martes, 15 de octubre de 2019

Fadrique Enríquez de Mendoza, 2º Almirante Mayor de Castilla, Conde de Melgar y Rueda ★ |•••► #España #Genealogia #Genealogy *Ref: AG-620

14ª Bisabuela de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo

(Linea Paterna)
Fadrique Enríquez de Mendoza, 2º Almirante Mayor de Castilla, Conde de Melgar y Rueda is your 14th great grandfather.You→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna
your father → Carlos Urdaneta Carrillo
his father → Enrique Urdaneta Maya, Dr.
his father → Josefa Alcira Maya de la Torre y Rodríguez
his mother → Vicenta Rodríguez Uzcátegui
her mother → María Celsa Uzcátegui Rincón
her mother → Sancho Antonio de Uzcátegui Briceño
her father → Jacobo de Uzcátegui Bohorques
his father → Luisa Jimeno de Bohorques Dávila
his mother → Juan Jimeno de Bohórquez
her father → Luisa Velásquez de Velasco
his mother → Juan Velásquez de Velasco y Montalvo, Gobernador de La Grita
her father → Ortún Velázquez de Velasco
his father → María Enríquez de Acuña
his mother → Inés Enríquez y Quiñones
her mother → Fadrique Enríquez de Mendoza, 2º Almirante Mayor de Castilla, Conde de Melgar y Rueda
her fatherShow short path | Share this path
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Fadrique Enríquez de Mendoza, 2º Almirante Mayor de Castilla, Conde de Melgar y Rueda is your first cousin thrice removed's wife's 10th great grandfather.

Fadrique Enríquez de Mendoza, 2º Almirante Mayor de Castilla, Conde de Melgar y Rueda  MP
Spanish: Fadrique Vibancos, 2º Almirante Mayor de Castilla, Conde de Melgar y Rueda
Gender: Male
Birth: 1388
Torrelobatón, CL, España
Death: December 23, 1473 (85)
Place of Burial: Monasterio de Valdescopezo, Medina de Rioseco, Valladolid, España
Immediate Family:
Son of Alonso Enríquez de Castilla, 1er. Almirante Mayor de Castilla, Señor de Medina de Rio Seco and Juana la Ricahembra de Mendoza
Husband of Mariana Fernández de Córdoba y Gómez, I señora de Casarrubios and Teresa Fernández de Quiñones y Toledo
Father of Reina de Aragon Juana Enríquez, Reina consorte de Navarra y Aragón; Pedro Enríquez de Quiñones, señor de Tarifa, adelantado mayor de Andalucía; Alonso II Enríquez y Fernández de Quiñones, III Almirante de Castilla; Enrique de Enríquez y Quiñónes, señor de Orce; Aldonza Enríquez de Quiñones, Seńora de Elx y Crevillente and 5 others
Brother of Leonor Enríquez; Constanza Enríquez; Mencia Enríquez; Beatriz Enríquez; María Enríquez de Mendoza and 5 others
Half brother of Juan Enríquez; Fernando Enríquez, señor de Allariz y Celanova and Pedro Manrique de Lara y Mendoza, VIII señor de Amusco
Added by: Marilyn Seaward (Murrin) on March 11, 2007
Managed by: Daniel Dupree Walton and 45 others
Curated by: Victar
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breve biografía
Fadrique Enríquez de Mendoza (¿? - ¿?, 1473). Noble de Castilla. II Almirante de Castilla, II Señor de Medina de Rioseco y I Conde de Melgar. Perteneció al importante linaje de los Enríquez.

Fue hijo de Alonso Enríquez, que era hijo a su vez del infante Fadrique, uno de los hijos naturales de Alfonso XI.

1er Conde de Melba y Rueda

Formaba parte de los que se alzaron, en unión con otros nobles, contra el Condestable de Castilla don Álvaro de Luna, quién los venció en 1445 en la batalla de Olmedo, y en la cual Fadrique fue hecho prisionero. Juan II incorporó a la corona todas las villas, lugares, fortalezas y bienes del almirante, al que más tarde perdonó. Fundó el convento de Nuestra Señora de la Esperanza de Valdescopezo, cerca de Medina de Rioseco, donde se enterraron él y su mujer Dª Teresa de Quiñones. Su hija Juana Enríquez y Fernández de Córdoba se casa en segundas nupcias con Juan II de Aragón y I de Navarra, y el hijo de éstos, Fernando (El Católico) se casará con Isabel de Castilla.

