martes, 3 de octubre de 2023

Boniface I, count & duke of Lucca ★Bisabuelo n°28M★ Ref: BI-0740 |•••► #ALEMANIA 🏆🇩🇪★ #Genealogía #Genealogy

 28 ° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Boniface I, count & duke of Lucca is your 28th great grandfather.



(Linea Materna)


Boniface I, count & duke of Lucca is your 28th great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Morella Álamo Borges

your mother → Belén Eloina Borges Ustáriz

her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna

her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesús Uztáriz y Monserrate

her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra

his mother → Teniente Coronel Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina

her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza

his mother → Isabel Manuela Josefa Hurtado de Mendoza y Rojas Manrique

her mother → Juana de Rojas Manrique de Mendoza

her mother → Constanza de Mendoza Mate de Luna

her mother → Mayor de Mendoza Manzanedo

her mother → Juan Fernández De Mendoza Y Manuel

her father → Sancha Manuel

his mother → Sancho Manuel de Villena Castañeda, señor del Infantado y Carrión de los Céspedes

her father → Manuel de Castilla, señor de Escalona

his father → Elizabeth of Swabia

his mother → Philip of Swabia, King of Germany

her father → Friedrich I Barbarossa, Holy Roman Emperor

his father → Judith of Bavaria

his mother → Henry IX the black, duke of Bavaria

her father → Welf IV, duke of Bavaria

his father → Alberto Azzo II, margrave of Milan & 1st of Este

his father → Albert Azzo I, margrave of Milan

his father → Marquis Oberto II, count of Luni

his father → Guilla Obertenghi

his mother → Bonifazio Di Spoleto, marquis & duke of Spoleto

her father → .... di Toscana

his mother → Adalbert I, margrave of Tuscany & tutor Corsicae

her father → Boniface II, margrave of Tuscany

his father → Boniface I, count & duke of Lucca

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Boniface I, count & duke of Lucca MP

Italian: Bonifacio I "il Bavaro", conte e duca di Lucca

Gender: Male

Birth: circa 740

Bayern, Germany

Death: before circa October 05, 823

Immediate Family:

Father of Boniface II, margrave of Tuscany; Berardo di Lucca, Berchar and abbess Richilda of Lucca

Added by: <private> Hibbard on July 5, 2008

Managed by: Margaret (C) and 32 others

Curated by: Jason Scott Wills

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His ancestry is unknown, He was probably a Frank sent to Bavaria by Pépin the Short about 750.

Many Internet genealogies call him a son of Richbold.

-,_Margrave_of_Tuscany - Boniface I (died 823) was appointed governor of Italy by Charlemagne after the death of King Pepin. He was the count and duke of Lucca and sometimes is considered the first margrave of Tuscany because of the various counties he amassed: Pisa, Pistoia, Volterra, and Luni. He was first attested in March 812.

He left a son, Boniface, who became margrave of Tuscany and another named Berard, who assisted his brother in the defence of Corsica. His only daughter, Richilda, became abbess of SS. Benedetto e Scolastica in Lucca.

According to MedLands: BONIFACE [I], son of --- (-before 5 Oct 823). A Frank from Bavaria. His Bavarian origin is confirmed by the charter dated 5 Oct 823 which confirms the election of his daughter "Richilda…abbatissa filia b. m. Bonifacio comiti natio Baivarorum" as abbess of the monastery of SS Benedetto e Scolastica at Lucca[870]. Count at Lucca 812/13. He controlled most of the countships in the Arno valley.

-TRECCANI: BONIFACIO, conte e duca di Lucca. - Capostipite italiano, e primo di questo nome, della dinastia che resse il ducato di Lucca (poi marchesato di Toscana) quasi senza interruzione fino al 931, scese in Italia al seguito di Carlo Magno e di suo figlio Pipino. Era di stirpe bavara, come possiamo apprendere da un documento della figlia Richilde abbadessa del monastero dei SS. Benedetto e Scolastica di Lucca (Memorie e doc. per servire all'istoria del ducato di Lucca, IV, 2, Appendice a cura di D. Barsocchini, Lucca 1836, n. 25, pp. 35 s.) ....

....B. morì prima dell'823 (come dichiara la figlia Richilde nel documento sopra ricordato) e lasciò tre figli: Bonifacio, che gli successe nella contea di Lucca, Berardo e la stessa Richilde.

- - Son Histoire

- - ...Bonifacio I, arrivato in Italia nel 813 con Carlo Magno di cui ottenne il governo della Toscana : qui, estese la sua influenza fino alla Liguria ed alla Corsica.

Bonifacio II, suo figlio...

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Boniface II, margrave of Tuscany


Berardo di Lucca, Berchar


abbess Richilda of Lucca



Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.



✺- 740→La Batalla de Akroinon en Anatolia, una significativa victoria bizantina sobre los Omeyas, detiene el ímpetu de los ataques árabes en Anatolia.

✺- 750→La peste bubónica empieza a remitir de Europa Occidental.

✺- 760→NACE Alfonso II, Rey de Asturias. Hijo de Fruela I y de Munia de Álava.

✺- 770→La reina franca Bertrada acuerda una alianza de su hijo Carlos con el rey lombardo Desiderio gracias al matrimonio del rey franco con Desiderata la hija de éste.

✺- 780→Matruh ben Sulayman al-Arabí, valí de Barcelona.

✺- 790→Bellón, legendario primer conde de Carcasona.

✺- 800→España: 15 de septiembre: Primera mención del nombre de Castilla.

✺- 810→Íñigo Arista (781-852) Primer miembro de la dinastía que llevaría su nombre sube al trono de Pamplona

Los celtas completan el libro de Kells→

→Devapala sucede a Dharmapala como rey de Bengala→

→Eardwulfo deja el trono de Northumbria→

→Los musulmanes toman Córcega, pero son expulsados poco más tarde por los francos→

→Los búlgaros de Krum destruyen a los ávaros→

→Se construye el Templo III en Tikal.


Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.


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