, abdicated on November 13 that same year, leaving his kingdom to Petronilla and Ramon Berenguer. The latter essentially became ruler of Aragon, although he was never king himself, but instead Count of Barcelona, Prince of the Kingdom of Aragon. He was the last Catalan ruler to use the title of Count as his first; starting with his son Alfonso II of Aragon the counts of Barcelona styled themselves, in the first place, as kings of Aragon.

The treaty between Ramon Berenguer and his father-in-law stipulated that their descendants would rule jointly over both realms. Even should Petronila die before the marriage could be consummated, Berenguer would still inherit the title of King of Aragon.[citation needed] Both realms would preserve their laws, institutions and autonomy, remaining legally distinct but federated in a dynastic union under one ruling House. Historians consider this arrangement the political masterstroke of the Hispanic Middle Ages. Both realms gained greater strength and security and Aragon got its much needed outlet to the sea. On the other hand, formation of a new political entity in the north-east at a time when Portugal seceded from León in the west gave more balance to the Christian kingdoms of the peninsula. Ramon Berenguer successfully pulled Aragon out of its pledged submission to Castile, aided no doubt by the beauty and charm of his sister Berenguela, wife of Alfonso the Emperor, for which she was well-known in her time.

[edit] Crusades and wars

In the middle years of his rule, his attention turned to campaigns against the Moors. In October 1147, as part of the Second Crusade, he helped Castile to conquer Almería. He then invaded the lands of the Almoravid taifa kingdom of Valencia and Murcia. In December 1148, he captured Tortosa after a five-month siege with the help of Southern French, Anglo-Normans and Genoese crusaders.[1] The next year, Fraga, Lleida and Mequinenza in the confluence of the Segre and Ebro rivers fell to his army. The reconquista of modern Catalonia was completed.

Ramon Berenguer also campaigned in Provence, helping his brother Berenguer Ramon and his infant nephew Ramon Berenguer II against Counts of Toulouse. During the minority of Ramon Berenger II the Count of Barcelona also acted as the regent of Provence (between 1144 and 1157). In 1151, Ramon signed the Treaty of Tudilén with Alfonso VII of León. The treaty defined the zones of conquest in Andalusia in order to prevent the two rulers from coming into conflict. Also in 1151, Ramon Berenguer founded and endowed the royal monastery of Poblet. In 1154, he accepted the regency of Gaston V of Béarn in return for the Bearnese nobles rendering him homage at Canfranc, thus uniting that small principality with the growing Catalanoaragonese empire.

[edit] Death

He died in 1162 in Borgo San Dalmazzo, Piedmont, Italy, leaving the title of Count of Barcelona to his eldest son Ramon Berenguer, who next year inherited the title of King of Aragon from his mother's abdication Petronila of Aragon (Ramiro II was already dead), and, in compliment to the Aragonese, changed his name to Alfonso and became Alfonso II of Aragon. Ramon Berenguer's younger son Pedro inherited the county of Cerdanya and lands north of the Pyrenees.

16. Berenguer Ramon I, Count of Barcelona
8. Ramon Berenguer I, Count of Barcelona
17. Sancha Sánchez of Castile
4. Ramon Berenguer II, Count of Barcelona
18. Bernard I, Count of La Marche
9. Almodis de La Marche
19. Amélie de Rasés
2. Ramon Berenguer III, Count of Barcelona
20. Tancred of Hauteville
10. Robert Guiscard, Duke of Apulia
21. Fressenda
5. Maud of Apulia
22. Guaimar IV, Prince of Salerno
11. Sikelgaita of Salerno
23. Gemma of Capua
1. Ramon Berenguer IV, Count of Barcelona
24. Richard II, Viscount of Millau and Gévaudan
12. Berenguer II, Viscount of Rodés
25. Rixinde de Narbonne
6. Gilbert I, Count of Gévaudan
26. Girbert II, Viscount of Carlat
13. Adela, Viscountess of Carlat
27. Nobilia, Viscountess of Lodève
3. Douce I, Countess of Provence
28. William II, Count of Provence
14. Geoffrey I, Count of Provence
29. Douce I, Countess of Provence
7. Gerberga, Countess of Provence
30. William II, Viscount of Marseille
15. Stephanie-Douce de Marseille
31. Stephanie
Ramon Berenguer III Count of Barcelona

Ramon Berenguer IV, Count of Barcelona

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Early reign

He inherited the county of Barcelona from his father Ramon Berenguer III on August 19, 1131. On August 11, 1137 in Huesca he was betrothed to the infant Petronila of Aragon, aged one at the time. Her father, Ramiro II of Aragon the Monk, who sought Barcelona's aid against Alfonso VII of Castile, abdicated on November 13 that same year, leaving his kingdom to Ramon Berenguer. The latter essentially became ruler of Aragon, although he was never king himself, but instead Count of Barcelona, Prince of the Kingdom of Aragon. He was the last Catalan ruler to use the title of Count as his first; starting with his son Alfonso II of Aragon the counts of Barcelona styled themselves, in the first place, as kings of Aragon.

The treaty between Ramon Berenguer and his father-in-law stipulated that their descendants would rule jointly over both realms. Even should Petronila die before the marriage could be consummated, Berenguer would still inherit the title of King of Aragon. Both realms would preserve their laws, institutions and autonomy, remaining legally distinct but federated in a dynastic union under one ruling House. Historians consider this arrangement the political masterstroke of the Hispanic Middle Ages. Both realms gained greater strength and security and Aragon got its much needed outlet to the sea. On the other hand, formation of a new political entity in the north-east at a time when Portugal seceded from Castile in the west gave more balance to the Christian kingdoms of the peninsula. Ramon Berenguer successfully pulled Aragon out of its pledged submission to Castile, aided no doubt by the beauty and charm of his sister Berenguela, wife of Alfonso the Emperor, for which she was well-known in her time.

[edit]Crusades and wars

In the middle years of his rule, his attention turned to campaigns against the Moors. In October 1147, as part of the Second Crusade, he helped Castile to conquer Almería. He then invaded the lands of the Almoravid taifa kingdom of Valencia and Murcia. In December 1148, he captured Tortosa after a five-month siege with the help of French and Genoese crusaders.[1] The next year, Fraga, Lleida and Mequinenza in the confluence of the Segre and Ebro rivers fell to his army. The reconquista of modern Catalonia was completed.

Ramon Berenger also campaigned in Provence, helping his brother Berenguer Ramon and his infant nephew Ramon Berenguer II against Counts of Toulouse. During the minority of Ramon Berenger II the Count of Barcelona also acted as the regent of Provence (between 1144 and 1157). In 1151, Ramon signed the Treaty of Tudilén with Alfonso VII of León. The treaty defined the zones of conquest in Andalusia in order to prevent the two rulers from coming into conflict. Also in 1151, Ramon Berenguer founded and endowed the royal monastery of Poblet. In 1154, he accepted the regency of Gaston V of Béarn in return for the Bearnese nobles rendering him homage at Canfranc, thus uniting that small principality with the growing Aragonese empire.


He died in 1162 in Borgo Sam Dalmazzo, Piedmont, Italy, leaving the title of Count of Barcelona to his eldest son Ramon Berenguer, who next year inherited the title of King of Aragon from her mother's abdication Petronila of Aragon (Ramiro II was already dead), and, in compliment to the Aragonese, changed his name to Alfonso and became Alfonso II of Aragon, I of Catalonia. Ramon Berenguer's younger son Pedro inherited the county of Cerdanya and lands north of the Pyrene

Ramon Berenguer IV, Count of Barcelona

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Ramon Berenguer IV

Count of Barcelona

Raymond Berengar IV of Barcelona in the Liber feudorum maior.jpg

Reign 19 August 1131 - 6 August 1162

Predecessor Ramon Berenguer III

Successor Alfonso I

Spouse Petronila of Aragon


Dulce, Queen of Portugal

Alfonso II of Aragon

Peter, Count of Cerdanya

Ramon Berenguer III, Count of Provence

Sancho, Count of Provence

Ramon, Archbishop of Narbonne

Father Ramon Berenguer III, Count of Barcelona

Mother Douce I, Countess of Provence

Born c. 1113

Died 6 August 1162

Raymond Berengar IV or Ramon Berenguer IV (c. 1113 – 6 August 1162), sometimes called the Holy, was the Count of Barcelona who effected the union between the Kingdom of Aragon and the Principality of Catalonia into the Crown of Aragon.



* 1 Early reign
* 2 Crusades and wars
* 3 Death
* 4 Ancestry
* 5 Notes
* 6 References
[edit] Early reign

He inherited the county of Barcelona from his father Ramon Berenguer III on August 19, 1131. On August 11, 1137 in Huesca he was betrothed to the infant Petronila of Aragon, aged one at the time. Her father, Ramiro II of Aragon the Monk, who sought Barcelona's aid against Alfonso VII of Castile, abdicated on November 13 that same year, leaving his kingdom to Petronilla and Ramon Berenguer. The latter essentially became ruler of Aragon, although he was never king himself, but instead Count of Barcelona, Prince of the Kingdom of Aragon. He was the last Catalan ruler to use the title of Count as his first; starting with his son Alfonso II of Aragon the counts of Barcelona styled themselves, in the first place, as kings of Aragon.

The treaty between Ramon Berenguer and his father-in-law stipulated that their descendants would rule jointly over both realms. Even should Petronila die before the marriage could be consummated, Berenguer would still inherit the title of King of Aragon.[citation needed] Both realms would preserve their laws, institutions and autonomy, remaining legally distinct but federated in a dynastic union under one ruling House. Historians consider this arrangement the political masterstroke of the Hispanic Middle Ages. Both realms gained greater strength and security and Aragon got its much needed outlet to the sea. On the other hand, formation of a new political entity in the north-east at a time when Portugal seceded from León in the west gave more balance to the Christian kingdoms of the peninsula. Ramon Berenguer successfully pulled Aragon out of its pledged submission to Castile, aided no doubt by the beauty and charm of his sister Berenguela, wife of Alfonso the Emperor, for which she was well-known in her time.

[edit] Crusades and wars

In the middle years of his rule, his attention turned to campaigns against the Moors. In October 1147, as part of the Second Crusade, he helped Castile to conquer Almería. He then invaded the lands of the Almoravid taifa kingdom of Valencia and Murcia. In December 1148, he captured Tortosa after a five-month siege with the help of Southern French, Anglo-Normans and Genoese crusaders.[1] The next year, Fraga, Lleida and Mequinenza in the confluence of the Segre and Ebro rivers fell to his army. The reconquista of modern Catalonia was completed.

Ramon Berenguer also campaigned in Provence, helping his brother Berenguer Ramon and his infant nephew Ramon Berenguer II against Counts of Toulouse. During the minority of Ramon Berenger II the Count of Barcelona also acted as the regent of Provence (between 1144 and 1157). In 1151, Ramon signed the Treaty of Tudilén with Alfonso VII of León. The treaty defined the zones of conquest in Andalusia in order to prevent the two rulers from coming into conflict. Also in 1151, Ramon Berenguer founded and endowed the royal monastery of Poblet. In 1154, he accepted the regency of Gaston V of Béarn in return for the Bearnese nobles rendering him homage at Canfranc, thus uniting that small principality with the growing Catalanoaragonese empire.