Casado con Mariana Fernández de Córdoba y Ayala tuvo dos hijos:

* Alfonso Enríquez (¿? - 1485), Almirante de Castilla, Señor de Medina de Rioseco y Conde de Melgar;
* Juana Enríquez (1425 - 1468), casada con Juan II de Aragón.
* Inés Enríquez (¿ - ?), Hija de Marina Díez, anterior al matrimonio. Fue abadesa del Monasterio de Santa Clara de Moguer.
Casado en segundas nupcias con Teresa Fernández de Quiñones, hija de Diego Fernández de Quiñones, con quien tuvo numerosa familia emparentada con la alta nobleza castellana, entre otros y otras:

* Leonor Enríquez y Quiñones, casada con Alvar Pérez Osorio, (muerto en 1471), 2º conde de Trastamara, 4º Conde de Villalobos , 1º Marqués de Astorga por concesión de Enrique IV de Castilla el 6 de junio de 1465. Su nieto Alonso Pérez Osorio, (muerto en 1523), 3er Marqués de Astorga y 4º Conde de Trastamara recibió el título de Grande de España por Carlos I de España y el Toisón de Oro en 1520 para el Marquesado de Astorga.
La línea de apellido masculina de éstos Osorio, Embajadores en Roma y Virreyes de Sicilia y supervisores de las flotas contra los Turcos Otomanos en el Mediterráneo Este a finales del Siglo XVII se perdió en 1741, pasando a los Pimentel, de origen portugués, Condes - Duques de Benavente y también algunos títulos a los Zúñiga- Guzmán, Marqués de Ayamonte, sucesores del famoso 6º Marqués de Ayamonte, Francisco Antonio de Zúñiga y Guzman de la Conspiración de Andalucía de 1641, ejecutado en Segovia en 1648 por felonía, con retornos posteriores parciales a los Osorio de Moscoso

segundo primo (y mucho más) de su segunda esposa?


(sorry if not exact, I am not a native Spanish speaker/writer. The translation is poor in my opinion but I cannot correct it, just gives a basic idea for English speakers) GF added 08-04-10

Fadrique Enríquez de Mendoza (? - ? , 1473). Nobleman of Castile. II Admiral of Castile, II Mr. of Medina de Rioseco and I Count of Melgar. He belonged to the important lineage of the Enríquez. He was son of Alonso Enríquez, that was son of the Fadrique infant as well, one of the natural children of Alfonso XI. He comprised of that they raised themselves, together with other noble, against the Gunner of Castile gift Moon Alvaro, he overcame who them in 1445 in the battle of Olmedo, and in which Fadrique was made prisoner. Juan II incorporated to the crown all the towns, places, strengths and goods of the admiral, to whom later he pardoned. He founded the convent of Our Lady of the Hope of Valdescopezo, near Medina de Rioseco, where it was buried and his Dª wife Teresa de Quiñones. Its daughter Juana Enríquez and Fernandez of Cordova house in second nuptials with Juan II of Aragon and I of Navarre, and the son of these, Fernando (the Catholic) will marry with Isabel of Castile. Married with Mariana Fernandez of Cordova and Ayala he had two children: * Alfonso Enríquez (? - 1485), Admiral of Castile, Mr. of Medina de Rioseco and Count of Melgar; * Juana Enríquez (1425 - 1468), married with Juan II of Aragon. * Ines Enríquez (-), Daughter of Navy Ten, previous to the marriage. She was abbess of the Monastery of Santa Clara de Moguer. Married in second nuptials with Teresa Fernandez de Quiñones, daughter of Diego Fernandez de Quiñones, with whom had numerous family become related with the high Castilian nobility, among others and others: * Leonor Enríquez and Quiñones, married with Alvar Perez Osorio, (dead in 1471), 2º count of Trastamara, 4º Count of Villalobos, 1º Marquess of Astorga by concession of Enrique IV of Castile the 6 of June of 1465. His Alonso grandson Perez Osorio, (dead in 1523), to 3er Marquess of Astorga and 4º Count of Trastamara received the Great title of of Spain by Carlos I of Spain and the Toisón de Oro in 1520 for the Marquesado de Astorga. The masculine line of last name of these Osorio, Ambassadors in Rome and Virreyes of Sicily and supervisors of the fleets against the Ottoman Turks in the Mediterranean This at the end of Century XVII was lost in 1741, happening to the Pimentel, of Portuguese origin, Counts - Dukes of Benavente and also some titles to the Zúñiga- Guzmán, Marquess of Ayamonte, successors of famous 6º Marquess of Ayamonte, Francisco Antonio de Zúñiga and Guzman of the Conspiracy of Andalusia of 1641, executed in Segovia in 1648 by felonía, with partial later returns to the Osorio de Moscoso.

Fadrique Enriquez
Fadrique Enríquez de Mendoza (? -?, 1473). Noble de Castilla. II Admiral of Castile, II Lord of Medina del Rio Seco and I Count of Melgar. He belonged to the major lineage of the Enriquez.

The son of Alonso Enriquez, who was the son in turn the infant Fadrique, one of the natural children of Alfonso XI.

