martes, 20 de agosto de 2019

Umayyah al Akbar bin Sayyidi Abd Shams ★ |•••► #arABIA SAUDITA #Genealogia #Genealogy *Ref: P-272

30 ° Bisabuelo de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo

 (Linea Materna)
Umayyah al-Akbar bin Sayyidi 'Abd Shams is your 30th great grandfather.
You→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→   Morella Álamo Borges
your mother →  Belén Borges Ustáriz
her mother →  Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna
her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesus Uztáriz y Monserrate
her father →  María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra
his mother → Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina, Teniente Coronel
her father →  Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza
his mother → Andrés Manuel Ortiz de Urbina y Landaeta, I Marqués de Torrecasa
her father →  Manuel Ortiz de Urbina y Márquez de Cañizares
his father → Manuel de Ortiz de Urbina y Suárez
his father →  Juan Ortíz de Urbina y Eguíluz
his father →  Martín Ortíz de Urbina
his father →  Pedro Ortiz de Urbina
his father → Ortún Díaz de Urbina
his father →  Diego López
his father →  Diego I el Blanco López, III señor de Vizcaya
his father → Lope Díaz Íñiguez, II señor de Vizcaya, IV Conde de Viscaya
his father →  Toda Fortúnez
his mother →  Fortún Sánchez, señor de Nájera
her father → Sancho López
his father →  Lope Fortúnez
his father →  Oria
his mother →  Lope ibn Musa
her father →  Musa Ibn Musa, al Qasaw
his father → Musa Ibn Fortún ibn Qasi, valì de Zaragoza, Arnedo y de Tudela Ibn Musa al Qasaw
his father →  'A'isha ibn Abdul
his mother → 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn Musa al-Bekir, valí de al-Andalus
her father →  Amîna binte Marwân I bin al-Hakam
his mother → Marwân I ibn al-Hakam, 4th Umayyad Caliph
her father →  al-Hakam bin Abu al-ʻAs ibn Abi al-'As
his father →  Abu al-'As ibn Umayyah
his father → Umayyah al-Akbar bin Sayyidi 'Abd Shams
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Umayya ibn ‘Abd Shams,[1]​ Omayya, Omeyya u Omeya, es el tío abuelo de Mahoma y antepasado y epónimo del clan de los Banu Umayya y de la dinastía omeya (que gobernaría entre 661-750).

Umayya era primo de Abd al-Muttálib, el abuelo paterno de Mahoma, hijo de Abd Shams ibn Abd Manaf y padre de Harb ibn Umayya y Abu al-'As.

Umayyah al-Akbar al Akbar ibn 'Abd Shams, Founder of Banu Umayyad MP
Gender: Male
Birth: circa 539
Mecca, Saudi Arabia
Death: Medina, Saudi Arabia
Place of Burial: Madinah, Saudi Arabia
Immediate Family:
Son of 'Abd Shams bin Imaam ‘Abd al-Manāf and 'Abla Zauja-e-'Abd Shams bin Imaam ‘Abd al-Manāf
Husband of NN and Amina Zauja-e-Umayyah bin 'Abd Shams
Father of Abu Amr Bin Umayya; Sufyan Umayyah Al-Akbar; Harb bin Umayyah and Abu al-'As ibn Umayyah
Brother of 'Abd al-'Uzza bin Sayyidi 'Abd Shams; Habib bin Abd Shams; Ar-Rabi'ah (Atba) bin Sayyidi 'Abd e Shams and Hamnah bint Sufyan ibn Umayya
Added by: Betule Sairafi on November 16, 2007
Managed by: David John Bilodeau and 50 others
Curated by: George J. Homs
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English (default)  history
The clan of Banu Umayyad as well as the dynasty that ruled the Umayyad Caliphate are named after Umayya ibn Abd Shams.

Umayya was the son of Abd Shams ibn Abd Manaf, and the father of Harb ibn Umayya and Abu al-'As. According to the Shia view, Ummaya was the adopted son of Abd Shams ibn Abd Manaf.[1]

Shia Version

Abd Shams ibn Abd Manaf had no offspring. One day he saw some traders who were on their way to Yemen and had stopped in Mecca for rest. These traders had a young slave boy whom they intended to sell. This boy unlike most Arabs was very fair and had brown or blonde hair. Abd Shams ibn Abd Manaf was amazed to see the boy's features, so he bought the boy, adopted him as his son, and named him Umayya. The traders of Yemen usually went to Syria and the boy was possibly a European. This story is intended to explain why Abu Sufian, his grandson, had blue eyes and many who who were born later in the line had lighter hair and eyes, even before their migration to Spain.

His sons were

Abu al-'As ibn Umayyah

Harb ibn Umayya

Adopted son of Sayyidi Abde Shams bin Imaam Abde Manaaf.
Progenitor of Banu Umayyah Tribe.
Source 1:

Source 2:

در ابتدای قرن هفتم میلادی اعقاب امیه یکی از خانواده‌های پرنفوذ اعراب مکه بودند. در این زمان بود که محمد بن عبدالله از خاندان هاشم اعلام پیامبری کرد. هنگامی که محمد در سال۶۲۲ میلادی به مدینه مهاجرت کرد و در پی آن نبردهایی با مکیان داشت با اعضای خانواده امویان که در سمت سپاه مکه بودند، جنگید. از این میان ابوسفیان بن حرب پدر معاویه اولین حاکم امویان رهبری سپاه مکه را بر عهده داشت. مدینه بر سر راه شام قرار داشت و تجارت با شام مهم ترین منبع درآمد خانواده بنی امیه بود. محمد با بستن این مسیر توانست سرانجام ابوسفیان را ناتوان کرده و منجر به سقوط مکه شد. ابوسفیان کمی قبل از فتح مکه توسط مسلمانان ناگزیر به دین اسلام درآمد. در نهایت با این تغییر جهت، ضمن بازگشت صلح به دو خانواده رقیب اموی و هاشمی در قریش، باعث شد که امویان بتوانند در سیاست آینده حکومت اسلامی- عربی نوپا نقش مهمی بازی کنند. معاویه پسر ابوسفیان کمی بعد به عنوان کاتب وحی درآمد. بعد از مرگ محمد، معاویه در نبردهای سپاه اسلام علیه امپراتوری روم شرقی در آسیای صغیر (سوریه یا شام)شرکت کرد و موفق به فتح دمشق شد.
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Immediate Family
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Showing 12 of 12 people

Amina Zauja-e-Umayyah bin 'Abd S...

Harb bin Umayyah

Abu al-'As ibn Umayyah


Abu Amr Bin Umayya

Sufyan Umayyah Al-Akbar

'Abd Shams bin Imaam ‘Abd al-M...
adoptive father

'Abla Zauja-e-'Abd Shams bin Ima...
adoptive mother

'Abd al-'Uzza bin Sayyidi 'Abd S...

Habib bin Abd Shams

Ar-Rabi'ah (Atba) bin Sayyidi 'A...

Hamnah bint Sufyan ibn Umayya

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