miércoles, 16 de octubre de 2019

Don Yahya el Negro ✡ Ref: AG-628 |•••► #Portugal #Genealogia #Genealogy

21° Bisabuelo de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo

(Linea Paterna)
Don Yahya "el Negro" is your 21st great grandfather.You→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna
your father → Carlos Urdaneta Carrillo
his father → Enrique Urdaneta Maya, Dr.
his father → Josefa Alcira Maya de la Torre y Rodríguez
his mother → Vicenta Rodríguez Uzcátegui
her mother → María Celsa Uzcátegui Rincón
her mother → Sancho Antonio de Uzcátegui Briceño
her father → Jacobo de Uzcátegui Bohorques
his father → Luisa Jimeno de Bohorques Dávila
his mother → Juan Jimeno de Bohórquez
her father → Luisa Velásquez de Velasco
his mother → Juan Velásquez de Velasco y Montalvo, Gobernador de La Grita
her father → Ortún Velázquez de Velasco
his father → María Enríquez de Acuña
his mother → Inés Enríquez y Quiñones
her mother → Fadrique Enríquez de Mendoza, 2º Almirante Mayor de Castilla, Conde de Melgar y Rueda
her father → Alonso Enríquez de Castilla, 1er. Almirante Mayor de Castilla, Señor de Medina de Rio Seco
his father → Yonati bat Gedaliah, Paloma
his mother → Gedalia Shlomo ibn ben Shlomo ibn Yaḥyā haZaken
her father → Shlomo ben Yahya ibn Yahya
his father → Yosef ibn Yahya HaZaken
his father → Don Yehuda ibn Yahya ibn Ya'ish
his father → Don Yahya "el Negro"
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Referencia: "Divrei ha-Yamim le-Bnei Yahya, (דברי הימים לבני יחייא)", por Eliakim Carmoly, Impreso en Frankfort am Main / Rodelheim, Publicado por: Isak Kaufman, 1850. Genealogía de, y trabajo biográfico sobre, el Yahya familia de Eliakim Carmoly. Hay una introducción de Carmoly, en la que informa que la familia Yahya es una distinción de la época de Maimónides. Originalmente logrando la grandeza en Portugal y España, luego se establecieron en Italia y Turquía. El texto está precedido por un cuadro de la familia, que comienza con Nasi, Don Yahya y concluye con Don Gedalia. El texto, en siete capítulos, se establece en una sola columna, principalmente en tipo rabínico, aunque hay casos de letras cuadradas vocalizadas, y se acompaña de extensas notas al pie. La página final es un anuncio de la próxima publicación de siete tratados menores de Yerushalmi por Carmoli. El texto de este libro fue comparado con el "Tapiz de la familia bin Yahya", actualmente almacenado en los archivos antiguos del Seminario Teológico Judío en la ciudad de Nueva York, por Abraham Greenstein, nieto de Abraham Gindi HaKohen. El texto coincide con el tapiz.

Don Yahya falleció en el año 4982 y fue llamado por la familia "ibn Ya'ish". Emigró de Córdoba a Lisboa y fue un erudito y un médico del rey ... y un hombre muy rico.

2º Rabino Jefe (Rabi Maior) de Portugal. Antes de eso, fue asesor de Alfonso 1 Conquistador, primer rey de Portugal (b1110), reinó desde 1139 hasta 1185.

Era hijo de Yaish Ibn Yahya, residente de Lisboa, Portugal; erudito, político, consejero real, vastas propiedades de tierra; asesor de Alfonso I (1er Rey de Portugal). Al nombrar a Yahya Ibn Yaish (a / k / a Yahia Ben Rabbi), como tesorero del estado, Alfonso allanó el camino para que sus sucesores emplearan a judíos en puestos financieros y administrativos.

Ibn Yaish no solo era el "gran rabino", sino también el "principal caballero". Los herederos del rey ampliaron el empleo de judíos como administradores en el reino. Así fue que durante el reinado de los primeros cinco reyes de Portugal, la situación de los judíos era buena y vivían en seguridad. Los problemas comenzaron más tarde, pero incluso durante el período que rodea el pogrom de 1391 contra los judíos de España, Portugal sirvió como refugio para los judíos de Castilla.