It was part of those who rose up in conjunction with other nobles, against the constable of Castile, Don Alvaro de Luna, who defeated them in 1445 at the battle of Olmedo, and in which Fadrique was taken prisoner. John II joined the crown all the villages, locations, strengths and assets of the admiral, who was later pardoned. He founded the convent of Our Lady of Hope Valdescopezo near Medina de Rio Seco, where he and his wife buried Ms Teresa Quinones. Her daughter Juana Enriquez and Fernandez de Cordoba was remarried to John II of Aragon and I of Navarre, and their son, Fernando (the Catholic) will marry Isabel of Castile.

Married to Mariana Ayala Fernandez de Cordoba and had two children:

Afonso Henriques (? - 1485), Admiral of Castile, Lord of Medina del Rio Seco and Count of Melgar;

Juana Enriquez (1425 - 1468), married John II of Aragon.

Ines Enriquez ( "-?), Daughter of Marina Diez, before marriage. She was abbess of the Monastery of Santa Clara de Moguer.

Remarried to Teresa Fernandez de Quinones, the daughter of Diego Fernandez de Quiñones, who bore him numerous family related to the Castilian nobility, among others, and others:

Leonor Enriquez and Quiñones, married Alvaro Perez Osorio, (died 1471), 2nd Earl of Trastamara, 4th Earl of Villalobos, 1st Marquess of Astorga by grant of Henry IV of Castile on 6 June 1465. His grandson Alonso Perez Osorio, (died 1523), 3rd Marquis of Astorga and 4th Earl of Trastamara received the title of Grandee of Spain by Charles I of Spain and the Golden Fleece in 1520 to the Marquess of Astorga.

Surname male line of these Osorio, ambassadors in Rome and Viceroys of Sicily and fleet supervisors against the Ottoman Turks in the Mediterranean east to the end of the seventeenth century was lost in 1741, moving to Pimentel, of Portuguese origin, Condes -- Duques de Benavente and some titles to Zuniga-Guzmán, Marquis of Ayamonte, successors to the famous 6th Marquis of Ayamonte, Francisco Antonio de Zuniga y Guzman of Andalusia Conspiracy of 1641, executed in Segovia in 1648 by felony, with subsequent returns partial to Osorio de Moscoso.

Fadrique Enriquez, almirante de Castilla, 1. conde de Melgar y Rueda
c. 1390+ 23.12.1473

Father: Alfonso Enriquez de Castilla, señor de Medina de Rio Seco * 1354 Mother: Juana de Mendoza y Ayala * c. 1360

Marriages Marriage I: Mariana Ayala de Cordoba, señora da Casarubios * c. 1400

Marriage II: Teresa de Quiñones * c. 1400


Children from Marriage I: •Juana Enriquez, señora de Casarrubios * 1425 Juan II, rey de Aragón

Children from Marriage II: •Alfonso Enriquez, 2. conde de Melgar * c. 1430 María Pérez de Velasco y Manrique •Pedro Enriquez, señor de Tarifa * c. 1420 Beatriz de Ribera y Mendoza, 2ª condesa de los Molares Catalina de Ribera y Mendoza •Enrique Enriquez, señor de Orce * c. 1440 Maria de Luna •Francisco Enriquez, señor de la Vega de Ruy Ponce Elvira Lasso Manrique •María Enríquez de Quiñones y Toledo * c. 1430 Garcia Alvarez de Toledo, 1. duque de Alba •Leonor Enriquez y Quiñones * c. 1420 Álvaro Perez Osorio de Rojas Manrique, 1. marqués de Astorga •Inés Enríquez de Quiñones Lope de Acuña, 2. conde de Buendia •Aldonza Enriquez, señora de Elche e Crevillente * 1450 Juan Ramon Folch de Cardona, 1. duque de Cardona •Branca Enriquez , freira

Titles •Counts of Melgar (1) •Counts of Rueda

Fadrique ENRÍQUEZ [+ 23 diciembre 1473; Conde de Melgar y Rueda; II° Señor de Medina de Rioseco; Almirante de Castilla; h. Alonso ENRÍQUEZ (Señor de Medina de Rioseco; Almirante de Castilla) y Juana de MENDOZA (h. Pedro GONZÁLEZ DE MENDOZA {IX° Señor de Mendoza} y Aldonza de AYALA {h. Fernán PÉREZ DE AYALA y Elvira ALVAREZ DE CEBALLOS})].

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Enrique de Enríquez y Quiñóne...

Aldonza Enríquez de Quiñones, ...

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Inés Enríquez y Quiñones

María Enríquez de Quiñones

Leonor Enríquez y Quiñonez

Maria Enriques de Quinones

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Reina de Aragon Juana Enríquez,...


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