[edit] Death

He died in 1162 in Borgo San Dalmazzo, Piedmont, Italy, leaving the title of Count of Barcelona to his eldest son Ramon Berenguer, who next year inherited the title of King of Aragon from the abdication of his mother Petronila of Aragon (Ramiro II was already dead), and, in compliment to the Aragonese, changed his name to Alfonso and became Alfonso II of Aragon. Ramon Berenguer's younger son Pedro inherited the county of Cerdanya and lands north of the Pyrenees.

[edit] Ancestry

16. Berenguer Ramon I, Count of Barcelona

8. Ramon Berenguer I, Count of Barcelona

17. Sancha Sánchez of Castile

4. Ramon Berenguer II, Count of Barcelona

18. Bernard I, Count of La Marche

9. Almodis de La Marche

19. Amélie de Rasés

2. Ramon Berenguer III, Count of Barcelona

20. Tancred of Hauteville

10. Robert Guiscard, Duke of Apulia

21. Fressenda

5. Maud of Apulia

22. Guaimar IV, Prince of Salerno

11. Sikelgaita of Salerno

23. Gemma of Capua

1. Ramon Berenguer IV, Count of Barcelona

24. Richard II, Viscount of Millau and Gévaudan

12. Berenguer II, Viscount of Rodés

25. Rixinde de Narbonne

6. Gilbert I, Count of Gévaudan

26. Girbert II, Viscount of Carlat

13. Adela, Viscountess of Carlat

27. Nobilia, Viscountess of Lodève

3. Douce I, Countess of Provence

28. William II, Count of Provence

14. Geoffrey I, Count of Provence

29. Douce I, Countess of Provence

7. Gerberga, Countess of Provence

30. William II, Viscount of Marseille

15. Stephanie-Douce de Marseille

31. Stephanie

[edit] Notes

1. ^ Riley-Smith (1991) p.48.
[edit] References

* Riley-Smith, Jonathan (1991). Atlas of the Crusades. New York: Facts on File.
* Villegas-Aristizabal, Lucas (2009), "Anglo-Norman involvement in the conquest of Tortosa and Settlement of Tortosa, 1148-1180", Crusades 8, pp. 63-129.
Preceded by

Ramon Berenguer III Count of Barcelona

1131 – 1162 Succeeded by

Alfonso II of Aragon

Preceded by

Agnes of Aquitaine King consort of Aragon

1150– 1162 Succeeded by

Sancha of Castile, Queen of Aragon

BIOGRAPHY: b. c. 1113

d. Aug. 6, 1162, Borgo San Dalmazzo, Piedmont [Italy]

byname RAMON BERENGUER THE HOLY, CATALAN RAMON BERENGUER EL SANT, count of Barcelona from 1131 to 1162, regent of Provence from 1144 to 1157, and ruling prince of Aragon from 1137 to 1162.

The elder son of Ramon Berenguer III, he continued his father's crusading wars against the Almoravid Muslims. The kingdom of Aragon soon sought Ramon Berenguer IV's aid against Castile. In the course of their negotiations, he was promised the hand of the Aragonese king Ramiro II's daughter and heir, Petronila (Peronella); they were married on Aug. 11, 1137, and a few months later (November 13), Ramiro II abdicated in favour of his daughter and son-in-law. Ramon Berenguer IV thus became the last count of Barcelona to take this as his principal title, for, from 1137, he was also ruler of Aragon (though he himself never assumed the title of king). From the reign of his son, who in 1162 succeeded him with the title of Alfonso II, the counts of Barcelona styled themselves, in the first place, kings of Aragon.

When Ramon Berenguer IV's father had died, he had left the county of Provence to a younger son. When this son died, his brother Ramon Berenguer IV acted as regent (conventionally with the title Ramon Berenguer II of Provence) until the legitimate heir, his young nephew, reached majority in 1157, as Ramon Berenguer III of Provence. When this count of Provence died in 1166 without a male heir, he was succeeded by Ramon Berenguer IV's son Alfonso II, king of Aragon. By his wars and conquests from the Moors--Tortosa (1148), Lerida, Mequinenza, and Fraga (1149), and Prades and Siurana (1153)--Ramon Berenguer IV definitively established the boundaries of the principality of Catalonia.

Copyright © 1994-2001 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

Ramón Berenguer IV, Count of Barcelona, was also called Ramon "the Holy." He effected the union between Aragon and Catalonia into the Crown of Aragon.

On August 11, 1137 in Huesca, Ramón was betrothed to the infant Petronila of Aragon, aged one at the time. Her father, Ramiro II of Aragon, the "Monk," who sought Barcelona's aid against King Alfonso VII of Castile, abdicated on November 13 that same year, leaving his kingdom to Petronilla and Ramón Berenguer. The latter essentially became ruler of Aragon, although he was never King himself, but instead Count of Barcelona, Prince of the Kingdom of Aragon. He was the last Catalan ruler to use the title of Count as his first; starting with his son Alfonso II of Aragon the counts of Barcelona styled themselves, in the first place, as kings of Aragon.

The treaty between Ramon Berenguer and his father-in-law stipulated that their descendants would rule jointly over both realms. Even should Petronila die before the marriage could be consummated, Berenguer would still inherit the title of King of Aragon.Both realms would preserve their laws, institutions and autonomy, remaining legally distinct but federated in a dynastic union under one ruling House. Historians consider this arrangement the political masterstroke of the Hispanic Middle Ages. Both realms gained greater strength and security and Aragon got its much needed outlet to the sea. On the other hand, formation of a new political entity in the north-east at a time when Portugal seceded from León in the west gave more balance to the Christian kingdoms of the peninsula. Ramon Berenguer successfully pulled Aragon out of its pledged submission to Castile, aided no doubt by the beauty and charm of his sister Berenguela, wife of Alfonso the Emperor, for which she was well-known in her time.

In the middle years of his rule, his attention turned to campaigns against the Moors. In October 1147, as part of the Second Crusade, he helped Castile to conquer Almería. He then invaded the lands of the Almoravid taifa kingdom of Valencia and Murcia. In December 1148, he captured Tortosa after a five-month siege with the help of French and Genoese crusaders. The next year, Fraga, Lleida and Mequinenza in the confluence of the Segre and Ebro rivers fell to his army. The reconquista of modern Catalonia was completed.

Ramon Berenger also campaigned in Provence, helping his brother Berenguer Ramon and his infant nephew Ramon Berenguer II against Counts of Toulouse. During the minority of Ramon Berenger II the Count of Barcelona also acted as the regent of Provence (between 1144 and 1157). In 1151, Ramon signed the Treaty of Tudilén with Alfonso VII of León. The treaty defined the zones of conquest in Andalusia in order to prevent the two rulers from coming into conflict. Also in 1151, Ramon Berenguer founded and endowed the royal monastery of Poblet. In 1154, he accepted the regency of Gaston V of Béarn in return for the Bearnese nobles rendering him homage at Canfranc, thus uniting that small principality with the growing Aragonese empire.

See,_Count_of_Barcelona for more information.

Ramon Berenguer IV, Count of Barcelona also called Ramon the Holy (c. 1113 – 6 August 1162) effected the union between Aragon and Catalonia.

Early reign[edit] Ramon Berenguer IV inherited the county of Barcelona from his father Ramon Berenguer III on 19 August 1131. On 11 August 1137, at the age of about 24, he was betrothed to the infant Petronilla of Aragon, aged one at the time. Petronilla's father, Ramiro II of Aragon, who sought Barcelona's aid against Alfonso VII of Castile, withdrew from public life on 13 November 1137, leaving his kingdom to Petronilla and Ramon Berenguer, the latter in effect becoming ruler of Aragon, although he was never king himself, instead commonly using the titles "Count of the Barcelonans and Prince of the Aragonians" (Comes Barcinonensis et Princeps Aragonensis), and occasionally those of "Marquis of Lleida and Tortosa" (after conquering these cities). He was the last Catalan ruler to use "Count" as his primary title; starting with his son Alfonso II of Aragon the counts of Barcelona styled themselves, in the first place, as kings of Aragon.

The treaty between Ramon Berenguer and his father-in-law, Ramiro II, stipulated that their descendants would rule jointly over both realms, and that even if Petronilla died before the marriage could be consummated, Berenguer's heirs would still inherit the Kingdom of Aragon.[2] Both realms would preserve their laws, institutions and autonomy, remaining legally distinct but federated in a dynastic union under one ruling House. Historians consider this arrangement the political masterstroke of the Hispanic Middle Ages. Both realms gained greater strength and security and Aragon got its much needed outlet to the sea. On the other hand, formation of a new political entity in the north-east at the time when Portugal seceded from León in the west gave more balance to the Christian kingdoms of the peninsula. Ramon Berenguer successfully pulled Aragon out of its pledged submission to Castile, aided no doubt by his sister Berengaria, wife of Alfonso the Emperor, who was well known in her time for her beauty and charm.

Crusades and wars[edit] In the middle years of his rule, Ramon Berenguer turned his attention to campaigns against the Moors. In October 1147, as part of the Second Crusade, he helped Castile to conquer Almería. He then invaded the lands of the Almoravid taifa kingdoms of Valencia and Murcia. In December 1148, he captured Tortosa after a five-month siege with the help of Southern French, Anglo-Norman and Genoese crusaders.[3] (When Moors later tried to recapture Tortosa, the women put up such a spirited defense that Berenger created for them the Order of the Hatchet.) The next year, Fraga, Lleida and Mequinenza in the confluence of the Segre and Ebro rivers fell to his army. The reconquista of modern Catalonia was completed.

Ramon Berenguer also campaigned in Provence, helping his brother Berenguer Ramon and his infant nephew Ramon Berenguer II against the Counts of Toulouse. During the minority of Ramon Berenguer II, the Count of Barcelona also acted as the regent of Provence (between 1144 and 1157). In 1151, Ramon signed the Treaty of Tudilén with Alfonso VII of León and Castile. The treaty defined the zones of conquest in Andalusia as an attempt to prevent the two rulers from coming into conflict. Also in 1151, Ramon Berenguer founded and endowed the royal monastery of Poblet. In 1154, he accepted the regency of Gaston V of Béarn in return for the Bearnese nobles rendering him homage at Canfranc, thus uniting that small principality with the growing Aragonese empire.

Death[edit] Ramon Berenguer IV died on 6 August 1162 in Borgo San Dalmazzo, Piedmont, Italy, leaving the title of Count of Barcelona to his eldest surviving son, Ramon Berenguer, who inherited the title of King of Aragon after the abdication of his mother Petronilla of Aragon two years later in 1164. He changed his name to Alfonso as a nod to his Aragonese lineage, and became Alfonso II of Aragon. Ramon Berenguer IV's younger son Pere (Peter) inherited the county of Cerdanya and lands north of the Pyrenees, and changed his name to Ramon Berenguer.