Yahya Ibn Yaish, por su (1) esposa, tuvo cinco hijos:

Yaish Ibn Yahya, padre de tres hijos, a saber, Yosef Jucef, Shlomo fl. 1255, y Moshe murió 1279, tuvo problema
Yakov Ibn Yahya, el padre de Hiyya, el padre de Eli
Yosef Ibn Yahya murió en 1264, el padre de Shlomo Ha-Zaken, quien murió en 1299, el padre de tres hijos, que fueron: Yosef Jucef, Gedalia, el padre de David. Don Yosef ibn Yahya HaRav y Paloma, amante de Fadrique Alfonso de Castilla y Hiyya [Don Fadrique Alfonso de Castilla, 1er Señor de Haro (1334-1358), 25º Maestro de los Caballeros de la Orden de Santiago (1342-1358), fue el quinto hijo ilegítimo de Alfonso XI de Castilla y Leonor de Guzmán]
Yehuda "Sar" Ibn Yahya, padre de Yahya padre de Yakov, padre de Hiyya y Yosef
Yahya ibn Yahya, padre de Shlomo, padre de Yosef y Abu Baqr Ibn Yahya (convertido al Islam)
Durante el mandato de Yahya HaNasi, Maimónides asumió el papel de Nagid, Visir y médico de Saladino. El rabinato egipcio, cuyo líder tenía el título de Nagid, y que eran, en su mayoría, descendientes de Maimónides, gobernó la Tierra de Israel, así como Egipto y cualquier otro territorio bajo el dominio egipcio. La única excepción fue el propio Maimónides, que no poseía este título pero desempeñaba muchas de sus funciones. Maimónides ayudó a Saladino a conquistar Jerusalén, retirándolo de los invasores cristianos. Poco después de la conquista de Saladino, los judíos fueron invitados a regresar a Jerusalén y los rabinos decidieron en Egipto que se nombraría un "vice-Nagid" para supervisar los asuntos internos palestinos. Los primeros dos que obtuvieron este título fueron Hillel ben Moshe y Ovadiah ben Ulah.

Nota histórica: la familia ibn Yahya eran mecenas de Maimónides.

Don Yachya "el Negro" ibn Ya'ish El Sar (Ministro) השר alias Yahia Ben Rabbi, Yahya Ha-Nasi, Yahya Ibn Yaish, Dom Yahia "o Negro",

Don Yahia "el Negro", Señor de Aldeia dos Negros, Portugal.
Inscripción de tapiz:

El Príncipe Don Yachya, que subió de Córdoba y vino a Lisboa y fue Hacham y médico del rey y rico y murió en el año 4982 (1222 CE) y fue nombrado por el hijo de la familia de (ibn) Ya'ish.
Notas: Yahia Ben Rabbi, también conocido como Yahya Ha-Nasi, Yahya Ibn Yaish, Dom Yahia "o Negro" o Don Yahia "El Negro" (muerto en 1222), conocido como Señor de Aldeia dos Negros, Portugal - Inglés: Pueblo de los Negros), y se dice que es un descendiente directo de los Exilarcas de Babilonia, fue el ancestro epónimo de la Familia "Ibn Yahya". Residió en Lisboa y fue considerado en alta estima entre los judíos, así como por el rey Afonso I de Portugal, quien lo honró por su coraje y le presentó una propiedad que había pertenecido a los moros, por lo que asumió el apodo de "Negro". Era hijo de Yaish Ibn Yahya (fallecido en 1196) y nieto de Hiyya al-Daudi (fallecido en 1154), un destacado rabino, compositor y poeta, y se desempeñó como asesor del primer rey de Portugal, Alfonso I.