References[edit] Jump up ^ Emmerson, Richard K. (2013). Key Figures in Medieval Europe: An Encyclopedia. Routledge. p. 553. ISBN 978-1136775192. Jump up ^ See Serrano Daura, La donación de Ramiro II de Aragón a Ramón Berenguer IV de Barcelona, de 1137, y la institución del "casamiento en casa" ("The Donation of Ramiro II of Aragon to Ramon Berenguer IV of Barcelona in 1137, and the Institution of In-House Marriage"), published in Hidalguía, #270, Madrid, 1998, p. 710. Jump up ^ Riley-Smith (1991) p.48.

Bibliography[edit] Wikimedia Commons has media related to Ramon Berenguer IV of Barcelona. Riley-Smith, Jonathan (1991). Atlas of the Crusades. New York: Facts on File. Villegas-Aristizabal, Lucas (2009), "Anglo-Norman involvement in the conquest of Tortosa and Settlement of Tortosa, 1148-1180", Crusades 8, pp. 63–129.

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Indice de Personas



Ramon Berenguer II Cap d'Estopes, comte de Barcelona ★Bisabuelo n°23M★ Ref: RB-1054 |•••► #ESPAÑA 🏆🇪🇸★ #Genealogía #Genealogy

Padre: Ramon Berenguer I el Vell, comte de Barcelona
Madre: Almodis de la Marca (de la Marche)

23° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de:
Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo

 (Linea Materna)
Ramon Berenguer II Cap d'Estopes, comte de Barcelona is your 23rd great grandfather.
You→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→   Morella Álamo Borges
your mother →  Belén Borges Ustáriz
her mother →  Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna
her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesus Uztáriz y Monserrate
her father →  María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra
his mother → Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina, Teniente Coronel
her father →  Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza
his mother → Isabel Manuela Josefa Hurtado de Mendoza y Rojas Manrique
her mother →  Juana de Rojas Manrique de Mendoza
her mother → Constanza de Mendoza Mate de Luna
her mother →  Mayor de Mendoza Manzanedo
her mother →  Juan Fernández De Mendoza Y Manuel
her father → Fernando Díaz de Mendoza
his father →  Teresa Jofre Tenorio
his mother →  Alfonso Jofré Tenorio, Señor de Moguer, Almirante de Castilla
her father → Aldonza Jofré de Loaisa
his mother →  Jacometa Dionis
her mother →  Margarida de Cabrera y Moncada
her mother →  Ramona de Montcada
her mother → Gersende de Provence, infante d'Aragon
her mother →  Alphonse II Bérenger, comte de Provence
her father →  Alfonso II el Casto, rey de Aragón
his father → Ramon Berenguer IV the Saint, Count of Barcelona
his father →  Ramon Berenguer III "the Great" count of Barcelona
his father → Ramon Berenguer II Cap d'Estopes, comte de Barcelona
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Count Ramon Berenguer II 'Cap d'Estopes' Berenger, comte de Barcelona   MP
French: Raymond Béranger de Barcelone, comte de Barcelona, Spanish: Dn. Ramón Berenguer II (Cabeza de Estopa) de Barcelona, comte de Barcelona
Gender: Male
Birth: circa 1054
Barcelona, Barcelona, CT, Spain
Death: December 06, 1082 (24-32)
Perxa de Astor, Girona, Catalonia, Spain (murdered)
Place of Burial: Girona, Girona, Catalonia, Spain
Immediate Family:
Son of Ramon Berenguer I el Vell, comte de Barcelona and Almodis de la Marca
Husband of Maud of Apulia
Father of Almodis de Barcelona, vescomtessa consort de Cardona; Mafalda de Barcelona, vescomtessa consort de Fenollet; Ramon Berenguer III "the Great" count of Barcelona and Lucia de Barcelona
Brother of Berenguer Ramon II el Fratricida, comte de Barcelona; Inès de Barcelone, comtesse consort d'Albon; Estefanía de Barcelona; Poncia (Sancha) de Barcelona and Sança de Barcelona, comtessa consort de Cerdanya
Half brother of Berenguer de Barcelona; Pere Ramon de Barcelona; Arnau de Barcelona; Guigues De Morges de Bérenger; Raimond II Bérenger, Prince de Pont-en-Royans and 7 others
Added by: "Skip" Bremer on June 10, 2007
Managed by:   Guillermo Eduardo Ferrero Montilla and 159 others
Curated by: Victar
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Murdered by his half-brother.

Ramón Berenguer II, (la Perxa de l'Astor, 1053 - Gualba, 1082), llamado "Cabeza de Estopa", (en catalán Cap d'Estopes), en alusión a su espesa cabellera, fue conde de Barcelona, de Gerona, de Osona, de Carcasona y de Rasez, entre 1076 y 1082.

Tabla de contenidos

1 Historia

1.1 Linaje

1.2 Proclamación como Conde de Barcelona

1.3 Disputas con su hermano y mediación de la Iglesia

1.4 Luchas con las taifas y El Cid

1.5 Asesinato

2 La tumba de Ramón Berenguer II: controversia sobre el origen de las "barras de Aragón"

3 Referencias

Era hijo de Ramón Berenguer I y de Almodis de la Marca y hermano, probablemente mellizo, de Berenguer Ramón II. Contrajo matrimonio hacia el año 1075 con Mafalda de Apulia (1060-1108), hija de Roberto Guiscardo, Duque de Apulia y Calabria, (1020-1085), y de su mujer Sikelgarda de Salerno, (circa. 1040-?), y hermano aquél de Roger I de Sicilia (1089-1101), hijos ambos de Tancredo de Hauteville y de Fredesinda de Normandía. De este matrimonio nacería el futuro heredero del Condado de Barcelona, Ramón Berenguer III el "Gran".

Proclamación como Conde de Barcelona
El testamento de su padre establecía que Ramón Berenguer y su hermano debían gobernar en igualdad de condiciones aunque en realidad existían ciertos privilegios en favor del conde Cabeza de Estopa. En un momento determinado, Ramón Berenguer se vio obligado a repartir sus territorios con su hermano, reparto que prometió ante los obispos de Barcelona y Gerona, los condes de estos condados y el vizconde de Cardona.

Disputas con su hermano y mediación de la Iglesia
Genealogía de Ramón Berenguer II en las constituciones de Cataluña.En el 1078, Ramón Berenguer entregó a su hermano como garantía del reparto las parias de Lérida y al rey Taifa de esta ciudad. Barcelona, Urgel y Lérida luchaban contra la Taifa de Saraqusta con lo que el peligro musulmán retrocedió, tanto por la zona leridana como por la repoblación que llegaba hasta Torregrossa. En el 1079, la cuenca de Barberá estaba ya repoblada por cristianos.

A finales del 1077, el Papa Gregorio VII envió a Girona su legado, Amat de Olorón, para dar impulso a sus ideas de reforma de la Iglesia. Es posible que Amat aprovechara su estancia en la ciudad para intentar que Ramón Berenguer y su hermano se reconciliaran, ya que su padre había dejado bajo tutela papal a su hijos en su testamento. En el 1079, el Pontífice escribió al obispo de Gerona solicitando que mediara entre los dos hermanos para poner fin a las disputas condales, conjuntamente con los abades de Ripoll, Sant Cugat del Vallés y Sant Ponç de Tomeres.

Ese mismo año, Ramón y Berenguer se reparten la ciudad de Barcelona, Castellvell y su marca, Olerdola, Villafranca del Penedés, Vallmoll, Benviure, Gavá, Pallejá y otros dominios. Ambos hermanos convinieron residir de forma alternativa durante seis meses en el palacio condal. Las funciones soberanas quedaron indivisas, así como las rentas por juicios, mercados, moneda y unos patios en Barcelona.

Sin embargo, Berenguer siguió reclamando y en el 1080 obtuvo de su hermano la mitad del castillo de Barberá, del de la Bleda y de los condados de Carcasona y Rasés. Ramón se comprometió a compartir todas las futuras adquisiciones, incluyendo las naves que se construyeran y las que se compraran.

Luchas con las taifas y El Cid
Acordaron también que la expedición prevista para el siguiente verano la realizarían conjuntamente. Finalmente esta expedición no se llevó a cabo, seguramente por los cambios que habían sufrido los reinos de taifa. Con ocasión de la preparación de esta empresa, Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar "el Cid", enemistado con su rey Alfonso VI de Castilla, se trasladó a Barcelona y ofreció su colaboración, que no fue aceptada. Acto seguido, quedó al servicio del rey Al-Muqtadir y de su hijo Al-Mutamán, reyes de la taifa de Zaragoza, mientras que el rey de Lérida se apoyaba en los navarros primero y en los condes de Barcelona después. Esto enfrentó a Berenguer Ramón con el Cid en la batalla de Almenar en el verano de 1082. Berenguer fue derrotado y hecho prisionero siendo liberado poco tiempo después, a cambio, seguramente, de un importante rescate.

El 5 de diciembre de ese mismo año, Ramón Berenguer se dirigía a Barcelona atravesando el bosque de Perxa del Astor en el Montnegre. Unos desconocidos, tal vez sus propios acompañantes, le asesinaron en ese bosque. Su cadaver fue trasladado a Gerona donde recibió sepultura. Su hermano, Berenguer Ramón II fue acusado de este asesinato por lo que recibió el apodo "del Fratricida". Sus restos se hallan enterrados en un sarcófago de alabastro en la Catedral de Gerona.

La tumba de Ramón Berenguer II: controversia sobre el origen de las "barras de Aragón"
Sepulcro con los restos de Ramón Berenguer II, expuesto en la catedral de Gerona

Véase también: Barras de Aragón

La tumba de Ramón Berenguer II fue hallada en 1982 en la catedral de Gerona, un sarcófago liso y rectangular cuya única decoración exterior, en buen estado de conservación, consiste en una sucesión de 17 tiras verticales de unos 5 cm., alternativamente rojas y doradas, identificadas con las armas tradicionales de la corona de Aragón.

Según ciertos autores[cita requerida], este primitivo sarcófago de Gerona vendría a apoyar la tesis del origen catalán del escudo de armas, convertido ya a finales del siglo XX, en el símbolo oficial de las comunidades autónomas de Aragón, Islas Baleares, Cataluña y Comunidad Valenciana, afirmando que el linaje condal de Barcelona tenía como emblema palos rojos sobre un fondo dorado con anterioridad a la unión del Condado de Barcelona con el Reino de Aragón y por tanto, antes incluso del nacimiento documentado de la heráldica en Europa Occidental (1141-42). A partir de 1150, con Ramón Berenguer IV el Santo, se podrían apreciar los bastones en el escudo blocado de la representación ecuestre del conde.

La existencia del emblema de palos de oro y gules en la tumba original de Ramón Berenguer II es cuestionada por especialistas en heráldica y académicos como Alberto Montaner Frutos y Faustino Menéndez Pidal de Navascués, para quienes la decoración heráldica de la tumba es un añadido con motivo de su traslado en 1385 al interior de la Catedral de Gerona por iniciativa de Pedro IV de Aragón, por lo que la pintura aludida sería 300 años posterior, puesto que, según estos autores, es imposible que conservara la pintura a la intemperie en su emplazamiento original durante tres siglos.[1] [2]

Ramon Berenguer II the Towhead or Cap de estopes[1][2] (1053 or 1054 – December 5, 1082) was Count of Barcelona from 1076 until his death. He ruled jointly with his twin brother Berenguer Ramon II.

He succeeded his father Ramon Berenguer I, Count of Barcelona to co-rule with his twin brother Berenguer Ramon, in 1075.

The twins failed to agree and divided their possessions between them, against the will of their late father. Ramon Berenguer the Towhead, called so because of the thickness and colour of his hair, was killed while hunting in the woods in 1082. His brother, who went on to become the sole ruler of Catalonia, was credited by popular opinion of having orchestrated this murder. Berenguer Ramon the Fratricide was later succeeded by Ramon Berenguer's son Ramon Berenguer III.

Mahalta (or Maud) of Apulia, born ca. 1059, died 1111/1112, daughter of Duke Robert Guiscard and of Sikelgaita de Salerno. Following his murder, she remarried to Aimery I of Narbonne, being mother of his son Aimery II

Ramon Berenguer III the Great, count of Barcelona and Provence (before 1082-1131)

[edit] References

^ "Barcelona, Condes de Barcelona". Semanario Pintoresco Español. 1851-04-09. Retrieved 2008-07-30.

^ Antoni de Bofarull (1846). Hazañas Y Recuerdos de Las Catalanes. Harvard College Library. Retrieved 2008-07-30.

Ramon Berenguer II the Towhead (1053 or 1054 – December 5, 1082) was Count of Barcelona from 1076 until his death. He ruled jointly with his twin brother Berenguer Ramon II.

He succeeded his father Ramon Berenguer I, Count of Barcelona to co-rule with his twin brother Berenguer Ramon, in 1075.

The twins failed to agree and divided their possessions between them, against the will of their late father. Ramon Berenguer the Towhead, called so because of the thickness and colour of his hair, was killed while hunting in the woods in 1082. His brother, who went on to become the sole ruler of Catalonia, was credited by popular opinion of having orchestrated this murder. Berenguer Ramon the Fratricide was later succeeded by Ramon Berenguer's son Ramon Berenguer III.

Birth Date c. 1050 / c. 1053

Death Date c. 1090 / c.12/5/1082

Ramon Berenguer II the Towhead or Cap de estopes (1053 or 1054 – December 5, 1082) was Count of Barcelona from 1076 until his death. He ruled jointly with his twin brother Berenguer Ramon II.

He succeeded his father Ramon Berenguer I, Count of Barcelona to co-rule with his twin brother Berenguer Ramon, in 1075.

The twins failed to agree and divided their possessions between them, against the will of their late father. Ramon Berenguer the Towhead, called so because of the thickness and colour of his hair, was killed while hunting in the woods in 1082. His brother, who went on to become the sole ruler of Catalonia, was credited by popular opinion of having orchestrated this murder. Berenguer Ramon the Fratricide was later succeeded by Ramon Berenguer's son Ramon Berenguer III.

Ramon Berenguer II, Count of Barcelona

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ramon Berenguer II the Towhead (1053 or 1054 – December 5, 1082) was Count of Barcelona from 1076 until his death. He ruled jointly with his twin brother Berenguer Ramon II.

He succeeded his father Ramon Berenguer I, Count of Barcelona to co-rule with his twin brother Berenguer Ramon, in 1075.

The twins failed to agree and divided their possessions between them, against the will of their late father. Ramon Berenguer the Towhead, called so because of the thickness and colour of his hair, was killed while hunting in the woods in 1082. His brother, who went on to become the sole ruler of Catalonia, was credited by popular opinion of having orchestrated this murder. Berenguer Ramon the Fratricide was later succeeded by Ramon Berenguer's son Ramon Berenguer III.

Ramon Berenguers's marriages and descendants

First wife, Aimeris of Narbonne

Second wife, Mahalta (or Maud) of Apulia, born ca. 1059, died 1111/1112, daughter of Duke Robert Guiscard and of Sikelgaita de Salerno

Ramon Berenguer III the Great, count of Barcelona and Provence (before 1082-1131)

Ramon Berenguer II the Towhead (1053 or 1054 – December 5, 1082) was Count of Barcelona from 1076 until his death. He ruled jointly with his twin brother Berenguer Ramon II.

He succeeded his father Ramon Berenguer I, Count of Barcelona to co-rule with his twin brother Berenguer Ramon, in 1075.

The twins failed to agree and divided their possessions between them, against the will of their late father. Ramon Berenguer the Towhead, called so because of the thickness and colour of his hair, was killed while hunting in the woods in 1082. His brother, who went on to become the sole ruler of Catalonia, was credited by popular opinion of having orchestrated this murder. Berenguer Ramon the Fratricide was later succeeded by Ramon Berenguer's son Ramon Berenguer III.

First wife, Aimeris of Narbonne

Second wife, Mahalta (or Maud) of Apulia, born ca. 1059, died 1111/1112, daughter of Duke Robert Guiscard and of Sikelgaita de Salerno

Ramon Berenguer III the Great, count of Barcelona and Provence (before 1082-1131),_Count_of_Barcelona

Ramon Berenguer II, Count of Barcelona

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Ramon Berenguer II

Ramon Berenguer II the Towhead or Cap de estopes[1][2] (1053 or 1054 – December 5, 1082) was Count of Barcelona from 1076 until his death. He ruled jointly with his twin brother, Berenguer Ramon II.

He succeeded his father, Ramon Berenguer I, Count of Barcelona, as co-ruler with his twin brother, Berenguer Ramon, in 1075.

The twins failed to agree and divided their possessions between them, against the will of their late father. Ramon Berenguer the Towhead, so called because of the thickness and colour of his hair, was killed while hunting in the woods in 1082. His brother, who went on to become the sole ruler of Catalonia, was credited by popular opinion of having orchestrated this murder. Berenguer Ramon the Fratricide was later succeeded by Ramon Berenguer's son, Ramon Berenguer III.

[edit] Ramon Berenguers's marriage and child

* Mahalta (or Maud) of Apulia, born ca. 1059, died 1111/1112, daughter of Duke Robert Guiscard and of Sikelgaita de Salerno. Following his murder, she remarried to Aimery I of Narbonne, being mother of his son Aimery II.
+ Ramon Berenguer III the Great, count of Barcelona and Provence (before 1082-1131)
[edit] References

1. ^ "Barcelona, Condes de Barcelona". Semanario Pintoresco Español. 1851-04-09. Retrieved 2008-07-30.
2. ^ Antoni de Bofarull (1846). Hazañas Y Recuerdos de Las Catalanes. Harvard College Library. Retrieved 2008-07-30.
Preceded by

Ramon Berenguer I Count of Barcelona

with Berenguer Ramon II

1076–1082 Succeeded by

Berenguer Ramon II

This page was last modified on 12 December 2009 at 00:29

Ramon Berenguer II the Towhead or Cap de estopes[1][2] (1053 or 1054 – December 5, 1082) was Count of Barcelona from 1076 until his death. He ruled jointly with his twin brother Berenguer Ramon II.

He succeeded his father Ramon Berenguer I, Count of Barcelona to co-rule with his twin brother Berenguer Ramon, in 1075.

The twins failed to agree and divided their possessions between them, against the will of their late father. Ramon Berenguer the Towhead, called so because of the thickness and colour of his hair, was killed while hunting in the woods in 1082. His brother, who went on to become the sole ruler of Catalonia, was credited by popular opinion of having orchestrated this murder. Berenguer Ramon the Fratricide was later succeeded by Ramon Berenguer's son Ramon Berenguer III.

[edit] Ramon Berenguers's marriage and child

Mahalta (or Maud) of Apulia, born ca. 1059, died 1111/1112, daughter of Duke Robert Guiscard and of Sikelgaita de Salerno. Following his murder, she remarried to Aimery I of Narbonne, being mother of his son Aimery II

Ramon Berenguer III the Great, count of Barcelona and Provence (before 1082-1131)

[edit] References

^ "Barcelona, Condes de Barcelona". Semanario Pintoresco Español. 1851-04-09. Retrieved on 2008-07-30.

^ Antoni de Bofarull (1846). Hazañas Y Recuerdos de Las Catalanes. Harvard College Library. Retrieved on 2008-07-30.

Preceded by

Ramon Berenguer I Count of Barcelona

with Berenguer Ramon II

1076–1082 Succeeded by

Berenguer Ramon II

Retrieved from ",_Count_of_Barcelona"

Occupation: Count of Barcelona

Ramon Berenguer II the Towhead or Cap de estopes[1][2] (1053 or 1054 – December 5, 1082) was Count of Barcelona from 1076 until his death. He ruled jointly with his twin brother, Berenguer Ramon II.

He succeeded his father, Ramon Berenguer I, Count of Barcelona, as co-ruler with his twin brother, Berenguer Ramon, in 1075.

The twins failed to agree and divided their possessions between them, against the will of their late father. Ramon Berenguer the Towhead, so called because of the thickness and colour of his hair, was killed while hunting in the woods in 1082. His brother, who went on to become the sole ruler of Catalonia, was credited by popular opinion of having orchestrated this murder. Berenguer Ramon the Fratricide was later succeeded by Ramon Berenguer's son, Ramon Berenguer III.

Ramon Berenguer II the Towhead (1053 or 1054 – December 5, 1082) was Count of Barcelona from 1076 until his death. He ruled jointly with his twin brother Berenguer Ramon II.
He succeeded his father Ramon Berenguer I, Count of Barcelona to co-rule with his twin brother Berenguer Ramon, in 1075.

The twins failed to agree and divided their possessions between them, against the will of their late father. Ramon Berenguer the Towhead, called so because of the thickness and colour of his hair, was killed while hunting in the woods in 1082. His brother, who went on to become the sole ruler of Catalonia, was credited by popular opinion of having orchestrated this murder. Berenguer Ramon the Fratricide was later succeeded by Ramon Berenguer's son Ramon Berenguer III.

First wife, Aimeris of Narbonne

Second wife, Mahalta (or Maud) of Apulia, born ca. 1059, died 1111/1112, daughter of Duke Robert Guiscard and of Sikelgaita de Salerno

Ramon Berenguer III the Great, count of Barcelona and Provence (before 1082-1131),_Count_of_Barcelona
Raimund Berenger (ll) lll Count of Barcelona
Ramon Berenguer II the Towhead (1053 or 1054 – December 5, 1082) was Count of Barcelona from 1076 until his death. He ruled jointly with his twin brother Berenguer Ramon II.
He succeeded his father Ramon Berenguer I, Count of Barcelona to co-rule with his twin brother Berenguer Ramon, in 1075.

The twins failed to agree and divided their possessions between them, against the will of their late father. Ramon Berenguer the Towhead, called so because of the thickness and colour of his hair, was killed while hunting in the woods in 1082. His brother, who went on to become the sole ruler of Catalonia, was credited by popular opinion of having orchestrated this murder. Berenguer Ramon the Fratricide was later succeeded by Ramon Berenguer's son Ramon Berenguer III.

Ramon Berenguer II the Towhead or Cap de estopes (1053 or 1054 – December 5, 1082) was Count of Barcelona from 1076 until his death. He ruled jointly with his twin brother, Berenguer Ramon II.
He succeeded his father, Ramon Berenguer I, Count of Barcelona, as co-ruler with his twin brother, Berenguer Ramon, in 1075.