Su esposa tuvo cinco hijos: i.Yaish Ben (Ibn) Yahya, padre de tres hijos, a saber, Yosef (Jucef), Shlomo (fl. 1255) y Moshe (fallecido en 1279), tuvieron un problema.
ii. Yakov Ben Yahya, el padre de Hiyya, el padre de Eli iii. Yosef Ben (Ibn) Yahya (muerto en 1264), el padre de Shlomo Ha-Zaken (muerto en 1299) iv. Yehuda (Judá) "Sar" Ben Yahya, padre de Yahya y Yosef v. Yahya Ben Yahya, padre de Shlomo y Bakr Ben Yahya

Fuente: http: //www.tzorafolk.com/genealogy/history/yahya.htm#yahya-ya'ish

The Prince Don Yachya who went up from Cordova and came to Lisbon
and was Hacham and physician to the king and wealthy and died in the
year 4982 (1222 CE) and was named from the family son of (ibn) Ya'ish

Don Yehuda "Yahya" "el Negro" "Mendes" ibn Ya'ish (Ya'ish, Mendes) MP
Hebrew: (Ya'ish, Mendes) ibn Ya'ish יהודה
Gender: Male
Birth: 1150
Santarem, Santarém District, Portugal
Death: 1222 (72)
Lisbon, Portugal
Immediate Family:
Son of Yehudah "Ya'ish" ben Yahuda ibn ben Yahudah ibn Yaḥyā, senhor de Aldeia dos Negros and Chamoa Gomes
Husband of Unknown ibn Ya`hish
Father of Ya'ish ibn Yahya ibn Ya'ish; Yakob ibn Yahya ibn Ya'ish and Don Yehuda ibn Yahya ibn Ya'ish
Brother of Abu Baqr ibn Yaḥyā, I
Added by: Alex Ronald Keith Paz on June 14, 2008
Managed by: Bernard Lowe and 12 others
Curated by: Jaim David Harlow, J2b2a1a1a1b3c
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Reference: "Divrei ha-Yamim le-Bnei Yahya,( דברי הימים לבני יחייא )", by Eliakim Carmoly, Printed in Frankfort am Main/Rodelheim, Published by: Isak Kaufman, 1850. Genealogy of, and biographical work on, the Yahya family by Eliakim Carmoly. There is an introduction from Carmoly, in which he informs that the Yahya family is one of distinction from the time of Maimonides. Originally achieving greatness in Portugal and Spain, they after settled in Italy and Turkey. The text is preceded by a chart of the family, beginning with the Nasi, Don Yahya, and concluding with Don Gedalia. The text, in seven chapters, is set in a single column, primarily in rabbinic type although there are instances of vocalized square letters, and is accompanied by extensive footnotes. The final page is an announcement of the forthcoming publication of seven minor Yerushalmi tractates by Carmoli. The text of this book was compared to the "bin Yahya Family Tapestry", currently stored in the antiquity archives of Jewish Theological Seminary in New York City, by Abraham Greenstein - grandson of Abraham Gindi HaKohen. The text matches the Tapestry.

Don Yahya passed away in the year 4982 and was called from the "ibn Ya'ish" family. He emigrated from Cordoba to Lisbon and was a scholar and King's Physician...and a gratly wealthy man.

2nd Chief Rabbi (Rabi Maior) of Portugal. Before that he was advisor to Alfonso 1 Conquerer, 1st King of Portugal (b1110), reigned from 1139-1185

He was the son of Yaish Ibn Yahya, resident of Lisbon, Portugal; scholar, politician, royal advisor, vast land holdings; advisor to Alfonso I (1st King of Portugal). By appointing Yahya Ibn Yaish (a/k/a Yahia Ben Rabbi ), as state treasurer, Alfonso paved the way for his successors to employ Jews in financial and administrative positions.

Ibn Yaish was not only "chief rabbi," but also the "chief cavalier." The king's heirs expanded the employment of Jews as administrators in the kingdom. So it was that during the reign of Portugal's first five kings, the situation of the Jews was good and they lived in security. The problems began later, but even during the period surrounding the 1391 pogrom against the Jews of Spain, Portugal served as a haven for the Jews of Castile.