The twins failed to agree and divided their possessions between them, against the will of their late father. Ramon Berenguer the Towhead, so called because of the thickness and colour of his hair, was killed while hunting in the woods in 1082. His brother, who went on to become the sole ruler of Catalonia, was credited by popular opinion of having orchestrated this murder. Berenguer Ramon the Fratricide was later succeeded by Ramon Berenguer's son, Ramon Berenguer III.

Ramon Berenguers's marriage and child

Mahalta (or Maud) of Apulia, born ca. 1059, died 1111/1112, daughter of Duke Robert Guiscard and of Sikelgaita de Salerno. Following his murder, she remarried to Aimery I of Narbonne, being mother of his son Aimery II.

Ramon Berenguer III the Great, count of Barcelona and Provence (before 1082-1131)

Ramón Berenguer II Conde de Barcelona nacido hacia 1053 y muerto asesinado en la Perxa de l'Astor, en el Vallés Oriental, a medio camino entre Barcelona y Girona, el 5 de diciembre de 1082. Fue también conocido con el sobrenombre de Cabeza de Estopa, por su rubio cabello y su grande y pesada cabeza.

Fue hijo de Ramón Berenguer I el Viejo y de doña Almodis de la Marca y hermano, probablemente gemelo, de Berenguer Ramón II el Fratricida. En 1076, a la muerte de su padre, heredó junto con su hermano los condados de Barcelona, Girona y Osona. Aunque el testamento paterno expresaba el deseo de que los dos hermanos gobernasen con igualdad de poderes, la situación práctica al principio de su reinado fue una cierta preeminencia de Ramón Berenguer II. En 1078 casó con doña Mafalda de Pulla-Calabria, de quien nació, poco antes de la muerte del conde, su único heredero, Ramón Berenguer III.

Hacia 1078 Berenguer Ramón, no contento con la mayor autoridad que había adquirido su hermano, hizo que Cabeza de Estopa jurase solemnemente la partición equitativa, en una asamblea presidida por los obispos de Barcelona y Girona y en la que se encontraban los vizcondes de aquellos condados y el de Cardona. Por estas fechas Ramón Berenguer II prestó su ayuda al rey de Sevilla, que se enfrentaba a los reinos de Valencia, Toledo, Granada y Málaga, a los que se había unido Alfonso VI de Castilla y León. Derrotado, el conde volvió a Barcelona y en 1078 entregó a su hermano como garantía de partición las parias de Lleida. En aquel reino la colonización alcanzaba ya Sidamon y Torregosa y la repoblación se extendió en 1079 por la cuenca de Barberá. Sin embargo el peligro musulmán volvió sobre Lleida cuando el rey de Zaragoza, al-Muqtadir, atacó sus tierras como respuesta a la ofensiva desatada contra él por los condes de Barcelona y Urgel y la taifa de Lleida (1078).

A pesar del juramento solemne y de las garantías ofrecidas a Berenguer Ramón II, desde 1079 Ramón Berenguer trató de ejercer el gobierno de los condados en solitario, lo cual causó la rebelión de su hermano, que solicitó el arbitrio pontificio para resolver el problema. En el testamento paterno ambos hermanos habían sido encomendados al papa y en 1079 Gregorio VII ordenó al obispo de Girona que pusiese fin a las discordias y éste convocó en asamblea a los abades de Ripoll, Sant Cugat y Sant Ponç de Tomeres. Se desconocen los pormenores de las negociaciones con el conde, pero, a partir de ellas se llegó a un compromiso de solución. Ramón Berenguer II dividió con su hermano la ciudad de Barcelona con sus tierras y castillos, Castellvell y sus marcas, Plérdola, Vilafranca del Penedés, Eramprunyá, Benviure, Gavá, Vallmoll y sus alodios, Pallejá, Franqueses del Llobregat, Garrosa y otros territorios. También aceptó vivir durante seis meses al año en el palacio condal y residir los otros seis en el palacio de Bernat Ramón. Se acordó la indivisibilidad de la soberanía y el compartimiento de las responsabilidades judiciales, tributarias y de acuñación de moneda. Pero esto no pareció bastante al conde Berenguer, que continuó con sus demandas. En 1080 Ramón Berenguer II ofreció a su hermano, además de lo antedicho, la partición del castillo de Barberá y de los condados de Carcassona y Rasés, junto con la promesa de compartir las futuras adquisiciones, incluso los barcos que se construyeran o se comprasen. Por último el conde entregó como rehenes a 10 de sus mejores hombres, entre los que se encontraban los vizcondes de Barcelona, Girona y Cardona. Parece que así se resolvió la disputa y ambos hermanos pactaron entonces dirigir conjuntamente la expedición prevista para el siguiente año, que sería llevada a cabo por mar y tierra.

La campaña prevista para 1081 no se concretó como resultado de los cambios en los reinos de taifas. Durante su preparación, Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar ofreció sus servicios al conde de Barcelona, que los rechazó. Cuando se marchaba de la ciudad, el Cid luchó contra un sobrino de los condes, al que hirió. En la campaña de 1082 Ramón Berenguer II luchó contra el reino taifa de Zaragoza, con la ayuda de Sancho Ramírez de Navarra y el rey taifa de Lleida, que había sido anexionada a Zaragoza por Yusuf al-Mutamin. Este último tuvo como aliado al Cid, que, después de ser rechazado, ofreció sus servicios al enemigo del conde. El de Vivar venció a los aliados y capturó a Berenguer Ramón II durante el asedio de Almenara. Tras su liberación las relaciones entre ambos hermanos empeoraron, lo que probablemente fue la causa de los terribles acontecimientos que se iban a producir poco después.

El 5 de diciembre de aquel año Cabeza de Estopa, mientras viajaba de Barcelona a Girona, fue atacado y muerto, posiblemente por parte de sus propios hombres. Su cadáver fue arrojado a lo que más tarde fue conocido como La Garganta del Conde o La Perxa d'Astor. Se encontró el cuerpo gracias al halcón (astor) que portaba la víctima, que pareció guiar a los que buscaban el cuerpo. Fue trasladado a Girona y enterrado en su catedral. Le sucedió en el condado su hermano, que, acusado de participar en el asesinato del conde, fue llamado desde entonces el Fratricida. Éste se encargó de la regencia de su sobrino, el futuro Ramón Berenguer III el Grande, que cuando alcanzó la mayoría de edad consiguió llevar a juicio a su tío, que fue condenado por el asesinato de su hermano (1097). (Fuente: texto extraído de

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Maud of Apulia

Almodis de Barcelona, vescomtess...

Mafalda de Barcelona, vescomtess...

Ramon Berenguer III "the Great" ...

Lucia de Barcelona

Ramon Berenguer I el Vell, comte...

Almodis de la Marca

Berenguer Ramon II el Fratricida...

Inès de Barcelone, comtesse con...

Estefanía de Barcelona

Poncia (Sancha) de Barcelona

Sança de Barcelona, comtessa co...




Ramon Berenguer I el Vell, comte de Barcelona ★Bisabuelo n°26M★ Ref: CB-1023 |•••► #ESPAÑA 🏆🇪🇸★ #Genealogía #Genealogy

Padre: Berenguer Ramon I el Corbat, XVII comte de Barcelona
Madre: Sancha Sánchez De Castilla, Comtessa Consort De Barcelona

20 ( y )and 26 ° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de:
Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo

(Linea Paterna) (Linea Materna)
Ramon Berenguer I el Vell, comte de Barcelona is your 26th great grandfather.
You → Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo
   →  Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna
your father →  Elena Cecilia Lecuna Escobar
his mother →  María Elena de la Concepción Escobar Llamosas
her mother → Cecilia Cayetana de la Merced Llamosas Vaamonde de Escobar
her mother →  Cipriano Fernando de Las Llamosas y García
her father → José Lorenzo de las Llamozas Silva
his father →  Joseph Julián Llamozas Ranero
his father →  Manuel Llamosas y Requecens
his father →  Isabel de Requesens
his mother →  Luis de Requeséns y Zúñiga, Virrey de Holanda
her father →  Juan de Zúñiga Avellaneda y Velasco
his father → Pedro de Zúñiga y Avellaneda, II conde de Miranda del Castañar
his father →  Aldonza Ochoa de Avellaneda, X Señora de Avellaneda
his mother → Constanza Ramirez De Arellano
her mother →  Constanza de Sarmiento Enríquez de Castilla
her mother →  Leonor de Castilla
her mother → Fadrique Alfonso, I señor de Haro
her father →  Alfonso XI the Just, King of Castile and León
his father →  Constance of Portugal
his mother → Saint Elizabeth of Portugal
her mother →  Pedro III el Grande, rey de Aragón
her father →  James I the Conqueror, King of Aragon
his father → Pedro II el Católico, rey de Aragón
his father →  Alfonso II el Casto, rey de Aragón
his father →  Ramon Berenguer IV the Saint, Count of Barcelona
his father → Ramon Berenguer III el Gran, comte de Barcelona
his father →  Ramon Berenguer II Cap d'Estopes, comte de Barcelona
his father → Ramon Berenguer I el Vell, comte de Barcelona
his father
Ramon Berenguer I el Vell, comte de Barcelona is your 20th great grandfather.
  → Morella Álamo Borges
your mother → Belén Borges Ustáriz
her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna
her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesus Uztáriz y Monserrate
her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra
his mother → Teniente Coronel Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina
her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza
his mother → Isabel Manuela Josefa Hurtado de Mendoza y Rojas Manrique
her mother → Juana de Rojas Manrique de Mendoza
her mother → Constanza de Mendoza Mate de Luna
her mother → Mayor de Mendoza Manzanedo
her mother → Juan Fernández De Mendoza Y Manuel
her father → Sancha Manuel
his mother → Sancho Manuel de Villena Castañeda, señor del Infantado y Carrión de los Céspedes
her father → Manuel de Castilla, señor de Escalona
his father → Ferdinand "the Saint", king of Castile and León
his father → Alfonso IX of Leon
his father → Fernando II, rey de León
his father → Berenguela de Barcelona, reina consorte de León y Castilla
his mother → Ramon Berenguer III "the Great" count of Barcelona
her father → Ramon Berenguer II Cap d'Estopes, comte de Barcelona
his father → Ramon Berenguer I el Vell, comte de Barcelona
his father

Ramon Berenguer I, (1023-1076) llamado el Vell (el viejo, según algunas traducciones) hijo de Berenguer Ramón I, fue Conde de Barcelona y Gerona (1035-1076) y de Osona (1054-1076).

Tabla de contenidos 1 La crisis del poder condal 1.1 La autoridad de Ermessenda 1.2 Herencia de Berenguer Ramón I 1.3 Rebelión nobiliaria 1.4 La actuación de Ramón Berenguer I 1.5 Las revueltas nobiliarias 2 Matrimonios y descendencia

La crisis del poder condal
La autoridad de Ermessenda Desde la muerte del conde Ramón Borrell (1017), en los condados de Barcelona, Gerona y Osona se había instaurado el cogobierno de su viuda, la condesa Ermesenda (1017-1057), y de su hijo Berenguer Ramón I (1017-1035).

Herencia de Berenguer Ramón I
A su muerte, Berenguer Ramón I, repartió sus dominios entre sus tres hijos; Guillermo (1035-1054) fue conde de Osona, Ramón Berenguer I (1035-1076) obtuvo Gerona y Barcelona, excepto el extremo sur, entre el río Llobregat y la frontera con el Islam que, constituido como el condado del Penedés fue para Sanç (1035-1049); los tres herederos, al ser menores de edad, quedaron bajo la tutela de su abuela Ermessenda, única representante efectiva del poder condal en Barcelona, Gerona, Osona y el Penedés entre 1035 y 1041.

Rebelión nobiliaria
Debido al descrédito del poder condal durante el cogobierno de Berenguer Ramón I y Ermesenda en Barcelona, Gerona, Osona y especialmente en la zona del Penedés, área fronteriza con los musulmanes, los nobles, prescindiendo totalmente de la potestas del conde, tomaron ellos mismos el control de las fortalezas de las que dispusieron para cederlas como feudo como si fuesen de su propiedad. Entre estos aristócratas, antiguos veguers convertidos en señores, destaca en el Penedés Mir Geribert, el cual tenía influencias en Barcelona como primo del vizconde Udalard II (1041-1077) y del obispo Guislabert (1034-1066), en un momento en que, por su dominio del Castell Vell (Castillo Viejo), cerca del antiguo acueducto y del Castell Bisbal (Castillo del Obispado), la familia vizcondal, controla dos de las cuatro torres del recinto amurallado de Barcelona, además del Castell del Port (Castillo del Puerto) en la montaña de Montjuic, desde donde se domina la ciudad y la ensenada. En la frontera, Mir Geribert posee el castillo de Subirats y de la Vit, heredados de sus padres hacia 1030, la fortaleza de Ribes, concedida por su primo Guislabert el obispo de Barcelona, y el feudo de Sant Martí Sarroca adquirido por enlace matrimonial. Siendo el más poderoso de los señores del Penedés, hacia el 1035, cuando la muerte y sobre todo el testamento de Ramón Berenguer I acaban hundiendo el poder condal, para señalar su autoridad, se da el título de príncipe de Olèrdola

La Península Ibérica en el año 1030.

Los nobles del Penedés, reunidos alrededor de su líder Mir Geribert, son contrarios al poder condal porque este mantiene la paz con los musulmanes, la cual es beneficiosa para los comerciantes de Barcelona y para el conde por las parias que cobra a los reyes taifas musulmanes, es ruinosa para los aristócratas que solo pueden acceder a las riquezas de los musulmanes mediante el saqueo y el botín. Los barones del Penedés tampoco aceptan que el conde otorgue derechos de franqueza, garantía y seguridad de bienes, a las comunidades campesinas, ya que eso les impide imponerles impuestos. De esta forma, aboliendo las garantías y concediendo, en un acto de soberanía, el derecho a sus castellanos de imponer tributos a los hombre libres, Mir Geribert afirmaba su condición de líder de los nobles feudales. Otro motivo de disputa entre el conde de Barcelona y la nobleza era su apoyo a las pretensiones del Monasterio de Sant Cugat del Vallés, el cual basándose en unas concesiones realizadas doscientos años atrás por Luis el Piadoso, se proclamaba propietario de extensos dominios en el área de la frontera. De esta forma, cuando un noble llevaba a cabo un intento de colonización y este tenía éxito, el monasterio reclamaba sus derechos sobre el territorio exhibiendo ante los jueces los pergaminos de Luis el Piadoso, por lo que siempre obtenían sentencias favorables a sus intereses y contrarias a los clanes nobiliarios como el vizcondado; de esta forma, muchas familia nobles decidieron prescindir de los tribunales, donde siempre tenían las de perder, y apoderarse por la fuerza de los bienes de la abadía.

El rechazo de los nobles a la autoridad condal les llevo a una irreductible enemistad con Ermesenda, única titular efectiva de la autoridad condal desde la muerte de su hijo Berenguer Ramón I y la minoría de edad de sus nietos. La condesa reúne un equipo de cortesanos como su hermano Pere, obispo de Gerona, el abad Oliva, el juez Ponç bonfill March y nobles relacionados con la administración, con relaciones con un territorio, el condado de Osona, donde las transformaciones sociales no habían sido tan profundas como en el área de frontera del Penedés. Estos se comprometieron junto con Ermesenda en la defensa de la autoridad condal y de la legalidad vigente ante las usurpaciones de los nobles feudales.

Entre estos dos bandos – el de Mir Geribert y el de Ermesenda – además de diferencias ideológicas e intereses contrapuestos hay un hecho generacional; Mir Geribert y los nobles que lo apoyan son jóvenes que no han vivido la brillante época de Borrell y Ramón Borrell, sino solo la ineptitud de Berenguer Ramón I y el autoritarismo de Ermesenda. La idea de potestas y de la ley escrita, contenida en el Liber Iudiciorum, les resultaban incómodas e incomprensibles ya que para ellos no había más norma de relación social que las convenientiae, los juramentos y relaciones feudales. Por otro lado, sus adversarios, personas que han vivido los tiempos de gran autoridad condal de finales del siglo X, son viejos. Ermesenda y el abad Oliva tienen más de sesenta años; para todos ellos la potestas condal, la justicia pública y el derecho del Liber ludiciorum no son elementos de un pasado lejano, sino cosas vivas la continuidad de las cuales hay que defender.

La actuación de Ramón Berenguer I
En esta situación, con dos bandos claramente delimitados, la actuación de Ramón Berenguer está condicionada por el hecho generacional. A pesar de que, como conde, debería estar del lado de su abuela, por edad piensa igual que sus barones por lo que su proyecto político será imponerse a sus barones sobre la base de las nuevas prácticas feudales, por lo que durante el proceso, su abuela Ermesenda llegará a posicionarse en su contra.

Así, en 1041 para recuperar el condado de Gerona, cedido a su abuela para librarse de su tutela política, se alía con Mir Geribert a quien reconoce su posición de dominio en el Penedés y en perjuicio de su hermano, el conde Sanç del Penedés.

Las revueltas nobiliarias
Poco después de haberse apoderado del control del condado de Gerona se reconcilia con su abuela. Sintiéndose traicionados, los nobles se rebelan y desertan del ejército condal reunido para atacar el condado de la Cerdanya. Paralelamente, el obispo de Barcelona y el vizconde Udalart intentan un golpe de estado en la ciudad, que fracasa debido al apoyo popular de la ciudad al conde, única garantía de la continuidad de los usos pactados con el conde Berenguer Ramón I en 1025. Tras el fracaso de la tentativa y mediante una sentencia de un tribunal presidido por el abad Oliba, el obispo es obligado a jurar que no ha tenido nada que ver con la rebelión y a ceder el castillo obispal mientras que Udalart debe indemnizar al conde con doscientas onzas de oro y cederle el castillo Vell.

Matrimonios y descendencia
Ramón Berenguer I se casó tres veces. En 1039 con Isabel de Nimes, probablemente hija del vizconde Ramon Bernat I de Nimes con quien tuvo a:

Pedro Ramón de Barcelona (? -1071), condenado por el asesinato de su madrastra Almodis. Arnau de Barcelona (?-1045) Berenguer de Barcelona (?-1045)

El 1051 se casó con Blanca de Narbona', hija de Llop Ató Zuberoa y Ermengarda de Narbona. Fue repudiada al año siguiente sin tener descendencia.

El 1056 se casa, en terceras nupcias, con Almodis de la Marca, hija del conde Bernat I de Razès, con quien tuvo a:

la infanta Agnès de Barcelona (1056-1071), casada en 1070 con el conde Guigues VII d'Albon Ramon Berenguer II (1053-1082), Berenguer Ramon II (1053-1099?), Sancha de Barcelona (1076-1095), casada en segundas nuocias en 1069 con Guillermo I de Cerdaña

Predecesor: Berenguer Ramón I Conde de Barcelona 1035 - 1076 Sucesor:Ramón Berenguer II Berenguer Ramón II

Predecesor: Adelaida de Carcasona Condado de Carcasona

Sucesor: Ramón Berenguer II
Obtenido de ""

Ramon Berenguer I the Old (née in French: Ramond Berenger LeVieux, in Catalan: el Vell) was Count of Barcelona in 1035–1076. He promulgated the earliest versions of a written code of Catalan law, the Usages of Barcelona.

Born in 1024, he succeeded his father, Berenguer Ramon the Crooked in 1035. It is during his reign that the dominant position of Barcelona among other Catalan counties became evident. First wife, Isabel/Elisabeth of Narbonne or of Béziers Berenguer (died young) Arnau (died young) Pere Ramon (1050-1073?), murdered his father's wife, Almodis, and was exiled Second wife, Blanca (origin unknown) Third wife, Almodis de La Marche, countess of Limoges Berenguer Ramon II, Count of Barcelona the Fratricide (1053/54-1097) Ramon Berenguer II, Count of Barcelona the Towhead (1053/54-1082) Inés, married Hugh d'Albo Sancha, married William Raymond, count of Cerdanya

References ^ Charles Julian Bishko (1968–9), "Fernando I and the Origins of the Leonese-Castilian Alliance with Cluny," Studies in Medieval Spanish Frontier History (Variorum Reprints), 40.

Ramon Berenguer I el Vell ("the Old") was Count of Barcelona in 1035-1076. He promulgated the earliest versions of a written code of Catalan law, the Usages of Barcelona.

Born in 1024, he succeeded his father, Berenguer Ramon the Crooked in 1035. It is during his reign that the dominant position of Barcelona among other Catalan counties became evident.

Ramon Berenguer campaigned against the Moors, extending his dominions as far west as Barbastro and imposing heavy tributes (parias) on other Moorish cities. Historians claim that those tributes helped create the first wave of prosperity in Catalan history. During his reign Catalan maritime power started to be felt in Western Mediterranean. Ramon Berenguer the Old was also the first count of Catalonia to acquire lands (counties of Carcassonne and Razés) and influence north of the Pyrenees.

Another major achievement of his was beginning of codification of Catalan law in the written Usatges or Usatici of Barcelona which was to become the first full compilation of feudal law in Western Europe. Legal codification was part of the count's efforts to forward and somehow control the process of feudalization which started during the reign of his weak father, Berenger Ramon. Another major contributor was the Church acting through the institution of the Peace and Truce of God. This established a general truce among warring factions and lords in a given region for a given time. The earliest extant date for introducing the Truce of God in Western Europe is 1027 in Catalonia, during the reign of Ramon Berenguer the Old.

Ramon Berenguer I together with his third wife Almodis also founded the Romanesque cathedral of Barcelona, to replace the older basilica presumably destroyed by Almanzor. Their velvet and brass bound wooden coffins are still shown in the Gothic cathedral which replaced Ramon Berenguer's building.

He was succeeded by his twin sons Ramon Berenguer II and Berenguer Ramon II. It has been speculated that the obscure wife of Henry of Burgundy, the grandmother of Alfonso Henriques, first king of Portugal, was his sister.