Yahya Ibn Yaish, by his one (1) wife, had five sons:

Yaish Ibn Yahya, the father of three sons, namely, Yosef Jucef, Shlomo fl. 1255, and Moshe died 1279, had issue
Yakov Ibn Yahya, the father of Hiyya, the father of Eli
Yosef Ibn Yahya died 1264, the father of Shlomo Ha-Zaken who died 1299, the father of three sons, who were: Yosef Jucef, Gedaliah the father of David. Don Yosef ibn Yahya HaRav and Paloma, mistress of Fadrique Alfonso of Castile and Hiyya [Don Fadrique Alfonso of Castile, 1st Señor de Haro (1334 – 1358), 25th Master of the Knights of the Order of Santiago (1342-1358), was the fifth illegitimate child of Alfonso XI of Castile and Eleanor of Guzman]
Yehuda "Sar" Ibn Yahya, father of Yahya father of Yakov, father of Hiyya and Yosef
Yahya ibn Yahya, father of Shlomo father of Yosef and Abu Baqr Ibn Yahya (a convert to Islam)
During the tenure of Yahya HaNasi Maimonides assumed the role of Nagid, Vizier and physician to Saladin. The Egyptian rabbinate, the leader of which held the title of Nagid, and who were, in the main, descendants of Maimonides, ruled the Land of Israel as well as Egypt proper and any other territory under Egyptian rule. The only exception was Maimonides himself, who did not hold this title but performed many of its functions. Maimonides helped Saladin conquer Jerusalem – taking it back from the Christian invaders. Soon after Saladin's conquest, Jews were invited to return to Jerusalem and it was decided by the rabbis in Egypt that a "vice-Nagid" would be appointed to oversee internal Palestinian affairs. The first two who held this title was Hillel ben Moshe and Ovadiah ben Ulah.

Historical note - the ibn Yahya family were patrons of Maimonides.

Don Yachya "el Negro" ibn Ya'ishThe Sar (Minister) השר alias Yahia Ben Rabbi, Yahya Ha-Nasi, Yahya Ibn Yaish, Dom Yahia "o Negro",

Don Yahia "el Negro", Lord of Aldeia dos Negros, Portugal .
Tapestry Inscription:

The Prince Don Yachya who went up from Cordova and came to Lisbon and was Hacham and physician to the king and wealthy and died in the year 4982 (1222 CE) and was named from the family son of (ibn) Ya'ish.
Notes: Yahia Ben Rabbi, also known as Yahya Ha-Nasi, Yahya Ibn Yaish, Dom Yahia "o Negro" or Don Yahia "El Negro" (died 1222), known as Lord of Aldeia dos Negros, Portugal - English: Village of the Blacks), and said to be a direct descendent of the Exilarchs of Babylon, was the eponymous ancestor of the "Ibn Yahya" Family. He resided in Lisbon and was held in high esteem among the Jews as well as by King Afonso I of Portugal who honored him for his courage and presented him with an estate that had belonged to the Moors, wherefore he assumed the nickname "Negro". He was the son of Yaish Ibn Yahya (died 1196) and grandson of Hiyya al-Daudi (died 1154), who was a prominent Rabbi, composer and poet, and served as Advisor to Portugal's first King Afonso I.

By his wife had five sons:i.Yaish Ben (Ibn) Yahya, the father of three sons, namely, Yosef (Jucef), Shlomo (fl. 1255), and Moshe (died 1279), had issue
ii.Yakov Ben Yahya, the father of Hiyya, the father of Eli iii.Yosef Ben (Ibn) Yahya (died 1264), the father of Shlomo Ha-Zaken (died 1299) iv. Yehuda (Judah) "Sar" Ben Yahya, father of Yahya and Yosef v. Yahya Ben Yahya, father of Shlomo and Bakr Ben Yahya


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Unknown ibn Ya`hish

Ya'ish ibn Yahya ibn Ya'ish

Yakob ibn Yahya ibn Ya'ish

Don Yehuda ibn Yahya ibn Ya'ish

Yehudah "Ya'ish" ben Yahuda ibn ...

Chamoa Gomes

Abu Baqr ibn Yaḥyā, I


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