Another major achievement of his was beginning of codification of Catalan law in the written Usatges or Usatici of Barcelona which was to become the first full compilation of feudal law in Western Europe. Legal codification was part of the count's efforts to forward and somehow control the process of feudalization which started during the reign of his weak father, Berenger Ramon. Another major contributor was the Church acting through the institution of the Peace and Truce of God. This established a general truce among warring factions and lords in a given region for a given time. The earliest extant date for introducing the Truce of God in Western Europe is 1027 in Catalonia, during the reign of Ramon Berenguer the Old.
Ramon Berenguer I together with his third wife Almodis also founded the Romanesque cathedral of Barcelona, to replace the older basilica presumably destroyed by Almanzor. Their velvet and brass bound wooden coffins are still shown in the Gothic cathedral which replaced Ramon Berenguer's building.

Ramon Berenguer I el Vell ("the Old") was Count of Barcelona in 1035-1076. He promulgated the earliest versions of a written code of Catalan law, the Usages of Barcelona.

Born in 1024, he succeeded his father, Berenguer Ramon the Crooked in 1035. It is during his reign that the dominant position of Barcelona among other Catalan counties became evident.

Ramon Berenguer campaigned against the Moors, extending his dominions as far west as Barbastro and imposing heavy tributes (parias) on other Moorish cities. Historians claim that those tributes helped create the first wave of prosperity in Catalan history. During his reign Catalan maritime power started to be felt in Western Mediterranean. Ramon Berenguer the Old was also the first count of Catalonia to acquire lands (counties of Carcassonne and Razés) and influence north of the Pyrenees.

Another major achievement of his was beginning of codification of Catalan law in the written Usatges or Usatici of Barcelona which was to become the first full compilation of feudal law in Western Europe. Legal codification was part of the count's efforts to forward and somehow control the process of feudalization which started during the reign of his weak father, Berenger Ramon. Another major contributor was the Church acting through the institution of the Peace and Truce of God. This established a general truce among warring factions and lords in a given region for a given time. The earliest extant date for introducing the Truce of God in Western Europe is 1027 in Catalonia, during the reign of Ramon Berenguer the Old.

Ramon Berenguer I together with his third wife Almodis also founded the Romanesque cathedral of Barcelona, to replace the older basilica presumably destroyed by Almanzor. Their velvet and brass bound wooden coffins are still shown in the Gothic cathedral which replaced Ramon Berenguer's building.

He was succeeded by his twin sons Ramon Berenguer II and Berenguer Ramon II. It has been speculated that the obscure wife of Henry of Burgundy, the grandmother of Alfonso Henriques, first king of Portugal, was his sister.

Ramon Berenguer I, Count of Barcelona From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ramon Berenguer I el Vell ("the Old") was Count of Barcelona in 1035-1076. He promulgated the earliest versions of a written code of Catalan law, the Usages of Barcelona. Born in 1024, he succeeded his father, Berenguer Ramon the Crooked in 1035. It is during his reign that the dominant position of Barcelona among other Catalan counties became evident. Ramon Berenguer campaigned against the Moors, extending his dominions as far west as Barbastro and imposing heavy tributes (parias) on other Moorish cities. Historians claim that those tributes helped create the first wave of prosperity in Catalan history. During his reign Catalan maritime power started to be felt in Western Mediterranean. Ramon Berenguer the Old was also the first count of Catalonia to acquire lands (counties of Carcassonne and Razés) and influence north of the Pyrenees. Another major achievement of his was beginning of codification of Catalan law in the written Usatges or Usatici of Barcelona which was to become the first full compilation of feudal law in Western Europe. Legal codification was part of the count's efforts to forward and somehow control the process of feudalization which started during the reign of his weak father, Berenger Ramon. Another major contributor was the Church acting through the institution of the Peace and Truce of God. This established a general truce among warring factions and lords in a given region for a given time. The earliest extant date for introducing the Truce of God in Western Europe is 1027 in Catalonia, during the reign of Ramon Berenguer the Old. Ramon Berenguer I together with his third wife Almodis also founded the Romanesque cathedral of Barcelona, to replace the older basilica presumably destroyed by Almanzor. Their velvet and brass bound wooden coffins are still shown in the Gothic cathedral which replaced Ramon Berenguer's building. He was succeeded by his twin sons Ramon Berenguer II and Berenguer Ramon II. It has been speculated that the obscure wife of Henry of Burgundy, the grandmother of Alfonso Henriques, first king of Portugal, was his sister. [edit]Ramon Berenguers's marriages and descendants First wife, Isabel/Elisabeth of Narbonne or of Béziers Berenguer (died young) Arnau (died young) Pere Ramon (1050-1073?), murdered his father's wife, Almodis, and was exiled Second wife, Blanca (origin unknown) Third wife, Almodis de La Marche, countess of Limoges Berenguer Ramon II, Count of Barcelona the Fratricide (1053/54-1097) Ramon Berenguer II, Count of Barcelona the Towhead (1053/54-1082) Inés, married Hugh d'Albo Sancha, married William Raymond, count of Cerdanya

Ramon Berenguer I the Old (née in French: Ramond Berenger LeVieux, in Catalan: el Vell) was Count of Barcelona in 1035–1076. He promulgated the earliest versions of a written code of Catalan law, the Usages of Barcelona.

Born in 1024, he succeeded his father, Berenguer Ramon the Crooked in 1035. It is during his reign that the dominant position of Barcelona among other Catalan counties became evident.

Ramon Berenguer campaigned against the Moors, extending his dominions as far west as Barbastro and imposing heavy tributes (parias) on other Moorish cities. Historians claim that those tributes helped create the first wave of prosperity in Catalan history. During his reign Catalan maritime power started to be felt in Western Mediterranean. Ramon Berenguer the Old was also the first count of Catalonia to acquire lands (counties of Carcassonne and Razés) and influence north of the Pyrenees.

Another major achievement of his was beginning of codification of Catalan law in the written Usatges or Usatici of Barcelona which was to become the first full compilation of feudal law in Western Europe. Legal codification was part of the count's efforts to forward and somehow control the process of feudalization which started during the reign of his weak father, Berenger Ramon. Another major contributor was the Church acting through the institution of the Peace and Truce of God. This established a general truce among warring factions and lords in a given region for a given time. The earliest extant date for introducing the Truce of God in Western Europe is 1027 in Catalonia, during the reign of Ramon Berenguer the Old.

Ramon Berenguer I together with his third wife Almodis also founded the Romanesque cathedral of Barcelona, to replace the older basilica presumably destroyed by Almanzor. Their velvet and brass bound wooden coffins are still shown in the Gothic cathedral which replaced Ramon Berenguer's building.

He was succeeded by his twin sons Ramon Berenguer II and Berenguer Ramon II. It has been speculated that the obscure wife of Henry of Burgundy, the grandmother of Alfonso Henriques, first king of Portugal, was his sister.

[edit] Ramon Berenguers's marriages and descendants

Sepulchers of Ramon Berenguer I and Almodis de la Marche. Cathedral of Barcelona.First wife, Isabel/Elisabeth of Narbonne or of Béziers Berenguer (died young) Arnau (died young) Pere Ramon (1050-1073?), murdered his father's wife, Almodis, and was exiled Second wife, Blanca (origin unknown) Third wife, Almodis de La Marche, countess of Limoges Berenguer Ramon II, Count of Barcelona the Fratricide (1053/54-1097) Ramon Berenguer II, Count of Barcelona the Towhead (1053/54-1082) Inés, married Hugh d'Albo Sancha, married William Raymond, count of Cerdanya

[edit] References ^ Charles Julian Bishko (1968–9), "Fernando I and the Origins of the Leonese-Castilian Alliance with Cluny," Studies in Medieval Spanish Frontier History (Variorum Reprints), 40. Preceded by Berenguer Ramon I Count of Barcelona 1035 – 1076 Succeeded by Ramon Berenguer II

Retrieved from ",_Count_of_Barcelona",_Count_of_Barcelona

Ramon Berenguer I el Vell ("the Old") was Count of Barcelona in 1035-1076. He promulgated the earliest versions of a written code of Catalan law, the Usages of Barcelona.
Born in 1024, he succeeded his father, Berenguer Ramon the Crooked in 1035. It is during his reign that the dominant position of Barcelona among other Catalan counties became evident.

Ramon Berenguer campaigned against the Moors, extending his dominions as far west as Barbastro and imposing heavy tributes (parias) on other Moorish cities. Historians claim that those tributes helped create the first wave of prosperity in Catalan history. During his reign Catalan maritime power started to be felt in Western Mediterranean. Ramon Berenguer the Old was also the first count of Catalonia to acquire lands (counties of Carcassonne and Razés) and influence north of the Pyrenees.

Another major achievement of his was beginning of codification of Catalan law in the written Usatges or Usatici of Barcelona which was to become the first full compilation of feudal law in Western Europe. Legal codification was part of the count's efforts to forward and somehow control the process of feudalization which started during the reign of his weak father, Berenger Ramon. Another major contributor was the Church acting through the institution of the Peace and Truce of God. This established a general truce among warring factions and lords in a given region for a given time. The earliest extant date for introducing the Truce of God in Western Europe is 1027 in Catalonia, during the reign of Ramon Berenguer the Old.

Ramon Berenguer I together with his third wife Almodis also founded the Romanesque cathedral of Barcelona, to replace the older basilica presumably destroyed by Almanzor. Their velvet and brass bound wooden coffins are still shown in the Gothic cathedral which replaced Ramon Berenguer's building.

He was succeeded by his twin sons Ramon Berenguer II and Berenguer Ramon II. It has been speculated that the obscure wife of Henry of Burgundy, the grandmother of Alfonso Henriques, first king of Portugal, was his sister.

Excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church by Pope Victor II, 1056. Grounds: Illegal marriage to third wife Almodis.
'Ramón Berenguer I el Viejo Conde de Barcelona Conde de Barcelona, Girona y Osona, conocido por el sobrenombre de el Viejo, nacido hacia 1023 y muerto el 26 de mayo de 1076, probablemente en Barcelona.
Hijo de Berenguer Ramón I y de su primera esposa, Sancha de Castilla, comenzó su gobierno en 1035 bajo la tutela de su abuela Ermesinda de Carcassona, aconsejada por el preceptor del joven conde Ponç Bonfill Marc, su hermano Pere de Carcassona, obispo de Girona, y el abad y obispo Oliba. Durante su minoría asistió junto con su abuela a la consagración de las sedes de Vic y Girona en 1038.

Hacia 1041 Ramón Berenguer, quiso prescindir de toda tutela por lo que tuvo desavenencias con Ermesinda, quien vio limitado su gobierno al condado de Girona y le fue retirado el de Barcelona y Osona. Ramón Berenguer el Viejo dio un enorme impulso a la labor expansiva iniciada por Ramón Borrell y continuada por Berenguer Ramón I. Para ello contó con el apoyo de la casa de Urgel, propiciado por los pactos que su antecesor había hecho con Armengol II; en 1041 el conde, en ayuda de Armengol III de Urgel, lanzó una expedición contra la taifa de Zaragoza, probablemente a raíz de la ocupación de Ager por los musulmanes; la ciudad fue reconquistada y Sulaiman al-Mutasin tuvo que pagar tributo a Barcelona. Pero el conde heredó, además de las alianzas, la enemistad con los condes de Cerdaña. A principios de su gobierno renovó el pacto de amistad con Armengol contra Ramón Wifredo de Cerdaña y consiguió también el apoyo de Bernat, conde de Berga, Guillem, obispo de Urgel y Berenguer, obispo de Elna. En 1044 tuvo que enfrentarse al conde Ramón I de Cerdaña para defender el condado de Urgel. Los poderosos aliados de Ramón Berenguer hicieron capitular al conde de Cerdaña, que, hacia 1051, hizo un juramento de ayuda y amistad al de Barcelona.

Pero además de las luchas externas tuvo el conde oposición dentro de sus estados: a la enemistad de su abuela, acantonada en Girona, se unió el apoyo que a ésta dio Mir Geribert, señor del Penedés que quiso consolidar su dominio sobre aquellas tierras al titularse princeps. Mir Geribert aprovechó la debilidad del conde de Barcelona e intentó regularizar una situación que ya existía de hecho; era el gobernante efectivo, ya que su titular legítimo, Sanç Berenguer, era menor y la corregente Ermesinda se encontraba en Girona. El conde de Barcelona intentó contener la situación al aliarse con su abuela, lo que provocó la reacción de la importante parentela que Mir Geribert tenía en Barcelona; los hombres del vizconde Udalardo II y el obispo Guislabert de Barcelona atacaron el palacio condal, donde acabaron con la vida de Guillem Miró. En 1043 la reconciliación entre Ramón Berenguer y Ermesinda era ya un hecho. Un año después se solucionó la crisis interna, tras unas negociaciones en las que el obispo Oliba de Vic tuvo gran relevancia. Mir Geribert admitió no volver a titularse princeps; el obispo Guislabert fue absuelto después de haber jurado que no había actuado contra el conde de Barcelona, al que entregó el castillo episcopal de Llobregat; Udalardo fue condenado al pago de una elevada fianza.

A partir de 1049 la situación empeoró tras la renuncia de Sanç Berenguer al gobierno de la marca meridional de Barcelona, probablemente tras una compensación económica. Mir Geribert comenzó entonces a reclamar el dominio sobre los territorios del Llobregat y protagonizó junto a sus hijos reiterados actos de rebeldía contra la autoridad condal, además de titularse príncipe de Olérdola. Cuando en 1052 Ramón Berenguer consiguió someter a juicio a Mir Geribert, el tribunal, presidido por el arzobispo Guifred de Narbona y formado por los obispos de Barcelona, Girona y Vic, permitió a Mir continuar la amistad con Ramón, siempre que el primero restableciese los principios de autoridad condal y pagase una indemnización. Pero Mir, consciente de los problemas que el conde de Barcelona tenía por causa de sus matrimonios, no sólo hizo caso omiso de la sentencia, sino que intensificó sus ataques para usurpar la herencia de Gombau de Besora, muerto por aquellas fechas y tomar los castillos de Currull y Besora, en el condado de Osona.

Mientras tanto Ramón y su nueva esposa, Almodis, se enemistaron otra vez con Ermesinda, que conservaba el co-gobierno de los estados y, de forma efectiva, el de Girona. La anciana condesa, que mantenía excelentes relaciones con la Iglesia Romana, se apresuró a solicitar del papa Víctor II la excomunión para su nieto y su esposa, la cual fue dictada por el pontífice y reiterada por los arzobispos Rimbau de Arlés y Guifred de Narbona (1056). La situación para el conde de Barcelona era crítica y Mir Geribert, consciente de su debilidad, continuó depredando las tierras de los súbditos fieles de Ramón, especialmente las del senescal Amat Eldric (que había participado en el juicio de 1052). Las incursiones de Mir causaron importantes bajas entre los adictos al conde, la más importante de las cuales fue la del caballero Guillem Guadald. En su búsqueda de apoyos, Ramón Berenguer, intentó la aproximación al conde de Besalú, para lo cual organizó el matrimonio de la hermana de Almodis, Lucía, con el conde Guillem; pero el de Besalú rechazó a Lucía, lo que supuso la pérdida de relaciones entre ambos condes y el aislamiento diplomático de Ramón Berenguer.

A mediados de 1057 la situación comenzó a arreglarse para el conde con la resolución del más grave de sus problemas: la excomunión; el 4 de julio de aquel año Ermesinda cedió a su nieto los gobiernos de los condados de los que ella era aún co-regente y se comprometió a solicitar de la Santa Sede la revocación de los anatemas. Tras esto se retiró al castillo de Besora, donde murió en mayo del año siguiente. A partir de este momento los condes de Barcelona se apresuraron a ganar alianzas con los condes vecinos y, en 1057, Ramón consiguió casar a la repudiada Lucía con el conde Artau de Pallars Sobirá, lo que supuso la entrada del condado de Pallars dentro de la órbita barcelonesa. Hacia 1058 Ramón Berenguer estableció una alianza bélica con el conde Guifred de Cerdaña por la cual el barcelonés se comprometía a ayudar a Guifred en la liquidación de un enclave sarraceno en la Alta Cerdaña, mientras que éste colaboraría con Ramón en sus luchas contra Zaragoza, Lleida y Tortosa. A finales de verano de 1058 Ramón Berenguer suscribió un nuevo pacto con Armengol III de Urgel y comenzaron la guerra contra Ahmed al-Mustasin de Zaragoza. La campaña se prolongó al menos hasta 1063 y fue favorable a los cristianos, que recuperaron Pilçá Puig-roig, Canyelles, Casserres y Estopinyá. La zona fue rápidamente repoblada y se sabe por los documentos que hacia 1067 la colonización era estable.

El último problema que aún pesaba sobre el condado era la rebeldía de Mir Geribert, por aquellas fechas radicado en Tortosa, recién incorporada a la taifa de Zaragoza. A comienzos de 1059 fueron enviados para negociar con Mir un tal Guillem Bernat y el abad Berenguer, que consiguieron del señor de Olérdola el compromiso de someterse a un nuevo juicio. El tribunal, constituido por los obispos de Barcelona, Girona y Vic y por los vizcondes de Cardona, Girona y Dalmau, dictaron sentencia (1059) consistente en hacer devolver a Mir los territorios enajenados durante su rebeldía y estableció distintas indemnizaciones para los damnificados. Mir Geribert prometió sumisión al soberano barcelonés y pidió a éste permiso para encabezar una expedición contra sus antiguos aliados musulmanes, destinada a tomar el castillo de Mora de Ebro; en la empresa murieron él y sus hijos a manos de los musulmanes de Tortosa (1060). Mientras tanto, el soberano barcelonés renovó la amistad con Alí, rey taifa de Denia, que había comenzado durante el gobierno de Ermesinda. Por mediación de la condesa Almodis, el obispo Guislabert de Barcelona obtuvo en diciembre de 1056 la jurisdicción espiritual de las iglesias y las comunidades cristianas del reino de Denia-Baleares.

La expansión, que significó un ensanchamiento de las fronteras, dio un nuevo impulso a la repoblación (Tamarit, Agramunt, Tárrega) entre 1051 y 1058. Aquel año, en el que Ramón Berenguer, junto con el conde de Cerdaña, terminaba con el enclave musulmán de Les Oluges el conde de Barcelona nombró a Amant de Claramunt vizconde de Tarragona, además de donarle Tamarit y Ullastrell y encargarle un nuevo proyecto de repoblación de Tarragona.

A partir de 1060 los condes de Barcelona, enriquecidos por el pago de las parias, comenzaron a acrecentar su patrimonio y a recuperar las propiedades perdidas durante los años anteriores. Mediante un amplio programa de adquisiciones reforzaron su supremacía territorial y política entre los magnates catalanes. Entre finales de 1067 y mediados de 1070 el conde y su esposa gestionaron la adquisición de los condados de Carcassona y Rases en nombre de su hijo Ramón Berenguer el Joven, de esta manera conseguían un imperio ultrapirenaico. El conde desarrolló una política tendente a consolidar la preeminencia de la casa condal de Barcelona sobre las demás casas condales catalanas y para ello se hizo rendir homenaje feudal por los principales señores y aquellos que tenían alguna propiedad en su nombre. Entre 1054 y 1068 todos los condes y señores de Cataluña, a excepción de los condes de Rosellón y de Pallars Jusá, realizaron pactos jurídicos con el conde de Barcelona en los que reconocían su superioridad.

Ramón Berenguer I trató de completar su labor por medio de su capacidad legisladora, para ello compiló y promulgó multitud de preceptos y disposiciones legales conocidas con el nombre de usatges. Su cometido principal fue poner orden en el confuso estado jurídico que regulaba las relaciones entre los grandes señores y el soberano. Los usatges de Barcelona fueron redactados entre 1064 y 1068 y constituyeron los cimientos de la obra legislativa que iba a ser acometida en el primer cuarto del siglo XII por Ramón Berenguer IV.

En 1071 la condesa Almodis fue asesinada por su hijastro Pere Ramón, hijo de Blanca, segunda esposa del Ramón Berenguer, probablemente irritado por el trato de favor del conde y su esposa por el hijo de éstos, Ramón Berenguer el Joven. La sentencia contra Pere Ramón, dictada en hacia 1073 por el colegio cardenalicio, incluía una severa penitencia y la excomunión temporal; el Parricida murió sin descendencia en Al-Andalus en fecha desconocida. Tras la muerte de la condesa, sus bienes particulares fueron añadidos al patrimonio condal y Ramón Berenguer continuó con su política de adquisiciones. En los últimos años de su vida el conde experimentó un periodo de tensiones con Armengol IV de Urgel. Su testamento, probablemente redactado en las últimas horas de su vida, contempla una equidad absoluta entre sus hijos Ramón Berenguer y Berenguer Ramón.

De su primer matrimonio con Elisabet (1039), nieta del vizconde Berenguer de Narbona, Ramón Berenguer tuvo tres hijos. Su primera esposa murió en 1051 y el año siguiente el conde de Barcelona volvió a casar con Blanca, que pronto fue repudiada y de quien nació Pere Ramón. En 1052 casó en terceras nupcias con Almodis de la Marca, matrimonio que le supuso serios enfrentamientos con la Iglesia y que fue el desencadenante de su excomunión. De este matrimonio nacieron Ramón Berenguer el Joven, que heredó el condado a su muerte, y Berenguer Ramón. (Fuente: texto extraído de

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Almodis de la Marca

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Ramon Berenguer II Cap d'Estopes...

Estefanía de Barcelona

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Berenguer de Barcelona

Pere Ramon de Barcelona

Arnau de Barcelona

Guisie de Lluça

Family Tree 3,972
Blood Relatives 10,000
Ancestors 366
Descendants 10,000
Followers 237
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Casal de Barcelona
Comtat de Barcelona
Also Known As: English (default): Al Cuerva, o Velho, Ramón Berenguer "El Viejo", El Vell, El Viejo, Raymond Berengar I the Elder Count of Barcelona, "el vell", El /Viejo/, el vell, el Vell ("the Old")
Occupation: Comte, de Barcelone, de Girona, d'Ausona, Conde, Count of Barcelona, Conde de Barcelona y Gerona (1035-1076) y de Osona (1054-1076)., count of barcelona, conde de Barcelona
Religion: Roman Catholic
Languages: Español
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